Iffr fyT! ewtuwymf"7 &-r W'"- S4?3?P f u GOMPERS FOR WILSON 1 AS FRIEND OF LABOR Federation Chief Lauds Presi dent for Aiding Labor in Strike Negotiations BAliTIRtOJIE, Alls'. 29. Samuel Gom JWrsV president of tho Federation of Labor, made a speech hero last night In the Interest of "Wilson Ahd Marshall on the Democratic! National ticket. Mr. Gompers refrained from out-and-out "ampatgntrtfr for President Wilson, but In effect he advised the laboring men of Amer ica, to support tho President for re-election and thus to repay the Democratic party for what he termed Its efforts In their behair. He left no doubt In the minds of his hear era; of his disapproval of Hushes, whoso epeech of acceptance, he said, had revealed lack of erasn of tho bier Issues of the day and tho needs o; the country. His two most significant statements, and the ones most vigorously applauded, related directly to tho President. One was! The Wilson Administration has accom plished everything: that could havo been ac complished by war, and It has dono this Without shedding one drop of blood. No crepe hangs on tho doorknob of America." The other, referring to Mr. Wllson'a ef forts to avert tho threatened nation-wide 12 railroad strike, was: "The President has declared for nn eight hour workday as a fundamental principle and has urged that workers ought to have It. He has done splendid work in this crisis and I hope he will bring us out of this with out tho stoppage of ono single train." TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES JPaul Proimchlk. 2420 Cnllowhlll St., and Anna lUsdalral. 03t New Market St. , . . Robert V. Stover. 2332 W. Cumberland et., and Mary A. Roales, Friend. Neb. Thlllp Shapiro,, 601 N. 6th t and Esther Eleenberg, 724 Slgel at. . ., Peter V. Brennan. 2027 Morris at., and Mary K. Sklllman, Trenton, N. J. . . , -t Peter Haalno. 2310 Hutchinson at., and Rachel Cagllardo. B34 Porter at. . ., Otto P. Hunt. 1327 Arch et.. and llary E. Wilier, Richmond. Va. . . , . Fenton Crandall. 1037 8. 17th t., and Luvenla i'Mlllps. Hosemont. i-a. . ,. Michael McCloskey. 117 Spruce St., and Mary McCooska 117 Spruce at. Charles O, Colbert. 2123 8. Juniper at., and Lillian V. Bolsbrun. 2417 S. 10th at. Alex Levin, 1018 H. nth at., and Ida Frachten bers. 1018 S. Bth at. . . .. George Lutkua. 4000 N. 2d st , and Justlna Jesbutalte, Yelland nnd Schuyler sta. Jamea J. Krognn, 3205 Dakota at . and Mar garet A. Hayes. 3203 Dakota at. Georgo Tankard. 2000 Ellsworth at., and Mary F. Smith. 2022 Wlldey at. Jacob Ellbers. Owynedd Valley, Fa., and Amy Blasker. 2744 Wharton at. Frederic' Conrad, Jr.. 407 N. Cth at., and Dorothea Hunter, 2003 llorer at. Isaac F. Auatcrmuhl. Camden. N. J., and Eliz abeth Hoey, 2310 8. Alder at. Henry II. Kocherspcrger. B8;il Woodland ave., and Elsie M. McIIenry, 2120 S, 57th at. Alln J. Housekeeper. 0344 Germantown ave.. ana KiizaDctn cross, umim uermantown ave, George W. Peterman. lntl Frnnkford ave., and Emma Schmidt. 834 E. Hilton st. Xelgbton S. Palmor. 2430 N. 30th at., and Elsie O. MoGahcy. 133 S. Both at. John II. Muench. 3007 Janney St., and Anna Paul. 3148 N. Bth st. William Thurnall, 1321 Mt. Vernon at., and Sarah Walls. 1313 S. 33d st. Amos Jones 733 S. 13th at., and Margaret Dickson. 733 S. 13th st. Giovanni Dabundo, 1340 Webster at., and Annie Gajllarul. 1242 Catharine st. Morris OstrofT, 318 Roseberry St., and Katie Rablnovltz, 010 Tusker st. Georse Tradewell. 140 Llpplncott st., and Frieda Schmidt. 211 W. Ontario at. James McMonlnle, 832 N. 44th St.. and Sarah McCormlck. 1842 Ingcrsoll st. Jamea Caswell. New York city, and Florence Ilofman. 1200 Addison at. Police Court Chronicles Some persons dabble In stocks ; others In art, but Tom Sinker gets most of his thrills by fussing with paste. Ho Is an old bill poster and can handle a brush In a most artistic fashoon. He can dip the brush In tho paste, throw it up In tho air, catch it by the handle and then stick up a bill with out getting a drop on his hands. But pasting bills la n dry, sticky Job. It makes most billposters awful thirsty. Tom la no exception. He was seized with an an noying thirst while posting up dodgers In the neighborhood of Front and Heed streets, and tp allay his feelings made, several visits to a nearby saloon. Eventually Tom had a rather dim idea of What he was doing. He contracted a sort of I I r J I I LEATHER. BELTING OUR great Philadelphia plant turns out the finest Leather Belting in the world. We specialize in Trouble-Proof "Bond" Belting Every inch of which is fullv guaranteed. All Widths in Stock. Lowest Prices. CHARLES BOND CO. G20 Arch St. If all Orders Fllltd rromplly STEAMBOATS fc. Mall OnterB Filled A rKeZSrl IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION jlron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH U00-MILE RIDE for 50c Only boat U Anjiutlno Beach. I.andlor In fnnt st Orpva. 4 hours on ba Beaeh S.ri IWri'f aV'.'XT9 Vl" "athrooma!" tmr&SA S .nbJS,V SStfr S?fi?' Fare S SOc ChUdren 6lu 25c leaves AreiSt. Wharf 80 A. M. Sally. Snoday 90 A. M. JAMUS E. OTIS. Mar.. 3 AKCH STBEET rm-isxTiien the Flying Fish Went On Its Way ... ... : . , Z ""' i- ! !!: double eyesight and stuck up bills on places which were regarded as private property But that was not all. Ho swung his paste brush much after the fashion In which a cowboy handles a lariat, with the result that a large amount of tho paste landed on the clothes of passersby Instead of the wall. When any one complained Tom dipped the brush rather deeply into the bucket, so the complainants fled to escape further dam age. A cop finally put nn end to Tom's energy nnd .brought him before Magistrate Baker. "I worked too hard," said Tom, "and Ish absllootly Imposhlbl! fer a man to be a bill poster an Bober nt same time." Tho Judgo was In a- charltablo mood., Aware of the fact that Tom needed a rest he permitted him to have a vacation as guest of the city for five days In the County Prison. CHINATOWN'S FAT .MAN DIES Merchant Was Five Feet in Height and Weighed 225 Pounds Lee Look, 49 years old, 925 Race street, who died Sunday at his home, of ncute In digestion, was known to the police at tho Eleventh nnd Winter streets station as . ?. tal man of Chinatown," on account of hla rotundity nnd his diminutive stature. Although not quite five feet tall, he weighed 226 pounds. Ho was a member of a firm of merchnntn nf tlm tii d.,f address and had a son In China. iff. SJIm1-'0 n!',eni1 ,h funeral, from her tnS(JSL..nc' Vpper Providence township. ..on.L!romery County, on Wednesday, Services rim.?..01"1?) n, m' .. Interment at Morrli ShUiVfJ?.! ?!?! wl" "" 'he trains at n5SetV',t",et-,iao - m- (Philadelphia and "llfdlvl lni a" m' Pcnnsylviln,a'Schulrl BAi;it, On .August 2S. 1010. nt Atlantic City. .J,,DANn?1' BAIJER, of 3313 Woodland ave. Duo notlco of the fun0r.1l will be nlen. BAKER. On August 27. lnlrt. HENRIETTA D . wire or John p. Hake r, aged 02 years, Beta-.!.- nnd ff'ends nri Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 10 a. m., at nrr lat ritnliUnr. "nn! , Im.nJ -t II (nt.. J22VA Interment at Kernwood Cemetery lie '""'in, uiiiy VQ viewed on Tuesday from 7 to v m tKfflSJKT01' -August 28. 1010, ABTHUR W. BARTON, of 200 H. 4th at., aged 30 jenrs. SJl,V.Xr' na friends, also St. Alban's Lodge, No. oao. F. nnd A. M.. nnd Ordor of Sons of ...... eorte. are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesdaj-. nt 2 p. m . -at tho Oliver H. Unit Uulldlnir. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. BATTEN, On Aunust 20. 1910, suddenly. WIL LIAM A., son of Allen M. and Knlherlne Ilat 5J (."F? "- years KelatUcs and friends are invited to nttend tho funeral services, on 'rues. S r' at Npm. precisely at the parents' resi dence. 4134 AV. Olrnrd ave. Interment private. IHIADLEV. On Aueust 20. 1910. at Iron Hill. Jio.. IIOUEKT A.. Bon of the late William nnd Margaret Uradley. Ilelatltcs and friends aro invited to attend the funeral services, on Ji,"5rSI,.n'L at - " m- at his late residence, 809 N. 20th St.. Philadelphia. Interment prl jate at Woodlands Cemetery. Automobile DOI ll'P. CA.T'.IvJKT,':-0n Aueust 28. 101 0. WILLIAM CALVERT, aced u years. Relatives and friends, also the employes of tho llureau of Surveys, ore Invited to nttend tho funeral serjlces. on Thursday, nt 2 p m., at his late residence. 820 S. 48th St.. West Philadelphia. Intprment private. CONWAY. On Aueust 20. lnifl, KATHnitlNE. widow of Michael Conway Relatives and friends are Invited to intend tho funeral, on Vednesilay. nt 7:30 a. m.. from her lato rest dence. 0802 Spruce St.. West Pnlladelnhla. Solemn mass of requiem at the Church of Transfiguration at n. m. Interment private at St. Anthony's Cemetery, Ambler. Pa, No flowers. Auto service. DW.i.IUi.HTi' n August 27. 1018. MAR GARET, wife of Francis Douaherty (nee Mc Cue). Relatives nnd rrlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 n. ni.. from tho residence ot her son. James C. J. Dousherty. 3709 Glrard ae. Solemn requiem mass at St. Gregory's Church, at r.SSiS a--m- Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. GITTZ. On Ausust 27. 1010. HARRY C. son 2f..i?acob ar". pmma Getz (nee Pohl). In his JOth Year. HHntlvm nnH frUnrl- arA In, II.H to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at J S. m . at narenta' realrtencc. 2503 E. Alle ,.?.".tn.Y ave. Interment private. iiUVL.lt. On August 27. 1010, -;; " - iiniiiviii uiiiuir. suddenly, at STEAMSHIPS .S Answer the Call of Mountains and Sea On the Saguenay WHY SWELTER AT HOME? When cool breezes await you on the majestic ' St. Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers "Only One Get relief from the heat and at the same time view the finest scenic attractions on the Continent. NIAGARA FALLS THE THOUSAND ISLANDS The Marvellous. Rapids montreal quebec LOWER ST. LAWRENCE AND TAKE THESE TRIPS NOW When You Need Them Most Send 6c poiiagc for illustrated oooel, mop and julde to JOHN F. PIERCE, AuU Pauengcr Traffic Manager, CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LTD. n6 R, Ir O. Building, Montreal, LiiijJj 71 If wj-- we- 3. '-S- V-J- ' EVEKlNa LEDG!ER-PHILADELPHlA TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, DEATTIS Ayreatown. N. J., EJtMA OODEN, youngest daughter of David M nnd Sarah Oould. aged 22 years. Belntlvea and friends and the nurses of the Woman's Homeopathic Hospital, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, precisely at 2 p. m.. at the lm tnanuel naptlst Church, 23d and Bummer sta. Interment at Mt. Mortah Cemetery. Auto servl'-t. HANKS. OnAurust 27, lOtfl, Senior Captain ALl iBXANDER r. R. HANKS, retired. Inter- ment nt Mystic. Conn. ladlson, Wle.t papers IIAHNS. On August 27, IBIS, FRANK IIARNS, Jr., aged SB years. Relatives and friends, also Lehigh Tlulldlng nnd Loan Association, Popular .liulldlng and Loan Association, are Imlted to nttend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at his late residence, 2421 N, 7th at. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. Automobile funeral. IIKWETT On August 20. 1010, ANNIE, wife of Alfred J! Hewett, nnd daughter of the late William and Catharine Dougherty. Relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 n. rrt. nt the Oliver It, nalr Building, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. HEWLETT. On August 20, 1010, GEORGE JAMES HEWLETT, aged 23 years. Rela thes nnd friends aro Invited to attend the aervlces, on Wednesdiy, at 1 p. m., at the residence of his father. 4318 N. Carlisle st. , Interment, private at Hlllslda Cemeterv. Remains may be viewed Tuesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. IIVIIER. On August 27. 1910. MAItlC SOPHIA HUHBn, Relatives and friends aro invited to nttend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m.. at her late realdcnce. 3843 Addison st. Interment private. JliNlNGS. On August 28. 1016, ANNA, daughter of Paul II. nnd Anna n. Jennings, aged 13 months, Relatives and friends are Intlted to nttend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 1 P. m.. from her narenta' residence. 3217 ccuar nf. interment Holy sepulchre ceme tery. Automobllo service. KRAMER. On August 28, 1010, SARAH A., wife of Fred. Kramer (nee Morton), aged 70 years, nt ntman, N. J. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m at her lato residence, 2340 N. 33d st. Interment private. LEES. On August 28. 1010. MART J., daugh ter of the lato Daniel and Sarah Lees, Rela tives and friends nrn Invited to attend the funernl services, on Thursday, at 8 p. m . at her lato residence, 0247 Cedar ae . West Phlla. Interment nt Chester Rural Cemetery Friday, nt convenience of family. Auto service. LErKmVITlI, On August 28. 1010. RAC. wlfo of Simon Lefkowlth (neo Irrcdman), In her 21st year. Relatives nnd friends, also Kins Solomon Lodge, K. of J., are Invited to nttend the funeral aervlces, on Wednesday, at 3:30 P. m., nt her lato residence, S. W. corner iitn and somerset sts. Interment at Monti flora Cemetery, LEVY. On August 28. 1010. FANNr. widow of Aaron Levy, Relatives and frlend-j, also Krnkauer Chcvrn, am Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 10 h. m precisely, at her Into residence, 2207 N. 10th st. Interment at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. MnePHEltSON. On August 28. 3010, nt his residence, 401 0 Spring Garden at., JOHN O. MacrHBHSON. Duo notlco of tho funeral will bo given, MetirtATH. On August 25. 1010. suddenly. JOHN P. McORATH. aged 74 j para. Rela tlves and, friends, also the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, and members ot the Phtlopatrlan Club, are Invlfcl to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m . from his Into resl dence. 1027 Jit. Vernon st. Solemn high mass nt tho Cnthcdral Church at 10 a. m. Interment ,. P.'., 9.V. Cathedral Cemetery. MARSHALL. MRS. JOHN MARSHALL (nee I raice). nt her lato residence. Vino st., De- innco. in. j. services Wednesday, at . p. m Interment Btrlctly private. Remains may be ,. vl-wHl Tuesday, nfter 7 P. m. MYERS. On August 28. JlilO, JACOB II., hus- ?nu ni i-auune jiyers jtointives nnd ineno-i, nlso Enulty Lodge. No. 301. F and A. 31., nro Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p, m. precisely, nt his Into residence. 2004 N. 32d st. Interment at Mt. Sinn I Comcte-v. 0,J.I;s.'.TOn Eighth Month 28th. lOtO, MART GILBERT, widow of John Owens. In her 83th year. Relatives nnd friends are invited to nt'end tho funernl scrlces. on Fourth Day (Wednesday), nt 2:30 p. m . at her late resi dence, 0.I0O Greene st,, Oermantovvn. Inter nment private. Kindly omit flowers. IH?'A01" On August 28. 1010. nt Ocean Cltv, N. J. SARAH, widow of John Rnmnge, Rel atives and friends nro Invited to attend tho funernl sen Ices, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence. 318 High st., Germantown. ct.l'-irn?.1""' Private, at Ivy Hill Cemetery. SIL',',,,5Jl,:!.l.':r0n August 28. 1010. HELEN O. gHBIVER (nee Iirltton), wlfo of Waller Eallo Shrlyer, aged 23 jcars. Relatives and friends nro Invited to Mew remains, nt her lato resl dence. 4283 Mantua ave., on Wednesday from to 8 p. m. Also services Friday afternoon, Si v.."- m" at the residence of Frank Powell, 33 Wnter st , Mt. Hollv. N. J. Interment at St Andrew's Bury'rg around. SnTi nS" "i",11".,27'. IV1"- ddenlv. AR T.lU'n. O.. husband of Mary J Smith (neo McCullouEh). Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, STEAMSHIPS mrrz r-JSSii Night's Ride from Philadelphia!" M FAR-FAMED SAGUENAY ' pJft DEATHS 121 t " Ticker st. Interment -private, at American Mechanics' Cemetery, '"". TVr,"5;f 'irT?nnu8J"li, u 'S18- CLArtA A., wife of late Robert V. Thud um. In her 63d J.tneIntlv'',ln,, friends are Invited to at tend tho funeral services, on Thursday at 2 P. m..nt her lata residence. 4902 Monument ment pHvate. ' rnllftd,",h'" !"" WORRELL. On August 28. loifl t.trrrn Levis WORRELL. Funeral services at the fVd$.n.co of "" mother, Mrs. n, M. Ingram! 2 wr",e,wood road. .West Ph la.. Wednei day. at 2:30 p. m. Interment private at the convenience of the family, -" "' -"" LOST AND FOUND CERTIFICATE Lost, stock certlllcata No, 1820 .MMnota ... FlnUarnncot0Burn,gt,t'r'"iy' F' Wh"'"- S.eerVio'VTarket!"5'1- "eW"d- u" UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. 1501 Chestnut St. A, O. Little, Mr, Chas. F. Kaler, Mr. Warren Carter, Mrs. Mary.Dunn, Henry B. Jonnes. Wm. Oowan. Mar on C. spleker, Jlrs. Frank llarrlson, Ed. Brandls Toronto Paper Mills. Miss Ellen Breeh. J. N Elliott, .Margaret Howe, Miss Jessla E. &m,V.n' Ijt 8Duyni Kilmarnock Toxtllo Co., William IV Schuyler, E. D. Britt. Jean AV. Itassett. W. Jereson, Cpnvvny ft McDevItt, Mr. Hubert Well. I . Clifford. William McFall, Chas. .W. Sloanc. II. 1. Metger. Abram Engard, R. II. Graham, George orgi r Palacnn, II. L. Crooks. C. Emely, Mrs. Lottie i.iutvu, iviiuuri. iiiurmun. . yj. lllliman, n 1. . ninvMii, ... .. 1.1 uuna. v. Kellum, James II. chlltn Kellum, James H. Chlltman, Orry Engebret- Welsbord. Frankford Bros,, Anton Horner. Mrs. Sara Thompson. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO., 1421 S, Penn square Gene Chemical Co., Mr. Max Crane. C. E. Keptner, Mr, John Sadler, B. S. Robinson, J. M. Sims, David W. Patton. Frank Wren, Mr. Roy McCullen, M. L. Nor dlno. Mr. CI. A. Adams, P. Itosov, J, Spccl mnn. AUTUMN RESORTS lACtS Set a lxeWsInndAiv ofserwce.cornfortj.hiviiiii. LAncEST riBEPwrRiCTMrrrEi,iNTTfEW)RtD THE LEADING RESORT IIOTELOF THE WORLD flEatffioroifilcnfeim ATLANTIC CITY.N. J.- OVMCRSHIP MANAGEMENT. JOBIAH WHITE. H.5QNB COMPANY STONE HARBOIt. N. J. STONE HARBOR Beth ratlronds. Farm products and food fresh and plentiful. Cltv coovenleneej. Tscht club, boardwalk, bathing. ne flshlnr. crabbing and boating. Reasonni'e rentals, moderata hotel rates. Beautiful booklet. LEO McCRAVEN. Uorougn Clerk. wu.mrrinn. N. .1. 3AVOV Bench front: running water; prl "" v w bath. Cnp 200. Auto. W II. Gei vatn rstel STEAMSHIPS VACATION TRIPS BY SEA PHILADELPHIA TO BOSTON - SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL Fine Steamers. Low Farce, Best Service Plan iaur vacation to Include Finest Constwlse Trim In the World" Tour Bool; Free on Rcnuest. Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. City Ortlce. 103 S. 0th St.. Phlla. Consult any ticket or tourist agent. MS 'Y. i ft& ATLANTIC CITY, Jf. J. .w i HELF T'ANTED FEMATjE BILL CLEnk Toung lady, enperlertced In iten- eral office work, as bill clerk permanent nosl- ILJUB rom ner Mfg. Co., 21 4 OJiWarnockJjt. BKPR, wanted! ae. at !., typewr. and short- hand; steady pos. Ooldmanra. 1024 chestnut. BUTTON SEWERS, experienced, nn womena t . '. Appiy nirawDriags t uiotnier, on ' .'cv ai.. mixn noor. . . CARETAKER, . small apartment house; no .pay, but free heat, light and apartment, Taulane, npO Walnut street. CHAMBERMAID and waitress While Trot- estant girl. Call Tuesday. 6214 Wayne ave., . Germantown. Live In family. CLERK In an Insurance office; must be neat, quick and accurate: state age, reference ana .salary expected. C 185, Ledger Of flee. COOK, first class; smalt family; country; ref erence required. Meet employer Wednesday, i. a,m., itoom ai, huh uncsuiuist. COOK Small boordlng house at shore; refer ence. Meet employer Tuesday, 10 a. m., Itooin203, 008 Chestnut St. COOK and chlldnurse for suburbs! give refer- ence and wages deslred.II108,Ledgerjomcei uiun nnd downstairs work for osk Lane; jio- crai wages. 1'none oan Lane xua: COOK, experPenced, wanted, white; aleep out Call2020 N. Taric ave. . DICTAPHONE-OPERATOR wanted, experienced, unuerwood macnine; state experience, age, b- ary and reference. C 134. Ledger Office. , FINISHERS, experienced, on womenT coats. Ap ply, straw-bridge & Clothier, 811 Filbert St., Hixm uoor. GIRL wanted In large office: must be experi enced In general nrtlce work, preferably with bookkeeping experience nnd good nt figures. P 133. Ledger Office. . GIRLS over 10 yearn wanted for light work; no experience necessary; 5 week paid while learning. Apply am w, ata at OIRLS of 10 for finishing work in printing plant, Ketterllnus, 403 Arch at, GRISWOLD WORSTED CO. DARBT, PA. Starling up new machinery, want glrlss good wages: steady work and will pay while learn ing. HOUSEKEEPER for hotel, out of town Cflfl7 Position for good manager fleo Mra. Mead. jioom zips, won unestnut st. , HOUSEKEEPER, working; ,no laundry work; 125 per mo.; suburbs. J 043, Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK German maid, Protestant, for general housework; must bo capable. Address . C 201, Ledger OfOce. HOUSEWORK, general: Protestant! no washing; nt Haverford. Pa.J 338, Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK Tho Household Registry Bu reau will be discontinued after September 2. HOUSEWORK, general, no" Washing; small family; suburbs, H 112, Ledger Office, HOUSEWORK Middle-aged woman for house work: 3 adults. 4428 Pino at. . LACE MENDERS, experienced. Apply John Bromley A Sons, Lehigh ave.. below Front. MILLINERS LIT BROTHERS REQUIRE MILLINERS APrLT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU MILLINERS nnd trimmers wanted: good fost tlons. Apply Kohn. Adlcr & Co., 720 Market. MOTHER'S HELPER Middle-aged white Prot estant: children over 7 years: good homo In exchange for small salary and light duties. J 041, Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions as operators to In telligent young women between 18 and 22 years old: salary 10 a week whllo learning, with rapid advancement: a steady position assured, with pleasant surroundings nnd un usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to tho Bell Telephono Company's opera tors' school. 400 Market st., dally between B 30 a. m. nnd 5 p. m, Mondav, Tuesday and Friday evenings between 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock. OPERATORS on silk dresses, only those experi enced In this lino of work need apply. A. II. Cnplan & Co.. 010 Walnut st. SCRUBWOMEN, 2S: call every day. 7 a. m.! bring bucket, brush nnd cloth. Quaker City Cleaning Co., GO Bourse. SHOES Wanted, experienced shoe repairer on colored shoes. Seventh floor. 315 N. 12th st. SHOES Wanted, experienced help In packing room.Seventh ftoor.310 N. 12th at. TELEPHONE" OPERATORS."local nnd long dis tance: experienced. Apply Keatone Telephone Co 1.1-1 H. 2,1 st.. Room 403. WEAVEBS WANTED APPLT JOHN & JAMES DODSON. INC. OLD MILL Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. WOMAN wanted for downstairs work; cooklng. Call 1423 Locust st. plain Yjy5 WOMEN for steady positions. Miller's. 452 York ave.. between 4th U 3th below Noble. fleneral LADY, about ".-. for a lucratlce position with a larfre enneern, nne tithf, I- u 111 lllng to devote 8 hours dally nnd work without supervision musi oe wen eaucateu. refined and havo very best city credentials; salary 22 weekly; od- ancement. C 11)4. Ledger Office. WANTED commercial TEACHEBS. men and women, also others. NATIONAL TEACHEBS' AOENCY. D. II. COOK, MOB., 327 PERBY iiLDO, HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMATIC TURRET LATHE operators: Cleve land. Brown & Sharpe, New Britain; I4.B0 per day of H houra: hand screw machine operators, a. 10: higher compensation when on piece work: citizens; IS dais' Icavo after ono year'a service. 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons during the summer months, all with full pay. Apply Frankford Arsenal (preferably In per son), Brldesburg. DOT. IB or 17 years of age. to make himself useful in store nnd run errands: excellent op- Sortunltv for advancement; brine reference. agger Woolen Co.. 1211 Arch st. BOY wanted, in uptown real estato ; opportunity for advancement. M 741. Ledger Central. BOYS IB to IS jeara of age. for atock work; regular posltlona, with advancement. Apply Bureau of Employment. 44 floor, before 11 a. m. STBAWBBlDaE 4 CLOTHIER BOYS, to work In office; privilege of Eolng tn continuation school. P jqo.Ledger Office. CjlJ'IiSi,af.ANP RIVETERS wanted;: Cruie: Kemper Co.. Ambler, Pa. CHAIR FRAMEBS wantedT Apply 244 S. Bth sireet. wtat'Ca'thlr'rnf?, "" f 1QT DRAFTSMEN Several bright yo'ung men for Inspecting force. Steel doors, partitions, etc. Address "M, B.." P, O, Box 330O. INSPECTORS Bright yjunr men. capable of reading blue prints and shop drawings, to check measurements steel sash and skylights Address "L. C.,M P. O. Box 3113. 1916. HEIiP WANTED-MAI.E Conllntird from rrettlini ColjMn FITTERS AND MECHANICS WJ"''..' Pa tank work. Cruse-KeinjpejOjiJBi'!-5J--iV INSTRUMENT MAKERS , 1.24 1 tg IS.00 ger sVlTC'S faKrW f28.00ftitPor'2 2rJ: htet'com rSn.atlon whln'on ple2evVor cltkens; IB days ! v n f ttr flf 8t 1 enr Of r ice. nouaaya EhK.4rerrSr Arsenal. Brldesburr, Pa,, preferably in per- IRONKRS WANTED ON MEN'S SHIRTS. MILLER, 1BTII AND REED STS. , LABORERS for outside work. $2.24 per day ot a hAurr Anniv Frankford Arsenni, . LABORERS. BO, wanted. Ambler. Pa. Crute-Kemper Co., MACHINISTS LOCOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE CAR REPAIRERS RAILROAD FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN APPLY BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD FRED LABOR BUREAU 619 S. 11TH ST. (OrEN SUNDAYS) MACHINISTS WANTED FIRST-CLASS LATHE, MILLING, PLANER. BORINO MILL AND SHAPER HANDS! ALL AROUND MACHINISTS: . TOP WAGES! STEADT POSITIONS ON ENGINE WORK: NO LABOR TROU BLES OR MUNITIONS". API'LT 205 S. 11th ST. MACHINISTS, tool makers, universal .grinders, lathe and milling hands. Apply Industrial Mfg. Co.. 117 Federal St.. Camden, N. J, SIAN AND WIFE to do entire work of home in Ardmore: V In family: very best rcferenco required. , Meet employer Wednesday, 11 ao . a. ni., Ro5m 205. 008 Chestnut st. MAN. young, ambitious, wltn ability to maks good, free-hand mechanical sketches and to calculate weights of castings; college grnduato In mechanical engineering preferred; stato salary expected, P 230, Ledger Office, MAN AND WIFE, colored, to do the work of small house: send address and refcrenco to Box 43. Merlon, Pa, MEN WANTED Boilermakers, locomotive ma chinists, car repairmen, laborers, locomotive cleaners. Penna. R. R. Call 1711 Filbert st. MEN. 10. wanted to learn tho sausago nnd Sork pncklng business; 22e per hour. Apply 045 Germantown nve. MEN. 2 to sell lots. Ocenn City Park. In Phlla.; experience not necessary; salary and commie- slpn.430 Droxel Bldg. S1ILLWRIOHT vnnfed: young man preferred: enpab'o of soliciting New Tork Stato and elsewhere. Apply 2314 Wood Bt. OFFICE BOT In lawyer a office; reply by letter, stating age nnd schooling. J 042. Ledger Central. OPERATORS, automatic turret lathe. Cleveland. Brown & Sharpc. New Britain, I4.BH per day of hours: hand screw mnchlno operators, 13.10; higher compensation when on plcco work: citizens; IB das leave afle- ono year'a service, seven holidays and Saturday afternoons during the summer months, ''nil with full pay. App'y Frankford Arsenal. iirmeriiui)' in person. PAPER BOXES Experienced man nn single scoring machine. Schocttle Paper Box Co., -.mi. t.nu .iiurci. PAPER BOXES Experienced mnn on ending machine. Schoettlo Paper Box Co., Front nnd Laurel, 8Ai?A?AN. for decoratlnir establishment In Baltimore: ono familiar with rugs, carpets and furniture: stnte experience nnd salary d;slrcdJ AjjrajiMS04JLeilger Office. DAi,i.a.uA.M wanted to call on Apply Kotany Spices, wholesale, restaurnnts. 031 North nm bi i m u p, ni. SHIPPER wanted, for wholesale poultry and provision house: must be experienced, encr- C 202"" Le'dgPe''J Office.'"""'"'"' "'" bu8lnc"' SHOES Wanted, cxn. shoo ropnlror on colored s hj)M17Jh Jloor lNojJhJl 2 1 It st7 STXOO,nV;H-'?un':"mnn w"nntcd by traf f!c department of large steel concern: innrt ..i,: WV!!?r,w.l,h railroad work: Btate aalaT. M 740. ledger Central. STENponAPHEB. ex.'., ncc. "Apply Mr. WIN rtrlck. Eddystono stal Co.. N. EdJystnna sV. TRUCK DBIVEns. experienced with double teams, for heavy work. Apply BureSS at EmploN-ment. 4W floor, before 11 am Strawbrldce t Olohler." 8th and Market its. WEAVERS WANTED APPLY JOHN & JAMES DOBSON. INC. OLD MILL Scott's Lane, Falls of Schuylkill. YJK;a-?.tAN ot "s- '"i education, wishes nosl. tlon either ns salesman or position whe-o thero Is advancement. J B.ir.. ledger Central? YOITNO JIAN. about 20 years of ago. assist In office: can use tvpevvr tor; coml o,m,,;i!!! for right party. J 1141. Ledger Central. YOUNO ,MAN wanted; thoroughly experiences In wholesale notion business: for out of tovvrr steady position. M 808. Ledger Offle" ' YOUNO MAN wanted by a area foundry, with Jjr.ericnce ln. u,E.Bi.s",B " experlence'and salaryexpected.P 227. Idg,v Offlre. YOUNO MAN. about AVlf h nnnrTfl AtfhalklAtinA on press vvorK. httlVt" U'" 1-V" "J v. annwnill BIO CALIBRE SALESMEN. Slen of advertising ahlllty men who can civ. mftMr5!LS5?tVrl Th."'! the ""ven Auto! tmoaa,f!fl.ira,Se?no,t'hrer 6?, h".ttr,c,SPS2SSiX HOOVEN OWENS. nENTSCIILER CO. --- ... -AA ili-UU, Oeneral AUTOMOBILE, complaint adjuster. 1"S: hook, keepers, clerks and stenographers, large nam. her of attractlvo position, open " to -o" Hualneaa Service Co.. 1301 Snd Title Bldi.' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ..liAvtSSiJ ""J81 mHdl9 gtaJ sood seam, streaa: good reference H 113. iA. ntn COi),S.an? chlldnuraj or chambermaid 2 girls want places together; good reference call Ch.?nut ,b,?,W"n ,0 and 2. noomC203. 608 .f-vUHLSl"1-- '"';'?"' wjh" Position.- 'mji'- ;'s fiiisvjaraen at. CHAMBERMAID WANTEDrREFrREQtlirTin" STFItANCIBIOTEQa'tQyXErJuT ST.' HOUSEKEEPER, canahle mV35"k:.. position with aged coupls or gentleman's home jeferenceAPUrJ337J,808 N. 18th at? 4VJU011VC..X'.1V EEPER, managing, capable, reliable' responsible Position. H 113. Led. OIL desires iiuuofiiccrt.ii. managing, apartment small hotel or prlv. fam.; ret, jl'llf Lidier Offlce. HOUSEKEEPER or comparilonnmallamllv: reference. Call 802 S. Alden it. ' JJTUATIONS WANTED-JSTTji rr?au.l?Tel3?.c HOUSEWORK-Scolch Protest rJ4SZ ence.cnll 2030 N triX0,!!Unf ro5T3 STENOpRAPHKit7thornuaMnaV --2L 'ENonnjiPup-irTr;-- r-1 iJs3, Led. ,.... icKm ,.nd rnmM..-i-, - ntu. mn. STENOGRAPHER. 2 ytnrn.iiSitri rali"4 lwr !ifii WOMAN, colored. -fronTse-niir -U I ACCOUNTANT, age 40. ntr7ZTr- fi.I?rKa,W,t.9.'. HiSXl&s .-.. " . .gager urnee """ "nt-y AY.v.i"iJ.IS.,"."-SH.?"fl buslne. r lego graduate. Will write n..SLnMSma. T cularleUeMejc!". T HutS''KW. & AUDITINOANDTNVEST.ArAk ert SEffi.m,J",J. "8 Fostofhce n5ra.?". 7ir ' .. 'i , fc-ty itnnttffrortn I-"i r- - "-c' PP.leireanr,onuCpa'hW'L'i5c nBimiaerBtoterms. Bgli phon- VSM.?,. Vl'l'M BUTI,ER:COOICJpal,7s1nSmM'.l win take entlro chnrgo of small 5IE:.VnwVJ up: reference, T tn t -i "m'" family! iAK reference. J 844." ld".mA" .W tr-i -- .., uiaue'Mjuii and nuiliiinui' - best reference. 01. n?an?h till .MtMSVwl ... . ... :. '- "- iiirni. CHEMICALH. DRUOS-mn,TrnaVnr:r2S cal and Industrial exp., wIsheTelr.TJiLt'S . evenings or Part tjmajwfi3went f COST ACCOUNTANT, 20 years M tT2! perlence at iiiiiJ.i .i..?" ?.la yearTi now connection. .! nai'i.?" ". deilr..! ECONOMICAL labor saving devisee . ' opcnf or1propJjresuiT,v pfod, J BBS WU' ' mmMte.!. ..- .I.'.' TagUantral. i GARDENER. ."competent mi ii .j-iS !!,.".-?rcenP.0.u"e man; willing cE? -5?'!l !"""" "Mining; good ref. C 18r IjJiBJ OA"DEN3- H-around man, IiTm&Tt SkmLijisasmr- 1 ai nanny, wants work In thd v.ni. , ' - .cntffi.fQr t""nett"ng "'urii'a".','';, live or charge of stores- ai ..eVLS"' ? . LedgerCentrnl. ,. j w TOUNO MAN. Wnnn.1. ! , tlsln. book'keeblngedlts."cPtc '?.. Ml"''! . encea; moderate salary. J a.w'W ! 1 luurii iilAjN. CO orcd. we nin,rl.n.. - and rigger, wishes position. IninJ fir" " -." ., ... ATTENTION BUSINESS Finva TION WITH FUTURE: 12 YlUriu ..??' yv.vi fiiiitii.N-r rtPTnvnn t...v:i . newspaper EXP.; GOOD Tfiran vnVy VERTISING VALUES AND Ptim?n4Jb i WP.?K: WIWllNO TO LEARN: flUSfSW M Bllll- AIULlTr. J 030. LEDGER OFFICE,'iJ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLI.S. .1020 Bnlnbrldge. has em .i..." fours, butlers, couples, cooks, excel i.Ti'i. chambcrmds.. Includ. Swedish haters . miri V,', uc""l,caor coupies, cooks, governeis,? ,,.i,-w umiuH. iiouBcroains, etc. Loc. 2110 WANTED First-class Iniimlr... Ik.l,. '.. parlor maids for Main line ' i.i...!""1?". , nuracs. young cooks, kitchen maldj. ItrnSoiSi W cooks, couples, butlers. second men. hJS' nifii. mm. ivoKers. .nil a, L'llth st, . JHHH HOSE DOUGHERTY. 1313 W a71 " nve.: wanted, cooks, chambermaids, enfii.' nuraen. nousevvorlc girls, .mother's he nin mnn and wife, gardeners, butlers. houiiK-I rts. kane. nit a. -inih ih u ..'- 1 BS. KANE. 011 S. 10th. Phone Spruce SlOil wants and supplies first-class help, with rifi'i help, with rcf. crence. AUTOMOBILES iTbr Sals CHASSIS We have a few cheap car; of which the chtiibri would be very suitable for trurt- , a.uZ work of any kind: don't fall to come In inj? look them over If you want somethlnr it - Vinsmnln HvfnA trim nlt.,.. .... m m n LOCOMOIllLt: I -Oil jiinrKPi at. IXrCUSt IM b J ii. . ni.n sy.71. jukii iAuinnnB nr uepL DEI.IVEIIY lVAnns thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed: ven 'f nttrnptlve nrlrn! enulnneH with full n.n-i k.,J. othcro built to order. '' LOCOMOBILE 9.111 Mnrlret Mf Thm,., Arrt II. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Cir n.' '! CADILLAC 1014 touring car. overhauled in repainted: full equipment; price 1830. AUTO' SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad IL . CADILLAC. 1013. B-pasaencer tourlnr: la Jl.lifl cunuiuon; paini nnu urea new. ij. a. liuvvuita uu.. 248 N. Broad it. n-S CUALMEB.S. .225: good equipment: good ra- J! nfng condition. Phono Belmont 17B5 R. .' J ? FOBD runabout. 1013 model, with detiduWri! rear seat: splendid condition: bargain. Ajplt' ' i;m r inance mag. A'none apruce 'Jlg. , HUDSONS Phaetons, roadsters and cabrloUu.rtSr'; cquippou wiin eiecvrio ugnis ana sisruni.? uomery-DciiwHria. -,i.i .i. jiroau si., 1'aiis.n LIMOUSINES Suitable for funeral work or hacking of nr kind, suburban or station work; ranrtor Is ' price from J300 up; Locomobile and otlif makeS' 'LOCOMOBILE ' , 2314 Market st. Locust 450. H. A. JKNKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dtp!. PAIQE. HUB, Fairfield. 6-40; ln perfect orderi at a bargain price. BIOELOW-WILLY MOTOR CO.. 304 N. Droll S. 3. Rogera, Mcr. Exch. Car Dtpt. W1HTK 2 Aut 411 IL P. 7-naaseneer Touring. 11000 2 Autocar delivery trucks. 1H ton each, 1W. L. II. O'NEAI .'!() N. Broad st. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN nK nsRn r?ATia CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BROAD ""f ATJTO LIVEBY AND QAHAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 2429 N.' BROAD ST. AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITY TO HDI1 Diamond U4B8. Never closed. Pirlcii- . STAR TAXICAB CO. PHONE DIAMOND 74. TAXI TOUR1NO LI.MOUSINB HALF BnallLAR RATES. Never Closed. Formerly Jitney Rt r. POPLAR. 1B17 To hire (open day and nU&ti Park 1482, brand-new S-pass. touring car. 11.23 hr.; also brand-new 7-pass. llmouius. l.BO hr.: weddings, funerals. 1718 Olnro- . BUY MOISTER Portable Oarages Steel of stucco. On display 3031 N. 8th. TlogaMM. AUTO KEPAIRINQ T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T See BILLY, at his new location. 010 NORTH BBOAD STKBKlj CYLINDEBS RE1IORED. new pistons and rlwj rurnisned. welding nnd braxing, . " .V," derwiod b. Co.. 102.1 Hamilton atreet. Pal": AUTO SUPPLIES TT VOir WIWT tr. a-tl vmlr nM rT. Of WlStf any parts to repair, call, write or phone ,g P. & It. AUTO PARTS COMPAWij 815.17 N. 12th st. Park 1H. New Departure Service Sta. Tho OwMUraC,,, ian Arcn at. vn. walnut ami. - . PARTS to build or repair any car. . ..t '"ll Phlla, Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th. Park llfc , AUTO TIBES PULLMAN TIBES Guaranteed 3B0O miles. Compare prl" OUIM'S. 238 N. Broad etrtet. BUSINESS PEB.SONALS PATENTS Sn,J . n,,e frea hook, "Patenta andr Trade-MarKJ-' We will help you develop your Invention- JtM vice iree. iteaaonauie iee, upen " j " M11H OrtU -i 'JH FOSTER & WEBSTER SUITB "M uii unesmut bu istn pnone ivinu --- By C. A. VOIGHT xuumt KNOLISHWOMAN f,.r: l. nursery governess I n In t a sVi'natTolrS't district prcf. Address F ,?ef"!nitier! ioSt!!! Cameron Lodge; aSfionnttii. eV2 MHJJPJ TUAOJ5SWANTiBTSr;5' Exp BASSO, rcBldhig outside "ofPMrT": - V AMD S- y' " 'MV'J , ORoWMEDfA "",. HUH-. MAVBE IjtiK LD AGE--H0U Should J J I (C r V( J&A mu'y JOm V mow s , That T 1 I " ' ' ' sr-ger' , i , c fiSiMl :