mmrmmSiSfm " "Vjr'- v fe? fi L'lTALIAELAGERMANIA IN GUERRA; LA RUMANIA FA GUERRA ALUAUSTRIA Gli Allcati Dlchinrano alia pro da Cho Essi Nort In Difeii dcrnnno Contro l'lnva sionc Bulgara 1 LA FINE DEGLI ABSBURGO? noMA, 28 Agonto. Gtnndl ftVVenlmontl I nono vcrlfletill nelle Ultimo 24 ore. 1,'Itntla lm tllchlarnto a uuetra nlla Qermanla o la Ilumanla lia dlchlnrAto la gilorra all'Austrla. A blsoena OffglunRcro una tllclllhrazlone fatta dal Bovertil nlleatl nl governo nrcco: cho essi cloo' turn tntcranno nftatto ill ill fenddro la Ttssaglla cantrnle, tcrrltorlo greCO, da Una Invaslone tmlprnra. Solo ncl caeci elm la Qracln it nchtarl con nil alloatl, questl iirovvcdirnnno nlla dlfesa del terrl torlo grcco In, qutuito esso lion o' In lm tnedtata reladont) con 1 ohcrazlont ill guerra dcftll allcati BtcsM nclla 1'oiiUola Udlcanlea. II governo Itallano lia ill clil nrnto la guerra nlla Germanla a mezzo del governo Bvtzzrro, essentlo lo relnzlont diplomat! cho trft Italia o Gormanla Interotto eln dnl mas glo del 1015. Lo stato dt guernvjlra Italia e Germanla o' comlnclato ciuesta maltlna. SUMjA KIlONTn 1TAMANA. Ecoo II testo del rapporto del generate Cftdorna pubblloato leri dal Mlnlstero delta 'Guerra! Bulla fronta del Trcntlno It nemlco lift mostrato conelderovolo nttlvltn' con la sua artlRllcrta cd I buoI mortal da trlncca non nolo, ma nncho can la fu cllcrla. l'cro' non el c' avuto hlcun at tocco dl fanterla. Ia nostra nrtlgllerla lia rlsposto efllcncometi'.o cd ha dnnncR itiato lo difoso ncmlcho sulle aide sot tentrlonall dot Monto Clmono. Alia tCBtata del llumo DIroii, nell'alta valle del 1'lavo (Alpl Carnlche) not ab blamo cstcso la nostra cccupazlotio dl Cltta' Vallone. Nclla zona dl Qorlzla o eul Cnmo l'arttcllcrla nomlca ha dlretto 1 suol tlrl contro I pontl deU'Ifionzo o lo poKlzlonl del Valient). Poehl prolettllt lono cadutt In dorlzla cd In Roman. IINTEnVHNTO nUMKNO. La dlchlaraztono dl guerra doll'Italla nlla Oormanla, fatta lerl, complcta .11 cerchlo dl ferro pel quale si trovnno prosl ora gll Imperl contrail. A.Homa hnnno luotco oggl dlmontraxlonl dl slmpntla per la Rumania cho flnalmcnto ha dlchlarntu la guerra all'Austrla o si o' sclllcrata a (lanco degll alloatl daU'Intcsa, , nonostanto cho II suo re sla un Itohcii zollcrn. La dcclslono doflnltlva delta Ilu manla o' stata ragglunta terl In un connlgllo della Corona. Esea mettera' In campo cla 6 a COO, 000 uomlnl contro gll Import con trail, glaccho' st nepetta cho la Uormftnla dlchlarl la gurrra nlla Itumanla. La Itus sla Inoltro ha nmmnssato un fortllmo ceorclto sulla fronttcra delta Rumania, tencdosl prontii ml nttaccaro 1'AuRtria dalla Serbia o ad attaccaro la Bulgaria dal Canublo o dalla Dobrugia. So 1 runs I iTd I rumcnl rtusclranno o non dovo casorc loro difficile ad Invadero la Serbia nclla 2011a dtllo Porto dt Ferro cd a tagltaro la fer rovla die unlsco Bclgrado a Sal on I ceo, caul avranno complotamento Isolato la Bulgaria e la Turchla dall'Austrta c dalla aermanla td avranno gottnto bulgarl 0 turchl alia irtorco' degjl nlleatl. SI dlco cho I bulgarl abblano .immaflnto tro divlstonl uul Danubto per frontegglaro una Invaslono rumena o russa, ma a parte 11 fatto cho csfll non avranno troppo caro combattcro contro 1 russt, rcsta l'lnantta ,dcllo sforzo bulgaro dt fronto agll esercltl che Ilumanla o llusala posaono lanclnro nl dl la' dot Danubto montre tutto o quasi l'eserclto bulgaro o' Impegnato Nulla fronto dt Salonlcco. SI dlco cho l'eserclto rumeno 0' stato messo aglt ordlnl del gencralc Averescu. gla' mlnlstro della Qucrra. ITn glornalo rumeno offerma per bocca dl FIllppcsou cho gll csarcltt russl sAranno tra una dleclna dl EVENING LEDGEIl-PHILADELPniA; MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1016 5 .Notice to Members of Fraternal Orders fpHE department of Fraternal x News will until further notice bo printed only In the first editions on Monday and Thursday. This change in tho method of publication is made n!c.ssary by the reduction in sizo of Philadelphia newspapers, agreed to by all publishers, to meet tho serious condition created by tho shortarce of news-print paper. In order to bo sure of fraternal news editions placo an order with your newsdealer now. glornl In tcrrltorlo rumeno marclantl contro la Bulgaria. St aspotta ofa quello chc fnra' la Clreela. un telegrammsi. da Atoiio dice chc It re Costantino ha nomlnato coniAhdanto in enpo dcireserclto cllcnlco It genernle Mom rhopoulos, cho nutro scnttmentl nmlchevoll per Ic polenzo dell'lntcsa. Un comunlcato dlrnmato oggl dall'Agen la Stofanl dlco clio I'ltnlla lia dlchlarnlo guerra alia dcrmnnla perclio' iiucnta ha materlnlmcnto nlutato I'Austrla, Invlandolo tarto dl term o dl maro o mettendola cost' nclla posslblllta' dt concentraro II nuo mAsalmo sforzo contro I'ltalla verso la inota' dl inAgglo. L'lsteisa mntlvazlono e Btatft comunlcata nl governo tedesco n luezzo del governo svlzzcro. Ad ccceztono della conqulsta d Qorlzta ncssun'altra hottzla della guerrn nvova nollovato tanto ontuslasmo In Italia eomo la notlzta della dlchlarAKlono dl guerra alia Uermanla, lerl la notUla venlva rapldn mento Imparllta a tutta I'ltalla da cdlzlonl Btraordlnarlo dl tultl I glornall. A Iloma una gran folia si rnccolso nublto In l'lmsza Cavour dovo si formo' un lunglilbstmo cortco cho percorso la vlo principal! delta 'cltta' grMamlo "Abbasso la Germanlal Viva gll Allcati!" La dlmo trazlone, cho si rlrltiovo' dnvniitt nlto am baaclato ed nllo Iegaztonl allcftte, duro' flno' nlla mezzanottOv Solo pocho ore prima cho rosso dlchlnrata la guerra nlla Uermanla era stato pub bltcato un decrcto col qualo si conflscava II l'ulntzo Vonczla, tho per sccoll era stato In posseeso dett'Austrla, un vcro coVo stranlcro nel cuoro dt Homa. dovo tutto to trnme a danno dell'ltnlla vcnlvnno ordlto, II palazzo era proprletn' del papl, ma nel 1500 era stato rcgalato dal papa I'lo VI nlla llcpubblica dl Venczla. I'lu' tnrdl Ho venno In possosso I'Austfla. I documcntl chc I'Austrla vl toncva nel maggln dcll'anno scorso furono trasferltl nt Vntlcano per csscrvl custodltl durnnto la guerra. PLAN DKOWNED LAD'S FUNERAL Victim's Cousin Narrowly Escaped Death at Ocean City Arrangements are being mado todny for tho funeral of Joseph Cnllcn, ID years old. of G11T l'lno strrol, son of Kdward Cnllen. a Philadelphia real estate operator, who was drowned nt Ocean City yesterday. Mies Dorothy Deal, 10 years old, of 5103 rino street, a cousin of the drowned boy, was rescued by life guards In an ex.'uusted condition, but soon recovered, Tho Gallon family went to Ocean City yesterday to spend a few wcelts. City Treasurer Clarenco S. Scull, of Ocean City, had a narrow cscapo from drowning. Ho nnd Ills wife wcro carried beyond tbelr depth nnd wcro brought In by othcrubathers. GIRL BATHER LOST IN RIVER Phlladolphian Steps Into Deep Wator. Rcscuo Attempt Fall3 Miss Emma-Gould, 22 years old, "Baca street near Twenty-second, stepped Into deep water whllo bathing In a river near Beatyestown. N, J lato yesterday afternoon and was drowned. Mls.i Gould hnd been bathing with her sister and a young man. Wading out Into the water farther than her companions, sho suddenly screamed and sanlc. A young man attempted rescue, but was unablo to retain a hold on her long enough tn bring her to safety. LACK OF WATER KEEPS BIG FACTORIES AWAY Chief Davis Urges Conservation of Supply and Plana Many Improvements Cnrleton H. Davis, chief of the Water Burenii, 1ms pointed out a reason for Im mediate conservation of the water supply whllo means aro being found to Increaso that supply beyond a stage of having to worry about It. Ho says Industrial plants nro staying away from Philadelphia, be cause they fear Hint In times of stress the water supply would not l adequate. In the various hot periods In this city In tho last two motitln there lifts been almost a- water famine. Chief Davis said, espe cially In that part of Philadelphia south of Vino street nnd between the rivers. Many householders had no water abovo tho nrst door. Chief DavIs argues tho matter on a purely business bnsls. His shows how big manufacturing plants are being kept away because the city doesn't take steps to rnako them confident that a water supply will ba unimpaired, Ills first suggestion Is that water meters would tuako water users economical. Ha bcllovcn that a gront deal of tho present troublo Is due to waste, nnd says water mo tors would stop that becnuso peoplo will not waste what they must pay for. Chief Davis wants money enough to pay for Improvements that wilt placo tha courco of supply far ahead of the present ono and removo any need for concern. Ho wants JC, 000,000 to do work ho thinks must be dono very soon. This Is for additional niter beds and pumping machinery, He and tho Mayor have been applying themselves to this problem, How to get It out of the next loan Is it puzzlo that also presents Itself. Chief Davis Is leaving that part of It to tho Mayor nnd tho Finance Committed of Councils. It cannot bo dono berora Feb ruary. Tho meters ought to bo Installed now, ho thinks. AUTOMOBILE DRAGS WOMAN Mrs. Thomas F. McNichol, Philadelphia Lawyer's Wife, Hurt at Shore Mrs. Thomas F. McNichol, wlfa of Thomas V. McNichol, an attorney, Is re covering nt Atlantic City from Injuries re eelved when she was run down and dragged by nn nutomobllo driven by W. F. Fortiier, of Merchantvllle, N, J,, on I'aclllc avenue, Atlnntto City, yesterday. Fortner Is be ing hold to awnlt tho result!) of tho In juries. Tho MuNlchots, who live lit 012 South Sixteenth street, nro spend tho sum mer at GOO Pacific avenue. DEMOCRATIC PROGRAM FACES SENATE REVOLT Regulars Must Fight Under wood, Owen and Smith, of South Carolina WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. Faced by a three-cornered party, Democratic Sonato lenders today renewed their efforts to force through the "regular" legislative pro gram In tlmo to permit President Wilson to go to Shadow Lawn, Long Branch, for tho notification ceremony next Saturday, Hvcry pnrllamentnry expedient was put Into piny hy tho "regular" leaders to pre vent further delay on tho emeiArency revo mto bill and to block the Insurgent move ment for consideration of tho Immigration nnd corrupt practices bills, Tho rovolt, led by Senator Wnderwood, of eSSeSM l irf3i5roii(3fainpprm IAGARA FALLS Pononaily ConducUd Excursion SPECIAL HOLIDAY TRIP Sept. 1 (ovtr Labor Day), alio Sept. IS anil 29 Round $12.00 Trip .SPECIAL ALL-STIJKTj TBAIN Lvs. Brond St. Station. S!10 A. M West Philadelphia. 8 '11 A. M. Parlor Cars, Itcstaurant Car, Day Conches CThe litest Bout to tho rnll, giving n Daylight Itliln llirourh thn Beautiful Hunquc hanna Valley. Tlckots good for IC days. Stop over at Buffalo nnd Ilarrlsburg returning. ASIC AC1F.NT3 for Illustrated Niagara Falls booklet Pennsylvania R. R. JitiiciiHJCiiMieiimoijaiiiiJiiiicijaiamMigiiouamaeiiiiiiiiiJailiB Victor S ptemb er ecord A noteworthy and unusually diversified selection, including a new Caruso number, and the Barcarolle, wonderfully rendered by McCormack and Krcisler, also a host of popular hits and dances you will want. I nnr-nJU MaMeillaiso ? 12 in. 8850 EmmaCnlvb J $3.00 IU'" ''! Um mi irm I'r?I ;,r . A'. 74489 jM'8"" , ( Mabol Garruon B724S 180S3 18105 MZin f$1.5C -)10- i$2. -in. 00 Tales of Hoffman- Barcarolle (You'ro Dnngerotirt Girl ( in J . I'm Golnir'Way Dck ln' Home and Have nl 75c Wonderful Time ; flf I Knock the "L") I OutofKolly. (10 In. I Dy the Sad Lun( 75c 1 Shore ) 17 South Ninfli St orrosiTi: roHTOi'i'icn d? CL--C O). " o JHEClkt jSSS399tS Thfc long life of CER-TAIN-TEEDirfdueto the quality of the roof ing felt.and the character of the asphalt saturation. This is a blend of soft osphalta prepared by the General's board of er ' Eert chemists. The est quality roofing felt is thoroughly saturated with this soft blend, and is then coated with a blend of -harder as phalts, which prevents the drying-out process so destructive to ordi nary roofing. T nnt-t-ir-trn nt imircp 7hfn tlif nxMh txor ic nvpr shattered Europe must be rebuilt. Mediaeval architecture, crumbled by cannon, will be replaced by well-lighted, well-ventilated, convenient and sanitary buildings of the present day. In this tremendous rebuilding, Certainteed Roofing will play a leading role; for CERTAIN TEED is the twentieth century answer to the demand for roofing that is econom ical to buy, easy to lay and inexpensive to maintain. CERTAIN-TEED! Roofing is made in rolls: also in slate-surfaced shingles. There is a type of CERTAIN-TEED for every kind, of bujlding, with flat or pitched roofs,1 from the largest sky-scraper down to the smallest residence or out-building. It makes a clean, sanitary, attractive roo, with a very low cost per year of life. It is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to ply (1, 2 or 3) , Experience proves that it outlasts the period of guarantee. If you are interested in roofs, investigate CERTAIN -TEED before you decide upon the type to buy. CERTAIN-TEED is for sale by dealers all over the world. GENERAL ROOFING MANUFACTURING COMPANY r kfir r . i r r . I D..itJ!wi P-.rt- tYariUM margin itianuraciurnr or Koonagm on u .-.(-- n.,i.-. YtkOiy CUw. PblUd.lpU. SI. LottUJ Botu CU.Un4 Pltt.WsU Db.l 3 rKIlJ-, r"n, ?PlStl sljW WuOfltiii tEMtfll! 3UU fcaCI7 6iMl, Alll Rfctua.wi OttUal Hsaa sh4li UM BlT Alabama, mainst tha caucus mtretment SPuthVevenuo b,l, ' h opposition of othr Senator to the propowd munltlonii tnr, threatened to delay n vole on tlint measurft until tomorrow or Wednesday. Immediately after the disposition of tho,.Uft b1"' "'"o'0'" Owen, of Oklahoma, will force a record voto on his motion to tako up th corrupt prctlces hill, nnd Senator Smith, of South Curoltnii. will make a final effort to compel action on the Immigration bill nt thl eenslon, Tho "resrulftrn" wro confident they could muster enounh strength lo break down both these movements. Church Geta $7400 Property John T. Greenwood ban sold to the Or' Ihodox Street Artthodlst "EpWCoTPAl ChtifeK of Frankford, n plot bf ground 100 feet W 103 feet on the tbutheast fda of TorrwH dalo Avenue nnd the southwest stda of Or thodox street for fSJSS. The tot ndjoirti tha chtirch. It I part of A plot, 238 feet b SD1 feet, owned by John T, J ret h wood and others, and In Assessed at 97400. i H i r ) , i- I,, i i mi -ii ini ' " "- ' 1 " ' . - - .. -.... . - a ; A ?AN SCIVER SALE iHiBifrHURSiwPSsi B WrTm s ii Wi-7 mr Mm". 4rM lUi mt WttMfSr v r ALREADY our August volume of business liaa JlX broken all provious records. Our Rocciv ing and Shipping Departments have been taxed to capacity to keep pace with the tremendous influx and outgo of merchandise, and that wo have been able to keep our Ave immense floors constantly stocked attests tho thoroughness of our preparations nnd the vastness of our resources. You will marvel at the variety of goods on display nnd tho values offered. Final reductions have been mado -and the heavy selling of tho past three weeks has left us with many an incomplete or discon tinued suite, together with odd pieces of great beauty and worth now to be closed out at amazingly low prices. They, liko nil our goods, like our great Store, in fact, must be seen to be appreciated, nnd we inVite and welcome your inspection. It is a safe prophecy that such values will not be available for a long timo to come. A Few Selections From Oar Enormous Stock of Beau tiful Living-room and Library Furniture This attractive Mahogany Library Table is in tho William nnd Mnry style. Tho top is 48xft0 in., so that both from tho stand point of sizo nnd design it is suitable for almost any library or living room. r Bnle 5r l'rlce. $14.75 Large Arm Chair William & Mary Stylo Tho seat, back and arms are upholstered in cre tonno with neat floral de sign and the base is mahog any. A very comfortable, dignified chair which would be hard to duplicate. The price speaks for Jtself. j'iIvwv&j? Hal l'rlre, $12.50 The Most Complete Stock of Luxurious Davenports, Sofas, Easy Chairs and Rockers, etc., Ever Assembled in One Great Store Large Quartered Oak Rockers, Genuine Leather Scat and. Back $6.50 Mahogany Finish Arm Chairs, Tapestry Scat and Back $10.00 Mahogany Finish' Rockers, Moquet Vclotir Scats $11.50 (Ann Chairs to match, $11.50) Golden Oak Rockers, High Back; gen. Leather Scat $12.00 Solid Mahogany Wing Arm Chairs, Cane Scat and Back.. $12.50 (Rockers to match, $12.50) Golden Oak or Mahogany Arm Chairs, genuine leather Scat and Back $14.50 (Rockers to match, $14.50) Wing Arm Chairs, Tapestry Scat and Back ...t $18.50 (Rockers to match, $18.50) Folding Davenport Beds, 7 ft. Fumed Oak or Mahogany (with mattress) $27.50 Wing Arm Chairs, Brown Morocco, Loose Cushion Scnts 529.50 (Rockers to match, Loose Cushion Seats, $zy.5U) Jacobean Style Sofas, Tapes try Scat and Cane Back with twist posts $31.50 Loose Cushion Seat Arm Chairs, Brown Spanish Leather $35.00 Large Arm Chain and Rock ers, Genuine Morocco Leath er; Loose Cushions ($100 . value) $55.00 Large Luxurious Davenports, Tapestry Upholstered; Loose Cushions; Pillow Back $65.00 Large Luxurious Davenports, Genuine Leather: Loose Cush- 1 inns: Pillow Uncle SfiS 0(1 Wo have a remarkable collection of Dining Room Furniture in Mahogany Oak and Walnut. There is a 10-piece William and Mary style Suite in Jacobean Oak at $85, on sale today for tho first time and innumerable other matched Suites up to $1050. ; W, Xj. )J- ", ' i.,'J,J'm'w3r? Illiiffil r"" 111 n$t ISt ' I uaatam! A Charming Mahogany Bedroom SuiteOne of Our Sale Specials A handsomo Bedroom Suite at an attractively low price. Solid mahogany tops, drawer fronts, standards nnd mirror frames; glass trim nnd dust-proof construction throughout. Full sizo or Twin Beds, 530.80. Bureau, 18x22 in., is $49.50. Smaller Bureau. 42x21 in., $41.50. 3dx20 in. Chiffonier, $47.50, or a 30x19 in. Chiffonier, $30.50. 36x20 in. Triplicate Mirror Dressing Table, $41.50. Suite, complete (with largo size Bureau and Chiffonier), is $178.00, but pieces may be bought separately. Special attention is called to tho attractive octagon posts and the excellent cabinet work which characterizes eadt piece. This Sale Includes a $250,000 Stock of Rugs Carpets Final reductions have been made on our Quarter of a Million Dollar Stock of Ruga and Carpets. Savings range from 10 to 60fo on standard goods, the output of the most reputable makers in the world. We suggest that you come ln and make your selection as early as possible. Beautiful Royal Wiltons $45.00, Wiltons, 9 ft. x 12 ft. $31.50 $97.50, 1 1 ft. 3 in. x 15 ft. $76.50 SR7.50. 1 0 ft. 6 in. x 1 3 ft. 6 in. $69.50 $78.00, 1 0 ft. 6 in. x 1 2 ft. $62.50 $60 & $65.00, 9 ft. x 12 ft. $46.50 $55 & $51, 8 ft. 3 in. x 1 0 ft. 6 in. $39.75 $35,00, 6 ft. x 9 ft. $28.75 $35.00 Body Brussels, 9x12 ft, for $24.50 Axminster and Tapestry Brussels $25.00, Axminsters, 9 ft. x 12 ft. $19.85 $52.00, 1 0 ft, 6 in. x 1 2 ft. $36.50 $45.00, 9 ft. x 1 2 ft $32.50 $42.00, 8 ft 3 in, x 1 0 ft. 6 in. $31,50 $23.00, 6 ft x 9 ft $17.50 $21.00, Tap. Brussels, 9 ft x 12 ft $16.75 $17.50, Tap. Brussels, 9 ft. x 12 ft $12.50 $31.00 Body Brussels, 8.3x10,6, for $21.50 j Unusual savings on Portieres, Cur- "r" "" H'Kh. Rrade shades, up to 3x6 feet, tains, Drapery materials, etc., during 1 jf1f"vy" jx mounted on genuine Hartshorn rollers, the August Sale. Our Drapery De- JfC 1 V JvtI jjtT.3 hunR comPlete for 1$ during the partment is always worth a visit . .. .. n.,. r AuRust Sale, Every Van Sciver Salesman is a Furniture Specialist Able and Anxious to Serve and Satisfy Yon as Well as to Sell You Goods 8tor Clone Dally B If. it Saturday Included mi w Mjto Vet MU Market Street Ferry, Camden, N, J. & lloaU Yxam Market BL Vttrr Xab4 Oviu put StbHt IT