?5K!13P?wfcTP? riMS-sf firJw'agwiWBWf m 12 (XJNTC FAIR TO OPEN SIXTWEEKINBYBERRY "Begin Wednesday, Ends Labor Day J Hdrseraclng Prizes of $15,000 Th Philadelphia County Fair will open Jia Hfth annual expoalt'on next TVcdnca ay at tho Byberry Fair aroundu, with every assurance of being bigger and better than ever before. Tho Fair will continue during the remainder of tho week, clos ing Monday, Labor Day, Each department has been reorganized slnco last year and many new exhibits w II bo shown. Mayor Thomas B. Smith, Senatcrr Pen rtso. Congressmen Peter li Costello nnd William S. Varo and State Senator James P. McNIchol have offered silver cups ns special prizes In the various 'departments. Tho County Fair Association and several lulling business houses of thts city have Offered cups as prizes, In addition to cash premiums and merchandise prizes to the winners in every department of tho Fair. For the horse racing alone $ 15,000 has been set aside In purses, premiums and special prizes. TRAISE FItOM THE W. C. T. U. Evening Ledger Commended for Ex cluding Liquor Advertising Resolutions praising tho Evmnino X,laR for Its refusal to accept any liquor advertising havo boon adopted by the Woman's, Christian Tompcrnnco Union, of Schuylkill County. Tho resolutions also commend tho paper for Its editorials and articles on tho temperance question. In part the resolutions read: "Wo realize tho tremendous Influence of the press In molding public opinion nnd wo pan sea how important It Is that all Chris tian peoplo should patrontza Buch papers ns stand for righteousness. Tho greater tho Circulation of such papers the greater will be tho good they can accomplish, while tho greater tho circulation of tho liquor papers tho greater tho harm they accom plish. "We arc confident that If tho Christian peoplo of tho county nnd State would pa tronize only such papers a3 stand for tem perance, in a short while wo would find many more newspapers refusing their col umns for liquor advertisements, and tho cause of tempcranco thereby greatly pro moted." Rev. Frank Willcock Dies Thn Itev. Frank Willcock, assistant pas tor at Bethany Presbyterian Chtirch, died yesterday at Mndcnhurst, tho home of John Wanamakcr. on Old York road. The Itev. Mr. Willcock, whoso homo is at 2303 Christian street, had been tho guest of Mr. Wanamakcr for three weeks. Definite funeral arrangements havo not been com pleted. Nicholas Drummer Arangcmonts aro being mado for tho funeral of Nicholas Drummer. 50 years old, a tea and coffee salesman, of 1735 Broad way, Camden, who fell unconscious on the sidewalk at Delaware avenue and Federal street. Camden, while on his way to Phila delphia. Ho was taken to tho Cooper Hos pital In a passing nutomobllo and pro nounced dead. Coroner Schrocder gavo a , certificate of death from heart disease. Thomas Dixon Thomas Dixon, 67 years old. of Princess Anne, Md., died of Brlght's disease In the Jefferson Hospital, this city, on Wednes day. Mr. Dixon, who was prominent In the affairs of Somerset County, Mil., had been ill for eight months and when tho disease became acute was brought to this city 10 daya ago. Ho was a Democrat, serv ing for years as a member of the Stato .Democratic Committee from ' Somerset County. Among the sisters and brothers who 8urvivq him is Mrs. Fred L. PItt3, of this city. BRIDE-TO-BE BURIED Funeral of Miss Elvira Verna, Engaged to Doctor, Held Today The funeral of Miss Elvira Verna, who died on tho eve of her marriage, was held at 9 o'clock this morning with solemn re quiem mass at St. Klta'a Roman Catholic Church, Broad and Ellsworth streets. Miss Verna, who was tho daughter of Lulgl Verna, a well-known manufacturer an tno southern section of the city, residing- at 1324 Tasker street, was to have been married to Dr. Frank Pessolano, of New Kensington. Pa., a graduate, of the University of Pennsylvania. The honorary pallbearers ivere) James J. Murphy, Jr., Frederick B. Little, Alfred Fortunato, Joseph Tumollllo, Dr. Joseph A. Pessolano and Michael Pessolano. Inter ment was made In Holy Cross Cemetery. F. M. Wanamaker's Funeral Today Funeral services for F. Marlon Wana maker, tho youngest brother of John Wana maker, were held at 8:30 o'clock this morn ing at his residence, 1803 Wallace street. Interment was private. Mr. Wanamakcr was 66 years old, and until his retirement from business was connected with the cloth ing firm of Wanamaker &. Brown, Sixth and Market streets. THE- WEATHER Br Official Forecast WASHINGTON', Aug, 26. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer Bey: Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday; not much change In temperature: light south winds. Showers have continued In the upper Lake region and along the south Atlantic coast during the last 24 hours and are re ported from the Missouri and upper Missis Bippl valleys. Fair weather has prevailed in the middle and north Atlantic States and Jn most of the cotton belt. There has been a slight tendency toward rising temper atures Jn the eastern half of the country and to cooler in far Northwest, although the changes have been somewhat irregular, and considered as a whole, tne conditions are seasonable except for a slight deficiency from Lake Superior westward. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin LOW 8 lat Rain- Veloc ",m "an '-Wln. ity. Weather . Station, Atlanta, rla. . 70 60 AtUntlo City . . , Bismarck, N. p. Uoaton . : . . . . 74 SO 74 71) 48 70 At rj i mar Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear f .. nb :: .i4 n '" .01 KB ,' . . SW ilulfalq o Charleston. B. n. 7it 71 4jniqta , ea es Cincinnati ...... 7 a f.tildy Ra sin I '. CIdv .Biwa ..... -Denver Detroit 3atvston. Tex.. Harrlburff. Pa. Kattjraa. N. C. HaUf a. N. 8. . . Meien, Mont. . Huron- B. D. . . Indlananalts 0 .. HW . Clear Cloudy P-Cldjr Clear t'lear Rain Clear Clear P :: w . Xi :: fir : C3 .. W .. BO , SW 10 81 .. 8 7i .so mv .. 03 .. NB .. 70 .. SW 18 Cloudy Cloudy Clear Citar P.Cldy Claar P.CWy Jacksonville. Fla. 78 XnoiYllle. Tens.. M XJUU Rk. Ark, TJ Los Ansgle.. Cal. M r . . n w 08 66 SO B3 70 e.4 73 72 S 12 NW :T SW .. W NB !. faotcaary. Ala. 70 totreat. (;anao4 oo KashvUl. Teno. jer Orl.jna 06 78 ar Clar Kw York 72 14 Clear -orrcu.. Va w SW NB SW K KW. NW w. " K N BW Cloudy Ssudy oudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear P.Cldy Rain Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy C!r nI-ol- Okla. 78 fiiaalu-, Nsb,... t'lau Juip-ii as 70 68 i -i;or.ci. Afiz. . 78 78 PiU-Aursh. 70 Pisrtlaiut. Me-... 64 to-UaE4, Ore.... 64 Elwc. Caoaila. no Ijmlm .-. 68 Ful. Minn... S3 : Labs City . d -n Azit-ul--. Tex. 70 &u)t Fruataeo . . 64 .. S3 .. 60 .14 6U .01 ? n- it. ft. il. . su SO .04 N liana 0 a .01 NW v;iear ie.'- Vt ii 63 I, K HW W w SW Y -1jsu r.4j. ilMC CB.. 43 m P.Cldy fir" POdj lc' : ; : : 10 n MAJjBMM YSSTttROAT. "lr- ! B S3 eatljg CORNELL. On Alimisl 24. IDIS, at Newtown, Pa.. JONATHAN K. CORNELL. Med fl4 years, Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho fuiwral, without further notice, on Monday, August 28. at 11 a. m , from hla lata residence. Interment at William penn ceme tery, aomerton. carriages will meet train at St. Leonard's Station leaving Reading- Ter minal at 0..3 and Newtown at 0 a. m. DA1LF.Y. On August 2.1, 101(1. MART It.,AI LBY, of 4337 Baltimore: ave. Funeral and Interment at Tamaqua, Fa. l)'ANF.t,LA. On August 2t, lolfl, P1F.TRO V husband of Mary D'Anclta. In hla 00th year. Relatives and friend, nlw tho Legion of tho Oluseppe. Garibaldi Socleta, dl Mutuo Soccorso e Benefieenxa, North American Union, tho Legion" of tho Felice Carolottl, of Camden: (Umbel Brothers Beneficial Employes, the Mys tic Circle, nro Invited to attend the funeral. on Sunday, 1:30 p, m., from lha residence of hla daughter, 1300 5. Carlisle at. In terment at Fernwood Cemetery. DOt.KRTY. On Aumut 20. 1010, MARY P.. wlfo of. Harry IJ. Doherty and daughter of Oeorge W. and Barah Mucklow (nee Mellon), fired 20 years. Relatives and frlenda aro united to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 3 p. m.. at her lato residence. (1317 Webster st. Interment at ill. Morlah Cemetery. FORSYTH. On August 14. 11)10. CECHLTA DAWSON FonsVTII. In h,r Mlh vee. rtela. tlvea and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral services, at 822 North Preston St., West Philadelphia, Monday, August 28, at 11 a, m, Interment private. rr,J!RY. On August 21. 11)10. suddenly. FRED MUCK 11., beloved husband of Alice Jano -lury. aged 07 years, Helntlvcs and friends, also Typographical Union No 2 nnd Narra- gansett Tribe, No 4.1, I. O. of It. M nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 P. m from bis lato residence, Mo North inth st. Friends mav view the remains on Sunday, from 7 tn It p. m. Interment at Chelten Hllla Cemetery. CANS On August 21, 1010, RIlRTIfA S.. wire of tho lato Joseph clans nnd mother of Albert, M. Clans. Slgmund J. nnd Jennlo E. Clans, In her "3d enr. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral on Sunday, at jn:30 n. m from her lato residence, 1413 Westmoreland st. Interment 31 1. Slnal Ceme tery. Aiuomouue ninerai. ORADY. On AiiRust 23, 1010, THOMAS F., husband uf Knlherlno O'nnen (Irndy. Uela Ihes and friends, also Division No. 23. A. p. H.. aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8 n. m , from his lato reddence. 321 Mercy at. Solemn blah mass of requiem nt tho Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, at 0;30 a. tn. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. ini:i:N. On Aimust 2.1. 1010. I1I.KANOR Ju,m;a luwht, widow or Major Arthur M. flreen. In lier Tilth year. HelatUes and friends nro Invited to attend the funernl serv ices, on Monday, at s u. m., at her late resi dence. JOS West Chelten ac. Oermantown. IIOM.INfSS. On Aunust 21, 1010, NOIIMAN F 1IOLLINOH. sraiidaon of Jtrs. 3. Foier. In nls HHh ycir ItelnlUes nnd friends, also International Order of Oooil Templars, mem bers Falrhlll Jlethodlst nplsoop.il Churrh and emplojes of llrnwn A Abele. art Imltcd to attend tho funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m.. at his lato residence. 3024 N. 3d st. Interment nt (Irecnmount Cemetery KKLLY. On August 2:1. 1010. JOSIH'H. son ot Joseph nnil Jlary Kelly (neo I.avln). Relatives and frlt-nds are Invited to attend the funeral. on Monday, at 8:31) n. m.. from his late res. dence. 3304 Warren st. Solemn rcauiem mass at St James's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemelc-y. .MARTIN. On Auuust 24, 1010. suddenly JAM KB, husband of Mnrcnrot Martin (nco Kerns), lato of 20 North Krnzler st. Ileln tUes and. friends, nlso Philadelphia Lodse, Prolectlxo Association, nnd cmployca of I 1. nilley Company, nro In. lied to attend tho funeral services, on Sundnv at 2 p. m.. nt his lato residence, n no Walnut st. Inter ment private, at Arlington Cemetery. MINTZIUt Op August 23. 1010, VlRCltNlA C. wife of Francis J. L. Mlntzer and daughter of Julia and tho lato Frnnlt Wlse. Relatives nnd friends an" Invited to nttend the funeral, on .Mond.iv. at 8:30 a. m., from ner lato resi dence, r,218 Chestnut ot. High Mass at Our Ladv of Victory Church at 10 n. m. Inter ment at Holy Sepulchro Cemetery. MURPHY. On August 23, 1010, nt Atlantic City. MARGARET J., wife of Daniel P. Mur. Phy (nee Kelley). Relatlven and friends am Invited to attend tho funernl, on Monday, at 8:30 a. m., from her busbind's residence, 18o2 N. 11th at. Solemn requiem mass at Our Ladv of Mercy Church. 10 n. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchro Cemetery. Automobile funeral. SCIIMIHT. On August 24. 1010, KARL OUS TAV. husband of r.llzibeth Schmidt (neo lyiccht). aged 00 years. Relatives and friends, also the members of Fran?. Schubert HeneOclal Society. Philadelphia Musical Association and Tho American Federation of Musicians. Local No. 7 1. aro invited to nttend the funeral serv ices, on Sunday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at his laio residence, 4S02 Falrmnint ave. Inter ment private, at Westminster Cemetery. SCHMIDT. On August 24. 11)10 nt her real dence 1801 North Camac st , JULIA, widow or Ldward Schmidt. Funeral and Interment strictly private. SELI.KRH. On August 21. 1010. NANCY I,., widow of William II. Sellers. In lier H2d ear. Relatives and friends aro Invited tn attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 8 p. m., at her lato residence. 1030 North Croskev st. Interment strictly private, at tho convenience of tho family. TAOOART. On August 2.1. 1010. ROUURT W. S. TAOOART. Relatives nnd friends are In vited to attend the funeral services, on Mon day, nt 11 a. m.. at chapel of Andrew J. Blair & Son, Arch and UHh sts. Interment private. VILLIKItS. On August 2.1. 1010, JOSEPH H. F. VILLinRS. In his li.lth year. Relatives and friends nro Invited tn attend tho funeral services, on Monduv, nt 2 p. m.. at the resi dence 0f hi, Bon- K 0, , villlers. 1413 N. Watts st. (above 13th and Master als.). Inter ment private nt Ivy Hill Cemetery. WAKI1KN, On August 21. 1010. suddenly. ROR. RUT AUSTIN WARDEN, beloved son of Mary Tnrriey, in hla luth jeor. Relatives und friends aro InMted to nttend tho funeral, on Monday, at 1 p. m.. from the funeral parlor of W. J. Phillips, II8 North luth st. Inter ment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. WATSL0-' Suddenly on August 24. 1910. MKTA M.. wlfo of Philip 31. Watson. Serv. ices and Interment private, at 100'J Allegheny ave. WILLCOCK. On August 2.1 1010. nt Linden hurst, tho Rev. FRANK WILLCOCK. assist ant pastor of Ilethnny Presbvterlan Church. I unerul services at JJethany Church, probably Tuesday morning. WOLF. On August 23. 1010. JACOU. beloved husband of Elizabeth Wolf (neo Freller). Relatives and friends, nlso Keystone Yearly IlcnellciJl Society, "are Invited to attend the funeral, on 31onday, at 8 m. m., from his lato residence. 312 Pemberton st. 3Iass of requiem at Holy Trinity Uhuicn, at 0.30 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. LOST AND FOUND BAG Lost, chamois Iwe containing jewels. Sun., Aug. 20, either nt Atluntlo City or on train to Philadelphia, liberal reward 1733 S. 32d st. BOOK Lost. Wednesday, August 23. a memo randum book issued by tho Hamilton Trust Company In 100.1 or 1UU0. The finder please leu or Bend the book to Room 810, toll Chestnut at. and receUa a liberal roward. DEED Lost, deed In name of James Crelgh ton for lot No. 22 In section 111, Mount Morlah Cemetery. Application has been made for duplicate deed. Return to CJeorso U. Crelghton, 1010 8. Taney st. SHEETS Lost, in W. Phlla., several typewrit ten sheets on "Schools of Germany " Please re turn to F. P. graves. U of P. Liberal rew'd. WATCH Lost. Tus. p m.. lady's cold open face watch; dlam. set in back; from R E. Trust Bids, tn Empire Uldj, Reward, 2003 Green ot. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAPH CO., 1801 CHESTNUT ST. Richard 3Ieyer Co.! Mrs. Hardlman. Rev. Dr. Charles Wesley Burns, Mra. O, O, Dodge, 3IIs 3Iargaret Kinney, Miss 31. B. Williams. Alphonse Lacombarda. Mlas Ij)ra Youne. Fredfl. Tuttle. A. Selby, Hev. W. T. M. Beale, A. Wakefield. Ml a-' Katheryn C. O'Donnell, Elizabeth Shwallgal, Grace E, Cllne, Mr. E. Nlmmalton, Toynefur, JIUs Cassis Hearns, Mrs. Theresa Galbreath. Aist. Surgeon Joel T. Boone, J. 31. Delmar, Harry Christ, Clark Swazer. James H. Chll man. Sweet Causey Foster & Co.. 3Ir. James 31. Winchester, 3lrs. Prtscllla Wilson. Dr. Joseph Cohen, Modestlno Dcclrco, Phlla. Needle Works, Mary Ceschlne. Miss Mabel Nuckels, Mrs. Marker, Louis Hardom, Miss Susie Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Moody. A. II. Fromenson, A. L. 3IacSeat. John J. Had- ley. Fernanda Lovanon. ineoaore Armstrong, Arthus Peterson, L. B. Carroll. T. 2, Carrlck, 3113 Ellen Allen, Harry Miller, Dr. Clarence I. Franklin. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO.. 1121 S. PENN SQUARE Vollera. A. J. Chase. 3Irs. Edward Schmerbers, 31lss Eva Mcllvanle, 3llJ D. IBover, A. A. BaJotte. John C. Cromwell. D. F. Hai. Jos. T. Eddy, J. 31. Oarvln. St. 8. Flbus. A. 11. Ludlow. Nelson Pucles. Mr. W. Q- Sullivan. C. H. Sireble, Mr. Jos. 31. Sonnenlos. II. II. Bole. T. W. Ulb. son, ilrn. James 31. Fulton. J. C. Cromwell, Itlch.rd Dicks. V, Vf. U. Hed.eplth. MUs A Harris. K. H. Williamson. Jlr. Geo. E. Bally, Mrs. R. a. Jones. Miss Eva Church, Mr. Hawkins, Phillips Orladey. HELP WANTED FEMALE BINDERY Experienced tlrl on foldlns and tlp plng. Apply 314 N. 3d St.. aecond floor. CARETAKER, small apartment house: no pay, but free heat. Hsbt and apartment. Taulane, 800 Walnut st. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS, experienced on tuna and cost work; permanent position and good salary. J 88. Ledger Central. COOK WANTED Good German eoolc preferred; small family; only those in want of permanent home; must be able to manage and do market lag, good monthly wages, state address of former employer; all letters answered. Charles Q. Beetem. Carlisle. Pa. COOK Work girl for cookin and downstairs work, no washing, Call Saturday. Mrs. Pearden, 11th at. and OUth ave.. Oak Lane. COOK and waitresa who assists with house work, experienced, white, family of 2 adults. at once; good reference required. 2024 Locust st. Phono Spruce 928. SAMiNER. atrtencd. Ior klrt factory. P 113. Ledger Office. . CURL to take chars sf BewHtand In Arst-clas hot. Meet employer at Ledger Central ba IWeen 10 and 12. GIRLS or women wanted, to operate aeasoaln g lchlnf . easy work tor HrtQita nf anv u...ir- tas ae. wajta $9. Apply 31 West Suj-e- 1 EV3MIfrq LEDaER-PHILADELPHlA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, JSEIij? WANTED FEMALE Continued from rrectMnl Column OIRI.S wanted to run Ironing machine: no tx rerlenco required; learn In few hours! wages no. Appiy K40 t Busquenanna, ave. GIRLS over 10 years wantecT for light work; no experience .necessary; 13 week paid while learning. Apply 310 N. 32d St. GIRLS wanted to work In embroidery factory. C. J. Morltz Est., 8. B. cor. 0th Callowhlll. GOVERNESS wanted for a girl of 10 to teach rrencn, music and r.ngusn Branches; rerer enco required. Writs P. O. Bog 32, Newtown . Rucks County. Pa. GRISWOLD WORSTED CO. DARDY, TA, filartlng up new machinery, want girls; good wages; steady work and will pay while learn ing. HOUSEWORK, general Small family; no laun dry; excellent wages to right party. Call Mon- day. 12 m,. Room 20,1. 008 Chestnut St. JEWELRY, SALESGIRLS: permanent position? nga over 18. Hm fords. 030 Market. MILLINERS LIT BROTHERS REQUIRE MILLINERS APPLY HMPLOYMENT BUREAU MOTHER'S HELPER, Herman speaking! rcf crcnco required. H 100, Ledger Office. NIillSERY GOVERNESS -Educated young lady. 21. to nsslst with children. Preston 4020 W. OPERATORS, experienced on men's necknear. T. P. JJcCutcheon Rro., Pltcalrn Building, lllh nnd Arch. nP.n"AJO"R WANTED ON POWER SEW 3.N,,i.MACILM3S: RXP. N'OT NECESSARV: SP.?1.1. ..WUAKF.R RllBK CO . LAR KIN BUILDING. 221) AND ARCH. OPKRATORS on silk dresses! only thoso experi enced In this line of work need apply. A. 11. CnjlanJ niOVninut. OPERATORS, experienced on Jersey bathing suits. William Osbnrnel llOMontgorneryave PAPER BOXES Experienced gTrTson talng7 copying nnd covering machines, Schoettle Paper Box Cn, Front nnd Laurel. SCRUBWOMEN. 2.1! call" Monday, 7 a, m.; bring buckets, brush and clotn. Quaker City Clennlng Co.. No. IIP. Bourse Building. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Tho Bell Telephnno Company offers positions ns operators to In telligent young women between 18 and 22 years old: salary to n week while learning, with rapid advancement! a steady position nsurcd. with pleasant surroundings and un usual opportunity for promotion. Apply In person tn tho Bell Telcphono Company's opera tors' sihool. 400 Market st.. dally between 11 n. in. nnd 0 p. m. Monday. Tuesday nnd I rlday evenings between 7:30 nnd 8:30 o'clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and longMlls tance, experienced. Apply Keystono Telephone Co.,13-, St. 2d St.. Room 403. TYPIST -Younff Indy of soma experience on Un derwood machine for bill clerk! stato age. reference nnd salary. J 340, Ledger Cen tral. WOMAN, white, for washing. Monday nnd Tues. day. Cnll 4707 Baltlmoro ac. or phono Wood- land orL WOMAN'S INSTITUTE vnnta 2 women with strong personality nnd comlnclne manner for publicity work. Cnll befnro 12. 8uperlsor. lj00 Chestnut st . second door. YOUNG WOMAN, experienced bookkeeper, cash ler and billing clerk: capable of taking entlro chnrge of books: permanent position: wrlto full particulars, ago. etc.; referenco required. M 0,10. Ledger Central. HELP WANTED MALE AUDITOR Young man to nudlt stock records; must be rapid nnd accurato nnd familiar with modern stockroom methods: exceptional oppor tunity for young man with ability. J 340. Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MAN. must bo experi enced In nutomobllo mechanics, of good per sonal sppearance, steady, hnrd worker, honest nnd diplomatic: capable ns successfully nd dresslnc both small nnd largo business men; call on users of our delivery cars and render service, nnd mnko adjustments of nny com plaints; good salary and advancement for right man: don't npply unless fully quallOed. Address, stating experience, previous employ ment, nge. references nnd salary desired, 31 0.18. Ledger Central. I1KA3IKR AND' TWISTER Experienced man for Turkish towel mill: steady position: good wages: out of town. 31 800, ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER Young man to take chargo of salt-s books; must bo rapid nnd accurate and a good penman, good opportunity for advance ment. J 248,I.edgcr Central. BOY. 17 years of ago. wanted to learn tho trades of machinist, tool nnd dlemaker; only bright, willing boy who appreciates an ex ceptional opportunity of learning tho 3 nbovs trades thoroughly. C 20, Ledger OfOce. BOY for general office work! must have good education: stato ago and reference. P 110. Ledger Of flee. HOY wanted ner 10 for office of paper house: rono cnanco ior ricnL poy. i iu-. Ledger urnco. ' BOY wanted. 10 venrs; good chance for advance- ment. Apply till Sansom. BOY, 10 years' or over, ns messenger: $25 per month, P 103. Ledger Office. BOYS INTELLIGENT. A3IHITIOUfl BOYS FOR WORK IN OFFICE LARGE CORPORA TION: 3IUST BE OVER 10 AND HAVE OOfll) SCHOOLING. ADDRESS II 231, LEDGER OFFICE. BOYS A few steady positions for pent, wide awake boys, 10 years old. Call before 10 to day. Curtis Publishing Company, 7th and Sansom sts. BRICK SETTERS. 2, experienced, wanted! only thoso .experienced In setting face brick In down-drnft kilns need npply; S3.r,0 per day, per task: steady work nil pnr round. Ap ply by letter or In person. Milton Brick Co., 3IIIton. Pa. BRICKLAYERS. Apply SUdvale. 4300 Wlssa hlckon ave. CA LKERS AND IllVIVrriRS wanted. Cruse- ivempar i;o., Amoier. i'a CHAIR FRA3IERS wanted. 0th sL Apply 24 t South CLERK able to operate tvpewrlter: give ex perience and salary expected, P 100. ledger Offlce. 2 CYLINDER PRESS3IAN. nonunion, fn.- out-of-town Job: wages J3.1; on'y thoroughly tom petent need apply. C 110. Ledger Office. CYLINDER FEEDER wanted, "experienced: ex cellent opportunity Applv Wolf & Co.. fourth floor. 12th and Callowhlll. DESIGNER Textile designer nn dress goods, worsted fancies; state experience and salary expected. P 107. Ledger Ofilce. DRAPERY3IAN, experienced, with ambition and determination, to put ginger Into a large Scranton furniture establishment: none other need apnly; state age. salary expected and former business connections, an unusual op portunity for the right man. Apply Stoehr 4 Fister. Scranton. Pa. FntE3IEN AND BRAKE3IEN LOCOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE APPLY BAI.TI3IORE OHIO RAILROAD FREE LABOR BUREAU 610 S. 11T1I ST. FIRE3IAN One usd to Babboek & Wilcox boll. era prei. unwom vvnraiwq Alius. Darby. Fa. FITTERS AND 3IECHANICS wanted; boileTand tank work. Cruse-Kemper Co.. Ambler, Pa. FORE3IAN PAINTER, for shipyard wanted must have had experience In steel shipyard: state experience, age and sa'ary pvnected: confidential. Address 31 S01. Ledger Office, INSTRU3IENT 3IAKERS. 13.24 tiT$S.on pVf day of R hours: toolmakera. $3 .12 to $3 00; machinists. $2.70 to $3 00: nasl-tanl m-Av,in- Isia, $2.00 to $2.00, based on experlenre and rapacity; automatic turret lathe operators. Brown Sharp $3.70: printer's helper. $2."4 skilled laborers. J2.00 to $2.24: highest coml pensallon vvpn on piecework; cltl-ens: IS days' leave after first ear of service. 7 holi days and Saturday afternoons durlnir summer months, all with full pay. Applv Frankford Arsenal. Brldesburg, Pa.. preferably In person. JANITOR AND WIFEt as caretaker for apsrN ment house; must have reference. J 240. Ledger Centra). ' LABORERS for outside work. $2.2.1 per day of 8 hours. Apply Frankford Arsenal. LABORERS. S'4c per hour. Henry Dlsstor. "' Sons. Inc.. Tacony. . LABORERS. 80. wanted. Ambler. Pa. LAnOBRRS wanted; $12. and Tioga,; Cruse-Keipper Co., Planlns mill, ilh LO03I. FINER Experienced man on TurklsW towels; cend wages; steady position; out f town. 31 807. Ledger Office. siAVJii.-MioiB vv anreu, nrst-class fitters and erectors on medium and heavy machines; good ; cood Apply ii --.. i""" ";:' vvw wura proms. M 734. IHlxer Office. MAN Wanted, exp. hand cream separator; man ., h,h,. ,,. -rur luce. MBN WANTED Boilermakers, locoirotlva ma. chlnlsts. car repairmen, laborers, promotive cleaners. Penna. R. R. Call 1711 Filbert st! MEN. 10. wanted . to learn the sausage arid pork packing business; 22c. per hour. AddIv .104.1 Germantoan ave. ' pply PAPER BOXRS Experienced man on-!!!, machine. Schoettle Paper Box: Co.. Front PURCHASING, AGENT Steady position for man with experience: apply In person. Standard Fuse Cor... Paul-haro. V J SALES3IAN for decorstlag establishment In Baltimore: one familiar with rugs, carpets and furniture; state experience and salary desired. Address 31 804!Ledger Qfflce. STEEL WINDOW SASH. MAKERS In addition to experienced hands wo will accent men who have worked on pr-ameatal Iron work, blacksmith, log-, feoUcrmakJof and. kindred lines. Will pay J12 wMU learnlra. Can Bi 12a pee week when jireflcleat. HEt WANTErj MAX.1S CtwiMimert from Preetdlna Column STENOORAPHER OooarpernTBoTrtTrhiehiallv iperning. uawyjFIUgerld. 4:18 Market. 8T0RE MANAGER wanted f -....... JTT-n" YOUNO JtAN. not afraid oFwork, In (Titod? room: excellent chanco for advancement : hUh rS !P?ctd. P1J2. JLedgerOfnco. YOUNO MAN wanteirforderlcal work In sales ?ip5?Itm.?S.tiSsr-manutcV,r," wScerff Ad" JW: fl'AVff t?SM?,atrS?.'l,,a ,a,at5' ,e- YSlViiJiIAinin "S,'"1. ,?Ti:frJ? in chemical lab nf0ISi.,n...mnmmI h,Fh "chol eraduato (ifneral CLERKS, aeveral ery attractlvo positions for young men, largo manufacturing plant: 14S month up; tlmo clerk, JIIO monthl bookkeep. era. thoroughly cxper enced ledger clerks wanted Immediately' Ho; machine ahopCfoVe. man, out of town. $3.1 a week; salesmen r energetic young men, ,$18 to $20. Business LorViLJi.-i2t Lnnd Title Bide. TEACHERS WANTED, Pr"lntlnXi200; ' eo"S? merclal, $000. Apnly Immediately. Nat. Teach era' Agency, 327 Terry Bldg.. D. II. Cook. mir. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPANION Young lady, musical, of excellent family, wishes, position as rompanlon: best references, C 33. I-edger OfOce. COOK Colored southern girl ns cook for i-imi iiuiin-urH, mi, n. juin. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVERTISING MAN can help you lo Ret up at tractive circulars and catalogues and to put your sales letters Into clean-cut. 'Concise and convincing English. Address C 17, ledger Off, BASSO, residing outsldn of Philadelphia, de siren a church choir position as basso soloist. M so.1, Ledger OfOce. BUSINESS EXECUTIVE Tnung man, 20 years, married! IT, of r. Wharton School graduate! 0 years' business experlenre: has held positions of high re sponsibility ns ofOco manager, detail man and correspondent! adaptable, energetic: good per sonality for sales work! highest recommenda tions from past and present rmplojers.; start- iiik pamrj B"Lniiunry 10 lary secondary to opportunity to ad ent. L 703, Ledger Central, vanccme BUTLER-COOK. Japanese, experienced, will tnk entire chargo of small family; $7B up; e scellent r eferenco . J 2li, I , e dger Central CHAUFFEUR Married, thorough meolinnle.' capable any enr: nil repairs; prlvnto and truck experlenceWllllom Weaver.. 2T13I N. 11th st CHAUFFEUR, experienced, 2.1. white, desires position at once. J 3.10. ledger Central. CIVIL ENGINEER. 41, wants any work paying tt per tiny, goon mainemHiician nna arnits man Hamilton. 1032 8. 02d st. COST ACCOUNTANT, 20 years old. 7 years' ex perlenco at statistical nnd cost work, dcslrea new connection. J 1)0 1. Ledger Ccntrnl. DRAFTR31AN 0 yearn. 1 year structural: technical education; practical oxperlenco along mechanical lines: age 20: would like to con nect with young, progressive company engi neering department or ns executive assist-1 ant: referenco from former employers, J 140, .Ledger Central. GARDENER Flrst-dnss man with small family seeks employment: understands garden, lawn, cow milking, chickens, etc. C 11, Led. Off. t GARDENER, younu. married; nil general work. McCartney, 003.1Osage nve. 3IAN, ago 10. with executive experience, holding a position In financial Institution, desires to make a change. Address C 105. Ledger Off. 3IAN AND WIFE Wlfo as chambermaid, man ns butler, seek employment with small family; first-class references. C 10. Ledger Office. 3IAN nnd wife, white, exp. butler, houseman: wlfo good cook; refa. J .242. Ledger Central. SALESMAN Energetic young man, 23, desires to connect with reliable concern: best of ref erences na to nblllty and character: canvass ing concerns need not answer. J SO. Ledger Central. SALES3IAN. ago 20, at present employed, pos sessing nblllty, ambition. Initiative, personal ity, desires perm, connection with reputable housejin years' Belling oxp. J 108. Led. Cent. STEAMFITTKR, practical, capablo of taking charge: particularly power, heating nnd hy draulic work, wants quick reply; If you can not pay top figure, don't answer. C 111, Ledger jOffice. STENOGRAPHER Young man desires position; ucKinuer. .i.i, in. iui. YOUNO 3IAN. refined, wishes position rfs demon strator nnd repair man with small automobile agency salary. M048, J.ed!tcrCentraJ. YOUNO 3IAN wants position ob assistant ad? man. with opportunity to rise: easy to in- struct: good worker. J 345. Ledger Central. GENTLEMAN of experienco wants position to look after Imestmcnts for capitalist or es tates. J 314, Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CHASSIS Wo have a few cheap cars of which tho chassis would bo very sultablo for truck or delivery work of any kind: don't foil to come In and look them over If nu want something at a bargain prlco for delivery purposes. J.UU31UU1L,!; 2314 3Iarltet st. . Locust 430. II. A. JENKS. 3Igr. Exchange-Ca r Dept. CADILLAC 1014 touring car. overhauled and repainted: full eoulpment; price S30, AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad St. COLE. 1014, O-cjllnder. 7-passenger touring car: In Al condition; completely equipped; paint and tires good: bargain. L. S. BOWERS Co.. 24r, N. Broad Bt. HUDSON'S Phaetons, roadsters nnd cabriolets, equipped with electric lights and starters. Qomery-Schwartz. 2S3 N. Uroad st.. Phlla. LIMOUSINE cor, sedan type, for sale, espe cially designed and built for ine. I have 3 cars and do not need this one; there Is no other enr like It in appearance or lines; must bo seen to be appreciated: prefect running order: absolutely up 'to date: electrlp gear shift, will sell reasonable. 31 043, Ledger Central. PAIGE. 1015. Olenvvood 4-30; excellent condi tion throughout: very reasonable price. 1 Blgelow-Wllley .Motor Co.. 301 N. Broad st. S. S. RoBers,3tr.13xchan5e-Car Dept. WHITE, 40-H. P.. 7-pass. touring. $1000. 2 Autocar delivery trucks, each $000. L. IL O'Neal, 210 N. Broad st. 1013 HCP310nlLE Wish to dispose of on ac count of being too large a car: first-class run ning order. 30-0 E. Allegheny ave. OWNER leaving city must sacrifice best offer; il-O Under 7-passenger Kissel car: electrically equipped, n-cyllnder Pennslvan(a roadster; rlusslest roadster in Philadelphia; telephone for demonstration. Diamond 172S J. 5-TON 3IACK with automatic bump body, for sale, at reasonable price, run less than 33U0 miles, and In perfect mechanical condition. Santa Maria Blddle Truck Co., 3302 Chestnut. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE, 238 N. BROAD AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB GO. 2120 N. BROAD ST. AUT03IOB1LE3 OF QUALITY TO HIRB , Diamond 04(18. Never closed. Park 73. STAR TAXICAB CO. PHONE DIAMOND 74. TAXI TOURING LIMOUSINS HALF REGULAR RATES. Never Closed. Formerly Jitney Rate Co. POPLAR. 1017 To hire (open day and night). Park 1182. brand-new 5-pass, touring car, $1.2,1 hr. ; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, tl.-O hr,: weddlngB. funerals. 1715 Glrard. BUY 3IOISTER Portable Oarages Steel or stucco. On display 3331 N. 6th. Tioga 2081. ATJTO REPAIRING 'AUT0310BILB REPAIRS The best equipped shop In West Phlladel. phla. We straighten frames and axles, make parts, harden and grind; rebuild, overhaul and repair all makes! prices fair. AOENCY FOR 3IA8TER CARBURETORS HIUGINS BROTHERS. 4212 Chestnut st. T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See BILLY, at his new location. 010 NORTH ukuau afHECT. CYLINDERS REllORED. new pistons and rings furnished, welding and braxlne. II. B. Un derwood & Co., 1023 Hamilton street, Pbtla. ATJTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to sell your old car, or want any parts to repair, call write or phone P. H. AUTO PARTS COMPANY 815-17 N. 12th at, Park 1140. TIMK-EN.HEAlUNaS HYATT New Departure Service Sta. The Gwilllam Co., 1814 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3407. Race 3U02. PARTS to build or repair any car. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th. Park 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3300 mile. Compare prlcta. QRIM'S. 2S0 N. Broad street. BOATS, liOTORBOATS, 1ATJN0HES OWNER leavlne city must sacrifice for best offer 0-fsot cabin boat; Globe enslne, fully equip ped. Telephone Diamond 172. J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATTHMTS Sen- for our free book. XT-ftA-JlTl w "Fatents and Trade-Marks." We will help you develop jour Invention. Ad vice free. Reasonable fees. Open Monday eve nice until 8.30 FOSTER & WEBSTER 8UITB " 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone Walnut 1561. FOR SALE SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY UKACH FRONT HOTEL. 80 R003IS UNDER SAMS 3IANAOEMBNT 23 YEARS PRINCIPALS ONLY OWNER. B JAlLed-Off. WANTED Reliable partner to Invest $8000 la mannattcurtns buaineaa In city. Increase cap. ttal required to flulflll orders. PJ4)I.Led. Off WANTU- -To purcoaae o para tin, retail lum- htt yard vvltbli; city Jlmlu. communicate 41- net wlUi ponh-sur. li 5S, L-.'d.er Ceutril, BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUQIIT Bank references. ApprAlaement, 1 per cent. liAiiiu w n.-iiijt, i i Hansom st. RVKMfjJlt c rnT 1 1 1." "i" TC llniri Latest. styles, . Thons Poplar 233. Ojnsn rt. , EIpNKR'8. Jpthand Glrard nvt., fl. ff.nr,; SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removecTby electrolysis; tho only permanent way. Eyebrows arched, MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theater Building. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE! 20TH ST. ABOVE CHE8TNUT Bell rhone, Locust 10110. WEST PHIIiA. WEST PIIILA, WEST PHILA, MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD 8870-72 LANCASTER AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY the Mcdowell dressmaking school Individual Instruction, short courses: easy pay ments; patterns cut, 00c, up. , 307 DENCKLA liMJO.. 11th and Market ata. COLUMBIAN DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Spe.: clal rales: easy payments. C, Hnrtman. 1736 Columbia Rve. (Formerly with McDowell.) FOR SALE BILLIARD. TOOL, combination, second hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repatrtng: supplies. .are ueaier, American manuiac turer. 320 Glrard aye.Phen Kens. 2315. BILLIARD, pool tables! npw: second-hand bowl ine olleja: easy payments. Rosslto-Barry-Street Co . 222 H. 8th st. I phono Wal. 2284. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling allejas ensv pajmonts. BRUNSWICK- HALKK-COI.I.ENDER CO,. 1002 Arch.. , CASH REOIHTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, replated; supplies; new nnd factory rebuilt: new total adders, as low. as $30. Call and see our 1M0 models. Registers sold by us on easy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET. . CHURCH PEWS. Xt PER FOOT Anv length: solid oak: good ns new. BENCHES AND SUTTEES, 00c PER FOOT CJjMRIJXCIIANOBfj:ORi 0T1I AND VINE DESKS SAFES Typewriter, bookkeeper desks, mine cabinets, tele, booths, flies, safes, household furniture. Diiling Control id-Hand Furniture Co.. 004- UOO-ol I Callowhlll. Phono Filbert 4108. Flrenroof: 00 slightly used: all sizes 8 A FES nnd makes; hlr bargains. 210 N. Fourth St., between Race and Vine. HUGHES. UT1I AND RUTTONWOOD. hns the largest nnd best assortment of used nfilcp furniture and fixtures In this part of tho rountry. Anything to equip an office at prices that will please sou. Free delivery anywhere. HEATING MAKtN-KRLSf-T HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd cheaper than steam or hot water. Turo fresh air with normal moisture. 3IAKIN-KELSEY, 1827 Filbert st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS AN IDEAL COMBINATION Is n YOCOM FRICTION CfLUTClI pulley or IltlCTION CUT-OFF roupllng Judiciously applied so that each Hno shaft or mnrhlne can bo thrown in or nut nt will SHAFTING and MACHINE WORKS. 14.1 North Second JAMES YOCQ3f & SON, POWER-PLANT EQUIP31ENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps nlr compressors. FRANK TOO.MEY. INC.. 127 N, 3d St. DYNA3IOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold nnd rented: nrmaturrs repaired. Main 01. Market 308.1. Yoarsley Co,, 224 N. 3d at. DRILL PRESSES 3-20 In. Barnes sliding head. positive gear feed, Bmaller sizes in stock. Lj'' Seyferts Hons. 137 N. 3d st. FERRACUTE Double - nctlon geared power presses; bnllermaker's heavy power punches. Nutinn, i,i N. ft in LEATHER BELTING, made on tho premises; fullv guaranteed CHARLES BOND C03I PANY. 020 ARCH STREET, PIPE ft FITTINGS, all sl7es, PHILA. 2D-HAND - PIPE SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th, Both phones. SELL SCRAP 3IETALS TO HENRY K. FORT CO., 2227 N. Amer. at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTROLAS ALTERATIONS are now being mado to -our Vlctrola Department, and we need tho room; so wo will make special low terms. Extraor dinary opportunity. Call or wrlto for particu lars and largo Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. flthand Thompson sts. JOIN OUR SU3I.MER CLUB GET YOUR VICTROLA NOW. Excellent opportunity to securo a beautiful Mahogany Vlctrola with records, at special low terms. Send at onco for particulars and ' application blank. HEPPE-S UPTOWN 8TORES, Cor IHh and Thompson sts. J85 CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 038 N. th. AUaUBT VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON .V.LB RELLAK 1120 CHBSTNI'T ST. WIDOW will sacrifice an HH-nole mahornny plnver-plano; cost $730 when1 new. J 240, Ledger Central. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old stle Jewelrv, teeth plates bought for cash. Est.1870. J. L. Clark. re0ner.J)07 Sansom. CASH PAID FOR DIA3IONDS, PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting & Itef. Co.. 12R 8. 11th. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver, nnttnue clocks will call. Bell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 S. 17th St. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES And save at the same time, RENT Visible models. 3 for one A month, J7.no for three months; nE3IINGTON Nos. II and 7 models. S3 for 3 months: rental pajment applies on purchasp. RE3IINOTON TYPEWRITER CO., INC. Ill) S. 0th St., Philadelphia. Telephones: Bell. Wnl. 07.V); Key. .Main 2901, STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. 3IOVINO. HIIIPPINO Run, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. Locust 10(10 Phones Key., Rare 1100 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-lHtll MARKET ST. ATIuVS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage.' moving. parKlnc. snipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 733 for estimate. Murkct & 87th. 3IcCANN'H STORAGE HOUSE. 1718 NrTTth ft.: moving packing, shipping; nuto vans: both phones. Let us estimate. PENN STORAGE AND VANC07 2130 MARKET ST. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, god. silver, diamonds bought. 733 Walnut, Walnut 7-20. E? ikoii BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth. ptstolsTTolW' coin books, with prices 1 pay, mailed ic J ' n Boas (People's Store). 2(1(1 SVllth. Wal. 4480 CAST-OFF CLOTHINCf-IIIghest prices paid for ladles' and men's clothing, hats, shoes ete Phone Poplar 5771. RLACkKILjl 239 Popla?: FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antWueTTSntfrT or part houses bought for cash: no matter how large. J. BERNSTEIN! 3 Wdn i". BEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'SCASTtOFF CLOTHING. SHOES.ETC. SAMUEL COOPER 1010 aiRARD AVE. PHONE POPRa342.' ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT ST., 2000 DESIRABLE RO03I3 PCR31ANCNT OHJTRAN8IENT. """Ma' DIAMOND, 2338 Desirable room, southern .1. posure: gentleman pref. Diamond 3108 v. LEtNTYO-AT10N?"tALBnTOMaE;5ig: ?RUCE. 2022 Larae communicating rooms: gric..taiJcu.,ii8'o'-iJ1;rn '""" wfa SPRUCE, or en 1 1020 Attractive apariments. slngle iLtltbaihsLryVrv'cnf10 13T1I, N., 0422 rooms, bath, heat and llirht" $20 per month. TAULANE. OTu Waihut at. lj. N.. Attractively urnUhed douhla and single rooms, all convs.; Locust 330T J, BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (The Mararavel vacancies, permanent, transient; sup board SPRUCE, 1224-20 Furnished roomsorlvat .baths: table board. PhoneWalnn'' 71". ,a nTIfTN.- 1B32 Desirable vacancies, slnsle or i suite, furn. or unfurn.; excellent table board hot-wat.r heat, e ec. Il.ht. Dlamnml nnTi ' HUULRUAN OERMANTOWN The Shlppen Wayne Itan. berry First class In apglntmegg1 1 .e"vl. NEW JERSEY BKASHflRK ATLANTIC CITY California ave.. 27 a , at. tractive bouse; conil. rooms: excellent table. , SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location, special scientific cars: nervous, elderly; every comfort; nurses: book! let. Dr. Randal. City Line. Chestnut HiaT COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED PRIVATE FAMILY of two (2) will rent on and after Sept. 22J, 2 two commuokatlnVrooSi and bath on aecond floor, room on third floor for maid or valet: board Included, steam heat In all rooms; open fireplaces la living roims: southern exposure, floe ar. beautiful Imtioii for autumn and winter. H mile outsufi ot Doylestowo, Pj lieferencts elven and jkt. Address Boa 1S3, Doylestown. pa; APARTMENTS 2001 CHESTNUT (N. W cor. 20th CheJtaut7 pj-ofesslpnal offlses ul apartowta7 Suites 2 room and KtJt Elevator, a'eotrlo II. Ms, steam t tm, with private th- rMSrTfSjr 1D10. APARTMENTS JnironU!ZMV!C.- . . .--. -.. -a ia iv. pnr.i Aioa, WALNUT AND Hi ni?,' :"iiv- lighted on suites; exceptional y rJt.L.kVen hg If de- bSk;sis Chestnut street. : bath: furnished or unfurnished; eicry conv. CHESTNUT, 1021 AttractUe. 2d-ftoor 8-room suite: crlVats bath. Phone Bjprucg21g0; w-Miriuii'Kyyi ATTRACTIVE FUnNISltBtJ APARTMENTS 3 bedrooms, living room, bath and K'tcBen. ino fTl.rmnnt. 4th and AValnut. Baring 7B.2 w. main i.ixn. v. n. " SlVBRRWSnii; .APARTMENTS. J P-rbrel Station Ono housekeeplnp: apartment, i rooms OVf.RBROOK and bath! to lease aiier qctucuiu' -- FURNISHED APARTMENTS housekeeping apartments HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS $25 to $70 Per Month CENTRAL The LYNDHURST N. E, COR. 10TH AND GREEN STS. The WILTON N. II. COR. LITlt AND TOPLAn STS. The LA SEDAt. N. IJ. COR. 1BTH AND MASTER STS. The ARETTA 1010 .MASTER ST. WEST PHILADELPHIA The'BRESLYN S. K. COR. 47TH AND WALNUT STS. The FULTON N. W. COR4STH AND CHESTNUT STS, GERMANTOWN The WAYNE AVE. 4013-15 WATND AVE. The WYNEVA WAYNE AND WYOMING AVES. SEE JANITOR ON PREMISES OR SAMUEL STERN 1201 Chestnut Street N. n. COR, 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13.story Apartment House Is built of concreto nnd steel, thoroughly flreproofed and of tho most modern architecture. Sullen of 2 rooms nnd 1 bath to 7 rooms nnd 3 baths. Including several barhelnr suites wltn every modern convenience" and facility. ...., ONLY A FEW OF THE LARGE HOUSE KEEPING SUITES LEFT. THEY ARE THE FINEST IN PHILA., HAVING SOUTHERN. EASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES. LONG TERM LEASES WILL BE DATED OCTOBER. 1010. All things considered, tho rentnls aro mod erate. For further Information, arrangement for inspection nnd reservations, apply to JIERTON W. ORE1MH 210 Franklin Hank Bldg. Pnono Wnlnut 0020. THE WARWICK lOOO-R-lO SANSOM STREET A modern seven-story, fireproof building con taining suites of apartments having four to six rooms, with all conveniences for housekeeping. Tho entire water supply In tho building Is fil tered. Two or threo desirable vacancies. Ono suite nn the (1th floor, containing 0 rooms, nt J.15 per month: another on 1st floor, having four rooms nt $33 per month. There Is a cater er In tho building who will servo meals when wnnted either In the public dlninc room or In tho apartments. Whltcsldo & 3IcLanahan,N.W.cor. 15th Sc Pine. GIRARD AVE.. 1110 SECOND FLOOR. " 0 ROOMS: HOT WATER ALL YEAR AROUND; ELECTRIC LIGHT. J2.V 1 1TH ST.. 132(1 N. THIRD FLOOR. 4 ROOMS. ELEC. LIGHT. 1111. WALD.MAN, lllll GIRARD AVE. 131" XflltTII 13TH ST. 3Iodern housekeeping apartments: reduced rentnls; Just renovated throughout. Apply to Janitor on premises. LEWIS A. TAULANE. S.W. corner 0th and Walnut sts, 1037 N. HiTH ST. Third floor. 3 rooms: every convenience: hot-water heHtlnc' rent nnlv SHO. Janitor on premises from 3 to 0. or key at W.I.U.OLENN. JBI7Cplumbla ave. MODERN APART.MENTS, olFslres and prices. Cnll or write for complete directory, free. APART3IENT BUREAU. Franklin Bank. Bds. "FHQUOT." S. W. cor, 13th nnd Pine Deslr7 npartmenta, 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette: rcas, rent; WiUls-Wlnchestcr Co.. 1001 Chestnut. 13TII. N 2024 S'econd floor; 0 rooms and bath: modern conveniences. Frederick W. lvlngles 103t N. lflth 8L Pop. 3183, WEST I'HILADKI.rillA 31TH AND CHESTNUT ITho Essex) Five rooms, bath, pantry nnd reception hall: clo vator. day and night service; Colonial finish, With china gloss paint, mahogany doors, hard wood floors, combination wall safes, laundry, varuum cleaner; roof garden; watchman all night: $33 to sort month. 431) AND CHESTER AVE. (Tho 3Ionterey cry desirably situated, opposite Clark Park; 4 and 0 rooms and bath; hardwood floors, laundry, roof garden, etc.: $3."i to $14 month. 34TII AND SPRING GARDEN (Tho Belmont) 3 rooms and bath, hardwood floors; part has private porches: $21 to $20 month. All nbove being deslrnble modern house, keeping apartments. Sto Janitor, or CRESSE, .u" iiaie uuuaing. OVERBROOK APTS. 20 31INUTES TO CITY HALL On 03d st. (Boulevard) S. E. cor, Lansdowne nve.. ofTera the beat location, appointments and service; handv to elevated, .1 rooms and bath; lde.il suite for doctor o.- dentist; $40. LOUIS S. aiNSUURO. 1201 Chestnut st. KINGSCOl'RT " 30TII AND CHESTNUT STS. SEVERAL .MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APART3IKNTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC RLE- VATORS. PUBLIC DINING ROOM. APPLY EST. TJIQ3. 31, SEEDS. JR.. 1207 RACE ST. THE WALL1NOFORD 3BTH ABOVE CHESTNUT ST. New 8-room apartment for rent: electric ele vator. vacuum heat, hot water. Inund-y, etc. 0 rooms. 2d floor; private THE OIRVIN porch: awnings. 3310 llamll- ton. See Janitor, TUB IVAN, 47th and Baltimore ave,, a few desirable apartments for October 1 renting. Apply Janitor, or J. 3t. Ettlmter. Phone. APARTMENT HOTELS THE TRACY 3Gth nBd ChestBUt (Elevated Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE UTIl AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONG AND SHORT-TERM LEASES THE MARLYN 40TH AND WALNUT STS. 1 suite. 4 rooms, 2 baths; 1 suite. 2 rooms 1 bath: aeveral single rooms with bath. Newt JfSsfv'e"; 0rn)P71can,an1,S-lnh.On'eelroSin.,men, " PARKSIDE APARTMENTS- PARKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TH STREET Special rates for summer season, Furnished and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence. THE CLINTON tboth bclow 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. Si ilair4 nee iinfn-l.l i j. "" leas or transiently: suttea of Dnm or four rooms, with bnlh. n intt rAAnri- vuith i.-,(W . DEI.3IAR-3IORIliS TOWN AND COIIN WHERE Ui'T?'' MEET THE ESMOND ; n.coivri2Tir Peslrable suites with private baths. BELVIDERE fN. W. Cor. 10th and Locust) WEST RITTENHQU3K HQUARE V REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 25s;;y Y; pAUpmN st.. 30x120 fe.t. with 2515 Fletcher st. on rear. 18x1-0 fVei- . sesaed at 10000, monthly rental fill"' " THE LAND.TIT: AND TRlfsr CO Broad -lul'chentnul sts. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES" BulW'?rAT-EUnInni,Tf'..''c'. .- -" -T- - -Z'' WIMUt .. 301 803IERVILLE, 01ney-- roonunriT; room for earaue. convenient, attractlv. nel.h borbood; extremely reasonable BlU- Aiir,ui,iiu. -T4 N-Oth. NEAR, THIS OFFICE Properties suitable fo? all businesses; large and small sites r,l! i pfovement. 10th, Hth. IBth. Ward. r lm" TRfium&wETL.' ari'3th ,; CLOSE. TO J-AUK 12-room dwellInI-h;,iiSur nssoclatlon ha slashed price to "lose ioMn? ford St.; porch, large rooms. $4700 V '.." price. .e. ABERNKTHY, .T"' t'tot 1417H-21 FIT-WATER ndHla".n', i rear. 4x73, assessed $7300, rent. Af' la month, must bo sold. """ wis $9i wr J'ARRELL. 710 S oth FRIEDRICH - CO.. gfll j?.S?,- g.EE SIT SOUTH JUNIPER ST1T B.Kn-i.T r.r hauiu. Crrui !-...' TWV' ALLEOHENY A'ETesTloTMtb.rT-. porch. bot-wter heat. ni..AJ-- rooms. tszm'iM8iL&4: fi rnnm. nmri 13TH T.. N.. ai7-JlB i"v-;crr- ,l THE COVINGTON. ,3TTIt A?"C1ICTT&U&vn. the (.est part pt jyKsr,l,inLAl.AH4r"v,i JNOTON CO.,.R. S. ENG I'KiP.UJiiii" lIFAClt MANAGER, a. so of tho UNULLSIDL, UWU1 imr mra&l&i!Ejgx real estate for sale CITY "" ontlnucdJromPrj c), so2i,2onN:B?orh. issa-riszsiizs" t .: SH1 S'r1. com" , il Voom,0."1 00,M- i 1008 8prlng Oarden. idi ..T"i ruced. ' J OL' 1-20-28-30 Pine 7oiihft ,ui - lCTJLikJVOftl?gl't!0A CO . B NEW ltntt.-a ,,.. .r -JL new HoMR.q wtn, .:: -aula '--" "AHAQB 14000. "ijgii ounn.iv. -" nt, L5Ii ntKl rcar. twoanTd-.-TT----. 707 S. ATI ing, assessed an,l dnr' l ft "" n"C(l It.tMl.l,, '"ll- 04 E ' dwfflS l ?iJ.ch" Him'. ' AiV 8'0I GUAR ANTEB TRUST A HAPn'tV.! jS.'JlMO inn-318 Chestnut it. alT CO, IrnMr'a nt ,.-. .. -, "JCIIBTTER CLAS8 2 story, 8 rooms, stone porch bi . gas nnd electricity, laundry tiawAlf1"". "'U ocatlon. A different hAi.p.V-.,,'t, dm! . havo seen. "" "'" nny ,; Jj N"wiinT.B,hi:an,M.4 Open Sunday. .... ., , , AKKRYV ilO.i-07 Sbarlrninn-A.. -. . nnd dwelling, bakehouse adjolnln.- .t.vfi V1: 2 dwellings in rear: lot JOyftTOifitf jmi-(07 Common" i 4,'r' " ..'"fi'i-U .. "- wealthiiuljdlns. 1820 W. VENANGO STTTcormrTnVnTri--- "V3 rtJ'Tri. 1iiii,tii,ooo7' no,-w iiVh, THE LAND TiTLE AND TRUST en MIJRCII ANTS' UNION TRUST CO 7J.r,-7J7-7lli Cly?stnutjt. ' CORLIES ST., N. ST.. V. ",Vn tv.i..7-- - -w 'ft ing. sninon parlor, brownslono iVimV:,"1" price 12300: clear; ( snuares from StrTV?"' Mansion nnd Fnlrmnunl Park 8trfcrr, In. .StOon Parlor, brownstnn. iX-LK?'!- niiT2LLTJnioioth st CENTRAL PR01'l5RTlEMfoTa". - Send us your requirements. " " YARROW & VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17lh and Chestnut Phone 3180 Sprucoor3(i70 Rate" ' HALF PRICE S. W. cor. fitharrt"vi.. ' 1 423 N. loth. no,-.7 iSfncastir ave. VlnM Building Lots. rjielorySUesite. Delaware River Frnnfa Near channel; Pennsylvania A Reading sMinr. , "JI 20 -ere. to 1000 ncrcs; S260 ? Stafi' $ 11. II. .VlCVUI.I.lt.M 1:114 wnlnut st. SITES. RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsvlv.ii. LJi Reading: E0(io per ncro and uof es1Ji io location, inquire for ,rm, " IMj:ilICH737Va'lmit. N. E. COR. a. AND DIAS!0NDSTB3v5r loated site nnd building, adapted for factnu.. CHOICE BUII.DINO LOTS and lares tract. ground In nil pirtj city; also over 200 Sf. sltes!31elvln. LIIO-IO Real Est, Truat Bldx" 12,000 l-T, CORNER. 3 fronts, siding. Mnnv other, nil sizes nnd locations MORRIS & CO.. Ridge nt Broad. Pop I'll DESIRABLE BUtLIHNO LOTS, city andTSS. url.s; all Improvements: rlpo to build; ii. vnnces: list on req. Kennedy. 1001 Chifitn" l'uelorle 148 N. 3D STREET SUITABLE FOR ANY RUSINES3 4-STORY BRICK BUILDINQ CHAS. W. MILLER 401-407 COM310NWEALTH BLDQ. 3IANUFACTURER8' OPPORTUNITY-J-ITTO-T 100: within 7 blocks of City Hall: corner 1 mnln atrsets excellent light; ripe for Iraprovt- u. A. -M1NN1CK. 1830 Ridge ave, FOR SALE Plant and "enulnmint , roachlni O J"S 1 shop, power plant, offices, well eoulrad! nnnroxlmatelv r,2.000 an. ft. flnne t,.M..! spectlon by appointment. Santo 3Ifr. Co 21st and Alle8heny. Kern Dodge, receiver. MANUFACTURERS' OPPORTUNITY Factory building, 0 floors: within 0 blocks ot City Bill: about 80.000 square feet; good light: lultablt for any business; price, $120,000. D. A.3HNNICK.1830 Ridge ave. FOR SALE Factory, near Philadelphia, ca main road, close to station! best trala sertlrii fully equipped with Singer sewing macnlDii, P 013. Ledger Office. WEST PHILADELPHIA $7000 .1804 HADFIELD AVE. Boulevard corner; house contains 8 room! (Including breakfast room and a sun parlor) s and bath; hardwood floors; hot-water hu:;-itu! electricity nnd gas; deep lot: terraced fMB!7 laundry basement: tine neighborhood: clnu t t . trolley, trains, schodls, churches, stores, tte.. Apply PE.Min:RTON ESTATES, 1438 3. 56tt st Phono Woodland 4787. $4200 383.-. HADFIELD AVE. 2 story. 8. rooms nnd bath; deep lot: terrier front; hot-water heat: electricity and n; basement laundry; white enamel and nufioc any finish: lino surroundings: close to trolley, trains, schools, churches, store nnd Park. Apply PK.MBERTON ESTATES. 1433 S. 4810 st. Phono Woodland 4737. SEND FOR OUR LIST OF DESIRADLB WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTIES W31. II. W. QUICK Sc IIRO.. INC., 8 S. 4UTH ST. $3000 8 ROOMS, hot-water heat, gas and lrc- S ; trie Hunts, parquetry poors. Bnower Darn, km . kitchens and all other modern appointment!. l UA.MIUL CK.YWI'UKU. JH.. IIUIUUKK. Ohth nnd Hudfleid sts. . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 3IORTOAOES AND FIRE INSURANCE W31. II. W. QUICK & IIRO., INC. S S. 40TH ST. EXCLUSIVE 2-STORY HOMES 4 ITH BELOW SPRUCE ST. 3-storv. couvs.: In an exclusive 3-story nelfs borli'di unusually attractive; bMakfjit rooraj, butlei "r pantwtcprlce JO.OOijtaoOciiS; ONLY THREE LEFT Wilton ave. below Wtrj rlngton ave.; beautiful 2-story iemldtfl side-yard dwellings: I) rooms each: large loti, easy terms. CHARLES W 3HLLER, 401 401 Commonwealth Building., , , $3Roo Assessed $0500; value $7300; 45th a Spruca sts.: Dutch hall, electric Iptt J baths Settlement of estate demands s-tTr- flce. Taylor i Son. 24 and 20 SiOJ ". $4500 3. STORY "RESIDENCE, large loti , MUtf ern exposure: fruit trees: n-nvenlent to TO" nnd trolloy. b. L. TOWNSEND.. S. E. .corntr 4Vth and Baltimore ave. Phone iWoodlana -"". 3743 IN8D0'WNK AVE. Sldeyard. 0 roooil lot ix:ia: not.waier neat, eietmu - aso prlvllenet a bnr.nln. JOHN F. POLI-MID. BItb Tjinsdowne tn, WEST PHILADELPHIA I10ME For Sale or For Rent , E. II. APSLKY. 88th andPXl- SEND FOR LI.ST,""s"ALE OR KENT JOS. 31. BAKER B2d and llaltlmorejve; . SEND FOR OUlT..R SRRENT LIST JOS. ALLEN POTTS 41)05 Baltimore ave. . 3-STORY, side yard: 2 baths, steam h"t. elertrtl llsht; assessed J0300; price S0S00: 1st mjrtf? $5000. T. H. 3Ialnnlas Son. 8000 BalUaw I HAVE a 3-story. 12-room home (2 bJtJ.S; 23x100; $800 cash and then $30 per See 3tatthlas about it. 40 N. 62d. nlmont 11, OER3IANTOWN LARGE ATTRACTIVE LIST ot properties In all sections of 0rioaJlsjl a number of new olnKlo houses, iMtuege carase: price $13,000 and upward; several w rent $80 to $100 per month. SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKLIN BANK BLDO. WalmRMJIu- GERMANTOWN HOMES SALE OR RENT Blu4 Advlsa us of your requirements. bi" Jlst upon request. CHARLES J. HOOD &.C0, (MORRIS BLDO.) 1421CHl-TNir SM IF YOU WANT THE BEST ,..- nnn. .,nn r-nlnnlnl dwelllnz: lot IS"'?.! chambers. 0 baths.' dressing room, wmjfj roorn; large porch; l?n rW. rooDi w cars, roan a room and bath: near s""Sf i witrlcu- district. 3IAUIiAN. .DOL3LVN tO.. N. B. cor, llroaa ana ,.-. '"' ' . -... Tlttte MANHEIM ST., opposite -n5i.ii5 r flt 1 ful location; . squares to Queen Lut j tlon or'Waina ave. (13th st.J 'ro'ley. 1 houses. Handle. 21 8. j2th t. uiSs -r M tr; .-.. ".'.'. ... i.rir- seriildetacBN J select residential section. ,IA8 " I" LER 401-407 Coinmunweallh BI -rtf-FOR SALE A aermantown "-.e?'''. present bulldhea.UyU.ridmto a .tor.. IIANDS03IE ColonUl residence 'ftfcf'JJSi oveV H acre of land f"mJ'WAbOCK lv imnroved nelbborhood, VtAMnvv-. JU . -M -fc EMLEN. Commercial Trust BuUdtns rirFSlDSSG-? siaAias , Trust Co. Chelten and tlermantown av'i- -ilh. NEW RENT and sale list of Q3$ O Ull NEW .RENT ana aaie iiai ,"-'. lion. II. 11. Lister &Son, 8812 Germantowa. JF YOU VRCLOOKINa; FOR A, MXg $ mantown, Mt. Airy or Chestnut Si. A. it. Meehai 0747 Oermantown ..- j lOICB'HOMES. Tu'oen'wiCK mantown ave. J. H. CHAivviw -g rn.nin-rn an. jirr or i urituat . - si 0 uerm-ntowu ave - NEW'D-rTACHED; DWELLlNOf. H00 wards. S. C. Tourlaun. 7014 BoyeJt. C-esUut IUj) Most Desirable Residence tu thi aectlqn; thoroughly raoto;. S0? Es 18 roww. 4 baths, garast about tf HERKNESS & STETSON 1S3I LAND TiTl-M piii-'V jrr tAL DKSIRJ.liLBPKO-i-S2" 0EVEIIAL DBSntAMLB PKOPWti i ill Hi t-J--l H-h-H--M.