fWnr fsjw $. r ftf " .j v HI 1 I f ft I EVENING- LED'eEK-PHlLADELPHIA, MilDAY, AUGUtt'J! 25, 1010. , ?. FINANCIAL NEWS : (WALL STREET ASSUMES DEADLOCK HAS BEEN REACHED IN LABOR DISPUTE Greater Degrees of Uneasiness Over Situation Than at Any Time Since Position of Men Was Defined. f Railroad Shares Are Pressed for Sale $ High Points in Today's Financial News Preferred dividend increased by the Atlantic Gulf and West Indies Com pany. New ol rk banks gamed $17,588,000 on movement of money for week. English Treasury Department named ),C, additional securities which can be deposited under new scheme. Last of $230,000,000 tirilish Government 5 per cent notes sold after being on market is hours. Exports of war munitions from United Slates in last year totaled 972,180,000. Price of bar silver tower in New York and London. Cotton prices reached new high points, May going to highest since 1011. Gram prices advanced sharply on reports of damage from black rust. Stocks irregular. New York Stock Sates 63 10 61 M 28 2111 rs NEW YOIIK, Aurj. 25. Tho failure oC railroad officiate to reach a satisfactory settlement on tlio ques tion of tho demands of organized labor was tho. chief factor tlctennlntriE market movements during tho last half of tho day. Probabilities and possibilities were. discussed In ratlrad and banking circles, and there seemed to bo a greater degreo of uneasiness over tho situation than at any time slnco tho labor position had been defined. In Bomo quarters it was feared that tho delay In reaching a decision was duo to tho determination of tho railroad managers not to recede from their request for 'arbitration, and In Wall street the assumption was that a deadlock had been created. All through tho first half of tho day tho market tone had been confused and prico movements Irregular. Thcro wcro frequent advances nnd recessions, but tho upturns wero without substanco and tho displays of strength wcro of short duration. Tho railway Issues wcro pressed for salo shortly after noon and It was then demonstrated that thcro was llttlo demand around previously prevailing prices. New York Central dropped, on small selling, from 10G to 10GH. Union Pacific sustained a fos3 of about U points, nnd United Stales Steel common also dropped 3 points from Its high pilco of 00 In tho first half of tho day. Tho weakness extended nil through tho list, Including even the copper shares, which had boon tho strongest features of tho early trading. Anaconda sold off 1 point, and sharp decline occurred In American Smelting, feature of trading In other Issues, Including Consolidated Gas, was tho desertion from tho bull side of some pools which had recently been active In advancing Prices. FV.fe ' -A V Last close. High. Low. Close. Acme Tm. ......... sj f;t i C3 (J i Atlv Riimely. .,....,.,.. 14 It AdvRumcljpf. ....... 3.'f 31M 32f( 321 Alaska UoUi M, ...,,.. 10U 1CU lOH ICJi um-Ctialmcrs Mf 21 24!. 23U 23! AIIK.ChalmcrsMfj pf.. SI.1.- 70U 7S 7&" Am An Unemlcal. 78 7tM 771 78 Am licet Sugat.... ,..,. S9 S9!f SOU 8l!f AmCai ...... flW filh !' MH AmCanpf lll'f 11U5 11 M II Hi .Ui Cat .i t'Jj (2ii IKi't 03 I3i Am Coll 1'roducU... ...143 117H 117 117 Am Cotton Oil ... 62J, 53 Am Utile & Leather 10H 10 Am II Me & Leather pf,, 62 Gl'j Am Ico Securities. ...... 28!f 2'J)( Am Mnseod 22 22 Am Looonntlvn ......... 7S 70 Am I.ornmnltvn nf .1n.".U M3K 105 Am Malt Corp'n V.i 1l 7,'f Am Malt Corp'n pf 40 39U 3Uf Am Smelt m Itn. 1I1IS' Till C0U Am. Smelt & Hel'pt 11US 11251 1121J 112 Am smelt pr A..., ti u.vi "oil i Am Smelt pf D 85.' S3 85 85 Am Steel toundtta Ct Mi MM Mt Am Siisar Ilennlnj 110 HU)i 1005J 109)1 Am Tel & Tel 13UC 131)4 13Ui 131J.fi Vm Woolen. 47 40 i 40 40 Am Woolen pf D7S 0714 07!5 97' m Writing 1 pf 25'5 27 201 2fl'4 AmZlneliSSm., 'Mi 35 33'i 33!( Anaconda (.pp M 87H 88) SO'f feOlj Men. Top & a V 10154 10-14 MI'S 101)4 Atch To & 9 F Df Oil 09 09 09 Atl Coast Lino ...115 114 111 111 All Uulf & W 1 72f M J115 Atl Uulf & W I pf Oi'f 05U C5!f UilUiOcoWks 8IU 8254 80) llal 1 Loco Wks pf 105 105 105 Hall & Ohio &i!i H75t ur Uatt & Ohio pf 73 73)5 7.5 Ilctlilchom Steal 489 403 4S2 63 10 f.l'i 25, 22 79 105 7)1 30)i 09' i L Atlantic, Gulf and West Imlic3 IJaiscs Preferred Dividend NEW YOIIK, Aug. 25. Tho Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies Company has de clared a quarterly dividend of 51.75 on tho preferred stock, placing tiro stock on a 6 per cent basis Instead of 4 per cent as heretofore, '17, cents to apply on tho first tnd second quarter, respectively, and $1.25 to apply on third quarter, all payable October 2 to stock of record .September 15. fe', New York Banks Gain $17,588,000 on Money Movement NEW YOltK, Aug. 25. Tho known movements of money for tho week ended with tho closo of business yesterday Indicate a gain In cash by tho local banks of $17,588,000. The banks gained net from tho country ?3,127,S00 and gained $8,115,000 from tho Subtrcasury. As tho Now York Federal Ilcscrvo Hank was a debtor, 733,000 13 Indicated on thoso accounts. i United States Exported $972,189,000 in War Munitions During Year NEW YORK, Aug. 23, lSxport of war munitions from tho United States dur ing tho fiscal year ended June 30 amounted to $lsr.,14G,000 In explosives and fire arms. Shipments of war accessories totaled ?1S 1,5 11,000 and of war supplies ?302, 602,000, a grand total of 5(J72,1S0,000, according to tho Journal of Commerce. Name 46 Securities To He Deposited Under England's New Scheme LONDON, Aug. 25. Tho Treasury Department has Issued a further list of 4C forolgn securities which can bo deposited under tho new scheme. The response to tho first list lias been heavy, especially, from tho provinces. COTTON PRICES MAKE NEW HIGH RECORDS Strength at Liverpool Furnishes Impetus, and Bullish Reports on the Crop Helps cotton ni:r.T wcatiieii conditions. NEW VUKK, Aiib. 23, Tlio uendicr mcr tho rotton bolt nut entirely le.ir. rxiriit for rain ulcus tho unutli Atlantic luust IliU inornlnic. , , Th falloujne tfnipcrntiireH xtere rccorde:!: nirulnzlian. Nuslullle, Know Mo iiml ,-lii-IIIe. Oil Akllrne, ('liiiltnnoi::i uml Atl.tnm. Cl fart Mmltli, Utile i'uck uml Meridian, lt bhreiepart. Ucl Kin. VlvWiuru juiil Mantsoincn, 08s OM.ihtimu. Jlnnuims. Blacoii nn(f Kulelnh, Jllsh.iit Antmilu. J!o blle, Aniriist.j hiii! U'ilmliictun. Ki J'onms Christ). New llrlr.ui'., 1'riu.avol.i. Tlium.is Tlllo nnd Chnrlri.t(iii, lOt tlnlirstsn niiil Hjtiinimb, 1UI JaikKonvlllB ami Tiini'ja. Hi. TIi.m .nu ,11 liwll nf (irPPlllillltllin tit w Orlrnni. Mi inch lit lliumaMlllr. .IX Inch nt C'harlexton, .2 Inch., lit (onnw New Orlrnni, Chrlbll. AU Inch at Jjclisomlllc, .SI! Inrll t-Mob'lla unU Wilmington anil 2.10 Inrlita nt Savannah. NEW YORK. Aucr. 25. Tho cotton open ing this morning waB one of tlio strongest and most active ulnco tho present bull Movement began, nnd perhaps sinco tho tart of tho European war. Tho first call occupied fully 10 minutes and prices were up 2 3 31 points. A strong market at Liverpool furnished the Impetus for initial btreniith here, and Liverpool was tho heaviest buyer on th9 opening through half a dozen houses, un doing straddles. The mulish Journal of Commerce report on South Carolina was also a factor, and there seemed to be eomo Indication that the tropical ttorm might get into tho east ern belt. Prices made new IUsh records for this movement later In tho morning, with Janu ary contracts selling up to 15.87c. or no less than 40 points abovo the closing prices of last Ti!ght. A midday advance carried prices about 40 to 43 points net higher, with December contracts selling at 15.65, or Hi points above the low level reached on the reaction of August 12. It was estimated that not less than 20,000 bales of long contracts had been absorbed during tha morning, but the buying movement tapered off some what early In the noon hour and reactions In New Orleans helped to unsettle senti ment arqund the local ring. Prices continued to climb toward the 1911 record of 18.15 during tho afternoon. May was quoted at 10.13, up 59 points for the day, Some futures advanced as much as ?3 on the bale today on reports that the crop of tho country would total 12,000,000 bales, which was estimated at 2,000,000 bales under Uie demand for American cotton. Yes.CIose. Onen. II a.m. 12 m. mi p.m, ucioDer ..... .13.11 in s ia,;u December I". 15.21 in.45 lj,jj JUrch ,,,..,,15.41 in.u JUv '::":,iii.n ln.Ts July ;;;;:;: is;bii is.ks Ol .,,.,.,,.18.20 .. 'f Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. Aug. 25. Spot cotton to day was reported dull, at 16 points ad vance, on the basis of 9,12d for rold-uplanu. Tha sales agregated 4000 bales, 'ncUwmB SOOO American. The Imports ware 17.00" bales, Including 16,000 Americans. Tie market for futures closed Irregular and un iettled at a net advance of gQS21 P'nt3- ( Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW YORK, Aug. 25. October Mc Enany, Hyman. Fllnn. Russell, Borden, Kowman, GIfford. Frederlckson and wen man bid ; Munds, Cardozo, Springs, E"00hs Tarrott, Orvl3. Rosenberg, Beardsley, Alien and Mitchell offered. on December Hyman, Munds, McEnany, Sellar, Fllnn, Rosenberg. Rlordan, RrooKs. Qeer, Royce, Hagedorn and Young mu. O-Connor, Farrott, Young, Q. Gumoeus and Rlordan offered. . January Schantz, Gilford. Rosenberg. Hyman. Beardsley Royce. Moiae. Wtnman, Pearsall. March. Fulton. G. Gumocns. Sbutt. Heaa, WUaon, Young, Norden and Hagedorn offered. February Downs bid; Hentz. PearsaU nd Rosenberg oftered. March Mitchell, Wiggins, Munds, Geer, Orvu nd Bartiett bl4; WUson. HjcW, Montgwoery. RusseU and Geran offerea. Sly-SeUar. Munda and EchW btd Low flsttfa ottered. . . .-- 1.1 48 in. fill 10,73 m.ss in.r.2 in.5T lS.ti in fat 15.711 15 bl 15.U3 New York Bond Sales JS000 Alan CM cv Oa Scr n lluiiii Am Aur iv ;".a 1 ihmi ilo il.-b i"3 l.l.'iiilil Anlo-l'Vi'ticli rm.... l.'iouii Ainer IHUe A: I. s. SUi'miil Am I'uri lull Kiu ."in. Iiilllll Amcr Kmclt Sec d. lliinil Amcr Til clt 4a.,.. l.'llilll Ati'hlsmn Ken In.... IMII ill lid J In ::niiii ij.iit L uhlo :i',ia... 27ll III llo .',3 111. .1111 ilu 43 lr.iiui) iii) i'v 4 111 .111.! . 1177 .1111,, .lli'i'i . Ill' . lU'i . l-lji . ti2 . lllllk 4'jU UH "llllll Cm (inn D 03 I'.r.'l,. Illi'n MMII ilu 1UJI) Wlv 2UUII C C C & St I, I'.in... ! 32.-iii mat i''.i' 4UIHI Cnl Una Jt IJleo ,1s.... till i 101111 I'ent Uj cnnn fia liiu'.i 21MIU Cent I'ac 1st 4a hS Iiiiiii ivnt nil N J r,a ll.ilt IS111111 cnlll Conner 7a 124 liiru C'h.a & Oi.tn cv U.S.. SITU 4:11101) do cunv u3 I'-l limn Chi i i;aai ill rv lb.. -1 Oihiii rni i!t Wiat 4a milt L'hl It &'Q Joint ,4a. nnilll I, Jl (! b l' riu !.) a HIkIi. Low. Closo. Tit V7,i? 111 HUH 117 - II3 lltiU tlM lil- irjH l:iti i'J inn i lui'i 04"i. 1111 i li!i b:, U'i'i l)!IU limb hS 113H I-'1,. 1,1'i iin; U7H UJ-4 HKlli ....4 4..i,t, 1fir!7, luiiuil ilu cv 4',j Hill), lilij. 1 'l?j Miu.l fhl Mil fc I' 3 4a .... Ill ;. llliiuil Cl.i It I & U,rfa 49... 71ft 7lW 71S lhlioo do r.a ..77., f'7U 67. 07! ISiiini Chi Vn Sta 4'A 1H ,11 l'Jj Hilii) Cuban Am Suuar H3..1IU;,. HIJ. 1 U 2UIIIH1 Cuniberl.mil Tel lis.... Ii'.i'i til i IJ;' 7S IIH OM V.l Minn Ven & ltln Ur 4a. CnniU do rfil 33 100J Detroit Tunnel 4JSs. MiDil Detroit United 4'sa. U.1111111 1)13 nccur uorp on ? HWU tlen Uleo deb 53.....101U riiinii lndlinu Hti'l 0a . ...I'1:,. SnilO Inteb Me' 4Hb 73i ilimil Intutb It T ret Sa ... ...H, Riiuiu Inter Mer Slar ct 4Wa.Hi5; 5i)UI) !o w 1 tia ,.uj, fluuu Inter Ka.v fia Hi7i SB.inuo Jan nw O H -Hi a ... bn S.-iliO do new 4',ja dV u.iitu ,rnn rlu H,. 1st H . . I H lliinil da Ca !"l' 141)00 Ln lia Steel Si 1030. lit lllllll LIB U Jl T 7a...,.,.lS.V, liio.l I.01.B Isfaml rfd 4a.. f-'IJ Hioi) I.oula & Njali -la. . .. lili limn Mex Pel Co Uh Ser 11. .lja 1U0II du lla tierc , 112 1,000 JU Kan & T 3s 70 n, ,, ,r. l.m.vl J, .... II., ,1,,,,,. .U U ,' . .M ....... . ,i , tu 7K II7W Ill4- 75 , 10 lit 11 l.l 73 IITIl 1 huS 110 tiHS id !: 113 (ll'.i 40't 7M inji 711 it 73'J 10 Hi HM.. 73S UH MH 07.V. 107. bOr ' - (IS 1111 tan J'--'.. HI 111 i Hi n3 711 w. u r,0i)O Nat Tubo r.a .........1 1 f l"l ?.p mini N V Air Ilrake ivt tia 1 11. lU 1"', . '':' 47000 N Y O 4 lluU 0a 112. 11-'. 11- iKm, JS 31!.::::::::::: fc & fe lum n v cVi &t f.utV.: til ' u,tr noun N Y City 4a 11137 S "lr 3 S 71)00 do 4,8 lfllll ;'!. 1 :. a - BSNn',:"::::l1 J limoil Penna ten. d 4Hs...l Jh 1 !j " OUDil da ,cn,4VaS 1 .. ....,lo'. 1 OI JOj,J 1.1IIDII Iteai1lnif-Jer fnt 4.. ,, 2000 Hy Stl Hpretf J?,.,i3l-1S'l 3000 Bl 1, 1 5 "If "J. !?i' liiooil Bt L & H 1' bfr A w I. ') 11000 do Efii ct 4a ....,, 7-,j BOOH do en ct ata. 4a ... l.uja luooo du Her JJ w 1 ...... ! "Vinu do. In wl ;, 1000 Stand Oaa Ca ,,. ? 200HU Seaboard A I. ool Da., til 250110 South 10, !!; .Ma 5.1IMI0 do cv ret t p 04....1 4V4 "71)00 do rf.l 4a ....,,,, 1111 uooti South ltwy Ben 4s ....,71 1,000 da con 5a ........ 101 11001) Third A'". J(U."iasa 2'4-4 41MID Tol St I. W 4a 1U50 M linoi) II S ltubber Ca 1 JU Jkooii 17 S Steel a t 0a.... lij1 4000 Union Pao 1st 4s.,., I Hi s.'ina do cy 4a o.jh ,,, .H rf.l 4a nu). auou Va, Car Chem let 0. 1)7 11,1 1111 SI? 1(I4 71' 1011S 7ii Vi 1U2U in, 1)1 li-l'i fc!l'. :i . 72, Kit, R4t; w It f!i SJH HUti no 71 loHi 71M4 53 l"i im HUH Hi!' 1)7. Iihjii Wnbaah 1st Ca...,,..l -'15 IggH lSsK ll'.m Weal Uleetrlo fja....lOJVj 1".V IO3V1 m.n.i wnt Shord reir 4s.... oa 3 6" NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Aug-. 25. The market for coffee futures opened steady, 1 to 3 points higher. Trading on the call wa active, with sales of 10.750 bags. Tho market at the end of the first hour was active, with values showing net ad vances of about 1 to 4 points and sales amounting- to 35,000 bags. The otters from Brazil were reported Arm and higher. This, coupled with a Arm local spot market, caused a continuation of buying by cotton exchange bouses and leading local trade Interests. Aujruat. ! September .,,.,,, petttt? ! K'oreauwr ..,! b30iaber ,,,,.... January ,.,,.,.,. February ,,,,.., March . April .,.,,. May ,,,., JUAO ,,,,. .,.,,..... uI?...," Ilia. Today's etwulnj. S.'sii63.S7 .60 i'M 08.00 "8.U0 e.66(8o.oi glcseo.io tKiieo.so festerday's clii. 8 K108.S3 fc.blSM.-l h,tse$.Hi) 8 8SOk.Su w.snSs.S7 KuiSgua t U4AS.D3 O.lillJll.OI U 1J1).13 V.17.lt) BAR SILVER In Iondon bar silver was quoted at Jl 9-10d today, a, decline) of 1-I8d. Bat eJtvtr iwas quoted la New Yorit to 0y at SUc, ott iic, llrooklyn Rap t'r 85W Drown Shoo..... G1H Hums lJros 00 , Uulto & Superior G'J Cal Petroleum 18 Cal l'utioleum Dt 44 Canadian r.iclllo Central Leather S5W 0M 72 0S!X 18 45 177!. 17J 177 fiiJS WVt 07 8S5' 01' 7 07) i IS 4.1:4 71I 033( S(l! 103 S7 73 492 85' OIH 7J 07M H 45 177 57J HEAVY RUST DAMAGE MAKES WHEAT SOAR Prices Advance From 2it to Cents When Shorts Rush to Cover riHCAOO, An. 2S. The wenlhfr fore ent for 80 lionn follonm . , . Illnol nml .lll.onrl lltrrrnll)- fair to night nmi tomorratT, not much rnnnico In trmprrntiirc. ttl.romln nnfl Mlnnrtoln rntlly flotnir tonight nml tomorrowi not niucli tlinnge In trniiirrntiire. lonn ritrltr clnnilT tontjtlit nml Sntnr- O.11-. not iniirh riinnBo In trmprratnre. , North Diikotn (Irnrrnll. fair tonlnht nnd tlornly ..tonliht. inr, cfntrnur inir. Central leather pf 113 ll3lS US'. 112JI Chandler Motor IOIK 10J 102 103 ChesisOhlo 02 02H OUf 0t!( ChlcajoMII & St Paul.. 01 05 Oil. Otlii Chlcaso hKorthrestun.l27H 12715 127JJ 127H COC&StLnt K0 SI 81 61 Chlcaio it 1 & Pac 17H 17' 17H 17! Ch.lo Copper 20)f Chino Copper 53K Col Fuel A Iron -1055 Compt T Kec Co 43W ConaolIilatoJ tins 13MS Continental Can pf 107 Corn l'ro.lucu Her 15 Corn Products Itcf pf.... 01H Crucible Steel 77 Crucible Steel pf 118 Cuba Cane Suzar... Cuba Cane Sunar pf . Doarcr ;i Itlo Ur pf. , Distill Sec Corp'n IJonia Mines D.1IS S .V Atl pf.... l'lrle Crlo 1st pf (Jcncral Ulecttlc Ucneral llolorj pf.... (iooJrlcli 11 i' Ooodrich 11 t'pt , tlranby Conjl (heat x-iorthora pf ..... t N cfs tor oro prop. .. Oreune-Cananra Gulf States Strol Uulf Stat.-3 bteel 2d pf Illinois Central linn Con Con Int Agricultural pf 43M Int Con Cot v t c sli ... 17JS 20H &1 u 133 10J 15 01 70J4 118 0 05 33!$ 40M 25J, 10 3S3' 172). ..122JX 12 lh 121 . 711 73 .113.4 11 W H3Ji 111) bv B3i oav oai IIS 118 30H Mi IS 47 75 75 S5 85 10UJ 1015 ,my, lis.1 : 42Ji 171 mi . 01H . 33 . 'UW . 2-U5 . 10 . SSS .172 20 20 mi C3M 49J, 40M 44 44 135' 135i 1071$ 109 14Ji 14Ji 01 , 01 77 775S US 118 Di 50 05 05 335 i 33 lfi'i 45!i 25 25 10 10 37!j 373 G3)i C3U 172 17235 121 121 72H 72S .117Ji . 33! i . 47'i . 75 . . 85 " .1014 50 Int Paper 10f- 10!i Int Patierpf 71 . 72K Int Nickel v tefs 4154 41f IntM Mcofdcp S7f :!!))! Int M M pf c of dop ... OOJfS 101 Jewol Tea bS b7K Kan City Southern 325JI 41J 17 lCJi 71J 40! i 37H OS ' S7K 25 73)5 50! 77 4.1 454 SO! S5U 07)5 S3! J C5)5 004 b Kelly Sptl!i2 Tiro 73)f 74)f Kcnnecott Copper 50;i 51)5 Lack Sto.-l Co 77., 78 Uko JJrlo 4: West pf.... 43 43 l,ut llubbr Tiro I5!i 434 LeliRli Valley 8135 81U Mackay C03 80 87 Jlackay Cos pf (174 07? Maxueil Motorj S3-5 SIJi Matwell Motors 2J pf .. 51' 50 Al.iv Dent S lures 01 01 Mexican rciroicuti win lutva iik'1 M-'xlcan Petroleum pf... 014 2 01)5 Mam Copper l!f5 35)5 3515 Minn & St Louis 5 fi!-i 5)5 Missouri I'aclllc 4?f 4J5 4)( Missouri Pac tr cfs 41 4J5 4li Missouri I'ac w 1 23 23'i 22if Missouri Pac pf w l!)'f 40)5 49)5 Mc Kan tc Texas 3:5 il'5 3! Nat Unam i: a Co 244 25H 21J5 Nov Con Copper It) 104 10U New ork Air Urate. ..137)5 133!f 133 US 39)5 47)5 75 85 1014 554 41!i 17)5 10) 5 72 41 373i 0.S4 S7U 25 7315 50)1 77 41 454 S0)i 87 07)5 834 50 004 103)' 02 35) ', 5)5 41, 4)5 40)5 3). 25H 104 13S New Vurk Central 100 Now YoriN H &H.... U0',i N'orfnlk f Wn.tern 1304 North American Northern Paclllc Ont Sitter Mln.. Paclllc MaU P-nn Itallroad.., Philadelphia Co. Pitts Coal pf cf of Uep Pittsburgh btcel pt Pressed a Car Co, 100 105)i 1053 G04 S0)g 094 1304 13U4 13035 03 C3 OS UlU 110JS 11035 04 0)5 U)5 204 20 20 CO C53t 5535 40 35 3935 101H 101 100 1004 ...101 09)5 0J 99 534 54 53 53 GS .111 . 04 . 20)5 . 55Ji 41 ,. 2555 2535 254 25)5 ..11W5 10S)f I05!f 1053 Pullman Co 100 1074 107)5 107)5 Ity Steel Sp Co 4S)f 4U)f 47 l Itay Con Copper i'.eadln; Kcadlnc 21 pf Kcpubllc Iron &S...., itepublic Iron & 3 pr. . Shat Ariz Cop......... Scars, Hoe .v Co,.,.... tslosJilicf S & I. 40 . 514 .11355 . 3335 .210 403f 40 644 111 304 212 49 00 033 21 OS 17 U7)f 125 111) 40 51)5 113'. 0 210 47 US US)5 21 OS 104 40 5435 HI 3035 211 47 0J 09)5 21 OS 17 1251-i 110 17 Sloss-Slicf S Si I pf 1)5)5 Southern Paclllc bO! Southern ity 24 Southern Ity pf 0S4 St Louis SSl'v 1 10)5 Mulebaker Co 127 htudebaker Co vX 110)1 110 lonn Connor 27K 2835 274 Texas Co 101 190 19J4 193)5 Texas Paclllc , 114 12)5 12)5 12.4 Union lias & Paper 835 84 8 8 Union llau a. Paper pf , . 4031 4S 40)5 48 United Cljar Mfrs f) 50H 60)5 50)5 UnltoJ Cljar Stores 1014 101 101 101 Unitol Irult .....1014 100) 105 100 Union Pacific 142)5 U23 111 141M USOlPai" ,....2135 21. 20J5 2.J5 UBOll'S.Fpl 534 53 I- 63 53 US lml Alcohol 1144 110)5 1114 U2 UBKubber 67)5 68 57)5 5735 U S Rubber 1st pf 110'. Ill 111 HI USSmU&il..., 7315 7JH 7315 73H USbtea. Corp'n 07)5 1)9 07 07 U Sttvl Corp'n pf US US 117)5 U7J USSteelpf tc. 113.118 118 U tali copper 144 Sl)i til 84!( Va-Caro Chen ,.. 42 4J 414 42 Va Itoa Coal & 0 40 45 45 45 aba.h 1335 13)5 W4 W4 Wabash pJA ,, tmi 50 49) 4J35 Wabash pi U , 75 27)5 274 274 Western Union Tel , U1- 00)6 54 ub5 IVfjlU&M , 00)5 0135 694 00 Western Maryland 2'J)i 29)5 2J4 29!.- WUiys OyerlanJ 4S4 48 47)5 4S WUlys Overland pf,.,,l0j 105 105 10j iVoolnorth d- W. 130)5 137 137 137 Wo-thinnton Pump.,,,., 20 31 29)5 304 Worth Pump pf A,., 05)5 0SM 0S5 0?H ViotlU Puan t U.. 69 CO 69)5 0J Quoted ex dividend. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. 11IJ. Jim uutitr llac.Namara lliaway .V, MUpah Ext Moauna ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,, ... . .... ,. ,,........ ..,,.,..... ..,..,,. ,6i ,V.Ti .1H :IS .15 sit :::;:;;:::;:::::::::: t frj Nor bUr Ton Ton .," "',.. stssrssa 1 ..:::::::::::::::: :,7 QOLDFIELD BTOCKS. Did. Atlanta ., iilua uuil Asked ,t7 .U7 .l .-0 I'M .111 4 0 0' " ,,,,.....,..., ...... 11. ,.,..... ..,. ,,,,.. .,,,.t,..,.,q .,,., .,.,., ,,,..,,,,,,. HUUJOK D U L) f?omh Prae Dlamf U IS Daisy ., r w ui ...,,,,, JJTltfft! V" uviuucui Aiirar ,,,, ,, 'P" . ,,.,,., Kewaiwa ...,,.,,,...,. 5 io , SUtr Pick ,...,.,,.,, MISCELLANEOUS. .. Aril TJoltfd ,.,,...., J'l Nevada 1IM .,.,..,,..,.. .JS Kov Weaicr ....,....,.... ,10 .1 .01 .V.i ,03 .0J TOS .S'J .OS ,6H .10 ,U :8 s Sntnnlnjr, wirm(r fntitrdnr r-niun iinKiun I'nriir cooler rentrali Sntnriln; trnrmer nonth, north nml WMt.. . , , MennnKn rnriir riomir lonntnti Niur. dor. Benernllj- lair, wnrnirr Bittiirilnr north- Kn'nn (Jenfrnllv. fnlr tonlslil, anil to morroir, wnrmrr tonight soutlinest, CHICAOO, Aub. 25 Reports of licaT damnito to crops In North and South Da kota nnd Manitoba by black rust, boosted wheat lirlces on tho local grain market today from I5 to C cents. Heavy export bdIIIiik nnd a rush to cover by Bhorts accentuated tho rise. Sep tember was up B, at $l.B3i ! December up 3U, ut $1.55 VS, and May up 2, nt $1 59. There was very (rood buying which had tho appearance o bclnff either for foreign account or on behalf of Unstcrn Interests. Each tlmo tho market ndvnnccd nuite a Rood supply enmo out, but the demnnd continued to largo that It absorbed all tho offerings and forced the prices considerably higher. Tho Modern Miller Btnted that tho con centration of milling' demand In tho Went nnd Southwest was unprecedented, and mill ers wcro actually outbidding exporters. It nddrd that no such movement had ecr beforo been known. Advices from Canada to tho paper stated that the Saskatchewan crop was showing very heavy damnge. I.iallns futures rnnsed na follows! Wheat (Ippn. inch. T,ow. Sept... l.Hi 1.104 1.4S Her.,.. l.MJ. 1.04 l.r.nU Jlny... l.M, l.r.il 1.03i Lorn tnow ueuvcrj- Tca'clny's Noon. closo. 1. tiji l.r.iN. ti.siK s; 74f. 7Sii 4ni 48J, Scut Dec. May. . . Oats Foot... Dec... May. . . i.ara Sept... 14 02 Oct.... 14 117 JJrc. ... 13 20 Wbs Sept... 14 3.. Oct.... 14. UU Jan Pork Sopt... 27.25 Oct.... M 15 Ucc Hid. tABkeil. MS 74 ' 7bH 41i 4-I4 S3 14 32 14.4H 13 17 14 40 14.12 MVt 7.l 77S 41) oSlfc 14. on 14.112 13.2U ii.ni 14.U0 l.liJ4 i.r,2S, 1.C3 R3H 7SVS 401.', 4vit 14.22 1 1.27 14.42 14.37 11.12 8.-.U 711 78 111 III t.WWqi'-W'-' .t-iyHlftVHi rw 27.4(1 20,23 27.15 2U.1U 27.2S 2n.ll) 23.30 13.112 111.112 13.12 11.27 14.112 12.50 27.1(1 211.15 23.35 Spot Wheat Firm at Liverpool T.IVKUl'OOU Aug. 25. Spot wheat was firm today, with Mo. 2 rod winter quoted at Uh ll,4d, a gain of MA', Jfo. 1 Northern Manitoba, nt 15s unchanged; No. 2 North ern Manitoba, Us lOVad, a dccllno of il; No. 2 hard winter was quoted nt 14s 7d. Corn was strong, with American mixed Id higher, at 10s 8d, while Plato showed a gain of ttd at lis Slid. Flour was la higher at 53s. PRICES IRREGULAR ON NEW YORK CURB Street Attaches Much Import ance to Buying of Midvale. Independent Oils Good NEW YOltK, Aug. 25. rrlco movements and tho market tono on tho Ilroad Street Curb wcro Irregular, with somo Issues showing strength, whllo others woro pressed for salo at concessions. Most Importance was attached to buying of MIdvalo Steel, which ranged from 01 to 05. Tlio Impression prevailed that tho buying was based on knowledge, of tho company's dividend policy, and It was thought that recent accumulation has been by Interests ainilated with tho management In anticipa tion of the declaration of an Initial divi dend In September. Tho Independent oil BtockB wero also In good demand, with Cosden & Co. moving up from 13, to II, nnd tho bonds rose from 100V4 to 1 0 0 ', . Metropolitan Petro leum continued In good demand, advancing from 14 to 15H- Some of tho traders offered Omar Oil down sharply and met with llttlo resist ance. Statements havu been In circulation for somo time that could not bo regarded as Incentives for buying this stock. Tho mining stocks were quiet, but Monitor Silver continued In gopd demand, with sales at 2U to 2 '4. United Vcrdo Extension was weak, declining from 31? to 33. American International Corporation sold off. Aetna Explosives was Jtrong during tho early trading, advancing from 12 to 13. INDUSTRIALS. m Aetna HipIosIvps .. ... Amorlcan-lirltlsli MfB . American Marconi .... Canadian Cur Co lo ptit Chevrolet Motors CurtUa Aeroplane .... DrlirBS-Scnhury ....... i:merson I'honosranh . Haskell & llarUar Car 1fnn.ln i 1 1? .......... Kathoilloti Tlronza pW 1! ..... :Oi . ... 45 711 203 21) 03 ..... ..I.. 37 :::.. 211 ::::: .WW niv v:::. SA ::::: 'JB .:... 5 :::.: 33'i .01 .14 :8i .07 .03 .04 ,UO .M .011 .13 ,i :M .30 .. m 7 Mnvlm Munlllnna Manhattan Transit Midvale Htpol l'eerlesa Motors Toole Enic H a Krrsso w I , Stanrtanl Motors Htromberv Motors Stuu Submarine Itoat TrinncK" Film United Motor Unite,! I'rnflt Sharing U H I. A H com do pfit , White Motors ., World I'llm STAND.vnO OIL. Illinois , ,..., Ohio ,. 1I..II, llln.i .. ....... U O of California ! H tl o New Jersey jlj a O of New Yorlt -00 OTIIIUI OIL STOCKS, Cosdon Oil & das,,.,,..,,, Cosdtn Co. ..,.... .i Inter Petrol Houston Oil Midwest Iteflninz Saoulpa, llermlu.r UININQ STOCKS, 177 22fl 212 Atlanta ,..,..., ltutto Copper & Zinc.., ltutto N If ,.,.,,,.,, Cerro la Iasio Klrst National ..,.,........... I'lorenco aoldneld ., aolJIield Merger Ilccla Mlnlnir llowo Souna Jim Butler ...., Jumbo Extension McKlnley Darruh ......' Macma Copper .............. Mines Co of America ... Miplsslnc San Toy . , . . Ut Joseph Lead. ........... West llnd Consolidated. .,... West End Kxtenslon Whits Oaks liu.MJa. 'is. 63 oVjO si no n'l JSH 7 14., lBi '. 6M Cerro Cs .... MldYaU Ba ,. Huaslan Os . New Urlt 5s, .looU , us Asked 12S 2D 3K Ml 75 21M1 :in wo 10' 38 3D 1DVS i8 21 II II) H C3V a 1R0 22H 244 2IIU RSi 2Ud ivi 1H4 li)!t HI b3.. 37 4Vi CO II B!i n 8(1 Sri 1,0 IBS , Id el 3 e 111 u.1'4 10UK GOVERNJIENT BONDS 2s resistered 1030 ma. 1)0. 2s coupon l!131u,,,v ''I'' looii as reafstered 11)18 """"i: jnulf 3s coupon 1UJS ,...,,,. . iAnd 4s nsUMfdlKi Jini 4s coupon 1U2S ......i.iAil. Viclf :;::::,. :::::::: 1818 Puitma 2s reslftered ly. Panama Ss reulstsnml Hl ranama, 3a coupon ,,,..., LEOAI. IN THK OKl'IIANS COUBT FOU THE COUN- ty if I'BlladeltiW'. Term 11B,- , Ktite ol UnU Carty. deceased. NotlcaU hereby Bi,o Dal Ka,e Carty. widow of saw dsceSent. ba flted in said court ber ptl ?inn inieiher witb an Inventory and appraise ment oFfiS 5eronl and tho real titatt ol said Sceoant praytas: that tqer; basset aside and Swarded to ,hn absolutely under the provlslora ol the act of April I. 108. and Its aupplements. itSck of Unity Stk and Lwn Association ap iriiLd at 11014 and cash lu the amount pi ?stM UEruatlDS th amount of 500O allowed hiTunifir tSaald ol Assembly, 'mod that the iJmi will be approved by tha said court fcto- . Attorney for Fetlttoner Sales in Philadelphia too Am Loco,. 77 B3 Am ltys pr o loo.Anao Cop, R7T(i 100 Bald Loco, IVi lli 13 6 S t c. 4RV4 IS Hrlll J Q. SRVi 130 Elec Stor.. 07H 30 Qcn Asp pf (10ii ISO Insplr Cop Bflii B4 Ins Co NA 20 100 Int M M ct 37H 618 I.k Sup G 11 10 I.ch Nav. . inYi 30 Leh Val .. 8tr fUO Nev Cons, loii 130 Penna It it no. BO Ia Salt M.loo 05 1'hlla Co.. .to 13 1'hlla Ktec. 28-H B08S I'ltTl c. 10 00 1'hlla Trae 70 100 Ity Stl Spr 4H 380 Heading ..mitt 10 So Pac .,,09 110 Ton llel ,, iYt 80 Union Trnc 4S 380 U O I ,,,, 89 7 Vn Cos NJ. J24 3135 11 S Steel. 09 200 Utah Cop. 84A 25 War IAS. 0V4 135 Cramp & S 82 J-Increase. Decrease. WINDS. . , . Hlsh. Ixm-. 1IIUI) ii x ist os us 12000 1, V gen 4s 00V4 1000 Leh V cons iV.8 2003 noti 4000 1'hlla El 4s 85 318011 do 5s ..105 2000 UnTrl'lttSs 02 1000 UnllylnvSs 70 Increase. Decrease. I1W. 77 97 87 82 U 484 884 87 on BOH 25 37 11 75 81 10 B3 00 40 28 10-T-i 70 48 100 00 4 45 88 224 07 84 V. 0 81 08 80 00 84 104 02 70 Net Close, ebge. 77 07 1 87 ..... 82 2 48 38 1 7 D 80 20 37 11 76 81 10 BB 100 40 ,. 28 19 70 ... 48 ion l 90 4 1- 45 80 224 07 81 0 82 Nt Close, clige. U8 00 00 84 101 02 70 Local Bid and Asked t c Duff & Sus ilo mil Drill. J. 0 llnl.hvlu Klectrlc Htorairo General Asphalt Did. XH so tl7 32 Today . iSKCd. Uu ir,l , llll? Ke8t.mo Tel 1 HI do t r II'. a nrc i hi T.&ko Sup Corp It I.nhltlh Nnv 7.1 l.ohlKli Valley , .. HlVa jcniitn vnney xr.... u, uo prei I'enna 1'lilln. Dice 1'hlla Co do r. per cent prcf. do 0 per cent prcf. I'hlln It T t o Heading Tunopah llelmont . . , Tonopah Mining .... Union Traction ..... 1U1I IT H Steal York ltwy do pfil Wm Cramp t c nn BSVi 411 (II i 8.1 7(1 111 1 1 Vi lilt 7b;. KlVl -i Tcstenlay ,BIeU. . -r.'.H 43 . r.r.'d on . 2HJ 2S4 . -in 4ita , an nu . 4ll ioH . 111H 211 .100 luo'l ,. 4U 4S . B',, B'.'h .. 447, 44! . BSj. 81) . P7W ti7t Is '., . 37 37 'A . 81 : Did IS i. SOW onW 8 14 (IS It 75 81 U 40 .'III 40 Hi-; 107'4 s 1 K7S 13 37 HI BO 00 4U 8.4 .Ml 71) 14 14, (IB. "4 81(4 4.1 r.n as4 411 311 40 10t l!17i 4tt fi. 43 Nil !74 14 37,4 Hl'.l Financial Briefs Gross earnings of the Twin City Itnpld Tr.inslt Company for July wcro 5880,859, a gain of $S7,3G2 over July of last year. Tho not earnings for the month totaled J300,703, an increase of G 1,320. Tho New York Cotton Exchango will bo closed on thu Saturday preceding Labor Day. F. V. Fltzpatrlck, president of tho Hall way Steol Spring Company, announced after tho meeting of tho directors In New York this afternoon that the question of tho re ported morgor of the Hallway Steel Spring Company with tho American Locomotlvo Company was not discussed nt tho meet ing, neither was any action on tho common dividend recommended. Tho members of tho New York Coffee and Sugar Exchango voted this morning to closo tho exchnngo on the Saturday preced ing Labor Day. Tho "Western United OaB and Elcctrlo Company reports earnings for tho 12 months ended Juno 30, 191G, showing gross income Jl, 515, 202 and net earnings $710,310, tho latter being nn Increase of $77,670 over tho samo period of 1915. Tho New York Subtrcasury gained $1, 740,000 from tho banks on Thursday, mak ing a cash net gain slnco Friday of $8,145, 000. A Chicago Board of Trado membership has been sold at $5125 net to tho buyer, or $5000 net to the seller. John Dalton, of Peoria, has taken the membership of Jesse II. Itldge, and William E. Stocks lias applied for membership. Tho London Stock Exchango authorities havo decided to close tho board on tho first threo Saturdays of September. The New Ycrk Stock Exchange seat of the lata Ariel F. Davis has boe.i purchased for $G4,000 by II. M. Schmeltz. Tho last sale of a seat was $60,000. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOltK, Aug. 25. The feature of tha foreign exchango market early today was a now high In rubles to 30.00 and 30.35. This Is an advance of about 40 points from the extremo low figure Boma months ago. With the exception of Russian exchango nnd a slight shading In Scandinavian kroner, the market was not appreciably changed In rates. Business continues moderate. Quotations wero demand sterling 4.75, cables 4.76 7-10, 60-day bills 4.71?i. 90-day bills 4.69Vi; relchsmarks cables 71 13-16, checks 71?i i lira cables 6.17, checks 6.48; Scandinavian kroner cables 28.65, checks 2S.70; Swiss cables 5.28, checks 5.29; Vienna kronen cables 12.3S, checks 12.35; pesetas 20.16 and 20.21; guilder cables 41 less 1-32, checks 41 plus 1-16. Tha market was quiet lr. mid-afternoon without appreciable chango In quotations. Demand sterling. 4.75; cables. 4.76 7-16 J franc cables, 5.90 ; checks, 5.90 ! relchs marks, cables, 71 13-16; checks, 71?i, RATES FOR MONEY Call. Tims. . New York... , 2 3W 2J, 3; Philadelphia 4Vj 3 Hoston :!iifi,. i Si2 Chicago ! dV44 4 ff4V Commercial paper, three to six months, Phila delphia, 45i 044 per cent. BANK CLEARINGS Dank clearings today compared with corre spondln, day l.stwo wj , PhlladeIohla.,$35.2il.331 2S.I)()3.412 2U.041.000 Bolton " ..... 24.010.033 18.730,1)38 17,203.287 New Yora.:. 4UN.HtU.27ll 323,744.023 1411,441, 30S Chicago ..: (J3,V38,uSa 41). 031,621 42,230,131 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Railway Steel Spring Company, usual quart erly of 1 lr cent on the preferred stock. UARDS cover your wheels, gears ant belts and reduce your compsa atlon Insurance rates. Expanded Metal Perforated Metal Hire or bbeet Uetal GET OCU ESTI3IATB Bell Market 1093 Keystone Main 1UI T. S. JOHNSON SONS CO. C3 CUEltKY 6T. UIVIIIKNU NOTICES BETTERMENT IN MONEY MARKET HERE IS LOOKED FOR BY BANKERS IN FALU' Rates at Present Are About Unchanged Business on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange on Small Scale Ameri can Railways Preferred Drops a Point ... i. Whllo there Is no very great change tn tho money market In this city now In com parleon with recent weeks, bankers hold to tho belief that rates will stiffen a trtfla this fall. No pronounced advances are ex pected, however. Tho looked-for betterment In the market Is based largely on the fact that when fall draws near moro money Is usually needed for crop movements, Im provements, extensions, etc. Although the oftlctal call rate remains Unchanged at 4 per cent. It was said today that money, on very good names, has been loaned below this figure, somo loans having been mado recently nt Hi per cent. These loans, however, have been few and the names havo been very choice. Itates on commercial paper, Bay for six months, range around 4 per cent, and somo very good 90 day paper has been placed as low at 84 per cent. Commercial borrowings shew somo slight Improvement, An Instance of this Is tho fact that one of the largo uptown banks ln the last day or two loaned to a man who 1IIB AMERICAN OAB COMl'ANV 104 MAIMET 8TRKBT CAJ1UU.N. N. I. mm August 15. 1910. A Quarterly dividend of 2. or $3.00 itr share. neen aecmr.u uu ...e vv.i ..w w. .., August llitb, 1919. Company, payable Heiuemocr isi. juiu, to ids stockholders of record at, three o'clock, o. m.. bU. V.V. v.uVB. n... U9 U.IKU, J, B. TOWNSEND 8d. Treasurer, DIRIXTOUV OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified futile Accountants UUVRENOB E. BROWN CO. 1013 1USAX EST AT B TUUST UU1LDU40, has not been In the market for nome tlms, the customer taking alt that he was en' titled to, $300,000. A further contraction In business oc curred on the Philadelphia Stock Ezcliange today. Although Steel common was stilt the most active Issue, It did not show tha activity that was present earlier In the week. Movements of prices, except In a few cases, were mostly fractional. A discordant note waa struck by Amer ican Hallways preferred, which declined & full point, and fractional losses were re corded In n number of other issues. A be lated response to the good financial position of tho company, Indicated by the fact that an Increase of 1 cent an hour In wages to tnotormen and conductors has been granted, was made by Philadelphia Rapid Transit trust certificates. The Improvement was only a fraction, however. For a time the company's trust certificates were tho most active ln the trading, two large blocks changing hands, one pt 1000 shares and another of 1200. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 23,1.470 bush. There was a Kood export demand nml, with strontrer outside ntUlces, prlrpa advanced lc. Quotations! Car lots, In export otevator No. 2 red. spot, II. DIM 1.01; No. 2 southern ret. Jl.-mtM.rV.!; stenmer No. 2 red, ll.4Nttl.nl; No. 3 red, 1 ISOl.nli rejected A, il.4Stjil.48: rejected II. tl.4HUl.43. CORN Itocclpt.i. 71114 bush. SupnUis were small nnd tho msrket ruled steady though quiet. Uuotntlons: Csr lots for local trade, ns to lorn tion WesternNo. 1! yellow. 07UH8CI do, steam er yellow. tmOiifcj do. No. 3 lellow, OlsTDSC! do, No. 4 yellow, 01 U2c. OATS Receipts, 43.MI0 bush. Trado was nulct but prices ruled steady under lleht offerings: quotations: No. 1! white, B2!W;4c; standard white. niORl'sc; No 3 while. 41V4 OSOHcj No. 4 while. 4St4!ic; sample onts, 4o&t(lc. FLOUR Ri-cclpts, 170 libls. nnd 1, 31)3,27 1 lbs. In sacks. There wnn llttlo trndlng and the msrket was larirvly nominal. Following aro the quotations per il)0 lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, Jil.a.-.ci'il.oO! do, strnls-ht, 111.75071 do. patent. iltt 1. an: Kansas, clear, cotton sicks. Ill 7I1W7I straight, cotton sacks, t7.25ijp7.ri0i do. patent, cotton snrks. J7.75M8.2r.: sprlnir, nrst clear. II1.501P7.40: do. pntcnt, 47.5(IWS.'J5: do. favorite brands, JS.r.O (0 0. 10; city mills, choice nnd fancy patent. JS.r.oWli.Kl: city mills, reKulnr trades winter, clear. il.2r,JPU.U0; do. straight. JU.7DU7: do, patent. IJ4f7.rU. ItYE rr,OUH was In small supplv and firm but riulet. Wo quote nenrby nt JOWO.OU per bbl, and western at JUW7. PROVISIONS Thero was a fair Jobbing movement and some mer. fnnowinir nrn mo ln sets, smoked nnd air kinds wero ahniio firmer. L uy lieel. lr western beef. In quotations: fir pil. "Htt v knuckles and tenders, smoked and air Followlm nets, smoked, tha Mr.; Re 7c: soft led. 2Hc city beef, dried. l)r smoked. 'Jlic; beef hams, J28llil, pork, Jamlly, t2N(ii2S,50; hams, U. V. cured, loose. IS lit lS'ic: do, skinned, loose, lli'i 20c: do. do. smoked, 20Vs (21c: other hums, smoked, city cured, ns to brand and nverace, IDfc: hams, smoked, western cured. llili c; do, bulled, bono less, B4c: picnic shoulders. S. 1'. cured, loose, 14c; do. smoked, 15c; txqlles. In pickle, accord ing to nverase loose, lUHc; breakfast bacon, us to brand and average, city cured. 22c; breakfast bacon, western cured, 21c: lard, western., re lined, tierces, 15$ c: do, do. do, .tubs. 1BJ4.0S lard, nurn city, kettlo rendered. In tierces, loftc; do, do, do, In tubs, lDWc. REFINED SUGARS Tho market waa quiet and unchanged, flners" list prices: KTtra fine Kranulateil, powdered, 7.10c; confectioners' A, tl.VOci sraaes. u..-J4P(ioc. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTnR. Dcslrablo stock sold fairly and was well cleaned up at full flu-urea. The quotations aro Hs follows; Western solld.packed cream ery, fancy specials, 35c: extra, 33tl34c; extra, firms. 3203JVsc; tlrsta, 314 c: seconds. 21H4 (p :i0Mic: nearby prints rancv, nilc: do, averaco extra, 3l03rc:do, llrsts, 32033c: seconds, 3U0 81c: jobblnir sales of fancy prints, 80042c. KQOS Thero was a. Rood Inquiry for strictly flno ecss nnd thu market ruled firm under light offcrlnes. Following are tho quo tations: In free cases, nearby extra, 32a per aoz. : nearuy nrsis. ib.juvu per sisnaara cuss: nearby current receipts. 7.us.4u per cuse: western, extras, 32c per doz. ; western extra llrsts, JS.7DU.30 per caso: do, llrsts, JM.lll08.lu per caso: fancy selected candled fresh ckhs wero Joblilnn at 3037c per doi. CKTIKSC Tho market ruled firm and Ma higher under light ofTcrlnBS, a fnlr demand nnd stronit country advices, Ouqtatlons: New, .xorlc. full iream. fancy, 1H1 ifiiinH,c. specials hlchcr: do, do, fulr to food, 17 Vi lBo; part skims, 0 WlOc. POULTRY MVn Choice stock met with fair sale and values were well maintained under light orrer- ADVANCE PRICES OP COPPER Business Continues Undiminished and November Metal Becomes Short NEW YORK, Auf. 25. Leading pro ducers and sellers have "advanced the price of copper for delivery during No vember and Docember from J7W to 28 cents per pound, while copper for delivery during; the first quarter of 1917 has ben advanced to 27 V cents. Smaller dealers havo not as yet met this latest advance, but continue to ask 2754 cents for Novem ber nnd December copper and 26 to 27 for the first quarter of next yoar. Tho volume of business continues undiminished, tho greater portion bolnB placed with domestic consumers, although substantial amounts are being disposed of for foreign account. A shortage In November metal Is rapidly developing, somo of tho smaller dealers and at least one of the larger producors already having disposed of their quota of this metal. No new developments are reported ln tho negotiations which are taking place between tho copper producers nnd J. P. Morgan & Co. on behalf of tho Allies. Condition oJfJ. S. Treasury WASHINGTON, Aug. 25, Tho condition of tlio Unltod States Treasury, according to a statement Issued today, was as follows t Net balance ln general fund, 209,027,872 total receipts, 52,3Gt,325 ; total disburse ments, $70,205,025; deficit for year, )S11, 375,743, cxcluslvo of the Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Sugar Futures Weak NEW YOltK, Aug. 25. The market for sugar futures opened weak, 1 to 8 points lower, with Bales on tho call of 000 tons. Liquidation was soon In evidence and tho unsettled conditions prevailing in raw and refined sugnr caused rather freo offerings with little or no demand. 17HSilsvic: nccorning InrM. Quotations: I owls. rnnnl.r, ufitflnf! snrlms chickens. to quality, welghlnc 1 42 lbs. nnd ovor apiece 22sl24c: sprlns chickens, smaller sixes, uijp 21c; white Leghorns, uccordlnc to. quality. 1HW 20c; ducks, as to size and quality. IB 17c; pigeons, old. per pair. 25W2Sc; do. young, per pair. 1H022C. DRUS3ED Receipts woro light nnd the market ruled firm, with demand equal to the orferlnss of flno dcslrable-slzed stock. Fol lowing are tha quotations; Fresh-killed, dry racked Fowls. 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected, 23Vic; do, welshing 4W SS lbs. apiece, 23c; do, wclihing; 4 lbs. apiece, 23c: do, weighing 314 lbs. apiece. 22c: do, weighing 8 lbs. apiece, 211021c. Fowls, ln bbls.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana, and Illinois, weighing 45 lbs. apiece. 2214c,: Southern. In diana and Illinois, welshing 4W6 lbs. apiece. 22c; smaller sixes, 1UW21C Old roosters, dry picked, ltic. llrolllnir chickens. Illinois, large. 23020c; do. Indiana, large. 210215c; do, small sizes. 22023c. llrollers. Jersey, fancy, 30Wa2o; do, nearby, weighing; A O- lbs. apiece, 2HO 30c; do, nearby, smaller sizes, 2U027c. Ducks, nearby, spring. 1U4P20C. Squabs, per dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen, IH.50 do. 73: wmte. weigning u to iu los, per uucu. n.ii; wnuc. weisiuut. n iu., ir uwi 4,10; white, weighing 7 lbs. per 'dozen. 3.0O; white, weighing n?J5 lbs, per 12.ri)?2.73; dark, I2.2SV2.7S small and 00c 11.25. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fnlrly and values sjenerally ruled steady under moderate offerings. Quota tions: Apples. Delaware nnd Maryland, .per hamper Fancy. I1U1.2S: fair to good, Si(i 75c: lemons, per box. 107i pineapples, per crate. Florida. 12; peaches, Virginia, per carrier Ulberta. 42W2.BUI llelle. 1202.50; Car men. 11 8301.75.. Mountain Hose. lr.i301.Tfl) rears. North Carolina, per bbl.. 45; grapes. North Carolina, Delaware, per crats. It 23CT l.BOl watermelons, southern, per car, I00w-23, VEGETABLES The general market was quiet and without important change. Quotations: White potatoes, per bbl. No. 1 Eastern Bhore. I2.2II02.73, No. 2 Eastern Khore. 11 1.23: No. 1 Norfolk. t2 2.25; No. 2 Norfolk, 11.23; whlto potatoes, Jersey, per basket. 65IIDo, sweet potatoes. North Carolina and Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. Jl.73tp.ti No. 2, 75c4ll; onions. Jersey, per basket, 75o0lj do. Pennsylvania, per hamper. I1.25W1.5U; do. do, per 1UU- b. bag. J2.25W2.7D; do. Washington, per lniMb. bag, 42U2.23; do .Virginia, per basket, 1101.23. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS tied and butchers, 110 10 CHICAGO. Aug. 23. IIOQS Receipts. 20.- 000. Market steady. M 011,05; cood heavy. llllffftlll RAi llirh.. sin.: 0.83: bulk. 110 uneio.vo. , , 1 nr I .! tlaalrtlH. "10. Reeves. (l.7310.b5; cows and dy. Mtzed and butchers, 110 10 avy. 410 55W 11: rough heavy, "i 10.2.1 11,03 J pigs, S.50U 0. and M hi. irket .weak, fers. 13.73 11.33: storkers and t liikIpu n.paln,M. 14 null. Htftrkac wealr. Native and western, I4.037.85i lambs, 18.40 1U.B3. RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN PACIFIC 101B-. Second week August .. 12.8i)o,o00 From July 1 U,SS3,000 LONO ISLAND. Fourth quarter gross. 18.8S3.274 Net after taxe 1,1(10,191 Surplus after charges. 103.033 DENVER AND RIO ORANDE. Third week August .. 1380.000 From July 1 3,010.000 8T. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN. Third week August.... 1234,000 From July 1 1,823,000 CHESAIEAKE AND OHIO. Third week August .... 1040,814 From July 1 0,530,070 TEXAS AND PACIFIC. Third week August .... 13(10,508 From July 1 2.501,72 ATCHISON 11,282,480 720,1)31 MISSOURI. KAN3AS AND TEXAS Third week August .... .fjpg.gos IJOO.OM From July 1 B.10S.39U 784,003 NORTHERN PACIFIC Third week August .... 11.(148,000 1287,000' From July 1 ......... 11.4CU.000 2.OI13.01MI CHICAaO. INDUNAPOLIS AND LOUISVII.1 1 Third week August .... .UH."-! J?,0,371 From July 1 1.187,038 1111.35 1 GRAND TIIUNIC Third week August .... ll.3Q4.8tl 1232.303 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Aug. 25. RUTTER Ilecelpts 10.4(11). Market very quiet In fresh table grades. Tons slightly weaker. Extra creamery. 32cj hlirher scoring. 824 083c; State dairy, SI Sl'o; imitation creamery, iniy.ou. Increase, 1804.IIU0 7.57B.O0O 1200,242 157,530 120.433 JJ0.200 100,700 100.000 323,000 120.103 320.203 133,080 288.784 July cross Net .111.701.823 . 4.0UO.41S n.aw H7U 0" i7nhq iiaAinla l'j.nMi. Fresh erades easier. Storage arsdes firm. Extrss. 330aio; extra tlrsti. 31 8.12c; firsts. 203ue; white eggs, brown eggs, mixed colors, unchanged. The Advantages of Exchanging Securities from time to time as condi tions change and circum stances justify are often overlooked by investors. We have prepared a circu lar which points out in a general way how and when it is wise to exchange in vestment bonds and stocks. We shall take pleasure in sending a copy of this cir cular to those interested. William P.Bonbright& Conine. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD. Jr. Manager 437 Chsitnut St., Philadelphia. New Xork Boston Detwlt tiondon Parts tVUllam P. Bonbrlght A Co. Eonbrlght A Co, 3E2882L2K$2i raraEi's2!SSSKas33eKa Smuggling Goods to Germany In Neutral Mail Bags IN Sunday's Public Ledger there will be an article telling why the allied censora feel free to inspect all postal matter and regulate trading by nations not involved in the war. Though privileged by the British Foreign Office and written from the Allies point of view, the article aims to present the conclusions of an impartial British observer who has had unusual facili ties for inspecting the censorship of mails. S UND A Y'S PUBnCMiEDGER psiiwteiJiSlillls! Si ' i
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