Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    ""S fcflr 'WgMjf "
" -rH'i5,Wl,Si-i -r-- "
f f 'M ' H"ivTj
Population of 38,000 Doubles
in Decade Investments
Reach $72,000,000
Industries Ares Permanent and
No Depression Will Fol
low Peace Treaty
Chesterv the oldest city In Pennsylvania.
la fprglng rajildly forward on the crest of
ene of the greatest Industrial development
waves ever experienced by an American
city. From virtual obscurity In the Indus
trial ijvorld 10 years ago, Chester, through
a period of phenomenal progress and de
velopment, today has become one of the
tlvest centers In the commercial and Indus
trial tlfo of the nation.
Most Important of all Is tho fact that
Chester's growth has not been ephemeral.
bo.rn only of the European war boom, but
has been steady, continuous and consistent
with the- opportunities afforded by the geo
graphical location of the city It Is true
that war orders have given an unusual
Impetus to a number of the Industries dur
ing the last two years, but oven thte growth
has had the assurance of later permanence
because the tremendous workshops were
mado permnnent structures which can bo
Utilized later In other pursuits.
The Chester section Is that strip of land
on tho western bank of the Delaware River
between Crum Lynno and Marcus Hook.
Many of tho Industries found It Impossi
ble on account of their size to locate In
Chester proper, but the city limits were
easily extended and the district became
known as the Chester section.
Tho remarkable growth during tho last
decade Is strikingly shown by tho following
approximate figures given by tho Chester
Chamber of Commerce:
loon. iln
PosuUtion 3.nno Ts.oon
Imiu.trlat wealth!. G-I:0.0uo.ooo J72.0UU.D00
NumlwT of Indui- ,, ...
trim 1" 2"
Uidtutrlea amploy-
Insr more thn
1000 workmen.. 2 IB
Tha population during the last decade has
virtually doubled, but at the same time
the Industrial wealth, the money Invested In
Industry, has been more than trebled. Tho
population Is expected to grow In proportion
to the Increase In Industrial wealth as soon
as homes can be b'ullt to accommodate tho
new men. There Is a dearth of homes and
many workers are forced to commute from
Tho wave of prosperity had Its Inception
toward the close of 1906. At that time the
Baldwin Locomotlvo Works, having out
grown ts Philadelphia plants, purchased
184 apres1 of land at Eddystone and com
menced the construction of shops -which now
constitute the largest single locomotlvo plant
In the, United States. The temporary boom
was soon checked by tho subsequent panic,
but not until much attention had been drawn
to tho extraordinary advantages of the
Chester section.
As tho signs of a panic disappeared tho
growth began with a new stride. And then
camo the world war In 1914, when the
Allies turned to America for ammunition,
runs, steelwork, locomotives and all other
articles of war use. Although the wave of
prosperity swept over the entire country, the
Chester seqtlon, by reason of Its strategical
location, became one of the greatest centers
for this war trade.
New enterpr(ses were started on every
hand, established plants worked feverishly
In Extending their facilities to take care of
tho ever-growing trade, both domestic and
foreign. The Industrial growth has limited
only by the shortage of labor. From Crum
Lynne to Marcus Hook huge plants began to
spring Into being an though by magic.
Plants of all kinds and for the manufacture
et almost eyery commodity known to modern
Industry were Included In the list.
Some of the largest contracts from the
foreign Governments were received by the
Baldwin interests. Immediately they com
menced the erection -of tremendous work
shops, not temporary structures that would
be abandoned after they had fulfilled their
use, but buildings of steel and brick that
could be utilized In the manufacture of
locomotives or other peaceful devices after
the close of the war.
The Baldwin Interests, embracing the
Baldwin Locomotive Works, the Reming
ton Arms and the Eddystone Ammunition
Companies, now employ 27.000 workmen,
of which the locomotive works alone have
Among the other big industrial establish
ments In the Chester region are the plants
of the American Dyewood Company, the
Genera) Chemical Company, the Congoleum
Company, the Eddystone Manufacturing
Company, the Penn Seaboard Steel Cor
poration, the Tlndel-Morrls Company, t:
Belmont Iron Works, the South Chester
Tube Company, the Delaware River Steel
Company, tho, Chester Shipbuilding Com
pany, the Robert Wetherlll Company, the
Aberfoyle Manufacturing Company, the
Commercial Box and Envelope Company.
the 0 W. Ketchan Company and the Sun
Shipbuilding Company.
The last-named concern was Incorporated
recently for $5,000,000, and mora than
3,SQQ,000 Is being expended for the con
struction of the new plant, which will be
equipped to build standard-cargo ships up
to 600 feet in length and 5 feet beam.
The plant will he ready to begin work about
October 1.
A survey of the Industries n the Chester
tactions leads one through the whole run
and gamut of industries. There Is the
tee) castings industry, fur Instance, grow
ing Jn importance each year and giving
employment to thousands; the shipbuilding
Industry, In its Infancy yet, but grow ins
ivth sucrj rapidity that It promises to out
grpw the locomotive Industry within a few
years; the textile industry, the oil Indus
try, the dye Industry and so on throughout
the entire long list
in the manufacture of locomotive, marine
and miscellaneous castings the Chester
region leads the world, the six plants en
caged In their manufacture in this section
having an aggregate annual output of no
less. than. 100,0(10 tons.
The first steel castings In America were
m4 at Chester 25 years ago. at the plant
f the Peru; Steel Castings and Machine
Works, now a part of (he Penn Seaboard
Biesl Corporation, which stands on the his
toric site of Perm's landing in America, on
petber 25, J693.
Tha chief steel casting plant of the Ches
ter region is the penn Seaboard Steel Cor
fo ration, representing a consolidation of the
Fena Steel Castings and the Seaboard Steel
jewKngs, companies. This plant, with its
Balds works, further down the river, baa
a capacity of approximately $000 tons a
month, (hese castings ranging In weight
from an ounce to a hundred thousand
Mund. This is not the extreme limit as
o v.lsht, either; in fact some years ago
the.fe teas turned out at this plant a platten
tor tha Camden Iron Company that weighed
13iL0iHl nounds.
p Penn Seaboard. Steel Corporation's
ytaftt la th largest In the Eaat It has 4
ieUl floor space of 1QQ.Q00 square feet One
it Ma features is a fireproof storage safe,
ffif- all pattens en cumbered, syniboted,
JM'i and stored, and co&nected therewith,
ST patttrit stop, whtro patterns are ex-
, ta wj xtom 4yocm14.1i design and
tot- the battleship Utah, the first stent ever
cast In a single piece, whether here or
But as Important as Is steel casting to
the industrial life of this rapidly growing
section of the Keystone State, It is by no
means the only branch of the great steel In
dustry that Is being comprehensively de
veloped At the plant of the Tlndel-Morrls
Company, for Instance, lire produced, on an
extensive scale, steel (orglngs of every char
acter, with a range of weight of from 10 to
45,000 pounds.
A recent departure of the Tlndel-Morrls
Company Is the manufacture of steel cyl
inders' for the conveying of high-pressure
gases, such as carbonic acid gas, oxygen
and hydrogen, and cylinders for the stor
age of liquified gases for lighting system,
and nlr flasks for submarines, these cyl
inders being made Under the Tlndel-Hol-llnger
process, which, while somewhat sim
ilar to Is said to be a decided Improvement
upon the German Erhardt system.
In the plant of the Belmont Iron Works,
Chester possesses Its only establishment
for the fabrication of steel for bridges and
buildings. This plant Is situated at Eddy
stone and covers some ten and one-half
acres of ground Its buildings, all com
modious and of the latest design, comprise
beam, pattern, main bridge, rivet making
and machine shop, powerhouse and office
At this plant Is being fabricated the steel
for tho Sun Shipbuilding Company's plant
and for tho new olllca buildings now In
course of construction at Fifteenth and
Locust streets and Sixteenth and Wr.lnut
streets, Philadelphia.
Tha development of the ore-smelting In
dustry has not been perfected in tho Chester
region on a very considerable scale to date,
but Its single blast furnace Is prospering
mightily at present. This plant Ib the
property of the Delaware River Steel Com
pany, whose present name Is rather a
misnomer, for It has no activity oilier than
the smelting of Iron ore.
Wrought-iron pipe used In tho drilling of
natural gas and oil wells, the piping of gas
and oil. the sinking of artesian wells, tho
construction of ammonia plants and for a
myriad other purposes In manufactured on
a very largo scale by the South Chester
Tube Company, which has an annual out
put of about 60,000 tons a year.
Chester wrought-lron pipe finds a wide
field. The great pipe lino that conveys the
gas from the Caddo. La., field to Texarkana.
for example, was made In Chester, and It
has played an Important role In tho devel
opment of the oil fields both of this country
and of Mexico Tho plant employs about
700 men.
As great as has been the development
of the steel and allied Industries, Chester's
textile Industries have not suffered In com
parison. Her mills embrace cotton and
woolen, lace and other of the more Im
portant branches of tho spinning and weav
ing trades, and the operatives employed
run Into the thousands. Tho cardinal need
of the Industry at the moment Is labor,
both skilled and unskilled, especially
In tho plant of tho Aberfoyle Manufac
turing Company, Chester possesses one of
tho leading novelty textile mills In the
United States, its products competing with
those of the foremost mills of Europe. Theso
products consist of high-grade shirtings and
dress goods, woven from cotton yarn, silk
and artificial silk and mercerized yarns for
use In the manufacture of hosiery, under
wear, sweaters, garters, telephone cords,
gas mantels and other knitted fabrics.
This is one of tho few mills In tho coun
try that havo attempted to produce a reallv
fine-grade fabric. The first mill In the
country to utilize artificial silk importing
it from England before it was manufactured
on this side of the Atlantic the Aberfoyle
Manufacturing Company now has no fewer
than 1S00 of Its looms weaving cloth.
With an Investment of $2,000,000 and
some 1600 employes, this plant Is the largest
of Its kind In America.
In the plant of the Commercial Box and
Envelope Company this section has one of
the largest plants for the manufacture of
solid fiber shipping cases, cartons, folding
boxes and envelopes in the East. The plant
covers some 17 acres of ground, and has a
water frontage of 700 feet. It has seven
buildings, equipped with the most modern
machinery. Tho plant makes Its own
plates, and does all of its own printing. It
is the purpose of the company to erect a
large paper mill on tho property for its own
use. At the present time the capacity of
the plant is being approximately doubled.
At the plant of the O. W. Ketcham Com
pany, near Crum Lynne, is produced on an
extensive scale every character of architec
tural terra cotta, a material that in the last
few years has become Indispensable to the
American builder.
tie wu cast tha tost successful
4p4 to'u.s'.-iva xltBdrs, and here, too.
fiaaitt fc--- as& jresirf a . ra&ffxa Asifna
More Than Hundred Laborers Demand
Delayed Pay From Director
A gang of mcro than a hundred workmen
stormed the office cf Director Datesman at
City Hall today ana demanded the pay due
them for work at the pumping stations of
the Bureau of Water. The corridors re
sounded with threats, and for a time things
looked serious.
Finally they learned that a paymaster
had started wl'h the r month's wages, but
the breaklri diwn of his automobile pre
vented him from reaching Otis street wharf
where the men are a ways paid.
Finally the tardy paymaster arrived at
r-n- TTnll in a taxlcab and was cheered
when the men received their money.
Men Taken in Poolroom Raid Freed
The men arrested when police raided Jo
seph Perrotte's poolroom have been dis
charged by Magistrate Beaton for lack of
evidence. Captain Kenny commanded the
raid nnd said at the time .that the police
had information that New York "gunmen"
were there planning a big hold-up.
Baltimore Closes Playgrounds
BALTIMORE, Aug 2r. All the city play
grounds, between 30 u.c 40 In number, have
been ordered closed by the health authori
ties as a measure of precaution to prevent
Infantile paralysis from becoming epidemic
(n Baltimore,
Robert H. Warden, 10 years old,
1614 Ridge avenue, struck and
killed by an automobile at Broad
and Cherry streets.
82 Fatalities Since January 1 Six
This Month Boy Killed
After Parade
Eight persons arc recovering from mo
torcar Injuries today nnd arrangements nre
being mnde for the funeral of Robert
Warden, 10 years old. of 1B14 Ridge ave
nue, who died in the Hahnemann Hospital
when struck by an automobile At Broad and
Cherry streets.
Tho hoy, according to the police, attempt
ed to cross Broad street after tho last sec
tion of tin parade of tho Patriotic Sons of
America had passed and In the Jam ran
In front of the running board of nn auto
mobile. George Carrlck. 3909 Spring Gar
den Btrect. th6 driver of the machine, was
held to await the action of the Coroner.
This makes S3 motorcar fatalities since the
first of the year and six since tho first of
tho month. The victims In most cases have
been young children nnd nged persons.
Charles L Hutchinson, of Llanerch, was
taken to the Bryn Mawr Hospital with three
broken ribs us the result of a head-on col
lision between two touring cars on Eagle
road, Llanerch. yesterday. Three other oc
cupants of the car were treated by a phy
sician. Four men were Injured when a largo tour
ing car crashed Into a pole at Broadway
and Benson street while carrying a patient
to the Cooper Hospital, Camden. Louis
Tlano, 30 years old, of 130 Christian street,
Philadelphia, who was tho patient, la re
covering. The others were abln to leave
the hospital after treatment.
La Russia Ammassa Un Esercito
sul Confini della Rumania
per Attaccare la
Candy Store Proprietor, Twice Visited
by Burglars, Now Has $1000
A flro early today in tho home of John
Lauber, who lives with his family above
his candy store at Sixty-third street and
Saybrook avenue. Is the third stroke of
hard luck Lauber has had this year.
On February 7 burglars stole $200 In
cash from him.
On May 30 two men entered while Mrs.
Lauber was in the store alone, and when
she refused to give them money beat her
badly. Her screams brought aid and the
men fled.
Today's fire caused damago of $1000.
Mrs. Lauber and a 13-year-old daughter
were saved by neighbors. Samuel Miller and
William Earle. who climbed fences and
sheds to get to a second-story window and
lift the mother and daughter out. Lauber,
who went downstairs to fight the flames,
was badly burned. Earle, too, was hutt
in a fall.
An alarm was turned In by a motorman,
who raced his car to the Sixty-fifth street
and Woodland avenue station house.
ROMA, 25 Agosto.
II Mlnletero della Guerra pubbllca un
rapporto del generalo Cadorna ncl quato
ono annuiulato nuove vlttorie dello arml
Itallatic. Gil austrlacl hauno nttnecato
vlolentementc le posizlonl Itallane al Passo
tli Vnirlnferno, ma sono statl resplnti, Ecco
it testo del tapporto!
Nolle Alpl dt Facsa una densa nebbta
ha nstacol.ltn l'attlvlla' delta nostra
Not abblamo fatto ulterlorl progress!
suite faltle del Monte Cauriol ed abbl
11 in o preso al nemlco una quarantlna dl
Nell'nlta Val Degano 0 nella valte del
But le batterle ncmlcho sono state nt
tlve contro le nostra posizlonl.
Not abblamo rcspinto un vlgoroso at
tacco contro le nostre poslziont dl
Nulla dl nuovo vl e' nella zona dl
Gorlzla e in quella del Carso. Gil aus
trlacl bombardano dl nuovo Gorlzla ed
1 pontl sull'Isonzo.
Ecco II testo del rapporto dl lerl del gen
erale Cadorna circa la sltuazlone alia
front 0, Italo-austrlaca:
Piccolo opcrazlonl offensive da parte
dello nostre truppe cl hanno dato II
possesso dl alcunc nuove posizlonl nella'
selvaggia area montuosa della Alpl dl
Alia testata della valle dl Fossernlca
nol abblamo occupato la Quota 2364, a
sud dl Clma dl Cece. Con uu vlolento
contrattacco II nemlco rluscl' a rlpren
ilerc questa posizlonl, ma poco dopo no
fu dl nuoo 0 deflnltlvamento cacclato
dalle nostre truppe.
Alia testata della valle dl Cla alcunt
repartl della nostre truppo alpine con
qulbtarono trlnceo ncmlche sullo falde
del Monto Cauriol cd a Clma dl Cupola.
Sul resto della fronto dl battaglla al
sono avufe uzlonl Intermlttcntl dl artl
gllcrla. SI rapportn altlvlta' da parte del
vellvoll c dl repurtl In rlcognlzlone.
Durante un volo hu Gorlzla una della
nostre macchlne Nleuport abbatto' un
aeropUno nemlco die si Incendlo' o
cadde nolle vlclnanze dl Ranzlano. .
II generale Cadorna ha splnto lo sue avan
guardle fino a 14 mlglla da Trlesto o a poco
a poco avanza sul dllllclle terrono montuoso
dovo gll austrlacl si attaccano alle loro po
sizlonl con la phi' grande tenacla.
Nelle ultlme 24 ore, scrlve un corrispon
dente dalla fronte dl battaglla, ho vlsltato
la zona dell'Isonzo a sud dl Gorlzla fino a
Monfalcone. A sud-est della citta' git Ital
ian! hanno conqutbtato la seconda Ilnea, delle
trlncee austriacho ed in alcunl puntl sono
penetratl fino alia terza l.nea. Per moltl
glornl c' contlnuato l'uragano dl granate In
questa zona.
Monfalcone, come tuttl gll altrl villaggi
del Carso, e' stato quasi dlstrutto dat fuoco
delle artlgllerle Nelle vlclnanze della cltta
Un plrbscafo dl 16,000 tonnellate, che era
stato costrulto per far6 vlaggl tra New
York ed I port! austrlacl, e tre torpedlnlere
sono statl rldotll a pezzl.
L'altoplnno del Carso e' tutto rotto da
cratcrl formatl da grahate. Trlncee aus
trlache sconvolle, rcstl d retlcolatl dl ferro,
cadaerl o carogrto el Incontrano dapper
tutto. Grossl frammentl dl roccla, dlveltl
dal prolettlll dl artlgllerla nel bombarda
mento che precedette la cortqulsta dl Monte
San Mlchele o dl San Martlno, si Incontrano
iicl craterl scavatl dalla granate 0 plcnl dl
cadaverl, coma Immense tombe.
Le Hnee dl trlncee degll avversarll sono
cosl' vlclne le una alle altre 'sul CArso, che
I soldatl devono cssere costantemente In
guardla dl glorno per evllaro I colpl del
tlratorl dl fanterla.
Telegrnmml da Parlgl dicono che I fran
cesl hanno conqulstato nuovo trlncee a nord
dl Peronne, cho c' II loro oblettlvo da alcuna
settlinane, cd hanno oceupato Interamento II
vlllagglo dl Maurepas. Clo' mostra che I'of
fcnsla dcgll anglo-franccsl e' tutt'altro cho
cessatn tnentre comlncla Una pnderosa often
slva dcgll nlleatl nolla Penlsola balcanica.
Ivl la sltuazlone va dlvenendo Bempre' plu'
llitercssante, speclalmcnte per quanto rlgu
arda la Rumania 0 da Grecla.
lerl un telegramma da Atene dlceva che,
In scgulto ad ordlnl perentofll pervenutl da
Atone il comandante della guarnlglone grcca
,11 So) si era ntlrato In dlrcztOne sud per
non opporre reslstenza alio truppo bulgarc
che, avendo oceupato Demlrhlssar, si pre
paravano a marclaro su Seres. Oggl In
vce si npprende che quel comandanto e'
tuttora In Seres, non solo, ma che 1 volon
tarll greel accorrono ad arruolarsl per com
battcre contro I bulgarl, eternl nemlcl del
l'ellenlsmo. IV piobablle pero cho ordlnl
slano realnuntc partltl da Atene per II rl
tlro della guarnlglone dl Seres e che II co
mandanto non vl abbla dato peso.
French Dramatist Is Commended
PARIS, Aug. 26. Lieutenant Henri
Bernstein, of the aviation corps of the
French army, was today cited In nn order
of tho day for valiant services on the
Macedonian front LUutenant Bernstein
distinguished himself In rcconnoltcrlng
duty and raids. Bernstein's exploits
achieve additional Interest from the fact
that ho once deserted from the French
army. Afterward he fought a duel with
Loon Daudct, son of tho author of "Sap
pho." Ho Is ono of tho foremost play
wrights in France.
Chester Needs More Houses
Chester Shipbuilding Co.
Chester, Pa.
FABRICATORS OF" Philadelphia, Pa.
1 STRUCTURAL. STEEL Eddytlono, Pa.
Insurance &
Real Estate
Homes, Factory Sites
and Residence Property
for sale in Chester and
adjoining boroughs. Man
ufacturers seeking ideal
locations in this rapidly
developing section will
profit by communicating
with us.
Market Square CHESTER, PA.
OF OUR TlPI "?("
srit-i.. ,vr
-c. " & f
sr.it -ainfi,.
wmm , mm
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ri fvSES " " '
r.r y (;.v.yji if 11 - 1 in hi-" TmsI
qr-riJ8R-1 ,tej ri. v&m?Mmm
.T"" ., ". i " -Mri I TX asjI( ls1 rvl TJi II 2 !JBBBBBBBKmJ4BBBBBV
"' 1 T "-
rn!ii :-. Lu,--.
es Sz?S3SS&n f Vic.fSSSS---
Zx. f lw rT1-3?"
ThU It the Largett Factory of It Kind in the World
Commercial Box & Envelope Co.
Solid Fiber Shipping Cases, Folding Cartons and heavy
Mailing Envelopes made to any required dimensions.
Woolworth Building 133 South 12th Street
JOHN T. BUCKLEY CO., Inc., Chester, Pa.
Perfection Motor Oil
As Old as the Industry ' '
Pennsylvania Gasoline
Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
MMUtuu .... . ....-..--w.---p--i WIUILBILii tj.--J
Soutk CliesterXube Co.
Chester, Pennsylvania
Manufacturers of I PIPE : TUBING : CASING
New York Pittsburgh Chicago San Francisco
Delaware River Steel Company
Chester, Pa.
1 11 fdsJa'mm?v
Dyers of Golors Est to
Sun and Bleaching
Our Yarns are the Products of American Mills
402 Morns Bujldwg
74$ Insurance Exchakgs
WT S-S n ra W M .. 9MPWMM9V
nil mm 11 jiihiijwb ftm'
ti? Hm, Uri, wf p$a& z&m tux stasa
Itrr--1-JLI mi, r rTrrnnnmir TT