HTF- f t- If rn if h. i tar mi j Ml U J' if . i -V ft! HH AtfTC EIVERY AND QAHAQE3 INDEPENDENT TAXIOAB CO. 9Ha N nnnAn Ri al i.E3 or gUAi.tTr to tuna ftiirnond 8408 Never closed. l"rk .. 1AU r.-w.xi. t-v. tIIOfJR DIAMONtTll taxi TOimiNci Li.Mpug HALF nBOUL.AU JtATfi! IN PI a. ver Closed. Formerly Jitney 1 rtate Co. SjSB, 1017 to mro tnpcn day and MehO. rK lin- wmiiu-iio" u-vo. turning car. 11 1 25 hr nl,.. brand-new 7-p. limousine li 80 hr,: wesdlnn. funeral. 171 S Olrard, rTTv-" MOISTKII Portable Oaragee steel nr B .iiicce. on display 3M1 N. Oth. Tloea 2981. tuece. AUTO REPAIRING f SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See H11.1-Y, nt hi new location. PIO sumn uijtv pjjttita. rTr INDrinS HEUOItED. new pistons nnd rings enlsned. welding and brazing. H. n. Un. ftifS'.cd ft Co.. 10JS Hamilton street, rhlla. AUTO SUPPLIES tr TOU WANT TO SEHi your old car or want "nv part to repair, call.-write or rhoije. l t, n) Auto Part Company, 810-17 N. lath at. Park H4. TIAll'"I,r'ww UD H 4 rr.w nenarlur wervico ma. inn uwimam i.o,, til Arch "t Ph. Walnut 3107. Rare ana J. " PARTS to build or repair nny car. -11, Auto Part Co.. 828 N. 13th. Park 1418. AUTO TIRES TinBB mithtly used, nil alual your own price. 811 aM-MS-North13th. Fark1418. PULLMAN T1IIE3 Guaranteed 3500. mile. Compar price. OIUM'S. 280 N. tlroad street. BOATS, M0T0RB0AT3, LAUNCHES JVwNER leaving city must gaerltlc for beat orter 0 jo-foot cabin boat. Olobj jntlnes fully equip pa. Tclephon Diamond 1728 J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES it! HAVE a growing. Baying bulncss and w d IJO00 to extend 111 to any one having JbuO or over to, Invest, we can offer an at tractM propoaltlom can furnish the beat of v.Vv reference! to any one Interested we will SSJn the book and make a clean. straightfor ward statementl this Investment should pay lis Mr etnt without risks bIvb telephone number .Awer. P 014. Ledger Office. a rpr,1NJrrcj 8end for our free book. PAli XO -Patent and Trade-Mark." tv will help you develop your invention Ad iir free. Reasonable fee. Open Monday eve ning until 8:30 FOSTER &WEBSTER SUITE toil Chestnut t. Hell phone Walnut 1.101; 5;toTED Kellable partner to Invest 16000 In mimiaftcurlnic buslnea In city: Increa cap- If required to rtulflll order. P lOl.Lcd. Off. BUSINESS PERSONALS runic reference. Approvement, 1 per cent. IIARRY W. BMlTH.71TBanom it. BVENINO CLOTHES TO lUiltT ....I etyle. Phone Poplar 235. Open f. rtYriNEn'S. 10th ana uirara aw., a w. wr, p. rr v.,.-.- .--.. - the only permanent way. Kyehrow arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theater Bldg. I PRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ' .. HA...r m.ceariviwn scunni.. "ndlvlaual imtructlon. ehort course; eay pay ntAHLl'M:DQCn& and Market t. FOR SALE Rit.T.IARD POOL, combination, second hand, boutht. old rented, exchanged: repairing: iupplli Lfe litfr, American manufic turer. 320 Olrard avi. Phone Ken. 2310. Hn.LlAKD. pool tublea. new. second-hand bowl ' tnr alley: ea.y payment. noaatto-Barry-Btreet Co.. 223 8. 8th tt.i phone Wal, 2284. Milliard and pix-ket tablks-aiio feowiiMT J r "vt,Sa.'Sen,?BAUhSW ICK -''' .Ji. ......nn. .-wt xAhnnieaH rn lrri. ui i.ii 11..1 ui,iir,iLjiJih v "' ,.-.. replated" iupplle.: new nd factory .rrtuUt: tiw totil adder, as low as $30. Call and . our 1016 models. Regl.ter sold by us on eaiy payment and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Kin SALE I C. S. course In civil engineering; new volumes, cost 18: will sell for J15: can be transferred: owner going to college. au m&ot.iiji fc...-fc. pnons uermaniuwii ...- u. trirnronf; 00 sllahtly used; all site BAFES nd mnkn; blK barijaln. ?,.." ft, Fourth st. between Tlneo nnd Vine. " HUGHES, 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD, baa the largest and lt assortment of used office furniture and flxlurea In this part of the country. Anything to equip an Wce at price that will pleaso you Free Celhery anywhere. HEATINQ ilAKJN-KELSBY HUALTII HEAT Is better and cheaper than tm or hot W-VSr.-t-PT iSr air with normal molature. MAK1N-KLLSET. JS27 Filbert t. MACHINERY ANP TOOLS TOCOM ANTI.FRICTION JIBTAL for lining machine bearings positively reduce 'fiction ho Wm bcond.jAMES y0C0M 4B0Ni Power-plant jsOjuipment, Dynamo, motor, bollera, steam and oil en glnet. pump, air compressors FRANK TOOMEY. INC.. 13T N. 3d St. DTNAMOS. motor and machinery bought, sold and rented; armature repaired. Main Ul. Aiarxtt auuA. venrsiey i-o.. , it. - Kt fJPE THREADING MACHINES 2. 2. 4. . K 10. 12 in,. "Jareckl." "Eaton. Cole i Hum. PJ nam." L. F. Beyfert' Son. 487 N. 3d st. jrauR I'ROFILINU macnines. i. s, a, "ij":!i ensltlie drlli. 20, 22. 24. 3 pries, NUTTALL. 1748 N.5thv rills, ZU. --. 4. dU lltei. unit FOR RUSH ORDERS of sprockets, chain, ele vator buckets and transmission materials call en CHARLES UOND COMPANT. 020 Arch St. tlPB & FlTTINOt), nil sizes. Pill LA. iD-HANU PIPE SUPPLY. 1003 N 7th Uoth phone. SELL SCRAP METALS TO HENRY K. FORT CO.. 2227 N. Amer. t. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTROLA8 J . ALTERATIONS are now being made to our Vlctrola Department, and ws need the room: o ws wilt make special low terms. Lxtraor dlnary opportunity. Call or write for particu lars and largd Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES, Cor Uth and Thompson sts Join our summer uluh , , .,..,, OET YOUH VICTROLA. NOW. Excellent opportunity to secure a Deautliui Mahogany Vlctrola with recordj. , at special low terms Send at once for particulars and application blank. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. uor din ana 'vnompson sin; 185 CHICKEHINO UPRlQIlf PIANO. , HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 8th, AWUUbT VICTOn RECOItnd NOV ON 3ALB nwr.T.ATf B- 1129 CHESTNUT ST. WIDOW will aacririrB an feS-nota mahogany i Player-piano: cost 1780 when new. J 240, i. Ledger Central. OLD GOLD OLD, COLD, sliver, platinum, plated ware, old stye Jctvalrv. teeth elites bought for cash. . Est. 1870. J.' L. Clark. reflnr,8078ansom. CAiji PAID' FOU'DfAltO'NDS. PRBCWDS stones, gold, silver, platinum '.?lf.,L,t ioji, sola. Sliver, piitiM,i ,, ''?,.!-" Phlla. Smelling A Hf- Co . 128 8. 11th. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, ,Urr antique clocks; will call. Dell phone. Locust mo. ROQERS. IT S. 7th St. STORAGE CONTINENTAL 8T0RAQE WABBHOUSE J0TH ST. ABOVE XllESTNirr PACKING. MOVING. SIUPPJNO Rug. Carpets cleaned. ?urd. tord. . Beliri.ocut inIO Phones Key- Race 4180 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES OA4Q4V jUA.A ATI I.A8 STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, loving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning, h. Barliig 732 for estimate. Market k UTth. (EST PHILA. MONARCH 8TOUAOB CO. l"EST PHILA. Auto Packln and Shipping, fVA'r niiifV Sota T.iwriSTER AVE. mov rn wrt WEST . WKBT !-. . .. ' L' . ' -...f.. ...u K. 11. K ft! moving packlar. shipping; auto vans; - both phone. Let u estlmste. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. t 2188 MARKET ST. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE. U, ,tsth. feather beis. broken ewelry, oId.llver, diamonds POiifht T Walnut Walnut 7020. Est. 186.. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth. BJ.oli ceiM coin books. wTtFprlces I pay, mJld I?c. J-U. Bgs tPeople's Storet, 268 8. Uth. Wal. J48. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prlcca pati for U4 ' and men's clothing, hat, shoes, etc Phoae Poplar 87T "BfArTkER. 1289 Poplar. "URMTURB. krp.l, antlau.. or part houses bought for cash: no matter hoy Targs. J BERNSTEIN. JSlOUdgeave "'ruia jrunMTUHK. p !" "."K''ri,.il VAia, M fS.afiSl .furnUurV mJOk In ;, Second-Hand Furnltur Co.. 00i-00-SM CallowhTll st. St PRICKS -PAID FOR. MBffA.CAKj&KF UftTHINO 8HOE3.ETC. SAMUfcL COOPER. 1010 Q1RABP AVE PkONE POPLAR " ROOMS POR BENT, . CHE8TNUT' ST " 2009 DESIRABLE ROOMS. PERSfANENT OR TRANSIENT "iWST 1818 DESIRABLE ROOMS. EXCEL- -feKfE. LOCATION PRL'CE2022 Lara conuuosteaUng roomsi srlvt oath uutbern apour. open nre- Place Ijcuat 1803 J ., 210 WEST LOOAN SQUAKK tSBeoNDFLOO SUWE. REFERENCES. . bAb?1nq C,VaneJ.I S' . 20th (The Mrgrft-e- bittS'tifiA1"2 "J Fumlshed: room, private iRr1! - r- PnonaWalmit 7171. aulte. r..l32rrn"ir" b!o vacancies, single or en not-watnV,.'.,,n?'lrn,i,(llnt ' b0'"al iiSiterJieatelec. llght. Diamond 0071. ! 8U"jJ K UAH ,t WA,ANIPWN-Thn 8hl'rn7n. Wn k Hans. ""'" '" cl In appointment A service: SANITARIUMS aShMiil" Prlvatehome will take nervous, chronWCr H?a an1 mlli mental ratlents; nlso S'aJjTM!.UrM' ""y rooms; best of warby. Telephone Darby 88 J; herVT,!."''.', '"Vtion:" ipe'eiei arlontlflc care': let nV a .'!,' 'X,;ry "mforti nurses i book- Dr Rardsl. City Lino Chestnut Hill FURNISHED APARTMENTS Wanted F"nNSHED HOUSEKEEPING apartment. 3 tlculars, i 143, Ledger Central. APARTMENTS ROCKnTT'S APARTMENTS, 820 to 030 N. 10th at Sillies of ,1 and 2 rooms, with private lJ""j furnished or unfurnished, every conV; MAIN LINE. P. R. tt. 2.XEnanortK THE hllEJfEI. APARTMENTS, at Overbrook "yifn Ono housekeeping apartment. 7 rooms and bath, to lesse after September 1. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS N. E COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story Apartment House Is hultt of concrete and steel, thoroughly llreproofed and of the moat modern architecture Suites of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooms and 3 baths. Including several bachelor suites with every rnod'rn convenience and fnclllt . .. . ..ONLY A FEW OF THE LARCIE HOUSE KEHPINO SUITE3 LEfT. THEY ARK THE FINEST IN PHILA . HAVINO SOUTHERN. EASTRRN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES LONG TERM LEASES WILL BE DATED OCTOBER. 1010 All things considered, the rental are mod erate. For further Information, arrangement for Inspection nnd reservations apply to MERTON W OREIMS 210 Franklin Hank Bldr Phone Walnut 0920, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS All parts of city. 3 roo.ns and bath to f rooms nnd lath, ,2." to 170 per month. Call, phone or write for nformMlon. SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut at. MODERN APARTMENTS, all sties and price. Call or write for complete directory, free. APARTMENT BUREAU.r Franklin Bank. Ildg 13TH, N . 2024 Second door 0 room and bath, modern conveniences Frederick W. Klngles. 1034 N 10th St. Pop B483 WEST riHI.AnEI.WIIA KINOSCOURT 80TH AND CHESTNUT STS SEVERAL MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT8 FOR RENT: ELECTRIC ELE VATORS PUBLIC DININO ROOM APPLY EST THOS M. SEEDS JR , 1207 RACE BT ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut; Monterey. 43d and Chester: Belmont. 81th and Sprtn; Garden Inquire Janitor. or.CRESSE. MS Halejlldg . O" rooms, 2d floor: private, THE OIRVIN porch: awnlnga. 3310 Hamil ton Sen Janitor. APARTMENT HOTELS THE SWARTHMOni: N. D. cor. Walnut 6 22d sts. American and European .Plan This fine new IB-story flreproof hotel apart ment will bo ready for occupancy Septem- 'sulfcs with bay windows haUng southern and western exposures will ba rcsened now for you upon application to A. A. MILTZ. Manarer formerly of The Frontenac. THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEASES PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDC AVE . AT JOTH STREET Special rate for uummer season, frurnlsned and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence DELMAR-MORRIS . WHERE TOWN AND rotlNTRY MEET CHEITEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. OER; MANTOWS DELIOHTFUL SUMMER HOME FimNfEDONi: ROOM AND HATH UP, THE ESMOND Auce"1 ugiirame nuura 'vj""":: PEFIMANENT Oil TKAM8IRNT QUESTS C1H1 rfl ..w . -- -- - WEST PHILADELPHIA THR TMARLYN 40TH AND WALNUT STS. Da,8,.t,iev,ra!m.".nllebar,oofi1 VMS' bV'STSSiw miaim bufldlnB. htt Prtroent elusive, American plan dining room. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY NORTH and West Phlla. nnd Oermantown horn's, 11800 to 16000. First payment only m0MERC?IANTS- UNION TRUST CO. 718.717-710 Chestnut st. pnns-T AND NORTHEAST BOULEVARD FPrI I'OJO VALUE T J830O. 1300 CASH Very attractive: 2 Story. 8 rooms hardwood floors, frcntlawn. porches etc Take No. 50 or 62 car"" -"" street to operation. rnnTIrq ST N . 2320 Desirable 7-room dwell C Si" saloon parlor, brownston trimmings: prfce JaSCWi cfear: i eauares from Strawberry Mansion and F.lrmount Park liH.WUC, - --.- MONEY FOR MORTGAGES nulld Association , and Trust gFunds. taiT lO."! FITZWATER and 1410 Senate, In "JJarl 40x73, asied 17500: rent 187 per month, must be oM ,, ... ;,oth. 1823 HANSTEAD (near 18th and a estnut To " "iaiiWl- b"uiNNK9 18th and Cherry. 1530 DAUPHIN ST.. 3 Jtory, T rf 1014 Mt Vernon t.. 4 story. L ClUARANTEB TRUST i SAVE D moms 1 VVHie DEPOSIT CO. 3 rooms 3 Id-3l rhratnut t ltTH ST . N. S17-8I0 Look lhei ' oer. rented J IK. assessed 5000H. prl' 12500. subject to 33i)T" MASSET & SON. 18hand Green. MT SOUTH JUNIPER ST.. 17 6x80. and three rjrA.P."l-TERSON ISO South 10th t REAL ESTATE FOP,ALE OR RENT UAtlUI-'l.;'1 " -'i'l " ''w, lUl I.HWIH1U.. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for. U or rent CEPTU YARROW A VAN PELT . M EV cur. 17th and Chestn-it. niillillng Lots, Taclory Site, etc. CHOICE HUILDING LOTS and largo tract c,Jrnund In all part c ty. olso or 200 mfg. ,naT!"ivinVjaig.liiJtttlEt. Tiust Illdg. r;"ii.HriS' cbRNKif,s front. iding. U,U JlJny other. fl !e. and location. MORRIS ft frvRHej;tJlrnad. Pop. 1211. TSrsiRATlLtfliUILblNO LOTS, city and ub. Pu?b- alt Improvement, rlpa to build; ad- vln.! list u:JJ,nJ09Ehestnut. v & nwii -ji'j. i ; ; i 'irrr r.V lVER-nONT. u rti Wt.a i t. 1314 WALNlTr ST. gaetorles FOR SALE Factory, near Pb V main road. clo to atatlon: bt fuy llpP4 with Singer aw Philadelphia, on : train service; Inc machlnt. P U13. '." w... WEST PHILADELPHIA .c7lr,?rohueVr7Door.;Vh.r.fbntdh. kVuhUdr.vnkrn0fr"n,UIlLr?E,R' else Ell iment. w"""xm"anJ HaBeTJ .t. unoflO OR LESS; assessed 110.000: mortgage "iTSOOtiluS lislooo. Walnut st west of 4Vdi assumed for debt, circumstances will not per- mil our gtvlny particular over lb phone. SiyloV - Son, if and 2d 8. 40th st. 1500 3-STORY RESIDENCE, lair lot; auth. '.?nxi2ur. fruit ree. ccnvehlent to train and trofl'y' E. L- TOWiSBND S K. corner $0 th and Baltimore ae. Phone WooJland 8200. STfiir.- t-iSrt null SALE oit RENT LIST 43th ana oaiuniwip " ""'.".r" ....... .,. BENDiFiTR OUR SALE OH RENT LIST UttZilM w .Via vat r.wM Tin-era 4003 Bauicioi ave. SEWCTIfSAhER011 ENT yW and gttUtiatr avt r." ' Ttm r'TSrifr a umiir.a B. H. APS LEY. 88th apd Hyrlngfleld. nvt,ifariiiLlh- OERMANTOWN ,bLS &tf-f- rranklln BinV kjl Walnut 283T. OUR HUAL Itdl'AT UULLET1N will b, seal o lou by m-iil 04 aopTlcatlon. ormaatowo riit Co.. Ct.elten uoJ aermantown ayes. our NEW RENT and sal list ot Qsrmantowa V and Chls tout Hill properties sent on appllca. tlon. U. U Ue b Sa. 5812 Oermantown ay T5'"yoIT5RK LOOKINO FOR A HOME la Oer "roinwwo" Jit. Airy or Chestnut HUL uonault EDO. A 4T. l.iM. ",?.." fcw ZLZ. S57!?!1 V ?of; u 4 IsrminlAUB B.V. eJO h.m - -- , ,., . NEW DETACHED DWELLINGS. 112.800 UP- "VuJi, 8. C. XourUea. TOU Boyr at. thieC9y,'aT0:i',?,!JI'.AND CHESTNUT; In ivrvLM P.J.rt R' WCSt PHILA, THE Ij6v-(iv'-Jir-V.0".11'- B.tjNUt.B. PHfcSIDENr and HWrQ " 0t "" ENdLESIDU. HU.VC1I EVENING LEDaER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST REAL ESTATE EOR SALE ConUnuttt rtm rreceil'tiff Loriimn ML Airy. Cerniantown NEW SALE AND RENT U8T.REAOT T.llK.n. Mt if.., mt,A r-h.Mfmlt Hilt. PEL1IAM TRUST CO., 8740 Oermantown v. einnm. .it. Air Chestnut Hill SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRiailT CO.. Mortle Building. Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE TOU WANT KENNEPn'M-'ArJIPoMANTOWN. Logan REAL ESTATE, mortgagee and conveyancing. Wit. V. CHAMBERS, . 4933 N. Broad at. rr.NXSYLVANLV sunuRnAN BRO0KL1NE nrand new.det. fa?- !? ,." water het, elecr.: 80x123: 188801 only 1450 raan required: will exenange. -,.u J. ELMER w'ATTS. iopp..Broaklln JStatlon... DARIIT Ask for new special suburban sale list all part Delaware County. a v ui'u e p to, usiwug. OLENSIDB HOMES and building, si tes, every description. RENNINOER RENN1NOER. illtnsiile. fa NORTH OLENSIDB Buy while prices are rea. onable. IJSO nnd up; train and trolley. W. a. 01ennu Agent, H3lJ.nd Till Bldg. SWAKTHMORB Excellent. location, pear train and trolley; alone ami frnw t,ou"91,s,,b?J room nd bath on 2d. floor:, large, lot! old hjile; garage- reasonable price. . CHESTER OSBORNE, 1324Chetnul t- SWAIlTHioirp DCSIRAIlLb PROPERTIES tom wllS irw J3S,5!..,&oSirT t C. P PETERS A SON, 0LlJ-l!,?l!Ti5yJiJ!Ii WILL. SACRIFICE as-ncre country seat, near Amb er for quirk b to. nw Colonl-tl mansion, 12 rooms. 3 baths, designed by Pvery. 8chetx ft Papery Remodjlfd Colon aj fsrmhouse with. Rcvoluntlonnry Vir 0.!,tt"";.?. 'J?! ant houses- large onrnsi poultry bouses, ga raito with living nu-vrters, etc. I i1."vrWn,bir bery. shsde and great abundance of fruit: a rare bargain; full detail on request: will show by appointment. .., It J. I1AGER. INC. mm.f. t-i. FOR RALE 100-acre farm on m.0-, ,!'"5 modern improvements; ixionii ""! --; than one.halt hour from 'noujt -al section ot Chester and vicinity. C 3LLcrOrtlce;l SEI, H.ECT Properttee Country seats., farms. iu order n.iw. LEwT8T.nnooKt.fc BO.-. 1414 South Penn so FOUNDED 187B. farms; list CHOICE BUILDING SITES ARTHUR V TOWNSENDJ-nnhorJ!St-tg. SUBURBAN HOiES FOR, SALE OR "BNT t-K.r,K-f T. J, rAflSRT Real Eetate Trust Building. 8UBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for cataloruo . t BROWN & CLOUD. NmTlstown,Pai. Any prf,e" All location?" Sale or rsnt. CHARLES J HOOP.A.COMgrrjsniag;. ?.. ....",... .' ?.e-A r. r-tlTlTE LAUOE rent i IE LIST OF SUntlRllAN jPM,a- 19 or ! on the Main Line or R'fdlng R-.. nt. It. WILSON CO. Mor-I Building wir SUHURBAN RESIDENCES 'fr ale or rent: nttractlve locations: prices rlht. Maurlco J. Hoover. Keai Ksiaie irugi m Suburban Tits LANBDALE 27 bldg, lot", best ",JJ?n,1.Ji,r,P: ihi a .. ii i i.-vt. ,,- -f.-.-.- - - . SPRINGFIELD Villa plots e"?. '.VrVet'lra I8S0. ilOxt-0 feet, price S0O. all Btreet lm rroiement 30 minute; to City 'Hall, n-cent fare from noth street: 110 monthly, no taxe. no Interest L HM Irtuer Central. . MAIN LINK. P. R. R- NARBERTH A new house. Montgomery avenus near tollat with all conyn'!,lcriv.rhrnok W. n SMITH. 0002 Pre"' mad OvernroQK. SURURBAN HOMES, country Pisces nnd build Ing sites to suit ll requirement; Main i-me. H. O HUNTER Wayne. Pa. new jrnsF.v soncRnAK. L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N J. WILLETLIPPINCOTT 1 Alton PLOTS HOMES HIGH ELEVATION L Cr"aP.Fnl"er L SNOOK. Wnodhurv H.ts ,N J, rr.VNSYI.VANIA FARMg 11 ACRES on State road, cloae to town and BtJ.'B. THOMPSON. Wc.jChej.ter.ra NEW JERSEY FARV. ONE.ACRE FARMS, nearest to Philadelphia, train and trollev.. Write for .vmiMt BARLOW & CO.. Maple Shada. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT Tliln Bulldlnc. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES JAMES D. IVINc'ie'll. 17th and Sansom sts. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN Commercial Tru.t Bl.l L'th and MsrKet. .. jiryLiNr?Rj K- u- VAIN LINE Best line of Main Lin houses. MuYL'w'Elid'u.t B,dg. "R.E. SALE OR EXCHANGE SAI - or ex Large hotel doing- large business, clt? loo'ooo Inhabs . stock, good will, real es tate to close an estate, owner. L 731. Ledger. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what yA'o-WLS-Vc-hestnu...... '..'.""e.tmfnt. L 747.J!edgerCentr.J. WANTEbNorthern uburban Property In ex TAanirVfor clear city Property, alued at hSooO t. SIP, Ledger Office. HEAL ESTATE WANTED house 7 or 8 room and bath: mut be modern In every particular; detached or semidetached, any aectlon or suburb wl h good traHsSortailon facilities; J2S to 140. Addres C 28. Ledger Office. CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents: real e"tat" sold; mortsases r seed. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13th St. HEAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY STORES AND DWELLINGS In all section of BrM.V:,o..-.Ti. n. in the Idaer Saturday. cuy. on ::t.-;,6., - c7,- i r-n H cor Oth'and'Callowhlll DnCce7prac312lU26roo8mr.0mS- .W --S IISfeyTR EST.1. Trust- B.dgU .... v'lTTIt ST. store and 10 rooms ...Ijo JSi7l?N. l"tn. lloom dwelllnr, itJ "let t.. 10-room dwelling Jj !1" "f.i.'Sni w mm M lnth t. iir,t nw--. m... ... OUR RENT LIST GLADLY sent upon apiie.iiim. WM. O. GLENN. 1817 Columbia ave. L.An ntm ncn riBT THE LAND TITLe'aND TRUST CO. - t -- iHBniit ata. tUIHU ii r --- - iaoo SPRING OARDEN ST. 13 rooms, 2 bath: fllRARD TRUST CO.. Broad and Chestnut t. 805.BOHTII lTK for physician. 14 rooms and 2 fill Walnut at. mil' goiii ... .- 'oiii'a tfi-rir RT ..vnsNixM.'i& urm st. M35iT37T"2130 N. HOPE ST-t-Two story, 4 -'Jwmsgood order: keys ther. Wm. L. frravcn'B 8ons. 1548 N. 7th St. 11 RdOMs'AND 2 BATHS. Business Properties una Stores EOT ARCH ST. lgflo Chestnut at. JK.-I0 N h sL iu2 a. i a.h . "V.-J "5iu . 30 Market at. 1001 Market St. 1201 Walnut st, ills 11th St. IIU.1 Walnut St. J.i "'.'Ty.wti'tiBftM ian b. fsih At. :-. .; 'i7bT-i otS" ItJOB UAI(Vm w Two upper floor; U 20 by list levators electricity; team heat: rar entrance: wll) alter to ault tenant. . .... . SlTERS HARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th L Store and basement, boo cbtnut t.. 30x118. large window: whole tor. or will dl ?lde. LEA ESTATES. 700 Snsom st- Store and Dwelling VINE ST.. 1185 Store and 0 room: food order; H convenience.:, 138; will Improv. LAriUAOi&n AVft 9M -i.ll"" i lort and taiement and 1U room; ftu. good TATTON. 803 CHESTNUT BT, Phone. Lombard 414T. BENTAI. T.1STS BUILDING. N. W. corner 19tb and Ingerioli. StabU. 18th and Infaraoll... I0 MojBirlng liVISQiti- Mtb -.,, f H S. IiklUaa . . .. lSi3Camuj. 23 140 Ho ly J2 1123 Ingersoll .. ... I 2810 Fatt.arlne 814208 Wetmlnter v. ll ALFRED H. WILLIAMS. B2'4 Walnut t. Factories, Warehomes. Mfg. Floor THREE STORY, brick. 4.0x80. ons-atorv addl tlon. yard easy ttrniJ- J. A. Illddleton. 608-11 Wldener Bldg. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or Btocr location, (or (iaiviory &cuuw DIETEIUCH. Til Walnut t- 4TH BT . N 1U-J4 Uanufacturlas-ilaor. (team beat and power, Apply Penna Co 311 CLestnut t FIvOOR SPACE In modern bulldlna R R. siding. ub-potofnce. superior Ught for manufactur. Inv Id ratty i cu . located N. E. cor. Utl and Waabtngioa ave Phone Dickinson lllu. E. cor. 11th LAROE. ground Ooor space at ttb. a&l Walnut- witu jJt5avfeyffiH a. uth. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT yacterlei. Warenonee. Mfg. Flr Conllnued rom rreccdMfl Columtt Metropolitan Building D,D, AND WALLACE Fireproof noams. A000 to 40.000 q ft . Cheap 8HER. 147 N. 10th t. power, Ap, GEO. F. LA Cohockaink Mills "hD th stb. Floor. 8000 to 18,000 a, ft, Cheap power. R.. P. McNEfcLY.JT8i nandolnh. MERCHANTS- BUILDINO nuiiui exit BTiiisui' , . Dtlrable room: power and light. Oarnge 1M8 LATIMER ST. nsr 15th and Srruc sis.) . Electric light, cement floor- lt .SOxtS. rent 110 per month. WHITESIDE A McLAN- AHAN, corner 18th and Pine. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS, ETC. HEED BUILDING , , 1211-17 .Filbert Bt. Centrally located: nil convenience! rent at tractively low. service continuous. SWf t ?u".'!i. . to 8 roo El LIS I). WII.l.iAMH Rnn inn i. knuii.7 ms. 1030 tp .nOSO. Drexei Huuuing FOR RENT 2 Urge rooms. 2d floor, suitable for professional offices, atudlo. etc I 2 rooms and bath on 3d noon 17th near Chestnut. The are exceptionally line rooms, high cell Ing plenty of llsht.' J 243. Ledser Central. IEIiriIANTS-"rillH.tNO 41 jnirrir A-rir nTnrp.T .Very desirable offices; hat and light. OFFICES, no per month and tin: Includes heat. ,im, wirvnior inn innu Janitor service. SON. 130 d lfitn St. J. A. PATTER Profes'lnnal ontce CHESTNUT ST. 1820 Prof, offices and studios. .rm n.m. fiectric iient running water. PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1831-33 Chestnut st. A few suites for physician or .dentist. J, T. JACK8QN CO.. Chestnut and 13th. WEST I'lIII.MIKI.rilLV HERMAN BROTHERS (1010 MARKET ..House apartment, stores . Ner 00TH ST. "L" STATION For rent or ale. nutlness I'roperlle and 8tore . STORE AND FIXTURES. 4822 Market and nsr L elation rent 127. JAMES .V. MITCHELL. 48th and Market. Stores and Dwelling 3103 CATHARINE 0 rooms: conenltnce. ISO. FARRELL. 710 8. 20th St OERMANTOWN 1125 COLONIAL MANSION, stable and . rage, 1 1-8 acres, with old shade; corner lot near station, long lease to good tenant. MAURAN. DOLMAN A: CO . . N. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut inn nli.-r , ivno 1. nnmtQ Send for List, ContlnentaLEouitable Trust Co., 21 S. 12th. Chestnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Oermantown Chestnut Hill. Main Line. WARNOCK li EMLEN Commercial Trust Building. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BROOKLINE Brand new del dwls .Jr. & b.. water neat, electr.. large lots. Y.n ou, je..m up. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Urookllne Sts.. JENKINTOWN Single stone house, almost new. 13 rooms, bath, hot-water heat, largo lot, high location AL,l-KbD II. TIIA,-VK, jenmnipwn. NORTH OLENSIDI5 127: house: lot 100x117; shade, nlnscr, Olenslde. Pa attractive 8-room Rennlnger s Ren- MAIN LINE. P. R. R. ARDMORE 30 St. Taul's road, 12 rooms, 150: 2 baths, larye lot. . W B. SMITH. OQ02 Drexei road, Overbrook, ROSEJIONT 15 rooms, 3 baths, garage, garden; beautifully parered white enamel woodwork: near station. 1 1-3 Rcrc; rent rer mo . 1100. HARUERT & CLAGHORN 201 Bailey Bids L-b.MFORTAB'LE home-Ilka country hoirfes with all conveniences; atate your requirements. J. M FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Pa. TOR RENT FURNISHED MAIN LINK. P. It. R. II AVER FOR P ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED HOUSE 8 Bedrooms. 2 Bath. Large Grounds WARNOCK & EMLEN COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING MORTGAGES 150 TO 12000 To loan on real estata security: immediate settlement, payable na desired. EDW. M MOLL 13S S. 12TH ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company R1XTH AND SPRING PARPEN MORTOAOES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH & PARKER, INC. 1431 WALNUT ST. MONEY AND MORTOAOES l.AROE AND SMALL SUMS I QUICK ANSWER8 FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H REDNER 727 WALNUT ST. FUNDS for flrst and second mortgages. J. J TURNER. 1201 Chestnut St. 1100.000 TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from 51000 up: also building association money for second mortgages O C 8I2IDEL & CO -ah and Callowhlll sts. WfVR'RF.TJ, FUNDS FOR FIRST AND VYUIVUiJlJlJ SECOND MORTOAOES 85.1 N. 17TH ST. MONEY for mortgses. Buck County property. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND Lincoln Bldg.. Phlla. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charge JOHN A BARRY, 807 LAND TITLE BLDG MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND BUILC-T INO AND LOAN MORTGAGES DANIEL A. MINN1CK.. 183.8 RIDGE AVE. BUILDING ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE FUNDS ROBERT J NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT ST. "PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS unoii to jJjOWAHD LUTZ. 210 N 171h st MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES ' T A REDDINO 4 SON 700WALNUT ST 5203SPRUt'E ST THREE BUILDINO ASSN3 meellng this week with plenty of money for mortgiges WM. JAMES KEOOH. 500 LandTltlo Bldg "" TRUST FUNDS FOR TIHST MORTGAGE RKNESS STBTS0N IND TITLE BUILDINO ARTHUR BOSWELL, 233 N 13TH ST. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMnu.M POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Frankford ave. ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES " Quick Answer MAURICE H MATSIXOER, Real Est. Tr. Bldg. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES 11000 TO 1100.000. JACOB A FRITZ. 1100 Land Title Bldg '" FUNDS FOR 18T AND 2D MORTGAOE8 ru.-MWo r SALE THEO E. NICK LES. 2813 Oermantown ave.. WB WANT MORTOAOES . first, second or split funds for collateral and short-term loans. ABERNBTH Y. 133 '3. 12th. 2724 N. 6th. OWNERS If your mortgsjj; has been called, I will take It up. als 2d mortgsge money. CHESTER D. ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnut sL TST and 2d mts : bldF7and prlvats funds, Quick? and satisfactory results; moderat charges, CAMERON ESTATE. 2811 Kensington avs llOO, I20O TO I500O TO LOAN. i-v V LEWIS & CO. ?DU 1227 W. Olrard av. ANY SUM ANY AMOUNT Placed at Once. Lowest Rates. P- XPELANXJklia Lincoln Bldg-. ready"FUNDS for good ftrst mortgages; bring rSlAB. 17- BROWN & CO.. 21T S. Broad t LOANS iJirge or aroall lumi on real ettat. "ANY AMOUNT 130 to 15000. to loan to real tatatt owniri! note cr moftgaro. Arthur J, VincnciT -. -- -- y-'.'irzz. funds tat first and aecond mortagta; any 'iwnt. 'Uk.n.w.r. CI AS W. MILLER. Utupuiu. .,- - 401-4UI LOPmw"""'1', -...... aii. AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtiee. Chs. Z. b Touna 4M W End Tru.t Bldg. HONEY TO LOAN ' QUICK LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS Tbl. nw LICENSED AND BONDED COM. PANY will mk you a loan Quickly, privately ?."!K 1 ml tana. If you ar housekeeDlnr. Your ioontb; pS-menton 130 j. only tt Your monthly payment on 172 1 only it WW tint. itnarr at 3 cr cent. ?SS5S5!ffi?SS8tD! '"" vnh Interest at J Tour monthTy payment on ll I. on y 111 Aih lntret at 2 per cnt . ru TODAY. wrt us or phon Walnut 4388. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 151 Smith Broad Street titii ntwnii i neater. mm Ca ril.1iv U k 1 v iioo "-- M DbTwVB: AND OXFORD ST. MONEY LOANED to heir of unsettled states; SfiCQlK M"VI' - nn.n r a. ro. io V' ''-'' " " r" vbU CAN "BOJIKOW MONET - tt - iit i jifpi, Encore A few days ago a yountr man took his best girl a bouquet of flowers. The young woman was so pleased she throw her arms about his ncott and kissed him. He arose and start ed to go. "I'm sorry I offended you," she said. "Oh, I am not offended," ho replied; "I was Just going back after moro flowers." Located at Last Commercial Traveler (settling bill) Pardon my curiosity, sir, but what do you stuff your beds with In this hotel? Landlord (proudly) Best straw to be had in the county. Commercial Traveler Ah! That Is very Interesting. I know where the straw came from that broke the camel's back. It'a Something to Eat, Anyhow '552 Faaslng Show, Communicative TValter It looks like rain. sir. The Optimist Yes, It does ; but never mind it smells like soup. FRIENDS WE NEVER hF TWTp -.-,! i i - ' r i .f ii Irn i i - i ' 1 " - -"-f " 'f " " & fe SCRAPPLE r - . I The Young Lady Across the Way THE PADDED CELL $2 J TrlANkS.eaSS! ITSAWFULIX ffcJoN -I fLr" f J ( OP You BUT 1 Ooaj't Weed A O J, y RAVSE.HOMeST! V-EOOH'T-WANT, f rS&r ( HO AUT6A0BIL6 OR A1UTHIA4' M'' A Sto X i ve ortLf got SEveAe cntLOR&i, I TTn I resides I've Beew with the MWk X F'R YeARs k0V AH' I V I y I likc rcs , 1 The young lady ncross tha way says . Z 'I H ' " y y that with so many of the Christian I l IP1 Ml & nations engaged in the most tcrrlblo II s ' I fl H AN war of all history, wo certainly can't N' 1 l 41 expect much of the hedonists. ,M . . I -" " W I L l i. I ' I I I III ,l.i- CHRISTIAN StlCNCl- PtrrAVO iu k WAYLV4 tffiiSj WKT1JINUB.U SM. -rSjgWsr. 888 mar XiJW gffgr r.M.C)MP I gggaj-gfc. BtrruAAwAH I op. t.. Jack SZsraWfet ffiSWJP ' ' vKStiat31! 'M 5j"' !jjwr - " " T " r "- "'-:.- " ' , S 'TP--- ' ir"-'V-M-lW"-W -- !-' Ui-- 1 ' -f ifkl 25, 1916, ' 13 8 I MAfVAAI?; O LIGHT OCCUPATIONS DAY MY DREAM FOR Capt. FORGET: CROSBY By Q )At f WE COME TO N ""ll irW S0S Y CAN j YEARS TO COME Drue Satnufathar, In Looaoti 5rtaan-, Up to the Han "Do you think M1m Oldgtrl yti ever change ber mind and marryr' "No. It he mUT(e it will b bu causa some man of her acquaintance changes his mind." No Time to Lote Kid Mother sent your bucket back. She say b' sorry she put . bolt In it WiiJ will you. h-v it mended bttor Friday 'cavuo h wants Xa borraw it asaln. V 5FaHte.V Ct .JfflMBIa
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