r V f REPUBLICAN FACTIONS HERE 4GREE TO TRUCE IN MEREST OF HUfeHES (Will Forget Differences Until Next Spring to Work Unitedly for National Issues CONTEST FOR OFFICES A tnica Until next spring lian been de clared between tho wnrrlnB faction? of tho Republican Orfranlzntlon In this city. They have, nirreed to stop factual fighting until after the presidential election, and will not continue the war they have bitterly waced for three years, except In a minor way, until tiext spring, when tho county election will be held. Both the Varea and the Penrose-McNIchol factional leaders have como to an agree ment to let factional differences alone until next year's election. Tho word has been officially passed In political circles that, for tho sake of tho national ticket, both factions wilt postpone hostilities within thn Organization for the rest of tho year, and will work together for tho election of Hughes. Outcropplngs of factional differences of a. minor nature nro expected, but tho truce 'wilt bo observed In tho principal thing-!, ac cording to leaders of both sides. There will be contests for appointments, and over tho lection of a few minor oftlolats, but tho factional fight will not go any further than that this year. The lull In the fnctlonal warfaro Is, how ever, only temporary. Next year the county officers are to bo elected, and both factions have their eyes on offices now held by the opposing faction. Maneuvering already has started to capture tho offices to bo filled, and one of tho most bitter campaigns since tho Tares first disputed tho Penrose-McNIchol leadership Is expected. Tho following orflces aro to be filled next year: Receiver of Taxes, City Treasurer, Tlcglster of Wills, District Attorney, suc cesors to Common Pleas Judges Bregy, JtcMlchael, Ferguson and Staake, alt six Congressmen from Philadelphia, 30 Select Co'uncltmcn and all members of Common Council, and successors to Magistrates Mac Farland, Elsenbrown, Rooncy, Tracy and Boric. Wlillo a bitter fight will bo made for con trol of Councils, both factions aro now maneuvering to gain control of tho principal county offices to be fltlcd. Tho Vnrs, ac cording to politicians, have their eyes on the District Attorney's office and on tho Register of Wills. They aro planning to oppose tho re-election of both Rotan and Eheehan, according to tho other leaders. Tho Penrose-McNIchol forces. In retalia tion, will fight tho Vare3 for the other two offices to bo filled. They will placo candi dates In tho field against Receiver Kendrlck nd City Treasurer McCoach, both of whom Are followers of the Vares. Vertigo Kills Camden Conductor Stricken with vertigo while at Broadway and Kalghn avenue, Camden, last evening, 21, J. Lecrolx. of Audubon, N. J., a con ductor employed by the Public Service Rail way, died two hours later at tho Homeo pathic Hospital. His skull was fractured. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Frank Lagler, 017 Falrmount ave., and Anna Kathreln, OSS Turner at. Russell S. Leary. 1(1.11) E. Lehigh ave., and Viola if. Monroe, 3 too Market at. Jacob Spcctor. I) 'JO S. 3d St., and Cella Llsan, 1D1T 8. nth t. Nathaniel Slonlmaky. 1227 X. rrnnklln St., and Fannla Snyderman. 1402 S. Bth st. Abraham Ilshan, 274."i N. Tront at., and Bessie Goldstein, 1I14 Moynmenslnir nvenue. Jlobert II. Elliott. 7II0O Rising Hun ave., and Laura SI. Shrum. I'ottatown, Pa. Frank Porter. 4'JH Otenwood ave., and Ella C. Nale, 30011 N. rercy st. Carl de B. Poland, I.awndale. Pa., and Phoebe A. Krobergcr, 1810 N. 15th st. Carl F. Steldle. 18(10 E. Passyunk ave.. and Florence M. Whltaker. Glrardvllle, Pa. Jesse E. Smith. 8822 N. Carllslo St., and Vlr- glnla E. King. 1243 Westmoreland st. Arthur Sautcr, 4445 Sllvervvood at., and Marie Andrews, 41S2 Terraco st. John Mallnosky, 030 Now Market St., and Karo- Ilna Sokoloska. 1108 Leopold st. Jo5fp,fL 2?'J?7JLtt- ,,Jth Bt- ana Mary A. Kelleher. 871 N ,40th st. John C. Cooney, 58.13 Trinity place, and Helen Harding, 405 S. 23d st. Harry Rosenberg. S81 N. Bth St., and Dora Feld- man. 818 N. 2d at; TVItllam H. Fisher. 2017 Watklns St., and Eliza- beth M. Trusty. 2017 Watklns st. Paul Hartkopp, 1023 Fontaln at., and Anna E. Ernst, 223 Oreen st. Wadak Wozlek. 4303 Stiles st., and Zadwiga Novrowakl. 4038 Bermuda at. Edward Frankenberaer, 2480 N. 28th St.. and Ulanchs E. Fly, 3725 N. 2Uth st. Roman P. Hunt. Dryn Mawr, Pa., and Rebecca Boggs, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Divorce Suits Begun The following suits for divorce were be fun today In Common Pleas Court No. 3 : Katharine. Deragnler Heberltng vs. Russell L. HeDerllng. .Jean French Maddox vs. Harvey Llndsly Aladdox. ' ismma si. Moon vs. Drlavan W. Moon. Joseph Christian vs. Edith I. Christian. Edith Funk vs. Harry Voiz Funk. Jessie a. Keen vs. James W. Keen. Dora Hantman vs. Harry Hantman Theatrical Baedeker FEATURE FIUI3 T:!&BY-Z3?c?n'i.. balf! Blanch Sweet. In "Publlo Opinion," a. Laaky production, and others. ARCADIA Second half: Bessie Barrlacale la "Home," a Triangle feature. TAXO.CE Second half: Wallace Held and Cleo Ridgley, In "The House of the Golden Win dows," a Lasky-Paramount film. VICTORIA Wednesday and Thursday, "Honor Thy Name." Triangle feature, with Keenan, Hay and Louise Glaum, and a Drew comedy, Friday and Saturday. Metro feature, "The "Weakness of Strength" and "Pills of Peril," comedy. VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S Vert Kalmar and Jessie Brown, In "Nursery-Land": Douglas J. Wood & Co., In Tho Shoplifter"; Dome Font; Oue and Harry Haw, Avellng and Lloyd. Willie Solar. Three Stolndel Brothers, "Follies d' Amour" 8 Moss & Fry and the Florence Duo. CLOSE "The Colonial Belles," musical, and "The Scoop." a draraatto sketch; the Gliding O'Mearas: "A Study In Black and Tan": Reeder! Invention In posing;; The Messenger Boy, the Soubrette and the Dandy"; Ashley and Morgan, Marie Sparrow, Kane and Wait ner, and David S. Halt b Co., in "Just Com Out" XIXON'S OKAND Roy Harrah b Co.. In roller skating, Haydn. Borden and Haydn. In humorous sketch. Maria and Billy Hart, Ste vens and llrunelle. Maude Ttyaa ana Dave Vanfleld and company. CROSS KEYS Second half: Frldkowskl Troupe. slrixlas and dancing spectacle: Junle Mills, In ones; Jack Demon and the Winder Sisters, in dances; Uljou Trio; International Beauties, and Luclllo Savoy. BURLESQUE PEOPLE'S Reopening with Rose Sydell's Famous London Belles, with a large cast. In cluding Johnny Weber and Frances Cornell. STJJOIEB BESOBTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. mi!RcOHritQIELOFTHEWORl.D I aatiDOTougiiwiin ATLANTIC CITY.N.jr. OwhERSrUP MAXMCMeNT. JO I AH WHITCHQHB COMPANY ftn C a m.lf . ,7 tfrvlr nnmfnrt f.hctAitli, t&sz&aEPsmtxmmTELWTfzieas "S?!T ""assars:? STONE HABBOB. N. J. STONK HAKBOR 96th raJlroada. Farm product and sa faa4 fresA and plentllul. City coareoUanj. Taut club. boaniwaU. batblog fine ashlar. tilt!tn and bsattas. Rtaaooabla reotstf. fciratj betel rates. BauUtul booklet. LEO McCRAVEN. Uoxoujra cut. 12 rTfecMolEl t WU-DWOOP. S. J. SAV4"W Besefc Ireat. ruixolcar water; private trXJl. laitn. gap sou. Auto. W. H. Geratel . CAPE MAX. H. J CBALHWTE HOTELJ.'of KwbU rtea. Htm, CaMa 8tterSeliL yBili.Mm, .UILL. J I JJ1 I 111 IL I 1 I 1L H III HIIIIUII 1,1 ll ri.a-tWiM'ii 0a vUv rK3. Cap. 1M, MARY PICKFORD ALL BY HERSELF She Is a Pictures Corporation and She Has a Distributing Organization, Strictly Private By tho Photoplay Editor Tho 'inevitable has happened to Mary Plckford. Individualism In tho films, shown In the casei of Clara Kimball Young, Charlc3 Chaplin, Herbert Urcnon nnd others, has attacked Miss Mary. She Is now tho namo part nnd Bole attraction of tho Mary Plckford Tlctures Corporation, nnd tho Attcraft Pictures Corporation Is to distribute! tho product, out of program. Tho Artcraft Is now, and It looks very much as If It hnd been formed for Mary Plck ford particularly. That means that Mistress Mary Is not to nppear on any regular list. In her signed announcement to tho publlo Bho says : "In announcing tho formation of tho Mary Plckford Film Corporation, I want to first express my gratitude for tho co-operation of tho exhibitors, everywhere, and nlso for tho generous response of the publlo In bring ing success to my efforts and various crea tions on the screen. Surely without either no one can have progressed and In my In stance our work together has been so full of happiness that it makes doubly treasured the success that has come to us. "In the selection of scenarios, tho casting of companies, tho direction, production and character creating of motion pictures, I nm suro that I havo learned something every day, nnd that I will keep on acquiring this knowledgo. And that Is Just why I want to uso It to tho best advantage In guiding my own company, which will now produce all of tho plays In which I am to bo seen. It Is our purposo not only to glvo every detail of tho Mary Plckford Film Corpora tion our unfaltering direction, but to sur round ourselves with tho best brains, abil ity and skill In this wonderful art In dustry." All very good. Miss Plckford. But hnven't you lenrncd a llttlo something from David Vnrk Grinith, and Isn't there anything to say for tho Paramount? Police Court Chronicle Bill Dover can find Ills doublo In any part of tho city. Ho Is bald after tho fashion that most men are. Ho haB what might bo called a standard noso of tho door knob architecture. His old fashioned mustache resembles many which ho encountered under the noses of many men here nnd there. Bill's chief aim In llfo Is to hunt down men who look liko him. Ills latest dis covery in thii lino was n West Philadel phia cop. Bill stood bcsldo tho policeman for a few minutes. Ho wns delighted to hoar passeru-by remark that ho looked like tho bluccoat. Finally ho and tho cop drifted Into a little careless chatter. "You certainly do look like me," said tho policeman. "People say I'm not a bad looking chap," replied Bill. There was a pause. "My name's Flnnegan," said tho cop. "That's strange," said Bill. "So Is mine." The cop's hnnd went out nnd met Bill's In a warm clasp. Theii Bill confessed that things were not alarmingly prosperous with him. Tho cop felt sad. His hand went to his pocket. Ho pressed a quarter In the hand of Bill and tho latter expressed his thanks. "Let's take a walk and seo our friend BUI Harris," said tho cop, "maybe ho can fix you up In some new clothes." Bltt agreed. The cop escorted him Into an office and then Bill gasped, for the Bill Harris was none other than Magistrate Harris, whom Bill had met before. "I told this fellow," said the cop "that you could fix him up In a now suit of clothes. Ho tried tho old relatlvo gag on me and It cost mo a quarter to get him right." "You can have a new suit 'tomorrow," said tho Judge, "and wear it for three months in the House of Correction." IN MKMOniAM. McANEM'EY. In memory of ELLEN Me ANKSPEY. who departed this life August 25, 1013. "Ever present in memory while mem ory Bhall last." SON. Beatljs BARKER. On August 23, 1010, HELEN LOUISA BARKEIt. daughter of Charles A. and the late Debbie A Barker. Services and Interment private from 1U9 Ardmore ave., Ard more. Pa. CORNELL. On August 24. 1010. at Newtown, Pa . JONATHAN K. CORNELL, aged fill years Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, on Mond.iy. August 28, at 11 a. m.. from his lata residence. Interment at William Penn Ceme tery. Somerton. Carriages will meet train at St. Leonard's Station leaving Reading Ter minal at 0:23 and Newton n at 1) a. m COlI.i:. On August 22. 191B. nt Westvllle. N. J.. FRANK J. COYLE. In his 01st jear. Rel atlves and friends, also Lodge No. 3. B. R. M. and P. It. R Vol. Relief Association, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Satur day, at 7.30 a. m:. from the residence of his son. 1'rancla I. J. Coyle, 3821 Reno street. Philadelphia. Solemn requiem mass at St. Agatha'n Church, at 0 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. CKKIGinil.V. On August 23. 1010. THOMAS M . aon uf George B. nnd Mary Crelghton and grandson of the lata James and Eliza Crelghton. aged 22 years Relatives and rrienas are inviteu to attenu tne runerai serv ices, on Saturday, at 2 p, m . at his late resi dence, 101U S. Taney at. -Interment at Mount Mnrtah Cemetery. CHESSMAN. On August 24, 1010. JOHN D.. usband of Tlorence Cressman. Relatives and friends, also Mlllo Lodge. No. 100U, I. O. O. F.; Emp. Baggace Dept P. II, 11.. are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday. at 2 p. m.. at parlors or J. Wesley Craft Si Son. 204U Diamond st. Interment private. D'ANELLA, On August 21. 1010, PIETRO V., husband of Mary D'Anella, In his 60th year. Relatives and friends, also the Legion of the Giuseppe Garibaldi Socteta, dl Mutun Soccorso e Beneflcenza, North American Union, the BAKU AND GARDEN HUDSON Asphalt Shingles Surfaced with red or green crushed slate, no paint or stain required. Will cover your home with a permanent. artistic, weathertlght roof. Will not rot, warp, crack, break or fade. Fire resisting, Gave maintenance expense. ASK. X)ll BJUHULIKU AIDS NO. 63 Asphalt Ready Roofing Co. Room 485 0 Church St., New York Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST PHILADELPHIA EUREKA i0TH AND ifARKET BERTHA KALICH in "AMBITION" r.ARllFM e3D I-ANSDOWNB AVE. Vai.iLlil EVC. 8:30 STO 11. VIOLET MERSEREAU in "BROKEN BETTERS" SOUTH PHILADELPHIA OI V M P I A BROAD AND - " BAINBRIDOE IA oiuttmuat fa comfort, $aftty and omuje tvsilt at tie minimum prU. HATS. DAILY. Vltai Paaru Cisa, Kent la "Tho Vital Qamnias." 'ECSKT 0S" UE SUBMARINE" fflPON EVENING DEATHS LeeIon of thfl Felice Carolottl, of Camdent Ulmbel Brothers BonellclM Employes, the My le Circle, am Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sunday, 1-30 r, m. from the residence of his daughter, 1800 fl. Carlisle st. In terment at remwood Cemetery. DirKEY. On Atwnut 22. 1010, EMMA NOBLE, dn'jshter of Samuel and Mary E. Dickey, of 4711 ChMter avo , Philadelphia, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the service and Interment, an Friday, at Oxford, Pa. FOrtSVTIlE. On August 24, 1018. CECELIA D. KOllHYTHU, In her 00th year. Due notice of the funeral will bo Riven. OANS. On Aumist 24. lOlrt, BERTHA, widow or jncoi nans in ner 7i year. Relatives and friends nrc Invited to attend funeral, on Sunday, at 10 30 a. m., from her late resi dence. 1413 Wcplmoreland st, Interment at Mt Slnnl Cemetery. Automobile funeral, GUIV. On AUinist 23 1010, THOMAS F., husband of Kntherlnn O'Hrton Grady. Rela tives and friends nlso Dlilslnn No. 23. A. (. H,. aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, nt 8 n. m,, from nil lato residence, B2I Mercy st. Solemn high mais of requiem nt tlm Church of Our Lady of Mt. Cnrmel, nt If.lfl In. m precisely. Interment nt Holy Crois Cemetery. GREENE. On, Auinut 22. 1010. MINERVA LUI'PER, wlfo of Clarion H. Greene. Rela tives nnd friends nro Invited to attend the funeral serMres on Saturday nt 10 30 n m.. from her lato residence, r03 Eait Tulpehocken ptreet. Oenmntown. Interment nt Mount Vernon Cemetery. Train lenves Reading Ter minal nt 0 SO a m. for Washington Lane Station HENDnitSON. On August 23, 1010, at hli res. Idence, ,184.1 Fnlrmount nve.. ALEXANDER, hunabiml of Susan B Henderson Relatives nnd friends, also Imnerlnl Lndire. No. 10011. I; Q O.r . nnd employes of MacAndrcws & 1 orbes Company, Camden, N. J . are Invited to attend the funeral service! on Saturday, at 2 n in . at the Oliver II Ilnlr Building, 1820 Chestnut st Interment prlvnte. KELLY, On Augmt 21, lnlO. JOSEPH, son of Joseph ami Mary Kelly (nco Lnvln). Relatives nnd friends nre Invited tn nttemi tho funernl. Monday, nt 8 30 n. m.. from his lato resi dence, 3501 Worren st. Solemn reaulem mass nt St James's Church, at It) n. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. ''UU'.'"-0" Annual 2.1. 1010, ETHEL FRAN ChS, dtURhter of William J. and Sarah C. Ilri,. Rolatlves and friends, also Holy Angel Sodillty of St Denis's Church, nro Invited to attend tlio funeral, on Saturday, at 8M0 fr m... from her. parents" residence. Eagle Hotel, Manon. Delawaro County. Pa. High mass nt St Denis's Church nt 10 a m. In terment nt St. Denis's Cemetery KbTIIEIt. On August 24, lplfl, SALLIE.. wife of Harry Kuchcr. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Saturday, 20th Inst., at 2 p. m. precisely, at her lain residence, 130S North 0th street. Interment private KUOEL. On August 24. 1010. CHRISTINE, wldovy of tleorgo D. Kugcl, In her 84th jear. Ilolntlv-es nnd friends nro Invited to attend tho funernl services nn Saturday, nt 11 a. in. precisely, at her lato residence. 133 W. Qlrard ave Interment strictly private Remains . rjJVJ'.J."" vl"-ed Friday. 7 to II p. m 3,'V.'T.l.N:Hu,w"nIv on August 24. 1010. JAMl.S. husband of Margaret Mnrtln tneo Kerns). Hto of 20 North Trailer st, Relatives r,lfrIoncl. nl-o Philadelphia Lodge. No 2, II. P. O. E. : members nf the Travelers' Pro iCf.V0 1 Association nnd employes nf F. P. Illlley Company, are invited to attend tho funeral services, on Hundsv at 2 p. m ,.at his lato residence, flino Walnut st, lnfer- mem private at Arlington Cemetery. MrfEETEnS On August 23. 1010. LILLIAN, daughter of Josephine and tho lato John Mc I cetera Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Saturday, at - p. m. precisely, nt the aiinrtments of An drew Eberts's Sont, 2,1s S. 4th at. Interment nt Nortlnvood Ccmotery. Automobile cortege. MINTZER. On August 21. 1010. VIRGINIA C. wife of I'rancls J. L. Mlntzcr nnd daughter of Julia and, tho lato Trank Wlsse. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funernl, on Monday, nt 8 10 a m , from her late resi dence, Mis Chestnut st. High Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church nt 10 a. m. Intcr- .,'nnnt nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MITRPin. On August 23, 1010. nt Atlantic v iiy, ..-uAiiuAuiii- j . wire ol Dnnlel p. Mur- rhy (nee Kellev). ny (nee Kclley). Relatives nnd friends arn Invited to attend tho funeral. on Monday, at STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c STOPPING AT THEATER DAILY PENNSGROVH WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boat tn Augustine Benrh. Landing In front of Orove. 4 hours on Hie Bencli. Safe ??!'. JJ.'ltT .''.'J1'1."11."00 annltnry bathrooms. I1.C1N( ALL DAY on lmnt i grounds. Plenlv tables, benches nnd shade. Artesian vvnter. Fare lTrh?d 50c Children 5,0 25c Leaves Arch St. lllnrf 8:30 A Sunday 9:00 A. M. M. Dally. JAMES E. OTIS. Met.. 3 ARCH STREET TO BEAUTIFUL f..1r- .1nn.nA .l.la I.,. ...n.l.. Delaware on the best big Iron and steel three-deck steamers, and Incidentally tnke the trip to Brundywlne Springs Park. The midweek fare to Wilmington Is only 2Sc anil only 10c etra to the park. If tickets nre bought on the bout. Take cars at boat landing. REftULAE BATES WILMINGTON. Exe.. BOei SKsle. 30e. CHESTER, Exc. 25c; Music, ISc. For Pennsgrove, Connections IMlmlngton Wharf. m& o; II'IIIIMMM Prominent Photoplay Presentations iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii "Mjxzjl.. JC71AMIUUW, I TnE following theaters obtain their pictures throuih the STANLEY Booking ! Company, which Is a guarantee, of early showing of the finest prodnctlons. All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theater In your locality ! obtalolng pictures through the STANLEY HOOKING COMPANY. ' ARCADIA Bessie Barriscale CHESTNUT BELOW 10TII IN "HOME" lnoi I r MD AND THOMPSON JrJLiLJ MATINEE DAILY Edna Gooflrich n "p madalena" ALSO PATHS NEWS OI7I lXfrsMT B2D ABOVE MARKET tilliLilVlWlN 1 Mats., 1 :30 A 3 :.10. 10c EVKS., 0 30, 8. 11:30. IBe Myrtle Stedman ln ,t"bEty'can r'nTaAT? 00TH AND CEDAR AVE. KjEJJAMX. PARAMOUNT THEATER Louise riuir npcTiNY'S TOY" FAIRMOUNT S6T" ao?Rard ave. DOROTHY GREBN & CLIFFORD BRUCE In "THE DEVIL AT HIS ELBOW" "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE" FRANKFORD 7U "nue DONALD BRIAN in THE VOICE IN THE FOQ" 56TH ST. Theater 55SS Below Spruce. Evsrs. 7 to 11. DUSTIN FARNUM In "DAVY CROCKETT" Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Drew In "PREPAREDNE88" rmADn AVENUE THEATER JIVI.L 7xh ANp qirard AVENUE Wm. S. Hart THE BaRGAINii IRIS THEATER 318 a'vWnub' BILUE BURKE in "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" (11) JEFFERSON 20TH A,RDEErsUPinN VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE WRITINO ON THE WALL" LAFAYETTE sni "" AVENUE House Peters IN The Rail Rider" IPAilPR FORTY-FIRST AND 1IUUIUIS. LANCASTER AVENUE Dustin Farnum l(p rockett LlnCDTV BROAD AND 1 1 Cm l I X COLUMBIA Harold Lockwood 6c May Allison "THE RIVEK O? BOIUNCE" LEDGER-PHILADEfcKHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1910. rin,Tna IslSt iS' Vli ATmS .ber husband's residence, ??!?. -1tfL?,,50lran requiem mass at Our KRd?tP, M? rey. Church, 10 a. m. Interment "one l 8ulchre Ceme(ery. Automobile PODESTA. On Annul . lOlO. LAURA V. :,V:Jl"'fik-UB.0i waiter II, rodeata, item- 1r,r,Tona L '5."M' w, ..w--.T .. !.-.. Bn2 ''.'""d -re Invited to attend the ;; vl . . ' "M".' "i tiaturdfty, at a p. m,, 2Jkhr.r ' residence, 241 nochelle ave.. Wis snhlckon. Interment private BCl?UU'1k2n Awnwt 24. 1918, KARL OUS-5-Xv.vhu8bftJn2- ot Elizabeth Bchmldt (nee Knecht). nged 08 years. Relatives nnd friends, also the members of Franz Schubert Beneficial Society. Philadelphia Musical Association nnd 1 T,no American Federation of Musicians, Local No. 77, nro Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Sunday, nt 2 p. m, precisely, nt his lato residence, 4802 Falrmount ave. Inter- oJT.yii Private, at Westminster Cemetery. SCOTT, On August 22, 1010. st Ventnor, N. J.. THERESA, dnnghter of tho lato John C. nnd Louisa S, Scott, In the 70th year of her nge. Funeral private. SELLERS. On Auiruat 24. 1018. NANCT D.. widow of William II. Sellers, aged 81 years, at her late residence. 1030 North Croaky at. ..Jli .no,ee ' the funeral will he given. VERNA, On August 22. 1010, ELVIRA VER NA, aged 23 years. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, nt 0 a. tn. Services at St, Rita's Church, Broad and Ellsworth ets. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. WANA.MAKEK. On August 23. 1010. F. MARION WANAMAKER, ngeii 00 years. Funeral services on SAturdnv. nt R.in a. m.. precisely, nt his lato residence, 1803 Wallace street. Interment private, nt convenience of family. WATSON. Suddenly, on, August 24, 1010. META M., wlfo of Philip M. Watson. Serv ices and Interment private, at 1000 Allegheny ave. WOLF. On August 23, 101 0. JACOB, husband of Elizabeth Wolf (nee Freller). Due notlco of the funeral will bo given from his late residence, 312 Pemberton St. WnnilAI.L. On August 24, 1010, THOMAS P. WORRALL. In his flth year. Services nnd Interment at West Chester. Pa., on Saturday. West Chester papers please copy. LOST AND FOUND CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP Lost, cer tificate of membership No. 702 in the Commer cial Exrhanrn of 1'hflArielnhta In thn nnmn nt John Oardlner having been lost, notice Is hereby given that nppil ipucaiion nas oeen maae zor a new cemiicaie. JOHN OAnPtNER. DEED Lost, deed In namo of James Crelgh ton for lot No, 22 In section 111, Mount Monan uemetory, .Application nas neen mano for duplicate deed. iteiurn to Cleorgo B, Crelghton. 1010 S. Taney st WATCH Lost, Tues., p, m,l lady's gold open faco watch: dlam. set in back! from R.E.Trust llldfr. to Emplro Bldg. Reward. 2003 Oreen st. STEAMSHIPS VACATION TRIPS BY SEA rillLADELriHA TO BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL Fine Steamers. Low Fares, Best Service Plan your vacation to Include Tlnest Coastwise Trips In the World" Tour Bool; Kreo on Request. Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. City Office. 105 S. 0th St., Phlla. Consult any ticket or tourist agent. TRIPS BY WATER Bermuda. 8 days or mora S42.S0 no Hainnn. 10 days' cruise 95,00 Porto Rica. 10 days' cruise 04.80 up Nova Scotia and Newfoundland GO. 00 up Savannah and Jacksonville 30.00 Full information on the above, or any other water or rail trip, gladly furnished. Steamship and Tourist Department , Tho Fourth Street National Bonk 143 S. 4th St.. rhlln.. Pa. AMERICAN EXPRESS TICKF.TM AND TOURS An Intenintlonnl Travel Agency PORTLAND, ME. vtel All-water trip from Now York, r dais. Inclusive expense tour from Phlla- $27.00 delphla, starting every day " Let us outllno your vncatlon trip. Send for Ilooklct 1127 Chestnut Street. Phone. IVnl. 4810. STEAMBOATS WILMINGTON .. nf th. laf tinttt IrtlVI Oft tllM lteailtlflll Wilmington, 25c Special tickets will be sold daily f'xreptlne Saturdays, Sundays and lolldays. for Wilmington and re- tarn, ror xac. Tr niWSTVnT ST. WHARF I and Wilmington dally and Sundav Int lian. u:uu, iuiu iv. .ii. n:w M 1:30, 3:00. 4:15, 0:00, 7:00, b:m nnu v:au x. .ii. 3TI!lnJEttTJIIlJ!ffliIaI!lTJI!ai!raEffl,.l u. r.. i UVUttVOJ VUIIIUUIW LOGAN THEATER ai0&OKX Wallace Reid & Cleo Ridgley in THE SELFISH WOMAN" LOCUST E2D AND LOCUST Mats. 1:80 and 3:30. 10c. Evas.. 0:30. 8. 0:30. lEc. DOROTHY OREEN & CLIFFORD BRUCE In "THE DEVIL AT HIS ELBOW" Market St Theater 333BTRrEET Ethel Clayton in 'A Woman's Way Wm. Collier in "Better Late Than Never" PAI APF 12H MARICET STREET I J-I-U.Lj joc joe. Wallace Reid & Cleo Ridgley in THE HOUSE OF THE QOLDEN WINDOWS" PAIJif RIDQE AVE. & DAUPHIN BT, iVXlr. MAT. 2:15. EVO . 0:B to 11. ANN PENNINGTON in t "SUSIE SNOWFLAKE" PRINCESS e J. WARREN KERRIGAN in THE BECKONINQ TRAIL" RIAI nr-n OERMANTOWN AVE. v-' '-' AT TULPEHOCKEN ST, - WILLIAM S. HART in THE CAPTIVE C1QD" RnnV MARKET STREET UD BELOW JTH STREET DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "FL1RTINO WITH FATE" SAVOY "&&" Myrtle Gonzalez ,a oTOSw CHARLES CHAPLIN In "ONE A. M.'' TIOGA 1TTH AND VENANqO STfl. BLANCHE SWEET in The Dupe' MUSTY BUFFER COMEDY VITTORIA MARKET BT, IU 1 UilA . ABOVE NBVTH EDMUND BREESE in "WEAKNESS OF BTRENQTH" 5TANI FV MARKET ABOVE 1BTII 3 tti'tl-Jj 1 i.i5 a. IL to 11.15 P. If. BLANCHE SWEET in "PUBLIC OPIHlOJf JTBtV WANTED rEMAI,E ASSISTANTS, to machine girls, covering- paper hoses. Miller's, 462 York ave.. between ith jlti q otn, peiow jNopie, BINDERY Experienced girl on foldlnsr and tip- IIY Experienced itlrl on folding; and Apply 314 N. 3d St.. second floor. jjing. BOOKKEEPER, rapablo of taking entire charge double entry; state experience and salary. M . SIP. Ledger Central. . CARETAKER, small apartment house; no pay. hut free heat. light nnd apartment. Taulane, 000 Walnut st. CLOTH MENDERS wanted. Apply A. B. Klrschbaum Co.. Brond nnd Carpenter. . COMPTOMETER OPERATORS, experienced on time and cost work; permanent position and fiermancni i ger Central. fcood salary.. J nn, lcor COOK WANTED Good Oerman cook preferred t small family: only those In want of permanent home) must be nWt. to manaeo nnd do market ing! good monthly wages: state address of former employer! nil letters answered. Charles O. Ileetem, Catllsle, Ta. COOK nnd waitress tvho apslsts with house work: experienced, white, family of a adults, at once: good reference required, 202fLooust St. Phone Spruce 020, V, COOK and downstairs workt colored! far aea shore. Apply 884 Land Title Building. FINISHERS, experienced, on woman's coats. Apply 811 rilbert St.. 0th floor. STRAW HltIlOE A CLOTHIER. CURLS wanled.to run Ironing machine: no ex perience required; learn In ,fow hours; wages iio. Apply 240 W. Susquehanna ave. OIRLS or women wanted to operate seasoning machines! easy work fur persons of any work ing ogoi wages JO. Apply 240 West Suaque hnnni ave. GIRLS over 10 eara wanted for. light work: no experience necessary: $1 week paid whllo learning. Apply 310 N. 32d st. . OIRLS to work In sample department; neat, clean work, 242 N. 3d. at. . GIRLS wanted to work in embroidery factory. C. J. Morltii Est.. B. E. cor. Bth & Callowhlll. GRISWOLD WORBTED CO. DARBY. PA. Starting up new machinery. Want girls: good wages; steady work and will pay while learn ing. HOSIERY KNITTERS AND TOPFERS experienced on half hose: Standard, Banner, Scott & Wllllnms machines; good pay; steady positions, NOTASEME HOSIERY COMPANY .Oxford and Mascher sts., or call 331" Jasper st evenings. HOUSEWORK. General, nnd plain cooking Young white woman for family 2 ndultsi no outsldo work: reference required. Call eyo- nlngs. n to li o'clock, B17 a. 4Zd. rre.jt.Jai HOUSEWORK Olrl for light housework) no vvnsning. Jl ' '. Leaner v.gntrni. LEARNERS for laco curtain mending! , Rood Ray while learning;. Apply John Bromley & DOnS. l.glllKIl IV. f. m-i',. x-,m MENDERS on levers laces: nlso clrls to learn: must bo over 10 lears. Apply Bromley Lace Co.. Lehigh ave. neio MILLINERS LIT BROTHERS REQUIRE MILLINERS APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU MOTHER nnd daughter, cooking nnd downstairs work: daughter assist with children: reference call uoom -ur, una uneBinutsi. NURSERY GOVERNESS or mother's helper for 2 children. 2 and 1 scars: city In winter: stato reference. II. H. F., Postofflco, Wyncolc, Pennsylvania. NURSERY GOVERNESS Educated youny Indv, 24. to assist with children. Preston 4020 W. OPERATORS, experienced on men's neckwear. T. P. McCutcheon Bro., Pltcalrn Building. 11th and Arch. OPERATORS on Bilk dreses; only those experi enced In this line of work noed apply. A, II. Caplnn & Co.. 1)10 Walnut. OPERATORS, experienced on Union special twin needle machines: steady work. Higlcnlc Fleeced Underwear Co . 241B N. Howard. OPERATORS, experienced nn jorsey bathing suits. William Osborne, 1110 Montgomery ave. p.ipnn rtrvvrs. Experienced girls on staying. copying ana covering macnines. Paper Box Co.. Front and Laurel. acnoouio SALESWOMEN Experienced, for untrlmmod millinery, china and housefurnlshlngs. Apply Bureau ot Em ployment, 4Va rtonr. before 11 n m. STRAWBRIDOE & CLOTHIER. STENOGRAPHER and Edison business phono graph operator Corporation desires thor oughly experienced, rapid, accurate operator: salary 115 per week: clvo full particulars of past exp. In reply. J 18.1, Ledger Central, STENOGRAPHER; first class; permanent posi tion; downtown office building; Btato age, sal ary, reference. P 111. Ledger Office. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Tolephone Company offers positions ns operators to In telligent young women between 18 nnd 22 years old; salary to n week while learning, with raDid advancement: a steady position assured, with pleasant surroundlngB and un- usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to the Bell Telephono Company's opera tors' school, 400 Market St.. dally between 8-30 a. m. and 5 p. m. Monday. Tuesday and x riaay evenings Between imu ana o;ju o ciocg, TELEPHONE OPERATORS local and Innc- Aim tance. experienced. Apply Keystono Telephone !. experienced. 135 S. 2d st. uoom iuj WAITRESSES, white. Write or apply to Na- tlonal Hotel. Ocean Grove. N. J. WOMAN'S INSTITUTE wants 2 women with v strong personality and convincing manner for Jubllclty work. Call before 12, Supervisor, 000 Chestnut St.. I'd floor. YOUNO LADY In cloth cap factory, to pack and examine caps: good, steady position. Apply 440 Market, fourth floor. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMATIC SET UP MEN On Acme, Cleveland and Grldley automatic machines. GRINDERS LATHE HANDS TOOLSIAKERS We will pay the highest scale ot waits to experienced men: no labor trouble: permanent positions; both night and day work, APPLY STANDARD ROLLER BEARINCJ CO. 40th and Merlon ave. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MAN: must be experi enced in automobile mechanics, of good per sonal appearance; steady, hard worker, honest and diplomatic; capable as successtuly ad dressing both small and large business men.' call on users ot our delivery cars and render eervlce, and make adjustments ot any com plaints; good salary and advancement for right man: don't apply unless fully qualified; address, Btattng experience, previous employ ment, age, references and salary desired, M U58. Ledger Central. BOY, IT years of age, wanted to learn the trades of machinist, tool and dlemaker: only bright, willing boy who appreciates an ex ceptional opportunity of learning the 3 above trades thoroughly. C 2d. Ledger Office. BOY -Wanted, a large errand boy for position In a trust company; answer In own writing; atata experience, reference and wages ex pected. C 34. Ledger Office. BOY wanted. 10 years: good chance for advance ment. Apply 011 Hansom st. BOY, la or over, as messenger; 123 per month. P 105. Ledger Office. ' " BOYS 18 to 18 years of age. for stock worki regular positions, with advancement. Apply Bureau ot Employment. 4 V, floor, before 11 a. m. 6TRAWBRIDCIE b CLOTHIER. BOYS. -.INTELLIGENT. AMBITIOUS BRICK. SETTERS. 2. .experienced, wanted: only those experienced la setting face brfck in down-draft kilns need apply; $ J.B0 per day per task: st-Ady work lf rear roQnS! aS llriton Par r vnoa- M'lton Brick Co!, BHICKLAYER8. Apply Midvalo, 4S00 Wlsaa hlckon ave. CALKERS AND RrVETEna wanted. Cruse- fttmii m, """.nt. xrm CLERK able to operate typewriter; give expert ence and salary expected. - auo. Ledger oince. COLLECTOR and aollcltor Exceptional oppor" tunlty for high-grade man In life tnsurao.ee l)ulness guaranteed salary and commission: no exp. neceasarr. 2141 dermanUwnave DESIONER FOR AUTOMOBILE ODIES A DESiaNEit TfXtlU designer" on dresa 4tooiiT worsted, fanclisi state eiperUnca and aaUVv- pectea riuicajtT Office. DBAFTSMEK-Jrfearougbiy eiSrtinedioi5oa BOYS run vvvjuiv is um;ri lAKUcl CORPORA TiON: MUST BE OVER 18 AND 1IAVE edBESCOFFICIEN:G' DRESV1 4 HELP WANTED MAXg Continued- from Preceding Column FIREMEN AND BRAKKMEM LOCOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE 1 AWtT '-WTO 8$W 010 8. 11TH ST. FITTERS AND MECHANICS I wanted I rboiier and tank work. Cruae-Kemper - Am'"' 'FURNITURE FINISHERS . SureaWM ""STnAWBRIDOB & CLOTHIER. rillLA. STEEL AND FORGE CO.. NOR AND BLEIUH BTS., TACONT. MILNOR INSTRUMENT MAKERS, 3.24 to 18.00 per day of 8 hours: toolmakers, 13.62 to in.OO. machinists. 12.70 to $8.00: naslstnnt machlnj Ists, 12.00 to 2.60, based on "Pr'i","n.a capacity! automatlq.turret lathe, i S.craii?'. Brown & Sharp, J3.70! printers' helper. 2.24, skilled laborers. J2.00 to 12.24: highest com; pensatlon when on plecoworki citlzensi lo.f"',3. leave nfter first ear of sorvlce. 7 h?"""!; nnd Saturday afternoons during- !; months, nil with full pay. PPly. ,Prank'0l, Aracnal. Brldesburg, Pa preferably in per son. : - IRONWORKERS on repair work. VALE. 4300 Wlssahlckon nve. Apply MID- JANITOR nnd wlfo as caretaker for Prt mnnt houses must have reference. J -o. Ledger central. LABORERS. 22U per hour. Henry Dlsston Hons, inc.. it acony. LABORERS. SO, wanted. Cruse-Kcmper Co., Ambler, Pa. LATHE, vertical boring mill and planer hands. m.,hln. fit,... s.n w.nt.rif lit WllgeS. Km- ployment Department; the Westlnghouso Ma chlno Company, East Pittsburgh. Pa. MACHINISTS, blacksmiths, bollermakors. car penters, enr Inspectors, car cleaners, irelgnt handlers, telegraphers, laborers; wage;, 18c to 40e per hour; work on Pennsylvania Railroad out of the city. Apply 1025 rilbert at,, be tween o:3u a. m. ana n p. m MACHINISTS, 2, good, wanted, must bo sober, Indus, men and thorough mechanics: steady work. Apply chief engineer. Diamond State ribre Co. , llrldgeport, Montgomery Co., Pa. MACHINISTS Wanted, first-class titters and erectors on medium and heavy machines: good hourly rates nnd plcco work profits. Apply fli (in. Ledger twice. MAN for stock selector In shipping department of electrical supply house: none but those having experlenco need apply. (Signed) Frank H. Stewart. 87N,7th street. MEN WANTED Boilermakers. locomotive ma chinists, enr repairmen, laborers, locomotive cleaners. Penna. It. It. Call 1711 rilbert Bt. MEN. 10, wanted to learn tho sausage and pork packing business; 22c per hour. Apply 1)45 (lermantown ave, - MILLWRIGHTS, 2, good, wanted, accustomed to factory construction; must bo sober, Indus, men and thorf mechanics: steady work. Applv chief cnglncerplamond State Fiber Co., Bridge- l'ort, aiomtromery vounvy, in PUNCH AND DIE MAKER, thoroughly experi enced: steady work; 8-hour day: no ammuni tion work. Apply Domestic Talking Machine Corp., 33d nnd Arch. PURCHASINO AGENT Steady position for man with experience: apply In person. Standard Fuso Corp.. Paulsboro, N. J. SALESMAN, stock and bond, wanted: one with cllentolo preferred. Elvvell, Neulty & Co., Stock Exchange Building. SALESMAN for stocks and bonds: experience not necessary: leads furnished; commission basis. Apply 010 stock Exchango Building. SALESMEN With stock experience for highest class proposition, commission basis only. L 48. Ledger Central. - SHOES Experienced stitcher on Ooodyear machine wanted. Laird. Schober fcTlo., third floor, Harris Building, 22d and Market. STEEL WINDOW SASH MAKERS In addition to experienced hands wo will ac cept men who havo worked on ornamental Iron work, blacksmlthlng, bollermaklng and kindred lines. Will pay 12 whllo learning. Can mako J20 per week when proficient. . State agennd experience., ADDRESS If. F.. P. O. BOX 3500, PHILA. STENOORAPIinil Good.perm. pos principally typewrltlng.Gatelyt Fitzgerald,438 Market. STORE MANAOER wanted for country depart ment store; salary $23 per week nnd liberal bonus on yearly profits: only experienced storekeepers with good reference need reply. Address M 73.',, Ledger Office. WIREMEN. Apply MIDVALE. hlckon ave. 4300 Wlssa- YOUNO MAN Start In architect's office: man ual training graduate preferred: state ago and experience. J 144, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN to assist In shipping room in electrical supply house: stato age. salary and centum, a ,, iufier mniice. YOUNO MAN. some exp., for salesroom in wholesale wallpaper house. P 035, Led. Oft. General CLERKS, several very attractive positions for younir men, laree manufacturing; plant: US month up: time clerk. 100 month; bookkeep ers, thprouBhly experienced iediier clerks wanted immediately, 15: machine shop fore man, put of town, 135 a week: salesmen, (i enersetlc youni: men. J1R to 120. Business pwiw v.", i.'u i,anu Ame illuir. TEACHERS WANTED Printing. 11200: com merclal, 100p Apnly Immediately. Nat. Teach. era' Agency. 327 Perry Bldg.. D, II. Cook. mr. SITTJATIOlWS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, experienced double entry. de mica lEojiviioib house: 4 years aires responsible position with representative iiuuaoi - jrcurn ill lUSb poSHIO for ability and character. J ast position: best reference aractnr. .T I'.'VM. t.a.i n... BOOKKEEPER, C years' experience, capablo ot taking- entire charge; permanent position de slred; beat reference. H B10. Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID, chlldnurse and lady's maid. " n..- . b."B,,,u,,, buuuiui reiprrfi; best reference. street. Bt reference. Call Room 203. 008 Chestnut COOK Small family: no washing: reference Call Room 205. 00S Chestnut at. ,erence- COOK, first class: prefer Main Line: good ref. erence. Write Room 205. COS Chestnut at. FILE CLERK I years' Mperlence: thoroughly capable and reliable. J HI. Ledger Central. JJADTT vrlshea ioaltlon as governess of young children tutnrlni?. Hull nn. n .-..i.i.." 'iB erences exchanged. H 051. ledger Central. NURSERY GOVERNESS .Refined, educated young woman desires permanent position: can assume entire care of clothes, elementary branches, music, embroidery, entertainment: no objection to traveling: city or country: ex ccllent references: 8. H 740. Ledger Central. STKSKUP.Rtt.wU..he; PS.1- Address Ml.s H. L. McKay. 8. Mildred St.. Charleatown. W. Va riTJUISUUllAI'llER, rtltalnsiaa sshnnl ,.. ' Iim7oT?1LeJd'ggg'beytrr?l!Pent w"IUoB ital''- TELEPHONE OPERATOR, private switchboard 8 years' experience: accustomed to receiving callers. H 784. Ledger Central, """'ns SITUATIONS WANTED MALE k A MAN WITH 12 YEARS' banking experience, six years as cashier and six years as treasurer and manager of manufactur. Ing company, la open for proposition from 'either manufacturing or" commer cial house; can' produce results.' M 732, ' LEBER OFFICE i ADVERTI8INO MAN can help you to et un .V tractive circulars ana i..i.1.i;...g'S,.u t- S&aaSssssySlK 0$ Ledier BOOKKEEPER To take charzs m.u .-K r evenings. O la. Ledglr QfnM. "" bojk BUSINESS EXECUTOVB MorfTcW2? StsntiraPbf P' SK fi!i J-5M wi-ltlonso? fSSm" tasarer. A.t.tt t" ": . tloru from past an4 presjot mlor?f,M.nlS lrut salaxjr secondary to e5bLoSi'iTi7'. ''?- uuutvivci.ri.ii, wnri extensive credit and MnZT tlon experience: have marked 1 i,,S?. coll,i lectlna . delinquent aYcoumrweii "SSfSL coJ ed. 149. Ledger Central: ' weU coneod- Contlnuei f,T 2W CHAUFFEtm " veiashm S&Siii capaDis ar experience. CIIAUFrEUR and gardeA., - COLLECTOR and crcduTnrTr1 LMr,nce,Urs ffliS CWKTIi7jTneV."iE-&fe CREDIT MAN'lT'ABStHTi-iS' Ji handling delinquent n"umt " personal Interviews have SI m7 I'ttS1 abfr,?y! kh wN.li XV saS ::-i!iSgercirr1'ri DRAFTSMAN. 0 niAfiii.iiAi, n years 1 - f technical education: pra'..ij,,ir W, mechanical lines; age si ' J?PniSf? neet wlth young. progrUKS"' " J), glneerlng department or ..A "PtM pnt: reference from former .JSP"' it, Ledger Central. 'rmer mtiiejer; J MAN and wife, wiiiie, exp. bull., T ui gpod .cook: refs'j 242. UdSfS ANAOER. office and crcnTTW?-SiS!! ration and nubile accounting Tr'.SiStTi desires similar nnuiAJ: "'" trsiriin-. 21' tlves: present emp oyer Bltinl"Jl"15 tt ness: Al references. " 1 rfo'fo.W bttif SALESMAN Young man. 25 years nt ... . spuing experience, wishes tin.i.i.'. mri liable house: hardvvar T or Pmi "JUS .ferred hut not essential: furaUW M ord nnd best reference. 8 W iJlUt t ""ntCejt, SALESMAN EiieiKt'tla young tniWr to connect with reliable cSScem?'".' ereneea as tn nhnitv ..-.J '"-ern: bftt Centra"."rnS need not an''"' 4 ". Lit, SALESMAN, nge 21), at present mitr-f !?".". nBi R,D"ltf' ambition. InltliiK" r- nllty. desires perm, connccllon ii k'W" . house; 10 yenrB' selling oxn, J u 'I'V'-t' YOUNO MAN." 20. nggreslTr'ti4t& business, training, , Sjaires " OSf uusiiix inmiiinr witn executive ;,v7h collections, correspondence. ISSiW best rofs.; moderate sa arv. Ti."1."?!. . OIRARD COLLEOEB?aduttTr4?S-&! stenographlo nnd nccountlnr aW p .position; excellent ref, ggffl'fa 'ffl" ba JAPANESE wants general hou..,,.;?1 small family or gentlcmam SSiS&JF Yamanl. SOS N. 18th st. Klr n!'fn- EMPLOYMENT AGENflTPq NICHOLLS, 1028 BATNnniDQB stJCT MALE AND FEMALE HELP; ALLIES ALITIES SUPPLIED AND wiAJS , PHONE LOCUST 2130. "TC MISS ROSE DOUOllERTY."i318 W niT Wanted, cooks, chlldnurses itl""' housework girls. butl?r." a.n"tn "&! AUTOMOBILES m Tot Sale AUGUST "WHITE" SALE PAbn?'.4o8:H- p- T-"" & w'SoN, 0 cylinder, 7-pu.ennt: timl piMennr; UfSi. 4300. PAi?AnD' n0""' P" 7-a"t limn. PANHARD llmous ne: bargain, HOO ,M LOCOMOBILE landaulct, 30-li. P.. 7SL cer: bargain, 1500. " ,pJ? WHITE. 40-H. P., T-passenter toutloi, M TRUCKS 2 AUTOCAR, 1M tons. J000. WILCOX, delivery, 4275. THE WHITE CO. 216 NORTH BROAD STREET L. H. O'NEAL, USED CAR DEPARTirBr BELL. SPRUCE 1002; KEY.. IUCB lilt ABBOTT-DETROIT, miJ tnnrtwtm ... .ji- equipped nnd In good condition: btmln.W Blgelow-WIIIey Motor Co., 304 N. Bread I iD S, S. Rogers, Mgr, Exch. Car Pox. J CADILLAC. 1012. touring car: 5-jaiunrtr;'k srnnt running order: fully equipped! bannl Blgelovv-Wllloy Motor Co.. 301 N. Prwl . S. S. Rogers, Mgr. Exchange-Car Dept, a CADILLAC, 1014, roadster; In 'flne'canttx throughout can bo purchased rlxht - Blgelow-WIIIey Motor Co.. 801 N. Broil iU S, 8, Rogers. Mgr. Exchange-Car Pttld CADILLAC. 1013. C-passencer lourlnt; la a! condition: pnlnt nnd tires new. -a L. S. BOWERS COMPANY. 215 N. Bnn4 It CADILLAC 1014 touring car. overhiiled i-l repainted: full equipment: price S3. Mm SALES CORPORATION. 14J N. UrMj AM CHALMERS. 1013. touring car: painted tb, flno looking Job: In perfect order; birtala a Blgelovv-WIIlcy Jlotor Co.. 304 N. llruil iL-) S. S. Rogers. Mcr. Exchange-Car Oct :f CHALMERS. 11)15. touring car: B-nmctitr. u. cenenv Blinpo; will inuivn aucriute price i' -w Blgciow-Willey Motor Co.. 804 N. Bmt it 8. S. Rogers. Mgr. Exchange-Car DrpUiS COLE. J014, 0-cyllndcr. "-passenger tosmrnn In Al condition: rnmntetelv eouloeelMMIlH tires good: bnrgaln. , -. ,raj( l. . bowers Co., sin N. lmailw E-M-F , . 53" Forcdoor B-passenger touring car; ptlaw tires and mechanical condition Hue; rrtci 1st LOCOMOBILE "41.1 Tn1r at rjlMl.l ISO If. A. JENKS, Mgr, Exchamt-Car V&M HUDSONS Phaetons, "roadsters anJ abrbWi equipped wltn electrio nsnta ana sunnj Oomery-Schwartg, 253 N.Uroiaat..TOa..; HUPP-YATES electrio coupe: In llaa alape j U tuui car: liaterles coon: Dig oarrain. jm jiikoiow-i iiioy .tiuiur w.. av .v "J-,J ,0.. aua iit pCM.a a. h. Rogers. Jigr. ixcnaMe-yrTh- IMPERIAL. 1014 touring car. fiuTy equlppf Una running order; at a big bargain., if BlBclow-Wllley Motor Co.. 304 N. Ureal a KRIT, 1015 touring car; ln Sat ahape; atj big bargain price, , j?! Blcelow-WUley Motor Co.. SOI N.'nroaJ tM S. 8. Rogers. Mgr. rich. Car Pept. LIMOUSINES v ..rJL Suitable for funeral work or hacklnretj W kind, suburban or station work: rajjiej prlco from 1300 upl Locomooila aal wj I maKes. , ...COMOIXB ... ir. a. .IEwlfs. Mar. Eichani-CarP!i: LIMOUSINE car. sedan .type, tot : daily designed and built for m. I cars and do not need this one: fn,,"5 other car like it In appearance ofjyjS be seen to be appreciated: ?' order; obsolutely up to date: ',trlVSS shift: will sell reasonable. JI 8- jg; yjenvrai. LOCOMOBILE a 80 II. P.. 4-cyllnder delivery w. ffSI with fuli panel body, demountable rka.' tires; prlco J700. .. Wt LOCOMOBILE, SM 2314 Market at. v1?.,5 r3 If. A. JENKS, Mgr.Exchanf-Car pr. 0-TON HACK with autprnatlc tVJ?? tftia'aS sale, at reasonable, price; run leia tfJJjJJ miles, and In. perfect roechank-al waawj Hantet Maria Blddle Truck Co , S3(giigjg MADISON. 1018, 40 light 8-cvIlnder wHg sacrifice i $6.10. ... M nmalrSI Blgelow-AVIlley Motor Co.. .301 V. m a. a. uogers. Jmr. - r .3 MITCHELL. 1018, touring car very yWt condition: fully equipped; bUr '"ejCT Blgelow-Wltley Motor Co., 301 JJi.DtrtS 8. 8. Roaers. Mgr. Exchapggarwrj- rt.vr.Mr 11.1 1 .norinv. fully equlw0 YZ running order: at bara,n,rwBroal rM Blgelow-WIIIey Motor Co., SlJl N. f m iiow-vviuey uovor wr-v-; Deot. s 8. S. Rogers. MgrttchMarj'ff'i-: JTToToriSaTster. -"i.iiI"r S lent condition: ata bargalj. , jm n a nip excellent condition: at a b'v,Jj' proai) Blgelow-WIIIey Motor Co., ,804 V. " 8. S. Rog" r- ""'-"-TTa PAIOB.IOIB, Fairfield, fl-48, la pf S At a bargain price. ,nJ M RrcalS-l Blgelow-WIIIey Motor Co.. 804 N f J Pimn tsis. Olenwood 4-3l "H!i' n. fcj. jmCf. . r . H?.KyAfe4U.M?ASr8t.,'iaai "tS'tVi.'iSiViSiV. vr.AiMCi23i IIae!ow-Wllley,iiotor jO"fc?"Jc,? fi. 8. RogefS: Mar. Exrhanxa--" PIERCE wft..?.jHw- ssssa Wx& llgh . . demountable "riw."Sf. M3 inaDDV. Dowerful and speedy car. i- ' EOCOMOUIWj11,tl; la Market at. Wftfn n. A. JENKS. Mgr. ExchanHV PIERCE-ARBOW r 1 e-86 landaulet; W.cond. rf-jj 2Li!iimKslSExcrJSH S!iWJ.7J JS '".r'dlfioS im ":,wu'u """-""locomobill- t.M,l H- Jfmkr&a STEARNS KNIUrt T, '" ..J.'iaperM k car; run less than 8000 ml. " ,ff . BOWERS COMPANY, JK J Kf-eJifi"' iZ". " 11 mik saeruwiM good Blge llgelovv-Wllley Motor Co.. 3W r mtUB 8. 8. Rogers. Mgr. ExetePJV-irilJ 10 in tivoton AUTOCAR CHAa' g Q.rrnTM TV TTHK. S20P BCHOBEB. 334L"SaSS y,0 , I . CIIABSI9 . y, ju a Wo hare a tew eneap -- ,-- y, u fi"73 would bo verysultable for truca tt rt work at any kind, don't fall "SiKha HJ look them over xjrottrawJJJt j bargain prlco '&W. ji OWNER leavlwr city musl $'? effirt vhkh leaviojf tiu ""i i.rrr car; "" ilvllnder 7-cassenger Kl"?i,S; rp r::,-j. ii-UnAer rtnawr-rrr ft.-'i'K'.'f' idVtTr in Vblln-itWJt',--Tj for demonslr. tlon. DlaiMMJfejpa WANT Ford doUwvy ( rnrhinlrill COnditUO e'"r" m mUSfc - nJHSitr mT-TTVi. tT air Ifi B.. ELI "aatUfWT " " twm.i"." "" . -j-... hog Seoa Ha-veriora ayrrTr;fc OORSON AUTO BjcHANaaJiJfc CADILLAC PARTSj Wanted --isjri -1 Miiaa)iii.iiiiiinuiiittiuiunaiiiiiimjuniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiminni Mfenea, 3 HT W,' wai tr CW0PM 828 N, J5t. SSmp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers