Ip s NANCY WYNNE GIVES GOSSTP uinPEMAY AND SARATOGA liTennis Enthusiasts Now at Jersey Resort Make ThinFs Lively Unique Outc-lnm. mhji .., Aulbs Mr. and Mrs. Allen at Famous Spa EVENING LEDaER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 191&. 0 nrflTH tho arrival In Capo May of n W number of womon who have matlo moutatlons for themselves In tennis and I i rolling circles, summer residents aro talc- Wm fag a renewed interest In the matches playecL Mrs. Gilbert Harvey, of Chestnut I ,jini, Is among the recent additions to tho Ftieolony, also "Becky" White, of Baltimore, both being well-ltnown wiclders of tho racquet Mrs. Harvey, whoso playing in the na if ifotial tournaments in this city has made Ptafcer a formldablo factor in tho tennis world, sustaineu ner reputation by win jilng the women's singles championship 0f South Jersey on Saturday in Capo May. Mrs' L,ou's uo -L-ono was a for midable opponent In tho finals, but Mrs. yJforvey's steady play gave her tho do 'f clslon. Just as tho match was concluded iW r,w..i1n,r ttlnfnlni, .Tnnttlfl. ttn . ,,,, On W""""' " " " ( io uvi- ititor wno nas uoon giving- demonstrations 5 in Atlantic City all summer, appeared f m M hvdro-aeroplano and alighted in tho a ... - . , r marshes, a low root irom tno tennis fcourt. Ho waa Instantly surrounded by i crowd of tho curiously inclined. MA Arnold's was ns gay as usual on Satur day evening, among thoso ontertalnlng M kinr Mr. and Mrs, Graham Archer, Mr. f' j nr... IVIIann Afrf!rpilv. Mr. nrul ATrn fc&nu """ " - r John Ncary, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crane, 'ifr. and Mrs. Hnrry Ansoll and Mrs. WPavid Young. ' Friends of Mrs. Ronald Barlow, who Is 's'ln Cape May for tho lato nummor, aro ifiliympathlzlng with her over tho tragic rUdeath of her young son Lovol, who, ac- ktJeordlng to dispatches received from London, was killed .on tho fourteenth of W the month whllo fighting gallantly with t 'the British forces in France. Young 3rfEl..-Lt..... nltLmifyl. n mnrn nfhflnlhnv fnlf ftlt his duty to light for hi? country and A' left over a year ago ror .tmgiana. Many members of tho horsey sot aro ft? cr havo beon at Saratoga and for a brief i iim thn edo. is aulta roluvenated. Of 'V course, "Eddlo" Cassatt has been thero rOwlih hla ntrlnir nnd also nmonir our eS'fellowtownsmon aro tho Evans Roberts, KU'r ....- ... .. . !earpocnnn8t,;e,Cl' wl" Uave week for stay. JIountlns for an Indennlto Coult'.rnMl?t.r9- ,D- D- Smlth' "1 "West will r,l,? who ln NortMeW, Mass., win return tho end of the month. Mrs Ti. RftlrMMiB -. ureeno street, who hn i.n ... ...- mmer with Mr. and MrV Hulu K swt.'sista' -w,n return start" h "a. T Scar' of 1S3 Carpenter Lancaster Jm'" "j0 fC(,uea Vnlley' ' fn , K ,1 r wlU B0 t0 1Jrtt"t Beach, N. J tta .?UMt f M,f A1,co Jone8 tto cottage before returning to dermantown. North Philadelphia TTiFPRIVATFAXAR" 1 BT LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE THe fef bow.- I CONTESTANTS FILL GAPS IN CAST RACE 8TNOP3I3. . OorJon Traill, n younn Now Tork aoclotr favorite, an Captain Han von nolsborn. attached to tho Oerman Embassy In Lon .on. are rival aultora for tn lin4 of the wiaowtd Lady Herbert, formerly Julia lh. of niehmond, Va. ,Th Oerman la enaared to tha widow, due to th faot that Jn tha two yeara followln tha dtb of f,'r,. "band Traill has racealned la tha United state. ...'mediately upon Tralll'a arrival In Ixn Sx!.t? 'tumblea upon melodrama. Ilf haa '"'"t rfune from the foa ln a cab. Uyln EI!jh or he flnda the druarrd and atabbtd n??."!0' '" Netta, a apecUl aaant of the tlan tlovernment. Traill takee the body iSni,vrn.l!'"1"l,'tmtn"' and, tha latter 2S.M2...Mon lloliborn. nho calla for hla wouhded friend. The rlvala hate each other from that flrat meetlna. . , ..., . -un iioiioorn apirita away j.majr I"""!! nil cal a hla "Utarra ?: WlWm Tatll nil. hi. ..lfAa,a ?Vy"V.e Bnl Traill et off for.Baltacrea i-ady Itrvbert'a country estate, In hope of inaina her. They reach tho b wound da Netio and the German. Traill and Sevrance remain at Saltacrej overthe nlaht with Lady Ilerbert'a party, wn they awake late the next day they nnd that thoy hae been druaaed. and Lady Her bert with her retinue aaaln aplrlted away, After a thorouah search of the houee In pursuit of the faint tlnkllnar of a bell, Traiu and Sevrance llnd von Holaborn. evidently in freat pain, In ono of the bedrooma. Ha tena hem that Lady Herbert haa been, taken away In her yacht, 'the Myoiotla, to Bl. Petersburg. Sevranoo looked at me helplessly. "What can I do?" I read In his expression. I replied similarly, dolefully! "Nothing." Neither of lis mado a move to go. For somo moments thero was n degree of silence- In tho room. Von Holzborn breathed heavily and regularly, apparently oblivious and Indifferent to our presence. In tho end Sevranco spoke. "Curso you," he cried, his tone trembling with tho passion or the exasperated. "Can I do nothing? Qod, I'va a mind to throttle you I" j, "XU "J"101 threaten a dying man with death, the Prussian observed, without moving. "When will her ladyship return?" I asked. rl?.."?1"16 no Bl"n of having heard me. "Will you not answer?" Ho did not, at nil events. I clenched my flsla In tho extremity of my wrath. It was unendurablo thus to be dened by him who lay at my mercy. But what could I do? Sevrance abruptly caught my eyo and nodded brightly. I saw that ho had evolved a scheme. BK655 BOWL" w ,ithe Archibald Barklles, tho Sam Riddles They wero among tho hundred or moro guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Allen at a most original cntertainmont given by fiiWtnem on sunuay evening, it was a musi- (e and tho guests wero seated ln tho OEtosses' attractive garden at small W tables llghtod by candles hero a sup per was served shortly boforo midnight. Vernon' D'Arnallo, whev Is n guest of tho K?r Aliens, Bang folic songs of Brittany, Nea- poutan lovo songs ana iwi'aan or nis own I' composition and altogether tho affair was MISS FLORENCE W. STREET Miss Street, who Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Street, Is spending tho -......;i Yiui ner parents ni Wlluwoou. ,. "Iss Aoo Powell, of 2351 North Twen tieth strcot, has returned from nn cxtondod visit to Atlantic City. Miss Anna Kloln, of 931 North Twelfth street, Is Bpondlng sevoral weeks with friends at Wlldwood. West Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs John Stumme, of Buffalo, N. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hobort Garrett, of 4217 Brown street, for sevoral weeks. Miss Suo Evorham, of 402 South Six tieth street, has returned homo after spend ing several weeks In Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Laura Mooney, of West Philadel phia, spent tho week-end at Sea Ialo City. N. -J. '." most cjiarmlng. NANCY WYNNE. Personals ,f Mrs. Clarence W. Bolan gave a luncheon n," yesterday afternoon at Nowpqrt. Wr -Mr ani RIrs- Edgar T. Scott entertained Z.tt Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Polk.ivho aro : their guests. Jlrs. Porter Farauharson Cono. who Is spending tho summer In Capo May. enter stained at bridge yesterday afternoon at ! the Golf Club. MMr. and Mrs. James M. Wilicox, of Villa nova, aro taking a motor trip through New ij, England. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stelnmetz, of Ger mantown, motored to Cape May on Sat urday to Bnend several dais. Mr. and Mrs. Stelnmetz are occuDvlm; a cottuco , in Chelsea for tho season. Mr. Michael F. Murnhy. of 1920 Chest- 'tut street, has arrived from Paris by way f t Bordeaux on the steamship Lafayette. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keen have taken Win apartment for tho winter at 1519 Plna ttreefc Mrs. Keen boforo her marriage was Miss Frances Bally. Along the Main Line lfof.Millo" Mr' Bna MrSl Archibald II. kfhIo, of Harelhurst and Wynne wood ave- j.ura, urn openains- somo time at uagies llArA BRYN MAWn Mr. T! ronton n. Wallaea. i "f 217 Roberts road, la snendlnc several f. Weeks at the Baymond, Eagles Mere. nOSEaiONT Col. Cvrim S. Itarlcllffa W4 Mrs. Badcllffe. of Lancaster nvenuo. Sf'tre 8pndnB' several weeks at Spring Lake. farST. DAVID'S Dr. and Mrs. IL H. ..H, n,u imva ucit uiveiiuiii nits rauva at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., have returned to their homo on Midland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Juquetto Palmer, f Lancaster avenue, have gono to Massa wusetts to remain until September. Mrfl. T ft QntimM, nt Hft.llnn.l .,..& , left this week to visit In Boston, Mass. N- WAYKE-Mr. and Mrs. Dufneld Ash- meaa, of Wayne, spent tho weok-end with JHlss Martha Fenlmoro, of Wayne, at her ijummer home at Harvey Cedars, N. J. THrS. AftYllTtAaH will Via PdrHmhaiur1 n a XT Id a SNadlna Prew, a June bride. 'V. . "srbert Adams Treat haa Joined his llarnlly at Belgrrada TjiWps r.Tt . tnr tha r. Itealnder of tho Bummer. South Philadelphia Miss Mary Wallace, of 803 South Twen tieth street, has returned home after spend- "e, tvect in iiiiuniic -lty. Doctor and Mr3. Cohan entertained In honor of Miss Mao Gafnoy, of Washington, D. C., on Monday night nt a dinner at tho Breakers Hotel, Atlantic City. Miss Suo Haines, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haines, of 1C07 West Passyunk avenuo, has left for Pittsburgh, where sho will be tho guest of Miss Mario Boylo for two weeks. .. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Haines, of 2603 South street, aro rtcolvlng congratulations on the birth of a son, Thomas J. Haines, 3d. Mr. and Mrs. Haines aro at present the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Austin, of Pittsburgh. Miss Fay Loonhardt and Miss GertriidB Lconhardt, Miss Anna ScnekotT, Miss Anna' uiick anu JUIE3 Leona Smith havo returned from a trip to tho Pocono Mountains, Dela ware Water Qap and BushklU Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGrath. their daughter, Mlas Margaret Lillian McOrath, and son. Mr. John J. McGrath. Jr., pf 1205 South Buckncll street, left Saturday to spend a week In Atlantlo City. Chestnut Hill Mr. and Mva 'ttrmtam r nmA c-, A Sljhland avenue, who have been' at lAtoaKansett, L. i., sinco the beginning of IvUly. Will rtl'n linn. , mMJI. a- "tnber " ' """u' " "v Along the Reading l?.!re " 'w,u be th guest of her grand IHtner, Colonel J. Granville Leach, at his SS"nin,r home, until after Labor Day. Mr. Ely. - .- AICIO wu Hinu opviiu iiuur l(f"tat Capo May as the guest of Colonel bleach. ThA nimtrmmn nf Xffaa T.fi9ih W4 Mr. Tiers was recently announced. !. and Wm flArfTA Olnv nt Knmmlfr knenu Jenklntown, haya returned from Icoasf motor trip along tn Jersey Dr. Hn Yr n . -rr . -m n fOnl an SllltAmnVltA trln lh,n,ili Vnw T.r. y, returning homo by way of Abury Kk nd Eakawood. Roxborough Jfr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawrence, of 117 Kalos street, are spending tho summer at Pine Cottago, Wlldwood. Mr. and Mrs. James McGucWn and their daughters. Miss Retta McGuckln and Miss Amy McGuckln, of 4735 Umbrla street, are spenuing Boverai weens in Atlantic City. Mr, and Mrs. John Burns and their daughters. Miss Btancho Burns and Miss Edna Burns, of 4710 Umbrla street, aro spending three weeks in Atlantlo City. Mis3 Marlon Fleming and Mr. Paul Flem ing, of 4700 Umbrla street, aro in Atlantlo City. Mr. Frank Pensyl, of 119 Markle street, Is spending tho summer In Atlantlo City, Camden and Vicinity Mrs. E. E. Barton and Miss Evelyn Barton, of 314 Pearl street, have been spending a month at Hague-on-Lake George. Mrs. William B. Wood, of Haddonfleld. Is spending a fortnight at tho Chelsea Hotel, Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hurlay, of White Horse pike, are also atlhe Chel sea. l' ClIAl'TKK XVir (Contlnned). MmllAT the man who nssertcd that he had JLnot heard from Lady Herbert and then proved that ho lied by coming direct to Saltacres, Is a Judge of tho handy art ot fabrication to put It mildly, mon ami." "And what," I asked steadily, though mentally staggered by tho directness and the truth ot his Indictment, "If I should dectaro to you that 1 got no word from Lady Herbert?" Ho removed the plpo from his lips and laURhed brlofly. "And yet you nro here.' "You, I bcllovo," I continued, determined to beat him down, "took too troublo to per jure yourself, first of all. You Informed mo that you wero bound for Portsmouth all of you." "And so wo were." "Pormlt mo to Buggest," Sevranco put In, "that thero Is room for doubt ln your state ment." "How so?" "We nro willing to admit, to begin with, that Lady Herbert and Mrs. Morchcster Joined tho Myosotls at Portsmouth, when tho yacht was nut Into commission. But you, Captain, nnd Monsl6ur do Netzo?" Tho Prussian did not reply, but kept n steady gaze upon Sevrance. My friend had hit at rnndom; It seemed that his chanco shot was nonnluslnir to Von Holzborn. "Where shall wo say that you two Joined tho yacht?" Sevranco continued. "At Folk stone eh?" Tho woundod man frowned. "Tell me frankly," ho Bald abruptly, "how much you know." "That's enough," Sovranco said decidedly. "The point Is that you lied. Under the clr cumstnnccs wo are not to be blamed for doubting your word, for coming here In stead of attempting to find you at Ports mouth. Your very statement that you were going thero waf. enough to make us sus picious. Be advised by mo and " "What?" "Tell the truth then cono will bcllovo you." "Heln!" .10 laughed. "Well touched. Then" turn'r.g upon mo again "you deny absolutely that you heard from Lady Herbert?" I saw that he was not to bo diverted. Tho Issue was plain, and not to bo evaded. Remembering Julia's warning, I was deaf to tho voice of honesty. I looked him squarely ln the eyo and lied, I hopo, like a gentleman: "I deny It absolutely." "Good. I bellevo you. Yet you wore very sagacious permit mo to compliment you eo to track U't down here." I held sltanco. Sevrance took up tho oxamlnatlon. "Will you tell mo what has taken her ladyship to Sf. Petersburg?" "A duo regard for tho safety of Monsieur do Notze. Surely tho events of tho last week or so must havo made It plain, even to you, that tho man's life hangs on a thread hero In England. Ho was confronted with tho alternative of leaving or assassination andhe chose wisely." "Why did he abandon you, then?" "At my desire." "And her ladyship your fiancee?" "Ah, you weary mo I" Ho smiled in scrutably Into'the cloud of pipe smoke. "In deed, I am not anxious to tell all I know." "And we," I pursued', "were locked up in order that you might bo rid of us?" "You havo fathomed tho mystery," he ad mitted, with Irony. "I wish," raid Sevrance softly, "that I could make you tell the truth, Holzborn I" "You will find It difficult." he returned candidly. "I don't repose confidence In my enemies. Now, If you will be kind enough to leave, nt your convenience, I will try to get Borne rest. I am weary." He put the pipe aside and turned his faco to the wall. "At your convenience," ho repeated. "And, by the way, It that fool, Fritz, turns up, tell him I want him will you?" Ho m,r,ol,.!i?.rn" ho bKan gently. "What do you want of us?" '";"" otonuuiiy. ....?'re;la!ly" continued Sevranco, appar ently Buro of himself. "I can Inform you tnat you havo not decolved mo. This busi ness has been arranged for tho express purpoao of hoodwinking us. You wero ex peeling us when you heard us enter and protended not to notice. You expoctcd us when you left tho outer door unlocked. In a word, you aro playing a part and for thif t !??"? oncoming us. You arranged lie , t0 f,ur.V,ep your cnds- Como, now, lot us havo It." .1 Th .Prussian rolled his hoad over upon tho pliow and stared at Sevranco for n full minute, unwinking. In tho end ho made a slleht anirmatlvo motion scarcely could It bo called a nod. 'You are an Intelligent man," he oon m.i'.'1 Jtmlb,y; "I had not looked for so cnortP8.n0ycurnsUrne" "" yU ar abju'rrhe'bu'sn' U9 haV n mr bCaUnB !!Y2U ,wl11. rgard this as confidential?" Absolutely," said Sovranco : nnd I added my assurance aZ."JaJ? Put yu.HPn WW honor. ,A. """" ",a invoivea." Iiat Is Undemfnnrl A waiting." wo " "So, then I" He took a docp breath, ap pear ng to collect his thoughts. "You "co mo hero, gentlemen, Incapacitated for ao ":. J; ' a? you understand, Is a marked man : he can do nothing In England. There nXui3 nTWOrk t0 b,8 put though, and that quickly, in a word, wo need help, I am asking yours." ?." u'm' .pounds?" I naked. "" bo, a community of Interests. o win not hagglo over tho Issues, but bo straightforward. Frankly, Mr. Traill, you wish to marry Lady Herbert?" Somewhat abashed, I murmured an affir mative. "And I," continued Von Holzborn "I will mako no bones about It Tho matter, so far as effects me, Is that of a brilliant and successful marrlngo. Julia Is rich very. I nm a poor Prussian captain. I need money; her ladyship has It. We agrco to marry. Weill" "You scroundrel!" I broko furiously "Indocd, Mr. Traill? Then you rojoct my overtures?" I was doggedly silent. Or do you wish to debntn th n,i.. tho case? Ileint Have I not put It plainly before you?" "Get on with your proposition," I growled. "Then don't Interrupt," ho retorted sharply. "To proceed: A certain work Is to bo accomplished In tho Interest of tho Prussian Government. I will Inform you that I am associated with De Netzo by order of his Majesty tha Oerman Emperor; I am directed to render all discreet assistance. You comprehend? In short, I have pledged myself to carry the business through. It must bo done. It menns much to me: monoy, honors, ultimata advancement. Deeply as I am now In volved, I cannot withdraw my hand : the end muse 00 accomplished successfully. of course. "Sol I make tho proposition. In my Inability to get about you will take my place. You are, comparatively, free from suspicion. You can do that which I could not. You push the matter to a successful end I reap tho reward and resign my claim to her ladyship's hand. Do you comprehend?" "Plainly," I muttered. "Wo play tho rolo of the cat's-paw." "Not to put too fine a point upon It you do." He waited a moment, searching our faces with his unreadable gaze. "You gain your end I gain one and relinquish ono of mine. Aro wo agreed?" "Not bo fast," Sevrance demurred. "Let us consider all sides of tho case, Traill." "By all means," consented tho Prussian. "In the tlrst place, what is the nature of tills 'business' of which you speak?" He smiled. "That I cannot reveal until we havo coma to a comploto understanding. Give mo your word that you will do all things In your power, and under my direction, to carry It to a successful Issue nnd tonight, at 8 o'clock, I will take you completely In my confidence." "Why the delay?" I asked curiously. "That I may signal the Myosotls, now standing off the coast, waiting for lnfor. matlon. If I signal 'All's well, the yacht proceeds upon Its course, avoiding danger. If otherwise If you retime, I nm forced to threaten you Lady Herbert will return nt nn agreed tlma and ngnln become In volved In dangers and perils far moro desperate than thoso you know of." "And you permit lliat you, who would marry herl" I cried. "I hnvo no choice. I must use whntovcr tools come to my hand, without regard to aenumoiu. "Tell me one thing, then," I pleaded. "What Is the naturo of your power over her? What makes her bend to your will now7 God knows the woman hntos you " "And I know It. too," ho returned, without n flicker of an eyelash. "But I would be n great fool to show you my trump card, gentlemen." Tho truth of that observation was so plain that I could not argue against It I bowed my head, struggling to suppress tho namo 01 my smoldering rosentment "For your own comfort however," ho con tinued ln honeyed tones, "I will confess ono thing to you. Lady Herbert today gives not one fond thought to your humble servant I might make a shrewd guoss as to the man so fortunate n3 to baBk In tho light of her favor but I refrain. On tho other hand, I would not bo cruet." Something beneath tho sound of his words puzzlod mo. I did not ciulto under. stand, nnd watched him keenly whllo ho fumbled beneath his pillow. Presently, In his own good time, ho brought forth an envelope. "Here Is a note addressed to Mr. Gordon Traill." ho drawled lrritatlngly. "It Is Bealed and yet I might BUggest tho Identity of Its fair author, It I would." Ho gavo It a twist of Ills lingers, sneering contemptuously, nnd tho note skimmed ncross tho floor, falling at my feet I had It In my fingers In an Instant, trembling with nn uncontrollablo agitation ; for at tho first elanco I had recognized tho handwrit ing of Heart's Desire. Impatiently I broko tho wax and drew forth the slnglo sheet of faintly fragrant paper It contained. Undated, It read, four squara pages hur riedly pennod: "Gordon, If you would nld mo and I bc llovo you dcslro to do so; I could not write this did I not hold llrm to that belief please, ah, please do not misconstrue, my actions. Through no will of my own I am forced to leave you an return to the Myosotls. I cannot help It It must bo. What will happen next I cannot foresee, but oh, Gordon, may God havo us ln His keeping! "Captain von Holzborn tells mo that ho will mako you a certain proposition. I cannot advlso you to trust tho man, for nono can appreciate his falthlessnoss bet ter than I; yot in this Instance I believe ho will keep faith. "If, then, you can see your way to an ac ceptance, bearing ln mind the roward ho offers, tho penally ho exacts, I would say to you, 'Accept!' wero I but sure that It was fair and right to you. "I am I cannot find words to say with what burden of sorrow nnd anxloty. "JULIA." I pondered long over this, senslblo to tho unmlstnkahlo genuineness of Its appeal, as honest and straightforward as her own dear heart So far as I was concerned, tho matter stood already settled. I must consent to undertake whatever task Von Holzborn might sot to my hnnd. The man had laid Blego to mo cunningly enough, withholding his heaviest ammunition until the final assault Despite her expressed doubts Julia had left mo no course, to pursuo save to ac cept and dare whatever dangers such ac ceptance might entail. At length I looked up, to And Sevrance waiting with a show of Impatience si lently I handed him tho note. He read It through without a sign and then, returning It, asked openly: "It Is her own hand? You are sura?" "Certain," I affirmed. "Inspired, do you think?" ho pursued, with a sideways nod toward tho Prussian. "I think not," I eald. It appeared that ho had come to the same conclusion as myself; ho faced Von Holzborn. "I, for one, accept," he announced stilly. The Prussian looked to me. "And I." "Ah-hl" ha sighed tremulously, sinking back upon his pillow. With the triumphant consummation of his desires, ho virtually keeled over, played out, lying as limp as a rag, as motionless ub a mono. (CONXTNUED TOMORROW.) Name. OiTantiatleit. Mmon Ooldherr. The-Wirhn-ood Clnb... . li Yttmt Ianlrl pn hi Iran J. jre;n, Thlrtr-eLtth nn Ward ' fcV- 1M Since Character Schedule An nouncement Voles Come Piling in for "Phil and Delphino" Although the cast of characters for the Evbnino Ledqbii's moving picture, "Phil and Delphlne," was only announced Mon day, nnd the 6tes listed below nro thoso ro eclved until midnight of the same day, there Is a visible Increase In the number of active contestants. Now that the parts aro known, thoso who want them are making special efforts to be up In tho lead, where the main pnrts wilt bo divided. It must bo under-, stood that If tho leading contestant Is not suited for tho very best part another con testant will havo to be chosen. The Metro Pictures Corporation will put the picture on tho screen, nnd tho Metro's Judgment will go. Thero nro some 30 dcstrablo parts, and other small bits. In tha words of the prophets, "Go to it" As for sending In votes, thoso who are ln the contest know. For their friends wo re state tho essentials. Any club may nom inato ono man nnd one woman by filling out a nomination blank obtainable at this office. Onco the nomination Is mado It Is necessary only to clip tho tltlo "Evbnino LEDQBn" from the first page of any edition, write tho nominee's namo upon it and sfcnd It In within ten days of tho date. Show tho dato on each clipping. The standing follows: Nnrae. Orcanliatlon, Votes. Maranret O'Neill. Cor Iinnineulatinn 41S80 Ifntrnrfl tierwlir. I'ollrf . . .......... Ijilt Krnmer, Ralntifliv rinb S2 "v1"".1?". r:nt '" Camaanr Hot 13 low t lTde "TV iVftle. "Tna ii cTtih .","' 'I' 1000 Jtra. M. A. MeUellirmi, St.' fi;i.V; w Iiramatle flab .:;" tnn Thtrtr-nlnth tlltrf,t . .. ....... ions lob . . . ... inoo 'eraoanr Hot 13 1QM Martin Manlon, Flral llUtrltl rollre"": 1099 iiiii '""rI"" ininr-ionrtn juitrici .-. "!"-? r.inri Ilat 1 1 llllnm rout fflMn: rut HiVhmond' fc-tf wa; 15m ave BabloskT, rhilndelpW KiliibitorV Wj'b V?tc ' Uli - 1- ;.- i--.-, ... i 1000 "fi'mllh',' "fhlrtr-fi b'liCrTet Dnrm rawirSif5fyiiVri:hVinb.,6inD,.,:.,:::r:: im trlft Police ,,.....,.. ,,,.. ,.,, irxvi .. .. j-'-:--l -'.;' uuL.n,,,.. .'v djik, uninoow ciob ..,..,.,.,., 1000 .llit m una Mqrt Klf rrmn. rranllr'n'ril" "A Venue" Yti'iii,!. ,." '! Loan AaMirlitlon.... ........ 47170 AUtr Andron, l'lilludolplila School of Im pression 33700 Tortus Arbeson. International Tliolo Kn- fruvers' I'lilon No 7 8.1010 Minnie Mirnh, riass, 09. tllrnrd ('allno 10310 Alruimleriim liellr. M'atertlew Herreutlon Park . ..... ...,, 1007O Joe U enter, Arilentea Club of btarr lia'r ..?! !- . 1MB0 !"m r. Cooner. Iloosters Club...... JBD70 i.'ur.,..t ,J!,,.l.r.ni"'r ll'". "' lloostrr Club., lAtino r.M..Colllon, (iermnntoun Y. 31. 0 A. linio ii nit "";",i'v " ? I'raniane ciuu.... tl i I-nnetlna, Mudonnn Catbollo JHjh MnrEnreiVlarilnrri 'liiVota' Urnraa'tlo i.niMM-itiiiun Albert Theatrical Baedeker FRATVUE Ft 1MB STAKLnr First half of week! .MarranlU Clark. In" "Little Lady Eileen.1' a Wamonni feature, Durton Holmes's travelortie, comedn news pictures and educational features. Second half: Ulancho Svrcet. In "Publlo Opinion," a J.askjr production, and others. AnCADtA First halft fietile Love and Wilfred Lucas, In "Hell-to-Pay Austin' a TrlansU plar of the West and Baatl "Olorla's i"o n .sixteenth chapter;, and others. Beo end halfi Bessie liarrlscala In "Home," a Trlanile feature. PAhACR First halfi Mils Mary Plckford. In "Hulda From Holland." a. Famous Plarrrs Paramount film. Second halft Wallaea Ko'A and Cleo llldgler. In ."Tha House of tha Golden Windows." a Laakjr-raramouilt film. riOTOntA Wednesday and Thursday, "Honor Thy Nae," Trlantle feature, with Keenan. Itar and Louise Olaum, and a Drew comedy. Friday and Saturday, Metro feature, "Tha Weakness of (Strength" and "Pills of Peril." a comedy. rAVDEYlfsLS KKlTtl'S fieri Kalmar and Jessie Brown, In i-.urBory-x.wnu. x'oukihh j, WOOU ft CO.. In Anna 31. llelse). lorn Itncfc tvoofen .Mills. I.lleen Mierldiiii, llryn Jlaur Club I'eisr Tin lor. IViiinellrld Comedy Club ro il nk i'..nl. u..T . l,.""' r -.. .,lu' .i..n C.IIIU11UU, mnmiiro i;iui.. .... Al Urnmunrr, Atlus Socl.il I'iub ift',n. ik -J'-'Vettlcun, Bt. PnirleVs Iirunuitlo l.hib ,. Frew M'.jiejchlniur. Untro fcous Musical Comody'Cltib Ersn,w.'.K,..Hr.Ili,.r Artisans Order of . Slntiml Prntertlnii Jijiues Currlo. International Mu.lcal Union tliurlrs Cohen, Tncnty-elshth District roll Mrs, 31. I'oiny. Poey lloostrr Club ... .esse Latent hot. Carl) to Nodal Club.... llenry L. Tux. MInso Society of Phlla.. Louis Hurts, Three Point Clul ,.!i,rbtr.t tlqlBberc. Original Crimson.... V.1." "entries Clinch, Italnbow Hub,... Alia llerllielaon. .Athje lie. ICrrrentlon Park KUaar Wolf. I'hlU, Inhibitors' I -en rue. . ltftiil L. .Monlson, Women's Trade Onion League , Hsnv Francis. Frnnrls llooster clufi...... I.leanar Drciier. A, .11. S. Druumtlc Asso. John J. ntmutrlck I.lectrlcul Uurenti llrnmnlle Assorlutlon 2810 Cliarlea Tlium, 'ntentr-eiclith District I'ollco ,....,.., 2J00 Ream P. Lorey, rith District I'ollco... 2iu.i I.dillo Krnll, Crlni'an Club inno Fredrick l'ueller, Kulnbotr Club 1RSO nuo i-iiiic, a, r. it. nociai ,..., lfiio Hum .lofeeph, Delphi Club 1G20 S. Hoivnnl Firing. Lenox fahoo Company, 11.11) (ieorre iiummei, i:ngine Co. 3 Carrie llerknwltz. N. K. O. U 8. & ltalfibow Club . . , W. Cortrlght fcmith. Masked Marvel I'ln j err, Phillip llurkler, H. 8. Vhlte Company... 3Ilss Kin, Felton, Xnox hhoe Company., .facte IturgesH, Ititrgess lloostrr Club ... (irnnrtlln H. Wlnneiuore. Twenty-third District Pollro M'ilmer rarvcr, Trent-elchth District 'oiica 11430 10 1 DO 1017O 1DISO Ut7l) M7S0 SSIIU 8S20 7820 7180 MOO 0000 B7IO ftJSO lit 10 11170 no'in 4KI0 4(llO S7S0 37S0 83C0 nun a.iau SU30 ,,VS BJia'"r:.J?'t".Fo,W..Pt a "tr "nr". ri":7 "" r.Yu ..; aieinaei urotiiera, I'onoa ( A-iine A.nti J.iavii. Willi Hai mv,... 1 llrotherB. FolToH d'Amnitp"! m-'i Aan- iiiK ug iiiw ibvh, uiiu ma rjorencQ Uua, Oitinc "Tne colonial Bellei." musical, nnd x tin ntuuyi " a dramiLtlo itkotrh th rilMi O'Moarnai "A . Study In Black and Ta.n"i .nllnn fn h..lH. ..,. . .- . llecder's Invention In nosing uoy, luo nouureiio una ine usndy rtie Jlesssnger Asniey and Morg-an, MarIe.Sparrow, Kane and War. ner, .and Uavld a. Hall & Co., in "Just Coma HIXON'i 0&Al?Intr Harrah A Co.. In roller skating! Haydn. Sorden and Haydn, in humorous sketch, .Marie and Hilly Hart. Ste vens and Ilrunelle. Mauds ltynn and Dave Vandeld and company. CP.OS.1 KBra First half of w Whitney's negro musical tabloid Bet"! Jicrt Wilcox nnd company. In "A Count of No Account." Ilaker, Shermand and llemlngton. Wills Duo and John and Pearl llcgay. BURLESQUE PKQFLE'B. .neopenlng with Iloaa Sydell'a Famous London Helles. with a large cast. In cluding Johnny weber and Francea CornslL .week The. smart 1400 13fa 130 1320 13011 12S0 1220 12nn IVancls noyle. Unlnbow Club 1IK0 1170 1170 11(111 lisn 1100 1140 1140 1130 James J. Cormlck. Itnlnbow club iintnnln Iilsnntl, icnlnnow into M'llllnm Iteutty. Fourth Illslrlrt PolU-s . . Jay HmnnucJ, Tho Keel Fellows ...';.... deorge Tnncnny. Rainbow Club Ueorgn A. Ilurk. United Meeuxlty Life Inurnnro Comiany II. 1'. I.as. Star Outlnr Club Onen lltzgrrnld, P. It. It. Y. M. C. A... I.diiIha IVazner. Y. 31. C A.. South llrunch .. .... ., 1100 John T. Cello. Tliirtj-sKtli District I'ollee 1090 John T. blgrnfuie. Southern Urunch Y. 31. O. A. ., , ... ... 1000 Jack Kpolnnsky. Ilaldnln Locomotlvo firaro Crox.' 'rf, B." vhlfe 'Company ' ! .' ' .' l(mo Margaret 3lrUoon. Itiitnbow Club 1070 1U70 City Hall PInza Concert Program Tho Philadelphia Band, under, tho leader ship of Silas U. Hummel, will play tonight on City Hall Plaza. Tho program follows: Overture. "Martha" ., , Flotow Selection. "Tho Chocolate Soldier" fetrausa "Lcs Preludes" , Llsit Concert Wnlties. "La "Petit Uleu" Wenxel Popular .Medley pf Songs 1 WItmark (Jrand Scene, "Les Huguenots" Meyerbeer Contralto Solo. "The Hosary",. 1... Kevin llertha Drinker d'Albltes. Alorceau Charnctcrlstlnue, "A Dream of nprinir ... "La SIKleur Coquet" ...Flath .ixa municipal Band Plays In Brldcsburg Tho Municipal Band, under the leader ship of Benjamin Boeshman. will play to night at Tucker and Tacony streets. The program follows: SSil'':e'n3l.mam Tl1'" .f..,nosstni ,PZV' t?0!? .:.'". Mendelssohn "Teddy Ilear's Plcnla Uratton American sketch. "Down South" ....Myddleton noma from "Alone at Last" Lshar Tenor solo , Selected .. . .. William Fagan. Qrand selection. "Tannhauser" Warner Valse dl Concert. "Hluo Danube" Strauss "American Fantalsle" ...Herbert Daniel. O'Neill. Mull District Police. .,iib, v . 1 met liiiiii'iciiiu," iiuu. ,,,.... Mrs. Vlolette Ileli. Hels Unnster Club... Julius Lum. Y. 31. C. A., l'hlludelpbln. . . ,.... si... .,., ... r.f..f. ."it, ouuiu. ,., v .,ui ., , ....... Mrs. Dorcas lluos. Hans llnoster Club.... telle Flurk. The Iteel Fellows . . 31aurlce amorln. l'ostul Telegraph Cable Cnmimny. , , . . . ., ., , ...,..., J. Mllson, hr. i. U'ell-Wnown fiocleiy, . . . . John II. Adams, Port Itlchmond Y, M. fouls' AnnfoVy. I' ' It K.' V.' M "6 'A'.' . '. Dnni Alnsman, lLilnbnw Club... Florence Alnswortli. Italnboiv Club Itosa Atkinson. Itulnboiv Club. . . ....... . l'nullnn llhinrbnrd, Camp Fire Girls' Club Ulllon Ilorell. Itninbow Cluh .. ...... Jnmes Ilrnnn. Thlrtr-fourtb District Police lCiitcnlii Hyrnea, ICdwIn Forrest Associa tion ........ .... ....... ... Ixls Clayton. Rainbow Club ,. Hnhert A. Denny. Kdntn Forrest Associa tion ... U.J...-.J-1V 1000 Grace Dobson, The Vienna linnet 1000 1070 10(10 1030 mto 1010 1030 1010 1020 1000 1000 11X10 100O 1000 1(100 1000 1000 1000 1000 issin Prominent Photoplay Presentations MlllllEBagMMiMllim" WUT riULADEH'ULV EUREKA 4VTJl AND "HA1UCET" ROBERT EDESON in "FATHERS OF MEN" r ARTYPTSI B3D LANSDOWNE AYE. VxAalll uvo., 0:30 TO 33. I pah Baird ln "TnD Jaa Lean raira 0F NBW. ronsr ITAJI. AND DUDD COMnDT SOUTH PHILADELPHIA OT Y TVT P I A BllOAD AND La 1 1V1 r I J BAINBniDaB TKa maximum in comfort, safety and amuse ment at the minimum price. MATS. DAILT. Robert Warwick in Sudden Riches FARMER SMITH'S jSffSStSr- RAINBOW CLUB Weddings Germantown gYtJ? Wo'-eace MJUer and Mr. Clarence lf!P f& woo marrUge will Uka place l"""t; """oay evenltur, Wltu their unaai IBaturday eTenjn by Mr. and Mrs. ,WU fnx: Hoepner, of Logan. Ml mr.t r r..ii. v.... nw.A r, IT'- " ara. iniitu v. ruiai a-.,. - -. . ass n f mwv.. mifTL -7" VWlUUg LUSJ BUUUHS M wvv M I Kr- juttu,. j. pu. o4 uWestforaaeatende4tourofttloAtlanUocat.J A pretty summer wedding; was sol emnlzed at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the Churti of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Manayunk, when Miss Elsla Heller, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Heller, of 389 Conarroe street, became the bride of Mr, Edward Yeakel. The Rev. Henry A. Gantert, 'rector, officiated. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, was attended by Miss Mary Swartg, as maid of honor. Mr, Yeakel bad Mr, Charles Kane as best man. The ceremony was followed by a recep tion at the future home of Mr. and Mrs. Yeakel, 4319 Freeland avenue, DAVIS NAUDASCHBIt Announcement Is made of the marriage of Miss Emily K. jNaudascher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chirles Naudascher, of 1720 North Twelfth street, to Mr. Charles H. riavls. of 3263 North Park avenue, on Bat- urday, August 19. at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock ln the afternoon by the Rev. Dr. Francis, of the Oxford Presbyterian Church, Broad and Oxford streets, and was followed by a reception. iur. uim airs, jjiivia will return from their wedding Journey ln Sep tember, and will recirfve after November 1 at 176 Manbelm street, Oermantown. RUBIN KADANB. The marriage of Mlsa Sophie Kadane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Kadane, of 719 Rltner etreet. and Mr. Meyer Ru bin took place on Sunday in Qrand Hall, Fourth and Wharton, street. Rabbi Brenner performed the ceremony. Mrs. Julius Kadane attended toe bride as ma tron of honor and Mr. Julius Kadane acted u best roan. A reception followed tha cere mony, alter wmcn r. ana airs, iiuom ten 1 MY FIRST SHAVE Dearest Boys and Girls Thia talk will Interest boys, because sooner or later you will have to shave or be shorn. It will interest girls, because they will never have to shave or bo shorn. We are always interested more or less in something we cannot do ourselves. Well, I discovered one day that a slight DOWN was coming UP on ray upper lip. It was then I began to take an interest in the price of razors and. in shaving soap. My flrst outfit consisted of a dollar razor, a tin cup, soap and shaving brush. I had a looking-glass. This was before the days of safety (flrstt) razors, which never cut you except when you are going out somewhere and want to look exceptionally "pretty." I learned early that "well-lathered is half -shaved l" So I gave my face the one gpod washing of its dear, sweet life. Then I started my 'dollar razor on its eventf.nl Journey over my face. I resolved to shave down instead of up. All went well until I encountered an obstruction on my chin. It was a mole. Never before had that tiny mole seemed so large ! It took 15 minutes to properly shave that mole and then I left a little red spot Just to remind me that the bump was there, but I got acquainted with the hills and valleys of my face. I never knew there were so many bumps on it I never knew before that hair grows thia way and that. I have that same face yet. It haa paid to take care of it J FARMER SMITH, Children'? Editor, MRS. BABOON'S CURIOSITY By Farmer Smith When Mrs. Baboon rushed ' Into Mrs. Monkey's kitchen she was surprised to see Jimmy's mother almost exhausted on a chair. "What U tho matter?" she cried, "Oh, dearl Oh, dearl My boy Jimmy had somo curiosity la a glass jar and I took It from under his pillow and put peaches ln It, "Oh, dearl I waa making up his bed for the night when I saw that nice Jar, and I thought he waa so kind to get a nice Jar for me. "Oh. dearl Now I have IS Jars all alike. and I don't know which on U full of curiosity." Mrs. Monks began to sob. "What DO you think that ba.br ot mta dldf He told me he had some curiosity In a Jar, and I "4ust couldn't sleep for thinking about It. and eo I got up yes, I got .up In the middle of tho night and and I broke tha Baby's Jar and and nothing came out of the jar," said Mrs. Baboon, looking straight at Mrs. Monkey, "I think we ought 'to give both of those boys a spanking' said Mrs. Monkey. "I think Ginger Pop Is the fellow who ought to get a spanking. I don't believe ln spanking children for what they don't do." replied Mrs. Baboon. Mrs. Monkey went to the telephone and took down tho receiver. "Hello I Is this you. Gingtr FopT You may send me a gallon of curiosity for Mrs. Baboon, and I will be over and spank you." And what DO you think, ln a few mo menta a, gallon of lea cream arrived us Mrs, Monkey's house t Qutsa who sent It t Our Postofllce Box Margaret Jeffords Boyle, of Rydal, Pa., looked like this a few years ago. We aro very much satisfied to look at this little curly haired miss of some seven or eight years, but It has made us rather curious. Wa' wonder If the ourls are still tumbling over the small shoulders. wo wonder if woll, in other words we would like very much to Become acquaint ed with "the likes otJier grown-up sefC" May we. please, Miss Mar garet? The little girls are maklne heaw demnnrJii nn MAHQAnKT J. UOYLB the postofllce box these days. At present soma of them are busy naming Dorothy Botte'a dolL Dorothy, you will remember, lives In Larobertvllle N. J., where the little mothers are very particular about their children's names. Eileen Evans, of Whltford, Pa., suggests that the doll daughter ba named Eileen. Pauline Blanchard, Atlantlo City, puts forward the name of Grace. "This," she writes, "will stand for all tha btsms nt a Rainbow doll." Esther Ford, North Six teenth street, says she would like to call tha doll Kathleen. Will any moro little mothers please help us out? Never mind, boya I Wo'U havo an Inning another day I PHUPlBiiii paw Prominent Photoplay Presentations SooBm (hmbmu THE followlnr theaters obtain thtlr pictures throoth tha STANItEY Itoakla " Company, which Is a auaranteo of earlr showing- of tha nnost productions. All clcture rv owed before exhibition. Ask for tlie theater la your locality fhtaFnlnirSlctures throuVh tho HTAMJ2V noOKINQ COSIl'ANV. WSdk mwMMmEz lg$3. HrW 8&S &.&. .., &. '- '.'. ,, . "-'1 ARCADIA ngSrSrS BESSIH LOVB and WTLFHED LUCAS ln lIEM.TO-PAY AU8T1M' BIU.IE DUKKH In "Olorla's Romanoo" (16) A T3rT T i "D D THOMPSON ArKJLJ-AJ JJAT1NKH DAILY Lionel Barrymore in "Tho Quitter THE GRIP OP EVIL" (6) Tt? nla""krVVT" Ka ABOVE MAJUCBT BELMONT a,... jug .ig, Mary Pidtford "kktw LOGAN THEATER ""&UX, OLGA PETROVA in THE ETERNAL QUE8TION" I rSCl TOT "D AND LOCUST JLAJlUOl Mats. 1:80 an! 8i80, lOo. Evrs, 6:80, 8, 0(30. ISa. Mollie Kinff In "The Summer Girl" sTl-iAO MTU AND CEDAIt AVE. KLAJfl. l'ARAUOVST THEATER ARNOLD DALY in 'THE HOUSE OV FEAR" FAIRMOUNT 2aTU Mm aye Gail Kane in "Paying the Price" "FECI O' THE RINO" FRANKFORD iin $ Carlyla Dlackviell and Muriel Ostrich In SALLY IN OUR ALLEY" MATINEE DAILY S6TH ST. Theater Ueiow SDruoo. mil. 1 to 31. Bessie Love-DeWolf Hopper. "Stranded." Mack Bwarn."Madcap Ainbrosa." Olorla's Ronittnca"(0) Market St. Theater '"st-reSt" Theda Bara in "Under Two Flags" MARIE WALCAMP la "LIBERTY" (3) PAI AfP ! MARKET BTREET MARY PICKFORD in "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" PARK" RIDOB AVE. A DAUPHIN BT, 4 r. MAT SilB EVO . 0:45 to IX. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "HIS riCTURH IN THE PAPER" PARMER SMITH, I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Please send me a beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to PO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY DAY, SPREAD A UTTUS SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. Name T...... Address ......,..........,.,.....,,, Ago .,..............,...,...,.,,,,.,. Things) to Know and Do (1.) Conundrum What la It that Is a cat and not a cat, and yet Is a catT (3) Word; Partjr Make threawordafruw -y i iiiic PIDADn AVENUE THEATER UtlIwlVl- 7TK AND GIRARD AVENUE Douglas Fairbanks ,a wiTf,T&TI7. "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE" IRIS THEATER '"'Jg Ralph Herz "The PIe Lady" JEFFERSON mH Efluli Harold Lockwood & May Allison In -THE RIVER OF ROMANCE" LAFAYETTE mi w"asai,m Mae MurraySweetK.yBellaira, I V ATYRTt FORTT-FIRST AND 1-ItHJL,. LANCASTER AVENUE Frank Keenan in "The Coward" Koystony corosdy. -Hearts and Sparks' ft I ID F'R T V UROAD AND L'D'H r COLUMBIA Anita Stewart ,,y8B F X. Busbmaa la "Tba Tferea Scratch PRINCESS nig? HAROLD LOCKWOOD In "THE RIVER OF ROMANCE" THAT Tfi OERMANTOWN AVE. IVlVAljlVy AT TULPEHOCKEN BT. ROBERT EDESON in "FATHERS OS" MEN" RT T I V MARKET BTREET UD BELQW ITII STRBBT Wallace Reid & Cleo Ridgley in THE BELFIBIf WOMAN" SA V O V mi HABKET trl V V 1 STREETS ORRIN JOHNSON in "THE LIGHT AT DUSK" . TIOGA "TH AND VBNANOQ BTS. Lionel Barrymore in "The Quitter" BILLIB BURKE w "QLOBIA-B ROMANCiy VICTORIA iWBKET 6T. VlblUftlrt ABOVE NINTH Frank KeenaniHoWT-yNaml CTANf 17V MARKET ABOV8 1VTU " -" 11 18. A M.taT.1 ISP Sfc MARGUERITE CLARK in ,"L1TT2 LACK EILagti" yaajjitiiiAjjajJutajjjajLajiaajjtjxjaiiAaTTTtF,'liitMt '0