Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 23, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Entntii0 Hj Hefi0etf
( CTRUa H. K. CURTIS, FansiBTOrr.
Chart) He Ludlntton,. Vie President! John
S. Murtln, Secretary and Troasursrj Philip S.
Collins, John D. Williams. Director. ,
EDrronuti no Ann t
Cracs I!. K. Cditii, Chairman.
f. R. TVHAi,nr.... ................ ,,,lMltor
- ' ... ...
JOHN C. MARTIN, .Oeneral Business Manarer
Published dally at Pcatto Ldoh Building-,
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
tmoTK Csftnat,,,, Broad and Chestnut Btreeta
Atlantis Cin.i........ . .rrns-lHlOTi nnlMlnr
KKW Yoik.. .,,.,..... 200 Metropolitan Tower
DitiOIT..,....i..i. ..,. .. .828 Ford Building
St. Ix30t....... ..409 Oto&eDemocrat Building
Chioioo i ........ 1. 1202 Tribum Building
tViSBmaroit Botu. ...... ....nines Rulldlnr
Nw TOUR Jlcr.uu .,,... , ,. The Times Bulldlnc
BnMK Bmixan,. ........... CO Prledrlchstrasse
IrO.iDo.v nciAa........Mivrconl House. Strand
Pirn Butac... ...... .82 Roe Louis le Grand
Br carrier, six cents per week. Br mall,
postpaid outside of Philadelphia, except wher
foreign posters Is required, one month, twenty
flTe cents; one year, three dollars. All mall
subscriptions parable In advance.
Notici Subscribers wtshlnc addresa chanced
must stra olf aa swell aa new address.
O Address all communlcationa to Evnng
Ledger, Jndspmdenc Stuart, Philadelphia.
aimaro at ina FRttiDztrau rnsTornca as
CULATION or tub evening lkdoer
FOR' JULY WAS 121,009.
Fhlltdtlpbls, Wsdntldar, Anjnit SJ, 191J.
Domestic happiness, thou only bliss
Of Paradite that ha survived the fall I
o salo of bonds unless flomo of them
wo for transltl
Tho city Is losing $500 a day, by not
paying tho mandamuses.
What's the uso running a gambling
houso if tho pollco won't let victims In?
Frank Cummlskey was discharged
' by tho t Mayor "for personal roasons."
Can It bo possible that his rolnstatcmont
was for public rcasons7
Tho President Is vory anxious that
American railroads should, be prepared,
but how about Amorlcan industries? Thoy
Will need somo protection after tho war,
won't they?
"Who owns tho railroads?" asks
tho Now York Trlbuno querulously. Tho
Joko Is on them, whoovor thoy nro, for
while they do tho owning the Intcrstato
Commerce Commission does tho regulat
ing. Every citizen of Philadelphia who
uses gas pays a twenly-flvo per cont tax
tor tho privilege. After next year the
tax will bo thlrty-threo and one-third per
cent unless a different policy is adopted
by tho city. Tho gas company is anxious
to have the prlco of gas reduced. So aro
citizens, 'who aro tired of being subjected
to such harsh and unusual treatmont.
It la reported that an attempt will
be made In the Duma to glvo Russian
Jews the rights of other Russian sub
jects. If this Is accomplished It will not
signify a change of heart in Russia so
much as respect for Jewish bankers In
England and Franco, who have it in
thoir power to make It easy or hard for
the Russian oxchequer to handle some
already, frenzied finance.
Tho spectacle of an Indicted Magis
trate holding court and sitting as a min
ister of Justice, is nauseating enough, but
far worse things have characterized the
administration of law as practiced in
these tribunals. They have been a scan
dal and reproach to the community for
years and should have been uprooted
long ago. Thoy ore doomed to a cer
tainty, for never again will they escape
tho publicity, which la suro to extin
guish them.
Thero Is more loose thinking and
loose talking about compulsory arbitra
tion In labor disputes than about any
other phase of tho labor question. One
does not have to think -very far into the
subject before one discovers that it is im
possible to enforce an arbitration award
unless there bs some body on which it
can be enforced. A railroad corporation
Is amenable to the law and court decrees
can be executed against it. But how
about a labor organization? Tho labor
leaders have resisted all efforts of indus
trial reformers to bring about their incor
poration. It is commonly supposed they
objected because they wanted to be im
mune to the court processes. The hatters'
union was found guilty of violation of the
Sherman law, but the individual members
were punished and not tho uplon. This
has been denounced as on outrage from
one end of the country to tho other. At
present on award where arbitration was
by compulsion could be enforced only
upon the Individual workmen, and if a
man refused to work under the award
there Is no principle of law which could
be Invoked to compel him to do so against
bis will. Compulsion would not amount
to much after all.
The "politics" In the long postpone
ment of the allied drive on the Salontca
front has been suspected for some time,
and now seems to have consisted In wait
ing till the time was rlpo for Rumania's
"Jump." The chief advantage. Is not Jn
the bal million men Rumania would con
tribute, but In the fact that her soil would
bo open to as many more Russians for
the extension of the pressure on Hun
gary south, from Bukowlna. Rumania
is Xrshaped, and the southeastern corner
of Hungary fits into the angle of the Z,
all the way around to where the Danube
forma tho northern boundary of Serbia,
It ia not likely that the Russians would
invada Hungary through Rumania, be
cause the Transylvanlaa Alps -form a
great natural defensa for Hungary, are
not to be easily ccsltd and ore penetrated
by only two easily defended passes. It Is
more likely that they would march along
tho Rumanian aids of tho mountains to
where; the range ends at the Danube, and
would cut the Wish railroad, which unites
Bulgaria with her Teutonic allies. Thai
would Bulgaria and Turkey be cut off
and tha way opened for eliminating
thia. Tfco objective of the campaig93
would thus ba a uniting of the Allied
ftAyaaatnx from EaIoaIca with the Busa-
U AJM -H ft, ftswitv-U Urefc yro i
portion to the ballet that the Salonica
armies are at least an von match for
the Bulgarians. Having waited so long,
It was not likely that sha would jump
except for a "sure thing." Equally self
seeking, the Bulgars are not likely to hold
out a moment after it is plain that thoy
have nothing to gain by continuing the
struggle. Their withdrawal would mean
a terrible pressure 'upon Austria-Hungary,
from tho south.
OUR friends the enemy nro not pleased
with the way Mr. Hughes Is conduct
ing his August campaign. This indi
cates that ho Is successful. It Is the
enemies ho makes that will elect him.
Tho country Is likely to discover before
the campaign Is many weeks older that
Mr. Hughes knows what he Is about The
Democratic organs which havo been ask
ing what has becomo of tho Hughes of
1908 aro likely to find out that he Is on tho
Job, if they havo not already begun to
regret that they were so hasty in their
mlsjudgment of the Republican candidate.
Mr. Hughes, who hod been personally
out of tho publlo cyo for several years
until ho was forced from his privacy by
the demand of the Chicago convention, Is
Just now getting in closo touch with his
countrymon and combating tho notion,
assiduously cultivated by his opponents,
that ho is an iceberg. Ho is lntonsoly
human, and tho country is discovering
it to Its delight.
But more 'important than this demon
stration of his humanity, ho Is leading
tho country up to tho great lssuo of tho
campaign in ouch a way that It will bo
Impossible- for any ono to chargo that he
has forced attention upon a subject to
which tho peoplo wore indifferent. If this
Is not political strategy of tho highest
kind there would bo less Democratlo dis
satisfaction with it.
Tho lssuo Is industrial preparedness for
tho trade crisis which will bo precipitated
by tho closo of tho war. It Is protec
tion of American workingmen and manu
fncturers against tho ruinous competi
tion of nations which will wage a trade
war as feverishly as they havo been wag
ing war with explosives. Mr. Hughes
has talked about many things, but in
virtually every speech ho has demanded
on American tariff policy. What has boon
tho result? Newspapers and business
men in all parts of tho country aro de
manding that he say less about other
matters and more about tho tariff. Tho
other matters aro interesting, but the
general opinion Is that thoy are of
much less lmportanco than tho protection
of American Industry and tho defeat of
tho party which through its leaders Is
committed to the policy of putting Ameri
can business on tho defensive, and that
It is a waste of tlmo to discuss them.
If this is not what Mr. Hughes in
tended should happen, then we mlstako
tho purposes of one of tho shrewdest
lawyers which this country has pro
duced. Tho tariff lssuo Is forcing itself
to tho front by tho demand of the nation
after the Democracy had boasted that it
had settled it fa. all tlmo by its repeal
of tho Payne-Aldrich'law.
Tho war has acted aa a wall of protec
tion, but that wall will topple over In a
few months, and the flood of foreign goods
will pour in unless something Is done to
prevent it. The Democrats are opposed
to protection by tariff dutios. The Re
publicans Insist that no better device was
ever conceived for holding American mar
kets for American producers, and at the
same time for raising revenue. The
great mass of American voters are protec
tionists. They are calling on Mr. Hughes
to lead them in' the fight for American
economlo Independence, a call that has
been provoked as skillfully as Maro An
thony led tho Roman citizens in the play
to rise to avenge the murder of Caesar.
The protective policy has been mur
dered by professed patriots. It must bo
restored to life by men who havo wis
dom aa well aa patriotism, and foresight
aa well aa good intentions. The tariff
Is the issue, and Mr, Hughes is rapidly
assuming the rolo of Us protagonist.
THE plea of Chairman Gaffney, of
Councils'' Finance Commltteewthat the
heads of the departments refrain from
padding the budget ia not likely to pro
duce any effect. The man in charge of
each department seeks to get; all he can,
regardless of the needs of the other de
partments. He asks for more than he
expects, but not for more than he Is will
ing to spend, in the hope that ho can get
a little moro than he hod tho year before.
Unfortunately for the taxpayers, ho does
not carve hla budget to the bone and then
reduce it 10 per cent and decide to do
business with the economy and efficiency
necessary in private enterprises. He per
mits hla offloa to be filled with political
appointees who do not feel that they
havo to work for their salaries, and the
working men who own the small two
story homes have to pay. In their tax
blUa for all this waste.
It la within the power of the Finance
Committee to cut down the estimates to
reasonable figures. If Chairman Gaffney
would stand at the window of the Receiver
of Taxes and watch the hard-working
citizens count out their savinga he might
get a better understanding of where the
money cornea from that is wasted in ex
travagant and unbusinesslike conduct of
municipal affairs, and some realization of
hla moral responsibility might dawn upon
him. The Mayor himself waa a pcr man
once, He ought not to havo forgotten
what economies havo to be practiced by
the person of small Income that the poli
ticians may have automobiles at publlo
Tom Daly's Column
To cheer you upon this hot and muggy
morning (a pretty safe prediction a week
In advance) come 2
Ted Robinson
who is the "Philosopher of Follu" of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ted, who I one
of the niftiest of our workers in light
verse, wilt have a took of his lest on
the market soon. It will le better than
our Chautauqua lectures J we'll say that
mttch for it.
The Rest Place
For days when It Is truly hot,
The maple makes a pleasant Bhade,
If you havo maples on your lot!
Elms, too, for sweet content are made!
Willows, by every zephyr Bwaycd,
Aro graceful friends on days like these
But hero's a haven I'd never trade
A hammock 'neath tho apple trees!
Hall, calm retreat, salubrious spot I
(That lino's from Browning, I'm afraid)
Old applo trees, bent, thick and squat,
Hold memories that cannot fado I
Exiled to town, how long I've prayed
For one old orchard, whero tho breeze
Swung gently, Idly, as It Btrayed,
A hammock 'neath the applo trees I
I seo ngaln tho little plot '
When swinging feet the grass abrade;
(What girls havo kicked It bare with what
A lot of hosiery displayed 1)
And I havo gone, who might have stayed
Whero white-winged boats sail azuro seas
So seemed tho sky from that blest glade,
A hammock 'neath tho applo trees!
And many a dream I have, forgot,
And many a Joy that used to please
I have outgrown with years but not
A hammock 'neath tho applo trees I
Sicilian laborer told us this story:
ho says his mother told It to him when
ho was a child. It sounds like ono of
Grimm's tales, and Is undoubtedly very old
folklore. Wo shnll glvo honorable mention
to nny ono who can
find It In nny collec
tion of printed talcs.
"My mother told
mo that onco there
was a king who saw
a farmer working In
a Held nnd asked him
how much ho earned.
And the farmer said,
'Four carllnl a day.'
'What do you do with
your four carllnl?"
asked tho king, 'Ono
I cat, tho second I
put at Interest, tho
third I return and the fourth I throw
away.' This puzzled tho king, and ho asked
the farmer what ho meant. And tho farmer
" 'I buy my food with one, I feed my
children with tho second, and that is putting
money out at Interest. I feed my old
father with the third, and that Is paying
back what has been given mo. I glvo the
fourth to my wlfo, and giving her money
is throwing It away.'
" 'That's a good riddle,' said the king,
'and I must tell It to my friends. Promise
me that you won't tell nny ono tho answer
till you havo soon my face a hundred times.'
So tho peasant promised, and the king went
back to his palaco and asked them the
riddle. Nobody could nnswer, but ono re
membered seeing tho king talk to a peasant,
bo he went to tho peasant and naked htm
about It. But tho peasant said, 'I can't
tell you I promised tho king I wouldn't tell
tho answer till I had seen his face a hun
dred times.' 'Oh, that's easy,' said tho
king's friend, and ho took n hundred lire
out of his pocket, and every piece of money
had the king's face stamped on It.
"So tho peasant told tho king's friend the
nnswer to tho riddle, nnd tho king's friend
went back to the palace, and said to the
king. 'I can guess your riddle now,' and
ho did. Then the king got angry, and said,
v0u couldn't have guessed It that peasant
nas broken his promise 1' So the friend had
to tell the king how ho had fooled tho
Away Back There
"Away back there " Away back whero?
Away back there In Laddlevillel
Thero was a sweetness In the air
I doubt If It's as fragrant still I
Away back thero, in summer time.
The sun Is never quite so hot.
And life is Just a gentle rhyme
I never knew it when 'twas not !
Tho swimming pool is twice as cool
As any pool la otherwhere.
Why, It's more fun to go to school
Or even church away back there!
The flowers aro sweeter thero than here.
The trees are greener, and the skies
Are bluer, and the fish appear
To grow to almost twice the size I
No place on earth Is quite so fair,
But I can't go there, nor can you
Away back there "Away back where?"
Away back there in Ninety-two I
This story must have been studied over
for a long time. As a matter of fact, we
believe that Solomon Beach, Its sponsor,
started on it early in the summer of 1915,
and has only now brought it to the pitch of
perfection whero he can bear to part with
it. However, It may
bo spontaneous, even
true, and as such we
print it.
Solomon's wife
aBked him for a set
of hot-weather furs,
and Sol laughed her
to scorn. He said
that ha' fallen for a
good many fool fads,
but he'd fight against
this one with his
dying breath. Sum
mer furs, indeed I
Pooh I
Now Solomon Beach has but one wife,
and In other ways also he la unl(ke his
putative godparent, the original Solomon.
In wisdom, for instance. And this one wifo
attacked him thus, with fine scorn:
"What a paltry thing your love is l"
This would have crushed any one but
S. B. But he came back with:
"Paltry thing, indeed! If I took your
view of the matter, I should call it a peltry
thing!" v r
But by the time she had consulted the
dictionary the Jest had lost its point
Thoughts for August
I would that you and I were less sedate,
And in this somewhat sultry month could
Our yputh or, at the least, a youthful state
Of mind.
I note that Jack, our little lad of 10,
Notes not the heat, or recks not of its
pains ' " k
Indeed, he's in ill humor only when
It rains 1
With deep thanksgiving we observe the sun
Obscured at last beneath a cloudy pall
But Jack says, "Aw, now I can't havo no
The broiling rays that work hla elders woe
Beat all unnoticed on his hatlasa head 1
Sweet nightfall irks him, for he haa to zo
To bed.
From which I may extract a moral truth--,
(A thing of which perhaps I'm ovorfond)
For endless Day, we must have FpH"3i
Wioaq 1
, .
Why the Railroads Distrust the President's Offer to Help Them Get
an Increase in Freight Rates Moral Suasion
Urged as the Great Pacifier
This department ( fret to all reader) who
tolsh to express their oplnfonj on subjects of
current interest. It is an osen forum, and the
Evening Ledger assumes no responsiolllti for
ths views of Us correspondents. Letters must
bs signed by the nam and address of the
utitcr, not necessarilu for publication, out as a
guarantee of good faith.
To tho Editor of tho Evening Ledger:
Sir with your permission I will tell
"Sganarelle," who honored me by answer
ing my letter about tho President and the
railroads, why I think the President's offer
to use his Influence with the Interstate 'Com
merce Commission toward securing an In
crease in freight rates was pure bluff.
The President has told the railroad man
agers that thero aro railroads run on the
eight-hour basis nnd that they do not seem
to be. In any financial difficulties, nnd that
tho Insistence of the managers that they
could not pay the Increase In wages In
volved In the eight-hour day was made
without taking Into account any administra
tive economies and efficiencies. Here Is tho
milk In the cocoanut It Is evident that
the President believes that large sums
could be saved by administrative economies.
Mr. Brandols a few years ago put this Idea
afloat when he Bald that the railroads were
wasting $1,000,000 a day. The Interstate
Commerce Commission has adopted It and
has refused such Increase In freight rates
as was asked on the ground that the rail
roads were extravagantly managed. Tho
attitude of neither the President nor the
rate-making board la friendly to Increase
In rates. It Is hostile to the management
of the railroads. The assumption Is that
tho railroad men do not know their busl-".
ness. The railroad men, therefore, are Jus
tified in being suBpldoua of any promise
of help from the President contingent upon
convincing him that they are not extrava
gant and wasteful. "Sganarelle's" confi
dence In the President Is beautiful and
touching, but it Is less sophisticated than
the distrust which the railroad men feel.
Philadelphia, August 22. Q. W. D.
To tho Editor of tho Evening Ledger;
Sir A statement has recently appeared
in some of the newspapers that the neutral
nations of Europe are finding the war more
profitable from a financial standpoint than
is even our own country.
As this great European conflict, which
General Nelson A. Miles has characterized
as the "most unjustifiable and uncalled for
tragedy in human history," has now entered
well upon Its third year. Is it not time that
the neutral nations consider it from a moral
or humanitarian point of view, instead of.
from a financial or commercial standpoint,
and see what can be done in the Interests
of peace?.
We may say that in regard to this mat
ter we, as neutrals, are powerless Ijhat we
can neither compel nor persuaderThe war
ring nations to stop fighting. And while
this, to a "great extent, would hold true,
yet we are not wholly powerlesa Take,
for instance, our own nation, and even con
ceding that Germany has been the aggres
sor and responsible for the war, a matter
still in dispute; in the execution of Roger
Casement, regardless of all the appeals for
Germany harbors no plan of aggression
in the Americas, says von Jagow, And
there's a reason. Maoon Telegraph.
When Theodore RooBevelt and Josephua
Daniels Btump the State, Maine may rea
sonably expect Borne expert naval dlscusX
slon. It will ba remembered that T. R.
also was attached to the Navy Department
in a very responsible capacity, Washington
Congress U a slow-moving body, Our
governmental system Ja not suited to quick
decisions-and action. If Congress does not
act now it will probably ba too late to put
up the bars against a flood of goods shipped
here in vast quantities to wipe out real in
fant Industries and to' control our markets
absolutely, It would be useless to put up
the bars after a three years' supply of such
ayestuffs and chemicals haa been entered
and warehoused in the United States, and
Germany can do that easily within 30 days'
after peace la declared. New York Com- t
clemency, nnd 15 other Irlqh patriots, Eng
land has shown herself to bo qulto as
capable In tho committing of ntrocltles as
hns Germany. And, furthermore, Germany,
probably realizing the error of her ways,
has expressed a willingness to consider
proposals for peace.
Such then being tho case, wo can ask the
Allies why they are still persisting In fight
ing so furiously? And If their object Is to
completely crush and annihilate Germany
a proposition which no civilized neutral
coul'd or should Banctlon without protest
wo can withdraw not only the moral sup
port we havo been giving them, but the
material In furnishing munitions and money
as well. This would go far toward tho es
tablishment of peace For without even
Hie moral support of tho neutral world
given to any of tho belligerent nations it is
moro than probable that erelong they
would see the result of their folly and stop
fighting of their own accord.
WhaJ; If our own and other neutral na
tions do become fabulously rich through this
flerco struggle. Whore will the money
eventually come from? Not alone from the
palaces or the crowned heads of Europe,
but from tho burdens of taxation placed
upon a peoplo among whom and In which
the poorest and the most humble will bo
called upon to do their part
Among the lessons this war Is most em
phatically teaching us are that war still
Is war, the same as ever, only that through
man's inventive ingenuity it ha3 become
moro destructive, and, if possible, more
atrocious. That there Is no such thing as
civilized warfare. And that no man nor
body of men can formulate rules nf war
"In conformity with the laws of civilization.
for the two are incompatible and utterly
irreconcilable. E. II. W.
Allentown, Pa., August 17,
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir If the Russian Duma removes tho
disabilities of Russian Jews, will it not be
necessary for the Russian Government to
admit American Jews to Russia on tho
same terms that "they admit Americans of
other origins? Then will It not be easy
to renew the treaty with Russia, which was
abrogated through the efforts of "Plain Bill"
Sulzer when he was a Congressman? And
If It la renewed, would It not be a fitting
and gracious act for Mr. Wilson to send
Sulzer as Ambassador to Russia, even
though he la not now a deserving Demo
crat and made -no contribution to the Wil
son campaign fund In 1912?
Philadelphia, August 22.
To tho Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Er , ?h9 Volce ot th8 People" I
read with Interest Paul Bchultz's "Economy
In the 10-cent Loaf." it strikes mo that
out West thero ought to be more flour mills
and bakeries, which would result through
shipping, Instead of raw material, bread
and cakes and crackers to other sections
ot the country In less loss of crops of wheat
and barley, ARTHUR A, DEMBITZ.
Philadelphia, August 19,
Think me not unkind and rude
That I walk alone in grove and glent
I go to the god of the wood
To fetch hla word to men.
Tax not my sloth that I ,
Fold my arms beside the brook t
Each cloud that floated In the sky
Writes a letter in my book,
Chide ma not, laborious band,
For the idle flowers I brought t
Each aster in my hand
Goes noma loaded wltn a thought
There never waa mystery
But 'tis figured in the flowers 1
Waa never secret history
But birds tell It in the bowers.
One harvest from thy field
Homeward brought the oxen strong!
A second crop thins acra yield,
Which I gather la a 'song,
u 1 .TTITTilH.
j .... .. -.ir'wy--''j-.ry(r j. .
What Do You Know?
Queries of general Merest will be answered
in this column. Ten questions, the answers to
which event well-informed person should know,
art asked daily.
1. Abont what percentage of Infantile paralysis
cases ore fatal?
2. Wliat is a sesaulcentennlal?
8. Mho Is Kllslia I-cr?
tVbrro In Philadelphia Is Congress II all and
nnai is us Historical importance?
Ilavn anr of tho States feer Ilcnresenta
tatlves than Senators In Concress?
What Is buckskin?
What were sedan chairs?.
What Is meant by "Hn service"?
What Is coral and where Is red coral ob
tained? What were the "Hundred Days" in Na
poleon's career?
AnswerB to Yesterday's Quiz
1. John Tanl Jones. 1747-03 1 fnmous naval
officer In the American Hcvolutlon.
2. Malfeasance) wronc-dolnr. especially applied
to the abuse of ortlclnl poners.
8. Atlrltloni the wenrlnc down of the enemy by
small but constant losses.
4, Farknay condemnations! the taklnc of pri
vate property to make room for the new
ntenue. '
0. runjnbi a northwestern proTlnce at British
0. Quit rent 1 a fUed rent, due from a freo.
hold tenant so called because orelnallr it
was received by a feudal superior In lieu
of all other services.
7. Probation of uIIIh Is the provlnr of wills.
aseertalnlnc their correctness and reelster
tnc them so that they can be executed.
8. Xlberlai a ne;ro republic nn the West Afri
can con tits It wan organized by Americans
as a refuEe for freed American necraeB,
0. Heraldry) the science of armorial bearlnrs.
10. The .Prefix. ."noly" means "many," "Poly
syllabic," for. Instance, describes a word
of many syllables.
The Panama Canal
IC M. D. On November 18, 1903, a
treaty between the United States and Pan
ama was signed, providing facilities for
the construction and maintenance of tho
Panama Canal. In this treaty Panama
granted In perpetuity the uso of a zone
five miles wide on each side of the canal
route, and inreturn for this and other
grants (police. Judicial, sanitary, political,
eta) the United States paid $10,000,000
on tho ratification of the treaty, with a
provision to pay J260.000 yearly, beginning
after nine years. Tho canal was formally
opened August 15, 1914, after about 10
years of effort. The cost waa about $320 -000,000,
including J20.000.000 for sanita
tion and J7.000.000 for civil administration
Counting the J50,000,000 paid to the New
French Canal Company and to Panama,
the total expenditure exceeds $375,000,000.
More than 35,000 men were employed
Gatun Dam Is the largest. The other dams
are much smaller earth dams.
Moving Picture Queries
J. C. JOHNSTON Miss Olga Grey Is
the Fine Arts-Griffith actress mentioned. Tho
original report ws that Max Linder ia to
Join Keystone. We have heard of no other
arrangement. Marie Dressier, as far as we
know, has not been with tho Keystone com
pany for somo time. We do not know
whether Keystone is holding back one of
her comedies. Almost every newsstand in
the center of the city sells the magazine,
and any of them will be glad to serve It
regularly if given a standing order.
Editor of "What Do You Know" I have
been troubled with Indigestion for some
time and have tried several doctors and it
does pot do me any good. Kindly give me
some advice in regards to this.
Of course, medical advice for specilj cases
cannot be BiVen In this column, Don't give
up faith in doctors perhaps you have not
sought experienced ones or followed th
advice of those you did see. A homely ad
widely known remedy for mild indigestion
Is to drink hot water, ';wutn
Sulphur anfl Syrup
Editor of "What Do You Know." When
the writer was a lad ho can rii . .
fed in most liberal qunUt.f3nearchas,prhtgnI
mixture of sulphur and syrup. What vir
tues, If any. did the abominable deletion
possess and what would it accomplish? is
thlsu balance pqW known as flour of sul?
This mixture was given to youni folk
years Bgtr In the belief that It waa f 1
blood purifier and that it cleansedi Bood
tern. It was made by muKotrr ".
y nu with, miUmes, mams nout St aul-
rruiiun expert Says SbJ
oi,n.iU -D tir-i.-.. , ieR
u"uu,u -"u wrea 'requenj
iy 10 .ueep uerms Prom
tho ivir
Tho Treatment Must Begin in kS
-Stajrea of tho ninoo. i "u
w no
Leading European Authority .. , . 5i
Paralj-sis. n "firmil
PARI3. Aug. 23. The Arn.rl,-v
omyelltls epidemic la not .fifMla
causo tho heat favors the spread ',r'"3
of diseases which aro usually ,7i ,ttBU
autumn diseases. y ,ummf Ml
Conclusive evidence proves that 11,.
of nollomvelltla In n, ,1 i.r tt tera
gorm was studied by the Past, t .
before tho war. ls so miCS L SffS
It Is dimcult to dntXTf ,, ' ", 8'?P!e Ik.;
It Is not retained oven by h,a ell.i "l?9
The Rockefeller Institute bMl MSI
viiuo is ueairoycu oy a heat of fi
to BE centigrade, and also doc in SlSl
formol. Contagion is spread by aJ
dust. "" Hy
It Is necessary that the street, be Jl
ercd frequently and profusely. Toda..!
aro In Paris nnd Franco generally LSSr
cases of poliomyelitis, but tte SSSeM
abovo tho average '""trinsji
Tho germ penetrates tho body tanJlM
nervous centers by way of the nosIJ I
back of tho mouth. 0811 m m
Dr. Elmon Flexner, of New TorV M
greatest of all authorities on polloraxK
with whom correspond, Is cognlffirf Si
treatment by means of the S , . Jjffj
and I wonder whethor he applies it iSl
eriy dTseased 'contains
of neutralizing tho virus which resldahi'
tho nervous centors.
,. -,
Tho success of the treatment 'dtti,
upon mo umoiy injection during the Ifi n7il
stages of tho disease and is" Identic Si
thfl. In ,9n,a nf ...nliu. -I . ."- 1
except that. Instead of three Injections fl
. . ... -- w va.uiu-ajMnai menlnrllklil
rm 11 11111 1 v riiinn ronrimsf aih a
pollomoylltls requires about eight iij?-t
tlons of ,sorHm for each five cubic cil$
...w.-.. 1
Tho nntl-pollomyolltls serum preserves ltit
healing and Immunizing properties for imm
years. It Is dimcult to obtain the tenmi
becnuso It Is necessary to find persons te!
merly strlckon with tho disease who commi
voluntarily to bo bled, as In the cue o7S?.
antl-menlngltis serum when the blood li
taken from tho elbow vein with a needle.
Two hundred grams of blood Wr
nbout 80 grams of serum. Today J 1
jacica a smciien cnuu witn tne serum fros?
a girl who had tho disease two years iftl
oiuuu imu 1 iiavo ireaieu personally lit
cases with Invarlablo success whenever tti5
treatment was begun early.
Hughes has raised the standarj t(l
"America first and America efMi!
"Thank God for Wilson" is the answer tli
mo uumocrais. jjui compare these ltj.5
notes with the campaign slogans of yestet 1
Attho approach of every national can.
paign ine cartoonist casts about for a
symbol of somo suitable mode of itu
Ing tho political foe or uplifting Mi 119
candidate. ThU3 Bcrnhard Glllam's funa
"Tattooed man" defeated James Q.EiHi
It was a cartoon likewise thatsttKttt4J
William McKlnloy to the Whit iWl
Thla was Grant E. Hamilton's "Full Maw
Pail" cartoon, nnd ,the "Full Dinner ritt1
was taken up aa a campaign slogan, 'tj
So popular. In fact, was this hovelty'tbt!
both Mark Hanna nnd William McHiiar.l
after election, complimented Hamilton fee;)
Vila m-AO f ntntilf 1 4tia ..!. J J.-1'
dared that the dinner-pat! Idea, mora ttttll
Tn,li' Tlnnnn'o .......n. I.... m.m.mI
M . .. ..l.U U WJIIIUaiKIl Ui.MI sum.
secured for Mr. McKlnley the presidency t
tho United Stntes. The publlo at Iaris U
not always awnro of what happens Mas!
the scenes In a newspaper office, forif t
were. It might have seen a novel presestM
tlon of a mammoth tin dinner pall C!li
with tobacco, wines and cigars to m
Hamilton, as a token of love and In, recti-'
nltlnn nf hl lnrrpniilfv ThA lTull DtnfiSI
Pail" will go down In political cartoon h!s1
tory ns one of tho greatest hits because 4'
spoko the truth and added a clean as4
tnoffonslve element to the campatiWf
Cartoons Magazine. ' ,';S
It so hannens that Mr. HuehesaUoU",
tractive to plain people. As for events, M
knows? Such mighty events as s.rs,iuu
come must overshadow one's Interest, -mero
politics, but they will determine re
ably the people's choice in NovemltMj
Springfield Republican. jf,
Over at Lake Geneva, Wis., patrMtf
........I.... a... .r-t fe 1
WU1UCI1 III UUIIIJJ U1Q Biuujrius ..- "f
the Injured. One of the Important rulMJ,
we may oe paraoneu lor immune, --
shut off tho engine bo It wjll not wasM,
gasoline. Grand Rapids Press. J
11:19 to 11:15 "
IfL. 14a tte HE
TJiur.. Frl.. Bat., Blanche Sweet. FuHfa.Of18
In "Hulda From Holland ja
.Thurs., Prl., Sat. Wallace frHJJ&JS
Delegates to P, 0. S. of
Convention Should Viatl
Bert Kalmar & Brown-Jl
. W..HS ifiara
Today at 2.25o & SOc. Tonijcht t B. 1X
--" i : .t.ji
m.i MARKET ;
A. M. toll , TmJii
Dorothy Bherraan FrcsnU skj3
"The (Joioniai jekjiip
i.t-itv smnp." ttnunatlo KohUJ;
UNA AtfAttCA""
In a New li I II t A J JU xf-t
Beat ci kiwu - "- (
UA1UUUA. Monday. TTij Js
Howe's Travel Fef
Best tols Opn Tl-!g'!rJ--'"T3
Arcadia lu ft&ftteg
- - . .DitnTMUT SMI K
Victoria 3I
1 w . ,- T ...
WOODSIDE "snltsi
ifiasiwcHsxa mm " '