FINANCIAL NEWS SPECULATIVE INTEREST CONTINUES ; TO BE CONCENTRATED IN U. S. STEEL Stock Touches Another Top i-oiiow uieiuy m utner issues Shares , Sold Are Soon Replaced High Points in Septemum .....- ............. v... .u...w0 toiuoiwnea a new high record. Sltel common most, active m stock, trading, advancing to another new ton nark. $25,000,000 in securities arrived in New York from Liverpool. of oar uv iif-v. ... ..w -., , ., . , , NEW YORK, Aug. 23. null movements in tho stock market today were Kenerallv reenrrlp.i no n tetter of course, and further advances tectea wiui iiyi"""6 -..... ..... hwicsi coniinueu concentrated to , great extent In United States Steel common, which, on heavy buying, mado a further gain of more than 2 points, crossing 93 to a now high record, and ranged dose to that price during the greater part of tho day. - The transactions In that stock at the opening wero nttended with a good deal ef excitement, mora than 100,000 shares changing hands In tho first hour, and ia the upturn there wcro realizing sales on a largo scale. Tho. manner In which tho stock advnnccd has apparently exhausted tlm . lourccs of those operators committed j dloussion uuhiib mo m "J "uv mutu longer uio leaumg uoars could put - differences. A story was current that more than 10,000 shares will nave to bo banght It tho price touches 100. i Advances and declines In other yna lmposslblo to noto tho price movements In detail. Gains were mado In many -twits, to be followed only by sharp recessions, and all through tho Street stato- h ments wcro mado about heavy selling jjnj reaencu largo lunuuuw, A feature in today's trading, however, was that whero profits wcro taken the stocks sold wero quickly replaced by purchases of other Issues. This diversion c'l the speculative Interest made many stocks strong, while others displayed weak hes, and this was ono reason for tho vigorous advance In tho copper stocks ; ihortly after noon. The wanno issues wero mi exeupuun u mo general uispiay or strengtn for the same reason. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Last close. Illsh. Low. Close. Acme Tea ' Aluij J Gold M.. AUIs-ClialniMS Mfg, 52H 62H m 77H 52 G2?i VA 25 78 805f 7J 25 77 88!f OUi 7J 25!f 77 SO OIK An As tueuiiwi. Am um ousai Am Can in Cr & Fdy b9J 02JS oih .,...,.. .... Olh 0-114 03i VAH in Coal Products.... 147H 149 148JI 140 An Cotton OH 63H Kl 52Jf 52U , 22H 22f 51 GOJS 52 62H 22Jf 50Ji 77)5 100 (SM G2 22Jf MM 77H 100 Am mae s ioaiuut i Art Llnsccd Am Llnseod pf ;ao Locomotlro 78tf 70; Am Locomotive pf 10515 100 70X1 5m Smelt & Ret 100JI 100i 09JJ 'AmSmeH&Bcf pf 11W UUi llHi AmSmeltpfA 0355 01 03W Am Steel Foundries 6GH 67 50H An Sojar neflnlne 110H 110)5 110)5 imfltiffarHeunImrDf...llO 110 110 100U 111H 01 COX 110)5 119 'Am Tel & Tel. jo- xoc join 220 219K 210)5 iiii;i 210JS Am Tobacco An Tobacco pf new Am Woolen AmWilUnel'Pf... An Zinc L & Sm... ADScoada Cop M... Associated Oil AtcaTop & t) F... AUOnlf &W1 107H 103 A 10S 108 17 47)5 27 35H 87J 47 47Ji 27 34W S0)f . 20'i . 332f . S0H C9K .105 . 70)f 27 34)5 80 o 71 105H 104)5 101J4 72 70 72 TSili Loco wts. 8135 82)f 105 89)i feOJj 105 S8!f 73 479)5 S4T5 08)5 19)5 40 177!f S0J5 105 88JI 73)5 48'J!i 85 09 1'JJi, 40)f 177J 85 Bald Loco Wks Df 105 Eilt & Ohio ss; Silt & Ohio pf.. SetUebem Steel.. Brocldya Itap Tr, 'Batte ft Superior. Cil Petroleum... Cal Petroleum of, . 73H 74 ,480 4S0)' . 84! 85 ,08 ,09 . 10K ' 10X 40)5 4GH CMjdiia I'acltlc 17S!X 179 CWIThM pf 84 85 Sj CeatTil Leather 57)5 -Bii 57)5 57H Ceattal Leather pf 112)5 113 112)5 112)5 dandier Motor 10235 104)5 104)1 lOlh ClCJlOhlo 03)1 03)5 03 03 Calcago Great West pf . . 37 37 37 CUcasoMU &Bt Paul.. 05 05)5 05 'CMcajo Mil & St V pf. .120U 127 120J5 CMcaM)& North western. 127)4 12735 127)5 37 05 127 127)5 Cttlcaso&NWpr 170 170 170 170 uucaeo ma. rac.i.... la lbyi 17)1 Chile Copper Wli 20 10JS 52 50)5 139)i 99)1 1UJ5 52)5 50)5 139!f 99)1 I Cilno Copper 51)5 52H I oaiueut iron co)l 61)5 Coajolldated Gas 140)5 140 Continental Can 0935 100 Corn Products Iter 15 15)5 Corn Products Refpf.... 00)5 01J5 Crucible Steel 7731 70 Cuban-Am Su ear 210)5 214 Cuba Cano Sugar 6775 6731 Cuba Cans Sucar pf .... 05 0535 15)1 1595 K 01)5 75)5 240 60 01J5 33)5 4035 25 10 37!1 64)1 01)5 75)5 214 50)1 913 i 33H 4035 25 10 37J1 54b ! venrer & mo ur pf.... 3435 34 Dlital Sec Corp'n 404 Dome Mines 25)1 Dal S S & At! pf 10 Se 3831 Erie 1st pf 6431 .Fed Mln & Sm uf 3RW 47)t 25 10 39H 54J5 39)5 39 39)5 General Electric 1704 171)5 170W Ceneiil Motors pf 120 12i)l 120J5 Goodrich BK 7235 74)5 72)5 170)5 121)1 74)1 uhsdj Consol S7J5 88)5 83 83 Oreene-Cananea 45)1 47)5 45)5 .Great Northern pf 118 110 118 0 K els for ore prop.... 40)1 40H 39)1 utlf States Steel 2d pf . 87H 85H 85 47)5 US 40K 85 102 63J5 115 1735 1531 72 4W 4UU01S central 102)5 102U 102 IMP Con Cop 62)1 63J5 52 wiuaiTNJ HiH 115 1st Cos Cor v t c sn ... ioh 1735 Japer 18 10)1 JntPaperpf 71J 72 11431 17 1531 7131 41)1 30 wiKicitei v tefs 42 42 u aim a of dep a8 JatMM pf cof dep. ..102 JenlTea K7 38)5 102 ss 37)1 100)5 100)4 7)5 S75 Kan City faouthern 28 20 73)5 60)1 79)1 21 43 47 82)5 84 20 20 aeurfprinETire., 7231 Keanecott Copper 4931 lack Steel Co... 78 fake Erie & West 20J1 Lake Ella & Wm nf -in 7231 4035 77)1 21 43 40)5 SI 83)5 73)5 50)1 77J1 21 43 47 8131 , Lw Itntihr Titr. jnit -Lthljn VaUey 8035 Hlmll Untnn Oil 8-1 85 tlilllVH Xfntnn, 1f nf cntt t.t.:.. TTT " ""? ?' 87 85 i-jMJcaa retroieum loiJi lOi laiilcaa Petroleura pf... 93 03)1 101)5 93)1 101)5 03)1 waatuopper 3U5 3531 35)1 35)4 uo b P & S S U ,...12J 122)5 122)5 122)5 fc ... -" v.t..,,,f ty u U U Uaaoart Pae tr cfs j 4)1 6 23)5 03)5 70 21)1 431 23M 03)5 70 2-1)1 C0)5 0 23)5 03H 70 21)1 iHwiui rac wi 235 UUm Pouer 03)1 i vmaK ouit 75)4 oam&sco 2435 oSt Lead On. nan ;J1t Lead Co pf. '.116J5 07 07 116)5 110)5 U63t r."' yawpper, is5 18)1 liJi 1W1 in ait uraxe....l3U 139)5 13SJI 138), -JlEW Ynrlf r-ni.,1 mate imi ma 108 irAIV YArt M IT . IT a. If atl ait 601 27)1 132 1k1!I Mk West.... 26U 28 27 fwoffoli A: W.tAn -now -no no ' "W.V.M.., ,,4tfH .u w TAX FREE Ilndrrltlnc Public FM'T Bond w th Ur w and eiuoins paw Urge euulty la uropcrly power. PRICE TO YIELD S Circular Furnished Upon Beouett. MEUOR & PETRY Hnilie N. V. ii lhlla. BUek Extlunge 'f COUMEBCUL TKtiST UUIUJUVO RiAziERa-Gi INVESTfilENT BANKERS Broad and Sanaora Sts. fTP..lKEB. American. S5. married, de-' !niSrL.I,osUl" with rellabla concern as Slrtliff'0? or manager. Fifteen years' JwlnS "iwwnce goia ana silver nvmnif. lflt9 owldKe of Spanteh. WW JT" , "hhv. Mtat of referenced. O $, XBDOE OFICS MarkAdvances and Declines Today's Financial News i'riec . wm(,u( wore looked on to be as naturally ex- to tho bear side, and thero was a good deal Issues followed each other so rnnhllv Mini It to take profits which, on many accounts, Last close. High. Low. Close. Norfolk Southern... 23 23 23 23 Northern Pacinc U1J5 112 111!! 111! OntSIherMIn OH 0)5 0J1 0)1 Pacinc Mall 29 20 20)4 20)5 Pjnn Railroad 50)5 60)1' 50 50)5 Peoplo's Gas Chi 103 102)5 10211 102)1 Pitts Coal pf crotdep..lOU5 101)5 101)5 101)5 Pitts OO&StL 80 82. 82)5 82)5 Pressed S Cat Co pf.... 100 101 101 101 Pullman Co 100)1 107)1 107 107 Ry Steel Sp Co 40 CO 48M 48)5 Ry Steel Sp Co pf 100)5 lOOJi 100)5 lOOJi Ray Con Copper 2131 2435 2I5J 24)5 Heading 108)5 109)5 108 10S)5 Reading 2d Pf 40 40 40 40 Republic Iron & S 54JJ 65)5 51)5 54)5 Republic Iron & S pf.... 113)5 113)1 U3'l 113)1 Shat Ariz Cop 29)5 30 2935 3021 Sears, Roo & Co 212 212)5 210 210 Sloss-Shef S & 1 50 50)1 60)5 50)5 Southern Paclllc 0935 100)1 9935 100JJ Southern Ry s213 213", 21)1 2435 Southern Ry pf 0935 70 09 0!) Standard Milling 02 02 02 92 Standard Mllllnc pf 87)5 b0)5 SO b3 StudebakerCo 12S 128)1 120)1 12S Tenn Copper 25)5 28 1 20)j 20'5 TeiasCo 190W 197 195)5 19535 Texas Paclllc 11)5 11)5 11.4 11)5 Third Avenue 03)1 03h 03 03 Tobacco Prod pf 101 105 101)5 105 Union Bag & Paper pf.. 41)5 42 42 42 United Cigar Mfrs 4735 49 49 49 United Cigar Stores 102 102 102 102 United Fruit 105J5 1051! 104 101 Union Paclllc 142H 11335 112J5 143 Union Pacific pf 2)5 82)5 82)5 82H USOIP&F 21)5 21)5 21M 21H USOIP&Fpf 53)5 53)5 53)5 53)5 USInd Alcohol 115)5 117)1 115 117 United Ryslnv Co pf... 18 1235 12)5 1235 Ub Rubber 68 -i 53)5 5735 5831 USSmlt&M 71)1 73 71J5 73 U S3 Steo. Corp'n 07)1 09)5 97Ji 07!5 U S Sttcl Coro'n of 118 118 118 118 Utah Copper S3 811 83)5 8335 Va-Caro Chem 42)5 4235 42 42 Wabash 14)1 14)5 13)1 13! Wabash pf A 50)1 51M 50)1 50)5 Wabash pfU 28 2S31 27!1 2731 17H Wells bargo Express 127)5 128 128 128 West hi &M 0135 02 01)1 0131 Western Marj land 30)1 30)5 30)1 30)5 Western Union Tel 00 J 95J5 95)5 05)5 Wheel S. Lake Erla 4)1 6)5 5 5 Wheel & L E 1st pf 14 15 15 15 Wheel &LE2dpf 0)1 0)5. 035 035 Willys Overland 4811 4835 40 48 Willys Overland pf 1011 10W 101 101 WoolworthFW 130)1137 137 137 Woolnortli F W pf 12431125 123 125 Worthlngton Pump 2835 29 29 2J Worth Pump rt U 5731 68'i 67J1 63)1 Quoted ex dividend. KATES FOR MONEY Call, 2 it .i 4 Tim. 41- ma New Tork . I'hlladelphia lloston :!,. A M ;.;:r.r ..--- ,U(1, V..I1..B.U ...... ..-' -r- it.- ,,- it .' Commercial pa IU a ....... ner. mrtfu lu six uiumiiB. . uitw deljjhlu, a, 1)1 nun per cem, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today, compared with cor- reBpondlns U4y last iwo years: mil noiton .... Philadelphia. New York . Chicago . , .123,883.110.0 110.721.82.'. 117,115,840 ,. 4l.S70.122 24.3U0.87S 10.US7.424 48I1.0U4, zsiH aia,n.,;m ii.u.irw, ...: 01,001,017 4H.U03.7U I 41.333.U0U BAR SILVER Commercial bar silver was quoted at 60c In New York today, a gain of He In London the price of bar silver was 31 Hd, up 1-1 6d. Philadelphia Company Earnings Good Gross and net earnlnrs of all department; of the Philadelphia. Company for July and four month follow: Jnann Ju&r!!.:;:::::::::: ,2,&"S 'a Edwahd B.Smith 8t Co ESTlBUSUfiD 1802. BANKERS ilcmlm New yo'' "" PMlaMpMa Stock Exchanges 1411 CBESTNOT STBIET, PlIlLiDIIPHU SO PM! SWEET. NXW VOBK LEOAI, AUVEBT1SEMENTS ,, , ESTATE Of JENNIE I.ONQ, DECE.1SEU U3 Ltter ot admlolitratlon on the. above estate bavins ben .granted to the underlgned, 111 peraone fndebted to the said estate are re SiiiutacL to make payment, and those havlne cffiS to f prent the umi, without delay, to ADAM J (JOTSHAIX. parby, Pa, orSweffcllldlng. PhlU. PIV1DENO NOT1CE8 XUE AMEBICAN GAS COMPANY 104 MA1IKKT BTBEET OAMUEN. N..J. , ,. ,,. August IS. 191S. a nuarterly dividend of 2. or $2.00 per share, ,. ?5n declared on the cupltaTetoclc ot thie cSmpan?. payable Bejten.belst. ,1816. to the rSSkhoidire at, record at three o'clock p. m., iSt lSti. 181. Check wlU ba mailed. J. B. TOWN8END. Sd. Treasurer. niBECTOBY OF ACCOPNTANTS Certified 1'uLllo Atconntante leisTBAiTESTATa aausx builuxno. EVENING LEDGEH-raniADELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, Neu) York Bond Sales ) With, Low. ClAW inooo Amer A ev 5s...... 0SH 9JJ4 lBSlOOOAnelo.t'r Tu ., OliS 03H 5 on OH 128000 Amor For sk.di ,.,.. bs.. 08 11000 Amur ti cit 4s ...4.1, ij 2B000 do CVt 4'4 .......llOU 20000 Armour Co 44 w.. 83H lll 81 mi; lo'i 110H znoou Atcnison cen 4 ...... us aooo Alch Trans S 1j 4 ,.. 89, nemo Allan Co Line 1st 4s.. 8i loop ilo elt 4 84 0000 Bait b Ohio Be ......100 13O00 do 48 80 OO0O do ev 4Hs ........ 94 loooo Tleth Steel rfd Bs ....loo 30O0 Hrooklyn It T Bs 1818.100 82JI 82 8l(? ,81 10O i"o uuvi, V.HI1 UUVI IB l,.l ,.. ..,1 8000 do 48 18JI1 ,.,..,.1 89tl 1701)0 tin 4m 10.11 DDti ,1000 Cent racist 4s ,87' touou Lent it it IN J OS ....II"., boo chill copper 7s ..1244 01000 Ches A Onlo conv 6S...83 1000 do r.n Ioj Booo Chi Ot West 4 nojl ni IS MV, OUO Chi & Mtvn SU. m 11 001) Chi 1 (6 Ron 4s, ...,a BOOO Chi n I A 1" rfd 4s.. JlH rJd4.:: 7iH 71M 71H V 1 VM l!!J suooii 110 at, BOOO Con nnn ennv 7l)nn,n AM flu.. 3000 pen A lllo dr 4s.,.. 78 78 3J0O0 Ills Secur Corn Bs... 75.. 74 78 jr. 3 B40OO Krl( conv 4s 8cr I HflV, 103'4 KU'l 102'i sil OS IdkU B7 102 8BJi (IB 8Sj 81 r,s. ,87'. 132,t 111!' ni'i 111(4 HM ii 2j B3i Siit. 1 ii 101 87J4 9'). 71i 101 92(4 101H 78i HIS 1(I3 111) 1)04 31 l()3i 123 87'J lUt 1000 no 1st con is ... looiirt Oen Klcc rtob Bs., 9000 Indiana Steel. Bs.. 1000 Intern Met 4Us.. innti lnsi . .104'i liny 93 m YM 73H asooi) Interb II T ref S... 800011 In, Jl,r Mnr rt 4H. 9H . .losU ..OTii .102 . RB4 . 94i : m linnoo . do w I na "4 854 84(, BBH (IB BO IIOV4 iVSj 10.1, S?H booo internl l'apr ns 27000 .Inn new l S 4'4s.. nun jipnne'1 new '.tn. . Boon Units St Nnsh 4s. . 2000 Minn k St l 4s... fifooo Mo Iac w I 4. . . 4ono ,io pv r, (", lonoo do col r.s 1017 ., I. inooo . Ok Ba inoil M Y rrtnTil linn 4Ur..U5 III! 1 JUI'U iN I U. J1UU U1 ii -iTa . m l:.r - ee.n IVlK ll'Ulill i'" 17JO ei4. .' 10000 M v City 4(4s iuilS..lns ITOIO N V Dock 4s ....., 72'4 1000 N Y N It k It 4fl 1917 HI 22000 N V ItYy mlj Bi BH 4000 N Y Tei Ren 44 s, ... 07K 1 imitn .t t It m ti tx. booo Norr & west ct 4"i.irtj. u.tooo (ID 11 .... 1000 Nor Vac prior 7 ......... 92'4 iuW irlor 4s.... lll'i B1J4 I. ret. 4s... BlJ4 ,91 ct 4V4"...loiy loiji I N J Bs. . . 02 824 P In w I.. B3U b:)(4 4000 lire nnon Boon renna ri 000. Public Herv 17000 Ht T. fc H 10000 do rM ct sin. 4s. 1-574 1000 ilo iidj w 1 11000 dn Os St I, awn Bs 1000 Seaboard A. I mlj Bs. 1000 south Hell Bs 371)00 South l'nc 4s :,2(4 iui ,101, , 87M 10li 8S 102 l! .8I 8114 714 loots 112 KU'l 784 814 ln.-.S, 81) linK :n 103?4 123 87V4 101 llliioon do rv ret t p 11000 iln rfil 4s Ba. llooo South Ilwy Ren 4s. noon no con as noon Tenn C ret t ... noon Tens Co cv its... 8000 Third .Uc ndj Bs. L'iioii no ret Is ... . Bsnoo IT a Steel n f Bs . 31000 Union Pnc rfd 4s. loon do 1st 4s 1(10(11) XJn rtwya f 4s ... BOOO Wabash 1st Bs noon AVcst n & At cv Bs Bonn West Shoro res Is 1000 West Union Bs .... .till . 92'1 nil. 1"; . Nil . 1 IS . on . Olltt . 34 .ins'1; .123 . H7'4 .1(11 NEW STOCKS ACTIVE ON NEW YORK CURB American InternatE&nal Certifi cates Continue Advance; Zinc Concentrating Is Also Strong NEW YORK, Aug. 23. There was active trading nnd many mixed movements on tho JJroad Street Curl) with tho diversion of speculative Interest lo now groups nnd stocltH In place of those which had for some time been prominent. The 50 per cent paid certificates of tho Amerlcnn International Corporation were nctlvely traded in and continued yesterday's advance setting from 53 to 55. Zinc Con centrating which has been steadily accu mulated for some time, showed a strong tone nnd advanced from 4 to 4, with most of tho buying based on tho continued efforts of producers to contract for tho facilities of the company. Monitor Silver also continued strong mak ing a further gain of to 2',i, tho highest price at which this stock has sold. Mestropolltnn Petroleum, In which specu lative Interest Is growing, advanced from 14 to 14, nnd substantial gains wero mado In many other Issues Including United Verde Extension. Tho new British loan was quoted at 99 994. INDUSTItlALS. III.! Asked Aetna .njtpjoslves 12?i l.l Am lirlt ilri? 12., - Am Marconi . . , Sfc. .j4 Canadian Csr Co 4n r,. Can Car & Fdy pref 75 fill Chevrolet Motors 20(1 20tl Curtlss Aeroplane 20 30 Drlirs-a-Scali 03 VK Kmerson Phonograph 8J4 in riemlsh.I.iiin 1(4 IH Haskell & llarker Car 37 3 Hendee Mrs 2B 30 Knthodlon llronzo pret 18(4 10H Maxim Munitions il (IVi Manhattan Truna 1J4 lji MldVttlo steel 4i fll Otis Blovntor ", 7.9,, I'corless Motors 24 , Poole Kne 90 loo H S Kretco w 1 UK 12(4 Standard Motora U 7 Strombers 14 44(4 Submarine , , 33 311 TrlaiiB e Film 2(4 2 United Motors O.ijj 03t United Profit SharlnB oi Jf U S I, mid C com 3 3 f do pref ,4(i BU White Motora 04., 84U World l'llm H .14 STANDARD OIL. Illinois 170 172 Ohio , 2211 228 Prairie Pip 24.J 230 S O Cal 2II-I 2H8 S O New Jersey Bli BIS a O New YorK , .....200 203 OTHER OIli STOCKS. Cosden Oil 11 "tt Cosden & Co 13 13 i Inter Petrol l(i "(4 Houston Oil 13 in Midwest Kef 01 1. Sapulpa Kef UH 10 J1ININO STOCKS. Atlanta , 1J II llutto Copper and Zinc 5j r.JJ Hutte N Y if 2(i Ccrro ile Pasco 3d 37 First National 4 44 Ootdfleld Merser 8 ,.?. Hecla Mining B 5 11-10 Howe Sound 4K J Jim Ilutler ' 84 89 Jumbo Kxt 33 ?" McKlntey Darruh J'J, () Maema Copper 14(4 13, Mines Co ot America 2 2U Nlplsslne 7 7U San Toy !?,, ',, Ht Joseph Lead ., 13U l(4 West lind Con 78 r)2 West End Ext -,, 4 White Oaks B(4 0(4 Vk 8i ,"'2? 100 iitojf '( noli oou S 844 ,01 i lonS loo 100(4 100J4 t auu noi4 1 B8J4 904 1 811 H BOH 87?4 ,87 Ufa Kjw HOA 80t5 ll.lS ,3. 107 107 100 100 COTTON DECLINES AS DROUGHT ENDS Cool Weather Brings Showers in Texas ; Southwest Good Seller, but Offerings Are Absorbed COTTON lin.T CONDITIONS. NnjV yoilK Ann. 2.1. Precipitation wn reportnl tlirnnithoiit the eotton belt IhU mornlnir, Willi temperature' rnnslnic from 72 lo 80. ...Tn" follow Inc temperature nere renortedi Oklnlionn City, (,j, A!it'llle. (Ill Del lllo, C nattnnaneii unit Uniw.lie, 7i) Slireenort, fan .Intnnlo, Poit Mm'th. I.lllte ttneh. Jlem nh. Miieon iinil N clullle. 72 Atlanta. Hnlelsli, .MrrlnLin nnd llirmlnglmm. 711 Aiiciila, Tlionmslllc. (laUevtnn nnd Mont nn, ry ...Ifli, Mllmlmtton. .lark.oinllle, Monl'r, lirkvlinrit nnd New Orleans, 781 Prninrald. 'Inmpn nnd ( linrleMnn, 80. 'Ihere; uai .11 Inrli of prrrlnltallnn at Neiv Orlennii .28 nl l'nletlnet ,84 nl Tmlort 1.1(1 at ,shellle unit 2.10 nt llort .Worth. NDW YOItK. Aug. 2.1. cSjtton opened with a decline of 8 to 13 points this morn ing, due rtlmoFt entirely to what looked llko a break In tho Tcxai drought. The cooler weather coming down oer a hent area brought good showers In some sec tions. Port Worth getting oer two Inches, It also had n depressing Influence on Liverpool, which nt ono lime, before the opening, was sc points belter than due, but later broko sharply. The early selling movement carried prices nbout 13 to 15 points Under last night's closing figures. January contracts sold nl 14.70c, or 29 points under the high lecord made yesterday. Tho market becamo very Mrm late In tho morning. YeVilnv'n , , Close, open. 11 a.m. 12 m. 2 p.m. 11.74 1I.7H 11.0(1 14.82 1.1.01 14.04 Ui. II ;;.'.'. ii'37 uciowr .... 14.1? 14,70 ..... December .. 14.8.1 14.73 14.72 January ... 14. hi! 11.71 14.77 March H.ll'l 1 1, Ml 14.1)0 May .,.,,., lft.1.1 ln.OJ July lA.llO icon Spot ,. 14.83 Liverpool Cotton IilVlSlU'OOL, Aug. 23. Spot cotton to day was quiet nt a decline of 3 points on the basis of 9.0CJ for mlduplaud. The sales aggregated 6000 bales, Including 5000 American. Tho Imports wero 11,000 bales, nil American. The market for futures closed steady nt a net decline of Vi to 3(i points. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOl'AU STOCKS. Hid. Jim flutter , HI MncNiim.irn 03 Mldnny 18 Mlzpah Bxt IU Montana .2.1 Nor Star II Tun i:t f'N Ton Mln ntj llescuo 12uta .22 West Knd 77 GOLDF1DLD STOCKS. ni.i. Atlanta lo Uluo Hull 02 llnnth 12 Hullilcx! 01 COD J Comb True 0, niamf II "2 Daisy 02 FlorrncH 0,1 O0I1U Con 81 Ooldt Men? o1; Jumbo P.xl - Kow-anas 1" l)ro Hand Ken Silver Pick 13 MISCnLLANHOUS. Tlld. Nov Hill '! Ncv Wiler ,...2.(i Tccop.i Mln 1" Asked. .80 .Oil .21) .211 23 .111 r.jd f'S. .2,, .70 Asked. .12 .0.) .11 ,OJ .01 .07 .III .().-, .r.n .81 .111 .31 .12 .03 .(IT .10 Aslted. .1(1 2.1. I .IS SECURITIES AT AUCTION Tho following securities wero sold nt auction today by Harncs & Loflanu: STOCKS. SOshrs. Hlklns Tark. Inc : par ISO ...Lot 100 mi shrs. Franklin Trust Co.: par .i() . ni 10 snrs I'niiaiieipiiia uy n-iiKniuuj. ..v. Wnlnut Sts.) Passenger Itwy. Lo.... llOii 10 shrs. Darby llnnk.Darby. Pa.i par J.iO DO shrs. People n National Flro lnsurnnco 3 shrsf'i.lFtio Hcnui'lklirNiiClVa'tion.' iiiifl road nnd Coal Co.: par J50. 5 ahrs. Second and Third Sts. Pasaenucr Hallway Co. .-., ;; v- Rights to subscribe to 11 shares II. K. Mulford Co. at 50: par BONDS. r. 17 03-1! 233 10(4 13000 American Heal Kstate Cn, 0 par cent. Duo December. lUiu... ... 17(4 mnn r,h.,ftnTWfil;n nnd Delaware lIIIIUI t.O., 4 per leill. run. iiiuumhhvi Interest Jnnunry nnd July. IteK Istered. Due July. lOKI. . . . . . . . . 1000 Philadelphia and llrfo Itallroad Co.. r, per cent. General mortK.iue. Interest April und, October. Duo BOO Sprlnnne'ld' 'Wiit'c'r' Co.'. ' 5 per' 'c'e'nL Consolidated inortpnKe. Coupons March nnd September. Duo 1112(1. 400 Sprlnstleld Wnter Co.. 5 per cent. Consolidated mortmiKe. Coupons March and September. Duo 10211. 000 Springfield Water Co., 3 per cent. Consolidated mortuaKe. Coupons March nnd September. Duo llljil. 1000 North faprlmttleld Wnter Co;, S per rent. First mortiraee. Coupons January and July. Due 102S. . . 2000 Owego (N. Y.) Wnter Works Co.. 0 per rent. First mortBace. Cou pons February und August. Duo 8000 Owcbo (N."V)' Wnter Works' Co.', r per cent. First inortBaze. Cou pons February und Ausust. Due lOJil COO (J100) Snlem nnd Pcnnsxroio Trac tion Co., II per cent, l-lrst mort gage. Coupons June and Decern er. Due 1U33 102(4 89(4 88(1 83 83K 80'1 80 01 Brown brothers Fourth and CiresTNirr Stueets PHILADELPHIA Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued in Dollars for use in the United States, Canada, West Indies and other countries 'in North and South America. Under the terms of issue of our Letters of Credit, travelers can arrange for availing of income during absence instead of paying the full amount when leaving. Announcement The National City Company has taken over the Bond Department of The National City Bank of New York . and purchased the business of v N. W. Halsey & Co., "T - " Dealers in Investment Securities The business of the combined organizations will be continued by The National City Company National City Bank Building 55 Wall Street, New York Sales in Philadelphia lfet HUh. 1iw. Ctoso. chire. 20 Am Loco., 78H 1Y 78H SS B & S t 0. 48H 8H BH "lV .140 llrlll 3 O. 30 S8V4 S8V4 V ISO Cruc St!.. 78H 77 11 noo Kleo Stor.. OJH 87 TH 2015 Krlo ..... 80 38 38 1 100 QenA8p .,3 3 82 ft do pref. 80 V 0094 00 -i ..,,. 12 Ins Co NA !S 23Ts 2RT4, 400 Int M M ct 38 38 38 1(4, 400 Kcnne Cop Bo so CO -f Vi 1207 Lk Sup C. 11M 11 11 3 liOh Nnv.. 75Wi tH WA 877 Leh Vnl .. 82?, 81 81 1 130 Ncv Cons. IS?! '18 18 V ' ZOi I'enna 11 11 Ci6 H 06 10 Phlla CO.. 40 40 40 Id 382 IMiiln r.leo 28Vt 28W 28 V 2 TUT trclfs lDTd 10 lOTfc no Hep 1 & S. 05 53 SS 103(1 Heading ..10BV4 107 108 no Ton Del. . 4 4(4...,. I Un Trac. 14 44 41 32 V (i 1 ... 88 88 88 078J V S Steel. 006 077fc 08 Vt 200 Utah Cop. 84 84 84 200 West Klcc. 1M 61W 01 7 Wstmld C. 71 7114 71 1S2.1 Cramp & S 81 80 81 4 13 Yorkllypr. 37 37 37 -I-1 ncrensc. Decrease. llONDS. Net High. Low. Close, cfmc. $12,100 TjSuplncSs 3d 33 30 1 1000 PaCocljslOI lOUfc 101 32000 Phlla El 4s 84 84 84 880(1 (la Gs ..104 104 10 tU 12000 UnHylnvBs 70 70 70 1 2000 YkllylHtlis 03 OS 05 Increase. Decrease. WHEAT IS WITHIN A NARROW RANGE Prices at the Close Are Mi Higher to Lower Good Gen eral Selling nrt.MN iiixt wr.ATinnt roitr.cAST CIIK'AdO. Auir. 23. The weather fore cast fur :t() hour folloim! IlllnnU nnd MNsniirl Pair (onlsht and Thttrmho 1 Manner lliursdtiy und urst nnd north tonlcht. lronln Fair toiluy nnd Thursdnyi warmer tonight, south and went central! somen hut cooler tonleht nnd Thorium). Jllnnpsntn - Fair Indav nnd lliurmlii; mirmrr tonUlit. south nnd viest rcntraU;) somewlmt rtnlrr. Tliumlnr. north. 7 limit. .Nebraska nnd liniini rnlr nnd wnrnier . foiilicht nnd Thursdayi probably fnlr Prlday. ....... North llikota Fnlr tonljht nnd tomor row t somewhat cooler Tiiursiiay moiiiii JiaKoia .11111 liiiilelit nnd (nmor- row, probably Frldayi uarmer lonlclit. CHICAnO, Aup. 23. Although the wheat market worked within n range of about 2 points today, final prices wcro ia higher to J,C lower. Thero was some good general selling here, which was vigorous at timet, but on each decline thero seemed to bo a fairly good demnnd nnd rallies nnd reac tions followed each other with frequency. Trndo was smaller than In tho 1 ast few days. A number of longs who failed to sell on tho early decline supplied tho various months whenever a rally was In progress. Tho l'rico Current reported that rains In Indiana. Illinois, Iown and Nebraska had put tho soil in favorable condition, but that Ohio, Missouri and South Dakota still needed rain, while Kansas and Oklahoma suffered from lack of moisture. The paper estimated that tho yield of spring wheat In Minnesota nnd North and South Dakota at 87,325,000 bushels. Lending Futres ranged as follows: Wheat Onen. Itleh. Yes'day'B Low. l.IS'i l.s-'it 8," 77 Close. i;iose, Sept 1.10'A l.m 1. ft J Hi I. Ml 1 . 1 II L. l.-WY Dec. 1.53W l.S0(4 85H 74(4 77S 4n;i Mny...' l.M 1.38 Corn (now delivery) Sept. . . K.IVi HO'f, Deo... 73J. 74J4 May... 71$ 7b(s naiB 1.50(5 II Co.,, a-.t'. Deo.'..' JH Klji 45 W.1'4 UI 02 May,.. r-j I.aru Sept... 13.82 Oct... 13.KS Dec M3.00 Jllbs Sept.., 11.30 Oct... 14.00 13.87 1J.8S 13.U7 14.30 14.07 27.4". 20.43 13.75 1.1.75 12.U3 U3.85 13.S2 13.07 14.25 14.05 13 80 13.75 13.20 14.37 14.07 127.50 t2ll.35 23.23 14.2.1 13.U7 27.10 20.33 Pork- sept. Oct.. 127.40 211.3.', 27.15 1111.33 23.30 linn.. j:i.:u) Hid. TAslied, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO. Aug. 23 -Xtitrkrt AQ0IO1; lnwer. -HOOS necoipts. 30.000. Aiixea ana nutcners, tlO.lSOll.'.'i. goad heavy. llo.73Sltl.20; rough heavy, JIO.ID&'IO.OS: light, tl0.40fpll.23: pigs. .71M1II. bulk. JlO.r.OJUl.lO. CATTLE Itecelpts. -J0.000. Market 10020c lower. Dceves. tU.DO10.flO: cows and heifers, J4WU.76', Htoekers and feeders. t5.2nj7.73; UV'xnns, JO.liJSliO 50: cnltea. J10..ri0 1L'.5. tIIi;i:P Itecelpts. .'0,000, Jlnrket steady. Native and westorn. t4.7SW7.00: lambs, IB. 50 Oil. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. AUB. 23. DUTTKIt Itecelpts. 12,(132 tubs; firm on all tirades wit hcontinued falr'tradlns. Kxtra creamery, 32(4 ii32K o; high er senrlns. 3J! 3.l. c; state dairy, 31032c; Imitation creamery, 27H 28c. 1 KOtiS Itecelpts. 13.400 cases: eenerally firm with prices favoring the seller, extras, :u33c; extra Ilrsts. 32SP3Ic: llrsts. Jnfflaic. white eBs, unchaneed; bronn eess, 30u37c; mixed color, 27035c. lfoA. SEPTEMBER DIVIDEND AND INTEREST PAYMENTS REACH A NEW HIGH-MARK ' . 1' Disbursements for Month $142,539,689 Steel Common Continues the Most Active in Local Trading Cramp Goes Up More Than Four Points Pnymenla of dividends and Interest In September will reach the. total of J 142,. 639,689, compared with $116,164,100 In the eame month of last year, an Increase of $27,385,689. September of this year Is tho best of record. Dividends amounting to $79,039,089 will bo paid by 135 corpora tions. This compares with $66,254,100 last year, a pain of $22,785,680. Tho large dividend payments are due largely to the big disbursement of tho United States Steel Corporation on tho common stock, amounting to $11,130,800. Tho returns, says the Journal of Commerce, also Include a. number of Initial dividends, as well ns Increases and extra disburse ments. Industrial companies will pay dividends of $60,081,091, contrasted with $29,107,042, nnd railroads, $24,132,032, compared with $23,212,086, In September, 1915. Interest PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Itecelpts. 100,37"! luh. The market ruled firm umlcr Ilsht olTcrlniti anil u good Inquiry for export. Quotations. Cur lots. In ex. port elevator No. 2 red, spot, $l.n0W1.63i No. 1! southern reil, Jl.JSHfl fit, stenmer Sa. 1! rerl, Sl.IiCf l.r.0: No. .1 red. St. 47(71. no; rejected A, $1.4l1.47i rejected II, $1.4101 14. CUHN Itecelpts. (1010 hush. Trndo was nulet. but prices wero ell maintained. Quotntlons: Car lota for local trad", ns to location West ern No. 2 yellow, D7l8cs do, steamer jellow, lHlf2l7c; iln. No. 3 yellow, UI&U.'c; do, No. 4 yenow. nnfw;c. 00.209 bush. Demand was moderate and prices ruled steady. Quotations prices rui ftMroJtr; No. 2 white. standard white. M(j niftc. No. .1 white. 404nuV4ci No. 4 white, 48W4UC! samplo oats, 40040c, ri.OUlt Itecelpts, 3!I0 hbls. nnd 700,403 lbs. In sacks. Trade was slow nnd alues wero larirely nominal. rollowlnR are the quota tions per 11)8 lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, lions per iwo inCHIMIj do, i J7M7.5U! Kansi 7.23: straight. niramni, 9u.miuf; on, p-iieni, nsas, clear, cotton sacKs. iii.t.iW cotton sacKs. it.4UUi.7ui .on. patent, cotton sacks. 85P8.2r: sprlnif. nest clear. t0.r,nr7.4(l: dc. ratcnt, ;7.5!H8S.23: do, faxorlto brands, J8.r,nfln.lo: city mills, choice nnd fancy patent, J8.5HGMU0; city mills, recu Inr Brndeo winter, clear. HlWfl.OOi do, strnlKht, $0.1iO7: do, patent, $707 50. HYi: ri.ut'll waR ciulet but Orrn under small aunties. Wo nuoto nearby at $0if0.00 per bbl, and western nt $007. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm with n fair Jobblnc demand. TollowlnR nru tho quotations: City beet. In sets, smoked nnd air dried. 2Sc: west ern beef, In sets, smoked. 28c: city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked nnd nlr dried. 2'ic: western beef, knuckles nr.d tenders, smoked, 20c; beef hams $28030: pork, family, $27.5(i 28: hams. V. cured, loose, 18V (fiSc: do, skinned, loose. l!H.ff20c: do, do. smoked. 2U',4 W2lc: other nntns. smoked, city cured, na to brand nnd ncraRe. ll)V4c: hams smoked, west ern cured, lll'tc: do. botled. boneless, 34o: pic nic shoulders, 8 l1. cured, loose. 14c; do, smoked ir,c: blltru. tn plcl.le. nccordlnR to nvern&e loose lime breakfast bacon, as to brand nnd aernKC city cared, 22c breakfast nacun. western cured. 21c: lird, western, refined, levies ICUc. do do. do. tubs, 14'1 c: lard, pure city, kettl" rendered. In tierces, 14!ici do, do do In tubs, 11 c. REFINED SUGARS The mnrkot was quiet but steady. Heflners' list prices: Kxtra One uranulatcd. 7c: pow dered, 7.10c: confectioners' A, u.uoc; uott Krudes, 0.2SU0.83C DAIRY PRODUCTS ntJTTnn Demand was fnlrly. nctlvo. nnd sui ;pnea of fancy slock wcro well cleaned up. .Solid DACPll creamery further ndvnneed we. ow: Western solld'paeked cream Quotations follow; ery, fancy specials, ; extra, .13l.tlc; extra Ilrsts. 32tP:iJV4c. llrsts, 3U4c: seconds. 2U& (t 30'ic, nearby prints fancy. ilOc; do, 'average extra. do. ilrsts. al033c: seconds. 30 30Wc: Jobhlns sales of fancy prints. 30 42c, Kaua ITie market for Btrlctly nno ess ruled firm under llaht orterlnES nnd n. Rood demnnd. Quotations: In free cases, neHrby extra, ,32o per doa ; nearby nrsts. $8.700 per standard case: nearby current receipts. $7.08.40 per case: wefctern, extras, 32c per doz. ; western extra firsts $H.70m).30 per caso: do. nrsts, tH.lllON40 Per caso; fancy selected candled fresh efftrs were Jobblnir at .1flfti'37r per doz CHCESR Olterinss were llBht and the mar ket ruled firm with demand fair. Quotations: New York, full cram. fancy. 18c: specials higher: do. do, fair to good, 17ffllTMc; part skims, 0lGc. POULTRY T.rvTJ Fowls sold slowly at the lato decline. Chickens of desirable quality were kept well cleaned up at top prices. Quotations: Fowls, 17V4 (DlBVic, roosters, 14tf?1.1c; sprlnu chickens, nccordlnp to quality, wclKhlrur HI 2 lbs. and over apiece. 22023c: sprlnu chickens, smaller slzen. 10ft21c; white Leshorns. nccordlne to quality. 1710c: ducks, as to slzo and quality. SUMMER RESORTS No Infantile Paralysis at Stone Harbor, N. J. Health Officer Douglass Certifies To Health of Resort Capo .Hon. S. E. Herbert, Uayor of Stono Harbor. H- J. Door Sir: In response to an Inquiry oado to oe, I bog to advise you that thore are not noo, 'nor has not been during tho past season, any oases or Inrantllo Paralysis in your raoort. I roe.1 that children ore nuch safer here than in the cities, whore tho heat often makes a dirfer ense, and vhere the malady has already broken out. Families who rollow the simple instructions ror procuring oortirioates will not be inoonvenienoed in any way in go ins and .coning rroa the resort. Very truly yours. Believing the abpve information will be of interest to families planning to spend the early fall at the seaside until the city schools are opened, we take pleasure in directing attention to the above communication. Medical certificates for children returning to the city are issued Free. BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR, Leo McCraven, Clerk. wi unvoon. n. j. . iwJil tts&srh AHD BEA0T6fULILD&.C(lE? Where it is always cool and never finer. Fishing is now at its best. Motoring is delightful. The ocean breeze is invigorating. Magnificent music by or chestra and band. Plenty of refined amusements. Now is the time to take your vacation. Send your family here for September, the most delight ful month of the year at the seashore. The National Council of the Red Men will bring thousands of visitors, and there will be plenty of amusements will continue, For beautifully illustrated booklet and detailed in formation, write today to J. WHITESELL, City Clerk, Wiidwood, N. J, EDGETON INN '& foS: Orchestra. Booklet. Coach. J. ALbKUT HA1UUS. ATL4NTJQ CITY. N. J, ""THE lEABtfta RESORT HOTELOF THE WORID IIBatlfioroiijUMieiiii .AaTLANTIC CITY.N. J, OWhtHSHIP MANAGEMENT. J08IAH WHITES. SONS COMPANY setfvni'vOsl ofaervice.comlortjGbeautu lASBtsrnsepmatKssnuaTELiHs&vosiji ASverlcanPUtfN Europja'aPlin. UB ! .A-Ti.nfic crrr " mi a rvas set & nw stnnnm payments will ct i for $63,600,000, against $58,900,000 last year, the Increase represent Ing new bond and note Issues. While United State Steel common con tlnued to bo the most active Issue In tho trading oil the Philadelphia Stock Exchange today, following the trend of the New York market, tho general market hefe was strong. Harly In the first hour Steel com mon had advanced to another new high record, reaching 99H. for a gain of 2. Of the distinctly local Issues Cramp trust certificates attracted the most attention, the price advancing more than four points dur ing the morning session. There was no news to account for tho strength ot the stock and It was generally attributed to the expecta tion of largo and profitable Government contracts. Buying was good, n large part ot it being for Philadelphia account, ir,017c: plurons, ntd, per pair, 23(D28o! do. ounff. per nalr. ISff022e. IiHUSHKt) The market llffht offerlnes and n ruled firm undr and a fair demand. Fol- lowlntr nro the quotations: Fresh'kllled, dry drp.plcked, fncy packed Fowls, lz to box, selected, 23Vic: do, welahlne 4W B lbs. apiece, dc; no. wcnninB ! ids. apiece, aac: uo. weiRnins n4 Ihs. apiece, 22c: do, welshlnpt 3 lbs. apiece, 20021c. Fowls, In bbl.-., ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana, and Illinois, weiKmnir isfo in, apiece, i.'.tc: uouir.ern in- rllnnn and Illinois, .welshing 40B lb, apiece. d'ci sma er sixes, liitfjic. uia rnori-rs. urr- uicKrti. inc. Jirniuns cnicKcnir, jiiiuvi'., mi ur. 2.'((20c: do, Indiana, large. 24Ql23c; do, small 10c. Drolling chickens. Illinois, large. sixes. 23UZ3C. .uroiiers. .jersey, rancy. jiuwji-' do, nearby, weighing: 1V us ibs.npieco. as 30c: do, nearby, smaller sizes. uicr sizes, iiuic. uck. lozen nearby, spring, 10V20C Hquabs, tcr dozen White, welghlnit 11 to 12 lbs. per aoz( vlh1n- 1 1 f ri 12 lbs per dozen, $5,n0 W.7n! white, well $4.H0M,1.2.-ii white, 7n; white, wclghlns I). to 10. lbs. per dozen, wclghlns 8 lbs. per dozen, wclghlns 7 lbs. .per dozen. t.1.7n114.ln: white. i;i.:.if:i.mi: wnue, weiginng "ji"" i".. per dozen, $2.nnQ2.7Si dark. J2.235i2.70: small and weighing njjn- ids, per o. .. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock was In fair request and generally steady as follows: Apples. Delaware: and Mary land, per hamper Fancy. $lfi1.23: fair to good. .ir,im7iic. lemons, per box. $007; pineapples, per crate. Florida. $lW2.r0: peaches, Virginia, per carrier Klbertn, $2.B0p3: Uelle. $ Car men. $1,231. 75: Mountain Hose.. $1,2301.73: pears. North Carolina, per bbl., $let8: frnpos. North Carolina nnd Delaware, per crate. $1,25 1,50; watermelons, southern, per car. $1000200. VEGETABLES Demand was fair and prices were well main tained on choice stock of most description, with offerings only moderate. Quotations: White potntoes. per bbl. No. 1 Eastern Shore. ti.iOtt 2.7.1! No. "J Eastern Hhore. II W 1.20; No. 1 Norfolk. $202.2.1: No. 2 Norfolk, (11,23: whlto potatoes, Jersey, per basket. 35000c: sneet potatoes. North Carolina and Eastern Shore., per bbl. No. . $2.70W3: No. 2. 7Be$l; onlonsj Jersey, per basket. 7r,c?$l: do. Penn sylvania, per hamper. $1,25fpl.ft0; do, Penn sylvania, per lno-lb, bag, $ do. Wash per bask ington, per iy-in, j'Rg. uu'...,jj uo, Virginia, Kei, $1G1.25. SUMMER HESORTS From Stuffy Office to Jolly Game of water tag In ten minutes. Come In hot and cranky leave cool and contented. Jaded men our specialty. Our prescription for tho blues: One game of volley ball (players nlways ready), ono needle shower, ten minutes' swim, a brisk rub-down; result one now man; cost, less than a drug store charge. Rest rooms, cool and Inviting. $2.00 pays for whole year's member ship; buy swims, showers, games, eta, as you desire, nt very small cost. ASK FOB BOOKLET L Central Y. M. C. A., 1421 Arch St. Philadelphia May Court House, Atuiuat 16. 1910". Health Officer wiuhvood. y. a. v wfi.s.rr (pA-s&3m healthful. The bathing was life. Music and GREENLEIGH S2l EA.ST FIND AVENUE Large e roojiii. uellDllui i oom. Belismrul ocean view. Tiaui unexcelled. itrim iauaraie. Q AVHY Beach fronts rulinln' waters irlyat 11E-1CU HAVEW, N. J. THE ENGLESIDE BE.VCI IIAVK.V, K, i. Open uUll Sept. 29. CbiMreu uodir IS Tear not takeo. ' ENQLESIDB CO, B. I". ENQLB. Uaaaztr. CAVK MAY, N. 3, CHALFONTE THWELgfffiHgl IteasunatW rates. Ux. Cilila SaUerfiiM, !!!! I -1. II. I.lllllllll IJ il ' Jim I I 1 ' ' '9 Shpvwnnil O shb. Cp, IU, "ty ) m "A1?