w II BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Conftnnerl Jrom CrectititaJgt cAprrxii J-romntlon Syndicate. TSrkt Flnanelal connections; complete Security . llln force; best Kerrhandlslng expert: will y out Half plan: estimate money needed, and finance proposition, ot mflt, Highest reference demanded. Box 4848, Ledger Central. BTJSIUSSS PERSONALS " diamonds nouattT. ' tun referenra. Appraisement, I pr cent. B HARRY W. BM lTH.717 jjansom St. " EVENINtl" CLOTHES TO HIRE ' "" f,atet styles. , Phone Poplar 28.1 Open erg LEIDNEft'B. JOth and Qlrard a.ya.i.jwjo"' StIPEniI.IIOtlS HAIR remoxert by electrolysis"; the only permanent vrHP Eyebrows irched. MI83 SMITH. 402 Keith Theater Rldg. CARPET CLEANING f-nNTINF. NTA T. CAItPHT CLEANING HOUSE ZIlTii ol JliUVIi t.ltcmUT Bell Phone. . Locust Ifl 00. Efr PHILA. WEST PHIIiA. MONAIICH STORAGE CO. 3C. I'Mt (At(l 8870-72 IiANCASTEIl AVE. R WE WEST PHIIiA. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ME 5tcDOWBt.il, DRES8MAKINO SCHOOL individual tnatructlon, short course; easy pay menH! patterns rut, ROe up. 807 DENCKLA IHiPg.. Uth and Market ate, FOR BALE fiiLLIARD. POOL, combination, second hand, bought. "Old. rented, exchanged; repairing: supplies L' Keafer. American manufac turer. 3:9 airard ave. Phone Kena. 231B. filLMARD. pool tables; new; sei'urid.huiiil bowl- Inc alleyai eaay paymema Rosattn.uarrv- Btreet Co., 222 S. 8th at. phune Wal. 2284. ElLMAlTE AND POCKET TAnLKU Alio "bowling atleya: eaay payment. URUN8WICK. iiALKE-COLLBNDER CO.. 1002 Arch. raslt REOIBTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, renlatedl aupplleai new and factory rebuilt) new total adders. , as low, as 130. Call and ie our 1910 model. Reglaters sold by ua on way payments and fully cuaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 780 CHESTNUT STREET. HQU8EHOLD GOODS. , Includlnir lace curtains, clock t. rut. 7ft x4H i books, etc. 708 South 4th street; JjuLTlORAPil Nw. guaranteed, orfer for 1-3 cost. Russell Baum. Phil. Hourse. Ph. Lorn- bard 4BO Fireproof: 60 slightly used: all sixes BAfES and make: btc bargain. 210 N. Fourth St.. between Race and Vine. SCHOOL, DESKS 1 80 BACH Rlnstn and dnuhle. anv size. CHAIR EXCHANGE, Cor. 6th and Vine. 'uiinllKn. ITTII AND DUTTOmVOOD. his the largest and neat assortment ot used ifflce furniture and fixture In this part of th fountry, Anything to equip an office at price Bat will pletio you. Pre delivery anywher. HEATING LAKIN-KEL8EY HEALTH HEAT I better and cheaper than steam or hot water, pur fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN-KKLSET. 1(27 Filbert t. MACHINERY AND TOOLS BN'T IT A MATTER OF DOLLARS and cent to ou this matter of using YOCOM ANTI FRICTION METAL for lining your machine bearings? IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES, 148 North Second. JAMES TOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT I Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gine, pumps, air compressor. FRANK T6OMEY. INC.. 127 N. 8d t. DINAMOS. motor and machinery bought. nld and rented, armatures repaired. Main 01. Market 3085. Yearsley Co., 224 N. 8d St. BolSTINO ENGINE: lDxlO "riory" D. C. D. D. skeleton. L. F. Seyfert's Sons, 437 N. 8d.t. WOODWORKING machinery: band saw, Joint ers, planers. Jig aawa, vertical ahapers, mortis Ing machines, atlcker. Nuttall, 1748 N. 8th. WoSD PULLEYS (Olfbert), thousands In atockr all diameter. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. ozu Arcn at. WANTED Air compressor between 80 and 80 feet per minute. William Linker Company. 831 Cherry. flPH A FITTINGS, all size. PHILA. 2D-HAND PIPE SUPPLY, 1003 N. 7th. Both phone. SELL SCRAP METALS TO HENRY K FOnT CO . 2227 N. Amer. t. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTROLAB ALTERATIONS are now being mads to our Vlctrola Department, and we need the room; 19 we will make special low terms. Extraor- 1 ilnary opportunity. Call or write for partlcu Urs and large Illustrated catalogues. HEFPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 6th and Thompson sts. 401N OUR SUMMER CLUB ULf 1UUU VlUTllUliA HU1V. Excellent jpportunlty to secure a beautiful vlctrola with records, at special Mahogany low terms. application blank. pena at once tor particular ana HEPPES UPTOWN STORES Cor. 6th and Thompson St. U5 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 6th. AUQUST VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON HALS RELLAK 1129 CHESTNUT ST. OLD GOLD OLD OOLD. silver, platinum, plated war, old tyl Jewelry, teeth, plate bought for cash. . Kst. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. OLD,, OOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver, antique clocks: will call, Dell phone. Locust ..ia nuuu,na. nj Moutn ntn atreet. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS ?!!, lli silver, platlnuni. fats teeth. PbJIaT Smelting & Ret. Co.. 128 8. lltli. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOB WAREHOUSH 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PIrKINn HfriVTMn Hiirnnrvrni vt ft?l' Carpet, cleand, acnured. stored. V, - mm. Locust 1060 Phone Key.. Rare 4160 ITOEHTY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET 8T. PENN BTORAOB AND VAN CO. 2186 MARKET ST. UeCANN'B STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th tr.L moving, picking, shipping) auto van; . both phone. Lt u estlmat. "a BTORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, PVn. , packing, shipping, carpet cleaning, . Ph. Baring 782 for estimate. Market ft 87th. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, falae teeth, feather G$Xl.ln'i!S!J.m'lyt oU. silver, diamonds bought. 738 Walnut. Walnut 702 fl. Est 1806. ,?&1N JEWELRY, falso teeth, pistols. colnsT ff ? , wltK"prlces I pay, mailed IBc, J.H. lfTti.-rF QtOTHINO Illgheet price paid for m '"Q" Poplar 8771. BLACKER. 1230 Poplar. i ml IITUHIS. piano. arpt. ntt.4ul ntt-e mi or part houses hnillrhr fnw pnah! nn mttr -JSHjargs, J. BERNSTEIN. 1354 Hldsa ave. CI-C:E'. FURNITURE of every description Wntd: also household furniture bought, Dul cfilowhll it d Fu"ufe -,- 01.800-U BE8T PRIrh PAID vnn mfin's 'PAHT-mrr 7niaTS!S92."9E8KT:a SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 OIRARD AVE. PlfoNE POPLAR 0343. ROOMS FOR RENT It OpT0T ST.. 2000-pESIRADLE ROOMS, m rainsni un jnantiiisNT. , tL?X laiDESIRABLB ROSmsTeXCEC PRUrH orwollt .' lz .' ::.L,;i-- : : "?' .2022 Irg. communicating, rooma: !iac:."iSi5f!,i5i'.u,9n P'UI "tn fir- Slrr.rt?A0.Wl:8T LOGAN SQUARE JECOND-FLOOft BUI0E; REKERE BUI0E; REFERENCES. BOARDING CvS???lr,T 8T" .soth Th Margrav! v-;r wr, uin tine AiTMimmr' ' dlu '"' perrnannt. translsnti sup, board. SK;13'. J1224-26 Furnished room, private iTiT ''.'"'"', Phon Walnut 7m. n ...ii ,"aJT-virabl vacancle. single or fci fii .' vrnunea or uniufnisneat excel, ta--"' bd.i .i..m .t tlec, 'jjght. Dia. 6011. 8 UU URBAN t "SiSfJWNTTh. 8hlp"pen, W.yn. ft Han.- JrrT Pint clasa In appointment ft rvia. JEjV JERSEY BEAgHOBB AttriJilS. CITY CALIFORNIA AVE.. B., 2T ' lent : i.VT? hou. comforUDl room. Jc(- SANITARIUMS inliYUlf, 1Rcl1ni MCll dntlfls carji la 'frr iMr'-?l fyery roraiorii nurseei uw ..t. Dr Randal.' hi,r Ua. CEIstnut Hill. APARTMENTS KTrI 1TX '.,. a-, - "... 'L ' .. i ' r'm Blf: -. till O.O. 19. . COf.i S' U?f iH ultabU for ndu4kplnj If tit JlfKllU TW ---.-. - 4. altfCei It- ftrufte ot 1 and 2 room, with prlvatl "" Jivia -JftaUhed jf uaf!ajhedjjiryjcpnvj , til,' "Mr-Atiractlveiy fvrnUiied gacond-flooi; iBlt? -w"E5vaJJ b'h . "".'SABLE AliT Urnt Uruir H- tinltor Or "gMjtveo.lruia.4l63 Ualtlmorn av tVKsi'r liitir.inir pura r iMWWk l&&rs'ft8& jPABTMENTS West ritrLADP.t.ptiiA ?2thutdJrom Prrccdltio Column THH OtnvlN 8 rooms. 2d floor! fprcht awnings. 3310 ton. Bee Janitor, private Hamll- .main i.tNn. p. n. n. o.VEnnnooK " BWlSSSgihrAJ'ENTS. at Overbrook FUnNISHED APARTMENTS near i.i.h .Arm housekeeping apartment. ihIlTON WanEIMSj. Franklin IHnk.Pldir, WEST lllILADLLrilLY AIIJ'rjJVJ?..FUnNIf",PD. APARTMENTS. 8 riiifmi,'. "live rDDJ.m...D?ln.'lni1 Kitchen. Th t-iearmont. 44th nnd Walnut. Raring 7822 W APARTMENTS WANTED Furnished YS. "?r ihrt ""ma. bath, furnished completely ISrJ' housekeeping by September 1 atata Pfl"- J 42. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT 13ul suppose. Instead of trying all these dif ferent way, you Just call at this omre the iW55il,i m." "' and, best equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively, to securing "l? ,whRt they want for particular people. Tell us your requirements. Nearly every de. alrable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with Sr, my " rented through us, Our automo biles are waiting to take you to the list of properile you designate, and with the least possible effort ou will secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proache your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD c ..lm WALNUT ST. . 8prce 3071. Race 8025, N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT 8T8. Thl 13-story Apartment. House I built of concrete and sieei. tnorougniy nreproored and mnrn arhlti.li.rt n.il,.. i 01 me ? fcoms and 1 bath to 7 room and 8 bath. Including sever! bachelor u-.te with LOKri TRnM 1.V.ARW.H Wfl.l. nir. IHTein. OCTODER. 1010. - All thing considered, th rental are mod erate. For further Information, arrangement tor Inspection and reservation, apply to tIERTON W. GREIita 110 Franklin Rank Rid. Phone Walnut 892. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS -All part of city, 3 r id to i for Infor a rnomi ana oaiu in i. rooms ana oain. 70 per inontn. can. phon or writ for Information BAjiyiiii btbun. izoi Chestnut el. NORFOLK APARTMENTS Deslrablo 4 and A ruom apartments, near Park; Janitor service: reasonable rentals. nnCHTEL. 3232 Rldg ave. MODERN APARTMENTS, all size and price. Call or write for complete directory, free. APARTMENT I1UREAU. Franklin Rank. Bdg. WEST PHILADELPHIA The Powelton Apartments New Ownership nnd Management Powelton ave., 35th to 36th st. $40 Thoroughly modern; each suite has 3 main bedrooms. 2 bath and servants' bedroom Tn Rooms are laran and floor are hardwood. Corj Open evening by appointment Apply at "r11" Office. 36th nnd Powelton ave.. or Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET K1NOSCOURT 8HTH AND CHESTNUT STS. SEVERAL MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMIENTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC ELE. VATOHS. PUBLIC DINING ROOM APPLY EST. TIKIS. M. SEEDS. JR., 12U7 RACE T. ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut: Monterey. 43d and v-neater; ueimoni. om ana pprinn uaracn. Inquire Janitor, or CRESSE, 308 Hale Bldg. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINC STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEABM PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TH STREET special rate lor summer season, r unii and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excel! Furnished ;nce. nvn.itAR.MnntilH WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MBET- CHlSliTKN avw, anu ulItAl....-' , - An. MANTOWNl DE'LIOHTFUL SUMMER jipMB -I1 UllNIBIir.l-tJiNU 11UUM A.k' ttkt 'r. "IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 221 S BROAD ST. THE ESMOND SANRD SpJg Desirable suites with private baths. Ttrr Ttiinr PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 86TH AND CHESTNUT WEST PIirLADELPHIA, THE MARLYN 40TH AND WALNUT STS. 1 ulte. 4 room. 2 bath: 1 ulte. 2 room. 1 bath; aeveral alngle. room with bath. New, modern fireproof building; hotel apartment ex clutlve; American plan dining room, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY NORTH and Wt Phlla. and Oermantown home. I18U0 to IBOOO. Flrt payment only "Merchants- union trust co. ilOl ti'ii v,nwumM MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Dulldlnc Association and Trust Funds. TATII.ANE. BOO WSinUt SI. A OREAT BARGAIN N. E. corner Hqsque. Ahanna ave. and Philip t.j no reasonabl. of- fer ref eused. For partlcuiara apply H. LIEBERMAN, 808 Chestnutst. 1417.10.21 FITZWATER and 1410 Sensts, In rearf 40x73: ttssesiJd 17800. rent. 87 per month; mut bo old fi Z .n A a itnuiM HT f iiTriFV. T rAORlf. AIiCKs B " '" ------ t grntSbtrst4 PSib&Efflfa co. JIO'OIO wuramm n CENTRAL raSfSWvJjfi'SlSa "nl N. E. cor.17th .andChU'": f saooT 'M ASSEYftrJON.13thand Greenu 317SOUTH JUNIPER ST.. 17.0x80. and tl " . P" Yiii.r -"niX Inv.ilmint f"rA" PATTERSON. 130 South 18th t. Building Its. Factory Slles, etc. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES H H McCOLLUM lall WALNUT BT. lioiCE BUILDINO LOTS and iaria.ina.ti iraund tn ill PJ ejtys lo over 800 mfg. tut Melvln. 1818-16 Hal Est. Trust Bldg, UlXblNa LOT8.,.nd lr.n.tr.t. TiMJon FT. CORNER. 3 fronts, siding. Many others, ail sixes and location. xtniiRlS ft CO .' Rlda. at Broad Pop. 1841 Many others, a i si MpitRJSOJRIdjs WEST PHILADELPHIA "rpnd for our list of desirabl: Wl i SOUTH 40TH STREET DESIRABLE 0U8H0ltEI BPRUC RUqfe fcTRE aemldetached t; I EAST u furs beyond bomeii feature SiSiSttoni icVJtlon un.xcsllsd; garags prlvl- !";. JA r,V,i I.mpia house, fully fumisnsq, .opsn III ) ininyiT .. - . j. ... l - - ,. i j, . . i n ' and 'SPRUCE 4-story twfni Dutch hall, il.etrlo light, hot-water hat: 4 baths; hard wlod 'fliJor?'. writ.'. Quarter fourth floor: R rsvhm U,i than-19000, Taylor k don, H. Will -5iiS Vy jBefl p'hon Woodland8200.. knd"for 6ur sale or rent list BEND uj,0'.u'ALLEN POTTa iffUQ chuiihwhj. ,n 1END FOR LIST Afe u B2d and Hsltlmore ave. v.. H APSLEY, Mth and forlngfls Ingflsld rKUANTOWN svv i'our prlc""la""llJ.000 t 118,000 and you if wint dUehd Jious with amsl lawn end for particular of .Wfti a hav m4et. tAN. DOLMAN Chestnut au. mz, galnat 2MT. .'hi t0V.IN0'roN1 SJTII AND CHESTNUT- In iNfiTcTS M,rt ?,' Wl?s? piuia" the c6v. HAVEN ' th8 ENtJLESIDB, IJ&AfJl! vtry noueriiconvenienre ann acu.cy. .,i'.T.-r.EW Y' the Large house KEi Pino, suites, Left, they are thb FINEST IN PHILA.. HAVING 80UTHERNT awoi..v, ttii ivr.ni r.un r.Ai imiikh with 13TH. 14TH AND I0TH WAitunui EliS. SELLERS AND. RENTBHS, SEE K" riiEDRICH ft CO . 801 N. 12THST. faTH ftfTN.. 817-810 Look these over: rented l".". ?.. ':'... , taann. nrico I7S00. subject to isloo 8 room, hot-water heat, ga ano; eiso. kSnSU.,n4.iro.K.?0mro,dr?nV.! t',DAViiaLCRAWORmD.,tJir..tBjfLDER O. ivm " i ii ii i I -" I i ii . !- 1 rooSS llilni F hill hol-wttr ht!. Uctflc ii Is. TUff m&TLtiils ESTATE BULLETIN w b. aent 1o yiu by jn) iBPlleatlni. Germantowa y..ilit Co Chelten and Qermantown ave., . SiiR NEW RENT and site list at Oermantowa 0 .ad Chestnut Hill prosertle sent n applica tion h 'u. lUUt ft Son, 8812 Oermtntown av. H- you ARK LOOKING FOR A HOME la Osr EoalffitDWlt tf 8of; siH ormantoww ' "w"rif 8. & Tourtop.j,T017Boyf at Mt. Airy. Cnaataa EVENING LBDaBEr-PfllLABELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Continued trom Preceding Column cnrisTNTjT miA. DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Oermantown, Chestnut Hill. Main Lin. ivi rivnmc A F.MLEN Commercial trustgulldlng SEVERAl. DESIRAnt.B PROPERTlEa MINTURN T. XVRJGHT CO. Morri Building. Tlotn WE HAVE THB HOUSE TOtl WANT KENNEDVNA'rp!gMf,0?lalEMANTOWN. lgan HEAL ESTATE, mortgage and conveyancing. WM. D, CHAMBERS. 4838 U Broad tt. rENNSriA'ANIA SUDURRAV BROOKL1NE Brand new det. dwlg.. 7r. 1 b.. water heat, elecr., B0xl25 88S0 only 1410 cash required: will exchange. ... J. ELMER WATTS, npp. Hrooklln 8tatlon. . DARBY Widow to sacrifice at 13700 brick cor. 8 story 10-room dwelling: all conv.: big lot 28x140 to driveway. Swope & SonaDarby; DARBY ONLY M030, brick "7"-room, dweillngi heater, bath, chicken houses lot 18x118. SWOPE A SONS, Darbyj ELKINS PARK New single dwelling. 10 rpomsi hnt-waler heat; nrln 111X00. McCorm Ck Mo- Cormlck, 1011 Cheetnut t. and Elkln Park. QLENtHDB HOMES and building Jlte. every description. RENNINOEH nENNINQER. uitnsiae. ra. SOUTH . ARDMORB-M.arga stone,, and frame buncalowi newi living room: dining roomi kitchen and laundry, with tub: three large bedroomsj tile bath: hot-water, heat: ea and electricity: near station, school, churrhe and stores: lot 78x120: price I4S0O. WM. 8. DAVIS, office at the elation. . BWARTHMORE Excellent location, near train room and bath on 2d, floor:, large lotl old shsdei garage- reasonable price. CHESTER OSBORNE. 1524 Chestnutst. WILL, SACRIFICE iHI-acre country, eat, nr Amnier. ror quick sale: new uoioniai nmnion. 12 room. 8 bath. delgned by Sayery. Scheeti A,Saery. Remodeled Colon at farmhouse with Revoluntlonary War associations, 2 ten ant houses; Urge barn: poultry houe: ga rage with flvlng quarter, etc.: lawn, shrub bery. hds and great abundance of fruit! a, rare bargain: full detail on requeetl will how by appointment. , H. J. DAGER. INC. Ambler, ra. TOU WILL pas our ortlce br train, or trolley or motor right at Ardsley sUllon: It. will pay sou to stop oft at the Worth pienslde Land Co.'a tract and see our bungalows and land Improvement W. G. Glenn. Land Title Bldg. . CHOICE BUILDING SITES it-iil nti arg. ARTHUR P. TOWN8END. Langhorne. Pa. BUBURBAN HOMES FOR. SALE OR RENT WENDELL t MASBET Real Esiate Trust SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for catalogue, , , BROWN CLOUD. Norrlstown. P. nltlnmn.thr TtT!AT. UTflTATRl Any price. All locations. 8aT or .rent. CHARLES J. HOOD ft CO.. Morris Did. SELECT Properties Country sests, farms! list orders nowV LEWIB T. BROOKE BON. nil aoutn renn sq. troowuE.iJigi2i. LAROE LIST OK SUBURBAN HOMES, sal or rrnt. on the Main Llna or Reading R It. WM. II. WILSON & CO.. Morris Building. SUBURBAN . RESIDENCES for ale or rent! aitricuve location, price riant. u,. .. Hoover. Real Estate Trmt Bldg. HnbiirbonliOj LANSDALE 27 bldg. lot, best residential -tlon in Lansdale: also 2 large bldgs., all for 13900, A II. TYSON. Ljnsdale,Pai 8PRINOFIBLD Villa plot. BOxlSf feet: price 16S0. 60x170 feet, price 00: all afreet Im provements: BO minutes lo City Hall: p-cent fare from 60th street. 110 mpnihly: no taxes, no Interest. L 68.1. Ledger Central. , MAIN LINE. P. R. R. DRYN MAWR New stone house. In best sec tion, with Ideal surroundings; 3 bathrooms, 7 chambers: garage with man's room and batn. Particulars upon request. MAURAN DOL MAN & CO., N E. Cor. Broad and Chest- nut sts. NARUERTH A new house. Montgomery avenue near tollsate. with all convenience. W. B. SMITH. r,n02 Drexel road Overlirook. OWNER desiring "to leave town wishes 1 to In terest buyer; Main Line, property I2-J,m, house; modern Improvements: acre srouna, 8 minutes to train or trolley: near schools, price and term attracts e. II O.iO. Ledger central. SUBURBAN HOMES, country place nd build ing site tn unit all requirement; Main Line. II. C HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. NEW JERSEY SPRURnAN LIPPINrOTT LOTS AND HOMES JIADIHJM IlhiUJtl 1 j, f Wlt.l r.LF.T LIPPfNCOTT A UMft.t.ir.L'MHn" TOWN IIADDONFIELD HOMES I2T80 TO ,fJ4,0Op. C. P PETERS k SON. 609 CHESTNUT ST. LARGE PLOTS A HOMES. HIGH ELKVATipn Cheap Folder. L.BNOOK, Woodbury Hat ,N J, PENNSYLVANIA TABMS 180 ACRES, stock and dairy farm: good build ings, yn'TnMpgpij, Wt,t Chester. Pa... NF.W JKRWKV FARMB DELAIR, N. J. 30 acres 0-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit. 2 acres asparagus; 80 fare from Camden, cheap; J4200 noaaENTINB ns.lO Oermantown av. ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest tO-JdelPhla. j.Phlladelpnn sTfaW.' J. """ BARLOW'A C6.'."M.PU REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AN rnt. I .D SUBUBpANorpnertles for sal or Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land iuildlng. Philadelphia. Pa. Title Building CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sala and rsnt. . JAMES P. WINCHELL. 17th andSansgjnjj. PENNSYLVANIA HUnURRAN t. . - utrwrt asKA !( hnnii ynL at iTljrli..Vlamu.rcrW.Vn-.r:-Jr.-. Comm'rcla" Trust . Bldg.. 16th and Markt. sal .or MAIN LINE. P. E. B. MAIN LINE Rest lln of Main Lin Ither for U or. rent, at all price HIRST McMULLIN. Vt End Tru In houses, Trust Bldg. R. E.-SALE OR EXCHANOE LAROE APARTMENT HOTEL 3 squsre. Broad and Chestnut: rvm.be sold cheap or take trade. Owner. L 740. Ledger Ortlce. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE WE MAkE A SPECIALTY of xchangln what you have for what you wan y KERSHAW ft CROWIi, 8: li". 8 Chestnut. PICTURE THEATRE, rented, pn good! bus ness street, to exchange for small houses! highly prnfltabla Investment. L 747, Ledgsr Central. WANTED Northern auburban property In ex. chang for clear city property, valued at 118,000. L 810. Ledger Offlc. REAL ESTATE WANTED WB NEED Ing from y badly, rent- esuus, "W Go Anywhere for Business. V Btis REAL ESTATE men, contractor and builder. CENTRAL HOU8F. WRECKING CO., 856-88.60 N. 7TH ST, , u t la now open for business to demolish house and will cheerfully, furnish estimate. TaiTeFUI. ATTENTION to collection of natal " Wl.ilft'WJlffJSMC !.: uth ... REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY STORES AND DWELLIN08 In all section of 8, E. cor. 8th ana Callowh)ll. OUR nENT LISTQLADLY sent upon application. WM. O. OLENN. , " 1017 17 Columbia avs. SEND FOR R OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TIT CITLH AND TJ AND TRUST CO. uro.ag apq ynssti hsstnut sts, 84f) . 1BTH BT. 1 ROOMB AND 2 BATHS M ft BROWN. 202 8. 11TH BT. MEARS AMBLER AVE. rsr). bsiow Olrard avs.. west of l3tn story, IthS story. 4 rooms, good order: low fntlksy No. 1. WM. L. CRAVEN'B SONS. 112 SOUTH 17TH 4T,, cornerIB room and S bathrooms. a vua ii ui iikuaai 1411 Walnut st. RENTAL LISTS BUILDINO. N. W. corner 10th and Ingrsoll. ID uainarinv . , oisivo piirion ,., ALFRED H. WILLIAMS, 823 Walnut st, Busln Properties and Btores sat ARCH ST. imwv- liqi dBYsinut t. fa o. tin i. i S. lito St. l?8K ft Walnut U III -. Mb Ik ii: KET 8tT i! i inu i. jMim 14.111 MARKET ST. Two upper floorat Sit .7 .-.7- II .T'J.-. . s 20 D? llflt elevatart alAlrlltii atom hitlt mp .N(,ni... uiltl xu or no; sisvator; MYERS ft IIARTH, Rldg ave, and 10th st, 183 a. If tit ST Especially adapted for mo dtat or mljUner.,. Bamusl W, Levi. Real Estate Trust Building Store and Dwellings 1617 OERMANTOWN AVE. Larg store and aivtiiwii iijaras riwui Bio (on!, cot ana cold water; new- rang, new- canunt floor lo csilar antt yardi Una new front: suited for cigar stor or lotrk (ho rspalrlnr or cloth. in xj, vvca oons. 1518 n, iioii. 2108 OATIIARINEO room, wltac ,20. FattorUs. lVarthouses. Mfg. ilaors Metropolitan Building "$? r-Ago Fireproof $o twitvag KT Cohocksink iliils .SSJF"-" Hiaoi.. ism m ins ?'i f..tt4?y SIoaBarwc .,...,?!" Ia uamao ..,,,., 25 820 Indiana , 15 IMS Ingersoll 40 Holly ...,..., IS i26& Wstmlnstsr ay. 13 HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT rctorle. Warnnn, Mfg. Fler Continued from Prcoedlap Column FLOOR SPACE In modern building; n. R aldlnc. ub-postofnee: uperlor light for manufactur ing: In rato, 4 eta.t loted N. B. cor. 11th and Washington aye. Phone Dickinson 1410. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO . Desirable rooms; power and light. JTtr OT M 1IA.4K Manufacturing floors; (learn heat and power. vviy rtnni wd an ijneainui at. THREE-STORY, brick. 40x60. one-stnrv addl-iUHV!-. r2i. "?..."" ' A. Mlddleton. y"'' r .it imrucr XIQ$, ,l'iyE.i.PAnTT..who win erect nulldlng. central or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH, 787 Walnutt. , IJAJS8.Bv,"'?un.1, flooI Pcet'"8th and Walnut, with back street for shipping. J. A. PATTERSONlX?) fl. lBlhj Garage 1518 LATIMER ST. (near lBth nnd Spruce sis.) rrS'V.'X10 Hht... cement floor: size 20x38 a'ti'air40 t"T nwnfh. WHtTESlbE & McLAN- . A HAN, corner 18th njin- orncKa. iiusinkss rooms, rtc. HEED, nttlLDINO 1.ii'TM Fllhert ,t. ratedi all convenlenct v'.IViSL'iT. ,,.c!14' ." convenience! rent at- -.-v..,., turn hci-tic continuous Pifil P.0""' l?0, HBO. 280.860,45O,1600. ?,"' 3 Trn., IJ278, MoA.MSO.IftM.itiun.Mfiii. ViJ W1,Ww.4.!?.8 Adorns. 1650 to 16oO. El LIS D. Wlt.l. 1AMS. 860 Drexel Building. MERCHANTS' BUILDING w. " nun 111 irit btiebt, Very dulrabl offlces. heat and light. CL9E5f ,,. p'r tnonth and uu: Includes healT light, elevator and Janitor service. -T,A.PAtTERSON.. 130 fi lBtn t. C'lBSTNUT ST., 024 2d floor; large sk"yMinui fnn"1c,psC8 f?r rehltect. LEA E8TATES. i tvi asnsom t. JtfiiKm2.t?4S"8vrl f"sesi large rear icom fr merchandise, electric freight elevator. Professional Offlen PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1831-38 Chestnut 1 ('."-.'"Uf ' Physician or dentists. J, T. JACK.SON CO., Cheslnutand 18th. CHESTNUT ST,. 1820 prof, offlces and studios, steam heat, electric light, running water. WE1T PHILADELPHIA HERMAN BROTHERS, 6010 MARKET nouses aparimenis, stores. Near OOTH ST. "I," STATION Business Pro oertlea and Stores ST-??BTAIfD, FIXTURES. 4622 Market and n?" L station i rent 127. JAMES N MITCHELL, 46th and Market. OERMANTOWN ISO DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS - ., . . 8"d . for List, .. Contlnental-Equltable Trust cio., 21 8. 12th. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BROOKLINE Brand new det. dwlgs.. 7r. . watsr heal, electr.. Urge lots. 126.80, US. 36 .uI)!JiJ?LMER WATTS, opp. Drooklln Sla. ELKINS PARK For rent. No. 20 Tark ave. Apply on premises or J. T. Jackson ft Co. j oBaraion nepiemoer 1. NORTH OLENBIDE. 127: attractive 8-room nouse- 101 iunxii7; shads. Rennlnger iisn. . nlnger. Olenslds. Pa. MAIN LINE. P. R. n. ARDMORE 30 St Paul' road, 12 room. ISO! 2 bathsi tares lot W B SMITH 60B2 Drexel road. Overbrook. nqSLMONT 15 rooms. 3 baths garage, garden: beautifully papered; white, enamel woodwork: I'?r "tptlonj 1 1-3 acres, rent per mo.. 1100. HARBERT I CLAOHORN, 204 Bailey Iildg. COMFORTABLE home-llk country home with ?;' SSPXS JU,,1" : state your requirement. J. M FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Pa. POR RENT FURNISHED rENNS7iVANL SUBURBAN DALA For rent, to coupl without children, de lightfully situated furnished house on yearly lease, from September 1, convenient to train and trolley: rental J4S per month. Address Room 808, 008 Chestnut st. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTOAOB Re It first servlct au It first or second li ou deslr ertlcent Ice quick nnd satisfactory results and moderat eharaea CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US. "Your mortgage will be as good as placed." NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut L FHIBT MORTGAGES J1700 I am Offering good mortgage, secured on new awsmng nouses, elerfrln llaht. hnrHvvnnrl flnnra. utaII nivlnr H rnnmR hAl.uil.i heating. rented. Interest 8 4-10 per (.ent. Title and fire .-!;- ;-i' :"::. '..."-- ."- insurance and mortgage pnp-ra free of ex pens. Arthur J. Leupold. 1218 Chestnut st. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINQ GARDEN 150 TO I200O To loan on real estate security; Immediate sttlsment; psyabla a desired. EbW. M. MOLL 138 8. 12TH ST. MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH i PARKER. INC. 1481 WALNUT ST. MONET AND MORTGAGE LARGE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS VT. It. HOOD. 812 WEST NORRIS ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOB FUNDS JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut at. FUNDS for first and second mortgage. J, J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. 1100.000- TO INVEST In first mortgage. In aums from S1000 up: also building association money for cond mortgage O. C. BBIDEL A CO.. 4th and Calldwnlll sts. WORRELL funds for first and VV UJVaVOUU SECOND MORTGAOES OOD n. 17111 T. 1 100," 1200 TO 15000 TO LOAN, LEWIS ft CO, $50 1227 W Olrsrd v. ilOrEY for mortgages; Bucks County " ARTHUR P. TOWNSCND Lincoln Bldg., Phlla. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES icaBon&mn Lnirifi. JOHN A. BARRY. 807 LAND TITLE RLDG. "nUII. OINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATB ROBERT J NASH 'lOfll CHESTNUT ST. PRIVATB .AND TRUST FUNDS J. EDWARD LUT2. 240 N. 17th st, "MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES" " T. A, REDDINO ft SON 709 WALNUT ST, 820.1 SPRUCE ST. llOO.OOO AT 4i4 PER CENT WILL DIVIDH JOHN A. BARRY. 807 Land Title Bldg. THREE BUILDING AHM.N'H meeting this wssk witn niAniv or mo loney for mortsaces. WM JAMES KEOOH, bou Land Title Hldg. "TRllBT FI'NDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOB HERKNESS ft STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO ARTHUR ROSWELL. 235 N. 1STH ST. FUNDS FOR 1ST lND 2D MORTGAOES PrvrfS ft THOMSON, 2521 Frankford av. - "ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES itllc aniwNP. 1AUR1CE H. MAT8INOER Real Est. Tr. Bldg. MONE 5?WoWJoSl . FRITZ. 1106 LQd AQES JACOB A Title Bldg. LOANS Larg or small sums fii rsal estate, Judgment notes or morigsgssi loins on unsit- li.d .states. DEMPBET ft CO., 27 8. 16th. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2B JipgTaAUSS -piirn E. NICKLE8. 2318 Osrmsntown ave. MOKTUAUTiB. r.V- OiVUlU WE WAriT MORTGAOES. flrt, second or'gplltj 5faWK4!l?njiYeiri!hiT itEADYFUNIJS for good flrt morttas brlni c!iialiIoiLN--5 iUJ Jtea VJs-i, TiwJfERa IfToi- mortgage hi been called. I .i i laks It up: a so 2 morigags , monsr. SJiUJo.!. 'r. nrSXTNEn. 1420 Chestnut .! "and 2d mtgs.l bWg. and privats undsi qulox and stlsfetor resuli, moderat chirge. W."rinN ESTATE gill Ksnlfngton avs. li'ANEY for first and aecond mortgageiTgll3nT "association and Instalment morTgagas. WfljU. f.,-i..Vi.. r-ntnnanr. 1001 Chtstnut at. STJNbS for irst ani on4 iuoriwgri any amount; quick "' 'ft?n',W' MH-LBn-ni..n7 Commonwsalth Building. S'MEROEN'CY FUNDS placed at ojieal iny gurti tmmsdlat. apawen lowest .' N- DB nr 1112 Lincoln. Broad and Psnn sq. 1'iT. ailOUNTa to loin en' 1st and Id mtgef. Chas. Z. P Young' 400 W. EndTrrnst Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN "YOU CAN BORROW TODAY 16 1M $zua Kif ii rluJl up.to.dats msll lhon Walnut 483.0Pe a. m. 10 e p. a. HOUSEiiOlJL 1.UAJN UU, iai South Broad Street fixtof orresi ineatn f toQRROWMONBY-' ND3. JEWELS, JW"! -H ried""" Ka JgSSS AND OXFORD ST. VU ' 22n AND SOUTH STS. also 4He"r IM at S,P'rnt- lolrst. Pay: P"1 "'-.Klrt flhrtt tat your conteniane. uol Bscond MoOIl. H5"5 JSUW The Young Lady Across the War &4 Tho youns lady ncrosi the way says ahe saw In tho paper that several young- EiiRllsh curatea nro In the trencjtes, and ho supposes the supply of regular physicians Is so short that they're etad to Bet any one who knows anything- at all about such things. Wise Senator "I never lose my temper," re- marked Senator Sorghum. "Yet there must be things that mako you Indignant." "Of course. But a state of indig nation Is too likely to mako a man think ho Is lmprcsslvo when ho Is only amusing." ANOTHER OP WAR'S 3?s?v IRl ", "There goe our bllnkln' RUMOR nAS IT THAT A FISH WJL,1f'T - saJaxiasaaa.ai f . . . . . . . .. . . . NHlLEAWiVV ' C.AN-T WArr ro sit DOWN Ye 3UPB05B TntBE vcv.1 K A LOT VTniUCrMWfAl YMA, TAfil.e- - VMENiTHiNKOFAUTHt OB DAM.INfa.AND aou4"Y. tHAT'S TM" PL ACE lRtriH COUNTP.Y lio'T!:,HOWPA0 uuiistitiifie- -a.. I'UE SELKf-TED TO APPit- Pi z, UttAu rAH.K,E6SH "BOIA TM AU KIWS5 0i SWlUOllfU .CAajOS tPfNt fAV VACATION COW THAT lA UOIN'TO GfcT . rXlOtri "A.UTlNti AND CCAtrl PfctXlE!, I WONbER WMAT v ,V fAOONLRjHT 6eO,niONt. - ,y,. iikc. T Tret r3 iCxaaaaal rAT PAUKA BfAtM SUIT iTbUHfc (&&$&'&& 4SH WlU, C0AE IH liAKlO ro rJ uniT&Yo SLEEP M DEAR OWD WHILE MW-1 A J - ( rA A. NTV!'. Vy ll TO BE LUU.6P T0 5!.tEP I I , CAN pitTURP IT IM fAI AiSr' 1 WPRVi S' U Of ' L YM& UKULELE AND TO BE AN oi-D OErv BUCKET- i J1 l H AWAY T RtAucio5M,oNB count v $ffV2tKL -?O0(n HL I V &0H -X LAUNCH TO TAKE VOU AjcrrSrfZP C?k IL ? J-jy-'T.1''' -- I VNMwRt- 0U WANfTOtiO- 4vT" SkCT i)PK VNflT I - aPS. b 3fev 1916. SCxvAPPLE THE THE BUNK OF A BUSY BRAIN LITTLE COMEDIES :r ? n MfVS&.JP London Syatandsr. parapet again." WAS CAUGHT YESTERDAY A I A ' .t k jf I " (no THAMks, V y l IU(S6AGE 1 X'VE PLEATfW f PADDED CELL A Wallop PUno Fidnd What do you think of my phtylnsT Bar Castle You ought to be w1U Moxart. Piano Field Moxart T Why; ho'gi dead I Bar Caatlc I know It Light Occupations PR6M (V HC-VYI Wfr PiANt 6ESTMiM At THt VMEbDlHtr OP tub VJINOi SrfAFOoiNb WAR OH fU6 HEAbOPAUAKlT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRwJaaaKaaaaaaaaaP HHH.HHLw il If Ovvv Ufetrr SHs Hi V jj-t- SONET LOANED to heir efUMettled estate. I $$ 8teJiii oir flftu' sl 9- l-u u - I'logre. SOOO to IS 000 d, ft Cbeas miu. k?swm -t-"! W9 9JAH emyJ W agi.t-