Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7
:f:m EVENING LEDGEE-PniLADELPniiV MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1916. ,T .1 ; ' jJiMXJu iyyg ' teroOKS START HIGHER, THEN FALL AND ADVANCE AGAIN LATE IN DAY jfnlted States Steel Common Leads Marine Common and preierrea snares nit New Top Marks New ring at Low Levels Buyi High Points in Today's Financial Ncios Philadelphia bank statement for last week showed a big increase in-de-,,. J Innnit and BUrnlus lucre. Inmcr nj t..t.. . y. . "" ..," ac $t York and London. Cotton, gram and stock markets stronger. Foreign "ttchango dull. NEW "Vnmr. A !,, 91 fir not atwnys smooth sailing for the bulls nor trnnnuit tim for i,ni,i,. i .locks. When bull operations arc In process and nrlccs nro moving i 1,1-w ftLi. there are reactions nt frequent Intervals, which come In mini, n n.,n K to en"8 nervousness In bullish ranks, as was shown by the action of the stock lifket in iuu. " c It requires stamina mm nerve 10 pass tnrougli such periods ami still retain Utlve lines, uut moso wun tnoso qualifications generally niijlcc largo pronts ..it MAwnmant to tin. Pnflni, tlini-n ..,..... ..I . Sten o ulm """ - " ""j ... lYtiu viHuruus advances in tno lnorn- 2!" ... ..-,. ..1 Clntnd QlnM .rt,..rr, .... a11Im .a nt .,.,. hit "lln unlluu Jl"'v- "-' -u"""'" oKiiiuK in i, wunin & or us hlRli record 1 of 1909, wlillo Marine common boUI at the new high record of 39i. mid Marino preferred also make a high record, soiling at 104. Many other Issues made substantial upturns, but thoro was diminished vigor Si the trading around and aftor midday, when Marino preferred dropped to below ijj and tno cuiiuuuu muvn . m inu sumo nine mere was a sudden Iw'ply of St. Paul, partly through C. p. Barney & Co., on which that stock yielded more than 1 point, and fractional losses wero sustained In many of the ither railway shares. These recessions, when they occurred, caused some nervousness, but the lower tola brought In now buying orders on a largo scale and In tho last hour there ik. a resumption of tho upward movement, with quick recoveries In tho stocks y,aa w . , ... . , ... . ... khlch had snown iuauo, wu unman uuuiuiiairauons in oincr issues, wnicu wero , t has lilrvli Mlfina few tlm .1m then carriea iu "; ...t," f.. u. n.u Uu,, COTTON PRICES SOAR ON STRONG CABLES Strength at Liverpool Results in Covering Movement ana Big Advances NFW YORK. Aug. 21. Tho cxtraordl- PJirr strength of Liverpool cables this morn- ht I'd to a covering movement nere ui W opening that' rushed first prices up It '! 11 nolnts. An Increasing demand for PocioW shorts later advanced that delivery Tr, tlHt. or 21 points aoovo oaiurunya di 'Later months meantime wero cor YMpo'naingly active nt 18 to 23 polnu net Shortly after tho opening thoro was a bid ,.,in t Tnnnnrv and It Immediately fyrtneed to JH.69, with October Increasing PThe eany auvuiim ......... .............. V- .. ..-... m n oft nnlntu Tipf nltrhpr. 'lth October relatively strong nnd making nrh rxpnrd.q for tho season. fti Rut. eloiie. Onon. II a.m. 12m. nhi, li.-o it. -ill it.ii.i ,,,.11,iU A ".! "" ...14.IIJ n.7i H.bu '...H.IH ...u.st n.ui) .... .. .14.45 rJmutrr iurcn VV " rluir Mwt .. I4.rvi 14. an 14. (II 14.77 ! p.m. 14.ll.t u. nn 14.7a 14.87 Liverpool Cotton UVERPOOL, Aug. 21. Thcro was only ' moderate demand for spot cotton today at aa advance of 6 points on tho basis of Hid tor mid-upland. Tho sales wero 7000 V.i.. inMmilnir C200 bales American: tho ! receipt! (9,000 bales, of which 41,200 bales trere American. Tho -marltet ror lutures t closed very steady at a net advance of WAQU points. big Jump in deposits 'ma and Surplus of Local Banks Also Larger for Week ,Tha statement of tho condition of tno ictmbers of tho Philadelphia Clearing Hoasa Association for the last week showed fii;Uj gain In deposits. Bank deposits In creased J5.182.00O ana tne muiviauai ae pMlti roae $4,183,000. Loans advanced 1191.000 and trie surplus was i,sm,uuu Urcer than the previous week. Details Increaso Aiiff. 21. "10. DIf. prv. wk. filxwit. (Ind) k emulation PCuInm bank ... UWKilU of banka ru ucftrmc jiouso xrve held IRiMrvt rewired . . (fjrpluj .... SCSurplui Auitutt r7 i- .SOI),'J0S,UO0 lUl.O.i.dUtl U,41S.0U0 72.1188.000 1(111,387,000 13.310,000 1(IO,OS2.000 7II.B87.000 30. 303,000 1015. was $.-,01,000 4.18.1,(100 1.0UII B.R4B,00() B.182,000 1,000 1,741,000 382,000 1 .111000 $31,807,000; limit :,1. 1013. $10,30(1,000; Aueuat 10, 1012, liy,000: August 21, 1011, $0,303,730. (-'Decrease. New York Bond Sales lllah. Low. Close. r.000 Alak Old cv 0s Scr A 113 OS lift Cooo Amcr Arg cv Bs 10Ji 1II2H 10J $3000 Amor Ar deb 3 0Ii 07 07 "3bOUO Anglo-1'r 3 03V4 U3'i 10 107000 Am Korclsn Sec Ba.... IIS',S 08 118 3U0O Amcr Tel clt 4s Ul4 OlVi 01H 0000 do ct Ilia 110H 110 110H 1000 Amor Tobnc 4a S2H 2,i 82 11000 Armour Co 4'4a 03V4 M 3S 10300 Atchison Ren Is H3H Vl D34 2000 Allan Co Mno clt 4a.. blVl SI'i S1U 1000 Ualt & Ohio 3'is OJW 024 02H B0UU do Ba 1UU lllO'i liHi'i 1000 do 4a 00U VO't OOU 31000 do cv I'.ia U4 '.Ui 4l 220UU lleth Ut'ccl rM fit 100. loo'-, 1UHH 14000 Can Govt 4a 1031 10(1. Kill 100, llimil do lii-Jil HUH !'HJi '.'''' HOOUII do 1U31 HWji mo loo L'000 C C O iren 4Ha 7S 784 7N noon Cent l.cuthi'r 1st Sa . .10J 1U 102 7U0O Cent l'ac 1st 4a US. MH hs, 1U00 Cent 11 II M J Oa...nil',i 1 1 UV6 1HH4 I.ooo Chill Conner 7a...... 124 IV! I 121 7IIUH ChM ft Ohio cv 4H.. K& 4'4 ' 21000 Cliea & Ohio cy Bs... I3., U'JH 0.1 1O0O Chl h Alton 3Wa .... filiH B'.i-b ftu KIO0U Chl 11 a Q Joint 4 .. IIS 118 OS. 3000 Chl II & q 111 3Ha ... 8.IT h:i'i 83ft fiOUO Chl M 4 Mt P conv Ba.ltiT 111?. 107,, 10(1011 do cv 4Ws 1004 looVi IHilVl 200U do Ben lja llio'i llMf lll'i'i 1000O C M ft P 4a 01" lllt HI'i B1000 Chl R 1 & P rrd 4a .. 711 71 Vi 71 S niou do Ba r.n B8H r,s, L'(lili) do Bs ct on atn Ml nil 2000 Chl llwy Ea .07,, 07 D7 loooo Culmn Am Siwar (H..1U21; liu'i K-' 10000 Krle conv 4a 8er D... 83H W.Vi 8.. 21000 Kla & llnst Co 4'4a.. U7V4 07W 07W 11U0H Iloclt Val 44a DO '" H BOdil Intcrb It T ref 5a 08., 118 08 211O0U Inter Jler Mar ct 4',4b.10s', 108J4 losji 1020011 do w 1 lis 07ti II7W ' BOOO Jap new O a 4.4a... 81 81 HI 7000 Jnpnncso new 4',jia... 834 8.'.4 8BV4 1000 K O Ft S & M 4a... 7,lW 73ja 7B 14000 Liicka Steel Sa 1030.. Ill U'l'i 1 :il)00 Laclede Una lat BS...10.' , 10J,, 102 4000 Lis & SI T B 102H 102!j lUiU 1000 .M.inhattiin atn 4a.... 8UU au). KUU 22IMHI .Mo Pac w I la I1B' (I5 0i; 1000 Mont Power Ba t'7S OTA "4 12000 SYCa Hud Cs 1121 142ft 112 1000 do 4a 81 M HO1 SOOOrt NYC :ia May, 1034 112 U2 02 2000 do 44a 10(10 102. 102t 102J. 21000 do 4ta 111(13 WStt 10S4 108 H 1200(1 do 4Mb 10t 103 JIM 1. , 1000 N V N II & II 0a....ll2H 112'4 112'4 (1000 N Y llwy ref 4a 7BU 7B1 7.; 7000 do adl Ba B74 57V4 B7H 27000 N Y Tel gen 4A a .... UJJi "JJd Ji7J 48000 Nor 1'ao prior 4a .... 1UT OUn Jil'j lllliil do Ben as W" "JJ J,V 10011 Ore Short Lino ref 4a. 01' OUi UIH 3000 Paclllc Tel Bs.. 101 IJU l 11000 Tenna Ben ct 4H ...1014 101U 1II1U BIIOOO do 4ft a 1021.. Ill" look l(i. l.'.OOO neadlns sen 48 n4 !; ; 1000 llepub Cuba Ba 1014.. 0U4 0BV4 0(JV KOOO .ip Ir & H B.WlV-." SS '43 7? 3000 ht L IM18 Olf 4a. 7J 73 73 11O00 StLtS P uja w I. . . HIS "IS " 4000 doaerAw bhS d8j 8Ji BOOO do ser U w 1 8S 84 Hl 2000 Seaboard A L adj Bs.. 'l 04 l 11000 So Pao cv ret p Be.. 101 l3n 103H lonoo do rrd 4a ......... HJ MK J5 10000 South l'ac Term .Bs.. HI'i H3Jf 8.) 26000 South Tlvty sen 4a... 71K 71 71 BOOO do con 6a Ipl in fa 1 ' 1(1000 Sparta 4a OJS ;? -1 1000 'l'inn C jet It , , ?1, ''s,, 53000 v a Stjfl s PSa 1 5h los in 21000 Union acrfd la.... im 00 00 7000 Un tlwys.S F 4s... . B3 83H .34 2100(1 Wub-P T lat ct t p 4a. 32 3J .1- 1(1(10 WeatN Y a Pa 4a.... K4 84 M 300(1 Wert Md 1st 4s.,... 72',5 724 7-'4 23000 West 11 S SJ cv B8...121 110 1-1 300(1 Wet Bhoro 4 8Js "!? ,gJ 1000 West Union Bs 1011 1015 101J PHILADELPHIA MARKETS iii l SL JM.a KTiT1 lvi r.iunc aa. ooiiea. ooneiCBa, jw - wuam 8, P. cured, loose, i". " . TrLra 1iilXn hnlrf)ir Itnran. AM tO PROVISIONS Thra mi a fait Inhhlnv demand and the Efurket ruled firm. Quotation follows City w..ln sets" smoked and air dried. 2.8c; west- VP ,wr. in sets, smoked. 28cs. city di. fjjiicklei and tenders, smoked and air dried, K.vreitem beef. knuckleB und tenners, smoiieu, w 2Muaui poric. miiy.r'-'i P. cured, loose. laU W 1,84 c; do. 9t. tu- -" V.,'.- . -T..I ...l rt In .--, uLittr laun. nmuHru. Lifcjr u... - M and average. lu4 c: hams, smoked, west -" vuivu, tffloki tftnn. JfoM ma average, city cured. 22o; breakfast f on. western cured. 21c: lard, western, reijiieu. .,. Uic: do. do. do. tubs. Hi,iVj". city, 'kettle rendered. In tlerceB, 14 c; . da. In tuba. 1414 c. REFINED SUGARS iYt l.-& a a. .a. i Jt. T9 sKnBrl' iPJflefs; . Etra line Branuluted. 7c; pow tfeltltH col,,ect,oner' Al B,UUc " "rde3' DAIRY PRODUCTS mpPQW rt iili 4 ihA r.t1 iiirv'ilv"r"a wer linn a"" .:"": IWreUd nrm with a Mir flemand. Quoutlons; IfiX Vh rul cream, fancy, liii-K IK n do- do, fair to good, X7CJ17hci rgr 48i, vttyioc. POULTRY LTVM nr..i j.-i li. -..i .Ad mnl. ) M the market ruled steady with trade rVf- Quotatloniil 7imiIi. iRMHIci roosters. ?'; scrlmr rhlrken. apenrdlns to quality. lece. 2l22a; wiL .'.""'(- ""( i.'oa lbs. and over according to quality. CT eUck.ns. smaller sixes, 1020oi whits irf"1?' according to quality. 170100; ducka. t Mirt.lBa, 1aty. 15B1TC! PUeons. ma. usioc oo, youns", per pair, no"" FRESH FRUITS S H?4,er moderate offerings. Quotations! KT .Vli"!""" ana Mary una. per name" ?? IIW1 23. fair to aood. 357Bci lemons. ioSa V " Pineapples, per cte. Florida. LSftai .peaches. VlrBlnla. .per carrier-. 1Z0Z KQ. Carmen. 11,2501.75: Mountain .HAw'Taj Ptari, 'North Carolina, per cantaloupes. Dela wars. ana iij .. 7BCOI1.25: grapes. North Csro ilaware. per crate, I125O1.B08 V..H .a llMIBBaa. ' lifftV ' w. tar pearn, "waj, vamaiou &Ste. per car. llBU4a;a. VEGETABLES W14.,r,J,.'alr and prices g-enerally wers fe S?lo'jyaa- Quotations: WWU potatoes. i'fe No. 1 Eastern Shore. I2.2S02.75; MftJ,f'ero Bhore: 1101733; No. 1 Norfok. C.. No. 2 MaWaiT, ti fei ''.i! whlta pota- ;.JJMy. La rn, ? oj'Vii.pen,ni5S!r" f WC! dn O..:. ","7' "TI.-.'-.i 1 vr. ?:& ?J,insylvanla. per 100-lb. bag. M.W IJiS'asbliigton. per 100-lb. af. I2.1S ,;- uKinia. Br jusket. Iiai.- GRAIN AND FLOUR EpWAtv. ssa mah. ,. icbsI,Ji. .ur nnUflg iilna VebbI.NT,rT3.2T877? jersey, per : per hamper. ?!"'5 a. T.llMaln(a nd ,11 ....h m,,. VT&8 & kOft demand and 'nrlcea further advanced .0C8 rn. Intm ,n ovnnrt elVH tOr--NO. .pot. II 50 til a Kd. ' uuthttn red. J rea, j-'x.'..' M1V11I as? ai, Itaima KTn nt Vfi i - tVWcelpt. 8J53 bush. The market was .Wjrtsg,, Quotations Car loU for local i.". W location Wulira No. S yellow. a7o,,taaer yellow B80B7c. do. No. .fci;? eo. No. 4 yellow. mw-e- 'YSrlpU, 10.47 bush. OfferTngs wer i Vff rxet ruled ftrro, but dtfaana lBder,te. QuotaUons: Vo. a wb'te. J white, 40W O30Hc; No. 4 white. 4840c; sample 0aFi.04Un-Hecclpls. 420 bbls. and 010.183 lbs. In sacks. There was little trading, but values wero strongly held In sympathy .with wheat. Ho . lowing are the quotations per 1U0 lbs. In wood! Winter, clear. 1(10.50; do. straight. (l.BO7i do p"ent 1707.50; Kansas, clear, cotton aacka 1(1 7B7.23; straight, cotton sacks. $7.40lP7.75: So patent, cotton sacks. 180B.25; spring, first clear. I0.80WT 40; do. patent. 57.8008.23: do. favorite brands. l8.50OH.80: city mills, cholca and fancy patent. 8.B0H.H0: city mills, revu far Brades-wlnter. clear. IBOfl.BOi do. straisht, 10 30O7: do. patent. I7O7.B0. nYK FLOUll was In small supply and firm, but quiet. We quote nearby at l4.230B.73 per bbl. nnd western at l3.o0O0.2S. IIUTTEH Fancy stock sold fairly and was well cleaned up at firm prices. Quotations fol low: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy spe cials, 3lci etra. 32033c: extra firsts, 81031HCI nrats. 3030Hc! seconds. 28 M20Hc: nearby prints fancy. 35c: do. uverago extra, 33 3lci do. firsts. 30632c: seconds. 2O02Oci Johblnif sales of fancy prints, S8(iil41c. .... KQOS There was a good outlet for the l.m lied receipts of strictly fine eggs, prices of which were firmly maintained. Quotations: In free cases, nearby extra. 32o per do-, s nearby firsts. 18.70(90 per 'standard case: nearby cur rent receipts. 7.808.40 per case: western ex t?as 32c per dos.l western extra firsts. 18.70 O L.30 per case: do, llr&ts. 38.108.40 Per case: fancy selected candled fresh eges were Jobbing at 3(l37o per doz. nrtE.SSED The market, ruieq nrm. unaer flrn .u 23c; do, weighing 4 lbs. avi ids light orterings and a fair demand. Quotations! Fresh-kllled. dry-packed fowls. 12 to box, dry nicked, fancy selected. 23Wc; do. weighing 4fi IP apiece, k ihu oniai n 1e do welshing 3 ids. apiece, j; uo. weian ffif'S ?b aplecf. 202tc. .Fowl. In bbl... Ice. nuked, fancy, dry-pliked Northern Indiana Endkllflnols"Cir,elgblng4?js lb..1.pf.co. JUo, Rniittirn inaiana i inu UllU,Bi1W ;, inl.rs. 22o: smaller.. sixes, ib.ic. . urn rra,.jLTg3Be,ss. tsssssrus rff 23c: do", small sixes. 22tP23c. Urollers. Jersey, f.Stv. aOB32o: do. other nearby, weighing IVi.W j ID sixes lbs, to log jmm?&im .20 27c Ducknearby. .PrW, 1U 6 20c ipStbs. per'doxen. Tj od5.25f wh tf. jTjh. H ids. per oo. JS-AKJ-n,,t SK Z' ZliZh. dark. IB i I,. , - ; BEU.MARKET 3204 KEY5T0Ht,PARK65S New York Stock Sales Acme Tea ,.... 51H Adams u.t press.., .1,17 AJix KubUr ,it 05 Alaska J Gold M... 1. 1,. 7H Alaska tiold M,...t...i 10 Allls-Chalmcrsaife..,,.. 22J, Allls-Chalmcrs Mfg pf ,. 79! i Am Ae Chcmldal.t.tttit 78 Am licet Sugar ,,., 8MS Am Can mii Am Can pf. ...... ...... ,111 Am Cat it Fdy , fl.if Last close. Jtlgh. Low. Close. F.1U 62M 62M 133( 1S3' 133!f OS 7H 10 21 7031 78 SSif M!f inf inn ntfi G3H 0Hi WU 05 m 17 24 80 70H 003 01 U 03 7? 10'f 2IH SO 78H U05, Am Coil Products H7JS 147H 140)i 147X Am Cotton Oil ...52 53 521 6.1 Am Hldo & Uathcr 10 10H 105. lOh Am Hklo Leather pf.. CI 62 60! 62 Am Ice Securities . ...... 2S 28 28 23 Am Unseed 223J 23H 22t 22Ji Am Unseed pf 60 62 51 5.U Am Locomotive 72) 70t 72 7(W Am Ixjcomotho pf lot 105 10JU 105 Am Malt Corp'n pf mi 40 40 40 Am Smelt . Itof osw mX 0S3J 00H Am Smelt & Uet pf .....111' 11031 110!f 110f Am Steel Foundries 5-135 633i 65!f 553J Am Sugar ncdnlnc iun 110! 110U 1103. Am Tel & Tel li'JJi 132), 131! 131K Am Woolen Uli d5'i 41J 45W Am woolen pf OS Am WrllliiK Ipf 27 Am Zinc h . Sm ."vi Anaconda Cop M 8-l' Associaied nil Atcii roii & s r . . Atch Top & S V pf. ,u (.-oast i.mo 08) 27 .13 fcOl O'JJJ 0S)i 27 33 SO 09 03 27K S5H os'i mil os3f 103 103f 10.UJ 1031 ( 01) 0S3S 0S? UiJf li:!t: 1t.li 11314 113)4 All tlulf & W 1 7UJ 73 72 72 All Oulf &V I pf...... 05if 0535 IK3VS O.Vi HaKl Loco Wks .,. 753S 783 75 7S) Halt & Ohio 80!f 8(Jf WHi Sll'l Halt & Ohio pf 73'i 733s 73 7.H, llethlclioin Steel 4Q0)j 407'S 4(173$ 40734 Hrooklyii Hap Tr si)5 St 8-tJS StJf IlrownShoe CO 01 00)5 01. Ilutto & Superior 0735 073, 073i 0731 Canadian TaclHc 177)4 1773," 170 170 CasoJIThMpf 85 8) 81 l Central Leather 57 57)i 57 673i Central Leather pf 112)1 II23S 112H 112H Clics & Ohio 01 02'l 01 021 ChlcacoMIl &St Paul.. 1M tills 023i 033, Chicago Northwestern. 127 127 127 127 Chlcato It I Pao 10'J Chile Copper 20'1 cmno Copper 51 Col Fuel & Iron 18 Col & Southern 1st pf . . 50 Consolidated Has 135'i Continental Can 1)0 Corn Products Kef 11) i Corn Products Itcf pf. .. . OOJi Crucible- Steel 73 Cruclblo Steel pf HR Cuba Cauo Susar 6731 uuiii cano bucar pr .... 05 uctrolt i:dlson 130W 130 Distill Sec Corp'n -lo)i -10 ..20)i 251, . 10 v 10 . 30), 'MU . 62)i 63 . 17)i 17J, .170)i 1713, .5S5 5S0 STRENGTH RECORDED BY SOME CURB ISSUES Improvement Is Not General. Munitions Stocks Lead Trad ing and Advance -y, 20 ;u; 103, 5.r.)i 130 003, 15' i VilH 77 118 50 05'i- 1(1),' 20 6131 tS! 55J5 1034 20 5W 10i 5534 13S)S 130 OS 0S!t 11', 15 1)131 tll'l 73'1 70' . 117)4 11J 573, 60 Dome Alines , ul SS &. All pf ... Erie , Erie 1st pf red Mln & Sm General Electric General Motors General Motors pf.,, Goodrich 1J F Granby t'onsol Great Northern pf .. G N cfs for oro prop. 03)1 130 15 i 25'1 10 .MP 4 521 1.7 1 in 63) 01 130 ID 25! i 10 303, 63 I7K 17031 6S0 .12034 12134 122' 1 122)1 72 73)1 72)1 72)1 88 5731 ..117)5 US 30)1 -1031 87 Jl 8735 117)4 IIS Gulf States Steel 1st pf. 05 05)4 Illinois central loiji ioi 513; .. 13 ,.115'4 .. lR'-i .. 73 .. -12)5 .. 37 ..100 .. 2t! .. 7231 .. dO . 75) i . -10 . 70 .123 Insp Con Cop. Int Acrlcultural Int Harv N J Iitt Con Cor v t c sli Int Paper pf Int Nickel v t cfs.... Int M M c of dep... Int M M pf c of dep Kan City Southern Kelly Sprlni; Tire Kennccott Copper Lack Steel Co Leo Rubber Tiro Lehigh Valley Liggett & Myers pf.... Luuis & Nash Maxwell Motors Maxwell Motors 2d pf. May Dept Stores Mexican Pctroieum Miami Copper Minn St 1' &SSM ... Missouri Paclllc Missouri Pac tr cfs Mlibourl Pac wi Missouri Pac pf w Mo Kan & Texas Nat Lead Co 0535 Nat Lead Co pf 115 Nev Con Copper 18J5 New York Air Drake. ..13035 New York Central ... New York N II & If Now York O West. .. . 27U Norfolk & Western 120 Northern Paciltc Ill Pacific Malt 2731 Pacific Coast 05 Penn Itallroad 55J! People's Gas Ctil 1023, Peoria & Eastern 12 Philadelphia Co 38)1 62)1 13 115 1031 71)4 12)4 30! 30 03)5 101 62 13 115 MH 71'4 1131 3034 101)4 100 21)5 21)4 2)5 1031 77 1514 70)4 121 120)5 130 81)5 85)1 57)5 67 03 0231 i2!l 18)1 7535 15 70 121 130 8335 5031 02)5 1U'J 0535 101 52 13 115 1031 7134 12)5 3ft 102 2135 72)5 103 70)5 15)4 70)1 121 130 8135 57 02',' 100)4 102)1 10035 10111 'AH 35 35 35 123J5 122)4 121J5 122)5 5 5)5 .23 .10)1 4)1 Pitts Coal c of dep. Piessed S Car Co Pressed 8 Cat Co pf . Pullman Co Ity Steel Sp Co Kay Con Copper Heading Heading 1st pf Heading 2d pf Republic Iron & S , 6)1 5 5 23)5 2311 23)1 10)5 -10)4 -10)4 4)4 431 435 00)1 0031 G6!l 110), 11035 11034 1SJ4 18J5 1835 130 137 130 .103)5 10131 103)1 10355 0)1 00 00 00 27 20)5 20)4 130 120)1 130 111 11015 110)4 30J-S 2S)4 20)5 05 05 05 50 5531 53)1 102)5 102) 102)4 11 11 11 303-1 30)5 30)1 ...27 27)1 27)1 273 1 ... 5231 54)4 53 51)5 ... 00)1 100 100 100 ...107 107 107 107 ... 47 47J5 40)1 4735 ... 21)4 21)1 2-1)4 24)1 ...103)4 107)4 103J5 107 ... 44 41)4 41 41)4 ...45 45)1 4531 4531 51 63H 5131 535 Republic Iron & S pf....H3 11311 11331 11331 ShatArUCop "S)4 283i Scars, Roe &. Co 20331 208 bloss-Shef S & 1 48)4 40)1 Southern Pacific U8K 0S) Southern lty 23)1 23)4 Southern Ity pf 00 08)4 2SJ, 23l 204 200 48)4 40)5 08)5 08)5 23)1 23)1 07.j 07J4 02 02 120)1 130 110)1 110)1 25)1 2531 101 10534 11)1 11)1 4135 4131 102 102 Standard Mlune........ 05 02 'Studebalcr Co 131), 131 Studebaker Co pf 100 11031 Tcim Copper 25V5 2531 Texas Co 103 100 Texas Pacific 1HJ 11)5 Union Bag & Paper pf .. 4135 41)1 United Cigar Stores 101)4 102)1 United Fruit 100)1 1CSJ5 100)5 107 Union Pacific i 13031 110)5 130)1 140 Union Pacific Pf 82)5 8235 82)5 82)5 U S lnd Alcohol 112 114)4 112)5 113)1 US Rubber 58)4 60)5 57)1 5731 U 8 Rubber 1st Pf 110)4 110)4 110)5 110)5 US-Express 31 31)4 31)5 3D," U8SmR&M 70)4 70)4 70)1 70)1 U S Steel Corp'n 01)1 05 01)5 05 U H Steel Corp'n pf IIS 118 118 118 Utah Copper 82 82)5 81)5 82)5 Utah Securities 17)1 17 17 17 Va-Caro Chem 42)( 4331 4214 43 Va Iron Coal &0 47 47 47 47 Wabash 131 13)4 13)5 1335 Wabash pf A. 40)4 40)1 40)5 40)5 Wabash pf U 27)4,27)5 27)1 27)5 Wells Farso Express 126)1 127)5 12735 12735 WestG&M 60)5 60)1 50)4 00 Willys Overland 55H 5031 55M 56 Willys Overland pf.... 10t low 104)1 10431 WoolworthFW 130 138 130 137 Worthlngton Pump...... 28 28 28 23 Worth Pump pf A 07 9531 0531 05)1 Worth Pump pf B .51)4 55)4 55 55)5 Quoted ex dividend. R A 4ms7 T4T ty PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES' Publto Service Securities are a lien on the success of communities, C In makiW a purchase of Bonds for investment there are several underly ing requisites -which are more nearly adequately met in (food Public Service Securities than in any other class of investments. C, Wc specialize in (food Public Ser vice Securities. CT, At the present time we have a par ticularly attractive list yielding from 514 to 6, C We will consult with you cither personally or hy mall regarding' them. Beiken Ayling 6.iig Larvd Title BlfJg.PWladelphia. iQttsllsnaMMslflBlslli, isiniTHWriinfirt-mn NfiW YOttK, Auk. 21. Rome stocks showed strciiRth on flic Ilronri Street Curl) ilurlnR the Orst half of tho dny, but there vnq no tinlform Improvement The nctinn of the market was considered enllsfncltiry, however, ni) there wns evidence of qukt rrcumulallon In many Issues with out nny r IT nt to advnnce prices, nnd It wns tiinURiit thii accumulation will bo re flect -I In rcncrnl advances within n, Bhort period. Tho munitions slocks were tho most prominent features, Aetna Kxploslvcs mov ing up to 14 nnd Maxim Munitions sell Iiiff nt 0. The most pronounced evidence of ac cumulation was In CltkHnle Steel, which ranccd from 02Vi to C14, with buying coming from extremely strong sources. INDUS rilIAI.3. Aetna Exploitive Amerlcan-llrlllsh Mfs; Atnrrlrnu M.iloinl Canadian Cor Co ., Cnnaillnn Cnr H IA! irc( Chevrolet Motors CurtlM AeroplMio ...,,.., DrlBKS-Scnlmry Kmerson rhonojruph IlHskrll t- llnrkrr Cor , IIitiIoi' Mimifndurlnir ....... Kuthmllnn llrmise pief , 111.1. K p ii unit mi lis J'1' s? IS .Miixim inmiii..iii . Mnnhntlnn Trnns 1), Ml.U-ib' Hlerl n:i Otis i:iontnr II Perrlnn Motors , , , . , IM1. I'nple llnnlMfrlm; HI. H 8 Krci.g.' w I , ll'i Ktnndard Motnr.i it Hubmnrlnc 3.1 TrlnnKli' Illm BJi United Prom Hh.irltu -1. IT H I.Uhl & H-flt .1. , If H I.lllht tr Heat ITCf 1 White Motors n;iVj World rum S rlemlsli-i.jnn White oiks . Htutz Motor Mtrnniliprif United Motor Ill HTANIUltt) Olt. STOCKS. tllliio, HIT illilo -"' 1'rnlrlx I'lpo '-'Id H ( of Cillfornl.i , 'Jd.l H O of New Jersey 01S H O of New York 'JUfi OTHtill Oil. HTUCKH. Cosd"n Oil tSU Inter Petrol S Houslun (III II M Mural lleilnlni; Ill tlnuulpu Hollnlnu Ii'.i MINl.NU HTOCKS. nn ll'i All.-intn Ilutto Copucr & '.lno Ilutto & N V Corrn do I'lsro . . First .Villi. mnl (luldilrld Mirster Ilecln Mlnlni; Howe Sound Jim IhitliT JiimiH. rxtcnlnn McKlnli' - !. rri nil MMKniu Cnt.nrr Mines Co .if America ...... Nlplsslnc Mini". Co Son Tov St Jo. i-iih l. ml West l!nd Consolidiled .... I10.VDS. Ccrro ,K Pasco Itusshin Clot lis v j, :: :,vu . . N .. , . t .. Ml . . ti'J . . r M1' i; ? ..it .. tmi .. 77 ..Ul .AMI Askoil. r . Kll Sim so us in as ai un 'P 113, nil i?:rs 3.-.S n 5 r,, 5S: t. ll'i OilS l.-i Gl'i 17(1 '""( 23.1 .-ii r Mi lnJr II.l 111 2'1 311 li II x:, r,t no ir tr. luo'i LOCAL FINING STOCKS TONOl'AU BTOCKS. Jim Ttutler ........ MarNnmant Mldwoy , Ml:iih Extension . Montnn.i North Htiir , Tonopnh llolmcnt . Tonopnh Ilxtcnslon Tonopnh Mining .. ltpcu Uulu. west j-;nu Illd, .SI .ii. .is .IN .2.1 .1.1 Hi "J 'Si QOlMinVAM STOCKS. 10 (12 12 Ill IW Atlantn IIIUH Hull llootll llulldnc C U I) Combln.itlnn I'mctlon ninmondilold II 11 Daisy Florence C.olddeld Consolidated (loldueli! Mirunr Jumbo Kxtcnslon Knwnnss Oro S.indstorni Kcidall Silver l'kk MISCELLANHOUS Nevada III1I Nevada Wonder ! Tecopa Mlnlne .11.1 .11-' .() .r.il .CO .lis '.'in .01 .04 .15 .12 MII .10 Asked. .Ml .nil .20 .2(1 .211 .1(1 I'l 8 .211 .77 .It ,n:i .11 .02 .01 .(17 .04 .0,1 ..12 .H2 .IMI .34 .12 ,11.1 ,ur. .10 .17 2.1.1 .12 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIIICAO.O. Autr. 21. IIOOS. Ilecelpts. 82.0(10 Market, 13c hinder. Mixed nnd butch ers, tlO.lllieil.0.1; food hin.y. fl0.H3Silt.03; rough heavy, ill) llufHiiIO: light. JlO.au&ll.M; piss, JN.a.l&lll; hulk, 1111.311011. CATTI.K necelnts. 23.000. Market, steady to IOC lower t.eoea. ,. (fulfil, cows anil bi'lferM, l.2.1li.7.1: Mockers nnd feeders. S3 2,1 HT7 no; Tcxans, tU.5ilU0.73: cuhes, 10.5U(i 12.30 SI HEP Ilecelpts. 22.000. Market, steady, 10c luwer. Natlvo und western, J1.73WM; lambs. tH.30011.23. INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T. WELCH 132S Chestnut St. FkAZIER&Oht INVESTMENT BANKERS Ilroad and Sansom Sts. M:0.I, AnVEllTISKMKNTa USTATK OF JLVKY T. l'AUKK, UK- reahed Letters testamentary on the ubova cstato havlnir been granted to the under signed, sli persons Indebted to the said estate are requesieu io maae payment tnu tnoss navins: claims to present in. delay. torney, Ttreaent tha lima, without to ALKXANUmt 1'AUKE. or to his at- ALnnnT t. nAupm.n. BOH Commonweallh HMsr. DIVIIIRNII NOTICES THE A.UCRIO. AMERICAN OAS COUlANV lUi 5IAIIKrrr tiTIIIT CAJIIIKN. N. J ........ Auirust IS. 1010. A quarterly dividend of 2ft or 54.01) per share, has been declared on the capital stock of this Company, payable September 1st. 101(1. to tha stockholders of record ac three o'clock p. in. Aiurust lath. IU10. Checks will be mailed. J, U. TOWNSENO. 3d. Teen surer IIIKl.lrmm Or ACttlUN'IANTt. IVrtlfled I'liblla Arronntsnts LAIVHBNCB B. DROWN A CO. 1C1B IIBAL K3TATB TRUST BUILDtNO. Sales in Philadelphia tl Am QaR ..no 120 io Am IIj-b pf o nn SOO Am loco.. 7(1 7BW .113 J (1 Hrlll. . 33 SO 100 Col V ft I.. 10 49 110 Crnc Stl .. 7B 74H 1.13 Klec Stor.. 67 07 200 Hrlo 87 30i 20 Illfl Co NA 23 23 200 Int At M ct 3914 30 fl Irfh Vnl , . 7014 7 110 Xcv Cons. I8M 18 136 lVnn.t It H 30M, 83T4 S l'a. Salt it. 00 09 in I'hlla lUcc. inv, 2A 323 1'HT trctfs 10, 10 1.1 I'hlla Trno 70 10 100 Ity Htl S)B 47 17 110.1 Iteadlnp: ,.ssyt 103 1.1 Toll Del .. IW 4Vi 410 Ton Mln . no Un Trnc. 57 U O I ... 87 87V4 81R.1 tr S Btecl. 0.1 01 1B0 Crnmi) ft S 78 77 10 York Ity pr 37M. 3H4 Us illxldcnd. lncrensc. Decrense. Close 120 98 7 40 Net chw. 1 3Tfc 1 7S i 67 ..... uy, 2.1 soy. 4-ty. 78; H IBM, R6 H 90 Tl 28 H 10 ..... y 2V4 79 47 10014 i'A B SO-10 BO-10 8-10 JIV.I 1 1 Vi 441,4 .' H7 ..... OS 3X 77 V, 3714 Vl Total sale. 2,501 Khares, romparr.t vrltti 6380 ihnrr last Monday. Net Close, chirr. 01 w 1)0 llflXIW. Illah, l.oiv. $100 Amn&El Gs 01 01 louo li V Ren Is 00 00 1000 iS' Cent 2d Ha 1020. 105W 105U 1000 Lch Vnl Tr lot 68 ..103H 10314 1:000 Ia Co cons IVjS ...104 . 101 1R100 IMilhl Ul 4s 84 8114 1800 do 6n . .lOiy, 10ir, 100(1 WNV&l'Blil 83 83 4000 (In 1st Gs.101 101 ' 10SV4 103 101 4 104 H 83 lot M. 'U Incren8C Dccrense. $30,000. roninarcd with J3,3,"iO Total Hile, last Jloml.t). WHEAT ENDS WELL AFTER REACTING Realizing Causes Drop From Early Advance, but Increased Demand Brings Strength CHICAGO, Atlff. 2t. After BCorlnvr sub Htnntlal advances In tho early trndlnR the wheat nuirket met considerable realizing and declined to at or near Saturday's final llBiires. Later, however, tho demand In creased and nt tho cloco prices wero at 2-y4c net lusher. Tho start showed conslderablo excitement and new buying was rather free. Thero wan 11 good demand from Kaatern Interests who wero believed to bo operating for foreign account. 1'rollt-tnUtiR occurred from tlmo tn tlnv. with a supply coming from tho .Vorthv.cst, nnd many of tho larger buyers otfoclnrr the various options, but after each uuceccdlng decline that demand ngain Increased. LeadlnK futures raneed as follows: Saturday's wheat upon. men. low. uiose Heptember .. l.ltn 1..10V; 1.474 l.WIJ ooiemucr . . l.o., 1 ii., i.in". i.i,a'4 May l.r.HVi 1 ASS 1.53? 1.07H I'crn (new uenvvryj September December JIB)'' Data September Diiemocr .May l.ard September October . . December liiuc 7i 7H IT 6.1 M7. 7S i5; lu-s 63 Sll'i 711 77 !i 44Ti ! 61H t43 S2S rlon. 1.47H 1 lj 1.05 80H 75 7774 45J4 lt 014i ,.13.87 .13.N7 .13.'.'S September ..14.47 Uctober ....14.20 l'orlt September ..21. 1" October . ..2cl 4.1 DccemlKjr . .2.1. .10 llld. tAukcd. 13 112 lll.lin 13.2.1 14.17 11.22 27.r,n 211.61 23.60 13.81 13.82 13.16 14.37 14.10 27.37 211.411 22.02 13,112 M3.82 13.H7 lS.Sd 13.20 13.12 14.10 14.1(1 27.47 211.6.1 23.10 14.42 11.12 27.4.1 211.2.1 23.60 American Telegraph rcKular quarterly or 1 Dividends Declared nnd Cable Company, Der cent. Dayabla tier. (nmbf r 1 tn Klnr'r nt record AucilKt 31. urio nnn i'liiBuurcn itnuroiu company, rei lar (uariTlv of '4 tH" t V to stock of record August 31. vnbla Septcm! g?r" BUY-SELL CAHL H.PFORZHEIMER&CO. Denlera In Stnndard Oil Securities. rboses, 4600-1 2-3-4 Ilroid. 23 Bread St.,N.T. STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c BTOl'l'INO AT CHESTER DAILT rENNSOHOVK HXEKUAYS OKU Only boat to Auenttlna Ileaefa, Landlnt la front ot GroTe. 4 hours on the Beach. Hate alt nater uathlnc fiOO sanitary bathrooms. DANC1NU ALL DAY on boat A (rounds. I'lentr tables, beurhes und shade. Artesian Hater. Children B,5 25c Fare "tX11 SOc Leaves Arch St. Wharf 8i30 A. U Sunday 0:00 A. M. JAMES E. OTIS. Urr., Dallr. S AUCU 3TUKET STEAMSHIPS AFtlERIGAN EXPRESS Ticmrrs AND TOUItS An International Travel Aienry NIAGARA FALLS iTuTtZX Montreal, returning- via Lake Champlatn. Ika Ueorco and Hudson BUer Day Line; 8 data, Inclusive expenaa tour from Philadel phia. Biartinn every uay, s.io.io. jji us out line your vacation, titna or flooWef, i-jione. tai. oiu 111... Bl.llllUl CC ... no your vacation. 0 1127 Chestnut gt. SUMMER RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS ilPW'sf "?rv !jnTnrM.7jz .-& ffi93lm um KB' BIK!jS.viiir: (?5itw i ... I tn l.yg. i,V. -"vy. SWARTHMORE, PA. Located hieh on the bank of old Crum Creek and in the midst qf an apple orchard. Beautiful grounds. Ample porches. Table unexcelled. Canoeing, tennis, dancing and other recreations. The best resort for families. Good Commutation. Booklet, August and September Phone- 97 J, F. M. SCIIEIBLEY, fl'vV'---' sTCONE-ILABH0BtJ.ii. STONE HARBOR Both railroads. Farm products ana ood tresS and Tpleatllul. Cltv coavenlenc.j. Tht club, boardwallt. bathlox. Bns dshhu. cVabblna and. SUM. . . L,.?"' CUrc. nuulirita hotel rates. Deaulirui wwawj. T.EQ ttlcCBAVSJj.- Bor"a wiLnwooD. n. i BDGETON INN &2M!' e near Beaco. urcuia- lroo. T.Vl-K aLV;N-JU CHALFONTE HOTEL ?$&! lUasonabto rates. Mrs. calvmjsauernia 5i,aiin,nnJ OCtAO VlSW rOOJBS. Ca. IS9. bnervYooa j5 l8 , j, cj 6riM, ATLANTIC C1TV, N. J. "miUDIrWRKOOTrWTELqr THE WORLD J SlatlDoroiiihwini ATLANTIC CHTY.N.jr. OWnUSMS HWlACCMCNT. jngiAH wHtrefcaowa compahv .Tl .TtC CITV jlup.rvxt$ P'SRMMO i seta, new standard or 3crvico.coiniort-beautv IARGEST FIBEPPOOT BXSC; aswHirr - jiinii-FttTSMiiMfcifosgnrTarjiS WS3J RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY ISSUES GOOD EARNINGS' REPORT FOR JULY Steel Common Highest Since 1909 Cramp Goes Up On Prospects of Large Government Orders Story Reading Has Sold Coal Properties Holders of stock of tho Philadelphia Rnpld Transit Company wre Brnttfled to day by tho showing made by tho company In earnings for July, the first month of Iho new fiscal year. The trroas passenger earn ings for the month wero $2,214,928, as against $1,939,905 in July of last year, n gain of 14.18 per cent Net earnings totaled JD93.463, compared with $844,211. Thero was n, surplus of $178,186, ngalnst $27,C1G In tho corresponding month ot IbrI year. More life was shown by the Philadelphia market todny than has been tho case for homo days past. White United States Steel common was tho most nctlvo Isiue, as Is Usually tho case, following the lend taken In Wall street, thero wns considerable In terest In some of tho distinctly local Issues, particularly Crump trust certificates nnd J. a. Drill. Buying of Steel common was good, and beforo the end uf the first hour It had advanced to a new high mark for the lircs cnt movement and nlso to the highest point It has sold since 1909, moving up to 03T4. n gain of 2i as. compared with the final price of Saturday. Of tho local Issues traders showed the most Interest In Cramp nnd Drill. Tho lat ter stock advanced 3 points to 38 during tho morning session, while the former went up l'i. In connection with tho strength In Cramp traders drew attention to tho fact that tho company will benefit largely through Government contracts as tho re suit of tho passing of tho naval bill by Congress. In the afternoon Cramp lost most of tho morning gain. Tho Street figured that tho company would get between 25,000,000 nnd $30, 000,000 worth of orders from tho Govern ment. Tho company hati several slips re served for Government work, this being done In compllanco of n request mada by Federal officials. It was pointed out that slnco tho company has been making such largo earnings much of tho money haa been put back Into Improvements, addi tional slips, etc., and now It Is In a good position to take large orders, t Attention was also called to the fact that the shares now show a. book value ot $190 each nn,d that tho company Is fortified by, bookings running ahead for two years. Therefore, many peoplo In the Street thought that It was nothing more than reasonable that the stock should show some life. Buy ing of tho. stock was good, tho greater part being for local account and much ot It was for Interests which are close to tho com pnny. Following tho upward move In New Tork, Reading showed strength here, gaining more than n point before noon. There was a story In circulation In the street today that Heading hns sold Its coal properties and that the Dcthlehcm Steel Corporation was the buyer. It was also said that aa soon a.i tho railroad labor dispute Is settled tha company will malto announcement of tha falo and that there will bo a distribution to th6 holders of tho common stock. Thin melon, it was said, would be between $25 nnd $30 a share. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YOIIK, Aug. 21. Tho fact that thero Is no fast Bteamer available until Saturday possibly accounted for the con tinued dullness In tho foreign exchange market in tho early ilenllngs today, Tho market In mid-nftcrnoon wns ex tremely dull nnd fcnturelcss. Hates were not appreciably changed nt 4.75 i for de mand sterling; 4.7GH for cables; franc checks 4.90; cables, 6.90; rclchsmarks cables 72 B-1G; checks 5.72U. RATES FOR MONEY JTiw York IMIlJ.lolplila Itn-tnn t'hli nan ......... ('nrr.'npri lnl ir por, three to six months, l'hlla tlaliiiil... 411 (iM4 per cent. 2 314 I .1 attOi Time 44 or, 4 fi'4 4 it lit BANK CLEARINGS Jlnnk clcnrlnic toilny compared with corre Bpandlne day Inst two years'. mill. 1013 1014. rhitniieiphta..3i,ns7.,jRi tai.irJo.Hon tiM.uTii.09n Boston Jtl,4H.I,tl43 H.U.Il.'Jdt 14,in."..lll.1 New Tork . .27.1,711-1.3111 2II3,22II.'J., 144,HVl,34'J Chicago .... ui.auo.inu 44,407,033 43,01:1.733 BAR SILVER Bar Bllvcr was quoted today li London at 31 7-lCd, up d. Commercial bar silver was quoted In Now York at GCc, up He A Financial War Map of Europe and Asia haa just been prepared by us. This map jives the rela tive areas of the Tjclligerent nations and statistics re garding their national and per capita wealth, income, debts, and other important data. A complimentary copy of this map will be sent on request to investors inter ested in foreign securities. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street rhllndrlphla Now York Chlcato nuffalo IfA Uonton I-ondon, Ensr. Baltimore I m w, 51 f t :S1 a: Si First Mortgage Real Estate 5'2 Serial Coupon Bonds rrco Uooklot Mailed, or Phono Spruce S744. Chas. H. Moritz & Co. II'iK'i?,'! VANTED Chotter County Pub. Sorv. 5s REED A. MORGAN & CO. ' WKST END TKUHT 111.1)0., fllll-A. Member, ot the I'hlla. Ntock nirlmnne REORGANIZATION Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway Company The properties of the Terminal Company offered for sale under the foreclosure decree of August 15, 1916, having' been struck off to bidders in the interest of the Reorganization Plan of June 25, 1915, it is intended as soon as practicable after, the confirmation of the sale and the delivery of deeds for the prop erty purchased to put the new Company into possession, and thereafter to distribute the new securities to holders of certificates of deposit who have complied with all of the requirements of the Plan. The Reorganization Committee desires that the fullest oppor tunity be given all holders of First Mortgage Bonds to participate alike in the benefits of the Plan. Accordingly holders of cer tificates of deposit for First Mortgage Bonds issued under or subject to the Plan, in respect of wltich no payment has been heretofore made under the Plan, will be permitted to make pay ment of $310. for each $1,000 of First Mortgage Bonds repre sented thereby until the close of business on September 6, 1916. The penalty of ?10. per each $1,000 of bonds is intended to rep resent interest on the payments required under the Plan. Holders of undeposited First Mortgage Bonds may deposit the same under the Plan, receiving certificates of deposit therefor until the close of business on September 6, 1916, but only upon making payment at the time of such deposit of $310. for each $1,000 of First Mortgage Bonds. The holders of the few certificates of deposit outstanding bear ing notation showing the payment of some, but not all of the in stalments payable in respect of the bonds represented thereby, may, until the close of business on September 6, 1916, make pay ment of such unpaid instalments, but only upon payment of a penalty of $2.50 in respect of each $1,000 of Bonds represented by such certificates of deposit. Under the arrangements made with the underwriting syndi cate, said syndicate will supply such part of the cash require ments set forth in the Plan as shall not be furnished by holders of certificates of deposit and will receive therefor the new securi ties offered to bondholders tinder the Plan and not taken and paid for by them. Before the consummation of the Plan it will be necessary to obtain from said syndicate the cash it is obligated to supply and to deliver to it the new securities to which it will thereby become entitled. Thereafter it will be impossible on any terms to receive further deposits of First Mortgage Bonds or to permit holders of certificates of deposit to make payments under the Plan. Under the Plan only holders of certificates of deposit issued thereunder cr subject thereto bearing notation showing payment in full of all amounts required by the Plan are entitled to receive new securities under the Plan or to obtain any rights or benefits thereunder. The failure to pay in full all amounts required by the Plan within the period fixed shall forfeit all rights and interests of such defaulting holder of a certificate of deposit in the bonds or certificates represented by his certificate of deposit or the avails thereof and in all previous instalments paid, AH payments and deposits must be made to and with Central Trust Company of New York, the Depositary under the Plan, at its office, 54 Wall Street, New York City, Dated, New York, August 21, 1916. J. N. WALLACE, Chairman, CLARENCE L. HARPER, GORDON ABBOTT, HARRY BRONNER, JAS. C. CHAPLIN, HALEY .F1SK.1S, Reorganization Committee. WM. R. NICHOLSON, K1UHAKU JiUTKO. MEIGHS H. WHAPLES, asa a. winui HEAL ESTATE SOB SALE REAL ESTATE EOA SALE WK3T I'llliaUKLl'HIA WEST t'lllLAMELl'UIA :m '-W M .fl -.s- if3 'M aoif4 -wblts, BlfOliiCi n ..' ! gjg ummmmmmiiiiMm