"-. ST- MONDAY August 21, 1916 farettnuj r- .- vs. "3 It;' ::'r J. ". . r. v " " tt"' ' ' finnH -" li &' . Urn - .j db ithntt :" ' ,-, efm . Camera, glimpses of figures and happenings that are prominent in the day's news! 1'U.y.1 'P.tW-Wr-iii , ....r ' . -, --. -r-i ill '"'ES5?3R3iBMS'4jKJ... . ' w'f 75s:Srm . mmmbwi imip ii i n iwrTTiirrwiraMiMBwMiiii gmirir pm i " iTMirrnnnr i iittt wiiim i .r r . 7iuai 1. JJ, - t v - , ' ' -,. Thotos by Evenlnc Ltdper Staff Photoernpher. FIRST AUTHENTIC BIRD'S-EYE VIEWS OF GREAT MUNITIONS AND ARM S PLANTS Tho largo photograph above is a view looking down upon the immense plant of the Remington Arms Company nt Essington. At the right is a panorama of tho Glbbstown Powder Works. Both photographs were taken from a hydroplane operated by Robert Glendinning, Philadelphia's society aviator. i. t 4 . ' x . w i - t MHBMMTMjMBfi'in mifTiraniiiyniniii u tt il iiuii i Mi r" i ii "iii'ii'h"rirr"""'ffTrnffiwgrrTwrytaawiwf' ""r"nT""Tn'j iiiir'Li''rv'''tvrTTii'ctrr'M''TMrf'x'TT'ilffffMniTriry'friiiiiiMii m jlmM JMIMiWM UML" WJ.il, IIVL '.'' .. . J JW' ' ,. Hit' ,1 u ... J r w l-WftWRa raKSlHBi&flVSK. . ,. ' i II i i I'miiii ill i " i imi I Mil i Idli naWfflWll . v Bl C lgl 1 :.-." -. J :. -- .' -' ' --:- ..---.Jll J P 4JujSvfe&lfflr W!. vt BStMJ" t8 HEAL CAMP LIFE WASHING FROM A B"ASIN From left to right are James Eustice, George H. Calland, Thomas J. Dixon and Charles W. 31 f. ii I ' Hih MORE MODERN METHODS OF CLEANING EMPLOYED IN CAMP The three photographs above wijre taken at the seventh annual encampment of th First Regiment, pennyJvania Reserves, Patriotic Order Sons of America, which jsr VqJHK W ii; conjunction with the fiftieth annual convention and golden jubilee of tfe? order tMa week. CITIZENS BUILD BRIDGE OVER COBB'S CREEK BETWEEN WHITBY AND WILLOWS AVENUES W. J. Williams, Robert Wilde and John. H, Fricke, from left to right, arama king a. final inspection of the bridge built by members of the Sherwood Improvement Association to connect this city with Mt, Moriab Cemetery,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers