"WSffJWIP! pv rr- 'p'iHJi uTiyy-. 7",-vjl?vrrj TTpfT s 'ipr.a . J AtfTO SUPPLIES i stTyOU WANT TO SELt. your old car or want aiir parts to repair, call, writs or phone. P, A Auto I'orio vuiuimny, oiu-i , jtn St. frK I HO , J-' TIMKCN-HBAniNQS HYATT tax ?ttt" ."iS'..swj' w5s.f ft 14 Arch sjl Ph Walnut 3197. Hacs anna I'.MllM In hultd or repair nnv pjf. tfwilla Aut Parts t-rt , 823 N. 13th Park 1118, "BUSINESS OrlOR'x'UNITIE3 CAPITAL Promotion Syndicate; Heal . financial connections; complete Security selllne force; beat rnerchamllslns; experts; will . lay out Hales plan; estimate money needed., ami finance propositions of merit. Illihest references demanded. Uo 4518, ldter Central. PViiliiNXO "Patents and Trade-Marks'- wl. help you develop your Invention, Ad He fre Reasonable fees. Open Monday r I,... n.illl 8.-30. FOSTER & WEBSTER - 18.11 Csr.tnut St. Hell plwne Walnut I Silt rCSNUFACTUIinns. ATTENTION Wanted, ex. ' elusive aaency for lat-rlass specialties; patent. ii articles prei . inr . niraso nnn Illinois; ne. Mrtment store trado and mail-order houses. Invincible Sales Company, 0S04 Wabash nve., niteas. III- J5?T HALE Oood-pavlna . hotel In Ada bounty, selllnir on nrcotint of death to set ?Si,i V. O. Ilox R7. Oettysburir. Pa. ma ttle tvaNTED tlOOO to JB000 to discount good commercial notes; reasonable commission cld. H 013. Ledger Central. 11USINESS PERSONALS ntAXinvnu ttotimiT Bank references. Appraisement. I per cent. IlAimr W. SMITH. 17 Saiisum St. -" EVENINU CLOrilflS TO HllllV Latest styles, Phon-i Poplar 23.1 Op-in evss. fiinVjnft's. 10th and Olrard ave. 3 W. eir rrilPEItFLtfoi'S HAtfl removed by eiertrolyalsl ' the only permanent way. P.jehrows arched. MISS SMITH. sua Keun ineaior num. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY Imr. Mcdowell duessmakino school. meats; patterns cut. noc UP. ioif DfcNCK.LA ULDO..Jlth and Market sts. 1 DIIKS3MAK1NO IIV HXPHUT MODIST 15 JOT Denckla, Hldg.. 11th nnd Market sts. FOR SALE S1LLIAHD. POOL, combination, second hand, ' fiuiht. sold, rented, exchanged; repalrlnit; UPDlles. i.nie jeaier, Aim-m-an manuiac lurtr. 320 Olrard ave. Phono Kens. ii.ilii. I fclLUAHU. Pu-Jl tables; Ilea-, new; fluL'unil-IiHliil Ihiwi i inir alleys; easy payments. Iluaatto-Uarry Street Co., vn ' Ell.UAUD AND POCKET tAlll.l'.a aij lULKE-COLLRNDBIt CO.. 1002 Arch CASH nEOISTEltS buuKht. exrhanK-d repaired. tepitted; supplies; new nnd factury rebuilt, res,' total adders, us low as S3U. Cull and ' tee our 1010 models. IteRlstera sold b us jn ttiy paymenla and fully cuaruntced. THE NATIONAL CASH ItCOtSTEll CO 730 CHESTNUT STREET Fireproof. 00 sllKhtly used; all slrea and makes, hi? barenlns. 210 N. Fo urth at., between Itare nnd Vine. IAFES 11UOHES, UTli AND UUT'lO.SWUUli. tin the largest nnd best assortment of usd efrlce furniture and fixtures In thla cart of ths rouatry. Anythlnft to equip an ofOco at prices that will please you. Tree delivery nnywhere HEATING ; UAKIN-KEL3EY HEALTH HEAT la better and cneaper uhui n.i.iti ui n.i. u.t,i, rum u.-u sir with normal moisture. MAKIN-KELSEY 1127 Filbert st . MACHINERY AND TOOLS " iAFETY SPLIT COLLARS and "YOCOM UAf.ur.ii; unu rii,i.uit iu,uv.io, wiiu un titled ball and socket ticartngs, arc tho best for all eharilnc purposes. SIIA1-TINO AND MACHINE WORKS. 14ft North Second. JAMES YOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT EOUIPilENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en ables, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TrtOMRY. INC.. l!!7 N. 3d St. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bouirht. sold ana renieu, nrmaiures rcpaireu. .iain vi. Market 306.1. Yearsley Co.. 221 N. 3d st. 'JsxHAUST fans, bTo"wers. vcntilatlne fans, American preasuro oiowers, American pas iur nseea cupola pres. hlow. Nuttall. 174H N. fith. ; B013T1NO ENGINE. bH xlO-lnch LldKerunoil 1. iM C D. D. skeleton, with swinger. L. F, Scy- Vv Jt A-. nnriT-iun, n itil a trf Sons, 437 N, yd st tl?K KITTINOa, nil sizes. PHILA. 2D-IIAND P1PK SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th, noth phones. STEEL SHAFTINO All sires In stock, ritAnr.pa nnvn rnMi'AW r.-n Arrh nt. '' SELL SCRAP METALS ,' ' " ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS vtrrnnt-As iaLTERATIONS are now belne made to our ,viciroia lieparimeni, anci wo neei ine room; o v.e win miiKo special low terms, extraor dinary opportunity. Call or wrlto for parttcu- e v.i anu iarco iiiusiraieu caiaiojues. HEPPE'3 UPTOWN STORES. Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. IIOIN OUR SUJIMER CLUIl Ezccllent opportunity to secure a beautiful ( ftthocany Vlctrola with records, at special io, verms, pena ni once lor particulars anu , application blank. HEPPE'3 UPTOWN STORES Cor. Otti and Thompson Sts. RlSJ CHICKEIUNQ UPRIOHT PIANO. TinwAnn vrverw ssa m n.v. sAUOUST VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE IJULiUAH. 1120 CHESTNUT ST. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old i?.v jewsirr, icein. piaies Doucnc ior casn. Elt. lRTCI 1. f . Olnrlr cafln HAT Qonsnm lOLD OOLD 'Cash paid for old gold, silver. JS!!!""-0.!"01"' wl" " Dell phone. Locust . 1218. ROOEItS. 27 South 17th street. tCASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS V! !' BO,,i silver, platinum, false teeth, I'hlla, Smelting A Ref. Co.. 128 8. Uth. STORAGE CONTINENTAL .STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. AllOVB CHESTNUT PACK1NO. MOVING. SHIPPINO .Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. .Bell. Locmt 10(10 Phones Key.. Rare 4160 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811.181ft MARKET ST, PENN 8TORAOE AND VAN CO, 2130 MARKET ST. tllrCANN-S. 8TOHAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. Uth m- ft-! moving-, packing, shipping; auto vans; f, oath nhones. lt ua estimate. I AT LA H STORAGE WAREHOUSE .Storage. sT Kf,S' Parking-, sh pplng. carpet tleaning, F Ph. nrlng 7.12 for estimate. Market A 37th, VKKT TltlW . .,,., , ns.1. cn,i, L- ,--. i vtrSSJ. HHII-A. Auto Packing and Shlnninr. - -- , ,,,,, .a. .iii:,Ai,i:ri .-, iiiiiMii r, .,lf. : "" -tlll,A. 3870 LANCASTER AVE. WANTED 1NTIQUB FURNITURE, false teeth, feather B Cfi S.. V- 'r'r " ' "' diamonds r T---", ijj trainui walnut luju. csi. IPUit. BROKEN JEWELIIY. falsa teeth."plstols. coins. coin books, with prices I pay, mailed Hie, J H. y??0.-' CLOTH INO-Hlghest prices paid for 1 Bi?1 ""4 men's rlothlnK, hats, shoes, etc, troona Ponlar K7T1 TIT. A r-ICP-l ,1no Trtnlni- trUhNiTIJRB. pianos, warpsts. antiques, entire It!' Hart houses bought for cash: no matter Kaowjsrge. J. I1ERNSTBIN, lS34Rldee ave. IPWCB. FUHNITURb of every description i;(!inIS " al household furniture bought. Dul- Rfii.F,9.n"'-IInl Furniture Co., 001-006-014 tr--iiiLrf iils i . BEST I ?MT. PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAST-OFF -ViflTHINa. SHOES.ETC, SAMUEL COOPER, L"- miuinu avjs. t'MONB ruptui.il oats. ROOMS FOR RENT r'K.STNUT 8Tii aooo DESIRABLE H0OM8. - -..jiniva r Ult TKANSlbiNT. NT',!r?iATpONSmABLE nO0MS' EXCBL- 'lr5JiC.R- 2022 Large, communicating rooms; ', "ins; noutnern exposure; open nro- l5.PMcE. 1418 Desirable rooms, single or -SliifS. Phone Snrura 4SSS Otn ll.cu-n rn k, c,A,..nc SECOND-FLOOR SUIOB. REFERENCES. li-i.ffWE-Bachelor suite, furnished or un- ' Urnlshed fwllh nrlvnl l,athl turnlshed (with private bath). BOARDING fHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20t& (The Marerave . JLSCancles. urmin,nt. IpanaUntt iud. haArd, r-VW AVE -18 DESIRABLE VACAN. -g.3- FIRST-CLASS BOARD. TIOGA 8221. 2S5R?E-. .1224-20 ."Furnished rooms., private Iiaths. iAhi: board fnona walnut Tin. y.i , 1S32 Desirable vacancies, single or it. 'ai turnunea or uniurnisoeq. excel, is. -' M-- "" heat, elec light. Dla. 6071. HUB URBAN 'aVSPw The Shtopen. Wayne A Hans-p-jaiar-Flrst class la appolntmsots A service. -KEW JERSEY SE.8HOBE gKiiftJ.- f.lTY -CALIFORNIA AVE . 8 2,T "iitii! comiortaoie rooms, cei- SAN1ARITJMS fI'UL location, special acUnitao care. 7SSSS5; 'fntSSrwZ" APARTMENTS l.thiSIu,r'n,..ned,ornV,flnfSrnrOTr: $l JS?" or unfurnished, every conv. 113 8. SOT!! ST -l.l.'Z::"..".: :;.MI?-'fltebithiVVultabVef6r,n,r;m.Sr, rtlvs hwmt Alnli etrlulve suitable for gentlemen: lJV'ffiufc "W-ft- - - Miwr riin,Ai;i.fiiiA Tim ............ 5 roomV'Vn i '& Vi Afr."" .:. Place cny Tltn mnvtv JL rooms, 2d floor; tin, CIIRMN forchi nnntfiRs. 3310 ton. Ren Janitor. private llamll- -vain mm:, p. n. it. SifiTOfe APATmtr.NTfl. at Overbrook and bath; to lease after Rept ritneni, t rooms ptemher 1 FURNISHED APARTMENTS "iii COVLVQTO.V. 37TU AND CIIKST.Vl'T. In In" IiOfit nnfl nf U'pnr iirFf ( n1, AA.1.1 !f'.TON i-o . It S. KNOl.til-lkSIIJ. stand ?!Af!A!inil, alo of the KNiii.khiiii; iW-aiIii iii I 'I11IA, VtXvn-s1.1- JSIUi:. llKAOll HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT till! Illnnni lnatj.A,t . ....I ll ,, at. f'I'n'. ways, you Just call at this omce tho apartment In Isted with or may be rented thrnuah na fnr a,it,n,.i,ll.a are nultlnit to tako jou to the list of prop L.ni ia 'JeslBnale nnd with the least K 'ffnft u will secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap- ttrnnrniKM i-mir i,ne u..i -. w.. .... it .IMUI VAIIkt lUVltll NORMAN S. SHERWOOD ..HU WALNUT ST. -BPTKL?M L Itace 3023, N. E. COIt. 17TU AND WALNUT 8T3. ,Sl'"i-I3'Jt.or!. Apitrtment, House Is built of concrete and sleel, thnrnushly flreproofed and S'i!;l.mo.Mt. "'T1'. architecture. Suites of ?. r,00JT" B'"1 ' ,;i,t,, ,0 I room and a baths, including aoteral bachelor su,les with every oJapo'1'ili,:.?;,Vu.!..Ll3ASK3 W,LI' UB UAlfcl Ail uiiniiN consld-red. the rentals are mod erate. Inr further Inff.rinatloii. arrangement lor Inipectluu and reacr.utlon, apply tu ME11TON W. ORE1MS 10 Franklin Hank tlldit. Phone Walnut BD29 HOItSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS All pnTta of elty. a rooms nnd bath tn 7 rooms nnd bath, fJ.1 to i0 per month. Cull, phono or wrlto for Information. RMt'EL STERN. 1201 Chestnut st. NORFOLK APARTMENTS " Desirable 4 and ,1 room npartmenls, near Park; Janitor service: re isonable rentals. IiEtIITEL, 3232Illdge nve. DIAMOND, 1S23 .1 Inrcn rooms," tile bathroom, lareo open porch, Inruo side yard, nil par quetry floora. newly pnpered first floor, line lo- rntlon for doctor. MODERN APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices Call or wrlto for complete directory, free. APARTMENT 1IUREAU. Franklin Hank, llda WEST PHILADELPHIA The Powelton Apartments New Ownership nnd Management Powelton ave., 35th to 3(!th st. S40 Thoroughly modern; each suite hns 3 mnln r bedrooms, 2 baths nnd nervanta' bedroom. TO Rooms are larco and floors aro hardwood. COfi Open cvcnlne by appointment. Apply at V"" OfOce 30th nnd Powelton ave.. or Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. . 8 SOUTH I0TH STREET KINOSCOURT flllTH AND CHESTNUT STS. SEVERAL MODERN HOtlHBKEEPINO APART.M1SNTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC RLE- VATOI1S PUIII.IC DININO ROOM. APPLY EST. TIKIS. M SEEDS. JR. 12U7 HACK ST 40TH & CHESTNUT. "Satterlee" 1st floor ror7 apartment 7 rooms, 2 baths, efficient seri-o, 1 block from "I.." Apply -I.VIS Chestnut st. Phone Ilnrlnu 1770J.-1 toji:30. ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut; Monterey, 43d nnd Chester: Helmont, 31th nnd Sprlne Onrden. Inquire Janitor, or CRESHE. 30S Hale IlldK. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEASES PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TII STREET Special rates for summer season Furnished and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence. DBLMAR-MORRIS""" " WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. OER. MANTOWN: IlELIOHTrUL SUMMER HOME FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND HATH UP "IN THU'CENTER OKEVEnYTHIN0" THE LITTLE HOTEL 22.1 S 11ROAD ST. THE ESMOND S. E. COR. 12TH AND SPRUCE Desirable suites with private baths. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT QUESTS SOTHAND CHESTNUT 1YF.ST PHILADELPHIA THE MARLYN 40TH AND WALNUT STS. 1 suite, 4 room. 2 baths; 1 suite, 2 rooms, 1 bnth; serat nlnle rooms with hath. New, modern fireproof bulldlnjr; hotel Hpartment ex elusive; American plan dining room. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY NORTH and West Phlla. and Oermantown homes, llbllO to I00UU, First payment only 1100 to MOO. MERCHANTS' UNION TRUST CO, 71B-717-710 Chestnut St. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Hultdlng Association and Trust Funds. TAt'LANE. 000 Walnut st. 1823 nANSTEAD (near 18th and Chestnut) To settle estate; price low; make offor. FLOOD A QUINN lflth and Cherry. A GREAT BARGAIN N. K. corner Suique. hanna ave. and Philip st. : no reasonable of. fer refeused. For particulars apply S. LIEHERMAN, M3 Chestnut st. 1417-10-21 FITZWATER and 1410 Senate, In rear, 40x73; assessed 17300; rents 187 ter month; must be sold. FARRELL. 710 South 20th, 1B30 DAUPHIN ST 2 story, 7 rooms. 1(101 Jit. Vernon at.. 4 story. IS rooms. GUARANTEE TRUST A SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 310-318 Chestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HAHHER. HARTMAN A CO. 1201 Chestnut, CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent. YARROW A VAN PELT N. E. cor.J7th and Chestnut. 10TH. 18TH. 14TH AND'lfiTH WARD HUY. EHS. SELLERS AND RENTERS. SEE FnISPItICH4CO.J J0tN.J2TH 8T. ISTH ST.,N.. 817-810 Look these over, rented at 152. assessed 10800: price 12300; subject :o 13300. MASSEY A SON. 13th and Green; 3l7SODTli JUNIPER ST.. 17.0807aiid three rear houses Oood Investment. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 South 15th at. Rulldlng Lots. Factory Sites, tte. HIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES If U McCOI.LUM 1314 WALNUT ST. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and larte tracts ground In all parts city; also over 200 mfg. "ites. Melvln. 1 B l.S-l (I Real Est, Trust Bldg. 12.000 FT. CORNER, 3 fronts, siding. Many others, all sixes and locations. MORRIS A CO.. Ridge at Broad. Pop. 1211. WEST riIIL,DELPHIA SEND FOR OUR LIST OF DESIRABLE WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTIES tv,i, , ,, ?i';Z'4.. "vtU.-."-- W. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET 13100-8 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and elec trio lights, parquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. Jr.. HUILDEH 88th and Hadfleld sts. NINE SOLD IN A WEEK 70TH AND PASCHALL AVE. X, BLOCK S. OF- WOODLAND AVE. Lowest-priced homes In West I'hlla. l latest features and convs ; sample house fully furn. 17500; 40TH AND SPRUCE sts. ; restricted sec tion; amid 13.000 surroundings; 3-story twin; Dutch hall, electrlo lights, hot-water heat. TAYLOR A. SON. 21jind 20 S.0tb St. tesOOS-story. side-yard residence, 13 rooms, attlo and sleeping porch; electric light, steam heat. E. L. TOWNSEND. S. E. cor. 4&th and neai, r- a., tutoi,,i. 0. k,. vwr. BsJimorea.J'JwneVoodland6200; ""BEND-FOR QJJR SALE OR BENT LIST Dfcn JOST ALLEN POTTS 4803 Baltimore ave. SEND FOR LIST SALE OR BENT JOS. if BAKER 52d and Baltimore ave. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES For Sale or For Rent E. II. APSLEY. 88th and Springfield. OERMANTOWN ttt your Price 1 113.000 to 115.000 and you r wint a detached house with ample lawns .A fn. nartli-utAru of several uta ham mMt- Ing- these requirements. .MAURAN. DOLMAN AJCO. NgJi?r Broid aad Chestnut sts. OERMANTOWN HOMES, all sections. u,uaum SMULLEN A HARRY Franklin Bank Bids Walau slant 288T. OUiTltEAL EtaTATS BULLETIN will be sent lo you by matt a cp!lttii. Germantavra Xrvst Co.. CfasiUa itul Utrmastosra ave. .Wri- i "i V"Jn- MiirHi-uip nnu neai equippeii in iiMt ?.! Sl""l. ,,vnlf'? excluslxely to seeurlne just what they wont for particular people, lell US our rrniltre-npnt Pi.rv ,taI.. ,1,1a rn ni. ni - la I .ONLY A FEW OF TUB i.AItOD HOUSE. KEEPINO SUITES I.Eb-V. 1'IIrV Altll 1'IIB FINEST IN PIIII.A.. tlAVINO SOUT lEIt.N EAHTI'.ltN A.VJII WI-HTir(l-J iSviiJlulii.iVj ' EVENING LEDaEEr-PHlLAf)EPHTAt MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1916. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE OEIIMAN101VN CoaH.itirrf Srom rrccctitno Column ip YotTAilft T.obKtNo "ron a liQMtT TfT oer- mantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult .me. A. It. Mcehan. 0717 Oermantownj.ve., :iroiCt-: HOMES. Tulpenocken st. .feast of Oer. msntown ave. J. II. CHADWICh. CO., r iiermaniown nve. OUIl NP,W nr?NT and sale list of Oermantown and Chestnut Hill properties sent on applica tion, it H. Lister A Son, B012 Oermantown av. new nnTAciinn dwellinost. tis.soo up wards S C Tourleon. 7014 Doye" at. Mt. Airy. Oermantown NEW HALE AND KENT LIST HEADY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill, PKI.HAM TRUST CO.. 11740 Oermantown av CHESTNUT HILL DESlItAllLE PROPEItTIES . , Oermantown. Chestnut Hill. Main Line. WAItNOCK ft EMLKN Commercial Trust Hulldlnc. bEVKltAL DESIHAIILB PUOPEHTIK3 MINTUItN T. WIHOHT CO.. ilorrle llulldlnff. Tlotn WE HAVE THE HOtlSt) TOO WANT ,..,... IN TIOOA Oil LOGAN.,,. , KENNEDY a ItAMnO. 8740 OK It MANTOWN. Oak I. one SPACIOUS. 1.1-nOOM HOUSE, every, conven lence: billiard room, open (lrep'ace, larte Ka raite; fruit, nhade, nowera; storm sash, etc. C. A. 11M.SSIXO. JK,. A SON Bin Monlsomery ave. Iiian REAL ESTATE, inortaaees and conveyanclnt. W.M, D. ClIAMtlEUS, 4H33 N Uroad st. PENNSYLVANIA SUI1URDAN UHOOKI.lNi: ilrnnd new del. dwl-s 7r.i b., water heat, elecr.. fi0xl25, ,80 only I4S0 fash reitulred. will exchanae, i ELMEIIWattS opp. nrookllne Station. DAR11Y Widow to sacrifice at 13700 brick cor. ?.;.",nrJ l"-toom flwelllng. all ronvs,; blf lot Jritl40lo driveway, Swopejb SonB,Darby. DARI1Y ONLY II (ISO." brick 7-room dwelling heater, bnlh, chlrken house: lot 18x118. SWOPE & SONS. Darby. EI.KINS PARK Rest location." 8 "bedrooms, halls, den baths and shower, hardwood floors, open fireplaces porch and window, storm sash, nwnlnas unrnte with dwelllnR and conveni ences, flowers shade, conservatory: corner Int. 1711X2311 C A I11.ESS1NO, JR., & SON, (Sift MojUitomeryave ELKIN8 RK New single riwelllnx. 10 roomsT liol-wiiter heat, price 10800, McCormlck A Mc- Cormlck, 1011 Chestnut st and Elkins Park. Ol-ENSIDE HOMES and bulldlne sites, every B sites, every UENNlNOIiK. aeicripiiou. iu,r., iMiuii Olenelde. Pa SOUTH ARDMOKE Large stone and frame bunxnlnw, new, living room: dining room; kitchen und laundry with tuba; three large bedrooms, tile bath, hot-water heat: gas and electricity, near station, school, churches and storea. lot 73x120, price J1300, WJI. 8. DAVIS, office at the station. SWARTII5IORE Excellent location, near train and trolley, stone nnd frnmo house; ,1 bed rooms and bath on 2d floor: largo lot: old shade, garage reisnnable price. CHESTER osnnilNE. 1321 Chestnut St. WILL SACRIFICE 0.1-acro country seat, near Ambler, for quick sale, new Colonial mansion. 12 rooms. 3 baths designed by Savery. ScheU ..a.,or' Remndoled Colonial farmhouse with llevolunllonarv War associations. 2 tan nnt houses large barns, poultry houses: ga rngo with living quarters, etc ; lawns, shrub bery, shade and great abundance of fruit: a rare bargain full details on request; will show by appointment. . II. .1 DAOER. INC. Ambler, Paj OU ornilT to hn a leal estate owner tn be a real citizen. IVo know where you can put vnur monev nnd be safe. North Olenslde la tho nttrmtlvn suburb we havo In mind. Hun celnws anil Iota for sale W. O. Olenn. 1131 iJimlJPJtle Hide, nnd lsnjolumblnjiyej CHOICE HUILDINO SITES and ncreago, . ARTHUR P, TOWNSEND, Langhprno,Pa,J BUUUHIIAN HOMES FOR SALE Oil RENT WENDELL A MASSEY Real Estate Trust llulldlnr. SUUURHAN TOWN COUNTRY 6end for catalogue. HROWN A CLOUD, Norrlstown. Pa, SUHUItnAN REAL ESTATE . Anv price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD A CO.. Morris Illdg; SELECT Properties Country "seata. farms, list orders now. LEWIS T I1ROOKE A SON, 14 W South Penn sq FOUNDED 1870 LAItOE "LIST OF SUIlURliAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Line or Rending It It. WM. H. WILSON A COMorMs Rulldlng. SUHURIIAN RESIDENCES foV sale or renti attractive locations, prices right. Maurice J. Hoover, Real Estate Trust Illdg. Suburban Lots LANSDALE 27 bldg lots, best residential sec tlon In Lansdale. nlsn 2 large bides., all for J3M10iA.lt.TYSON,Lansdal.Pa. . SPRINGFIELD Villa plots fiOxl.l.l" feet, price 1(1,1(1; 00x170 feet: price 800- all street Im provements: .10 minutes to City .Hall; n-cent fare from flfith street: tlO monthly: no taxes, no Interest. I. (1.13. Ledger Central. .MAIN LINE, P. H. It. HRYN MAWR New stone house. In best sec tion with Ideal surroundings; 3 bathrooms, 7 chambers: garage with man's room and bath. Particulars upon request. MAURAN. DOL MAN A CO., N. E. Cor. Ilroad and Chest nut sts. NARIIERTH A new house, Montgomery avenus neur tollaate. with all conveniences. W. R. SMITH. (1002 Drexel read. Overhmqk SUHURIIAN "HOMES, country places and build ing; sites lo suit all requirements; Main Line. H. C HUNTER, Wayne. Pa NEW JERSEY SUHUHHAN LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIOIITS N. J. W1LLF.T LIPPINCOTT LARGE PLOTS A HOMES HIGH ELEVATION Cheap Folder. L.SNOOK. Woodbury Hgts.NJ PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 180 ACRES, stock and dairy farm: good build ings, J00O0. J. II THOMPSON, West Chester, Pa. NKW JF.nSKV FARMS DEI.A1R. N J 30 acres. 0-room house, barn, chicken house fruit. 2 ucrea asparagus, Bo fare from Camden: cheap: 14200. nOOOENTINE 53.10 Oermantown ave. ONK-ACREFARM8. nearest" to Philadelphia, train and trolley. Wrote for pamphlet. HARLOW A CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUHUHHAN properties for sale or rent. I.ower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title Rulldlng, Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent. JAMES P. WINXHELLi17thand Sansom sis. PENNSYLVANIA 8UI1DRIIAN BALA-CYNW YD Largo list. houses, sale .or ra.nl ut nil nrlrea- Hftmue! C, wagner. jr. Commercial Trust Hldg.. lath and Market JIAIN LINK. P. It. H. MAIN LINE nest line of Main Line houses, either for sale or rent, at all prices. HIRST & McMULLIN. West End Trust Hldg, R, E. SALE OR EXCHANGE SALE or exchange, large buildings, 12-Arch, 10 Arch. Owner. L 748. Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what ou have for what you want KERSHAW A GROWL. 0213 Chestnut. PICTURE THEATRE, rented, on good business street, to exchange for small houses, highly profitable Investment, L T47, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE WANTED CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents! real estate sold: mortgages placed. ARTHUR BOSWELL. iiJS N. 15th St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections ot city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday, SAMUEL T. FOX A CO. S. E, cor. 9th and Callowhlll. 2122 DE LANCET PLACE House entirely renovated. 10 rooms, 2 baths, electric lights, MEARS A BROWN, 202 South lBthsjL OUR RENT LIST GLADLY seni upon application. .P. OLENN. 1B17 Columbia Wit. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts, 132 SOUTH 17TH ST.. corner 13 rooms and 3 bathrooms. EDOAR G, CROSS. nil wainut st. 2052 N. MARV1NE ST. Three story. 11 rooms; fine order, conveniences, low rent. Win. L. Craven'a Sons. 1B40 North 7th st. KENTAL LISTS BUILDINO. N. W. corner 10th and Ingeraoll. Stable. 10th and Inaersoll r 150 8703 Baring .,,... 140 1935 Camao ....... 25 820 Indiana 15 1023 Ingersoll ..... 14 040 Holly ....,,,, 12 4200 Westminster av, 13 2010 Catharine .... 8I2003N. I2th St. ALFRED H, WILLIAMS, 623 Walnut st. Business Properties and Stores B07 ARCH ST. 114-10 N. 6th St. lOJtf S. 8tb st. Ie08 Chestnut at. .?f ,.' ?I.w . os iritei sc. 4? b. eiu el. lis o, iiui si. luui wariest st. fcua Walnut st, 1201 Walnut st, 1110 Walnut St. 25 i S. llth St. 1425 Market. st lu S. llth st. J A. PATTERSON. 180 3. 16th iL 1038 MARKET ST Two upper ttaoit. aixe 20 by 115. elevator; electricity, steam heat, rear entrance; will alter to suit tenant. MYERS A EARTH, Bldge ave. and 10th at. MARKET ST Ml Entire building throuso, to Commerce at ; suit retail or whokiib baiiaa; Uamediate Apply PENNA, CO.. B Cteataul L REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Continued ftcm Prccedlna Column Stores nnd Dwrlllnrs 2103 lTHARINEO rooms, cnnenlencc7. t2fi. FAnitELL. 710 B. 2Uth St. Fnrtorles, Warehonses, JHt, Floors Metropolitan Building ulApt Flreprcof Rwmj, SOOrt to 40.000 sq. ft. Cheap power. AP. OEO F, LASHER. 147 N, ioth st. s'Mo1, ??";? 8T""-Dco!b,.T!i- FLOOR SPACE In modern tiulldlne: R. n. sldfn. aub-postofflce: superior lleht for manufactur Ins: Ins rate. 4 cts , located N. E. cor. Uth nnd Wnshlnaton ne Phone Dickinson 1410. MERCHANTS- HUILDINO 44 NORTH 4TH STREET Deslrablo rooms; power nnd light. 3-STORY, 40x00 feet lot ' aood llrht: te'r'ms to lilt. J. A. MIDDLETON. Wldener Uldr., I'hlla. HAVE PARTY who will erect iiulldlni. rent fat v. uiuvr iiicnuon. ior smsiaetory tenant. DlETEItlCH, 737 Walnut st. LA no IB b round floor space nt 0th nnd Walnut. with back street for shlnplnr. , J. A PATTERSON. 1311 S. 13th. Oarages 1518 LATIMER ST. (near ISth and Spruce sts.) r,.cJX10 "eht, cement floor, also 20x3.1: Atf'iJf40 r'r ""hlh. WHITES UE A McLAN AHAN, cornr loth and Pine. U1TIC1M. Ut'SlNr-SH ItUOilS, ETC. HEED. ntHLDlNO 121t-17 Filbert st. fr.l'.uli l""11 a," conveniences! rents at. tracthely lowi service continuous. DRE.XEL lll.IHI .(TFPTCES' AMl,nf linntnTs oinwin rnoms, Suites 2 rms Suites .1 rm M2o. tir,o.'S2.io,i30o Usu.thno. J 4i Jj iiso jij.i 1jn11.ijj1.12.v1 JT.i. 14011 tl.lll JfpO.Jiun.r7.V V.YTJirr sillies. 4 lo S rooms - '"''" D WJLLtA.IS.f,fii bf'iel llulldlnj inu tn iiiiati. MERCHANTS1 nCH.DINO 44 NORTH 4TH STREET --ityj'sirable offices .beat and JJaht, WAJ-NCT ST . ISO ip'enn Rulldlng") "Large onicea: low rents, for Insurance nrokers and . agents LEA ESTATES. 700 Sansom st. oirrKcs; " PeVmonth nnd up. Includes heat, light, elevator and Janitor service, JA. PATTERSON, 130 3lf.ln M. M',!iK.!.:1I .,3lTrs',eral nflces ."l.irge rear trom for merchandise , ejectrle freight elevator. Professional nrflres PltprESSIONAL HUILDINO. 1831-33 Chestnut '. m i.,I.,,"l,' for l'hslclans or dentists. LT.JACKSONCO.. Chestnut and Uth. CHESTNUT ST.. 1820--Piof. offices aiid studios, steam heat, electric light, running water. WEST PIIILIDELPHIA HERMAN BROTHERS 0010 MARKET Housea apartments, stores. Near OOTH ST --I," STATION For rent or sale. Business Properties nnd Stores STORE AND riXTCRES, 4022 Market and near L stntlnn- rent 27 JASIES N MITCHELL. 10th and Market. OEUMANTOWN tn . .2T Y- DPSAL STREET 130, 8-storv brick and stono semidetached ,l0.u.;fA !lt.3:!'crn"; ' rooms, bath. HOILVCE II. UUTZ. 713 Walnut street. 130 DWELLINGS 11 ROOMS .. . Send for List, Continental-Equitable Trust Co., 21 8, 12th, PENNSYLVANIA SUHURIIAN DROOKL1NE Drand new dot. dwlgs.. 7r. A b , water heat, electr., large lots, 120.80. 128.30 up.J. ELMER WATTS, opp, llrookllne Sta. ELKINS PARK For rent. No. 20 Park nve. Apply on premises or J. T. Jackson A Co, Possesslon September 1, NOIlfil " OLENSIDE. 127; attractive 8-room house lot 100x117: shade. Hennlnger A Ren- nlnger, Olenslde, Pa. C. P. PETERS A'SON, 008 CHESTNUT 8T? SEE OUR LIST HEFOIIE UENTINO. MAIN LINK, T, It. n. AHDMORE 30 St. Paul's road. 12 rooms, S30; -s uaijiB, large 101 W. II, SMITH 0002 Drexel road Overbrook. HOSEMONT 13 rooms. .1 baths, garage, garden; beautifully papered; white enamel woodwork; J,.'"r.."i?Moni J"3 acres, rent per mo.. 1100. HARIIERT A CLAOHORN. 201 llalley Illdg. COMFORTAHLE home-like country homes" with fj' r,'JPA'f,n.,.'.ne',i "tnto your roqulrementa. J. SI. FRONEF1ELD, Wayne, Pa. E0R RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SUItUKHAN HALA For rent, to couple without children, de llghtfully situated furnished house on yearly lease, from September 1. convenient to train and trolley: rental 14.1 per month. Address Room SOS. COS Chestnut at. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTOAOE He It first or second If you desire efflcent service quick and satisfactory results and moderatn charge CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US. "Your mortgage will bo as good as placed." NORMAN 3. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut st. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms of years or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINO PARPEN 130 TO 1200U To loan on real estate security; Immediate settlement: payable as desired, EDW M. MOLL 138 S 12TH ST. MORTOAOES SECURED BUILDERS- ADVANCES A SPECIALTY UltUMIIAUUII A PARKER, INC. 1431 WW.NUT ST. .MONEY AND MORTOAOEi LAROE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. II. HOOD. .112 WEST NORRIS ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN (1. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDNER 727 Walnut st. FUNDS for first and second mortgages. J. J. TURNER, 1201 Chestnut st. 1100.000 TO INVEST In first mortgages, In sums from iioon up: nlsn building association money for second mortgages (1 C. SE1DEL A CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. WORRELL funds for first and VfvJIJV L-I1UU SECOND MORTGAGES 655 N. 17TH ST. 1100. 1200 TO 15000 TO LOAN. LEWIS A CO. 1227 W. Olrard ave. $50 MONEY for mortgages. Mucks County property. ARTHUR P.. TOWNSEND Lincoln nma;., i-nna. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. JOHN A. PARRY. 507 LAND TITLE BLDO. "BUIIOINO ASSOCIATION AND riUVATH ROBERT J NASH jnoi CHESTNUT ST. PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 11000 tn 150 1100 J EDWARD LUTZ. 210 N. 17th st. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAaL'3 T A RBDDINO 1 SON 709 WALNUT ST B203 SPRUCE ST. 1100.000 AT 414 PER CENT WILL DIVIDE JOHN A. BARRY GOT Land Title Bid?. THREE HUILDINO ASSNS meeting this week with plenty of money for mortgages. VVM. JAMES KEOail. 500 Land Title Bldg. "TRUST FINDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOE HERKNESS A STETSON UAND TITLE BUILDINO ARTHUR BOSWELL. 2JS N. 18TII ST. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES" ANY AMOUNT POTTS A THOMSON. 2521 Frankfo-d av. "ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MOltTOAaES Quick answer MAURICE II. MATSINOER Real Est, Tr. Bldg. MONEY FOR MORTOAQE3 liuuu U aiuu.vw JACOB A. FRITZ, HOP Land Title Bldg. LOANS Largo or small sums on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset tied Vstates? DEMPSEYACO.. 27 S. 18th. ""VUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2DMORTOAOE9 ' MORTOAOES FOil SALE tiieo. E, N1CKLE3. 2513 Oermantown ays. WE WANT MORTOAOESTnrst. second or split; READYFUNDS for good first mortgages; bring; c!lXs"!u5RmVNA CO., 217 S.Bro.a.aL OWNERS If yor mortgage has been called.. I will take It up; also 2d mortgage monsr. "wester P. ltOTTNER. 1420 Chestnut L rsT'and 2d mtgs.; bid, and Private funds: quick .nS satisfactory resu ts, moderate charges. .tAinsiESTATE, 2811 Kensington ave. first and 2d ratge. or on note, any omount; low rates; Immediate answer. F. X. Delany, ,?ri"oln Bldg- Broad and Penn Square. it'oMF-Y for first and second mortgages; building association and Instalment mortgages. Willis. wfhVstsr Company, 1001 Chestnut st. uMKmq for first and second raongsges; an FIaSSunt ,QUlck,,an.w.r CHA8 1. W. MILLER, Jol-illcjimniojnwealbBulldlng ANY ' AMOUNT. 130 to 15000, to loan to rea A estate owners i note or mortgage. Arthur J, Leupoio. ua v,.." --- Tt t AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtgeg. A ChsaVZ. Da TounaT. 400 W. End Trust Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN you CAN BORROW MONEY ON DWJDp-JEWELS, ETC. BIEDiR-V-1 "8 SSKv AND OXFORD ST. IIONET LOANED to helre Ire ut usaettUd uutii; ANK PVMAJtJIN. 7SJ IdUu. SI S. IZtA at. Tntenat bought FRANK 2 StVi;su Uiruid mi' : j Tlie Young Lady Across the Wnv The young latly across the way nays tho doctor says imp ouRlitn't lo cat much reI meat In liot weather, but she Bitpposcs spring lamb doesn't hurt you, as nho never saw n red one. Then Keep Out of Wnr "So j-ou'il litto to ho a soldier, would you, my boy?" "108, sir." "Wlirjt kind of a soldier would you prefer to bo?" "A llvo one." Same Effect "Hollo, Rimes, I was Just reading: your spring poem." "Thitt wasn't a spring poem." "It mtiat havo been. It gavo mo that tired feeling right off." WITH ALL THE Observer (during a steep volplane) -J.Jearn to f-fly? Pilot I'm learning now WILLIE'S IDEA OF DELIVERING sinineomrouRFCOHT porch xBBgf btscussi hg THf rt teien bobs M QOINtiTOTHE-tiOCtS,-. YHEIRMAVb TOLD I FAN 5IW0I OOtss VHtY WAdN'T PAIB HHR POrVTvY0VNEEIM ASV P,'T f YHAT'S U&Y I 1 5.AVJ THREE boTKESOF BEBR DEUWEREDl 7 7S. . J VJHAT T0k0 ) AT HIS HOUSE VEST ERDAV- I S.A.V, YrAT j fyM V11" WE V WILL- n3 fl i JQSifc- f if re1 irV ' VI & 1 ' , 1 '" "'' ' "" (Muuysiawuaansuiiiiw.ij.; ,,. ,, , .i,,, -i,,,,,' , ,IJM. GRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL 1 WAAJT 10 3ET l y a suit of WflOLeM J V UAJDERWeAR, J , v . V -7 """ (HUEKeVr IWFeVlTILE ) ll.HE?y ) PARAW3I6 . 1 ? , V VfJRSUMPIwyj lN.f2.IDEA4T IAI THE LlpE OF A MAM WHO , PREPARlMfi FOR A JoRTWERN CAMPlAifi. J TRIP IW AUGUST j jf y y y'WfWA.Ro LIGHT OCCUPATIONS FRILLS ADDED Fassln? Show, -This Is g-glorlous w-where did you A DHESSSIAKER'S MODEL tSIEbx 13 .,,-.,. M.fi.si. ifi sa-niisjiTn iiri.i,i.,,M.t.MtMj4s.trif'stili-.i,a,gi SlDNEYW-t A Vital Necessity Tho teacher was talking to her pupils on patience, and as an aid to understanding she gavo each pupil a card bearing tho picture of a boy fishing. "Even pleasure," she said "requires tho exercise of patience. See the boy fishing; he must sit and wait and wait. He must be patient. "And now can any little boy tell mo what we need most when we go fishing?" The answer was quickly shouted with one voice, "Bait." A Slippery Customer London Opinion. But Not Hla.Wfe "Of course, Mr. Wood," remarked; the younff woman, archly, "you have read 'Ilomeo and Juliet,' haven't you?" "Why, I've I'va read Romeo!" War's Little Comediea "Vett, if yua r.v l s, bttur vi. EH ti it." J SU O