Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12
! EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1916. , . 6- W: W Sgr - MANY (KM) PARIS IN PRIZE SCENARIO ,The Author's Own Characteriza tion of the Leading Roles in "Phil and Delphine" r By the Photoplay Editor To fflvo thft fchotojHay cast contestants nn idea of the parts 'which they nto to play there la' published below the character plot of Adrian Oil Spear's prize film, "Fhlt and Delphine," (By the wny, that la the work Jnff title. Llko Mr. Clrimth and all the great producers, Mr, Spear may havo to change the name before production.) The Metro Pictures Corporation will "cast" the film With the leaders of tho contest when It closes. There are seven Rlrls, a woman, n child and threo men In the character plot ns It now stands, but these 12 nro not the only important actors. Every small "bit" can bo made a startllnu part by tho actor to whom It falls. Especially In comedy tho small part can shine. Tho Photoplay Kdltor recalls many comedies In which ono char nbter, entering for perhaps 100 feet of film, carried off honors nnd -was shortly starred. Also In companies of established reputation It Is not Unusual for a "star player" to tako on n small bit. Contestants nro Urged to study tho fol lowing characterization. If you think that you nro especially fitted for any one part, hurry on with your votes nnd you will get that .part. Philander Van Puicn Our hero. A , Doug Fairbanks, Jack Barrymorci Max Fig- man Bort of character. A Wg-heartcd, l thoroughly likable, "nothlng-to-do-'tll-to-, morrow" young man about town. A club 1 man with a valet and $300,000 a year. Aside from that he's all right. Dresses Jn the retght of fashion. Delnhlno Drnyton Our heroins. A real , rlrl with a real purpose In Ilfo. Works In tho Interest of tho poor. Lovable, popular, 1 unaffected, beautiful (of course). Has i deep lovo for children tho dirtier the dourer. Her family has lived In Itltton- houso squaro slnco Broad street was a cow path. Tho Six American Beauties "Grown In Philadelphia." Marian Mainline, Olga Ogontz, Winifred Wayne, Louise Lnns- downe, Natalia Norwood, Geratdlne Gor- , malno-Towne. Tho most beautiful and popular girls of these localities. Friends of Delphlno's, her helpers in day-nursery projects. All cx-flamcs of Phil's. Podgcrs Phil's perfect English man servant, called "ple-faco" for short, and there's a reason. Austere, a butt for Phil's Jokes, but very fond of him. Methusolah II An antln.ua proprietor of an antique shop. Very deaf, a rather pa thetic flguro but humorous. Llzettc Delphlno's maid. A bit. Katrlna A scrub -woman at Phil's club. Ills "mother" for S10. Tot A stum child denizen of Rtttcnhouso square. A llttlo girl of from 4 to 6. Very pathetic and dirty. Minor characters Children, all sorts and conditions rich children, poor children, bad children, good children. Their parents (mostly mothers), postman, policeman, fire men, telephone operators, carpenters, ex pressmen, crew of department store delivery wagons, clubmen, clerk in Caldwell's, clerks , at Ledger Central, messenger, oyster saloon man, wagon boss at Evening Ledger office, two old maids, a brldo and groom, hoppers and moro children. Quests at Country Club, dinner dance A bevy of pretty girls, men with flasks on hip and Mrs. Teetotal, a fussy and furious dowager, fat, fair and forty. A couple of squirrels. The organ In tho Belmont Theater Is unique In. tho cast, owing to Its placing In tho rear of the houso, in two sound-proof 1 chambers whence tho tono is thrown against tho concrete celling and blended more per fectly than Is often posstblo when tho or 1 ran Is directly In front of tho audience. It Is electrically controlled In every respect by the organist from his position at the con sole in tho orchestra pit. Tho Instrumentation Is very complete embracing threo open strings, muted string, two flutes, piccolo, clarinet, trumpet, tuba, horn, tho powerful diapason phonon and tibia and a very flno vox humana, In addition there aro cathedral chimes, orcres tra bells or glockenspiel nnd other acces sories which tho hearers will appreciate. .-.-. ., DEATHS 5T year. .. Relative! and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, nn Wednesday. St 2. p. m , at h! Into residence. 22T B. Upaat St., Oermantown, Interment private. lir.Y. On June 20. lOln. suddenly. In th Phil ippine Inlands. BERTRAM W, IIF.Y. husband of llertha M. itnnktna nmt Ann nt .Tames II nnd Mary A- Ite y. Relative nnd frlenda are 10 Invited on Photo by Gutekunst. E. H. TETERSON WALNUT STREET TAILOll DEAD Erick II. Peterson, n IUnson and Affil iated With Business Associations. Was 49 Years Old Erick II. Peterson, a Watnut street tailor, who enjoyed tho patronago of many of Philadelphia's leading business nnd society men, died at mldnlKht Saturday at his homo, 1535 North Eighteenth street. Al though ho had been 111 for several months, his recovery had been expected. Mr. Peterson conducted a shop nt 1119 Walnut street. Ho was 4!) years old and Is survived by a widow, two sons nnd a daugh ter. Ills sons arc Erick, Jr., aged 23, and Philip, 18. Born In Stockholm, ho left Sweden nt the ago of 18. Ho was educated In tho public schools of his native country, and ho learned tailoring Immediately fol lowing his arrival hero. He was successful from the start of his career. Mr. Peterson was a member of tho board of directors of tho Walnut Street Business Association and also belonged to tho Hotary Club. Ho was prominent In tho Masonlo fraternity. Ho and his family attended tho Messiah Lutheran Church, Sixteenth and Jefferson streets. attend tho funeral services, ruesuay, at, a p. m., at his parents' resi dence, 120 Bast Fisher's ne., Olncy, Inter ment private, at Hlllsldo Cemetery. No flowers. Kynrx. on , August 17. loirt. george DAVID, husband of Chrlsplne Kurel. aged 78 years. Relative, nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 11 n. m. precisely, nt his lata residence., 133 W. Qlrard nve. Interment strictly private. Remains may bo viewed on Tuesday, from 7 to n p. m Automobile funeral. MNSKNlir.nOKn, On August 18. lfllfl. IRVIN s., husband of Gertrude Llnsenberger (pes Varner). Relatives nnd friends, also l'hlladel- Finin iionse. no oi, u. u. M.I l ramps Kncflclnl Society nnd employes Cramps' dry dock, nrn invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Tuesday, at 1 n m., nt his lata real-"fT.0..'.'."-'5 I-ast Sustiuehanna nve. Interment nt Hlllsldo Cemetery via funeral car. LOWnil. Ou August 10. 1010, CIiniSTIANA. widow of Frederick Looser, aged 74 years. Itelatlves nnd friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. nt her lato residence, B132 chestnut at. In terment at Montrose Cemetery. MAYER. On August 10, 1010. nUPHIlT, mis bind of t'atherlno II. Mayer, need 78 years. Itelattven nnd frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 3 p. m. pre cisely, at his lat resldenco. 010 North Oth St. Interment strictly private MctfUi:. On Awnist 10. 1010, FRANCIS .T. McC'UE, on of tho lato I'eter and Mary Mct'Uf. Relatives and friends are Invito to nttend the funeral, on Wcdnmday. at n:.1o a. rn... from Ssin Spring Garden at. Solemn hlch mass In Ht. Agatha's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. MrOLAIn. On August 10. 1010. at TarksMa Apartments, MARY It., widow of Charles Me Glade, formerly of Atlantic City, N. J Solemn renulem mnss at St John Evangelist Church, 13lh at, nbovo Chestnut St., on Tuesday, at 10 a. m. Interment strictly private. Auto fu neral. Kindly omit flowers. MITCHELL. On August 10, 1010, WILLIAM A., husband of Anna ;, Keeler Mltohnll, Itela tlves nnd friends am Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m . at his lato residence, 70 W. Johnson at., Oer mantown. Interment private. O'DONNKM,. On August or -5 Prominent Photoplay Presentations iniiiiiTrrn m BotHm Grmpaw THE following theaters obtain their pictures Ihrnngrt the 8TANLEY Rooking "" Company, whlfh Is n guarantee of early, snowing of the finest productions, AM plrtnres reviewed before exhibition. Ask for tho theater In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY IJUOH1.NU COMPANY ioMm O'DONNULL. wife 0. into. itosR Patrick O'Donnell and A. & II. M. Warner have secured tho rights to all tho Ella Wheeler Wilcox poems for filming and propose to releaso them in 1 the form of two reelers at the rate of one a week, commencing tho lattor part of Sep- ' tember. Tho scenarios are to be made by Ituth Helen Davis and the pictures nro to ba disposed of via State rights. Tho name of the first orie Is "A Married Coquette." Tho four principal members of the company en gaged to enact these scenarios are Arthur Ashley, Walter Miller, Lucille Taft, Car lotta deFellco. WOMAN SUES WOMAN FOR THROWING HER DOWNSTAIRS Wife of Berks County Prison Inspector Defendant in Claim for Damages HEADING, Pa.. Aug. 21. Mrs. Ellen N. Miller, wlfo of ono of tho Berks prison In spectors, wns made defendant In n $5000 damage cult brought In court here today by Mrs. Carrie Bocker, who accusscs Mrs. Miller of throwing hor down n flight of Btalrs In a Penn street apartment house, two wccks ago. Mrs. Miller suffered a fractured hip and a dislocated collarbone and has been In the hospital ever since. Her husband also de mands 2500 for loss of services and medi cal attention. -On August 20. 1010, MART J09 , wlfo of John C. Phlllnp and daugh is Into Robrt and Rebecca Aleran- IN ME.MOKIAM CAMEItON. In loving remmbrancs of ROBERT I CAMERON, who died August 21. 1H14. WIFE AND CHILDREN, FATHER AND MOTHER. STEWART. rln memory of CORBIN O. STEW ART, died August 21. 1909. HIS WIFE. ZBeatfjsi Municipal Band Concert Program The Municipal Band, under the leader ship of Benjamin Itoeshman, will play to night at H and Qllham streets, Lawndnle. The program follows: &Drr,iXs3i,.1Um Tel1" .....RosUnt a'?ron;kL;'i0tWEaft0'V,,!,:;:::Mjdi.1e'n0ar Tana sain .!... , Hfim-J.' i ..' 1 -j 1 .. " r-irvie,J "imam rajran. Grand "ejection. Tnnnnauser" Wa VaUo dl Concert, "lllus Uanuh utl 'America a Fantaalo' irnar Htraiisfl .Herbert Theatrical Baedeker PKATURB Ft Lit 8 MTASLBrTint half of week: Mariuerlta Clark. In "Little Lady Eileen." a Paramount feature! Burton Holmes', travelogue, comedy. Se?.B l!?tur?" and educational features. Second half: Blanche Sweet. In "Public Opinion." a Ijislcy production, and others, JWCADU BE.IIN. On Auxust 19. 1MB, suddenly, at Sea Islo City. N. J.. THOMAS, youngest son of Vincent Sf. nnd Anna a. lleahn (neo Mc Kadden). Funeral will tako place from tho residence of his grandmother. Mrs. Ellon Me Fndden, 401(1 Oreeno at.. Oermantown, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m. Interment private, rlease omit flon-ers, ntlllMi:. On Ausust 20. 1010, JAMES EE JVOOl), son of Charles K. nnd Mabel I,, llohmo, aged 0 months. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend ths funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m. precisely, at the residence of his crandparents, James I and Sarah J. McDoug-al. 2320 H. 17th st. In terment nt Mount ilorlah Cemetery. nilTTERWORTH. on August 20. 1910. THOMAS B.. son of tho lato Thomas Edwin and Emllo uutterworth nnd grandson of the lato Edwin and Ester Uutterworth. need 4 yearn. COUSH. On Auwist 19. 1010. CHARLES IOI. I.OCK, son of Charles and Emma Pollock Coras, aced 24 years. Relatlvcfc and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Tuea. day. at 2:30 p. m. Interment at Lockhaven. Va. DII-TTERICK-H-EECKER. On Ausust 20,1010. HOS1NA WEECKER. widow of Oeorca bleteri Ick. In the 71st year of her ate. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m.. at the residence of her sonlntaw. Dr. Augustus H Keller. 23.11 E. Clenrfleld at. Interment pri vate. Automobile funeral. DOWMML-On August 19. 1010. IIANORA. wlfo of Joseph Howling. Relatives and frlenda ara Invited to attend tho funeral, from her lato residence. 2002 Diamond St., on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m. Solemn high maas at the Church of tho Most 1'reclous Blood, at 10 a.-m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme terv. EASTIUinN. On August 10, 1016. at hla lata residence. B310 Jefferson St.. Gormantpwn, WILLIAM P . husband of Mary Osborne East burn. Solemn requiem mass at St. Vincent do 1'aul'a Church, on Tuesday, at 10 a. ra. Interment private. FOX. On August in. 1010. MARGARET P.. wife of Michael P. Fox. Kelathea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes day, at 7'30 n. m., from her husband's resi dence, 2113 North 21st st. Solemn requiem mass nt St. Elizabeth's Church, at 0 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. riisi;. On Auriut "o. lots. ltAnnv Nmfc. TON, husband of Louisa l'llley Funk, aged dnushter of tho lato Daniel and stasia Diirfv Relatives and friends, nlso tho Lencuo of the Sacred Heart and tho Altar Society of the Church of tho Nativity, nro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 8:30 a. m., from her husband'a residence, 2207 E, Clearfield at. Solemn requiem maas at tho Church of tho Nntlvlty. nt 10 n. m. Interment at St. .inn a cemetery rillf.HT. On J KriilNE. wlfo ter Of tha Into Ttnhart nnrl nal..n Ita.nH tier. Relatives and friends nre invited to at tend tho funeral, on Wednesday, nt 8:30 n. m., from her lato residence, 2170 E. Tucker st. Solemn high mass of requiem at St. Ann's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment 1 rrniwoiKi uomeinry. nr.OAN. On Aurust 20, lOlO.ntEBE IxlUISE. widow of Dennis A. Regan, In her 78th year. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 R. mv, prj;cl,.!li'ttl hn Parlors of Oeorga Chandler Taul & Sons. 1321 N. 1.1th st. Inter ment private nt Fernwood Cemetery. Auto mobile servlco, ROBERTS. pn August 10. 1010. EDWIN F. husb.tnd of Ida J. Roberts, nged 00 years Itolatives and friends nre Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 P. m.. at his lato residence. D321 N. 13th at. interment private. RUTH. On August 20, 1010. ELI D. RUTH. 2R?l 7.3 yeW- ,D.U0 no.t,ce c funeral will be Hr?Vri&?!,;nhtl.a U,t9 residence. 071 N. 30th st. HvA!T.'.yMi"0"'-',n August 10. 1010, ED W iPt 1'-. StTATrERQOOD. S-rvlceV and In terment strictly private, at tho convcnlcnco of tho family. S5Il.T,.L'"in ' 10. 1010, JOHN J., son of tho late John nnd Annlo Smith (neo Mc c.ft.nn'. .J'clatlves and frlenda nro invited to nttend. tho funcrnl. on Tuesday, at nmn n m IStmiv .un.clc!" residence, Michael Krause. - "" .'t'lifiuiiiriy iivp. solemn requiem mass nt St. Elizabeth's Church, at 11 a. m. ,.JP!'rmcnt private. ST.l."'-0.!..A"CT",t 10. 1010. nt Wilmington Del.. CHRISTOPHER J5TAIB. Relatives and lwnfi also William C. Hamilton Lodge. No. R0O. F. nnd M.j Tristram H. Frremani Royal Arch Chnpter. No, 2t3i Corinthian Chasjcur Commandery, No. 03; K. T Lu Lu Templei A. A. p. N. M. S.: Friendship 1-year Beneficial Society, aro Invited to attend the funoral services nt tho residence of W. II. Robinson. Jr.. 1000 Jackson St., Wllmlng-tni??.el.-i "D. Tuesday, at 10 a. m. Interment nt Hillside. Cemetery, Philadelphia, l'a.. upon the nrrlval of train duo at Broad Street sta tion 11:50 a. m. Remains may be viewed on Mnndnv, 7 to it p. m. STIXnER.-On August 10, 1010. EDWARD W. STINOER. Further notice of tho funeral will VS. Kl).en- tfC1m th0 resldenco of his mother. KltH South 33d st. VAN AKKN. On August 18, 1910. OEOROE Jl . husband of tha late Joanna Van Aken. aged 70 years. Relatives and friends nr In. vltcd to nttend tho funeral services, on Tues day. at 2 p, m., at Ills lato residence. 2017 South 17th st. Interment at North Laurel "m .ciiiricry. r ncnuo may view remnins on 3COST AND IOTJND PIN tost. In Atlantis City. Aug, fl. 1916. dU mond crescent pin. containing 20 "iWnno Platinum crown and rold hack. Rewaru ' If returned to R. J. Taylor, Inc.. 1000 -ai lownin. RINO 2 1-0 eirsli. surryondeJ with 00 smal monas, weig gom setting. ti?nedr to" Jl E?Caldw-eliro02 Chestnut Lost, In Chestnut Hill. Caboehon mjj ilghlng 8U carats: Pltlnjm ? " S rtliirin. nna Chestnut at. HELP WANTEP-tEEMAIjB BOOKKEEPER wanted thoroughly expeHeneed doubI-entry;.nono other need apply, aooaaai nrys state exp.: one residing In '""""JJ'o" J V Frankford preferrcdM OSSLedgerCeniraN BOOKKEEPER In real estato omce! state 'ftr5r mm qnnHflcallons. , M 0112. Ledger Central. CARETAKER, small . apartment housoi no pay. but free heat, light and apartment. Taulane, QUO Walnut t. SC'Vit.-y-'J S5 MARKET THE H Belmont Theater Has Joined the constantly IncrcaslnR number of Philadelphia's lending photoplay theaters to install a KIMBALL ORGAN At tho Belmont Theater tho silent drama ceases to bo silent. Tho Kimball Organ puts llfo nnd emotion on tho screen nnd registers, In Round, every human nnpeal as It Is ex pressed on tho film, thorcby giving natural ness and realism to tho story. Every combination of sound nnd tono can bo produced by this Instrument. No human orchestra or group of musicians could pos sibly equal tho variety or quickness of manipulation which Is now possible with this -wonderful Instrument. Where can you securo greater enjoyment than witnessing; a photoplay production of America's leading stars, accompanied by muslo that combines tho grandeur of tho Cathedral Organ and tho Symphony Or oliestrn? First Playinc Today by William C. Lovctt, Master Organist Monday nnd Tuesday I'niillne Frederick In "The World's Great Snnro." Wednesday nnd Thursday Jinry I'lckfortl in "aintlnme Butterfly." "The American COMBINO AND DRAWING nOOM HELP Rcdoublers, spinners, twisters and doffers Arrivr john a james dobson, inc. Carpet and Plush Mills nidge ave. above Allegheny Falls of Schuylkill. HELP WANTED., CemitnufA tr -.. . - . . "trains Col LATIin. vertical bor ng mm .i"T-Ssi machlno ntters. etc!. W..BM lt Kmplpyrnent UepMtfntnT if J' Jyi3 IMRORERS wanted for .. 7, T&S. N. W. cor. mrTknd nfown'sff ' C LAIIORERS, . ntly7v,hMJiS!---M omigiiny.AmDler, ra. wtiii. MACHINISTS andlearnV i5 Orlanna st. 'earners wantMriS MAN .AND WIPE to do-i77-' - JjS li13iE?deer.CentraV " anl nSm .rE!T.Tr"no rn. . - JtELTERS Two Mnrin.1-rr: ncld open-hearth furnace- if 'orli burning. Apply in i'ii,ln ni WAIertown. .Mass.. Mstlmf .t'? IS enrea and trn... Ji.i.li,,n tXPer nir r.mJ ucoiica. MEN. 10. wanted to leain ... -A pork packing business; T 22o iSS 7W. 3040 Oermantown nvc. Mr h,)n'.iV COOK Assistant and dlnlng:room girl, white, wanted for institution of 65 beds; best refer ences required. 11 102, Ledger Office. COOK Toung colored woman for light cooking: must bo neat and havo good references. Apply Monday. 8 p. m,, Room 205, 008Chestniit St. r'nnv n( ..taa. fn. Itfiln I. (net referenca re- nulred. Meet employer 11 a. m.. Saturday, Room 200. 008 Chestnut st. FINISHERS on llradley Co., 1 men'a neckwear. 8U4 Arcn st. Hughes A QIRLS over 10 years wanted for. light work! no experience necessary! 15 week paid while learning. Apply 319 North 32d at. QRISWOLD WORSTED CO. DAnnr, pa. Starting up raw maclftnery. Want girls! learning. good wages, steady work, and will pay while HOSIERT Exp, knitters and toppers) learners paid while learning. 1020 North Lawrence. HOTEL CASHIER, experienced, Whitney sys- tern, m no, Ledger central. HOUSEWORK Olrl for light housework; washing. II 030. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, mlddlo aged. Ledger Office. 11 230. LACE MENDERS, experienced. Ilromley & Sons. Lehigh avc. below Apply John front. LEARNERS for lace curtain mending: good Say while learning. Applv John Bromley A ons, Lehigh ave. below .Kront. MENDERS on levers laces: also girls to learn: must bo over 10 years. Apply Rromley Laco Co.. Lehigh ave. below Front. MILLINERS LIT BROTHERS REQUIRE MILLINERS APPLT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ESJ Monday evening iaur;. Apr Any a chestnut ? . U k -rt. BELOW 10TH Bessie Love and Wilfred Lucas In "HELL-TO-PAY AUSTIN" April I f 62D AND THOMPSON frJl-JJ MATINEE DAILY TRIANGLE Presents NORSLV TALMADGB In "THE CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE" niLLIE HUHKE In "Qlorla'a Romance" No. 8. I217I lf"llTT "D ADOVE MARKET DUiLtlVlVjlN 1 Mats.. 1:30 A 3:30. 10c Evgs., 0..10, 8. 0:30, lfio Pauline Frederick "' "TUVS world's a uuuiiL. tcucm.it, GREAT SNARE" WALL n August 20. 1010. suddenly of pnoumonla. HENRI OTTO WALLACE. b Ioed son of Mario Louise Wallace, aged 11 years. Relatives and frlcndfc are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at It a. m.. nt tho resldenco of his grandparents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Alhrecht. 1103 N. loth fit Interment private. WARNER. On August 20. 1010. suddenly, at Capo May. N. J OROROE WARNER, need 04 years. Relatives and friends of the family aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, without further notice, from his late residence. 1800 N. 17th at., on Fourth-day, 23d. at 11 a. m. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST PHILADELPHIA EUREKA iorn AND MAnKET VIOLET MERSEREAU in "Broken Fetters" f ARnFN B3D & LANSDOWNB AVE. IjAKUIMN EVENINO 0:30 TO 11 DOROTHY DAVENPORT In "A YOKE OP GOLD" Also Two-Reel Drama and Kalem Comedy SOUTH PHILADELPHIA OI Y M P T A nrtoADND Ji I 1Y1 r I A BAINDRIDOE The maximum in comfort, safety and amuii. mtntt at the minimum price. MATS. DAILY, WilUam Russell in "Soul Mates" PKTAP C0T" AND CEDAR AVE. lEiLSI. PAltAtlOUXT THEATER GAIL KANE ..pp,, LOGAN THEATER i8l &OAU DONALD BRIAN In "THE SMUGGLERS' I OPl TQT r,2D AND LOCUST LiVUUOJl Mats. 1:80 and 3:30, j.vrb.. n:uu, h, d:30. 10c. inc. Edith Storey in "The Shop' Girl" Market St. Theater "gF1 ... . . TRIANGLE Presents .JKILUAM LUCAS In "ACQUITTED" JACKIE SAUNDERS In "THE GRIP OF EVIL" FAIRMOUNT S.0T" Trard ave. THEDA BARA In "UNDER TWO FLAGS" FRANKFORD 4m mMna,vB MARGUERITE CLARK In "SILKS AND SATINS" CCTU CT" THEATER OO 111 Jl. Tlnlnw Sp Matlneo Dally Tlolow Snruco. Even. 7 to 11. WALLACE 11EID and CLEO RIDGLEY In "Tho Selfish Woman." HARRY WATSON In "The Mishaps or juusty surfer." mDn AVENUE THEATER 01IV-iI- 7TH AND GIRARD AVENUE Fannie Ward and Sessue Hayakawa in "THE CHEAT" IRIS THEATER 3H0 JS'S"0 DOROTHY GREEN In "THE DEVIL AT HIS ELBOW" IITI7I7CIJCOM 20T" AJJD DAUPHIN JtirrlliK.3V-lN STREETS HENRY KING in "PAY DIRT" BILL1K BURKE In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" LAFAYETTE :0" KBN8,NaNOa BLANCHE SWEET In "THE THOUSAND DOLLAR HUSBAND" YrrATYn,I? FORTY-FIRST AND LJl.AL'rJ.IV. LANCASTER AVENUE JESSE L. LASKY Presents WALLACE REID nnd CLEO RIDOLEY In "THE SELFISH WOMAN" LIDC DTV BROAD AND IBtK 1 I COLUMBIA WILLIAM S. HART in "THE CAPTIVE GOD" PALACE 12U MAnKET STREET MARYpfcKFORD In "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" or.W.lAT0.R' experienced on machines. Mlllas, 4.V-' York ave.. bot. 4th and Bth. bol. Noble. MEN Wanted laborcrsVnTTr -J& 8Ti:NOGRAPHEnTon-T--T iT?Si-y It bookkeeping experience: givi J ?.'. bookkeeping experience: glva mL", tvi ence, reference and ago. ? ,' ,t WANTED I1-;SEJ0 n-..X"Na.MEN. """" ana i(0 j.ari OFFICE POSITIONS. . .. , with ADVANCE.MENT, m.. --.".' vr "i.-ntuitr o en letter YOUNG MEN, two, wanted not ... TK old. in delivery servlco if a tiSl'S ' good opportunity for right mii"iWr . reference. H 74fjLfr,;.rl cStVi'4" WE STILL. NEED mnrirfJttg WESTERN UNIOM .Employment Rur..,.' mtn and Chestnut .V: E STILL NEED more-r7iUbiTr- Hcxntl pay rn at ornamental Iron work iX"vV. easily learn; will i..ii tr.:"'.'Bt "u .wq ...i1'.. " .r:""' 2F." helpers or 12 whil. can mako 120 nge anti oxp. Idd.7,fnS r '1 liM. Oeneral ACCOUNTANT for 33 ncc. itarf. Cu ft: clerks, real estato. 1B comitnSS " tors. 2. tSO mo.: general clki , "5 ?, foreman brass foundry: other MA.f,i " . BUSINESS .SERVICE Co!, jjf ",a M TEACHERS WANTEI)vTKtin7lTfr merclal. 000. Apnly ImmedlatSv 'Kfi,' era' Agency. 327 Terry Uldg "p,ii rji3 AOENT3 AUTOMOBILE AGENT with i.rtc, .dS. handle popular-priced touring V J ..i""- rent:nn; Philadelphia today and tomorro. "ki ' 044, Ledger Central. "orro, Ba i( 'uiar-pr ma touring en. .v. Phi adelphla and vlcinTtrTLifill H good opportunity for I In' ukvS r'n ntrant n.ltt. - " "t(l( iHMl ntr In 1 tlrti rAA,t fuu, huwu i'iuriunii- ior live irni nrturnr'fl naent with ni- . A"0! SITUATIONS L. .WATTJSD-.narjfa Aa.?'i""1.J S'i .Vi?lEA ?. sil il"-vJ"!'I-""."",'.lVJJ!!at' iH. Uiei -rrr i.nn.i.vmni hh .: . srv COOK, 30K, chambermaid and wsltreiTwlBT together. Call Room 205. M8 Ctata &? COOK, first clnss: wages $8; rferenMrr,irs Jh.HliJLn0J!l'LjiniL5'j3iut5S' t OPERATORS, experienced on men's neckwear. T. P. McCutchoon Bro.. PI tea I rn Bulldlnr. 11th and Arch. OPERATORS, tuckors. trimmers on all parts of shirtwaists, cotton, ellk, crepes and georgettes. .mHniunr.ucifi imupmiy, ,iu nnniirown. OPERATORS, experienced on Union special twin .i;ri"..",'.:.,-.i"""'. Ku...wW"i... "yff'enia .- i.r- ru umwinmr V.U., tn, M, ItOWnrO. OPERATORS on. silk dresses: only those oinerl encea in this lino of .work need apply. A. II. Caplan&CoiS01pWalnut, SALESLADIES wnnled'fnr cloak and ault da- partment. Apply M. Sllberman & Sons, Otb and South sts. SALESWOMEN We have positions In many departments for iru jment. heforo 11 experienced and competent salespeople for both regul of Emp .VWUR1DQE & CLOTHIER. SHOES Experienced tip ropnlrers. colored and patent leather: 7th floor. 31S N. 12th at. SOLICITOR, photogrnphs; lady; refined appear ance. Holden. liSIU Oermantown avo. STOCK OIRI.S wanted: elegant opportunity for advancement. M. Sllberman Sons, Oth and South ats COOK, neat, colored, from South: -r-- caiiHoom 2U3, jioh .Chestnut st. " COOK wlahea positionrprlvnts famlii:rM2 erencc. D30IdBerpce'TlSf GOVERNESS In achool. aernunna FrtncT: tpmpornry to ono largo child. R 01J. Xm,J GOVEKNESS, . English, ctfs. French. EmiS music, drawing; dally pref. H 822 IJf HOUSEKEEPER, working, tilnTwu Sept.l:suburbs: best ret. II 828, 11 ct NURSERY GOVERNESS iTeflnelnSa young woman desires permanent pmlffiit 3 nBsumo entlro caro of clothes. Imm branches, music, embroidery. enlru no objection to traveling: city or wimtrpS rollent references, 8, H TlO.JjSlrSJJ PIANIST Youns lady, classical. popUr good sight reader, desires engirettmur htghchxss opening. H TJyrercffiii YOUNG WOMAN wishes posltloa ti'cKk'. housework. 0 South Molo st. jj SITUATIONS WANTED-MAIJI ACCOUNTANT Man. 2.1 years, wfihn t aa auditor or confldontlal asslitint to rkS manngcr of progressive concern: ttaraniii familiar with every phase of bualneiMrXv ing accounting, management. inlmitKn etc.; heat of ret.; iir.nn. II B40. Lvlntte IOOKKEEPER. nso 22. experienced wtibrT change; commission produce houw trttont II 211). Ledger Offlco. . . PARKT I1IDOE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST. i -r-vivrv jrAT 2.15 EVfJ fl .--.P'iRAMOUNT Pnts VICTOR MOORE in "THE CLOWN" "SECRET OF THE SUBMARINE." NO. 12 PRINCESS 1WST$5CT METRO Presents FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN In ,.lA VIRGINIA ROMANCE" CHARLES CHAl'IJN In "ONE A. M." . RIALTO OERMANTOWN AVE. -.-.n. a J AT TULPEHOCKEN' ST. GERALDINE FARRAR In "MARIA ROSA" RI1RY MARKET STREET BELOW 7TH STREET nil. FOX Presents Dorothy Bernard ,n ,,flPOnT,JJPoolv. SAVOY 12U MARKET t rYft&Ja" CORP. Presents MOLLIE KINGfflaraiER TIOGA 17T" AND VENANGO STS. PARAMOUNT rresents MYRTLE RTEDMAN In "THE AMERICAN BEAUTY" .. ..w .. wu..x 1 I VICTO R I A MAnKET st. Iirt ABOVE NINTH MAE MARSH In JTHEMARRIAOE OF MOLLY.O" STANLEY arA?fPt A?0VE 1JTH MARGUERITE CLARK In "LITTLE LADY EILEEN" iiiimnmnmiiimiinmiiinmnniiimii.. -........,,. ..,,,,,,, TELEPHONE OPERATORS Tho Bell Telephone Company offers positions as operators to In telligent young women between 18 nnd 2" years old: salary JO a week whllo learning, wltb rapid adancement: a steady position asanred. with pleaaant surroundings and un usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to the Bell Telephono Company's opera torj,; school. 400 Market St.. dally between 8:30 a. m. and o p. m. Monday. Tuesday and Friday evenings between 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long dls- Jf""(.;T'J" " ."' -fn'flw -Avsysiono iciepnone Co.. 135 S. 2d-at.. Room 4QB. WAITRESSES, white, for largo Atlantic City halnl wmrt arorrft Av.ta J s - . Mrs. Mead. Room 205, 00S Chestnut st. WU-IAM'H 1NHTITUTK wnnf- wrtm -.k Btronc personality and convincing manner for ruuA,l't nui- -n uoiors a-, oupervisor. linn rrhoKtmit t ?a i. ' ""v0". 1U0O Chjstnut St.. 2d floor. WO.MEN Tho eastern manager of a largo Chi cago corporation. wishes to meet 2 or 8 women between 20 nnd 40 with tha equivalent of high school education and free to travel; those hired will bo given good permanent proposition which offers unusual opportunity to a qualified woman: give nge. education, previous expert enco and phono number in first letter. Address O 842. Ledger Control. General TEACHERS WANTED, high and grades: good salary. NATIONAL TEACHERS' AOENCY. D. H. COOK. MANAGER. 327 Perry Building: HELP WAN - D MALE ond half: Olga. Prey and Henry B. Walthall' in Ibaen'a "Pillars of Society," a Triangle, probably mada by Mr. Griffith himself. '"ffS1 !?' I,11..3 'O' Plckford. In "Hulda Front Holland." a Famous Players. Paramount film. Second half: Wallace S'tS ndF'50 KMlIey. inThe House of the Qolden Windows." a, Laaky. Paramount film. VICTORIA Monday and Tuesday, "Tha Mar f,,aS? "A Mo'l'-O." with Mao Marsh and Bobby Harron.a Trtangls feature, and Slack 'w.Rl,..,,! 'Madcap Ambrose." a Keystone riot. Wednesday and Thursday, "Honor Thy Name." Triangle feature, with Keenan. Ray and Louisa Glaum, and a Draw comedy. Fri day and Saturday, Metro feature, "Tha Weak ness of Strength" and "Pllla of Peril." a comedy. YAVU&YILI.U JCEITH'SHttt Kalmar and Jesala Brown. In "Nursery-Land". Douglas J. Wood i Co In "Tho Shoplifter": Dong Fonr Ouo and Ilarrv Haw, Avellng and Lloyd. Willi. Sola Th Stelndsl Brothers. "Folk. d'Amour": art dano toe by the Crisps, and the Floreuc Duo. QLOBE "The Colonial Belles," musical, and "The Scoop." a. dramatic sketch; tho Gliding O-Mjaraa. "A study In Black and Tan": Reader's invention la posing, "Tha Messenger Boy. SoubrUta and thV Dlndy-'s Ash! and Morgan. Mart. Sparrow. Kan. and Wag ner.s.na David B. JUll Co., tn "Just Com. In KM.V'S ORAXD Rov Itlrrah M. -- roller skatliur. Havdn. Borden nnA ITv.Ih 1 bumorouj sketch. Marl, and Billy Jrt, St. . ?,enjV i?1 ""- Maud. Ryan and Dave Vani 1.14 aut company. CROSB XBYS--First half of week: Otorg. Wblto.y'a Mgro musical tabloid. "Th. Smart Bet"; Brt Wilcox and company In "V Count of No Account," Baker. Sbermand and Remington. WUU Duo anit John and P7I BURLS3QVU fgOPLB'S HtoMnui with Ros. BydelP. Famous London lUlln. with a largo cast In dudtna J9I ny W.ber and Fyiyoco CornelL Martyred Priest to Be Honored Catholic clergy of thla city expressed deep Interest and Eratlflcation yesterday over the proposed beatification of Father Isaac Jogues. who fan tortured arul put to death by the Indians In J853 In, New York State. The plan, to acclaim him a saint Is indicated In cafcla dispatches from Roma, which say tliat the Congregation of Ilitea la formally coasldarlac tha matter. CStys Paving- Stetljod Approved Joseph A. Itourke and John Carty. the BeUon JubUe Wor Cepartment engineers who ttu'iitd the ?hiUelphbi paving situa tion t Mayor CurKy request, have pn Bt4 . report l& tha Iayor la whisli they HtuiHi Mt th sntirp e-gtoserfRa- TIOGA tetHmSiSSilSS ""r1 'Iviosowi: EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR E"KBY MONDAY SUBJECT TO CHANGE VEKK ATJO. SI TO 28 APOLLO ARCADIA BELMONT CEDAR EUREKA FAIRM0UNT FRANKF0RD 5GTII ST. GARDEN GIRARD IRIS JEFFERSON LAFAYETTE LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST LOGAN MARKET STREET 0LYMPIA PALACE PARK PRINCESS RIALTO RUBY SAVOY STANLEY MONDAY The Children In tho House Qlorla'a Romanes B. Loo and W. Lucas. Hell to Fay Austin In TUESDAY IJary Plckford. in Poor Llttlo Pepplna Paulino Frederick. In The World's Great Snar. Oall Kane, In Paying the Prlc. Violet Mera'reau, in Broken Fetters Theda Bara. In Under Two Flags Marguerlta Clark. In Silks and Bating Held and Rtdgley, In The Selflah Woman Dorothy Davenport, A Yolk of Gold In Ward and Hayakawa, The Cheat In Dorothy Oreen. In Th. Devil at His Elbow , Pay Dirt uioria Romance Blanch. 8wet. In Th. Thousand Dollar Husband Keld and Rldsley. In The Selfish Woman William S. Hart. In Tha Captive Ood Edith Storey. In The Shop Olrl Donald Brian, in Tha Smugglers Acquitted The Grip of Evtl William Ruell. tn Soul Mate. Mary Plckford. la ulda From Holland lIuicLi Victor Moor., in The Clown A Virginia Romanc. Chaplin, in On. A. M. Ooraldln. Farrar, In aria Roaa Dorothy Bernard, in Sporting Blood Mollis King, la Tb. Summer Olrl Marguerite Clark. In Utile Ldy Eileen Myrtle Stedman, in Tha American Ueautr Ma .aitb- ta .. I Tt. Karriase ct B, I.ov and W. Lucas, tn Hell to Pay Austin Paulina Frederick. In Th. World's Qreat Snar. Victor Moor., in The Clown Lillian Walker. In Green Stockings Marguerite Clark, in Silks and Satins Lenore Ulrich, In Kllmeny Reld and Rldgley. In Th. Selfish Woman Hall and Leonard, in Th. Crippled Hand Alice Brady, In Miss Petticoat Charles Ray. in Th. Deserter .Theda Bara. tn Under Two Flags Reaves Eaaon. in Th. Better Woman Reld and Rldcley. in Tho Selfish Woman King and Ashley, in Th. Summer Girl Edith Storey. In Th. Shop Olrl Donald Brian. In Th. gmuggl.rs Olga Petrova. in The Eterna Question Alice Brady. In Tangled Fates WEDNESDAY Lionel Barrymoro, In Th. Quitter, Tha Qrlp of Evil B. Lovo and W, Lucas, In Hell to Pay Austin Mary Plckford. In Madam Butterfly Arnold Daly, In Th. House of Fear Robert Edeson. In Father of Men flail Kano. Price; Peg o' th. In Paying- th. King Blaclcw.ll and Ostrich. In Sally In Our Alley D.Wolf Hopper. In Strand, ed; Qlorla'a Romanc. Leah Balrd. In Th. Light of New York Douxla Fairbanks, in Fllrtlnr With Fat. Ralph Hen. In Th. Purpl. Lady Lorkwood and Allison, in Th. Rlyer of Romanc. Ma. .Murrav. In Sweet Kitty Bellalrs Frank Keenan. in Th. Coward Anlta Stewart, in The Daring of Diana Mollis Kinr. In Th. Summer Girl Olga Petrgva. In Th. Eternal Question Under Two Flag Liberty Robert Warwick. In Sudden Riches THURSDAY Oeorga Walsh and Anna Luther, In The Beast Hiry Walthall. In PllUra of Society Mary Plckford. In Madam Butterfly Lionel Barrymoro, Tho Quitter in Richard Iluhler Rosetta Dries, In Qods of Fat. Louise Huff. In Destiny's Toy Ethel Barrymoro. In Th. Kiss of Hat. W. 8. Hart. In Th. Cap tive God; Gloria' Romanc. Clayton and 111 kwell. A Woman's Way In Viola Dana. In Tho Flower of No, Man' Land Marguerite Clark. In Silks and Satin Crute nnd Anderson, tn Her Husband'a Wife Nilsson and Moor., In Who' Guilty FRIDAY . Edna Goodrich. In Th. Making of Maddalena Iljnry Walthall, tn Pillar of Society Myrtl. Stedman. In Th. American Beauty Louisa Huff. In Destiny's Toy Bertha Kallch. Ambition In Green and Ilruce. In Th. Devil at Ills Elbow Donald Brian, In The Vole. In the For Dustln Farnum. in Davy Crockett Violet Mersereau. In Broken Fetter William S. Hart, in Tba Barsaln BUM. Rurke. In Qlorla'a Romance, No. 11 Virginia Pearson, in Th. Writing on th. Wall Tha Devil at His Elbow Gloria's Romance Hopper and Lev., Stranded In Mollis King, In Th. Summer Olrl Olga Petrova. in The Eternal Question Pauline Frederick. Bella Donna In Mary Plckford. in Hulda From Holland William S. Hart. In Th. Captive Ood .Louise Lovely, tn Bettlna Loved a BoldUr . East Lynn. Glorias Romance Marc.McDermott In FootllsbU of Fate CharU Richmond. In Th. Dawn of Freedom Marguerite Clark, la Uttl I dy Eilaen Myrtle etedinan, la Tba American Be Aty Uu Vmnh T.S ei So: ittr-O .Miry Plckford. In Hulda From Holland . Douglas Fairbanks. In HI Picture In th. Papers Harold Lockwood, in Th. River of Romance Robert Edeson, In Father of Men Reld and Rldgley. In The SsUUh Woman Orrln Johnson, in The Light at Dusk Marguerite Clark, In Uttl Lady Eileen Glor The Quitter irla's Romane Frank KMnan. In Honor Toy Ka Jackie Saunders. In Th. Orlp of Evil Th. House of th. Golden Window Hopper and Love, In Stranded Gall Kan. In Paying th. Prlc. Florence Reed, in A Woman' Law Dustln Farnum. la Davy Crockett Wm. Farnum. In Th. End of th. Trail Blanch. Sweet In Public Opinion Blllle Burke, tn alalia's Komase Trsalc Kvau-Tt. tn Use r Thy & House Peters. In Tba Rail Rider Dustln Farnum. In Davy Crockett Lockwood and Allison, in Th. River of Romance Green and Bruce. In The Devil at HI. Elbow Reld and Rldcley. In The Selfish Woman SATURDAY w.,?:?A1.tetA.En.l.4M" -. -..., apuvo UOU 1ifif.ry Walthall, in Pillars of Soclety Mrtl Strriman I. Th. American Beauty Ch'a6n'ap,'nt';STh,etm Ed.thTShtoreyr&aA.iM0reno, Flora PbrkoreD.av.n. Itt Dustln Farnum. In Davy Crockett y?'j'r.and Overton. In Th. Ordeal of Elizabeth The Deserter DeWolf Hopper, In stranded -AUTOMATIC SET-UP MEN On Acme. Cleveland and Grldley automatic machines. GRINDERS LATHE HANDS TOOLMAKER3 We will pay ths highest scale of wages to experienced men: no labor trouble; permanent positions; both night and day work. APPLY STANDARD ROLLER BEARINQ CO. 40th and Merlon ave. BUTTER PRINTER, experienced, dViini id tlon; references. II Sltl, Ledger Offlo. ? CHAUFFEUR and coachman: tern wnle; I ran In Inst position: married; are H:!2tit, trained, nxm Tembcrton at.. W. PiJIwm COOK-llUTLER Japanese couple. fint3 small family. II 015. Ledger Centrsl m HOUSEMAN and butler, colorcdTvUn tt tlon; cook; private family; city. rilcU.kn reference. II ia. Ledger Office, usaa .MAN AND WIFE, chauffeur, sardew. tant f. man: wlfo good cook: good wartinwsiJr" havo excellent reference. 5000 ijnotatTV SALESMAN or offlco manager. 8 mrf raft ence, desires new connection wlia t nisi 11 u.i-. i,ruger wentrai. STENOGRAPHER Experienced for 22 rears In coil. nllr I and steel buslnes3. desires new ronucttHf with opportunity and where knowMn IBS 00 vaiuea. Jl oil, eager uentrtl. M nmS DOKtUll to nil; M YOUNG MAN. "1 li.ilm tuialtlnn nlth nun" dlsln: house, where thro Is clitnn for'sttj employed nt present. H 332. LtJur QqaSj TOUNO MAN drsfres porminent kiMokI1' years business experience: knooleut counting. 11 L'32. Lodger Ofnce. ' YOUNO M.N with experience deilrri vtix chauffeur or butler. -037 Ditcpn twt; INSIDE position warned Married nun, tipttf old. 18 lears with present eraplojer. IJr"t. inside general offlco work. U jean mw selling; fair at figures and penminilu;:r' operate typewriter; can hustle: huiIhmi reference; can atart at 120 a wk ) with a future. H22.'iLJLedger Office. t COLLEGE GRADUATE wishes posltloa; secondary to opportunity for sdvncemreta seconaary to opportunity for sdvancemrena experience. H 7.10. Ledger Centril.; FILIPINO Young Protestant wishes M L''C .r housemanj flrst-class ( B33. Ledger Office. -MPIOYMEN-' AQENCIESJl BOOKKEEPER in real estate office; atats salary and qualifications. M 851. Ledger Office. BOY for chemical laboratory; good chance for advancement; experience unnecessary; high chdol or manual training education desirable Apply Monday morning, Philadelphia Storage .." -iynni munnu I1U i 1, BOY wanted In uptown real estate office; ex cellent opportunity for advancement! slat. age. II 748. Ledger Central. BOY wanted, about 10. for general work, largo pVoro'.nid?rCOfflc?.I''y- '" W" hn,wr""f. BOYS INTELLIGENT, AMBITIOUS ROYS FOR WORK IN OFFICE. LARGE CORPORA. TION; MUST BB OVER 16 AND IIAVH GOOD SCIIOOLINO. ADDRESS B SSI LBDOER OFFICE. ""' NICHOLLS. 10211 Bainbrldge it. Cob jfl waltr'a. chmhrm.lN. nn..,,. hgevrkf. fte.1 sl mum iieip aup. nna wameas vac. wi' nnla tnn tan. .....I...... ffhmhpindl 1& nurse', 10, etc. ' Phone' Lociut IIWJSJ AUTOMOBILES m I'or Hals CHASSIS M 191 W havo a few cheap cars of which t"f.i!l would b. ery suitable for truck i work of any kind: don't fall to '" look them over If you want oraeUim bargain price for delivery purpo'"- LOCOMOUILE . ... M-i 23U Market at. Locust ill II. A. JE.NKS. Mgr. Exchani:CirPj CADILlC 10U touring car. ourUw repaintea; run equipment; price "., BALL'S CORI'OHA'flON, 1 N.Bi COLE. 1014, O-cyllndcr. 7-passerrer toonw J In Al condition: completely eaulpi. W"i tires good; bargain. .. ., ,i t. u umi'LMiu ,-A oik r Ureas VS HUDSON'S Phaetons, roadsters anl. fi BOYS wanted. 4 over 16. to learn a business paying .ood wages. Apply in person or by letter to 11. K. Mulford Company, Olenolden, yfiPAX18 JLDi h'lPsrs wanted. A"ppi Philadelphia check office. Atlantic Refining wumpanr. iitit rassyunK ave, CAI.KERS AND RIVETERS wanted. ywcuiper company, amuier, l'a. Cruse- Blackwell and Clayton, In A Woman Way A Qutter Magdalen. Dustln Farnum. In Daw Crocks 1 1 John Lorens. in "wu lane. 28MifSff-& Elbow Ethel Clayton, in A Woman'a Way Pearson and Kent, In The Vital Question Tb. Houso of th. Golden Window. Ann Fenntngtbn. In Suale Snowfla k. J. Warren Kerrigan. In Th. Beckoning Trail JVIllii S. Hart. In The Captive Ood Douglas Fairbanks. Flfrtlna- With Fate la The Olrl of Lost Lake ChapUo.. In On. A. Blanch. Sweet. In Public Opinion Blanch. Sweet, In The pus Edmund Braaae. In Weal 4 of ffi- Stf-JB-Wsrta " -'. tv UUIAQ lu2ul!? Fairbanks. n" HI. Plctur. In th. PaoSr W'alsb am 'iSteap-ta "" """wufd'owS ai te-fft-i. B"S,Pyki, AU.a Soul A Child cr Deatlnr Th. Dorothy Oreen. In 2jJl Hta Elbow BJAC& Sweet la Public Opinion Blanche Sweet.. a Tbe Dupe Edsausd Sreeea. In WeatUMss tretv DRAFTSMEN, thoroughly experienced on punch and die- work, for pressed steel parts: excel lent pay. with steady work, to competent men; In replying please atats fully Qualification!. P. O. Box 6801. Philadelphia, Fa. DltAFTSJIEN. experienced, on boiler shop lay- qui. Appty u. auereer, am Pasayunk ave. DRIVERS wanted; good wage, s'urpaas Leather Works. 8th and Westmoreland. FARM LABORERS wanted; good wages and advancement, for steady men. Apply In ser- OI?neMe-arAttr' "' fc UUl,0ra ConlDW. FITTERS AND MECHANICS wasted; boiler and tank work. Crus.-Kemper Company, Am- --. GROCERY CLERK, with, experience, for gen" ?!. 5?ro Ja country. Apply at ones. F 8 Well. Southampton, Pa. w.t-. a. HAMMERMEN. HELPERS. ETC., WANTED. PRESSMEN AND HELPERS FOR 1000-TON 8T-AM HYDRAULIC PRESS : GOOD WAOPH AND STEADY WORK. APPLY WAOES PHILA. STEEL AND FORQE CO MILNOR AND BLEIQH B:. TACONY. .luwouno l nietona, roauaicr u- . rtriB equipped with electric lights ana tSSiSI Oomery-8chwart jf.2o3N. UroaaJt:rgSga MERCER ROADSTER; electric lUMs. 5f top. wind shield, full enuipmeati r--ai tlrea Ilka new. H 718. Lcdgerjtrtlja-SJ i-Aiu iuio. uienwooa -i-ao; ","'Sr:i Hon throughout; very reasonable !?, B ge ow.Wllley Motor Co.. 801 N; B"J" . m ifntr.PM Fiii-'f. Ktrninscv-i -"t. WHITE. 10-H. P.. 7-pass. touring. tjj -AUt0Cttr susnrSsartSJsiA 1015 OVERLAND roaster, in WJJT leal condition: extra t re; must w " a, . .-mr, SchOKMl UAIAU iAltJ.D 33lJM4KKa SEND FOR FREE BUlPIlNJ Or U3ELI Wytt l ATJTO IiIVERY AND QA! CALL WOODLAND 973 for the highest grade service in Philadelphia. .-fj !a-IS3,r. Pia uuiuiuuutiea ior r S4i"- j i .j Finest equipment to be foftaJ HOO YARD MEW, IVHUE OR COLORED "to handle araln-fed hogs. Apply Tr.nn A. v2 letter, fl. K. Mulford Comii'Sv,anfX?A''J' J-owtiii'turBr latnVAMDcD?" Sharp. 13 76; printers' helper it '"S. 1 Iaborr. U to 12.21, EuKit mn11i,.,ra when on pfecwork. cltUel. 151y.'nf.,it after first year o aervb. k.ii,."Vl .'eav. Bridesburg. Pa., preferably to5TrnAT,tn1' Br'sburg. Pa., preferably ln5.V.'in'l"wn' EfilUItANCE JM-MT-ipalfernffir-PhTir INDEPENDENT TAXICA 29 N. BROAD.BT. AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITr TO, Diamond 6168. Never cIosed;: STAR TAXICAB CQ-. PHONE DIAMOND J TAXI TOURINO LlMOtJSrasa HALF REGULAR .BAT'S -, neny ; -.. , . 7.,-T - -.l Tltnay lij n.,.r jiomeu. ruruwiif ' i . , en dar. ? POPLAR. 1017. li.23 fir. ; i tl.-O hr.iw -Trt hint IOEK- brand-nenr 0 P i-n hr.ni.neur u - 7 wedding, funeral. !. BUY MOISTER Portabl.. OaraieS-fla.fi tucco. On dUplay 3931 w ith- tJ AUTO EEPAIRIN0 T 8PEEDOMTCRTROUIU fl n.. tt r v .. hla ruiw locating. 4m a!o nort'h broad sTaj&a tiunutiia liEuoiii-ii, new fivi-. lurnlshed, welding ana cnan. -, atmaaA a r-jv loss Hamilton ' ATJTO -EES PULLMAN TIRES ow"as.tanirw1