Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 21, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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- & v Jto-m -iin w -LrJimxiiiK-- 1-jg.iAJUiJijUJb'JLtiA, MUJNUA x , AUGUST 21, 1916. H
km Changes in Collegiate Tutors Will Make This
Year a Highly Interesting One From
Every Standpoint
E J16 football season is nbout to ho
uunched en tlio unsuspecting public.
tile the frantic iaimiita wuu iuuuw uuhi"
' . .1 ..ml ifiinlt nrik. flcriit. mw !,.
'J"" ... iiolr favorite) teams nnd Indtile.
10C" Ine In iiremn.
turo world's scr
ies chnttcr, tlie
gridiron coaches
nnd captains aro
doing some fig
uring of their
own and doping
out some new
stuff to bo pulled
late In the au
tumn when the
struggles of the
diamond are but
VS&PMl llnBerl"S ,nel-
We Hdm't that
this stnrtllngan
nouncement will
come as a huge
surprise to
many, but the
n w. MAXWCLt. fact remains
... ih.ill Is Dlavcd In September, Octo-
November and early In December, and
?jwn warriors will enter the arena
" LMre for the coming conflicts In about
lT..it hv our calendar. Early practice
Zn da held by all of tho big colleges In
WU WD . . .-,-..- 41.- 11.., ..
I E4St, Darimouill uuiui, iiiu nisi m un-
ruble on September i. mie, iinrvnru,
niell Penn State, Syracuse. Pittsburgh
t ',nv others will get together on tho
.lowing week, whllo Penn and Princeton
.nloloOK over UlU ruoiviira un iuu lain aim
rjttli respectively.
it-resting Season
t tn-elmr from an early survey of condl
,i,. in the arlous colleges, tho approach-
'. 'SC mi have had In years. All the teams
'!. ..anon Will u unu ul iuu iiiu uiiuicai'
mjm mi
ijl make heroic efforts to "come back"
ina ifaelr followers and well-wishers will
Wlevs In them as they nlways do until tho
4dules are completed. Some real ex-
(Sting footbatl Is on tho cards and no doubt
I Cock of surprises will be put over as
Bat tho one thing that will mako things
bteKJtlni? is tho cluster of new coaches
sio will take chargo of big college teams
sr the first time nnd endeavor to prove
from the start that they are tho right men
their Jobs. Never before in modern
a HnfEHfcilbali have so many changes been ma do.
ni WO Will nuu.ft mm uivcicaw ..' i4ciuii'
it of the elevens.
B.4Hg lliuai. luinvui. .,..., nu.i mi j. cull
,.-. ... llnrl.r. l-fonnm, ntn d . . n.n
tjlTanla when Hob Folwell was elected
lead coach. Then, right on tho heels of
&xl came an announcement from Ivale
!' &' Theodore Agustus Dwight Jones
" jaWjund "Tad" for short was Intrusted with
the, destinies of Old Eli on the gridiron,
Haughton Steps Out
Before we recovered from the latest shock
Percy .Haughton decided to becomo a nabob
ef the diamond and purchased tho Boston
Braves Baseball Club. Percy ndmltted that
he would have llttlo tlmo to mlnglo with tho
college, boys In tho fall, so Charley Lcary,
his chief assistant, was shoved into the
trtach. Charley will have chargo of tho
trtliojaary work until tho middlo of Oc
tober and after that perhaps Uaughton will
tad same assistance.
Buck O'Nloll, who did such good work
Kieehan or Lanning Will Go in
Against Jean Dubuc This
The Athletics and Dotrolt meet utraln thiR
Mftemoon at Hhlbe Park in tho second game
iKue series. llughey Jennings Is a llttlo
jRrrled at tho strength shown by the Mack
Ieo. thinking before ho nrrlved that he
wad count all tho contests hero his. His
pwpolnt was changed by tho closo call
iraaon Saturday afternoon, when It took
T0ung men 10 Innings of terrific bat-
IlKtO down ihft Whltn Tlanhanlii
Klrt order to make sure, or what he deems
(Xing sure, of victory today. Jennings will
Ij" send Jean Dubuc against the Mack-
SB. Dubuc has been nftohlnp Avr-altanf
11 recently, and he was always effective
iUfiSt th Au n.nn In V.nH U.l.. .1
ftumnla Mack has not decided which of his
r$Fh9 will use, but It Is probable that
wiT """"ns or Sheehan will bo used.
th ot them have shown up well against
m hio Dcaoun,
netv-four Tan nfp wai nf n-,i
If Rapids, Mich.
iSVlfifiK 911 'or 'ha fourteenth an-
" :? wit-iif3. iirn a lie vi nnv.
ffif""2KWffiraen..; W5m5?:?
i sarnlng on tha links of tho Kent Country
Onallrvtnv ni.rt4
Jljsad of match play will be played on Tues
was played today, the
-K KCOnd rmtnri W.rfn..H.v Bamlrt .... I.
fcrrisni,ib9 niJl on Friday. The program
'TOUti naVB i nrovtdad for wlnn.,. In
t JS' "H'llghts. with an extra flight added
of Chlraara.
Hammond, of
t year's tour
i rr.ri.u".,"V.,.,fl "" entrants already nere.
Teuiif.iVr' w"i no. M required to play In
Wttn&ia&rnih " fftfe. of th. assocla.
-... ftii,B Tiii,iuui, u, uiviiuiamry
U.!.?11.'- Kbsenthal Ravlsloo.
EKiPO'h). runner-up in tha las
iETEY DINK You Can't Always Account for
?i yrCU!'e' decided that he had enough of
i. . "un,i jno nrst ot the year, nnd
tr ii , Job- l5 was Riecded by Hill
tioiienbnck. ona of the best coaches In the
country, and William will start work on
September 7. In the meantime, It was dis
covered that thero was a vacancy at Wash
ington and Jefferson, caused by I-'olwcll's
resignation, so Sol Mctsgar. who was quite
succcsful at the University of West Vir
ginia, was prevailed upon to take tho Job.
Pop Warner still Is at Pittsburgh, At
Sharpo remains at Cornell, Speedy Hush
will bo at Princeton, Dick Harlow at Penh
State, Metcalf at Columbia. Poster Sanrord
at Uutgcrs, Frank Cnvanaugh at Dart
mouth and many of the minor colleges re
tain their old tutors. Pitt, Cornell, Prince
ton, Penn State nnd Dartmouth will profit
greatly early In tho season, ns the coaches
know their men nnd the teams probably will
get off to a flying start and make a good
showing In tho practice games. Uut the
others aro bound to come to the front about
the middle of October, and then the real fun
will begin.
Task for New Coaches
It Is n dimcult matter for a coach t&
tako charge of a big college eleven these
days and mako good from the start. He
faces all sorts of handicaps, the principal
one being tho Installation of an entirely
new system to replace the one that has
been taught to tho players for two years
or more. He also Is confronted by a team
composed of strangers so far as an Inti
mate knowledge of their playing qualities Is
concerned. He takes chargo of what might
bo called a veteran cloven, ns no man Ib
eligible for tho team unless lie has been In
college at least one year.
When freshmen were allowed to play on
the varsity all of tho coaches had an even
chanco at the start. They could select
several promising players from the Incom
ing class, build tho team around them, If
necessary, or flx up a system of play which
would show them at their best. Freshmen
phonoma were quite common In those clays,
but those days have passed.
In modern football, tho coach has no
chanco to be surprised by the play of some
unknown who locks his freshman cap In Ids
locker, dons a football suit for tho flrst time
and trots out to practice. Tho unknown will
not oven get near tho varsity. Ho will be
herded with his class. The coach seldom
works on uncertainties, for ho knows at the
end of the season Just what men will be
avallablo for next year. He can plan a year
ahead. If ho cares to, and that Is the thing
mat gives me ouier conencs tho edge over
tno recent ones.
Changes Style of Play
A new tutor must mold a team from
Juniors and seniors who have played the
game differently than ho will teach It. and
tho sophomores, who wero on tho freshman
team tho year before, will havo tho samo
Ideas as tho others. Everything must bo
changed even the stylo of signals and It
will be some tlmo before things aro working
For thnt reason, it will not be wise to ex
pect too much from the now coaches at the
start. The flrst few games aro likely to bo
hard ones nnd close scores may result; but
remember, It takes time to get any strange
machine to run smoothly. Penn and Yale
will havo Bomo rough sledding In September
but wait until they get going good In tho
big games I
Former White Sox Slugger to
Join Athletics Next Spring,
It Is Reported
Ping Bodle, formerly with tho Chicago
Americans and now pastlmlng with the San
Francisco Pacific Coast I.eaguo team and
Incidentally, tho circuit's leading hitter, will
wear an Athlotlo uniform next season. This
announcement was made yesterday by
Harry Wolvprton, San Francisco manager
and former pilot of tho Yankees.
Connie Mack, lean leader of the A'b, ad
mitted last night thnt he had made an offer
for Bodle, but would not mention the terms
although he seconded the guess thnt the
amount would stretch Into five figures.
Mack has been anxious to obtain Uodle,
and news of Wolverton's announcement
that tho slugging Italian hnd been sold to
the A's pleased the Athletics' boss immense
ly. Ilodle will Join tho Macks next spring.
The addition of Bodle to the Mackmen
will add strength to tho club, both on the
defense nnd offense. When a member of tho
White Sox Bodle could "kill" a ball when
he'd hit it, but the gama was a secondarv
proposition with him. After being shipped
back to tha coast Bodle reformed and has
been hammering the ball to a fare-thee-well.
Bodle now Is paying attention to his
work, has taken oft virtually all of tha su
perfluous weight he sported while with tho
Sox and really Is playing a major league
brand of hall for the Seals.
The St. Louis Nationals have been trying
for some time to land Bodle.
Langer Wins Mile Title
OCEAN PAHK. Cat.. Aug. 2 Ludy linger,
ot tha Los Angeles Athletic Club, won the na
tional mile swimming champlnnshlp yesterday,
establishing what local officials declared to bo
a new world's record of 23:11 for the distance.
Norman Ross of the. Olympic Club of San Fran
ciaro. finished second In 23:22.
Herbert Vollmer. of the. New York Athletic
Club, took the lead at the start, but the pace
he set was too fast and he nult after swimming
220 yards. Ted Cann, of the same club, also
became exhausted and did not finish.
Johnston, Kumngac, McLough-
ltn and Others Begin Battle
on Courts
SOUTHAMPTON. Ii. I Aug. 21. Wil
liam M. Johnston, national tennis' champion,
may havo o. chance to avenge his defeat
of last Saturday at tl a hands of the Jap,
Ichlya Kumngac, In tho tourney which
began at tho Mendow Club today, Tho best
players In tho tennis world aro entered nnd
If theso two aurvivo then tho net world
can look for another great battle between
tho athlete from tho Far West a-.id tho one'
from tho Fnr East. This will bo tbo laBt
of tho big Invitation tourneys before tho
nationals, which open at Forest Hills next
Johnston, Williams and JIcLoughlln will
competo in this tourney. Davis, Murray,
Kumagae and Bohr will also competo.
Church Is ono of tho dark horses of
the season. Thero aro many who bollovo
that ho will como through just ns Johns
ton camo through last year. Church Is
playing tho best tennis in his career Just
now, but occasionally has given vent to
an erratic streak. On his bolt days, how
over, he has looked llko n real cham
pion. Murray, Davis, Kumagae and Behr, to
say nothing of tho ethers nlready mon
ttoncd, aro possibilities, and It Is dua to
tho fact that they will nil compete hero that
a fairly nccurato Idea of McLoughlln's
present status will bo 2nd.
Scraps About Scrappers
"Beating tho other to the punch" Is n good
tltlo for tonlEht'n lUhtweleht match at tho
llromlway Club, when Tommy Jnmtnon and Eddie
Hlnrkle, two of South Philadelphia'!! hardeat
hlttlnc llshtwolirhti. meet In the wlndup. While
both boyn have floored a number of knockouts
thin summer, lllnckle rulei n (avortto becuuee
of his ndvnntige In experience.
Wally Xclson. whose bouts to dato utamp htm
ns it youngster with a bright future, will appear
In the semi at the Ilroadway, Ho will tako
on Wnltey Fitzgerald In a return mix. Johnny
Mullen vs. at O'Malley, Harry Donahue vs.
Charley Mooney and Harry Pierce vs. Jimmy
Dundee are the other numbers.
Two Now Tork Italian boxers, who may
appear In local competlon this season, are
Jimmy Taly. 12" pounds, and Tony Marto. 133
pounds The former Is a sparring partner of
Johnny Dundee. Frank Slroco, their manager.
Is negotiating for matches.
Charley Thomas Is nbout through as n Board
walk god: also his mustache Is about to meet
Its doom. The kid's flrst bout of the season
will take Dlace next Friday night at tho Cambria
Club, and Joe Phillips will be his opponent. Htx
scrapi are scheduled, with Tommy Uorman and
I..o Flynn In the fifth number.
Several boxers who havo been on the side
lines for a year or mora will endeavor another
fling In the squared circle, Hobby Wolgast. the
Houthwnrk 12H-pounder. whose famous battles
with Hobby Evans wero rip-snorters, will bo one
of the bunch.
Whether Jack Blackburn Ii to box near as
good In the future as when he was recognized
as a leading ring star will be decided Wednes
day night. In meeting Young Aherrn Illackbum
gts a real tryout against an fast a middleweight
as there Is before the public. The bout will ho
the feature fray of a special Negro Elks' pro
gram and tho reopening ot the National Club.
Tonight a week wll start the resumption of
boxing at the Olympla, It also will ba the
debut of Johny Moloney as a professional, and
by pairing off with so rugged a foe as Joe
O'Donnell. the amateur champion will have a
good opportunity to display everything be knows
ot tne nstio art.
Frankle White plans to ba a knockout artist
this season. He Is a clever two-handed boxer
and punches good, too, but he hopes to show
his punching powers abova his cleverness, Frank
has a tourh proposition on his hands for to
morrow night against Terry JlcOovern, formerly
Henry lllnckle, at the Ityan, and probably will
And a hard man to eliminate by the K. O. route,
Philadelphia fans ngaln will see Billy Mlskle.
the Bt. Paul middleweight. In action this season.
He made u big Impression two years ago. Ills
first eastern match of the ltll.Vltl campaign will
be made In Brooklyn, August 31, opposed to
Johnny Howard,
Eddie Mack Is to start training In a few
days for his pantomime boxing act which he
will exhibit In vaudeville this fall. Mack and
Ilabe u aurne nave a reai runny number
and they should put It over. Mack's training
will consist ot falling gracefully and taking
the count,
Reds and Whites Ploy Each Other to
Standstill on Deal Field
nv.n hani;
N. J... Aug. 21 In
m.mh nn Deal field
fast nnln
the Reds and
Whites played each other
a. standstill, the
ih .,rlnda ending In a tie nt tt: ...t. i.
half-time the Reds Ted by 3 to , . The entrance
In the last half ot J. n. Williamson, the Texas
lioy. who ua V . reat poio at the
Tier and '.oni Island, greatly strengthened the
Whites, he talllug goals In the fifth una sixth
pirlods. At the end of tho sixth the count was
even at.3W- A safety In the seventh period by
tho Beds put the Whites. In the lead by a
tiuartcr, but In the last minute of play In the
eighth a sifety by Williamson tied the score
again. Williamson bad a fall, but escaped
Things in Comics
.-n. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBAv. ji ti.iKH x i. .!(; w ju xjix tiutim i in r v a . vat. vv.io' -
-BiiiiiiiiifeiJJJB.W'iX' WW lAMJlSraF'M ,: .' T XV t?..,v. .S!;,K,
X?VIBWtf9,rSr VS'ystvS V '.(!' '11,. i .ft ..H? ;t - . i.S W 'fc?Vrc-3rc ss
LN.Milst,.'.-' rer'-.f i?i-sr"K.Mn: i 'i. . . - n . ws .. 3b."-tmnrt& ...-?- .
, wmpuw.wwm
:miivm4iiiiitii4yiii.A s. &;ririw ' i
r v -t.. frf-r-Ntii,..-pKi
Fine Condition Aids
Kumagae in Tennis
J- to teach American lawn tennis
players tho value of perfect physi
cal condition for championship con
tests. Ho was fit and fresh at tho
end of the grueling five sets at New
port. Overj'oycd at his victory, the little
Japanese rushed into the dressing
room, caught A. L. Hoskins, .vice
president of the National Associa
tion, in a straight-arm grasp at tho
thighs and lifted him from tho
floor as if the 190-pound man was a
baby. Kumagae is muscled with
thews of steel, and ho overtops any
American as to physical condition.
Tlrat rac. purso ISOft D-year-oId matdons. 5
furlongs Haiel Nut. 112, Kxporter (Imp), 112;
!,.,literScott'h- H2: J. Itufus, 112: Monotony.
112: Duchess nf Llxwell. 10!; Otsego. 112;
sturdee. 1011: Graphic. 103: Sol Mlntx, 112:
Dyson. 10'ti Doro. lull. Also eligible Mlnnlo
Ilehrens, JO0; Hitter Sweet, inis I,ord Fliz
herbert. 112; Tho Baroness, 10'Jj Mella. 10'J;
Honey Shuck, 101).
. Second race, purse 1800. .1-ycnr-ntda and un,
claiming. 1 mllo Roy, 107; 'anlnwny. 103,
Panello, OS: Fleuron II, 105: Avolante, OH,
Fair Orient. 01. Snndlr, 00; Zudora, 102:
Cupid's Dart, 103; J loos Hoo. 107.
Third race, purso SS0O, 3-year-olds nnd up,
claiming. 7 furlongs Good Shot, 10(1; Mc
Hrlde, OS; Mauaoleus. Ill: Reno's Degree, 01,
Smtthrleld. 100; "Alecto, 8d; Okemus. 111.
Fourth race. Allies selling handicap, purse
1000. 8-year-olds and up. 1 1-10 miles Father
It I ley. 107: Bell Bay, l(i'j; Fountnlu Fay, 101;
i.ittie string, 1U2; Aideoaran, 1US; Hope, 07;
Tokay. OS
Fifth race, purse
I R0O, 3 -year-olds and up.
Sftltln?. t) furlunzs Haru and Htars.
-cnrisinpnino. iui, imiaia im; nantm ot rjeas
ure. 100; Droll. 103: Old Bob, 00; Dignity. H7;
Wanda 1'ltxer, 10.1, stout Heart, 112; Itlo
Braxos. 00; Jim Wnkely. 107.
Hlxth race, purse $800. 3-yeir-olds and up,
selling. I mile Nathan It.. 104: St Charlcote,
117: Miss Waters, 10(1. Jawbone. 107. Water
Proof. 106, First Degree. 107; Balgee, 10s.
Fern Bock. Ill: Volant, 107; Booker lllli io7;
First Star, 101: Scnrpll, Hill; W. IV. Clark.
103. Also clUlble Hilda's Brother, 10.1: Hedge
Hoe. JOS; Stir Up. 117. Milton Campbell. 10.1;
Monocacy. US; Hastena 11(1: New Haen, 111.
Seventn race, purse IftOO, 3-3'ear-o)ds and up,
selling. 1 mile and 70 yards Cadenza, 107,
Caaaba, 101: Arlstccrat. 113: Ilepton. 103:
Hum Around. 102. Hookor Bill. 102 'Jack
Ileeies, 01, Wodan, I0U, 'Batwa, 03; Col.
Marchmont, 103: lien Quince, 101.
Apprentice allowances.
Weather, clear; track, fast.
St. Joseph's Beats Shanalian
The Ht. Joseph's baseball team took Shana
han'n nine Into camp by u scoro of 7 to 0,
breaking up a rally by tho latter In tho ninth
after two runs had been scored. Hatting by
Jllller and Hetrlch was the feature of tho coit
r h o a e
Dempster.Sb. (P 1 3 1 2
Kelly. cf II II 3 II ll
N.Wurd.ss.. 11111
Muth..1l (I 1 1 1 1
Hutts If 0 ll 1 II (I
T.Dennehy.lf 1 2 ft 0 (1
Hayes.lb.... 0 1 II 1 O
(l.U'ard.p... 13 2 8 0
I.undy.o 1 1 7 (I ll
Ullllgan.rt, . 3 2 0 (1 0
r Ii o a o
W Hiller.c. . 0 S (I 3 I
P.Sch'fer.3b. 1 1 1 I 0
Krkert.lh... 0 2 7 10
Hetrlrh.2b.. 2 .1 7 .1 0
J.HIIIer.cf.. 2 3 0 n II
C.lllller p. . 0 0 15 0
K.Srha'fer.lf (I n 2 (I 0
neuneman.rf 1 1 (I O I)
llochrelter.sa 1 n 3 3 (1
Totals... 7 12 27 17 1
1 (l 2 1
2 (I 1 U
8 12 2T 12 1
ll 0 0 7
o 0 2 U
St. Joseph's.
Shaitahan . .
Charges Against Braves
ST I.OI'IS. Aug. 21 Formal complaint to
President Tener. of the National League, Is on
Its way from Schuyler Brlttun. th local base,
ball magnate, regarding the u Urged misconduct
of four Boston players Saturday.
Mr. Brltton charges that theso four members
of the Braves two of whum are said to be
Tyler and Smith, used rough and coarse Ian
guage to lilm yesterday because he would not
uiien a certain gate to the park Just to let them
In. Ha declares their language Is deserving uf
a reprimand and of a fine ur suspension.
Broke Tiller But "Won
IlIVERTON. N. J., Aug. 21 Robert Jones,
sailing the Allegro, won the 2H-fout one-design
raro ufler breaking his tiller. He finished
leaning over the stern of the boat and manip
ulating the rudder by hand. He led over the
' Hills, by nine minutes.
Polish Grappler and Russian
Giant to Meet at Cen
tral Park
Tho rather easy victory of Zbyszko, tho
mighty son of Poland, over tho gigantic
German, Franz Schultz. at Centra! Park
last Monday night, brought out n challenge
from a Itusslan, ono M. Ignoxx. Igrvoxx Is
a giant In stnturo nnd weight, and Zbyszko
wilt certainly havo his hands full with do
Tho Itusstan stands 0 feet 7 Inches In his
stocking feet, and before tho big world's
war he was invincible In his country. Ho
has never been thrown and was not ono of
tho 10 entrants In tho big Manhattan tour
nament In New York last winter because of
tho fact that ho was not In this country nt
tho time.
Ignoxx is considered one of the most
formidable nsplrants for tho wrestling
championship, nnd tho outenmo of tho match
on Monday night will have a lot to do with
determining Just who is entitled to wear the
crown of champion.
Tho other star bout will bo between thnt
wonderful Italian wrestler, Ilcnnto Clnrdinl,
tho champion of nil Italy, and Plorrnrd le
Collosse, tho gigantic Frenchman, tho
heavlost wrestler In tho wqfld nnd one of
tho cleverest. I.o Collosso weighs 39a
pounds and Is amazingly ngllo for his great
Runs Scored by
Majors for Week
v.3t,',.V,7xU," roriI In the American and
Rational : leagues of games played, won and
lost, llli runs, hit., errors, men lefl on
JJ?i. nn TaM ""red by opponents, Includ
ing the gnmrs of Saturday. August 10, fol-
Brooklyn . . . . S' ?'" , J'- 4"' I. Or
I'titllleia fi n ( 21 4 (137 8
Boston ...... 4 1 :t 13 SI) 4 20 17
J.ew iork 7 1 (I 20 02 10 42 2ft
Pittsburgh ... a 4 4 23 BO If 81 2
W !,0",!,. "J 2 8 2n 8S I 37
Cincinnati ... 6. .2. .3. .11. .43. .12. .80. .30
, r. W. I.. It. . II. K. I.b. Or,
JJojton 7 4 3 17 83 B 00 iilt
Chicago . , . . 3 3 30 88 0 37 23
lerfjnd 2 4 IK 41 (1 37 2t
Detroit. O 4 2 37 (111 1 43 21
Ht. Louis .... 8 2 8 1(1 30 11 41 IH
hrw..lork n 0 1 20 41) H 3H IS
tnshliigton .. Q .1 3 10 48 10 43 28
Athletics .... 6 1 8 1U 48 13 30 20
, , IVon. Lost. I'r t. Win. I,oe. Split.
Ilrnnkljn 07 30 .032 .030 .027
I'llllllen 03 42 ,000 t.007 .B88 .808
n.oslon 00 42 .838 .803 .6H8
New ork 83 81 .403 .800 .101 ...
I'lltxliurgll CO 01 .480 t.101 .442 .131
Chicago, 47 80 .413 .411) .430 ' .
M. !'"l". 01 .430 .413 .43.1 ...
Cliirlnmit! 43 73 .371 .370 .371
, Won. I.nil. Pet. Win. Iimi.
"Ofloil fill 47 .884 .887 .070
f.dcngo , OS SI .800 .801 ;s.Vl
(Irirlnnd 03 83 .844 .813 .030
I'etrolt 63 31 .838 .812 034
t '"!'' 1- 04 ,034 .0.18 83(1
fw.ork 00 03 .831 .83.1 .030
V,,;,,.'1tl,ct,m "4 8H -l"8 17 ,478
AlW-llri. ......... 83 80 .211 .218 200
tHIn two. JLost lo.
Detroit at Philadelphia clear.
Chicago nt New York clear.
Cleveland ut lioston clear,
bt. Louis ut Washington clear.
Plillllet nt Pittsburgh (two gomes) clear.
Ronton at Cincinnati clear.
Ilrooklvn at C'lilrago clear.
New lork ut St. Louis clear.
Richmond nt Kaeheslrr two games) clear.
Baltimore at llulTulo cleur. r.
Nevvurk Ht .Munlreul clear.
Newark nt Montreal cleur.
Providence ut Turont clear.
National League
llronklin. It Chlrngo, 0,
Boston, 1: Clnriiiiiull, 3,
SI, LouU, 0: .New Vnrk, 0.
Phlllles-PltUburgh not schedulcil,
American League
No games scheduled,
Penn Played at Annapolis
Through an error It was stated In the Ev-v
iu Lcisiek "aturday that the University of
Pennsylvania footba II team played the i Navv J?n
Franklin Field and Michigan at Ann Arbor fi
1013 The slatement should have been that thiS
played Michigan at Franklin Field ami She Navy
at Annapolis
Clark Wins Roque Title
,u)iiwi, iimii , auk. !. cioward Clark
?f rVt,rln.-L'!e'!'-'.w;'A?-s" wo,n .,ha championship
In the thlrty-rUth, annusl tournament of the
National nou.ua Association. He defeated all
1(1 opponents In the first division. His brother.
Harold Clark. last ear'a champion, finished
::: ::: ::: :: 7:: 7r. Bu C. A. vniGVT I
Phillies Feared Two-Game Series With Reds More
Than Any Other Scheduled on Final
Swing Around West , - '
PITTSnUROIt, Aug. 20. Absolute con
fidence prevails In the Phllly camp that tho
National League pennant will again fly In
Philadelphia. Manager Moran succeeded In
curbing nil pennant talk throughout the 1915
season and during the present campaign
until nftcr tho scries Just completed with
rinclnnnll. Now thero Is no stopping tho
men, They Insist thnt tho team will come
back home In first plncc. or so closo to It
that the Dodgers will bo eliminated before
Sdptember Is two weeks old
Tho Phillies feared tho two-game scries
with (ho rtetlt more than any scheduled for
tho western Invasion, tho renson being that
Manager Mathcwson made tho boast that
lie would havo Pete Schneider nnd Fred
Toney primed lo put a. stop to tho Phllly
spurt. Mntly rested this pair of great hurl
era nnd they were In better shape than nt
any other tlmo this season, but they could
not stop Mo rail's men.
Primed for Phils
It nppcars to be the habit of rival man
agers to prime nnd nurse their star hurl
era for games with tin? Phillies, but for
the last four weeks tho champions havo
treated all pitchers alike. All Mornn nsks
of Mathcwson now Is for him to prime
Tonny nnd Schneider for the Dodgers. If
this Is done Moran feels certain thnt two
moro games will bo picked up on the
Since Friday a week ago threo games
have been gained on Brooklyn and the
champions feel certain thnt two moro will
bo picked up this week. Moran has round
ed the pitching staff Into form Just in time
to Btnrt tho drive. Alexander and lllxey
are tho two leading pltchern of tho league,
with tho lanky southpaw showing Alex the
way by a slight margin, whllo Demarco
has n string of five straight victories nnd
Mnver Is back into form.
Ileticf pitchers nro likely to bo called
upon often In tho closing days of the race,
and Moran declares that "Chief" Bender
Is now In better shape than ho was nt any
tlmo during the 1914 senson when he was
tho leading pitcher of the American League.
Tho Fltchburg genius says thnt Bender Is
able to go the full route, but that ho will
bo saved exclusively for relief work.
Mornnmen Speeding
The dizzy paco sot by tho Dodgers until
the Inst 10 days has calmed the fans to
1080 sight of the fact that tho Phillies aro
moving along faster than at any time dur
ing the 1915 season. Nineteen out of the
lafft 24 games havo resulted In victorles
and only two pitchers have been beaten
since tho winning streak startod. Oddly
enough two of tho games wero lost by Alex
ander, who is right now In tho greatest
form of his career.
Personally we believe that tho Phillies
will win tho pennant with several games to
sparo. Wo base our belief upon the con
dition of tho two men upon whom tho
greater part of tho pitching burden will fnll
during the last three weeks of the campaign.
At this time a year ago Alexander the
Great weighed oxnetly 17E pounds, and
already was showing the strain. At the
present tlmo tho Nebraskan tips tho beam
nt 191 pounds. When tho drive starts
Alexander can stand losing 15 pounds and
will bo Just as strong ns he was in the
closing days of tho race last year.
Rixey Gains "Weight
The samo Is true of Itlxey. The lanky
southpaw lacked confidence! and weight last
senson, but Is now weighing 208 pounds,
which Is 18 pounds moro nt nny time last
season. If It comes to u pinch Alexander
and Illxoy can work evory other day with
out feeling the grind for a few weeks.
Conditions nre exactly the opposlto in
the Brooklyn camp. While Robinson has
shown five men who have pitched consistent
ball to date, he also must depend upon two
men In a pinch. Ho has two high-class
hurlers In Pfeffer and Cheney, but both
aro below their normal weight and are
likely to crack nt any time
When the Athletics wero In Daytonn
playing Brooklyn during tho training sea
son, wo happened to seo Pfeffer step on tho
scales. He weighed exactly 200 pounds.
Ho carried this weight until about ono
month ago and was In perfect condition ;
but now he is down to 192, according to a
Phllly player, who saw him weigh In
Brooklyn Just before the western trip
started. Cheney also has lost considerable
weight, and It Is likely that Robinson's
stars will find the going rough In the last
Tho fans also are losing sight of the fact
that the Dodgers were within one-half u
game of the Phillies on Labor Day last
year, but finished five games In the rear
If Brooklyn holds Its present lead until
Labor Day, It will bo n hard task for the
Phils to win, but we do not think they win
be leading two weeks from today.
Machine-Like Play
Tho machine-like play of the Phillies is
beginning to assert itself. The defense has
Reduced from ISO, 525 and S2f
See Our 7 Bis Window
Slerrliant Tailors
Tickets on rinle nt (ilinlxiU' aud bpaldlng'.
boon wonderful nnd, while the hlttlhg has
been rather light, the ability to take ad
vantage of the opposing team's mistake
and the expert uso of plays designed to
tally o. rlln at n tlma has enabled tha
champions to scoro more than the average:
number of runs for a long stretch of games.
Defensively tho work of tha Inftold has
been remarkable. Dave Bancroft Is cover
ng a world of ground nnd making Beem
ingly Impossible plnj-B, whllo Nlehoff Is
compiling ono of the greatest records in
years, which Is another point entirely over
looked by the fans.
In the Clnclnnatl-Phllly game now
under protest Nlehoff wns credited with an
error by the olllclnl scorer when Neale pil
fered second and eventually scored tho
winning run. Several scorers. Including tho
writer, did not give Nlehoff the error,
Without that mlsplay charged against him,
iMiohorf has not made n mlscuo in 23 con
secutlvc games, having accepted over 120
chances, which Is one of the greatest rec
ords In years.
In Physical Shape
Kvcry player on the Phllly team Is In per
fect physical condition. Tha usual "sliding
strawberries," twisted muscles and bruises
nro unknown in tho Phllly camp and they
nre better prepared for tho final drive than
tho Dodgers nnd Braves. Great credit is
duo Trainer Mlko Deo for the splendid con
dition of tho men.
Mlko now has Cravath In perfect shnpe.
despite the fact thnt the club phyBlelan said
that It would be two weeks before the slug
ging outfielder would be ablo to burden his
Injured foot with his grent wolght, and
Gavvy Is due to start slugging. He has hit
several balls hard, thus far on tho trip, and
nlways Is In n good humor, which Is a
sign that Cravath's confidence has returned.
Cincinnati scribes who have been touting
tho Dodgers throughout the season havo
switched to tho Phils and veteran critics,
such us Jack Ryder and Bob Newhall. de
clare that "class will tell and tho Phillies
have It."
Singles and Bungles
."J" Braves came up half a ntrlde on the
rhlllles yesterday, by trimming Matty's folki.
4 to j. Pat's champions aro now one and a
half games uhcad of Boston.
Rabbit Marnnvllla had 'a. largo day while his
club was heating tho Reds. Ho was up flva
times, made four hits, two runs and accepted
nine chances. The Rabbit also stole a bise.
Brooklyn drew away from the Phils Sunday
X1"?, tiley blanked. theCubs. 1 to 0. This glvei
tho Dodgers a lead today of 3"x games.
..NS'TVorl was tumbled again. Tho Car
dinals had no trouble In taking tho contest. Tha
count was five to nothing. However, the Giants
B,re, tljlj've games ahead of Pittsburgh, tha
club at tho top of tho second division In tha
National League.
' i
Pitcher Mitchell, of the neda, made three of
the nine hits garnered ort Allen nnd Hughes, of
tho Braves.
Egnn continues
to work well In Johnnv
Evers's shoes. Ho had a hit nnd n run out of
ti.j allien u jcnu-s ui, nn- nrccniru nil niM
chances without making & bobble.
All of the American Lcagua clubs were In tha
East yesterday, hence there were no gamea
Toor old John Coombs. It looks, ns though
lie Is through! He couldn't even hold tho Cub
to a hltless game yesterday. Flack made a
slnglo off tho fndlng Kennebunklan. the only safe
blow credited to tho Restaurateurs.
Third-sacker Betzal!, of tha Cardinals, was
the! leading smasher yesterday. Ho had to his
1-rruiL it uiyip nuu iwu uouuies in lOUr
iu ma inula un jvuue xjenion.
Mrs. Montagne Victor
NEWPORT. R. I.. Aug. 21. Mrs. Harry La,
Montagne and Victor Sorchan. of New York,
won tha IH-hola final of the golf tournament
for cups offered by aovernor Beeckman at tha
J""r' V"! -waww jrnj-riMuj- uy Utticminff MT9.
t'lnivafi P bIah anV lt'lt V .. s a w
im. Willi osiui UHV4 "I UUOrTUllU aUQWlB,
und U to co.
Wiley Paced by Stein
Didier Paced by Morht
Carmen Paced by Hunvt-r
Walthour Paced by St. Yve
Columbatto Paced by Senhouse
Terry McGovern vs. Frankie White
TNJntinnnl A P "TH A" C.VTIIAHINfc
miUOIUU A. Kj. v.vjj. uvil., AC Ol'aT S3
Jack Blackburn vs. Young- Ahearn
4100 N. Bill HI.
Tonight. H:30
i Zliysikn rs. Ignoxx flardlnt vs. Le Colloise
.Kimumon, zsc. ues. oue. 7oc. Ring seats, It,
3j3oid Kirissi
f fromtlefl2jSSifil
flaroidor Mimlk
h DKfvhBnos., WMmJt
I HaQufaclurcrs &SSSi?S2ly 1