iam)W'titJMii'ijii,t.MwM p? 1 II NANCY WYNNE CHATS OF NIGHT PAGEANT Aliases Frances and Leta Sulli van Take Part in American Ambulance Hospital Benefit SUMMER residents at Bar Harbor are still talking of the really lovely night pageant held on the lawn of the Swim ming Club thero THursday evening. It as an evening of dancea, fittingly termed Terpsichore" by John Murray Anderson, rho devised and Btaged It under tho d. rectlon of Mrs. William Lawrence Green, and represented tho progress of the dance through four ages. Tho prologue, which eras written by John Kendrlck Bangs, ivas read by Enid Howland, and then fol lowed the dancea of nntlqulty, Jlrst tho Egyptian and then, the Grecian. The role cf Torpslchore wos taken by Constanco Blnneyi she, you will remember, danced jn this city nt several charitable per formances during last season. She h a jileco of Mrs. Georgo Dunning, who, In spits of the heat, hns been working away for the BUffrogo cause during tho Bum rner. The first danco of tho Renaissance was the gavotte, executed gracefully by I'ranccs and I-ota Sullivan, and this was followed by a Minuet tie la Coeur, In which Edith Grade. Charlotto Delalleld, Sylvia Van Rensselaer and Helen Smith tools part. Kntherlno Forco, Mrs. Dick's Bister, and Georgia Schotlcld appeared In tho nineteenth century group. Tho lattor commanded ono of tho companies at tho National Service School for Women, held 'at Chevy Chaso In May. I uso tho word commanded advisedly, for ono heard many rumors of her Spartan methods while captain of Company C. It was told an a good one on her that when ono of tho rookies, having sprained her ankle, re ported tho fact to her youthful captain, the latter, tired of hearing about sprained ankles so closo to exhibition day, was heard to murmur "Darn" under her breath. I do not know whether tho un fortunato rooklo had her town leave taken nwny or was summarily dismissed. Howover, to get back to Thursday night's pageant, I understand there was julto a representative gathering present, Including tho Chnrlle Wrights, from, this city, also tho Bob Lo Contcs, Mrs. Mason Campbell, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, "Elslo" Large, tho Honorable Mrs. Alfred Anson, the Edgar Scotts nnd tho Mcgargco Wrights. A numbor of prominent Main Line Women connected with tho Woman's Suffrago party of Montgomery, Delaware and Chester Counties havo started prepa rations for a largo trlcounty lawn fete, to bo held on October 4 on tho extensive lawns at Wlndybrow, Mrs. Ferreo Brln ton's homo at St. David's. Mrs. William Ward, Jr., of tho Chester County divi sion, Is goneral chairman of tho nffnlr, Which promises to havo many unlquo features. Others actively interested nro Mrs. E. Mitchell, of Ardmoro; Mrs. E. p. Plannery, of Wynnewood; Mrs. A. M. Wilson, of Wayno, and Mrs. Clarence Oardnor, of Cynwyd. NANCY WYNNE. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Do Witt Cuyler, who are occupying Stone Cliff, their sum 'tner homo at Bar Harbor, will give a dinner this evening for their daushter, Miss Eleanor do G. Cuyler, and her nance, Mr.' Joseph Walker, 3d, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Taul will en tertain at dinner this evening at their villa In Newport In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Itoblns are enter taining a house party over tho week-end at their cottage at Tuxedo Park, L. I. Mr and Mrs. William Lyttlcton Savngo gave a luncheon today at Dcnnlson Cottage Bar Harbor. Miss Sophy Morce Worth, who has bpen visiting In liar Harbor, Is now at Capo May. She will leave shortly for Chelsea, where sho will visit Mrs. Louis Ilodmnn Paso, Jr., who will he remembered as Miss Katherlne Herman Kremer. Mr. Willing Hare, of Radnor, will leave en September 0 for tho United States Mili tary Training camp at Plattsburg, whero ho IU spend several weeks. Mr. Truxton Hare has returned from Plattsburg. Dr. and Sirs. Lewis H. Adlcr, Jr., of the Beleravla, are spending tho summer nt the Chalfonto Hotel, Atlantic City. Their on, Mr. Frank H. Adler. who has been pending soma time with them, left yester day for tho Canadian Rockies, to camp for everal weeks. Along th Main Line WYNNEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Phlnoas Prouty, of Hathaway lane, have returned to their home after spending 10 days at the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec. AltDMOItn Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boyer, who are spending the Beason at the Dennis. Atlantic City, accompanied by their family, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rem ington Irving and Mr. and Mrs. H. Allan George, havo returned from a motor trip to Cape May and along the Jersey coast. HAVERFORD Mr. nnd Mrs. Rowland Comly, of Panmure road, havo returned to their home after spending soma time at white Sulphur Springs. W. Va. BRYN MAWR Mr. and Mrs. George Purvis have moved into their new home on Central avenue. Miss Lillian Gllllams, of Montgomery avenue, moved this week to 310 Chestnut venue, Narberth. WAYNE Miss Sue Edna Drown, of Bryn Mawr, is spending several weeks a3 ao guest of Mrs. Joseph Pearce. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. H. Hanson an Jounce the engagement of their daughter Miss Anne Hanson, to Mr. Norman Thomp son Moore, son of the Rev. George C. Moore and Mrs. Moore, also of German town. The; marriage will take place in November Mr and Mrs. Frank Fassltt Mitchell, of "3 West School House lane, have issued wvitatlona for the marriage of their daugh ter. Miss Margaret Smyth Mitchell, to Mr Qeorge y Carson, ort Wednesday, Septem ber , at 7.30 o'clock In the Church of the Advocate, Wayne avenue and Quaen lane. Mr and Mrs. William Miller, of 4T East "ll-Ellena street, have Issued invitations the marriage of their daughter, Miss Florence Miller, to Mr, Clarence Gregory on Monday evening, August JS, at the Church the Brethren, Germantown avenue. Mr and Mrs. A P Limeburner and their laughter, of 8311 Morton street, are spend tof several weeks in Ocean City. N. J. Mlaa Ann Meyers, of SZH Wakefield treet, and Misa Emily Brown, of 6J35 Lena tfset. are spendlna tw weelss. at the CoUun M. Cap. May, MR. AND MRS. tIAROLD CHARLES BOND Whose wedding took place on Tuesday nt Wyncote. Mrs. Bond wn3 Miss Alice Lorraine Dixon Bala-Cynwyd Miss Jlnrgarct Fcchtclcr. of New York, will bo tho gucat of MI33 Del Jlos6 Macau, of Montgomery avenue, Cynwyd, for tho first two weeks In September. Miss Mlnnlo P. Schroller. of Cynwyd, who has been visiting Miss Cordelia Vaughn, of Devon, has returned to her home. Later Miss Vaughn, accompanied by Miss Schrollor and Miss Klcnnor Wilson, will motor to Mi. I'ocono. Weddings BRADFORD McCORKINDALE. WILMINOTON, Del., Aug. 19. ThA mar riage of Miss Paulino Frederick McCorkln dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCorklndalc, and Mr. William Dyer Brad ford will take place this evening nt C, o'clock In St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church, Wilmington. The bride's only nttendant will bo Miss Ethel Macklem. Mr. Ilrad ford will be attended by his brother, Mr. Sidney G. Bradford, as bent man and by two other brothers;, Mr. Thomas G. Brad ford and Mr. Robert I. Bradford, as ushers, whllo tho other ushers will bo tho brldo's brother. Mr. William McCorklndnle, Jr., and Mr. T. Coleman Johnston. The Rev. Alban Rlchey, D. D., rector of the church, will perform the' ceremony. A reception at the homo of the bride's parents. 1801 Frank lin strcot, will follow tho ceremony. Only tho Immediate relatives and a fow friends will bo present. After a wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradford will bo at homo after November 1 at i20C Van Burcn street. BOND DIXON. An Interesting wedding of this week was that of Miss Allco Lorraine Dixon and Mr. Harold Charles Bond, which took place on Tuesday at noon at the home of tho brldo's father. Dr. Joseph K. Dixon, In Wyn cote. Tho bridal party stood before an Im mense bank of palms and ferns. Inter spersed with gladioli nnd calad.um. Tho bride wore a gown of georgette cropo and taffeta, trimmed with point laco nnd carried a bouquet of orchids with lilies of the val ley. The bridesmaid was Miss Emily Dean,' of Germantown, a classmate of tho bride at Mount Holyoke College. Mass. Tho bridegroom Is a gradunto of Dartmouth, 1911, nnd Is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Among tho guests from out of town were Mr. Harry Nelson, of Boston, the best man : Mr. Leslie Hawkrldge, of Boston ; Mr. and Sirs. Hnrold L. Bond, Miss Marjorle Bond, tho flower girl. After the reception Mr. nnd Mrs. Bond left for a wedding trip In Mnlne. The bride's father la an author, explorer and lecturer. NEELY MEREDITH Mr. and Mrs. William Rhoads Meredith, of 215 Harvey street, announce tho mar riage of their daughter, Louise Meredith, to Mr. Walter Clarkson Neely, on Friday evening. August 18, at Q o'clock. In tho Westslde Presbyterian Church. The Rev. William Porter Lee officiated. After a weddjng Journey through tne West Mr. nnd Mrs. Neely will oe at nome alter Novem ber 1 at 7130 Creshelm road, Chestnut Hill. GORDON ROSEN. An Interesting wedding will take place, after a courtship of five years, when Miss Elizabeth Rosen will become the bride of Mr Herman Gordon tomorrow evening. Only a few friends of the families will be present. Tho couple will leavo for Atlantlo City Immediately after tho ceremony. WOODWARD MAHONY Miss Sarah May Mahony, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mahony, of 1806 North Taney street, became the bride of Mr. Howard L. Woodward, of 3000 West Cumberland- street, on Wednesday evening. The ceremony was performed ly tlw Rev Dr E. W. Hart, of the Columbia Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, at the home of tho bride's parents. ...... Mr, Frank W. Woodward, a brother of iha hi-idiTirroom. acted as best man, and Miss Edna Marks was maid of honor. MRS. HOWARU L. WUUUAttu Mrs. Woodward before her mar riage on Wednesday was Miss Sarah M Mahony. She is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. .Mahony Pl4 ,& JbJ I J I -''-1 "' ' "----" -- ' ' EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, SAtfUBDAY, AUGUST 10, West Philadelphia Mlii Rosalie Ward, of 117 South Thirty eighth street. Is spending several weeks In Portlnnd, Me. Miss Frances Murray, of West Philadel phia, Is spending n portion of tho summer nt her aunt's home In Washington, D. C. Dr. nnd Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald Proctor will occupy their new homo, "iG1.1 Cedar nvenue, thli week. They will bo at homo to their friends after September 1. Miss Anna Ivey Is spending tho summer at Wlldwood, accompanied by Miss Florence Sutcllffo nnd Miss S. Kavnsh, of Wlssa hlckon. Ir. and Mrs. William Scull, of r. South Forty-fourth street: Mr. Alexander Gilles pie, of 1423 South Forty-ninth otreet ; Mr. John Campbell, of 5910 Chestnut street, and Mr. Lincoln Drlnkwater, of 132G South Melville street, nro on a motorboat crulso In tho Delaware Day. Mr. Samuel C. Latta. of 4220 Market street, has gono to Atlantic City to spend 10 days. Ml3s Bl.incho Jones, of 5402 Chestnut street, has returned homo niter hnvlng spent a month In Virginia visiting relatives. South Philadelphia Miss Beatrice Louise Thomas, of 2835 Vontnor nvenue, Chelsea, entertained at brldgo on Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Edna Boothby, of 1427 South Broad street, who is -Welting friends In Chelsea. Mr. Herbert Boland. of ' 1G23 Rltner street. Is veiling In Atlantic City. Mr. Raymond Vincent Is spending several weeks In Wlldwood with friends. A party was given In honor of Mr. Bonjamln Dudnwsky'n roturn from Cali fornia this week. Tho guests were enter tained by Mr. Samuel Jacobs, who sang a number of popular songs. North Philadelphia Miss Lulu Fleming Wright, of 2820 West Susquehanna avenue, left yesterday to pass tho week-end In Ocean City, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. Enrl T. Kramer, of 2923 Noith. Twclity-flfth street, are spending a fortnight In Wlldwood. Mrs. Kramer, who was Miss Anna Mny Ogdcn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ogden, of 2523 North Thirty-second street, was a June bride. FARMER SMITH'S WHAT ARE Dearest Children We want so much to know how you aro spending your vacation. The most terrible vacation is one whero you have nothing to do. That dear brain of yours starts buzzing and pretty soon your body is neglected and then your mind and body get upset. KEEP BUSY. Walking 'is free and you can at least take a walk and the gentle swing of your body will keep step with your thoughts. Find something to do. If you really want to find something to keep you busy it will surely come along. If you cannot go away for your vacation, take a vacation right where you are in the nearest park or square, Get acquainted with the library and its wonderful books. Farmer Smith's Rainbow Club has undertaken the gipantic task of keep ing children busy and interested. It is bound to succeed -because there is a demand for just such a club and it is growing and growing. Sit I?own NOW and write to me. Tell me what you are doing. You will feel better for having written. TRY.UT. FARMER SMITH, Children's Editor, Evening Ledger. OurPostofljce Box Virginia Saead, Beverly N, J., thinks that dolls should be spanked when they are bad and do not mind. She adds "my doll Is good so sho does not got spanked very much. My doll -waa at dinner with me." Little Collie Snead must Indeed be good to be allowed to eat at tho table with her small mother I . Will the writer of "Vakaslon Noats at Atlantic City" please send In. his. name and address as soon as possible! Honor Roll Contest The prizes tor the week ending August 12 have been won by the following members: Isidore Sheves, North Sixth street. It. Sadla Salkowlti, Parkslde avenue, 10 cents. Louise Qlovinazzl, Vlneland, N. J., 35 cents Anne Machette. Norwood, Fa-, 25 cents. Uad?l rte Koulk, Danville, mx., 25 cents. le. Ai., 25 , strl:t, 25 i Leonard Bally, Addison str&t, 25 ceata. THEPRIVATF.WAR" BY LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE "the brass' bowl- BTNorsta. t.?0T.im Traill, a )oung M York society "J'orlte, and Captain Han von Hoixlinrn, Jitsened to the Herman Gmbtmir In Lon don are rival suitors for the hand of the ?l.tA. Ln," "bert. formerly Julia l.eUh, of Hlcnmond, V. The Uerman II en??"1 t0 itlt Wiaow, due to the fact that kl.'t two Mr follow Inr the death of i?hi. "1uttnt Traill haa remained In the united states j-'mwetllately upon Traill's arrival In Lon- SI S" I""" from the log In a i"b. l.ylnif Kj.!" P'PS ne fnda the drugged and stabbed Iradv of M. de N'ntm. n itirrUI int of the i',, i" ira upon meioarama. tie ni "uailan Ooernment. Traill takes the body L" ,i'vrnnee's tiotlflen Vnn apartment, nnd the latter Holtborn. who call" for . his fl0.!i.n'1.', .'fjend The rivals hate each other .on HolJborn anlrlta away t.ndy Herbert, who- Traill rail hla "ifeart a lieMre.'1 Bexranre and Traill -t off for Saltacrra. i.fldy Hubert's country estate. In hope of nndfnir her there They reach thn eatntc before Lady Iter . ,r.L !ina. th 'Jermin. but whlln talklnK wnn the keeper an automobile with two for eigners drlea up They auk for directions, which Berancn nlf thm l'ick nt tho Inn, Sevrnnco and Traill dlieusa their plana. The nrt nliht In a foil almost as thick an that which erected Traill upon hi nrrUal In Indon he. 8ei ranee and firmly start for the landlmc Place to Haltacrea. It la defi nitely nmurod that l.ndv Herbert will nrrH on her yacht, the Moxotls Throuuh n rift In the to they hnr been able to aee the CMfl ..At flrnt thev nre disappointed, but later the pnrlv. inrludlm; il Nct'o. arrived In I.ndy Herbert's achl Mjosotls , As mm in they land eeirrtl nnsmslna man upon rt Kelre and on llnlrhnrn. Traill. Pexrjneo and Orady, the Htlcr'a vitct. rueh to their amlmance and nil but one of the attacking party are killed 1M Netre and von Itolcborn nave been wounded, the Htter seriously. CHAPTIlIt XIV (Continued). DE NETZE approaching at that moment, tho Burgeon reopened his caso of In struments with professional nlncrlty "Your own wound, sir?" ho suggested. "Nothing of consequence." asserted tho Russian. "The man struck wildly, nnd tho knife penetrated tho lleshy part of my shoulder. I will bandage It myself nt a more suitable time. Thank you, monsieur. China shut his caso with a disappointed snnp. "Mrs. Morchcstcr?" Julia called. "Yes, Julla7" "Wo will go on up to tho hall now, If you please. Fritz nnd Eunice will accom pany us. And may I requisition your man. Mr. Sovrance? Grady might help Fritz back with the litter. It hns been decided," sho explained, "that It would bo too dangerous to attempt to remove Captain von Holz born to the Mytmoth tonight. Wo shall cnirj out our original purpose, therefore, nnd take rcfugo In Haltncrcs Hnll. Mon hlcur do Nctzo will accompany us. nnd I venttiro to ask Mr. Traill and Mr. Sev rnnco to bo our guests for tho night. You will come to help guard us, gentlemen?" rho concluded, with a wan, pitiful aimula tl .n of her smile. Thero was, of course, no question ns to that. In tho mcnntlmo. It was decided Bho was to go on in company with the servants and Mrs. Morchcstcr, while Sovrance nnd I, by special request of Von Ilolzborn, wero asked to i emaln and help guard that gentle man against further attack, should there b,i any. If I had had my way about It, I should havo announced my Intention of letting him go to the devil nt his convenience nnd throtigh whatever agent Providence might designate. Such nn announcement being, to say tho least, Inadvisable, as well as In human, I schooled myself to a silent acquiescence. CHAl'TIIH XV. Ciipturo nnd Kscnpe. THERE was a little bustlo and confusion ; and then my Heart's Derlrc, with her party, moved away and was swallowed up In tho shadows of tho woodland. Chine returned to his patient, whom Captain Keen had never left. Tho seamen from the Myosotii huddled together at a distance, gossiping In undertones. After a while Keen nrose and issued a succession of orders, which they sprang with alacrity to obey, seizing tho bodies of the dead men nnd carrying them quickly down the stairs to the beach below. De Netzo explained this matter qulto plausibly. It was ndvlsablc, he said, that tho affair should bo kept as quiet as possible It wos for that reason alone, for Instance that her ladyship had given orders that no moio thin three trusted servants of tho family should be employed about Saltacres Hall during this clandestine visit. . "I am desolated," said the Russian, "to think that I Bhould bo the cause of such troublo to my most kind friends. It Is useless to disguise the fact that all this was arranged on my account nlono ; we could Imagine no more safe hiding placo In all England than this same Saltacres Hall. But It seems that they tracked us oven ftere." Ho sighed wearily. "Now, theso canaille," he continued, Indicating the bodies with a scornful wavo of his hand, "are to oe carried out to sea and burled with a weight at the feet of each. Then thero will remain no dead men to tell tales upon as." He laughed unpleasantly. "What Is the motive for this perslstont Jeslro for your life?" Sovrance asked. 'That rs, If I am not asking too much " "Ah! not In tho least, monsieur! To YOU DOING? To Mary Owen "Not a little boy at all. Just Mar-; And pot neither awful small," Says Mary, When she flashes eyes deep blue There's nary King who will not listen to Just Mary. Ah. wee tyrant, hold your swayj ' If fa'ry Said, "Nov choose, be whom you may I" Small Mary I'd not care where riches are; ' Contrary I would seek a court not far From Mary, Where rare gems are white. teeth pearls. And airy Klaseu choicest gifts for earls I Ab, Mary, Kingly crown nor gold I'd crave Of fairy! I'd but ask to be the slave Of Mary. MARGARET M. LUKES. fhe contrary what have I to hide? You are aware that my services aro held In omc slight esteem by his Majesty tho Czar. So ! My life Is, therefore, a thing obnoxious to the Secret Chapter of tho revolutionary party." "Why didn't they shoot you outright, men?" "They wished to tnka me ntlve. nnd to Acop me so, for n time. As to the end I havo no doubts nt all 1 But, while living, they might have persuaded me to talk more fhan I would out of captivity." "Persuade?" said Sovrance. "Even today there are methods of per funilon," said De Nclzo calmly, "not In ferior to those practiced by the Inquisition, mrs nmi.." In due course Grady nnd Fritz returned ivlth n litter. Von Holzborti wns laid upon It, groaning pitifully, Chlno ndmlnlste-.ed n stimulant, the party bado farewvll to Captain Keen nnd turned toward Saltacres Hnll, accompanied by tho surgeon and three sailors from tho yacht If any member of the mysterious Secret Chapter lurked about, he wns at pains not to make his presence known. Before start ing Grady found time to Inform me that Thompson, the lodge keeper, had seen nn automobile pass the lodge, northbound, with a bareheaded man for Its solo passenger, some ten minutes or so after the probable time of the encounter on tho cliff. It but confirmed our suspicions that one of tho nss.isslns had made goort his escape. Tho Russian's brow furrowed with anxiety when I Informed him of this Inci dent. Nevertheless, ho maintained, wo wero assured of three or four days' respite from further annoyance or nsrnult. It would tnko some time, he wns confident, to assemble In our neighborhood enough members of the revolutionary party then In England enough for a successful nttnek upon our party, he nmended. Thero would be plenty of time to dcvlso a way out of the diffi culty. Our arrlvnl at tho Hall was devoid of Incident. Von Ilolzborn wns at onco car ried upstairs to n bedchamber assigned to his use, Do Netzo accompanying him with the surgeon. Sevrnnco nnd I were left standing below In the greal hallwav. warm ing ourselves In tho grateful heat of tho flro that blazed In tho huge, old-fashioned chimney. I remember feeling awkward and out of place. After a long time the housekeeper, an aged nnd withered body, plainly half fright ened out of her wits, nppronched us nnd mado her ladyship's excuses for the seem ing Inhospltnllty of our reception. Her ladyship was unnerved and almost In hysterics becauso of the dreadful strain she had endured, tho woman told us. nnd begged to be excused until the following morning. In tho menntlme, wo were Informed, our rooms wero being propnred for our recep tion ; wo would bo shown to them nftcr sup per; wo acquiesced apathetically, too weary for words. Supper was served us alono In tho break fast rot m. Grady attended : ho hnd no news : he had been given to understand that his room was prefcrablo to his com pany. It seomed, promptly upon tho arrival of tho litter In Von Holzborn's npartment. Do Netze, however, had told tho Irishman oft for sentry duty during tho night a task which ho was to share with tho seamen from tho Mlionoth. A bucolic lackey lighted Sovrance and myself to our rooms. They proved adjoin ing ones, In, I gathered, n remote wing of the building. Sevrnnco did not remember ever having ontcrod either beforo; nnd tho darkness of tho night together with my own totnl unfnmlllarlty with tho placo mado It Impossible for mo to determine precisely whore they wero situate. However, they wero large, they wero heated, and each contained a roomy, old fashioned bed. Shortly after wo began to undress Grndy appeared with a lot of toddy, which, he said, Doctor Chine had suggested might bo acceptable. Wo proved tho truth of hit supposition by downing tlio draught without much ceremony. Bctweon Its fumes nnd my overpowering fatigue, I fell Into a dreamless slumber In the twinkling of nn eyo. Sevranco asserts that tho case wan tho same with him. I doubt If a thunderbolt falling squarely In cither of- the rooms would have roused us ero wo had slept tho appointed length of time. i I nwoko In semldarkness, nnd for n few minutes lay drowsily speculating on my whereabouts, with an odd feeling that something was amiss. Mentally I was back In our cheerless quarters at tho Rainbow. Then, with a rush, the Incidents of tho preceding da crowded Into my mind, and you may bo'levo that I w.ii out of bed In two shakes, wli'o awako and anxious enough to be dressed and about, already foreseeing the long and Int'matc talk with Julia which I purposed fhould bo mine tomo time during that day. Tho shades wero drawn at the windows, and tho big rorm was quite gloomy. I could not even eo the fnco nf my watch dis tinctly. After hunting uselessly nbout for a match for n moment or two, I acted upon a sudden Hash of Intelligence nnd, going to the window, drew up tho shades. Broad sunlight streamed In, n golden RAINBOW CLUB THE LITTLE liROWN BEAU'S NEW HOME By Farmer Smith When Mr Hunter entered his home a strange sight greeted hla eyes and a strange sound reached his ears. Willie uas on the tloor holding the Littla Hrown Bear tightly In his arms, tho tears rolling down his cheeks nnd onto the fur of the cub. From behind the kitchen door he beard Mrs. Hunter calling to him. and he knew his wife must be frightened by the sight of the bearwhy, he did not know. "Take tho bear In thej woodshed," he commanded. WIUlo obeyed, silently, Never before bad the woodshed seemed so far from Willie's home nor had It seemed so dark and lonely. Willie put the bear down on the ground, nnd tho llttlo follow licked his hand. "There, do not worry, H't'o friend, I will stay with you." WUHe Knew- be was to have a battls to keep his nuw'pot with him. In a. few moment? Willie heard his father calling him Ha left the cub and ran toward his home. In his hasto to answer his father's call, Willie had not noticed that the cub was following him. Tho boy had sjglected to close the front door. Right after him came the Llttlf Brown Bear, who not only en tered the room, but went snilllng around until he reached the stairs. Tie cllmbtd them slowly. With moro sniffing he en tered Willie's room and, climbing into hla bed, went fast asleep. Thinga to Know and Do Willie-Is very 1. 2, 8, -I. 5, 6, 7. 8, 3, 10, 11 and 10, 8, S, 7, 4. to be S, 3, hand. Describe Willie? FARMER SMITH. I wish to bacomo a member of your Rainbow Club. Please send ma a beau tffut Rainbow Button free. I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS EACH AND EVERY "DAY SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONQ THE WAY. Nama ,....,.,...,....,,...., Address Ago 1916. flood athwart the floor. A. day of surpass ing beauty hal dawned upon the land. The world lay quietly bashing ,ln the clear, cold glory of tho tun. Above the naked tree tops the sky was of a perfect azure, deep and rlcht and so pure was the atmosphere after the storms nnd fog of the last two or three days that tho horizon, formed by the uptlung contour of tho fair Inland chalk hills, loomed as precise and definite ns though It hnd been but h.tlf n mile away. From tho chimney of the gato keeper's lodge, which I could Just get a glimpse of through Interstices In tho Intervening trees, a thin, whl'rf curl of smoke wns tinwlv rising; In air so Immaculately clear It shono with u Irosiy glitter ami sevuiuU ni most substantial. But, so far as I coutd dctcrmlno from my window, which you gnthor lookel toward tho road, there was no ono nbout. Doubtless, t considered, they would bo at breakfast. 1 tried to icmtmbcr n call nt my door, but without success. H struck mo ns odd that Oindy hnd not summoned us In tlmo to dross for the morning meal. Abruptly I noticed that the sun wns very high In tho l-.-avens. From Its position one would have Judged tho hour as near noon. Somewhat disturbed, I stepped back to the bureau and again took up my watch. To my infinite dismay tho hands registered tho hour of one In tho nftcinoon. I stood listening Intently; It struck me that tho Hall was strangely silent for so lato an hour nf tho day. Surely somo ono should tw nnout. the footstens of tho house keeper or of tho sennnts nudlblo In those ancient, sounding corridors. Alarmed, I rushed Into Scvrance's room nnd pulled asldo tho curtains of his bed. tie wns sleor.'ng peacefuly, flat on his back, with ono hand across his eyes. A suspicion of the truth entered into my mind and mado me cold wltn fear. I seized tho unconscious man by tho nrm, uncover ing h s eyes, nnd shook him rudely, shout ing In his en-. Finally my efforts wero rewarded by a muttered cirsc. Tho man stirred sleepily beneath tho bedclothes and sworo mum bllngly nt me In Grady's name. He did not wish to be disturbed, l.o nnnounced, nnd I was d.schargcd could take my fortnight's notice. In desperation I seized tho bedding nnd flung It off 1,1m. Then, running to tho wnshstand, I found a pitcher half full of Icy water, and dousod Ids head with It. Sevranco snt up w.th a bowl nnd struck aimlessly nt nir. I threw him n towel from a safo dlstaiiLO and babbled of my fears. Ho sat on the edgo of tho bed, resentful and sullen, alternately rubbing tho sleep out of his evvri nnd tho water Out of his hair. In the end ho delivered himself of n dollbcrato opinion "Didn't uako us. eh? And you'ro hopping mad, aro you? Well, now, I caJl It un common consldernto of 'em. You go on Into your own room nnd dress, nnd don't bo such an everlasting bnlly ass. Gordon I" Nevertheless, I noticed ho wns not a mlnuto behind me In getting Into his clothes. WIMl SCHOOLS AND i.Tw COLLEGES i;y mmrt-fB i Etaau3iaaaMiaw.'aita Theology and Bible Teachers' Training School The Theological Department and the Bible Teachers' Training School arc non-sectarian, meeting in the evenings. Term begins September 1 8th. Write, 'phone? or call for Cata log M-22. riiono, Diamond 631 TEMPLE UNIVERSIT Y W llronil .St., Iielnw llerki a Philadelphia ' FRIENDS' CENTRAL And It Elementary Schools, offer graded eourses of education from kindergarten to col tree. Writ for Year liook, Schools open Oth mo. i'Cth Enroll now. JOHN W. CARR, Ph. D., Principal 15-rH and kacu sT.s.. rmi.Anut.rniA. Youne iJidles und Glrl OVCllIIItOOK. I'A. .MIS.S N.VYWAUD'S hL'HOOI, roil (11 KM (lvrrl.rook. I'lillu.. I'll. L'oilero I'reparatorj. hpcclal Courses. Junior and Musical Depart. menta. Athletics Domestic Hclence. Carrlas rails for pupil In ilala, Cynwyd, Merlnn and Wynnefleld. .Ul.i H. J.inet iii ' wurd. Prlnclpa 1. SWAKTHMOIIE. I'A. till; MAIU l.u.- a.UUUL -A Country acnool In a Collec 'J'uwn. Colleica I'rep. Certlf. prlir. General and rinlaliln: Courses. Oppor. for adv. ludy. One teacher to eery all girls Open-air claainns. Blll'Jltf 0AULV8. our Jr. School or girls it to ' rp.ooi.rqpt. lI.M.rrlt,A.II,,t'rnn. "r. l..rrlt.A.lt..Prlna llot ISUS.Hwartluuiire.l'a. TonitEsim.i: PA. MONTEHM1K! TKACIIElt TKAIMNO SCHOOL .Young ladles & glrlii: prac. coursea: send for Int. cat. Airs. J. Scc.lt Ander'on. Directreaa. Hat 11'.'. Torresdal Hou, 1'orreadala. Pa. Youne -Men nnd Hoys HLKt'UCNBUKOjPA. The Mercersburg Academy FOB BOYS Mercerstmrg. Pa. Send for Catalogue to AY in. Mann Irvlns, I'h.D- U.IV lleadin-iater. Uox ItO. LANTASTKB. I'A. UIANM.IN nnd .MAKMIALI. ACADEMY, lias 413. Lunciutcr. l'a. freparea boya for leadloa cilltfgca and technical acnoola. For catalog kcMrni The Principal, llKTllUdlKM. PA. Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepares for leading colleges. Ext. grounds an athletic nelds. Kw bldga. Catalogue on rcqueu. Jfalm II. Tuscey.M.A..Ueadmater.lUtlilehm. Pa, llOUDENTOWN. N. J. HORDKNTOWN MILITAnY lNSTITirpm Our mtbu.! of Instruction develop habits of concentration, as protcd by tha auccesa of our graduates in couega ot military drill da graduates in couega ana Dusiness. our ejetem m. uur ostein lts of Hijitnu. and aalfrquiurol. f.ountrol. Send for oatali oatalogu. The I'rtncipai, 1, tioraentown-on-i&-DcIawr. N. J. lHIKaTOWX. N. J. invites you to brinK your boy fo see its campus of one bmn-fre-l acres it lake, groves, well-kept athletic fields, its two-hundred-acro arm ad joining, and enjoy its beautiful scenery in the healthful his-hlcnd of Northern New Jersey, Blair is housed in eight imposing buildings, mostly of fireproof atont and concrete construction, including Dormitories, Recitation Hall, Labors- tories, the new double Gymnasium, with its running track of fifteen lap to the mile. liUir offers courses leading to a general education and jircuaratlon for col lege ur technical schools. Write for calaloffi then, U possible, visit tha school :iu4 mo for jourailf JOHN C. SHAIU'E. LL. D. lleaduuuUr, Dlalrfta-am, ST. J. SUtj-f., nOJu raw, AVta Yerk, ttutlve milu twn tM DllQUHfr Wula O-s. ,,, i mil ii f i. i , i r T i mpr t stepped out of mf rcm. fI!Rr oft -' coat, to nnd Bevranva In MhAUlv Hilt Ho wore a prtortfa frown an rtk ft raze with a letei, fuetlonInt elamea "Dovlllsh odd, you kftowlj- he admltt4 grudgingly. "Come along, thrn.Jt t was first at tho rioorl i .stabbed th knob and pulled, but the do&r attfefc fNt 'Where's the key?" I demanded frantically, "The key? I had no key, Gordon I" What I" I rushed Into my room, the door of which likewise opened upon tho hall. Thai I to say, under ordinary circumstances It wi to be expected to open upon tha hat!, 'lit this case it Imitated tho example- of Ott' ranee's, nnd remained obstinately closed. I gave up yanking nt the knob and turned to Sovrance. "Now, who's tho bally ass?" I demandt angrily, ready to pick a quarrel with my best friend on earth. "Wo both are," he considered, "I think wefe born foo's. Can't you pull that In fernal knob off?" "No," I Bald, In black despair. "They'vo; got Us fast for the tlma being. We're tricked duped 1" "Neatly," ho (crumbled. "Thnt Indv ydu remember Chine gave it to Grady?' "What's become of Grady, then?" t asked, "Have they made way with him?" "Devil n bit do I know, Oordon. I should not bo surprised at anything now, tut I'll stake everything on Grady's loyalty. It's likely that hot toddy did for him, as for us. Here, now. let's think a minute. There must be a bell. Surely the servants will answer " He darted across tho room and pulled furiously nt a silken bell ropo which hung from tho celling. Listening attentively at tho door, I fancied that I heard i faint, far Jangling. But otherwise there Was no response. Though wo walled ever so long, there enmo no echo of footsteps In tho cor ridor without. After some tlmo Sevranco succeeded In breaking tho bell pull. Ho was for going Into tho farther room and practicing upon tho one there, but I dissuaded him. "What's tho uso of that? No ono wilt nnswer. You'ro only wnstlng energy. They havo locked us up for a purpose, nnd we'ro not to be let out until they're ready." "Wo'll see nbout that I" cried Sovranca savagely, running to tho window and jerk ing up tho sash with a bang. A flood of brisk nlr streamed In as ha leaned forth. I Joined him. "Well?" "Thirty-foot clear drop to tho ground, nnd a tanglo of cucumber frames to break your fall nt that," ho snapped. "This settles It I can't sny that I am pleased with tho prospect of violating the laws of hospitality, so far as Involves tho guest, Gordon, you know, but " I could see that ho had nn Idea, and T let him nlone, merely nssumlng nn expectant expression. "But you know," he continued, expost ulating In nn argumentative tone, shaking his finger Under my noso, "thero aro certain responsibilities that devolve upon tho host. Now, with all duo respect to Lady Her bert " CONTINUED MONDAY. NWI3IJI1.NO Y. CENTRAL NATATORIUM M. ?.wlFi'n Y?,ter -hansed -aliy and purlfiod- T nreo months' uso ot pool. Sot il leuoa. A, tti. auiKin win. '( cerus. 14Z1 Arch Ht. 1'hlladelDbU. "Ono Year Saved is Ono Year Gained" is the title of a leaflet printed for frea distribution by FOODS' mnui to parents who desire their boya and'Elrla to enter College or Business Ufo at as early an ape ns Is consistent with careful, systematic Instruction In small classes and with close personal contact with skilled toachers. wntTn Fon a corr Schools open 9th mo. 20. Enroll now. JOHN W. CARR, Ph. D., Principal 15TII AND ItACB 8TS PHILADELPHIA. CT.KUBXTAIt' BCII00I.8 OF TIW SYSTEM Kith nnd Itaca Sts. Ill tli fit. nnd Lancaster Ave. 17th fit. and Olrard Ave. Greene St. nnd School Lane. Oermantown. Positions Guaranteed We train students for rood positions as Stenographers, Dookkepers. Secr tnrlea and Halesmen and find good po sltlons for them. May we servo youT Experts as teacher Charge mod, erato. Day and Night School note open. Why not begin now? Strayer's Business College 801-801 Chestnut fit., 1'hlln. Walnut 384 Main 33-00 BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Philadelphia's Hest and largest .NIGHT SpHOOL CommerclatiCourses, Shorthand Elementary English. Special Elec tive Courses, Elementary Arltnme. tic. English und Correspondence. Penmanship. Typewriting. Spell ing. Kama teachers that teach our Day School classes. Ho ex aminations. Night School opens Sept. 0. Enter any time. K. 51. Hall, A. JI.. I'd. I)., 1'realdent 033 Chestnut St., Philadelphia FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL HOYS HO N. lOTH ST. Olltl.S "Almost a Country School" on th Parkway A thoroughly modern day achool with over Uvu ran turles of worthy traditions. Eleinenjary and HlxS School departments. Emphasis on broad gsnsral culture and slmplt Christian living, with rgar4 for tha needs and aptltudea nf each child. C-iU-ioxua. WAl.TKIt tV. IIAYHANll. Principal. tub iiiujian smoor, 3201 Walnut Ht.. l'hlla.. Pa. Monltssorl throuxtt Collec Preparatory. Ocneral cou-. Dnmeatld Science. Htrong Junior liept for bo and girls. JK1.IZAI1KTH W. IIUALKV. A. It.. Principal TKAL'llliKS for schools and schocls for teico erai fraa to employers. Nat'l Teuchera" Agj., D. II. Cook. 33T Perry ttldg. apruce 3S3J. Yonng Men and Mora Y. M. C. A. Accountancy fcr C, P. A. Degrei Tha Accounting profession offers to young men prodtablo occupation and congenial employment. Tola course. under the paraonal direction cf De,an It. J. Bennett, C P. A., noted ac countant and author of many recue nixed text-books on accounting and Blnancs. preparea for ti.o titat C, P. L Axamlnattnna. I!., other hlrrh- 1121 .. c- Wrada Couraea Commercial CnU Writs for?"ln-t Praprtorv-M,usla BooUleta I Keglstar Sept. 33-30. Begin Oct 3. NEWTON. N. J. Nentes Acadcmy.Dcml-mlUtary. 63th year Ucusa school for U boya ncr.N- Y. Ba.temo4.C.ila. p. a, IVIlua, 1'rlotU.al. Box, L. Na-etuu. . i. MAlttfiTOWN. N. J.