c?vV- - EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1916. fFINANCUL NEWS 3UYING IS MODERATE, BUT STTT?t?tp.tt?.mt TU uaub. ADVANCES IN MANY ISSUES ciflc Mail Is Strfong Again, Advancing 5 Points t6 29. j3uuibu AJtuiiuuntration Uccurs in American Cotton Oil, Which Gains Two Points High Points in Today's Financial News Nino York bank statement showeA n .'-.. .. .. . dividend o; . c xor nauways Company reported increases lit cant" SftVor 'J - "ffW months. Oar siller Incttnged & New York and h' London. . . .X' .in. . NEW YOHK, Aub. 19. I It took a llftle time this morning before the market again got Into n bull trlde, but after the first 15 minutes, moderate buying orders were sumdent to (fco advances In many Issues that would Have nttractcd gcnqral attention at titer times. Foclflc Mall, which was n strong feature yesterday, made a further gain of points to 29, and there was a renewal of aggressive buying In American Agri ultural Chemical, which made a further gain of moro than 2 points. J! A bullish demonstration occurred In American Cotton Oil, which has been cglcctcd for some time. i South Pcnn Oil Co. Declares Extra Dividend I" piTTSmmaH, Aug. 10. The South 1'enn Oil Company has declared tho Igular dividend of $5. a share and $3 extra' dividend, paynblo September 30 to lock of record September It. JUBB TRADING QUII.T, WITH PRICES LOWER ittle Interest Shown in Any Issues Midvalc Steel Yields Fractionally I New York Bond Sales NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Trading on the urb was quiet w.th most of the price con lions to lower figures. There was little ,tslde Interest shown In tho dealings In iy Issue and the motor business represcnt l shifting around by professional traders. Chevrolet dropped from 20 1 to 202 and ildvale Steel yielded fractionally under rtall sales. Aetna ISxploslvcs showed rength for a time, selling at 12 ;, but -acted under profit-taking sales to 12 H. Tho dealings In mining stocks and In Tendent oils wero small and changes In its Issues were without Importance. INDUSTRIALS. , WJ. Ak. .to Explosive ?Si KK a Urlt MfK l-. o n Marconi , g4 toatlan Cnr Co 43 M n Car Fdy pref 70 W wrltsa Motors 2;?4 a IV irtln Aeroplane ." rlns-Scttb 3 yij nerion I'honoBrnph li in iftliV8.nA car :::::;:::::: 3f $ indea ilfK .; ;' jtl Uhodion Ilrnnzn prof 18 - ulra Munitions CJj r,W jnhaltan Trans 1 H 1 tdrale Steel s. Is Elevator - J" ,, nrrotet Jlotors -"- -ft nleEng.... 1U 8 Knin w 1 11 M 1 j'fi mi llotora . v.. 1 "J trorabers- j-t vb mm Motor ' 5" !JK lbrotrine a an tkuula 1 Film -H 3 oltrt Motor 03', jltKt Trolt SharlnB SI, A II com 3 3K to pre! ' till Motor GJ 5tt Mt inks 0 l!4 orld'a Film S u U STANDARD OIL. ,ll KIT 170 Stvi HHi! H31 nlrls Plpa H".1? H-, 0 ci am 270 o n j tw BSD ON V .; aoi ami ' OTHKIl OH, STOCKS. .den Oil, -v; 13M 11, tr Ptro I'K , " miton Oil 14 1 dwMt KeHnlnc "I , ! pulpa ltcflnlnic UU " MININ'a STOCKS. lima SJ5 10V4 tt Copper t.lnc II iu. N if t sl rro cl X'asro . 33 an rat National 4 -I1. UlhM Mercer 8, ,-,., cla Mlnlnc 4 4 15-10 w Sound 4 47i a Butler H2 8.V mbo Kxtentlon , My 'I1 Klnley Darrah BH no Lima Copper 14H !) nes Co of America 2 -' PlJn 7 Vii a Toy , 14 IB rjoseph Lead 1SU l"'Vj t Knd Con 7U M2 5 UONDS. rro de Paico da Ill 111 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT 4 mage Loans and Demand Deposits Increase Reserves Are Bigger SEW YOniC. Aub. 19. The New York nlc statement this wqek showed an In ase of J7.112.000 In the average loans (1 a decrease of $13, 351,000 In the actual, mand deposits Increased J24.C44.000 In ) average statement, $18,447,000 In the taal. Hie reserves Increased In both cases. Details follow: tl, AVtillAliri. "U , mand deposit! ,.,,. ne deposits " , f ACTUAL. ins ,, t demand deposits , w deposits , , "s ,; Decrease. Increase. , tT.U2.Uuu . '24,44.aiM) . J2.UT.UIM1 . 3.470.WU .J13.3.M.O0O . 1S.44T.0U0 , 1U.I9T.UUU , Sl.SUU.USU FOREIGN EXCHANGE VBW YOniC, Au?. 19. As usual on a amer halt holiday the attendance of JTO exchange dealers was very limited jr. The market showed little Interest i from firmer tendencies In Krench and islan exchange. Sterling held Bteady. )uota,tloni: Demand Bterllnr 4.75 13-1J, les 4.7s 9-16 ; franc cablos 5.90, checks 314: relchsmark cables 72 5-10, checks 4 I lira cables 6AJM. checks 6.47 ! Swiss 'Its 5.234, checks 6.2,9 U : Vienna cables J, checks 12,48; Scandinavian kroner 'Its 18.70, checks 28,80: pesetas 20.10 J0.J5; guilder cables 40 U plus 3-32, s 40 less 1-32; rubles 30,60 and ?0. nATBS FOR MONEY kP&iv.:;::::;:::;: I Call. .. WStt ton CIO a 84 4 Time. 32SsH .11 8 ummerclal papsr, threa to si months '' 1 vihk percent. BANK .CLEARINGS 'H. cjearlni-s today compared with corro ' T- M". . 1WU 1HII. 1 in,. f I.IK f..,,S4.tl(H.T8l J33.0UT.8 ..,;. Ja.sti.Tlf ''.' It- ton ' Sork rs ' n. 1DI A J23.00T.8S! 2I,lUT;nO IJ (.Uf.1 iv ... ... ... Reserve Banks' Discount Rates 10 or Over 10 Oyer SO Over 80 tan ''! up ta so. up to W. up to 80. i?5..'it,,, s Its 4 4 i-.:Sw I t I W.;::: : 1 X ' t SSUi::::: t J WapoTls ,.. , i 4H g bltr.. 4 4J4 Jv, J3 ;yrinfii: 3 . 4Vi 4 41, 'i ." Airlcul. Trads accentancsa. Cqm- Over?Q. Up to SO. lptoso. modTty. ;Trork..... S JM I . iMffi : Jtt IS ' r " SSr..v.v. i Sg IS i54 58i J5 di ovr id W 0.r4 par csofi 80. iif per cent; ovtr SO, 0 per cent, .ISO00 Amor Cot Oil Bs no isiitiuuu AnKio-iTBa.... "::::: m, lOiHi Amer Mmolt Sec ns.!.lii7, lliuuu Amor Tel clt 4, uH ..!!!! "icr Tel cvt 4Ui ..1 ," u Armour fo 414 n 1VI (III Al.hl.nn .. m auuu Atchison cv 4s inn.1.' ! Iiiii'i .iwwii unit inio os. 1 Itllt4 toooii do 4 ;:;;;;;; toj 140IIU HA(I t I. C. A V V dm Hit '"' ein aieei rfil Da 1U()H lulls IU0J ouv, lirQOKIl UH PJIV JSl iS.IUl i'"'V i"ti Ixw. Clone, till II U iisji tmH uti OS "(;. n(?4 iir ui .nil uiji luU llii'j Uu'i s nu4. u.if. 2tt ua? U24, nil! 1iil Inl li(5 t0 pii nu Illl' .mi) l'l ,'WTS hhS inn . DDK UIO. ilU'. .ltKtJi 1U0, lliuji . nli; HUH Ii'.i . Mtl Ml Mlllf .12314 123 12SV4 . W24i II2H B2; IIS UN UH 2UUU Can Clint 4s 11)21 pillIU uo 111.11 Stioo Cal Ons & nice 5s., 100(1 Cent lla conn 0s. . . r.iimi enn oov 4s inai. . . .mm Cent l'aclllo 3to.ii.. lBUiw Chill conrer Ta TOUO Ches ft Ohio cv r,s 20011 t:hl II A U lolnt 4s r.1.111. . .. m ... .-. ..,'....... ..... ....... ,,ui'v k. ,u 01 i' nv 4"i s, iiiiiMi iinii iiiiim, DJ(HH) C It 1 ft I' to nuts 5t MV, uiiini . umiHrunu lei ofl.diui iihi iuu .hiiiu neiroii runnel 414 s. iiii KilIU I)ls aocur Corp As., 74 4liuu Indlona St-cl r.s 1112'i ViMMi Intorli Met 4H" " 6000 Interb II T ret Be.... OH luuoo Inter Jlcr Mar ct IUb.IOSU 2.10UO ,1 w l On 1)74. linmu Knn City Ter 1st Is. . .Hui "mm tirkn Mti-el r.n Iti.Vl.. US', 1000 Lnclcdo tloa. 1st ris...l()2 50(10 IaiuIs & Nash 4s Ii:ii KiDiio Manhattan 4h . . HN 2UIIU Mllu-Ullkrc CIus 4s 113 2110(1 Jlllin St L. 4s Ill) .,()()!) Mo lMc w 1 4s 11.1 llW 74. 74 Ki2 i nraji UH OH lHHji 1IIHH u 1 1 m r ; SI)' n:t' ln2 NS 11.1 111) u.v HU 11)2 1) J S mhx h.) nu ''" 12IMMI Mr. 1'nclllc cons lis ...ll)li lui; 11)1 21I0UII Mont l'ower Bs 1)74. 1)7. II1I4 RUIHI N Y Air Hrulto ct fla.1024, 11)24 11)24, 1 1 tJ 1, M iWS (lis M-h lift RUIIII N Y U h Itml (is 112 112 112 anoo iio'con 4s saj K2ji n2 1BO0O do 4Ms 1I2U II24 WlV, 22(1011 N Y City 3Hh Nuv 'U3 li.t D2 11:1 10(100 do 14s I1III3 1(11 IDS 1113 jnunii N' Y Trrnan 4Vs HT H7. InV .tin,t ..- li..L !!: nl" 70UU I'ennn sen ct l4. ii.M, I!.-, i I'ennn Ben ct lii s. .. ,l(U'-4 1U1H ltilVi I'ubllp rtve .V J 6. . . . H2ft Ii2'(i H2W Ht L 8 V In w I.... B2'S (1214 .-.2jS Mtnml On lis 1111. 1111s. 1IHV. W VIKIII 1000 7(100 Htnnd Obi (Is 1000 Kraboanl A I. rM 4s. 10UI) .South Hell Bs 2UU0 tjouth l'ac 4s 11)011 do cv -Is lBI'O do cv rci t p Bs., BOOU do rM 4s 41)00 South l'ac Term Sa 201111 South ltv.y icen 4s., UOOO do con Sa 1000 Hparta 45 1000 Trl-Clty Bs 1)1)110 W S Ituliber lis 420'JH U H Bted S K Bs., IUiiii Union llac A V Bs. 140110 Union l'ac 1st Iv . 4IMK) Vn llwy Bs tiUOl) Wiib-V T 1st ct 4s. . IID'.i ..llll .. N7 ..101 . . SliTi . . U. 711 . .liioH . . l2H . . nu, . .1U3' . . Klji 00 ln 101 H4 HI Ki.lli HUM rf". 101. 17 '1 H74 '.! lo:tjf ,l)t Mitt OS ?f8 liioS tons U2 vi uu 1111 ll)2'i 102U 10.1 k 1D3U UJIW itittL unji liiiH "it, ? n; Total soles, St. 730, 000, romparrtl ultli r'.ICS, 000 Inst .Sntiiril.n; (Ills neck. Ml.8ll0,0OO Inst week. iilK.JUI.ooo. BANK CLEARINGS INCREASE Philadelphia Leads Other Cities, With Gain of G2.5 Per Cent Total bank clearings oC all the clearing houses of the United States for the week Just closed were it, 301, 648, 040. against 51,003, 8SD.110 last week and 53,307,917,000 tho corresponding week last yenr. Phila delphia, leads all other cities with an In crease of C2.E per cent. Details follow: 101(1. mi.-. New York..2.082,lHl),020 11.72 i,aul,4ti, 1 J.'.o,la.i Itaston l'hlladvlphla. Haltlmore Chtcaca .... St. l-ouls. . . New Orleans Seven cities. lUtt,U0tl.TK2 HI, 14.82.t 320.OS1. Ul(l H(l,722,4.1 20.414.U2U r.a 21I.H 11.1.1:1,171 4-17.1) r.'II.Blll.hlll A B2.3 2.1.III)H,SII(I :i.o 2.10.241,(1411 4-411.3 BH.34X.nSl -t-3H.:i 14.OUS.4lll 4-311.7 B dass... 12, 800.170.727 12.310,374,104 4-24.1 qi)B.4n2.341 E21.7n2.4H7 33.3 Other cities, i UttJH... Total all cits ties, rt ilma ,...J3.nai.lt3B,0(18 t2.8.12.130.(l.M 2,1.7 710.008.072 nn.1,78t.0M 30 8 All Titles, 1 day 1. Total nil clt- week'f... $4.301, 848.040 J3,B07,at7.000 20.(1 Local Reserve Bank Statement The condition of the Federal Iteaervr Dank of Philadelphia at the close ad business August IS compares us fullovvs: nr.souncES. August 18. Aurust 11. Oold coin and certificates ...-... In vault 19.701,050 t0.23I.E33 Oold settlement fund balance 17.479,000 14.OSn.000 Oold redemption fund... Su.000 3U.UUU Jaal tender notes. silver, eto 720,080 700.781 Total reservo . i........ 28.()-.'8,nSH 25,OHl).ll3a Commercial paper ..... 711,814 BUS, 117 llink acceptance 10,3211.2(17 10,8(11.370 iOiai Ulna uwtwiiiiicu and bouht .......... tt..ifU,l Minims hfinds and notes 3.T08.444 3.708,000 Municipal warrants ,.., 2,830.001) 2.B72.412 Total Investments .... Due from other federal reserve banks, net.... Federal reserve notes on hand ................ Notes of national banks and other Federal r- serve banka ... ...... All other resource,.,,,. 11,037,052 11.420,40(1 IO.25tj.UVU 370.803 50.005 a7T,712 il,28U,4t2 sea.eoa 501,010 1 00.701 431.007 15,21(1.800 42,482 ai.li!in.7ii:i 6.1)38. 4))) 'ii)2 Total resource 140.127,783 4,lT.02tf UAllir.ITIBS. Capital paid In, ,. 15,203, 300 Proflt and losa.,..,. 42,482 Reserve T deposits, net.... 81,Rhl).8'2,1 Oovernment deposits .... fl.802.073 Due to other Federal re- ,, J serva banks, net...... 2.401,474 All other liabilities ..... 8.I2H Total liabilities ,,,,,. 46.J37,783 tU.lff7,B2d COPPER BVYJNQ HEAVY Many Inquiries for Early 1917 Deliv eries NEW YORK, Auk. 19. J.Wdlne pro ducers continued to ask 27 cents per pound for copper for delivery during November and Pecember, and second hands as a jule, maintain this price. Popper for delivery during the first quarter of IgU Is the sub ject of considerable Inquiry and all sellers are asking from 26 to 28Vj cents for this. The price of 28 cents Is well maintained, very few pf the smaller dealers being- willing- to accept the lower price, named. The week has been characterized by ex ceptionally heavy buyrng for both foreign and domestic account It Is stated by well Informed authorities that the preponder. ance of buying- has been from, domestic consumers and they look, for higher prices as. soon as the large foreign inquiries, which are known to be lb the market, begin to be placed. It Is said that there is less than 15v.00Q.00O pound of copper for de livery this year remaining unsold, and it la estimated that buyintr this week has been at the rate of 19,009,09,0, to. it.9y9.0QQ pounds per day. New York Stock Sales Low. IBM 22. 77 80 100 fiH Net Close, eh. IBWi 78 1W 9 V4 100 8 Vt HOW 111 1 00 SIVi 7 my -f i Bl 28 ..... 22V BO H 72M. W 08 Vi 03W B2 01 2ft 22 SO 72 0891 D4 Hlrh, Alaska Gold Mines is; AlllsChnlmers .. 22t. Am Aff Chom . ... 7 Am' B Sugar .... 80 do pref 100 Am Can .., M dopref .......111 Amcr Car & Fdy, tV4 Am Cottdn Oil .. flV4 Am Hide & Jj pref Bl Am Ice . 211 Am Llnsoed 22 do pref ..,,... Bl Am Locomotive.. 72H Am Smelting- . ... Da ilo nref A ..... O.IVi Am Sugar 110 11014 H05 H do pref 110 lll HO " Am Steel Fdy . .-. B4!4 B414 BMi Am Tobacco 220 220 220 2 Am Woolen .... 4414 44V4 444 H Annccnda Copper. 8Sft Atclilcon 104 do pref DO At Oulf & XV W I 72H do pref flBVi Baldwin Loco .... 70 Unit & Ohio smji Brown Shoo pref. oo Uutto Superior. . flTVi California Pet pf. 40H Canadian Pacific. .177i Central Leather... 7" Ches & Ohio Oi'A Chlo Great W 12 do pref A 30 V Chlo Jill & St P.. 0H 127 lOTd 20, Bl 4814 .10 !i 84 103 1034 4- Chlo & North XV. Chlo H 1 & Pac. Chlto Copper Chlno Copper . . . Col Fuel & I roll. Col & South . . . Consol Gas Corn Products . . Crucible Steel .. do pref do pref Distillers Sccur Krlo do 1st pref . . Gen Motor pref. Goodrich Co . . . Great North pfd. 90 71W, 0BV H 7B 80 OB 1 0714 4- 14 40W, 17714 17714 'U B0i 87 tt 01 ni 12 80V 01V y4 127 101n 2014 14 Bl 48 .10 13814 14 14 78 14 118 44 14 14 0.1 D5 48'fc JfiY S0'Xer'3G 62 B2 118 120W 114 314 11314 11314 18 11714 11714 00 70H OB 7ST4 80 00 0714 4 At 01 12 3014 0414 127 10 20 Vi Bl 47 30 13814 438 14 ll-Mi ,73 118 7214 118 Cuhan-Atn Sucnr.240 240 240 Cuban Cano Sunar 07 B714 87 03 14 is 3014 B2 121 Gt North Ore ctfs 30 30 , 30 -I- 10 1(1 73 13 37 Vi 101 80 2104 111 Central Inspiration Con. Intcrlioro Con . Intermit Paper do pref Int Nickel Int Mer Mar t c do pref Jewel Tea Knn City Soutli Kelly Sprlnir Tiro 7214 Kcnnccott Cop ... 40 Lackawanna Steel 73 LchlRh. Valley ... 70 LlEBett & M Tob..20t Lorlllard Louis & Nash. Mnckny Co ... Maxwell Motors Mexican Petrol, Miami Copper . Missouri Pac w I Xntlunal Lead . do pref Nevada Can . . . N V Air llrake N Y Central . . Norfolk & AVcst North Pacific . . Pacific Mall ... Pacific Coast .. Penna II P. Pressed Steel Car B2 Pullman Co 108 Hay Cons Heading do 1st pref . . Itepub Iron & Stl Soars Roebuck . SoutWorn Pacific South Ily do pref Htudcbakcr 01 101 101 02 82 B2 10 15 71 42 38 00 80 21 10 10 73 1 42 14 37 -f- 100 1 80 48 7B 70 204 21 $ 72 40 7B 70 204 4 .239. 230 230 v120 120 120 . 8.1 83 81 1 83 83 100 100 31 31 23 i 23 05 05 11B 115 1 18 18 130 130 103 103 120 120 111 111 21 02 Bfl B2 104 21 . 83 .101 . 3.1 , . 23 . 5 .IIS . 18 .130 .103 .120 .111 . 20 . OS B.1 27 -1 3 OB BB B2 107 -t-3 24 103 41 81 24Ti 10,1 10.1 II 41 51 81 203 203 203 1 . 08 08 08 . 23 23 28 , 08 (18 08 .131 130 131 Tennessee Copper 25 25 2S -- Texas Company .101 103 103 1 Texas Pacific II 11 11 11 11 Third Avcntio ... 02 (IS 02 Uu Dag- & Pap pr 42 41 41 Un Cigar Stores.. 101 101 101 United. Fruit 107 100 100 2 Union Pacific ....130 130 130 ilo pref 82 82 82 U H Undl Alcohol. 112 112 V S Rubber 58 B7 do 1st' pref 110 110 71 70 01 Oil U 8" Smelters U S Steel do prof 118 118 Utnli Copper .... 81 81 Vif Car Chem . . . 42 40 Wabash 13 13 do pref A 60 40 do prof 11 27 27 Westorn Union .. oo 00 Wcstlngliouso Kleo 60 60 West Maryland . . 30 30 Willys-Overland... 85 81 WorthinRtan P. . . 28 20 do pref B 61 53 112 88 110 70 01 118 81 42 1 13 40 27 00 BD 30 Sl 28 2 81 Total sales. 223.300 shares, compared with 208,000 sliiires lust Htitiirdari this Meek, 3,008, 700 lmrri last vtcek, 2,120,000 shurr. COTTON GROWS FIRM AFTER STARTING BAD Prices React Under Realizing Sales and Make Gains of G to 8 Points COTTON UKI.T WKATJIKK NKIV YOItU, Auc. 10. The Cotton llelt Weather Map showed llilit ruins In soutt) eru Terns und shower In Alabama nna ' liie'followlnE temperatures were. reported: Ashevllle, OOl Wllmincton. 70i KnnxTllle. 12i l'ensneolu. Abilene, Jarksomllla und A.I,..,. Hi llnMn. f.inf mm.,.. .Illmilllir- limn, t'liatiuiiooru. Nnshtllle. fhpuiustllle, I liariCNlon nu nnvaiinuii. iqi rmrinmit. Nun Antonio. Mobile, Meridian, Aineuulu and Tumim, 78 Fort Hiultli. Little Kpck. Mrkf burr und New Orleans, BO, and Memphis und (Ulte.ton. 8J. There win .01 Inch of .precipitation at Thormmtlllei .04 at lllriiitntibumi .01 at Niioliilllo and Asheilllei .16 ut (!elirtoii .3.! at Atlantai .31 at .Montcatuerri ,30 at Mobile) ,72 ut Jucksontllle. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Trade in cotton was fairly active this morninff,' a tendency downward being due to ra.lns In southern Texas and a possibility of more, owing to the tropical storm, which appears to have moved Into northern Mexico Instead of to ward' central Texas. The hurrjeane was responsible for cloudy conditions, however, In the southern part of Texas, and there were reports of rain at San Antonio, Taylor, Abilene, Lampasas and South, Initial quotations were 3 points higher to 6 points lower. From the depression, the market was rallied suddenly by advices of another tropical disturbance In the vicinity of the Bahama Islands, which, It was feared, might reach the Kastern belt and cause damage, following the recent long wet spell. Prices regained most of the- early loss on this news. The market became firmer later on cover ing, promoted by buying uncertainty as to whac Monday's reports as to the tropical "disturbances might show. A dispatch from Yoakhum, Texas, said that open cotton had been blown out and the crop greatly damaged. Other messages report rain following at numerous points in Southwestern Texas. After Belling up to 14.38c for October, or a net advance of about 10 OH points, prices reacted under realizing sales, Later the market was unsettled at a gain of about 6 to 8 points. The receipts of cotton at the ports for the day are estimated at 8000 bales, com pared with 8954 bales last week and 4897 bales last year. Xcs. ciosa. upen. iiisn. :::; !:,l ij.'i'i ffl 14.61 14. BU 14.6S 14.I1U 14.61 H e .... 14.73 14.72 14.79 .... jj.jt Jl.SO Ii.87 Oct. . Dec. Jan. March Uay . July . Spot . Low. Close. its m 14.43 14. 14.73 14.80 14.43 14.H P 1443 DWPENDS DECMBEQ Standard Gas and Electric, resuUr quartjrtr of X per cent, pa preferred stock, parable Sep tember 18 to stock of record Auziut 31. EXCHANGE LITTLE AFFECTED BY BAN ON COMMODITIES Treasury Department in Britain Resolved to Main tain Gold Standard SWEDISH CURRENCY HIGH 'By FRANCIS W. HIRST Special CoMe to the Ki'ritlnV Mofr. LONUON. Aug. 19. The Slock Excli.tngo Is closed today. Peace discussion again Is nctlvo In Oermany. This morning's offi cial noto concerning exports from Sweden looked serious, but exchanges were unaf fected. A trustworthy city authority has told me that no great effect upon Anglo-Swedish commerce Is expected. Ily placing nil commodities on the prohibited' list all ex ports would be subjected to the snme pro cedure as , hitherto. There had been two procedures, according to whether export good3 were prohibited or not. In our money Swedish currency stands nt a higher premium than Norwegian or Danish; trus the Scandinavian exchanges nt noon yrsteidny stood: Stockholm. 10.5" ; Chrlstlnnln, 10.04 j Corjenhagcn. 17.05, which liavo been, roughly, Wrlr po sition for poveral days. Bank returns are reassuring aa regards gold, and our Chancellor's recent speech Indicates a resolve by the trensurj' to maintain a gold standard and exchanges even nt considerable sacrifices. This policy. If I correctly Interpret tho speech. Is entirely right. Meanwhile various Indications suggest that facilities for credit arc narrowing and that terms are rising everywhere. Tho very best credit will find Itself paying an extravagant rato for ac commod itlnn before many months. I can remember is hen our Oovernment could hnvo borrowed millions on cither long or short terms at from 2 to 21,, per cent. ' WHEAT PRICES DROP ON PROFIT-TAKING Sentiment Continues Bullish on News of Crop Damage and Strength Abroad chain nr.i.T ivi:,Tiu:it roui:tvsT CHlCAr.O, Anc. 10. Tho weather fore cnt for SO hours follnnst Illinois unit Missouri (lenemllr fnlr, con tinued lilsh teuincrntures tonlslit and nruli nblv tomorrow. MUron.ln IVirtlr elondr tonlcht nnd to morrow, prnbabtr locnl thunder shower" north, sllchtlr roolrr tomorrow north una urt. Mlnnrsotu l'nrlly clondr. nrohnlily lornl thunder showers this nfternoon or tonlslit eu.t. ultilitly cooler tonlcht writ, tomorrow senernllr fulr nml cooler. .... Iown I'nrllr cloudy, probnhly locnl thun der shower nnd slightly cooler this niter noon und tonlslit extreme wcM. tomorrow unrtly rloudr, cooler north nnd west. North nnd Hauth D.tkotn (lenernlly fnlr tonlcht nnd tomorrow, cooler tonlcht. Nelimuku I-ociil thunder showers this nfternoon or tonlcht, sllchlly cooler to nlsht rust nnd uniith rentrnl. , , Itsnuns I'nrtly cloudy tonlcht nnd to morrow, probably unsettled north, sllchlly cooler tomorrow north and west. CHICAGO, Aug. 19. A good accumula tion of overnight buying orders caused further strength In the wheat market here today. Profit-taking wns quite active, how ever, and prices receded from the top. Son timent continued bullish becaimo of furthor reports of damage to the Canadian crop nnd stroiiKtli nbroad. September opened at $1.48'4 to $1.44 ',, against J1.43U at the closo yesterday; De cember ranged from $1.00 to 11.48 '.-j at the outset, compared with 11.47U, yester day's last price; May opened at J1.C3 to 11. 62. against ?1.B09, at tho closo yester day. Tho market at Liverpool was strong on reports of damago to the spring crop from the United States and Canadn. dearer ex port offers, with no native grain being ten dered, nnu exportation or iigntcr worm shipments to the United Kingdom for the week. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today wero 321 cars, against 211 enrs last year; nt Winnipeg 2GS cars, compared with 36 cars; at Chicago 191 cars, contrasted with 347 cars. Corn was active and firmer. Tho re. celpts here today wero 127 cars. Tho market at Iverpool was firm. Oats also wero higher. The receipts hero today wero 031 cars. Leading futures ranged as follows Wheat upen. HisJ'- Sept 1 40 1.4SH Dec 1..10H 1.03., liny.... 1.83 l.BSH w ueueryi- "ft Corn (new delivery Sept.... Wi si Dec. . . . liny... Dec... Muy. .. iru Sept.... .13 77 Oot 13.75 Dec 13.17 Illbs . , ,. Sept.... 14. 45 Oct 14.20 Sep',.rk.-'7.47 Oct 20.25 Dec Illds t Asked. Low. 1.I4H 1.4KtJ 1.02 Yes'dny's Close. close. 1.47? l.W 1 .M,i 1.47 l.SQH l.BUl.4 74 7Bj 73H 77W 77K 70?4 45H 444 43 1 t4li 40 47U 4S T47i 62U 01 'SlU r,U4 13 87 13.77 '13.82 I3 72 ta.HS 1H.75 '13.80 13.72 13.25 13.12 13.12 13.15 14.47 14.40 14.42 14.10 14.22 14. IB 14.12 11.10 27.47 27.30 27 45 20.23 20.15 2B.23 , '23.BU 20.80 25.75 23.35 Spot Wheat Strong nt Liverpool LIVERPOOL, Aug. 19. Spot wheat was strong today, with Australian quoted at 14s 6d, an advance of 4d; No. 2 red winter at 13s lid. and No. I Northern Manitoba 14s Id. a gain of 3d. Corn was firm, with American mixed Hd higher, at 10s GVjd. while Plate showed an upturn of Id, at Us 9d. Flour was quoted at 60s Gd, an ad vance of Is Gd. Yes. Close. H.U3S 8.11(1 S.Mrt 8.11(1 H.lllHB.Dl a,u(WB,iiq 8,US$8,tU 8.G0tf8,70 H.I',1)H8.70 8.71U8.72 8.7408.75 8.7(18.77 8. 70 8.80 8.818.82 S.b.lSS.SI 8.13(38.811 8.68(88.81) 8.D0M8.H1 8.O208.UJ 8.048.t)d 8.U78.U8 S.UUIklU. l).019.0d O.U3fl.03 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NUW YOUK, Aug, 19. The market for coffee futures opened unchanged tt a de cline of 2 points. Business wns inactive. There was a little trade selling In evidence. Today's Todays Opening, Close. September .. S.U3I.8.71 8.(1508.0(1 October November December .. 8.UO8.70 January ...'6,10 February March ..... 8.83 8.83 May" .'.'.'.''', 8.Vd8.02 Juno July UlSO.03 nia. Total sales, 3750 bans. Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW YOUK. Aug. 19. October Pear sail, IlenU and McEnany bid; Sellar, Weld, Newman nnd Schlll offered. December DIckerson, Pearsall, Sellar, Ilcntz and Hyman bid; Kelffer, T Siden burg and Schll offered. January Hyman, Wilson, Downs Wig. gin, McEnany, Pearsall. Freeman and Car doxo bid; Montgomery, Lehman, Schlll and H. Hubbard offered. March-Watkins. Pearsall and Hopkins bid: Brooks, Hentx and Scbill offered. May Downs and Hagedorn bid; Waters, Orvis and Rosenberg offered. ' July Fllnn, Hooper and Rosenberg bid; Heutz, Roscnbefg and McEnany offered., BOND QFFERINGS . HACKENSACK, N. J.. Aug. l!r William Linn, collector of Bergen County, will re ceive sealed bids until noon September C for J4,000 4V4 per cent a half year average Jail bonds. A certified check, for 3 per cent Is required. BAR SILVER Bar silver wa quoted in london today at 31 5-1 Jd, unchanged Commercial bar sliver was quoted In New York today at 68;, unchanged. I Sales in Philadelphia Net .. , . tilth. Low. Close. chg. 100, Am L O pf no 60 o 'A 100 Bald Loco. 70 70 70 100 C IU A P 10V4 1W 1V4 Vi loo Erie ...,, sH sow son Vi 10 Lh Vat... 70VI 70Vi 70Vi Mlnchlll . 717 7 87 a NLeadprllBVi llVi H5Vi Vi 147 Pa It It.. BOVn flfl SO 28 1'ttT tr cts 10 10 10 M, 03 Ton Bel , 4W 4Vi 4Vi 11 U Cos N J 221 221 221 Vi 730 U S Steel . 01 Vi 0M4 l'Vi 123 XV Cramp. 70V4 73i4 70V4 Vi Tolsl, soles, 1521 fthnres, eompnred wllh 2038 fhnres Inst Nntnrdnn this week, 15,301 shnrest last nrex, 11,2111 snsres. IIONDS. - .. ...... . UlRh. tw. s ii nun iiiiti'eoxr4s so so & Close. RO 3000 PnCoclVjs lot 101 iol V soo rniia i;i is Bii 84i; iri 000 do 6s . .loty, 10 1 H lOirji 1000 PB&WT8S.1I114 HlVi 1HV4 Increase. Decrease. Totfll soles, flO.ROO. enmnnred "l(h S10.000 lnt SnliirdnM this week, S283,()30i Inst week, S200.0.10. Local Bid and Asked Tlnltlwln Hurt & Run t i (In fret Drill J U .... Rlec Htor .... (Jen Asp (In pref Ke stone Tel .. tlo t o do pref I.sko thin Corp Todny Hid. Ask(M. Ihleh ,Nv lz-hleh valley . . lrfhlcli Vdl Tr . do nref I'enna I'hlla t:iec I'hlla Co do 5 per cent pref. . do (I per cent pref. . I'hlln It T t o Hooding Tonopith llel Tonnpnh Mln Union Traction tl (1 I i; K Steel York llwy do pret Wm Cramp t,c 711 48 r,H 3H4 117 ItU1. II II (18 Kill 73 4 r. 5s; nu :in 411 Kill 1034 lt)3. , I" 05; 7l)'i no no 30. (I7S .18 7I)J. 14 4 14S 09 11. 7.1 7(l' 21 4S no 28'i 411 311 KiU lll Yesterday Hid. Asked. M4 711 n: ll'i 87' j lili 13 117 'i 4'. r. 4I 87". I'l'i II :i7i 78 48 ni 34'4 (lll't 32'n IW 13 J. 13. 118 inH 75 71IJI SS!t Osi ii :m 41) ll'Ji lO.lTji 4 J, r.'i i i U 87 't Ill's 13 37 i 74 t r,o nu nn 117 ,i ( 7H,t 14H 14i (111 10J4 7K 701 21 43 COJi 28t4 41) 311 4UJ4 llljt lt)3H 4U r, 4 I s 87S Ill's 14 :i7M 7514 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOI'AU STOC1C8. ,11m nuller MscNnmnra .Mldn-nv Mlzpnli Ilxtenslnn .inninna llkl. .8. .O.-i .tl) .11) Asked, .Hi .nil .211 .211 Northern Htnr 15 .Id Tonopnl) Unlmnnt 4. 4S Tonop.ili Kxtenton '; : Tonopah .Mlnlni; !'. 'i Tonopah .Mlnlni; uescue e.uia West IJnil aOMlKini.D STOCKS. Atlnnln , niuo null ... llnnth llulldnsr C O 1) Comblnntlon Prartlon ni.imondllolil II II ... Daisy Klnrenc tloiildeM ronsolldnted Cioidllelil Merger .ftimtm llxtcnulon .... Kewnn.ns Oro Ha nit Ken Sllcr l'lck MiacKM.ANr.oua. Klmberly Nevnda I llll ... Nevadi Wonder Tectum Mlnlns . . !7(l .10 .02 .12 .111 .03 .03 .)) .85 .118 .5(1 .10 .01 .011 .10 .02 . .14 .2.11) . .10 '.'ft .78 .11 .11.1 .14 .02 .III .07 .04 .( .03 .87 .(II) .37 .12 .or, .03 .12 .01 .1(1 2.13 .12 i-i,r,iiritOsVrvT V - FOREIGN EXCHANGE INACTIVE Now British Loan Is Dominating Influence NKW YORK, Aug. 19. As was tho case previously, tho foreign exchange market In tho week Just cjoscd showed periods of extended Inactivity. Tho dominating Influence was the $250,- 000,000 now British C per cent two-year direct loan. This was responsible for Im provement In the Allied exchanges, although tho conditions In rates were moro mnrlted In French nnd Russlnn"exclmngo than In sterling. Oold Imports for tho week up to tho close of business on Thursday nmaunted to $14, 120,000, bringing the grand total for the year to date up to $223,895,000. At tho close thcro were gains of 15 points In rubles, 3 to 5 In Vienna kronen, In franc checks nnd 1-1 G to ',4 In 90-day ster ling, demand nnd cables, French cables and roichsmnrk checks. Scandinavian kroner showed a loss of 10 points, Swiss were down 4 point and lire cables and checks lost U point. Relchsmark cables were quoted nt 72 "S, a new high on this movement, but this fig ure wns disputed, ono of tho large Interna tional banking houses with Central Power ninilatlons asserting that 72 was the legitimate high llguro of tho week. Busi ness In marks was, however, of very nominal proportions. Tho decllno In Scandinavian exchange. In default of other explanations, was set down to tho decision of Great Britain to hold moro strictly to tho blockade observance in tho case of Sweden and other northern countries. A further small exportation of gold to Spain was reported. Tho news of the week bearing upon ex change Included roports of material new orders for foreign accounts of Iron arjd Bteel, copper metal and other commodities and crop forecasts, The minimum rate of discount of the Dank of England was uncjianged at 6 per cent. The proportion of reserve to liabil ities of that Institution rose to 27.10 per cent, a gain of 27 por cent tho previous week und compared with an advance from 22.70 per cent to 23 per cent In the week of 1915. Total reserves Increased 1,301,000 ; bul lion rose 803,000 ; other securities went up 3,169.000. $100 BONDS Albertn. Prov of Am For Sec S-jear notes Anglo-French ArEvntlne Government. . . Canada, Dominion of... City uf Haltlmore (! at l'hl ltarb Cun City of New Ur Imp P. C. Due. ni,l. Offer. 414 10J4 UH, n 11)111 08 118(4 0 llCO U.l'i till n nun hul 87 0 1UL':, lis llll 4 111(1. DSJi .. 4 1017 1)1) 11)21) 100 08 hU'i IlU n!h St.-.. 1st rlz Cent leather 1st res, Ches A Pot Tel 1st... Denv Ous k I-'lec 1st. Ucneral Rlec deb (It Wast l'uw vl deb. I.acx sieei isi evi a Laclede (las 1st 3 I.li-L- Myers deb reit. . . , T 1. Lorlllard deb ree, .... 7 V IrllUrd deb reg,,,., 3 I'lercu Oil cvt deb.,.,,,, U Mont I'ow 1st k Tit....,, r. v. v ,,. n,.l. !, nt tl tV.'co(i Kdlson cvt db.'. .' U City of Vancouver 4J4 1023 83'1 0H4 New York City reir 414 lima 107'.5 K)8t New York City re. 414 11)1)11 1(1 ' Kit Aluu st vicks is. 01.... 1, 11,1 IIBV4 11 A: ir. if k i jv is. .1 Cent Vt Hy 1st reit 4 Chi. I) s Q- Deny axi. . 4 c M St P pnl rf ct 0 Chl, M St 1' ct 4W Col foulh ref - ext. . 414 Krla sen! ct series D ... 4 NYC cvt deb it n r t n 1, (Kri) 1st n X Y. N II 11 cvt db ctfs SK N Y. N II k II cvt (I r 0 Norf 4 West 1st coll.... 4 Ken 1 1 A Mne 1st & cun... U So l'ac San V Ter 1st.. 4 Vlrnlnlan llwy 1st ... 0 Am Ai; Chem rit deb.... 3 Am !(." Sec deb (I Am Tel 'lei coi ir ens. . Am Tel & Tel cvt....... 1030 11)20 1BD- 2014 1IIIIU 11171-4 11)32 KluVi lllli! 11I3-' lll(l loll 1V33 Kljl S.li4 o.i iin nun nu 1U.1U 71) 11)18 111 Hunt u.iu n.i 113 11113 III.IU 10U. 1U24 11.1 mi'!) 08(1 83ti 1)8 1)7(4 8(1 U114 UI1 t)U 81 !j U!) 8Hf 4(4 11)33 1(18 .1 104. Kill a iu-jr, 100 5 11)13 07J4 s, mil) m 314 11)4. I Ill-.'S 1)8(4 100 3 10.10 !).' 113 Vi . ,U,U IUUV 1U41 12.1H 1844 1J3(J 1861 11)1) 1021 82 1043 D7(, 1D28 102 11)24 7 101) lot 10.U 08 K us?; 123 h.-. 101 83 V8V GOVERNMENT BONDS ....., 2s registered 11)30.,,,...,. 3s coupon 11)30 ,. ...,,, 3s rexlsterad 1018 .,..,,.,., s coupon lis.-. ..-..,..,,,,,,... 4 reslstsrsjl 1023 ,,...,,,.. 4s coupon 11)29, , ,, I'umma, 2s rssistereU 1S3U., ,, Panama 2s rek-lstsrd 1U38... .,.;:,:: Panama 3s reelsteroJ 11)01.............. Panama 3s coupefl Did. fOll1 i;1, 110 08W us 2 101S 101H NEW YORK BUTTER AND EQGS NEW YOUK, Aug. IB BUTTER Ileoelpts. 6423 yaekafiM. Tone Aria. JNo change In quota- BOOS Receipts. 6883 casts. Tons steady. No chance Iu Quotations. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Au. 1 Itpas Receipts. B000. Market 0v hlstxr silted J1ft?u'ctnrs. U 80 (Oiv-iii, 7c frTl -.. .--y.vJrw f!011 neavy. 18 03-110 43 lUht H0.10WI0.80; phi? t87;0Gl OKI: bulk. 110 10O10 SO. oww CATTLE- Receipts 200. Market steady. Uve. 1701110. (HBd hslters. 14O0 Si. tnrlitr. .ml feudsrs. 13 2Sfi7.B0. Taian, ia 1V1 4v.n3ilef. 110 30812 ISO. vItepiwV ! Market steady N. I tlv -i westtro. I4.7S08, lames. IS.ayifll.-i, ' YORK RAILWAYS' BARKINGS IKdlliiito ': DURING JULY AND EIGHT MONMS. r . . . . . a Trading Is Exceptionally Quiet on Philadelphia Exchange. Baldwin, Cramp and Steel Sell at Declines. Railroads Are Inactive Furllior pronrcss In tho mnttfr of earn ings of the York llnllwnys Compnnr la nhown by tho Btalemcnt for July, and the eight months ended tin July 31. - Qrosfl enrnlnRR for the month Increased 9.1 per cent to $78,86G, ns compared with tho R.imo month Inst year, nnd the net In crenned 12.7 per cent to $40,729. Tho grons earnings for th6 eight months totnled $025,4.11, an Increaso of 20.6 per cent, while the net for that period advanced 36.2 per cent to $339,541, Trading on the Philadelphia, Stock Ex change today tvas exceptionally mllet n-rit there was no special feature to th busi ness. Even Steel common, which had been nctlvo during the week, was weak and on a few sales dropped to 61 U. Baldwin Locomotlv lost , changing hands, at 76, and Cramp trust certlflcatM Wero off U nt 75. Railroads woro' Inactive again pending the outcome of the conference In Wash ington on labor dllTlcuHlcs. Pennsylvania, sold at a. fractional advance nt the open ing, but later Bhadcd to 56, unchanged from yesterday's close. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WItriAT Receipts. 101,225 bush. With etronnl)' bullish speculntlon In tho West, prices further advanced 3c. Ksnort demand was stood, quotntlons: Cnr lots, In export elovntor No. a red. spot. ll.18OI.01; No. - southern red, II. 40 W1.4SU steiimer No. 2 red, $1 -infill. 48! No. 3 red, JI.4:iW1.4S rejected A, $1.4201. 43! re Jecled II. 11.3091.42. CORN Receipts, 1B00 bush. Trndo wns nulet. but the market ruled firm nnd lo hlnhor under ilnht orterlnrs nnd strons- western ndvlces, Duo. tntlons: Cnr lots for local trade, ner to location Western No. 2 yellow, liflWnTe; do, steamer jetlow, OTiitBOa: do. No, 3 ellow, 83091c: do. No. 4 s-elloiv, OOWOlr. OATS Receipts. 19,800 bush. Ortcrlncs were tight nnd price advanced ic. but trade wns nulet. Quotations: Nn. 2, white, S20R2Hr: standard white. niOBIHc: Mo. a white, 4UVi W r.oHc: Nn. 4 white. 47M4SC; snmplo oats. 44U 45c. FLOUR Receipts, 202 Mils, nnd 1. 077.808 lbs. In sacks. Demand wns light, hut the market ruled ilrm In sympathy with the strength of whe.it. Following nro the quotations per 1H0 lbs. In wood Winter, clear, l8.7SW0.28t do, straight. fil.2.-0.7.1: do. patent. $a.7nr!7.2Si Kansas, clear, cottnn sacks, $00.40; do, strnlnht, cotton sacks, $0,0O(?"t do, patent, cotton sacki. 7.2SW7.r,0: sprlnir, first clear, SW(I.7.'. do, straight. I0,70(t7l do, patent, t'WS: do. faorlto brands. 8.aTCtf8.30S city mills, choice nnd fancy patent, $3.2.1(38,80: city mills, regular (trades- winter, clear, $B.7SW in.S.li do. straight, ao,2S0.75: do, patent, 0.7f7.2.. RYK FLOUR wna quiet but firm under lUht olterlnns. We quote nenrbr at $5,2306.73 per bbl. nnd western nt sri.r.oetn.l'!. PltOVISIONS , Tho market ruled firm, but ther was lit tle trading. Quotations follow: City beef, In sets, smoked nnd air dried, 28a; western beef, In sets, smoked, 28c; city be"f. linuckles nnd tenders, smoked nnd nlr dried. 21)c: western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 20c: beef .i.ouwzs: nnms, hams, t2SU3il: pork, family mljy, pi H, 1'. cured, loose. 1HU MisUo: do. skinned loose. , lBli fi20c; do, do. smoked. 20W 21c; other hams, smoked, city cured, ns to brand and ",y,..,i -., ii.iiid, niuufl.u, nv.iriii t.,.. ll)tyc do. boiled, boneless, 34c; picnic shoulders. H. r. cured, loose, 14c; do, smoked. ISo: bellies. In pIckK accordlmi to average, loose, lOHc: breakfast bacon, ns to brand and nverage, city cured L'L'c: brenkfast bacon, western cured. 3tc: lard, western, refined, tierces. 14 c: do, do. do. tubs. 14ac: lard, puro city, kettle rendered. In tierces. Hc; do, do, do. In tubs, 14?ic. Tho market was quiet, but steady. Re finers' list prices: l'.xtra tine, crnnulstcd, 7c: powdered, 7.10c, confectioners' A, 0,00c; soft grades, 0 25 W 0.63c. DAIRY PRODUCTS PUTTER Receipts were light and the market ere was follow: ruled flun. but as usual on Saturday there was nil 10 wnoieenia trading. quotations ivestcrn soua.pacKeu creamery, inncy 34c: cxtrn. 32f33c: extra firsts. 3 firsts. 3il30V4c. seconds. 28V4O20Wc: nearby prints fancy, 8.-10: do. average extra, 33.1lc: do. Urals, 30032c: seconds. Jl)2l)ii c: jobbing sales of fancy prints. 3Sti41c. sreclalsl aiiwaiMc: naos Tho limited receipts of fine freh eggs were kept well cleaned up nt firm prices. Quotations; In free rases, riearby extra, '32 per doz,; nearby firsts, 18.70!) per stand ard case; nearby current recelnts, J7.80OS.40 per cnas: western extras, u-'O per 00.: western fresh esss lifts Jobbing nt .10O3"c per dot extra nrsts, J8.70OU.30. per case: do, firsts. is.tosts 4U per casei .ancy selected candled : ni ifiitrnic per aoz, t rtild firm tinder Its' offerings nnd a fair demand. Quotations: New CIinESE Th market ruled firm tinder light uuqi IB sintrii OllHc; part roosters. MOlRo: spring, chlcK-ns, ac- to qualltr, weighing liitf: lbs. and ilece, 21032o: exceptional lots higher: York, full cream, fancv. 17 Higher; do, do, fair to good, sxims, ua-itic. POULTRY LTV17 There was little trading but offering nf deslrabls stock were moderate and values were well maintoinen. Quotations: . fowls, Mine: rooster cording t uirr uu Fr, i u-.u. 1 spring chickens, smailor sizes, IOW200: white leghorns, according to quality. 17W19c: ducks, as to size and quality. 15017c; pigeons, old, per nnlr. ttnsse: do. young, per pair. 1h022c. DREHSEU Demand, while not active, wss sufOclent to keep tho offerings of desirable stbclc well cleaned up at firm prices. Quotations: Fresh killed, dry-packed Fowls, 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy selected. 2.11ie: do, weighing 4V4 S lbs. nplece. 2.1c: do, weighing 4 lbs. nplece, 23c: do. weighing 3V lbs. nplece, 22c: do. weighing S lbs, ca-pacxea. li neighing 4VS lbs. nni. inrm. "t2fta rin. Indlann. Inrre. ........ ......v, -. -t ..:. (..' -;; no, stnnil-r eizrs, . w.o(J( uiuiicra, otriw. apiece, Vfttb'llru fnwla. In bbls.. rn,w .-.nlutl .rJnrthrrn inn nna nnd 11 nols. weighing 4 0.S"lb. apiece, ,2214 c; Southerri Indiana and Illinois. weigning -iwu 10s, nplece. 22c: smaller sizes, 10O21e: old roosters, dry-picked. 10CI broiling chickens, llli- rgs, .dHf.oo; an. inuiann. inrsre. mvtu nlUr MirtHt. 22fs2aril broilers. Jerse- fancy, 30Sf32c: broilers, other nearby, weighing; 1H 99 IDS. apiece, XSW3V0; Droiiers. nearor, smaller sizes. 2027c: ducks, nearby, soring, 19W20C! squabs, per dosee White, we gh nff 11812 Ins, per dozen, l3.BO0B.73r do. weigh nc vftlo lbs? per dozen. s4.nin.2B: do. welghinie B lbs. per dozen, I.1.7&O4.10! do, weighing ,7 bs. per dozen. IS 2303.00: do. weighing frtot Vi lbs. .per dozen. J2.B0 small and No. 2. 00c M dark. J2.i0O2.7B FRESH FRUITS- Demand was onlr moderate, but prices gen erally ruled steady. Quotations: Aples, Dela ware and Maryland, per hamper Fnncy, Jit? 1.2S: fair to good. S573c. Lemons, per box, 1758. rineapnles, per orate Florida. J 1,25 W3. reaches, Virginia, per carrier llelle, 24 2.B0: Carmen. tl.2301.7S: Mountain Rose. 11,25 fl.B. Rears. North Carolina, per bbl JtOS. Cantaloupes, Delawnre nnd Maryland, per crate, 7BcJ1.2B. arnpes. North Carolina and Del aware, per crate, il.2BOl.B0. Watermelons, southern, per cnr. I100O200. VEGETABLES The cenernl market was quiet, but values gen-, ernlly were well sustained. Quotations: whit potatoes, per bbl. No. 1 Eastern Shore, 12.23 M2.73: No. 2 Kastcrn Shore: J101.2B: No. 1 Norfolk. J2U2.23: No. 2 Norfolk. 1101.23. Whlto potntoes, Jersey, per bskt.. BSWOOc. Sweet potntoes. North Carolina, per bbl. No. 1. 130 3.00; No. 2, J1.2BO1.70. Onions, Jersey, per bskt., 7Bf? 85c; do. Pennsylvania, per hamper. ft. 3B81.n0: do. do. per 100-lb. bag. 12.2302.73; do, Washington, per 100-lb. bag. J2.lBffl2.23: do, Virginia, per bskt, UOl.23. FINANCIAL BRIEFS Tho Tobacco Products Corporation reports for tho yenr ended Juno 30 total receipts of Jl, 024, 715, nn Incrcano of $102,949. To tal surplus for tho year increased J121.E52. Figures compiled by tho Financial Chronicle report gross earnings of 3D railroads, for the first week In' August, ?tC,lEl,993. This compares with $12. 201,051 for the samo week in 1915, or an Increase of $2,950,942. Gold coin to tho nmotint of $500,000 was withdrawn from tho New York Subtreasury this morning for shipment to Cuba. This makes tho exports to that country $700,000 In two days. Tho Texas Oil Company's preliminary statement for tho year ended June 30, 1910, in comparison with the provlous year, shows: Gross earnings $37,708,000, nn In crease of $11,317,000. Surplus available for dividends was $13,898,000, nn Increase of $7,505,000. The surplus earned was equivalent to 32 per cent on tho $44,000,000 of stock outstanding, as against 21.3 per cent on tho $30,000,000 outstanding a year ago. After paying $3,550,000 In dividends, the company carried $10,548,000 to surplus, making tho total $25,078,000 on June 30. Tho United Gas and Electric Corporation (exclusive of tho American Cities Company) reports July gross earnings $1,199,096, an increase of $137,409 compared with July of last year. Not Increase for the month was $40,030. Twelve months' gross Increased $1,171,894, with net Increase for tho period $799,371. Commercial failures this week In the United Stntcs wero 352", against 275 last week, 274 the preceding week nnd 354 the corresponding week last year. Failures In Canada number 33, against 23 last week, 21 the preceding week and 43 last year. Gross earnings of the Commonwealth Power, Ilallwny and Light Company for July wero $1,379,381, an Increase o 13,89 per cent, ns compared with the correspond ing month. Net for the month Increased 13.84 per cent. Twelve months' gross In creased 13.62 per centund net for the year 14. 3C por cent. Fnirmount Park Band at Belmont The Falrmount Park Hand, under the leadership of Richard Schmidt, plays today nnd tonight at Belmont Mansion. Tho pro grams follow: Overture. "8imllght nnd Sonde", Tnrker Motives from "l.a Trnvlata" .Verdi (11) Novelette. "Tim Snow Queen" Balzer (b) Mosaic. "Sleeping Powders" . . . .Kllckman Melodies from "The Chocolate Soldier." O. Strauss Waltz. "Thousand and One Nights".. .Htrauss "(Jems of Stephen Foster" Tobanl (a) "A German Folk Hong" Moszkawsky (b) "I'echrur Napnlltalne" Rubinstein Medley. "The King Pin" WltmarU nVBNINO. H TO 10 O'CLOCK. Overture, "Plymouth Hoe" Ansell "Echoes of tho .Metropolitan Opera House. ', Tobanl Cornet solo, "CI rand German Fantaale". . .Fuchs Hantn Mnrtornno. (a) "Funeral .March of n Msrlonet". . . Oounod lb) "Tinkers' Chorus" and "Oh. Promise Me." from "Robin Hood" DeKoven Butte--"AmerIcunn" Thurban in) March. "The Tiger's Tull." b) tierenude. "When Mallndy Kings." p) Mketch. "The Watermelon Fete." "Dances of tho Herpenta " Ruecalar tt..,.. .iiiit, (... ienM,A,,r. Melodies from "Oh,"6h, b'e'lphlno" Carl aiar mnniei uanner. Band Concert In Hunting Park The Energetic Hand, under the lender ship of Arthur Ilosandex. plays today nnd tonight In Hunting Park. The programs follow: AFTERNOON. 4 TO O O'CLOCK, "Amerlcu." March. "The Aviator Mold Overture, "Crown Diamonds" Auber (ul Mexican dance, "Horns de Meloncolla." Serradell (bl Italian sons. "I.a Oolondrlna" Value dl Concert. "Visions of lbs Past," Rolllnson INTRRMISSION. Selection, "Tho only dlrl" Herbert Intermezzo, "Chiclets" .....,,.,, ....itosander A fairy tale, "En Marc-hen" Charles Ilacta Vocal solo by Francis Smith. Popular medley. "Feist Urlgbt Lights" ..Feist EVENINO. 8 TO IU O'CLOCK. March. "Jamestown" Lea Oierture, "Semlramlde" ,. ..Rossini "Dane of the Hours" from "aioconda," Punchltlll Saxophone solo, "Air Varle" .,.,,.,, Ilartman Arthur Itosander. Valse dl Concert, "Artist's Life" ....Strauss INTERMISSION. "Introduction" and "Ilrldal Chorus from "I-ohengrln"' .Wagner . (at "Intermezzo Russe" ,,.,.,.,,,. ..Krauke (b) "Teddy Trombone" .Fllmore Vocal solo, by Francis Smith. Descrlptlvit fantasia. "A Rural Celebration." (Introducing the Punktllls Dand, etc.) "Star tipangled Ilanner." WOMAN OF GO AND DAUGHTER ON LONG WALK TO FIND WORK Philadelphians Go Afoot to Harrlsburg, Where They Find Help UAUnisnuna, Aug. 19. Footsore, tired and hungry, Bertha Lewis, CO years old, her daughter Mary, 30, and the latter's 5-year-old daughter sought shelter at the police station last night after having tramped from Philadelphia. The trio say they Intend to keep walking until they find a city where they may jiavo employment. The police provided accom modations for the walkers and effort's to obtain employment for Hit. two women will be made today. German Bank Statement EfEHLlN, Aug. 19 The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany, Issued August 15, shows the following changes: Total coin and bullion Increased 494,000 marks, gold Increased 433.000, Treasury notes decreased 6,001,000, notes of other banks increased 3.348.000. bills discounted Increased 194.014.000, advances decreased 6000, Investments Increased 12,925.000. other securities increased 19.245.090, notes til circulation decreased 54.574.000, deposits Increasod 231.735.009. other liabilities In creased 45.768.000. total gold holdings 3.468.393.000. BEAZ. ESTATE JOH SAU3 CITY THE BEST BUY IN QLNEY 4th, Ruscomb and Ashdale Sta. u and T room bouse with bath, electric f iiguis. nv ivr uNi au pvrcoes. uuut tQ meet your requirement $3150 $3250 $335Q-r-$375Q WM, J, BALTZ, HS-SSB. J0 BUTAEK STBEBT, Wagner Night on City Hall Plaza The Philadelphia Band, under the leader ship of Silas 13. Hummel, will play tonight on City Hall Plaza. The program, "Wagner nigiit, ioiiows; Overture. "Tannhauser" . , Warner Dherllssement. Introduction and Ilrldal Chorus. "Lohenirrln" H'arfiVr Scenes from, the "Nlbelunsen Rlna",. ..Wasuer (Irand Selection from "Tannhauser",., Wasner The Ride of the Valkyries . . . T I ! IvSSfr (a) Nuchcesan from "Tristan and Isolde?" lb) Isoldes Llebstod Final from "Tristan"" and Isolde' .7 , Warnsr Contralto Holo, selected from "Samson and Il-lllah .' .Bertha, Drinker D'Albltes. "Nlbelunren" . March. "Nlbelun.en .........,,. .Warner fffl Possibilities in Government Bonds of some of the most impor tant European nations, caused by the present abnor mally low rate of exchange, created by war conditions, will be explained for those who communicate with us and request a copy of our Circular No. L-186. A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 115 South. Fourth Street '-Uadelplil Nw York C-lcas-o Buffalo Boston London. Ens. Bslumorf J ggsgfSK JSESSSSSBSS Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONOS "" Uemctm PiiHadvlBSl fUock ecba NORTH AMERICAN BLDCU UlltKtTum ill ACHltNI'ANla jrUfttllSU lewsfeM UUitENO, 8, URUWH . I 1 '11