Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 19, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12
jsTpw wrf -?. mi. w IT,,,,! rMNi. tUftXARD. Cm Attgnsl 17. 118, at TTIMwMd. X. J., Major CHARLES fl BARNARD. huj feand ef.tha late Sarah Barnard ne Rlekards) ad father ofCptrln B O, Barnard, ot Bat- vry is, or uamuen, r. j., agea i ye1 f i latlvts and friends. alsA scnatus Lodge, No. ? T rk n K ... .11 anllll... e-I.Mn KfA Invited t attend tha funeral services, on Sun rtay. it 3 ; m, it hi lata resident. 407 North Sd at. Camden. N. J. nemalna mar! t viewed Saturday, from 1 to 2 30 p. m.. at 418 Went Juniper ave , Wlldwood. N. 3. Interment ttt Bvrern Cemetery Camden. , !ttTVN-Cm August 18. 191(1. AT.tCH B , daughter of John W and Julia E. Brown (nee , Krbe). aired 1 year 1 month 2 day Jlela- tlvea and trlenda are Invited to. attend the funeral service on Monday at 1.30 p. rn , j at parents' residence, 1000 Sarah street. In terment at Orcenmount Cemeterr. 6rT0N. On August IT. 1010, JOHN, husband of Ellxabeth Cotton, aged, 63 years Rela tires and friends, nlso.Ortler of Sons of St Cteorre. No. 79, art! Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 8 p, m., at M lata residence, 4359 North Fourth street. Interment private Jlonday at convenience of the family. JHKHL, On August 17. 1018. LUCY A. DIEim Relatives and friends are Invited, to attend th funeral services on Sunday, at 8 p. m., t her late residence. B023 Chester aye. Also services Monday afternoon, at the residence of her enter, Mrs. Clayton Rlegcl. R20 Center St., Easton. rn. Interment at Hay's t cm tery, Easton Lebanon. Pa., papers please copy, rieass omit flowers. JTATiM On Auitvnt 18, 191(1. at Hatty. IM. JAMES, husband of the lat Catherine Falls ne Stevenson) arred r.O years. Relatives and .!,4 i. ria........ inn., u. r.l. re In. vlted to attend the, funeral services, on Mon day, At 2 p, m.. nl the resilience of his son. In-law, Robert nruce, 0322 rteedland at. In terment at Clreenmount Cemetery, friends may view remains Sunday, from 8 to 10 p. m. Automobile funeral. FRANK. On August 17, 1111(1., OTTO, husband ot Josephine Frank. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Mrmdav. at 10 a m , nt his late residence, 1520 Tioga st. Interment private. HAYWOOD. On August 18. 1010. at Magnolia. N, J.. ADDIB I . wlfo of W F, Haywood. Relatives and friends, are Invited, to attend nn e..n.,..l ...t... Vlnnrtav. nt 4'30 tl. m.. at tha Oliver IT llalr Building. 18.H) Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. HERMANN. On August 115. JUKI. JENNIE It. vflfe of C. Hermann. Relatives and friends , are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 2 p. m . at the Oliver II. Balr Building, 1830 Chestnut at. Interment pri vate. KINSLEY. On August 15. 1010, AUGUST 8.. beloved husband of Anna M. Kinsley (nes Itellmnnn). son of I .mi Is nnd the lain Sara Kinsley, present Ellrabeth Kinsley, aged .11 rears. Relative and friends, also Loyal Order of Moose nnd H. Second St. Market and Dullness Men's Assn., are Invited to attend funeral services, on Sunday, nt 1:30 p. m.. nt tils lata residence. 717 S. 3d st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery, llcmalns may be viewed Saturday, after 7:30 p. m. RUGF.L. On August 17. 1010, nt his late resldtne. 1ST Olrard avenue. GEORGE DA VID. hushand of Chrlsllno Kugel. Due notice ot the funeral will be given. JtT.VY. On August 10, 10I. at Atlantic City. N. J.. MICHAEL A., son of Esther and the late Angel I.evy. Helatlves and friends, also National Lodge, No. 12. F. and A. M.i Mt. Vernon Chapter. No. 3. II. A, M... of Wash Ington. D. C.i Court GenerAl Lawton, No. 232, Foresters ot America: employes ot Immigra tion Station at Gloucester, N. J., and all other organisations of which he was a member, are invited tn attend tb funeral services, an Sun day, at 2 p. m. precisely, at the residence of his mother. 1032 French st. (17th nnd Susque hanna ave.). Interment at Adith Jeshurun Cemetery. Washington and Baltimore papers pleaso copy. HULLIOAN. On Ausust 17. 1010. at Atlantto City. N. J.. EDWARD, son of tho late Ed ward nnd .Mary A. ami husband of Dora Uulllgan (nee Nichols). Relatives nnd friends also JJ. P. O. Elks. No. 2. are Invited to at tend, the funernl. on Monday, at 8 a m., from Ms latn residence, 137 South TexHs avenue Atlantlo City. Mass nt Our Lady star of tho Sea Church. Atlantic Clty, at 8-30 a. m. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemelery. Philadelphia, nt 11.30 a. m. lie mains may bo viewed Sunday evening-. KKPEn. On August 10. 1010. MARY A., , widow of Herman J Tleper. Uelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at S 31) a. m.. from her late resi dence. 33 North Rfth st. lllsh mass at Our Xrfidy of Victory Church, at 10 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KAVEN. On August 18. 1010. RHT1ECCA. wife of Thomas Raven. Sr.. need 74 years. Due notice ot the funeral will be' given from her late residence. 22.1 Wlstar street. Oermantown. READ. On Aucu.it 17. 1010, suddenly, at Pitts burgh. Pa.. AUGUSTUS C, husband of l.lnda Read, aged 4(1 ears. Helatlves nnd friends are Invited to attend thf funeral aervlces. Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt his late residence. Mountain and Sharnless nvenues. Melrosa Park. Philadelphia. Intermvnt private. gCKKlDR. On August 18. 1010. Major CHAKL.ISS K.. of Sea Gate. New York Hur bor, son of the late Samuel Schelde. Friends nnd survivors of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry are Invited to attend the funernl services, on Monday, at 1B01 Mount .Vernon at., at 2 p. m. BNYDnit. On August 17. 1010. at Atlsntle City. N. J,, Mrs. SAI.1.INA SNYDElt. kged 03 years. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sundav at 2 p. m. precisely, at thft chapel of Ann row J. Hair & Son, Arch and 10th atrects. It ter ment private. TAN AKKN. On August 1R. 1010. anonan It., husband of the late Joanna Van Aken. aged 70 years. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funeral servltrs, on Tues day, at 2 p, m.. at his lato residence. 2017 South 17th St. Interment at North Laurel Hill Cemetery. Friends may view remains on Monday evening. WEIRD. On August 17. 1010. OnOROE WU1RD, aged 31 rars. Relntlves nnd frlendr are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Mon ' day, at 2 p. m.. from the funernl parlors ot W. 11. Pelrce. Seventh and Parrlsh streets. Interment private. I.OST AND FOUND JIN Lost, tn Atlantic City. Autr. 3. 1010. dia. xnond crescent pin, containing 23 diamonds, platinum crown and gold back. Reward $150 If returned to It. J, Taylor, Inc., 1U0U Cal lowhlll. BTICKPIN Lost, necktla with diamond and bluestono stickpin. Liberal reward If returned to offlce paper box factory. 321 New st. RING Lost. In Chestnut Hill. Cabochon sap phire and diamond ring; sapphire welgns 2H 1-0 carats, surrounded with 00 small dia monds, welghlnir 3H carats: platinum nd cold settlnr, stamped B. II. B 32.022. Lib eral reward and no questions naked If row turned to J. E. Caldwell. 002 Chestnut st. TIHE Lost. Empire tlra, on rim. 34x4, between Wlldwood. Tuckahoe, N. J. Reward, l'taeon tlno. 1705 Carpenter st,. Philadelphia. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, female, thoroughly experienced; double entry. Ntederman. 030 Chestnut st. CARETAKER. small apartment house; no pay, but free heat, light and apartment. Taulane. 000 Walnut st. COMBINO AND DRAWINO ROOM HELP Redoublers. spinners, twisters and dorters. APPLY JOHN ti JAMES DOBSON, INC. Carpet and Plush Mills Ridge ave. above Allegheny Falls of Schuylkill. COOK, chambermaid and waitress wanted by tha 1st of September at St. Martin's. Phila delphia; both girls must bo first class; small family; Prots. preferred. II 810. Ledger Oft Ice. COOK, first class, for Main Line; reference re quired. Meet employer 11 a. m., Saturday, Room 805, 608 Chestnut at. "OLDER Experienced folder on wedding sta tionery: only those accustomed to flrst-elaes work need apply. Tn Ilatley, Banks & Diddle Company, 1221 Sansom St.. fourth floor. STRLB Walked, by September 5. 3 experienced Protestant girls, to da entire work ot small house In suburbs, 4 In family; sisters or mother and daughter preferred: wagea 19 and 17; give references. Address. JI 450, Ledger Central. niLB over 10 years wanted for light workt no sxperleno necessary, 13 week paid wnlla learniiur. Apply 310 N. S2d st. PETEY Ira's Swimming Would Stop a Clock SEL)? rANTri--FEMAI.E COTitlnvetf from Trtcetltio Column aruswoLD worsted co. DARDY. PA. Starting tip new machinery. Want girls: good wageseteady work nnd will pay while learn ing. HOSlEnT Knitters and .toppers wanted on Standard. Ilanner and Scott & Williams machines, exn on half Imse- irnod pay, iteadv position Notaseme Hosiery Co , Oxford and Msseher ats or call a!7 Jasper st evgs HOt'SEKEKPER, working. In smalf first-class boarding house: moderate ailary first en rood, permanent hom to reliable person! stnte age and references. P 013, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK, general, neat girl for general housework In suburbs: So far: famllv of 4: wages ffl Meet employer 3 o'clock, 008 Chest- .mit street RoornJJ03 IlOt'SKWoTiTf- Olrl for light housework: no washlnc H 010 Ledger Central. LACE MENDERS .experienced Apply John Rromley ft yons. ihlgh ave. below Front. LADY" dictaphone operator and stenographer: experienced: eltiry $00 per month: advance- 1m-nt,permanent. M 434, Ledger Central LEARNERS for lace curtain mending! good nay while learning. Apply John Bromley A ooni, Ionian avenue neinw r roni. MENDERS on levTrs laces: also girls to learn: must n over i" yenrs. Apmv jiromiey i.ace Company. Ijei "high avenue below Front. MILLINERS LIT BROTHERS REQUIRE MILLINERS APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU PAPER POXES Experienced girls wanted. Mil ler's. 4H2 Tork nve. (between 4th nnd 6th Ixlovr Noble) SHOE Experienced tip fixers wanted. 815 N. 1211. eeyenth floor. SOLICITOR nhotoirrsphs. Indy: refined appear ance Holden. fiSlrt Oermantown ove STENOGRAPHER and tvpewrlter. automobile agency; position permanent: must bo experi enced nnd rapid! slato nge, experience and salary, L 731, Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions as operators to In telligent Jounir women between 18 and 22 years old: salary 1(1 n week while learning, with rapid advancement; n steady position assured, with pleasant surroundings and un usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to the Hell Telephone Company's opera tors' school. 400 Market at., jlnliy between 8'30 a. m nnd 3 p. m. Monday, Tuesdny nnd Friday ovenlngs between 7:30 and 8'30 o'clock.' TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local nnd long dis tance, experienced. Apply Keystone Telcphono i ompany. iai . l-h si., itoom -i"J WOMAN wonted, settled, nood cook, neat house keeper: reference req. H 832. Ledger Offlce. WOMEN The eastern manager ofa largo Chi cago corporation wishes to meet'-S or 3 women between 2(1 nnd 40 with the equivalent of high school educntlon nnd free to travel: those hired will be given good permanent proposition which offers unusunl opportunity to n qualified woman: give age, education previous experi ence nnd phono number In first letter. Address O 842. Ledger Central TEACHERS WANTED, high and grades: good salary. NATIONAL TEACHERS' AGENCY. D H. COOK. MANAGER. 32T Perry Building. WOMEN wnnted for government Jobs," $70 month: list positions free Franklin Institute, Dept. 715 R, Rochester.;. Y. General TEACHERS WANTED, high and grades: rood salary NATIONAL TEACHERS' AGENCY. D H COOK. MANAGER. 827 Perry Building HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT, nge between 30 and 33, capable of handling office details and sales correspond ence; application must lncludn age, complete business record and salary desired. P 017, Lodger Offlce. BOY for office work In mercantile store: about 10; chance for advancement, glvo references In letter. M 445 Lodger Central BOY Wanted, bright boy for Insurance offlce. Apply Sturtevant Corporation. Manhattan Life Building. 4th nnd Walnut sts BOY wanted In uptown real estate office: ex cellent opportunity for advancement: state nge. II 7-iii i,eugcr central. BOY wanted, nbout 1(1. for general worlc, largo Insurance of lite Apply. In own handwriting, 1 009. Ledger Offlro BOY for offlco work, 10 years or over. Apply Philadelphia Fire Underwriters' Association, 141 South 4th street. BOYS wnhtrd, 4. over 10. to learn n business r taylnc good wages. Apply In person or by etter to II. K. Mulford Company, Glenolden, In. HOYS wanted, near 10. flce P 012. Ledger Of- CABINETMAKERS, good, wanted, son st.. Buffalo, N Y. 712 Jeffer- CALKE!t AND RIVETERS wanted. Cruse- J4 am per io m panyT Am d i er. 1'a. CARPET LAYERS Wanted. 3 thoroughly first class union carpet lavcra for Washington, D. C, for season of 17 weeks. Apply P 807, ledger Office. DRAFTSMEN on dla work, first class, thor oughly experienced men: excellent salary to competent men. P O. Box 8801. Phlla. DRAFTSMEN, experienced on holler shop lay out. Apply R. Buerger. 3144 rnasyunk ave FARM LABORERS wanted, good" wacrs and advancement for steady men Apply In per son or by letter, II. K, Mulford Company, Glenolden. Fa. FIREMAN LOCOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE APPLY BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD FREE LABOR BUREAU CIO S. 11TH ST. FITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted: boiler and tank work. Cruse-Kemper Company, Am- iter, fa. FOREMAN AND LATER-OUT, capable man. experienced In portable boilers, general steel plate and welded work preferred, glvo full particulars, stating age. where last employed and salary first letter. The Columbiana Boiler Company. Columbiana. O. HAMMERMEN, HELPERS. ETC.. WANTED. PRESSMEN AND HELPERS FOR 1000-TON STEAM HYDRAULIC PRESS: OOOD WAGES AND STEADY WORK. APPLY PHILA. STEEL AND FORGE CO.. JIILNOR AND BLEIGH STS.. TACONT. HOO-YARD MEN, white or colored, to handle ? rain-fed hogs: apply In person or by letter, f. K. Mulford Company, Glenolden. Pa. INSPECTOR for the construction of factory building; citizen; 10 per day. Apply Frankford Arsenal. Brldeaburg. Pa., preferablyln person. INSTRUMENT MAKERS $3724 to $5 per day of 8 hours; toolmakers, 13.52 to 13: ma chinists. $2.76 to $5; assistant machinists. 12 to $2.60. based on experience and capacity; automatlo turret lathe operators. Brown it Sharp. 13.70; printers' helper. $2.24; skilled laborers. 2 to $2.24: highest compensation when on piecework; citizens; 15 days' leave after first year of service. 7 holidays and Saturday afternoons during summer months, all with full pay. Apply Frankford Arsenal, nrmeuura. r.. prgtaraniy in person. LABORERS, SKILLED Soldsrers. 2.24 per day of 8 hours, more on piecework; citizens, ages 20 to as. Apply Frankford Ars.nal, IJKi.feuiT ii. ywtmuit LABORERS wanted; steady work: good wages. Apply William Fostsr. 1203 N. 31st St. LABORERS, 50, wanted. Cruse-Kemper Com- pany. Amuimr, . LATHE, vertical borlnr milt and planer hands, machine fitters, etc.. wanted: best wages. Em ployment Department, the Westlnghous Ma ohlno Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa, EVENING LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, SATUBDAY, AUGUST 10, HELP WANTED MAIiB Contlaurri Inm Prectdlnp Column MAN Inside hand, experienced man. to repair laee curtain bobbins state experience nnd wages required. Address "II. n.." P. O. Box 8S00. MAN AND WIFE, white! wlfecook: man but ler nnd houseman. Thone 1333 Ardmore. or apply zuo qien road, Ardmore. MANAGER for high-class apartment hotel, 1150 rooms: murt stnte experience and references. H 430. Ledger Central. MEN, 10. "wanted to leirn the sausage and pork packing business; 22a per hour. Apply 3943 Oermantown ave. .MEN Wanted, laborers and locomotive clean- . .ers I'. It RCoall 1711 Filbert St. MEN wanted for heavy outside work: ste-vdy wk.l good wages. Ap. Wm. Foster. 1208 N.81st. riECF.nS AND CREEIi ROYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK. APPLY THOMAS WOLS TENHOLME SONS A CO., FRANKFORD AVE. AND WEST.MORELAND ST. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED TWINE SALES MAN. PREFERAIILY ONE CARHYINO LINE OF PAPER. TO HANDLE LINE OF HIGH GRADE POLISHED TWINING: GOOD PROPOSITION: COMMISSION BASIS; REF ERENCE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. I) 203, LEDGER OFFICE SALESMAN wantrd Concern representing sev oral Iron foundries Hants a man acquainted with buvers of Iron castings In this territory; advlso experience uml salary wanted. II 044, Ledger Central. SALESMAN with Lino run my auto specialty business, shares It 041. Ledger Central. SALESMEN. Philadelphia and vicinity: energetic men onlyi high-class proposition: experience building and lonn soliciting desirable. II 211. Ledger Office. SHOEMAKER Ooodieor Insole channelcr want ed. Laird. Srhobor Co., Bth floor, Harris nidir.. 22d and Mnrliet , SHOES Experienced lip fixers wanted. Seventh floor. 313 N 12th. . STENOGRAPHER, so to 25 years of age, with nooKKeepmg experience- give, euucaiion, exper lenro, reference nnd age. M 840, ledger Cent. WAITER for country cTub. 10 miles outside" Phil" ndelphla: permanent position for man who can act ns captain nnd occasionally assist chef. Address statin:; age experience nnd salary wanted. II 048. Ledger Central. WARPER Experienced mnn on sectional warp ing fine cotton, state experience and wages required. Address "O q ." P. O. Box 3443 WATCHMAN nfRht, onn (Tnderetandlng boilers. Apply John Bromle A. Sons, Lchlgli ave. be low Front. YOUNG MEN, over 18 single, military service: good pay. at Philadelphia station: also for poriier. t rtrpiy crnnn neKimem armory, SALESMAN who has acquaintance among tha paper mm irnue u o.iii Ledger Central. WE STILL NEED more reliable young men to learn steel ensh making, men who hovo work ed ot ornamentnl Iron work, blacksmlthlng, boiler mnklntr. either ns helpers or mechanics, can easily learn, will pay $12 whllo learning; can make $20 per week when proflclent: stato age and exp Add. II. M.. P. O. Box 8500. General TWO good bookkeeping positions, $15; several excellent clerlcnl position open: 2 time clerks, $33 month: comptometer operators, $3u; foreman for binss foundry, foreman for ma chine shop; Instructor for boys' school; ox pert carpenter: nlso mason Business Servlco Company. 1301 Land Title Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK, chambermnld nnd waitress Two Prots" vvant positions together, good refs.; German town preferred. Cult Monday, 11 n. m.. Itoom 201. II0S Chestnut st COOK, first-class wnntR position; with 5-jenr-old boy 3022 Lancaster ave HOUSEKEEPER working, small family, no laundrv, ref. Address 2.113 North 20th st. LADY, elderly, wants easy position for bo-ird and nominal silnry. seashore. 211, Ledger Kronen Office 117 E Cumberland NURSERY GOVERNESS Refined, educated jounc woman desires permanent position, can assume entire care of clothes, elementary branches, music, embroidery entertainment: no objection to traveling, city or country; ex cellent references. $8 H 74(P.Leili:er Central. SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER Young lady. 10 enrs' exp , desires position where rfilclcncy Is appreciated, present salary $22. Tlogn 0300. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BUILDER experienced, thoroughly competent to superintend building operation, desires posi tion, best references 1, 804. Ledger Office. BUTTER PRINTER experienced desires posl- tloiijroference II 216, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR desires position with prlvnte fam ily In country, handy ahout place American, experienced, nbstalnerJI J142 LedgerCentrnl. COOK-BUTLER Jopinese couple first class for small famljy. 11 H4."i, Ledger Central. OARDENEIt" mnrrlrd, "no family, ago 39, 15 yearn' experlencu In garden, lawn and green house work can furnish best of references, not afrnldof work Ledger Rrnnch, Bustloton. Pa MAN AND WIFE chauffeur gardener, general man, wife good cook good wages expected; have) extellent reference. 5000 I.nncaster avo MANAGER, experienced, competent, desires po sition on country estate or large farm, mar- rled, no children, refs II 830, Ledger Otllcn. SALES ENGINEER, with successful record." technical commercial executive ability seeks larger flleld than present connection offers, II 342 Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. 21 ilt sires position with merchan dising house, where there Is chance for adv.. employed at jirescnt H 3.12, LedgerJJentral. YOUNG MAN with experience desires position! chauffeur or butler 2037 Deacon street. AUTOMOBILES For Sale m CHASSIS We have a few cheap cars of wnlch the chassis would be very suitable for truck or delivery work of any kind, don't fall to come In and look them over If you want something at a bargain price for delivery purposes. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market at. Locust 430, 11 A JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. COLE H Demnnmrntrir. L. 8 BOWERS CO.. 245 North Broad st. t wi.r. uisirmuier HUDSON'S Phaetons roadsters and cabriolets. equipped with electric lights and starters. Oomep-Schwaru. 25.1 N Broad at., Phlla. PACKARD 3U-H P.. 7-pass.. touring; bargain WILCOX, delivery. LH.0'NKAL. 21(1 North Broad street. PAIGE 1010 Roadster. In excellent condition. with extras, tires good; will sacrifice. L 053, Ledger Central. 1015 OVERLAND roaster. In excellent mechan- leal condition, oxtra tire; must bo sold. $400. M 557. Ledger Central Cadillac Parts schober' 3343 Market. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN ur uotiu l Attn GORSON AUTO EXCHANGE 238 N BROAD ONE 1912 MODEL 48-H P. PACKARD COUPE WITH RUNABOUT BODY TOR SALE: QOOD yva .-.r. w. at -n.-, LLUUi;u UK.NTItA I,. CADILLAC 1014 touring car overhauled and repainted, full equipment, price $830. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Droad st. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES CALL WOODLAND 973 for the highest prade automobile service in Philadelphia. Positively tho largest and best automobiles for REFINED PARTIES Finest equipment to bo found. INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 2429 N. BROAD ST. r!2PS)fr.ES &..9uA"Tr to hirb .imwM mua. i-ivver cioiea. I'arK 73. U1.1 11 rt-v,r... -n" . .AAIl.AU tLf. PHONE DIAMOND 74. TAXI TOURINO LIMOUSINS HALF REOtJLAR HATES? Never Closed. Formerly Jitney Rats Co. ATJTO LIVERY AND QARAGE3 CenKnHrcWroni rrcceAtnp Column rQrLni.!$lT;r'1,2..nlr yn d' ni1 night. I-r io, uiBim-nrnr O-pftSS SI. 23 hr. : also brand new 7.na -pass touring car, tl.BO hr.: weddings, funerals 171S Olrard BUY MOISTER Portable Oarages Steel or stucco On display 3D31 N. 6th. Tioga 2884. AUTO BEPAiniNQ 7 8PEEDOMETER TROUBLES T rsee mi.iii. ac Bee BILLY, at his new loeitlo-i, B10 NORTH BIIOAD 81RKBT. CYLINDERS RBHORED. nw pistons and rings furnished, welding and brln. II. B. Un derwood A Co., 1025 Hamilton street. Phlla AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKEN-11EARING3 HYATT New Departure Servlcq Sta. The Owllttatn Co. 1311 Arch st. rii. Walnut 8497. Race 3062. PARTS i- 4U..IU .- 1. in uiiiifi "is i ciiiui n Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 821 N any ear. I3tn. rark ins. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3100 miles, Compare prices. GRlM'S. 23(1 N. Rroad street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAF1TAL rromollon Syndicate: Best Financial connections: complete Security selling force: best merchandising experts: will Isy out Sales plan: estimate money needed, and finance F repositions of merit. Ilgheat references demanded. Box 4518. Ledger Central, V A TTi'TvTT'Q Send for our free book, iiViililN J.O patents and Tnde.Mnrks." We will help you develop your Invention. Ad vice free. Reasonable fees. Open Monday eve nings until 8 30. FOSTER & WEBSTER aulTK " 1011 Chestnut st. Rell phone Walnut 1381 "Tor sale southern new jersey beach front hotel. do rooms under same management 23 years pillNCIJPALSONI.Y OWNER,tt 2LLcd.Off. WANTED $1000 to JM00 to discount good commerchl notes reasonable commission paid II 013, Ledger Central, FOR SALE Good-pas Ing hotel In Adams County, selling on account of death to settle estate, P O Box 57 Gettysburg Pa, BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS DODOIIT Bank references Appraisement, 1 per Mnt HARnT W SMITH, 717 Sansom St. fiVENING CLOTHES TO HIRE Latest styles. Phone Poplar 233 Open evgs. I.BIDNER'S Kith nnd Olrard ave . 3. W. or SUPERFLUOUS HAlll removed by electrolysis! the only permanent way F.vebrowe n rolled. MISS SMITH 402 Keith Theater Bide. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TII ST. AHOVE CHESTNUT ftell Fhone Ixicust 10(10, WT.HT PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WRIT PHILA. 3C PER YARD WEST PHILA. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINER? COLUMBIAN DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Spe cial rates, easy pasments. C. Hartman. 1.30 Columbia nvo (Formerly with McDovvellJ DRESSMAKING BY EXrERT MODISTE 07 Denckla Bldg.. llth nnd Market sts. FOR SALE UILLIARD, POOL, combination second hand, bought, sold, rented exchanged: repairing; supplies. I.afo Keafer American manufac turer. 820 Olrard avePhono Kens 2810. Ult.LlAItU. pool tables; new. second-hand bowl ing alleys; easy paymenta Rosalto-Barry-Street Co.. 22J S 81h at. : phone Wal 2JH4 uTllIAIID ,ND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alleys, easy payments VllUNSWICk-HALKB-COLLENDKlt CO 1002 Arch. CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, replhted. supplies, now nnd fuitory rebuilt: new total adders as low as $30 Call and see our 10111 models Registers sold by us on ttsy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CA1H RrOIBTER CO. 780 CHESTNUT STREET. CHURCH PEWS, 1 PER FOOT Anv length solid oak, good ns new. BENCH AND SETTEES 5(lo PER FOOT. CHAIR EXCHANGE, COR "THANDVINE. DAIRY of milk lunntng f7nm 70 to 100 quarts dally, nt price Used bv Milk Shlppera' Asso ciation, good, responsible dealers only need apply. W II Rex. Churchvllle. Pa. DESKS SAFES Typewriter, bookkeeper desks, filing cabinets, tele booths, files, safes household furniture. Dullng Central 2il-Hnnd Furniture Co , 004- oop.111.4 Caljowlilll Tnone Fllbert4ig8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Including laci curtains, clock set rug, 7'4x4U; books, etc. 708 South 4Uth street. POTATO CULLS, smaller than seconds, carload or less R W. Knight RoverDel..R P. D. Fireproof, 00 slightly use'd: all sixes SAFES and makes, big bargains. 210 N. Fourth St.. between Race and Vine. HUGHES. 11TH AND HUTTONWOOD, bss the Inrgest and best assortment of uned offlce furniture and fixtures In this part ot the country. Anything to equip an offlco at prices that will please lou Free delivery anywhere VALUABLE second-hand soda fountain nnd showcases for sale; all In first-class condition; very reasonable, S. W. corner 18th and Mar ket. HEATING UAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure frees sir with normal malsturo. MAKIN-KELSEY. 1827 Filbert at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS THERE ARE THOUSANDS of places where YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulleva are needed and whero their Installation will mean Increased revenue to the owner Perhaps there Is a place In jour plant SHAFTING, and MACHINE WORKS 143 North hecond. JAMES YOCOM Is SON. Power-plant equipment Dynamos, motors, boilers steam tnd oil en gines pumps, air compressors PR VNK TOOMBY. INC.. 127 N. 8d St. EXHAUST fans, blowers, ventilating fans, American pressure blowers, American gas fur- naces, cupola prrs. blow, Nuttall, 1748 N, Rth. HOiaTlNO'ENaiNES 8 SUxlO-ln American D C. D D.. with boilers. L. F. Seyfert's Sons. 437 N. 3d st. LEATHER BELTING, made on the premises; fully guaranteed CHAni.ES BOND COM- F A NY. B20 ARCH STREET DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented, armatures repaired. Main ut. Market 8063. Yearsley Co., 221 N. 3d sL PJH1S & FITTINGS, all sixes PHILA. iD-HAND PIPE SUPPLY. 1003 N 7th. Doth phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTROLAS ALTERATIONS are now being made to our Vlctrola Department, and we need the room; so we will make special low terms Extraor dinary opportunity. Call or write for particu lars and largo Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor, Ctn and Thompson sts. JOIN OUR BUMMER CLUB OET YOUR VICTROLA NOW. Excellent opportunity to secure a beautiful Mahogany VlctroU with records, at special low terms. Send at ones Cor particulars and application blank. UEPPB'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. fltb, and Thompson Sts. AUGUST VICTOR RFCORDS NOW ON SALE BELiIAlv 1120 CHESTNUT ST. I - ------------------------ -a .ana ee ... ... ... ... MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS rMihii'il from PrMtdlittJ Column $85 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT TIANO. HOWARD VINCENT, 838 N "Tit. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, sliver, elatlnum, plated wre, old stylo Jewelry, teem, piatrs otubih .v v-.. Est. Jllio? 5l L. Claej.ref.ner. 807 Sansom.. OLD GOLD Cash , paid for old goia, "iivcr. antique clocks: will call hell phone, 1 121!) ROGBRS. 27 South 17th street.. CASH PAID. Fon DIAMONDS. ,PECI01I9 stones, gold, silver. Platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting ft Ref Co. 128 S. lttli STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TII I BT? AliOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING nuts. Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. Locust 10(10 Phones Key., Rare 4180 FIDELITY riREPROOrWA REHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. HcCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th St.! moving, packing, shipping: auto vans: ooth pnones 'iJ"'.T.Hi"".1"j ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. rnovine. pacKing, snipping, cirri .cl. ni.i' Ph Msrlnc 7.12 fne estlmtte. Market ft 37th WANTED ANTIQUE rURNITt'RE. false ..teeth, feather beds broken lewelry. cold ejlyr. 'Hsmomls bouchtJL73Walnut Walnut T020. Est 1800. CAST.OrF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for (idles' and men's clothing . hats. hoes etc. Phon Pnr.hr 3771 IILArKER 1239 Poplar. FURNITURE, pianos, warpets, antiques: entire nr part houses bought for rnsh: no mitter how large J BERNSTEIN. 134 Rldg av BEST PRICES pi Id for men's, cast-off clothing. shoes, etc SAMUEL TOOPER, 1010 Glroril ave Phone Poplar 01(2. . BnoKFN JB WELTI V" filse teeth, nlstnls coins. coin books with prices I psy. mailed I3c. J, 11. Boss (People's Storel 200 s llth Wat. 4480 ROOMS FOR RENT CHELTEN AVE.. W. 01 Attrac. turn. room. mod Imp and nil con v s o mt n. B ) 1 4 J CHESTNUT MT . 2000 DESIRABLE ROOMS. PERMANENT OIlTRANJ IENT JEFFERSON. "1014 I.argo."attrne turn front rm.. rultnble for bus woman Ph Pop 4317W LOCUST 1.1I8 HESIRAULn ROOMS: EXCEL LENT LOCATION. POH'ELTON AVE.. 3S08 Fine largo 2d.floo"r front furnished or unfurnished; also 2 ilnglo rooms rensonnnie I'none i-reston L'42. SPRUCE, 202J Large, communicating rooms; private In I lis. Southern exposure: open Ore plnce. Locust 1001 J. SPRUCE, 1413 Desirable rooms, single or sullen. Phono Snmco 4383. OTIL 8.. 2.TV Extra large double rooms for gentlemen also office suitable for doctor or dentist. Phone Imbnrd 4(141. I5TH N (142: rooms Inth. hen! and light, $20 per month i tyt w i., immi wai n u i si 10TH N. 3030 Nlcelv furh sitting room with board, reasonable, si"am heat. Tioga 4521 W. 210 WEST LOGAN SQUARE SECOND-FLOOR SU1UE, REFERENCES. 1402 SPRUCE Bachelor suite, furnished or un furnished (with private bath) BOARDING CHESTNUT ST..cor. 20th (Tho iUTBrnve) Vaconrles permanent, transient: sup, board. LEHIGH. W., 1027 Deslrnblo acanclcsj ex celjont table board, all conveniences, Tioga LEHIGH AVE , 1.113-11 DESIRABLE VACAN-- CIE3. FlRsf -CLASS BOAHD. TIOOA 3221. SPRUCE, I22V21I Furnished rooms, private lmll-s table bosrd Phone Wn I n ut 7171. 17T1I. N . 10.12 Desirable vacancies, alnglo or en sulto, furnished or unfurnished, excel ta- hie lid ; sleam beat eleC; light Dla 0071. CIST, S 1240 Attrartlvn double vacancies seS ond floor, excel tnble. fine Inca Wood .ISSO J. PRIVATE fnmlly having beautiful homo, refined surroundings conv loc . desires to hear of 2 or 3 nlco persons who do not care for boardln? imuw-i cxrrnriu Iftuie O.I 1 1 ,i. luin at, SUnUIIHAN GERMANTOWN The Shlppen Wayne & Hans- berry First class In appointments t service. BOARD WANTED TWO BEDROOMS, possibly llvlne room, with board, own furniture. West Philadelphia; man nnd daughter 11 182. Ledger Office. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special scientific care; nervous, elderly; every lomfort: nurses: book let Dr. Randal. City Line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS THE KENSINOTON Pino below Broad , Attractive suite of unfurnished rooms, hav ing 2 rooms with private bath, gas and e ectrlc light. Improved vapor heating system, elevator service strictly fireproof building; rent $40 and $30: reference necessary. YARROW S. VAN PELT I7TJI AND t'Hi:STNUT STS. WALNUT AND 11TH STS (S W cor.) Mod. suites: exceptionally attractive; lighted on three sides, suitable for housekeeping If de sired; rcnls-$41 07 und $75, Janitor on prem tscs BAH11ER. HARTMAN & CO.. 1201 Chestnut street. .'00 S 11TII ST Second floor. 6 rooms, excep tlonallv desirable, possession Scot. 1. 1 1(1 HARDER. HARTMAN 4 CO., 1201 Chestnut strest ROCKETT'S APARTMENTS 020 to 0.15 N. lDth st Suites of 1 and, 2 rooms, with private . bath: furnished or unfurnished, every conv, DIAMOND, 2530 Attractive 3-rm. suite, prlvT buthitctnt or employed rouple Dla. 3403 W, WEST 1'lHL.lDELl'HLV THE WYNNEF1ELD Btlth and Anadowno avo.. 0 rooms and both, front and back porches, food Janitor service, etc This Is a nice place to live and the .heaprst apartments In tha city at tlm price 128 and 80. Apply to Janitor. 0 Tooms. 2d floor; p TIIDQIRVIN porch; awnings, 3310 ll rlvate Iamll- ion, fsee junnor. MAIN LINK. P. U. B. OVERIIROOK THE DREXEL t APARTMENTS, at Overbrook Station Ono housekeeping apartment. 7 rooms and bath, to lensa after September 1. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED, by 4 gentlemen, 2 furnished bed. rooms sitting room, and bath, with 4 single beds or cots: W Phlla. preferred; give full portlcu!ars.Jl203, Ledger Office; UNFURNISHED housekeeping apt North Phil.. $22.SU per month. II I7 Ledger Central. FURNISHED J.PARTMENTS WFJT PHILADELPHIA ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED APARTMENTS 3 bedrooms, living room, bath and kitchen. Tho Clermont. 44th and Walnut. Baring 7322 Vf. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story Apartment House. Is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly flrepraofed and ot the most modern architecture. Suites ot 2 rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooroj and t baths. Including asvsral bachelor suaes wlto every modern convenience and facll.ty. ONLY A FEW OF THE LAROE HOUSE. KEEPINO SUITES LEFT. THEY ARE TIUJ FINEST IN P1ULA.. HAVING SOUTHERN; EASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES. ' LONO TERM LEASES WILL BE DATflD OCTOBEn. 1018. w.wau All things considered, tha rentals are mod. erate. For further Information, arrangement (or Inspection and reservation, apply ta UERTON W. QREIMa tlO Franklin Bank Bldg. Phone Walnut 8129, 1916. USEKEEPI1IPMBNTA Continued root rrreedlttO Column HOUSEKEEPING ArAUT-Vl.I2.Fx A o $25 to $70 Per Month CENTRAL. LFc2?SSS GREEN ST, The WILTON N. E. COR, 15TH AND POPLAR STS. The LA SEDA B N. E. COn 13TH AND MASTER STS. TheARETTA 1()t0 MASTEn s, WEST PHILADELPHIA ThoBRESLYN ,,,, S. n COR. 47TH AND WALNUT STS. The FULTON N. W. COR. 4rym AND CHESTNUT, STS. GERMANTOWN The WAYNE AVE. 4013-15 WAYNE AVE. TheWYNEVA WAYNE AND WYOMING AVE3. BEE JANITOR ON PREMISES OR SAATTTRT, STERN 1201 Chestnut Street THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT ferent,V.riuc;o.f..lra,'h.vlofcV.'llJfe Is'rge. most attractive nndbrst equipped In PhlUdelphla. devoted exclusively to eecuring just what theyant 'or Particular reopic Tell us 3 our requirements, l.very ue,!CD'2 apaf ment' In Philadelphia '" tu,nl.ln,,Ss may be rented through us. Our automoniies are wa ting to take you to the list of prop ertles jou deslghate., and with the least possible effort lou will secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches jour exact Ideal, NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT BT. Snruce BH7I. Race 8023. 1012 .NUllTII JUlll ot. ..a Modern housekeeping apartments: reduced rentals, Just renovteil throughout Apply, to Janitor on premises. LEWIS A. TAULANL. a. , come r it in nnu 5," MODERN APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices. Call or write for complete directory, free. ja,AjmiENTJlUREAJUFranklinBanktJJdg1 TIOGA, 2037 0-room housekeeping PJt"! ilcctrlo light, steam heat, '4 block from lloxn urtinn. fuen.. iinfurn . reasonable. owner. TEQUOT." S. W cor. 18th and Pine Deslr. npartmonts. 3 rooms, hath. kefif nBU s reasj. rent. Wlllls-Wlnchesler Co.. 1001 Chestnut. WEST I'lllLAHELl'llLV The Powelton Apartments New Ownership nnd Management HI-. a OPil, . 1'owciton ave., oom to oum ot. 51 ft Thoroughly modern, each BUlte has 3 main V'iu bertruoms. 2 baths nnd servnnta bedroom. TO Rooms are large nnd floora nre hardwood. COft Open evening by appointment. Apply ai VJU Offlce. ,30th nnd Powelton ave.. or Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. R 8OUTH40TIlCTREET 6404 ANGORA TERRACE 0-room modern npnrtment. conta nine 132.00 living room, olectrle lights, private and porch: high-class Jnnltor service. $85.U0 He sure to exnmlno today. Ask for our Mr. Wl son on premises. WM. H. W QUICK & BRO.. INC. 8 South 40th st. KINGSCOURT WITH AND CHESTNUT. 8TS. SEVERAL MODERN HOUSEKEEPING APARTMLSNTH tOR RENT: ELECTRIC ELB- VAIOHS. PUBLIC DINING ROOM. APPLY EbT. TIKIS. M. SEEDS. JR., 1207 RACE 8 f. THE WALLTNOrORD at)TH ABOVE CHESTNUT ST. New S-room apartment for rent: electric ele v ator;vacuiim Jheat,hotwaterilaundry!etc1 40TH i CHESTNUT, "Satterleo" 1st floor cor. apartment, 7 rooms, 2 baths, efllolent service. 1 block from "L " Apply 4338 Chestnut St. Phono Baring 1770 j. A to o:au, ESSEX, 34th nnd Chestnut. Monterey, 48d nnd Chester, Belmont. 34th nnd Spring Garden. I n quire Jnnltor. or uiti;aaL.-. iiua iiaie mug, ELIZABETH COURT, 4017 Baltimore 0 rooms, bath and reception lin.ll, private porch. TAYLOR SON. 20 S 40th. 33D ST, 117 N. Unfurnished suite, bath.kltch enette Also small furnished room. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE llTH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEASES THE TRACY 36th and Chestnut (Elevated Station) - PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW spminR 200 ROOMS. KVERY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently, suites of one or four rooms, with bath. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TH STREET Special rates for summer season. Furnished and unfurnished Cuisine of peculiar excellence. DELMAR-MOrtnlH WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. OER. MANTOWN: DELIGHTFUL SUMMER HOME FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND BATH UP "IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 22R S. IinOAD ST. THE ESMOND 8- K COR- 1:T Desirable suites with private baths WEST PHILADELPHIA THE MARLYN 40TH AND MARKET STREETS 1 suite. 4 rooms, 2 baths. 1 suite, 2 rooms, 1 bath. Several single rooms' with bath. New, modern, fireproof building; hotel apt., exclu sive; American plan dining room. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY REAL BARGAINS 2014 Wallace: 11 rms: slda vard 23U N, Kith: 23 ft. front; central, Sill N, 2ilth; 11 rms, t sacrifice. 247 N 10th.. corner. 3037-.VJ N 23d. 2010 Sp. Garden, 23x180. WE .u.d . uymn Jurtii trunt. ( -'U31o'goin!h!l0room Solicit 2214 Urandywlns; 0 rooms. fl1?T?T?PCi 088 N. llth; 18 rms,, 2 baths. ul r -lattO loo.' Wallace. 872 Perklomen. corner. 1043 N. 12thl 10 rooms. 2034 Brandywlne, 11 rooms, 10x60. 81)0-02-61-00 N. 40th. 100x08. Rents! $613. WORRELL & CO. 633 N. 17TH. HOMES OF THE BETTER CLASS $3800. 2 story. 8 rooms, stone porch, hot-water heat, pas and eleotrlctty. laundry, paved street, bos location; a different horns than any you have seen. . KUHN A LOWERY, Bth and Rockland sti. . Open Sunday. REAL ESTATEJfOR SAt-JK CITY Continue from Preceding Column NEW HOMES WITH DAnAon" 14000. 2 story, 7 rooms and shed, porch ts. heat, gas and elect parn. floors n..."'t't ,.'& P?otphoe!r'i'JS TO3 KUHN LOWERY ...tT JBPl&.fJj dfi ........ ii 1 nn Open 8undav. BAKERY 1105-07 Shackamnxon st., 8.sinr v., . and .Iwelllng. Mkehouse AdjolnlnT Vufc " 2 dwellings In rein lot 4ftxt4t to .. i!', 1 CHAS. W. MILLRn T"r ,l'HU 12.'JBICommonwealth Building. 1820 0 W. VENANGO ST.. cor. Orats leT: !.(nrv t.rlelf An .III... in '.V,x- loXlJn . 3 closol laundry, with t'uhst hot-water bhV.h." ' 1 and electrlo light. 0O0O. w"er hen, , j Trust Department. Broad and ch,T,.C0. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sals " ' Send us your requirements, or L YARROW & VAN PELT N. n. cor. 17th hndChestniit .1. Phono 31 SO Sr,rur oe ro4n t..iinlu t. NORTH and .. West. Phlla.. and O.i.JT- nomts, iouu 10 iouuu. First tiVm.-.'"lws J100 to ,300. " psrraent mi,, ,"tf.yAVh"T,BP,w co. 222.2I W. DAUPHIN StTTSVTS-T ! 2315 Fletcher st on rear. 18x120 ..'. 'wn, A sesse.1 at SOOOOi monthly rental, it 11"' - .1 " "- '-..... wm. uwiais. iu iviiiv li-room dwell ng: Tmiisu ' ns.oclatlon has slashed price to elosi? Kl Oxford st , porch large rooms: 14700 i tt1' story nr ee. ""' two. . AMI. 11WB.IIH, 2JX4 N, Bth. 801 SOMERVILLE, Olne-8 roomsTTTrTTi ' room for garage; convenient, attractive rieirt1 ' iSnrhonri' rnrrfnl rsasnnsi.1. M, "ClCnsi AJ1ERNETHY12724 N. Bth. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES" Building Association nnd Trust Fundi 1 inuMM. uuu walnut st. 18.'3 RANSTEAD (near IRth and CheslnulV-JT; settle estate, price low. male. nrr..nu"o , make offer. FLOOD & qutNN lflthand Cherry. A UHI.A1 HAIItlAliV -.N. C. COmer Sll.r J nnnna ave. nnu i-niup st.; no reason.,:s " fer refeused. For nail .itl... LIEHERMN. Mil Chestnut st. aPPly 8, 1122 W. DAUPHIN ST 2-story dwelllnTTl rooms bath, heater. In good condition: eriel $20(1(1; owner very anxious to sell. ' "' . J. T. JACKSON CO., Chestnut and 1iv. 1B30 DAUPHIN ST., 2 story, 7 rooms lliot .Mt Vernon st.. 4 story. 18 room. GUARANTEE TRUST & SArE DErdstT m 310-318 Chestnut ,t,"u,ualT ". , 10TII 13TH. 14TII AND TRTIT WARD miTi ER". SELLERS AND RENTERS. SpU' FlllEDRICH A CO.. 801 N. 12Tir ST. 2022DELANCEY PLACIj" ' 22x100 feet. SAMUEL V. LEVIS. Real EslatsJTrii.ijii,., at.UI .11111 IWMi.Kl IIIOIIHII J J 'rOOm ratal dencel lot llixlOl: anxious to sell, open f.V offer. Wm. O. Glenn. K.17 Columbia "v., "' 13TII ST. ST.. N., 817-810 Look thess over: reni.iS $52. assessed $0000; price $2500; soWeS iJV 00. MA8SEY A SON. 13th and Orn. " 3 nt la: 13300 TWO-STORY investment houses In several seS tlons of the city. '"' " it ARTHUR HQ3WELL. 233 N.jjlth it. 1810 N. 22D ST. 12 rooms. 2 baths; Urge lull A good order, owner leaving city will lacrlflct. ll uicnn. luit uoiumiun ave. BAROAIN M400. 18.-..1 E W.nsley; lot llxfl'T rents 12. Apply r.17 N. B8th. "-l ; Building Lots. Fartory Sltes.jtte. I 1st I ri sio s)C. T? 1 rns T?uni icimvaii; iwvui riuiuq T ja wear channel; Pennsylvania & Reading ldlnxa. 20 acres to IQQQ acres CQQQ per er, Vl. II. H. McCOLLUit 1314 Walnut st. 40,000 ACRES of mlno propa, tlo and ptllnt; timber lands for' anlc ftn t-ifi vlrrfi 1-iIa tffilfn nrir wei (I . 90 n. ... uiasu u nu.u - k.iu mil) Sf I yf t.ftl small payment, halanco on time at B per cent. tr. 11 Mornr.i.inr 1311 WALNUT ST. -IS MANUFACTURERS' OPPORTUNITY Lot 108x 1C0: within 7 blocks of City Hall: corner 1 main streets: excellent light, ripe for lmprois. mont: $100,000, D. A. M1NNICK. 183(1 Ridge avenue MANUFACTURERS' OPPORTUNITY Factor? building, r doors: within 0 blocks of City lUlli nbout 80,000 aouaro feet: good light: sultatls ' for any business price, $120,000. P. A M1NNICK 183(1 Hldge avenue SITES. RAILROAD, for sals! Pennavlvanl. r.t Reading: $20no per nrrs nnd up. accordlni lu iui;ukiuii. iii,uiin iui intiiii. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut. N. E. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND STS. Well- lUUil irv-4 onu tin i iiuiiiiiiiii, isxiitiLf-ii iiir lill ("ilfP. jt parage, etc.: UOxlOO to Palethorp st. LEWIS a. i .tJi-Afii-.. n vv. cor, vin ann vv ainui nxJ nimmn mni.nlNn LOTS nnd larce Ir.rt scti mtr. ildt ground In all parts cltv; also over 200 mji sites. Melvln. 1318-10 Real Est. Trust Kldi CORNER LOT, 2d nnft Oxford streets: 12.004 : square iceL near rniirnia, will sciv encap,, MILLER. 1002 North 2d, r ' WEST PHlLAnULPHIA ON TIIR SOUTH S1DR OF VINR BT. between BOth nnd f.Oth sts. within 3 mlnnttl .9 of the elevated atntlon. Is located a beautiful M row oi moaern iwo-niory porcn ami lerrsn , front homes of a "so decidedly different"', character from the ordinary that the story of these houses will be ot peculiar Interest ts : mo truly intelligent nome uuycr. They were built of the finest duality mi- i terlal by one of Philadelphia's leading bulli- -3 era. wnose only sauil was inai ne put su- ,45 linn. a, vi.l,,. In 1.1. nn.t, int. h... IV.. Illll. '3 firotlt left over. The" were purchased by a nvestor when material and wages were tt rock bottom. Through force of clrcumsUnrti he must sell at less than cost. Think of th unlquo opportunity, now that material! an4 wages aro ai lop prices. These houses are not designed to make sa nnn.nl tn nv.rv nn. Tn Ihn.n who want tin- . sel Instead of good metal, shlno and pollrt . ........ A. -Aif.1 ......! .!.., ..Ill m.V. SI iiioicuu u. ouitu tuiiauuuiiuii, .i,cj -.,. .---- no nppeai. THEY ARE FOR THE MAN WHO KNOWS CHARACTER OF CONSTRUCTION AND v REM, ESTATE VALUES THROUGH AND THROUGH. WHO 18 LOOKING FOR A BOD URN HOME IN THE BEST SENSE Of JTIIH WORD WITH 0 ROOMS. NOT COHNTBJI1 n-iii- nr-iT-ivi'tnT mi r iiiTlfnnDVf OR LAUNDRY, A HOME WIliCH WILL 11E ! AS 43 OtlOU tilt 1II.TTJ3U 1U XliAHO Jli. "11IAIM iUUAI, ijS Slnco nur first advertisement about four weeks ago wo have sold ten of these houifi , to homebuvers (a house must Tie wonderfully ..nn.1 .n .all In ,1.,. ..,..,.. h.l Th-,, T6 lOJt ' nuu,. ... at.. ... ,,,,n ,k,i ,,.., - .. . -- r. - - - two left next week there may to none-n ,3 Oiir cnance is cone lor row ana mi. . ...IVI l.a anl.l nn t'liml nnlaffu an.l 1 nr AS lllllS as $100 cash, with terms made to suit for tu m balance, just ininu ot u: Bamnlo house. No. 8020 Vine st . w"'..: open day and evening, nnd we shculd WjM CCjr Ulin ,.,,,, ,. ill ,i, i.ii-i,.... . . cumo out anu examina wiiuuui uw., . We only feel that this Is an unusual oppef 5 vunur. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut st. ,., Spruce 3071. Race 8021 $4200-8838 HADFIELD AVENUE. 2 story ,j rooms ara cam, ueep ioib, ?"-"-,;:,aJiVt hot-water he.t. electricity and gas: JWffiW basement: white enamel and mahogany nnn. fine surroundings. Close. to trolley, '"ft; schools churches, stores nd park. ..??; ( ununRnTnN ESTATES. 1438 South 8- street. - - A-r-i -mnstfin 1 TlT 18 BEND FOH ouil list "J, "SSi.'i.'SPa i WMT pinrjinET.PHlA PROPERTIES 1-, WM. II. W. QUICK 11RO U.-NC., B SOUTH 40TIt STREET ....M ...itfi'mn MODERN UWK1.UNU9. , ..f.i n.i.Vlir JS PRICES, In our restrlcted.resld.ntlal ousrt" j HADFIELD STREET. WILLOWS AYBMlgi J PARKVVAY. PEMBERTON ESTATfcS no,t. niSI VWS.Va SV-VI.SB SVSW -."- a S ' ' " $81008 rooms, hot-water heat, gas and , . trio lights, parquetry floors, shower batb. " i wtpii corner oom treai uuu wt..wt.-t . Klicnens ana an oiner wbuiiii .r.XrriH-n PANIEL CRAWFORD. Jr.. BUILDEB. 88th and Hadheld sts. By C. A. VOIGHT Ik- I- ' ' 1 . . . r 1 1 y " II 1 . j -sssstt-s - -j . , v lAf I yr '.i in I jiy Ki... .i.i.il,,. I..II mvi.iiinniii i.yii i ' ' ' ' I " I in i .a .1 I i i I ' . I ' - ' C