BYENI2TO XiBDGER-PHILADELPHlA; SATOBDAY, 'AUGUST 10, 1016. NATIONAL LEAGUE SHUT-OUT RECORD OF TWELVE IS BROKEN BY GROVER C. ALEXANDER! 1fif ALEXANDER ESTABLISHED GREAT RECORD WHEN HE SHUT OUT CINCINNATI REDS YESTERDAY This is Grovels Thirteenth of the Season Math- ewson Formerly Held Record of One Dozen, Made in Season of 1906 WHE? Drover Cleveland Alexander sent th Cincinnati Reds down to defeat jrttertSar to ifce opening gam of th rle at nedland Parle he fstaWlsfied a BeufonaJ Uagv rewrd tor nut-oU In one season. That victory wm the thirteenth een tor Alex In which JH opnenU hav not been able to ero the plate. Th record traa formerly bM by Christie Mathewm, wh had a down shut-oats t feto credit In lf4. Alexander tld Matty record Are days ". AMgtm 14. when tw Wnkrl th Xw Tor rjtanl at the local haW rard. turning In an i-0 Tretery. Jfot the least remarkable part f Alexsnder'ji record U the act that he ha a chance this sraron to tet a roar whleh will ptbaWy never be equaled In the annaU t tjbalt The Phflltea, after yesterday" gara-, had St more gtn;n to pay t complete the achtdulc, which marui that Alex will work In at leant a dwe more on tests. If ha continues to go a he baa ben going, then he nhoukl make a mark that will never be equaled. yesterday's rlctorr wa Alexander's twenty-third of the rwn. He baa hut ight. That Is. out ot 11 game credited to hint Alex baa abut out the enmy 12 timet; which t a abut-out arerage of .41. I'slng tho? figure aa a bast for bin work during tfr remainder of the season and assuming that he will work In a toztn gztmt, be should win ferar at leaat almost five, according to the 8?srM). That would give the great PhlJIy tor 17 shut-out wln for the aon of 19K. In 1810 John Coombs bad 13 shut-out victories, consequently Alexander I now tied for the major-league record. Majority of Alex'n Victories Shat-ont MOItB than half of Alexander's victories thla yar hare bn shut-owta. That In Itself la one ot the remarkable record In the an ruin of baseball. Twenty thrc victories, 13 of which were shut-out, show that Aler, far from havln? gone Sttck, aa A few have tried to Intimate, la at the top of bla pitching- form. Reducing thla record down to figure, we rind that of bis win Alex haa won Mi ptt cent by slapping a coat of whitewash at his friend, the enemy. Matty In hla palmiest day waa never the htit-fut pitcher that Alexander la. Matty always had a lot of hits made off him and many run, but he bad that faculty of being- able to tighten up In the pinches. Alexander, on the other hand. While not trying for any record simply pitches shut-out ball naturally. The matter of ahut-outa brings up the peculiar fact that when, during the sea son of 1912, Rube llarrjuard won 19 camti In auccMlon. equaling Tim Ktefe's record, made in 1818, he only had one shutout to hla credit. That Krat waa a J-0 affair, pitched against the Cincinnati club. National and American league pitchers have bcn able to go Into double figure for shut-out only ten times In 17 ear The high-water marks In the Katfonal league are Alexand-r. Phillies. 12, In 1I; Mathewron. Sew York, 12. in 1908; Alexander, Itillllea, 12, In 1915, and Overall. Chicago, 10 In 1907. The American League record la: Coombs, Athletics. 13, In 111'; Walsh. Chicago, 12, Jfl 1801, and no. In 190; Young, of Boston, 12, In 1902, and Waddell, Athletics. 10, te 1805, and a like number In 1S1C. . The other major league Iwider In the last tn years were Johnson, of Wash ington; Wood, of noston; YounR, of Boston, and Plank, ot Philadelphia. In the American I.aBU while Overall, ol Chicago; Tesreau, of the Oiants, and Moore, Of tho Phillies, have headed th National lyeacue hurlera. Three Qubfj Have Shut Alexander Out TillinB clubs In tho league Brooklyn. Boston and St. Iuls have handed Mexacder toma ot hla own shut-out medicine. These games were: Dell won for Brooklyn May 8, 2-0 (at Brrk!yn). Barnes won for Boston June 27, 2-0 (at Philadelphia). Watson won for BL Lou!j August S, 2-0 fat Philadelphia). That Alexander pltchen Just aa well on foreign lots as he does at home Is evi dent, IIIm shut-out record shows that seven of these were won abroad and six at Fifteenth nnd Huntingdon streets. l Every club in the league has been shut out by Alexander this reason. New Tork, Brooklyn and Chicago have suffered In this way only once each; Boston, Pittsburgh and St. Kouls have had tlrover shut them out twlc each, while Cin cinnati has taken the dose four times. Alexander's shut-out record up to date Is: Defeated Boston, at Philadelphia, April IS; 4-4. Defeated Boston, at Boston, May 2; 2-0. Defeated Cincinnati, at Cincinnati, May 13; C-0. Defeated Pittsburgh, at Pittsburgh, May 18; 3 0, Defeated Brooklyn, at Philadelphia, May 26; 1 0, Defeated St. lrfuls, at Philadelphia. June 3; 2 0. Defeated St. Louis, at Ht. Iouls, July 7, 1-0. Defeated Pittsburg", at Pittsburgh, July 1C; 4-0. Defeated Cincinnati, at Cincinnati, July 20; C-0. Defeated Chicago, at Philadelphia, August 2; 10.. Defeated Cincinnati, at Philadelphia, August 9; 1-0. Defeated New York, at Philadelphia, August 14; 8-0. Defeated Cincinnati, at Cincinnati, August 18; 2-0. Cleveland Got the Better of Baseball Deal POH the present, at least, Cleveland got the better of the baseball deal In which Danny Moeller and Joe Boehllng, of Washington, went to the Indians In a straight trade for Outfielder Hmlth and Inllelder Leonard. Hhould Itonurd Im prove with Washington during the next year as ho has since he has been with the Indians, then Washington may claim the deal was an even break. Hut Cleveland Is hot after a pennant at present, and is doing more to strengthen tho team for the current season than for the future. This Is natural, ttn tho Cleveland fans never have had an American League nag. In spite of their wonderful teams of the past. Cleveland is a great ball town when the club Is up In the race, consequently Manager 1'ohl Is doing all In his poucr to see that the club does not go back any in comparison to the other teams In the circuit. Kohl expects Moeller to help him some, but Is depending moro on Boehllng to win Karnes In the box than he Is on tils new outfielder to boost the offensive strength. pcorge McBrlde la slowing up considerably, consequently Clark Griffith Is looking around for a man eventually to replace him at shortstop Of course, Leon ard Is not ripe for the Job yet, but he may be by the time McBrlde is deemed unfit to contlnuo to be a regular, Dawson Greatly Improved Tennis Player EVBIir tennis tournament of the season has held at least one surprise, and some of them many. Even the preliminary doubles at Chicago was mildly urprlslnr, since it was generally believed that Willis B. Davis, the Penn student, and George M. Church, ex-intercolleglate champion, would defeat Maurice K, Mc Laughlin and Ward Dawson, tho Pacific coast champions. Dawson's first appearance of the year away from the coast waa at Chicago, lie toured the East last year, and, although he showed signs of promise, ha caused little comment, and was not considered In the same class with the other Cnllfornlans. But his form at Chicago proved that he has at last arrived. Instead of per Witting" McLaughlin to carry the tremendous load he bore while playing with Bundy, Dawson not only handled his own work excellently, but often came to th rescue ot the famous "Comet." Th he rounds out a team that fs likely to make things pretty warm for Johnston and Griffin In the challenge round. McLoughlln has not gone back by any means, but Instead seems to have steadied down considerably, especially with hla back hand. Players who have been accustomed to toy with the red haired Callfornlan's back hand will be treated to a surprise when he slips a coupla of back-hand drives across the net for points. Wlldnesa alone caused the defeat of Church and Davis, who were an keen as mustard to win and play the champions. Many still believe that these two are the bftter (earn, but they had their chance and threw It away, In a recent gfime played between Boston and Chicago In the American League rise men were credited wth playing lft Held for the Bed Hox. They were Lewis, Janvrin, Shorten, Gainer, Itutli, Jones, Agnew, Wyckoff and Foster. Of course, all f 1-htae players did rjot actually play In the garden, but they either did that or hit r WW In place pf a left fielder. Ted Meredith could not have chosen a better teammate than Joe I,oomls to tgite the Scandinavian trip wth him. In the first place Loom Is will be a great sjitraetjan, and doubtless wU win a)l hla events. Then, too, io ja the style of ath M who J willing to give any Information that he can. This Is what the want. i EVENING LEDGER MOVIES SAY, DOC, WE BELIEVE YOU THE FRIEND THAT KEEPS YOU WAITING MiASTte UP will Yett S n ( P1-0 CHAfttlC-, Jmo- e gOfS s" ' - jcrr- Thshs'a hCoW( l yZX2 S? r-f To J JZ) Te fwf HtttO M' I ACA vi AhO "TlT I II I rov?. tCOK-iM 1 I If ?CKJ T, MlMUTtJ I r,, ,J JACK rg6ot-r,Mg to frAtn-y iJ 2- - ' isssssfr- 1 1 SAV THis-l sar 'DzZL wt5T W03Z XT BPvC TACff- " f f I - fj C Jy A mj J PSs M sHetssssss ' if I sj ? r- iw FnitHVl -v. f- W y- x If ?? My&) wgfljm tJmii hMt . i mimutc Jet) w (yft rWff 1 1 HP.- lllkT v-- 1 Sr-MI I Ir. Wit,'' JRP- HE"CET3 CTZ) Mir1' UK .f'' ? MimuTC -wCBM I I 1 (?issssss M A J I J "K ' y iT y TtcL ? t ".rvP WILLIAMS STILL HAS A CHANCE TO TOP RANKING LIST Philadelphia Tennis Crack Pointing His Game Toward Forest Hills Classic Despite his Wat by Clarnce J. Ortffln fct Newport, and the earlier reverse at th hands of the sam player at Longwood. It NorrU 'William)!. 2d, of tha city, still has a chance to top th country's tnnls playrs at th- cloie of the lilt a.oa But to gain this position he muit capture the national crown at Forest Kills The present singles champion. William M Johnston, wtnt through the same srl-!i of misfortunes last yar. bfor he finally came through at the West Side Tennis Club He met with reverses at Lonrwod and at N7wrt. Williams's experlnce of the pres ent iason. Purthennore. Johnston lost to a cond-rater. Ifath Byford In the West ern championships at Chicago fitlll the ranking committee rightly flgurd his success In the national more than offset thJ rererseu Johnston's experience proted that It Is beat to use the preliminary tournaments simply to round out one's rant, rather than to extend great efforts merely to carry off a few pieces of silver ware. The present situation, regarding Johns ton snd Williams, Is exactly the revere of hut year. In 1315 Williams won every tournament In hlch he played, except the championship On the other hand, Johns ton played Indifferently In the eenta pre ceding the Forest Hills classic, but how he rose to the occasion In this event Is now history. Johnston Is at present at the top of htJ game, and Williams Is far below form. Many who have ec-n him play In all his matches aver that the Philadelphia n Is at Itait half-flfteen btlow his regular game At Seabrlgbt Williams barely squeezed through the challenge round after George M. Church has twice been injured. In his two other starts he was beaten by "Peck" Griffin There Is no alibi for his defeat at Longwood, but at Newport Williams was handicapped by a game ankle, which he wrenched in his long match with Iloland Itobfrts. the 17-year-old Han Francisco champion. The Sports Informant To th aporti editor Kvtnlna Ltdetr. Hlr Throuih your valuable rolumni. iclndlr advlt rcsardlns tM baMhall qwrr- Two men out, man each on Aral and atcona tiifi. batter bits to abortatop. but tha ball striata runner, puttlnr him (Ibt runner) out ana ratlrtnr the afde la th batter credited with a hit? Tnanklns you for a prompt reply In our paper, you-a very truly. HAlf C'flOHUEN. Auxuat lb, 1V10 lVfcn a fairly balled ball atrlkta a baa run ner. tha runner la out ami the bataman credited with a baaa Ml, reaardieia of tba number of outi To lh Hporf Editor Evening Ledger; Sir In Tueaday'a Kruno I.tixita you credited with tha Philadelphia National lairua Club with havlnr won three double-hoadr-a thla year. Now, will you pleaio look thla up, and aee If it waa not two Inalaad of three double headera they won. aa I think you have made a mlelake It la to declJe a bet. Hoping to have an anawer aeon. I remain, youra. JOH COUKN, 230(j Bouth Hlxth at. Philadelphia Ausuat U, 1010. Tha rhllllea have won double-headera thla aaon from Ilrooklyn, Iloaton and New Tork, To the fiporte Bdttor Evening Ledgers Sir Would you conalder tha umpire O. 1C In hla mllnf In tba (ollowlnr play: A alniclea. II alnslea. c; ilnglta, on run, T) Inilea. K atrlkea out, P hits the ball lo tha anortatop. who throwa to aeoond. forclnz U. D coming down to eerond taat bumpa Into th ac ond baaeman (runner atandlng up) In auch a way that h claims Intreferencs becaua he had a chalice lo make a poaalbl out at A. at, ir th runner. Who haa th right of way In auch a play? Tha runner could not atop at one to avoid Lumping th aecond baaeman Any ra. th umpire called the aide out and It, who had cored aa aoon aa 1" hit th ball was not allowed to hav his run count. Aa th game waa won by on run. there are several fana her who wpuld like to know your declalon en auch s play Youra (or aport. iMWitrst'B a.vpii""' Avondale, Cheater, Co, Pa.. Aug. 10, 1D1S. Th Zvt runner olwa- a aa t' r but ir the umpire called him out the run does not count. To umpire la supremo m ,JU.... whether there la loterlerrnce or not. To the Sport editor Evening Ledger: Sr Having had an argument with e fflr flena. I bi decided to leave th aettlenunt of oueet loivto you tr.e nueation was inia: a that Penn nlavea lllchtxen away and conienoea th Navy at home In football laat fall, and 11 wag eure that. II waa the other way about Hav. Ins been unable to reaurrect a Penn schedule (or laat tan. t fall, t am truatlng to you lo set ua atralgbt anklng you In advance for an early reply, I aaln. rour truly A It IIHOWN. Thai reroaj Atlantic City, N 1 . Auguat 18, lBtd lie Pb Penn blaved the Kaw at Vra.nklln VleM and Ulablgan at Ann Arbor. STOLEN GOLF-BALL PROBLEM STILL WORRIES COBB'S CREEK OFFICIALS WITH NEW ANGLE Foreign Employes En joy Selling- Pills to In nocent Golfers Good Best-Ball Score By SANDY McNIBLICK STEALING or othenrIie obtaining golf balls continues to persist at the Cobb's Creek public links. The small-boy gangs tnat used to lay In wait "Just around the neck of the wo'yds" for a long drive have been almost entirely broken up, thanks to the vigilance of the park guard and rigid rules laid down by Superintendent Harry C. Hunter. But the old complaint that a golf ball knocked out of sight of the player Is many times lost, particularly when some human Is seen slinking Into the gloaming some hundred yards from the scene of the accident Italian laborers and others of the hlred-by-the-day labor at the munlctpat course are being blamed for the recent theft of golf balls. Sell Player Hla Ball An Incident Is related by an official of the Cobb's Creek Coif Club to the effect that he- knocked a ball out of his sight the other day, and all efforts to find It failed While his partner was scuffing around In the grass searching for the ball an Italian approached the searcher and offered him a ball In return for a small piece of good U. S currency. The "partner bought the ball and kept on looking for the lost ball. "Thtre's no use looking any longer." he tald finally "Use this ball.- and he tossed over the ball he had just bought from the philanthropist It was the official's lost ball. Which little story Illustrates the bold nets and pleasant disregard of the con entlons which the hall thieves have. An other thief tried to sell a player his own ball, and when the player would have taken It by force thero was a fistic period for a few moments. The culprit tent to jail for five days. Small boys always are to be found loiter ing around the outskirts of the course with balls, which they offer for sale to passers by Whether they hate been stolen or found is if question. Meantime, there are many mysterious disappearances as usual, Mrs Clarence II. Vanderbeck and Mrs. Ronald II. Harlow, two of the best women golfers In the country, had a best-all card of 74 at Merlon the other day, which would seem to show that they were playing golf at ecry hole, either one or the other. .Speaking of Mrs Vanderbeck, It comes to notice that a certain scribe describes her as being a golf bug simply because she didn't turn around at Cobb's Creek the other day, on account of the rain, and stop playing. If the author of the blurb could have seen the throngs of women golfers tramping through the cloudburst which fell on each day this spring that marked a match for' the Suburban Cup, said author would have seen that milady with the wet feet Is no very uncommon thought , John P. MacUean, Jr., hasn't much to worry him these days except thoughts of an examination to pass In Calculus at Cornell, and the thought as to whether he can play In the Intercollegiate this fall. He mixes up the two with several rounds of golf dur ing the week. The Query Pouch Handy McNIbllck jlTead about Mrs. Van derbeck' playing over tho public course, but did not see the card printed. If you have a copy of her card will you kindly print It, as I am very anxious to see what It took a champion to do the different holes. I think the public course Is very good, and play there every day, but I have not made very good scores yet A WOMAN BEGINNER. West Philadelphia, Pa. The cards of Wednesday, when Mrs. Clar ence It. Vanderbeck played sof at tha public course with George C. Klauder, follow: lire Vanderbeckv- Out S448SB6S 5 41 Klauder UUl ,., .. 4 8 4 S D 6 O 0 IS In . S i T :ibiicU s 1 B t 41 ; Sandy McNIbllck- -Here Is a list of the Swinging Suggestions fiwtnilng the dob head onre or twle over the top of the ball nhoald be eafflrlent. The preliminary ewint It a pendulum awlnt rather lhao a golfing airing, a that making to many pum of thla nature Is very bad practice. ... . They are apt le make the club bead awlnc In a circle InMead of an ellipse. Al-o by looking at the ball too long It It apt to weary the eye that one gaucee the ball inac enralelr when the real enlng It made. Ilo not let the wagrle b an rirute for hlftlng the feet areund. or for thinking over all the thlnre that enter Into the awing, or for epeeolatlng ever the chanee of a mln. Max Mariton la one ef the many alar who moat timet Jtut rettt hit club behind the ball, gett the range, and then Ore away, without waggling the club or patting the head over the ball. The belt Die to whleh the waggle and pattea over can be put la In the tteadrlng of the layer and getting tet for the thot. 10 best professional golfers In Philadelphia made up by another remlprofesslonal and myself. We thought It was about time the pro's were heard from after all these other lists that have been cropping out eery once In a while about the amateurs and tho women. We hope you will like this list and give It space : , 1. Jim Barnes. 2. Charlie Hoffner. 3. Jimmy Thompson. 4. Jimmy Hackney. 5. Andy Campbell. 6. Jack Campbell. 7. Dave Cuthbert. 8. Alec Duncan. 9. George Sayers. 10. Bill Hackney. Hoping this will proe satisfactory, and hoping to see It aoon In print, respectfully, Cynwyd, Pa. TWO PRO'S. "WITHDRAWALS WEAKEN' . GRAND CIRCUIT PROGRAM Miss Rejected and Lindsey Win Only Events on Getaway Program COLUMBUS, O., Aug 19. Withdrawals canceled half the scheduled events on yes terday's Grand Circuit racing card, and the getaway program was limited to the 2:18 pace, captured by Miss Rejected In straight heats, and the 2 -IB trot, won by Lindsey In a five-heat contest with Baby Doll. At no time waa Miss Rejected In danger, al though she made slight breaks In eery mile. In the stretch drives of both the second and third heats of the trot Sister Strong broke and was Ineligible to start In the fourth mile. Lindsey, the winner, was the second choice and the only victor of the week for the McDonald stable For the fifth hear the Judges unseated Driver Durfee and put Baby Doll In charge of Valentine. She made the pace for more than half the distance, but tired early in the final quarter. Big- Motorcycle Race Today What promlaca to be one of the most at tractive motorcycle rac roeeta held In thla part o( th country will be when Bed Parkhur.t and Hill Ilrier. Don John, and Cre?lnon. Bob Perry and Oienn atoKea meet In the 100-mlle profenlonal race held by the Motorcicla r'iiih of Philadelphia at the 'ue moot "Sck, .W berth. Pa., thl afternoon. , .ir- "'L" aejen ent in all, four ama teur and three pro(ettlona There It no nuea tion that the track record (or a mile of 48 & onda. held by Kleebea. will be lSwired Doth rldera and apectatora are ataured o( Boms aood racing. .New Women's Swimming Record LONDON. Aus. 10. Mlta Eileen Lee whn awam 80V mllea In the Thame? River Ve.'terda? In 10 hour and IT mlnutea. la aald to hiV. .. tabliahed a new world'a record In lons-dlitanca ewtmmlnr for women. " SUITS Or der 11 $11.RA Reduced from 180. 23 and fit) 5t Our 7 Bin Window PETpR MORAN & CO. Merchant Tallora 4 0. E. COB. NlhTIl ANU AUCH ST8. POINT BREEZE MOTORDROME ' Tonight 8:30 Tonight 20-Mie Handicap Motor-Paced Race Carman Paced by Hunter, Scratch Walthour Paced by St. Yves, 5 Laps Bedell Paced by Senhouse, 10 Laps Ryan Paced by Yanderberry, 15 Laps ApuiablON ? AMI 00 ctLys ARE TRYING TO PULL SOMETHING RED SOX MUST MAKE BIG GAIN ON HOME STAND TO WIN FLAG; MERION PATE WORRIES GOLFERS Boston Must Face Four Strong Clubs While Westerners Have Easy iToes By GRANTLAND RICE Grabbed From Shakespeare "7 do begin to hive ploodp fAouonU." Wffflart Donovan. "I hav a kind of atacrUv In finking." Contit Hack. "O. coll lack Vfteriavbid time re turn "John J. McOraie. "A very riband in the cap of youth" Kdieard 8 Plank. "For the Uft to come, I tUep out the thought of if "ChrUty Itathetcton. The Needed Margin SOME Idea of what the lied Sox may have to accomplish on this last home stay can be gathered In from the following figures: On the last western trip Carrlgan's club won 1! out of IS games from the four western clubs. Tet during this same rpetl the Browns picked up five games on the leaders by winning IS out of 20 from j'ew York, Philadelphia, Washington and Boston. The Red Sor can hardly do better than to travel at a .887 clip against four such clubs in September Hence It may be that Carrlgan will ned a five-game margin when he starts west again, for while he Is bat tling with four strong clubs his leading opponents will be cleaning up entire series from a much softer and more abject oppo sition. The Golfer's InTlctus Out o the blight that cover me, A3 tome one's tald before, 1 thank whatever gods there be For ichat fate has in store, The uhen I give the ball a rap And icatch the thot careen, To cotily bound acrots some trap And pull up on tAe green. Query Sir I see by one of Ihe golf magaslnes that BUI Fownes beat Eb Byera by "a long fifteen-foot putt on the fifteenth green." Is a long fifteen-foot putt on the fifteenth green us much longer than a mere fifteen foot putt on the fifteenth green as a short fifteen-foot putt on the fifteenth green Is shorter than a mere fifteen-foot putt on the fifteenth green? I ask this question be cause my knowledge of putt measure Is confined to this one foot equals one putt. OFTIXnOUGH. The youthful bt Inquisitive prodigy who desired many years ago to know the pre cise grcatnesi of Alexander, Inquiring thereof from his patient father, should have saved his question for Pat Moran. who would moro than likely hae replied sub stantially as follows: "Big enough." Late Popular Songs "Asleep In the deep" By Connie Mack. "It's a grand old rag" By William' Car rlgan. "I hear you calling me" Lord Bill Byron. "I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way" Pat Moran. Pleasing Them All "Why don't you give tho Phillies more credit?" writes ft Philadelphia fan. "Why don't you give Brooklyn a boost?" queries a Robin rooter. "Why don't you admit tho Braves are tho class of the league?" -complains a Boston noncombatant. Very well. Here goes something to please them all. Philadelphia, Brooklyn nnd Bos ton are not only the three greatest clubs in their league, but after winning the pennant each Is a cinch for the world series. Is this sufficient? Famous Strikes The railroad . The street car O'Loughlln'a tuh! Red Sox class Is shown by the way Car rlgan's men face an extra Inning battle where the test is at Its toughest point They can be carried on Into extra sessions, but they el rarely lose one, which Is one of the surest signs of strength. We saw a world's record smashed the other day. A hot foul tip struck an umpire on the knee and nobody stood up and cheered. We don't expect to be believed, but the nstoundtng facts are related pre cisely as they happened. Yankee Camp Song John Franklin Baker will soon resume sway On the only tune that he can play. Which Is "Over the fence and far away," Our motto for a 1916 world series Brooklyn vs. St. Louis, or Up with the under dogs nnd on with the dance. The Giants still have a great chance for the National League pennant by having Boston, Brooklyn and the Phillies deported to Galicla in the front line of Austrian trenches. PHILADELPHIA county fairBp; Ladies and for Jt,lT.ltf,.r,B, VJ BI eeattoalsg far Ira daji wa reaat IJrV.'feV'iVth?; iV. Khaeorer' l0M, l " The Philadelphia County Fair rlr 1 IK- Jr wen a ia k v -' ti.i!tJ3Lb,...2.' "oBderfoi, tna moat eoterUlntog, tha ooet es- - -.- -.-.-,, - and HUtDT ' or Hianawa zmxls TAiiEf ee the woaJwtul llKlblt. iff .alf All' woadrr JpJce-ffoVY" "' special Bxcnraioaa from e?ryrbere wlU brlns iou More Than One Candid date for Title Anxious j Over Outcome of 5 .Tourney i THERE is more than one anxious caj. dldate for the amateur golf chatnpion. ship' of these United States who already beginning to wonder whether or not h W escape Fate or Merlon or whether Fai. will drop upon him at the big momeni trM leave him writhing on the Held. For with very, ery lew exceptions every champion ship winner In the past has drawn so n. cesslvely close during some match where for the time being his fate hung In h,, balance and where a tilt of the slighter! sort would have dropped him out Since, 1910 These whims of fate are due partlr to luck and partly due to skill. But there is sufficient luck to give the wtnntng g0fer buck fexer when he stops to think OTer hla narrow escape. Suppose we go as far back as 1910, Vfll. Ilam C. Fownea won the championship that year at Brookllne. Fownea played unusually fln .0w throughout. But for all that In hit ttml final round against Chick Evans he cami to the thirty-fourth hole 2 down with onlr 3 lo play. Not only that, but on the short thlrty fourth hole Evans was on the green and Fownes was off, where ordinarily he would have been extremely thankful for a half. But Chick took 3 putts, Fownes took 1 and the match was turned upside down. Hilton's Call Hilton's close call against Fred Herrtshoft Is an old story. But It Illustrates the point. The English champion was 6 up with IS to play. Herreshoff by a great exhibition of fine golf and finer nervo squared the match. At the thirty-sixth hole Fred's putt for a win went Into tho cup, and then Jumped out. At the thirty-seventh Hll ton's badly sliced Iron hit a rock and ca rooned off on the green, where ordinarily it would have been Unplayable. Fate that day was with Hilton Otherwise Herreshoff, would have driven back the English In vasion. Travers's Close Shave In 1913 Jerry Traers won the chain-' plonshlp at Garden City. It was his fourth -conquest. ' During the qualifying round Jerry wai breaking his wrist play badly on his maahle shot ana was constantly puininc the ball well to the right. But ho was able to ret down a number of flie putts, ranging from 13 to IS feet. If he had missed Just one' of these that he sunk In place of being amateur champion he would not even hgyt qualified. For, as It was, he was tied for last place , with 12 others. In his first nine holes of play ho wat out In H By exceptional' putting he came back In 35. Save for IbU, one great streak he would never have d awn,, a chance at match play, as he required vt.i 86 for hi second round. ' & uuw uiit-r ujireij- wriKXiing uiruusn, jer-rM title. Ouimct in 1914 Francis Ouimet, although plalng won-' derful golf In 1911 at Ekwanok. had tin same close call which comes to each winner,' i In his semifinal match with Bill Fownes, , Francis was one down nnd two to,plar. " 4tu .ruwnca iieuueu ui una mugs wtta ?''.$ par fours In succession, an ordinary?! acnleement for him, and ouimet was out!, of the tournament. But Fownes took five 'on the twenty-fifth hole, a drive anij a mnshle, and on the last hols Oulmtlf played a remarkable brassle shot from ait close lie for his victory. Gardner's Case ' Bob Cnrdner at Detroit last fall had in even closer call probably the closest call any champion has ever drawn. . In hla semifinal match against Max Mar ton. Gardner was three down and five to play. On the thtrty-ttys-d hole Gardner nil ' io win a iioot pun over a iaai, giuyius green to win. This left hlra one down. On the thirty-fifth hole Gardner had to play a mtdlron shot of 180 yards from the rough to get a half and stay In the tourna ment. These things are all part of th game, But on the thlrty-slxth hole the match wa out of Gardner's hands. To eliminate Qtrd ner Marston had a putt of 18 Inches. Nine. times out of ten that putt would have gone down. But It so happened the cup was placed on a slight mound with the S7 badly worn away, so when Marston's ton started for the cup the ball slipped an Inch) or so to the right over the slippery spc- By tills margin tha Hinsdale star wot his second amateur championship. Kid Gleason to Join White Sox CHICAGO. HI., Aug. IB. Owner Coraljier, a White Box clan, haa announced thai WIHUM tha White Sox clan, haa announced that (Kid) Oleaaon waa coming back to the Wi'lto and Inatantlr put Into effect a rumor that (.'art ence Kowland waa to be llapoed, aa tha pf ence uowiana was 10 pa ui leader la In favor of GUaeon. Gentlemen w Byberry, Pa. Aug, 30. 31, Sept. I, 2 and 4 w whs aaiii vawa iad iotlli,r,.reii;,..4: J?4 "" ,b4rUt " roMf frS-H0"" Wee.! ice the raeeet watch the rimu eld eea- teatat ei. Tie ntV.J'..T.r '..? ra.1".'."? " v- """ir aou me ruga wire pertonwi h Wlr rM2rorC'nreafti&TV .. n i T iiMr li ii -T- i iJ il ' i nmttmmmmsammmitmmm m M s ail ii (awwn a mi i i i . WEW- UUTHBK HOWS Ot WE QiVCT Pl,rW- Yes,Hetf living a Vo uvON'-r SfSYlJ aaa. .. e-aST Yes H$'S A VEtiTISje (3(6)E)WOT you. 8R0TffEf "i ,yr BaSE'Pll. HAND -TO -MOUTt JSfev 9 EXlSTAtXE WOW P $ ' & "J ifv & M 7 tNPEEvjl Yep i "ty Wm. Win JL7jf itbtft