EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPniA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 1916. fl ;sk the Travel I tho MACHINEBT AMD TOOLS ZAVrtf-ANTI-i'i'iviu.t -Bl,,'"J".lor. '"'" vAine bearings has solved the bearing "tV.irt for many OTliers n may ua ine name V vM. IRON and BBAS3 FOUNDUYS, 143 torth Seeono JAMES TOC'OM A BON'. nnwER-PLANT EQUIPMENT h.mB. motors, boilers, steam and oil gsttcSfaorer i'ft n. w .t. ('''rzr.una motor" and machinery boueht. sold f P wnt'ed: srmatures repaired. Main 1. -SoSrortTTNO machinery! bund wi, Joint- irorojS jig-saws, vertical sharers, mortis. i'i' machines- stJckersNuttall. 1748 N. Jlth. JjrnTTsTTonDEHS of sprockets, chain, ele "rifARLES IIOND COMPANY, 020 Arch st, WSTirV drums. Westlnghouse direct-current L'ofor, eVjMVtfSI N.3d st. rrritTINnSi all Sixes. 1'lill.A, 2IJ-ll.V?(U Fp. Viirpi.Tf inrt.- n. 7th. Both, phones. "1SI0ALJNBTBTJMENT3 & viCTnoLAa E -fl.TtrtMfl r now belntt mnft 1tf2trcla Department, .aptl we need IN P i'. Bill mske $". iow ir.r.m'.- l 5 ?.. "irnrtunlty. Call or writs tor vtrrrnot.AS is to onr tho rooms Extrsor- S t?.7. onrortunlty. Call or writs tor rarticU' r j;,, in lr lllusiraiea catalogues, Cor. 6th ami Thompson ati. r0rK otm Btw-m ?TvtcTnoLA now, .-...ttenl opportunity to secure a penumu Fi.ftisny vlctrola with records, at special KJ, terms. Send t ones for particular and Blle"iVEPPEJ8K'Ur-rOWN STORES Cor. Oth and Thompson Sti. I luoUsT-vTcTOR $ffl$ NOW UN 3A,B .- him riia'rvirr flT. T&CHICKKRINO UFHKMT PIANO. HOWAIW VINCENT. 838 N. OTlt. OLD (SOLD old mw, .. lff -" &sh-t ,--,, . i !.... HTntlniim ntata4 Bau tt C iYtq. J. L. Clark, refiner, BUT 8anom. I OLD OOLD Cash paid I K intltue clock": will call. aid.. for. old Bold, silver, an. nen pnono, Locust South 17th street. L'S7ir"l,AlD FOR DIA.MOND3. PRECIOUS itnnfir gold, silver, platinum, taiij teeth. , PffiS; SnWlnc ft ef. Co.. laa fl, 11th. STORAGE CONTINENTAl. STOflAOB WAKEHOUaB JOTIt ST. A1IOVB C11E8TNUT PACKINO. MOVING, SlUPPINa nnti Carpeta cleaned, tenured, atored. b" LotuiO')'' '''one Key., nai- 4100 rmKi.tTT Pinnriioop..wA)tEitou3E3' f lSll.iam MARKET ST. PENN STOnAOE AND V 21J0 MARKET BT. AND VAN CO. ANN'S STOUAHE HOUSE. IU& N. 11th Vt ; movlnr. packtnic. ahlpplniri auto vans: 1 both Min nnonr.. v v.-i'..v. f. . n miti s MnvATtnr STORAnn m. C.. ntm.l. Anln nrklnr nn Rhlnninv. .1S7D LANCASTER AVE. C.TfLAS-BTORAOE WAIIEH0U8E Htornr. raoVlnr. packine. elilpplnir, carpet cleaning. Ph naring 7.i- ror iiinntr. jmrKPi a juti. OtRAUD STORAOE CO.. 018 ainir.1 nvr: tfnvlnir. packing, atornce. Thono Pop'ar f!!0. WANTED u CA3T-0FK CLOTHlNO lllKheat prices paid for k l(!lf' and men'" clothlns pais. nhne, etc. I fiintu Tnplar .'.771. III.ACK.' n,JS2nPoplar. , rrRNlTUUE. planoa. arpetr antlmifa v er uart hounea boueht fn- ahi no Er lare. J. nERNBTEIN .331 Hid 1 entlro matter h&r lane. Igo nve. hffT rnlfiCS nntd for men's rnst-nrf clnthlnir. ihoei. etc. PAMOEI, COOPER. 1010 Olrard are. Phon Toplar 0342 8B0KRN' JEWELRY "fal.r teeth, pistols, coins, rolntuwkl. with prices 1 pay, mailed 1,1c. J. It. BoiiireoplVa Store), gBO H, 11th Wal. -14811. BROKEN Jewelr- false teeth. Bold, silver, platl" nombouiht. . eyst'o Co. ,73." Walnut. Est. 'CO, EOOMS FOB BENT CHELTEN AVE., W.. 04 Attrac. turn, room; maim Imp'ts. and all conva. Otn. S514 J. CHF.1TNUT ST., 2000 DESIRAni.n'UOOMS. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. blAUOND. 1537 Prlvato tamlly will rent 1 or 1 attractively furnished rooms; breakfast. locusT. wis pEniRADLB'nooMS: excel: LENT l.OCATinv. tfcfoiTELTON AVE., 3808 Fins larso Sd-floor ft" front. furnUhed or unfurnished; nlso 'i alnclo f. ;, rooms: reaaonable. Phone Preston l!24g. g JfRUCE. 2022 Larue, communlcnttnz rooms; 5- trlrate baths; Southern exposure; open flre b glare. Locust 1008 J. P.ilTH. X.. 31130 Nicely furn, slttlnic room with !. coara: reasonable: steam heat Tioga 4B21 Vf. f 210 WEST I.OOAN KQIIAItR 1EC0NP FLOOR SUITE; REFERENCES. BOABDING 'CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (Tho llarerave) v.canelea. permanent, transient; sup, hoard. ftnifCIl. W,. 1027 Desirable vacancies: ei- ? 41J4 W "oara; an conveniences. Tlog-a W rip?" AVJ5n jaia-iB DEsmATtLrc vacan. W CIESyiIt3T-CLA8S DOARD.jrlOOA 8221. asrniias; lai-so-s Uths: table board, 1221-20 l'urnlahed rooms, private i-nnno walnut 7171. HTH. N.. 103 T)alpurla na haI nln.1. If 2lte 'urnlJhed or unfumlnhedj excel, ta- III IVl ataam Winn t- lia. ti an.. r ' -" "''""i rcny- vlK- mini jia, ihj.i. f- slSSii,ai5"y havlnK beautiful home, refined ;;inllns. conv. loo., desires to hear of 2 ton; eicellent table. peraons wno uo not rare for boardlnz SUHUltUAN t'CSi!iS.0TYN7-'rha. BhlPPen. Wayne & Hans wrrKlrat claas In appointments fc aervle. SANiTABIUMS hBHI,FUL '"on: special sclentlfio caras 6 tiV' ;""j"v every rominrc; nurses: Dooif U Dr. Randal. C ty Line. Chestnut Hill. APABTMENTS eNEWPORT bpruce ARRANaEMENTS FOR FALL r y"inuw UKUAUH . atiiSiTXV APARTMENTS. 02a to 035 N. lth Sathi .,.' Sf Rnd - rooms, with prlvato fcHL'Tnlahed or unfurnished: every conv, PvRiS?" 7S8 Laos, airy well-heated and w n'iv.!?.1? ?d floor front. 2-r5onTsultc furnT .ieJm neat, running water. WK8T 1'IIIL.VDKI.I'III v !riEroS5,':t5P,?LP- Mth ! l-nloWno ave.. lt (vvias anu huh f...n ...... Kn..i ..vhab tfiuvi ,r;," ,,v aui. iront anq Dac WwtiA ."nKk"'!;1"' e,c- This Is a W at th? f PS the cheapt apartments I g.?MHe uric, fig nd 30. Apply to rw. a,.T -, a.w,,. nttu ucn u,,m. nic ptacd In the city to Janitor. ttn-m rooms. 2d tloorr rooms. 2d tloor: private :hl awnlnirs. 3310 llamll -uivjM porch; awnings. 3310 ton. Bee janitor. JlAlN LINE, r. B. B. APAnTMENTS. at Ovsrbrook v tad hiia. V '(uu'Ping apartment, f rooms ft- " tQ "" after September 1. AFARTMENTS -WANTED (.il?D b7 gentlemen. 2 furnished bed. K5 ae'JS;!!? -BJMwJ bath, with 4 alnale jUBNISHED 4.PABTMENT3 iVEXJHiLanEr.riiiA "fere. yenaont' u PirnMTWITST. T DTsfFVTQ ft iTlnr rnnm hath nnH leftf-han That tt and Walnut. Baring 7522 W. RjOqSEgEEPINO APABTjMENTS I THERE ARE SEVERAL fe waxs of SECURING I . AN APARTMENT fefcrSt S?P0 matead of trying all these dlf KUrmt mn1. yo.u Juf ll at tbU office, the ' ftUllal-,1.1 .. Hull UE41IV B-.UJ4V.-U iifitSSff.1?!. voted exclusively to securing Tell .t.th1' ' '' particular people. Utm!iJ'Jur-t,ulrmIts. Every desirable itPatL. Philadelphia U Hated wlth.or l iT ". (Sated Ihranrh ,ta riii. anlnmnh trtua i&? i ,uk '" t n !! of prop-"eaiiil.S-J'-ate.. and with the least tout ft S? you wilt aecura tha one apart- 'Mci7,rr0.w,n, """ ,IH GORMAN S.-SHERWOOD ass SftTt1411 WALNUT ST. .. COR, 17TH AND WALNUT 6TS. S.t .. w a,S?Vrr Apartment Houa. U built of wu l&vV,.fl,KKf: ! rMnun3i5Ji PI4.1? rcUtectux. .Bultea at EcUrnrnSI'f1 bachelor twites with e.ery ougnxy nrproosea aoa Ufa rtt-, m...j il. . t aJ. i-8i"Lurth.' laformatloo. arrargspisn isUob and reservation, apply la -.,"-- wHsiueiEU. . reniaiB ua uum- IH&tfiSS.Sk tfEUoHrror W tXnas HOU8E nffiirt.Kf UIXFs tErrL thbv arb the ISlEBMN. gH't- Jf AVlNO gOUTHBHN, VTUlli2B"To. --" "tw "" --' , "" uu TTE. WeaTeN w. obeims PtiBkita Bam), p. -.ae Man at Ledger Centr.al to Hand You a Copy of Ledger's Vacation Guide for 1916 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Continued rom prrcrdlsB' Column "?S.KJi5piN.? A"- all wM"ol"cltr7S 70nV?m!!?in '5 ?. oom, Rns ",,h' ,5r .,0 formntro C''' phon or wrl" 'or ln - -SAMtlbl, STERN, 1201 Chestnut at. MCll,nnt ArAUTMENT3. all alres and prices. APAriTrS04?M'or 'omplete directory, free, At AniNTJlURE.VUL Franklin nank.Jldg. - WEST I'llILAOKH'llIA . KINQSCOURT BrvAWf ANU CHESTNUT, STS. . AfiFnRl'. MOUEItN HOWSEKRT!rrNO VAroSi,,fiS.rPn RENT: Ef.ECTniC RLE- EAT05.H.V.Jpyi,t'lc DIN1NO ROOM. APPLT - EBT. Tlttia. L8EJ5pa.jn I2U7 RACE 3T. -e..T,IFwAI.MNOFpnT) N.w IT" AHOVB CHESTNUT HT. . . SnT.?".roo,n apartment for rentt electrla eto atorj.jfncuumheat, Jiotjvater,. laundry, etc. E?S5X' th and Chestnut: Monterey. 43d and lh'".lfl,n'lmont. 34th and Rnrlno; Garden, inquire Janitor, or CRESSE. 301 Halo nidg. APARTMENT HO'TELS ., THE SWARTHMORF. N. E. cor. Walnut 22d sts. .. . American and European Plan .7Jl" n.!e Pw ls-atory fireproof hotel apart blp i.t ready for occupancy Beptem- Sultes with bay windows having southern and western exposures will be reeerted now for you upon application to A. A. M1LTZ, Minager. rnrmerly of The Frnntennc. THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINB STB. Absolutely Fireproof U)NQ AND SHOHT-TEIIM LEA3B9 PARKSIDE APARTMENTS rAHKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TII STREET Bpeclal rates for summer season. Furnished and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence. ,. DELMAR-MORRlfi JXlU.1H...TOWSf AND COUNTRY MEF.T CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. tllSIt. MANTOWNj DELtOHTFUI. BUMMER HOMH FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND BATH UP "IN THE CENTER OF EVERTTHINO" THE LITTLE HOTEL 223 8. mtOAD BTj THD TRACT PERMANENT OH TRANSIENT QUESTS 30TH AND CHESTNUT THE ESMOND biMT" Desirable aultes with private baths. BEAL ESTATE EOB SALE CITY NORTH and West Thlla. and Oertnantown homes, JlfiliO to lU'JOO. First payment only 1100 to tnoo. MERCHANTS' UNION TRUST CO. 713-717-710 Chestnut st. FRONT AND NORTHEAST IIOULEVARD Prlco I2DS0. VALUE J3300. J300 CASH. Very attractive; 2 story. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, front lawns, porches, etc. Take No. 30 or 02 car on 3th street to operation. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES " Building Association and Trust Funds TAULANE. U00 Walnutjjt. A OREAT BARGAIN N. E. corner Siisque. hanna ave. and Philip St.: no reasonalilo of fcr rcfeused. For particulars upply S. I,Ii:ilKIMAN.JMWChjestniit at. 1331) DAUPHIN ST.. 2 story. 7 rooms, 1001 Mt. Vernon St.. 4 story. 13 rooms. aUAHANTEE TRl'ST ft SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 310-318 Chestnut st. 1417-10-21 riTZWATER and 1410 Senate ln rear, 40x73: assessed $7000: rcnta 1ST per month; must be sold. FARREI.L. 710 S. 20th. 2013 N. HUTCHINSON (Oth nnd LHilKh) 2 story. 8 rooms', convenlcnceo: larso yard: sell cheap: Rood Investment. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 131 0 N. th St. 017 S. 20TH ST.. corner; rent, 2S; assessed 13000; prlco 3000. FARREI.L. 710 S. 20th St. 10S 8. 20TH fror. Ioninl Vour-atory business "a.tterson. 130 8.Wth st, 13TH ST., N.. 817-810 Look these over: rented nt J32; nssessed J00OO; nrlco J2300, subject to 3300, MABHEY ft SON. 13th and Green. 10TH. 13TH, 14TH AND 13TH WARD BtlT EltS. SELLERS AND RENTERS. SEE KUtftimUJH l-VJ.. O'.t ..b v. -J- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR BENT BARBER. HARTMAN A CO. ' 1201 Chestnut. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale nr rent, YARROW ft VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. 2022 DELANCET TLACE 22x100 feet. SAMUEL V. LEVIS. Real Estate Trust Bldjr. Building Lots, Factory Sites, etc. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and large tracts ground In all parts city: also over 200 mfg. ittts. Melvln. 1513-10 Real Est. Trust Bldg. BIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES H. B. McCOI.LUM 1314 WALNUT ST. 1VE3T I'HlLADELriHA 142005835 HADFIELD AVENUE. 2jstory. 8 rooms and bath; deep lots, terraced fronts; hot-wuter heat, electricity and gas; laundry basement: whits enamel and mahogany finish; flno surroundings. Closo to trolley, train, schools, churches, stores and nark. Apply PEMHEBTON ESTATES, 1438 South 58th et. . MODERN DWELLINGS. MANY STYLES AND PRICES. In our restricted residential uuarter, HADFIELD STREET. WILLOW3 AVENUE. l'lFTY-EIOHTH 8TREET, COHH'S CREEK PARKWAY. PEMHERTON EBTATE3, north west corner 58th street and Willows nvenuo. $3100 8 BOOMS: hot-water heat, gas and elec tric lights, parquetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens and all other modern appiilntrnjnts. SANIEL CRAWFORD. Jit., BUILDER 08th nnd Hadfleld sts. i430O-THREE.STORY BE3IDENCE: large lot: southern exposure; fruit trees; convenient to train and trolley. 15. L, Townsend, B. E. cor. 40th nnd Baltimore ave. THE CHOICE OP WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTIES TAYLOR ft BON. 24 AND 20 S. 4IITH. BEND FOR LIST SALE Oil BENT JOS. M. BAKER B2d and Baltimore ave. BEND FOB OUR SALE OR B-NT LIST Br,iMW JOJ) ALL,UN roTTfa 400.1 Baltimore ave. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES For Sale or for Bent. E. H. APBLEY. 68th and SprlngSeld. OEIl5t.VNTpWN tin 000 UP Detached and semidetached houses, hest section of Qermantown; with and without garage" na for list. MA11R ,AN. DOLilAN 4 Ki . N. E. cor. Broad and Chestnut. ntm NEW RENT AND SALE LIST OU"c?!&-r III'OM APPLICATION n. B. LISTER ft BON. 6012 Qermantown ave. nrnilANTOWN HOMES, all sections. UPtuan.u"" ni.r.RM A, HAI1HV iv.nklln Bank Bldg. JValnut.. 1537, . OUB REAL ESTATE BULLETIN will be sent to you by matt on application. Germantown Trust Co.. Chelten and Qermantown aves. it? YOU ARE LOOKING FOB A HOME In Oer- 1 tiiintown MtTAIry or Chestnut Hill, consult Si?, a! R. Meehan. B747 Qermantown aye. CHOICE HOMES, Tulpehocket , st ej .st of Oer. mantown ave. J. H. UlAtnitk . r22 Qermantown ave. OERMANTOWN 8 lnestment houses, fl rma., bath: all conv.: porches; rented 118. Conv. to ill narts city. Roggentlno. 633U Germantown a v Mt. Airy. Germantown NEW SALE AND BENT LIST BEADY Pilham. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELUAU TKU3T CO.. 0740 Qermantown ava. Chestnut Mill SEVERAL DESIBABLE PROPERTIES B MINT URN IT. WRIOHX CO.. " Morrto Building. . Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT "" IN TIOGA OB LOO AN KENNEDY ft BAMBO. 3740 QERMANTOWN. Logan REAL ESTATE, mortgagee and conveyancing. -" tgri' n -i a WM. D. CHAMBERB. ajrtlKU4U .h PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN ALDAN IT'S EASY TO GET HERE vlth.r by Market St. Subway 5c from 89th St or Knna. B, B. to Clifton button Just ..V. a. oleasant car ride for a few minutes ind ySu arVat ALDAN, an established com munlty with schools and etery city cimenl ScS" new detached bouses with larga lots for JSff "at 13750. Beautiful home sites at $300 Rof up ELM AVE. NEAR PIIQVIDBNCE Oliver "8. Kealy ft Co., 487a Mala St., Myk. nnooKLlNB Brand new dot. dwlgs.. Tr. b-, watirsL !,.. 60x123. I3S30; only 4i F$fitf!Z,E9& otr'lirooklln, autlon. n .RnY Widow to sacrlflc at $3700 brick cor. Ds"tory 10-room dweUlng. all convs.; bla lot 23x140, to drlyeway Bwop ft Sons, Darby. DARBYOnly H50. brick. 7-rooiu dweUln. hiatsr. bath, ehloka nous, lot 18x113. Swop SonjD4b2i- - . -. nnriulek. 1011 Chestnut at and Elltlas Park. Fi i?NHlDB HOMBS and bulldloj sites, every I description BBNNLNQEa RENNfcJEK. I BEAL ESTATE EOBSALE rKXN..sLVANiA flunurtnAN Continued rem rrccrdlno Cbhmn OAKMONT. DELAWARE CO.--I am local agent for the E. T. atotesbury tract at oakmont, adjolnlnit high school and , station, near a churches nnd stores; property Is lully deyel-np.-d. having gas. Springfield water, eile-rtrtc lights, macadam streets and broad sidewalks. Inducements offered to builders; houses now going up and for sale. Write or call for Illus trated booklet, "Facts About Oftkmont. Wm. 8. Davis, office. South Ardmor. at st. Hon, or A. Howard Hitter, neent, 200 S. 7th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. SOUTH ARDMORB. PA. Brand-new housej and bungalows with all conveniences: near churches, high school, trolley station and stores:, lfi-mlnute car service; 30 minutes to City Hall; open for Inspection today. Come out, Wm. S. Davlsofflcejtjtnljoni . SWARTHMORE fXW itSS and frame house) 5 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor: large lot: old ahado; garage. Beason. able prlco. Chester Osborne ntrBTNUT bt. aWARTILMORM DESIRABLE. PROPERTIES C. P. PETERS ft SON. 008 CHESTNUT.STi- NntUrt with nrAira I'' u I IO -' ' '"" . WILL SACRIFICE OS-acre country ""'."." Ambler, for quick sale: new .Colonial mansion. 12 rooms, 3 baths, designed by Bavery. Scheetx ft, Bavery. Remodeled Colonial ",,n0,u with Revolutionary War associations, f ten ant houses: large barns: poultry houses: ga rage with flvlng quarters, etc.; lawns, shrub bery, shade nnd great ahundanco of fruiii n, rare bargain; full detnlls on request: will show by appointment. . v II. J, DAGER, INC. Ambler, ro OUR, TRACT nt North Olenslde directly over looks I.u m Country Club: a well-kept lawn right at your front door, nnd a piece of land scape) that's enchanting; 000, desirable lots. $230 un; also several bunealowsi wrlto for particulars. V. O. Glenn, 11.11 Land Tltlo Building, and 10l7ohjmbjanive; BUBURRAN RESIDENCES for, sale or rent: attractive locations: prlets right. Maurlco J. Hooter. Real Estate Trust Bldg. CHOICE BUILD1NO SITE3 and acreage. ABTHUB P. TOWNBEND. Langhorne. Pa. BUBUBBAN HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT wiwnci.t, A MASSEY Real Estate Trust Building, SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for catalogue. . BROWN A CLOUD. Norrlslown. Pa. RtiiiitnnAV nc?Af. RHTATH Any price. All locations. Sale or rent. CitABLES J. HOOD ftW.iMorrlsB.ldg. 40 ACHES, near towns: stone bldgfl.: rpod land: stream. $4200 If sold by September 10. A. H. TYSON, I.ansilale. Pa. SELECT Properties Country seats, farmsi list orders now. LEWIS T BROOKE ft SON. his Koutn I'enn sq. wunuiiu i"i". LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale or rent, on the Main Line or Beading II. B. WM. II. WILSON rn.. Morris Building. JIAIN LINE. P. B. B. NARBERTH A new house. Montgomery aenue near tollcate, with all conveniences. W. B. SMITH, 0002 Drexel road. Overhrook.. BURURBAN HOMES, country places and build. Ing sites tn suit all requirements: Main Line. II. C. HUNTER. Wavne. Pa. NEW .lERSKY BllBUItll N IIADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. ...... , Our beautiful tract, located on 3d, 4th and Oth nves., contains the choicest building sites available. Kreclal prices. Terms to suit buy ers. Housoa for sale nnd built to order. Haddon Heights Real Estate Co. OWNEB3. IIADDON HEIOHTR Modern 0-room home: 1 squire train nnd trolley: nil conveniences; easy terms II 202. Ledger Office. CORNER PROPERTY, 40 ft. on Broadway; Owner, II best business locntton In Camden. 202. Ledger Office. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. WILI.I.T Ml'i'iwuuri LARGE PLOTS ft HOME.S.HIGII ELEVATION Cheap. Folder I ..SNOOK. Woodbury Hgts..N.J. PENNSYLVANIA FAB. MB 100 ACnES. close to Contesvlllq, only $7800. J. It. THOMPSON West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY TABMS ONE-ACnE FABMS. nearest to Philadelphia, train snd trolley. Wrote for pamphlet. BAnLOW & CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT CITY AND SUBURBAN properHes for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Tltlo Building. Philadelphia. Pa. CITT CENTRAL PROPERTIES , For sale and rent. JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th and Sansom sts. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Large list houses, sale or rent, at all urlcea. Samuel C. Warner. Jr.. Commercial Trust Bldg.. 15th and Market. MAIN LINE. P. B. B... MAIN LINE Best line of Main Lino houses, either for sale or rent, at all Prices. HIRST & MoMULLlN. West End Trust Bldg. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what you have for what you want. KEH3HAW ft CROWL. 5215, Cheatnut. PICTURE THEATRE, rented, on good business street, to exchange for small houses: highly profitable Investment. L 747. Ledger Central. BEAL ESTATE WANTED WE NEED VACANT HOUSES very badly, rent Ins from 113 tn 1100; Immediate results, ing irum ? FtJOOD & QUINN Itlth nnd Cnerrv. "We Go Anywhere for Business." CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real estate sold: mortgages rlaosd. ABTHUB BOSWELL. 233 N. 13th st. BEAL ESTATE POB BENT CITY 1038 MARKET ST. Two upper floors, size 20x 113; elevator, electricity, steam heat; rear en trance: will niter to suit tenant. . ,,. MYERS ft 3ARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th st. STORES AND DWELLINGS ln all sections of city. See o list In the Ledger Saturday, "" SAW "EL T. FOX & CO. S. B. cor. Oth and Callowhlll. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts. 13 SOUTH 17TII ST., corner 15 rooms and a bathrooms. EDGAR Q, CBOSB, " """" 1411 Walnut st. 340 . 1BTH BT. II BOOMS AND 2 BATHS. MEARS ft BROWN. 202 B. 15TH ST. 1000 BPRINO GARDEN, ST.. 13 rooms. 2 baths; $00 per month. GlHARD TRUST "P., Broad ft Chestnut sis. OUR RENT L1PT gladly sent upon appllcatFohT uu WM. O. GLENN 1317 Columbia ave. Business Properties and Stores CENTRAL STORES 80T Arch. . I . M. 8th. 1808 Chestnut. I JJtV.'U !!k 114 S. llth. I 114-10 N, 5th, 304 -Market. I 1110 Walnut. l, V. . ...v... tuv ......... ... BTOBB AND BASEMENT. ,000 Cheatnut st. 30x115, large window: whole store, or will ul Side t.KA ESTATES. 70U 8ansom at. Stores and Dwellings "103 CATHARINE 0 rooms, conveniences, $20. -' FARRELL. 710 B. 20th st. Factories. Warehouses, MJTg.lToors Metropolitan Building $& Flreprcor Booms. E0U to iu.uuu sq. ft. cneap rawer. AP. GEO. F. LABHER. 147 N. 10th .1. Cohocksink Mills 6TlibADC(ffbgy3- Floors. 6000 to IS. 000 sq. It. Cheap power, R. P. McNEBLY. 1732 Randolph. FLOOR SPACE In modem building; B. B. siding. sub-postofflcs; superior light for manufactur. Ing; Ins. rate, 4 cts.i located N. E. cor. llth dWshlirtonaye.J'bone Dickinson 1410. 40 000 FEET. Broad and Green; 8 floors and base: light all sides: sprinkler, elevator, heat; 16o ins. rate. Morris ft Co.. Ridge at Broad. MANY OTHERS. ALL SIZES ft LOCATIONS. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 44 NOIITH 4T1I STREET Desirable rooms: power and light. FOB BENT Largo ground floor space at and Walnut, with back street for shipping, J. A. PATTERSON. 130 B. 13th. 8 th 8-STORY. 40x00 feet lot.good light: terras to silt. V. A. M1DDLETON. Wldener lildg.. rnua. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central sr other location, for satisfactory tenant, D1ETERICH, 737 Walnut St. " 4TH BT.. N.. 110-25 Manufacturing floors; steam heat and power. Apply Penna. Co., 617 Chestnut st. Oarages 1518 LATIMER ST. (near 15th and Spruce sts.) Electrla light, cement floor: size 20x53s rent. mt tu per ratain. wuricaiuc, aicuui At corner 16th and Pine. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS. ETC. HEED. BUILDINO 11.17 Filbert .t. a; all conveniences: rents at- VnfralW located: al! uactlvtly low: service continuous. DBEXEL BLDO. OFFICES. Annual BeclaU. SUurlo Bms . $120. 1130. $2S5. 1500.1430. $500. Suites. 3 Bms.; 1144I1!.$173.$!00.122S.J250. Sultis. 3 Bms.. 275.400.I4SO.$300.800.$76Q r-urorr Suites 3 to 8 rounts. 1SUO to $1800. ' "t if Wil i iWf -, ji v .1 pr-ia BEALESTATE FOB BENT OFFH'F.S. IHJBINFJJ ROOMS, ETC. Continued rom rreccdlfiff Column MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 NORTH 4TH STREET Very deslrnbh offices: heat nnd light. OFFICES $10, per month nnd up; Include! heat, light, elevator and Janitor service. , J. A. PATTERSON, 130 S. lBthJlt. 011 WALNUT ST. Boom tor offices nnd bu. P".. Purposes, low rates. Inquire 300 Bui- lilt Building. 141 S. 4th st. Professional Ofilfes CHEBTNUT ST.. 1820 Prof, offices and studios, steam heat, electric light, running water. PBOrcsslONAL BUILDINO. 1831-33 Chestnut ". i lew suiies ror pnsicians or iicnusis J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. Desk Boom IN .WELL-EQUIPPED office vicinity. 4th nnd . vvalnut: reasonable Address P 90j. Led. Off. WEST PHILADELPHIA $303830 WILLOWS AVENUE. 3 story. 10 rooms and bath, wide street; terraced fronts; unsurpassed neighborhood: ever) thing to make these houses desirable. Call nt office, pn.M- .. HLHTON ESTATES. 1 138 Soutl.BMh street. HERMAN BROTHERS, C010 MARKET , Houses, apartments, stores. Near OtiTII ST. "L" STATION For rent or sale. Bnslness Prnnertles nnd Stores STORE, AND FIXTURES, 4022 Market, nnd near L station: rent $27. JAMES N. MITCHELL. 40th nnd Market. GERMANTOWN $30 DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS .. . Send for List. Contlnental-EqultablB Trust Co.. 21 B. 12th. . DETACHED dwelling, 13" rooms, 2 baths, fforncre. S. C. TOUBIBON. 7014 Bnyerst.. Germantown $00 UP BEST SECTION of Germantown. Send lor list. MAUBAN. DOLMAN ft CO., W. 1 . cor, Broadand Chestnut. 1320 E. PRICE ST 11 rooms, nil modern con veniences; porch front; rent $18 per month. ...Key at 1310 E. Prlco st. . Chestnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Germantown, Chestnut I 111. Main Line. WARNOCK ft EMLEN Commercial Trust Building. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BBOOKL1NE Brand new det. dwlgs., 7r. ft b , water heat, electr.. large lots. $20.50, $28.50 up. JKLMEB WATTS, opp. Brookllne Sta. NORTH GLENSIDE. ' $27; attractive " 8-room house; lot 100x117. shade. Bennlnzcr ft Ben- ninger. uiensiilo. l-a. MAIN LINE, P. 11. B. ABDMORE 39 St. Paul's rood, 12 rooms. $30; 3 baths: Inran lot. W. 11. SMITH. 0092 Drexel road. Overbrook. ... .. " 1'KR MONTH . , Bt. David's Stone. 14 rooms. 2 balhs, corner: Vt nrre per month. $70: Imtnedlato imssesslnn. lIAHllriltT ft Cl.AailORN. 204 llilley BldT. COMFORTABLE, homollko country homes, with oil conveniences, for fall renting. J. M. FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Pa. POB BENT EXJBNISHED PENNSYLVANIA RUBUBBAN BALA For rent, to couple without children, de lightfully situated furnished hnuso on yearly lease, from September 1; convenient to trnln nnd trolley; rental $13 por month. Address Boom 308. 008 Chestnut st. MORTGAGES $100,0005 Special trust fund for good first mortgages. HORACE It. FRITZ, 71.1 Walnut at. TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If you desire efficient service, quirk nnd satisfactory results and moderate charges CALL, PHONE OR WBITE TO U3 "Your mortgage will bo na good as placed." NORMAN 3. SHEBWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. , FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPBING GABDEN $50 TO $2000 , To loan on real estate security; Immediate settlement, pavable as desired. EDW. M. MOLL 138 8. 12T1I BT. MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH ft PARKER. INC. 1431 WALNUT ST. MONEY AND MORTOAOEN LABOR AND SMALL BUMS QUICK ANSWERS Vf. II. HOOD. 012 WEST NORR13 ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUND3 ' JOHN G. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. BEDNEB 727 Walnut at. FUNDS for first nnd second mortgages. J. J. TUBNEB, 1201 Chestnut st. $100,000 TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from 11000 up: nlso building association money for second mortgages. jJ?.-s,;IPPItA.cP-'-'lJh and CallowhMI BtsL WflPTfRTJ, FUNDS FOB FIRST AND VY UIVXVlJUl-( SECOND MORTGAGE'S 85.1 N. 17TH BT. MONEY for mo-tcnges; Bucks County property. BUW ARTHUR P TOWNBEND Lincoln Bldg.. l'hlln. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Beaeonahlo Charges. JOHN A. BARRY. 507 LAND TITLE BLDG. 1100, $200 TO $3000 TO LOAN. eifn LEWIS ft CO. ?DU 1227 w. oirnrd ave. "BUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROBERT J. NASH. 10(11 CHESTNUT ST. "MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES 11U.-MCI ".j rtEDIHNO ft SON 709 WALNUT BT. 02(1.1 BPHUCIi BT. THREE BUILDING A8SNS. meeting this week " with plenty of money for mortgages. WaL JAME8 KEOGH, BOO Land Title Bldg. "TRUST 'FINDS FOR FIRST MORTaAOB LAND TITLE BUILDINO ABTHUB BOSWELL. 233 N. 13TH ST. "PBIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS j:dwjibpI.J!TZl 2q n. 17th st. "FUNDS FOIl 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES """ AMV .AMOUNT POTTS ft THOMSON, 2.121 Frankford ave. "ALL AMOUNTS; 1ST AND 2D MOBTOAOES MAURICE IL MATSINOEB Real Est. Tr. Bldg. "MONEY FOR MORTGAGES 91UIHJ 1U eiuif.wuu iirnn A. FRITZ. 1100 Land Title Bldg. V'oans Large or small sums on real estats. lodgment notes or mortgagee; loana on unset-jy.- esUtes" pEjlPBYft.CO.g7 S. 16th. "Tijv'HilM ANY AMOUNT Placed at Once. Lowest Rates. F. X. DELANY. Ilia uincom mug. KifiMKY for first and Becond mortgages; building aVsoclatlon and Instalment mortgages. Willis. Winchester Company 1001 Chestnut St. TiFADY FUNDS for'good tirst mortgages; bring 8tffUrT-'WWca;.21T 8. Broad st. 5SS?anr"ASmaMVL!LEK fn??40l Commonwealth Building. FUNDS FOlTTsT AND 2D MORTGAGES FUNDS MJTaA0E3 KOII BALE TI IEO. E. NItMJj3SjJ8518 Germantown ave. fivviMiillS If yor mortgage haa been called. I --... ..... it .it ill if oka It UP. also 2d mortgage raoniT, RUtoii D. BOTTNER. 1420 Chestnut st. TSrTnd 2dnitgs.i bldg. and private funds: quick 1STnS satisfactory results; moderate charges. CAMERON E3TATE281iJMsXngton ave w'p WANT MORTGAGEB First, second or nwfEL't VBSBSfcK 1113 Tv'aMOUNTT$5( to $a"00. to loan to real Aat owners'; note or' mortgage Arthur J. Hlogo.?'! TjTupold. 1218 Chjsinut! TTT AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtges. ALA.A HP naVoung' 400 W. End Trust Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN -YOUCAN BORROW TODAY S1G TO ?204 v... mn let ready caah from this NEW tJeNSED AND BONDED COMPANY quick. Finrivately and without red tapo If you are favLkeeofng You can borrow flO. $27. $311. f?uwifuP 17" and so on up to 1100 at 3 per ,3i?. VvtJrUt You can borrow $12u. 1182. il'a '.isoor 12Q1 at 2 Pr cenL Interest. Pay. i'.nuars small and within your Income. W. R.'v. o-nrlvato of Dees for your convenience, felrmlt us to explain out up-to-date method, loo" Walnut 4365. Open S i. m. to Op. m. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 181 South Broad Street Second floor. Next to Farrast THaatra. -iSSB-XOir CAlTBOBIlOV, MONgY BIEDKB'S"1 W iAiaa!TAVS2: AND OXFORD ST. fiiuuu a. p SOUTH STS. aCtVte w fv?. sum. ;te h SCRAPPLE 4,k The Younp; Lrtdr Across the Wny i iiu hiiik uuly nuroM tlio way, who In innkliiEf it special study of bird life, says tlio young robins In tho backyard havo already been weaned. The Saving Hnult Mot-chant Did you post niy letter ns I told you, John? John Yes, sir, but I had It weighed Ilrst, and na It was tloublo weight I put another stamp on It. Merchant That's right. Only I ltopo you didn't put tho extra stamp on so that It would obllterato the ad dress. John Indeed, I didn't, sir. I Just put It on top of tlio other stamp so ns to save room. WASTED -IpNEY5MT, London Bystander, First lesson In the goose step. THE WORST IS !fe?2r krHr-nfa-Mlrio,- A N3 SHOE: (0:$i$8&0Mi ON A J!::i'i'!$iv:S-!'iU trrv yW:";-'"!'' ONTs OP fty fot &:mw:mx&;imwwmvsA tm0 vw - Nacii Paris! WIFELY SYJIPATIIY THE PADDED CELL J " "v. S NO -AI0- S. w ? YOU RUN OUT OF yV DflVTMINOV' J VMowEvViRe.AiR "VJJ y J t& y ! ENERGY '.'.t'V.-.'-ff iKM -2 -1 m mmmui ' lll'hiin Passing Show. "A nice sight they've made of yerl 'Ad to shove yer nose over fhe trench. I suppose to see wot was goln' on) You always was a nosey-parker 5" YET TO1 COME J--J31 Uovy Strles Do Chrmgo She How do you lilts my new BOWB7 He Hm, Doesn't It cover you up moro than usual? ' She Dut It's for evonlnr. my dear. It'o not a Btroet ijown. Ilia Fear Oraco If mother Is willing- that I should marry you, dad can easily be won over. Marion Eh ah do the women folic always rule In your family? Trngcdy, Not Romance "Some ulrl haa written her name and address on one of these eggs." "Ah, a romance." "No romance nbout it. You'll have to pay letter postage Instead of par col rates." Qualified "Will thinks baby will, make a great politician." "Why?" "Well, he crawls out of every thing so easily." She Guessed It Suitor I may be poor now, Mallne, but I have seen better days. There was a time wien I drove In my ovvn carriage, Mallno And your mother pushed It. Another Question Answered W-HI-JH. "Did. 'wlwt U Wla ccrwaityt'' 'Tlio buitt tUs la tta wtwl?. $' ssiHBIHck V gf .i!.a4BHt snfLaiH. .' p'SK in gm::-.v:l lr- ' V.-tSfcv SaA 4KadyKaaaaarca II kMW ' " ' i i 1 1 i r 55? 1 B ! OleoaJO). P.