Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1916, Night Extra, Image 9

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I Coming EVent at Corinthian
very x esuve-nueresting Bits of Gossip
From Watch Hill
VTOW that tho summer resorts havo
JN reached tho height ot their season,
Interesting events aro planned for every
hour In every day from early morn
(early rtorn at a summer resort meaning
i eleven o'clock) to dewy eve. Capo May,
which has been rather quiet, la "looking
iuo" and tho summer colony Is busily
'attending dinners, dances and what-nots.
On Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock nn
exhibition of aquatic sports will bo held
it tho Corinthian Yacht Club, and with
Jtlss Olga Dormer, tne national women's
champion, as a urawing caw, mere will
undoubtedly bo a goodly company of Capo
jlay's summer residents. Tho clubhouse,
tltuatcd as It is on tho harbor, Is awfully
uttractlvo seen from across the sand
dunes, and thoro la always a Rplendld
orchestra to provide dance music during
the tons summer afternoons and eve
nings. Morton Aloxandcr la chairman of tho
commlttco which arranged tho meet and
It receiving staunch support from the
tromen'a committee, of whMi Mrs.
Grange la chairman, tho other members
Including Mrs. A. Felix du Pont, Mrs.
jiiKQon Lea, Mrs. Norman CJrey, Mrs.
Vlrt Thompson, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs.
Horace Smith, Mrs. Ross Campbell, Mrs.
George Crozcr, Jr., and Mrs. William II.
Voting Allco McCabo, who, HUo her sis
ters, Mary and Margaret. 1.1 extremely
popular, and who Is always to tho foro
When things for th" school set aro "pulled
off," Is giving a baby party nt her moth
er's cottago tonight l.i honor of Louise
Harding and Constance "Westcott. The
guests., so I am told, will arrrlvo In little
sister's smocked plnaforo or young broth
er's bcotcst Oliver xwist sun. wuu socks,
nd I predict a. scrcumlngly funny tlmo
for thoso fortunato girls who havo been
bidden to tho party.
So many Phlladelphlnns go to Watch
Hill 'or their summers that tho place has
Quito a Quaker City ntmosphero (though
not In tho least Quakerish!). A few days
go Mrs. Clement A. Grlscom, who, with
her daughter, is occupying her beautiful
E, Bummer home. Tho Point, gave a tea
F . e. - M s"vt !.. I H HAlnliMrtilnH rte lint
Ht the UOIl UUIU III LCluuuiuuii ui i.vi
. geventy-slxth birthday. Needless to re
late, tho fashionable cottage colony at
Watch Hill flocked thero to do honor to
this charming lady, who la seventy-six
summers young. Mr. nnd Mrs. Park
Palntor wero hosts at an nttractlvo din
ner given recently at their summer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Painter, who formerly
rnado their homo In Pittsburgh, aro now
ipehdlng their wlntors at Ilaverford
Court, on tho Main Lino.
. Mrs. Alfred E. Norrls entertained at
luncheon yesterday afternoon at her villa
In Newport In honor of Count Otto Snlm
Hoogstraeten and tho Countess Hoogstrao
ten, of New York, who are her guests this
Mrs. Jnscnh E. "Widencr gave a luncheon
I' yesterday In Nowport after tho morning
session or tennis.
Mrs. Charles niddle, of Andalusia, cntcr-
fttalned at bridge yesterday afternoon In
r honor of Miss Adolo Hammond and Miss
E Alma Hammond, of Now Orleans, who are
I her guests for a fortnignt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walton, of Lang
; borne Manor, Langhorne, announco tho mar
tlajre of their daughter. Miss Frances Jan
ney Walton, to Mr. J. nusRell Fell, of New
Hope, Pa., at the Temple Presbyterian
Church, Philadelphia, on Tuesday. August
If, The Itev. William Dayton Roberts olll
clated. Mr. and Mrs. William Drayton Grange.
who are spending the summer at their cot-
tago In Capo May, havo Mrs. Orange's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Martin Williams, ns their guests.
Miss Atico B. Jannoy and Miss Meta M.
Janney, who wllli bo among next season's
debutantes, aro spending several weeks with
Mrs. Francis Dougherty at her cottago In
Capo May.
Along the Main Line
MEniON Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fol
well, of Merlon, who are spending tho sum
mer at their camp at Saturday Cove, aro
entertaining Mr. William II. Evans and
Mr, Joseph McKcon for several weeks.
RADNOR Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bishop,
ef Ogston, Columbus. N. J., aro visiting
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
'Mrs. J, s. C. Harvey, at their home In
Mrs. J. Oirdpn IfnfTmnn. of I than Derlwyn.
KRadnor, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Do
nju uuyier, at liar llaruor, ror several
ST. DAVID'S Dr. nnd Mrs. O. Ij. S.
L Jameson and their family, of Villa Florenza,
.BC David's, havo gone to Patten, Me., for
the remainder of tho summer.
Miss Theodora Sham, of Lancaster ave-
BBUo. left this weelr to visit relatives at
Gloucester, Mass.
Chestnut Hill
..Mr. Randall Chase, of 41 Rex avenue. Is
pending somo time in Honolulu.
Mr. and Mrs. Wmn Tl Smith and Miss
Bmlth. f 7211 Tlnver street, have returned
prom a visit to Sunbury, Pa.
Mr. Josenh TTnvmnn nnd ATr Tjirlnir van
Dam will motor this week to East Moro
lland, Me, They will be accompanied as
r as Boston by Morris Freeman.
Friends nf fr Tpanlr TiAnnnn nt Me-
I Kean avenue nnrl flnnler street, will be
triad to learn that he Is convalescent at his
Cbonie, after nn operation at the German-
1 jn uospiiaL.
F Mr. and Mrs Tnhn IT Cmnlll nnd their
FdaURtlter. Afla PlAnnni. Cmnlr nt 3? Mist
LBedgwick streot, and Miss Alloa Tatnall
, will leave this week by motor for Cohasset,
filass., where they will stay until after
kvabor Day.
Mr. William trlnnlai. T1, It-T?l1m nnd
fEherman streets. Is spending some tlma In
9P May. "
North Philadelphia
LIIsa R. Viola Carlln. of 1636 North
ifyenteenth street, U being entertained by
flier cousin. Mr rtenrsra p. Younir. at her
pottage in Chelsea.
The nmiun At th. i?!-ink Ti Williams
SO. A Y) rln- . u sA1.-.,.n Xfathndlst
plcop3l Church. Lehigh avenue and
felftb, street are hojdlng their annual
rgjWoor entertainment today In Hunting
s. .
Hn Ttn. r tt.m tl W,rtt rrna.
ii -'- J V4, V IV- v-.-
61SL "" iwltb, her son, wr. ymon 1
Yacht Club Promises to Be
!f?iva.,0n Saturday for a 10-day visit to
Atlantlo City.
T-7!"Ln?v- ,Iohn Vl Rll-ion. pastor of tho
m Kh A.vcnH nPtlst Church, nnd Mrs.
J-iison will return from Ocean Grove early
m SoptomriCr and will bfc nt home aU27tS
North Park nvnnno
Northeast . hnadelphia
..nV(nVMlMMtM4 -CktvAlfXkVit
Tho marrlngo of Miss Hannah Kram
mer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose
Krammer, of 1.130 North Fourth Btrcet, and
Mr. John Hlchards took placo yesterday
morning at 11 o'clock In St. Peter's Church,
Fifth street and Cllrard nvenuc.
West Philadelphia
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Dotison, of G201 Vino
street, have returned homo after spending
two weeks In Wrlglcy, Pa.
Mrs. Edward Moran nnd her daughter,
Miss Elizabeth Moran, of 1424 North Six
tieth street, aro spending this week In At
lantic City ns tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Iiolan.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Epstein, ot 1191.1 Pine
street, nro spending six weeks nt tho Pier
pont Hotel, Atlnntlc City.
South Philadelphia
MIS3 I. Mao Nordcn. of 1220 Durfor
street, has returned to her homo nfter
spending somo tlmo visiting friends In
Newport News and Norfolk, Vn.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Engelbach, of 1429
South Fourth street, gave a reception last
evening In honor of their daughter, Miss
Annotto Engolbach upon her return from
the hospital, whero sho underwent an opera
tion. Miss Minnie Stanger, of 12IG Snyder
avenue, has returned homo nfter spondlng
her vacation with friends In New York.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawronco McEvoy, of 1419
South Fifteenth street, aro spending three
weeks at the Manor, Wildwood, N. J,
Mr. John Hudome, Mr. W. L. Toffard,
Jr., and his brother havo returned from a,
lortnigiifs stay in Atlantic City.
An Interesting wedding took place last
ovenlng at 5:30 o'clock In the Park Con
gregational Church, Thirty-second street
and Montgomery avenue, whon Miss Helen
L. Golgcr, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Fred
erick J. Gelgor, of 3 13 J Diamond street, be
camo tho bride of Mr. Falrbalrn Gllkeson,
of (1126 Locust street. The ceremony was
performed by tho pastor, the Itev. Clinton
Baltzcll Adams. Mr. Gclger gave his daugh
ter In marriage. Immediately after tho
ceremony Mr. Gllkeson nnd his bride left on
an extended trip and upon their return will
llvo in West Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Bauer, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter S. Bauer, MI33 Laura Bauer,
Mr. Harry W. Bauer, of Germantown : Miss
Stiles Wundcr nnd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
N. Scholey, of Tioga, havo returned from
an automoblto tour of eastern Pennsyl
vania, Maryland, West Virginia and Vir
ginia, having visited Harrlsburg, Carlisle
Indian School, Gettysburg, Eagles Mere,
Buck Hill Falls, Delaware Water Gap,
Easton, Wllkes-Barre, Hagerstown, Antle
tam and Luray Caverns.
Miss Vlrglnln Delhi, of 3813 North Delhi
street, will leave shortly, for Akron, O.,' to
mako her homo there with her parents.
Miss Irene Jacobs, 3814 North Eight
eenth street, nnd Mhjs Rose Kenln, of West
Philadelphia, are touring through Canada
fot three weeks. ,
Miss Dolly Largman, Miss Dorothy Roth
and Miss Rae De Haan, chaperoned by
Mrs. J. M. Knhn. of New York, left this
week on an extended tour through the New
England States, White Mountains and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weeks, of 2213
East Cumberland street, are spending this
week In Wildwood.
Mr. Harry Haynes and his son, Mr. Wil
liam Haynes, are spending the month at
George's Mills, N, II,
Newly Formed Organization
Will Meet Here in Fall.
Other Affairs
The Flvo and W, Club, a newly formed
social organization composed of graduates
from the different universities throughout
the country, has established summer head
quarters at Twelfth Btreet and Atlantic ave
nue, Ocean City, N. J. Ajslte for a per
manent Philadelphia clubhouse will be se
lected In tho early fall. Among the mem
bers attending the affairs given every week
are Mr. Robert O. Daus, Mr. Raymond No
'lan. Mr. It. Har(man, Mr. W. Wlttmaler,
Mr. R. Mahan. Mr- R- Peacock, Mr. J. Pea
cock. Mr. C. ICalmey, Mr. C. Schlotzhauer,
Mr. J. Monroe, Mr. J. I Bamberger, Mr.
U. darrettsoa and Mr. J. V. Pequignot.
A mlscellaneoij3 shower was given In
honor of Mi$3 Sara Botel at her home. 783
South Third street, last Sunday. Among
those present wero Miss Llpchutz, Miss
nnid. MUs I Harris, MI49 S. Steerman,
Miss Budln. Mtss Sade. Miss Gonlker, Miss
Gll'nan- Mls3 ICPlan' Ulas P- Kramer.
Mr Blumberg. Mr Cohen, Mr. Frank, Mr
Brown. Mr. Springer, Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Gory
den. Mr. Lvln, MUs I Mshbrg and Dr.
S. B. Tttteman.
U133 twist q uumu W . u v-uuea
u Sanday. August 27.
- . JL
Gordon Traill, ft young New York society
favorite, sad Curtain Huns von Ho.tborn,
Attached to tho Herman Embassy In I.on
0" n nro rival sultora for th hand of the
widowed l-dy Herbert, formerly Julia
Ia'IxiI. of itio.imond. Vn. The Oerman la
ensB?d to th widow. du to the fact that
In tho two jeara followlrn the death of
her hmlnnd Traill has remained In tho
United Slates.
Immediately upon Traill's arrival In 1in
ami he ttnmbles upon melodrama. lie ha ,
iourht refuse from the Imt lit n cub. l.yins
en the floor he nnCj the dnuaed and stabbed
body of Jl. d Netse. n special aircnt of the
Russian Oovernment. Traill takes the body
! ,,!iran'a apartments, and .the latter
notifies Von ttolrhorn who calls for his
wounaeu rriemi The rivals nate eacn omcr
from ti-nt ilrst m-etln.
on llolshorn spirits 1
s.ai.a ....!? .,nr xnrnrL.
whom Team i.ni i.it. -ifeftrt s Oeslrn.
Sevranre nnd Traill set orf for Saltaeres.
Lady llerlert's country estate. In hop of
nndlna her there . , , ..
They reach the eslat liefore t.ady ller
hert and the Oerman. but while talUhiK
with the keeper an niitomoblle with two for
eunera ilrhes up They nsk for illrertlons.
which Bovrnnre elves thm ltac'c at tho
Inn. Fevrnnce ami Traill discuss tnelr plans.
Tho next nHht In n foe. nlmost ns thick
ns thnt which Rncled Trnlll upon his arrival
In London, he. Hevrance nnd lirady start for
the landing rlico to Sat'.acrea. It In nen
tiltely assured that t.ndv Herbert will nrrlvt
nn her yacht, the Myosotls. Throush n. flit
In tho fou thry havo been nblo to ace tho
DOVE there wns a gloomy sky. obscured
by g'gnntlc nnd flying masses of cloud,
between which the high stars glinted A
inle nnd momentarily fading light wavered
tho west.
licforc us, not 20 paces dlstnnt. the Bum
mlt of tho clIiT ran, n rngged line broken
by the crouching masses of shrubs nnd
undergrowth. A bit to tho left tho rec
tnngular outlines of tho stairway nnd land
ing wero vaguely visible. Behind ui lay
a confused mnss of shadows, masking the
park of Saltncres.
Ahead. -however, tho mists rolled sullenly
bnck, grudgingly disclosing more nnd more
of the heaving waters. I made out grad
ually tho looming bulks of two headlands.
Inclosing n llttlo bayllko anchorage with a
broad mouth open to tho sea. On the
northernmost end of tho Irregular seml
cltcle, somo two miles distant, the light
house stood, ringed with a halo of lire.
Presently tho receding fog bank gave up
to us Its chlefcst treasure ; thd picture
of tho Myosotls, riding peacefully nt an
chor, ablaze with lights from stem to stern.
I thought of the binoculars, nnd put them
to uso, watching her for several minutes;
and ns I looked thero was a stir and bustle
aboard, accompanied by blasts of the bonts
waln'n whistle, nnd I saw a boat swung out
upon tho davits and lowered.
Simultaneously a gangwaywns rigged out,
and, when It was completed, I could dis
tinguish dimly a number of persons cluster
ed on deck, about Its head. A number of
senmen apparently ran down nnd stationed
themselves In tho scnts ; I saw tho llnsh of
tho upraised onn In the light from ad
jacent portholes. And shortly nfter four
persons mado tho descent two men and
two women.
Silently I handed tho glasses to Snvrance,
conscious of tho warm flush that wns color
ing my face and grateful for the darkness
thnt hid It from critical eyes. My heart
was misbehaving sadly, too, nnd I experi
enced iiomo trouble) with my thoughts,
which had escaped control ; I hnd but one
vision clearly before my eyes, nnd that was
of a woman In a gown of glistening black,
with bare arms and shoulders of a perfect
pallor and hair of the hue of a sun
drenched wheat Held a perfect typo of
loveliness, hcwitchlngly exotic, in an opera
"They're giving way." whispered Sev
rance, returning tho glnsses to his eyes
nfter a brief rest. "We'd best stay here
until they're up tho stairway. To be suc
cessful, our appearanco should be a decided
surprise to Holzborn and Do Nctze, at
He laughed softly, putting a warning
hand upon my arm. "Bo careful," ho said,
"and don't bpeak abovo a whisper. Olio
of Holzborn's Gallic allies may bo near,
and wo don't wish for any unpleasantness
until the proper tlmo comes."
"Very well," I agreed, lapsing Into bliss
ful anticipation.
Ten seconds later I felt Grady's hand
upon my shoulder nnd came out of my
dreams with a Btart. "What Is It?" I
"Whist!" cautioned tho man, slbilantly.
"Faith, an' I dunno phawt ut Is, sor, but
'tis mesclf that's convinced thero be others
wait In' nbout us, sor, and ye hnd blat take
this and kapo ut convayunt." He pressed
tho butt of the revolver Into my hand. "I
tuk thought to bring ut wld me, sor," he
explained, "thlnkln" ut might come In
handy. Pass ut along to Mlsther Slvrlnce,
sor. If yo plaze, an' take this other."
I touched Sevrancs'B elbow and communi
cated Grady's fears, at the same time giv
ing him the weapon. My own. with n shud
der of aversion. I pocketed, mentally regis
tering a vow that no power on earth could
Induce mo to point It at a brother man
and pull tho trigger.
There, my dears, I give it to you "straight from the shoulder."
I want you ALL to love books. Some of you may not like to read, but later
in life you will regret very, very much the fact that you are not WELL READ.
Reading not only Improves your mind, but it RESTS you, all of you mind,
body and soul.
Let us bo more helpful. Tell ua what you like. Don't bo a piggie with your
good things. If you like a book, pass along the fact; write us a postal card.
Say "I have just read so and so, and I like it because," etc.
It will be a pleasure to know that other members will be reading and
ENJOYING the books you found pleasing.
They love YOU because YOU lovo the things THEY love.
LSt us be MORE helpful. ' FARMER SMITH,
Children's Editor
'ILi?3s " ?fS p "xVfts w-
Top row, left to right Jennie Ciliberti, Stella Walker. Maggie Gavetti,
Lillian BoddU and Leona Yaecker, Middle row Lillian Huber, Lucy
tfannatti, Galatea Smith, Lillian Golby and Hilda FnrreU. Bottom
row Lyiian Baingartel, E. Enrico and Edna FarrelL
Sevranco put tho binoculars awny and
silently worked himself behind me until he
wns In n position to converse with Grndy
without raising his voice.
"What did you hear?"
"Dlvvle a sound, beggln' your honor's
pardon, Ror," raid Grady ipi ckly, "but 'twas
In tno mind thnt I saw a shadow move
from wnn three to another, a bit back, and
this past minute I'd havo tuk me oath thnt
It hnpplned ng'ln. 'Tls ns well to bo pre
phared, sor."
"Very well. Keep your eyes open," Sev
rnnco Instructed him. "Nerve.," ho com
mented guardedly, In my ear. "There's not
n soul nbout I'd swear. Hut wo'd best
not bank on It."
"Why should Von Holzborn's allies bide?"
t asked doul.tlngly.
"God knows. WhV nre matters In the
shnpe they are? There's 110 ncciuntlng for
the uniu countable. Myself, I'll look for the
worst where the Prttsslnn and the Russian
nre ooneeriu'd. It may be that some irrsh
phase of their villainy Is nbout to be
lly now tho boat had passed Into tho
shadow of the cliff and wo could no longer
watch Its shoreward progress; on the other
hand, the splashing of the oars nnd the
croaking of oarlocks wero clearly nudlble.
Now nnd again 1 heard, or thought I licnid,
a voice raised In words nf command. Some
what later there floated up to us n sudden
contusion of Fhouts nnd tho grating of Iron
upon the shingle below. They wero run
ning the boat up out of the surf.
Every muscle In my body seemed to
stirfcn to tenseness; 1 gazed with all my
soul nt the top of tho stairway, whero I
should first see the woman of my dreams.
Hevrance nnd Grndy, nt my side, made no
sound, and otherwise, for a space, thero
was nothing to bo heard but the breeze In
Iho naked branches of tho trees and tho
long crashing of tho surf.
Then I henrd a volco distinctly Von
Holzborn's. What be said I do not know,
but tho Intonation was his unmistakably
the ipiiet, assured. Insinuating laugh that
grated upon my nerves like tho screech of
a pencil on a slate.
Ills was tho first flguro that I saw,
clearly silhouetted against tho flying cloud
wrack ; tho precision of his movements, the
set of his head, tho military habit of his
broad shoulders mado him a marked man,
not to bo confused with any other. He bent
low from tho top landing, giving a hand
to nsslst tho woinn.i who followed him ; nnd
when 1 realized that his hnnd was touching
tho hand of Heart's Desire, I thought
guiltily of the weapon resting ready to my
hand In tho side pocket of my cont. Eor I
realized very poignantly that I hated him
with all my henrt and all my soul nnd all
my strength, and that I would havo shot
him without compunction Indeed, with all
the good will In the world.
But tho temptation passed with tho sight
of Julia. Ho helped her gallantly, nnd In a
second sho stood bcsldo him, breathing
My heart leaped, recognizing Its mistress.
She wore a Ipng cloak of somo dark stuff,
which enveloped her from head to heels, yet
might not hldo tho graco and beauty that
marked her every step and gesture In Its
hood, ns tho palo starlight fell across her
face, sho looked very young nnd sweet nnd
girlish nnd Innocent nlmost childish nnd
very, very weary and distressed.
She was gazing Intently Into Von Holz
born's face, for some reason; ho bent
deferentially and said something In nn
undertone. At onco sho seemed to compre
hend that ho wns retaining his grasp of
her lingers, nnd took them from him
quickly, stepping nsldo nnd away from
him without a word. I think ho laughed
slightly nnd Insolently, ns a man confident
of his conquest.
Behind them tho head nnd shoulders of
a second woman appeared abovo tho lund
Ing. Sho came up quickly nnd with tho
spring of youth In her movements, giving
Von Holzborn a laughing word as ho re
leased her hand.
Do Netzo followed, his slight flguro and
tho elegance of his bearing Identifying him
Immediately. Ho was carrying a stick under
his arm, which ho whipped out briskly and
put his weight upon, seeming to need tho
"At last!" ho said or. rather, gasped at
Von Holzborn. His words rang clear, flaw
less, crisp, llko newly coined metal, as I
remembered It.
Tho Prussian grunted shortly.
"At last," ho agreed. "You havo a dis
gustingly selfish ci)ro for your carcass,
Netzo. So long as you havo Its safety to
consider, you nre dead to all else."
"Generous man !" commented the Russian
with bland but biting sarcasm. "Holzborn.
tho generous, nstute, brave, affablo and
unselfish ! Mes compliments, monsieur."
"Oh, come," said the German. "Wo can't
waste time. You're satlslled, now, I gather;
the main consideration of your personal
safety la assured. Madam, will you take
my "
He turned toward Julia, crooking a re
spectful elbow, yet with n certain nlr of
command. I fancied that sho eecmed to
hesitate, to draw away. The pnsrogo waB
over within so br ef nn nstnnt that
could not be sure; for. even ns they stood
there, she hesitant, he with his sentence
Unfinished, n c.-y of warning from De Netzo
settled tho matter.
Thn Russlnn, who had advanced a couple
of ynrd.i from tho landing, rnme to n halt
a row paces ahead of the rest or the party.
1 saw him thiow his head back, sharply,
with a click of the teelh : at the same
time, nnd with n s'tigle nlert gesture, bo
swung bis cane befnte lilm, grasping It near
tne iiPHil with his left hand. Theto wns a
shrill shiver of tnnind. nnd n yard of steel
gleamed where the stick had been.
Hut. quickly though ho had acted wnrned
In the flist Instance by I know not what
Inst iii-t -an was .ct mortally slow.
Simultaneously there wns a rush of feet,
and I saw a shadowy form dart f 10111 tho
brush nnd fasten Itself upon tho Russian
moving with the celerity nnd with some
thing of tho ruthless ferocity of nn nnlmal
Indeed, aside from ItR bulk. Judging alone
by the swiftness of the nttnek and tho
pnntherllko sureties nf Its spilng. the thing
niignt well have been n cat of tho Jungle.
Do Netzo cried nlourl, staggering, homo
bnck by the Impetus ot the nssnult. With
Incredible nddrcss ho shot toned his hold
upon the sword cane nnd Used It ns n
poniard ; I Baw his while hnnd rise nnd
fall twice, burying tho slim blade In tho
bnck of tho assassin. The man choked
a dreadful, gurgling sound and ntirtiptly
fell nway, dropping nt length, a limp nnd
ghastly shape upon tho frozen ground.
But hard upon I1I3 heels camo others
four crouching shndows hardly less Im
placably Intent than their fellow. Two made
for De Nete, tho others darting toward
Von Holzborn.
The Russian, reeling, with his head droop
ing forward between his shoulders, seeming
nbout to fall, rallied astonishingly. Ho
hi ought his heels together. Jerked up his
chin, nnd I caught the flash of his eyes In
tho starlight. I heard him cry out. onco
only the only word, I believe, that tho
man uttered from first to last of tho affair:
"Ah-h !"
It wns like tho cry of a mnn wounded
nigh unto death, who, nevertheless, saw a
chanco for retaliation, who was ready to
accept the battle ngalnst odds.
Ho swung upon his left heel, advancing
his right foot sharply, lunging with a
straight arm ; one of tho nssnsslns stepped
back upon tl Instant, thereby saving his
llfo for tho moment.
The wholo nffnlr has passed beforo us
with a dreamlike Illusion ot unreality. My
self. I stood transllxcd. aghast with tho
suddenness and tho unexpectedness of tho
attack. It flashed through my mind that
wo had been mistaken, that thoso whom
we hnd considered Von Holzborn's allies
were his enemies; and they wero oven then
proving tho truth of this surmlso.
It required Sovranco'a word to rouso me
to action.
"By heaven I" I heard him cry. "That's
murder, Traill !"
At onco ho sprang forward, drawing his
revolver, and firing ns ho ran. Tho man
nenrest Von Holr.boru paused In tho mld
dlo of a leap, throw forward his hands, nml
crumpled upon tho earth,
An Instnnt later thero camo two shots,
ono sharp upon tho other. The German's
second assailant went down In a heap, and
I saw Von Holzborn himself drop n re
volver from his outstretched hand nnd fall
back cursing.
I had already Jumped to tho nsslstance
of Do Netzo; Von Holzborn could go hang
for nil of me. I ran, I romembor, nwk
wardly, fumbling with that Infornal pistol.
The Russian was keeping tho fellows nt
bay with a rare nnd ndmlrablo address, hli
sword point ringing mm ns with nn lm
pregnnblft wall of stcol. Thoy elided about
like twin wolves, long knives poised In their
hands, watching their opportunity to cut
In under Ids defense. Ho touched ono lightly
on tho shoulder. Simultaneously I tired at
tho other.
My shot flew wide, doubtless, and I
feared to uso the weapon ngnln ; I was then
closo upon tho fellow; ho had Jumped asldo
at tho shot nnd stood nt pause In a direct
lino with Monsieur do Netzo and Julia.
Tho following moment brought mo within
Jumping distance ; ho turned, snarling, nnd
grappled, catching mo about tho watat and
putting his Icnlfo through tho breast of my
coat; I was conscious of tho kiss of tho
cold steel against my ribs.
Just what happened In the next three
or four seconds I cannot recount very
clearly. I recall only that I heard tho
roar of my revolver and saw tho flash of
It. crimson and gold fire, beforo my eyes.
Tho grip of tho assassin relaxed. Ho
slumped back, flinging out his arms blindly;
I saw distinctly that ho had no face.
Tho Bight of my handiwork sickened me.
Do Netze was. nt tho time, finishing his
antagonist. He lunged thrlco, with skillful
precision, fighting ns Imperturbably as
though In a bout with buttoned foils on a
gymnasium mat. At the third thrust tho
blado vanished rammed to tho hilt In the
By Farmer Smith
The I.lttlo IJrown near had given up all
hopo of ever seeing his mother and was
weeping softly when a step outside his home
attiacted his attention.
Just at that moment tho leaves parted
and tho face of a small boy appeared.
It was Little Willie Hunter.
The I,lttle Drown Bear was so over
joyed that ho ran right out of his home
no thought of harm entered his shaggy
On tho other hand, Willie Hunter was so
glad to find a pet that he threw his arms
around the Utile fellow's neck and gave
him a real hug It must have been a bear
Taking the Little Brown Bear up In his
arms, Wllllo looked up at his father and
asked: "How did you know we wero going
to find a cub, daddy dear?"
"I did not know, my son. but a hunter
must put two and two together In order to
make four.
"You remember the flna Mother Bear we
took home yesterday? Well, I knew
"Oh, father! I will be ever so kind to
this motherless little fellow."
With that Wllllo gave the Little Brown
Bear an extra hug and kissed him right on
the tip end of his cold little nose.
A True Story
By nUSSKLL ORAV. JK., Cjmwj-d.
Once upon a time there were two boys
and their names were Rusell and Allen!
They played together moat every day. Thuy
played In the fields, and somatlmes Jack
would take them automobile riding. Rus
sell Is myself and Allen la my frind, so I
guess you know this la a true story.
Things to Know and Do
1. Conundrum Why Is twice 10 like
twice 11?
I wish to bocome a member of your
Rainbow Club. Please send me a
beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agreo
tnnn'fl breast In falling It was twisted
out of the Russian's grasp.
AtrOOI3THER, I suppose. Hie assault had
JLX occupied a period of four or five mln
utes. It seemed to end ns abruptly ns It
had begun r In retrospect I find myself Able
to liken It tc tho effect of n ktnctoscoplc
Illusion. With the sobbing death cry of
Do N'elze's final victim t was over, the
Incident ended, the tilcturo complete
Where thero hnd been cries, stamping of
feet, reports of pistols nnd the ring of
ittcel, together with the monns of tho
wounded, now came a stillness accentuated
tnther than broken by the purring of tho
sea ; a milet wherein wo nil stood, for a
space, mof.onless and stupefied by the
horror of tho affa'r. '
For my own part, with the passing of
tho call upon my wits, there seemed to fall
upon mo n sort of apathy I havo In mind
no other word which will serve more nearly
to characterize the sensation. I felt myself
dumb, unnerved nnd profoundly nmazed,
flood citizens In tho accepted senso of
tho trrm j l.vlng out their sheltered days In
tho encompassing pence of law-abiding com
munities ; deriving their knowledge of wnrs
from tho newspapers' highly tinted pictures
or from the hardly less gaudily Illuminated
pages of h storlcal novels have llttlo ap
preciation of the unusual. The strange, the
stnrtllng, terrible nnd appalling events ot
life; overt nets of scheming scoundrels;
flashes ot naked passion, vivid ngalnst the
grayness of the commonplace ; tho shock
of charging armies, the clash of conflict
brought to pass by pr.mltlvo loves nnd
Imt en ; the triumph of bruto strength over
brillo strength theso phnses of llfo now
nnd ngnln nro Inevitably encountered.
Hut they mnko no Impression commen
surate In the least with their significance.
Thoy nre viewed darkly, through tho
smoked glnsses of nn artificial and un
natural mode of llfo; they wear nn nlr of
strnngo umeality.
In a word, to men who havo not seen
mon dlo In battle, war Is unrcnl, death by
vlolenco a fanciful fallacy.
And so It was with mo. I who had
dawdled through 27 years of what I had
held to bo life tho llfo of Romo and Now
York, of Paris, Berlin and Munich, where
ono sees naught beneath tho fine veneer
of civilization I, In a crowded moment
brought abruptly faco to face with this
recrudcscenco of tho primordial savagery
latent In man I who, after 27 years of a
comparatively Inoffenslvo existence, hnd In
ono gust of passion killed my -lt'nd I felt
my conception of llfo shaken to Its founda
tions. I stood nbovo tho body of my victim,
numb nnd dazed, marveling a one might
who, bllfid nnd having lived h'n llfo In shel
tered darkness, suddenly finds himself en
dowed with sight, nblo to know tho light of
day, to sense tho glimmering mystery of
night seeing nbout him for tho flrst tlmo
lifo nnd death, the solid earth and tho In
finity of the firmament.
A slight cry from Netzo brought me to
my senses. I looked around stupidly, glanc
ing from ono to another of those who lived,
unconsciously reviewing tho nrray of dead.
WKJ Srisi
School of Business
Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Accounts,
Bookkeeping, Business Practice, Penmnn
shlp, Commercial Arithmetic, Rapid Calcu
lation, Business ICngllsh aro taught by spe
cialists. Individual Instruction In tho day
school from 0 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. In tho
evening school tho sessions contlnuo from
7:30 to 10 I'. M. threo evenings per week.
Thirty-one professors and instructors.
One hundred nnd fifty typewriters. Largo
class rooms well lighted nnd ventilated.
Uvery graduate located.
Hvery opportunity Is given the student
of obtaining a thorough course in a limited
time. Tuition reasonable and other expenses
In proportion.
Day nnd evening school begins Tuesday,
September C.
Write today for Cataloguo M-G.
Thnnei Diamond 031
R Ilroad St. below Hrrln fl
Younir len nnd Hoya
N. J.
Military Academy
Wenonnli, N, J.
No 1'nctarlrs or Saloona In Town
Twclvo miles from Philadelphia.
Prepnrlng for collego or business la
secondary hero to producing boys
known for their all-around manliness
and their mental and physical effect
iveness. The school Is small enough
for nn unusual amount of individual
training. This Is supplemented by
tho teamwork that results from n
military system properly directed.
Wo nro the only preparatory school
In New Jersey who&e military work
Is under the supervision of a United
States army olllcer. The town, being
entirely residential, has a high moral
tone. Largo drill hall and gymna.
slum Athletic field. Particular at
tention given to physical develop,
ment. Riding' fechool In connection
with tho Academy. Special school for
juniors, l'or catalog address
Dr. Chas. II. Lorence, Pres.
Clayton A. Snyder, l'lu I., Supt.
Itox 413
MintrKitsnuKO. pa.
Mcrcersburg Academy
Merccrsburg, Pa.
Located In tho famous Cumberland Valley,
one of tho must beautiful and healthful
spots In America. Prepares for college or
business. School Inculcates a manly tone of
sdlt-rellauctt under Christian masters from
the great universities. Personal attention
given each boy. Equipment thoroughly
modern. Including magnificent new gym.
nasium. For catalog and booklet, addresi
Rox 120.
VILLANOVA Noted for Claialcal an J Con.
uwrclal Coursia. liquully prominent for Civil.
Rlectrlcal and ilechanlcal Engineering Couraei.
pull desreca AttUetUa. AUo Prep School for
auy college. IUv- Kdward a, Donan. L.U.D.,
O. 8. A.. Free. l'or catalogue addreaa (be
I'.eglitrar. Ito 70. Vlllanova. Pa.
Bethlehem Preparatory School
Prcparea tor leadlnt college, llxl. ground aaj
Ihfettc rtelda. New bldgi. Catalogue nn reqvtat.
Juhn II. Tuggey.i.A..lle.ilmaler.UetmePm.t'.
tK.VMl.lN and MAitMlAIX ACAUKJ1V. U01
413. I.aucakter.1'11. Prepare boy for leading
collegia and lecbnlcal aubool.
sir cauie
aoarena -in. rrracipai.
31 eaia of eucceas la training boy fox college
&nd bual&eaa prove the worth of oux method
of tea.cbing and military dlaclsUn. Write
lor catalogue- The principal, Uordentown,-on-the-Delaware.
N. J.
hewloa Acadenu Semt-aiUtary. aetl year. Hum.
i0i pr uui ;uu a, x. .na,i.Bwa.watts.
y. .
muiflo. g'fuutu. tMX -, aamiaa, J, J.
Few Hospitals Employ Method
Some Only Rarely Medical
Men Oppose It
"Twilight sleep" evidently Is not any
more popular among members of the meU
cnl profession In Philadelphia than In Balti
more, where tho strimp of disapproval was
set upon It nt Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Many local hospitals have frowned Upon U
for some time, some still Use It occasionally,
while others dq not employ that method
nt all.
The conclusion reached by a consensus oi
opinion Is that tho method Is too dangerous
nnd that the menace to the llfo ot tho child
Is too great to warrant Its uso except under
most favorable circumstances.
At the Jewish Maternity Hospital, which
Is said to have more cases than any other
maternity hospital In Pennsylvania, It was
said that "twilight sleep" was extremely
dangerous for tho child. There Is always
grave danger of asphyxiation for the child,
It was said, and It only makes tho mother
forget the pain later on, but does not neces
sarily relieve It at tho tlmo being.
Out of 812 cases nt tho Jewish Maternity
Hospital Inst year, "twilight sleep" was used
only nix times.
Physicians say that nt medical meetings
"twilight sleep" Is frowned upon. It can
bo used to advantage, It was said, only In
some favorable cases, where tho patient Is
of an extremely excltablo and nervous tem
perament, "Twilight sleep" Is not used nt the Jef
ferson Maternity Hospital or at the Univer
sity Hospital. It has not been used re
cently nt tho Philadelphia Lylng-ln Charity
Hospital, or at tho Kensington Hospital for
Women. Tho method Is seldom used nt tho
Children's Homeopathic Hospital.
Opera Star Will Sing Sunday Night nt
Casino Auditorium
Mme. Mnrgarcto Matzcnaucr, Metropoli
tan Opera mezzosoprano, will bo tho soloist
at tho Sunday evening concert at tho Ca
sino Auditorium nt Wildwood next Sunday,
Among her renditions will bo "RItorna Vln
cltor," from "Alda," nnd "Mon cocur s'ourve
a' ta volx," aria from "Samson and Delilah."
Tho orchestra program, as arranged by
Walter Pfelffcr, tho conductor, will Includo
Mendelssohn's "Wedding Mnrch," from
"Midsummer Night's Dream" ; Mlgnon Over
ture, Shubcrt's Unfinished Symphony In B.
minor, Hungarian Rhapsody for Orchestra
No. 1, by Liszt, Horbcrt'a "American Fan
tnslo." BANKS
Ile.t and Lnrgeit
Commercial Courses, Short
hand, Elomcntary English,
Special Elective Courses. Ele
mentary Arithmetic, English
nnd Correspondence, Penman
ship, Typewriting, Spelling,
Same teachers that teach our
Day School classes. No exam
inations. Night Rrhool Open Sept. A.
Enter any time.
i:. St. Hull, A. M., I'd. I)., Preiildent
Dili Chestnut Si.', Philadelphia
ISSS students attended our Day ami
Nlsht Heaalona laat year and evury
irraduate has a Kood position. Send
fur catalogue.
Strayer'a Business College
Isui-sui iiunogi i., rnna.
Walnut 351 Mill, I.Vio
The Holman School
3204 Walnut Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
Monteseorl through College Preparatory. Ilroad
neneral courae. titroner Domeitlc 8clenp mir.
Outdoor classroom. Special attention ta email
bo and girl. Auto Service.
Elizabeth W. Umler. A. U.. Principal
CEACIIERS for ichool and achool for teach,
eras free to employere. Nat'l Teachers' Agy.,
JJ. 11. Cook. 327 Perry bldg. Sprue SIS.
Tutoring. Pur Caatlllao. Prtr, ar
claaa lea. Translations. Vrof. da
Altera. 1121 Valnut.ltt,Wal.e3J
Young Men and Boy
Arch St.
Write for
Commercial English
A course of college grade for uni
versity men, salesmen and other
business men. Only course ot It
kind In the State. Complete In one
year, one nliht a week. Instruc
tor U English specialist. Tuition;
moderate. 12& other hlgh-grad
courses-i-Conimtrclal . Engineering
Preparatory -Music.
Register Sept. 25-30, Begin Oct 2.
Ever facility In modern, well-equipped build
ing, recreation and refined surroundings, lien
tal, moral and phislcal development. A. II. Tom.
llnson. Headmaster, Box II, Swurtbuar. V.
Young Ijdle andOlrls
Phiia. School of Design for Women
Full course In Art and Industrial Art, Prac
tical Designing In all It branches. lUusU
tlon. Vasblon Illustration.
The Mary Lyon School
A Country achool ( a Coileoe Toicn
College Preparatory. Certificate privilege, Cea
era! and PtnUbtng Courae. On teacaer t
every six glrU. Open-air classrooms. SSVSii
OABhBS, our Junior ScAool Jar tilrU 3 to Ut
tttxtrat and oiIle equipment. H. i-l. CHIT.
A.B.. FRANCIS U. qitlST, A. B.. PrhKlpiU,
Bo 1508. SartnmoM, l, - wr'
Coilcgei ITetJralj.-r.
bod iVL5lcal JOepiW
to Science CarMsSs
UTCrirUVKa lUfefe, a , VVUCKW
special t-ouraea. wvctor
meats. Athletic. Domtat
call for PUPlIf la Ilala Oynwyd.
vtynacueia. mis o- aec mu
W.1Wfl vl VS. A
-?& ana du$au MUa Keba Hon. vw