EV3MNG LEDGER PmLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. SEWING ADVICE HOUSEHOLD HELPS MARION HARL AND CULINARY TIPS FASHION K it Liv I MAN CHAMPIONS WOMEN WHO , "MAKE UP," M'LISS FINDS Man 'Who Objects to Marrying Woman Who Uses 'Cosmetics Will Have Hard Time Find-; ing a Wife TUOE' women Who still fed Hint they need support nnd championing for the ftrtUtlo attempts they Ynnko to have their complexion color offects approximate as nearly ns possible those of iiaturo will he plfcnsetl and surprised to read that no less a recruit than Richard Lo Galllcnno has enlisted under their standard. To rouge or not to rouge, that Is tho question that occupies the genttcman'n tntnd. It Is not that he Is concerned with tlm paleness of his own epidermis; It Is of woman's face that he treats In a shoit ftrtlclo In September's ItcCIuro's on the Use and abuse of cdmplcxtons. This Is the ago of tho powder-puff and tha vanity-box, he avers, and to object to the rabbit's foot on any ground whatever Is to put yourself In a class with those who would see tho return of tho thumb screw nnd tho ducking stool. Ilut such objectors human anuchron Isms, ho calls them do exist. "An acquaintance of mine," ho writes, "was recently telling mo of the breaking off of his engagement. We live In reac tionary times but think of this for his reason I " 'I called on her to tako her out for a Walk",' he said, 'and when she came downstairs dressed to go out, I thought I noticed powder on her faco. 'Is that powder7 I said. 'Of course It Is,' she answered. 'Then,' said I, 'you go right upstairs again, and wash It off, or you don't .come walking with mo. "'And did she?' I asked. '"She did not,' ho answecd; nnd so tho dream had como to an abrupt end. "I looked nt him In astonishment, not unmlnglcd with awe. "'What a narrow escape!' I said. " 'For mo?' said ho. "'No!' said I, 'for tho girl.' And then I asked him what archeologlcal museum ho came from; and our engagement, too, camo to an end." I'owdcr Is not tho result of woman's vanity, this poet-author tells us; It Is simply tho result of her courteous rcsaid for tho esthetic sensibilities of others. Almost anything else Is mote satisfying lo look at than a woman's shiny, un powdcrcd face. The seriousness with which Mr. Lo Galllcnno takes up the cudgels Is what T find most amusing. Almost had wo forgotten that thcro was ever any moral objection to paint nnd powder when ntong comes a tnoio man to remind us of It. Judging from iccent observations I have made, a young man rash enough to cancel hN engagement becauso tho object of his erstwhile attentions was addicted to the reprehensible uso of powder would have much dlfllculty In finding another to whom to nttach himself. Lonely bachelorhood would be his fate. Ilut, Mr. L,o Gnlllcnm; to tho contrary, few men npprovc of woman's uso of cosmetics. If a wife or sweetheart were suddenly to knock out a front tooth, or become summarily bald, the possessor of tho wife or swci'theait would bo tho very first to urge her to tho dentist's or tho wig-maker's. Hut lot her develop anemia and great olllness of skin nnd he'll raise tho roof at tho discovery that she's calling upon att to obviate her defects. The only criticism that Mr. Lo Galllcnno makes is that she Is not enough of tho nrtlst. "Perhnps," he says, "If they were to sign their complexions as other artists sign their pictures they would tako more caro of nnd prldo In them. Certainly some complexions are such masterpieces that ono often long3 to know tho name of tho artist." M'LISS. Letters to the Editor of tho Woman'B Pafjc AddreM nil communication to MI.I. re of tlir Kirnlne T.iUrr. Write on one sMe of the paper (inly. . ?CIJP..MI. ' enjoy your column ery much and dcllRht In your rrnnk and Interesting talka nd Advice, t am no hnppy you nro n. woman. Borne one told me jou were of tho opposite Bex. but I iihould have known better. Would you plenno Klve mo jour eicellent nd Tlco i on the following: My husbnnd wlihoa mo to buy mjme nice tollt preparations bucU an talcum, face powder, toilet water and perfume. I wish to have an unusual Brent, that In of n rood quality, and of a lastlns nnd dellcnto odor. Can you auczcat aomcthlnit for met My huthand enJoed reading your chat on "Fnt Fnddlats" Mat centnir, becauao ho la always tcaalnir me. for I have Krown Btouter atnee I hMe married, but I do not rare bo much because he la bo pood to me. and I am bo happy that. I laugh and ulnic and try to help very one that I can. Tell me what you think of mv wrltlnc. Ii It rood enouch to help my husband with his books? , I. G. It Is, of course. Impossible for mo to 1 recommend proprietary articles In tho column. My advlca would bo for you to go to tho perfumery counter of your fav orite shop and consult tho woman in charge. Sho will waft under your nose ono perfume more fascinating than an other, niul then your troubles will begin. The lllnc will lure you. and you'll lie on the verge of making your purchase when a remembrance of tho Jnsmlno will lmunt you And the lolct and tho nsurea anil the heliotrope nnd the rose will all send out their own particular lure i:entually, liow ccr, after you have taken up a great ileal of the young woman's time, a preference will absert Itself. When you deckle ulti mately, buy anil don't change. Your handwriting Is not only legible, but very pleasing anil neat I am suro you will bo able to handl) your husband's books to his satisfaction nnd delight. THE WOMAN WHO SEWS Headers irio desire help with their dress problems ttlll address cammunicatttnts to the Fashion Erpert, cart of the Hdltor of the Woman's I'age. the livening Ledger. Has Mcrrto England really set us tho styles for fall? One fashion writer early In tho spring, when short Norfolk sports coats and flat pliocs camo Into style, de clared that American women wero getting more and more llko tho English girl In her tweeds and lief stalwart boots. Sho said that tho English Ideal of the out-of-doors girl, with her hockey, tennis and golf, was" slowly Influencing American -womanhood, aided and abetted by the universal pirt modes. Be this as It may, whether wo bavo to thank English country Ufa or college ath letics or Just feminism for the popularity of tho athletic -type, I am Inclined to sus pect an Kngllsli origin In tho newest sport hosiery for fall. It you've seen It you'd understand my suspicion, for It's thick woolen hosiery, the fuzzy kind that you as sociate with gamekeepers and S r Walter Scqtt's novels and that fort of thing. Tho presence of ferocious stripes In green, yellow or purple on a light gray ground only confirms the impression. These stock ings are built for service ; they are fine for tramping, camping and sucn places where, we wish our nether extremities to he dry and warm. But no one could bo accused of having a slender ankle In them. Dear Madam What ltlnd of a foundation would you put under a tancta dress? 1 am makliur the dre up for early fall wear on the atreet. Do you think this Is suitable for street w'f.T A wb toili ,hat I could cet llghtwolslit muslln'Ior ery little. Do you think this would ser for a stronir -foundation. ANXIOUH, j Most of the sill: frocks I have Been had coarse net for a foundation. It holds the material firmly, and Is not so warm ns tho muslin. There nro many warm days In early fall that make you glad to have tho net foundation. To reinforce tho whole, get enough strong belting at tho notion counter of ono of tho Bhops and stitch both tho foundation and tho dress to this It keeps tho frock In shape. Parting at Morning Tlound the cape of a sudden camo tho sea. And the sun look'd over tho mountain's rim: And straight was a path of gold for him. And the need of a world of men for me. Robert Drowning. Your Baby Must Have Milk If you cannot gfyc your baby your own milk, your gieatett duty u to find pure, rich covvi' milk that you know M perfectly afe that will Bouiuh his little body nod make him ttfong and healthy. For neatly lixty yean many thou landt oi motkcn have tafcly wean ed their babiei CO fade 73cre& EAGLE COndensED MILK . IBlfUUlOL "Eagle; Brand' U the carefully e Icctcd milk of healthy, impeded cowr kept under thoroughly tani Iry condition. Nothing u added bet pare cane tugar. To prepare, jmt add the tight amount ol "Eagle Brand'' to freshly boiled water cooled to feeding temperature. Try "Eagle Brand" w cooki. Iti amoothiieu ana delicacy add a new, jich fljror to everything in vhich it U used. Whs you buy mitJt or milk products alulaxt ash far s- a Only pure, pas teurized cream is scientifically ripened and churned to make MERIDALE BUTTER Cool and firm from the sweet churns comes this"uncom monly good but ter," ready for a short, quick trip to your table, protect ed all the way by the air-tight "Meri foil" wrappers. So thatitreacnesyour home fresh and wholesome a full pound of pure, sweet butter. Aak for Meridale today. At good ffrocers. AYER & McKINNEY ?$3Se)f FMIatlelphli , Bell Phone, Market 3741 Keyatono Phone, Main 1783 Look far the "Merlfotl" wrapper olr-tlzht, dust' and odar'Unofat your grocers. STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c BTOI'FINO AT CHKaTKB UAILY I'ENNSGBOVK WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boat to Atvtutlsa Ueacb. LaaJJnx la rront of Dm. houra oa th Beach. Sat alt water ba thine 0.00 aaoltary bathroom. DANCIMJ AIU, ti.V oh boat & aroiuuU, Meat 4bU. bentMK nnd tbad. 4rt,lao water. Fare ?" 50c Children 25c U. Itail. iMiea Xttt) St. Wtarl 0 A. SuiiiL. SIM) A. U. SEEN IN THE SHOPS f . , lilt I il-flm fit If , . '. 0 Aiv!1' hV'-AiiRh CREPE DE CHINE SUIT SUMMKIt N Kolnp, and with tlic scnBon tnnny fads In clothos pass by us, but not bo wltli the sport stilt. This Htyllsh one Is of rrcpe ilo chlno nnd comc3 In a. variety ot flititia raspberry, rose, ftrcen, i)cncock, CopenhaRen unci old blue. Sizes 30 to 42. It Is practical as well n-j linmlsomo, n combination not always found. The long yoke plvcs a distinctive stylo to the coat ns well as the flat box pleats ; these nlso form tho skirt. Tho latter 1ms a pocket anil strap running from the belt over tho shoulder In Jumper style, cati'ylnB tho color of tho Milt Into tho -waist In nn effpctlvo inannor. Pilco. 5'I5 Tho felt sailor lint with a brim Just pliable enough to bo Kraceful and a crown of contrasting; color makes a charming addition to this suit. It comei In different com binations, Kieen and Riny, blue and urny, yellow nnd black and two shades of purplo. A band or (,'roscialn ribbon with n tailored bow Is Its only trimming. Trice, J.1 GO. Thu nnmo of tho shop vhero theso articles may bo purchased will be supplied by tho IMltor of the Woman's race, Uvcni.no LuDor.n, COS Chestnut street. Tho retiucst must be accompanied by n stamped self-addressed envelope, and must mention tho data on which the atticlc appenrcd. S ROBINSON & CRAWFORD S v-fi? t.Bi SL J.C'NM1 ILEBT 'mS&i&:,)8) 'v-v- ; , , vT" r-,---, - vs. 'v.; ':. , .&&m sxmnere , oisaM?A CdM? A higher grade of groceries at a lower scale of prices are two of the many advantages you gain by dealing at "Our Stores." The first as sures you satisfaction, the latter safeguards your pockctbook. It always pays to buy ALL your groceries at The Stores Where Quality Counts and Low Prices Prevail. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR 'AiST 7c lb. Gold Seal BUTTER .37c "Gold Seal" is the purest, freshest and sweetest butter churned. It is made from the richest golden cream in the most modern, sanitary aim up-iu-uaie creameries in the Comes direct to us and sold to you at one small profit. country HY-LO BUTTER, lb., 33c Equal in quality to most of the higher-priced "Best" butters sold in many stores. CA-RO BUTTER, lb., 30c Absolutely Pure Butter of good quality. Like all our butters, a bar gain at its price. Preserving Needs at Reasonable Prices You will always find "Our Stores" plentifully supplied with every thing you require for your PRESERVING and PICKLING NEEDS. Now is the opportune time to buy while these reasonable prices prevail BEST GRANULATED SUGAR hK 7h lb. Mason Jars, dor., qts. 50c, pts. 45c Jelly Glasses, doz 20c Extra Jar Caps, doz,. ., 18c Strong Jar Rubbers, doz.... 4c, 7c Parowax, for sealing jars, pkg. . 8c Best Green Ginger, lb 10c Yellow Mustard Seed, A lb.... 5c Whole Allspice, lb.... Sc Whole Cloves, J4 lb sc Whole Cinnamon, lA lb.....,,, 5c Celery Seed, A lb 5c 10c pkg, Tomato Spices for..., 8c GOLD SEAL VINEGAR, , 9c 3 T; 25c All the Vinegar we sell is PURE. Your choice of Cider, Malt or White Distilled. Pure Cider r White Distilled Vinegar, 'fal 25c IficsqcKSst S K TEA gS53 PRIDE of KILL ARNEY SSL TE A- 45c Ceylon Yi-lb. Tin 23c; J-lb. Tin 12c rssasKv A cup of deliciously strong, fragrant Tea is what you'll have when you brew Pride of Killarney. Yoi? may search this city over, but you will have trouble to find a tea that can compare with Pride of Killarney. even if you pay 80c to $1.00 the pound. Pride of Killarney is a rare blend of the choicest teas grown in India and Ceylon, and has given years of satisfaction to thousands of the most particular tea users in and around Philadelphia. Use Pride of Killarney Tea for icin. Its flavor blends perfectly with lemon, which cannot be said of many other teas, You'll enjoy Pride of Killarney Tea any way you use it. Whether you live in the city or in the country, If you appreciate Quality and Reasonable Prices it will pay you to come to OUR STORES for ALL your groceries. Robinson & Crawford The Stores Where Quality Counts Throughout the City and Suburbs f MARION HARLAND'S COBNIglj Trap Doqr to Spider's Home RKFIHUUNQ to Jacob It 12, who In quires about tho trapdoor of n spider's home, 1 could Bhow htm ono. Any one who desires to sco the wonderful work may do so by cnlllnu upon me. I nm Inclosing my nddress, so that 1 may he notified If any ono should wish to see It. Jilts. P. II. Recipe for BurRoo In reply to tho request of 11. 13. M. for a recipe for hurROO, I hope t may not tic too lato to lo of scrlce. Burgoo Is made of arled kinds of meat beef, corned beef, lamb, chicken, veal, mutton soma llko a bit of salt pork. It Is a soupy stew or stcwy soup Boll these meats together with nil tho kinds of vegetables It Is pos sible to get cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, canots, peas, beani, corn, soup bean-), okra nnd perhaps a bit of onion and peppers. Somo seasoning from strained herbs nnd highly seasoned with popper. Its charac teristic In to bo a regular pepperpot It i. .nu.. tn mat;,, nn n Rmnll urate, tbouch i. ....... n r..mt nM.thun ltnrhpmto ritllflh. 1L wiin v . " ..- ..... . served us a thick soup or stew in a cup or bowl before tnc meai as nn appetizer. Thcro U also a Scotch dish by tho same name a thick giuel of oatmeal, seasoned and sweetened. A. V. C. Meaning of Wireless Signal I canon forbear commenting upon a bit of misinformation printed In this column I wish to establish, If possible, that t'.ie lettcis "3 O S" nro an arbitrary symbol and not Initials. First, ns to my credentials: I was, three years ago. nn operator In the Starconl AVlrcless Telegraph Company of America on tho United Fruit Company steamship Admiral .Schley. In early wireless practice "O S" was used ns nn arbitrary signal designating thnt a ship report was about to ho sent. When, about 1010, tho Inter national radiotelegraph In convention start ed standaidlzatlon of symbols it found this nlrcndy In use. For n distress signal It wanted something distinctive S O S Is All rommnnlrnttonji d,,""fi' i,iM" IN nrn", .ItoiiW lnclaJ rf,"t' t lh Mlile hi wlilj il 9P rh.HiK irnrk f th made of three dots, three dashes and thrcb dots, making a distinctive call. It Is ; not likely to occur often ns a group of letters In commercial messages, cither. Last, ana finally, tho uso of this symbol Is not re ntrlcted to Kngllsh-speaklng People, but Is International, there being Rome twentj languages represented nt the convention. I might nlso add that the old C Q : D is nlso arbitrary, ns any old land telegraph oporator can tell you. A- i!" Preserved Peaches . .... .. ,i r..,i mtriilfttlons nnd mueh ivin-i. in..,.. ....... .-i -."-. .i.., at ,l.n s?iiouffi?ist: risris time is worwi morn nmn '";'-" ,:-,. -i.pr no n'ns? Drofoss onnl nr nrtlatle. It Is en'aper to put ui) cnc'B on prcservM than to buy them. Will jou kindly bUo me a rccipo for prrscrvlng tenches? " " "' Peel freestone peaches, remove tho stones nnd weigh the fruit. To a pound of fruit allow n pound of granulated sugar. I ut the peaches and sugar In nltcrnato layers Into a preserving kettle, and set tho lccttlo nt the side of the stove, vvhero tho con tents will not scorch. Crack a cup of tho poach stones nnd tako out tho kernels Chop theso fine, covered with half a pint of boil ing water, nnd cook for ten minutes. Strain, pressing tho pits hard to extract tho flavor. When tho sugar In tho preserving kettlo has melted stir Into tho peaches tho water from tho boiled pits Stew tho fruit for about halt nn hour or until tender nnd clear, ltcmovo tho fruit to bro.td platters to cool, whllo you boll tho syrup hard for 15 minutes or until It Is thick. Skim off tho scum as It rises to tho surface. Put tho fruit Into heated glass Jars, tilling them to overflowing with tho boiling liquid, nnd sent. I havo put up many gallons of peaches according to tho rules set down TO CHEERFUL CJi I burnt my Firmer And then szA dovr JA cricrl rr .. But now tKt its ' 1 wish Id been iYan di5mrie.d. fQ hero. If you do not caro for tho flavnn. Imparted by tho kernels they maV. '51 omitted. Wo prefer to leave ibZ i. ' S1 proserves Improves with keeping whs'n ivi'l Is done, gaining mellowness nnd fratJArti with ngc. "sfll STEAMSHIPS VACATION TRIPS IIY SKA l'lIILADlIU'IltA TO BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL rino Steamers, Low Tares. Beat Sertlw'l I'lnii.jour vocntlon to Inclnd "Iinest roiwmi'o iriin in mo IVor a" Tour Hook Kreo on ItcquHU ; Merchants & Miners Tran. Cflf City Office, 103 s. oth St., Phlli. Consult any ticket or tourist agent, STEAMSHIPS STEAMSHIPS STEAMSHIPS (2 Answer the Call of Mountains and Sea On the Sageenay - WHY SWELTER 'AT HOME? When cool breezes await you on the majestic St, ' Lawrence and Sageenay Rivers "Only One Night's Ride from Philadelphia!" Get relief from the heat and at the same time view the finest scenic attractions on the Continent. NIAGARA FALLS THE THOUSAND ISLANDS THE MARVELLOUS RAPIDS ' MONTREAL QUEBEC LOWER ST. LAWRENCE AND FAR-FAMED SAGUENAY TAKE THESE TRIPS NOW When You Need Them Most Send 6e pottage for illatlrateJ &ootfel, map and tuldt h JOHN F. PIERCE, Aui. Patsenger Traffic Manager, CANADA STEAMSHIP. LINES LTD. n6 R. 6 O. Building, Montreal, Canada h - Yi ' j AVffl J m 33 SUMMER KESOBTS Seaside Joys in Phila. Swimming, diving, rowing, games, nil without travel, Complete rest and change for weary men. Nothing serious In our Summer schedule In gym. and natatorlum. Lota o( jolly companion!) always ready for a frolic. New games and stunta always wel come: como and teach the boys your favorite. No formality, good frlenda always waiting. Get health and vigor, pleas ure nnd rent, without leaving the city, I! pays for whole year's membership. Duy uwlms, showers, games, etc., as you desire, at very small cost. ASK FOU BOOKLET h Central Y. M. C. A., 1421 Arch St. Philadelphia Ari.ANTI!) CITV. N if. jftieCTWg ATtNTie city i i I rvas aetarvewstandafii of s erviCG-comfort j, h p ai iii IARCE6T nHEPBQCrMSOgT HOTEL UI mvWxaD THE IEADING RESORT HOTEUOF THE WOULD IHartbQMjMSfenfeim ATLANTIC CITY.N.y. OWHtBIMlP MAXACCMENT. tlQ3tAH WHITE. fcaONg COMPANY JMONH JIAHU O Ki V ,i. STONE HARBOR Both railroad!. Farm product ana food treah apd plentiful. City cooranlancu. Vacht club, boardwalk, bathing-. nn ilablni crubbliur and boatlxu. Heaaonabla remau. moderan bottl ratei. Baautltul booklat. LEO McCKAVEN Borovuth Cltrk. STEAMSHIPS TRIPS BY WATER Bermuda, S dar or mote. , , , , , . ..so op forto Klco. 16 djx crulaa U4.S0 uo Nora Scotia una Noirfoandland.. ..... 69.00 up aanoab. sad Jar ksoqtlllo. , . .,.,,.,. 30.00 Full tnformatton oa th abovo. or a.uy othar water or ran trip. sUOly furolahed. Stearokblp and TourUt Deoarfmcol The Fourth Street NatlontJ Bank 113 9. 4tb it.. I'blU.. Jfu. SUMMER HESORTS SUMMER HESORTS , t iSs UP THE HUDSON $1.00 SEASHORE F!HSH . OTSfW 30t iltles Bv ltiver and Kail EXCURSIONS $9$SEmQ nj Xaturdar, Aug. 10 tMWiVOOU S 'Ihur.d.iy, Auc. 31 TO fttilHllRaS KJ bunday, htut. 10 Atlantic City Ocean City lvdi i?L $2.50 Hp Sea I.lo City Btoue Harbor JftttMfjNB W. T-.00 A. M. from ltcadln "'Ud"00i,TO S" ilay WgfHlZMi Kftf Terminal, E'tTOiV IAV jPimmlhmt IW NEW YORK Ti0 A' "' (?rb..tnut st. pjgagl -SL. SUNDAY. SKIT, It ,rAMCV T?rT3rV 'XMSsS Win''"' $2 50 It0UKO VALLEY FORGE B'SJmH $aLL4r T ? rt,4in J'-ri.i..! Special Kcduced Onc-dar Faro 19 MoHB WCM lavo Heading Terminal baturdaya and huudaya iKjSSwl . fi,gFV a.w a. M. Und Labor Hay liStKEflM W$- EAGLES MERF SP1 Week Vni Hound Trip i2lfflHv5iH liftUUa mE.IC Ticketi from Phlladl- gg qq K3 imjit AUTUMN LEAF ? mauch chunk and switch. i&wiB map excursions 5'a-5wv,.?sv "rwM m - $2.50 Roua-l Trip, Including trip I JLWiJV ilK-''- 0Ytr Switchback. SMfI I IBs" 4 BIG FAIRS f?E?OT pair-au. so, 3i; ItrnKM I i PhiladelpJiia&ReadiogRailway fwj UMW ii. CXU. AUr i AtiClt HTUXZX ..- y i