jT ir teVimtfQ , IiBDGlfiR- PHlLADlCtollA, WEDNESDAY, AtTGtWP 10. 1016. T? "V u - $OOD FORM MASCULINE ACCOUTERMBNTS TO FEMININE COSTUME DISCUSSED COOKER1 ta ?;r- i , i tw P. k7 m FASHION CONSPIRES TO MAKE MEN OP US, M'LISS CRIES Pockets, Swagger Sticks and Other Masculine ' Appurtenances Have Taken Their Place in Woman's Toilette TIIfiT aro old on tlio boulevards of Paris; mlddle-nged on Firth nveniie arid Broadway, but in the first flush of blushing, stammering youth in Philadel phia. ttol thai they haven't had their placo In tho ehow-wlndowa of tho shops of this city for lol theso many moons theso dinky little swagger sticks that our girls aro now beginning to carry but Blmply that we have regarded them as curiosities, to be Btnlted upon as representing ono of fashion's most Impermanent fancies Which never would come to be adopted. Yesterday, however, I saw flvo girls on Chestnut and Walnut streots loping nlong unconcernedly with smart, foreshortened canes stuck at a pert angle under their arms. Curious, humorous glances were thrown at them, but they cared not. In stead, they walked on with the' air of conscious superiority which, translated, means: ,rVVo aro doing now only what you llttlo copy cats will bo doing several months honce. HeTlaughs last who laughs best." Ask a man why ho carries a walking tick and ho will tell you unhesitatingly: "To havo something to carry." Ask a woman why sho carries a swag ger stick and if sho Is honest sho will reply: "Because at present It Is smart to do o." Np woman ever mado tho burden of her complaint tho fact that sho had nothing to carry. Annually tho luggago that wo must carry with us, even on so ordlnnry occasion as nn hour's constitutional, grows until our handbags were In clangor of reaching veritably tho proportions of a knapsack. But now they havo been all but dis Letters (o the Editor of the Woman's Page Address nil rommunicntlon to M'l.lae. fare of the Kenlnr Uilnr. Write on one side of tho paper only. Dear M Lisa Could you please give mo direc tions for making rl- powder out of rice (tour, scentlne It, etc.7 How can I make my eye lashes itrow? A. L. I am sorry to havo no formula for rrmk lng rlco powder. Can soma of my readers, perhaps, supply It? MARION HAKLAND'S CORNER I am a reader of tho Helping 'Hand Corner. I Bee you help many and I wish you would help me. I have bought n little home and am unablo to set some cuttings and a tew vines. I will cladly call for them. MRS. U. It Is hardly probablo that your modest desire will go ungratllled when flowers are In their richest prlmo and tundreds of our members Join In cultivating them and shar ing tho boautles with thoso of kindred tastes. I havo told moro than onco how easy It Is to pack even fragile cuttings in tin boxes with damp cotton and send by parcel express at an absurdly small cost. It Is done hourly by true, llower lovers. Tho address of this ono Is registered and wait ing. Fond of Flowers I am nnsr thn nventvf!chth m!lsfnnA nnrl enable to work. I am passionately lond of flowers and would be thankful It some of tho Cornerltes who Imo a surplus of seedn and (low ers would send me some. Just a few ot u kind o that I can set a start and have beautiful flowers to look after and care for. I have been readme the Corner for a Ion? time and enjoy It. If I keen my health and eyesight I'll try and send some recipes. I will return pontaco n plants and seeds sent to me. JACOB n. It Is pleasant to learn that the almost octogenarian has retained his appreciation of one of the Father's choicest blessings the floral garniture that glorifies the face of naturo like the very smllo of Illm who made the world and they that dwell therein. Ono passionate lover must have his flower seed3 and plants. And we shall be glad to get thoso recipes. To Drive Away the Blues I should like you to help me set two book! took ou can. . I have tried several second-hand stores, but could not ret them. They are "Huckleberry Finn" and Ills ra." i eck's nad Hoy and Jiua. j. it, In apother paragraph the writer explains that she is anxious to get the books becauso they "drive away the blues and make ono laugh." She adds, somewhat pathetically: "That Is what I am needing Just now." There may be more in the admission than Is covered by the words. In any case wo ahall do our best to find the books for tier. Old Magazines Wanted I should be more than grateful If your kind readers would send me somo macazlnes. I always love to read, and now. belnr In reduced circumstances, cannot anrord to buy readlnir natter. And has anybody clothing; for a baby & years old to wear! I hops to be able to help the near future. a. M. It. Not a week passes In which we do not hear of a new magazine. Their name Is jegion, yet an nna appreciative readers. Do not stack them in dark and dusty corners after they have gone the rounds of the family, nor yet consign them to the Junk cart. This admonition is an oft told tale In the ears of readers. Yet I see again and again piles of back numbers which will never be read again by the sub oorlbers. Put them back into healthful circulation. And don't forget where you can dispose of baby clothes. To Save Her Sight Is there any one who can help a blind woman Sl!5r".kot Jnd blln1 nr the last tentl Two months ago she was operated upon and the eight restored to one eye. fa he now weirs black !!'" nllut ou"ht 1 bve " to keep her sutht. They cost u she has no money to get them, and If she doesn't get them soon she probab y will Ira blind for life. She llveS with fcer only child, who works la a factory mahcuret, Each feature of your story carries a heartache with t. You have made us see the blind woman trembling behind her opaque glasses lest the hopes aroused by the partial success, of the operation should go out In utter darkness. And after being blind ten years already. Wll our big. hearted, open-handed readers take this mat ter Jnto early consideration and suggest e-ome method of averting the terrible dis aster? ; Quilt Short of Pieces 7 m. ,n reat need qf aullt pieces cotton. Ilk and wool I hava a quilt started with each fi bf5 .T?"rU.1- but " wish scrap to ftobth them I am a voor woman, 60 years of age. My husband is eaten years older .and has beea totally Mind foe 15 yjfs, I work hard to support him and two, others. MItS J. C Here we have a pall from a wife whose husband has been sightless for 15 years She la the toller ot th household and the wage-earner She has three quilts In hand, alt of different material, and asks for pieces with, which to complete them. May X plead with seamstresses professional and una, teur and. with girls who have cJsUoff rib bons and sashes, to keep this woman's hands busy? For a Cure in the Woods ' Vkfm mm l&t i1l itA 1.9, ....... . . &., ...v Wa i girls w ftUMiS and ro plaooliw tp Uka the cure In the wosds. Am we ssire not the mean to ourehu " ."" '. ."W Msa fVMW .VhW IIUMI' Am we feftve not the the B tot wp tivp thousijt that poroaps soma ot srciK reader rrilsht bv a, tent to -Bare and for which, they bave P lower any nsr We wuj Tbuj war a?y be listed as a. "harry eall, .! iuld rtteit active sympathy Now la Uw isi tit JsHUUg porches and wood- a Hast WttU to Vfptk irlr bficnt wosders 3 &et$ Uutt wvMttn Xxem a. disaase jvo ao carded wo aro liberally endowed with pockets. Pockets appear to flourish overywhore In our skirts, in our pottl sklrts, In our shoes, our stockings, our gloves, our coats and our blouses, to say nothing of tho handkerchlof pocket that appears In our nighties and pajamas. It Will tako some tlmo for woman to become educated up to having all theso handy receptacles distributed about her person. Long ago man has becomo inured to his. Tho avorago suit has 13 flvo In the trousers, four In the vest and four In tho coat, and all of them aro In dispensable. To a woman her pockets, lko her bwob ger stick, are ornamental rather than utilitarian. Sho tikes to sco them pressed smooth, with no suggestions of bagglncss. A man's use of his pockets Is at onco the cause of distress and disgust to her. Ho will carry In them everything, from his tobacco pouch to his last year's gloves, with nn Incomprehensible non chnlanco that says, "Pockets woro mado to bo lllled." As though they really werol But all things aro conspiring to m.ako woman look mannish. Tho blouses of her fall frocks havo nssumed a likeness to a mnscuiino waistcoat; Iter hats aro reminiscent of a mnn'i sailor; her boots aro Hat and sensible onco more; cigar etto cases, built on small fcmlnlno lines, call to her from the Jeweler's window; pockets confront her on every side; her Bwagger stick yearns to bt taken out fdr an airing. And sho takes It, "What Is tho answor7 Is she doing It becauso sho really wants to bo masculine, or becauso sho knows subtly that her tailored clothes and mannish affectations do but accentuate her unalterable fem ininity? M'LISS. I am told that a slight application of vaseline to tho roots of tho lashes every other night will Incrcaso tholr growth. Uso care, however, not to get the grease Into your eyes. All communication nddresscil to Marlon Hnrlnnd should Inclose a stumped, self addressed emelope and flipping of the artlrle In vthi.li you ure Interested. Persons , "lihlnc to nld In the charitable work of the II. II. C. should write Marfan Hnrlnnd. In ear ot this paper, for addresses of those Itaer would llki to help, and, hav!ne recelted them, rommunlcate direct with those parties. longer regard as hopeless. Tho fresh air of heaven is tho sovereign cure Indicated by our ablest physicians. Havo wo a tent for the two girls who wish to sleep out ot doors for months to come, nnd If God will, bo restored to health and usefulness? Gives Jluch, Aska Little As f nm a constant reader of jour Corner and so much Joy seems to bo found In It, I should like to know If I can't help In somonj', too? 1 can let somo ono who like- to do fancy work hate tuelte balls of silk finish nnd crochet cot ton of different colors. And If sou should know of any one who could uso a compass, l ran let them hao two and two hoies of lead that so with them. You may know of somo school chil dren who can mnka use of them I nm ll Jeurs old. I nlwnj.i feel lather sorry for old persons and Invalids So I am looking for somo one who ituld use ocnrchllsht .t Is In pretty good -ondltlon. Tho battery Is burned ?K'" 'i1?1 "ome one may ho able to uso It Dear Miss Mirlon, I hao only mod here tuo no.ths. I don t know any one hero Do sou tn . k I could get n little dog or cat through the Corner' I'leaeo don't think It has to hne a pedigree Just n little common dog t cut that has no ono to loo It Is what I want. 1 Ime tried to get an animal tor somo time, but failed, i'er haps somo ono golne on a acatlon would give hers to me. If she la looklnc for a home for tho - MItS. W. J. M. I have let you tell your own story, dear friend. You do It better than I could hope to do. After tho list of gifts, each of which will bo caught at gratefully, wo look for a petition for something approximating them in value. And you ask only for a llttlo dog or cat. Preferably a dog. I apurovo of the choice. You will be content to get Just "a little common dog." Uloss ynur dear heart,, we ought to offer you a dozen or so from which to choose. "Who will re spond to the stranger's entreaty? Chicken Salad; Fruit Cocktail As this Is my first request. I trust I am not asking too much I should like recipes for chicken salad and for fruit cocktail. I tasted gg salad at one of the restaurants and think It delicious. I am wondering If you could give me a recipe for that, too. It has not mason nalse dressing. I think It Is a cream dressing. I shall be grateful It you ran favor me with these recipes. if, ij. Chicken salad Cut cold, boiled chicken into dice. Tako two cups of this meat and mix a cup of celery cut Into dice with it. Sprinkle all with salt and pepper. Into three tablespoons of oil stir a table spoon of vinegar. Tour this over tho chicken and celery and toss until well mixed. I.lne a chilled bowl with crisp lettuce leaves, fill with the chicken salad, and pour mayonnaise dressing over all. Egg salad with cream dressing Tako equal parts of hard boiled eggs and cel ery ana place them on lettuce leaes which have been put Into a chilled dish. Over this pour tho cream dressing which has been made by beating three eggs, yolks and whites together, until they are light: add one teaspoonful of salt, a pinch of red pep per, half a saltspoon of mustard mixed with a little water, and, Jantly, three or four tablespoons of rich, sweet cream. Fruit cocktail Cut the pulp of a fine grapefruit and that of a sweet orange Into small cubes, Skin a dozen 'white grapes (Malagas are best) and sed them neatly. Cut half a banana Into small bits. ana mix an togetner, DreaK ng as llttl as may be. Set in the Ice for an hour or more. Fifteen minutes before serving, put the mixture into chilled cocktail glaatis, sprinkle with tine sugar, and pour two tea spoons ot sherry over the surface of each glassful. Finally, lay two or three straw berries (In the season) upon the top, sugar them lightly find send at once to table. The cocktail should be Ice cold throughout. You may substitute maraschino cherries for ber ries when you cannot get the latter. CUNNINGHAMB g UPRIGHT PIANO M SEEN IN V - ' " 'whJWi , n7?- vwv m m1' WiS1,'''1 m'S'JHi BLOUSE OF BECOMING DAlNTINlS. A WAIST of Oeorgclte crepe Is a necessity to the wcll-dt cased -woman. This pretty tnodcl In nil white will servo for many occnMons. It comes In sires 3(1 to Ifi. The plntucks and fllie plaiting on the front, the sailor collar and cuffs all scro to malto this a very dainty and sotight-for garment. Specially priced, $3.95. A hat of vehct with a. touch of maliiio to lighten tho brim Is very smart with this waist. Two white bono crescents standing out from tho front of tho crajvn give a dlstlnctlvo stle and aro ornamcntnl as well Price, $10. The name of the shop where theso nrllcles tnav be purchased will bo Blipplled by tho Editor of the Woman's Page, KvK.vi.xa I.Etinrm, COS Chestnut street. Tho request must be accompanied by n stamped silf-nclclrcsnod en elope, and muBt mention tho data on which tho nrllclo appeared. GOOD Good form queries should ba ad dressed to Deborah Rush, torlttcn on one side of tho paper and stpned ttiilh full name and address, though initials OxhY will be published upon rcijucit. 5T7i( column will appear in Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's Evening Ledger. Yes, Offer Him a Seat Drar Drbnrah J1111 I see you nre nmln re reUInu letters on street enr etiquette, and ns I havo often wondered about thin pcrhnps you can help me If a man reti on the cur cnrrslnB a babs- In his nrms, Is another man obi Iced to of fer him a seat? I hao seen this done several times and wondered If It was nccessnrs1. JOll. It Is not necessary, strictly speaking, nnd yet most men would bo courteous cnougli to do so, not only to bo kind to a fellow man, but also for tho safety of tho baby, as tho cars sway so, it is possible both man and child might fall. Do Not Go Drnr Jrbornli Ifmi Mv husband nnd I re ceived cards thl wei'k Intltlm; us to n wedding nn September 7 Thes' rend. "nenUPfltPd the honor of sour presence at tho marriage of their daughter. . to Mr. on Wednesday. Sep tember 7 nt r o'clock." Thero la nn mention of a reception nnd set I know there Is to lio one. A friend snld tho Invitations inenn to go to tho reception nftpnvnrd. but my husband nasi he does not think so. Will you help us. plense? I. M. a. Your Invitation is for tho wedding only. When people glvo a reception nfter a wed ding they seldom ask moro than ono or two hundred guests to tho rccoptlon, but tho church invitations for tho ceremony aro sent to all their friends. Kngravcd fcards for tho reception aro always inclosed in tho in vitations sent to those asked to tho house ; tho other guests, who do not receive the reception cards, are only expected to attend tho wedding ceremony. An Invitation to witness the wedding Is not answered, but tho Invitation to n break fast after tho ceremony always requires an answer nnd a prompt ono at that. Yes, on Ail Occasions Deor Debornh liush Must napkins be used at every rnealt ANXIOUS. Yes, a napkin' should always bo used at breakfast and at dinner. At luncheon nnd for afternoon tea lunch dollies may ho used No, It's Bad Form Vear Deborah l?uahTa it rood form for a girl of 23 or -I to take cocktails and cham pagne In a public restaurant whs sho Is lunch lng with a soung man. I.. D. M. N'o, it is a mistake for a young girl to tako these things In public restaurants, es pecially If sho is lunching alone with a young man. In fact, tho very lunching In a hotel or public restaurant alone with a young man Is not in good form for a girl of 23 or 24 Very few mothers would al low their daughters to do so. A girl who does that sort of thing may be as nice as possible, well behaved as to manners and other essentials, but this very thing of lunching at a hotel unchaperoned would A BEAUTIFUL ' SOAP DISH , That Will Add to the Con- I venience , f Any Bathroom I This bands me White Vitreous I f China Soap Dish Is one of a com- I I plete set of bathroom furnishings 1 I that will make an "all white" I I bathroom above the commonplace I I and prove a real convenience. Very I 1 durable and roomy, easy to Install I and to keep clean. I I You should Inspect this perfect fli- I ture It Is sold under the FLECK imos. co iitONci.An (iimhan- TEE. Write for full particulars or visit our easily reached showrooms today. zjzckJ$kos. Co. Showroom 44-46-48 and 50 S N. N. 5th. St. S 1 Cloud's Depilatory 111 Removes superfluous hair per in f-ll and harmlessly. jfi fl,00 per box, Postpaid M III f Complratoo A ffll44LJ6teC. E,rt fl' 706-707 landers BoJIdtoc II 13th i. Wabiut Sts. J I ills. Vliw Toilet Preparation H THE SHOPS ,1" """'"-w-t. l Mitel..' FORM make tho world say she was Inclined to bo fast, so It Is better to run no such risks, oven If It Is unpleasant to bow to Mrs. Grundy's rules. pnnoiiAii nusn. Kerosene Uses nory houscwlfo knows tho valuo of kerosene at houscclcanlng tlmo, and every other tlmo that thero Is cleaning to bo done. It chases nuts, too, Saturate a cloth with kcroseno and leavo it near tho ant hills. They soon disappear. For cleaning p.ilntcd nnd varnished wood work, painted walls, varnished floors, bath tubs and m.trblo wash stands It is unsur passed. For tubs and marble, npply with n woolen cloth, then wash with soap and water. For woodwork and walls uso clean cloths, changing as soon as they got soiled. A few drops In tho water when washing windows and mirrors will give them a beautiful polish. Baby's Bedroom Slippers Bunny slippers for tho baby can bo made of white felt by tho mother clever with the needle, ac cording to Popular Mechanics. Tho bunny face is embroidered in; tho eyes aro buttons; the' cars aro little wings of felt. A littlo fur tail com pletes the illusion. will remove any superfluous Hair 'Growth, and makes sheer hosiery and sleeveless jrowns possible without em barrassment. GET IT TODAY ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price The casualties front I minions, auctt m. blot Ibis terrible waste) ueaaiyir denta of case) (Jul Why tolerate a luiiuami Shepard'a House Kills the Fly and Prevents Disease. LOUISIANA. HEALTH OFFICER'S ENDORSEMENT. O. C Chandler, fresUent Sbxereport Board of llcalta, Eadan, Sieo. BrH'a t-Tn,.. 171.. bh In..., V .Hah " Bhopard'a Chemical Company of Wilmington. N. 0., hvo Tn-odnccd alone felt want In a harrulcii pronarailoa that vlll KIuTkiiS IloacJiea, Mosquitoes and other rNbfcCrs. Thla proparaUon KlUM 1' Ilea and Itoaohes by the tuoof agtnall quanUty iprayed, oboutTtlio room by means of a blower used by tho mouth. Itlsqultoa valuablo addition to the means for the prevention ofdUea&eaond tho comfort of tho people. . rtr Ypnrg truly, G. a CHANDLKR, M. D. ty ft-ea. Snreveport Board pf IlealUi and. Health Offlccr. SilEPARDsJ ai(csaeu 55Sta3aaae It LlUs the Mosquitoes like the FUts and U sore death to Bedfiun. Roacfa. ea. Ants. Moths, and All Dlhrr Inud,. Th dim., .r. nr ll.T,!... r" people. SoU at all store Into lot fre4 booklet. aianmsetared aaq Buajaatecd by SHEFABD'S CHE.M1CAL COMPANY, Inc. tlflrntnetlnn U T " BACTERIOLOGICAL-FIELD OPENED TO WOMEN Mrs. Simonin, Graduate of Col- lego of Pharmacy, Plans Laboratory for Study American women ns well as' foreign miiimi enn invade nrofesstonal fleldi formerly restricted to men. Mr. Minnie flrny SImonln. a recent graduate of tho Philadelphia CoIIcbo- of Pharmacy, is ro InR to prove It by openlnff n bacteriological laboratory, vtliero "Bomethlnrf moro than hyrtro&cn peroxide" will bo studied. In dolnj; so, Mrs SImonln will open tho first woman's bacteriological lnboratory In this city, which It tho first city to possess a woman's medical college. Who knows what far-rcnchlng results will follow thli pioneer effort on the patt ot woman In this field of scientific ro search 7 Who knows what future fetters will bo formed to shncklo epidemics like tho present wiivo of Infnntllo paralysis If hn appreciable number of scientifically trained women study disease germs, as Mrs. SImonln propose-) to do? It was a Krcnch woman who mmlo one of 'the greatest scien tific discoveries of tho ngc tho X-ray. And Sirs .SImonln believes that American women, ns well, can not only make them fiohes Independent, hut can bo of sorvlco to humanity by adopting as n profession somo scientific branch. In her laboratory, which villi ho opened In tho fall, Mrs SImonln will begin her llfo work, which she has determined will bo tho study of bacilli and dlseaso micro-organisms. Mrs. SImonln, who lives nt Fortieth nnil Locust streets, Is busy now gathering the equipment for her research work. "Tho lives of great women llko Madame Cure, tho Trench X-ray student, prove that wo can obtain tho eminence In science that formerly was closed toV'omen," snld Mrs. SImonln. "Tho average woman's acquaint nnco with chemistry is limited to a knowl edge ot tho effects of hydrogen peroxide. If she'd look ii llttlo further Into tho subject, sho'd find nn absorbing field of study, tho pursuit of which would make her Independ ent. It's a big field, with plenty of room In It for women." The Archer Tho Archer, tlio Archer! Though formless, nllvo; His bow Is of blossoms, His arrows btitf five. So mobile tho mask and So formless his mind: How, then, can ho harm mo, Tho Archer that's blind? But tho pain that I suffer AH doubting removes, And tho truth of this nonsenso 'TIs loving that proves. Douglas AlnBlle. Washing Painted Walls To wash painted walla begin at tho bot tom This Is a good plan, becauso tho wnter will run down over a wet jjurfaco Instead of a dry ono, thus preventing streaking. Beginning at tho bottom then, first go over tho surfaco with a spongo dipped in kerosene. Then wash tho samo with warm soapsuds nnd proceed in this way to tho top of tho wall. Blnso carefully, then leavo It dry. If Pussy Has Mange A bit of carbolic vaseline placed on tho placo whero pus3y shows signs of mnngo will save you much nnnoynnce later on. Cover tho spot with a clean 61oth nnd tho dlseaso will soon heal. Th ore are no pinch-penny methods used in making MERIDALE BUTTER No salting for weight no wet wrappers for weight. It's all butter pure, fresh, sweet butter. And because we use so much care in the making of this "uncommonly good butter," and because only the best goes into it, the price is a little higher than the ordinary butter. But you get more butler in a pound. AYER & McKINNEY (Makers of ,,,,, Merldsle) Philadelphia nell Phone, Market 3711 Keystone i'lione, Main 178) Look for the "Merif oil" wrapper alr-t!shl, dust- and oaor-proof-at tour eroctrs. 'ssSsfl iilSiSssssii Vont tie preat European War aro ealcuTtteJ la lot upon bunwditr U s-mot inconceivable, ret Ci at Ufa is not as mil n lha loll 1..1.J 1.J .u " 3V, rjlr. Bureau of Medical Research, Doctors and Superlnt.o, &Ji 0,!hJ agree that tho Fly as or spreader of cantagisus L Tt; uJ deadlr erms, has do equal, y Jt menace to Loslth end cleanllaeag? tua your noma ot tneml Fly and Insect Killer ejalxrboUJa with (prayer free, VvnUg p 'n f f wj ftnwfWrl jMk jlsallv 'flfflk V sarfHafsHalHHs MRS. MINNIE GRAY SIMONIN who will open a bacteriological lab oratory for tho study of bacilli and disease germs. Mrs. Simonin is n graduate of tho Philadelphia .Col lege of Pharmacy. Eice Water Always boll rlco In plenty of water. Don't pour this water off Into tlio slnlM it Is useful for many things Itlco water con tains much nourishment. Set it nslda In a cool placo for (t fow hour.s and you havo a Jelly which will add nutriment to your eoup stock. Or it may ba boiled down still further, sweetened slightly and flavored with rosSwator or vanilla. Eaten with -t&XtS-m- g"'SWSSSSSSfSSSSS? SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES PAivvvlTi5S!f i (.Mi nitfit" jh l J" ' Pirn "' ii.iTT.jlMr'-A BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Best for Young Women Cfie5mb!eml r&rsacnlSdool All Accredited Com mercial Schools offer o o u r s o H particularly adapted to tho prepara tion of young ladlos for self-support. Parents who do not know what kind of education will best prcparo their chil dren to bo independent should tako the matter up with any member of tho National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools. Banks Business College The only "accredited" Commercial School in Philadelphia Dav School Optns Srpt. 1th. Night School Opens Sept, eth. Enter Anv Time. K. 31. Hull, A. M I'd. I)., rrrsldrnt 925 Chestnut St., Phila. Commercial English A course of college Brade for uni versity men, salesmen and other business men. Only course of Its kind In the State Complete In one rear, one nlelit a uetk Instructor is l.nsilsli specialist Tuition mod-er?-,neA,mJ;?,.?,hf.t' hteh-BrSd. Sou"" MwSlusIc ,-LnElneerln frcpar. Itenlster Sept. 2,1.30. negln rtrt n Phila. School of Design for Women RKOPKN'N OCTOIUIt 2. 101(1 TfflOAI AMI MASTKH TItKKT PALMS SCHOOL Thirty years at 17th and Chestnut Strut. Business. Shorthand and Secretarial Courses. VounirJ!enijnI Hoys The Phillips Brooks School Doy school, opposite Clark Park Athiati -.. adjolnlmr bulldinis LarSe. fully.gulpoed05eJ5 P.a.5!Jm, E;P- t'achers. Year hook I10vVnni KlTZKf,. lUn.lmai.trn jy 4 llaltln'ure a" nue' BROWN PREP larkwaTTiidj; '- Prepa" for coHjr, bu,, and ClWrV; Ice. Call or atnd for Cataloc I "srv. IIAHltlbllUltQ, I'A, IIARRISBURG ACADEMY A country school founded Modern bullrttntF. i.n ISSSSSKL. KW". ".:Su,0?o umaii classes aim n u.i,,.i ,z':z-7r. ichool for"yaune'er Wya, W'lt.0,,., Inveatliatlon a personal a-w( vHi(tiuufl naareis - . iwasioif. ARTHUR E. III! OWN. B. A Headmaster CIIESTKU. PA. Pennsylvania Military Collepe'" , CHESTER.' PENNA. B mi f-.iral'J fJraforu School tor' Bovi Th West Point 0 the Keiatati, Rti? o uIp1,?''"-&on"m'" -TnaCnVef ' Col. CHAHjg. HYATT. Commandant Do, 5 6 J i'''IITHSiOltE. PA. " SKn""P"Paralory School InSJ'fJsKfl n? J2m.2S?'n, Wl'-CqulpW build lcUllensnfaSXuildmitdSI" that fa your Sivarthmora boi a " body A' " All: Jaamaster -- UbniUBQ PA. pSSPRIffiWI T&ta-H?'v"Ltlf cSfi every ' fua fcrf buTlneVs Co,!20d-"L ,f, cuitu.i athiiif nSril'o .:" tiTue iar oi in,n. --'. in ' lmra- P DPt.' U. CARLISLE. I'A. CONWAY HALL .V," proved courses. esperUncid 1 cha $P J plete, euvdyment Alms todliS2,?.5Dd e",m-gftla'- W A I WCHjliSK,?,"- iiofeiitETir. v. ' NAZAUsnU IIAI.L MILITARY ArthifMv- Nazaretb. Pa. Foupded 1743 For teii DSJf,V Preparatory end Business CourL. m A 1.1. ??" Athletic, fnvestuats 1 tflfflrVfo,,d.rui,A1' r SmuMINO Y. CENTRAL NATATORIUflf JI. M. 'P '.?.'' inanii,t cUI na .-!. r" " """wo to moBjUtrs'ilL r.r ;;"K- . ?, ""' Jf soot 13 yji,..l ': a mLt . iihi im aurim t ..,. - vsesjuui. iaxsaoOTiBU aaaam lor TffrCflEERFUL CHmS Outdoor liftia very brocferMrJ All IMvre. 3eems jo Dig tja xrye,. , bv5s so rruck Vrien once. I e-t th&ih poirvc or view. sugar nnd cream, It la a good dessin . 9 dally for children. Beaten Into a m$1 cus,tnrtl, It Is better still it can i,'l used for thickening whlto sauces or grTl l4 BEAUTIFIE! rAND IMPROVES BAD COMPLEXIONS Removes xurinhles and facial blemishes Protects and preserves delleati shin CONTAINS NO MnilCUItY In Jars at $1,23 Wo send direct, prepaid, on receipt of price. The RcKollotto Co. 1'. O. llox 1(107 riilladclihlji antiseptic! 5K.INFO0D a1 waiK-:taai,i3iv.iia-JK'.z,gBe Teachers College trains teachers in Kindergarten,! Household Science, Household! Art, Physical Training, Plara ground Work and for tho elel mentary schools of the State. Ask for Catalog M-38. Flinne, Dlmnnnd 031 TEMPLE UNIVERSITV U llronil St.. Iiclnw 1tir1fs I h FhllmlKlnliln SB Peirce School I3 Internationally Known for Its broad courses of business stud. Itll thornunn eoulpmont. Its orhtln tl met ott, til Instruction, Its expert staff Its succtssful wI-9 "lira nun un Bpiemilo. IIUlKlintf Villi tfiSj penaot, 111 Jl 31. to -i I' M Secretarial nnd Commercial Courses for I sexes. Send for IlookK't. I'lne Street West of IJroad -NeiT College- I'uhltc Snmk.ltin rUrmiitm, nrn.,.ni ji i Salesmanship. Semi for Llturatvr. 1 Mtiwi t i n mihh sirm SPANISH Tutorlnc. Pure Caatlllan. Prl. ciass ic Altera. class less. Translations. I'ttf.ti 1131 Wulnut.l'li.Wil Ull OETIANTOWW.. I'A. GERMANTOWN FRIENDS OPENS 0 MO.,tt0TII SCHbOL AT OFFICE M DAiLTAFrnn rrs? STANLEY n. YARNALU TtWvil new iir.ooinr:r.D. pa. CAIISON I.ONO INSTITDTE 78th Yeur-ilis'S Uloomrleld Academy. Courses: Colleie rrt(rJ atory. Music, liuslness. Normal. Junior, Off! prate modern bulldlnas for boys and tulvl r'upns unaer IS years special attention. Trni.l 00 and up; Juniors. 133. Cor. 03 UHl siisuiu.e. imji li. itw iiioominiu. ra. WEST CHESTKlt. 1. STATE N0U5IAI, SCHOOL IlllTII MFVfJ.1 r:oo-K0O jvtr year. . a. M, VlllL.ll'3. rra.1 .-- 1 n -i'jm HANOVER. N. II. Hanover Tutorine School In ths heart of the New Hampshire Hills. Su .uv k.iu JUI7, AUIEUI1 anu Ofli.m". Ery candidate In last 'J years entered collst 4UIIN w. x.Ktiit), iiirtcuri Young Ladles and Clrls PENN HALL SCHOOL "Fnrt niRTR llodarn fireproof bulldlnya. new cymniiioffl. lansuaces, music, doraestlo erts. etc. CertliV'SSB prlvlleses. Hooma with private bath HeM Gladstone, Atlantic City, occupied by sebool ic JM t,tB.y- .fXS continues without lntrrupU9-JBJ Hates 1300 hsj FRANK 8. MAQILL. A..M.. PrlncljslM LOi:itSIANTOyjPA. , The Stevens School for Girls J .,. sl W. Chrlten Aeuue, Oermaolowa ii jth year opens Sept. al- Klnde-sarten throurt women Manual trn JIIss Slary Hentlers.PrBi5 qERMANTOVN;JPA. WALNUT LANE SCHOOL Sf'.'d T a,f" " Pr -5lU- i Pjj1' --intermediate Primary Mualo. IMBtl! bclsnce. Interior Pecpra'n. Secretarial !bUMc' gnUTH IIETHLEIIKM PA. Bfshopthorpe ManorJ r ' Sfgt1 !L?.f f?ure". r high school . a.iJ4, -.--. "uuiue science, etc inaivio.,; L. N WYA.fr Hi moa BElTHLfcllEil. ausfv. rri , TORRES IJ LK, PA. UONTESSORI TRtriiPtt TniiMivn &CUQ0b ' X?ou?? JJ.di5 f erlrlfi. prac, course , j B'" i,v. VU" ocgii Anuerson '"7' fvZ-M lta.jrorrsdaU House, Toti'Mii.fM Vouas; Men and Roye WENOJfAH. N. J. WENONAH mii-.iftfi ACADEMY 19 W.U.. --.L.. .... - a - ttritkfiUl :." tk "jot t-ouaaeipai, xa .r-j ' 1 faclorlca ni es.iA.n fi" a ., rirler ,i "" Special school or Juniors. Caw r-PRHl. us LOUENOE. PresUat, CLAVTON A. b.NI)l!lt. Ph. U., oaok tis, iveiwuau. n, SPsPHTT. H J. CARLTON ACADEMY yiR a ration foi .11 eoll.aea Individual A. . toi all eoll.ies Individual "W k?fui Couri? AtWtK BMrts . W A.aarua in n. .. '...; . Ptala. Liw., R.h.i ..,t..,r hay. 1 ?W i- a SS "i &$lti8ii" $ Wl k-gCTuiadeMa. HlV