Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    . sawi!'pf9WfTpli-j
Earnestly Strive to Repress
Faction Seeking to Answer
Father MoDermott
POTTS VI LLB, Pa., AiiR. 16 Jo
seph McLaughlin, national president
of the Ancient Order or Hibernians, Ar
rived in Potlavlllc at noon today and
immediately took steps to have the con
vention ignore the attacks made upon
the order by Father McDcrmott, of
Philadelphia. Itc conferred with the
State officers and county chairmen, and
within a short time after his arrival,
the word was passed around among the
delegates that the offering of the reso
lutions condemning Father McDcrmott,
or any other action which might lie con
strued ns a recognition of the attacks,
would be "out of order."
"I will not discuss the attacks, cither
in the convention or in conversation,"
said McLaughlin.
Register of Wills James II. Shcchan,
who is a former State president of the
A. 0. II., arrived with the national
president. He will sit in the convention
ns a delegate.
"We nrc not going to pay any atten
tion to what Father McDcrmott has
said," he said. "We arc not going to
notice it. It went in one ear and out
the other."
Duit Staff Correspondent
OTTSVIMjE. Pa.. Alur. IB. The con
eryatlvo leaders In the Ancient Order of
Hibernians, In Slate convention hero, to
diy ore bending every effort to repress tho
faction within the order tint Feekn to fight
back against tho nttnckH of tho Itev. Daniel
I. McDcrmott, of Philadelphia, nnd when
the first real huslnesn session of the con
vention nt noon the conservatives appar
ently had succeeded In slde-tracklnff tho
MoDermott controversy from the ronven
tlon. The conservatives nrc headed by State
President Kllpnllen "and State Secretary
John O'Doa, of Philadelphia. They liavo
taken tho position that the Hibernians
should Ignore the attacks made upon the
order by Father MoDermott. nnd ever since
the convention opened yesterday they havo
been button-holing delegates to win them
to their plan.
The recalcitrants havo not hecn Idle, how
ever. Juat bofora today's session they as
serted that tho resolutions denouncing
Father MoDermott and calling upon Arch
bishop Prendercast to nccept his resogna
tlon which have been prepared will be
presented In the convention despite the
efforts of President Kllgallon. The sessions
of the order have been made executive, and
no one excopt delegates are admitted behind
the locked doors,
"You will know when wo offer thd reso
lutions," said one member of the fiery fac
tion. "You won't have to b.o Inside. You
will- be ablo to hear the nolao nil over
Tho conservatives gained a strong ad
vantage over the fiery faction when the con
servative cteam-rollcr was worked at the
cacu of the Philadelphia delegates. Tho
conservatives ware able to prevent the Mo
Dermott controversy from being oven men
tioned In the caucus. The Phlladelphlans
met for only 10 minutes, decided upon their
committee assignments and then adjourned.
"No resolution condemning Father Mc
Dermott or oven bringing up the question
wH be presented In tho convention, If I
can prevent It," nald County Chairman Mc
Garvey. of Philadelphia. "And when I say
that 1 am speaking an county chairman of
the Philadelphia delegation."
The solemn high mass, over which the
controversy with Father McDermott start
ed, was celebrated In St. Patrick's Church
this morning. Tha Hibernians, without a
Ingle exception, attended. They marched
from headquarters at tha Hippodrome to
the church for the services and after mass
they marched back to the Hippodroino for
their business session. The parish house,
whero the1 Rev. Monslgnor Francis J. Me
Qovern 'lives, was gaily decorated with
'green and gold. Monslgnor McGovern at
tended the mass, but took no active part in
celebrating It.
No reference to the controversy with
Father McDermott was made by the Rev.
George P. Deguan, of St. Mary's Church.
Bt. Clair, Schuylkill County Chaplain, who
preached the sermon. He d.d not refer
even to the Hibernians, contltting his re
marks to the Irish people In general.
Ht-.te CChapIaln, the Rev. Francis Maglnn,
of Frackvllle. was tho celebrant, Tro Rev.
Francis Word, of New Philadelphia, was
deacon; the Rev. Edward York, of Port
Carbon, subdeacon; and the Rev. Thomas
WoNally. of St. Patrick's Church, Potts
Vllle, was mastsr of ceremonies.
The delegates today ore settling down to
the actual business of the convention. Roth
the A. O. JI. and the Ladles' Auxiliary held
business sessions this morning and are
wsetlntr again this afternoon, '
George C Thomas, Jr., Delays Return
Trip From Atlantic City Be
cause of Bad Weather
High winds at Atlantic City and 3ns
fogs up the Delaware River today prevented
George C. Thomas, Jr., of Chestnut Hilt,
from returning to Philadelphia In his hydro
ntroplane. Thomas's trip to Atlantic City yesterday
was his first. He Journeyed the 140 mlls in
1 hour nnd 4S minutes, beating the record
of Kenneth Jaqulth, tho professional
Thomas Is making the flights with Waller
Johnson, nn Instructor of the Philadelphia
School of "Aviation at IJsslngton. Ho Is a
member of the Racquet Club, tho Corinthian
Yacht Club, Huntington Valley Country
Club nnd .tpverat other athletic and social
organizations. He Intends to build a hangar
nt his home nnd mnko many flights about
f. H
News at a Glance
Five OiHcials of West Jersey
Mortgage Company Refuse
to Testify at Receivers'
PrusePtltloii of live officials of tho de
funct West Jersey Mortgage Company, of
Atlantic City, Is threatened because they
refstieil to testify nt a hearing before the
llffMvrr, cx-.!udgi John H. Horner, held In
Atlantic City yestftday morning.
Solicitor Itnrvny V. Carr, of Camden,
untitled rx-.llldso rinimoc Cole, oniim,el for
tho ofllcers eif tho company, that ho had
tnnil" application l.pfoto f'lmcellor Walker,
In Trrtitnn, for tlm arrest and Imprisonment
of f'.iilton Godfrey, a prominent Atlnntlr
City lawyer and dltrrtnr of revrrnl banking
nnd real ostalo concerns; Herman Sypli
erd, vice president nr the Guarantee Titist
Company, Atlantic City; John W. talking.
r.-rlty engineer at tho resort ; Raymond V.
Reed, nn ntlorny. nnd Frederick G. Rob
bins, a. director of the West Jersey Title
nnd Guarantee Company, until ruch time ns
they submit themselves to an examination
nnd pay the ennts of tin proceedings
Tho mentioned olllclalu of the Went Jersey
Mortgage Company appealed linfote Re
ceiver Horner yesterday, but nt the sugges
tion of their counsel, oN-Judgc Colo, refused
to reveal tho dealings of tho company.
It Is tho contention of Counsellor Colo
that under a section of the act governing
corporations In New Jcn-ey compulsory
measures to secure testimony from tho olll
clals nre unconstitutional.
LA 8AM.E, 111., An. Iff. rire today
destroyed the storehouse and spring build
ing ot the German-American Portland Ce
ment Company, with a $125,000 loss. The
pollco charge that striking workmen at
tempted to prevent firemen from reaching
the plant. ,
ntlCAno, An. 10. Erfwnrd N. Ilnrler.
chairman of the Federal Trade Commis
sion, who has been hers In connection with
an Investigation of rises In flour and wheat
prices from tho Industrial standpoint, plans
to leave for Washington tomorrow. Ho
will lay what fnc'ts lis has obtained before
Government officials. It Is not believed
his presentation will recommend legal ac
tion by tho Government.
NI1W YORK, Aug. 10. riftren member
of the Progressiva party will take the slump
In Mnlno for tho Democratic ticket Tho
Democrats nro preparing to send women
spenkcrs Into Maine. Democratic National
Chairman McCormlok plans to lenvo for
Chicago next week. Ho returned from
wnshjngton today nnd will leave again
tonight for tho capital with tho Progressive
advisory national committeemen.
AfOt'STA, Me., Aug. IS. -Chnrle W.
Fait banks and Colonel Thcodoro Roosevelt
will throw their oratorical foreo Into tho
Mnlno campaign. Mr. Fairbanks will
speak njt September 6. lutes for tho
Colonel have not been announced. The vies
presidential candidate will also speak In
Pittsburgh, P. , on Labor Day.
SHARO.V, Pn., Atig. 10. Jnmr A.
Stevens, ot Osgood, was shot anil killed to
day by burglars who escaped with $100.
Ninv.YOUK, Aug. IS. Amid the rtircrs
of hundreds on tho piers nnd bridges over
the Hunt River, tho battleships Kentucky,
Nrw Jersey nnd Maine today left the
Htonklyn Navy Yards, having on board "fin
citizen-sailors who will bo put through n
month's hatd training nt Fort Pond liny
near tho upper end of Long Island.
"rriHE worst of tho Russian offensive is over," one of thr highest com-J-mandinj?
officers on tho eastern front told mo today after n tour of
inspection of the Attstro-German lines.
"Completely halted at the Slokhod River in their efforts to reach Kovel,
the Russinns, undaunted by this failure, hnvo shifted their, attacks south
ward, always striking against tho Austrians.
"The temporary success of tho Russians in the southeast Is desperate
strategy," said n German, officer, "because the faster they advance with their
left wing in the southeast tho more they weaken the position of their right
wing along the Stokhod."
It is admitted hero that the Russians caught the Austrians by surprise
at the beginning of the offensive. Aeroplanes reported Russian troops mnss
ing behind the Russian frdnt, but no one believed the Russians ns strong ns
they have been proved. The Russian tactics kept the Austrians guessing for
several weeks, but now the wholo Attstro-German front is reorganized nnd
tho earlier Russian ndvantnges arc being overcome.
Tiie fall of Stnnislnu and Gorizia were admittedly unplensant, but viewed
strategically have n different meaning, according to German military men.
Tiicse reverses nre outweighed by the Russians' failure to reach Kovel nnd
Lemberg. The German marvel that they didn't succeed in view of the
gigantic English nnd French blows, but nt tho critical moment Gcrmnn troops
arrived and stiffened the lines cast of Kovel.
The new nrmies on this front nre composed of Polish, Gcrmnn nnd
Austro-Hungarlan troops, which, officers said, illustrates tho new spirit of
comradeship and is a BUre indication of the strength of the Central Powers.
City News in Brief
Continued (rem Vncn One
day thnt an Investigation Ip Vaterson
showed that Perrnttl had not visited the
homo of his sister. Ho Is believed to bo
In Philadelphia. .
Continued from Tnite One
which tho position of. the city authorities
Is made clear.
Tho Director today gavo orders that no
more street carnivals tiro to bo held any
where In the city. Six milkmen havo been
Giinimoned to at pear before him next Mon
day at noon to show cuiim why tliey should
not bo nnested fur selling milk In n fllthy
condition. Dlnctor Krusen unlit that his
depa. tment Intends to ipmctly this condi
tion nnd to Investigate the situation iib re
lating to fruit stands in tho better residen
tial parts of the city.
Only three new case.-, or Infantilis paral
ysis nnd onn death wero teported today to
the health officials. The death was tint
of Hessle IMdy, fi'Jl Mercy street. New
ruses reported wero thoho of George Ilrelt-
haupt, 17 months. 12l North Franklin
street; Charles Herman, ' 7 month::, 117
Titan street, nnd Italia Urocchn. 10 months.
1710 South 'Eleventh street. Thero have
been reported now a total of 2H cases and
36 deaths.
Mcrchntitvlllc. N. J reported a death
this morning, that of Elizabeth Jeffcries.
0 years old. daughter of Joshua Jeffcries, of
121 North Center street, un architect em
ployed by the Victor Talking Machine
Company. Tho child was taken 111 last
night nnd when Chief of Police I.inderman
arrived this morning to place n quarantine
tag upon the houso sho was dead.
Municipal Research Bureau Says Tax
payers Are Called on for High
Charges to Buy Property
Should the elty of Philadelphia always
be "ths caprine hollow-horned ruminant,"
In other words, the got7
This s the query sent out by the weekly
bulletin gf the Bureau of Municipal Re
search, which gives some Interesting data
on the parkway situation. It rads, In
i part, w fpllows:
"On July J, 1315, (his city suddenly ijls
covered thftt on November 7. 1?,06, by serv
ing first notice of condemnation, it had
effected a legal taking of all the properties
Within tho lines of tha Parkway. Thus,
poke the Supreme Court, upsetting all
PrS4entS am making new layt for
Improvements like t the Parkway.
"Thereupon the city found Itself in the
Volition of having to take and pay for all
wo vruj)rne ip( previously purchased or
condemned; and ta pay per cent Interest
on tht theory that the property owner was
entitled to his money In 1906. Therefore:
"Bine the Parkway decision under which
tho awards were wade was a special one,
"Sinca the city and owners were both
Ignorant for almost nine year? that there
had been legal taking, and
'uc the pwnrg' jn some cases have
bee-i jreh-JPff 8P0d tnsojues from their
properties, does it seem equitable that the
city should have to. pay the full per cent
Interest? It I rather severe to penalise
U pojnmunJty fer something it did not
know It was dotnjr. Nor jhouid Jegaj rqa
ehinery become so obsessed with private
right as to reimburse private owner for
lossui which hy did not suffer."
DeereAsa of 0 Caw in Nw Yorf
FKW Tim. Mf, 1 A decrease ot so
l mv sa. SJMi 8 is deaths from lafanUte
Htumlyw rtfiBfUd tedy. Tdiy' re-
KM m m ft? ad ft deaths, j
Dr. J. M. Campbell, chief of State medical
Inspectors In Philadelphia, today Issued n
statement warning parents to keep their
children In their own yards, and this was
supplemented liy a warning from Dr. Sam
uel C. plxnn, State Commissioner of Health,
who said parents should keep their children
nt homo and see particularly that they en
tered no stables. Doctor Campbell said that
children should not bo allowed to play In
any place with one another other than on
plnygrounds under proper supervision. Doc
tor Dixon suggested the use of pennyroyal
nnd cltronella as an aid to the killing of
Injects, which nro circulators of germ3.
No children will no allowed to go to
Heading next week with tho Rlks. who nro
holding their i.nniml .State convention there.
Doctor Cairns today defended the use of
blood serum from adults ns a preventive of
paralysis. He said that only persons shown
by testa to be free of tuberculosis nnd blood
diseases will bo permitted to give their
blood for scrum purposes. "It is not dan
gerous," he said. "If proper precautions are
The resumption of cool weather toddy,
occasioned by the showers, wns looked on
as s good sign. Yesterday's bad record Is
attributed In great part to the return of
normal August weather from the exception
ally coot nay wntcn preceded it.
Doctor Dixon goes to Washington tomor
row to attend the national conference which
the Government has called to consider the
plague, and he expects to bring back some
new Ideas.
With Doctor Krusen he still Is confident
that the crest of the epidemic has been
reached, and that the situation will gradu
ally mend. Doctor Krusen Is very con
servative about It, and while he foresees a
constant Improvement, he expects to meet
with new cases right up to October.
rillf'AfiO, Aug. 10. Mu.lc lin lifen nld
to nffect Hie sight and hearing, hut the
latest was sprung today by Ilobcrt W.
Stevens, music professor nt Chlc.igo Uni
versity, who rnys particular Instruments
and particular compositions have their dis
tinctive tastes.
i,itovnr:r.Ti:, it. r., Aug. in. Thirty
persons wero Injiited, two seriously, In a
collision of n runaway street car today.
KINGSTON, .Intniilrn, Aug. 10. (Jrent
damage has been done to banana plan
tations on the Island by a storm which
has been raging slneo midnight Monday.
Tho full forco of the disturbance Is ex
pected to sir ko tho Island today.
NUtV VOItK. Aug. IS. I'reimrntlnna for
the removal of Itnlpli Albert IJIakelnck, the
artist, who has been an Inmate of tho Mld
dletown State Hospital for the tnsauo for
IB years, nrs almost completed, nnd he will
ho tnken to l.ynwood Lodge. New Jersey.
early next week.
VANCOrVlIll. Aim. in The theft of
Sin.snn In currency and negotiable bnrfila
from tho City Treasurer's olllco of North
Vancouver was dlscocied when the treas
urer opened tho vaults today. Tho vault
Is within five yards of the North Vnti
couvei Police Station nnd In plain view
of passcts-by.
CAIKO, Aiie. in. The mother of Hineln
Kemal. Sultan of Egypt, Is dend ut Alexandria.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10, The fnll of
tho Persian Ministry has been nnnounced In
a brief State Department dispatch, which
says that former 1-orelgn Mluistr Wos-sough-el-dau-leh
has been ordereil to or
ganize a new ministry. OfPclnls nnd dlnlo.
matifts have no explanation for tho devel
opment, ns It was vhought the iccent An-Kln-rtusslnn
agreement as to Persia hail re
moved the main rauseu of friction.
WASHINGTON, Aug. It!. Mini. ten Kgnn
at Copenhagen has been Instructed to re
fltics pel mission of the Herman authorities
for the pasta go of Colonel John C. White,
retired, through that country to Itumanla,
who-e he Is to buy provisions for the Amer
ican Relief Commission In Serbia. Colonel
Whltii has been held up because of his
English birth.
WABHINGTON, Aug. IS. The Senate l'or
elgn flclnt ons Committee today took up
tho Danish treaty providing for paying of
525.000.000 to Denmark for Its West Indies
posrerfslon. Although home opposition Is
expected, the tteaty probably will be recom
mended for latltlcation without delay and u
vote may be taken In the Senate within a
Session Will Closo Tomorrow With In
stallation of Officers
Reading Bars Elks' Children
HARRiSBuna. Aug. 16. Members of
the Dlks, who will attend the annual State
convention of that order In Heading the
week of August 28. will not he permitted
to take with them children under 16 years
of agt. Warning to this effect, as a result
of th Infantile paralysis outbreak, was
sent to officers of the order today. A sim
ilar warning was sent to those In charge
of tho annual outing of the Lutheran Home
at Topton.
WIMCES-BAIUti;, Pa.. Aug. 16 Dele
gates to the Grand Lodge of the Knights of
Pythias today selected Lebanon as the
placo for the next convention. Gettysburg
und Erie nlso wanted tho convention. This
means that tho Pythian Slaters, tho aux
iliary organization, will convene next year
at Lebanon also. William Sylvester, of
Pittsburgh, a member of tho Foit Pitt
Lodge, was elected Grand Outer Guard.
Ho has held this office for four years. Ho
announced that ho would be a candidate for
Grand Inner Guard next year.
Henry S. Jones, of Plymouth, was elected
Grand Inner Guard. Fourteen candidates
sought this office.
Tho Grand Lodge held two executive ses
sions today and will bring Its convention
to a closo tomorrow with tho Installation of
Mayor Smith Is out of town today. He
disappeared suddenly on tho very day that
ho was expected to tell what ho thought
of the Interview given yesteiday by DI-'
reetf-r Wilson. Ill which tho latter virtually
mi 1 1 Hied the Mayor's nrder for policemen
to resign from political dubn and Intimated
that tho order was for public consumption
only, not for execution.
The Mayor Is believed to be In Atlantic
City, superintending repairs to a cottage
at 2823 PnelMc nvenue, which ho hag rented
nnd whero ho will spend tho remainder of
the summer. Tills cottage wns formerly oc
cupied by Stnte Seuuto- Edge, of New Jer
It was hinted In tho Mayor's ofllce that a
comment fiom Wllhon's superior could bo
cotilldcntly expected.
Diicctor Wilson la nwny on his vacation
now, and will not return until tho end of
In tho City Hull today political gosslpcrs
am wondering whether ho will return ns
Director or Mr. Wilson, for his opponents
within the Republican Organization have
been steadily gaining strength with the
Superintendent of Pollco Robinson nlso
Is out of town, and today Assistant Di
rector Harry Divls In In command of tho
city's police affairs. Captain McCoach is
acting superintendent of police.
The pnsitloti of Superintendent Robinson
wns strengthened today by a ntatement
given out at Director Wilson's oHlco to the
effect that tho superintendent would not
lace the charge of neglect of duty, as urged
by the July Grand Jury, unless the eldence
lirntieht before that body was turned over
for iiro In determining tho justlcn of the
charge. An tho pioceedlngs befoto tho
Grand Jury nro secret those In touch with
tho situation declare that Robinson's posi
tion Is safe. Tho stntemont from Mr. Wil
son's ofllce, nn coming from tho Director
himself. Is:
"Wo havo no ofllclal charge ngalnst Mr. i,-rrMCi, fr0nt
Robinson. Thero Is nothing agaitut him Verdun.
I havo requested a copy oi mo icauinuiiy
and 1 cannot net until I rce!vo It."
Tho only way in which tho Mnyni nnd
his Director of Public Safety can obtain
this evidence Is for District Attorney ltotnn
to request .ludgo Rogers to turn It over
to them. It Is believed thero Is lltllo
likelihood of this. Mr. Rotan Is expected
back from his vacation lato today or
On Monday Director Wilson gave out a
copy of nn older which ho had Issued,
mak.ng 11 mandatory for all policemen to
leslgn fiom "political" clubs, Yesterday ho
said bo knew of no "political" clubs; that
all tho clubs people thought he meant when
he Issued that order lie regarueu nn -social
clubs, and policemen had a perfect I ight to
belong to them. Tho Union Republican
ej Club, of which Senator Edwin II Vara Is
as a "social" not a "political" club.
Tho renrose-McNIchol faction of tho Or
ganization Is said to bo detei mined to get
Wilson's "head" and to supplunt him with n
man less Inclined to back the Vino claims to
leadership. Senator McNichol was u visitor
at tho Mayor's otllce vest-iday, although
neither ho nor tho M.tyor would dUcuss the
object of the visit David Martin, leader of
tho Nineteenth Ward, was another of tho
Mayor's callers. Both Senator McNichol nnd
Mr. Martin met In the otlleo of Regls'er of
Wills Sheehnn following their talks with
Mayor Smith Mr Martin Is an important
factor In the Vare alliance.
In connection with the reports that Di
rector Wilson 13 facing a flght for his Job.
It was repeatedly rumored that thero will bo
a second but mote thorough Grand Jury In
vestigation of vico and the pollco depa' tment
in the near future. In such an investiga
tion, It was said, much attention would bo
paid to tho duties of tho Director nnd Ab
blstant Director of Public Safety.
Continued from I an" One
broke through another series of strong
trenchen on the Carso plateau, south of
Oorlzia. nnd have clcnre.l the way for a
thrust nlnng tho rnllwny that skirts tho
Gulf of Trieste.
In view of this mcnicc, the Austrian
fleet Is said to havo sailed from tho harbor
nf Trieste. Its destination probably h "'ola,
fifi miles nway.
The fall of Tolmlno would force the
Austrian to abandon tlv: salient formed
by the bend in tho Isonzo from that town
to GorlzlT Tblr wedge In similar to that
which the Teutons' held between Oorlzia
nnd Monfnlcone, on the Doherdn plnteau.
Like tho bridgehead nt Oorlzia, tho Tol
mlno bridgehead has been nno of the bul
warks of tho Isonzo defense For half a
year tho Italians have attacked It In great
force without being ablo to force It.
With Tolmlno lost, the Austrian positions
nt Plava nnd Cannlo would be flanked,
both from the north nnd Mie south, nt Oor
lzia. Thus tho way wouiJ bo cleared for
an Italian ndvnnce nlong the wholo line
from Tolmlno to the sen.
Until this Tnlmlno-Gorlzla salient Is
wiped out any ndvnncn enst of Gnrlzln,
nnd even a movement eastward along the
i-arso, carries with It nn element of dan
ger, for the advancing forces would lay
themselves open to nn attack on the left
LONDON. Aug. 16. Thero wns n severe
artillery duel on the Somtno front last night,
but only minor Infantry net ions were re
ported today by the British AYnr Ofllce.
Tho minor infantry engngementn were In
the vicinity of I'ozleres, wheio tho British
lines nre being consolidated.
Between tho Ancre nnd the Sommo there
wns heavy shelling by both sides all night.
PARIS, Aug. 16. Thero was n lull Inst
night In the Infantry lighting nlnng the
s on tho Sommo River nnd nt
i ne I'icncn war iimco in us nmcini com
munique today stated that theio were nn
nctlons In either nf these sectors.
Thero wero cannonades on both sides of
varying Intensity.
A squadron nf German neroplnnes at
tacked tho Fiench fortress nt Ilslfort, drop
ping many bombs
Tho communique snya there were no
Board of Commissioners Hears Charges
Jfade by Kensingtonjans Concern
ing Apportionment
The Board of Registration Commission
ers, whose personnel was recently changed
by Governor Brumbaugh, heard a dispute
today between leaders of the Vare and Mo.
NlehoJ factions In the Blghteenth Ward,
The room on the sixth floor, In which the
hearing was held, was crowded by rsl
dents of Kensington, friendly to both sides
In the quarrel.
It was testified that follower pf John
Vlrdip, chief of the Bureau of Weights and
Measure, and a Vara sympathiser, had
substituted Vare men for McNichol ad
herents on tha registration board of the
ward. Virdin was accused of violating a
"gentleman's agreement.'' Jn every ward
in the city, there is an unofficial under
standing that the number of McNichol and
Vare registrars shall b apportioned ac
cording to the representation each faction
h In the Republican ward committee.
Virdlp, according t hi opponents, failed to
live up to this principle, a. decision prob
ably will be aonognued by the 3ard of
Jtjritra.tlQB ComtUl9r Utsr tody.
Mother Leaves Them With Neighbor
for "Short Time" Didn't
Come Back
Mrs. Joseph Snyder, 1920 East Sliver
street, gave two children to the care of the
Philadelphia General Hospital today be
cause their mother, who left them with her
supposedly for a very short time a week
ngo, has pot returned to claim them.
Detectives are now looking for the moth
er, Mrs. Louisa Callahan, who lived until
last January at 1818 Tusculum street. Ken
sington. At that time her husband was
committed to the House of Correction to
serve six months on a charge of assault
and battery. He broke a man's nose.
It Is believed the mother was unable to
care for the children. William, four years
old, nnd George 2! months old, have been
crying for her, and Mrs. Snyder, unable to
pacify them and believing the mother might
never come baok, gave them to the hospital
tu oare for and notified, tha police.
Carlos A. do la Puento Gets License
to Marry Widow, 18 Years
His Senior
SALONICA. Aug 16. Further progress
hns been made in the Allies' offensive
ngalnst tho llulgn ruins In Macedonia ac
cording tn the following ofllclal report Is
sued by the French Headquniters Staff to
day: Thero has been calm on almost tho
entire front except nt the foot of Hill
Nn. 227. whero we havo occupied two
villages in the znnn nf Lake Dolrnn.
This district last night was the scene of
a setles of Infantry actions which per
mitted an aduiu Ht ill further along
the terrain attacked. I
nRRLIN, Aug 16 The Ilrltlsh continued
their fruitless attacks nlong the Thiepval
Pozleres lino laM n'glit, but all of them
broke down under the concentrated fire of
the German batteries nnd machine guns, tho
German War Office stated todny.
The English bombarded tho German Hues
heavily before making their infantry as
saults along the ridge, north of Pozieres.
which is crossed by the Albert-Dapaume
Pr. Carlos A de la Puente, 1C09 Mt. Ver
non street, today obtained a license, tn wed
Mary A. Ilennett, of 1723 Oxford street.
Doctor Puente gave his birthplace as
Lima, Peru. He Is 23 years old and his
Intended brbl. a widow, is 41.
Mrs. Rennett's first husband died In At
lantic City four years ago. Doctor Puente's
father Is a physician In Peru
Other marr'age licenses Isrued today are:
tnthonr D'Oral. US7 H lit!) it., end Itoss M.
Brullln m N Falrhlll M
Walter P, C. nfkr Nw YorU city, and Alice
P. War. New York cltv
John M. liomard 101.1 W f.ahlsh eve., and
Heater Z. Wilde. Hala, I'a
rtenra Hermanowlcs 9222 lfnwrth , . and
r.uzHD"in .mcyn""niu. f-v- jiowarm ai.
James J, Monahan Named Draftsman
in Department of Public
Plrector patesman, ( (he Pepartment of
Public Works, today appointed James J.
Monahan, 1837 Lancaster avenue, a drafts
man at a salary of IIOOP, The new ap
pointee win be attached to the field force
at work on plans for Improvements au.
thorlxed by the voters on May If.
Other city appointments are those of
Robert T Orover. 4800 Bmedjey street, who
has been named assistant inspector of the
bureau of Health at a salary of go a
months Joseph Morris. JS44 North Orat
street, same position, and Kdna Cassell,
4509 North Broad street, assistant teacher,
Seard, of Recreation, sutlary Ml month.
Samuel Roblitcan. 'JOMl Kmlly at ami itwtna
f'allahan. 11I3U K Movamenainit aw
IllUm P, l.andla 2S0S W (?.imhrUml at ,
anu AQeiine j, araan. -li'.i w amp at.
Anion Inee, 101 N Warnork at . and Mordan
(laacw 108A N Warnock at
Elmer Merryman. 2PSS N Maacher at., and
Orace V Srhank. SJSn Jaaper at.
Arthur N- Eudaly. Imjlanapolla. Ind , and Mar
garet K Milter. IndUnnpolle Iml.
Pennle, l Anderson sou Nleholaa at., and
dulse Waters, HiJ tlornet at
Joseph Swonder. 810 8. Howard at., and Sarah
ItBDinsan. iuu a. fiauuutpii el
hn Cafaro. 739 C'Jyrner St.. and n
ftose Lonio,
7V1 Wlt9u,r at.
Rattsele Manaell. SSOt Wharton et.. and Car
mela Frudente 1318 S. Harmony at
rtalnh Klftsher. 1?JD Tree at , and IUt Duryea,
120 Tree si.
Ell W. Hfslam. 1122 Green t., and JennU E.
llos. 11J5 Qreen at.
House Owner Accuses Them of Ruining
Window Sashes, Water and Gas Pipes
Moving from ona house to another doe
not Include removing window sashes snd
water and gas pipes.
This faot was Impressed upon Peter and
Irene Pasquale and Panlsl Lupanetto by
Justice of the Peace Sehmldt. of Camden,
today. They were held in UQ0 ball each
for court, accused by Jlyman pioom, a
property owner, of dismantling a house at
II North Ninth street. Camden when they
started to move this morning The tenants
It was testified, had computed part pay
ment on purchasa of tha property when
thry decided to move.
Reinhold Merkless's ?38,000 Estate Dis
tributed in Private Requests
"Wills probated today wero those of Iteln
hold Merkless, 3115 A stret, which in
private bequests disposes of property valued
nt $18,000; George Itlttcl, 10 Ilunsherry
street, 113.900; Illeanor llendell. Jlobton,
Mass., $5500, nnd ChriBtlana Hchmutz, 327
West Arizona street, $2600.
The personal effects of tho estate of
John J Kox have been appraised at
$20,380.45, and Margaret Flnley $6006.39.
To Examine Men for Arsenal Job
The United States Civil Service Commls
slsn announces an open competitive ex
amination to be held at the Postoffice on
September 9 to fill a vacancy In the position
of minor clerk at the Fraikford Arsenal at
a salary of $540 to $600 a year. The ex
amination is open to all citizens of the
United States who meet the requirements.'
"3 0Q Mil by RjVer and Rail"
, Uu-ust jo)
Also Thursday, August 31
Sunday, September 10
$2.50 D
atwl Ntwburali.
Special uJnUavealJeadina- Terminal
I. "". . -. r.v.u
lluinniKuoQ pi tya.
A thnrter wsa filed "over, nl., .today,
for the Victor Motor Company, of Ph "adel
phla. capital. $2.000 000, to "f,,l0
kinds of motor, engines, etc. The lncofPr.
ntors nro Jlegnault Johnson. C. V, Stnhl and
J A. Nenkj, all of this city.
Mnrle Woodward, of 0 Worth ""
street, was held by Maglstralo Beaton, at
Central Station this morning, foK ft furtlitr
hearing tomorrow In connection with the
slabbing of Albert Wise, her ""
years old, of Marino Barracks No. 1. Phlla
deiphla Navy Yard, which occurred cither
In the Eighth street house or near It, the
police believe, last n I girt. Tho pol .say
the girl wns seen with a knlfo b110!1'" In
her belt some time beforo. tho stabbing
occurred. Wise, when detectives took tho
girl to the Children's iiomeopaimu iiu,......,
said sho had nothing to do with tho stnb
blng. The elty government Una no nower to
commnndcer conl within the city limits
should n strike cut off the city's supply. Re
cording to City Solicitor John P. Connelly,
who wns nsked by Director Joseph S. Mc
Laughlin, of tho Department of Supplies,
to determine tho city's Jurisdiction In nd
vanco of tho threatened railroad strike.
Judge MeMlchnel, dealing with number
of cases In which tho wives wero com
plnlnnntn nnd tho husbands wero tipplers,
yesterday administered the pledgo several
times nnd nd vised each drinker thnt when
he felt llko tnklng a nip to postpone It ono
hour nnd then drink water.
The fifteenth nnnunl online given by
Arcturus Lodge. Mo. 35. Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, to the children of tho Odd
T.vllnws' nrnlmnnco. Oeontz nnd Chelten
avenues, Gcrmnntown, was held today on
tho grounds of that Institution.
. Arctuni3 Lodge, which Is a West Phila
delphia organization, arranged nn elaborato
program of games that began at an early
morning hnur They Included foot races,
novelty contents, baseball and othor fentures
to Interest both boys and glrln. A luncheon
nnd dinner was served on tho lawn of tho
home by the ladlca' auxiliary of tho lodge.
Tho entire 70 Inmates of tho homo were
served with loo cream and cakes during tho
A petition l being elrctilnted among
Pennsylvania Hallroad employes by Robert
Krnzlcr, a draftsman employed by tho Nash
ville, Chattanooga nnd St. Louis Hallroad,
asking that Congress make It Imposelblc
for a portion op railroad employes to strike
and thus Jcopardlzo tho positions of many
who havo no sympathy with tho Btrike.
Several Phlladelphlans, enrolled In the
military training camp nt Plnttsburg,' have
been promoted for efficient servlco. They
Inrludo K. II Drayton, 1715 Locust street ;
W. S. Smith, 1731 Oakland street, nnd
P. C. Levy, 2207 Walnut Rtreet. They have
all been nsslgned to speclnl duties. Mnjor
General Leonard S Wood hns announced
that the camp will continue tills fnll and
expects a record-breaking enrollment for
The limit of weight nn fniirtli-rlnaa mnll
matter, which wan fnimerly four pounds,
has been raised tn f,o pounds In tho first
and second zones nnd to 20 pounds In nl
other zones, the change to take effect imme
diately, according to the announcement yes
teiday by T. P. Johnson, superintendent of
tho mails in this city.
landnrn Miirlinlrk, Itvmr. old, of fits
Slgcl street, died last night In the Pennsyl
vania Hospital from blood poisoning. The
boy hnd been swimming In tho public pool
nt Eighth nnd Milllln streets, when ho, fell
from a ladder nnd suffered an Injuicd knee.
Tho accident occurred last week.
The fnrtlonal tight In tlin Women's Penn
sylvania Society for tho Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals has been cnrrlcd Into
court. The case cornea up In tho Court of
Common Pleas No. 2 eaily In September,
and many well-known society women will
bo Implicated. The fight originated about
two months ngo, when tho younger inem
beis of tho society formed a "progressive"
faction nnd attempted to oust Thomas S.
Carilalo from his position as superintendent.
Jlny fever aufferrrs who visit the Osteo
pathic IlosiUtal, 832 Pino street, tonight or
Tuesday or Friday nights thereafter, from
7 to 9 o'clock, will get froo treatment. Dr.
John II. llailey will bo In charga of tho
freo clinic.
Local delegates tn (tin nnnunl convention
of the Catholic Young Men's Society which
will bo held in Now York August"20-22, will
meet tonight nt tho Cnhill Club, 1711 Han
som street. Legislation to bo Introduced at
tho convention by tho Philadelphia dele
gates will be discussed Tho Philadelphia
delegates nro especially Interested In tho
convention Inasmuch ns the national presi
dent, Michael J. Slattery, and tha national
secrotary, Sylvester A. Ilnuck, Jr., are
Phlladelphlans. The committee In charge
Includes Frank .1. McDonnell, Thoifins J,
Hughes, John J. Hennessy, Thomas J.
Thornton and Charles F. Qerhardt.
The Allliinre Methodist KpUcnpnl Clmrrli
nt the bouthwest corner of Flghth and
Porter streets will probably bo abandoned.
When thu church was erected about 10
years ago. tho scopo of Its work was. large
and the congregation represented a big
portion ot tho population of the south
eastern section of the city. The former
members ot the congregation have moved
away and a foreign element has settled in
great numbers. The result Is that the
church is not on a self-supporting basis and
Is not producing results.
Program Provides for pj
n(-1.tirti-svH 1 Da. ii!
on uuuiun oi 157
What House Proposed
and What It Accejf
THE following table shows Jf
bill mean I ft number of 8nin
compared with tho program pJJft
oUsly accepted by tho House, tfi"
TTnllon nno fnnrntrrri tM it., r. lo
larger provisions: ena''
ImUlrshina ,,l9',fiMni
Battle cruisers .......! a fl
Scout cruisers 4
Destroyers 20
Fleet submarines 0
Submarine, Ncff system.. . .
Coast submarines , ,27
Fuel ships jj
Repnir ships ,, 1
Transports ,
Hospital ships 1
Destroyer tenders 2
Fleet submarine tenders. 1
Ammunition ships 2
Gunboats 2
Total 81 157
Total money figure carriei l
naval bill, $315,000,000. "'
Totnl appropriations for thru"'
year program, $488,000,000.
Total cost of first year's ihlJ
$110,000,000. "'N
Into yesterday adopted the Sent iMv.5?
Ing program and personnel amendment! vh
n voto of 283 to 51 The building,
makes provision for eight capital shins mT
year four dreadnoughts and few. ,.55
cruisers. Tho personnel nmendratnth:
creases tho navy's strength In mm
At tbo rennpftt nt ft,!, I ,.,.. t. ..
the Naval Affairs Committee, tha kw
mil wns returned to conference, when f
number of items which tho Ilbn ..!
Sennto conferees could como to no rMH
ment on will bo threshed out. The IW
yet In dispute Include projects for entiJSIi
and Improving shipyards, docks and cttnf
public works, nnd Involve nppronrlitw
of from Js, 000,000 to JIO.000.000. 1
or llioee voting ngalnst tho shlpbullJ'tt,
program 3.' are Democrats, 15 RepuMlau-
anil one socialist.
Two hours were spent In debate on in1
building program. Itcpresentatlve ciw!.l
Kltchln being In charge ot the time fortW
opposing It nnd making a vigorous iwi
Chairman Padgett closed tho .llscimlon A
i.wmkii.k me iilwmi.u.i 111 niriTii)ra m 11.4
jTcsiuenis earnest nppo.it roe tr.e i-i-,,,
of the bill ItenreHort'.-.- 1 i .!
at tho Capitol for soveral Hours In thtnn;
Itll t UL 1111; MtlJ ,-,, n
Joscphus Daniels and r utiiiJier V
iiiocrt a. Duncson, wno Kept in touch tvtk
In a, !.., 7!f
Tho progrnm authorizes 1B7 new iVm
for tho navy. CO of which aro to lie heron (
soon ns praciicaoie, ana the construct!
u m iKiiminuri lu uu UCKUII JJTlOr 10 J0(y
i, ijij. j. ne nuipn nuinorizea art HW,
lows: 10 battleships, 6 battlo crulstnill
scout cruisers, CO torpedoboat dcstromjl
licet submarines, 88 coast submarlta.li
submarine with Neff system of DroDoIiii
3 fuel ships, 2 ammunition ships, 1 WS
pnni snip, i repair snip, i transport, )x
nesiroyer lenacrs, i ueec suDmarine UMf,!
2 gunboats. -f
Ot this number the following iri U'
De ucgun nt. once: .four battleships, i M'tli
cruisers, 4 scout cruisers, 20 torpetMeit!
destroyers, 30 coast submarines, 1 M
ship, 1 ammunition ship, 1 hospital ihl1
itr.t.i1 wAMTiatnaiALE
BOOKKEKPr.K. assistant; neat writer, earn'
at iiffurfa, ti wcpk 10 start, state tn. fl
iwrlenra and rellslon. I Old, Ledger Ol'-tlM
HEi.r WANTi:n mai.k
SALESMAN for one of the moat renurkitfi
f .repositions of the nse. n man who has elH
tie tleals and has earned nt least !'.C0O i
pht In th. nnst: strlrtlv commission! odbqf!
unity wonderful. Call Adelphla Hotel, Xisrrt ,
day a. in., nnd nsk for .Mr Wlnsten. I'l
llOVH WANTBD, near
r"i2. ' Wnt,
vgjWk. Walnut Pass. Axfff
VaSVyWw flood Coil.- RWKgV
A If
II untlmciLja
fci lViU
VllllnslwlA !
Philadelphiafi Reactingtly,
The prucjent and thrjjy buer
v)ho demands Jull Valua jor Aw
amount fended realizes hc
economical principles on v?hich
we haVe 'BuijL' '
Our Perfected
Credit System,
Ijy ile use of vvJiicKou dbtain
w ce in diamond and fine
Jewelrj? at a price comijtent Vitn
tha quality, but v)iih iKn ri,lJ
of CTedit afford, 8J1 &
- r "" Wj s aJiJtl
Reed's August Repricing;
Men's Fine-
Furnismngs ;
BejrM. I
50c Silk Neckwear, 25?
$1 00 " ' $H 1
$i.5o " $w
$2 $2.50;.$!
S1.50 Merccmcd SbiVt. . $IW
$3 50 Silk Shxrta . . $2.7?
$5.00 " ' l , . $3M
$1.50 Pajamas . . . S1.0Q
?5c &$l Leather Belts WI
Underwear, Ifandlwrcpwf. BMl
robes and Wsiitcoat, tor botom
day and sveninif wr, rf w
eluded in the rale. ,:
Jacob Reed's goN
1424,1426 CHESTNUT St. J
. . . . . .... tint
VIMUi- llow, 8 F. 11. wurr, '?'