Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
f-fljMgVgftHgte-' 5ts-.fM ' -&rC -?-!) , aynfrqtjwjyiwn' r I f? t tfANCY WYNNE CHATS ABOUT A NUMBER OF SOCIAL MATTERS Affairs at the Northern Resorts Are a Constant Source of Comments-Newport May Be Said to Be at Its Height of Gayety Now THERE Is no doubt that Newport la Welt into tho very gayest part of Its lewon and certainly the Philadelphia debutantes can well and easily compete with tho New York ones If tho accounts which reach mo aro true and there Is no reason to bcllovo they aro not. ThoBrooko dinner danco on Friday night was a won- jerful affair, will Lucllo's frock" and all the rent was certainly exquisite. She I looked simply stunning nntl had a won I' derfiilty good time. ' Ethel Harrlman was Introduced on Sat k urdaV evening by an affair given by her S, molher at tho Clambako Club, and Kath- , ftHrto Morgan was Introduced at a formal afternoon arralr at tno homo of her pa rents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Morgan. Tennis seems to have taken hold abso lutely at Narragansott Tier and I'hlladel phlans aro among- tho foremost players. Mrs. Charles Snowdon, who never looks teller than when wearing sports clothes, was among tho players in mixed doubles last week. Tom McKean, Qcorgo Thom son and Bon Chew are also lndcfntlgabla players, as Is Mrs. Phil Stevenson, who was Emily Randolph, you know, a sister cf Mrs. John It. Fell and Hannah Ran dolph. i Bar Harbor is by no means second on the map of gayety when It comes to lomcthlng doing in July and August up there. And this week promises to bo a mighty gay one. Today they nrq having mixed doubles at tho Swimming Club; tomorrow night there will bo tho much horaldcd Illack 'and White Ball. This Is to bo given by tho Summer Cabaret Club tX tho Swimming Pool. Besides this, to morrow thcro will bo tho folk concert at the Building of Arts and the Edith Rubel Trio will appear at tho homo of Mrs. pave Morris, On Wednesday night there Will bo tho hop at tho Malvern, and on Thursday Marcla Van Dresser will give a song recital at tho Arts Building. Sat urday, If you pleaso, Josef Hofmann will give a recital. Theto aro a number of musicians spending tho summer In Malno this season, as few caro to go abroad, and tho residents at these resorts aro certainly benefiting by tholr having to stay on this Bldo of the water in having the most wonderful recitals during tho leacn at their homes and at tho various casinos. Miss Eleanor Do Graeff Cuyler, of New York, for whom Eleanor Cuyler, who came out last year, Is named, gave a de lightful luncheon on Friday of last week at tho Malvern Hotel. Among tho Phlla delphlans weru Mrs. Henry Chapman, Mrs. Sidney Keith, Mrs. John T. Lewis, Mrs. Thomas Learning and Mrs. Thomas Do y?M. Cuyler, who la a slstcr-ln-law of Miss Cuyler. Mrs. Benjamin Tiigh man was another hostess at tho Malvern for luncheon, and among her guests was Mrs. Mason Campbell, of this city. I hear tho Bob Strawbrldges, who had taken Joe Lcldy's placo up in Narragan JBCtt, gave it up to come homo and furnish arid fix up their now homo, Woodlea, in Bryn Mawr, which Is now satisfactorily accomplished, and so they have gone to S'Newport for a ten days' trip. Their t .daughter, Anita, Is camping in New jjfr Hampshlro and Bob Jr. Is a Plattsburg rooicie. iVAivux wxJMNis. Personals Mrs Joseph E. WIdener will entertain at dinner on Saturday evening In Newport In honor of Mr. Wldener's birthday. Mrs. WIdener win also give a dinner on Thurs day of this week prior to tho dance to bo given by Mr. and Mrs. Pcmbroko Jones. Mn and Mrs. N. Myers Fltler entertnlned a house nartv over the week-end nt the horns o Mrs. Filler's mother, Mrs. William Miaaie, in iltvcrton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson McCredy gave a upper party on Saturday nlcht nt Arnold's. In Cape May The guests Included Mr. and' rs. Harry Clifton Adams, Mr. and Mrs. William Drayton Grange and Mrs. A. GaresU.e Norrls. Mrs. Samuel Chew and Miss Elizabeth Brown, of Vanor, Radnor, who have Juat returned rrom Bedford Springs, have gone to Atlantic City to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Isao II. Clothier, Jr., of Bunnybrook Farm, Radnor, havo gone to Jrragansett Pier to stay until September Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Mayer have tone to Cape May for this month. Mrs. Mayer was Miss Marguerite Barbour, of Washington, before her marriage In June. Mr, R. Penn-Smlth, of Strafford, without iii norH snow wouiu not oe complete, will be one of the Judges at the Newport im v Show August 25 and 26. Mr. Smith will be the guest for a week of Mrs. Regi nald c. Vanderbllt, at Gill Place, his sum mer home at Newport. .Mrs. Felix du Pont, of Wilmington, will Have in a few days on her houseboat for a wur of the coast. Mrs. duPont Is an rdent tennis player and Is a familiar niuro at the golf club. Mr. and Mm Sfnnlaw f"l Vtm... I. f i, Camp Run Farm. Vlllanova,'who are taking -- v.nr.wyo- inp 10 me .racinc coast, are now at Banff. Can. Mr, William Bunn. son of Mr, and Mrs. Wntojj S. Bunn, will leave Cape May In a jew days on bpard his parents' houseboat r Atlantlo City. He will have with him r, Benjamin Rush, Jr.. and Mr. Boy m Along the Main Line MERION Mr, and Mrs. Thomas A, Jmes will leave this week for Scltuate, M3 to join friends who have a cottage tnare for the summer. u, !?' WMn y, c Anderson, of South Highland nvAn,.& . , , .... -r-' .......Me, auu csovvrui iricuua .tie w Jersey Miss Jessie Evans returned "on Friday Ulns """t" Btay ,n tl White Moun- l(lUs Sydney Evans left Saturday for a , Hle weeks' stay Jn the Catskllls, WYNNEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. A. W, B"WW and their fnmllv nf Tfonf rnait. iS?tnSd their cottage at Cape May Satur- ur me remainder of the summer. Chestnut pill Mrs. Ramii.l XT , v .? at Plr.rti i T "" 5U vunw, ui iii " P at 7a 'ane who. Is spending the summer tob por ' ' wlH ,urn w vc U fr- ad Mrs. Charles Rowland, of Nava P nH '"' ar upending the summer at their --f ew cottage. TCA r1aa . tflsa -,. fr si j U4 tut (? vug ucniwuvuHM K?W scnoe gave a luncheon Friday PfUde Klin. J5J G0Wta avenue,' Kn. GUbrt Harvejy e West Chestnut Menue, will Icavo for Capo May tomorrow, to bo gone until September. She will be registered at tho new Stockton Villa. Weddings LUNDY LATIMER. n,T0.. wc.tWlnff of Ml"3 Mao Latimer, of 2320 Couth Fifteenth street, to Mr. Joseph . Lundy, of 917 North Forty-eighth street, look placo last Wednesdny, In St. Monica's Church, the Rev. J. Munlcy, a cousin of tho bridegroom, ofllelallng. The brldo wore a striking gown of white net. a large white georgette picture hat nnd carried a Bhower bouquet of Bride roses and Bwcet pens She was attended by her sinter, Miss Margaret U Latimer, who wore unite net over pink taffeta, with a pink picture hat to match, and carried pink roses. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lundy nro spending their wedding trip visiting Niagara nlls and southern Canada. Germantown Mrs. Charles Sharpless Jones, accom panlod by her daughter, Miss Knthryn Jones, and her son, Mr. Ii Sharplcss Jones, of 416 West .School House Inne, will leave next week for Capo May to remain until Sep tember. Mrs. W. A. Law and her two daughters, Miss Anna Law nnd Miss Margaret Law, of 6419 Greene street, will return to their home from Nova Scotia In three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Moore, of 224 West Tulpchocken street, nrc spending sev eral weeks In Atlantic City. Miss Barstow, of 327 West Chcltcn ave nue, has returned from Ocean City, where Bho spent sovcral weeks. Mrs. Frederick A. Hogg nnd her llttlo daughter, of 441 Hannbcrry street, nro occu pying their cottage at Ocean City nnd will return In October. Mr. Hogg spends the week-ends with them. Mrs. A. H. Storrltt nnd her daughter, Miss Mildred Stcrrltt, of 720 West Upsal street. who are spending the summer In Ventnor, N. J., will return In September. Mr. Stcr rltt returned today, Mrs. Edward Albert, of S1B1 Germantown avenue, gnvo a small reception on Saturday evening for her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Crulksbank. whose marriage took place August 6. Mr. Charles Burton, who has heon at tin. military camp at Plattsburg, N. Y., and who Is tho guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Henson, Wlssahlckon avenue nnd Manhelm strcot, will leave Tuesday for Buck Hill Falls, to be tho gucBt of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Burton nt tho'r summer homo be foro returning to his homo In Mllbcy, S. C Mr. nnd Mrs. George T. Lambert, of G42'j Wayno avenue, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raymond left on Saturday for Buck I 11 1 Falls, to remain until September. Miss Elsa Frost, formerly ot dermantown now living In Summit, N. J., Is visiting hero for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Goodman nnd theli children, of 6333 Burbrldgo Btrret, wlh leavo shortly for Echo Lake. Monrne Coun ty, Pa to occupy their bungalow until No vember. Mr, and Mrs. John A. Hovey, Jr., ana their children, of 124 Mnplewnod avenue, have gone to Cape May for an Indcllnita stay. Mrs. Thomas II. Campion and her daugh ter. Miss Edith Campion, of G523 Pulaski avenue, are spending sovcral weeks In South Bristol, Me. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Burgess nnd their daughter, Mrs. Gcorgo Seeger. and her little daughter, of 6300 Germantown avenue, are spending several weeks In Cape May. They will be Joined later by Miss Dolly Burgess, who Is at present camping near Wilkes Barre, Pa. , i South Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Stanert, of 1740 South Eighteenth street, entertnlned on Saturday evening In honor of the fifth birth day ot their little daughter. Miss Margue rite Stanert. The decorations were In pink and white. Those present were Miss Ruth Weaver, Miss Margaret Warlow, Miss Mary Murnan, Miss Alice Murnan. Miss Margaret Hughes. Miss Gertrude Mathews, Miss Win nlfred Harrison, Miss Margaret Stanert, of Atlantic City; Miss Margaret Brady, Miss Anna Hanngan, Miss Helen O'Donovan, Master George Weaver, Master Edward Murnan, Master William Murnan, Master Edward Faster. Master Norman Collins, Master Fred Scliumm, Master Richard Cantlln. Jr.. Master George Harrison, Mas ter James Mayncs, Master Harry McAIere, Master Stephen O'Donovan. Master Corne lius O'Donovan, Master William Stanert, Master Frank Matthews and Master Oscar Stanert, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubert King, of 2203 South Twenty-fourth street, are receiv ing congratulations on the birth of a son, Walter Le Roy King. West Philadelphia ' Miss Lulu Broomall, Miss Marie Boston, Miss Emma E. Owens and Mrs. Joseph C. Brltt are at Atlantic City for some t.me. Mrs. C, J. Duffy and her daughters. Miss Kathryn Duffy and Mlsa Margaret Duffy, have opened their cottago at Ocean City and will spend the remainder of the sea son there. The annual outing of the Newman Club was held lat week at Blackwood, where there were sptclal features of Interest to all the membtrb The exciting boat race was won by Mr, T, Robinson. MISS HEBA WiUNSKY Mr. and Mr B, Wdlnsky. of S55 Elm- IH 3 y ,3 ja. fwood avenue, anrvqunco tbe betrothal of I their dUuthter. Mfsa Rcba Wlllosky, to Mr. Hrry aoldatoue, ot Belle Island, New-1 fousdi&ad, fqundland. EVENING LBDGER--Pmi;ADELPHIA; MONDAY, 'AUGUST 14 1916. ggfaU. Photo by Photo-Crnfters MRS. ALBERT R. SUTHERLAND Mrs. Sutherland before her mar riajrc to Lioutcnnnt Sutherland, U. S. A., on Aujjust 9, was Miss Dorothy Wagner, of 320 South Forty-second street. OUTING FUND KIDDIES TO GO TO OCEAN CITY After Medical Inspection Chil dren of Penn Street Boys' Club to Have Picnic An all-dny picnic, which was so carefully planned, and for which H0O was raised by means of a carnival nnd donations by somo Germantown people, to tnko the little chil dren connected with tho summer school of tho Boys' Club, on West Penn street, to Ocean City yesterday, camo to a sudden halt whpn tho ordlnanco went Into effect barring children under 16 years of ngo from going Into tho Stnto of Now Jersey without a health certificate. There were sad hearts In consequence for a fow days, but through the efforts of the superintendent of the Boys' Club, Mr. Charles W. Balnbrldge, Jr., nnd others the good news comes that on Mon day of next week each child Is to have a medical Inspection nnd, If all goes well, Tuesday, August 1G. will bo the happiest day of all tho summer for these little peo ple, who will bo taken In a special car to Ocean City, under tho care nf Mr. Bain brldgo and tho principal, Miss Byrne, with her corps of teachers, who Include Miss Westllng, Miss Do Vcnlsh nnd Miss Rosen berg. North Philadelphia Miss Elizabeth T. Reynold. Mrs J. Bardsley and her dnughtor. Mln Lillian Hardsley. ot North Philadelphia, left Sat urday for two weeks' stay nt Tobyhanna. Pa., after which Miss Reynolds will take an extended trip throtigh tho mountainous regions of Pennsylvania, stopping at Scran ton, Lancaster, Mauch Chunk, Pottsvllle and Shenandoah for a period of about a week each Mr. Abraham Glnsburg and Mhs Blanche Katz nro leaving for Atlantic City to stay for tho remainder of tho summer. Kensington Mr. Howard Kappauf. Mr. George Kap pauf and Mr. John Kappauf, of Frankford avenue, havo loft for a trip of 10 days to Portland, Me. Mr nnd Mrs, William E. MaoKlnney, Jr.. of 2835 Amber street, will sponrt a week at their cottago In Wild wood, N. J. Frankford Thu ladles' sewing clrclo of tho First Bap tist Church. Bustleton, took a trip last week to Hnmmonton, N. J., where they were en tertained nt the home of Mrs. Werner, formerly of Wlsslnomlng. in tho party were Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Shebly, Mrs. Blcber, Mth. McKcrcl, Mrs. Bon man and Sirs. Whlttock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonzn Pepper, of Tacony, have been visiting In Lower Delaware and Chlncoteague Island, Va. Mlsn Sidney L. Lenf, of 4925 Penn street. Is spend'ng some time with friends nt Townsend's Inlet, N. J. Miss Dora Abrams and Sllsa Ray Abrams, of Kensington avenue, havo left for n two weeks' visit In the Pocono Mountains. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert T. Corson, of Penn street, after visiting Chicago and St. Louis. are spending some time at Mackinac Island, Mich. Mrs. Manning J. Harvey nnd her son. Master Allen V. Harvey, and Mrs William Allen and her son. Master William Allen, are spending this month at Atlantlo City. Camden and Vicinity oiri,. William S. Scull, who has lived at Sixth and Cooper streets for a number of years, has moved back to her old home In Germantown. Dr and Mrs. Alfred Cramer, of 211 North Fifth street, have been visiting Mrs. Cramer's aunt, Mrs. Henry Hanford, at her ocean City cottage. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Patterson, of Fourth and Cooper streets, who have a cottage at Chelsea this season, have been enter taining relatives from St. Louis. Miss, Mary Wilson, of Third and Lin den streets. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis B Humphreys at their Ocean City bun galow, Mlsi) Alice Elwell, whose marr'age will take place In the fall. Is spending this month with her parents at Cedar Beach. Mrs. Charles Shlmer Boyer. of 534 Cooper street, is entertaining relatives at her cottage at Seaside Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ralp Boyer, of Rlverton, are also. at Sea side Park, Wilmington Wilmington; Dei.. Aug. 14, Mrs. J. Kdmunds Forgy and her small daughter left Saturday for Bridgeport, Conn., where they will make their home In the fu ture, Mrs. Forgy's sister, Mrs. Robert T. Garrison, of Jansen, Fla., and her two sons, who visited her for several weeks, left Tues day for Ashevllle, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Poyntell Johnston and Miss Margery Pyle left for Portage, Mr., last week, to stay until September 1. Mlsa Natalie du Font left for Kennebunk port, Me., last week to spend this month w.tth Mrs. W. K. du Pont, who U there for the summer. Notices tor the Society pais nil) be at tested and printed la tlio lCtuut Ledicr. but nU siith notice mutt be written u one & "! .fhp .""' b fizixa Iq tull. Willi full ifdJrtM. and wba poulble leU vboaa nsmbcr laiut be aWeo. jna U ucli communication te "SocUrj Editor." Uiculus LciUcr. 809 Che, mm OnleM these requirement are carrba eqt. i e tiut vcrlflctWa . but U MttiUa. ik I kh oi m vtuui.ota. 200-MLLE RIDE FOR DAY AT SHORE; PRICE PAD) GLADLY BY THOUSANDS Willinmsport, Altoona nnd Other Cities Send Throngs for Brief Atlantic City Stay PLENTY OF MONEY SPENT ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 14. Altoona, Wllllamsport. Sunbury nnd points between those cities 200 or more miles from Phila delphia furnished a large quota of tho Sun day excursionists As all of these visitors arrived early yesterday morning, they con tributed largely to the coffers of tho res taurants b.ithlng houses nnd open amuse ments Few other rciorts In the world have suf ficient attractions to draw people from such distances for a one-day stay and Induce them to undergo tho discomforts of a trip which require thim to leave their homes before midnight on Saturday, ride all night In day coaches nnd reach here long before tho summer population hns even thought of getting up. Tho regular one-day excursion trains from I'hllp lelphla were crowded, mostly with adults, few children making tho trip because of the red tape wound around tho securing of henlth certificates In Philadel phia for a one-day trip. The hotel crowd over Sundny was much larger than the previous Sunday and tbe big Sundn) of tho year, odlclnlly slated as due next week, will havo to start In early nnd work late to surpass yesterday. Whllo thero arc few profligate spenders here this year, the nverago visitor Is burning up much more than usual, so that tho gross total ot receipts by business men 13 much inrgcr man In any previous year. Every branch of business seems to bo enjoying prosperity, nnd the hotel owners are par ticularly gratlllcd. The Sunday amusement mtxup seems to have been temporarily settled, aa nil of tho plnces which wero raided Inst Sunday opened at 2 o'clock nnd remained open during the balance of tho day. Thoy were not disturbed by police officials and it Is understood that their hearings, arranged to tnke placo last Saturday, havo been In definitely postponed. All the other nmuse ments, heretofore undisturbed by tho au thorities, opened In the morning nnd ran all day, If their style of entertainment called for those hours. As only threo moro big Sundays remain for tho amusement men to roap a harvest, It Is understood that they will not bo mo lested during that period, but that tho ques tion of running nmusements will bo defin itely settled nftcr the season Is o-or. The only possthlo settlement which will be ac ceptable to tho majority Interested here will be to cither close up everything In tho line of nmusements on Sunday or let every thing remain open without any discrimina tion. Although thcro havo been no ofilclnl or ders Issued, a tacit understanding now gives saloons nnd cabnrets a chanco to extend their open hours until 3 a. m tnstcd of 2. ns Is called for by existing laws. This Is only to last until tho season wanes, tho excuso given being thnt many visitors nro unnblo to get proper attention after theater hours. This makes somo pcoplo laugh. Pet poodles Lxe now carried by their fair owners during tho evening promenade on tho Walk. They aro handled with the samo afTectlon ns If they were Infants, cuddled up closo and hugged tightly. Dogs are allowed In the promenade, If held hi leash, but tiny poms, French poodles and toy dogs of all tho fashionable breeds would have but little chanco for a stroll on tho Walk during tho August crush. Concert at Gcorjro's Hill Tho Falrmount Park Band, under the leadership of Richard Schmidt, will play this afternoon nnd tonight at George's Hill. The programs follow; ArTErt;oo.v, itod cvcloc tlirp. 'lllinp'llFlfin Cnm.il.i' 1. rrrr h Overture. "Hununrlan Comedy" ..keler Bela S. Melodies from "The Love Tales of Hoffmann 3. (a) "Hlmplo Avuo" (hi "l'rozen Hill" I. "Grand Ilusshm Fantasia" n. Waltr. "Golden Hunset" n. Melodies from "Tho lied Widow 7. (al "Idltlo" (b) Tnruntelle "Forsetta ' 8. Medley, "Summer Hays" uaenhacn . .Thome . . . .Prjor ...Tobonl Hall ...Oebest Luck ....Ardllt ..Keeker HVn.VlNCJ. 8 TO 10 O'CLOCK. j. uveriuro. wer i'reiscnuir '.'. "nallet KioDtlnn'' (In fou .Wflhe four parts).. LuIrIiiI I. Jwylophono solo, "Operatic Fantasle' f'lbii'illi fl ui m-Udt . uounod Lewln Sulolnt. Mr. Peter Lewln. ft. "Hungarian lthapsody Ko. 2" Liszt 0. (n) "Thero Once Was an Owl" Herbert (h) "Ireland Konner" Myddleton 7. Waltz from "Tho Count of Luxembourg" 6. Melodies from "The Hnchantress". ... Herbert "Star Spangled llanner." Gloucester Folk on Shore Trip Three large excursions left Gloucester City this morning for Atlnntlc City, nnd It Is estimated that -000 nt tho city's residents are at the seaahoro city today. Every one of the children Is prepared to give a clean b.ll of health If It should be required. This precaution was tnken on account of the quarantine In many cities. The excursions were taken by the Employes' Relief Asso ciation nf tho Welsbach Company, the Glou cester Fife and Drum Corps and the Or ental Athletic Club. FARMER SMITH'S WHEN SHOULD DOLLS BE SPANKED Dear Children This subject is just as interesting to BOYS as it is to girls. It is, it is, and it IS! I say so. I have been wondering lately just when dolls should be spanked. I am uncertain about the question and, therefore, I am going to ask you to write me and tell me how you train your dolls, I hope boys will write and tell me when THEY think dolls should be spanked, I think boys should know such things. There are boys, too, who have dolte. I had one myself, so there! Of course, I don't expect as many boys to write aa gifls, but I would like to have a little corner for the "Care and Feeding of Dolls." What do you think about it? LITTLE BROWN BEAK By Farmer Smith Sniff! Sniff! The Little Brown Bear looked all around him Mother Bear was nowhere to be seen. He looked behind the cupboard, under the bed, behind the refrigerator and st.ll his mother was nowhere to be seen. The Little Brown Bear walked outdoors and stood for a moment looking this way and that. He went around the house and bak again. He looked up all the tall trees near his home, and still did not see. Mother Bear. She was gone I The Little Brown Bear became very lone some oh I so lonesome. Where COULD his mother be ! He went back Into the house and lay down on the couch for a few tiny minutes in must have fallen asleep. When he awoke the first thing he thought of was h.s mother. M . . Surely she had returned. Never before had she been gone, o long. He called, "Mother." No one answered. It was so very (till be could almost HEAR the stillness and he was lonely, oh! so lonely. What If mother should never return) The Little Brown Bear turned over and sobbed and sobbed. Then be stopped ; there was a sound outside. , . m i n ii i i ii i la.mi irr. 1. 1 , i-iit ,i tfjMif- 'THE PRIVATE WAR' BT LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE "the SKSfcS. bowl" BrNorsis, Gordon Trnlll, n. i-ounit Nw Tork society favorite, nntl Captntn Hand von Holxborn, nttschfd to the German Kmtay In 1in Hon, aro rival aultnra for the hand of the wldownl Ladr Herbert, formerly Julia IH-Ich. of lllchmonil. Va. The Herman la enared to the widow, due to tho fact that In the two years following the death of her hnaband Traill lias remained In the United Statea. Immediately upon Traill's arrival In Lon don he atumhlei upon melodrama. He haa eousht reruns from the fos In n cab. I.ylmr cm the floor he flnda tho drugged and slabbed body of M de Netre, n special aaent of tho lUisilan Oocrnnifnt. Hordon takes the body to ,Sernnee apartment, and the latter hotlflea Von llohhorn who call for hl wounded friend. The rlvali halo each other from that flrat meeting Von Holzborn aplrlta nwav t,ady Herbert, whom Traill call hla "Heart's desire " SerAnee and Traill set off for Sallarres, Lady Herbert's country estate, In hopo of finding her there. They hae reached tho keeper's lodge. t'ltAI'TIin X Continued. ""7"olrun rBl," 1 conceded unwillingly X hating to acknowledge myBelf mis taken. Sevrance did not reply. Ho strodo past me and found a door upon which he knuckled a resounding summons. A olce from within mode Instant answer: "Well, well, now. 1 be n-comln'." And a moment Inter u line of light showed beneath tho lintel nnd above the threshold. There wns tho sound of (Ingot s fumbling with tho latch within, and then tho door was opened, letting out n Hood of radiance. A gnunt and sallow keeper stood framed In tho doorway, holding a kerosene lamp high above his head, blinking out Into tho darkness. Tho light fell luridly on his gray head with Its strongly cast features, upon his shoulder and tho hugo and bony hand which held the lamp. But below his figure was Invisible, shrouded In obscurity. Tho effect wns remarkable that of a head nnd shoulders suspended In midair. Ho stood silent for nn Instant, staring blindly. "Well?" he mouthed Irritably. "Who bo ye and what d'yo want?" Sovranco moved Into tho light. "Good evening, Thompson," ho said. "I'm Mr. Se ranee you remember mo7" "Lor bless us, yes I Mr. Sovrance, sir I know ye well enough, Indeed, though 'tis many a long day alnco I have put eyes upon your face, sir. But I remember yo well. What brings ye this way?" "I wish to sco Lady Herbert. Thompson. Sho told mo In London to meet her hero, and I camo at onco. Will you open tho gates and permit " "Her leddyshlp, sir?" snld tho old keeper incredulously. "Her leddyshlp bo not here, sir. You've been misled." "Come, come, Thompson," Sovranco re monstrated In a kindly tone. "Don't bent about tho bush. I must sco Lady Herbert, and that Instantly." "But she bo not at Saltacrcs, Mr. Sov ranco. sir," the fellow protested. "No, sir no; keep your money. It bo truth I bo tollln'. .Why should I lie. sir? Well, sir, If yo Insist, I will gladly drink your health, but tho solemn truth bo that Lady Herbert bo not at Saltacrcs." "Xot at Saltacrcs!" Thoro wns a profound despair In ranco'a voice. I stepped to his side, ping my nrm through his. "Sho has been delayed, Tony." I Sev-sllp- said loudly. "Sho will surely arrlvo tomorrow, win sno not, Thompson? ' Shaking his head, tho keeper blinked at me. "I do not know ye, sir. But yo are with Mr. Sevranco and his friend. So I can tell yo tho truth; that If her leddyshlp bo a-comtn' to Saltacrcs, not a soul hero knows a word on It." Thero was unmistakable sincerity In his tones; neither of us doubted him nn In stant longer. Sovranco turned away with a groan. "By Heaven!" hp swore angrily. "Tricked again duped by the Infernal Prussian!" von uoizuorn nnu inueeu proved moro astuto than I had thought him I, who prided myself on my ability to read char acter! Ho had taken us In neatly and thero was nothing for It but to acknowledgo our selves beaten. "Come, Tony," I said gently. "Wo may as well glvo It up; we've followed a false scent. Let's get back and sleep on It." "Sleep!" ho cried scornfully. "How can you. with her " You may believe that I was as wrathful as he. It maddened me to think with what complacency Holzborn must havo been laughing In his sleeve at me during tho In terview of tho last night, when I had bold ly asserted what ho must havo known wns a downright falsehood that I had not heard from Heart's Desire. "Come," I said again, controlling my voice with difficulty. But Sevranco Jerked his arm away. "Walt!" ho cried. "For what?" I demanded. Ho motioned with his hand, enjoining silence. "What?" I began, and held my tongue, for I saw that ho was listening. Loud upon the stillness of the night, broken ns It was only by' the dull under tone of tho distant surf and tho sighing of the breeze In tho leafless trees, there rose, and gnthered momentarily In volume, a sound ns of tho hurried breathing of a giant. JVAKJUBK SMITH, Children's Editor. $&.3 GL'ORUK BERGEN, JR.. Behobotb. Beach, DoL ( ' )ii,ilff( p3 .vS&S'e' mrM-WT m b?staJP8353Iv' - m E2iM, The rapid, short, panting nolso was un mistakable; It could herald nothing but the approach of a gasoline motor. I con fess that my heart leaped as I recognized the sound, confirming, ns It seemed to, the accuracy of our reasoning. SovVnnce raised his head. "Was I right?" ho demanded exultantly. "And we aro hero ahead of them. Now they can't escape usl" But for my own part I was uneasy In my mind when It came to tho prospect of confronting mine enemy there, on that lone ly stretch of road At least I knew enough of him to guess that he would go armed) and not yet had the advisability of ft sim ilar course occurred to me. "Sevrance," I asked hurriedly for now tho motor's strident song was loud and clenr nnd near, "aro you armed?" He turned to mo a face livid In the star light. "Armed? Tho devil! Nol" Four round nnd clarlne eyes of flamo Jumped Into sight, scarcely flvo hundred yards down tho Saltsea road ; for a mo ment they seemed to hnng, vibrating, sus' ponded In space ; nnd then I observed that they wero growing Incredibly, with amazing swiftness. Llghtnlngllke gleams ot polished brass and steel seemed to play about tho car; and tho noise of It approach grew deafening. it swung down upon us In n marvelous burst of speed, Hying onward In a Bmother of fine dust. So high was the pneo that I grasped at a fugltlvo hopo that we might bo mistaken, after all that tho machine wns not going to stop before Snltacrcs lodge. But tho futllltes of that hopo was Boon made manifest. I heard the hoarse, warn ing honk of tho horn, nnd every bolt nnd Joint of tho hugo machine seemed to shriek protest ns tho brakes wero applied, bring ing It to a total stop within thrice Its length and directly beforo us. OUAPTIin XI A PI.UNOK INTO DAItltNESB FOR tho next few seconds I had my hands full, and wns unable clearly to comprehend what was taking placo. Abruptly, as tho automobile camo to a halt, I saw that It was likely to terrify our horse Into a fit of frenzy. Tho brute wns rearing and pawing tho air, showing the whites of Its eyes, jumping this way and that between the shafts of tho fly, threatening every moment cither to overturn tho vehicle or to brcaK looso ana run away, so leaving us without means of return to tho Rainbow at Saltsea Regis. Such a catastrophe was to bo averted at all costs. I sprang to tho bond of the ani mal, grabbed the brldlo near tho bit, and, by main strength and soothing words, mnn nged to calm it Into a state of trembling quiescence. To this result I was aided by one of the occupants of tho car, who had tho sense or tho decency, or both, to still tho vibra tions of the mctor. All of this, however, hnd taken but a mlnuto or two. When I approached Sev ranco again. It wns simultaneously with one of tho motorists, who had alighted, I observed, leaving two companions In tho car. I hurried forward, urged by Btrong ap prehensions of trouble Imminent and cnlamltous. To my Infinite relief tho man, passing under tho glare of tho lamp which Thomp son, tho keeper, still held In tho doorway, showed himself an utter stranger at least, to me. And his first words Indicated that ho wns unncqualntcd with my companion, who had not moved from his position by tho lodge. "Pardon, monsieur." The man addressed Sovrance. speaking In English strongly tinged with a foreign accent. "I," he con tinued, with strained courtesy, "beg to assure you that I am desolated to havo af frighted your so noblo nnlmal, zo horse." He was, then, unmistakably a French man! Tho knowledge camo to us both, combined with the absurdity of his open ing remarks, with the effect of an abrupt tumble from the subllmo to the ridiculous. Dashing ns tho outcome was to our hopes for they had been hopes, albeit com mingled with the gravest apprehensions neither Sevranco nor I could forbear laugh ing. This errant Frenchman, bowing and scraping and fumbling with his goggles and his motoring cap, presented a figure Ir resistibly comical no less so than proved his words to us. Sovranco gasped, in time to avert tho other's threatened resentment, manifest In tho stiffening or nta pose: "You nro en tirely excusable, monsieur. Our noble ani mal, the horse. Is no moro than a country plug, and I don't bellovo he would have run very far If he had broken away," "Many thanks," minced the fellow. "I nm unutterabl' relieve'. You are mos kind." Ho became entangled with the straps of his mask and choked upon some following words; a second later he emerged, bare headed, smiling and bowing Inimitably. A slight, pallid little man he proved, with small eyes, very quick, and an Insignificant mustache. "Permit me," he said, "to Introduce my self Monsieur Adolph Dechaud, of Paris en tour een zo British Isle' wlz mon ami, Monsieur Chartler, an' ze chauffeur." At the mention of his name, Monsieur RAINBOW CLUB Branch Club News Mrs. R. Miller, tho mother of Esther, Ruth, Bud, Ethel, Margaret and Frances Stiller, who range In age from 9 years to 9 months, has undertaken the charge of the famous Roxborough Rainbows, Tho suc cess of the undertaking Is amply proved by the following extract from her letter, an account of a birthday picnic given in honor of Mae Thelss, one of her little members: "Well, now for our picnic. We had a very beautiful day; It ralned,a little In the afternoon, but we didn't mind that, be cause there was a pavilion near us, and we were safe In there till the rain stopped. e left our house about 8:30 a. m. and umtcu noma m nve minutes after 6. "The children certainly did have a glqrlous time. They had a grand pile of white Band to play In, and the small chll dren did enjoy It, too. There were 16 of us on the picnic. I didn't have any trouble at all w.th them;Jhey behaved beautifully "Lots of funny things happened. We sent two boys after a pall of water, and they had to go a little distance, and when they came back they carried their blouses and had their heads wet. They said they were In swimming, but I knew differently because they cannot swim. Two girls and two boys had some angry words, but we soon settled that, for I told them If I caught any of them quarreling again they would have to pay a fine of 2 cents to the Rain bow Club. I enjoyed myself quite as much as the children." Thinps to Know aril !)- (l) The wizard says he can't, tell what time it Is, because the clock has just struck anu DQin lianas are pointing EXACTLY to tna tame to beT iui. tvna urne u it nicely FARMER SMITH, I wish to become a member of your Rainbow Club. Please tend me a beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agree to DO A LITTLE KINDNESS KACH AND EVERY DAY. SPREAD A LITTLE SUNSHINE ALL ALONG THE WAY. Name Address .....,.,.,..., Ag .,,,.. 9 Chartler piled out of the t6nneati and cam toward us. Sevranco bit his" lip to re press a smite and Introduced himself, nddlrw my name. There teas a moment or tte of general, all-round gush, ntid then DcchKui, nH ho called himself, managed to delfror his questions Chartler standing by I re marked, rather taciturn, without removing his goggle mask. It developed 'that the party, en tour, as they would have It, had started out Of Lincoln for Great Grimsby, and had lost their way on what they aptly termed "ze downs so ver' horeeblle." Would we, therL bo so good as to set them right As to their whereabouts and their r6ut67 Wo would willingly. Sevrance pointed out the northern road, giving mlhuta directions. Ono question that he answered sticks In my mind, because of the significance that later nttached unto It. Dechaud had been giving an exhibition or crass stupidity. I remember wondering nt me onstinacy with which ho refused to understand Sevrance's directions. "But," he repeated several times, "where ar-ro wa now? What ii zls placo?" To which Sevranco flnnlly made nnser Impatiently: "Saltacrcs. the estate of Lady ... r. ! ,,n mlles norlh of Saltsea Regis." ii u . " Lady Herbert ze gr-rcat Een- gllsh beauty, I believe? She reside Here, in zls country so objectlonnblo altogether?" Sovranco told him no, that her ladyship lived In London. I fancied that the French man seemed disappointed, but from then on ills understanding Improved noticeably npd m a moment or two more ho wbb back In the car, and, nftcr Insisting upon an exchange or cards and compliments, the party struck briskly out Into the horth. that I Heard tho hum of the motor die upon iin h,,JVMi ll e,e,ned' b"t their Interrup tion had afforded us considerable amuse ment. The slight Incident seemed almost memorable, slnco It was the only bright, laughable spot In a tlmo of gloomy anxiety. fc.5anc, atfuck a mtl b"galn with tho keeper, whereby Thompson promised not to unl ? " havJnB eeen us' but. n tho pther S Xt0 ,n"d a m,enns t apprising us in Btantly of the nrrlval of Lady Herbert, or roMnS TCclpt from her of n"y wrd Indi cating her nrrlval. ih"-Lnvo J"lnutcs " the departure of tno automobile we were back In tho fly, en couraglng that noblo animal, the plug, to tako us homo to the Rainbow. TV a mado the Inn at about nine, and fell ?n ,a ,BmoklnK-lot supper like a pair of fam shed savages. The meal was served In as 1?2,t V? notab. a"d. as ;icar y "V ul estimate, all the countryside JnMeJ iCM ' 8e,?' Tncy Eat "round the. dHn?,1nlnmVB "ltI CT0UP9' "molting and ... u, ? m enormus powter pots tvhlle watching us with Intense gravity I don't suppose that four strangers had ever patronized that Inn at one and the same time beforo; that tho Incident assumed In tho popular mind the Importance of a teenti a"d for that reason I hardly blamed them. But the combined stares of ?n SX.fa,I7 0 oycs made -nervous. w.,na i",ar l resnted the attitude of our 25 in. f"0W travcIer- the ancient, who . a V Jar corner and nover onco ceased to accord our actions his undivided atten n E vorj,now and again I would took 3 mi' J" " drSvn by manet.c attrac tion, my gaze would wander to his corner to encounter the nnlmaWlke. curious "nd steady stare of hi, Bmall bright eyes. ,.v,mS Promptly retired to our rooms small, chilly nnd damp chambera, scantily fur. n shed and provided with window sashw that ra tied like castanets In the sea breeze first flooer. end a corrWor on S mSn.anK came ,n.t0 my "on1 a"d Pre- ' ,.mPl,ed 'no on chair, wherein he sat tilted back against tho wall, glumly enewlmr a c gar which he was enjoying so llUIe that ho had permitted It to go out. and In which Qradj was In his master's chamber, unpack ng the suitcases. I flung myself full length crtentcr' l " -WW lmnhalon:ou',dbLn2rscrIbeedCha80f,th2 happy state of mind. I do not beHeve a ?Ze?.2lne.nceB had .passed between us from hadtiV;8 'hLnkl" that wo early de parturo'for'lo'ndoV ,eT9, iin? morning, slnco there could be no proflt in a continued stay (r. Saltsea. it was oulto apparent, as I viewed thrt matter, that Von Holrborn had succeedod In throwing us completely oft the scent, and I feh : "lj, ' ly convinced that by that time the black! or?withaTMCComp,,lahed h,a "i-nad ru ore with Julia and persuaded her Into an unconventional marriage. Sevrance's opening remark, which came ?JvSwUy,,r" rlRht ln l,no with his do rl He Bpolie abruptly, startling rnT myhthoueghnts.PrOI"'latene83 f h,B word3 nex't7"UPPSe that yU Bro for prfcmoutn ...."iP.of,t8mo.uth?" x turne to look at hltn. m nutf8,w "m8' traln lt Z nea to?! minute that there was anything to ba cutely hoodwinked, nnd It la my opinion that we had best drop the matter put it out of our lives, as we mustWJulla. " .. ..?' ao SQii4t yu wish." ha said shortly. i am noi so complacent In .W-m .ii iu, ii nor. acKnowedge that I am beaten until we have mors (,.. ii...n in fact, stantlal evidence to prove It. I was golnir to suggest that you. If you insisted, might go to Portsmouth." ' "llsns "But you?" "I'll stay. Julia did not trouble to send you that note for no purpose nor. I ven. ture to suggest, did sho telephone her dress, maker without a motive." "Then you think we had hutipr , "Assuredly," He arose, walked the length bf the room and sat down, wearing an odd expression of attentlveness which I failed to meJatan?- ., "S1?e wrote'" h9 continued softly Indeed, almost whispering "'Gor. don, J need you.' Sho said 'Saltacrea' you're sure of that?" "Positive." "Very well, then," he said loudly. ' "We'll start back tomorrow." "What!" I gasped. But when I looked toward him he was not In the chair, I saw him. out ot the tall of my eye. making swiftly, on tiptoe, for the door, In another Instant he had, it open, fatartled, I sat up on the edge of the bed. I heard a whine of protest, a shuffle of feet and the door slammed loudly, shutting In Sevrance with our aged, and Inquisitive fellow guest of the Rainbow. It was all consummated so swiftly that I was still blinking with amaxememv when I saw Sevrance release the arm which ha had been grasping, and. with the quickness of thought, turn the key In the lock Thu ancient appeared no less surprised than I; he stood quaking with the wakntmt of age, rheumy eyes glittering beneath the steely thatch of his brows, pendulous lower lip sagging. Sevrance swung truculently upon. him. "Now, sir. you'll perhaps explain!" "I I " stammered the ancient. "Jw will excusu an old man, gentlemen -' "Excuses be damned!" said Sevnjue tersely- "You tell us j?hy you, wre lisUu. Ing at the door." I fancied him a trine rough mora M than tbe circumstances, seemed to call hie. The man was trembling:, palpably vmtmti and bewildered. gl hsiids a-qulVKr- (in embodiment of senile distress. "A nUtater ho protested. hU old ?tet qusYetlajr. 'j wa seeking tny roe, a& and mistook tbe door. Ypu surely writ 4a Buse a simple rror." H eyed Umi tw of us anxiously, with quick. ivitta glances, "l can assure yoa. ia.t I M lnt84 to listen " But you Clir Ssvra&se asasctaa, anyMMfc tiijf. COKTOft?t TOMflsJUWyWl