Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
t'tfWtfl'V "WWHI iB Vf "' ' '" ' J""" wto'WmfXf8 wwwww EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, 'AUGUST 14, 1916, If1 BOY SCOUTS URQED TO MAKE FLY TRAPS FOR BABY PLAGUE FIGHT MJoctor Cornell, Chief Medical Inspector of Public Schools, aiso isita vjibizena to any .Destructive Devices 600 Needed for City's 141 Playgrounds Cltjh Inspector Calls for 600 Fly Traps WANTED at once, COO fly trap3 for 141 playgrounds. Dr. Walter b Cornell, chief medJcal Inspector of public schools. mnkosUho request, Id help prevent infnntilo paralysis. His aim and that of doctors and inspectors is to make the play grounds the safest, cleanest places for Philadelphia children. One dollar will buy a fly trap, and maybe save many babies, according to Doctor Cornell. There is no available fund for the 1 Doctor Cornell accordingly asks the public to co-operate in making nnd buying fly traps, and asks that they be sent to Room 729, City Hall. f,V THAPS, nearly COO of them, nro needed In tho 141 playgrounds of the city t Once 10 neip iihiivu n.uui iiic client unit cleanest places In Philadelphia, nccordlng to Dr. Walter S Cornell, chief mcdcal Inspec tt,t of the Philadelphia public schools, who Ins como homo from his vacation to help 'hiClt the Infantile paralysis epldemlo by preventive measures. But there aro no vuimuiu iuuuh iur me fW traps, Doctor Cornell says, so ho makes n appeal to the public to send money for the traps and to tho boys of tho city, especially tho Iloy Scouts, to mnlto traps. !. l'nnr aim ts to make tho playgrounds the safest placet In tho city for tho chil drenbetter than tho alleys In which they would olhorwlso ploy," said Doctor Cor nell. "Wo want to net rid of tlio flics. In bluercttlo Itfs of tlus variety which bites, nd tho ordinary flics which just tickle. Wo r(rant to get 1 10 of those files, for thoy may be the means or. sprcauuiR nimniue parniy ils.1 And to cot rid of the- fllos wo must have fly traps. Theso traps, such as nro recommended by the United States Govern ment, UUI them by tho pound. They will kill moro In fin hour than a person could gwat In a mouth. ' U 1' U.N US) JWJlllJiWlJU "But I am up against u ior lunus. i know thero aro many peoplo who want to , do something to stamp out lnrantllo psralys's in this city ocroro it becomes an epldcm'c such as Now York has. "Having tho fly traps, three or four of j.them In each of tho 1 11 playgrounds, will lie a big neip, no continued. xneso traps ire a dollar each If bought, but enn bo hmIv made,- Kow If neopla want to glvo jTtho monoy for them, they can buy a trap sndimaybo savo many unuics ror ono dollar. .The traps can bo mado by Boy Scouts or others." f Money or traps should be sent to room T29 City Hall. Home-mado traps should follow tho direction contained lit a Govern ment bulletin. Mako-shlfts will not bo :'t welcomed or useful. To ncconipllih nny- thing mo traps must uo gooa ones. Doctor Cornell estimates that at least 40,000 Philadelphia children go to tho playgrounds each day and ho says that ho ' does not think thero Is n thing which can be done to prevent an epidemic which will be ot more value to Philadelphia than to ! talto proper caro" of the playgrounds. lie. si) 3 that tho children, who would other- f f Q y a wise be playing In the streets and alleys will bo brought under proper supervision. He has called In sovcral score of the med ical inspectors of tho public schools, who nro not scheduled to work during tho months of July nnd August. Theso men nro as signed to different playgrounds. Doctor Cornell has also Issued n call to mem bers of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, tho Homeopathic Mcdlcnl Society and the Phyalclans Motor Club, nsklmr them to volunteer their services for 1G minutes dally for two weeks to mnko special Inspections of tho playgrounds. EDUCATING Tim PAUENT3. Caro of tho children under tho direction of tho physicians, special nurses on tho groundB, Interpreters, who can tell tho mothers of little children what precautions to take to prevent Infantile paralynls, and tell them not to take any notice of fake remedies and "quacks," will educate tho peoplo through tlio playgrounds as centers. Doctor Cornell has mnpped out tho city In wards and districts showing whero tho playgrounds are and where tho infantile paralysis coses are, and Intends, with tho old of all his workers, to make tho play grounds, ho says, "oases In tho desert," where tho children can go with safety. Thero ore" 10 public school playgrounds nnd four recreation board playgrounds In the district bounded by Broad nnd MIfllln nnd Front nnd Market streets, and 12 pub lic school playgrounds nnd two recreation board playgrounds In tho district bounded by Broad nnd Cumberland nnd Second and "Wlnghocklng streets. Into theso districts he Intends to' send his workers at onco to mako tho playgrounds there the best posslblo places for children. "Pleaso toll tho people wo aro In need of tho fly trnps," said Doctor Cornell. "AbU them to Bend tha monoy or tho traps ns soon ns possible f0r they aro needed to fight tho lnfnutllo paralysis cases ami prevent an epldemlo." NOTICE Members of Fraternal Orders THE department of Fraternal Or der News appeared in the first two editions of today's EVENltfa Ledger. Until further notice this departmental news will be printed in the first edition on Monday, and Thursday of each week. This change in publication is made nccessnry by the reduction In the size of Phila delphia newspapers, agreed to by all tho publishers to meet tho serious condition created by the shortage of news print paper. MUNICIPAL HAND SCHEDULE Places to Be Visited This Week and the Program The Municipal Ilnnd. under the leadership of Benjamin lloeshman, will play during tho week at tho following places: ItejnoliN J'ost, Seirntoenth street and Sny der avenue. Vernon Park, Clormnnlown nvenuo nbovo Chel ten atomic. , Pnlrhlll Square. Fourth strr-ct nnd Lehigh avenue. Cornelluii Park, Comlr nnd Frnnkford avenue. Tho program ench night follows: 1. Otcrturc. "Mirry Wltos of (n) "Trnumerir tin jnt Windsor." . . Nlcolnt . ...Schumann termor!, "Flutter Ulrl" ...... Wcnrlcli .1. Descriptor, "Catalry Clianre"..j...L.uder8 4. Ocms from "Tlio Only CHrl"...... . .Herbert r. Tenor Solo "Selected" Wllflnm 1'iiKaii. 0. Ornml Selection, "Alda" ,... Verdi 7. Valne ill Coneert, "Murmuring Waters". Hall 8. Medley, "Sonus of Erin" Uejer Fining of American Denied THE HAOUt:, Aug. 14. Tho Vosslscho Zcltung denies a story from French sources, which nppenred In tho mtddio of July, that Mnjor Dutton, an Amerlcnn, was fined In Brustcls for Insulting n German ofllccr. The Vosslacho Eoitung says that thero Is no such A .,a,...i ti Im Tlnlrrlntn ' ' WPNMMMv ir T0XAWAY DAM FAILS; PEOPLE FLEE TO HELLS Floods Swell North Carolina Lake Until Barrier Breaks, Flooding Valley JOSEPH PITELLI Second Regiment's barber at Camp Stewart. El Paso. In private life he is musical instructor at Penn sylvania Stntc College. Mary PIckford Starts Film Concern NEW YOIUC, Aug. 14. Mary PIckford lia? organized a company for tho produc tion of motion plcturo plays. She Is now making tho first film nt the Mary PIckford studios, on Seventh avenue. She says In in announcement that In the selection of scenarios, tho casting ot companies and production ot motion pictures slio ha.s learned something every day nnd Is going to mnko use of this knowledge. Ilrt- com pany will produce nil plays In which Miss PIckford appears. , Krupps Buy Copper Mine THE HAGUE, Aug. 14. The Frank furter Zeltung pnni3 from Vienna that tho Arthur Krupp Metal Company hns acquired tho Mlttcrbcrgcr' Copper Mlno Company. Tho Krupps, of Essen, thus become Inde pendent of tho copper market. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Andrnwr Illllnxkl. South llethlehom. Pa., and Mary Dilkl. till (Jrcen t. Wnltor U. mull. 723 N. 13th St., and Mary H. Flthlan. 1U1D Trench Dt. Edward Cohen, MOi Lombard at., and Ilnttte Hull, llin H. 17th rt. George C. I.lpp. 1831 Wilt St., nnd Uerttm llart- zel. 008 llovton two. John A. Tiolor. 291 W. Johnston st . and Annie E. Nethery, S24 Mount Pleasant ao. Jacol) M. Uernsteln. 2313 . Napa St.. anil Mollle II Deutsch, 2313 N. Nap i st. William . McDonald, lolll W. Dauphin St.. "nnd Anna K Oralinm. 1013 W. Dauphin at. niehnrd V. Itatiipnon. r,S30 Webster St., and Kim Mnylnml. W42 Webster st. Percr Qloer. 182 W Prlco St.. nnd Daisy Lewis, 1 17 W. I'rleo st. Trunk Spadara. 747 a, 10th St.. and Anna Slnrbaru, 1128 Tnsker st. Charles McVean, Rupert. Idaho, and Aumiitu I.. Onnor. 828 S. 4th st. Osrr W. Ilenson. flloueester, N. J., and Eva A. Stnchnwluk. 3071 Kmcrnld at. Prlnco A. llrottett. Norfolk. Vo., and Qertruds T. Chapman. 711 N. iinth st. Walter U llortman, Jlctblehem, Ta., and Ulnnche II. U.illanl, Kltln. Ohio, nnrmnnd O. llass. West I'enn, Pa., and Ileulah M. Wehr, lamaqua, l'a. Andrew C Heay, Wilmington, Del., and Eva a. Coxe. WllmlnRton. Del. Michael Sohat-Blo. 01.1 Dudley St., and Lucy Kalvolln, 73J Ivlmlmll st. Trancls J. O'NolII. 327 Wolf st , and Mary A. Ford. 2U3 WoJC st. Claudo J. Dries, Northampton, Ta., and Itoss A. Dotterer, Northampton, l'a. William C. Anderson, 210 Cnrpentor at., nnd Anna I.. O'Donncll. 411) Itltncr at. Harry Uold'stone. Hell Island. Newfoundland, and Reba Wlllnsky, 0355 lllmwood ave. City Hall Plaza Concert Tonight Tho Philadelphia Hand, under tho leader ship ot Kllat 13. Hummel, will play tonight on City Hall Plazn Tho program follows: 1 Overture. "Unlit Caalry" Suppo 2. (a) Arabian lnterme2o (Hesnme) Klnu tb) Characteristic In "Olo Arlinnsiw." ,, . . . . . Zimmerman .1. Oram! Selection of War Sonas Lamps 4. Holo for Cornet tl'lora Waltzes) Cunnrd 13. Koennlclce, soloist n. (it) I'rnloBiio from Opera "rnBllsccl." ..... . Irfoncavallo (b) Intermezzo from Operi "Pagllnccl. - ., , .. Leimeaallo fl. Melodies from Massenet a Opera "llerodlns," . . ,. . . Massenet 7. Contralto Solo from the Opera "Lucrczln llorcla", Donizetti Ilertha llrlnker d'AIMte-". 8. Musical .Scenes from Hnltzerland. .. .I.nnsey (a) Hustle I'k lure. ibi ivasant Dante, c) Alphorn. d) I.nndler. (e) Tempo ill Polacca. Sir Former Victoria Premier Dies LONDON", Aug. 14 Tho lit. Hon. Georgo Turner, former Premier nnd Trcas uror of Victoria, died suddenly yesterday In Melbourne, according to a Hcpter's ills patch. He was born In 1851. UP THE HUDSON "300 Miles by River and Rail" NEXT SATURDAY (August 10) Also Thursday, August 31 Sunday, September 10 $2.50 rtrT This seison's most popular trip throuch tho Wonderful Palisades and lltKhlands, imsslns the iltatuc uf I.Uiorti. famuus New York Sky Line. Columhl.i CullcBe. Urant's Tomb, Kort Washington. Vonk ers. Sine Sine, Stony Point. West Point nnd Newburuh DON'T MISS THIS LAST SATURDAY EXCURSION Kpecl.il train leaes Heading Terminal 7 Oil A M. Stopping ut Columbia Avu.. lluntlnndon St.. Watno Junction nnd Jenklntown. Philadelphia & Reading Ry. AHHEVir.T,U N'. C, Aug. 14. Orcenvllle, S. C . nnd many smaller towns were trircntcncil with serious dnmngo today by tho 600 ncrefl of water released when tho great Lake Toxawoy dam, 38 miles south of Ashcvllle, gave way. Towns nil along tho path of tho Lako Toraway Illver and tho Chuga Itlor, Into which It flows, wero virtually deserted by thn residents, warned of the- dam's breaking. The l,nko Toxaway dam kept back tho water flowing from Lake Toxawny Illcr through n deep gorge. In tho path of tho wnter It released arc many towns, Including Anderson, Pickens, Seneca and Wnlhalla, along the Chuga Illver, ns far ns can bo learned. Tho break In the great stone nnd enrth dnm was caused by a natural spring nt Its base. Lako Toxaway Is ono of thrco artificial lakei In the Toxawny section of tho Sap phlro region of N'ortli Carolina. Toxaway Is about soven miles long nnd I tho largest of tho three lakes. A branch of tho Southern Hallwny, running from Hendcr sonvlllc, hna Its terminus there. Tho dim which held bnck the waters was about 200 feet long. 90 feet wldo at tho base nnd tapered upward to a width of 22 feet. Tho dnm li built of masonry nnd wns supposed to be ablo to withstand any pressure of water. Occupants Unhurt in Auto Crash T.n persons, Including several women, were In two automobiles that collided ot the corner of Ilrond nnd Urlstol streets last night. Tho machines, owned by Adolph lliiehler, of 437 West Olrard nvenue, and Wllllnm Bates, of 417 Oowen nvenue. Mount Airy, wcro considerably damaged, but tho occupants were uninjured, Woman Tries to End Life VINnLANI). X. J.. Aug. 14. Sadlo Elsen berg, ot Norma, took poison laBt night and may die. Slio Is 60 yenrs old and has n hUBbaud nnd children. Sho would not glvo tho reason for trying to end her life. IfENUS 10YPENCIL 17 3&.cj6 ttxt "fan eggfllS WESjfil jlK4 6ue,& THE VflVET " 7 HSUPMNt 0B S 1 IMIT3CIASS rfrfgwR VvT Ameriasn LeadR-ndTCajNY MHBIIMMIiM TT JC 1 L Jul .Ul . A& 4m Yx ' I fcJJJAA. 1iiiMlflrTilT'ff if !0 cv -t ...w -0 -1L &tim &v KnTfatsroji JLEfTreJT3XiJ HHT4T-rpmqHi HHB'SS ElWUBwcmil run riTT rni i wrwrrtriri MTrrrrrrrTnrrjjj .-th,l : pPWKViB We offer Z1RA as a ciga reft e that is honestly bett ev Making no foolish, extrav agant claims. Promising 'nothing it can not deliver. But a cigarette you will enjoy smoking a cigarette to depend on to tie toto buy again and again. Just because "Better tobacco made ZIRA famous." The MILDEST Cigarette. BETTER TOBACCO MADE THEM FAMOUS m m a E3Kr4 111 1 yTrrLTI i aiM lV if 'i i ill There is a Good Reason Why NORTH'S PIANO BARGAIN AIF Offers Values the In Very Best Philadelphia It is the clearing house of eight large piano stores, which have taken in exchange for our famous Lester Play, Piano little-used uprights of good, standard make. We have hundreds of these guaranteed pianos, which wc sell at savings of from 100 t 300 in order to clear them quickly, for we must have the room they take up. In addition to the big savings mentioned, we will give this week a further saving to all who bring this coupon. $15 Thi3 Coupon is Good for on nny Piano In this Salo bought between this dato nnd AUGUST 25, 1916 If presented nt time of purchase Only one coupon taken on any one purchase. F. A. NORTH CO. $15 R L. 8-14-16 Special! $495 Pianista Auto PLAYER PIANO Large size. 88-notc. Quartered oak Nearly new. L Special! $550. Kick-Johnson BUYER PIANO (Made by Hardman) Mahogany. 88-note. Good tone. Like new. GUILD Mahogany. Medium size Cost new, $250. Our price fIT DI7DT Smal1 8ize UlLDLillJ, Cost new, $250. Mahogany case Our price . Medium size. Good tone. Mahogany case. Cost new, $350. Our price Mahogany case. Good order. Cost new, $325. Our price fTfTr,TZ'17DlftTf Mahogany case. Medium size LnILlLiltIlNu Cost new, $500. Our price NEW ENGLAND OPERA $75 $90 $135 $140 $125 HAYNES Mahogany caao. Full alio Cl 1 O Cf Jk SCHOMACKER LEONARD OPERA Cost new, $300. Our price APITWTW Mahogany. Large slzo AuLIilUlUlN Cost new, $300. Our price Walnut case. Small size Cost pew, $400. Our price KRANICH & BACH crcWT r. Uur price Mahogany. Large size Cost new, $300. Our price (CUNNINGHAM) Mahogany case. Like new, Cost new, $325. Our price Largo size. Mahogany. Fine tope Cost new, $375. Our price Mahogany, Fnq tope. Nearly new. Cost new, $350. Our price Walnut. Large size Cost pew, $500. Our price Mahogany case. Largo size Cost new, $550. Our price C'T'D A T1DI7 Fu" ""' AVa,nut caB8, gllin.Ui3u Cost .new, $375. Our price Mahogany case. Large, size Cost new, $350. Our price FOSTER HARDMAN LESTER STRAUB KRAMER BROS. $155 $165 $175 $185 $190 $200 $200 $210 $290 4 $190 $165 F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia GejHJfmen PJoae gnd mo complete list of your sl)htly used upright Pjaa bargain: and details of easy-payment plan without interest or ejtras. fam ,...,... ....tn ..,....,,...,.4 .ddrew , .....'....... E. L- 8-l.lJ J55iS mm WK91 IMUI.A 301 Snath. 5d M V V4liB jsttAfiM HJOtTrflKlLraiW, iUJ.e.uxo. TilMQ, NQKJJ(.T-eH'N Hi ifejjujtou At -- ' -"?- WtKEg.nAB?;, 118 Xggkjtgi S ",t frl T1 1 I fllMIIITT tsi&m0emgm m F4 iht4rH.lYJ-fl l n . 1