Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 14, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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' ' T
QH Austriaci Portano Rinforzi
nd EBt di Gorizia, Ma Non
Ricscono ad Arrestare
gli Italiani
noMA, 14 Afrosto.
II frenerale Cadorna annuncla net suo bol
lotUno odlerno nuovl succcsst deull Italiani
nella stona ad est dl Oorlzla o nd est della
crest dl NadlOBem, che ' a ua volta ad
ent dl Doberdo. In questa ultima zona
la truppe Italians hanno conqulstato un forte
trlnceramento austrlacb ed hanno prcao at
nemlco altrl 800 prlglonlcrl. II Nadlogcm
o' II noma che l da" alia Quota 212 Sul
resto della fronte dl battaella gll austriaci
hanno operate attacchl ma sono statl re
splntl da per tutto.
Eceo II teata del bolletttno odlerno del
mineral' Cadoma appena pubbllcato dal
Mlnlstero della Guerra:
Bulfaltoplano del Carso nol abblamo
contlnuato a promere It nemlco. Ab.
blamo Bfondato una fortlsslma llnca
dl trlnceramontl ncmlcl nd est dl
Nadlogem (Quota 212) cd abblamo cat
turato J00 priglonlerrl tra cut 12 ufTl
clalL Nella siona dl Gorilla si hanno duelll
dl nrtlellerla. Le battcrie nemlcho
hanno bombardato la cltta' cdl pontl
null'Isonxo. Bui rosto della fronte
jlccoll roa nccanlttsalmt acontrt hanno
avuto luogo aullo pendlcl del Pforamo
e del Bolte, alia tostata uoun vauo
Costenana o sulle pendlcl del Jtonto
Clvaron, In Val Sugana.
Git attachl del nemlco sono rcsplntl
dappertutto o nol abblamo ancho
fatto una clnquanttna dl prlglonlcrt.
Batterlo nomlcho lianno bombnrdato
I vlllaggl dclla alts vatll del Chlarzo
e del Cardevole, mo sono pol stato
rldotte al sllenzlo dal nostrl cannonl.
Lo forzo Italians Impognate nella zona dl
Tolmlno hanno guadagnato una prima vlt
torla rluaccndo a penetrans nel oubborghl
della cltta'. Un dlspacclo dalla fronte
all'Idea Nazlonalo dlco che I subborghl dl
Tolmlno sono statl ocoupatl o Bono ora fer
mamento tenutl dalle truppe Itallane.
Nella rcglono nd est dl Qorlzla ell Italian!
contlnuano ad avanzaxo, nonostante I grand!
rinforzi portatl au quella zona dagll au
striaci od II fatto cho questl hanno stablllto
una nuova llnca dl dlfcsa. No' rinforzi no'
altro hanno potuto arreBtaro la tmppo dolla
tcrza. armata comandata dal duca d'Aonta.
II generate Cadorna, cho entro' nella
cltta dl Oorlzla sublto dopo che esia fu
occupata dalle forze Itallnno, ha pubbllcato
un manifesto nol quale mlnaccla dl far ru
cllare Bommariamente tuttl prlglonlcrl aus
triaci che sono sorpreal con una dlvlsa Ital
lana o con pallottole esptoilve.
Alcunl crltlcl mllltnrl Italiani dlcono dl
credere che 11 generale Cadorna, dopo aver
cacclato gll austriaci dalla parte setten
trlonale del Carao, arrcatera' la aua marcla
bu Trieste flno nlla caduta dl Tolmlno,
quando egll Inlzlera' una Invasions generato
dell'Austrla, su tutta la fronto orientals.
Mantra tutta I'attcnzlono degll Italiani e'
concentrata sugll awenlmentt cho da poco
plu' dl una acttlmana al vanno verlflcando
sull'Isonzo, Importantl ccmbattlmentl al
Bono avutl anche su altrl ccltorl della vasta
fronte dl battaglta Italo-auBtrlaca. OH aus
triaci lianno lnfattl tentato un po' dap
pertutto dl ragglaro la reslntenza itnllana
alio acopo dl faro diversion! cho valcsscro
ad nlleggerlro la presqlono dello forze Ital
lane suU'Isonio, ma hanno Incontrato dap
pertutto una reslstcnza che non hanno
potuto superar
Nelle vlcinanze dl Tolmlno, per csemplo, I
combatttmentl sono Btatl e aono accanl
ttsslmo. Ierl In un ordlne del glorno alio
truppe Itallane 11 re lo ha rlngrazlate per
la vlttorla dl Oorlzla che 11 re ha dellntto
come un altro passo grandlsslmo verso II
complmento della sante aspirazlonl nazlonall
Continued from rie On
ground in that sector, nccording to to
day's officlnl report from Rome.
In the Balkans the AUIcb have re
newed tholr attacks on the Bulgar
lines In the Doirnn sector, and have
captured several villages there. Ac
tivity is also reported in Albania, whore
the Italians, occupying Avlona, are pre
paring to attack the Austrlans. How
ever, the Balkan "push" is only In
initial stages.
PAWS, Au. 11. Fighting was In prog
ress on both banks of the Mcuso In the sec
tor of Verdun during the nlc-ht, while on the
Homme front the French extended their
North of tlio Sommo lllvcr, says tho
French War OfTlce in Its olllclnl commu
nique, thern an a violent cannonnde In tho
region of Mnurcpas.
South of the ilver the French enlarged
their positions nnd captured elements of
trenchet at Fay and Denlcourt.
On tho verdun front tho fighting was
forced by tho Germans. French positions
In the region of Hill No. 304, west of the
Mcuso, and nt Flcury, east of tho river, were
vigorously nttarlced by the troops of tho
Oerman Crown 1'rlnco threo times, but nil
tho assaults were repulsed.
Between the Olse and tho Alsno a vio
lent nrtlllery struggle occurred on the sec
tor of Moullns and Sou St Ouvent.
The success of the new French tnrust
north of the Sommo in Saturday's nnd Sun
day's fighting Increases the peril of the
German line from Combjes to Pcronne. The
capture of the villages of Maurepas and
dory, necessary to an advance against
Peronne from the north, Is believed certain
under tho next great blow on this front.
Tho Germans bomtmrded tho French lines
around Mnuropas heavily last night. They
aro expected to launch a heavy counter
attack to batter In tho wcilgo thrust Into
their lines, and It is possible this cannonad
ing preceded a strong Infantry attack.
ItOMD, Aug. 14. Further progress for
the Italians cast of Oorlzla nnd the cap
ture of Austro-Hungarian entrenchmonts
wero reported by the War Office today.
Eight hundred more Austro-Hungarlan
prisoners hnve been captured.
The official stntcment says that eastward
of Nadlogem (Hill No. 212) Austro-Hungarlan
Intrcnchmonts were pierced On
the remainder of tho front tho Austro-Hun-gnrlans
made attacks, but nil wero repulsed.
Italian forces engaged with tho Austrlans
nt the northern end of the Inonzo front
have won a victory, penetrating the suburbs
of Tolmlno. A dispatch to the Ida Na
zlonalo from tho front reports that tho
outer suburba of Tolmlno aro now firmly
In tho hands of tho Italians.
Ill tho region east of Gorlzla the Italians
continue their advance and havo captured
several mora Important Austro-Hungarlan
positions making many prisoners.
Although tho Auntro-Hungarlans were
rclnforcad and their army has been reformed
thoy havo been unablo to check the progress
of the Duke of Aosta's army.
Lieutenant General Cadorna, chief of the
Italian General Staff, who went to the
captured city of Gorlzla after It fell, has
published a proclamation threatening to
shoot all Austro-Hungarlan prisoners
caught wearing Italian uniforms or
possessing explosive bullets.
The vigorous efforts General Cadorna Is
making east of tho Doberdo Hasln, on tho
northwestern section of tho Carso plateau,
has a double nnd equally Important ob
jective. This section of tho Carso Is crossed
by threo roads, whloh are now all con
trolled by the Italians The most Important
of them la tho ono which, through Oppac-
m 7
G Z L f (lJ7
The map shows how tho Cznr's armies arc pushing forward in threo
diroceions in a movement that threatens Genoral von Bothmor'a
army on both flanks.
chlnsslla, lends to Trieste. North of this
road runn the Vlppacco Hlver, the valley
of which Is followed by the most Important
ropd and tho railroad from Gorlzla to
Trlcsto. It la In this valley that General
Cadorna strives to debouch to cut the most
direct communications with Trieste and to
envelop the hills ensj of Gorlzla, which aro
still in tho hands of tho Austrlans and
are qulto etrongly fortified.
Onco the rough crosts forming tho
northern edge of the Carso aro overcome tho
Italian right wing can easily debouch In
the Vlppacco Valley at Prcbaclna or Dorn
berg. cut tho railroad there an bring its
heavy calibers against tho San Marco hill,
east of Gorlzla, which Is already under
fire from the Itallnn batteries on tho fourth
summit of tho San Mlchclo nnd near
Operations which tho Italians aro re
ported to liave started In tho Plnvn sector,
some seen miles north of Gorlzla, on the
east bunk of tho Isonzo, have also tho
character of a maneuver for tho envelop
ment of tho Monto Snnto positions, which
are under lire from tho Itallnn batteries
on tho Sabotlno, Just across tho river, but
are still strongly held by tho Austrlans,
and of the San Danlclo Heights, also held
by tho Austrlans.
A battle Is reported to bo In progress In
tho Tolmlno sector, and Italian detachments
nro said to hae already occupied tho sub
urbs of tho fortified town, which is eight
miles north of Plava. The Isonzo front
must necessarily bo smashed hero also, if
the whole Una Is to be securely In the hands
of tho Italians nnd General Cadorna Is to
start his march eastward to Lalbach, and
southward to Trlesto. Tolmlno, however,
cannot roslst long, Its defenslvo v.iluo hav
ing been greatly Impaired by tho fall of
SALONICA. Aug. 14. Continuing their
progress on tho Balkan front troops of the
Allies havo wrested from the Bulgarians
several fortified villages In tho Dolran re
gion. It was announced horo today. Iloavy
gu iu wore bombarding tho Bulgnr works at
Dolran Hill. Tho villages which have been
occui.led He at the bane of this height.
Numerous wounded prisoners havo been
taken by tho Anglo-French forces. They
describe the bombardment ns terrific.
"From Monnatlr to tho Verdun artillery
nnd rlllo duels arc continuing," tho ofll
c.lnl statement adds. This Is a CS-mlto
LONDON. Aug. 11. Fresh Indications
thnt the long-uwnlted Balkan offensive of
tho Allies Is nbout to begin comes In tho
nowa today from Vienna that tho Italians
also -have started active operations there
No mention is lniulo of this In the ofllclnl
statements from any Allied source but the
Vienna communlquo Bays that there was
"skirmishing along tho lower Voyus.i, In Al
bania." Military experts hero attached the great
est Importance to this news. Tho VoyUKa,
or Vlosa, empties Into the Adrlatla a lit
tle north of Valonn, where tho Italians had
nn nrmy of nround 100,000 men at last ac
counts. This Is, of course, the extrcmo loft
of the allied line ncross northern Greece
And southern Albania.
rETrtoariAD, Aug. 14. Austro Germnn
foices holding the upper Screth lino h.ao
retreated westward lo previously fortified
porltlons, tho Itusslnn Wnr Office an
nounced today.
In Volhynln tho Germans under General
von Llnslngcn hnve made nttneks on tho
western bank of the Stokhod, but havo won
no ground.
Russian forces that crossed tho Zlot.a
Llpa near 7I.ivalov and Korcov have pene
trated to tho Dniester.
Austro-Hungarlan attacks In thj Car
pathians wore repelled.
Tho southern flank at General von Both
mer'H nrniy, which was withdrawn a dls
tanco of nbout ton miles from the Strlpa
River line, Is bcln vigorously attacked in
it JBHI!!IMmi
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The General makes one
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made in rolls ; also in slate
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sold by responsible dealers
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MfVttr UdtBefi4 . ufMona uf $ ftaa VWH
'"'cpiriiM-im, QtaealKseAnf lluiaUciurlfljrCin r
the sector of Hatlcr Heavy forces of
Cossackf, which captured Mnrlampol, are
reported o have iushl northward along
the Dniester Valley, taking Halle.
(Hallce Is nn Important railway Junction
lying on the Dnelster Just north of the
point where the Bystrxyca nows Jnto it.
The railway running north from fltanlsiau
divides nt Hallcx one Una continuing on
to Lemberg and the other branching toward
the east nnd running to Tarnopol)
Despite the desperate resistance of the
nrmles making up the group commanded
by Archduke Karl, the Ilusslans continue
to advance nil along tho line In Gnllcla.
The demoralized Aualro-Hunirarlans nre
suffering Vry heavy losses, both In casu
alties and prisoners.
LONDON, Aug. 14,
Violent counter-attacks northwest of
I'ozleres last nlghl enabled the Germans to
occupy temporarily some of the trenches
which the llrltlsh had captured on Sunday.
Tho acrmnn succcsb waa admitted In tho
official statement Issued by tho War orflce
this nfternoon,
On the remainder of the front, tho re
port says, there hao been no Important developments.
Abandoned by Mnn Who Forsook An
other Womnn for Her
Mrs IJvclyn Johnson, 21 yenra old, 422D
Market street, after her third attempt to
commit sulcldo, Is In tho Philadelphia Gen
eral Hospital Buffering from tho effects of
poison and from Injuries sustntned In Jump
ing out a third-story window of her resi
dence and landing on n shed roof n floor
According to the police, tho young woman
whs deserted by her husbnnd finturdny
morning. Mrs. Johnson's first attempt to
end her llfo was n short time after her
husband had left. Tho younit womnn said
she had taken poison. Slio wns taken to
tho I'rosbjtcrlan Hospital. After tho phy
sIclnnR had used n stomach pump she was
sent hack home.
.Saturday night, nccording to the pollco,
tho young woman trlpd asraln to commit
sulcldo by Jumping from a window. Sho
was prevontcd.
The third nttempt was this mornlnir. Mrs.
Johnson did Jump from a rear window on
tho third floor. Sho landed on a roof of
a shod, 12 feet below. CharlcR nrown,
4221 Market street, a roofer, who was pass
ing In tho alley with a ladder, wont o
her rescue.
Sunbury, Milton find WilHams
port Companies Under Exam
ination May Leave for
Border Soon
Gretna, Ta., Aug 14.-Medlcal Inspection
by Lieutenant Colonel Charles Kocrper nnd
his United States army assistants was be
gun here this morning of the 20 men com
posing the three separate battalion com
panies which reached camp Saturday from
Wllllamsport, Sunbury nnd Milton. InaB
much n. K Company, Sunbury, Is to be
sent to Camp Stewart, El Paso, to take tho
plac of 1 Company, Tottsvllle, In the
Fourth Pennsylvania Infantry, Captain
-.-.!. n.li1.t. .-. 4 . - .,
was first to face the surn. 'J!
Ordors fix the minimum u'renm.
company at 6S enlisted mn for R.
crults will be taken from amonr i,t
UJf Vlt nuif,vwuD UCVKC, Jn fen.. '!
cal Inspection nnd equipment n ""
completed, K Company nnd the 0. ! l
and more recruits already equlnniV
sent nwny, but It Is possible thtlr S.1
will be delayed until that of ii!i ?1
Kcglmont, Scranton, under orders ?
here tomorrow. t l0 fi
The Thirteenth Is to tako the nu.. t
ranks of the Pennsylvania InfaMr"'
border mado vacant by the bi1'?I
the Second Infantry to Pii,t , TnI(.f '
Cow nnd Motorcyclo CollM. 4
VIMBLAND, N. J., Aug;, njv H
jjnooy, oi nu oouiii xrtlrd Blr..i -"I
den. collided with a cow near 2,7
yosterdny and broke a Ug "
inmuiufiiiu uvciiuuicu, no t0A- . i
l.nrf tn n Rldn rar hfn. . T'.MTlu
,,...v ... -- vw.v.Q u. nA.iu .
I. A tntnr. VOr
i i
Iffl 1
Half Price
$5.00 Pure Silk Shirts $2.50
$3.50 Silk nnd Linen Shirts. .$1.75
$2.00 MndMB Shirts $1.00
$1.50 Mnclras Shirts 75c
$1.00 Sport Shirts (white)... 50c
$1.50 Elastic Scam Union
Suits 75c
$1.00 Nainsook Union Suits, . 50c
75c Nainsook Union Suits.. 38c
50c Nninsook Knee Drnwcrs 25c
Ail Lisle Union Suits Vi Prict
50c Belts 23
$1,00 Neckwear
'50c Neckwear g
Special Ncckwcnr, was 50c... jje
$3.00, $2.50 and $2.00, now $l.oj
$7.00 Pnnnmns, now jjj
$G.OO Pannmas, now
$5.00 Panamas, now $0
Wanamaker & Brown
Market at Sixth for 55 Years
Sciver Sale Attracts
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Van Sciver Furniture is built to give lasting satisfaction, comfort
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A Few Random Selections from Our Innumerable Sale Specials
$340 Bedroom Suite, Bird'a-eye Maple,
9 pes., for $275
$185 Bedroom Suite, Toona Mahogany,
3 pes., for $135
$65 Chiffonier, English Mahogany. . , .$42,50
$59 Bureau, Solid Mahogany, for $41.50
$152 Bedroom Suite, Mahogany, 2 pes.,
for $95
$43.50 Full-size Bed, English Mahog
any, for $31,50
$49 Bureau, Dull Mahogany, for $37.50
$36.50 Bureau. Dull Mahogany, for. . .$24,50
Illustrating our wonderful price range, we have Bureaus from $8.25 to $300.
i? 15 - . ' i w.te SB
Large Upholstered Wing Arm Chair
Tlil roomy, luxurious Arm Chair Is nll-ovor upholsterocj In hand
nomo tnpostry or neat eriluro ileulen. It lias spring soat una back nnd
makes a most attractive unci Imposing living rqum piece. Rocker to
match at sama money-suvlntf aajq nrlca.
A Dignified
Colonial Library Table
In dull mahniranv or troldan
oak. as you prefer. The table
is 2BZ-I3 in., naa rouuejea cor
ner, deep rim and large
drawer The heavy, (luted
columns, nernll baee and roomy
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neua. It Is
In every
respect n
SO vulue.
Other Library Tables from $5.25 to $225.
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Just a few interesting items from our enormous stock of Rugs and Carpets, a collectipn
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iiiui. . ww .wi w m KHfi"'"""' Me aavinq rtnge irom, ijo to 50.
Beautiful HoyaJ Wiltons
$97.50, II ft. 3 in, z 15 ft.
$87.50, 10 ft. 6 in. x 13 ft. 6 in.
$78.00, 10 ft. 6 in. x 12 ft.
$60 & $65, 9 ft. x 12 ft.
$55 & $51, 6 ft. 3 in.x 0 ft, 6 in,
$35.00, 6 ft. x 9 ft.
Sale Price $76.50
Sale Price $69.30
Sale Price $62.50
Sale Price '$46.50
Sale Pricq $30,75
Sle Price $28.75
$45.00, Wilton), 9 ft. x 12 ft. Sale Price $31.50
Axminster and Taneatrv Brussels
aog.uu, iu it. o in. x 2 ft.
$45.00, 9 ft. x I? ft?
$42.00, 8 ft. 3 in, 0 ft. 6 in.
$23.00, 6 ft. x 9 ft.
$17,50, Tap. Brue!, 9 ft.x 12 ff.
Sale Pfice S39.B0
Sale Price $32.50
Sals Price $31,50
Sale Price $17.50
Sale Price $16.75
Sale Price $12.50
$25.00,Axmin.ter,9ft,xl2ft. Sale Price $19.85
Btor pioiei
Daily 5 F. M.
AU Day
J. B'.. v&B Mfn: a
Market Street Ferry, Camden, N J.
lot (rt
Market St.
Vtttr ib4
or Pt"
y'jijwu'J1 tt.iW'Jww tftipEjywsa'M