iwtSppipBBSwwfli EVBNING LEDQKK-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 191G. I3 4J i sk the Travel Man at Ledger Central to Hand You a Copy of tne Ledp-Pr's VflnnHnn riniIn -Fat 1 Q1 h p SCRAPPLE gf (IJSINESS OPrORTUNITIES COfltlt""' tromJ'rtetitrioPaot UxKffTrNTAC01lP6"nATION.backed by PE-" ..Yi business men, oners nri'oriuuuy u l"f . Ynclneer tmeennniraii .in fefe innilrtrin comply, who cnn n iiitninrsi". , dhow eonrt 000 desired: "nil Investment 01 .uv. , future. In re- IMJUSit - - ; orMnTtni JiYNIitCATrJ . A.,'J "flnnnclflf connections: open for en ; mfradld 5- rnnoltlon of merit: highest ref- IjM'i Mk' nd Riven O D1S. Led. Cent WanteA rZZZti rood article to sell n a mail-order I WANT, V Perlcnced salesman nnd ad !2r: iio fakes, schemes or junit u m M" BUSINESS jfEKSONALS DIAMONDS I10UGHT Jtices. Appraisement, 1 i .. .rrnres. Appraisement, i per " "llARRY VOMITIL 717Sansom per cent. Evening clothes to iimn . .... .Ivies Phone replar 233 Open (to. rtWVEfVS.' IDth and Ofraid ave., L5Lr. Ii-nVl.UOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis: ftFM pe-manent way. Eyebrow, nrched. U1SS SMITH -is iveun Auym.-i 4jim. KMAKINO AND MILLINERY i- -niissSMAklNO W I3XPERT 1M Denckla Bid., lllh unit Market sis. FOR SALE rr,.nn rOOI., combination, second band, ttslht fold rented exchanged: repairing ' !niltt. Lfife Kcafer American mnnufac- wr.7, 128 Cllrara ave. i-nono aUnD. pool table; : new i Phone Kens. U31D, lecond-hand bowl- JltLlAKU. pvu" " " ";, , i, -i to.ii . rr,. nr'lmXWjhLvj W'- " KnnialleyV, easy payment.. HRUNSWICK f 'IPt.rr'ii.l'bNPEft CO.. looa Arch. run nnatSTEKS bouitht. exchanged, repaired, fnrUlia! supplies: new and factory rebulltj ... tetil adders . as pw. as $30. . Call snd '" '.,nin MnriMia. Kpirisipra soul uy oa do Mirirmenti and fully cuarunteed. Tins NATioMAii cash nnuiaTnn co. OU V.41.--J., - -.. . Uro-o jBSortment; niso nousenoia lur- uuiinv '" . yvi" "r:t, .."!. ComPiSKtJl". (104-nOC.-Dl4 Cailowhlll street. "tinnnwir. nn sMchtlv used: all alzea SAFES and makes: blc bnrBnlna. 210 N. Fourth St., between Race and Vine. t lis the Uritcst and best assortment of used i ces furniture and fixtures In this part of the ( l.-T.L invihinff in i-niitn an office at prices j Git trill please you. Fr delivery nnywhere. HEATING lllKrM-Knt.SET HEALTH HEAT Is better and IUPfr than stfam.or hot water Vure fresh r wltn normal inummm. ,ni,vnuUuu.i 1IJT nimrt st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS I iAFETY SPLIT COLLARS nnd YOCOSt "lIAKOErtS and PILLOW IILOCKH. with fin- .1 i ti .! bnl linar nna f t-n Ihu liAsif S sll sniftlnc purposes, HHAFTINO AND SiXCHINE WORKS, 1 1." North Second. '" JAMES YOCO.M & SON. r POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT i. Drrtraos. motors, boilers, steam and oil en ui, pumps, sir compressors. riUNK TOQ.MBY. inc., 137 w. an st. I! ' Ion matic ENGINE 27"xl8' ArmlnBtnn & imm. r.nler crank. L. V. SEYFERT'S 10N3. 437 N. 3d st bINAV.03. motors and machinery bousht. sold mi repted: armatures repaired Main 01. Slirktt 3015. Yearsley Co.. 221 N. 3d it. f EIWVACUTB Double - nctlon Beared power RrfllVii l'UI;i lilts nr 4 a iicai; (iuii li iuiiwucoi uttall. 1748 N nth. I tiPFS FITT1N08. aTf siz. PHILA. 2DIIAND I rlPE SUPPLY. 1003 N.7th. Roth phones. ilKKI, RHAFTINO All sliea In stock. tHAHi.cs iiu.mj iwu'aai, .- Arcn Bl. p MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTROLAS 'ALTERATIONS are now belne mads to our viciroia. uepsrimeni, ana we neea ino roum; so w will make special low terms. Extmor iilniry opportunity. Call or wrlto for particu lars and Urge Illustrated catalogues. IIEPPB'8 UPTOWN STORKS. Cor, Oth and Thompson sts. k 0I.V OCR SUMMER CLUR Ifictlltnt opportunity to secure a beautiful EVluuiny Vlctrola. with records, at special Iks.urms. . Send at ones for particulars and sinucstion manic. r. irt-ppi.:u fiivrniM nTnnpq Cor. 0th and Thompson Sts. ICaUtlT VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON HAI.M Biafc nPT.T.lTf 1 11211 CHESTNUT ST. (4J-CHICKERINa UPRIGHT PIANO. j imwinn IfTK-r.iT'VT'n ana t ..-..vr JlMNEW YORK UPRiailT PIANO at u. sac- pitiati. at iau, j.euser uentrai. OLD GOLD O'-MOI'D. iiiyer. platinum, plated ware, old j:;" ikuubiig. IKAfll PAID FO l li-nn nrimMi,o Tn.-,.f. KHTsB J.o.l"'. xoM, sliver, o atlnum. fala t.ih siting b Kef. Co.. 128 3. 11th. V PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents, Trade-Mnrks and Corporation Practice J. Walter Douglass h-,.. ESTABLISHED 1883. rBnw5Il,,,TA!IAA0f,h American Rulldlnr. WASHINGTON. Victor Rulldlng. STORAGE . CONTINENTAL .J?.TtAaE WAiiEiiousn B rJXJ?KS?" A"VE CHESTNUT I,.ICnK1' MOVING. SHIPPINO I - i " wim imuf up,, ivarw ijqu ITDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES leil-lOLV UAItKbT B J'. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. lj5AHJJ'8 BTORAOB HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th PCiV ?!?-' Vcklnr, shlpplni; auto vansi UKii,. 8I?M0E WAREHOUSE Storage, tl iV 1 n ft hlnnlnsr MnMnaS- al.anlnw ;.!.' r.x'i. '""."' 'v.. ."i'i!f -.... luytor estimate. aiaraet. at aim. IWM? EJ!UA- MONARCH STORAGE CO. ;!I fe J.A- Auto Pacltlnc and Shipping. Jipr MflLA. 3870 LANCASTER AVE. VitSa 5T0J?AaE CO.. 018, Glrard avs. wvliig. packing, storage. Phone Poplar 3204, WANTED SPlS.yill .?' '". Pistol., coins. 'b.T'i y'V.'.'v" i Py inajieo toe. j.ji. jE!!jl Btors) 2B8U. Uth;. JVaJ.4480i HlmT..l."., so vescn, voia, silver, pian- SJ?Uht. KsrStons Po..7S5. Wnlnnr I'. "KJl Si t2A.?V$?. SViW.vJfS-.oes. etc. !Prp.rVR',,.p'lin.?'.-.-Sn't.. antiques; ,nti r tkrrZ 5 5KrAU.i-ur. P""" no roaiwr vj- H&iiwpT u in, laaj uiacB av. Ra&iKWSW " drH R00MS FOR RENT WSgSt&rmmz - "111 - -""'' .94. HDinG'flTD tiir W lii-X"gVi"'-;v,nj" !2LltJATldN """" i cmu- SVre5im.,ur,nl,h"1v0,r unfurnlsnsdj also a gariS?BtutilnabU; phone. !LB8tKnr;;r7'rr" ,r roomg; prlv. baths; a-aiajypos.ijummsr rat... 'Loc. 16(33 J I 'T?rr7?i'00n-gU'TB' BEFEBENCE3. Ir S6raiiftrir'u .C V"i sntlemen can -lyKaout mi.11. '4"l''id front room, with or lWt VhTlld.ivJi fln,riWntll sectton of Iwiiv;iii4ciV,lpy'.t u.' erS. All Sp-? ,Nortb."t wwr ofeoth st. Iyi?o5r,rVi!.,!!1J0i,,m!,nd PrTvatTbatFec: BOARDJNQ S4sP.I. Kwf. Wft.ffik .)& itaitl.Ki. t'T IfurnTihed rooms, private iHWe board FhonaWaliiut 717?. M. T&TnZZj?lQ,,y tvn sitting room, '' "'""ije, steam hsat Tioa 43: with 331 W. MUBUBBAN 2J2Y,iiTTIt Shlppen. Wayne ft Hslm - first el... jo appointment ft service. SANiTARIOMS FirVXj ISCatiOQ. s&M-lal iHntlfia carat K. iWa v i"lX't B'i oougni tor casn. Eit. 1870 J. Lu Clark. Iiflner,807 Sansom. lS,20IiDTc,,h.i?ala .!or "'d.Bold. silver, an- Ifctlmil clocks: will call. Re 1 nhnno. I.Acu.t i 'inn nnn ito us . ! r ---, .- vv. - ouuin ifin bc. . APARTMENTS NEWPORT SPRUCE Attn v .... .li"" J'uii riiiuiuits ARRANGEMENTS FOR FA Ms rrvpn- - iAN now nn maijk . '"ro,! ' "--AiUltTMKNTTTWVlivt room kVJf, lwo bedrooms, bath dining torv tJiSf?"' maid's bedroom and lava- n?-sliT,',i PAnf MnNTaTniiTtS gssTf. loth talh Ki.S i' and a rooms. with private Pifci.' j" nr unfurnl,h''l. every conv. floor ft-LIU1."-3 J'ni and 2 baths? second I'lvr - "'"Member llt- UMSr'A35!ti?'e- .nlry well-hcatcd and igmcii npa-tments and rooms. --- xiiiiiLiir. West Philadelphia T"2Xi?N.SV,Flip. th7nd Lan'sdowne ave Snort iTSi.SS'1. bln' front " back porches, to liv rji.rllc6, ,c' Thl ' n'ce Plsc at thS JniL'h? ,oh"",,",,l "Psrtments In the city at tn prjcjtjS and no. Apply to janitor. MAIN LINK, It. It, OVRHtinoOK TUP. ii"Ji"iJIApA""'TMENT8. at Orerbreek S!i!i S7irnf bousereplne apartment. 7 d bath, to lease fter September 1. .i.ii.: :.---. 'ni a -) nt ui FURNISHED APARTMENTS wkst riiii.Air.t.rm, 'lil'X13 f,irn V- 3 bedrooms, living nnTwirnV,', a,n,'1 .,l,ct:,,,, T.h0 Clermont. 1 Ith !"" Walnut UarlnR- 7S'J2 V HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS N. E COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story Apartment House Is built of concrete ami steel, thoroughly tlreproofed and ef the most modern architecture Suites of 8 rooms nnd 1 bath to 7 rooms nnd 3 baths, iiviuuiiiH ecverai cmcneior suues wuii every modern :onenlnce nnd facility, ..SffXli. A I.EW, 0!' THE I.AROB HOUSE HEEP'NO SU TES.LEFT. . THET ARE TIIB PINEST IN Pllll.A.. HA VINO SOUTHERN, RAHTP.I1M AND Wl'dTI'IIU t'vwijlnii.j ' oc,To:?.(E,?:n,,uo.Li:Asi;8 mhl ue uA'TfeD All thlnits considered, the rentals are mod erate. For further Information, arranisment for Inspection and reservation, apply to 1 MERTON W. OREIM3 810 Franklin Rank Rids-. Phone Walnut 8020, HOUSEKEEPING ArTS.. all pnrts otclty, "3 rooms and bnth to 7 rooms and bnth, 123 to J70 per month. Call, phono or wrlto for In formation SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut st. MODERN APARTMENTS, ali slrea nnd prices. Call or write for complete directory, free. APARTMENT I1UREAU. Tranklln Rank lldi. riNE ST.. 000 2 laree rooms kitchen and bath: thoroughly modern, second door front. WEST PHILADELPHIA THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Rut suppose, Instead of. trlns nil these dif ferent ways, you Just call nt this office, tho largest, most nttractHe nnd best equipped In Philadelphia. dcotcit exclusively to securing Just whnt they wnnt for particular people. Tell ua your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may be rented throunh us. Our nutomohlles ar waiting to tnko you to the list of prop erties jou designate, nnd with tho lenst possible effort nu will securo. tho one npart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches jour exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 3371. Race 3023 KINOSCOHRT SOTIt AND CHESTNUT STS. SEVERAL MODERN HOUSKKEEPINO APARTMISNTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC RLE VATORS PUIILIG IIININQ ROOM APPLY EST. TIKIS. M. SEEDS. JR.. 1207 RACE BT. THE WALLINOFORD 3UTH AUOVE CHESTNUT ST. Now 8-room ap.irtment for rent; electric ele vntor. vacuum heot.hotw'nter. laundry, etc. ESSEX. 34t"h and Chestnut, Monterey 43d nnd Chester; Ilelmont. 34th nnd Sprlnir (larden. Inquire Janitor, or CRESSE, SOS Itnle Dlds. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONG AND SHORT-TERM LEASES PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDE AVE.. AT 40TH STREET Special rates for summer season, turnlslied and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence DELMAR-MORRIS WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET CIIELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. ClER MANTOWNl DULIOHTFUL SUMMER HOME FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND HATH UP "IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 223 8, UROAD ST. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS SOTH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY NORTH and West Phlla. and Germantown homes. 11800 to $0000. Tlrst payment only """merchants- UNION TRUST CO. 715-717-711) Chestnut st. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES """dlTA,ArNn?tl0?,0a?Vdal,.t.FU'"" 1530 DAUPHIN ST.. 2 story. 1 rooms 1004 Mt Vernon st . i story. 13 rooms. GUAIl lANTEE TRUST ft SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 810-318 Chestnut st NEAR 1BTH AND CHESTNUT Fine little dwelllntr.O. rooms; In A-l condition, must sell to settlw estate: can arrange good mortgage. I-1AJUJJ iLji..i. .... "-. ..-..f . , CENTRAL JJBOsJgiyiC S.-Uoj rnt. N. E. cor. 17th and uneatnui. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT UAKUEK. HARTMAN ft CO. 1201 Chestnut. 108 S 20TH (cor. Ionle) Four-story business JmUdjo n-jo J30 JL16th St. m.. k MONMOUTH 8T 2 story. 5 rooms; "" v. w t- o tifl fnB ha 1 1 rhjin wIlIEnT's. "&tfsn:w iHTlf KT N.. 817-HIU LOOK ineno avert "" ISf1.?..1 :'-.- 'fiiitnn nrip 12S00. aubiect to I330U MASdKV ftSON.13th ana Ore. it s.i. asseo.ru ..., t,,.vw-.ww..,.,.. 13300 MASSEY ft SON.,13tn ana ureen. rir I3TII 14TH AND 13TH WARD RIIT "M SELLERS AND RENTERS. SEE ''llllEDWCOmi 80JLN, 12TH jT. IftTI KJIR Hulldlng Lots. Factory Sites, etc. nroiCE RUILDINa LOTS and large tracts aSiSii l" ill Parts city; also over 200 mi lies. Mtlvln. 10ia-iu Jteai r-i. "" mu. PARKWAY. PEMUERTON ESTATES, norm- w,rnrnrtitn street lino WIIIOWS uu. .iinii-i ROOMS; hot-water heat, gas and elec- ' ., K.V..B nafnllllrV irio lights, parquetry floors, snower win, kitchen, and all other modern appointments, B BANIEL CRAWFORD. JR...I1UILDEH parquetry floors, shower bath, gas itchens and all oth PANIELCRAWK B8thanaJiauneiqiiis. -f- "NINE-SOLD IN A WEEK OTH AND PA SClrtLL A VB. , mntwll Vn .. Jci itAtu nV wninr.AND avb. Lowest-priced homes In West Phlla.; latest feau?es and convs t sample Jiouse. Jully Jurn; TVttOiwfHREE-STORY slds-yard residence: 12 ,B5SSr.",attlo and sleep ng porch: elec. ifebt; " .iiim heat. K. l. lUvvjNJjc.nj-r, souviea ate!" ."ev'. . A II. Mmnra avniirt. rnrner Sinn vri .... TTH.B CHOICE OF vvv-BT PHILADELPHIA PROPERTIES TA X iajh ow.-ii -.-. . rz- Tendfor list SALE OR hlnt B2d andJaUlmorf ave. -.oun FOIl "iiUR SALE OR Rs'NT LIST SEND ""'jo'allEN POTTis fttUJ jiHliimuia ' -"WESTPHILADELPHIA. HOMES For 8al or for Rent. R 11. AP3LEY. gsth and Springfield. QERMANTOWN ii n ooo UP Detached and semidetached houses "HviV .Milan ot Germantown; with and without raragfs nd for Tlst. MAUKAN. DOLMAN 1 Sf.. SLgL Uroad " Chestnut, :TTttR NEW BENT AND SALE LIST II. B. fTlSTER ft SON, tai'i Germantown ave. all sections. tv z Walnut 8531. yranklln Bank BBfc. ffi OUR HEAL ESTATE BULLETIN will be sent to you by ml on application, GermanUwa "rni.t Co. Cheltsn and Germantown a yea. IK YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME m Ger. mantownVllt. Airy or Chestnut HllE conauU roe A R Mehn. 8747 Germantown ays. gTVWoc&Mw&t ' 86!. ttt'j2 Germantown ave, Mt. Airy. Qermantown NEW SALE AND BENT LIST BEAD TelfijuS. Mt. Airy and Cbestnut H1U. PElSfAl TRU3T CO.. 8740 Qermantawn ava. Chestnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES 0nni)town iSrWur- ComaierUal WESjrPJHWDELPIIIJl HITIALIILJ SEVERAL DESIFUBLBPKOPKRTU:a 8BVJMWuRNrGHT CS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Conflniifd from Preceding Column Tlo WE HAVD TUP, HOUSR TOlt WANT lx)tan REAti ESTATE. morlxaBes nnd conveyancln. W.M. U, UHA.MIIl.lia, 4!33 ,V. Uroad St. PENNSYLVANIA SIIH1IRHAN . OROOKLINE tlrsnd new det. dwlas., 7r. ft b.. water heat, elecr.. B0xl28. I88B0I only 4B0 mith rstl(ilrr1 11 It afhanva J i:i.Mi:il WATTS, opp llrookllno Station, OAIttlV Onlv llnxn hrlrk T.rnnm dwelling; heater, bath, chicken housoi lot 18x113. Swops ft Sons, Darby ELKINS PARK New slnsle dwelMniT. in rooms: hot-water heat, price IrtSOO ilcCormlck A Mc Cormlck, loll Chestnut st. And ElklniJ'arki OLENsron HOMES anT bulldinc sites every description. RENNINUER ft HENNINOEn. . tjicnwine, ta OAKMONT, DELAWARE CO. I am local aitent for the C. T. Stolesbury tract at Oakmont. adjolnlnn Wall school and station, near 3 churches nnd stores: property Is fully devel pp;d. haMnsr aas. Sprlnaneld water, .elertrla IlKhts. macadam streets and broad sidewalks. Inducements offered to builders, houses .now (tolna up and for sale Write or call for Illus trated booklet. "Farts About Oakmont." Wm. S. Davis, office South Ardmore. at sta tion, or A Howard Jtltter, nsent. 200 8. 7th niinneipma, i'a SOUTH ARDMORE. PA. Rrand-new houses and bungalows with all conveniences: near 3 churches. hlh school, trolley station and stores lfi-mlnute car service: 30 mlnuten to City Hall, open for Inspection today. Come out. Win. 8. Divls. nfflcejitstatlonL SWARTHATflRE Excellent locatlon.near oivAiuniuuHii trnn Rn(,.tI.nlI,v. rion and frnmo house, 5 bedrooms nnd bath on 2d floor, largo lot: old shade, enrag-e. Reason- iiuic rricc. Chester Osborne 1324 CHESTNUT ST. CHOICE RUILDINO SITES ARTHUR P. TOWNSEN"' Langhorne. Pa. SUUURRAN HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL ft MASSEY Real Estate Trust Uulldlng. SU11URRAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue. imuww il cloud, Norrlatown, i'a. SUBURRAN REAL ESTATE AJK Pfce. All locntlons. Sale or rent. ClfARI.nsjJiqoD ft CO., Morrlsjlldc 40 ACRES rear towns, stono bldgs. ; Bood land stream, 1 1200 If sold hv September 10. Oi '-'- Tyson. Linsdalf. H'n. ARE lOU thinking of locating In the suburbs? Iiriu'' tftll t sou about North Olenslde. Lots 230 up. W. O. Glenn, 1431 Land Tltlo Hldg. SELECT Properties Country seats, farms, list orders now. LEWIS T RROOKE ft SON, 1414 South I'enn so. FOUNDED J870. 1.AROE LIST OF SUIU'RUAN HOMES, salo or r'n.,..on "T Mnln '-Ine oc Reading R. R. WM, H. WILSON SCO.. Moxrlsjlulhllng, SUllUn RAN "RESIDENCES for sale or rent; attractive locations: prices right. Maurice J. . Hoover. Real L'stnto Trust Hid it. JLIIN LINE. P. It. K. NARREnTH A new house. Montgomery avenue near tnllant. with all concnlences. . W. II. SMITH (1(102 Drexel road. Owrbrook. SURURRAN HOMES country places and-build-Ing sites to suit nil requirements; Main Line. H. C HUNTER Wayne. Tn NEW .II'.RSEY SURURRAN LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES 1IADDON HEIGHTS. N J. W1L.LUT LII'I'INCOTT LARGE PLOTS ft HOMES. HIGH ELEVATION Cheap Folder. L.SNOOK. Woodbury Hgts..N J NEW JERSEY SEASHORE VENTNOR J200 building lots; 23x100 feet; conenlcnt to bench nnd trolley, 800 W. Stnto st . Trenton, N J. WII.DWOOD CREST J320 tho pair wlldwood Crest lots, short tllstnnce from bench; eery Improvement nnd good nlue at 11000. Wild wood Crest Realty Co.. PucMc ave. and Rambler. Robert Hnmmond ft Son. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 83 ACRES, northern Chester County; crops In cluded. 14300. J. H. THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to Philadelphia, train nnd trolley. Wrote for pamphlet, HARLOW ft CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUHURUAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title Hulldlng. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale nnd rent, JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th and Sansom sts. PENNSYLVANIA SURURRAN BAI.A-CYNWYD Largo list houses, sale or rem. at all prices. Samuel C. Wagner. Jr., Commercial Trust Illdg.. 13th and Market. MAIN LINE. P. R. R. MAIN LINE Rest line of Main Line houses, either for sale nr rent, nt all prices. HIRST ft MlMULLIN. West End Trust Rldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY" of exchanglnc what you have for what you want. KERSHAW ft CKOWL. 6213 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO RENT, with prospect of sale later, modem house In llrst-class condition, between Morion nnd Dryn Mavvr; 12 to 14 rooms. In cluding -I master. 2 maids' rooms, at least 3 baths Address Room 700. Rltt-Carlton. CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real estate sold; mortgages placed. ARTHUR DOSWELL. 233 N. 13th st, WILL UUY LOTS FOR CASH IN LESTER and Esslngton. I' 140, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 11)38 MARKET ST. Two upper floors, slja 20x 113, elevator, electricity, steam heat; rear en trance; will ultrr to suit tenant. MYERS ft HARTH. Ridge aye, and 10th st; STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX ft CO 3. E. cor. 0th and Cailowhlll. 31(1 S ISTH STREET 11 ROOMS AND 2 UATHS MBAHS ft BROWN. 202 S. IttTH ST. SEND FOlC OUR HUNT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts 1828 PINE STREET 14 rooms and 2 bath- rooms; Edgar O. Cross. 1411 Walnut st. BUSINESS WOIAN taking house wants party to Join. H 142, Ledger Central. RENTAL LISTS BUILDING. N. W. cor. 10th and Ingersoll. e, jutil una ingersoll,. $30 371)3 HarlnM- ....If JUIUU C; 3 321) Indiana. . Kill Holly . . . IB 1023 Ingersoll 14 12 1200 Westminster av. 13 Old Catherine .... bj ALFRED II. WILLIAMS. 322 Walnut St. Ruslness Properties and Stores CENTRAL STORES EOT Arch. 42 S. 8th. 1808 Chestnut. I 102U S. 8th. 114 8. 11th. I 114-10 N. fith. 301 llarktt. I 1110 Walnut. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 S. 16th st. MARKET ST.. 031 Entlrs bulldlns through to Commerce st.; suit retail or wholesale business, Immediate possession. Apply PENNA. CO.. 617 Chestnut st. Factories. Wnrehouscs. Slfg. Floor. Metropolitan Building u?lad Fireproof Booms. 8000 to 40 000 sq ft. Cheap power. Ap. GEO. F. LASHER. 147 N. 10th st. Cohocksink Mills cba- Floors. MpoHjQgo ,'-RC-BSrByw. 30.000 SQ. FT. FLOC SPACE In bulldlne with modern, equipment: railroad siding; subpost office; lovr Insurance. Apply C. J. Mllns ft bona. N E cor. 11th ana Washington ave. iO.OOO FEET, Broad and Green; S floor and base: light all sides, sprinkler, elevator, heat; 18c Ins. rat Morris ft Co . Ridge at Broad. MANY OTHERS. ALL SIZES ft LOCATIONS. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 NORTH 4T1I STREET Peslrabla rooms: power and light. FOR. BENT Large ground floor spac at 8th and Walnut, with back street for shipping-. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 H. 18th. 3-STORY. 40xCQ feei tC0..'AjL.ll?L..Fd Hjfht: terms to . MlbDLBTON, Wtat Bldg., 'j, T suit. Phlla. HAVE PARTY, who will erect building, centril er other location, for satisfactory tenant. D1ETERICH. 737 Walnut at . Garages 1518 LATIMER ST. (near 13th and Spruce sts.) Electric lUht. . cement floor, siig 20x53; rent $10 per month. WHITESIDE ft McLAN A HAN, corner 13th and Plm. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS. ETC. iif f-ir Irtib I Cwairaliy locaud: Jll convmnc( rutv ( I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT jiFiicics, ji;sini:ss rooms, ktc. Continued from Preceding Column tirmvT-T. nr.1rl iit.-t.-trT-a a.....i n-niali single Rms . ilan. iir.ri' i"2.t. i.ino.J4SO.l.ioo Suites, 2 Rms . II 14. 1130.1173 1200. $523. 1230. Suites, 3 lima . 27&.f 400.1450 lr.00, J0no,j7B0, Corner Suites 8 to B rooms. J50O to 1 1 nor ELLIS D w'tl.LlAMS. f.OO I)rrxl Building, merchants' nuft.btNa' Very deslrablo offices; heat and light. OFFICES tin per month and up; Includes heat, light, elevator and Janitor serUce. J A. PATTERSON. 130 8, littli St. Oil WALNtTT ST. Room tor of flees nnd buM nees purposes; low rates, inqulro 380 llul- uitiuiining. isi a stn sr WALNUT ST" 430 (I'enn HiiITSTnirl Irge oftlres, low rent s: for Insurance broker its: for Inaitrnnr hrnkers and ngenis LEA ESTATES. 700 Sansom St. Professional Offices PROFESSIONAL RU1LD1NO. 1R31-33 Chestnut it. A few suites for phjslclans or dentists. rf.A. jawkbu.n i;u.. unesmui ana uin, CHESTNUT ST 1820 Prof, of Bees nnd studios 'Ojyam heat, electric I Icht, running water. WES'? PHILADELPHIA DWELLINGS. STORES APARTMENTS i FOR RENT WM. H W. QUICK ft RRO.. INC. S SOUTH 40TH ST. HERMAN 1IROTHERS. 0010 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores Near BOTH ST "L" STATION For rent or sale. FOR RENT Delicatessen nnd grocery store; good location Seo MATTHIAS about It. 40 No. 82d. Ilelmont 710. llnslness Properties nnd Stores STORE, AND FIXTURES, 4022 Market, and near L stAtlnn- rnnr 157 JAMES N. MITfl hum,. 4Hth ana aiarKet. (IKRJIANTOWN ISO- DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS Kn,l fni- I.ltr Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 B. ISth. DETACHED dwelling. 13 rooms, 2 baths, Sarnge. . . r TOUR1SON. 7014 Royer st.. Qermantown 160 UP Rest section of Oermsntown: sent list. MAUHAN. DOLMAN ft CO.. N. E. send for cor. niuiiij nnn wncMnut PENNSYLVANIA SURURIIAN RROOKLINE Ilrand new det. dwlgs.. 7r. ft b., water heat, electr., large lots, 120.30, J'.'S.SO up. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. llrookllnn Sta. NORTH GLKNSIDH. $27; house' lot 100x117. shade attractive K-room Rennlnser ft Ron- ninger. uicnsiue, i'a. C P. PETERS ft"s"ON. OOS CHESTNUT St7 SEE OUR LIST IIEFORE RENTINO. MAIN LINE. P. R. R. ARDMORE 30 St. Paul's road, 12 rooms, 30; 2 bnths. Inrcn Int. W. II. SMITH. (1002 Drexel road. Overbrook. IT0 PUR MONTH St. David's Stone. 14 rooms. : t. David's Stone, 14 rooms, 2 baths, corner; J4 acre: per month. $70: Immediate possession fT monin. awu: immeuiaie possession. T ft CLAOHORN, 201 Halley Hide. JtAJtlll.lt, COMrORTAIILE, homelike country homes, with all conveniences, for fall renting. J. M. 1'RONEriELD. Wayne. Pa. FOR RENT FURNISHED HUIH'RRAN HOTEL TO LET. furnished; 23 minutes to Philadelphia lt Slu.LedgerCentnil. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE AVALON-RY-THE-SEA Philadelphia's henlthlest nearby seaside resorts-offers newly furnished cottages for bal ance of the season. Avalon's pure water sanl tary surroundings nnd fresh farm nnd sea products Justify Its claim for henlthfulness. You can rent for balance of this season New (l-bedroom cottage near beach $200 New 8-bedroom cottage nenr beach 173 New n-bedroom cottage, on beach 230 Now 4-liedroom cottage near beach 13J1 New 3-bedroom cottage on the waterway. 200 New 3-bedroom cottage on the waterway. 230 New 3-bedroom cottngo near waterway.. 100 New "-'bedroom apartments on beach (with bath) 30 All conveniences nnd near hotel and board Inn houses for meals If desired. CHAS. 11. HALL. tl, 1118 Real Estate Trust Uldg.. Thlla. lloth phones. MORTGAGES 100,0005 Special trust funds for eood first mortgages. HORACE II. FRITZ. 713 Walnut St. TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If you desire, efficient service, quick and satisfactory results and moderate charges .CALL, PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will bo as good us placed NORMAN S. SHERWOODHll Walnut at FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms of years or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINO GARDEN $30 TO $2000 To loan on real estate security; Immediate settlement; payable as doslred. HOW. M. MOLL 138 S. 12TH ST. MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH ft PARKER, INC. 1431 WALNUT ST MONEY AND MOKTOAGK! LARGE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. II. HOOD .112 WEST NORRIS ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAaB FUNDS JOHN U WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDNER 727 Walnut at. FUNDS for first nnd second mortgages. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. $100,000 TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from Jionu up. also bulldlue association money for second mortgages. CLC. 8KIDEL ft CO.. 4th and Cailowhlll ats; WOPTf'RT.T. FUNDS FOR FIRST AND WUlVlVl-iJUU 8ECOND MORTQAQES 033 N. 1TTII BT. $100, $200 TO $3000 TO LOAN. LEWIS ft CO " 1227 W. Glrard ave 5550 MONEY for mortgages; Rucks County property. " ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND Lincoln Illdg , Phlla. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. JOHN A. HARRY 307 LAND TITLE nl.DO. "llUH.DlNa ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE "" ' FUNDS nORERT J. NASH, 1001 CHESTNUT ST. "MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES "' T A nEDDINO ft SON 700 WALNUT ST B203 SPRUCE ST. THREE RUILDINO ASSNS meeting this week with plenty of money for mortcsges. WM. JAMBS ItEOOH. BOO Land Title mag. "TRUST FUNDS FOIl FIRST MORTQAOE R ESS 4 STCTSON IJVND TITLE BUILDING ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13TII ST. PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 11000 to $30 000 J. EDWARD LUTZ. 240 N 17th st. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOBS cunw "".., AMOUNT PfjTTS ft THOMSON. 2321 Frankford ave. "ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES w uii n BsiKsivvt MAURICE II. MiirsiNaEIt.Iteal Est Tr Bids. MONEY FOR MORTOAOE3 $1000 TO $100,000 JACOB A. FRITZ. 1106 Land Title Bldg. ""FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES j- Ufiw uoKTOAOCS FOR SALE THEO. E. NICKLE3. 2518 Germantown ys. nOOlOOO AT 4W PER CENT v ' wir.i. niviDH JOHN A. BARRY. 607 Land Title Bid; OWNERS If your mortgags has been called. I ill! take Jt up. also 2d mortgage mousy. CHESTER D- ROTTNER.14jO Chestnutu 1ST and 2d mtgs.; bldr and priyaFs funds; quick .ndsstls factory results: moderate charges. CAMERON ESTATE. 28 11 Jfenslagton avs. LOANS Large or small sums on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgages: loans on unset- llifd I Tstates. DEMPSEYt CO-T. S.J8th. p7nSTand 2d mtire. or on note, any amount! low rates; Immediate answer. F. X. Delany, 1112 Lincoln ldg.. Broad and Penn Sjuare. money for"flrst and second mortgages; building association and Instalment mortgage. Willis- '"gchester company.10UlChes.tnut st. iriiMns for first and second mortgages; any amount; quick ; answer, CHA8. W. MILLER. ISi-iSr Commonwealth Building. wm WANT" MORTGAGES First, second snlit Funds for collateral and' short-tj or ri... i..,ia rnp roiiaierai ana snorc-ierm iVy'p. AHBRNETHY, 1B3 B- ITS. ?Ul'gli READY FUNDS for good first mortae, brlnr r-gu-T.alfM',ft CO. 217 S. Broad st. TjiOUNT. $60"tQ $5000. to loan to real estate owners; note or mortag. Arthur J. Ijupold. '" i.-r. ww. Ti r AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d ntill. A rhas. Z. D Youcr -100 W- Ed Trust BU. MQNEY XO TjOAN son WT nicncn'O W &B!TA$l AND OXFORD ST. A&4auFvfra"ial BtciJAwa uirau vvuvuuii - YOU -CAN BORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS, JgWfCLs JETO. $23 ANU W .- $73 " " . 1M l ' ! The YoutiR Lady Across the AVay I THE PADDED CELL ml THAT AYfUL. I J MOMENT - - J X"" Wv! SrTN i iy ;i ,r " Come AWN.Im A Uber laid Dowm ':) U to-rW?-. tTtULlM'. .VR ) ON M BEFoRey Vlllo rJAl ( 2q5So' ) pur K c-pepe) Tho younff Iftdy across the way says v 1 li I ' s' s there nro altogether too many hasty I J L - ' "r-L-. C f innrrlnscs and no two people should "(T I . -' k take audi an Important step without 7 fll ' s V.aI.., it.nln 1, n 41-a I.a.a Ik. .... I II I II I MUII.H t".lH llt. bllVjr III.VD hllQ SAIUO fill I ' tastes and are perfecUy congenital In Zg I ,j- every way. W'C a- The Sweet Thing P' "Wlfo I liato these cramped berths In tho sleeper. Couldn't wo set a 1 " , flat, dcnr7 I fir&H I Hub Who over heard of a flat on ' ti. trtiln? Z . 'N " y """vX , Wife Why, IVe often heard of flat j y V . cars. Y V , ' TELL ME, DOES IT PAY 7 I" , s v ( tlX. Wart a """ pipTl ANP Af NtHTe'j.t.-& - f rrA 56RH.M " - , VAJ1TH A fvifr POUND ToHHtao) .J ,pi0eer. ) S nBRoii.hTrYoo vr h 1 rMRRY? ijl I DOES o:m s( I H ANANtwiix- jjjjpp"''130' eju "nrnylng nt the Moon" ENGLAND'S GASOLINE FAMINE REVIVES THE GROWLER Passing Show. 1 1 1 1 llUJiln ! t-iI1b11 wSM'lM 3 Ir 9lr aim. ftei i'M " 'Oot away ! "Oot away t I ain't drorln" aside Xer no bloomln' motor." A Rare Gem "I hope, Noru," said tho mistress, "that you are truthful above nil things." "Yis, mum." replied Norah. "Oi nm on me own account. Ol only tells loies t' th' callers fer the' family, mum." THE WORST IS 1 ' ' ""' - -- 1- - ,., - .- v .. - i ill r mTMm Iff i!HMMKPi, Passenger Look herat We aren't Driver No, and we ain't goln' to a YET TO COME Punch. going to a funeral! tire, neither I Closed from the Other Side "Flubdub claims to have an open mind." "Maybe so, but very, few Ideas stroll In." LIGHT OCCUPATIONS THOUSAND V.EJXC,UEidND&F THS CBA. V.tJjWi0 J&IF - --u-Mm Ox- . .$.. il 1 T- ajj(Ul, City Usb. CbsatjOUt lUU.
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