w wmmwmwwyA ? f EVU.JN1NU LJSDuJWii i UiLAJjJiiLl'UIA. SATbKDAV, AUGUST 1 1916. STEEL BUYING CONTINUES LARGE, :flNANCIAL NEWS LIQUIDATION MAKES WHEAT PRICES DROP New York Stock Sales fr 1 m COPPER STOCKS RESPOND TO REPORTS OP EXTENSIVE FOREIGN DEMANDS -- . . Market Does Not Reflect Any Uneasiness Over Railroad Labor Situation Information on Placing of New War Orders Attracts Attention Net chg. High Points of Today's Financial News Neiv York bank statement showed an increase of $15,684,000 in average W S2S,SU,000 in the actual loans for the week; The reserve decreased in both statements. Dank clearings throughout th(; country showed an increase of S5-6 per cent-above same period last year. Philadelphia's gain of SG.l per ctht was third on the list. Steel buying was reported as continuing large, with premiums offered for some products. New York banks gained gold on money movement. Bar silver unchanged tn New York and up in London. NEW YOIIK. Auc. 12. The stock market In the two hours of tradlriB did not rolled any uneasiness over the railroad labor situation, but Instead was dominated almost wholly by tho pews In rojjnril to tho copper trade and by Information In regard to the placing of hoW war contracts. Tho copper group responded to tho reports of Uic foreign demand for the metal with general advances. Anaconda was bought by some of tho strongest houses on tho Street and made a gain of moro than 2 points In tho first hour, then selling at 83i. nnd was followed by Inspiration, Kcnnccott, Chlno and Utah Coppeft ft)1 tneso Issucs making gains of moro than 1 point. Butte and Superior was tho strongest of tho munition stocks, advancing 2 Mints to above 6S, and American Zinc mado a gain of 1 point to 34. Heading had 6 strong group of Its own friends, with C. D. Barney, A. A. Houseman & Co. and jj Keech & Co. taking the stock In largo blocks, as they did last May. The motor stocks were also active and strong. Marino Issucs were exception ally heavy, both classes of stocks being sold because tho plan of reorganization, Dublishcd this morning, makes no provision for payment of accrued dividends on Preferred stock, but leaves that matter In tho hands of the now board of directors. Wi "M. 10334 103 V 03 0814 194 33 34 (11 14 04 H KlYt 2Vi 180V4 180U 27 27 3114 33 1 ''hi. 2V 103 "A flfl "i (13 1 mi 3(1 V 444 1 '.. OSV (18 3',fc 17376 17371, XM COTTON PRICES UP, BUT MARKET IS SMALL Limited Liquidation Easily Ab sorbed at Advances of 6 to 8 Points COTTON IJEJ7T WBATHEH. wrW YORK. Aar. IS. Rnlns were rp JJJd In 111" antral eastern action of the Jaedi A.hJVllTe. ft" KnMTllle. l Nash tffli 74i i Anil ' n Antonio. Oklahoma. I It" Mcrlrtlnn. ChntlonooM. Atlanta ?JS ltalelell. 701 Hhreieport. J-lttlr Hock, lkktbnrr. Montgomery, , Birmingham. 2i'S?iS Tmnim and JneksoiiTlllc. 78t f.""'i". "New Orleans.. Mobile. rnatoi. and Wilmington. 30 imlAa(ltl Tlicre ".,w.f. .---- .nn inrh At SI Kfchi .10 Inch nt A.l.eYiil . ,30 Inrh at SvLvaTen,... a ttoisa it Jatksomllle. NEW TOniC, Aug. 12. Business was tmaller on tho cotton exchange this morn tar. but the tone was steady, with prices 4 to g points higher. Some limited liquida tion was easily absorbed by Important dr. uptown Interests and Wall street. A supply " from commission houses. New Orleans and the "West. The market ruled very Irregular during the late morning, with prices selling up to a net advance of 638 points on demand from. pot houses and Bhorts. only to react to about 14 30 for January under a re newal of active long liquidation from both local and Wall street sources. A feature of the trading was tho demand for October from several of tho lending ioot firms. Part of this was believed to represent spinners' calling. Southern news tu$ conflicting. Damage reports came from the Southwest. while from some eastern belt points Im proving conditions wero reported. New Orleans said that spots were In demand t c above quotations, A Texas dispatch aald the spot basis was easing. The weather map showed precipitation in Georgia, Alabama and the Carollnas, with no break In the drought southwest. Temperatures were about unchanged. The Liverpool market was closed. The receipts of cotton at the ports for the day are estimated at 8000 bales, com pared with 11.S90 baie3 last week and BUS bales last year, October December Jtmisrr lurch . , Mar .. July . . . .loot ... Tea. close. Open. Hljtti. 1.1 fin 14. OT 14.12 ..14.22 14.28 14.34 .14.32 14.33 14.42 ..14.48 14.50 14.35 ..14.58 14.115 14.08 .,14.71 14.70 14.70 ..14.10 I,nw. 14.00 14.21 14.30 14.44 14.33 14.07 Close. 14.12 14.33 14.42 14.33 14.08 14.67 14.10 Cotton Buyers nnd Sellers NEW YOfUv. Aug. 12. October Lester Behley, Wenman. Mitchell and Wilson bought; Shutt. Martin and Itountree sold. December Hentr, Schlll, Wilson, Geran and Watklns bought: Downs. Itountree. Hy man. Newman, Black and Hubbard bought ; Downs, Young, Kelffer and Schutt sold. January Montgomery, Mitchell, Wen an, Black and Hubbard bought; Downs, Young. Kelffer and Schutt sold. March Burnett, Glfford, Shearson and Rosenberg, bought ; C. Hicks, Cone, Hentz, Bchlll and W. Qumoens Bold. May Hartcorn, "Wlggln, McEnany and Farrott bought; "Wenman sold. July Montgomery bought; H. Hubbard told. Cotton Statistics Aug. 12. The statistical pi aa made UP byi Saturds ilcle. ! aa follow:, iosl- ay's NEW TOItK. lloa of cotton Vlntnolal f....t.,. -rnis weeK. x-asi -wee. --. -.-.. !?! 8.03,430 8.14.324 4.234.023 ..lean ....... Total in tight August 11 lean "....,. 1.079,459 2.029.324 2.009.023 184.693 140,019 $100 BONDS p c. Alberta, rrovtnce of 4V4 fin For Beeuc 8-year ,- 3 Aoato-French ,. .. B Arientlna Govern .,.,... B Xjr or liaiumoro 4 City of Chic Harh con.. 4 City of New Orleana Imp 5. S3 0,1U 831 0H V9 City of Vancouver N I city rea . A'a. Vlcka Ut i Clnlral -Vmm 1. . m. "C B to Din .it w .cir a h. t .; . r. - o' akvn a a tun .,- ill NVcitj .::;:: a A1 Vlcka Ut con .... 5 ,10.0tl,K lit.... B -,,r.L Ver lit r .... 4 Jit gol k Bo ref eat. G"" n con aer u .... 4 T Cen conv deb ...... B 85 9 L(Erle) lt.... B , S I M i1 " cv deb ctf 8V4 e.IN.H It cv deb rear 6 S.'k Wtit lat con,.. 4 ,ab A L lit con ..."., 8 'MnlnUn flw, i,t .... 3 At Chem cv deb .... 8 iS'lJt" Secur d,b fl 7 A. T i. " irciii,,., gjWeeTsr-::::: rVi L!,J?,P 1' re , .,, 5"',ai t Eleo lit., t Wet pow cv deb III H,s"l lat cod . I" hfii'.V" lat ........ Myan deb rer V-X?'1-P . ...ru u re .... ;.ortllard deb rear,,,:. lerce oil cv deb ...... 'ant Pow ;ltf ref ' ,Y Air Brk tat cv .... flaconila 1541 cv deb ., Due. 1024 1010 11)20 1043 10d2 1U17 iun inn 1023 03U 19113 107H 1930 102 1921 03 1A.MI 1)R 1020 80K inr' no 2014 1064 10B2 JUU, 1033 B. 1033 84 1033 112 1018 00 1036 70 1DJ 111 100d 03U Bid. Aiked. u" 03U 03 87 ioi lOSti 103 9 64 107J4 O 10l( 2!i 83 W Da 113 7i 84i 99I 84H 99 OSU 83 U 08'! 97H 86 1043 4 105O 3 1062 3 1924 A 1925 4 102U 4l 1933 103 & 1042 100 3 1925 100 5 1943 07H 3 1918 1014 B 1949 07K sis 1B4.P ;., ... a IVii DS 1A 87!i 109 ion; 102 osu 103 03 K lu.n 02 1919 ioo; 1914 123 19S1 100 10.14 123 1931 100 1924 82,, 1043 97H 1928 102 1924 97 ua 101 124 101 83U 93S RAILROAD EARNINGS WESTERN MARTIALND. L&VSL 7fk Ant $222,800 fcTooa July l l!lB7.MJ Knnitmnu uifTure. Pft week Auguit .... 1 1.483.000 iW 1 8.102.000 Increaie. 20,783 121,949 1127,000 1,30 a, ooo BANK CLEARINGS M... ... J?J ... fcstr $.833:790 TMzXh umMi feet Wheat Steady at Liverpool UYEHPOQL. Aug. J. Spot -wheat w J4y tnd unchanged today, with Aua .traUau quoted at 14 Jd. o. S red wlnUr J 4d, mqi Na 1 Northern Manitoba at Id crn, -was qult and unchanged S Americaa wlxed quoted at JOs 6d, ana t t Ha Id. piouy was ft, unchanged. New York Bond Sales nuh. 30.1000 Anclo-French 3 1ISJ4 lliilU Aincr Hide & Sea 6s.. 08JS 1100000 Amer Korelan Seo Be ns 2000 Amr Tel evt 4tta..l0t lonoo Amer Thread 4s .... 98'i iiiiiiii mpr ur r ititi im. . n i nimo Atchlaon Ren 4s.... Miuu uo mil 4S Low. Close. OS'.i "iU bl 02i 834 03 (IN 100., Ml 924 l4j vhC iis,4 Km l)!i SI 4 fll)ll da pv 4s 1033 10:iW I03V4 3ono Halt & Ohio s kioh luo'i lonu do 4s DOft 1000 lleth Hleol 1st tlx. .. .lniji 10(H) do rfd r.s 100 coon Hrkn IUp Tr 3s 1918. loo 1000 Can Gov 4s 1921.... 00 1000 dn 4a 11)211 01) 1000 do 4s 1931 100 400(1 Cal Ous tt niec Os.. DSjl 12000 cent rac 1st 4s 87", 12000 Ch III Coi)H,T Ts 124 8IJ00 (.'lies It Ohio cv 4V4s.. 84 11)000 do conv 3s !3' :h 834 103'5 inn's mivi vim miU 1ini Yi ioo iui) Vi 100 UMlJJ i. miir finlL 004 0!) 100 1011 08'i OH'i loo 33 20 40 (h 39i 03 Y 130 00 V, 44 70 01 43W 3014 C31& V, XA ii 1V4 Yn 3000 Chi fit st 4s 11000 Chi II & Q Joint 4 3000 do Rrn 4s.. , 101)0 Chi II A Q III 3tts.., 00 N 07 03 I H.ljj noon chl M it m v cv 4Hs.loo iooh 1000 Chl It 1 & ! rfd 4... 71s4 7lH 123i 124J4 J4 84k 84 'I lis': oaU 09 Vf 07J H3H R.l l()0i l)3'i nut "lis '': 83Mi i Oas ronv s 122W 122J4 122 i 4 Illn Ur li 7N 78 78 roll United 4 Vis... 80I 801 80 i do cons Os linji 10i4 1111J4 N Y C I. S 3(4 a 73 73 J 73 4 N Y 0 tt 11 (Is 1121 112 i 112 do 4s 90U OOU on'i 40000 do Ss 03 13000 do Bs ct one stn.... tin. 1000 Col & Houth 1st 4s. ... 81U uioo chic Un Htn mil. -'nun con 1000 Den itmin uetrnii unucn ivss... ou-4 10000 111 steel deb i 004 1000 Indiana Steel 3 102U 1000 Iowa Central 3s...... SilVi BOOU III Central rfd 4s-t.. 844 14000 Interb llct 4V4s 73H ROnil Inlrrh It T ref 3fl.. ON 230000 Inter Mrr Mar cl 4V4S.107 3000 hnck.l Steel 3 1023.. 09 110(111 !,k Hh deb 4s 1031.. 94 110DU I.IK 4 JI T 7a 12 21100 I,on Island rfd 4s.. 88 1000 Lorlllard 7s 124'i 7000 SIo I'nc ct 4s 48, BOO do 4s 411 mnnn .1,1 ..i ( .ia lolT.. nr. 1000 do cons Os , 1011 3000 30001) nooo r.nnil .In inn 4a . ft 700(1 K Y City 4s 1009.... 100U noon do 4V4s 19(15 107 2000 N' Y Hwy ad B S9i 8000 N Y Tel uen 4 lis.... 071 10000 N'orf tt West 4s 02H 1000 Nor Pac prior 4s HI 1000 Oro Hwy It N con 4s.. Olft 2000 Poc Tel 3 1004 40000 Pennn ern ct 4Ws....l0114 SHOD do V?tn 1021 lOOti 1000 .ubllc aerv N J Bs... 97i 0000 Ileadlntr Ken 4s 03 28000 St I. S y In w I ... 33 12000 do Ken ct 4s 71, 0000 do Her Awl 081 iii)i) Kcanoard A I. noj os.. "; 3000 South Pac cv 4 87 UOOO do cv ret f p 6 1041 B000 do rfd 4s 804 oimiu soum liwy acn is., m-i 0000 do ron 3s ion; "lion Term c ret full nsld. 3000 Third Avo ad) Bs.... 70 11000 II S ritcel S F B8....103 4000 U S S It 6s Ill 1100(1 Union Puc 1st 4s.... 93 1000 Un uwys S F 4s... 1000 Vn Ilwy Bs 33000 West E t- M cv 3s. I'UOO AVest Union Bs (12 00. 01 101) (121 0., ni'i 100 lllah. Ia. Close. Alaska Oold Mines 17V tt "Yt ','",! AIlls Chalmers .. 23H 2 J? do pfd 77 7W 11 , '4 Am Ae Chem.... 76 74i 74 Jt Am B Sunar B8H 83 "J Am Cnn ...,... BBW Wi MM Am Car & Fdy... SOW SO BOMi Am Coal Prod.... US 143 143 ..... Am Hide & Jj pfd. S7H 8BT or -J Am Ice JW 2Vi 2W ..... Am T.lnseed tifd.. 4S 43 43 Am Locomotive .. 72J4 7214 do pfd 103 Am Smelt OOi Am 7,1 nc 34 do pfd 04H Am Steel Fdy 32 V4 Am Tel & Tel 130V Am Writ Tap pfd 27 Anaconda Conner. 331! Atchison 103,4 103 Att Gulf & W I.. 06V. 06 do pref 03 03 Untdwln Loco ... 73 12Tft Halt & Ohio RO 80 llcthlehem Steel.. 444 444 Brooklyn Oas ...131W 13U5 131V4 Drklyn Han Tran 84 84V4 "4 Butto & Superior. 08W Canadian rnclflc. 170s Chandler Motor ..100 Contral Leather.. 33 Chill Copper 20 Chlno Copper .... flo',4 Chlo Great W pf A 30?4 Chlo Mil & St I'.. DOVl do pref 130 Cont Can 00 U ChlcaRo Vn Tr... 180 Col Fuel A Iron.. 44 Crucible- Steel.... 70H do pref UG',4 110 Cuban Cane Sup. S4 0414 do pref 04 Mi Distil Securt .... 40 Erie 30 do 1st pref 6S Gen Klcctrlo ....108 108 108 Oonernl Motor. ...385 3BS 385 3 do pref 1101. 118 118 V Greene - Can ... 45'i 48 4ST(i 1 Goodrich Co 73 72 72 Gulf St Stl list pr 05 05 03 do 2d pref .... 83 83 83 HI Ccntrat 101 101 V 101 Vi Intcrboro Con . . . . 10V4 10 16V4 Intcrnl Paper ... lnifc do pref 74Tfc Inspiration Con .. SIU Int Nlcltcl 44 Int M M t o .... 28 do pref t o ... 1)4 Kcntio Cop 40 Kelly Spring .... 70 Lncka Steel 71 Long Islahd 34 Lee Rubber 43 May Dcpt .Store. 01 83 00 3 35 4 1 01 73T4 Bullish News Is Without Much Effect Frost in Canadian Northwest fltlAIN 1IKLT WKATiir.R lOItr.CAST C'llfCAno. Ann. 12. The weather fore cast .for 30 lioitrs follows! . Illinois dene mllr fnlr tonlcht .nnd prob nlilr Siinilnrisllshlly warmer Snnday, eiceot exlreme nnth. Ml' (lencrnlly fair tonlahtl probably Unnrl- not niitcli chance In (emnerntiirr. . uUennsIn I'nrllv eloudr tonlalit nnd flun dnyt nrobnldt showers wrt and norlhl not mnrh rhnnae In lemnfrnlpre, . .Minnetotn Shower tnnlaht and Sunday! a niial vliittiBa ts, lamnaA I BirA iiuj laid i inijin iriiiiiriiuiiii an , . -rronnmr rnir tnniani nun nmranii low n- flTI and 100 33 20 30 38 00 130 09 V Vt 18 44 (- 70 V V 110 34 t 01 48 3(1 33 1 1 l"m IMI', 1024 102'i MZ 80W 84i 84 (I 73, 73i D7' os J4 107H 1071 Vi 04H 94. 124 124 HS 88 12IU 124'1 48 4S'4 40 4(1 93 93 8.1 100'i 1074 7; 0J 91J1 1001 101"i I"li4 loo'J ion'4 07i 97t H.1 11. 32'4 33 H.I 100 J 1071 38 07S 021 Oljl 01'4 1QS 031 (14 I 87't 801 , fl'' 71 us'! 64', R7J? 104 80T J, inoli inoj i 4 a& ll!l 1U)4 t .101 104 111 H H2l4 08S 08i 101 101 111 ssn Total sales. 32.460.000. compared, wljh J853.. 000 last Saturday) this week, 317,40 1,000 1 last week, 313,330,000. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DULL Few Changes During Week Estimate Amount of New British Loan The market for foreign exchange In the week just closed continued most of the time in tho rut of extreme apathy that had prevailed In the last half of the previous week. On several days there was abso lutely no variation In quotations between the opening and closing markets. At the very end fractional, Irregular changes were In the main to bo noted. Italian exchange at the 'outsat shaded a couple of points, but afterward strength ened on the military successes of the Italian forces. On the other hand, sterling was virtually unaltered from the final of the previous week, rubles were about 2 points lower and francs declined to 5,92 for checks, the lowest figure In about two months. This last weakness was unexplained, ex cept as possibly due to Increased purchases by the French Government of war muni tion apd supplies. Further consignments of American secur ities were received either for sale in, this market or in preparation for the expected new collateral loan to the British Govern ment and bankers. It was stated that preparations had progressed to the point where an announcement might be made any day. Some authorities, however, ex press the opinion that the loan may not be Issued for another month. " The amount of the Issue Is variously esti mated In the neighborhood of $200,000,000. The loan will be made. It Is understood, against American securities held or bor rowed by the British Government. FOREIGN. EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Aug, 12. The foreign ex. change market today showed tho usual half holiday dullness. There was little or no feature to the market aside from an Im provement of In French exchange. Quotations: Demand sterling, 4.75 11-16 : cables. 4.75 7-16; SO.day bills, 4.71i j 90 days. 4.69W; franc cables, 6.91U ; checks, 5 91; relchsmarks cables, 72U: checks. 72 3.16: lire cables, 6.47; checks. 6.47H ! Swiss cables, 6.28,;; checks, 6.29; VI enna. 12.35 and 12.38; Scandinavian, 28,80 and 28.90; pesetas. 20.14 and 20.20; guilder cables, 41 5-l; checks, 41; plus, MS; rubles, 30.40 and 30.46. KATES FOR MONEY can. , T"a-., New Tork .,....,,.. 2 8W JH 44 Pblladelpbla , V gju Boston ""' 804 4 SIS CComme'rciaf pVper.'tbre'e 'to six months. Phlla delpbla. 4! Q4K Pr cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates 10 or leaj. . 3 Roaton ... New Tort. . Philadelphia Cleveland .. JUobniond , . Atlanta .... Cblcaso ... St. Louis.-.. Minneapolis Kansas City -"-.?ul. Ovr. flO. nAitoii ? Over 10 u,tosf Over SO Over 60 up to 60. up to 90. 3U 3Vi H New Tork... Philadelphia. Clatebind Richmond Atlanta chlcaao, Bt U)Ula Mlnoeapola Kanta City. n.llal . . L. . flsJi'FraaolKOj 3 6 ctXt 4 1 t 4 4 1! Trade acceptances. UP WTO uptovq, I 3 V f I 4 IB day it ovr Jo to eo, -jl - UD b " " "i. m .. ' 'I 9 ti 90. ii Pr cOi; 0 iv. Jr caw 1" P Com modity. 8H V4 is ?: 10T 7 31 44I(, 27 02 iOV, 1V4 i n H4 00 Vi 10 71 Vi 34 IV 40 1 01 1 811 Yt 10 74 40 44 U 27 02 43 00 tt 71 84 43 31 8114 07"i 3 34 4 4 01 73 130 135 17Tfi 17 17 V 104 104 104 120 129 129 on no an nitt 110 110 tt 33 BB'J4 ilSI'l 84 83 84 3 31 tt 4 BOH ltt 133 108 103 48 43 43 21 24 24 103 101 101 4314 4314 431)1 0714 3 33 4 4 01 73 133 Max Motors Mex Pot Mo Kan & Tex . . Miami Copper . . . Missouri Pac do pref t c . . . . Montana Pow . . . Nnt Cloak & Suit. N Y Air Brake . . Nevada Con . . . , V Y Centrat . . . . Norf & AVest North American . North Tac Pcnna It n Pitts C C & St I . Pressed Steel Car. Pullman Co ltwy Stl Spg Pay Cons Reading do 2d pref . . . . Rep Ir & St 47 -7tt do pref Ill HI Shat Cop 28 27 So Pac 08V 08 So Hwy 24 24 do pfd 08 08 Studebaker 120 123 128 Tenn Copper .... 2fltt 23 25 Un Bag & Paper. . 8 7 7 United Cigar Strs. 104 103 104 Union Pacific ....130 13814 130 U S Undl Alcohol. 110 100UI0 tt tt tt 47', 111 28 1 03 24 08 U S Realty 101 U S Rubber .... 35 do 1st pref ...10014 U S Steel 88 U S Kxpress .... 30 United Clprar Mfg 48 U S Smelters .... 71 Utah Copper .... 80 Utah Sec 17 Wabash 1314 do pref A 40 do pref II 27 Westlughouso Kleo 38-74 West Maryland .. 20 do pref 40 Wisconsin Central 40 Woolworth 135 133 Willys-Overland... 35 51 do pref lot lot Worthlngton P... 27 27 lot 101 35 55 inoi4 looii 87 30 48 70 78 17 1314 4914 27 38 20 45 40 87 30 48 il, fnl. tnnlfflit fin Mltthtlr mariner ionlcht nest and renter nn norm fnntiay. ... , . , .North Dakota Unsettled tonlaht. prennblr shower east nnd eenteri Sunday partly elomlr, sonienhat warmer.. . , .Noulli llakotn rrnlmhly shower nnd slightly wnrnier (onlahti Sunday partly clnmlT and nnrmer, ... . Nehrnskn rrohahlv fnlr lonUht nnd Son- dnri Mnrnirr rust tonulit. ... , . Knnn-(lfnernlly fnlr tnnlalit and Bnn- ilayi somen hut warmer northeast. CH!CAao, Aur. 12 Further wcaltnes was shown In the wheal market this morn ing, although prlcei rallied from the bot tom. Liquidation for over the week-end ap peared to he popular nnd moro bullish hcwb did not have much effect In the early deal ings. Frost occurred In tho Canadian northwest. September opened nt $t.42i TT $1.42. ngnlust $1.13 at the close yesterday, nnd sold down to $1.41. later rallying to $t.42t; ; December rnngod from $1.4(1 to $1.4417, compared with $1 46i, yesterday's last price, later soiling nt $1.45. May opened nt $1.50ifi$1.49H. ngalnBt $1.51 nt tho end yesterday, but moved up to $1.50 later. Tho market, nt Liverpool was firm on dearer export offers, more unfavorable re ports as to the crop from Canada and Indi cations of light shipments from America for tho week. British merchants showed moro confidence In current imotntlons nnd ex perienced dlfllculty In buying winters. Offers from India, Argentina and Aus tralia were freer, but It was hard to get tonnage, and high charges will prevent hpitvv r-xnnris frmii those countries. The weather In Argentina continues warm and dry over .1 wide area. Tho receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth todny wero 33S cars, against 144 cars n year ago; at Winnipeg, GS1 cars, compared with 22 cars; nt Chicago, 201 cars, con trasted with 712 enrs. Improved weather and scnttered selling caused nn easier lone In corn. Tho re ceipts hero todny wero IIS cars. Tho mar ket nt Liverpool was dull. Oats nlso declined In the early dealings. The rece'pts hero today were 727 cars. I.onillnx futures ranced nn fallows: Yes'd.iy's Open. UUh. Low, Close, rlo". 1.427s 1.41 1.I1J4 1.43,, 1.43J4 1.411 1.47 1.44 4 1.4I1'4 1. 1114 Mny l.r.0 1.31i l.lO'i l.BU. M.rii I orn (new dolltcry) ., Sept C3,, M'i Wis 4l'i 71 1 1 80 17 1314 tt 1014 27 .88 20 tt 40 1 40 1 135 4 34 104 27 2 Total sales. 238,100 shurrs, romnarrd with 30,200 shardi last Kntnrd.ivi this ieek, 2.077,000 shares! last week, 1,571.400 shares. Financial Briefs ;at. Total exports of specie for the week ended August 12, 1916, as Issued by the New York Customs House, amounted to $3,24?,945. consisting of silver $1,125,7SG nnd gold $2,124,169., Silver bars to London totaled $834,094. The Philadelphia Ship Repair Company, of this city, has filed notice of Increase of debt to amount of $45,000, for purchase of additional facilities, at Mifllin street wharf. Gross earnings of 35 railroads for the fourth week In July were $20,837,695, com pared with $17,636,279 during the corre sponding week last year, or an increase of $3,202,416. It Is announced In Xew York by John W. Patton. chairman of common stockhold ers' committee of International Mercantile Marine, that his committee had authorized publication of plan of reorganization. It is expected plan will be given out this eve ning. Secretary MoAdoo approved designs for new silver 50, 25 and 10 cent coins. They will be made at the Philadelphia Mint and bo ready for circulation the latter part of September, Banka lost to the New York Subtreasury Friday $1,035,000. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Aug. 12. Tho market for coffee- futures opened quiet this morning, with no sales on the call and prices un changed. The demand for spot coffee has been good, with the market firm and with the better grades becoming scarce. Rio No. 7 was quoted at 3 He and Santos No. 4 at 107ac. Recent estimates of the present Santos crop are placed at 9,750.000 bags, and Rio crop at 3,750,000 bags, these figures being considerably under earlier estimates. The situation In Brazil continues firm, coffees not being unduly pressed for sale. The fu tures market here was Inactive. Today's Today's Teaterday'a onanlnir close close .00 0.13a.lB 9.1000.12 .... 8.03&8.70 S.81S.fl3 86408.77 b. 7208.75 X.I15W8.IM .... 8.73&8.7a 8.038.70 .... 8.774J8.78 8.728.73 8.70O8.S0 8.70Q8.80 8.7308.70 July ........ Ausust September ... ucioocr ..... i.oer ... N'oveml uecemoer January ... February . March .... April '. t . May June Bid, 8.848.85 8.6008.82 S.SOtflft.OO 8 83 08.87 8.830B.95 8.93Q8.93 8.80H8.92 :.,. 8.90OS.00 8.9308.97 8.93 09.03 9J13gB.0S 0. 00 g 9. 02 ...... .... tf.USOV.4V tf.U3WV.UI Total sales, 27S0 bans. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS 10t20o : 0.83: eoc- CHICAQO, Aur, 12. HOG8 Receipts. 13.000. UU VUblUVI. 09.' rouah 10.63; pUs. 18.35 stssdv. Iters. 13.73 O .,..!., mn2Vi TnviF. Ulxsa 19.65U10.83: sood heavy. . 110010.33 heavy. $9.8009.90- llaht. iio II io; Dime, tiuviUiiv. CATTLE Receipts, 1000, . Market n..v.m ia fisfflio s.l. nwi and fullers 8.90: stockcrs and feeders. S5.1307.7S; Tcxsns, ..,nlil(l' ralv.i 111) nul2 811. SHEEP Receipts. 2000, Msr.et steady tlva and -western, is m,, u 11 SO. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TORK. Aus. 12. BUTTER Receipt. 3975 packages. Uarkst Arm. erlta eoctiausd fair tradbsf QuoUttonj nchnd. EGG3 Receipts, 13,343 cases. Tons IrrsaT uUr but Una. uottlo uschiastd. Mi. $8.63 O Sales in Philadelphia Net Utah. I,ow. close, chao. 8 R & S t C. 40 40 49"Ji V 3 Eleo Stor.. 38 8 8 ..... 20 Ins Co NA 23 284 iS 200 Int M&MtO 27 27 27 400 Kenna Cop 40 48& 40V 4-14 13 Uh Vnl .. 70 70 70 V SO Nev Cons. 17 17 17 214 Penna It It S3 . 33 86 IS Phlla Klcc. 28 28 28 120 PRT trctfs.10 10H 10V4 V 10 Phlla Trac 70 70 79 120 ttay Cons. 24 J4J4 24 4- 140 Reading ..103 102 103 73 Ton Bel .. 4 4 4 80 UnTrao .. 44 44 44 2 U a I ... 87 37 87 1 Un Cos NJ.223 223 223 038 U S Steel. 88 88 88 Increase. Decrease. Total sales, 2038 shares, eotnnared with 2108 shares last Pnttirrinri (his neek, 31,204 shares! Inst neek, 24,022 shares. TIONDS. , Net High. Low. Close, elite. 83000 I.eh V cons 4Ub 2003 00 00 00 4- 2000 PhCo CS Bs 87 87 87 1 V& 1000 Phlla Kl Bs.101 104 101 2000 lteadg gnls 03 115 03 Increase. Decrease. ' Tolnl sales, 810,000. romimrnl with 33000 last Snliirdnyi tills ueek. $200,0301 last week, $319,430. Local Bid and Asked Wheal Pept. . . . Hoc Dec May Oals Sept Dec May l.nrd Snt OU Dec Itlbs Sept. . . . Oct Pork Sept. ... Oot Dec Bid. :: .81 . . 43j ..13.40 ..13.42 ..12.80 .111.13 ..13. HO ..23.30 .23.45 . '23.20 tABked. 70tl 734 t72i 7SH M 70,i 74 SI'S 47H 30I 43 4lli, til. 1U ro!i 434 484 t-Vi 13.17 i;i 13.33 tl3.4 Ti;i.i 43 13.37 40 1 3.1 2 Tia.47 12.83 14.35 13.82 23.32 23.67 -J.'.Ti 14.10 13.77 14.10 14.20 13.80 113.87 tliildwrln J 11 llrlll Burr tt sus t c tlo pfd to Kleo Sim iirs (len Asphalt do DM Kej stone Telephone . do t c, do pref Lake Superior Corp... Lt-hfBh Navigation . . . Lehigh Valley Lcliluh Valley Tran . On pref Pennsylvania I'nua uiectrie Phlla Co . . . . do 5 per cent pref. do tt per cent pref. i-iiim ii i i c Today Hid Asked 73 43 fl7si 33 mm in. .3.4 311 311 MK Ill's 23.00 123.25 23.47 23.50 25.33 123.83 23.13 23.25 728.15 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIinAT Receipts. 70.733 bushels Prices opened lc lower, but the loss was slnco entirely reroxered under similiter outside advices and a fairly active demand. Quotations: t'nr Iota. In export elevator No. 2 red, spot. 11.4401.47 N'n L southern red. S1.42Q1.45: steamer No. a 41 41 itl. 41; No. 3 red. l. 4111.44; rejected , , ., ii. ..,..i.ii ii ti mi nn "CORN Receipts, 187,83d bush. Tho mnrkot was ciulet but steady under moderato offerings, quotations: Car lots for local trade, aa to location, western No. -', yollow. OSBOOci do. steamer ellow. O4J03c; do. No. 3 yellow. 92W U3c: do. No. 4 yellow, SOWDOc. OATS Hecelpts. 02.741) bush. There was lit tle trndlna, but values were steadily held. Quo tations: No S white. B1M Sr.V.'c: standard white, 50Vif51r; No. 8 white. 40tiS0c; No. 4 white. 4014 474c aaniplo nnls. 43'4 044V4c. KLOUlt Receipts. 223 bbls. and 1,043.030 lbs. In sacks. Demand was llcht. but mill limits were firmly maintained. Follnwlnir are the quota lions, per lll Ilia In wood Winter, clear. J5.73 3.23; do. stnileht Jd.25WU.76: do. patent. Jfl.76W7.25: Kansas, clear, cotton sacks, tnir 11,10; do. straight, cotton sacks. J8.50O7; do. patent, cotton sacka. I7.23O7.B0. spring, first clear. J3WU.73: do. straight, 1B.75W7: do. pat ent. J74f.S;do. favorite brands. 18.25g8.5U; c ty mills, cnolce und fancy patent, J8.23 8.30; city mills, regular grades Winter, clear. J3.75j 11.23: do. atrulKht. tU.23O0.7S; do. patent. J0.7B 7 25. RYB FLOUR ruled firm under light offerings, hut trade wan QUlet. i'n nuote nearby at 15.23 O 3.75 per bbl.. and western at J3.500.25. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm, but there was llttlo trading. Following are the quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked and alr-drled. 28c; western beef, tn sets, smok-d. 28c; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. 2c; western beef, knuckl-s and tenders, smoked. 29c: beef hams, 428403U; pork, family. 427.60,028: hams. t)7 P cured, locse. lSUW18i4c: do, skinned, loose. 10'i 10'ic. do. do. smolied. 20U 2l)14cj other hams, smoked, city curea. as to brand and average. ll'Wc; do. hams, smoked, western cured. 19ic; boiled, boneless. 34c: plcnlo shoul ders. 8. Is, cured loose. 14c; do. smoked. 13c: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose. lOtto; breakfast bacon, as to brand and average. city cured, 2te: do. western cured. lBtt20c; lard, western. reBued. tierces. 14MOI do. do. tubs. 14',ic; do. pura city, kettl rendered. In tierces' 14'4r: do do. In tubs, 14Hc. REFINED SUGARS Tin market waa quiet and unchanged Re flners- Hat prices: Extra ftna granulated. 7.23c: powdered. 7.35c: confectlonera1 A. 7.15c; soft grades, d 3UV7.20c. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER There was little wholesale trading, aa usual on tha last day of the week, but offer ings of desirable stock, wero moderate and values wero firmly maintained. Quotations: West em aolld-packed creamery, fancy specials. 33e, extra. 8l32c; Mtra .firs .,, aoOSOVscs firs s. 'Uie"ut c. specanaa. (wu'-ojiui ".v:.. '":- tanov. H4e: do. meruce eXtrtt, BJWWC, QQ Tlil'tiWc; erase t t 6 A A tn tCOipia " ll tivmn cn Hrtit. 2UOB1C ecqnds. liflWiVaCi joDDinir aaiea or funcv print 37W4U were kept promptly cleaned up t flrm ptlcea. We quote 'aa extra 32u 1I standard cave; caen. jnearby futlowa: In free, caaea. nyi iin nAfirnv nrais io.iuvu nearby current receipts, 7.8ut western extra firsts, JH.7Uiftf.BU per case: do firsts. JS. 1008.40 per case; fancy ec,i candled fresh gga were Jobbing at 3Ut37c per uoz. ClilSESR Offerings wero light and the ma r .t Jni.,1 flrm with demand fair,. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy. 17H V 7IH.9?!. Vet ruled flrm with demand fair. fsl?to aood. 1014 61701 part aklms, 9lBc. POULTRY LIVE Tha market waa dull with fairly UbilSraJrlng. at Quoted price. Quotations: ?hiwi!n..i?codm'g to quality. . weighing litis lbs. y.tivn.. . .". "-","- n.t&in... A. am.l ,. m19. .... nir HHIK.. La.U, -,, .......... . i .1 iufegoc; white LVghorns. according to quality, lTOlac ducks, as to alia and quality, 15fl7c. Jlgeons"' old. per pair. 2328o; do. young, per pair, 20.&22C, .... ., ...,KI. ,,v ,,. nTirandnhrmara.rruTedflVmwUhtrVd, "tatlona; Fie.h-ktlled. dry-plckod fowls. 12 a ma QuoiaiioB.i f. .": ;"Vv ..VTectid. 23c. do. weighing 4ft 05 lbs. apiece. 22 c: do. , welgh i,,Vi lbs aol.ee. 22hc; do. witching 3H liS ailece. 22e, do. weuflni 3 lbs. apiece 20 "lc Fowls In btls.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4U3 u7s aple722c,do. southern Jndlana and Illinois. eibV 4 lb.V aplec. 21V4 c, smaller sixes UW (if. oid rooaiera. urj ... y .-".:"" cbickena, Illlnou. ure. - -- livfl-'nr" !. !?' -.r ". T-U iJI4f SffrBr weighing Tda 'II .pfiS:"lJpo. do. smaller sizes, 'XiHI.ac Jersey, fancy, weighing 103 nalui 82 O 3 3c: do, Indiana, izes, xxw-ac. broilers, other bfoilera. nearby, smaller sties. pOidci ducks. Searby. aprlng. 192c: aquaba per do. per doz. do. white, weighing, s ios, welshing 8010 lbs. 5.75. do, whlu, Sni.. 13.7364 10: do. white, welgulng 7 Iba doz" 13.233.CO. do.whlt, lbs. per 2.75; do. amal per Dr w.lvhlnr llfiSUV. a.w. mv. ..--. --- --- T...;n tier doz. J.B0U2Io; 00., oars, l.v FRESH FRUITS Desirable stock waa generally steady under Li2?lda Jl ebftiso. Peachea. Virginia, per rVlarBll: l" 92-30: Carnwo, 11.2301.75: uJntM Aoaa ll.231.73. Pears. North CarSlnl Per bbL? 45. Cantaloupes. Dyl- "and Maryland, per crate. 60078c. Q?apM North Carolina, batawar. per crate, fl'sWl 60. Watermelons, southern, per car. ,1301323. VEGBrrABLES Ths seneral nurket was quiet nd without Im portant cfewf-ajKSHKHi. Si ?.: 8t.B.D,I;8horerii4yi 123, No. 1 Norfolk s .Kvo 2 Norfolk. IICI 20. .viuia poiaioea, i., wr bSS 63S30C. aweet potaioes, itola. sr bftUat. Iiei-S- Itesilltiir Tonopah ll'l 4 B-IO Tunopah Mln 5Bs Union Trac H V U I 37H II H Siel 8S York Rwy 13 do pfd Sil'.i Wm Cramp t c 72 74 Bll'i i ,iu.. Ill's 73U 711 424 311 4UW 8'1 40 IP1 Yesterday Hid Asked r.1. 7 1 ;i.i 3 4U 5U IIS Sfy 14 . 14V4 IIS inn "3. . 784 20 5574 284 .lll'.S 311 311 s4 1U .".'loll. 102'k lU2'i US! 44J T17 l-7 87 4 73 4'i ,ns 44U 87. ss.. I3'i 311 Hli 81 14ji 111 till. ii 52-4 so 21) 41)14 W "'.. Ill', i 103 ft 444 KS.. 8S4 75 WITH PREMIUMS FOR SOME PRODUCTS j Consumers, Who Waited in the Hope of Concession! ol Prices, Now Come Forward to Purchase at Advances Trading Continues Quiet Strength Is displayed In virtually every branch of the steel trade. Huylntc Is on n, larBo scale, according to slecl trade Inter ests, and premiums nro belnir offered on Rome products for which the demand Is larger than tho supply. Indications point to n continuation of this condition. Tho advances In quotations for bars, shapes, plates, wire nnd other articles an nounced by the leading Interest has had ho effect on tho demand nnd Inquiries nro comliiR In Just ns fast as they did before tho upturn Some consumers In this coun try who have been holdliiR off for (several months, nppnrentty belnff Influenced by tho published reports of concessions In prices, are now compelled to come In as buyer iiid forced to pay higher prices. It must bo remembered that the larcor producers have nt no time reduced their prices. The reports concerning such nctlon referred to those producers who were ask ing premiums and holding off on tha mat ter of taking business In tho hope of ob taining even higher quotations. When the buying halted temporarily nnd these, makers found mill space for sale, they disposed of It nt concessions. This led to orders being ptneed for comparatively nearby deliveries at lower levels than future business. Now, however, there 1ms been such a resumption In tho demand Hint premium offers are again becoming frequent. There has been some curtnllment In pro duction thus far this month, but this hns not been ns large ns tho average for July. Tho wenthcr conditions In most sections have been moro favorable. This has caused better Operations, although they r not yet up to capacity. Authorities are optimistic on ths out look, stating that tho present Indication are ror large orders as a result of. the re newed orders for munitions In this country nnd tha Incensedr domestic demand. Soma officials of the companies say that ft dull period at present would bo welcome, so that they could catch up on the orders and not run ahead of the average raw supplies, but they admit that there are no signs of any Immediate let up. Trading on the Philadelphia Slock tSx Change continued quiet today and there was little of Interest Attached to ths Wiar ket for local Issues. Arbitrage stocks oc cupied most of the attention. Kennecott Copper mado the greatest gain, following tho trend of tho copper market on the New York Exchange, selling up a point to 49. United States Steel and Reading each advanced 4. Lake Superior Corporation, which was ono of the leading features of yesterday's trading, was Inactive during the two hours' session today. Lehigh Valley and Pennsyl vania each gained a fraction. Electric Storage Hattery and Philadelphia Traction sold unchanged and Philadelphia Itapid Transit trust certificates changed hnlids at a fractional ndvance. Philadel phia Electric was taken at 28?J, yesterday's last price. At the close arbitrage stocks reacted on profit-taking and several home Issucs re corded fractional Increases. Steel shaded to 88 U and Heading sold down to 102. IJONDS ARE IKREGULAR NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Big Gain in Actual and Average Loans. "Reserves Decrease NE""V" YOniC, Aug. 12. The New York bank statement this week shows an Increase In average loanB of UBi581,000 nnd an In crease of $23,541,000 In tho actual. Tho nvdrago reserve decreased $69 1,710 and tho actual dropped $9,224,640. Demand deposits in both statements Increased. Details follow: AVnitAGIl. Loans Demand deposits Time deposits Iteserve ACTUAL, Loans Net dmond deposits Tlmo deposits Ileserie Decrease, Increase. . liri.iist.nno . 3O.R02.0fln . 11.155,000 111)1.710 .123,241.000 . :m, ihh. not) .111.071.01)0 . !). 244,040 BANK CLEARINGS INCREASE Total for Week 25.G Per Cent Above Same Period Last Year Total bank clearings of all the clearing houses In the United States for tho week have been $3,050,363,150, against $4,702, 162,749 last week and $3,146,116,071 for tho samo wejk last year. Philadelphia's Increase Is 36.1 per cent, the third highest increase In tho list. Detnlls follow: loin lots r.C. New Tork.., II, 877.300,447 $1, 333,870,281 20.11 Boston .V,.. 127257.71)3 114.1H1.534 -11.4 Philadelphia. 171. 5711.170 123.074, n3 --3"l,l lialtlmore .. 33.0113.033 23.230,7011 4-55.2 Ch caeo .." 303.311,025 23.0.-7,N(ll 2U.1 St Loul R2.030.SS3 110.020,327 3H 2 New Orleans. 13.030.022 Hl.760.4fl2 -4- 7,7 Seven cities, five days.. 12 Other cities, five days.. Total for all cities, nvo days All cities, one uay Spirit of Pessimism Is Offset by Au thorities' Opinions NBAV YOIIK. Aug. 12. Tho bond market generally speaking was Irregular during tho week, with further shading and new low prices In some Issucs, while rallies occurred In others. Business for the most part was light, as was tho case last wc6k, partly on account of tho vacation season nnd the sultry weather, but thero wero Intervals of nctlvlty in special Issues. Tho larger' dealings were In the semi Investment lines and this class also showed tho principal Improvements In prices. In somo quarters a spirit of pessimism was expressed on tho belief that bonds would bo liquidated on every opportunity. Thoso views were not shared by somo of tho principal ljond authorities, who believe that, nlthough' tho market may show some Irregularity If securities are forced for sale, tho outlook for tho longer pull Is encouraging. They point out in support of optimistic Investment expectations that an enormous nmoitut of money has been mado In this country In tho laRt two years nnd thnt tho tendency Is for operators who have been successful In tho stock market to Invest their money In bonds. TRADING ON CURB IS WITHOUT FEATURE Outside Brokers Regard Rail way Situation as Dominating Influence 021,338.003 12,143,203,310 22.3 300.274.018 300.002,004 -4-32.0 .13.282,143,013 t2.43,205.323 24.0 338,410.243 302.010,748 32.0 Total for all week" ...r. 13.390.333.11.0 13.143.110,071 23.0 BANKS GAIN ON GOLD Unusual Increase in Money Movement but for Reserve Bank Operations NEW YOI17C, Aug. 12. In the compila tion of the known movements of money pub lished on Friday attention was called to the fact that tho gold Imports of tho week of $14,000,000 were not credited, The $9,000,000 or thereabouts, brought In from Canada and deposited In the Assay office on Friday would figure for only one day, but the $5,000,000 Imported earlier In the week should assure a favorable cash show ing today. On the directly traceable move ments of cash, leaving out the gold, the banks lost about $1,000,000. But for the operations on the New York Federal Re serve Dank, today's clearing house state ment would show one of -the largest gains In money In a single week recorded recently. Local Reserve Bank Statement The condition of the Federal Iteserve Bank of Philadelphia at the close of business Aucust 11 compare, as 'JSOIJnCEa. August 11. Aucust 4, Ctmca"snnvJuU.r.110.234,855.00 $10,392,283.00 O o 1 d aettlement fund balance .... Gold redemption lUtlU .... uu.vuu.uu uv.wvw.uy 709.7823 309.920 70 Lea-al tender notes, allver, etc, Total reserve .. Commercial paper. Uank acceptancea. Total bills discounted and bouaht .. ..111.43M98.3S $11,203,133.91 it h bands and notes'... 3.708.000.00 8.878.000.00 Municipal 'warrants 2.872.412.39 2.627.412.69 .S25.080.63U.25 $23.2311.135 70 . 663.117.13 333.137.b8 . 10.8H1, 370.23 10,437.1t3 70 $3,403,412.69 Total Investments $0,280,412.69 Due from other Federal Jieserir banks (net) Federa I lleserva notsa on band ... Notea of national banks and other Federal Hesirva banks All other resources Total resources .$44,107,626.33 $43,989,904.77 ' LIAUII.ITIHS. Capital paid la ... $5,216,800.00 Pront and loss .... 42.482.25 R e s e rve deposits (net) 81.990.703.48 Government deposits 6.038.418.B9 Duo to otbir Fed eral II e a a r V a banks (net; ...... All other liabilities Total liabilities.. $44,107,828.33 $48,989,004.77 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH BTOCKS Jim Butler , , MacNamara .......... Midway ......-.............,, Mlir-aa Extension Montana ...... Northern Star -.,..,..,...... Tonopah Belmont ...,. ......... M..... . l.vf ATISlflH .............. Tonopab. Mtnlnt: ......,.....& 9-16 S 11-16 Bescua kuia. .. West End .... Boota ......- ltulidojc COD 283.808.18 T 891.810.00 308.423.00 100,733.00 183.690.00 431,037.03 882.032.47 $3,218,050.00 42.482.23 81.833.312.78 6,436.138.09 J11. AM. 4ft II " 192.23 230.18 Bid Asked ........... .88 .90 II ,114 .ii.? l .18 .20 .19 .20 I .24 .26 .13 ,17 H 4S IS S 11-16 I ' ss 'S, ................ ou ,04 II QOLDFIELD STOCKS. II t sO "12 il ut "0 ............ .! .W II 03 .04 ,05 .Oil I .02 .03 I 02 .04 I 5 83 .... ll .1- I '....... -04 .05 I 03 .03 .10 .12 I ;;;:;;;:;:;:;:::: H L Protest Against Stock Increase COl.C.MHl'S, O.. Aug. 12. Formal pro test has been filed with tho Public Utilities Commission against tho petition of tho Ohio Fuel Supply Company for permission to Issue $7,615,125 additional stock, tho pro ceeds to be used to redeem $0,000,000 deben ture bonds. It Is alleged that tho bonds represent no real physical valuo and that nn ndvnnco In gas rates In the vicinity of Zancsvlllo would result. Sugar Futures Steadier NRW YOniC. Aug. 12. There was a llt tlo steadier feeling In sugnr futures at the opening today, nnd first sales showed nd vnnccs of 1 to 5 points, with business re ported on the call of 23B0 tons. The mar ket, however, lacked nggresslveness, duo to tho dullness In actual sugar. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Splltdorf Klectrlcal Company, resular quar terly of lsi Pr cent on preferred, pnyablo September 1 to Block of record Avjaust 21. National Biscuit Company, resular .quarterly of li per cent on common, payable October 14 to stock of record September 28. S. If. Kresce & Co. recular quarterly of Is. per cent on preferred, payable October 1 to atock of record September 20. Bid. Ill) oil 10(111 101 1. ninvs i'".. UK1 os : GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s rcKlstereil 1030 2 coupon 11)30 :ia reeistorcd 1U1S 3s coupon 10 18 4H registered !H2.i 4s coupon U'25 Panama 2s ret-slered 10311 Panama 2s reulstered 11)33 BAR SILVER. Bar silver was quoted In London today at 31 11-lCd, up l-16d. Commercial bar sllycr wns quoted tn New York today at 06 He. unchanged. CHURCH BENEFITS IN WILL William M. Murphy Leaves Bequests to Presbyterian Organizations Bequests of $5000 to the Gaston Presby terian Church and $1000 to the Bala Pres byterian Home for Aged Cripples nnd Single Men are contained In the will of William M, Murphy. 212 North Hancock street, which, as admitted to probate today, disposes of an estate worth more than $100,000. The major portion of tho estate goes to the testator's widow. Other wills probated were those of Mary J. Parke, Pittsburgh, Pa., which, In private bequests, disposes of property valued at $4000. Kvan J. Field. 517 Cross street, $2700. and Bridget McLaughlin, 2426 North Cleveland avenue, $2100. An Inventory of the estate of John Ken worthy, of the firm of J. Kenworthy & Bro., who died at 5608 P.ldge avenue on July 6, filed today, places the valuation on the per sonalty at $537,611.51. The Interest of tlfe testator In the flrm Ss valued at $152,300,56. The personal effects of the estate of Albert C. Krum have been appraised' at $11,575.22, nnd John Baup at $5133.07. NEW YORK. Aug. 12. Tliore was no strong feature to the trading on the. Broad street curb today, tho market finding vir tually no incentive for vigorous trading on tho bullish movements on the Stock Ex change. Traders on the Curb regard the railway situation ns the dominating Influence nnd bellevo that the course of the market In the Immediate future depends wholly on whether tho railway labor organizations will agree to arbitration or not. "With this matter settled, "ft Is expected that buying now held In restraint will exert Its full influence ns soon as any favorable announcement Is made. Fluctuations wero generally narrow, with nbout the only trad ing demnndlng nttentlon that In the Ilyan Issues, with Stutz Motor again selling at the new high record of 66. INDUSTRIALS. , . Bid. Asked. Aetna Kxoloslves o',i Utt Am-Urltlsh Mfc 10 20 Am .Marconi 3 3H I'nnndliin Car Co 4(1 3(1 Can Cor St Fdy pref 70 80 Chevrolet .Motors 218 218 Curtlss Aeroplane 22 28 Drleas-Senbury 2 8 llmerson Phonograph o4 10 Flemish-!. nn li 2 Haskell . Barker Car 34J 33i llendee Mfa" 28 33 Kathodlon Bronzs pref 18J4 20 ..luxiin .-iiuniuonr Mnnhattan Trans l' nt 05U 4sg 33 .a MMvaln HI.. I Peerless Motors Poole Knc H S Kresite w I ....Ii;:"?.. Standard Motora !! !";!;::;!! Htuts .Motors ......" Strumbere Car Hubmarlns Boat Trlnnir o Film ... United rrortt Sharing- : United Motors I 88 ii n a & ji com V H I. II pfd White Motors . . worm iim STANDARD OIL STOCKS. Illinois 104 Ohio '..... 22fl Prairie Pipe ..223 SO of California 233 S O of New Jersey BIB S O of New York , 202 OTHER OII STOCKS. Cosden & Co 14 Cosden Oil St Gas Il Inter Tetrnl o Houston Oil 13 .Mldirest Itef Bs Snpulp.1 ltef o' Burnett Oil It Oas ; MININO STOCKS. Atlanta 0 Butte Copper and Zlno 4 Butto N y ,. Ii cerro do i'asco First National . Uolddeld Merger llecla Mining . . Havre Sound . . . Jim Butler , 83 88 Jumbo Extension 3d 38 .McKlnley Darrah 10 33 Magma Copper 14 13 Mines Co of America ,. 2Vi 2V Nlplsslnr ,. 7 7' San Toy ,, 14 13 St Joseph I.esd , 1BH l.l West Und Con '. 80 82 White Oaka , stj BONDS. Cerro 8s 110 114 tii Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Members Philadelphia Stock Eichanr NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. t'UOPOSALS WILLIAM STKKLK & UU.N8 CO.. 1300 ABCli t.. have plana and specifications posted .or manuiaciurma duiiuhis anu puwer pianc ror 3. B. B. W. rieisher, to b erected at Twen. ty-nttn ana nrou ii.. rnusuoiyma. uias q ient to B. B. B. W. rieisher Co.. Main and iiiBiiBuuae uui aaicr iimi) a to be i and U(-i.al timttnr ! 10. 1916. for the attention pf Mr. A, A b'lelsher- Proposals will b received on the foC lowing lines of work excavation, brickwork, stone masonry, cut rv" -....nl. I.rra Anita ..t,l ..... miscellaneous Ironwork. roollng and sheet metal work, millwork. plastering, cement work, plumbing. ware, maruie, til and terraxio work. uara woimi rare. marine, ma uu brrru vnrx. woo. tanks, raaiai onca sisca. nnmfi worn, roll mi steel door, steel sash. saftr treads, steel partltlona. etc. The right ! reserved to reject sn nr pro. cmsala UlIIKCrlUltV U Al'CUUNTANTB Certlded 1'ublle Aeeoootants UWRENUB E. BROWN CO. 1813 HEAL, ESTATE! TRUST BUII.DINO. Atlanta , . Blue Bull Bootn Bulldog i' n n .ui.,-- r. ,- , Dtamooanciu f Daisy OoldBetd Consolidated Jumbo Extension - - Kewanaa Oro - Sand Ken buer -ic M18CEIXANEOU M..4 Hill Nevada, Wonder Tscap ULalna- Now Is the Time to think about choosing a school for your boy or girl. Don't wait until the last minute to decide a question that means so much to the future of your son or daughter. Get in touch with LEDGER CENTRAL at once jand make use of the complete information on file at our Educational Bureau. We can tell you about any preparatory school in the East. There are many things we know outside of what the school catalog tells you. Get the benefit of our personal investigation. This information is yours for the asking. Just call and talk it over. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU LEDGER CENTJiAL otooad AND CHF.STNUT STREETS -PHILADELPHIA am i33