Wflk, J.y-J ft 5FT .1 .J5,9T w 1R. ALEXANDER BROWNE Cfyll War Veteran Dies of Heart Dis ease at Shenandoah Di. Alexander Browns, of 6517 Glroxd avenue, a veteran of the Civil War, died ' of heart disease Thursday night at Shcrt tfid6ah, where ho was visiting. Doctor Browne was 73 years Old. He was a son of Alexander Browne, who at ono time was Iteglster of Wills and a prominent Demo 1 crat Doctor Browne will be burled Tues day. He waa born In 1843. Ho graduated In tiharmacy and at the outbreak of the Civil War entered the navy. He was gurneon steward on board a war vessel for two years and later left the vessel at New Orleans and took up duty at a fever hospital there, where ho remained until the end of the war. Upon his- return to this city he entered the medical school of the University of Pennsylvania, from which he was nrndu atcd In 1876. He was a prominent Mason and a member of Boss Post, Grand Army of the Republic Ho was awarded a long service medal by Congress several years ago. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES Preparations are now being ma In this city for the annual convention of trm Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association. In be held In York on October 11, 13 and 13. Philadelphia Sunday school worker are planning to tend n large representation and the contention promises to be the most auspicious In the history of tha organization. . Thlrtr Bryn Mawr boys, members of the choir if th Episcopal Church of thn flood Shepherd. have returned homo after a 10-3ay encampment at Island Heights, The camp '"nu i l under tha supervision of George Colllson, choir toaster. Tha Hey. Emerson L. Bmlth has resigned as pastor of tha Evangel Haptlst Church of Nnr berth. Mr. Smith occupied the pulpit of that congregation for five; rnrs, leaving Narbcrth to beam a year's study on hi farm near Fred- a church In rotUrllle. A camp meeting, to last two weeks, will begin em August 20. on Valentino's lot. .Marcus Hnnk. under tha auspices of the Cokcsbury Methodist Church. Captain Drown, a well-known woman Balvn Hon Army worker of this city, has been per Gltted n furlough to rest frnm her arduous bors of last winter and spring. Nlehtly services are being conducted In a tent at Flftv-flrst and Hansom streets by .1 H Wash burn, of Washington, and M M H Illrhn'ds nf Denver. The subject of tomorrow night's ser mon will be "Heaven and the New Earth. S.nul Wo Know Each Other There?" . A course of lectures on "First Aid" will l begun on Monday night rtt the Itooeer1t mul-i-the auspices of tho Pennsylvania Women's Division for National Prepnreiintss. ulth women members of the Drexel Kiddle classes conatltut- ing the audiences. Tho lectures will ho held on londay and Thursday evenings, the courso to cover a period or six weeks. Kach lecture will begin at S o'clock. James Clark will lead the men's Sabbath school class of the Holy Trinity Church tomor- , row morning at 0:30 o'clock. In tho pnrlsh house, 217 South Twentieth street, J. A. Guest will bo tho speaker of the day. Samuel Smelts and Robert Bethel will speak t the Open Door Rescue Mission Flfty-clghth and .Ludlow streets, tomorrow afternoon and venlnc. George II. B. Taylor will spenk at the Bethe'di Rescue Mission tomorrow night. On Monday . night ho will speak nt tho Galilee .Mission at ervlees under the auspices of the Holy Trinity Chapter, 781, Drotherhood of St. Andrew. 8Ix weeks of services. In tents. In the open air 3 nil at tho Dally Vacation Bible Schools con ucted by the Presbyterian Evnngellstlc Com mittee will be terminated next Friday An at tendance of 125,000 haa been recorded thus far, and the closing week promises to bo a record breaker. It Is said to have been one of the most ' successful summer religious campaigns ever un dertaken In this city. jBeatijg DARKY On August 5. 1010, at El Taso. Tex., DAVID BARRY, a member of Company L, Third Pennsylvania Infantry. N. O.. U. 8.. son of John and the late Mary Harry, aged 10 years. Relatives and friends, also former mem bers of Third Regiment, N. O. P.: Veteran Guard. Third Regiment, and Tllghman Camp, Spanish War Veterans, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at H-11 n. m from his father's residence. 151 Porter st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Joseph's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. BltADLEWOn August 11, 1910. JOHN JO 8EP1I. son of James J. and Delia Bradley, aged 10 months. Funeral will take place Mon day, at '.! p. m.. from the residence of hla parents, 5123 Funston St.. West Philadelphia. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. IC' "- -'" uuofc .... lulu, ui OllCiiUllUUUU Pa.. ALEXANDER BROWN. M. D.. In the 73d jear of his age. Residence, 6517 Olrnrd ae. Due notice of tho funeral will bo slen. BROWN. On August 10, 1010. at Atlantis City, N. J., GERTRUDE H., wife of Carl A. Brown. Funeral services on Monday, at 2 p. m at her late residence. 2.13 South 40th st. Interment at West Laurel Hill, Cemetery. CULT. On August 10. 1910, MART FORD, daughter of the late William and Mary F, Bagley. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, at 2 P. m. precisely, at her late residence, 6318 Angora-ave. Interment private. DAVIDSON. On August 11. 1910. FLORENCE .. w.dow of Emll Davidson iged 03 years. and friends, also Oermantown Lodge, I. W. 8. O., aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 11 n. m, pre cisely, at her late residence, 1333 West York st. Interment at Adath Joshurun Cemetery. EVANS. On August 10, 1018. GERTRUDE of the late Morgan and Deborah Evans, of Ashland. Pa., in the. 38th lear of her age. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 8 p. m. precisely, at her late resldenre, 710 North Chadwlcfc at. Interment at Ashland. Vs.. jTRANKENFIELD. On August 10. 1018. sud denly. HARRY FRANKENFIEI.D. Funeral on Monday, at 2 p. m., from the residence of hla mother. 2347 North 20th st. Interment strictly private. CANS. On August 10. 1018. DAVID 8., be. loved husband of Clarence I. Oans. In hla 44th year. Rslatlvea and friends, also Pales tins Lodge. No. 470. F. and A. M. Royal Arcanum. Falls Ilenartclal Association, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Bun S,5r',5M?i?0?' m". at hl ut? residence. 8220 J'.ort.h lfl,h. ,l- Interment private, at Mount Slnal Cemstsry. HAOAN. On Aurust 10, 1918, suddenly. FRANK J husband of Annie C. Hagan and on of the late John and Margaret Hagan. Relatives and friends, also -St. Anthony's Holy Name Society, Division No. 48, A, O, II,. are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8 a m., from his late residence, 2333 Ells worth st. Solemn requiem mass at St. An tt10,nI,V! Churoh at 0.30 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemstery. BmSCHFKLD. On August 11. 1918. NOAH, husband of tha late Matilda Hlrachfald, aged 74 years, Relatives and friends, also Congrega tion Obeo Zedek. Philadelphia Quartet Club, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 8:30 p. m. precisely, at the rest denca of Morris Weltxenhofer, 2141 North 8th st. Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery, HOOAN. On August 11. 1918, EDWARD J husband, of the late Mary R. Hogan. Rsla. Uvea and friends are Invited to attend the fu neral, on Monday, at 8 JO a. m.. from his lata residence. US North Sharon ave,, Sharon Hill. High requiem, mass at the Church of the Holy Spirit at 10 a. m. precissly. Interment at New Catbedral Cemetery. 12 KES'0. On August 10, 1918. JAMES J. KINO (formerly U. .8. Shipping Commlsatonar). Rsla. Uvea and friends are Invited to attsnd the funeral, on Monday, at 8 JO a. m., from his late residence. 23 ftorth S3d at. Solemn ?i qulerh hlah mass at Church of Our Lady of Victory, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. ZuVTIIAM. On August 10, 1918, MARTHA LE. TITIA. bushier of wlllamH and Martha Latham, aged 18 months. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, Monday, at 3 p. m., at her- parents' reel dence. 404 Ltnooln ave., Colllngdale. Pa. In. tsrment at iernwood Cemetery, Automobile runsfsi. 4PJK?o1iF'-'n0nM s,f h-r. Eighth Month lltb. 1018, at Newtown, pa.. BAC1IAEL feARTlNDELL. aged 71 ylarsfhelatWe. and frisjida are Invited to attend the funeral, from tier Ut residence. North Chancellor at.. NevV. town. Pa., on Secend-day. Eighth Month 14tb. V&&Mma&rl M W""W blends' COH, On August 11, lsij, at Newtown. ! YL. MARY BOYD PUOH. .wifo of CtariSi . Sgh. aged 17 years. ReUtlves and friends f 5rLJnvuea., M '"? the funeral, without . JS'JS" po,Ic; on WondaA August 14. it I 10-JO . m.. from br late residence. Chan. ' S?Uof " Newtown. Pa. Interment at Newtown Cemetsry Carriages will meet train lea vine Reading: Terminal at S3 a. m. i'X-T?-."fifsO, 1814- JOSEPH, hus. Anna Selby, jtged 40 years Relatives and friends. SI. V arut A If .in kT.U" SJT- K- 23. to. R. XL. a Kytted to attiSl the funeral aervlceaj. Monday, at S p. ra.. at hi! 7 9 iTm. -. ouawsy. from IMITH.-r-On August 11. 1918, LIDIE. wlfa of Jlablon W. SmTtb Funeral ry1cii ai her lati resMenc. 218 West Mount 'pSasapt ave MUrM' n Uoaay' . Interment WwiTrTOr7)r,AlSuTtJ.l,' 19Ia- OEOROB W. IirOWi .V? V 7,4Ul ?rr- Relative and 1 Wp'r'' also AtneUUn Lodge. " fr hn i A- U-' ? ffnenes Bsnats, No. 14 a at a., r tnvUsd to attend the funeral, on Tueaday its p, toTpre. lr la the BetbeJ Pbyurl Chufch. tTATfiON. On A It.iait, at Atlantla - ..-- 'i . ..fc birr, m. J . xusi. w of Artitur HasdUoa Watsan nr p, .. K. I lu ber.SSd. year Funeral aary. : utersMM a nnua B. I AujiuH 44. ii at file -eaMeae, lfRi at.. i'MsnVrrBTMntj t tWMttt AUtti 1 religious sondes Brethren FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN tpunker). cor Carlisle and Dauphin its. Sunday School. 10 n. m. Pleaching. 11 a. m. and 7'4S P. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday etenlnr. Methodist Episcopal trinity. fifteenth and mount vep.non 8ts, summer services . .. 11 " rev, frank herbon51'" minister come AND'wonsmr Miscellaneous TENT MEETING" BIST AND SANSOM STREETS Conducted by J, 8. WASHBURN and II. M. B. RICHARDS, SUNDAY, August 13. 7.80 p. m. Subject! "Heaven and the New Earth. Shall We Know Each Other There?" MONDAY Subject! "The War In Europe. Russian In Prophecy. The Closing Conflict of Civilisation." TUESDAY Subject! "What Will Happen When tha Turk l.eaea Europe"? SERVICES EVERY NIGHT. Tent absolutely watertight, brilliantly light ed with electricity, comfortable seats, dry sawdust floor. Abundance of old-time Gospel Music, large Choir, Duets, Solos. Quartets. Tho tent can be easily reached from any part of the city. Take f2d st. cars: also Mar ket st. cars. Two and one-half squares from 02d st. elevated atatlon. BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS llll! SALVATION ARMY, Ine. Philadelphia Headquarters, "transportation Uulldlng, 26 South loth street. Colon. I It, E, Holt In cimmand. Telephones. Bell, Spruce 082-3. Race 8728 A. Keystone, CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AGATE LINE RATE FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLE TYTU (or like this) One or two times , Three times one week , , Six tlm s nne week Situations Wanted three times one week. 15e, 10c 100 Help nnd Situation Wanted and Lost and Found uds nro inserted in tho Daily PoiiLtc Ledger without addi tional charge. "" ' ' .'-- -M other rtisstnrntlons may be repeated In the Pcnuo Lsdoss nt combined (m or tnn times 23c Three times one w eek I Re Six times one week 13'j0 TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In all classifications except Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found. Per ron.ile. Hoarding and Rooms. When so sperl-II-.1 ndd FIVE CENTS PER AGATE LINE TO ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES. Thoro is a drup; store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at oflkc rates. LOST AND POUND IIATS-rLndy's three hats. In paper bag. Brond Ht. Blntlnn wntllni- mnn. Jtewara. lull orin jin at, LOCKET Lost, square. Ing dlnmond; Initials G. Orthodox. gold .locket, contain. v, Reward. 2372 HOUND Lost, blick and tan female hound. Re ward. 023 I'anshawe at. WATCH CHARM Lost, watch charm, large amethyst stone with gold band. Monday noon, from Uth and Market to 12th and Sansom. Re ward. A. J. Miller. Jr., S. W. corner 12th and Sansom. Filbert 3200. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. 1801 J hestnut st. Bernard & Myers. N. 8. Talbot, m. Jefferson. Mrs. Fred Kell, Mr. and Mrs. Victor S Baezr, Joe Brown. A. T. Hoffer, F. C. Yost, Miss K, Eb-rsteln, German & bcandlnaylan Emp. Bureau. John P. O'Rouke. Mary Baltlre. John M Ward. Sir Blaine, Mr! L1. A ,.McJfl1'.. K-..S Andrews o. d. O. Htout, Harold M. Wilcox. Marie Smith. L. V. Raymond a. W Fisher. H. N. Wolflln. Wil liam E. Hall. Lieut. Rupert F. Haggart, Rob. yrt Hammond, Mr. N. A. Hill. Mrs. it. E. Hardmancc. rOSTAI. TELEGRAPH-CAni.E CO.. 1421 8. Pcnn Siuaro Rannond Glltlson. C. B. John son. Mrs. Allx Ilrnwne. W. M. Rurrows. Frank Jones. Venlco J. Lamb. B. J. Hastings, E. U. Johnson. HELP WANTED- -FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, plain D, E., able to use typewriters short hours; give experience, ref erence. salary desired, n 30r Ledger Office, CLERK to operate typewriter on card order system office) large manufacturing concern! salary. S12 r 8!. I.elger Office. COOK, first class: 1 lio chambermaid: must be good laundress: all-year place at Chestnut Hill. Answer P 803, Ledger Office. COOK and downstairs work, rrotestantl posi tion where one other girl is employed: refer- vm-q rrnuirru. 1'nona unestnut 111 I 1 0U3 W. COOK, chambermaid and waitress wanted by the 1st of Hentemher nr ,r !it-tfn'H T,M. ilelphla: both girls must bo first class: small family: Protestant preferred . II 803. Led. Off. COOK Catholic: private family, near Doylea- .,,. ,m iTMHing, i,p a, tiynwya, 1 a. JOSEPH O. DARLINOTON requires thoroughly experienced saleswoman nnd head of stock for Infants' and children's wear. Apply In person ,u ,iui).innrnm)u, ni,-i ijs unesinui at, GI11LS wanted ta learn nrw-mtlnc nn mh,.M. ing machines: paid while learning. Apply Camden Curtain and JImbroldery Co., Tront and Pearl sts.. Camden. N. J. Five minutes from Market. Vino or Shnckamaxon sts. fer's, GIRLS over It! years wanted for lfght works no experience necessary; 5 week paid while learning. Apply 310 N. 32d st. GIRLS. 2. as cook-laundress, chambermaid' waitress I must be neat and give good refer ences. Phone 18 J. Ambler. HOUSEWORK, general) 8 adults and 1 m Eeferences: no washing or Ironing! $5. 80,1 N. 13th st. ' LANSTON keyboard operator wanted. Apply Williams & Wllkens Co., 2410-21 Greenmount ave., Baltimore, Md. MENDERS, experienced on lace curtains) steady employment. Apply John Bromley Sons, Lehlsh ave. below Front. MENDI5R8 ENDBlia, lace curtain! exp. Apply John lace curtain! urqmiey s pons, x.enig; n are, oe I ow irront St. MOTHER'S HELPER wanted, white, far two" children. In return for board and room. Apply igunr, omu oMuinnoa BTt. NURSE, chlldre refined, whits, to taks chirrs at tn illdrenl family at mountain peanrt fn. nm. mtr,. z ov, i,tqnrvmci. STENOGRAPHER wanted, good education, for large Ufa Insurance company: good oppor tunlty for advancement. B 28. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, must be thoroughly expert enced: salary 813 per week. Apply 1820 Race. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The BeB Telephone Company offers positions as operators to In- years old: salary $8 a wsetc ismssai jtuuubj nomsn uetwsen is ana t yera uiuj ..iBri u wasK wane learning, with rapid advancement! a steady position assured, with Dleasant surraundlnrM mnA un learning. usual opportunity of promotion. Apply in person to the Bill Telephone Company's opera tors school, 408 Markst st., dally between 8:30 a, m. and 5 p. m. Tuesday and Friday evenings between 7:30 and 84 o'clock. TYPIST, quick, accurate, neat, la advertising department of Jarre, manufacturing concern! salary $10. E 103. Ledger Offlee. "-'". WAITRESSES, white, for. large Atlanlla Clly" lol?tioorcr:..1n,u, frlMmmedlatsly at Room ' . . WANTES ' ' Fsmada heln. over Id vmh nf m ,.!- fif V m?'h,.nery L good wagss; paid while learn. us ""''Li"i paia while learn ing. Apply Orlswold Worsted Company, Darby.' WEAVERS wanted on tapes and narrow edging: learners taken. F. W, Maurer 8oiw Co.. xayna aye, ana uriatol at., near Wayne Jctn. WtE,?,3aT.?)'gP.,rUenpa.'J if SSS, .Vi..." Jf.US., ?V0any'D.CJunC,ionn' " Br"toi ""., inteutgent, capable white, pant; antnr orf. --.... ,wm, ..MM.fc ... zi J3, LttQ, YVii(.'yih'.SUla- respectable, wanted to Z!a ZI-.a "'" Kimaren: gooa nome, toxI343,r",m",t- Xi"" General WOMAN OF MANAGERIAL ABILITY for permanent position! must be mature, am bitious, pleasing manner, whole or part ttraei excellent pay; begin September li apply now. gtvlng phone, a 054. Ledger Centrat ' HELP WANTED MALB AUTOMOBIU3 .REPAIRER who understands motor and self-starter repairs; give rsfsrence and state salary; must own tools. ZacMrlas - -m.....m. ..ww. r,nfc. pt J, RAROAlN.RjIRRlflcun. Mil Wanted. abo'4t September 1, young, smbltloes nun of good reputation, with dry goods or de partment store experience, must know mer chandise, now to display and make leaders of same, als assist In buying and managing bar. gala basement la uptown department store! pertnanent position with a fair salary ta bright younr IsUow who U a bustler and not afraid of Ions hours. Apply In confidence by letter; puss, ggagf - "" w"u- BOOKKEEPER plrat-cUs man, between 0 and 85 Tears. oi the sotwn business, s newer la ovm band vrUUuE. glvtag Soil particuUrf as to eipor 1 eocegsd references, P 812, Ledger Offl EVENING LBDaEB-PmLxVDELWUA, SATUKDAY, AUGUST 12, HELP WANTED IrtALE Continued from Preeerflsg Column BOOKKEEPER Toting man. about 21, to assist bookkeeper, cost clerks rood, steady position. with advancement! nominal salary to start. A. 1, Ledger D ranch omca, 2580 Frank- . ford ave. BOTTLEWA8HERS, 4, wanted! steady employ ment and advancement for good workers. Ap Sly In persom or by letter, II, K. Mulford, jenoldcn, Pa. POT. OVER. 16. ACTIVE, INTELLI- gent, with man school train- ING: . SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH CORPORATION. CALU BE. TyyJSFJX.0 A.12 o'clock, runi.ic IjEDOER, otii and chestnut. .ASK 1-OR MR. WKBCOTT. " POT Colored bor. to make himself useful around retail shoe store: IS. with advance- iiore: lo.witn advance T, Hallahan. 2740 Ger- ,iiciiii reicrence. 4, mantown ave. M?iT: fi?.".1. 18 "luate of high school! large annui nuvo uiHnj'; Kooa oPDoriuniir lor advanccment. II 20, Ledger Ontce! 'ti77"?L'i1, ncrfl 10' 'or dsw. Address - m.m., UtUljCI Willi'-. U1RhnS5i!,nJi' ""' eJa""' on Frankford elevated. Shi?rV5-,m.,n-nY.d not "Ply. McCllntlc-Mar-. shall Company. Front and Jefferson. foVnfJJThGn.S;H2n,0'.wane','.u,n ' concrete hou?j ioou're1." lx mon,h,! w" iio r D. M, HEPnURN THE BAB&0& WllfcOX CO. Ilarberton, o. Hldg.. 11th and Market, from 2 to , thfi wS.L CC$? "'PP.? Experienced young 'man. about Jll good, steady position, with advancement. avenue g" "ranch otlico' 2B80 Prnkford DENTIST to run IBOOO practice of deceased. In tunTtvJefor')nnne.a,rn1,w T.orlt e'tyi rare oppo" refereneM nn59f'ence.l man: stato age and 4r50"Ct,9thn.t.AN.B'o?k'Tty''mlnl3tratOr' DRIVER for wharf wagon! must be sober and . willing! salary 12. Apnly Acker" 121 ; ". 8th. ,5 1'l1.. ynrn '" 3oh (,1' houso n Cleveland, i',.f?.r,!"r 50U".': man ,'nno na ""J experience n this class of (ork In Job dye house! excel lent opportunity to advance Into a gooTpaylng position for right party. Write at once to laSd 0 Uyeln Co" 1SiS E ulh C's" FAIUI HANDS and laborers wanted for general M?,i&tASPl,r,l.n rson or by letter. 11. K. Mulford Co., Glenolden. Pa. . FIREMEN ,., RAILROAD EXPERIENCE APPLY BALTIMORE A OHIO RAILROAD TREE LABOR BUREAU B10 SOUTH 11TH 8T. FITTERS. 2. first class, wanted on tank work. Apply CRUSE-KEMPER COMPANY. Ambler Pennsylvania. . FLOOR MAN In uptown department store! man about 40, of good reputation! must have department storo cxperlencei nllllng to work long hours: a man who can see nnd do things without being told! Permanent position, with fair salary: apply In confidence by letter, giving ate, experience nnd salary. P 807. Ledger Office. ELEVATOR MAN wanted: must be sober nnd In dustrious. F. W. Mnurer & Sons Company, Wnne ae. and Bristol St., near Wayne June. ENGINEER, licensed; a high-speed and cross compound engine directly ronneotcd generator, t, C.t no firing. Apply John T. Bailey Co., Water and Tasker sts. JANITOR wanted In movlng-plcture theater, ex perlenced. Apply 2020 8. .Id st. LABORER BOSSES. WITH MEN I wnnt 400 laborers for 0 months' work: building and concrete construction: free shanties and good commissary: will arrange transportation for men; telegraph, my expense. D. M. HEPBURN Barberton, O. LABORERS WANTED. 28 cents per hour. Apply 277 B. 11th sU LANSTON keyboard operator wanted. Apply Williams & Wilkins Company. 2410-21 Oreen- . mountaye.. .Baltimore. Md. LATHE HANDS, expert, wnnted! best wages paid. Apply Mark W. Jones. 5210 Jefferson. MACHINE FIXER, experienced, wanted on Scott & Williams machines for western Pennsylvania mill. M 710. Ledger Office. MACHINIST One experienced on Industrial overlooking machines preferred. Apply John Bromley It Sons. Lehigh ave. below Front. MACHINISTS AND BORINO MILL MEN WANTED; NO XT-ROUBLE! GOOD WAGES. SEE MR. SMITH. LEDGER CENTRAL. U TOJ P. M UNTIL TUESDAY. NOT BUN- MAN AND WIFE, colored, wanted Man Eor houssman. wife for laundress! bouss rent, Ight and heat freei wages $5 per month: must iave good references. Apply on Monday at garage, 1514 N. Park ave. MEN WANTED Steady employment at good wages la offered to men between the ages of 20 and 40 yeara: pons but sober, steady and reliable men need apply at V. C. Line Gate, E. I. du Font da Nemours - Co., Qlbbstown, N. J, MEN Wanted, laborers and locomotive clean ers. P. R. R. Co. Call 1711 Filbert st. OFFICE BOY. 10. for offloe of large manu-' facturlng concern! bright, ambitious. Indus trlous. B 102. Ledger Offloe. P0UNCER8 en soft hats wanted! steady work and good pay. KNOX HAT COMPANY 001 Grahd aye Brooklyn. N. T. BALES corporation, large, wants 2 clean-cut "''X? m,nV "WPJ"1' ,soo " -"' Address P 80s. Ledger Office. SALESMEN y require the services of two high-class salesmen; In order to qualify appll. cant must be 43 years or. older, possess dlplom My and have sales ability, be able to stand acid test as to honesty! he must be well dressed and have all tha marks of a gentle man: such a man a desirable connection for 8 weeks: this opportunity la for a hlgh-olass man: no other type could handle It. Address u ma. i.osr urnce. giving telenhonTiiirrir" THITfVPITIl AT. Tift A tPO-tlif . xr ...a. . . I ' BTHUCTURAL DRAFT8MAN wanted; state' age eip. and salary espected. 1 1 141. Led. Cent! TOOLSfAKERS. CERS. EVPKHIMKMtIt. rir-trtxrio ANDMACHINB SPECIALISTS: HinHES-r WAOES: NO Uimn thYuiiji .ls."eiYiiVW HOUR UAY. ' SIMPLEX AUTOMOBILE COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK. NT jf UMBRELLAS Experienced frame makers: steady work: good pay. Apply Fritz-Gross , Company, 22d and Sedgley ave. UPHOLSTERER! Srat-claas general man; steady pos.: apply by mall. Thos. Law. Wayne, Pa. WA wr wn Mai le help, over 18 years of age, starting nsw fibJnArf': T?J1W,J J?1'1 wh"e learning, ily Orlswold Worsted Company. Darby, mac Appl TARDMEN, white or colored, ta handle V.H'JSi t ,( F$ for men who want r ir i..fXU V"V.,,a r7"01. or letter, ll K. Mulford Co.. Qlenoldsn. Pa. TA,?Dr,l'AB0EIls wanted, wblte or colored, ti, 10 hours' pay for 0 hours' work; 7 a..ra to 6 p. m. Apply 2515 Aramlngo. TiV?iH.1fAN' .about 2? "' must have had SfJf. c W experience In manufacturing plant, must be a keen thinker, a good mixer; Kit1? ,l002- ,w,rltt ,0'"'' brfefiy staling exi PfiV- nd telephone number to be called Monday morning Box 818. Ledger OfrW YOUNG MAN. I.w.r. ,k. ..' m .. .a , . fc. - - j- neat In personal appearance and who bas bad iff2r..ih0,ms,..,r,n,DF 'n deportment, for a de S Be" fc APP'y " UtUr Ooly i0 TrFs iM J?.-"111 ta "Uill coal office. - v. sjnuisf muci X9i-fiu 5,,EN' wnd ta lsarn sausage bus! cess, j cents per hour. Aooly aalif ar. mantown ave. HIGH-GRADS SALESMAN WANTED Massachusetts corporation daslru tha . ices 01 a flrst-class salesman; one who is flnted with selling school books or sup- Ices F HS?JWrr, Profitable position offered to gatlon wooee recoro win pear invesu- LINCOLN PARKER m nrr..i., ir... WK 8TILL.NEED t, NEED more relUble young jnejTto StSel lAlhimklR Ruin Wfhn Laws .!.. A . :'-.: - --"-- - - MATS St Omamenlftf Irnnwnrt,H ku.11. maklaa. either as helpers or n-rnjiTicg. can ""f " will pay Tu wblleUatnS, S2 S,14?aW week wboo proficient, state age and exp. Address r'B. S,.,(f. O. Bm H$r Act, Man, Act! jQON'T stnnc around with your hands in your pock ets, sulking because the "boss" doesn't pay you a larger sal ary I Probably you arc not worth more to him. But you can always find somebody who is willing to pay what you arc really worth, And a good method of finding that "some body" is to try a Situation Wanted ad in the Ledgers. They reach a large percentage of Philadelphia's business men every day. Try one. Call, Phone or Write Ledger Office Walnut or Main 3000 HELP WANTED MALE Continued from I'rtetding Column General ACCOUNTANT Several cost accountants, book keeper, stenographer, clerks, foreman, sales, man, salesmanagor, etc.! positions now open! this Is your opportunity. Business Service Company, 1301 Land Title Building, TEACHERS WANTED, men and women, espe cially commercial. NATIONAL TEACHERS' AGENCY. D. II. COOK, MOR.. 82T TERRY BUILDING. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE ART TEACHER desires position I graduate of Phlla. Hleh School. Brhool of Deslen and In. dustrlal Art School. O 033, Ledger Central. GIRL, colored, housework In adult family! good took! miv rorerenre, turn i.udiow. STENOGRAPHER wishes pos. Address Miss H. L;.IcKay. S.MIIdred St.. Charlestown. W. Va. WOMAN, experienced, wishes care of con valescent, -it sua, Ledger urrico, WOMAN, colored, wishes dlshwashlnr or laun dry work. 1524 Lnmbert st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE l'OOKKEEPElt. exp.. English. German, eto.. wants pos. with wholesale firm or Institution: enmpt. to take chargo. understanding all office details, correspondence, etc.l best ref.: long yenrs city eTp. nnu, .i.eacer central BOOKICLEPER Young mnn. LM. wishes no. Hon with good house! considerable experience ti. offlco routine nnd cost work: first-class ref- eiences. Address U 25. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, married, first-class mechanic! capable any car: all repairs: private nnd truck experience. Wm. Weaer. 20.14 N. 11th st. CLERK Poiltlon as clerk wnnted: 81 years of nge. IS yenrs' offlco experience, familiar with rates, routing, car service, claims and corre- . s pondence. H 33. Led ger Office. COOK-BUTLER. Japanese, experienced couple. for smnii family. II 151. Ledger Centrnl. DRAFTSMAN, cmpl. by arch, and eng 10 yrs.' crerlenco. desires change: Al ref.: would go out of town. Q 747. Ledger Centrnl. MAN, experienced In the manufacture of flavor ing extracts, natural or artificial, perfumery and toilet articles, would accept position on small salary. Address II 101. Ledger Office. YOITNO MAN. EXPERIENCED GOOD AD DRESS. EDUCATION AND PERSONALITY. WISHES POSITION WITH REPUTABLE FIRM. TRAVELING OR INSIDE: HAS COM PLKTEI.Y COVERED t'NITED STATES: REFERENCES. M 348. LEDGER CENTRAL. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CHASSIS We have n few cheap cars of which the chassis would ho ery suitable for truck or delhery work of any kind: don't fall to come In and look them oer If you want something at a bargain price for delivery purposes. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market street. Locust 430. IT. A. JENKB, Manager Exchange Car Dept. CADILLAC. 1014, touring car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment; price $850. AUTO 8ALE8 CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad street. COLE 8 Demonstration L. 8. BOWERS CO.. 245 N. Broad st. COLE Distributers. HUDSON8 rebuilt and guaranteed: phaetons, roadsters nnd cabriolets: elec. lights nnd start ers GOMERY-SCHWARTZ. 258 N. Broad st W1NTON 1913 touring car: full equipment! bargain. Apply 1011 Chestnut. Room 720. 1012 SIMPLEX, CO-h. p. Touring Car; bargain $800.00 1000 PACKARD, S0-h. p, Llmouslno and Touring Bodies 700.00 THE WHITE COMPANY 21(1 North Broad street. PAIOE, 1010, roadster. In excellent condition, with extras, tires, good will; sacrifice. L CSS, Ledger Centrnl. 1015 C-FASSENOER touring car: perfect condi tion; $800, or will consider good real estate equity, west num. ONE 1012 model, 48 II. P., Packard coupe, with runabout body, for sale; good as new. M 442, Ledger Central. 1015 TOURING: wire wheels, electrically equtp ped; new tires perfect condition. 710 N. 11th. Autocar Truck Parts BCHOBER. 3341 MARKET SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN or i!RIM CAHS GORBON AUTO EXCHANOE. 238 N. BROAD FOR BALD Five-passenger touring enr! cash or easy terms. I, C34. Ledger Central. PARK YOUR CAR, lOo per hour. 21st and Race his N. W. corner ATJTO LIVERY AND OAEAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 2420 N. BROAD BT. AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITY TO HIRS Diamond 0408. Never closed. Park 78. STAR TAXICAB CO. THONE DIAMOND 74. TAXI TOURING LIMOUSINS! HALF REGULAR RATER. Never Closed. Formerly Jitney Rate Co. POPLAR, 1B17 To hire (open day and night). Park 1482, brand-new 5-pasa. touring car, J 1,23 hr.t also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, 1.60 hr. I weddings, funerals. 1718 Olrard. BUY MOISTER Portable Oarages Steel or stucco, un display susi n. otn. Tioga zsse. AUTO REPAIRING 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T Bee BILLY, at his new location, oau .rummi iiuluhj oii(rjJi. CYLINDERS RERORED. new pistons and lings furnished, welding and braxlng, II. ,B, Un. derwood Co., 1025 Hamilton street. Phlla. ATJTO SUPPLIES TIMKBN-BEARINGS HYATT flew Departure Service Bta. The Owllllam Ce 814 Arch st. rh. Walnut 8497. Race 3062. Parts to build er repair any car. Phlla. Auto Parts C0..S2S N. 13th. Park 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 850O miles. Compare prices. GRIM'U. 238 N.' Broad strset, HORSES BAY HORSE FOR BALE. Apply lumber yard. lAtlOl Monday ortn ea w uani oaiuraay morning er BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Gentleman Controlling- $4000 Invited to thoroughly In vestigate an old-established and remarkably sound busi ness; services may be used if references satisfactory. In-' vestment excellently secured, repayable at any time, and earns fair income, P 803, Ledger Office. PAfTP.NTC! Bend for our free book, "! "J "Patents and Trade-Marks." We will belp you develop your Invention. Ad vloe fres, -Reasonable fees. Open Monday eve nings until 8.30. FOSTER & WEBSTER BV ". 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone Walnut 1584. A LIVE PROMOTION SYNDICATE Splendid financial connections; open for en. gagement on proposition of merit: highest ref erencea asked and given. Q 948, Led. Cent. WANTED 12000 to (SOOO. i contractor with plenty of work on concrete. Iron and stone wnrb nwl, th AhaVA Bmaunt la parry th conUocts for a, few months, has good proM and will pay commission and Interest for the use of the money. M 240. Ledger Central. PATENT FOR SALE or on .royalty: perfect sanitary household, necessity, self-locking keyless saeel ut raetsl bread and milk hnrtl receiving cox, comroajjus uij mm as mere s nothing on the market like It Apply P. A. GOOD, 5823 Haverford ave. FOR SALE SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY BEACH FRONT HOTEL. 00 ROOMS BEACH FRONT HOTEL, 00 ROOMS Mnvn TlAME MANAGEMENT SB VErtl UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT 26 YEARS PRINCIPALS ONLT OWNER, B 31 Led Off. PICTURE THEATERS. U Prices, sizes. Iocs, tlsos. for sala and rent: see lis before buying. -XSfalST. 201 N, Broad. wa-s. BUSINESS PERSONAM DIAMONDS nOUOIIT Bank references. Appraisement, 1 per esnt. HARRY W. flMITH. 717 Bansom St. EVENING CLOTHES TO UnB Latest styles. . Phone Poplar 2S5. Open LEIDNER'S. 10th and Olrard ave., 8. W. evrs. cor. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis! the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Theater Bid. CAKPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL- CARPET CLEANINO HOUSE 20TH ST. AUOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone, Locust 100. WEST PHIt.A. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHI LA. 8C. PER. YARD WEST PHILA. 887072 IANCABTER AVE. DUESSMAiaNO AND MILLINERT DHES8MAKINO nY EXPERT MODISTE . 807 Denckla Rldg,, 11th and Market ate.. COLUMBIAN DRESSMAKING ftCItOOL Sjy. elal rates; easy psyments, C, Hartmarl, ,ll30 i ColumblA ae. (Formerly with McDowell.) FOR SALE BILLIARD, TOOL, combination, second hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged! repairing: supplies. Lafe Keafer. American manufac turer. 329 Olrard ave. Phone Kens. 2318. BILLIARD, pool tables! new! second-hand bowl Ing alius; easy payments. Rosatto-Barry . Btret Co., 223 8. 8 111 st.i phone Wal. 2281, BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling allejs! easy pasments. BRUNSWICK-HALKB-COLLENDEft CO., 1002 Arch, CABH REOISTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, replatedi supplies: new and factory rebuilt: new total adders, .as low as $30. Call and see our 1010 models. Registers sold by us on easy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 780 CHESTNUT STREET. CHURCH TEWS. $t TER FOOT Any length, solid oak: good as new. BENCHES AND SETTEES, n0o PER FT. CHAIR EXCHANGE. COR. OTII AND VINE. DESKS SAFES Trrewrlter. bnnkkeenee Ata. eltnv eifcfneta. tele booths, flies, safes, household furniture. j'uiinr. icmrni s-n iinnn Kurniture Co., 004. QOfl-914 Callowhlll. Phono Filbert 4198, . Fireproof: 00 slightly used! all sixes DAFE3 nnd makes: big bargains. 219 N. 4th st., between Race and Vine, . HUGHES. 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD. lisp the largest nnd best assortment of used office furniture and fixtures In this part of the country. Anything to equip an office at prices that will please you. Free delivery anywhere. HEATING UAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot water. Pure fresh air with normal molature. MAKIN-KELSEY, 1827 Tllbert st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS LOOK INTO THE NEWER developments of safety first for vantage points, outstrip com RU'.lSEl JP. ,n? roco and succeed with YOCOM SJUFXISJ CLtrTCII pulleysnnd FRICTION CUT-OFF coupl ngs. SILVFTINO and MA CHINE WORKS. 145 N. HecondV JAMES YOCOM A BON. rnmmift7-wn Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en- glnes, pumps, air compressors, 1 jtAnft luu.irjx. iwu 127 N. 8d St. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main 01, . Market 8005. Yenrsley Co.. 224 N. 3d st. FERRACUTE Double-action geared power Kf.Vil' ,h-?.l!?rmnk.,Lr'8 beavy power punches, rvuttaii. 1748 N. 5th. LEATHER BELTING, made on the premises: NY.rACH BTf.1AKLEa "d COM: "ORIZ. .RET. TUBU. BOILERS 8.72-lnch dlam.'flS feet: ''Forma. Boiler Works": full front tlx. L. I'. Seyfert's Sons. 437 N. 3d st. 250-HORSEPpWER Greene-Corliss engine for sale; can bo seen running: $200. Hnflelgh & Co.. American and Cambria sts. PIPE A FITTINGS, all sizes. rillLA. 2D-HAND PIPE BUITLY. 1003 N. 7th. Both phones. MUSICAL INSTBTJMENTS ALTERATIONS are now being made to our Vlctrola Department, and we need the room: so we will make special low terms. Extraor dinary opportunity. Call or write for particu lars and largo Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. JOIN OUR BUMMER CLUB , GET YOUR VICTROLA NOW, SX'-IiS!,1. 0CT0,rlu,nlty to securo a beautiful Mahogany Vlctrola with records, at special LraUntia'n b!aCnnkd. mt nC f0r -'-" "d HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 0th and Thompson Sts. AUGUST VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON BALE BELLAK . 1120 CHESTNUT ST. $85 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. ftTff. rlrlce. M 430. Ledger Central. OLD Q OLD 01iiG0.LD', ""'. Platinum, plated ware, old rle .i'welry. teeth, plates bought for mX r-st. iiou. j. L. Clark, refiner. B07 Sansom. OLD aOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver' CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, nnn.-..A.... SJAH?" -srold. silver, .platinum." false teeth DkPei i.l ""." .Platinum, raise te Phlla. Smelting ft Reft Co.. 128 S. 11th. PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents, Trade-Marks and Corporation Practice J. Walter Douglass . J?8TABLIsnED 1885. PinLADEf.PHIA North American Building. WASHINGTON. Victor Building, STORAGE CONTINENTAL 20TH ST. ABOVD CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. BHfPPIN PINO 'tiata l Biirc5ILTu3oPhon-K:.u,n:i.rS,sfl scoured, stored. rroELrrY strep; IQOF WAREHOUiEfl jsii-iaiu IlKET BT, PBNN BTORAGH AND VAN CO. B18fl MARICET ST; UeCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th ft. j moving, packing, shipping; auto vans; both phones. Let us estimate. ATLAB STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 752 for estimate. Market - 87th' OrRARD BTORAGB. CO.. 918 Olrard ave. Moving, packing, storage. Phone Poplar 8204. WANTED coin books, with prices I nay, mal ed 18c. J.Bl Boss (People's Wore). 26lf 8. 11th. Wal. 4488! BROKEN I SN JeWielnr. false teethf gold, silver, platt. bought. Keystone Co'.fatt Walnut" Es.tVI num CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid for ladles' and min's chaining, hats' shoes, eto. Phone Poplar 6771. BLACKER i239 Poplar FURNITURE. Dianas. m. .-,,...... .... or part houses bought 'for ' cmqT no ,miiur how large, J, BERNSTEIN. 1854 TtldmV"f BE8T PRICES paid for men'a cast-off clothing, shoes, etc. SAMUEL COOPER. iOIO Olrard eve. Phone Poplar 0342. uirara ROOMS FOR RENT CHrNUT09D..IrabI. rooms, p.rma. WlSH??'i,Jnr.t;?fS?IRABLB R0OMS; EXCEL- LENT LOCATION, OXFORD, W 1721. cor. of Bouvier at. For rent. 1, 2. or 3 unf'rma. with 'bath; convs. onntTirt ntin - - ' ' . " SPRUCE. 2022 Large airy rooms: nrlv. hsth. soutnern expos.i summsr ratss. Loo. 1668 J. WALLACE. 1818 Largs, cool, furnished or un furnished rooms: all convs.i reasonable convs. j feasonabls. ffl&jtffiLW&jM.iri: 16TH TH N.. 188 Nicely turn. h.kpgL lut.. . J sleeping rms. I run, water; 2 u p. Loc. 8S87 J TH. , N... 821-hIrd . front suUe".' siei ISTH, Krnl.-ha, pTsnty-Btwf.,Vha,.Jgy SIO WEST TWIAM nniri-S- SECOND FLOOR SUITE! REFERENCES. REFINED COUPLE or two gentlemen e.n' . oure nomeuae lurnisned front room? tri, V. without mil tnout meais. In fine residential .mi. 7T, West Philadelphia. i can van lance m. Norlhrtaat t?n-n. ii'aa. il and telrawooa avt. r " " WU1 15 ROOMS WANTED Furnished FUKNI3HED ROOM, private bath, with or wltKI out breakfast, in a strictly prlvat. hnrnT? walking distance to following aSdresst J H1' Alexanier. care of the Air Rsdii'tioa "Com: puny. Germantown and Bsdgely ayes. "- BOARDINO CHESTNUT ST., cor. 20th (The Margrave) .v..... y..M.. fctifion,.! sup. Doard. SPRUCE 1224-28 Furnished rooms, private viS8!,Hv.rtw pains i taoie ooarq, fiinHS WslnnS 4sar- - J9TH. N , saaa Nicely f urn. sTiTin roorn. with board reasonable, steam heat. Tlogq 4521 WV 6DBUEHAN GERMANTOWN The, Balppen. Wsyu 6 Hans terry First class in sppolatoints A serrtoe. 101G. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUI. location! special .;? "' ervoue, elderly.! every romfnrtinursest book it. Dr. Randal. City Line, Chestnut Hill. let, APARTMENTS NEWPORT AND MTrn-BTS ARnANOEMENTS FOR FALIi UAH nurt lr. iwmv Ror,vrngP!7.i?.dhgqSMI Janitor on premises. BARBER, HAIUMah a CO., izoi unestnui si OXFORD ST., 1612 APARTMENT, "."'; Ing rooms, two .bedrooms, bath. dlnUig UJ- room, kitchen, mama tearoom - torr. Janitor. , . nOCKETT'8 APARTMENTS. 029 to 838 N, , 10th at. Suites of 1 and .2 rooms, with private batnt mrnisnea or uniurnnncu, o.w, - TINE BTA 1701 8 rooms and 2 baths, second noor. Possession neptcmoer m. PINE ST., 738 Large, airy well-heated and ngn Ighted apartments and rooms. WEST PHILADELPHIA THE WTNNEFIKI.D, oth and Lantdpwne ave., 6 rooms and bath, front and back porches, rood janitor service, etc. This Is a nice place to live and the cheapest apartments In the city at the price, $28 and an. Arnlv to tsnitn- II rittima. '2A Door, private Tnn girvin norch! awnings. 8010 liamu- ton, See janitor. HANDSOMEST apartment In Fhlla. lor tha money! 0 rooms and bath, large balcony: 41 8. roth al., J40 and $15, 801 Franklin Bldg. MAIN LINE. P. B. n. OVERHROOK ..... THE DREXEL ArAnTMENTS, at OvtrbroolC station One housekeeping apartment, 7 rooms and bath, to lease After September 1, APARTMENTS WANTED Furnished 3 OR 8 ROOMS and bath, between 8000 and 8400 North. J. F. Alexander, cars of The Air Re duction Co., Germantown and Seagety ave. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS $25 to $70 Per Month CENTRAL The LYNDHURST - N. W. COR. 10TH AND GnECN BT9. The WILTON N. E. COR. 15TII AND POPLAn BTS. The LA SEDA N. C. COR. 16TII AND MASTER STS. The ARETTA 1810 MASTER BT. WEST PHILADELPHIA The BRESLYN S, E. COR. 47TH AND WALNUT ST0. The FULTON N. W. COR. 4STH AND CHESTNUT BTS. GERMANTOWN The WAYNE AVE. . . 4013-10 WATNB AVE. The WYNEVA WAYNE AND WYOMING AVE3. SEE JANITOR ON PREMISES OR SAMUEL STERN 1201 Chestnut Street THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT But suppose. Instead of trying all these dif ferent ways, you Just call at this office the largest, most nttractlvo and best equipped In Philadelphia, demoted exclusively to securing Just what they want for particular people. Tell us jour requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may bo rented through us. Our automobiles are waiting to take you to the list of prop erties you designate, and with the least possible effort you will secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT BT. Bpnics 8971. Pace 8028. N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT BTS. This "lS-story Apartment House Is built of concrete and steel, thoroughly flreproofed nnd of the most modern architecture. Suites of 2 -rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooms and 8 baths. Including several bachelor suites with every modern convenience and facility. ONLY A FEW OF THE LARGE HOUSE. KEEPING SUITES LEFT'. THEY ARE THE FINEST IN PHILA.. HAVINO SOUTHERNT EASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES.' .ocIrooIBEnTIi,UA0.I'EASCS " VK DATi3D All things considered, the rentals are mod. erate. Tor further Information, arrangement for Inspection nnd reservation, apply to MERTON W. GREIM3 810 Franklin Bank Bldg. Phona Walnut 8029. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? Write or phone APARTMENT BUREAU Where complete Information of all apart-n,.e.ntB-.,10tn hotel and housekeeping. Is given without charge or send for beauti fully Illustrated d rectory of annrtment. 2D FLOOR. FRANKLIN BANK BLDG., N, E. cor Broad and Chestnut sts. x-iione wainut eusru. -. . WE NORTH 15TH ST. Modern housekeeping apartments: reduced rentals; Just renovated throughout. Apply to Janitor on premises, LEWIS A. TAULANE. t u. ... vmxwr um wnq tvqinut ais. "PEQUOT." S. W. cor.. 13th and Pine Deslr. SrSfwiili " TtM00mi'-. ba,l- kitchenette: reas. ...... .. ,...o-.. ,u,icter -o...iuui unestnut. MODERN APARTMENTS, all sizes andTTicesT aSL',.ST. V'" ,ot jemPlete directory, free Apartment Bureau. 210 Franklin Bank Bldg! WEST rillLADELFIILt 81SLI.ANP.KCn,!:3?'NUT . 'Th Essexl Five' rooms, bath, pantry and reception halli ele- VhuZ eSi'n.nin"rht V7lc" ?ol?nlal finish, white china gloss paint, mahogany floora hardwood floors, combination wall safes, laun Sl7'nfflS?usSBCJias5y t0tt"n, watchman ..f," Piffi"J'.??.i0 Jai month. 48D AND CHE8TER AVD. (The Monterey) Very desirably situated, opposite Clark pirkl 4 and 0 rooms and bath! hardwpooT floors, laundry, roof garden, eto.i 135 to 4f month 'TLaSriilS SPEN Jb iVlnSntlfc 8 rooms and bath, hardwood floors! part has private porches! I2i Jo 2U month. All above being desirable modern house keeping apartments, will consider reservations from Sepf. 1 to desirable tenants. Bee Jul. The Powelton Apartments New Ownership and Management Powelton Ave.. 35th to Sflth Si-. $35 Thoroughly modern: each suite has 8 main Y SA""ns. 2. baths and servsnts' bedroom. TO Room. are-IT and flooM Vro hiJdwood $90 SJn "n'n h sfPo'ntment. Apply a Vw office. 88th and Powelton ave., or vvm. a. w. quick & Bro Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET KINQSCOURT 88TTI A SEVERAL inu 4D CHESTNUT 8TS. MODERN H0U8EICE Epran APA11TMBNTB FOR RENT: 1 IO KI.E. EST. THOS. M. BEE'JjIt, Ai ""!-4-UULIl! DINING ROOM. ATipr.V .v., 1,U RACE BT. TIIB WALLINOFORlT 89TH ABOVE CHESTNUT BT. New B-room apartment for rent: electrla ela. Yator. vacuum beat, hot water, laundry, ste! APARTMENT HOTELS THE TRACY 86th and Chestnut (Elevated Station) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE UTH AND PINE BTS. Absolutely Fireproof LONQAND SHORT-TERM LEAflEJ THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW SM.'fSPV8- EVW CONVENIENCE. prnuuH nr ,,. .I!:'l." ..?" ur irinitsniivi ...ii.. of one -. .- mm,, wnn pain. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS JSBohrib" CHEENiTiiR pffiRTIlT MEET ' "IN TUB CENTEROFeveKYTHLNQ- " THE LITTLE HOTEL 228 8. BROAD ST. REAI. ESTATE FOR aALg CITY !AR8HALLH? SMtTH. 1011 r-K....... SMITH. 1011 Chestnut ,srwl JkU. GARDINER. ISth ,A rv. io? UMFftJSS?' li7-s fl TlTll'l ' " ...M.a ... ,- J. A. yATTERBON 1J0 8. 18th St. h;" w S?S2? N J t ISTH ST N SIT HA, -. at 103. aseesMd ISBOO TrlMli"n,,wrt"Itl IJ300. MA33SX "sQUVffm''-. I heaii estate itormi, Contlnurd frem Pr,ZuT CITT 880-82-84.08 N. 4TH. BO00t r.TTT 2119 N. 19th, pr ce reduced Ui.. A729N. 17th. corner, stone frV.81r 1019 Wallace. 20x180, tiisoo T as.. i 2128 N. 8d, rented, J218! $2600 If.'"4 k I822 0reen. 18x18 to sil redneM''' , 1939 N, 18th, brownstone, 10 rL i 2107 Bprlnr Garden, side yard! e2?m- i 2019 N. 16th, 10 rooms, brawnstoK:. 1 I 2B07K. 18th. 10 rooms': loMesM,i" 2232 Falrmount ave., 11 rooms ' ik 2501 Oxford, corner: II roonvsi't-U59!. , 1908 Soring Garden, side yirdi .doelJ 102I-28-28-80 Pine. 72x100. ' "U r luupmiii, xj. ITUUHKLIi A CCi S C riAi-l An in crrr hall bection oi 4 Large, substantial building-, raoldi. .- for parkage headauarters, rititl .K? service building: two street fJe2is!,r", vaton fine natural light, 'r0Bi lift VERY EASY TEItUfl ; Can be purchased at a price laii- cost of construction. r "! f ARTHUR BOSWELL l St8 W- 11Uh "' JoULISj! NEW HOMES WITH aOAlUOJ.'j 14000. Two story. T rooms and shed, porefc t.,3 heat, gas and eleo.I Parn. floors! tih'u jery clrfse to the Boulevardilots ?SW the best proposition anywhere in S? '"t KUIIN h LOWERY.Eih an" Roelkh!,.'It . Open 8unda lwcluMl 1820 W. VENANGO ST., cor. Gratx. TsT 8-story brlcjc dwelling 19 rwmis il! closed laundry, with tubs: hVt?!rit?f k11" and e lectrlo Jlghti $9000. WMW '" Ti,K MND TITLE AND Tnt!T ,1 "" ""Payment. uroa(1 nj . y. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for a.ltP Bend us your requirements, " ' YAimow VAN TELT SIDE-YARD HOME at bargain arf Chew street. Tabor: 0 rooms 2,2J, thoroughly modern: wide sir.'.i? .n priced right: trolleys! block frem si.., ABEBNKTIJ.Y, 2724 Njjjh2j''B' 885 N. Cnmso .$2900 8uo Betgrtje i n050 BelgraSJ I'"' siuuorie ... 410 none ... 2350 Tilt-. v lyriie HftO ikik r...ii. ii AbKKCD II. WILL.IAMH. rmL': ...,-,-. - -Z ZZTl '-" "-inrjT I LlnotH iwiini west Fnua. MERCHANTSTIONTRUST ca MONEY FOR MORTGAGE' -TtXulaNE."oOO Walnu?' a.1 MIT AT, USTtr ATJr, 'nilfflw.. 1 i. dwelling, 0 rooms: In Al condition: milt to settle estate: can arrange xoeJ SSa FLOOD A OU1NN, 10th and cWry "? 1122 W. DAUPHIN 8T. 2-sterydtfiiifc IS2S1?' bftth' helter. In good con'ltlojTl $2600j owner very anxloua to sell. ,r j, i. Jfluu uu cnestnutanil Hn. 1539 DAUPHIN ST.. 2 storv. 7"Tr- 1904 Mt. Vernon St.. 4 story. 13 rtxmi GUARANTEE TRUS & SAFE DETOBTfl v. .... w..o,,IUfc mKt ALLEGHENY AVE. west of 29th st.- porch, hot-water heat: excellent nelrMn only $3500. Wm. 6. GlenS, lofl Cb b'a ave. v 10TH, 13TH, 14TH AND 13TII WARD IT ERS, SELLERS AND RENTERS JB FRIEDRICH A CO.. 801 N. 12TII IF llnlldlnr Lota, Foctery Sites, tie. Delaware River Fronts Near channel: Pennsylvania & Rexainnlji, OH cres to 1Q00 "! SfinMrttm li. n. MeCor.T.iTr. 3 1314 Walnut st. N. E. COR. 2D AND DIAMOND STl-lf located site and buildings: adapted tot 1, torles, garogo, etc.: 00x109 to Filtum. LEWIS A. TAULANE. 8. W. cornerWi Walnut sts. -S.' SITES. RAILROAD, for sale, Pennsylrult; Reading: 82000 per acre and up, taai to locaUon. Inquire for terms. ki DIETERICH. 737 Walnut. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and Inn ui. ground In all parts city: also over 200 n sites. Melvln. 151 5-1 B Real Est. Trot &. Factories LARGE MANUFACTURING PLANT. 400 t frontage .on Delaware River. Penni. a.-, siding; office bldg., 'laboratory, cover! A ping platform, etc.: water supply from and artesian wells; boilers, entlnti. .ire thing complete, TAULANE. 900 Wslnrt n Stores nnd Pwelllngs BTORE AND DWELLING where you ai bulslness: will sell low; 8. E. corner Mtat. Mtxgerald sts. -,i S. E. GARDINER. 10th and Whirtos n WEST PHILADELVHIA t ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF VINI fi between 00th and UOth sts., w lthln 8 tfcs of the elevated station, Is located a teen row of modern two-story porch and wm front homes of a "so decidedly dllerf character from the ordinary that the (tuft these houses will bo of peculiar burnt, the truly Intelligent home buyer. ''JS They were built of the finest coslttr tt terlal by one of Philadelphia's leaduifW ers, whoso only fault was that he ta k honest value In his work that there u IS profit left over. They were purchutdbri lnveator when material nnd wages we rock bottom. Through force of clrcnnutw' he must sell at less than cost. Tblnktlc unlrjue opportunity, now that natcrUlM. wages are at top prices. m These houses are not designed to nuis appeal to every one. To those who wot c sel Instead of good metal, shine and pouisc stead of solid construction, they will suU appeal. gj THEY ARE FOR THE MAN WHO KSOJ CHARACTER OP CON8TRyCTpN,sf; REAL ESTATE VALUES TfllbUarl'lJ THROUOU. WHO IS LOOKING FOR A JW ERN HOME IN THE BEST SENSE 0TK WORD. WITH tt ROOMS, NOT COWTO THE RECEPTION HALL. BATHROOM? LAUNDRY. A HOME WHICH WILL Ml GOOD OR BETTER 10 YEAnS 11EJC THAN TODAY. J Since our first advertisement slottf weeks ago we have sold eight of then" to homeburers (a house must be wonUrn good to sell In this weather). There 4rl four left next week there may m : then your chance Is gone for. good lis st They will be sold for 18000 apiece art , little as 100 cash, with terms puile tJ tpr the balance. Just think of ill J 8amsle bouse. No. 8920 Vine St. Jp open day and evening, and we bM'J: every one who Is In the market fT "f1 come out and examine without delay. We only feel that this is an unastul i unity. i NORMAN 0. BHBItWOOD Spruce 8971, iili vvainui surest, . 1 naoe nw . BtiaENH L, TOWNSBJfp, 'JS, formerly of Potts t, Towniend. 05 MgEJ ave., announces the opening of new ' E COR. 40TTI AND BALTDIORBaS for the purpose of conducting a lessrsl'H REAL ESTATE BUSINESS HADFIELD ST., WEST OS tsTli W,j 2-story . house, 8 rooms and bath! i"j front: hot-walsr heat, gas. and .siefiKl basement laundry: fine nelghborno.-: venlences unexcelled: price 14200; terri7 factory: examine this house today, fJ!; TON ESTATE8. 1438 8. BStn it. f5 wuiAna, SIBI. II PARKWAY, PEMBERTON ESTATES. J west corner B8th street and willows .! .ySJ.YB,2;STORY HOMES 8-story, convs.i In an exclusive 8-storr J borh'd: unusually attractive! breaxiHS.' butler's pantry, etc.! price sBiOOl iJ-- IS100 -8 ROOMS! hot-watsr beat. ,S.. trio lights, parnustry floors, shower JJ kitchens and alt other modern KP?lnrfgl DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILW-SJJ 88th and Hadfleld sts, - WEST PHILADELPHIA H0J1E3 For sale or for rent. ,,,jitP B. II. APSLEY. t'h "d BprlPa-g WESTPHUDAOPERTraJ 1-AyiXJH - SON. 24 AND ao ' Jg BEND FOR LIST BALE OR K" ma ir U1IMR B2d and Baltimore avi. BEND FOR OUR SALE OR RNT ffij JOS. ALLEN POTTb ! 4905 Baltimore ave.. nvwt sVbt a jsrinTM GERMANTOWN H0M1?3 nr rent Advise us of your requirements. 8Ale" tt upon request A1 riTTATlTTTICl T TTrtrtTl CO.l m filORRlS DLDQ.) 1421 CHESTNUIJ nr.n f-niriMiAT. RESIDEN'CB 'Wt 10 large rooms. 2 baths, electricity. efc nrepiacss. gas. nower garnen, su..- urban surroundings. Photos and plan 'Lei C. P. PETERS SON. 808 CHE3IlSS- uaaei nsar sisiion ana Kroiivj -. i..n u.vvv ur uetacned ana eeBiiai'".-wiDa best section of Oermantown. with ao,'3 garages, send for list, MAURAN 5"5e" i. CO.. N. E. cor. Broad and CbjjstnutiJg PERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT MfM 8ECURB OUR REVISED tULhaJHM VVk REAL KSTATH BVVlTlh a. 2X. I.IMTKH HRll IlortTlsl.IllU-l' Li- eW-'r- l oa appucaiw- -Tratk Co.. Chffa and Drmantownj. to you br mair oa appUcalloo. 0r IF YOU ARE IRBLOOKING FOR A HOMf n Mt. Xlry or Chestnut HI";-; R. Meehan. BI4T OerinantoaJ issaiown me. A ti WMOICE HOMES. Ttjpehoeken steMT? Jintowo ave J H, CHADWI-a , . - viriaAniesn ave. Mt. Airy, Gsrmsntiwn NEW BALE AND BENT LIST R MODERN DWELLINGS. MANY STYLES ; PRICE8, In our restricted reeldsntlsl HADFHJLD STREET. WILLOWS AVVjB UANHBIM BT.. opposite Cricket Club-n6 ful location t 2 squares to QifJ(? v tlon or Wayne aye. (18th st) f'.yi houses. Randls. al lath st 0t-H &'??&&!. .. jar. 2 . .'.:?u,ni --- AUUtfi l.v vv vw