p!5wg3if tsmfwmmfmmmmgSSm f an? j.- n-yjirgPAjF!Wtlr wi? t"WyP' Vfflfly.tf'irr ti EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 101&. JOKER'S .396 KEEPS TEXAN f nTTT OP RANGE OP CORK'S am Stuffy Mclnnis Jumps From .245 to .259 and Fgtrunk Climbs to .295 L. hie thrco In American LenRue hattltiR iX. added to their attractive avcraKes Z1 the week. Speaker, the pace setter, '-!f lha WBiWBt advance ot the trio 53? has .398, which represents a gain ." nolnta. Ty moved front .389 to fffl JO" nl from .318 to .343. With A. JmVb of the campalRii now over nnd l',ft?Rneaker EhowlnB no algim of a let JLBiPt win be necessary for Cobb to hit fiSTi super-Cobb to overtake the flee InB l Jackson also Is meetlnB the ball 253 Mini 1 is i making rapid strides to get i-.t near his two rivals. rMiiffr Mclnnle and Amos Striink are IS championship ball despite their -; nn a losing team. Amos now has fSrK Ts eight Points better than the L!ric M-edlted to him a week ago. Mcln 111 - .- has let up from the moment ho d his climb from tho .10 section. J. Wt has been a harvest for the Mack n.'.,,n nndthls week saw Stuffy's work ih from .245 to .3SD, a gain of 14 points. Salop Mid Morton are tho leading twirl " .ho left-hander with 10 out of 11 and fUn trtln 12 1 out of 11. The Covclesklo vllers each have won IB and lost S. ft Johnson has been losing about na R he has won. having a record ot 19 V& end 14 defeats. Myers, ot tho Ath la&'haa won 9 out of 25 and Bush has victories out of 28 games. r AMERICAN LEAGUE g Batting Averages ' Ki..i-s who have token port In IS nr more ..SSP to Vntl including Thursday. August 0,1918: n , u j,, g.n.S.H.T.n.Ave. 7u i4n n ii Inn nun if. CUV 1IM -1"" Kb. Bet.--. ?op aou 73 13'J CI 1 15 8 iO 31 sa S'J 47 HI 45 u vo R3 1111 10 lift 4 7 14 33 till 181 43 87 08 128 4 8 5a ",! 3'J 117 r.8 110 48 101 an ion 43 84 II -t 111) 111 RR (1 18 18 47 ua ion ii as 40 01 at u 41 na r.a no on lot 4 4 ion 4U 13 3 18 11 175 .300 Hi aim .am 3 34 .3ar. 12 113 .3211 4 t)2 .318 a r .3i:i .1 At nmt - .ii i r"i iiii tin frIJfrcJ, Del S3 I" Jlam. U'-1 x". Cllnor. Dos... 31 8- !fiaVK.V: " 117 toWIU'll. no- 88 .; 10 It 147 4 411 .305 .nnr. 1 7 1 41 la 171 .304 .2HU .au8 3 II 23 I n 12 103 3 1S3 .. 11 .an? .21111 "!lll ""? ll'V IT -J7 Wm-kr. N.Y "7 ,-3j mX n. v.. 7- -.8 1 11.1 .au 4 ii 21 83 .ant 22 IB lltft .2113 Kk.DXiii : So Hi 13 18 144 .203 .202 .2IMI .2?2 -Mi .280 .ai8 ft 22 UT 11) llll 3 70 2 23 5 72 28 137 10 8 la in a 20 in IT o 3 7 13 12 3 ii in 23 4 E CWni.Ohl.Iiiu 381 fr.S?..nN.r.. 3j lot Ftumn, SI M 101 Itooper. l'os, lot .18.1 Wlm'n. Dll'W ?7 mlth. Ciee. 73 IJrt UtElnfe. Ath. 5.; S VlcMuVn. CM. M 1M Yonic. Det 108 373 Turner. Cev,. 70 1!KJ KlSSii. Ath.. K8 3S0 Coft'skl. Bt. 31 M LtMi, Dos.... U2 S81 Foarn'r. Chi.. SO LMU fcri?ni. St.L.in- 373 ftlll'm.., W.h. fi ir.3 Tttamii, Dos., tin 141 KSton.St.Ii.. 113 Osndll. Clov..l(i8 403 Biker. N. Y. 71 S.s Crin'r, CIeve.108 41 B Miller. SLL. till 318 etupra'n. C'l. nti all linn, Ath... 81 Ht) lam,. Ath at M j.lle. Alh.'..07 383 Wilt. Alh..... M 343 Merer. Ath ,. 03 140 tiik lit. m ?n a77 2 73 .275 3 B4 .273 14 1113 .2110 18 185 .2(17 n 135 .2(17 II 130 II 711 2 21 HI 4H 13 118 14 85 14 09 l a.s III 1U1 :i on ami 21 r! n-. .201 .211:1 .2113 .2(12 .280 .asu .257 .2511 "3 10 41 00 74 83 18 03 or. 30 311 II 4.1 31 SI r 37 30 31 13 13 20 10!) .ass R 41) .23.1 7 47 .253 R 111 1 vi 07 102 3.1 7(1 22 131 .1 114 0 103 21 00 25 117 4 2G -i I.L 253 80 104 ,251 ,251 ,251 ,230 ,2111 11 113 .211 II l'l .-Jl- 30 Hi l8 2(1 ,210 ,215 .180 fdir'. Athletics 33 122 CLUB HATTINQ RKCOtlDS . iSirolt 11. All. 11. H 8H.8II. AVB 110 3077 455 048 118 141 Cletel&ml . Ctlaro .. . Taton . . . . tu Louts. . , wutilniton Xtw fork. . lira itnu.i ii.i nil) Kin nit 10n 8555 415 883 100 152 1011 340t 870 828 04 145 111 SOni 414 870 153 Hill 108 317(1 310 810 llll llll 105 3173 4n.'. 82(1 135 118 102 32110 270 753 101 05 ilXtIK CliUIl FIKI.UINQ HKCOROS. l . I'O. A T' TV Avk. .070 .DIM .mis .007 .001 .002 .057 .017 IVttlnn . 1011 2803 mo aooo 108 ami inn 2811) 111 3041 108 2033 108 2808 101 "041 1300 i4aa I4:n 135' 1517 15(10 133 130 154 148 175 1113 173 22(J 4305 4551 4031 4348 1703 4503 4380 4202 nn. 310 287 200 L'4R ClICIIO .. petnlt . .. Ke York.. ((.lUuls... CJereluid . IVutlnston., 1307 1425 Auieties I.ONQ HITS I1Y Cl.UnS an. 3ii. iir. Tn Avu. .3.11 .332 .327 .310 .300 .301 .200 .280 140 (14 14 1180 1103 1201 1053 1073 1083 1015 100 47 120 84 , 138 117 121 39 11 11 11 23 0 a 208 838 am 133 30 102 45 103 34 1U 03S ao: R. TEN LEADING I1ASB STEALERS. n sn. Avir. .40 .28 .23 .24 .23 !2l .20 .10 .IS Lena. I lib, Detroit 100 08 DO 8.1 103 107 100 108 107 40 27 21 an 24 a 23 20 KUllr, Chicago Uh. Athletlm . . . wm. New York., fpiikir. Cleveland , finiru. St. Louis. (htjtlao. St. LouS, f filer, St. Loul Kkm, Washington.. MHi. SI. LOUIS 111 20 TKN LEADIKQ SLUOOllRS n. an.nn TR. EH. las ot Cruer. CTrelnd jtdnon. Chlcro . letch.. Datrnlt .. as 8 B 14 3 15 8 0 0 S 11 A 10 4 208 .104 104 171 li? 133 luo 170 ,. !... 'til 5 ". " '"tjDI. iiOUlS cK Chlcjio 17 gr. Bt! Ixiuls 14 ar. oston .......,, 23 Uer. Clovilanl., 25 t),'Dtrolt ,,...,, 22 Pitchers' Records I..60.BH. Il.Wr.Ae. U 1Q 11 20 0 1.000 0 5 4 18 0 1.000 j-Ktw York. 11 J I! wmrdntr,8t. 1. 4 1 U D VZ O l.UUIJ 0 8 K HI I) 1.000 linn. Vw vA-it iu t 1 DO I 8T 4 3 70 20 105 4 8 18 8!) 00 0 6 BO 48 110 7 B 38 20 160 1 a 4T 40 60 0 3 27 1A 80 II 4 4(1 27 81 a .Ullll rlsa. Clrte... 17 12 W..flt. ImiI. nn a .830 ,727 ,700 .700 ,700 .700 .002 .OUT .0.12 ,032 .032 ,025 ,01)11 ,001) .BUS .683 .6711 'til .571 .800 .357 .077 .071 npBaiton .," 27 12 E. ",n 2 FiWi utiroil ..85 T kti7fhl.:.i' L 'rnt.' RO 37 84 0 BO 60 20 J 4 JSS"h.flttnK 31 IB 8 80 40 IS S 5Clv,,. 23 0 4 47 37 10 80 40 183 4 123 a 145 1 IIU ii Lf"? a A on l it J- 1U I U-t lU 4-1 A3 1.1 1A n Rl l.q t rt n . .. ...v 80 11 N 03 48 170 F!:n' jyn... so 10 ui7i ai 207 JKNAV f" " 3 lain i ; Athlsitc. 21 1 la 4S 63 .. 4 wttlc. 30 o lam ot 1111 153 I'm 63 141 V OJeiro . Cliveltnd Petrolt .. pctton .. New York KL Ti.n1a Wihlnrton ltkl!a SPEAKER KEEPS WELL DAVY ROBERTSON DROPS TO .335 i Daubert Loses Ground, but Hornsby Advances From .315 to .823 Tho Chicago Cuba' pitchers treated Davy Itohcrtson very rudely In the recent series with tho Olantrt. and the result wan that out of 19 times at bat Davy made only two nits, 'i mis slip was very costly to tho ambitious llavy. and while he still leads tho batsmen, ho dropped to .336, a loss of 13 points In one week. At the same ttmo, however, Jako Daubcrt, hs nearest rival, failed to take advantage of Davy's slump, losing twn polnti and dronnlnc to .329. Hogcr Hornsby, tho sensational Inficlder incited up by Miller HUKRtns. camo for ward with plenty of speed and advanced his niarK to a .323. a gain of eight points. This atlvanco enabled tho Cardinals to pass both Wag-hcr and Long and to climb within a. few notches of tho lead. This Is Hornsby's first year' In tho big league, and another slump by Hobertson and Daubert to llkoly to cost tholm their present positions and witness the elevation ot the recruit to tho top. The three Phllllo leaders virtually held their own. Whined dropped from .293 to .291 and 1'nskcrt and Stock went nlnng at nn oven pace. Uancroft was the only mem ber of the Qunltcrs to mako nny notlccnble move upward, tho diminutive shortstop climbing from .173 to .130. Tfelter heads the pitchers, but Alex's 21 out of 29 keeps him right near tho top. Illxcy has won 13 out of IS. Mamaux lias been beaten Beven times. whllo ho has cashed In 16 victories. NATIONAL LEAGUE Eattins Averages I'lnjrerii Mho hne lnlm tmrt In IB or more citmrn nt to and Including Tliurdnr. Aucikc 3. 10l" O. Alt. 11. lf.8D.SH.Tn. Ave. Mct'artr. nkljn. 40 80 14 35 4 (I 40 .3'iJ lianertson, N. Y. lit nni na law n ii iu- .'( Dnubcrt, llklyn. . in 300 no 121 in 10 153 .3J8 Hornsby. St. L..lirj 803 43 118 7 8 103 .328 iAinir. St. I. 77 204 20 84 14 7 10.1 .318 II. Wanner. Pills. 80 32S 43 1114 I) 7 13(1 .317 Chnnc. Clnn 1)0 333 40 111 10 (I 150 .314 Coombs, llUljn.. 10 33 a 10 n I) 11 .803 Zimmerman. Chi. 08 301 51 108 13 8 163 .208 KchUlte. I'llts... 8(1 2(13 30 78 8 3 110 .207 Wheat, nklvn. .. 04 301 43 107 10 7 140 .200 H. Smith, HklMi 23 51 I HI 1 a 21 200 Aleximiler. I'lills. 31 88 n an l a 3d .205 Hlnrhman. Pitts. 00 33(1 30 07 0 11 132 .204 VUllttnl. rllllllfl. 01 330 39 00 18 21 132 .2111 Stork. Phlllle.. 83 332 44 llll 14 5 1110 .280 Pitikrrt. Phillies. 02 338 45 07 11 II 1311 .287 Fletcher. N. Y.. 70 202 28 8,1 7 11 100 .284 Kllhcr. Clnn.. .. 47 117 I) 33 (I 2 42 .282 Oroh. Clnn 105 382 01 107 in 8 152 .280 Traiiresier, Ho. 22 30 1 10 n 4 11 .378 Render, l'hlllloi . an 30 1 in n I II .278 .lohnston. llklyn. 70 272 30 73 11 0 100 .270 CI. Iturnfl. N. Y.105 302 0(1 107 24 II 111 .273 Adams, Pitts 10 22 1 0 0 18 .373 Nealo. Clnn 102 37R 41 102 15 0 12(1 .272 Doyle, N. Y Oil H71 51 101 14 14 145 .272 Klack, Chtcaco.. 03 303 45 82 10 an 103 .270 Clarke. Clnn .... 03 145 7 30 5 8 50 .200 HerZ08 Is Y. . . 05 343 38 02 10 14 117 .208 Kauff. N. V 03 332 43 1)3 27 0 120 .204 Carey, Pitt 01 372 52 118 33 II 14(1 .203 McKi-chnK Clnn. 83 BOH 22 78 7 7 811 .300 NchultZ, Pitts 7t 100 15 40 5 II BO .358 K. Hurni. Phils, r.l 151 12 80 2 1 48 .338 Kelly. Chlcasn ..31 74 8 10 0 1 21 .337 J. C. Smith. Ilos. lift- 321 30 83 0 4 110 .250 Vlox, Pitts 48 120 12 38 3 4 41 .230 Cravnth, PlilllleH 82 204 30 (17 5 7 10(1 .251 Fltzpatrick. Uost. 47 120 11 !12 3 8 41 .234 Cloniales, St I. , 73 182 21 40 3 4 01 .253 I.udems. Plillllci. 00 310 32 78 3 7 10 .232 U. Miller, llklyn. SO 110 0 30 2 3 27 .252 Konetchy. Host .. in 338 44 83 11 In 122 .251 Zclder. Chlcano.. 57 100 14 40 7 2 58 .231 tlrirttth. Clnn 107 411 34 10.1 12 I 120 .23(1 Stonsel, llklyn... 70 288 38 72 (I 1(1 118 .250 Wlneo. Clnn 80 271 21 (IN (I It 01 .25(1 Pf offer, !lkln.. 20 811 4 30 3 3 32.250 (iood, Thlllles... .'.7 117 21 20 7 t 41 .218 MeholT. Phillies. 00 H(!! 42 87 14 It 120 .2.10 lljrnc. Phillies... 1 8.114 20 4 5 20.233 Dincey. Phillies.. 22 28 fl 0 2.. 8 .211 Klllefer. Phillies. Ill) 108 10 33 1 0 40 .207 ll.liifroft. Phillies 1)2 3in 3.1 All 7 11 70 .100 Cooper. Phillies.. 37 77 0 13 1 2 11 .109 CLUIt HATTING RECORDS. O. All. 11. H. SH. SH. Av. New York 07 3235 370 822 122 83 .225 Ilrooltlyn 07 828.1 371 831 111 120 .252 Cincinnati loo 3H8o 837 02(1 101 ou .231 Phillies 08 3158 334 778 80 108 .240 Ht. Louta 1115 3402 813 823 104 74 .214 Chleaco 102 3101 353 818 8(1 110 .212 Pittsburgh 03 3134 80S 747 llll 105 .240 IJoston 1)5 3070 331 097 85 121 .228 !54 I CLUB FIELDING RECORDS. (I. P. A. TC. Av. .071 .000 .003 ,003 .001 .1130 .038 .033 nnstorv .... Phillies . . . Cincinnati . Now York . . 113 "573 1213 111 3U20 08 2II3J 1330 130 M027 1011 3075 1425 1112 1002 07 21115 12')0 130 4033 l7 20S1 118S 141 4021 llrookijn Plttsbur rah .. 05 2587 113(1 134 3871 St. Louts ... HIS 2703 1431 170 4403 Chicago 1U2 2812 1393 200 4411 liONQ HITS n CLU1I3. an. an. iir. tii. er. Av. New York 121 45 18 moo 205 .813 llrooklyn 124 411 20 1089 273 .335 Phillies ..1 142 37 22 11)43 282 .331 Chicago 130 30 85 1101 30(1 .327 St. Louis KM 57 21 1097 200 .323 Cincinnati 130 50 13 1181 234 .321 Pittsburgh 01 e 13 win 232 .318 Boston 03 13 IB 014 222 .200 TEN LEADING 1JASE STEALERS. O. 3)1. Av. Carey. Pittsburgh 0! 85 .30 Kaurt. New York 05 27 .28 O. Uurns. New York 101 34 .23 Ilescher. St. Loul ins 23 .22 Maranvllle. Boston 05 20 .21 Herzog. New York 95 10 .20 Daubert, llrooklyn 01 10 ,.il Whltted, Phillies 04 18 .19 lletzel. St. Louis 100 18 .18 l-'lack, Uhlcauo 93 10 .17 TEN LEADING SLUGGERS. 2H. sn. IIR. TD. ER. Williams, Chicago 14 fl 10 188 00 Hornsby. St. luls 8 14 6 HIS' 47 Stengel' llrooklyn ....... 18 B 8 118 40 Zimmerman. Chicago 22 8 B 1B3 43 Groh, Cincinnati 13 12 2 162 43 Doyle. Now York 22 8 3 145 44 Robertson. New York .... 12 0 0 102 42 Carey. Pittsburgh 10 S 0 182 42 Poskert, Phillies ..10 4 B 190 42 Nlehotr. Phillies 27 3 3 120 42 Pitchers Hecords o. w. u so.nn. h.wp.av. ItucKer. iirooKiya. u - -. i.uw Watson, St. Louis -410 0 7 1 o i.goo Airen Boston 12 a 1 no 2'J 04 I ,657 Hushes. IJoston.. !31 S 78 SU 03 2 .7.10 AlMUllder" Phils .30 3t 8 118 83 197 4 .124 tliir. Pmllle 23 13 5 09 30 120 6 .732 ilaruTuafd. ' llrook 21 3 3 ,7 S 80 1 .714 I'rener. r"iw,"sx Al sjVo 3 JA v "IS. ManislUX. I III" '" " "" u" ." Cheney, nrooklyn. 23 IS fl 00 70 107 0 .067 llenton NY.. .23 H 5 01 S3 120 S .007 Coombs, llrooklyn. 10 8 4 30 25 72 1 .007 KchUDP, N. Y..'..10 4 2 30 17 SO 3 .007 Nehf boston. . .-IS 4 2 2.121 80 3 .607 Tylr JJoVton. . . . i 7 4 MSI 04 2 .830 . rant.... ;.'-i-" -r:r x s n. :tt -z t'- Anrierson N X .-n ' 8 IW .J 14-. O ..- HMte N, Y... 20 8 fl 84 20 00 0 ,571 vSeitirS Chicago. 23 0 5 2T 21 00 2 .54.1 Mitchell. ClnelS. .20 7 ll 34 82 181 3 ,68J Demaree. Phlllles.24 10 0 78 28 1S8 4 ,5 VSug'anf ehlcigolai 12 12 18 4J 1S4 R .500 JIcQuUlan. PUU...18 1 10 41 SO 101 2 .001 itudSPpV Boston: :52 ii 7 7 so iii f. : i I'errltt ,N Y. . . . .27 12 8 70 40 123 1 ,800 llJnder. Phillies... SO 1 8 812.1111 2 '.5X3 tuSiXt.yrT ' uVnnb R ft Rl 58 IS'J 1 !7I PETEY Maybe Mrs. Dink's Was Higher Once r til ' aa IN ADVANCE OF COBB mm . :-ik, msmss j- .-ASfm hrmm Jrf WiL mssBm ?m - j rr msrA 1iiH AwKKmmMWmmXrJ, ji . W m&fUf 'KM2mmas&mWm W" $r W w? tr v iiitifti?i?ialtis& fbusMtlBBLP?7 SliiitJw&vijs&lsvx .1 " tSr mm?! 2 vsflT! JM$wBs&aM &ZZ' S J-& " . ' vmgtiaKai Yy3sK4.RgSMkw'' 7r vmmxssf ir ?. mm . if -sMa-aa. &e-" furctztL ffi . i "1 " " twssa ' abh mk&ms.-4tsvxm .tm&stm. i.ittmif. km7 fcjirjTnpv -! w '; if AiMVMuii ftsiT jIWSMPSSJSFrl!PsSkijr. BH mst f ' alf ' wasiiS ikw & tm rrf&3M. - ,a jsm m& &Miwmm w f!"Tj'r j j-sr-' AMrx.'jt.Vfi mm wmyv 5WWO& rfKMUA ' 'Q"' MKLB 'REDDY' ROBERTS, TINY GOLFER, SCALPS 'BIG CHIEF' BENDER WITH DEADLY LINKS SHOTS Shoots an 84 at Cobb's Creek to the 88 of His Giant Opponent Bala Ends By SANDY McNIBLICK EIGHTV-TWO pounds of Amerlcnn youth went out on tho troll of a full-blooded 200-pound Chlppfyva Indian, nt Cobb's Creek and Just naturally scalped tha biff rcdman by a marifin of five strokes on tho golf course. Today "neddy" Roberts, a tiny, freckle faced, tow-hended golfer, sticks out his boy ish bosom and tells anyone that wants to know how ho trimmed "BIr Chief" Bender yesterday, over tho publlo course, when he shot an 84 to the "Chlefn" 88. "I was bIx under lives," piped "Reddy" In Ills soprano voice, " 'n I guess the pace was a ll'l too hot fer the old .'Chief.' " "Ueddy" Is actually about half a hend taller than his driver. It's an old grass blackened bludgeon, and "Reddy" has to take a mean grip op Its middle to hold It In lino when he Bwlngs Into tha ball, But ho has tho exact form of tho expert pro, the stance, the tiny over-the-ball waggle, nnd tho shot-timing that maka for distance. Ills ball flies away on a. Una that Is re markable for a kid who does not look as If he could knock a ball off the tee. Ills bag Is an old ragged canvas thing that was given to him by a player, the same as were the clubs he uses. His Tool Kit "Red" has three of these his driver and two Irons. lis has a maahlo and a cleek. They're rusty, they're old and they're tat tered, "But they do tha bis, so why should I worryl" asks "Red," as ho cuts his ball right up to the pin. "Chief" had to whistle every now and then as ha tried to Blip up a shot and then watched his midget opponent bend Into one that sailed up Ilka a bird to tha pin. Tha Indian's brown face widened Into a great big grin whenever ha was lucky enough to win a hole. AH the time "Reddy" Just played his shots unconcernedly, picked, up his tattered bag, hitched up tha trousers which were almost voluminous enough to have fitted a certain sporting editor ot parts, and sidled along to Jook way up at the "Chief." up to whose waist ha nearly reached. The best thing about "Reddy," aside from his golf, was his golf outllt. His red hair was covered by a big cap, pulled down almost over hla freckled nose. The trousers he wore wera In the natura of pants and vest combined, for they reached way ud nearly to his armnlts. In tha pockets were 24 golf balls, for ballast. A Dell wun u iuiiji cim ooemeu to compress OME GIANTS WHO PLAY TODAY DOYIE One Long Wallop rinxers fomlnr to Ihe eletenth tee nt Shntinee Intnrlnlily ore nttrncted i fen yards hack of It lo a spot where there Is an opening In the frlnxe of woods' anil u lienu tirul uoorilnm! seene from the hehthts. across the liro.id. black river to the jreen banks unil woods on either side. ,, In the nilnil of nearlr etery witness colter rises tho Question ns to.. whether It would ho possible to drlte a ball nrrosa nil thnt solitude. ... , .. The lieUht at which one stands nboie the rUer makes It look llke.nn ensr carry, and scores upon scores of playerij liao tried to accomplish the feat. Some lime hit what they have docrlbed nn "extra. Ions" balls, but nil lme fallen short, and the legend, of the spot was that no golf ball rniild eter be driven aeros, Ilrlt Halter llngrn. Metropolitan open champion und former open champion or the rolled Mates, who has "busted up many legends In his young life, cared nought. for the evil spirits said to be hoierlnc about to tlnmrt such attempts, nor did be care for the untrrspasneil banks on the fnr fide or the river, or the solemn solitude nnd gran deur of the scene. ... ,. . , lie set out n bull on the eleventh ten dur ing his meeting with till Nlrholls for the llucktvood Mhlfld on H'rdnesday nnd, as the huge gallery struggled for n look und bent bark the branches of Ihe trees, Ilagen made n generous sweep at his ball. It sailed high and straight, right arross the rUer. Ilko.u white swallow set free. The carry I Judged to be nearly 300 sards. somewhat his youthful ribs. His spiked shoes wera also donated and allowed plenty of space to move around in. Caddies Incidentally "Reddy" coddles at Whltemorsh most of the time when ho is not scalping Indians nnd other wild bo! fens. Ho caddies for Bender every chance he gets. Yesterday tha giant baseball pitcher, trapshooter, billiard player and all-around athleta gavo "Reddy" a chance to show how well he could play. "I showe'I him the good, I did," piped "Reddy." "H had me two down on holes, but he couldn t stay with me on tha medal." Today Is tin- last day of tho blue-ribbon Bala annual.tnvltatlon tourney, and all hands have long -slnca voted this the most success ful of the four tourneys held so far. The only tiling to mar the whole meet ing was tho misfortune that happened to John C. McAvoy. resident of tho Bala Golf Club, when he fell from a bicycle ha was riding, and broke his arm It Is feared. Tha brake locked and he was thrown on his shoulder very heavily. Only a lucky frac tion prevented, him from being thrown head on into a treo. But the only time the otherwise cheer ful "Prexy" frowns Is when he thinks of the worst thing it will mean to him. "No mora golf for seven weeks," ha groans. "Savon weeks, Jubt think of It," Then ha twists his Injured wing to see if It isn't r-sally all right after all. and yells right cut when he finds It certainly it not ! Charllo Iloffner, rhllmont'a wizard pro, was among the gallery that followed tha 20-holf match of his amateur brother, George Hoffner, and Edward Clarey. t WITH A ,.396 OTHER SPORTS NEWS VICTRIX HAS EDGE ON SHANAHAN FOR C.Y.EAJU. TITLE Close Battle Expected for Lau rels in Annual Catholic Athletic Games COLLEGE STAHS ENTERED By TED MEREDITH The P. R. R. T. M. C. A. Athletic Grounds will bo thoocenoof a flno battle to day when the Vlctrlx Catholic Club nnd tho Khnnnhan Catholic Club meet In tho 24th Annual Field Day of tho C. Y. M. A. U. These two clubs will not claim nil of tho nttcntlon, for there will lie several othor clubs In tho Catholic Champlmshlps, but the real struggle nnd interest ill bo cen tered on them. It Is generally conceded that tho meet will amount to practically a dual meet between the two clubs. Both clubs nro out for the title this year nnd havo been on tho Job bolstering up tho strength of tholr teams. Shnnahan has won this title several times, but does not Bccm to be willing to glvo It n (V without a hard fight. On tha other hand, tho Vlctrlx Club has never really been a favorite contender for tho prize. This year It hns stolen a march on its rivals and seems to be tho likely win ners. Meet is Closed Since this meet Is a closed affair tha clubs can tnke men from other clubs nnd uso them for this meet without hurting tho standing of theso men under the rules of tho A. A. U. , This condition has Bent both clubrf out after material nnd they both fared very well, with A'lctrlx probably having a llttlo tho hotter of It. Shnnahan has a host of stars on its list, Frank Dorsoy, Penn's next yenr's captain, nnd Eddie Mechan. a local hoy and student of Notro Dame University, being two of Its prominent runners. Tho Vlctrlx Club nlso has a few local schoolboys nnd collego mon wearing Its colors, Tom Dougherty, Eddlo Brennan, Glllam nnd others will sport tho Vlctrlx emblem. A. A. U. Championships All tho athletic clubs In the Itlddlo Atlan tic district nre out getting rendy for their A. A. U. championships, which will tako tnko plnce on Houston Field, August 26. Tho games promise to ho tho best this dis trict has stnged for many years both for tho number of contestants and for tho cali ber of men who aro to represent their re spective clubs. Gcrmantown Boys' Club will put a team out which will be a well-balanced bunch. Samuel J. Dallas and Jimmy Currnn, of tho Meadow-brook Club, have not been asleep, however, nnd will have n hunch which nro out for the highest honors and will not ba denied without a hnrd struggle. Mcadowbrook added Izzie Houch to Its 1st of stars recently nnd In him the club nns a man who is good ior a couple or places. Harvey Reed and Davis, two Mer cersburg boys, also will wear the Mcadow brook colors. COBB'S CREEK CLUB TO HOLD FIRST TOURNEY Four Classes to Compete Honors on Public Links This Afternoon for Cobb's Creek Golf Club will hold Its first tournament over the public links today, being for Classes A, B, C and D, 18 holes. Medal play, Class A, for those having done the course In 100 or less; B, 101 to 115; C, 116 to 126; D, 126 and over. Winner becomes his class champion and wins a driver or brassie, During the day the trophies to ba played for in later tournaments will be exhibited In the cafe ot tha ladles' clubhouse, viz: The September (September i) and October (October T) cups donated by the Hotel Add phla; tha championship trophy (September 2) alio presented by Hotel Adelphla, and tha silver flower vasa presented by Uatley, Banks & Diddle for the invitation ladles' tournament (September 9) open to all lady members of recognized golf clubs. t t fjOOTJ t-IEAUPUS i,... .1 EVANS UNABLE TO OVERCOME HIS ONE WEAKNESS PUTTING By GRANTLAND KICE TUB Gentlemanly Duffer reported with tho announccmnet that ho had a number of Questions to nek, "Flro nway," we remarked. "Tell me this," he said, "Chick Evans has practiced putting for hours, days, weeks, months and years at a time. Yet putting has been tho weakest part of his game. He never has practiced driving 10 minutes, he says, yet lie la a most accurate driver nnd a long hitter. Why Is It, If prac tice means so much as every one advises, that Evans Isn't a wonderful putter nnd a poor driver?" vVhllo wo were pondering this complex quory tho Gentlemanly Duffer Interjected with this: "You might answer these two ruierles together. Here Is the other: Of lalo years Jerry Travcrs has Rpcnt more ttmo work ing his drive than anything else. He hns given no great ttmo to putting. Yet he Is still n wonderful putter and a some what crrntlo driver. What, If nny, is tho nnswer?" Knack nnd Practice The answer Is that Individual problems In golf aro beyond our earnest range. Evans 'picked up tho knack of driving when ho was a kid. had confidence In his stroke, and so required no practice. On tho other hand, Evans stnrtcd put ting on slow greens with a mldlron, lost his confidence when he hit fast greens and had to uso a putter, nnd constnnt practice failed to help because his trou ble was psychological, not physical. Travers learned to putt early, devel oped confidence with, this club, and so had no mental worries attached when ho picked It up. Ho developed a bad fault of changing his swing, shoulder high In driving, lost his confidence In tho driver, nnd this worked against his success from the tee. For the Averages Golf problems must be worked out for SCHOOLS AND sasV"jT27 R If SflRSSx I I F..HUina iJLiHM COLLEGES iniil lawit-'i 1 Department of Commercial Education Offers Instruction In Money nnd Credit, Insurance. Banking, Brokerage. Corpora tion Finance, Investments, Commercial Law (three years). Real Estate Law. Auditing, Advanced Accounting (preparing for tho Stnto Board examinations for the tlegreo of Certified Public Accountant), Political Economy. Geography of Com merce, Industrial History nnd Organiza tion nnd ouraes In Foreign Languages. Prepare to accept nn executive position or to enter business for yourself by mntrlculatlng In this department. Candidates who have a four-year high school training or Its equivalent are ellglblo for admission. Other courses offered In this department are Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Conveyancing, Advertising, Salesmanship, Plan Reading and Estimating, and Business Preparatory courses. For detailed Information, write, 'phone or call for Catalog G-3. rhone. Diamond (131 Temple university JL Broad Rt.. below Berks JL Philadelphia TKAC1IKUH for schools and schools for teach ers; free to employers, Nat" I Teachers' Agy D. II. Cook. Zil Perry Hldg. Spruce 2723. SPANISH Tutorlnc. Pure CastllUn. Prlr. or class less. Translations, t'rof. ds Alters, llll Wnlnut.l'n.Wsl.UDtl Yoiin Men nnd Boys i Naval Architecture gfi ffi..,lJi Drawing;, Mathematics, Mechanics. Moderate fee. The Franklin Institute, IS H. 7th St., Phtla. MKItClSKSHUnO. PA. " The Mercersburg Academy FOR DOYS Merrenburr, Fa. Etna for Catalonia to Wui, Mann Irvine. Fn.D., j-l.ij., iieaomnsier. uox u. BOnDKNTOWN. N. J. BOIIDBNTOWN MIMT-AKY INSTITUTE An excellent school for the averase boy. who needs careful zuldanre In study and hsblts. Healthful location, preparation for roll;se or business. Writ for catalogue. Tho Principal. Hordentown-on-the-Oelawars. N. J. KTUr,EHKM, PA. Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepares for leading; colleges. Ext. ground and atbfetlo fields. New bides. Catalogue on request. Jonn if. iucxsj..u.A..ueaaniastf r.smionem.x-o. LANfJA STErt. PA. FRANKLIN and MARHIIAT.I, ACADEMY, Hat 412. Lancaster. Pa. Prepares boys for leading collsKss and technical schools. For catalog address The Principal. NEWTON. N. i. Newton Academr.Seml-mllltary. BStri yiir.Ilomi school for 40 boys near N. x. Kate mod.Calalos. P. H. VlIoo. I'rlnctoaU Ho I X- Nawlon. N. J. JJMIMIQi Vj.i. Invites you to brinpr your boy to see its campus of one hundred acres, Its lake, proves, well-kept athletic fields, its two-hundred-acre farm ad joining, and enjoy its beautiful scenery in the healthful highlands of Northern New Jersey. Blair is housed -in eight imposing buildings, mostly of fireproof stpne and concrete construction, including Dormitories, Recitation Hall, Labora tories, the new double Gymnasium, with its running track of fifteen laps to the mile. Iilalr offers courses leading to a general education and preparation for col. lege or technical schools. Write for catalog ; then, if possible, visit the school and see for yourself. JOHN C. SHARPE, LL. D, Headmaster, lllalrstown, N. J, Sittu-flvo mites from AVu) York: twelve- mAle front tin Delaware Water Gap. it t the general average, hot for the Individ ual. Ted Ray can sway all over ft, teel and stilt hit one down the middle. But 999 arolfers out of 1,000 with the saule swing would wear out three nlbllcs a round. One of tho best professional golfers we know of never practiced 10 minutes In his life that Is, actual practice not In volved In playing around. Ho picked up tho game when a ktd In Scotland, so hla case Is not ono to follow. Confidence and Such "Judging from the above," continued the Gentlemanly Duffer, "you would say that confidence In a club Is a big part of the game. Then explain this I, nnd many oth era that I know, have gono out frequently when we had full confidence In our game nnd were sure of good scorea Yet we played miserably. On other days wo have gone out when wo had no confidence In any club, yet everything seemed to be easy and each shot camo off much bettor than our normal gamo. 'Why Is that!'" We began to have a brief, but strong In ward hunch that our afternoon was going to be a total loss. Wo had only this answer: Confidence In a club counts on the nverage, not for Indi vidual Instances. Golf, more than any other game, Is n matter of one day's or orje week's mental nttltude. Of a sudden, for np apparent reason, one Is off. Why? The player Is In good health, has been playing good golf, conditions aro all favorable and yet he can't hit a shot. Why again? Be cause his mentnl attitude for tho day Is' all awry, out of gear or out of focus. There is no co-ordination between his mind and his muscle. An old Don Marquts has Bald, "Mind Is superior to matter when there is nothing tho matter." But If the proper co-ordination between brain nnd musclo Is lacking, no living man can haul It together again under fire. Mil -ij - r m BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL Will Help You to Bigger Fay- Why be a toller forever? Tou can b a Secretary. Bookkeeper or Stenostrnpncr and earn far better wages If you will faithfully at-' tend hero three nlahts a week. Tho cost Is small, work pleasant, surroundings delightful. Send for New Catalogue. Night School opens Sept. fl. Enter nny time. 925 Chestnut St., Philadelphia J C SALESMANSHIP Salesmanship pays better than other employment, w train ambitious young men and place them, dend for par ticulars. Straycr'a Business College i 801-807 Cheitnut St.. Fhlla. Walnut 384 Mala X3S0 FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOIi , nova no n. loTii st girls "Almost a Country School" on the Parkway. A thoroughly modern day school with over two cen turies of worthy traditions, Elementary and High bchool departments, Bmphasls on broad general culture and simple Christian living, with regard for tho needs and aptitudes of each child. Cata logue WALTini W. HAVILAND. Principal. Younc Ladles and Glrla ovEjimtgojc pa .MISS SAYWAUD'B SCHOOL TOR GIRLS Orcrhrook, Fhlla., 1'a. College Preparatory, bpeclal Courses. Junior and Musical Depart ments. Athletics. DJmestlc Science. Carriage rails for pupils In lis la. Cynwyd. Merlon and Wynnefleld. .Miss B. Janet Suywnrd. Principal. OAK LANE. PA. MISS MARSHALL'S SCHOOL FOR OIRL8 Charmlnu location 20 mln. from Fhlla. College preparatory and general courses. Music, Art, Domestic. Science. Outdoor athletics. Send for catalog. Miss E. S. Marshall, Oak Lane. Fhlla. BWARTHMORE, PA. TIIE MARY LION SCHOOL A Country School In a College Town. College Prep. Certlf. prlr. deneral 1 and Finishing Courses. Oppor. for adv. study. One teacher to every six girls. Opan-alr ciaMrms. BBVJiN OABLBS. our Jr. School tor "."! It ff-JE"n.ep. II.M.Crlat.A.Jl..rraa. ces L.Crlt,A.lt..Prlns. llox ISOS.Swarttuuere.Pa. jrORRjtWDALE, FA. MONTF.SSORI TEACHER TRAINING SCHOOL Young ladles girls: prac. courses: send for ?' c.a.U ! J-J. 3". Anderson. Directress.' Hoi 112. Torresdala House. Torrsadals. Fa. SW1MMINO Y. CENTRAL NATATORIUM xr Swim In water changed dally and purified. " Cost In addition to membership fee of fit C Three months' use at pool, 13; six lesions. A ,Ji viiiaia ayviiii. mo ccniB. Uil Arch'st., Philadelphia. Young Men and Boy a 11LAIRSTOWN. N. J. By C. A. V01GHT h J'l I i toL-1 ' " ' " us- l-is. . wk 'f Aw H 60 waif ) m IK, : I OVoo- J AVf Fovt kwow "Sot l ' FOSW HE J ) PeTEY! y I -yw RE WOT UP To Vour "Tmc tove of Ntme. L." ( Tmatt circ out Them- V-OPVITBE SO SCARY." J -n J ?!. v yT V -Dpur-BESO scary." J - ' r-s ' E : l" jt!- nvo' nn 1 " ..I "nTT"1 '' '1 ' '' "" " "m "- sssMllirl II 111 n " i mi i i i -. ' Jt " I ' jf '