IflHWRWIH j''pwiTiuwitiiWfllJi, m V-WW iff jp: I" WVMtm LEDaBIPHILVBELPHlA, frBIJDAY, ATOUST 11, 1916. GOOD FORM ADVISABILITY OF KEEPING CLOTHING ACCOUNT QUESTIONS AND ANSWER KEEP A DR&SS BUDGET LATEST EFFICIENCY CRY, M'LISS SAYS tTo Be Tastefully Garbed on the Least Money, It Is Necessary to Take to Books, Experts Write Convincingly SEEN IN THE SHOPS I F "TTtlllLn fashion reportu, with the Idea YY of stimulating: via to nn even greater enrtorlal extravaganco than that which vre usually practice, warn us that skirts aro to bo longer and fuller, materials richer and furs more popular than ever, efficiency experts, after havinsr "cleaned Up" everything else in the world to their entire satisfaction, havo now nrrlvedat the conclusion, that this earth would be a bettor and happier place to Uvo In did women keep clothing bu'dgcts. Ono of the attributes of his superiority that man has always pointed to with pride is his ability to make the debit and credit columns of his commercial ac counts balanco with that perfection which is at once a source of wonderment and ndmlration to every woman. 1 , True, if ono were to pursue tho analysis Into tho business ofllco ono would And, more than likely, that tho brilliant, glit tering success of which your average husband boasts to his admiring wlfo Is tho result of soma quiet, proficient female bookkeeper, around which tho efllclency of his business revolves. Dut still tho fact remains that in all carefully con ducted business concerns accounts are kept and In many carefully conducted homes they aro not The Idea of entering In a book a sep arate item for each Jabot or each spool of cotton Is not particularly appealing, and yet so convincingly does a writer in tho Journal of Home Economics sot forth the advantages to bo reaped from keeping a clothing budget that oven If ono wanted to ono couldn't think of arguments to refute tho logic. "The keeping of a clothing budget," wo learn, "Is exceedingly helpful, par ticularly In showing from year to year what things were economical and what extravagant Each problem Is an Indi vidual ono and must bo studlod as such; a rule which worlcs for ono person may not work for the next. It may bo great economy for the woman at home who Is Wilful with her needle to havo several Inexpensive dresses which she makes for herself, while for the next woman it Is much better economy to have one good dress mado to order. For one ready made clothing may be very satisfactory, for tho noxt not at all so. "Women are too likely to think of economy only in terms of dollars and cents. In comparing tho cost of different garments the time element Is often neg lected. To ono woman a ready-made garment seems oxpcnslvo because she compares it only with tho cost of tho material In a garment alio herself makes, whllo sho considers an article on which alio has put hours of tlmo cheap if the cloth did not cost much. Tho length of llfo of a garment, tho satisfaction gained from It and tho cost of maintenance must all be considered. A cotton nnd wool skirt may bo lnexpcnstvo In tho first placo, but It Is a poor investment if It must always bo at the pressor's. Neither does a cheap dress that hangs In tho closet because ono docs not like It provo nn oconomy. "In working out your plan decide defi nitely whether your outfit is to center around n suit or a coat. If you havo decided that it is to bo a suit, purchase up to It in ovory detail, eliminating every other typo of dress or costume If it Is to bo a coat dresses and accessories must bo developed In your plan. "Thcso plans may be rotated very ef fectively, working out ono type of cos tumo ono year, tho other tho following year, being careful to mako harmonious selections that may later bo combined. Tho budget of courso, assumes somo clothing on hand and roprcsonts tho pur chase for ono year." If wo who are determined to have a try at tho clothing budget system survive tho experience, we'll doubtless bo able to save considerable dollars on tho an nual wardrobo. "But" a3 somo ono feelingly remarks, "cfllclency's going to kill all thoso pcoplo that tho war overlooks." M'LISS. Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address ell communication! to M'Llss. curt of ttiK Evenlnr Ledger. Write on one side or the paper only. Dear M'Llss Thank you for the bold stand ou took on tho subject of gossipy womn. No. It li not necessary lor marrlrd women to be but -many of them seem to think It li. I llko ,our writing because you ore not nfrnlrt of tho truth. M. II. Thank you. Tour second question, which I have de leted, will be answered by mnll. MRS. p. It Fashion queries aro answer ed In The Woman Who Sews Column on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Look for your answor there, plense. To the correspondent who aBks me to criticize hor letter, I would say frankly, you are explicit In your expression, but too verbose. Your Grammatical construction Is had ana you have made a few grammatical errors. .. A ) . wKSSSSl WKrWKk GOOD FORM Qaod form oueries should be ad dressed to Deborah Ilush, urttten on ono tide of the paper and stoned ioith full name and address, though Initiate ONLY cill be published upon request. Thl cotumn tclll appear In Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's Evening Ledger. x Echoes of Car Sent Controversy . Dtor Dtborah Kvth1 have been sway from home. so missed ,J. 0. K.'s letter when t was published. If It l not too late. I should like to nnswer It. I have sen thnj flPmnTl',I whom ho speaks and have felt llke lu!ln In earnest, I wai thinking not eo much of the receiver of the courtesy a me River, i " courtesy doe not atop to consider whether trie recipient li bold or hy, vulgar or "lined, rich or poor. high or low. It Is eo Innate that a man or woman does not stop, to consider. J'lr or she worthy?'' If I should stop to thlnK It over each tlmo I am afraid I should become so critical that I should be the loser. rsrnaps my, Ideal of manhood, Is too hlih. but I do not believe It. In Haltlmore on; time when I visited the city, the men. without stopptngto consider, waited until all the, women ' ""gK the car before they rot on. I have no doubt that If thy had stopped to consider they wouMnsy found some not worthy. It was 'up to them to be courteous. Just as I think "It l up to all men nnd women, no matter to whom. Tno other day an Italian workman rave me P In the car and office men nil around remained seated. In which una tho rourteyy Innate? As J. G. K.'s letter was written as far back as July 3, I am reprinting It for tho hotter understanding of your letter by my renders. As J. O. K. seemed anxious for your answer, perhaps he will sco the abovo, though It is rather late. Ills letter of July 3 follows: Dear Deborah Rush I see, there has been suite a discussion In .your column about men giving up their seats In street enrs, or trnlns, too. I suppose, for that matter, to women. Now, I would like to ask "Worklnc Girl" and "Another Itlder" what they think of the women who wait till nfternoon to .go shopping and then set Into the cars, at the B o'clock rush hour, with their arms full of bundles, and aro not really tired, but ularo at the men who do not rive up their seats to them? I think wo havo somethlne on our aldo In this matter, really, and I would llks very much to hear what "Another ltldor" thinks about It. I J. u, K, Dance "With Others Ucnr Dflioran Ru'ih When a man takes a girl to a party and she allows other men to "'cut In" on his dances. Is It all rlrht. for him to ask other girls to dance that Is. "cut In" on their dances -or should he lust wait until the drl he takes will dance with him araln7 Certainly a man may dance with other girls than tho ono ho lmppenn to take to tho dance with him. IIo Is, of course, required. In a way, to keep his oyo on hor, no that she may not have to bo too long with any ono man, but If sho has plenty of partnors all evening, he should bo free o mior himself dancing with others. Ho should, of course, danco as often with her as she will permit Suggest Games , Dear .Deborah nu)h-t m slvlys a small nformat party to 20 friends "VthnuJht of we wll not want to dance! " '.."j;'"'" stsrtlnr some ou el grimes. Could you suit Best any foTmo Do you think ice cream nnd cake would bo sufficient refreshments? Why not have a story-telline n. HT each guest to tell of somo lnter.ti,? A; dent In his or her life, or If "1 u I . '"el to havo the affair too personal som. . n cldent which ho or Bho has com. il " In with. It the young people havT an 1 ?ntw ing way of talking this Bhoutd b?i"Ht Joyablc. Tho old-fashioned ,.' quences usually causes a good rfe.i '?111 but a light Is required to write flL0.1!''" and rend them by. let, cream n!ithI should be plenty for an informal Ttts.' """""AUItUSR,;; z.T.mn J Wfm sskssg' W0iwmk itiM ' in NfWlWlliMi "Finest Flavor,m$mi$mL ' Fairest Price" Swk ' Write m tor copy ot NSll:liilgM "Cook's Tours Through Wilburland" I m''MiU,i JnnM x H. O. Wilbur & Son., Inc., Philadelphia MARION HARLAND'S CORNER Taklnp; Music Lessons I am 12 years . old. I am taktns musle lessons. I should like to set some flrst-rrado rimwvm infc iu iiwaer mMi noc neea any more should lovo to havo them and will plndly paj Postare. DOItOTIlY li. Junior members of tho family who have passed Into higher grades will take especial note of the 12-year-oId's'modest and well penned potltlon and act accordingly. It Is never worth whllo to hoard old music. Ite new Its youth nnd period of usefulness by jetting Dorothy'a address from us and using It Magazines and Music I hav a few old marazlnes and would wllllnr ry lend them to any ono who would care to havo them, especially. a shut-In. I also havo orae, old music, which, perhaps, some ono wuutu UIIU uao lur JIAUJvX W. U. A masculine member responds cordially to the oft-uttered wishes for magazines and tnualo, two of our most popular staples. There la no "perhaps" In tho mention of the music. At least, none to our apprehension. That stock Is ever above par on our ek thango. I In your Corner mat Ida I P. wants a. German lilble. I ease send me her address. gS-ii-f m 01ly' '."?. Blal1 '.? T"' " on to her. hould her want b supplied, you mar keep my ddresa for tho next application for th book. EJUIA K. Ida Ij. S. had her German Bible before we had your letter. As you kindly sug geat we will hold yours for another claim ant Your address and the offer are grate fully registered. Children's Spongo Cake In compliance with your Invitation to prac tical housekeepers to contribute recipes they have proved to be rood I offer this for children's fonif.l.cak.eL nr.V,Rk twP """ ,nt0 " cud. nil It up with rich milk, add one cup of susar and one and two-third cups of flour with two tea f2?n! of. takl.n" voyatr. Flavor to taste and SW 1?rl' for.,lv "llnutes. Uake In rem pans. This makes 20 small cakes. I have used this reclpo for six years. a. J. J. If there be a more wholesome cako for children's table than simple sponge It has not yet come to my knowledge. One com pounded according to the formula we owe to an esteemed contributor, eaten leisurely, and washed down by a glass of sweet pure milk, Is sure to be welcome on a summer day. Try It and let us know how It "goes." Pie Crust From Whole Wheat I am anxious to secure a recipe for maklnr Pie crust from whole wheat and wonder I? you can supply It. I Inclose a stamped envelope for reply- ULIZAHETIt F. Having no such recipe on hand, and In fact, never having seen pastry In which whole wheat was the leading Ingredient I refer your request to the great guild of Corner housemothers. I suppose It Is a sort of health bread, rather than "per nicious pastry," which Is barred from the dyspeptic's dietary. We shall bo glad to have directions for maklnr it NEW SERGE MODEL A SMART nnd useful frock Is this one of navy serge, the popular fall fabric with which tho Inevitable georgette crepe In self-color Is used for the sleeves, which, In turri, are banded with serge. White satin Is uaed for tho vestec, which 1b orna mented with self-loop and novelty pearl buttons. Tho bolero effect is faced with purple satin, tho samo color being repeated In tho wool embroidery which trims tho pockets and borders tho skirt Hanging pendant from tho bolero effect and pockets' tops Is black Batln ball trimming. PlaltB add fulness 'to tho sltlrt which monmiren nr ihr yards In width. This quaint Quaker model may bo ordered In black or navy serge with various colored trimmings for $10.75, in white sergo for $22.50. The hat, which seems to be mado for tho frock, has a Puritan crown and large drooping brim. It has a black satin top nnd velvet facing and Is banded with white plcoted grosgrain ribbon finished In the back with a smart bow. A triple satin cord encircles the top of the crown. A white Bea gull Is Its only other trimming. The hat may be had In all whlto, all black, white with black, or as shown, black with white Special value, $5. The nnme or the shop where these articles may be purchased will be supplied by tho Editor of the Woman's Page, Evening- LnoaEn, 80S Chestnut streot The request must bo accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, and must mention the date on which tho article appeared. typhoid Infantile Paralysis Tuberculosi' Diphtheria Ss fr THE CHEERFll CHM wtmmmmamKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tket people. wKo W tkirvja ivre, orxtn unhappy 1 due.33 trA re.ve.T la The. ft-ct yov cwvt poultice, tv sick dianositiork Wrfck .vtotYvokiles, rvrv""; S). ..si s, -FARMER SMITHS RaAINBOW CLUB A CAR TRACK IS NOT A LIBRARY! """" '"'"'' 'ysy ssgs5"g'.y 'tict iiui';iiir.yat iibbbbbbbbb , -.. . ,, , z zismsex-s&'jf'jrw?" 3Bisr-.3 m iittMi lii '$ s . - WW HHUi'l ".$ ' . n: v- fW&w&t -' ' I 1 1". JBHBT Sli? y,,j : ""SSSfSKSESiH.' 'swunetSal if) 1: : MAWMl iijLj. . x-'-'l i4 . m Am ,lfy?y ? - ' - iaf ilv sot HI t ONLY ONE DAY MORE to trv far the 100 TIOT.T.APHi mnya, a PRIZES that have, been offered for the BEST STORIES, DRAWINGS and IDEAS on how to prevent and avoid accidents. Tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Safety First Contest closea tomorrow. August 12, SEND CONTRIBUTIONS to PARMER SMITH. '.-'. Tbiners to Know and no. 'v til Ba.bi' is very very busy Ha Kns : teu- liHiutt L Y a He can't tfcflko even ta -wi4 lrwu tUara, X can nwk three t,, Fl1 ? Hn ww biaitwo Uttwa. f R D A B, from which J can make two words. What are thy? J) Anagram Make two words ft-am "PIL1. DICKLE" by chaogisar pUs with THE BABY BABOON AND THE PIN POINT By Farmer Smith "Jlmm-e-e-e 1" Jimmy Monkey poked his head out of his window. It was the Baby Baboon call- iiit,. "res; dearle-e-e!" "Come down here and I'll dearie-e-e you I" shouted Jimmy, as he Jumped over his lit tie white bed and scampered down the stairs. As he jumped off the porch a thought struok him. 'Wait a minute," he said to the Baby and then scooted upstairs again. He care fully pulled a pin from the pincushion and started down the stairs with It When he reached the Baby Baboon's side he said; "Did you know that when you stick a pin in you it hurts the nln 1h h ... as It hurts youj" """ "It doesn't at all pins havo no feeling," answered the little felloW. you try it "No, I know all about it. Ynn .-i ... C.niBi,dn't.beinve ' SuPPose you let roe hurt thaVaV" yU and "' " !t d0eBn,t "How will I know If it hurts the uinr1 ?t2 th?.utM 'tow, doubtinVver? much whether it was really so or not BairBabaarm.,tUCk la la th ;?mUhJ SttW ".'? . hr. .-' r "- iuwuu ana t&en said: "I don't hear the plq,-" ' "Never wind the pin. It hurt MB" an swered the Baby Baboon. 'The next time you want to try anything like tha" you ffy it on yourself. And-and mother hVs.u made a, cherry pi Rnd and you won't Lv. .: ,w "u in mat," "I'm tarry," said Jimmy. To stop dandruff and loss of hair Shampoo with hot. water, rubhirrg thoroughly into the sculp the rich, creamy lather of Resinol Soap. so as to soften nnd stimulate the scalp, to remove the dead skin and cells, and to work the soothing-, liealmi! Resinol balsams wll im,. me roots 01 me nair. Klnse Bradually cooler w'ater. the fi water belntr cold. Drv the i. tlioroutjlllv. without arllfiri.nl i.J, This simple, agreeable method almost always stop3 dandruff and scalp itching, and keeps the hair live,, thick and lustrous. RntnolSoaplearunottlcllntitornnplcit. tnt odor la the hair. Uitd rttulirly for ths toilet. It clears and freihens the compleiloa wonderfully. Sold wherever .toilet Kooda ar carried. For free sample, write to Dcpt. J-P, Rulnol. Ilaltlmore, Md. ' KILL THEM wacre the war of extermination O relentlessly and thus protect vour home and familv WS r a.1 1 ri 1. ,,., , . J S Hum Luc ravages 01 mese aisease ananitn oeanng pests. SHEPARB'S HOUSE FLY AND INSECT KILLER will positively kill all files, mosqultos, moths, pnals, ants, roaches, bodbups, fleas ana other Insects. Harmloaa to human beings, but surpdeath to insect and GERM llfo. PROMINENT HEALTH OFFICIALS ENDORSE AND RECOMMEND IT. At a recent test at Washington 300 flies were liberated in a room 12x20 feet and fumes from a bottle of Shepard's House Fly and Insect Killer were sprayed in the air. After a few minutes every fly in the room was dead. The success of the test is certified to by A. L. Marry, M. B., Supt. of Health, Washington D. C, and C. H. Popenoe, Insect Investiga tor, U. S. Deot of Agriculture. ' b n.iiX.0.1 P.y0"" nnd f,anliy protection against disease carrying insects. Don't wait iuntll It is too late. If your dealer cannot suddIv vdi. wrii SHEPARD'S CHEMICAL CO, WILMINGTON, N.C '1 2iai -..- ...n-- . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, ms-Msis jinuusanos lesuiy Tim Origins! MALTED MILK Upbuilds and sustains the body No Cooking or Milk required Uaed for of a Century Free Sample EortlcVa, Racine, WU. ' Industrial Chemistry including food analysis and courses fitting graduates for positions in steel plants, drug manufactories, paint factories and dyeing estab lishments. Ask for Catalog M-37 Phone, Diamond 631 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY J Brood S, below llerks I Philadelphia. We Guarantee Positions 10 an wno complete our Practical Huslness Courses. Ilecomo a BUnoi' rapher. Dookkeeper. Becretary or Bate, man. Htudenlo aces 14 to 40 Iloth .B,e.V.",?a; ,nd N'ht- Charges mod. erate. Begin your course now? Strayer's Business Collejre Walnut SHI jitfn sslo 'J - vj 1 BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE PALMS SCHonr Thirty years at 17th and Chestnut Stre.. Business. Shorthand and Becre'ar"j' "'' SMSSS&SJi NEW llLOOjlFlKT.n, PA. llloomfleld Academy! CourtV?i.l;ar.N?!r aiory, music. Uuslness. Norm.rT.r-". "S"' moqern hu Idlmri fV i,... ."".' ? "',?. 0Ae"!!'JJyw. for KS.ui..ft2a J .ru5.'?"..83!. ...... .w.w. ..w V9 , I .tin.. m 1 - USLri Pupils undsY IB yeara-Soec'lST ??",. nil'. IllUn. X''!f!i 1 J --.- Xeir Dloomll.ldr'K'' UAXOVia. N. Yoom ladles and Olrls SJJll....... 'So am I." aaewered the Bbr n.w lovely pie." , "tor It U a FAIIMEB SMITH, I wUa to become a member of your JtetaJ Club. Plewa n1 m; beautiful Rainbow Button free. I ama VvrL.,JJT'rlJ3 KINTDNES3 EACH AND EVERY DAT, SPREAD AUTTLH SUNBHINB AU ALONa THBWa? Nam .....,...,,.'.,..,,,,.,.,.,,, Addreaa . A$ . . . imtmnjuiiuimiiir, DIAMONDS Fine) Whit Diamond SrOS. In style Gold Mounting Other Grnlleman's Blags from IJ3.C0 to OVW.W. eaureiy nsir Ilk. Ors.n $375 THOMPSON 0 5Tfisfi3sya so. sth st.,,.; PENN HALL SCHOOL FOK OIBLS Uodern flrsproof buildings, new rymnaslum swimming pool. College preparatory, modern languages, music, domestic arts. etc. Cerllnoite privileges. .Rooms with private bath. Sou! Gladstone. Atlantlo City, occupied by school iac" Rate's W00rk conllnu" w,Aou' Interruptlo TRANk B. MAQILU A. M.. Principal. OKBMANTOWN, PA. The Stevens School for Girls . ttl W. Chflten, Avenue, aermantown 40th year epens Bept: si. Klnderiarten'Jhrouah college preparatory. Special courses In Domsltlo Science and Convereatlonal French fir i?iS lix women. Manual trnr. Mis. MirVul" OEKMANTOWN. PA. WAL.XMUT1.AJN1S SCHOOL ?"!' B8tb year, Oeneral, College Prep Hlh nit;iiS grad. Int.rmedlatePrlmaiTwu,i0:Ur?or?1c,h,?a1 BcUnce. Interior necora'n. SecreUrlatAthu'lca , BOOTH BETHLEHEM. PA. "" Hanover Tutorinr. ?i,i '" thm,?:.ri.on Jy?Auyua.TBa,hdr'S,Ho11.lmh3u' Every candidate in i.C.!i'i;,iJdntSer.JlTobi:V.. wwiin w. i.KVIIIiV aat - i-. z uuirjf,if irreio The fact that we are fully accredited by The National Aiso- elation of Accredited Schools l' conclusive evidence of our "repu tation -.for thorough work arid successful graduates. Day School opens Sept. Sth Night School opens Sept. 4th Enter any time 925 Chestnut Street S i Young Men and Boys The Phillips Brooks School P,??S'ich1oI!,i.I)BoslteJc'"' Park- AthletU flltf J 5.V?,'.nV)uil'!lnKa' Large, fully-equlppd, af A S-lTvPr EiV- rs. Year tnok. IIOWABD . f EITKL. llearlm..t,.. 11 ilaltlmore AvesM-'J - z ZJLZ1?? ..irecinr. Young Men and Hoyg "" VJLLAXOyAPA. VUANDtt El.ctrll'.1.d,0Mecha"fc.l1EiSna.?;ircUt c"" Modern Julldliw. and .q5S?rAY8iSvi iKte&as'tnioTiiia? jII o sTT- BROWN PREP VriSSJa'f1 n. m Broad and Cherry, 1 ,.: ;nX"a 'or college, business and Civil fiur-J. Ice. Call or send for Catalog L. A ClfESTEIt. PA. NAZARETH, vt Bishopthorpe Manor For a'r. coiieg. ishtng course, for high "i'SSoTA Music. DomesUo Science, ete. Individ SfS C. N. WYAKT. Bi. 28. bWihemV Dr. W. H, Montgomery 5KE.WSS Philadtlphia's Famous Fact Spicialitt 907 FLANDERS BLDG., W.!uut at ISti Wrinkled fce punploj, bagyy eyes, red -i-. .um hmumjf ivuetvu, Young Men and Boys 8WABTHM0BE. PA. Swarthmore Preparatory School build. .Boys can cltuerunip. Bound mind m ,i,n:i"'."" that la your Bwartbmore boy. mwr A. II. TOMUNSON, Headmaster M" M Swarthmore. pa. CARLISLE. PA. H jgAi-' -. ,-r - Altaftt " r t'4 -.-1 49Btt2 m T 'sktb .'f '- - k ifatt.'-- " "-i -k """- CONWAY HALL &. p proved com elate eouTDi CatiUosue, VA NNAazrARiHia!lIVIi,itary Academy fords bealthful e"uo" and Iir.MJ 'KUry '" if. habits and obedience .AH At hl.tiV.henjl. orae'lr that Is better because It li dlfriS? """"I snt because It Is better. Addn.i' ani1 dla"' Rev. ANCj3EyWg'pt,Ml IORREHnALE,PA. MONTESSOBI TEACH EB TBm, WE3JCHE8TEK. PA fLFi: Th Wist Point 0 (As anHorn Jtatl ENNSYLVANIA w Military College Separate Preparatory Schl CracTANS UW TOU,C0MiyD M, Crack Cavalry. Artillery and Infantry, .r' Air,m'r.v,0wer detailed. . Best ?" rivif w-J, ' .""cu uegrees la unemuin. Buni,i?ilxln,i!r!"r;. Bconomlca and Flosnojj RMS ?J . eholaatlc. phys cat and mors! o..i -V?l .vipp superior men. . . Col. Charles.B. Hyatt. Commandant BOX ffiia. CHESTEK. PA. aETTYSBUBO, PA. PenniylvanU Cotlogo of Gettyiburf S",r. "n college courses In liberal arts SS?,JJ.ntairla' 11 'llnV. to a T bachelor's MCw-A-frJn5n,?t 8U, Teacher's' Certii- ii.h V?&. ""1 P atudentg. MUy eqyipp with buildings and apparatus. Btudsnt Oo .ndmh.ni.n3, "ono??Bytem. For Balljtte Vltvm wrlti k ot " BattRfleM President W. A. GRANVILLE, Ph.D LUtt. aETTYSBUnO. J, 1 -S9ifAWtN!J, WENONA0 SrSggy 13 mile from Philadelphia in . factories of a, ln.J r .i11". .In town telkA... Ulled. Bpeclal school fo T.,-r.Iny Offlcer di! P--Qt. n- LOBEi?ni?,u2'0.. CatalS? -ixlUJl A. bNYDEklt . ". WVnJSh.1 N'. ' 6u JtJMMlTT, N J CARLTON ACADEMY" School for old bo.mJj.T.?11 UABBISBUBO. PA. Uoner (ration for l.Sr 5fr jii- ttasiJL msmmm i T-A t.l&Utu HARRISBURG ACADEMY J uJi'X. IK600' tounded in 1TK. V l. Modem bullillnva lrv ..mflill. 1 Tf5,V.iuf n' Individual uutructlaa. Ibm f fS.".!0"' B"fartloo. RaU lloa.g i!w fc1"1" """n- A" athletics. Bepart" ABTHDB E. BEOWN. B. A.. Hao K JmvQL pa. LWIffiiWiSSlW, I for Boya. Endsrsed bZ '"t American University, Couacs 1 Hfsory course and a gooa w eujtut f Jth year oseo Stat. 1- B.iiT or aiaicna, , ,M J2K3amMi1faA3Jj , JU&eW