EVENLNG LEDaJEK-PHILADELPHIA, THUBSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916. 1? FINANCIAL NEWS fflRlSK DEMAND FOR STOCKS MAKES HEAVY PROFIT-TAKING POSSIBLE Wrading te Active, but Foreign Selling Orders Nullify for a i ime n.iiy x uruier limuence Jb'rom Kail roads' Mediation Plans High Points of Today's Financial News United Mates Steel Corporation reported decrease of i6,866 tons in un filed orders in statement as of July SI. Norfolk and Western earnings state- nt for June and IS months showed biff increases. New York bankers ex Zcttd a large British loan" to , be issued soon. Interstate Commerce Com mission suspended proposed increased storage rates on grain made bw railroads with tymmals in New York. American International Corporation olficial denied that that company is arranging either a large or small loan 'r the Chinese Governinent. Several companies declared extra dividends. Bar silver lower m New York and London. NEW YORK, Aur. 10. rrhr wns nienty of activity to the trndlnrr on the Htnclr mnrit ,,i. ,. ui. i - hTtsk enough demand In the forenoon to permit Bomo heavy pront.lftklmr'FnlrB. At the Bim time foreign selling orders were reached In many of the stocks with l ftn jnternationai iinunni "" mu ujpiy jiuih iiicbo sources nuiimea ror the tlmo the further appreciation of the Importnnco of the settlement of tho railroad trouble. ; TVftU Bireel considers the differences between tho rallrond employes and man f ,rs as being eliminated from tho speculative situation, and as far ns can bo t learned banking Interests have already, arranged for tho expenditure of liberal (.mounts of money In tho Improvement. Further evidence that disposition hns boon taken was shown In tho fact that VnVs and Institutions have again appeared as buyers of short-term notes, and ' it Is only n step from this demand to tho purchase of now railway bonds. ' Financing for many of tho largo railway systems, which haa been renro- I .nted for a long time, may bo looked for in tho near future. t Cmi .. .. ... ...,. ...... .JI..I.I .1 , -m.i . . . Tho declaration oi mu ubuuh umuenu uu union x'aciuc aiso nau nn lnnuonco In cheeking bullish operations for tho time, but back of all the various lnccntlvo for a, reaction was tho fact that advanco since noon yesterday was too hurried snd extensive to bo maintained. The next upward movement will find less of a supply both on domestic and foreign account, but when another upward movement begins It will bo far moro orderly than that which marked yesterday's late trading. United States Steel common, which reflected tho forolgn selling tho greatest extent, still hold tho day. materially above Its recent lovel, and tho same thing Is to bo said of Reading after lta reaction from 108 this afternoon. "While tomorrow morning a now bullish incentive will bo furnished in tho publication of a wonderful showing of American Locomotive for tho fiscal year rendered Juno 30. torfsolldatod Gas was exceptionally strong becnuso of positive statements that tho Substantial 'extra dividend representing accumulated profits of the Edison Company will soon be declared. I Extra Dividend for Harbison-Walter Refractories Company ' PITTSBURGH, Aug. 10. S. Harbison-Walter Refractories Company has de clared an extra dividend of 2 per cent, together with tho usual quarterly dividend tt VA per cent dn tho common stock, payable September 1 to holders of record August 21. . ilaflr11. I Atlas Powder Company to Pay Extra 3 Dividend -a-- I NEW YORK, Aug. 10. Tho Atlas Powder Company has declared tho regular Quarterly dividend of 2 per cent nnd an extra dividend of 3 per cent on Its com mon stock, payable September 10. Books close on August 31 and reopen Sep tember 11. ' - j Stnndard Oil of Kansas Declares Extra Dividend ' "'T' " ' ' NEODESHA, Kan., Aug. 10. Tho Standard Oil Company of Kansas hat de Wared Us regular quarterly dividend of $3 and an extra dividend of $2 a share, payable September 15 to stock of record August 31. COTTON IMPROVES AFTER EASY START (Trade Interests Moderate Buyers on Decline From Last COTTON IlEl.T WEATHER JJFIV YOUK. Ane. 10. llMns were re puted In the north central ami northenntern lit portion, of the rattan lelt thlH tnarniuir. te i ..It Irmlnsham. Merrrtlnn. MelMburc, JMItle The followlnr temiwrnturen were reported: .851 Jinoxvine. lit uiiniiunoaiu. Athojllle, nlrmlnrh flock, Oklahoma City. Sun Antonio nnd At ant, lit Na. drill. MnntrAmrtf. Mftmnhta ?t Smith, tihreieport and htivjinnah. Idi lueon. Del Illo. Corpus t'hrlntl. llnlelsli, Tamna and Jatksom Me, 7l)i Mobile. rena eola, CharlfKton nnd Nllmlnaton. 80. and ualTeiton and Hew Orleans, 82. There u .01 lneh of prer pltntlon at Atlanta. Auitiatn nnd Nnfhjlllei ,0 at lhattanoosa. Vlekaburf and Aahevllln .00 at Knoivlllei .10 at (lalveaton and lllrmln. F.imi 1.18 at Vrmphlti 1.S0 nt .Little Hock, and 2.20 at Tampn. NEW YOnif. Aue. 10. An easier ten dency was shown on tho Cotton Exchange at the opening this morning, duo to the de cline In Liverpool. Tho continued unfavor able weather was virtually Ignored The South was the loading seller. Liverpool bought the near months and sold the dis tant options. Wall street Interests also noil Commission houses operated on both Idea, but purchased mora than they supplied. First prices were 8 to 11 points lower,' and after the call further losses of 2 to 6 points were reported, due to selling by Western Interests. The market turned firmer during the Morning;. Offerings had been well taken on the decline of about 15 to 19 points under last night's closing figures, or some 21 to 30 points under the high records of yesterday afternoon. It seemed that trade Interests were mod erate buyers on this decline, while the fore cast for continued clear weather In Okla homa seemed to offset the favorable east ern belt predictions, and as the market steadied It looked as If tha decline had been sufficient to bring In some fresh buy ln for long account. Covering Btarted la consequence and prices rallied to within or S points ot last night's closing figures during the middle of tho morning. The receipts of cotton at tho ports for the day are estimated at 6000 bales, compared With 6885 bales last week and at 315 baleB wit year. Open. 11 a.m. 14. is lt.Sl 14. ISO 14. A3 14.60 14.83 . . Tes. close. rSH$"l ... '"ST f..v.:::." ttl ft& ::::::::iS:S8 12m. 3 p.m. 14,24 14.4T 14.90 14, TO 14, -in 14, 4T 14. Sd 14.03 14. .115 14. till 14. Ul p . Liverpool Cotton (t WVERPOOL, Aug. 10. Spot cotton to- K," ' "" tn more acmami ar. a aecune ot RJi on ,e bttsl5 ' s-63 ior mid-upland. w J? Bales aggregated 7000 bales, Including ,w V Dttles American. There were no re- 'ii. xna market for futures closed quiei M a net decline of S and 7 points. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Aug, 10. The market for I coffee futures displayed a steady undertone .i in opening this morning and first prices t were 2 to 4 points higher. Trading, how f vr, was quiet, with sales on the call 1000 ,t-s. Trading at the end of the first hour was Vdtt, with prices about 1 point below the . opening, but the undertone continued steady, ft0 flrrans In Bratlls and to the bet- ir 'mand here In the spot market, where ' JU0 ,o. 7 was emoted at 9UQ9Kc Sales tn 1. ,., -.... ,---- ; - uuiock were 3ouuDags. L Today's utu,t openin. tSTiK' !? pss? .v.'.v.;:::,.6v. 'fca "'""": kw'k Slot " 8S808.99 ? 3ly .'........ ., 'ma. ""! .......... New York Bond Sales 1(13 1IIO ?i Illah. Low. Cloao. 300t Amer Aer deb 5 l7 U,, HT 2SN0IH) Anulo-Kranch 6 II3J4 UVX &!4 13UUII Amer FrrclKn Sec 5s. IIHti HH US Tumi Amer Tel cit .... "i" -t.'inno Amer Tci cvt 4H...10'i!t 100(1 Ann Arbor 4a HIV? Timu Armour Co 4Ua 01 CTrvno AtchUon Ken 4a OJJ4 IIHIO do ndj 4s M ir.OOII do rv la ltlOO 1M3 luiioo Bait A. Ohio Sa IWN inoil do -la OC'l ILMIDII do rv 4 Via Ul.-H IOIMIO do Swn 3Via IHlVt 1111)11 neth Htccl lat r, 104a IIDOi) lleth Steel r(d ns llln! 13D0O lirkn Rap Tr tin 11118.100 HOIK) Can Clov -in 1021.,.. Bl)V. 41)00 do 4a llll'l! Hli 04000 do 1031 100 ll'OOO Canada. South Bs....ini 40011 Cent Leather lat Ss.-lO- 300O Cent l'nc lat 4a fill , 14000 Cent I'ac Sh li 4a.... R7)i IMHlOti Chill Copper 7 ., ...1-3 r.ouo Chea 4; Ohio cv 4Vi .. HH 7000 Chea & Ohio 4V4 a .... Ill) , 6301)11 do conv Bs U3Vi C00O Chi A. Alton 3Ha.... mi iilOO Chi Ot Weal 4a l'i nrtoo Chi & Nwn aen 4 04 , 33001) c 11 & q Joint -la .... 07ta 6000 Chi M & tit r conv Ba.H17 3.I0OO do cv 4 Via loot, 131)00 C II 1 It P rfd 4a .... 72 30000 do Ss I-'H 1'5000 do 4a a'i 11)01) CM Tniluatrlal la . 711 1000 Col & SC.tR 1st 43 1000 Con Oaa conv fla . 31000 Cumberland Tel na 1000 Del i Hud conv 4s. pnim do rid 4a 1000 Den & lllo Or rfd. ,4a.. 11)00 Detroit Tunnel iixiu Detroit wnueti llomi Ilia Uea Corn lis lSOOil Erlo conv 4a Ser II... 03000 do conv 4a Ber 1). innn .in Tirlor 4a r.nnnn nn Vlan i)h n 101 "'.: iv-". -Vi. "v-; -- -,,ji, nuoii iiua a .Man in ua f;i .. u7 mi U7Ji 1h5'.'. Hiivi .. 71 8-tH 8V4 lno inn!, 7l'i 72.. 10.-,., 07 80 NOH 74 71 . looo do rfd ns 140011 Interl Paper cvt Ba rwuiii innannaa nnur n . 11)0(1 Klnea Co Kiev 4a .... SJtt tuli L'uixi 1-acleoo una jai ra,,.iuin J"'" Ul 811 01 80 iiMiii no no na .A"; A.?f tniil HOOO Indiana Hteel Ba .....lfl'.'S JOJ'i 10J 387000 Inter .Mer Car cl 4ViB.107j 10JV5 101H HI Ml X.HIi lui'4 ul IliVi 8 8n 1(10011 Lk Kh deb 4a 1031.... 04 litooii Louis & Naah 4s 03' 2000 Manhattan 4s kdw S00O do ata 8Utt 10000 Minn it til U rfd Ba... nil n.... te. n .. -1 - Mil KniVIM .In Anl Hal ft 1ftlT. . 1)7 1000 Mont 1'ower As fl7 ttuuu r i w u o n '-! 12100(1 NYCt Hud Os.,.. 11 sunn An SUi ........... 8 1000(1 do -ft UOVi BOIII) N r UKjr a lujri. ... ,im7 long do 4 Via Nov 1137.107 mnri M v flu. II A P 4a.. 81 3000 N Y I-acka W Oa-.tort1 nnnn MV vir If fla 11 12000 N Y Hwy adJ.Ba,,.. fiNH 21)000 N Y Tel Ben 4V4a.,.. UH noon Nor Pao prior 4a..,.. Ul 120011 do sen 3a , ...M 20OO Ore Short Line B.,,.10(. 8000 Paclllc Tel Ba lOOS B000 Penna en 4Vi M4H booii Publlo Herv N, J Bs., ni Btoon Heading- ejr 4a...... O-iU flfloo St U 4 H F ad r 1., MK 2001)0 do gen et 4a ,...,.. 71 20IHI St f-oull Swn con 4a., J miDU nt i'aui ji & iiii.iw.i luo'i mi! 1001) Seaboard A I. adj Ba looo do Tin a IJ Ba.. Illti si :::: P liiooi) South Pan 4s 7IOUU oo rv a ... , 40000 do rv ret I p oa 7000 do rfd 4a ...... 10000 South Hwy sen -la 25000 Third Ave adj a ....78 73000 U 8 Bteel 8P Ca..,.ipj noon u 8 8 I n.fta in 2000 Union Pao lat 4a,..,, 0Vi Bionn Union Pao rfd 4 .... '' 18000 Un Ilwys S F4i,. ..33 8000 Va Car Chem lat Os.,10iiJ, 2000 Va Hwy Ba .......... ' 2000 Weat Md lat 4a.. ,.-.,72,, nooo Weat B & M fv 3a wl 117' 2000 AVeat Union 4 Via .,,,. S3 int'i so 7)'l 01 U1H Yeaterdajr's Cloaa. 8 BHQ8.BS K II.' 8.05 8.08 8 71 8.78 6.81 9 Hil S.UOtiS.Bl 8.9508.94 U.ounu.01 JWJ.VU 8 bl 8.ft 8 Bd t.wa 8.1!" 8 83 9.03 1 : UVE BTOCK QUOTATIONS ooau,cAQ9. ; io. HOas uc. pu. so.- W v Market 1015o Wher, Mixed and mS?- laOOlM-BOi rsd heavy. 19 8i SS-E. roust heavy I'j BJtru 83. llaht. Ill 830 '".I?! WH. 18 80O0 6S bulk. 9 8SU10 is. . I), KSiWiiB,tt I-? tOflCVra nnrt fio.ra ,ft J--- - ., 0 WfU, v.V4?.H fiMWt .(. T. ."J T t . rw&crH, ana iebiari. l ffiWJ4 taHea. tia012 2i. Market 3S3J75. llarktt. cow. and heltsra, 13.1)0 lara, 19UV( n. ai jio.ro IS, 000, tronf uw aiiaa, wealt. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NCW YORK, Aug, 10. The Foreign Ex change market continued unusually dull and uninteresting today In tho early dealings. The only change was a Bllghtly easier tone in sterling and franca reflected from late on Wednesday, - nmV ctaarlnxs r.in rfv lait two yaarat awuuM. . si. iota BANK CLEARINGS today compared with corre- 1S14. .,.i..,kl. US SS.I.aOO J23.048 038 S19.48J.869 BoatOD ..... 23.872.439 24.B77.101 18.234.16) Nw YofiX374,7iB,745 S5Q.B7S.17tt 183.801. 00 cSico eutoalSM Bi.aw.BJT li.oio.ssa RAILROAD EARNINGS ILLINOIS CENTRAL. ild. Inereaa. July trot 13.43.653 I37J.827 YAZOO AND MISSISSIPPI VALLET. July ro ll.10T.03t 1208 SB2 ATLANTA, BIBMINOHAM AND ATLANTIC. ffiWP.:.:-.:::-:: iIi:!BoS Mil ST. LOUIS AND SAN TOANC1SCO. 4,130.HJ 872S.42D ,,,uni vtv vi jun roi " New York Stock Sales Last close, filth. Low. Clo 61)i 8 74)j 00 57 67H 10)i 40M 73 mi 8 17JJ S2H 76K 74 18 r.oK f.0! 27H 10K 45H 71K 51H 8 18 22H 75W 74H S8 60M f,7 28W 4Sli 72 AcmftTta .,., ...... 51H Alaska J gom Jl. ..,.. 7) Alwks Gold M, ......... 17) Anis-Chslmers Mff.,.,,. 22J AUIs-Ch&lmcn Mfg pt,.i 75 Am Ai Chemical ........ 7AM Am licet Sugar. , tOlt Am Oan................. KMt Am Can nf....... ...... itmu 11 1W HOW 111H AmCar&Fdy 6U 6914 fi8i BH Am Col I'toduclJ U3H 146W 143! 145)( Am Hide Leather.,,,, 1051 1UH iuf iut Am Hide A Leather pf .. .17! Am Ico Securities., ..,,,. 27H Am Llnsccd ........,.,,. 10H Am Unseed pt, 4.5H Am Locomotive. ........ 7IK Am Locomotivo pr lO'ilf lU2)i 1U2 iiwt AmMaltCorp'n , 8H 8 8 8 Am Steel fcoundriM 61)i 52 Cl rl! AmSmcltftltef 05 05 e4)f 05 Am Smelt Ilcf pf Ill 113 111 113 Am Sucar running ......100K HOW 110 110 AmTclATol 13D 130H 130H 130H Am Tobacco ,322 22.TJI 223JJ 223H Am Woolen pf 03 95, 93H 05W Am Writing P pf 28 281 27! 28 Am Zinc hit 8m 33 33K 32Ji 33 Anaconda Cop M 81H 8Ui Bii H154 Associated Oil 07) i Attn top a s it, ,.,.., .103 Atch Too & 8 F pf 09 AUGult&WI 00 llald LocoWks 72J nalt & Ohio nt( HMK Ohlopf ., 73)i 07 07)4 07X 103H 102 JX 10'2H on 00H 74 80H 7351 430 85 00J 18JI 47 llethlchem Stcot.........430 lirooicijn napTr 85 butte ft Superior uo'X CM rotrolcum 10 Cal Petroleum pf.. ...... 4GH Canxdlan l'acinc....,...,177 Central Leather ,.,. ,JG) Chandler Motor. 101 Chcaft Ohio 02 Chllo Conner L'0' liO'f Chlno Copper 48)( 43! J Chicago Jill A St Paul . . tWS 17H Clilcaso Mil & St 1 pf . .120 130 Chicago It 1 A I'ac W( 20 Cluett, Pea A Copf 111)4 110 Col Fuel A Iron 4 IK 45tf Consolidated Gas KISjj 141 Continental Can 00 0(1 Corn Products Uof 13H 14 Crucible Stcol 71 Cuban-Am Sucar 225 00 00 721$ 80)1 73'f 430 84'f 00). 1U( 47 09 03 72W SOX 73f. 130 Wt aoi 18 40 177K 17fl) 175t r,r! ooh 05)i 105 103 103 02)( OUf OI) 20 48' i 00W 130 10H 110 44)1, 20 48)4 00)1 130 10)1 110 44H 72 rtoa Cuba Cano Uuzar, Cuba CanoSuirar pf.. Denver A ltlo (ir pf. . DlstlilSco Corp'n Dome Mines Etlo Kriolstpf 51 Goncrai Electric. General Motors. 57K Viii 35 40!f 254 37X 51 .1G9W 170X 100K 170 .505 630 625 530 67)' 34)( 45H 20 nan 13Sf 130)i 00 9(1 13V 13)1 OlD-i C0)i 228 223 COM 50 J ( OIH DIM 33! i 333 45W 45H 25V4 25)4 30X 30) 8 53H C3)j Goodrich II K 72U 73)1 72) 72X Granby Consol 80)1 81 SI 81 Orconc-Cananca 40J( 47 4011 40)1 Great Northern pf 117), 118X 117K 118)1 O N cfj for oro prop .... 30 30X 35M 35H Ou'f States Steel 2d pf.. 81 S2 81'! 82 Illinois Central 10JX 102X 101JJ 101X int con cor v t csu.... 1031 17)1 10)1 10,'l int Paper 10)1 10)1 Int Paper pf 74 75 InspConCop 49! 40)1 Int Nickel v t cfs 4J1 45 IntMMcofdcp 27X 28) J Int M M pf c of don.... 1)4)5 00 Jewel Tea 83 83 Jewel Tea pf 109)1 109 Kan City Southern 25W Kan City Southern pf... 53) 1 Kelly Sprlns Tire 71 Kcnnccott Copper 47J1 Lack Steel Co 72)1 Lako Erlo A West 21)1 Lako Eric A West pf . .. . 43)1 Leo Rubber Tire 44)1 Lehlsh Valley 70)1 Lleectt A Myers. Lone Island 35)3 Maxwell Motors 82)1 Maxwell Motors 2d pf... 55! J Mexican Petroleum .... Mexican Petroleum pf . , Miami Copper Minn St P &SSM.. Missouri Pacluc Missouri I'ac tr cfs.... Montana Power Nat Clcak A Suit Nat Lead Co Ncv Con Cop Now York Air Brako . . Now York N II A II . . Ntiw York Central New York O A West. . New York Chi A St L Norfolk A Western North American ... Nprthem Pacific sw GO 71JJ 4SJJ 72)5 21'f 43)1 40H 7031 0931 20S 35'1 8231 5G 09!1 00 3411 93)5 , 00 34 123X 121 45. 1)1 4X 92)$ Vi . 01X . 71 0331 Of , 1731 17)1 130 131 CO 00)1 105' 105 27 27 33H 37J1 ..13011 132'1 10)1 74 49)1 41)1 27 93H 83 109 25 60Ji 71 47X 72 21 43'i 45 70U 20S 35! S0)$ 5531 98 J 00 MX 121 4)4 4)5 0131 75 04 17K 10)1 74 40)1 44'( 27)1 93)1 to 109 25 69)4 71X 47)1 72 21 43)1 40)i 70)1 20S 35)1 S031 53)1 9811 90 3D. 12 1 4)$ W 92j 75 04 17). 120)1 129)1 00J 00J, 10-1 104)1 27 27 3731 3731 131 13L G0)i CO GO 01 1113$ I11H 111)$ 111)? Ontario SUvcr Mln 7ki 7J 7 7 Pacific Mali 21 20)5 20'1 201 Pacific Tel A Tel 31 31 34 31 Penn Railroad 50)1 50)1 6531 55i Peoplo's Gas Chi 101)1 10131 10131 10131 PIttsbureh Steel pf....... 09)$ 100 90)1 0931 Pressed S Car Co 40)1 50 50 50 Pullman Co 101 101 101 101 Ily Steel Sp Co 41!$ 40 44)1 45 Ray Con Coppir 23)4 23' 23$ 2J!$ KoaJlns 101$ 10J 1 10, IK) Republic Iron A S 4731 48 47)1 4731 Republic Iron A S pf....H0'i lit 111 111 Seaboard Air Lino 10)1 lot; 10)1 10V4 Seaboard Air Lino pf.... 37H 38)1 37) i 33f Sean. Roo A Co. St Louis Southwest pf.... 43)1 40 bhat Ariz Cop 27 27 South Porto R Sufcir.... ISO 181 Southern 1'aclflc OSH OS'l Southern Ry 24 21)$ 109)1 109)1 19931 19931 Southern Ry pf 08 08)1 Studebakerco mH 1211 Studebaker Co pf 109)1 109 Tenn Copper 2531 25) Texas Co 103 Tobacco Prod pf 102 4) 27 184 i.8l$ 21)1 G8 127)1 109 25 1D2H 100)$ 1003$ 102 102 io: 40 27 18 1 U8J4 24)1 OS 127J1 109 Jo Twin City RT ..003$ 0$ 97)$ 97H Union Daz A Paper 8 SH 8 8 Union 11a: A Paper pr... 45 4531 44)$ 44)$ United Clear Stores 101)i 10JJ1 1023$ 102X UnbnPaclnc Ul 111 139.4 130M Union Pacific pf 62)i 8231 82$ 62) U b Ind Alcohol 111X111 110 110)$ USGIl'AF 19)1 20 10X 1931 United Fruit., 101X 101)$ 1G0 1U0 US Rubber MX 60 54 S5X U 8 Rubber 1st pf 108)1 108!f 10S31 10831 U H Meet Corp'n. mi H8X 87)1 8731 U H Steel Corp'n pf 1WX USX 118)$ H8)i U Sbm R A M. ........ GOX 70)1 09-j G9)$ utaucopper 7a vj 7'J 7b)i Va-Caro Chemical 4031 10! 1 403$ Wabash 1J31 11 14 WabuhpfA 60 J i 61 50X Wabash pf 11 27)1 27X 273$ West K A M 6811 50 68 West Air IlraVo ...,139X 111)1 141)1 141)1 Western Maryland -JHH 20 2S1 20 Western Maryland pf,,,. 47 45 45 Western Union Tel 04 01X 04 WtlljJ Overland 51)1 53H 52)1 WUcoosin Central 513$ 52)$ 40 Woolworth F W 137 138 130 Quoted ex dividend. 78)1 401$ 14 60! 5 2731 38J1 15 04 62)$ 503$ 130 SUSPEND PROPOSED INCJIEASE IN GRAIN STORAGE CHARGES Commorco Commission to Investigate Reasonableness of New Rates WASHINGTON, Avg. 10. Proposed In. creased storage charges on grain held In elevators, made by railroads with terminals In New York, were suspended by the Inter state Commerce Commission today until February 28 next. The Commission In the meantime will direct an Investigation as to the reasonableness of the propdsed rates at New York and other eastern seaboard points. Owing to excessive grain shipments, a car shortage Is again threatening, according to advices received by the Commission. A circular was sent broadcast urging ship pers and consignees to expedite the free time allowances on cars held on sidings. The necessity lor close supervision of the methods ot loading and unloading and moving cars so as to secure the fullest pos sible use of available equipment was espe cially brought to the attention of shippers. Co-operation detail between shippers and railroad officials to eliminate delay and the prompt return of cars was urged. New Slotorcar Company Chartered COLUMBUS. O., Aug 10. The Enger Motorcar Company has been Incorporated here with an authorised capital stock ot $4,000,009, divided Into Jl.000.000 convert ible 7 per cent cumulative preferred and 3.000.O0O common stock. The plant Is lo cated at Cincinnati and lta production will be increased to 7500 cara this year and doubled ext year. WHEAT MAKES GAIN AFTER EARLY LOSS Enormous Profit-Taking Causes Drop Soon After Start, but Covering Helps ORAIN nKl.T WEATHER FORECAST CllirAnO. At. tO. The foreeaat for the neat SO Imura.la! ... I llnola nnd ,MIannrl Shower tonUmt eooler In nortliwft 1 rldny, partly elomlr and eooler. prohahlr aliiinera. . ... ,Ueonln llmeltled nnd eooler tonlaht ?ntn ahoirer In rnat nnd aoiitlu Irhln), sir. nnd rooler, Mlnnraoln, North nnn Sonth lltkoln nnd brnK Fnlr tonight .and I-rldnji cooler tonight nnd wnrnier Irlilii). . lown Unsettled, ,lth thnmlerlinwer thll afternoon or tonlalit In ent nnd renter) rpoler tonight! I'rld.u, tnlr and rooler In ino.enai. n a iAnnn- -rnrtly.elomlr tonlaht nnd ntternoflti nr tnnlrhtt ennfor In eitreme enstl cooler frldnr In eoutli nnd dnsi prohahl; lnrni tliumleMhoner lute tlila nitrrnooii or tonlrhtt fooler tonlaht, exrept eiMt. CHICAGO, Aug. '10 Considerable fev orlshncss nttended the trading In the whent market today. There was enormous general lirotlt'taklng 'Hid tho tono nt one time una weak, but there wns n Bharp recoxery from the bottom on cocrlns. Initial quoUt ons were higher crccpt Sep tember, which wq lower. May Bccmcd to bo moRt In demind in tho early denims-) on ocr-nlRht orders nnd sold Into nos lilBh ground, touching $1.55. 1'recsurc was qullo freo, howeMr, nnd nil optlona were soon forced off shprply. Short Bcllrrs took ntHnntnpo of tho drop nnd sold rccklesBly. Tho ocnloltiK of IIipc operftllon1? was followed by a wne of buy ing, ninny resting orders being reached that carried September nnd December to new high minks', $1 4G Vi nnd $1.50, respectively. A gain In Important reMlr.InK occurred and values gave ground materially. Mr commission hollies wcr on the aclllng sldo becnuso of penco rumors concornltiK Austria, nnd reports from Winnipeg to tho cfrct that tho yield In the Camdlnn north wcfrt probnbly would nnch the normal aer age, Ileports wcr cur.vnt that nil over pljtht export orders hnd been accepted. ToMI slabs In tho Inst 21 hours wer estimated nt 2,000,000 bushels. Iitndlnr futures rnnned na follows Whcnl T0B'dia Open. lgli. Low. Oloae. close HepW. 144. 1.4I1H 1 4H1 144'. 1 ll't l)ec... 1 4S1J l.SII 1.4BS 1.47ti 1.4H Mnr- ' r,r' I'"" :'r,u l-3-t !" Corn (new delivery) Pept... H4 H44 R3U Rl IS Dec... 7J'i 7S' 7lU 71S 7J' May... i:, 7J 744 7SS 711 Onta Hept... 44H -t-. 4t 44U tt Dee .. 4' IS 47 47H 47 Mm . . COS 01 ll)T4 .lii'a '.viS Lord Sent... 1110 H5', 5127 113 n-. 13 '-0 oot ... ti a nt! lnuT ti -it n Ucr ... 1,1.00 13 IB 13 UU tl.10 1B.H5 ltlba Sept. ..tl 0,1 11.42 14 tn I4 22 tl I 00 Oct,... 13 BU 11.10 13 SO 13li: 13 72 l'ork Sept... an 3". 2d no 2112.'. 211 r.o 2.no Oct ...J'p I", 2'. Hi 21 IS MM IT, (111 Dec . . . 23 20 2J. I J 23 3U t J3 30 123.03 lild tAaked Spot Wheat Stronp; at Liverpool LIVHIU'OOL. Auff. 10 Spot wheat wns PtronB today, with Australian quoted nt 14s 9d, No. 2 red winter Us 3d and No. 1 Northern Manitoba 14h Cd, nn ndanco of 91. Corn was strong, with American mKcd 2d higher nt 10s Cd, and Plate Hid higher nt lis 2d. Flour was up Is Cd nt 60s. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ' GRAIN AND FLOUU WHEAT Receipt, lfio.410 huah. The mar ket ruled llrm nnd further ndnnred 1c with u good oxiert Imrulry nnd light offerlnRa IJuotn tlona: Car lots. In export elnvator No. 1! ml, apot. J1.I3&1.4C. No. 2 southern, roil. Jl.llti' 1.1 la ateiitner No. 2 red. I1.4HP1 43: No. J red. II 40CPI 43: rejected A. U.37W1.10. re Jectod 11. Tl 3IW1.87. , t t CORK Jtwclpta. III.2CI1 bush Tho market waa quiet but llrm with HKht onerlnga. Uuotn-tlona- Car lota for locul trndo, na to location Weatern No. 2 lellow, liSUllllc, do. steamer jellow. OHPllIr: (Io. No. 3 lellow. UJU3c; do. No 4 sellow. K0l", . . . , OATh Hecelptn, 77,002 bush Orferlnua wero lluht nnd th market ruled .firm, inouKii ciuiet (Juolatlona, No 2 white. .MH 2p: atamlurc (Juolatlona, No 2 white. SlH 02e: atamlurd white. AHVi i&Mr: No. :i whltr. lll5i5no,.No. 1 hlle, 4nbl7Hc, anmpla nata, 4.1W r44VSc riOUll ltecelpta, Ul) hula, and U3SI.:I11 lbs In sacks. Prices wcro held above the views of Imyera and there waa er llttlo doing. Quota tlona, per 10(1 ll. in wood 'Winter, clear. 13 75 dirt 2.1: do, atralsht, IU.23O0 75; do. patent. SU.73Q7.23: Kanaaa, clear, cotton aacks. JHW (1 41), do, straight, cotton anrka, SO 30V7; do. patent, cotton aacka, S7.2.'itj7 M): aprlnir. (Irat clear, tntlu 75; do. strnlKht. SO 737. do, pat ent S78. do, favorite branda. SH 21WR r.o, city mllla, choice and fancy pntent. 18 23 Vb 80, city mllla regular sradoa Winter, clear S3 73M 1121: do, atrulght. SU.23(j0.73; do. patent. SU.75 07.2'.. ItYK TLOUR naa In email aupply and Arm but quiet Wo quote nenrhy nt JSuO.oo per bbl , nnd wcatern at 3.S0OU.23. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled firm with a fair Jobblnir demand Following- nro the Quotatlona: City beet. In aeta. amok, d and nlr-drled. 2Sci wiatern beer. In aeta. smoked. 28c: city beef, knuckles and tenders, emnked nr.d nlr-drled, 2flc. wcatern beef, knuckl-a and tenders, amoked. 20c: beef hama, SJS&3U: pork, family. SJ7,0UM28:lama. 8. V. cured, pese, 18HWlB4c: do. aklnned. looae. 10H WlO'ic: do, do, amoked, 2UUO20Uc: other hama. amoked, city cured, aa to brand nnd average. lliWci do, hama, amoked, weatern cured, lU'ic: boiled, honeleaa. Sic: plcnlo.ahnul dera, S. 1. cured, loose, 1 Io: do, amoked, 13c: belllea. In pickle, according- to average, looae, lOVic; hrcakfnat bacon, aa to brand nnd nvernge, city cured, 21s; do, weatern cured, lowsoc; lard, weatern, reflned, tlercea, M'ici on, uo. tuba. 14Wc: do. nure city, kettle rendered. In tlercea. ll'.jc; da. do. In tuba. 14HC. 14Hc: d( a. lilac; REFINED SUGARS The market waB quiet and barely ateady rte. flncra' Hat prlcea. Ultra tlno granulated 7 J; fo7.nc. powdered. 7 357.73: confectloncra' A. 17 13V7.33, BOft grades, 10 50OT.50. DAIRY PRODUCTS rUTTER Tho market for fancy atock ruled firm at the lata advance under Hint offerlnaa and a fairly active demand. Quotatlona: Weat. ern aolld.picked ireamery. fancy apcclala, 33c; extra dl&ajc. extra., flrata auOJUWc. nrata, 2u&2Uttc. aeconda. 27W28Wc. nearby prints, fancy. 34c. do, average extra. 3JU33c; do. llralB. 20 ale Beconda, 28U28Vic, Jobbing sales ot fancy prints, a7M0c. , .... KOtia Thero waa a good outlet for the limited rCcelpia ot strictly fine nn and prlies ruled firm. Quotatlona: In free ineta marby uxtra. JJo per dox., nearby nrata. SH 70K.li per standard case, nearby current receipts. ST.HjW 7,113 per taae: weatern extras 3.'o per uoz ; weatern extra flrsta. 8 7uMU 30 per caaa. do., nrata. IH.IOOB 40 per case: fancy '"teil candled freah eggs wero jobbing at 30(73To p0ClicaE Demand was fairly active and the market ruled firm under light offerings. Quo tutlons: New York, full cream fancy. 10. 0 17c ; do do, fair to good, lOtfldHe, part sklm,. 0O13C. p00LTRY I.lVn Tha market was quiet with fairly lib eral offerings at recently revised prlcea Quota, tlona Kowls. 10H2UO1 rooaters. 14W1SC, aiirlnir chickens, according to nuallly, weighing IN, J lhs and over uplece, .1B2JC, do smaller sixes. 192(ki: white leghorns according to quality, 17l0c; ducks, as to slzs and quality, 1317c; Pigeons, old. per Pair. 23026c, do, young, per pair. 2()02Jc. . . . . t. . . bllESBEr Supplies of fine deslrable-alied atock were email und the market ruled firm with trade fair. Quotations Freah-Mlled dry-picked fowls. 12 to box. dry-packed, fancy, selected, 23c: do. weighing 4M 04 Iba. apiece. 224 c. do ..i.Kin,- A lhH .nl.i. 3'JUf,. da. weluhlniT Ay. ij i,i. H.iiiiuu a lua. uu,c-c. ... w ... ..nl.na n 21o' tViwIs'ln'bbls.,' Ice-packed, fancy, dry-plckjd Northern Indiana ana Illinois, weighing l5 nldce. 22c: do. southern inuiana uni imnon welghlnir 4 Jbs. apiece, 21Wc: smaller sues, lbs, Oc. lllri rnnflters. dry-Dlcked. chickens. Illinois. Urge. SSOSOc; '. ".t. ..?"" ..4. . 11 . . ...! woo, 2.L: aa. oumcro iuuihua . miiwi, J IL" 1. Ill If . n hlUk Bi4Ad 111 BA lllg; broiling l.,va i16l R, tin. Kma vr alzea. JSfJJC. Urollera. Jersey, fancy SJOSIo: hroller; othr nearby, weighing ltt'J lbs. apltc. tOOSSo) broilers, nearby, amaller sixes. JJUJOc: ducks, nearby, spring.' 1020c. aquabs. lx.r Jos ; White, weighing 11012 lbs per dos SS.fOO 6.75; do. white, weighing Ulii lbs per dox . I4.00O5 23; do, white, weighing 8 lbs. per Sox., Ys 73 01 10; do. white. vveUnlng 7 lbs per dox.. S3.23O3.U0; do, white, weighing a Willi 2.73, do. small and No. 2. 60c 11.23. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock waa In fair requeat and generally ateady under moderate. offerings. Quotations: Apples. Delaware and Maryland, per hamper Fancy. 1101.23; fair to good, 83 730. Lemons, per box, I7tP. Pineapples, per crate Florida, 'lellet, 102 23; Carmen. tS301,73; Mountain melons, southern, per car. flSUVa, VEGETABLES Potatoes sold fairly sod choice stock ruled firm. Other vegetables showed little change. Quotations White potatoes, w bbl. Ea. Urn Shore. No l, z 1302 75, da. No. 2. Siei.Mi Norfolk" No, 1. J5T2 20: do.' No. 5. ilSl 23, Whit potaioea, ..Jeraey. wr bskt.. aaOBOc. Bwest twta.loes. North Carolina, pr hbl No f ,13 OT M. No. If. S2IJ2 TJ. Onlonsl Jersey, per bskt. 78B83CI Uo, Pennsylvania, per hamper, si 2S1 sp. 'do. do. Mr JUO-lE bAg.l4 BAR SILVER Bar silver was quoted In London today at 31H4. off 5-ltd. Commercial bar sliver was quoted In New York today at Hc, dteliaa pi He Sales in Philadelphia Net Illfth. Low. Close. Chge. 100 Am Smelt os o& Oli 100 Am Ice .. 8Vi 2V 2814 i no Uuf & h to o ko no ..... io do iirct oo ' noli oo 1 io Cam Iron. 41 & 4R ... . 7 Cam Steel, si nt 87 1413 Klco Stor. o (17W 08 1000 Krlu 37V4 3Vt 37', fir. Gen As pf 70V1 InV 10i ..... 30 Int Taper. 104 1814 184 no in c N Am asw, it,M H V fiO Ktnno Cop 47 4771 47 200 Key Tel Co 1H4 V4 HM 131 Lake Sup 0 loy, 10 10 M 10 Uh Nnv.. 7SV4 ItiYi 1W 118 Leh Vnl . 70 704 10V4 2 1 Leh V T pf 4714 UV4 414 V 100 Norf &. W.I31M. 13llfc 13114 -tla4 37ii l'eniin H H no 14 no no y 178 I'lilla llleo 2Rn 2814 2W W 11311 ritT trctfs 20 toy, to 121 Heading; . ,10'JS, lno lOJVi -t-2t(. 1003 Ton Hel.. 4 7-lfl 41i 13-10 f 1-10 300 Ton Mill. 30-10 A14 tV 1R0 ITnlon Trna H14 441f, 414 23 Uti Ons Im 87 8714 8714 'A 2873 V K Steel. 88 87 K, 88 14 i W Jor & H 4014 1014 l!4 100 York Ilwy li 11 14 noviis. nvi lllBh Low. rioac. chKe. 51000 PltylqlO rloiVi lni'i liny -t Vi 730(1 V.ftV tr 48 81 81) 81 1 1000 Int 11)8 Is 37 37 87 1000 LVal'iA 03 00 OHM 00 3200 l'lll'a i:i 1h 84 84 84 14300 do Ss ,.lnt4 11)414 10414 ..... soot) ItenilB Bnls nr, on 1001) do2dcxSi 110 110 110 Increase. Decrease. Local Bid and Asked Hid Asked. Hid. Anked. Dure nnd Husq t e 40 , f.n'i 41) no ito pref t o r,l) (lit nil mi unit .r u :i. :r, :i2 .i llnldnln 7J'i 73 72 '4 7.1 lllcctrlc Ktnrngo (17 HH'i (is'i i.'i Uenernl AKphnlt 31 .11 ,'U :it do pref 7i)l4 7n4 T ( 7DV Ivt'vatunc Tclephona .. 1IU II", 1IU 1 414 ilo t C Ill 14 14', 14 '-j da pref IH til) I1H (III I.nko Hup f'orp Kl'i K)5, K1I4 11 Lehigh Nrv 73 7,-,' . 7.1 7,-.'l Lehlsh Valley Tr 2H'4 21 21 21 V4 do pref 42 2s 2 42H t'ennaylvnnla niH fin notj nni4 Phlln llleo 2H 28 2SS il I'hlin Co :i!i5 -ui :m 411 do n per cent pref .."311 -Tl :t7 30 do (1 per rent pref . . null Hi !'W 40 Phlla It T tr ctfa .... 111 1Hl 14 211 Heading lUU'i lOOh 1U0M lUU't Financial Briefs There linn been ndmltted to tho regular llet ot tlio Plitlndelplila Stock Kxchnngc, rhllndclplila City 30-ycar 1 per cent bonds rei;ulnr und coupon due 1946, nlso Phila delphia City school district 1 per cent bonds duo 1920 and 194S. Bradley W. Palmer, ot Boston, has been elected a director of Aetna Exploslvcu. It Is expected that at next week's meeting of tho directors nnothcr Boston director will bo elected. Tho first consolidated balance sheet of tho Sinclair Oil and Iteilnlnc Company, as of Juno 30, shows net Current assets of $3,129, 846 after allowing- 3221,871, representing- In terest on ?1C. 000,000 outstanding1 bonds In accrued taxes. Net earnings for tho first two months of the company's cxlstonco to taled approximately $1,800,000, an equiv alent of J3.IC on tho 520,000 shares out standing. P. Dean Smith has become associated with Hughes & Dlcr; Tho Stock Exchange seat of George r. Bissell has been posted for transfer to Charles A. Owens nnd thnt ot Alfred II. Marckwald to Louis 11. Josepthal. Thoro has been withdrawn from the New York Subtrensury $100,000 gold coin for shipment to Spain. Tho Now York Subtrenpury lost $467,000 to tho banks on Wednesday, reducing tho net cash gain since Friday to $707,000. DROP OF 4G.86C TONS IN U. S. STEEL'S UNFILLED OIIDERS Bookings on July 31 Total 0,593,592 Tons Much Better Than a Year Ago NEW YOIUv, Aug. 10. In Its monthly statement, Issued nt noon today, the United States Steel Corporation reported Unflllod orders on Its books as ot July 31 last of 9,593,592 tons. This compares with 9,040,453 tons on Juno 30, n decrease of -10,800 tons. On July 31, 1010, tho unfilled orders to taled 4,928,510 tons Tho bookings at the ond ot July were larger than had been ex pected, It Is significant thnt tho orders on tho books of the corporation are sufficient to Keep tho plants operating nt virtually ca pacity for eight months, or until the end of the first quarter of next year. This nfcsures continued Urge earnings. I-'Igurcs for three years follow: linn mi-, 7.0-,-7ll7 4,24s.fi7l x.mis.iifiii i.:ii-..37i 1I..1J1.H01 -l.'.'.l.l 7411 u,Kjit,r,r,i U,I).t7,70S lt,4l),41H u.si)3.aii.' January . r'ebruiry March ... April . . . -May .... June .... July Auiiust . 1 Heptember October . No ember Deiemtxr 4,lll.',-41 4 2(11 MIS 4.II7S,1U(I 4 ll.'K.nill 4. mix, 4i.-, ri,J17.ll.'H (i.ini,4iu 7,IN'1,4NU 7.8O11.2J0 1014. 4.1113 IISO n.iuii 4iii 4.ni,8.n l.277,(ttIS a.ii'iH.inii 4,(13.', M7 4 lfiS.IMl 4.218,331 :i.7K7,llilT 8,4111,111)7 :i :ij4,niu 3,b30,U13 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TO.NOl'AH STOCKS. Hid. Jim nutler KS MucNanmra ' Midway 10 Mlspah Intension Ill Muntana ,.,.. .2t North War 11 Tonnpah llelmont , 4.1.10 Tonopan ui!nsion '. Tonnpuli Mining OH Iteseue KuU West End tU COtDFIBLU bTOOKS. , II Atlanta , lllue Hull ltoolh ....................., llulldog ,.,.,,,,.., COll Combination l'ructlou ,,,,, ni.imnndfteld II II lulsy Florence ...., Uoldtleld Consolidated ......... Jumbo Kxtensloli Kewunaa Oro rlandatorm Kendall Silver Tick MISCKU.ANKOUH. Nevada Hill 11 Nevada Wander , 2.10 Ticopa kilning uti ."-.1-1 .(It .)-! .(' ."-! ,11.' .4J ,hl ,r,u .11 .01 ,o.t .10 Askea. .01) .oil .21 .21 .211 ,1(1 r. ns .2d .81 in .ui .13 .(- .01 .07 .111 .(It .41 ,SJ .01) .12 .01 .01 .11 .17 2 13 .U DIVIDENDS DECLARED Philadelphia Klectrlc Company, regular quar terly uf l per cent, puiablu September 13 to atock uf record August 21. Tha bupplee-Illddle Hardware Company, quar terly of 2ft oer cent, payable August IS. National UUcult Company, regular quarterly of I1, per cent on preferred, paabla August 31 to stock of record August 17. Union 1'uclHc. regular quarterly of 2 per cent on common and regular eemlannua! of 2 per cent ou preferred, lloth pajablu October 2 to atock of record September 1. Adams Kipress. regular quarterly ot 11.30. pajable September 1 to stock ot record August Mini mm BEU.MARKET 1204 Kt5T0NI, PARK fcSS NORFOLK AND WESTERN RElPORTB GAMlS IN EARNINGS FOR JUNE AND 12 MOOTHjB Operating Revenue Increased $657,599 Over Corresponding Month of Last Year Reading and Lehigh Valley Soar in Local Market , i Another Rood showing In the matter ot earnings was made ly the Norfelk nnd Western Itnllrond In its statement lor June nnd 12 months, which camo out todiy. The Increases reported were of Iho substantial stzo which lias been usual for secral months past, nnd wero sufficient to cause rejoicing among holders of tho securities of tills company In local financial circles. Tho total oreratlng revenue during Juno wns $4,!S7,S$5. ns npalnst J4.330,285 dur ing the same month of Inst yenr, or nn ln creno of $0X7.59 To freight revenue wns credited f I, r, 13, 3.13 nnd $498,052 was re ceived from passengers, tho former being n gnin ot $SG9,037 over June, 1Q1G, nnd the lntter being an ndvnnco of fCO.GOl for tho Bnmo month. Tho twelve month V grors from freight tralllc wni $4.1 n&D,t3n, nn Increase of $13, 003. 5D0. ns compared -with tho previous year, nnd the passenger revenue for the period Increased $ 1.0." 7,0 1 1 to $5,?0C,fi82. Tho total oyerntlng rexenno van $67,304, GSb, which -was $11, 317,54 J more than that for tho 12 months preceding. The operating Income for tho year Increased $8,779,323 to $23,051,780. Directors of the Philadelphia lllectrlc Company nt their meeting In Camden to day declnicd the tegular quniterly divi dend of I "i per cent. It wns nnnounced, following the meeting, thnt no other busi ness ot public Interest was ttansacted. Trading on the Philadelphia Stock Hx chnngo opened strong today nnd met n liberal supply. Tho early Interest again centered In 731ectrlo StorftRO Battery, which was taken at yesterday'! high price, tl, nnd later nt a fractional lost. The pre" ferred Issues sold up a point at (0. Arbitrage Issues were actively dealt In, with United Slates Steel common ths UAder. At the start It sold nt 88y,, but later eased off, ns did most ot tho other Issues during n lull in the morning trading, However, there were no losses of consequence nnd gains were soon the order. Hnltroad Issues were ngnln In good tie mand at Advancing prices and Iteadlnf gained 3 points to 102,, while Lehigh Val ley was up 2H, selling at 78H- Pennsyt vanla gained n quarter early In the day, but later lost the frnctlon. Buffalo and Susquohannn preferred gained i. The trnctlon Issues were strong. TUplfl Transit trust certificates advanced a frac tion nnd Union Traction sold up a half Keystone Telephono gained a fraction and Philadelphia Electric Bold unchanged, Tonopnh Mining was oft a fraction. There wns not much activity during tha trading of tho afternoon, but the market generally held firm. Electric Storage nat ter. v, nfter dropping to 88H, grew stronger nnd reached 08 U. Heading sold up 2T4, Lehigh Valley was taken at 70 M nnd Pennsylvania wns un changed Philadelphia Rapid Transit was up a frnctlon, nt 20 H, but later reacted. Union Trnctlon gained 4 and York Itall-uij-fl sold unchanged nt 14. United States Steel lost Hi changing hands at 88H CURB TRADING ACTIVE, BUT PRICES DECLINE Advances at Start Are Not Main tained Recessions in Im portant Issues Ni:w York, Aug. 10 Thero Mas nctlvo trading on tho lirond Street Curb nil through tho day, but whllo strength was shown nt the start the advances were not maintained nnd recessions wcio in ord.'r In almost all tho Important stocks In tho last halt of the day. Chevrolet, nfter opening nt 209, quickly dropped to 203, nnd United Motors, which is Just now one ot tho most nctlvo Issues nfter selling nt 0714 declined to C5. Tho Ityan stocks wero fairly well hold with Strom berg Carburetor ranging from 43i to 43. The munition stocks wero In supply at concessions, nlthough thero Is good author ity for current statementn that nearly all theso companies are receiving new con tracts to the full extent ot capacity ot the different plants. Aetna llxploslvcs sold nt 10 at tho opening, but yielded later In tho day, nnd similar recessions after early nd Mincea wero noted In stocks llko Mldvulc Steel and .Submarine. Lynn Phonograph wns stronger, moving up from 2'i to 3. Tobncco Products sold from 87 to 87 U Ilmerson Phonograph declined from 10 to 9. Tho Independent oil stocks wero quiet and showed llttlo chungc. Tho most prominent feature of tho Stand nrd Oil market was nn ndvnnco In Stand ard Oil of Indiana from C05 to 025, the new high recoid. Mining stocks wero gen erally inactive. INDUSTRIALS, Aetna llxploslves Am llrlt .Mfs Am Mnrconl fhttvrolct Motors .... CurtlHs Aeroplane , . . Drlfc'KH-Sunli i:mr raon l'honosritpti ....... Klomlah-I.)nn Haskell . Ila-kor Car Kntlioillnn llronzo pref Maxim .Munition-, .Mnnhnttun Trans Mldvale Hteel I'oirlcaa Motors I'onlo Knit H S Kreaiio w I Htnnilanl Motors Htutz Mntora Htromberx Car Hulimarln" Trlanslo Film U a I, unil U com do pref I'nlted Motors -Vhltn Motors World rilni STAND.tnn oir. ktookh. Ohio -JJ I Prulrle l'lpo L'jn Standard Oil of California Jilrt Hlaiulitrd Oil or New Jeraey nir. Standard Oil cf New York 'JOi: OTiinrt oi r, stocks. rnadrn A. Co Houston oil Midwest Hef bapulpa Itcf MININO STOCKS, Atlanta Ilutto Copper and Zinc Ilutto N i .' (Vrro f IMf.co Flrnt National (loldllcld Mericer iieciL .Mininir .. . . tlnwo Hound Hi nid. Asked. nW in " :n.t 2" 11 I ,S.-4 1N4 J J I 1)1 H ni? nn4 n, 14 1.1 os 11 America Jim Ilutler JumtM, nxtnnalnn McKtnley Uarrah .Macma Cannur . Minea in oi Nlplaalna; , . nan Toy M Joseph Lend Weat Knil Con AVhlte Oala ... Cerro fla Marina (la .... UONIltf. RS (II . . i.- :: 7S!.i ..110 .. uuli UT. 20 SH :ns nn luu 10 aii4 20 $ los 1(H 31' $1 r, diHi l t 2(IS mil 201 14'i 17 (III arvvi ii r, ?; nn it mi in3 ?' I1V4 Jl4 U7 Sugar l'iitiirc-b Wt-aia-r NKW YORK. Aug 10 The market for sugar futures showed further weakness at tho start todaj, with llrst prices showing dtcllnes of S to 10 points The demand was light und there -was llttlo In the way of froth news from tho t-pot market to stim ulate tr.idlntr ou tho exchange. On the call October sold nt JUS and November at $1.60, with tales ot 100 tons. Statement of Dank of France PAULS, Aug. 10 The weekly statement ot tho Hank of l-'r:incu shows un Increase In gold holdings of 5.1S4.000 francs and a decrease in Miter or 601,000 francs. B.A. A r PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES' Publio Service Securities are a lien on Die success of communities. C, Our Public Service Securities are excellent example! of conservative in veitmenta yielding a hi'iik return. C From tkera you not only get a Urge yield, but the assurance of safety that comes only with obligations of highly successful Public Service Companies. C, We now have four different Bonds that yield 1st 5f-2nd 5'-3rd 5tt-4th Gf". G, They are well seasoned and have been issued by companies with unim peachable records. C, Wc recommend them for invest ment, and will hand you complete data. Beicen Ayliig S Yong Larvd Title Bldff. PhlladelDhltv Wg. Philadelphia: INVEST. IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended Jby BEN T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut St. EXPECT LARGE MilTISH LOAN TO 1JE ISSUED BEFORE LONG Will Bo Mnde Against American Securi ties Held or Borrowed Nnw YOnK, Aug. 10. In Influential banking circles tho statement Is made that negotiations which have been under way for some time- with respect to n new British ionn of largo proportions may come to n bond at nny moment. One banker who Is familiar with the whole matter said that nn olllclai announcement of the loan might be mndo sooner than had generally been ex pectdc. On the other hand he stated that nothing nbsolutcly definite nnd final has been dono so far, but that tho negotiations htivo reached such n stage that the whole matter should movo forward very rapidly. Whllo bankers aro unwilling to discuss the details of tho loan It Is generally under stood thnt It will be made against American securities held or borrowed by the British Government. In the most nctlvo speculative circles the opinion Is held today that this feature of tho loan has been the most influential fnctor In bringing about a sharp rise in tho lending railroad securities. Wants New Directorate Organized CHICAGO, Aug. 10. II. A. Christy, ex chairman of the board of dlroctors ot tho American Shipbuilding Company, who re signed last November after a disagreement -with associates concerning the management of the company, has Issued a statement asking the stockholders to meet In Chi cago to orgnnlzo a new directorate, It -was nnnounced today. The American Ship building Company operates a number of shipyards on the Great Lakes and has $30,000,000 of stock outstanding. Cuban Raw Sugar Unchanged NEW YOUK. Aug. 10. Alt refiners ciuoted 7.25 cents for fine granulated today.. Tho last sale In spot Cuba raws was at 5.77 cents, unchanged from Wednesday's opening. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOHK. Aug-. 10. nUTTKn Fairly rooiI triule und firm market throuohout. n. telpta, 111,907 rnckaBfa. The only quotation cliunee la In creamery seconds, which vrerp OffTeil at SUM UUii'l. i:aus Hlgh-erude ateady; offarlnsa. laraelr undergrade and rreaacd for aale. values ex tremely Irregular. Mo crianie la quotations. ! 3 ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Titta Building Philad.lphU High Grada Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bond ' Equipments and Public Utility Bonds jrEMHEItS new lortit and rmrjWEXrinA STOCK EXCHANOES Edward B.Smith Sc Co EflTiaLIantD 1803 BANKERS iltmltrt N'w Yrk and PMladttpUa Block Sichanpet 1411 CniaiNDT Siutl, FHiUDttrau B0 FIK1 ETSMT NSW YfSJt BONDS Careful selected securities, pf proved merit. Sand tor Circular. MELLOR & PETRY Member, j fi&ft tE ff 338 COMMERCIAL TRU8T BLpO. 18 SOUTH BROAD STHHET RuZIERtvCb INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sanson) Sta. r VUOl'Ob'ALS WILLIAM STEKI.K at., cava DiaDa una manutucturlns building 11JJ SJ bONS CO...1SU0 AUCH '".12. ltteatloii poatSt For bulldlnlfa and fwuraf. tii&nf Ia a II. A II. W PUlahur. to lk ttrftff iSun. ty-flttb and Reed ata , PhllnJeloMi. Bids to t iint to S. O. U W, ruiaher Co.. Ula afi Rector ata.. Manuyuak. not later than Auul lV ISIS, for tb attentioa of Ur. A. i! Uelaher Proposals wlU b rccelrad en tb fall iowlM lines of worlt', ' Kxcavwtlon. brickwork, atone maenrr, cat stone, nrnamtctal terra. ootU. structural aUeJ. mlacsUaneoua Ironwork. rooflns and aLVe metal work, mlllwork, plasttruur, oestNkt work plunjWna, palatloa and claalnav t.-ri-wara marble tile and . terraixo .work, fraat tank, radial btick stack, ciblcit, work. iXl " , steel doors steel saso. fety trti. ateel partitions, .etc, ' Tfce rlsht U reaerved la reject koy or all rs. poaals. LKUAL AUVEK-riiiKMEKTjV KSTATS Of. aUlir UkUtU ltU, deceased Letters itataaiMSiajr to a an .peraon i&3eaa ia u art request Ina- claims above estftta nuvlns . basei. srasiUJ tmA mil timrmftnA lJUfalUju3 ta ffh &a W jm a requested ta make uyiuat, aaJTtae Ur. to peraon le4Md to tka.uol to ertsct tbe tiB, vHUmi 604 Coenr&pswealS) MWt niKetnoKV uf Attuuxrairm frllaW ilkyi ftrriitintaaTlT nun - i'ffl.1 C?.J T.7 gaWMS 'Si WRjUB4L.it S. MaaflWiT A GO-