t ANCHE AISSOVIZZA, A 6 MIGLIA DA GORIZIA, E' STATA' CONQUISTATA ; ' t Un Grosso Bottino Fatto 'dalle Forze Italiane Vittoriosc Gli AUstriaci Inseguiti dalla Cavallerla o Ciclistt I pRlGIONIERI AUMENTANO ItOMA, 10 Agosto. rirca 22,000 austrlacl Bono cadutl prl rirnilerl dcgH Italtanl con la presa dl Oor i i 11 numcro pero' aumenta contlnua InJnte Ncllo lo stesso tempo gll Italian! hintio' trovato roolte batterle dl cannon! dl ""1. cftHed una grandlsslmn quantlta,' dl munUlonl e H altro matcrlale da giierra Un rapporto odlcrno del generalo Cadorna "'ll numcro dl prlglonlerl prcsl a Gor illa e' per ora dl 21.7B0 ma la clfra iublsce contlnul aumentl. rieposltl dl vlverl e ll munlzlonl boiio statl trovatl Intattl dalle nostre truppo le auntt cat turarono parecchle battorlo dl cannonl dl grosso callb'ro. ke truppo Itallane, cho contlnuano ad Inseitulro gll auslrlacl In.fuga dalla fronte ji OorUla, hanno conqulstato anclio la Bta .inna avlatorla austrlaca dl Alsnovlzia, die . 'trout a eel mlglla ad eat dl dorlzla. CAvallerla e berBagllecl ctcllstl si Impa Ironlrono dl Alssovlzza dopo aver messo In fua le retroguardlo auBtrlacho cho ten tivan'o dl rcslstere'. SI dice che un grosso rcparto dl truppe austrlacho e' stato tagllato fuorl dcllc sue eomunlcazlonl con 11 grosso deH'cserclto . .tAn'ronnvn. SI Rti rhn una erande eiuntlta' dl cannonl dl grosso callbro sono cadutl ncllo mattl deglt Itallanl o cho gll uslrlacl hanno tentato Invano dlstruggerno 'poco prima dcU'inlzlb delta battaglla dl Gorltla II generalo Cadorna aveva dlretto mile sue truppe H gcguente ordlne del giorno: "Vol, Boldatl d'ltalla, dovcto marclarc come una Impctuosa Bclilacclante marca. Nulla dove arrestaro la vostra marcla. Dovete passare la prima, la seconda, la terza Hnca dell ,,,fcso ncmlche. Dovete ttraversare Interamente II campo dl bat taglla. dovete gcttarvl sullo masse c buIIo rlierve ncmlche o grldar loro sulla faccla: Avanll, Italia'. Cola, nncho nclla lotta declstva la vlttorla sorrldera' a vol cho nvrete con glola conipluto II vostro dovere vereo II re o verso la ratrla." COMB AL COL Dl LAXA. II corrlspondcnte mllltaro della Trlbuna eosl" descrlvo la conqulata del Monto Babotlno: "Oil austrlacl non sanno nncora come 53l hanno perduto la poslzlono che avevano r raglone dl rltencro Imprendlbllo ed a cut davano Importanza vltalo per la dlfcsa dl Gorlzla della quale era l'approcclo prin ciple. "Sin dall'ottobro scorso gll Itallanl ave vano occupato la parte meridionals del montc, ma gll austrlacl rlmanovano ancora c jaldamente padroni della crcsta. Ognl tentative anche costoslsslmo, per prendre d'assatlto questa formldabllo poslzlono era stato Inutile. Allora lo Stato Mngglore do else dl scavare tro galleric, clascuna dl circa duecento pledl dl lunghezza, cho portavano nn sotto alia seconda llnea dello trlncco austrlachp. II lavoro dimcillssimo fu ese gullo nella masslma segretezza e gll aus trlacl mal sospettarono do' die si faceva sotto I lol-o pledl. "Lunedl scorso, dopo una vlolcnta pre parazlone dl artlgllerla, glL itallanl slmu larono un attacco frontale contro la crcsta del Sabotlno. Ncllo stesso tempo le tro rallerle, che Intanto erano stato mlnate con tonnellate dl alto csploslvo, furono scosse a lacerate da una tremenda esploslone che fce scomparlro la cresta della montagna. Allora gll Itallanl si lanclarono alia balo Helta' contro le trlnceo ncmlcho o lo con quistarono facllmcnte." ' Una volta caduto 11 Sabotlno cd II San Mlchele, cho venia nssaltato o conquls tato nel mcdcslmo tempo, la dlfesa dl Gorlzla dlvenlva Imposslblle. Repartt dl cavallerla o dl bcrsagllerl delist! sono alio calcagna degll austrlacl che volgono In fuga verso est. Anche re partt dl fantiria sono in contatto con I fugglaschl dell ala destrn, ncmlca tcntando dl tagllarla fuorl del grosso dell'cscrclto da Flava. SI dice oggl che gll austrlacl hanno gta' abbandonato lo loro poslzlonl principal! sull'altoplano del Carso cho gll itallanl deveno llbcrnre dalle truppe semlche. Looted Refugees Reach Border LAREDO, Tex., Aug. 10. J. II. Johnson and his wife, a Mrs. Rhodes and flvo chil dren, members of the Isolated American colony at Chamal, Mexico, have arrived hero from the Tamplco district. Mr. Johnson re peated other refugees' stories that mem bers of the colony had been robbed of all their possessions. Missionaries Wedded RICHLAND. Pa,, Aug. 10. Prior to leaving on a 10.000-mlle thlp to China, where they will engage In mission work, the rtev. Daniel It. Kauffman, a United Evangelical minister, of Richland, and Miss Mnrtha J. Pelffer, daughter of Isaac Pelffer, of Phila delphia, were wedded last night. i . A boon to tender skins For over thirty years Sylpho.Nathol has n used by leading hospitals and New cngianders as a safe and sure antiseptic A solution of a few drops In a bowl of warm water will quickly relieve sunburn. ere are two good home uses for It which we would like to have you try. " one-half teaspoonful to a pint of warm ater, Very soothing. r Economical and safe to use. The U. S. Si . haa Pointed out that many so-called .oisinfectants have no more germ-killing wue than water. See that you get cab or s None genuine without this signature liIi?ftbolles ot tour Bl!e8. 10c 25c. 60o and iSlU1 ,Sent, Prepaid on receipt of price If our druggist hasn't It Trial Size FREE For 30 days only we will send trial size, free with booklet showing uses and directions. Postage alone costs us 8c. We make this un usual offer so you may try Sytpho NathoL Write vs today Yh SuluUo-Noptbol Co. Sa UJw -Sk;t. stn w EVENING LEDUEit-HlAJUJiLPlHAN T11UMKDAY, AUGUST 10, 191G. ft s FRATERNAL ORDER MEN! fpUE department of Fraternal Order News, which has been printed in tho Evening Ledger on Monday and Thursday of each week, appears today in the earlier editions. Beginning next Monday, August 14, and until further notice, this news department will appear only in the two earlier editions of the Evening Ledger. ITALIAN TROOPS AND SLAVS DRIVE BACK GERMAN FORCES Continued from rare One have been nt the Isonzo front when Oorlzla fell though he has not yet entered the Austrian stronghold. The military expert of the Trlbuna, de scribing tho capture of Monto Sabotlna, one of tho positions making up tho defensive work known as the Gorlzla bridgehead, says : "The Austrlans nre still Ignorant an to how they camo to lose the position which they believed to be Impregnable, and to which they attached enough Importance, ns It guarded tho main approach to tho fortress. "Since last October the Italians had oc cupied the lower part of tho hilt, while tho Austrlans wcro masters of the crest. "Attempts to rush the Austrlans' de fensive works on top of the hill prncd futile until the General Staff decided to dig three tunnels, about 200 feet long, wlilcn led hack of tho second line of Austrian trenchci. Tho work was carried on quietly and the Austrian never suspected what was going on underneath them. "On Monday, after efdetont artillery preparation, the Italians foigned a frontal nttack. Simultaneously the tunnels, which had been transformed Into mines, wcro blown up. "Tho Itnllana swept forwnrd and carried the heights with the bayonet." The Austrlans, pursued by tho Italian cavalry, are reported today to hae aban doned nearly nil their chief positions on tho Isonzo and Carso fronts. Further reports from the fighting nt Gorlzla shows that It was of the most des pcrato character. Houses wero captured one after another by tho Italians, who throw the Austrian defenders out of tho windows. Tho astle was taken nt tho point ot tho bnyn'net and tho Italian flag hoisted on It. Tho correspondent of tho Corrlero D'ltalla at tho front wires ns follows: "Gorlzla's military establishments wcro bombarded for three days. A ring of fire encircled tho city. Two buildings, housing troops, woro demolished. The members of one command wcro nil killed or wounded. Tho loss nmong tho troops was heavy. Tho civilian population evacuated tho city on Sunday." Tho Italian inarch must bo a triumphant one. General Cadorna declared In njt order to tho troops at tho commencement of tho Gorlzla battle. Tho order says: "You must march like an Impetuous over whelming force. Nothing ought to stop you. You must pass tho first, second nnd third lines of tho enemy. You must traverse tho wholo field of battle; you must rush upon the massed hostile reserves and there shout 'Avantl Italia !' There, even In the last struggle, dcclnlve victory will smile on you for Joyfully having accomplished your duty to your king and to your country." Latest ndvlces report that thero aro no Austrian troops left In Gorlzla nnd that the pursuit of tho enemy continues to tho east of the fallen fortress. A total of 21,750 prisoners has been taken on tho Gorltz front, according to dis patches from nrmy headquarters today. Tho guns nnd ojher booty have not yet been counted. A remarkable scene greeted tho Italian troops when they entered tho city of Gorltz. Several thousand Italian residents who for weoks had lived underground rushed out, bringing Mowers and Italian Hags from con cealed places nnd cheered the conquerors. In other underground caverns several thou sand Austrian soldiers wcro found and mndo prisoners. A War Ofrtcc review of the Isonzo of. fenstvo made public today corroborates earlier press dispatches. PETROGRAD EXPECTS EARLY CAPTURE OF STANISLAU; SLAVS WITHIN THREE MILES OF CITY PETItOGItAD, Aug. 10. Tho right wing of General Letchlzky's nrmy has reached tho Monasterzyska-Nlsnlof Hallway, 12 miles northeast of Stanlslnu, and the mouth of the ZIota Upa River, It wns officially an nounced today, nnd have occupied tho rail way junction of Kryplln. Tho Austro-Hungarlan base at Stanlslau. In Gallcln. Is under heavy artillery flro by tho Russians, nnd Its capturo Is expected momentarily. According to tho latest re ports, tho Russians were only about flvo miles from tho city and wcro pressing on ward. Tho army of General I-eehltsky, which has been tho most successful In tho group commanded by General Brusslloff, Is driv ing northward ngalnst Stanlslau. overrun ning nil opposition by tho Teutons. Tho capturo of Stanlslau would bo an over whelming stroke In tho enterprise of Rus sians against Lemberg nnd would put the I army of General on Bothmer in sucn peril ns to compel Its Immediate retreat from the Strlpa line. The Russians are concentrating their chief energies in ccntrnt Gntlcla at present, although they are keeping tho Teutons busy at both ends of ttio long battle front with local attacks Seerat attempts havo bion mndo to rind lodgment on the western sldo of tho Dvlna nenr Frlcdrlchstadt, but tho forces were small nnd tho enterprises were mostly in the nature of a dhcrston. AUSTRALIANS WIN ALL LOCAL POSITIONS NEAR POZIEIES; HAPAUME IN FLAMES LONDON, Aug. 10. Tho British continue to exert steady pres sure ngalnst tho German positions north west of Pozlercs nnd further ground wns gained thero, last night Tho British War Ofllco, In nn ofTlclnl statment Issued this afternoon, reported that tho night on tho Somme front wns gen erally quiet except In tho Pozlercs sector, v. hero an ndvanco wns carried out by Aus tralians. Seventy-two prisoners wcro taken Tho district whero tho combats are In progress lies on tho high rldgo across which passes tho Alhert-Bapaumo highway. Tho British guns nro keeping up a con tinual fire ngalnst Bnpaumo and tho city has been wrecked by tho rain of Bhclls. The city Is In flames. 'Tho text of tho olllclal report follows: Tho night wns genernlly quiet along tho front, except for heavy shelling of our lines by the Germans southeast of Trones Wood. Northwest of Pozlcres wo mndo further progress, gaining all cur local objectives. Tho new posi tions nre now being consolidated Sov-cnty-two prisoners wnro captured. South of Arrns wo raided nn enemy sap. Inflicting casualties. A similar attack by tho enemy ngalnst our trenches northwest of Uulluch was un successful. The enemy exploded a mine south of Loos with no effect. FRENCH GAIN GROUND NORTH OF HEM WOOD; 200,000 SLA"VS IN franm! PARIS, Aug 10. Despito fog and rain, French troops made further progress In tho Allies' Somme offen sive Inst night, advancing In tho region north of tho Hem Woods, taking 100 pris oners and six machine guns. It was offi cially announced today. South of tho Sommo n German rcconnalssanco wns dis persed On tho Verdun front no Important Infan try fighting occurred during tho night. Thoro wns an Intermittent bombardment In tho region of Fleury and tho VauxChapltro Woods,. In the Vosges, a German attack on French positions northeast of Altklrch failed utterly. Many air raids wcro carried out last night. On tho Sommo front three German aeroplanes wcro defeated. Tho text of tho olllclal communlquo fol lows: North of tho Sommo wo made prog ress during the night north of the The Lud August wig Sale For pianos that are new, beautiful in quality of tone, correct in design, superior in every detail of finish, the great Ludwig sale of surplus stocks offers a range of selection and real values unequaled anywhere'in this city. By purchaslnc one of these beautiful 1915-16 model pianos at this sale you can save $60 to $105 IJJbmHHI Dy purchasing one of these 1915 -1G model unit-valve player-pianos at this sale you can save from $90 to $175 There are 35 of the 60 different styles we manufacture, in choice woods and finishes to select from. Every instrument in the sale is backed by the regular Ludwig permanent guarantee. Pianos taken as part payment at market value. FRPP Stool and scarf and year's tun 1 JMjIj jng with pianos. ' Bench, scarf and 12 music rolls with player-pianos. THE HARK OF TONE QUALITY Cash or Monthly Pay mints Arranged Especially convenient tern of payment will prevail during thi Sale. No Interest No Extras Ludwig Piano Co. 1103 Chestnut jJrJstWWWWW Hem Wood We brought In about foo prisoners captured In this region yes terday. In addition, six machine guns wero captured. Hnln nnd fog ham par our operations. South of the Somme a German recon naissance party that sought to npproach our llnis, making uso of liquid fire, wns dispersed by our flro west of Vcr mandovillcrs, ICast of tho Mouse there has been nn Intermittent bombardment In tho region of Fleury and Vaux-Chnpltre. In the Vosges, a surprise attack deliv ered by the enemy nftcr artillery preparation ngalnst our salient north west of Altklrch had no success nnd re sulted In losses to tho enemy. In tho Sommo region, our aviators wero engaged In 15 conflicts yesterday with German machines One German aeroplane was brought down between lterly nnd Itethom tilers and two others wort forced to descend nftcr battles In tho region of Combtes. Last night one of our air squadrons accomplished tho following effective operations: Ninety bombs wero dropped on tho stations along the tisslgny-Comblcs front. 138 on tho station at Dugny, 40 nt Appllly, 38 on a battery In action In the region of Hoyon. IB on the station nt Uozlhcourt, northenst of Hhelms, 02 on the stations of Aplncourt nnd Dam illors and tho bivouacs nnd canton ments In tho region of Verdun a total of 413 projectiles. The seventh contingent of Itus.slan troons was landed at Drest today. It la estimated that thero are now nearly 200,000 llusslan soldiers In Franco. They havo been lauded nt lntervnls since April 20. PHILADELPHIA BOY IS CARRIED OUT TO SEA Eight-Year-Old Lad Drowned ns Terrified Companion Looks On BRITISH ATTACKS OX SOMME FAIL; .'142 SLAV I'ltlSONEIiVS TAKEN, HEKLIN ItEl'OHTS nnrtuN, Aug to. Drltlsh troops on the Sommo front have launched fresh pressure against ho Germans south of the Albcrt-Hapaumo highway, but without any result. Tho War Ofllco In Its statement todnv s.i Id that the British attempted nn attack ngalnst the German position nt Bazcntln-le-I'etlt, but that It Was repulsed. On tho eastern front, 342 mnro Russian prisoners have been captured by the Ger mans in tho region of Zarocze, It wns said. Heat Kills Chester Man Cnr:.STi:it, Pn, Aug. lO Anthony Bush suffered heat prostration whllo nt work m Marcus Hook, and died shortly after being admitted to the Chester Hospital. John nlcfevrc, 8 years old, the only Ron of Mr nnd Jim. Krnesl K Lcfevrc, of 1800 Wyllo street, was drowned nt Seaside Heights, N. J and his body was carried out to sea. Tho dead boy nnd Anthony Abcrs, who Is of the Bame nge, wcro play ing on the beach, digging holes In tho sand. The l.efevro boy ventured out Into the water while his companion wns busily dig ging. When tho mothers of both children and Mrs. John Mnrkhurst came to the bench to go In bathing tho Abers lad came run ning to meet them Ho was terrified nnd told the women 'that his llttlo playfellow had been carried out to sea. The little fellow was the Idol of his par ents, who nre of French-Canadian descent nnd camp to I'hlladelnhla from Iloston. The father Is a traveling salesman nnd has been'' spending week-ends at Seaside Heights. He Is believed to bo in Washington, D. C Tho boy's body was recovered last night. Snves Woman From Suicide mVnnSTDK. N. J., Aug. 10 Tempo rarily deranged from Illness nnd worry, Mrs. Chnrlcs Walter tried to commit sulctdo In Itancocas Creek. Her dress took up a quantity of nlr In her descent nnd she noated under the bridge for 60 feet. She wns rescued by tho brldgctcnder. MARRIAGE LICENSES nnd Floronre Acker- ond nd tn.n-4-t- hospital. , and AlUu Irn Usncr, Ilphrata, Pn., man, I.nncnsler, ra. Oforito T. Hlchartlion, 4120 nrown t., Catharine A. I.Hlf. I2S3 Viola at. Hobort R. .Maddpn, lfi.10 Summer t , Venlo Kenrnev, 1830 KummiT st. William P. Forrey, 1850 NarraBansftt nt. Mario i;. iiurni". iai.i rrir ii. Donald II Parker. Naval Hosiiltnl, pnia. nun iirnivt .Mari-y, rwavni Herman Pfart, L-.'aT N. Kafrhlll at (irwnnnod. sews Vt Htnia at. Imae Cnhn. 2820 N 27th t.. nnd Knther Katx. (10.1 .Mimin at. llorlca Sherman. Oil) S. Amrrlrnn nt., and Bnillo llroilaky. fllli H American at. I.nthcr C'laMon. 4012 Nice at , nnd Uvansellna Moss, New York cltV. .. . James V Snowilnn. 2B2H H Oarllalo at., and Mary Srntt. 21 -H S Olllli at. David Levitt. 2131 H. nth at., and Bertha Hnjdermnn. 1U17 MclCean at. Joseph Munlork. 27fp'J N. I.nwrence nt , and V.Win. Iledfern. J72S N Orkney at Oakar flchutz, X34 N. 8th at., nnd Tllllo Mod- koultz r.44 N dth at. Domcnlck Tropin. 131:1 Wharton at., and I'llo- inena Clnnrii. 170S S 10th at. Harry H. Sehwali. 210ft H. Krazler at., and Elizabeth Sehnepp, 2110 I). Trazler at. Harry PerlolT 1)23 Illtner at . and Pauline Ulttlcman, 412 Mccer at. MONEY TO CHARITIES .., ,. ..mm. f Mrs. Sallio M, Caldwell's Will Provides for Institutions After leaving $0000 of her $18,000 estate outright to relatives, Sallio M. Caldwell, Atlantic City, by her will probated today, leaves tho remainder of her property to n. niece with directions that sho distribute It among such charities ns she Bhall deem most worthy. Bequests of $100 each to the Home of tho Good Shepherd nnd the Llttlo Sisters of the Poor, Klghtecnth and Jefferson streets, nre contained In the wilt of Margaret S. C.irllti, who died at Ardmorc. Pa leaving property valued at $6000. The remainder of her cstnto Is left to relatives. An estato valued at $22,000 Is disposed of in private bequests by tho will of Charles Yockel, 1220 North Lawrence street, An Inventory of the estate of William A. l.lpplncott, filed with the Register of Wills by William J. Fisher and Walter O. Cahllt, places the valuation of tho person alty nt $lll.lli.22. The Interest of tho testator in Ihs W. A- krgflnuuU CtmTii Is apprnised At $106,000. Th personal f fects of the estates' of Freeman J9nrttt and Bchln Cavln have been apprAhwA t f3 130.83 Ami 1,5665.41, respectively. "SUDS' SOAR AS SUN SIZ25LB8 Smaller Beers in Pittsburgh Next Monday Aft- PITTSBUnoir, Aug 10. Smaller gtassef of "suds" will be the' rule at all bafs n Pittsburgh after next Monday", owing to ruling by the Allegheny County Liquor Dealers' Association, The new prices nre: Case beer that now sells for $1 to be $1.25 f case beer selling for $1.25 to be $1.50., Keg beer will be advanced 25 cents a keg-. The reason given for the advance In prl,ce Is tho Increased cost of labor, horses, feed, higher rents and advances In delivery cost. Following tho notice of the advance re tailers throughout the city announced the reduction In tho size of glasses beginning Monday. $7.50 FOR selection from 1 70 new All-Wool Pinch Back Suits for Men and Young Men! $!0.00for223$18&$20PinchBacks $12.50 for 260$25.00 Pinch Backs They're the kind of values that tell the story of big August business at Oak Hall I Wanamaker & Brown Market at Sixth for 55 Years iiiaiHi fS llllilliiii :sTonn ornxs daily at s.ao a. m. a cr.osns at b r. m. until roitTinin notice. Entire Stock of Men's Hats at unprecedented Savings. $2 TO $3 STRAW HATS Sennits, soft braids nnd splits. Newest styles. 98c IStore Closed All Day Saturday Daring August HLe Panamas 81 nnd $5 vnlua. $1 Qfi -3!49 '4.98 S0.SO aliio 38 to $10 vnlu. . HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE JLitBtlsera ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eighth Lit Ilrothrm SHCOND FLOOIt, 7TH STREET s 0 s aa aa a . 66-aaa cep e-t Filbert Seventh August Furniture Sale Includes every new, desirable effect in furni ture for every room in the home. Qualities are exceptionally fine throughout. Pay for Your Purchases as Suits Your Purse Through this innovation you can select all tho furniture you need, settling for it in convenient weekly or monthly amounts. No interest. 4 4$ 3$, frfr iQQ Q4 $ 0 sc O ?sV 3V $ $6 s Tomorrow! Last Call to Share in This Remarkable Sale of Mrfs im & $8.50 Tropical Weight.Suitsl$C WE HAVE CLEARED THE WHOLESALE MARKETS; YOU MUST COME QUICKLY IF YOU mW WOULD SECURE SOME OF THESE UNPARALLELED BARGAINS J " Qualities Include Wool Crash. Featherweight Mohair and Palm Beach Cloths Shown in a wide range of swngger styles, including the very popular pinch-backand every other good model. f No factory discards or xmdcsirablcs among them. Every suit is fresh and perfect the finest sold at the regular prices. Choice of Smart, Neat Patterns, or Plain Effects in Light anil Dark Colors and Natural Shades The best values ever offered at $7.50 and $8.50 their present low price of -these suits are really sensational at $5 Boys' $2.50 & ) $ $3 Wash Suits J l Billy Boy, Tommy Tucker, Vestec and Middy Styles Sturdily made of striped gnlatca, blue chambray, percale, mndrns, poplin, Bed ford cord and white rep with blue col lars and cuds. Sizes 2& to 9 years. Blue Serge $A QQ & SK QQ Suits, now. 'y 'VO Smart Junior-Norfolk model. Sizes 7 to 18 years. en's Serge Suits; In Three Great Special Sale Lota '$12.50, $18 & $22.50 Values, now! !$S.75, $12 & $15; Qunlitios suitable for present and fall wear. Perfectly tailored of all-wool, fast-color serge, in pinch-back or conservative styles. 'a Jwi Wiri M mil A 9. rX.lt Brother SECOND FLOOR. 7TH STREET 0 Q s " X 0 Q ? s s 4 4 fr-A Continuing the Sensational Clearance of Our Entire Summer Stock or Women's$3 to$4.50 PumpsS Colonials, $1.98 Patent coltskin, gun-metal calf and sea island duck; also black or shiny leather with champagne or fawn inlays. Sizes 3 to 7 in lot. Misses and Children's $1.75 to $2.50 Pumps and Oxfords Sizes 8V2 to 11 $ 99 I Sizes 1VZ to 2 $1.49! Patent colt, calf, tan Russia calf and white Nubuck, I.lt l!rolhr FIRST FLOOR. NORTH a-4 . 4 Qfr 4t o Dresses Previously $5 to $15 & in All Sizes f,B2.95,5&s6.90 t Reductions That Mark the Dismissal of Our Entire Stock of Attractive Summer Fashions Linens in natural color, oyster white and light shades. Voiles in plain colors and stylish figured effects. Lawns and Nets very sheer and pure white. Attractive styles are plentiful; skirts are in latest draped, tunic and full-flaring effects. Blouses are in coatee and other latest fashions; trimmings include soft silk girdles, cool, low col lars and laces, $2.95, $5 and $6.90 are but trifling sums compared to the actual values. We are sure that hundreds of women and misses will want to share. Misses' & Women's $8) $C to $10 Coats J - Stylish plaids, mohair,, linen, light-colored corduroy, navy and black serge. i 52 White Skirts I i 4. $- r X asuO I.ioene cotton corduroy gabardine and pique t& ip "IP E 'IB u"1 m )" 3 y J w W fi Lit Brtber SECOND PU lA ijhi hfl ffo t& ij 01' ft lfli' fi ' Friday Bargains Men's H Olus & Porosknit ) rAf I In inn finite ( tUV ' "Olus" In plain pongee and plaid nainsook, with patented feature, open all 1 -way tjown rront. "t'oniNkuit" m wntte cotton yarns, win paientea croicn. etc Nut ull it uf raili kind, but plfnty of cood diet. SluUr' linperfectioni. tt line lot lal. Hoys' 50c, 75c & $1 BloUses, 35c; Three for $1 i Tukim from our rreular tucki nearly ull klndu included. , Ulrjaes vlth soft collars attached; some with neckbands and stiff cuffs. Shirts i u itli soft and stiff cuffs. Percales, madras, pongees, etc.. In light and Uaik stripes. All sizes, hut not of each kind. While lot lt. o mall ur phone urderi, lioys' aye to 50c Undershirts, l'iC iBa.'brlgpan with short sleeves; white gauze with short sleeves and pull-over , style, inrsi quality. Dome sugniiy rumpieu. jintr eieun-up. sue zf, au. , 3,' uud 31 only. "VXV 50c Tabourettes. 29c Oleuruiicei Ktionelv made In mission, Suitable for plant stands, porches, etc. $2 & $2.50 Scarfs, 98c While Limited Lot I-at Beautiful all-linen; 50 and 51 Inch sizes. Lace trimmed ; some have wide lace Insertion. THIIID FLOOH Made-Up Carpet RUGS Only one of a size. $24 & $25 Wilton Velvet 8.3x8.3 and 7.8x12 ft. $16.95 & 517.95 $18 & $22.50 Royal Wilton 3.9x10 and 3.9xlt ft. S9.98 & 512.95 50c New Process Linoleum, Sq. Yd. $1 Inlaid Linoleum, 7-ic c(j, Ytl v. t ....... . Remnant lengths two yarda wide. Some shopworn. Limited quantity. No mall or 'phone order. fourth yxxjon 15c 69c FIRST FLOOR, SEVENTH STREET 'VSSSSrSNSXNSSSSNSSNSNSNSSVl GOc Cambric Petticoats, 39c Deep, full flounces of embroidery with under-rurtie. All lengths. SECOND FLOOR $1.50 to $3.50 Corsets, $1 Xo Mall or l'llone Order Popular makes In coutil, batiste and fancy material , high, medium, low and girdle top; long or medium skirt. Sizes 19 to SO. MAIN ARCADE $1.50 Grand House hold Sets, ....... Medicated dust mop, Cedar Oil Polish ing Mop, medicated dust doth, large bottle Cedar OH PoiUfti and hardwood handle fits either mop. l.SO Aluminum Coffee X'ercola-.QQ Ur IMt-qt sue ... HOC THIRD FLOOR $2.50 Porch Rocker. $1.50 Solid oak, natural finish; broad anu, bent seat $10 to $22.50 Serya$C QK in Table. 2,JJ Limited lot. Colonial detlgn . fur.vtHJ oak. Plank top, long drawer wwl eheir. soma wuuun and Mary tie Several patterns. FOUBTH FW Remnants of 25c to 35c Cotton Dress 1 Oc Fabrics, yd Two to six yard lengths. 3$ and JJ inch widths 6trf)tS. Aorft.1 dlgns umll piaida on white and tinted grounds. CIuSuq and semi iola, wwa rirU4 oile vnnled repe plain linen, poplin, etc ?io Ha r I'hmm Oriiw,! FIRST FLOOR, SOl'TH ' uiSrsi-sjsj iW W gftmsittr i a F visiv atir. mn sfstaiiuaxt hkst nv EVEBVTUDiQ II IDWliSf teitlBXS, 3TIVTM arifcaSaaasBiMeiaieiSkaaifewiBga1 -a i