A?M n mMkWilAU INTO A WE-PART The Consolidated Film Corpora tion Wants You to Do a Scenario Job Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Kntrle new uptn. valine brcmi Jnlr IT. Voting end Anrn.l SI. Decision September S. HOV TO VOTE Col ent the heading "Evening Irfwt" and date llnf Appearing at the tap of the nrt pure. Write jonr candidate's name In the white martin above and mall to the Evening Jdger rhotoplnr Ct Contest. P. O. He 004. or bring It to the lder Office, Below U a specimen Tote In mlnlnturei Aliening t$m& lUcfiser Eaeh heading connt for ten vetes. Jfij heading except that on the Oral pare will be accepted and none that I more than 10 day old. Only one name mar be written on each heading. ENTRY BLANK riraee enter In the Erenlne Ledicr rhoto plnr Cast Contest I i Nnme (Miss or Mrs.),..,................... Home Address , ? v. . . Nana Coir.), ? ... Ilomo Address , .... .7. t. B Igned by ....t. ... ..... To Nominating onrnnlintlon. Nominating organizations mar concentrate their votes on one candidate or mny nomlnnlo and work for twoi 1. e.. one Indr. one gen- 'nila' nomination blank, when properly filled out and forwnrdrd, will entlu? the nominee to 10OO rote. ... . ... Candidate are reqoeMed to give their homo addre In each and every lntance, no that the Editor will be able to cnmmunlenle with them from time Id time. All nddreaaea will bo strlrt.lr confidential. Only one Nomination Ulnnlc will be credited each contestant. Mall to Ktentng Tdrer rhotonlay Cant Content, V. O. llox 004, I'hlladelphln. By the Photoplay Editor The Consolidated Film Corporation, which Is presenting; "Tho Crimson Stain Mystery," the sliteon-eplsodo supor-scrlal produced by tho Erbograph Company, with Mntrlce Coa tello and Ethel Qrandln In tho leading roles, announces that It wllj give away 1J six cylinder, 40-horscpower, flve-passcriBer, 1917 model Ororland automobiles In a contest In connection with ths presentation of the serial. Ths contest consists of tho submission of thu best Idea for p. flve-rcel fcaturo based on the characters, mysteries and situations In "Tho Crimson Stain Mystery." Tho United States will bo subdivided into thir teen zones, and tho best Idea submitted from ach zona will win an automobile. Tou have until August 1, 1917, to write jrour story. " Tho Now Tork offlco of Pallas pictures has Just received tho Information that "Ths Parson of Panamlnt," a new Dusttn Fnrnnm subject, has been completed and that the popular star has commenced work on his latest vehlclo, 'A Son of Erin." Playing ono wholo rcol of consecutlvo rcenes In ono setting was the unusual stunt accomplished In "The Return of Eve," fea turing Edna Mayo. Tho action of tho wholo fourth reel of tho play transpires In a ball room. Naturally, a setting with such a bearing on the picture was necessarily n magnificent structure It required mora than two weeks to build and filled an entire studio at tho Essanay plant. Moro than 300 persons or tho largest number ever used by Kssanay In a ballroom scene appear amid this setting. Part of the floor of ono of William Fox's Fort 1.00 studloa was ripped up recently In order that a set showing an elevator shaft, with the elevator In transit, might be made. This Is probably the first time that such a set has been constructed, as the usual prac tice Is to take the scene In a building al ready provided with the necessary upward-and-downward transportation facilities. Frederick Wardo, the Shakespearean ac tor. Is away from the Tanhousor studios on a short leave of absence. Mr. Wardo Is on a lecture tour addressing Chautauquas and a number of Frederick Wards societies that havo been organized all over tho United States by club women studying tho drama, Aa soon as he returns from his lec ture tour he will start work on a Than houser feature that will be released through Pathe, T STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH (100-MILE RIDE for 50c BTOPPINO AT CHESTER DAILY PENNBGBOVB WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boat to Aurnstlne Ileaeh. Landing la front of Grow. hour on the .Beach. Safe alt water bathing BOO sanitary bathrooms. DANCINO A Li, DAY on boat (round. Plenty tables, benches and shade. Artesian water. Fare Sd 50c Children M' 25c Leave Arch St. Wharf 8:50 A. U. Dally. Sunday S.-OO A. M. JAMES E. OTIS. Mrr.. S ARCH STREET MOONLIGHT TONIGHT Alio every Thurs., Erl., Bat. & Sun. Evening, Up the Beautiful Delaware Three-Deck Iron Steamer "Queen Anne" BEARCHXIdHT, NO LIQUORS Adults, 35c; Children, 20c Boat leave Arch 8. Wharf 8:15 V. M. Prominent Pheteplay Presentations WEST rmXADELFIIIA OVERBROOK MD DiJF5v Dorothy Phillips ta " MFf "PEG O THE RING" EUREKA i0TH MaJUCBT BTB. Mae Marsh and Robert Harron in 'A Wild Girl of the Sierras" rtABnV7J W LANSDOWNH AVH. ttOAJUJljrv evening, jmmjj. f WORLD CTI.M OOm. PRESENTS Gail Kane "Pgyihg&e Price" SOPTU PIUIADELl'llIA A1V1IPTA BROAD AND ek , aTlmiwt i temert, tafctv ana mu. Miittr a tA mtotMtMn irlet. UATJL DAILY rams wif pr vw," jt i 3d ew. CsUWUN ta 'Ourla Stormy Riin-y Theatrical Baedeker NEW FEATtmH MtAIS BTANl,BYr-8ec6nd half of.WMk. Mario Doro and ThMora nohnrti. In "Common OroundV Mr. and Mrs Sidney Drw In a Motr com edy, "I'rcparednooo " AnCADIA Second half of woo.. Ma Mrh Jnd Ilobtrt Harron. In Trlinsla feature. "Tho tarrlaao of Molry-O." PAt,ACR Bcond half of . "Undr Cer." with Harol Dnwn and Owen Moor. Saturday, f?iftrt r'hBMtln In 'Tin A. Xf..' added. Thariday. neoilo Lov and DoTVolf irorpor, in Trlanale feature. "Btrana lrw, rtTnrtv ThnrMir irp!n inn S trandM." and Tho Devil at Hl Elbow.,f wlthDorothjr Bmiurony. i lorothv nu.n ,A ..ll.,!.. vi.aa . ti.ntil.. Ttva nnA Drew comedy Thurad&y. Friday and Saturday, VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Iura JIopo Crew. In 'Iter llu trnnd' Wlfo"! Albertlna Ranch and her tlallet Dlvertliidemont! lien Deely and Lillian Steele. in "Tho Now flellboy''! Oeorca. M. nonener: leabell D'Armond. arelited by Hobby O'Neill. In "A Dcml-Tnsio llevue''. Pour ileadlni Williams and Sepal. In ."At nu Junction': Itolser llrotberai Krrd and I.ydla Weaver, with "The Oetonufl.' and the Sells-Tribune New J'icioriffi. NIXON'S OrtAND "Tho Olrl In the Mo?n"l Moore, u linen anil .MormacK. Air. na jure, ri". rhllllr., CalU Urol thM. ntv. rtnth. Nolan nni nomn, jurmei Nninn. InrBler! urxlera; the rathe New and Mutual comedies, in addition to special new features, QLOnri Toml Allen and company. In "Bokrd In? School curie": Kemrton tlreeno and Vlr Blnla llennlnir, In "When the Clock Stopped"! "Klvo llenutles and a Spot": Itucker and Alnlfred, In "The Chinaman and the Coon": "The Merchant l'rlnce." "Tho Cabby" and other act. CltOSS Knrfl Second half of week, "Maid of thn Movies," n musical astlre on the moving Slctures; Harmon, f.nrne end Dunn! Mabel ohnon: 1'eto and Ills 11 Johnson llroth or and Johnson: Keno and Wakner. LOST AND TOUND HOOKS Ixist or mislaid. books of the Wyom ing ltulldlnac and I-o.in Association; numbers nf lmoks nro StR, 17D, lion and 1077. Reward lfretunied to 87aN. Markoo St., V. rhlla. CKUTIt'TCATB-Iost. afock certificate No. 132(1 for threw shares stock Third National Tlnnk. Issued In namo of Loulss Cochran. Reward on return to her nttorney, Samuel F. Wheeler, Flnsnco Hulldlng. DHt'OSlT HOOK No. 2.17.020 lost, with the Western Sftvlne Fund Society, 1000 Walnut st. Reward. HOUND Ixist, black and tan female hound. Rcnard 023 Fanshnnrn st. LooKirr. Iist. Rnllnr.. rnM InrkAt, rnntaln. tnEf ilttmnml! Inlllnta rl. V. Tr. Ilnmaril. 779 Orthodox. UNCLAIMED TELEOllAMS WKSTIJHN UNION TELKOIIAI'II CO.. 1B01 CIIIJSTNUT RT Joo Wlmley. Tom Tasker Htewart. n. S. Williams, Paul O. Dllllker, Mueh, Messrs, Dietrich. T. II. Clothier, A. II. IMckerln, Mr. r. M. Masters, Kntheryn Dunn. II. It. Nichols, Roa Cassard, Mrs. M Pointer. POSTAL THLT:aRAPH CAIH.n CO., 1421 B. I'KNN SQUARC John Dath. Unit Construc tion Co. ,HLP WANTED rEMALE BOOKKIIKI'ER wanted for furniture store: must read and write Italian and Unzllsh; cooJ wnges. 100(1 s. Otli st. COOK, chambermaid and waitress wanted by tho 1st of .September at 8t. Martin's. Phila delphia: hath clrls mut be first clnssi small family; Protestants preferred. It 80.1. Led. Off. F1LR t'l.KUIC tn Insurance offlcei state ae, reference and silary expectod; Protestant. !'. --. i.euger urnce. OIUI.S 2 whlto Protestants; one for cooklnc and downstairs work: other for upstairs work and assist with 2 children; reference required. Phono Chestnut Hill 1003 W. UlltLS over 10 jenra wanted for light work: no experlenco necessary: M week paid whllo learning. Apply 310 N. 02d St. oirls, KXPrcniuNctiD on foldinq, trip- 1'INO. TVINQ. 314 N. 3D ST. MRNDURS. experienced on laco curtain: steady employment. Apply John llromley h Sons, Lehigh nicnuo below Front. MILLINER Woman with orlglnnl Ideas, good copyist; spienaia opporiunuy ior rigni pariy. M 8.13. Ledger Central. OPERATORS on silk Georgette, creps de chine ts: plenty of work: good and cotton shlrtnalsts; wnges: closed on Saturdaja during summer. Hngedorn-Mcrz Co.. 3d and Drown, PAPDR" IIOXKH Wanted, experienced stayeri also girls under 1(1 years lo learn paper box making. Apply Schoettle. 310 Florist. BTKNOORAFHER and oMco asslstannwanted; Chestnut st. nouse; pleasant surroundings, good hours, daylight: state age, wage. ref- eronco. u ujj. cogger central. STlSNOaRAPHER to transcribe from dictaphone record; must have experience and bo thor oughly competent; state salary desired, P Him, LiKHtr urnco. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, familiar with rubber goods pref.; good salary: steady pes. II. r. Cood-Rlch Co.. Droad and Spring Garden. STENOaRAPUER, permanent position, central real estate office: state age. ealary wanted and experlenco. Q 1)51. ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER Toung lady, beginner; man ufacturer's otfico; state ago, reference and salary. P. O. l)ox 1510. flTENonnAWicn neat and accurate fnmtltAr with clerical work and and nllng: salary 112. An, J12. Ap- ply Frank If. rieer Cor,, cor. 33d and Arch, STENOORAPHER, thoroughly experienced, a substitute 'or 2 weeks Apply 1815 Walnut TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offer positions as operator to In telligent young women between IB and 22 years old: salary $U a week while learning, with rapid advancement: a steady position assured, ulth pleasant surroundings and un usual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to ths Hell Telephone Company' opera tors' school, 40(1 Market at., dally between 8.30 a. m. and 0 p. m. Tuesday and Friday evenings between 7:30 and 8:30 o clock. Prominent Photoplay Presentations iSnm rw,,. eti,.!n- theatre obUtn their picture through th STANLEt Booking milK 'IJ,"hA?.e I. guaranto of arly showing of the finest productions. A.Company, which I a guar j fc j th, , , leeallty oVufnU,SrSletuV.'."hrou,nth.eBTANlKT BOOIUNO COMPAnV. . v vt iinn 1 Mth, Morris & P""Tun,tA.Yo ALHAMBRA &$$'l Edith Storey in "The Shop Girl ARTADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 16TII Mae Marsh and Robert Harron in TUB MAJUUAUB u t.. s --T r B2D AND THOMPSON APOLLO MATINEB DAILT ITAItRT inU.IABD and JUNE CAPRICE In. CAPRICE OF THE MOUNTAINS" wno'fl auiLTYr' rw- rfrrVTrr bid above majusjst BELMONT suu, ,10 sjjj. joo Louiie Huff in "Destiny's Toy" -it?ri A T BOTH AND CEDAn AVE. CEDAK PJLRAUOVlfT THEATER METRb PRESENTS ty 1 r" In "THE FLOWER OS" Viola Dana no man's land- FAIRMOUNT '"SntJSl, avenue FANNIE WARD in "A GUTTER MAGDALENE- FRANKFORD ynANKvEW MABED TALIAFERRO in HER GREAT PRICE" 56TH ST. Theater "gSJE? "w Below Soruee, Evr T to 11. CHARLES RAT in "THE DESERTER" B'LWB BURKB In "OLQRIA'B ROMANCE" GERMANTOWN tS0i HAROLD LOCKWOOD. MAT ALLISON la THB RIVER OF ROMANCE" Added Blllt Burk In "Glxrl' Romanee" rIOATrs AVENUE THEATER LiltVrVIVLf 7TH AND OIRARD AVENUE METRO PRESENTS HAROLD LOCKWOOD A MAT ALLISON ta "THE MAflKED RIDER" IRIS THEATER "JKgSSS1TOW MAE MURRAY in "8WEET KITTT BBtXAIRS" JEFFERSON 39TH R,EUPHIN CHARLIE CHAPLIN 1a "ONE A. M." WILLIAM B. HART In "KENO BATES- FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN la "MOON RATB' LAFAYETTE S8M If. X. BUSHMAN fa "A Virginia KomxoW ANNA NILSSON and TOM MOORE la "WHO'S GUILTTr- LEADER FORTT-F1RST AND LANCASTER AVEMTTH UAJIULU IXKHWUOU C MAX ALUSOH la "THE RIVER OF ROMANCE" BTT.ME BURKB la "Gloria.' Bomnc" (9) aTlJ''JJtJ'J-JJ'JaiiisisjjsitrIt.4aiiiiti.rs-gtafsIi EVENING LEDaEK-PHILADELPHlA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, WELV WANTED FEJOAMB Conttniied from PrtCKllnp Colwinn TELEPHONE OPEriATOnS, local and Jnnr dle- tanc. expariencaa. Apply ivoyiion iinpu. Co.7 lis B. 2d t.. Itoom U8. TTPI8T, xprlnoed on Underwood booVkelnr maohlnei permanent poeltlon to rlht partyi tate are. oiperlenco. alry delrd and ref- orenee. m no. .uenaer mnoe. TITI8T wanted on nemlntton or. Underwood maohlnej etate oiperience, aae, taiary omn and reference. M 718. Ledter Otnce. WANTED m . Female help over 16 year of aro, tartln new machinery: food. ware: paid while learn Inr. Apply driawold Wortted Company,, Darby. WRAVKP.8 wanted on tape and narrow edclncl learner taken. P. W. Maurer Son Co., yoyn qyeJ anl DrUtol tt.. near Wayne join. VWINDKRS fciperlenced cotton skein winder wanted; also girls past 18 years of age. F. W, Maurer A Son Co., Wayne ave. and Bristol St., near Wayne Junction. HELP WANTED MALE I1KNDER of umbrella handles wanted: on who Is able to bend apple handles; will give steady employment. Box 8. Lancaster. Pa. BOTTLEWASHERS, 4. wanted! tedy employ ment and sdvancement for good workers aw ply In person or by letter. IL- K. Mulfora, . Olenolden. Pa, , DOT. OVCR Id. ACTIVE. INTELLI GENT, WITH IIIOH SCHOOL TRAIN ING; SPLENDID OPPORTUNITT WITH CORPORATION, CALL HE TWEEN 0 AND 12 O'CtOCK, TUBLIO LEDOER, OTH AND CHESTNUT. ASK FOR MR, WEHCOTT. DOT wanted, oer Id, to learn hardware busi ness in a large wnoiesnie nsruwsre company! good reference required: permanent and good chance for advancement. 727. Ledger Off. DOV, bright, wanted In lawyer' office: perma nent posltloni wnges 13.60: opportunity for advancement. 108 South 4th St. BOYS wanted. 1(1 or over, to work In wall paper factory. Apply nt once, linker. Smith A Psg, Water ana anyqer sve. BOYS wanted In cutting room. Apply Dept. Hnollenburg Clo. Co., Broad and Wallace. CARPENTERS, 200, wanted on targe concrete form Job lasting 0 months; wage 46a per hour, ll h0U"- D. M. HEPBURN 8th st. entrance. TUB BA11COCK &. WILCOX CO. Darbcrton, O. CHAUFFEUR White. Protestant, single, over 26. experienced driver and machinist: refer ence from private position. Apply 701 Denckla Illdg., 11th and Market, from 2 to 0 this week. CLERK WANTED for plant engineer and mas ter mechanic: knowledge of stenography of alue: stato experience and salary wanted, B 27. Ledger urnco, COMPANION Wanted, a single man. white, from 20 to 26 years of age, aa companion for boy of 16; to reside with family In Philadel phia: full particulars given upon application. II 28. Ledger Offlco. rr:rmir.Tn T.AT10RERB. Apply Allegheny ave. and Emerald St., 7 a m Friday, CYLINDER press feeders wanted. Apply 0 a, m., Welsbach Co. Emp.ltureau, Gloucester, N, J. DESIONINO DRAFTSMAN ON HIGII-ORADn AUTOMOHILB IIODIEH, EXCELLENT POSI TION OPEN FOR FIRST-CLASS. CAPABLE MAN! STATE EXPERIENCE AND REFER ENCES FULLY. ADDRESS rOSTOFFICE BOX 0801. PHILADELPHIA. DRIVERS wanted: goftd wages, steady work. Apply Crane Ice Cream Co.. 208 South 28d. STEAMSHIPS VACATION TRIPS BY SEA rniLADELrniA to BOSTON SAVANNAH - JACKSONVILLE DELIGHTFUL SAIL fla Bttamer. Low Fares. Best S arris Plan your vacation to Include TlntM Coastwise Trips In the WsrlA Tour Book Free on Request. Merchants & Miners Trans. Cc, City Offlcs. 100 B. 6th St.. Fhlla. Gansult any tlckst or tourist TRIPS BY WATER na.rdYyV7.V.V.V.V.V.g' Porto lUco. 10 dars" cruise.... U4.BO no NovaT Scotia nnd Newfoundland 00.00 up KnSah and Jacksonville..... 30.00 Great Lake Cruises, from Buffalo 40.00 Full Information on the above, or any other water or rail trip, gladly furnished. Steamship and Tourist Department The Fourth Street National Bank 143 S. 4th bt.. Pblla.. Ta. mrrj Boofam (mpom L I B E R T Y DnoAD lumbia TRIANOLE PRESENTS Douglas Fairbanks ,n "SggP&ir LOGAN THEATER ",9 Skoad Ralph Hens rhe Plui0 Lady" r,T TCT BSD AND LOCUST LULUO 1 Mats., 1:30 and 3:30, 10a. Evgs., 0:30, 8, 0:30, 16c. Alice Brady in "Miss Petticoats" Market St. Theater S3S MARKET STREET Mary Pickford in "The Foundling" Be "THE QRIP OF EVIL" every Monday. PALACE im MA1Rol!TRDOT Hazel Dawn and Owen Moore in "UNDER COVER" DAttK" RIDOB AVE. & DAOTHTN BT. rtt.rrw mat., an5. evq stis to ii. TRIANCJLB PRESENTS' DODOLAS FAIRBANKS In 'Fllrlng With. Fats' ALSO KETSTONB COMEDT PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET WORLD FILM CORP .PRESENTS Holbrook Blinn ,n "THBOI7StE,!8 PI A I TO OERMANTOWN AVE. IVlVlj lJ AT TULPEHOCKEN BT. JACKIE SAUNDERS in THE SHRINB OF HAPPINESS" RJIDV MARKET BTREET KJ D I BELOW 1TH STREET Myrtle Stedmari ta '"g."" CHARLIE CHAPLIN la "ONE A. M." SAVOY 111 MARKET BTREET FOX FEATURES PRESENTS ANNA LUTHER in "The Beast" TIQQ A 1TTH AND VENANGO fiTS. Billie Burke 4cyorU. Romance" VIPTfini A "ARKET ST. V 1 U i U K 1 A ABOVE NINTH DB WOLF HOPPER A Hlh.aJ. J BESSIE LOVH In OlTn(Jca Mr. Mr. SWnay Dnrsr la "HI First Toola" 5TATMT 17 V MARKET ABOVE 1TH iJXiUlLIil Xiao A.U. to XXilBF. M, Marie Doro ,Comma g, rr HEM? WANTED MALB OcnUnutd frerx rreeedlng CoXvnn . ELEVATOR MAMwanted! must be sober and In dustrious, F. W. Maurer & Bon Company, Waynr are, and Bristol St.. near Wayne June. work: tnn rnf l,v .. out machine hlsnlramtfhs anrt fntl Arvmmtrni tnnlmskers and dlemakrs: handy men. Employment Depart. mnt. tne westingnouse Macnine uompsny. Esst Plttshurghj Pa. Employment office open Tuesday and Friday eienlngs until o clock. FARM HANDS and laborer wanted for general work. Apply In person or by letter. H. K. Mulford Co., Olenolden, Pa. FIREMEN . RAILROAD EXPERIENCE APPLT DALTIMORB A OHIO RAILROAD FRED I, A IIOR 11UREAU B19 SOUTH 11TII ST, HELPERS wanted In the lee cream department: good wages, steady work. Apply Crane Ice . Cream Co,, 2Bo S. 28d st. JOH PRESSMEN wanted. Apply 0 a. m., Wels. hsch Co. Employment llureau, Oloucester, N.J. LARORER .ROSSES, WITH MEN I want 400 laborers for o months' work: building and concrete construction: free shanties and good commissary: will arrange transportation for men: telegraph, my esnnse. D. M. HEPHURN . Rarberton, O, OSILRT Experienced fliers on Jenckes ma. chines and llepwprth looners: permanent posi tion. Triangle Hosiery Mills, Lena L above Church lane. Oermantown. STEAMSHIPS ENOINB LATHE HANDS wanted, large, and mall work: vertical boring mill hands ,'lsrge f.nd small work: horizontal boring mill hands, rge and small work: planer hands, large and " small workl mseMns flttsrs. Isrce and Small Answer the Call of Mountains and Sea On the Saguenay WHY SWELTER AT HOME? .When cool breezes await you on the majestic "Only One Get relief from the heat and at the same time view the finest scenic attractions on the Continent NIAGARA FALLS THE THOUSAND ISLANDS THE MARVELLOUS RAPIDS MONTREAL QUEBEC - LOWER ST. LAWRENCE AND FAR-FAMED SAGUENAY TAKE THESE TRIPS NOW When You Need Them Most StnJ 6e pothfe far illaslraleJ fcooIct, nop tni fy l JOHN F. PIERCE, AuU Patent Traffic Manaftr, CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LTD. 116 R. 6 O. Building, Montreal, Canada SUMMER RESORTS From Stuffy Office to Jolly Game of water tag; In ten minutes. Corns tn hot and cranky leave cool and contented. Jaded men our specialty. Our prescription for the blues: One game of volley ball (players always ready), one needle shower, ten minutes' swim, a brisk rub-down; result one new man; cost, less than a drug store charre. Rest rooms, cool and Inviting:. 12.00 pays for whole year's member ships buy swims, showers, Kames, eta, aa you desire, at very small cost. ABK FOR BOOKLET h Central Y. M. C. A., 1421 Arch St. Philadelphia MlMiTlO CITY, N. 1, TMEUA0U4O RESORT HOTELOF THE WORLD IBatl6orougfiWim .ATlANTie CITY.N. J. OWNERSHIP MAHAdCMCNT. Iajiiii. iAusitarritPtsssotananLiM-rt&vean MeBinea" BmtiT BTONE UABBOK. H. J. STONE HARBOR Both railroad. Farm products and hi rpoa ireaq ana piaaiiKui. iir coavaaincaa. zacai ciud. winiwau.- v boardwalk.4 athlac. as- fUauic. craDDiAC ana Domr niAjirttt tintal rata. and boatlas, XteaaqnabU rwlui, LKO McCKAVEN, Borough Clrk. O.KUU1U uooaiau BWAXTHUOXK. FA. Strath Haven JmM3SetS'&S Kaw eaoa. Phong irarthmar I J. FOCONO MOPMTAIWa IXIgwara Wattr Gap THE -NEW, KXTTATINNY DELjlwjLBKI' water gap. pa. Oaly blibclaaa modtro hotal in tau famoas rMlaa, capacity aw. ciirx itoajrnMUli), naclty ttonal c ;fS raent. axcactlonal culafna iKhcbtt: Orchej- r nlf t.nnlf. rtMhfnir. Atfi. C&tm ami ri I Q-rox. Special jeaaoo rt uookiet and auto IrVSOX C?fE. jo jrears ei Water Gib Uvuc ty&k PbOTj aiuantio crrv m T&maRJDl nns set A.TVwxtnnria-ri OI XtTViCtt cnmtnrt r. HELP WANTED KAIiB ConKnurd from trtcritnq Column HQ1IKRY Expsrleneed men to to and help run Xvildman rlbber Triangle -Hosiery . Lena st. above Church lane. Oermantown. INTERIOR DJtCOnATINO SALESMAN ."""""."...'.'''i.Wpreh rljs WOIlIt AND WHO IB quAiiVifi'i' TO PI.AN AND CARRY. OUT tu A COMPLETE DECORATIVE FURNISHINQS. DnCORATIVB FURNISHIKUB. Arrui u "sTRAWBRIDaB A CLOTHIER IARORERS wanted for general work. N. W. cor, flth and Urown, Apply LEVKRMEN. heaters, driver, hammer and press helper! etsady worki good wages. Phllo. dtlphta Steel and Forge Company, Tacony. LEVERMEM, J, and Ipngsmen, 2. wantea to work on -ton hammer: rermansm posiuoii l.i . ,,u " -..'"-,. .. rood wares: no trouble: PI rood wages: no trouble Ittsburgh district. M A21 i.eayer mncc MACHINISTS wanted, alt nroujid ".fltli TJ!: Apply at r-nee, Camden Shipbuilding Com- pany, nenu oit" .i w-,,,,.,,, ., . MACHINISTS and roll turners wanted: no troii hle: good w.ges. Apply hfter 7 p. m., 104 N. 2d st,, Cs mden. MAIL CLERK Tounir man wanted ns mall clerk In a centrally located offlce: hours 7 to 4:30: refernce required: reply In own hand writing. P. O. Po 103. - MAN. 25 or M years of age, with etperlence as wrapper and .packer of fine merchandlsesjich as china, sl!er, etc) steady employment. P 720, Ledgor Office. . MAN. accustomed to running a shear In scrap lard Apply Sterling Iron nnd Steel Com- ' ...... ...I ii.mIII.h pany, pany, nun mm nni"""i n.o. MARIILE POLISHERS., LAItOnpnfl .wanted. VennjniJlUrJtoleJCi.,ji2dWestmoreland ats MEN wanted In the technical engineering servlco of the city. Including draftsmen, structural end architectural: at salerle ranging from 1000 to 12500 per annum. Work on auhwajs, elevated railways, piers, sewage disposal plants, grade crossings, bridges and street. Employment continues for from one to two years and In msny eases permanent. For additional Information apply the Civil Service Commission, Room 876, City Hall. MEN WANTED . , Steady employment at good wares Is offered to men between tho nges of 20 and 40 jearsi none but sober, steady and reliable men need apply nt V. U. Line Oate, K. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Ulbbstown, N, J. MEN wanted. 2,8fl ,per day: 11 hours' Par. 10 hours' work. Apply Outside Department, 254B Arsmlngo ave. rOUNCERq nn soft hat wanted! iteady work and good pay.0J. nAT COMpANT 001 Ornnd ae,, Brooklyn. N. T. STEAMSHIPS Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers Night's Ride from New SUMMER RESORTS H UP THE HUDSON M illlu By River and Rati Batordar. Aur. 10 Thursday, A Dr. at ounday, Sept. 10 C9 K( nouNri T:00 A. If. from Heading; Terminal, T;00 NEW YORK SUNDAY. BEIT, tt 9 ffl ROUND V"'ou TRIP Leave Readlnc Terminal 8 -.00 A. 11. EAGLES MERE flSSS pan AUTUMN LEAF 5 "AUC" chunk and switch. EXCURSIONS iJwaSViXSI: K 4 Bid FAIRS gyBEIUtY OiVa raiKO em. i 2. junn Philadelphia & Reading Railway iSUteiJ MB. HEM? WANTED-Jf AM .i...rf frem ..A.Ainn Column MEN-Wantedft l&f&&Z p5SrnR3wtrtTariSia nV!wif.: Fn C . iif tf. rrtrfnee ana -wnri fnr rlrht mini f Je mi . " , , for rlgnt rnani .. .. . H,-n;r.i smmfrw&jsssi k crkn dejVrtment. NlW-yem.,, pany, JUff!hiandJfeadowjit. wa-nts 2 clenn-cut le n?.rnP?rcVp.nbll.t,?TBdOOWpnr"yar. Addr. U.ESMAN irj""" " .: Vi of nie and nss understands lh manuracture oi mw,,r,te Sre". P 715. Ledger- WHe. .in nnnnirriiinK p",',i - SfofnufVaTfl'awieMoro'r Car erlenc to sell the Compajnyt08ariorinJi.i" ..,.. ith nWooTlAPItEIl. , oPerlen7r wim 8TE rDNOORAPHER. , 0,U .iisrv s e-idy posl. rubber goods pref.: .good eanry.sie-iayK wmwmsm "0Hl'Mfe AUTOMOniLE COMPANT Nlsy imuiQ'""i.'" - ?- ;ti,nnr.r.r.Aa Extjerlenced . frame .msKersri steady work! good piy. Apply rrii.-u.v.. Co., 2Zd ana oeasiey c WIKTRn MACHINISTS WITH RAILROA& .SIIOP EX nail ItEPAIRERS. CAR HUILDEH3! Wit J i FREBBLAROR;mmDAU Male help, over 10 years of age. starting new J"ih(nrv! good wages: paid while learning. ?e',JnffrT.,wnldVo??td Company, Darby. TAiib.MEN, 4, white or colored, to handle lAitiwif-'ji. ' , . ., fnr m-n who want nr.eady joBT' Ar,ply"ln Person or by letter, it. It. Mulford Co . Olonolden, Pa. T-Aim i.AllORBltS wanted, wiilte or c TAtl, in hoiVs' pay for I) hours' work! 7 colored. m. to r. p. m. APniy " """" JX 5efNu MUHVotoV!,foodl'o,p'SorUl,y fo? hustler. PloSeSf Suspender Company. 815 N. 12th st., slith floor.- r.itMfi mam in to 22. for office work In man- STEAMSHIPS York!" Ii ;ffl SUMMER RESORTS IRE $1.00 SEASHORE ptataa EXCURSIONS HMmmM TO Atlantic Cltr Ocean City Sea lls Cltr filnn lt..K. VUdwood Cap. Mar tl EVEEY DAY A. M. from Cbeetnut Bt. Ferry, IK VALLEY FORGE Special Reduced One-dar Fare Saturday, and Hundaya and lJbor Day nH p!,1ad.?.0To TK ,.,,.., ,.. .po.uu FAIR AU. 30. 8l"- 4 readinq fair!: fair Sept.' 19 50 it HELP WATTTBD-.it,, lusJ.... i" ll 1 """""' '""" rrtcti.. 0flir- tounu man to take chariair13! gie at Invettment baSkJ? ',1 .t r TOVli?. Vii ,.".leuLn'm5?r7 PefeTeerOiS: ldgJr'P.VW.'Sl AAtaHnnt iU sbia "VV WK STILL NEED mornreTfshSr!r-- learn ateet sash making, Trui? i?5? I ed at ornamental Iron wo A C? hAller making. tner , hlr, "e'' fll wilt pay nj m,ib can easny ieam: will b can make J20 per week when bib im cy Mil. U., (J. , EXCELLENT oppor'ty for enerrtMr-i worthy map to establish himself "Jar wortny ma the rreat 1 vasslng and n insurance co eiii"J'a i d collecting, p 8oi ii.rt, General - ".wf . lCCOUNTANT Several cosTaecormTS-s keeper, ftenographer. clerk. fortU?5 man, .satesmanager, eto.t Poiltiori.raiB' this I your opportunity, naSL'"'1' t Company. 1801 Land Tltfe Bui S?i"' M TEAV,"""! ""PJ uui. .ra?.n. "nrss Ciaii7 f.-uiiiiitviviKis 4MAUUN1T. .." I AGENCY. D. H. COOK, Mgr., M7 p.Aj SITUATIONS WANlED.-i CHILDNUR8H or mother's helnsfTr-S U L, ' WUVU. MBVlCIUUCr 1, II ift. "".' Office, " u COMPANION ' Refined AmerleaiT" wisnes posuipn; willing lo assist HrtV" reference; suburbs or shore, ii iffl'V ' 30KI Protestant: seashore preftrrtsTptS erence. Call Itoom 208. 608 CkffALwtfii inif sml rhsmlirn.nl - i "It, COOK and chambermaid e.i.c.wvniam,iorornffnaa CRO"S. w."V..nam,n.l ,n"'-e'5." refr.ST try or preferred. COOKINQ and. downstair voVi ? p, sun. st. t housework Whltewomsn wishes rJ;.,.,r"J erence, in n. i7tn st. '"",0i,sjl DAT'S WORK White woman: can il reference: laundry work or cleanlnr bHI ledger Office. i liuuiiunuiin voiarea gin In adoltT kouu cwiftt hu?, reierence. ainn LniiJIz1 jvAT.in'a wrmar w ... . . .'i?, INVALID'S NURSE PractlcalwnSr position; reference, II 801. LdV..S davi excel ent refereno.. n ! f",'BWI OFI'ICE ASSISTANT Yotinr i.a. -?fZ&M , orp,. detailed office work, O 4BW, V oir,vuiuirjii.i QSDarienoea. ih.hu.jr rant! nrlvata oir.l.r. -.,.."'."v"aj 1 rlerlcafworkrtlB, II XT, Irlgv.','! ENoaitAPUBR.BeeraUnr. . thoiwlSf?a n Ifgal anrt c6mrrlal norks Q 94 Jf WOMAN, experienced, I'fll IfllLCU. niinil sag... rr ymeEcenx H 608, Ledger OfflesT" r-l COWJRED WOMAN would like rlnnSs work ft homo or out: rood reference, uft Haines it., Oermantown. """ Ulf SITUATIONS WANTED-MATyj DOtJKKKEPER Youne man. SI. wi.iS tlon.wltb BOOd houeo: conalderiM. "J In office routine and coat work: nmiiii . frencoa, AddrcBS II 25. Ledier obK"" BOOKKEEPER. D. EthorouKh1y tn iT corrciponuencs ana mjn efficiency mi . counting: onec. ahlllty. At ref. 11", g? BOOKKEEPER. pxrrlenccd. wm BtiaJtT moderftte terms. Dtll phone Walnut 7lJi BQOK1CKEPER, 27. experienced. tiitiL, tion.aaDooKKeeper or aaalatant. v aSzm f.i N. Ohio ave.. Atlantic Cltr, "N. Jm BOOKKEEPER nnd Rcneral office ZfV. (eyerai years of practical exBerttarT. a rpiorpncea. y ant, ieoger ucntral l BOOKKEEPER, 10 yeara" exp.. educates ateady poa. Lfrt. Branch. 8101 oJSSJti CHAUFFEUR and butler. whli! ni . mako own rern ra If 800, Ledger OltST COOK AND BUTLER, man and wife j"i cjauci juutuu iiuuiBKcnmir, ivisn POIIIIOBI' tnirn nflr nharra nt amntl .-. .' liA... niSf.ii """" "'"". Ul COOK, Japanese, and wife, houietrorkn I.. 1B34 Vina at, ' diiaftbhan wlanea work of any kijTi name, Apply urauiman, 1131 Terruiil TlnThftrftHirh "1 nvniKTi.pn .!.-. ., k-....- ii. iiwiBw, vmuiiuu, pQwer piiatv,! i:iiincijf. utiMii ,ui ph., ret, ieni.an, S3ZJ, ijj 0USE PAINTER, expert, wanU altuttla contract work. Benecko, luim N. 4n XTAJ. mm lltltfn. vnrAnn fin.. .a chlckena, enro machlnca; good rtre'rtcct. it MECHANIC, flrat clnaa, dealrri puitln 1 arenerai loreman or foreman OK macaiotK real nuimy. u oaa, ijcuger ueninlL SALESMAN. 27 yeara old. nt nreaent rani coal concern, desirca change: famllUr ml cm x ciiiiayivmiia territory. KM OOJ, Heat STATIONERY MAN, 44 yeara of nee, at preaent holdbi responsible position with nlgh-clui ua. 1 cern: 30 years' experience In oc!j ' and commercial stationery, book bU ncaa. bookkeeping and In executln a- rnclty: highest testimonials, a to. Ledger Central. , STENOGRAPHER, age 30. experienced I aecreiary anu omce manager; anoffle i:uub, i At, igier UIUCB YOUNQ, AMBITIOUS MAN . Well . educated, expert atenomsbe thoroughly capable and experienced or respondent, fluent, forceful talker, roolbj nearanre. vlBhea to afrillntn with rititl. concern where Initiative and reaultavlllk the aole criterion for advancement; st Jectlon to prolng- anywhere In the wui either In office capacity or aaleanualtu furnish the highest references from ima employers, with whom have been coaaat for 5 years aa credit man and corruM"' ent: aged 24 yeara: married: reason changing 'ueairo ior better prospects, fc imager unice. YOUNO MAN. thorough archltectnril ' executive ability, dealres position vltlit tect, contractor or maintenance departing commercial organization, u m. iearer YOUNO MAN wants position on firm: encea in care or aaddia horses, j formant. Chester. Pa. JAPANESE wants Dosltlon. cock or housework; has experience and good nil Az. 90S N. 18th at. EMPLOYMENT AGEMCIBBr MRS. KANE. Oil South 10th at., wutil nions ior I'rotestant ana watnoiio nu,i Dermaias, waitresses, launareisei, b, homework girls. Phone Spruce 8101. iiii,iiui.uo An! x)ainuriuBouiuv.r.," and female help, nil nationalities. surtW" wanted. Phone Locust 2130. AUTOMOBIJjES For Bala LOOK OVER OUR UBED CARS before rou dedda. They ara rtijrll VALUES. Taken la partial payment fil "NEW PAIOB CABS" Saab la a genuine barrata. . 101B PAIOB Fairfield t-U, , lOtfi PAiaa aienwood ? .1 lOld PAIOB 11 oiditer M4. 1013 CHALMERS 8 paMa. 1014 CADILLAC Roadster. V" .A, it k TmfVTvi. rvirn'nniT. ! 1012 CLADILUAU 0 passea".-j iaiK nnnnw K naiHtinr. 1018 OVERLAND model iO, ,Jd.ii U1D OVEKLAMU, late BWi OlS LOCOMOBILE 0-47 Ola FORD Touring. 1018 FORD Touting. U1 ItlPUKIAU. mo tiTnitnr.t. 1018 CHALMElta, blue bodr.l ilUIUlL. OAKLAND. STUDEBAKEB. KBIT. i BiaBLOW-Wn.LEY J MOTOR CO. 80 North Broad Street Aek for B. fl. Rodgers. DEPENDABLB USED CARS now In atock must be moved to tnait rm sew cars com". JfllA COLB 8 Touring 018 COLB 80 Touring 1014 COLE 8 Touring .j,t 1016 STEARNS-KNIQHT Touria 1U14 KltlT Touring 1014 MICHIGAN Touring UHALMtstia pouring: OLD8MOBILB Touring ia nADiLLAC Coupe Is pur. T.MAN Touring 1812 1IAYNES Touring I.. B. BOWERS COMPANTgit COLB S4B-24T North Broad att- CHASSIS . l4tf VT, have cnaaala vai ave a few cheap cars of w would be vfy"lti"Yil work of any kind, don t I" ' S( delivery work In and look them over If you J fS: at a bargain price for delivery ll,nwS .. . 2314 Market street. Locu.t rt. a. jttta, .Manager """-r'a ADILLAC. 1914. touring car. JJJi'ia CADI 1DILLAC. 1914. tourln car. o'JSJi , COLE 8 Demonstration. T h nnvvwnn cr BOWERS CO.. 23 N. " COLE Distributers, UUDSONS rebuilt and truarantew. -gt i&;,&v?m?i.M2um PAIOE, 1810. roadster, in fxciUSf with extras, tires, good will, tvsas I JlHsTAH sTlAHtvAl J1P' 1812 SIMPLEX. "EO-h. D. Touruw Cfg WMBfecMilV ioth.' p.' Bai!t!ti THE WHITE COMPANT 2ttt North "'"'d stream. PARTS FOR . ' 'ovn--vo-imi-m nilLtSn1 """ Sr'uaKD CARSV .. OORSON AUTd EXCilANOHgJlTg Autoca,rTrucic--ri SC1IOBER. S34t 4$ MARSS- FOR ALK nva-naasenjrer.toar, or OMjr terms. V Ml. Iggiif itr PARK YOURtRjlOfl P '