Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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cmua it k. cunns, ramiDtsT.
ChllflM Jl. Ludlnaton. Vte President: John
C. Martin, Secretary ami Treasurer! rhlllp B.
Collin, John 13.
wuuams, Directors.
Ctuds ll. IC Ct'RTU, Chairman.
r. n. wiiALny.. editor
JOHNC. MAIITIN.. General Business Manager
Published dallr at Pcsr.to I.emim nulldlnr.
Independence Bquare, Philadelphia.
Lstiors. Ca.sTtlt..,, .Broad and Chestnut fitrwts
Atuktio Citt....... rmi-VnUm Dulldinr
Haw Toic.oi .200 Metropolitan Toner
Smon i i.i:il Ford Hull Jin
Br, Loms.. ..... ,,400 aUbe-Iemocrat Ilultdlnit
CntOioo....... 1202 Tribune Uulldlnr
WAatttNOTOH nrniuu,. ........ ..Wcrs Bulldlnr
Kw TotK BcTsiU.. ..... ..Ths Times nulldlnr
JUaltif ncjiTic.... 00 FrledrlchstraM
bojiMf nnntn.. ...... Marconi House, Ftrand
Paiis Benin.... 32 Itug I.oula lo Grand
By currier, elx cents per week. By malt.
postpaid outside of Philadelphia, etcept nhere
foreign postage Is required, one month, twenty
nve cents j
nnft venr. three ilntlnrs. All mall
subscriptions payable In advance.
Morics Subscribers wishing address chanced
must give old as well as new address.
K7" Address alt eommutiltt(o?M to ttvrning
Ledger, Independence Square, Philadelphia.
irnTtaiD at ins rmr.AtiEf.MttA rosrorrtci A8
sko:u-class hail mattes.
Tim AvnrtAoc net paid dailt cir
culation or THE nVENIKO. LEtKJKIl
TOR JULY WAS 121.003.
rhlliiltlphll, UcJntiJi-, Autmt 9, 1916.
Thare is hope for the living, but
none for the dead. Theocritus,
Hughes la Umbering up. At tho
present rato of progress ho will soon bo
In his best campaigning form.
It appears that Mr. Bryan, whllo
Becretary of State, became Interested In
an experiment to transmute silver Into
gold. Why not? Ho had made a great
success In changing words Into dollars.
Tho people of tho Banish West In
dies aro a trlflo resentful becauso they
woro not consulted about the purchase.
Mover mind! Not oven tho United States
Bonato has been consulted yet.
Tho commemoration by tho Ortho
dox Jews Inst night of two anniversaries
of tho fall of Jerusalem reminds ono that
tho German celebration of the second fall
of Paris has been postponed indefinitely.
Senator Olllo James will mako a
flno speech and tell Mr. Wilson that a
United America "stands behind tho Presi
dent." Senator Olllo Is an excollont ora
tor, but a poor judgo of relatlvo positions.
Tho nrst tariff act of tho United
States was passed July 4, 1789, a coin
cidence not without meaning for thoso
Who cling to tho Independence of Ameri
can Industries and American working
men. Tho weather of tho lost three days
has not been seasonal. Cool nights aro
duo in August, but tho nights have been
almost ns hot as tho days. Tho weather
bureau promises a little relief duo to
thunderstorms; but It was llttlo Indeed
that last night's rain brought.
Reports of tho Bremen being seen
off tho Maine coast add interest to tho
statement of Dr. Hugh M. Smith, tho
great authority on fishes, who tells of
the basking shark, which "has the habit
at times of basking In tho sun with Its
back partly out of water. It reaches a
maximum length of fifty feet." Or can
It bo that somo naturalist will discover
the submarine-eating shark?
Tiad Thomas not gono after Austin
( and fought back I would have fined
' him for his Inck of aggressiveness.
I Owner Lcnnln, of tho Boston Ameri
cana. Thereby putting tho only great
fault of tho national gamo on the statute
books as the compulsory activity of a
player. Cannot Owner Lannln bo fined
for being too susceptible to tho heat?
Tho National Steel Car Company
of Hamilton, Canada, has discovered that
the shipping facilities of this city are
better for Its purposes than thoso of any
other Atlantic port. It has begun the
shipment of 60,000 tons of cars from Mu
nicipal Pier 16, south. Several months
Will be required to complete the ship
ment. The committees of business men
who ore engaged In the "Ship From
Philadelphia" .agitation will not lose sight
of the significance of this tribute to tho
attractions of this port
Notwithstanding the generous sums
that are being contributed by private citi
zens for tho relief of the families of sol
diers, the methods of distribution seem
to be faulty in that the money does not
get to all those who need it. Some qf
those In greatest want aro wives who
harbor a false pride and refuse to accept
what they regard as charity. It Is not
charity, however, for charity Is a gift to
the needy. The money paid to the fam
ilies of soldiers Is not a gift, but is pay
ment by tho community to those whose
breadwinners are serving the nation.
They are entitled to the money as a right.
The Administration Intends to use
the time between now and election
in vigorous efforts to eliminate some of
the growing criticism aimed at Presi
dent Wilson and his foreign policy.
Washington dispatch.
Too late, brother, too late. The
campaign Is not to be fought on what tho
President might have done, but on what
lie has done and failed to do. The record
is made and, as Omar remarked: .
The Moving Finger writes ; and hav
ing ivrft.
Moves on; nor all your piety nor
Shall lure It back to. cancel half a line.
Nor all your tears wash out a
word of It
The celebrated Austrian offensive,
Which was calculated to prevent all Itai
fain advances and thus to assure the
safety of the Russian lines, culminates
wlth the fall of tho bridgehead of Gorlzla
fend with, the Russians twelve miles or so
txom Lembery. There will be rejoicing,
hut not in Vienna. Gorlzla has been the
Objective of half the, Italian efforts from
the day Italy denounced the Alliance and
attacked bc present enemy Campaign
Jajr under Incredible difficulties, Cadorna
baa doe UtUa to Startle the imagination
f tlu z WyW?' ? compare with I
the Marno or with Novo-Qeorglevsk ns a
thriller. Bui at least twlco the manifes
tation of lits power has helped nussla,
and now, to bo sure, Russia la helping
htm, Tho lesson of Gorlzla Is that rj
cverj' major operation. It is tho triumph
of timo rind of tho system of alternating
attacks. It discloses tho future of tho
war and points to what Germany has
confessed must be tho conclusion. Cut It
points, also, and In a terrlblo way,' tq tho
cost which tho Entente must pay, to tho
weary steps nlong tho way to victory.
Immedlato military effects there will be
aplenty when Gorlzla Is In Italian hands,
but they will not comparo with tho far
reaching effect of another crumbling In
tho wall which now servci only to keep
tho enemy out of Teutonic territory.
mHRRE ought not to bo any mngls-
trates. Thoy represent an antiquated
and obsoloto system of procedure. In
which Ignorance has been garlanded nnd
petty graft has been nourished. The
organization of tho Municipal Court, It
was earnestly hoped, would lead to tho
nbollshment of tho Magistrates' Courts,
by depriving them eventually of nny func
tions. It was anticipated, In fact, that
real courts would tako tho place of make
bcllcvo courts, In which for years tho ad
ministration of Justlco has been moro or
less a travesty, dependent to nomo extent
on tho long chanco of somo worth-while
gentlemen balng elected as magistrates,
Director Wilson doc3 not think that a
cotcrlo of lawyers for by that name they
aro called has been favored or permit
ted to grow fat by maladministration of
tho law, a maladministration which has
consisted generally In a division of tho
spoils which women of tho street could
bo coerced Into surrendering under tho
menaco of Jail terms. But what Dltector
Wilson thinks on this matter Is of no
great lmportanco, Tho fact remains that
men of tho legal profession havo prosti
tuted their legal standing to tho mulcting
of degraded women, sharing In tho profits
of their Illicit trade, and In many cases
forcing back into tho streets young fe
males who under proper guidance might
havo striven for moral rehabilitation.
Director Wilson, by Implication, ridi
cules tho methods employed by the Mu
nicipal Court when its Jurisdiction over
such cases was unchallenged. It used
to let women out on probation, Is tho
burden of tho cry, Instead of sending
them to Jail. It nctually used to havo tho
same offender before It two or threo times.
Inthonnmoof all those who havo labored
in senson and out of season for curative
measures to toko tho placo of absolutely
punltlvo measures In tho regulation of
society, what did tho Director expect?
It was for this that tho Municipal Court
was formed, to establish a tribunal whero
tho exactitudes of Justlco might bo tem
pered by tho quality of mercy, whero
sympathetic Judges, versed In tho weak
nesses of human character, might look
through the thin veil of error Into tho
human soul beneath, to discover If it
might not bo shorn of tho night covering
It and awakened again to tho nobility that
is inherent in the weaker sex and never
can bo qulto extinguished. What If tho
probation system did fall In somo cases!
Two thousand years ago there was an
answer to such a contingency In tho
parablo of tho lost sheep. To havo res
cued oven ono woman from tho dark
shadows Is a greater triumph for tho
Municipal Court than for tho magistrates
to have sent 100 to Jail and saved not
ono of them.
There Is not anywhere, wo trust, oven
a trace of sympathy for tho legal harpies,
alders, abettors nnd co-partners of vice,
nor do wo imagine that they nro with
Influence except In political quarters.
Why should decent citizens not now pre
pare a demand for the abolition of the
whole system of magistrates? Why not.
Ip fact, do somo real cleaning by strik
ing at a very profitable legal end of tho
vice Industry? It ought to bo done
and it can be dono if tho leaders of
thought and of social development In this
community insist upon it. We trust that
they will. It is a service which cap's
loudly for volunteers and they ought
to come forward. There is u slogan which
ought to have become popular in Phlla
delphla long ago. It is this: The mag
istrates must go.
THERE Is a general disposition to givo
the rural credits law a fair trial. Both
parties favored such legislation, and both
combined in bringing about its passage.
The law, doubtless, has many defects.
Some of them are evident Others will
appear only as an attempt is made to
apply it to the relief of tho farmers.
It is morally certain that amendments
will be recommended by the commission
in charge of its enforcement. At the head
of the commission is George W. Norris,
of this city, one of the most capable
financial experts in the country. Under
his direction the banking features will
have an opportunity to vindicate them
selves. He is in sympathy with their
purpose, and will do his utmost to bring
relief to the men who now have to pay
eight and ten per cent interest for loans.
Herbert Quick, one of his colleagues,
probably knows as much about farming
and farm problems as any other Ameri
can. With his practical knowledge, com
bined with the banking knowledge of Mr,
Norris, the law will be made to work if
it is workable.
Neither of these men will hesitate tp
point out its defects as they appear. And
they both will use all of their Influence
to prevent the injection of partisan
politics into their discussions. The rest
of us should exercise similar patriotic
self-restraint and unite in an effort really
to solve one of the most pressing prob
lems that baa confronted the rural up-
Tom Daly's Column
McAroni Ballads
run love soya
You often hear mc speak of Joe,
Da barber Joe Earucciot
An' aiacdmo Sotdinit He
Ecs frulta merchant lika mc.
I Pa I, day arc love da soma slgnorlna.
Decs fallow from da barber shop
lie use' for sccng ivcrth Granda. Op',
An' Glacnmo, he ecs so slow
He ten? no pood at all w'en Joe
Would ticcno to her an' play da man-
"Maria mlat days arc long
(Ho made decs fallow Joe hecs song),
llaycause dcu keenn me so far
t'tom whoc you arc. 01 brighia star,
Malta mlal"
An' Glacomo, tr'at roulil he dot
He jus' icoulil sai w'en Joe was through
"Mc, too, Marlal"
licet Joe he deed not care at all,
wen nc would no to make hecs call,
V.cf (llaroma Has also near;
lie was so proud he deed not fear
J)at anny icon could steal dat slgno-
Deed he not have da stcccia, voice .
for mak' da female heart rcfolccf
Jtut ah I Maria d rd stir rare
Dat annyhody else was dcre
To hear hrem sccna an' play da man
dollniit "Mat la mlal cet ces wronn
(8t made decs Joe wan night hecs song)
To watte your time weeth tvo or three
Wen you could be alone wcclh mc,
Maria mlal
Poor Glacomol to'al could ho dot
lie jus' could say w'en Joe u-n through,
"Mc, too, Marlal"
Maria laugh an' shale' her head;
Iter rye rei brinht, her check ecs red,
An' ir'rn ihe the up from her chair
An' viand bnyfora dole lovcts dcrc,
Yon in'i'frt see so prrtta slgnorlna,
"We vasla time," she say, "too long;
Ra Tirnr , too, icccll srrnrr a song;
An' dcrsa song dat I wccll sccna
llel ecs so vena Irrtla thrrng
1 wccll not need at all da mandolina.
"Mrstt,f tl.trtl . Atf.,1 .
i,i,r,i. ,,,,i., .... j 1, ,. a. (ll ,
lint lovr-souri cci not cvrathccngl
So Jot; good nlghtt Hut you Ol stay,
My Giacomn, dat jus' can say,
"Mc, too Mai la I"
Ahl ntacomot w'at could he dot
He Jus' could toy, w'en she was through,
"Met Ol Marlal"
Which ono?
Dear Tom: May I venture tho suggestion
that those citizens who have a small portion
of pride In Independence Hall, the Uet.sy
I'oss House, Franklin's Grave nnd Old
Washington Square would bo evidencing
the sincerity of their prldo If they were to
save nil tho twine that comes Into their
homes via tho laundry-package route and
wcro to rend It, together with old fishing
lines nnd mirh things, to tho Chief of the
Bureau of City Property. City Hall. With
It they might send a note explaining that,
because of tho city's poverty, which makes
It Impossible for It to buy a llttlo wire or
new twlno or ropo to fence In tho two
small plots on the northeastern corner of
Washington Square which are now "wrap
ped ui" In romnHnts of tar rope nnd other
ragged strings found In the Immnculato
gutters around tho historic park, the offer
ing Is sent to replnco tho'latter adornment
It might also not be nmlsa to suggest that
each man who passes through tlio square
carry with him a single grass seed which
ho can procuro at a wn.ill cost at nno or
two store.s In this llttlo village and cast
It ncrof.s the sand heaps and other extensive
bald spots. W. I. It.
If wo understand tho Philadelphia troops
on tho border, they want some roof gardens,
cabarets, Iletz cellars, Atlantic Citys, forest
oaks, d.inco halls, a baseball league and
about $10 a day for spending money.
Giorgo llnllcy la Houston Post.
Gosh! George, when wero you hero
last? Botz cellars went out with the
Chats With Fnmous Athletes
Mr. It. P. McNccly, of Merlon, received
us very warmly. Tossing away tho two
half-portions of a ten-penny nail ho had
Just bitten through, ho said: "I don't
caro If tho R. L. does put my namo under
somebody else's picture as It did on Sat
urday's last page and Insists that I play
golf at Huntingdon Valley, whereas I al
ways play at Merlon."
Mr. McNeely's teeth aro white and re
markably even when clenched.
Not the Garden Variety of Garden
Just by way of variety to tho poetical
faro handed out by that McTavlsh boy
from Yuen Ming nnd John Ituskln and
ginks like them hero's ono from that good
old sport, S.imuel Pepys, August 14, 16CC.
"After tllnner with my wife nn.l Mercer to the
neara Harden , whero I nae not len I think of
in.iny sears; mul saw nomo roo.1 oport of the
hulls toaslntf the dons one Into the very boxes
Hut It Is a rry ruilo nn.l nuhty pleasure Wo
hull u Kreat many htrturs In the same box with
us. ami one cry fine went Into the pit unit
pliel his iIor fur n wusor. which was n atranro
sport for u gentleman; whero they drank wine
nnd drank Mern-r's health first; which I pledged
with my hat off."
Ho doesn't say anything about tho
"Bearcs " Probably they left beforo the
cubs came along. Donald Dlnnle.
Our Serial Poem
"Tho Heroine of the
Honor," wo beg to offer
(Copyright. I90T. by Georce 12. I.othrop, Jr., 05
llroult avenue, lioston, JIa3.)
Out through the windows tho laughing
wa es
Were rolling In to kiss the city's shore,
And I saw the churches' spires rise.
As the old clock In the workshop struck
Stretched out In leisure along our wharves
The sleepy ships wero all lying at ease.
While far away through the crowded streets
Tho gilded theaters were trying to please.
About pie the wood carvers, tolling,
Reminded me that life Is tilled with care
When fooUteps sounded In the doorway.
And I saw a lonely tramp standing there.
Ha was some mother's boy, I reckoned,
For my poor, weary heart seemed to feel
As I paused a moment vto wonder
If really this fine-looking man was bad.
His eyes seemed to shine of tragedy
And his raiment was the emblem of woa ;
We did not know that his heart beneath
Was so bensltlve and filled with sorrow.
He stepped up slowly beside each man
And quietly asked, "Ten cents for a
But the workmen nodded "No" their heads.
Which seemed to make the quiet stranger
Then he moved away from the carvings
And stood like a statue upon the floor,
Gazing silently on the ocean.
Like a great ship stranded upon the shore.
His drooping spirits seemed to waken.
There was a flash of triumph In his eye,
As he semed to remember the past
And the bright, happy days which had
gone by.
Soon he spoke in a voice so golden
That it liuUntly rang In each man's ear.
And all the wood-carving tools were dropped
Because the workmen were anxious to
It was the voice of an orator
Eloquent, superb and almost divine
Which floated through the dusty workshop,
As if it were a temple or a shrine.
The eyes of the carvers were staring-,
And each of them instantly caught his
Cor the tramp before them was speaking
Shakespeare's "Hamlet' Soliloquy of
Protest Against War as an Unnecessary Evil and Inconsistent With
Civilization Perils in Partisanship and Praise
of Wilson's Statesmanship
Thh iltpartmcnt ts free lo oil reorfrn tcho
icljh to express their opinions oil subjects of
current fntrrrif. It Is an open forum, nnd the
llvenlno Ledger assumes no rcsiiunslbltttu for
the rtctcs o its correspondents.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir While Nature holds many unfathom
able nnd Inexplicable mysteries, there Is
probably nono moro Incomprehensible nor
moro inconsistent with man's Ruperlor In
telligence and his humanltnrlnnlsm than
that clement In human naturo which, re
gardless of 10 centuries of Christian civil
ization, still persists In inducing men to
fight nnd kill ono another without any ap
parent cause.
This becomes nil tho more so when wo
tnko Into consideration the fnct that,
ordinarily, civilization abhors murder and
that tho law of self-preservation holds good
even nmong the lower animals; and man,
with lils superior endowments, Is especially
jealous and careful not only In regard to
tho preservation of his own life, but nlso
of tho lives of others. Wo enact tho most
stringent laws and prescribe tho severest
penalties against murder. Wo nurso and
nurture our children, and do our utmost to
spare their lives and bring them to years
of maturity, to manhood and to woman
hood. Then wo create a condition wo call
war, nnd we pick out from nmong our
young men and our middle-aged men tho
strongest nnd tho most perfectly developed,
nrray them In uniform, equip them with
tho most powerful implements of destruc
tion tho Ingenuity of man has been ablo
to devise ; send them forth to battle ngainst
some foe, cither real or Imaginary, asking
them not only to sacrifice their own lives
If necessary, but command them to use
their utmost endeavors In taking the lives
of their follow men ; nnd ho who succeeds
In slaying the greatest number wo acclaim
tho grontest hero. Yet huch Is war. War,
which like a giant warrior, goes stalking
through tho country, trampling down every
thing beforo It; leaving naught but death,
desolation and ruin In Its wake; causing
untold agonies of body and mind, misery
and suffering: and yet Instigated, directed
and guided by "civilized" man t Truly,
"Consistency, thou art a Jewel" not found
in deeds like these!
There Is no Issue; there can be no Issue
among civilized people, nor among civilized
nations that cannot be adjusted without
recourse to war. if those people or thoso
nations will but manifest the proper spirit
of man toward man.
Allentown, Pa., August 7.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir In reading a magazine I came
across an article on "The License of the
Press." Truth Is, and must bo at all costs,
above everything else In tho world, even
above partisanship. The press should bo
nonpartisan because the whlto heat of
partisanship makes ft prostitute truth.
When It prostitutes truth, It also prosti
A Professional Authority on the "Un
due Alarm" Now Prevailing
The epidemlo of poliomyelitis which Is
now present In New York city and neigh
borhood Is exciting undue alarm, In con
sequence, no doubt, of the widespread pub
licity which has been given to It. To
iudge from the almost hysterical quarantine
measures Instituted In various localities
in staid old Connecticut of all places one
-uould think Is as contagious as smallpox
among the unvacclrated oi as yellow fever
two decades ago.
To quiet the apprehensions of these tim
orous health officers the publication of
authoritative articles such as one appearing
In tho Public Health Reports for July 11,
1916, is commendable. Dr. Wade II. Frost,
past assistant surgeon, U. S. P. H, 8.,
writes here of the Infectivlty of Infantile
paralysis, summarizing in part as follows;
The rapid spread of epidemics over wide
areas, their spontaneous decline after only
a small proportion of the Inhabitants has
been attacked and, abovo all, the prepon
derating Incidence In young children, have
not been satisfactorily explained by any
hypothesis other than that the Infective
agent during epidemics Is widespread,
reaching a large proportion of the popula
tion, but only occasionally finding a sus
ceptible Individual, usually a young person.
In whom it produces characteristic morbid
effects Assuming this rare susceptibility,
the well-established facts collected by epi
demiological students are compatible with
the evidence of laboratory experiments that
the disease is directly transmissible from
person to person.
On the whole, perhaps, this la the most
reasonable manner of regarding the infec
tious nature of poliomyelitis. Only a com
paratively few persons are susceptible, and
tutes tho future stability of this great Re
public. "In that momentous convention held over
a century nnd a half ngo, which met for
tho purpose of deciding the letter of our
Constitution, little did it dawn upon thoso
present that the word 'llhorty,' which they
.so frequently Interspersed throughout that
document, might ono day como to bo sym
bolic of oppression nnd nbuso of pjwer.
Yet tho tendencies of modern times seem
to bo In that direction. Wo call ourselves
free and Independent, but do not realize
the possibility of an Impending danger to
ourselves nnd to our country owing to our
cxccsslvo uso of this freedom. A cross mls
uso of liberty Is today remarkably mani
fest In many Instances, but to many earnest-minded
citizens none nppcnrs moro
dangerous, or suggests Itsolf as a grcator
menaco to the stability of society thnn
tho ever-Increasing llcenso of tho pres3.
Many potent factors aro Intricately bound
up In tho life of a nation, but It Is ex
tremely doubtful If any wields a mightier
Influcnco upon the dally thought and morals
of tho people than that of tho press. It Is
tho fountain-head of nil our knowledge of
current events. It covers Its dally columns
with items gathered from all parts of tho
world. Yea, more. It tends, moro or less
nggresslvoly, to fashion our sentiments,
to dominate our policies, nnd even to sug
gest our creed. What a power I What a
dominion must It not then possess! An In
lluenco, alas! too often linked with tho
foicei of evil, rather than on the sldo of
truth and Justice. Whether through a
spirit of commercialism, or, a3 frequently
Is tho case, through a spirit of hatred, tho
newspapers aro channels by means of
which countless facts truo or otherwise
aro convoyed to tho pcoplo and which enter
llko a secret poison Into tho public mind
to sot It nt variance with Individuals, so
ciety, the State, etc."
"The art of printing. I. e., the press, Is a
gift from Abovo to tho world, and is In
tended for Ills glory and for tho gospel of
truth. Elso will He exact a "strict ac
countability." Hughes's speech of Monday
of last week Is nothing but a speech of
grossly deliberate deceptions, becauso It
contains alt misstatements of facts and
i o mention of Wilson's enviable triumphal
diplomacy nnd American administrative
achievements, beneficial to banks and the
farmers, etc. M. P. L.
Philadelphia. August 4, 1016.
To tho Editor of the Evening Ledger;
Sir I rend tho letter headed, "Leading
up to Henry Ford." I dont think Henry
Ford Is a socialist. He's too good a busl
ncss man for that: and who ever heard of
a socialist saint? Governor or, rather, tho
late Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, came the
nearest to It ; he was ono square man.
"Cecil Montague" Is a b.t of a cynic.
Philadelphia, August 3.
these are, with a few exceptions, children,
the susceptibility being generally greatest
In the first half decade of life, thereafter
progressively diminishing until In adult life
there Is a very general Immunity to natural
Infection. Medical Record.
What a record for this Administration if
our Government today officially could an
nounce that the Beas ore free to our com
merce ; that the oceans are as safe for our
vessels and our sailors from British and
French and German mines as they are
from German submarines; that no foreign
nation Is permitted to deprive our people
of neutral and peaceful markets, nor to
blacklist and boycott an American busl
nebs man, and that American citizens are
no longer murdered or American soldiers
killed by bandits it raised to military
power. That is the record that this coun
try will have made sooner or later by
some Administration, and the sooner It Is
made the better for the Republic and the
world. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Mr. Hughes Bays he expects to have a
united party behind him. But what Mr
Hughes will really need is a united party
"with" him on election day next November.
Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer-Sun.
Mexico know3 now that this country can
mobilize Its citizen soldiery when occasion
arises j and it also knows, if it paid due
attention, that this country made a very
bum Job of It. Kansas City Journal.
Adequate preparedness for summer is to
learn to swim confidently before going con
fldently out in a canoe.- Loubjvllio Courier
Journal. w
What Do You Know?
Oucries of general !eret tclll ti anaterred
n this column. Ten questions, the answers to
which everv well-informed person should Know,
are asked dallu.
Who Is IlalE?
What la n Baedeker?
What U the "Kuroprnn plan"?
Why nr tlm operations about
tho Suez
C'nnnl Import tnt?
B. What Is n "close-up"?
0, Where Is Wnnhlnston Square?
7, Locate two statue of Ilenjnmln I"rnnUlln
on Chestnut street.
8. Name it flour r which blooms In oil three
of the national colors.
0. What Is a prlie court?
0. What Is n "flcldrraj"?
Answers to Yesterday's Quiz
1. Iltslnntnr with Tab-mount, nyennes occur
rrriil-irly ctrry fhe squares, hut there nre
additional uienues In betneen. bouth of
Market thrro Is no regularity.
2. Fnul Koenlc Is cnptnlu of the Deutschland.
3. The Incidence of a tax refers to the persons
or 1hlmc upon which It Is levied.
4. In recent operation the Ilrltlsh spent $10,-
000,000 n day slielllnir the Herman line.
5. Dr. r.vn Hardin wns nnmlnnted liv the Kan
sas Democrats for a seat Ul Cpneress.
0. "Punch" Is u London comic paper.
7. A feature photoplay Is ono of at least fnnr
reels, more pretentiously made than the
ordinary run,
8. The "Wromlns Idea" refers to mllltar-' drill
for jounc people,
0. Many of the Thirteen Original .States owned
territory now formlns other States of
the Union.
Both John Oulncy, Adams and Andrew Jack
son hud their pliotoeruphs taken.
A Quotation
In response to a query. Mrs. H, E. II.,
of Wilmington, Del., finds tho following
in "Chlldo Harold's Pilgrimage," by Lord
"Maidens, llko moth3, aro ever caught by
And Mammon wins his way where seraphs
might despair,"
Tiiden's States
.Editor of "What Do You Knoto"Can
you tell mo whether In the cnmpalgn of
.1876 Samuel J. Tllden carried any of the
so-called pivotal States, and were they piv
otal nt that time? POLITICS.
In 1876 Mr. Tllden carried New York
New Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana,
among others, and tho first, second and
last of these might be called pivotal. In
fact. New York was then called Just that.
Daylight Saving
.Ertffor of "What Do You Know" Will
you tell me then Cleveland nnd Detroit
shifted their clocks to agree with eastern
time? Have you heard any expressions of
opinion concerning this change? Did the
people object, and are they dissatisfied
now? H. It
Until May, 19H, Cleveland was one
hour behind eastern clocks. Until May
1915 Detroit lagged by an hour " So T far
we have read of no complaints, although
many were made at the time the changes
went into effect. Recently publicists of both
cities gave vent to feeling e ,". . "I
pointed with pride at the 300-odd hours
saved by each Individual In the city"
YL,Y-TAt tnB mnient of writing we are
w,w,t,Bay Wh,ether the Athletics ,
break the famous losing streak of the Red
Sox That record Is 20. The Athletics In
recordV8 Bame' h " the
T. T, Facts are hard to Eet bur .in
nnd a?Lt0rf Be"lra' sslon,8
find this, from the August Century to
your nurnoss: "Tho v,,--... -clllry, to
a curious Influence In brinlrini 'tor1?1
life the old-time square trigger! lust .CV
were about to disappear from X they
ters, at least. So e fily Z 'their Wa'
over that a few years ago EnglUh' &
owners were only too glad to sell v.t hlp
they could find a purchaser? But the
came, and now, with the price of rt.i
Ing m England and fabuUui, it ?,BT
earned by the vessels whiih s to ba
carry the' freight? the squarrlgrs'hl6'"'
come into their own again Nev,r h e
in even their most prosperous dav.l're
Bn m?ny '"Ind-Jammers?- as th?Jfi2?
call them, been ae.n l-'iJtf na Bailors
pie of the city used to make M,r.te peo
to Richmond to see Vha v. ons out
wharves or riding toA? &
vicinity or Staten Islinn j . " lne
New York wharves It is n d ?tons th
possible to count a dozen or0? treW
riggers ia sight at once!" re sluare-
Good Faith
vieUrZl Kroef t0andWld2 y0Ur
giving out work as cbrmn , aUthor
Is not a matter of C&L'r." Mother
Judgment You m,ht VT 7uon- out of
lion both the tatwSS l rtd.nSi,'0 ,MMId-a-aer
of thinking eSd Jl,tlQ(i: J1- an-
senisrai wuU of ta, Vutao? ' aM
Where the Last of the W
American Peasantry Clinl
to the Primitive
Life i
CEHTAINLT they aro of th .J
species as tho article that r
tlvely put before you under a heir1,
dome, amid tho music and the !j
a conspiratorial waiter for ii?
$1.75 and on up. Certainly it s J
to broil them on a rusted oven 2
up on tho rocks In tho debris froV
ancient WTcck than to havo tj '
dono for you. Surely they u. '
definitely allvo when killed (so t0
an hour after leaving their native
than when they havo reached ti
after a couple of days In a. train.8
yot thoy nro not tho same, it ZJ
Is all In tho price. But anyhow Ti
cent lobster docs not taste the
tho normal roof-gardon product, y
eter Is not food; it Is an adventure,
for adventure ono wants to pay ''
exorbitant prlco If ho would get t.'
lUiif, ii"U n.u l.fillt LUSIO OUt Of It,
Tho Bccrct of this cconomlo anoa.v
that tho lobster Industry of the cS
Mnino is not yet thoroughly 0r
There la a big gap between the inC
cnt fisherman who sinks hg pot, Z
tho silent, untenanted green island
tho market. Ho lives his threo-jcwJ
ten without over seeing a pol!cemn ',
tho law of tho land is very much t
ho chooses to mako It in thoso prfaj
hamlets on tho shoro far from tin
road. That law snya you can't o
"shorts," that Is, small lobsters, la
docs, and It Is theso that In an'ati
way ho brings homo to sell to ttu r;
mer peoplo for a nickel aplocs.
Tho Last of the Peasant
Tho fisher folk of that coast m.
last of tho American peasantry, iy'
is through peculiar conditions Unit
survive ns such. First of these lit
geography of tho coast. Tho Httorii
Maine is ono long series of penimi
so chopped up that tho railroad it
ten or fifteen miles back from the
and It is in very few places that lt
worth whllo to run branch lines dovt
tho villages nearest tho sea. Cona:
cation up and down tho tidal rlTo
entirely by motorboat, and as It ti
best pnrt of n day's work to gotjc
down tho rivers to tho railroad ton
tho shoro folk aro away oft the Iron ti
of civilization. Many of them dototi
a town with streets and electric Ejb
until thoy nro well along In their ls
Tho const villages potter along, jcr
tion after generation. Tako any mxir
that goes back fifty years. The eta;
will show that In 18G0 the populates"
certain placo was 109. Turn total
urea of 1910 and tho population iQi
maybo, 107, maybo, 112. No intatt.
find their way down to tho fsluit
bring tho crowds from tho cities. L'
simmers on today at tho samo pact tit
did beforo tho Civil War. -j
Tho Bummor peoplo wonder trtjt
nntlves "stay put" so far away from'
ways and electric lights and steam ll
lng. Thoy think the natives do notf
tho scenery simply becauso they U
talk about It, but In that they art
deceived. TJioso tall, powerful,
boned men who aro silent because 6
havo not tho patter of tho schools hit
deep feeling for their Bea and horizon'
toothed with trees, Tho one greitrl
of their lives la that they do not I
abreast with modorn hyglone. VKtti
tho distant dentist aro a rarity. Tied
little thought about food, and small 6
dren aro brought up In stuffy room
salt cod and canned vegetables andeSr
and aro so often undersized that It at
marvel that their fathers have gnmac
to such muscularity on tho same tw
Outside World n Nightmare j
It Is not truo, as Is often said, that"
best of them go to tho cities." Somtrt
a yearning for a sight of the weri
yond and intellectual development 1;
lobsterlng for tho schools, but as mujfj
for mero indulgence. Morality la caj
practical a basis nnd the pauw,"
churches in communities too anal
support them withholds that apW'
Idealism which a spire's pointing 4
gives elsewhere to nonchurchgoen. '
that is required of one's neighbor is 6
ho bo "a good neighbor"; that Is, Up
sonably helpful and not Interfere
others. Hooka and newspapers are
dontal, tho affairs of the great vf
Ignored or Jokingly alluded to as on&
about a nightmare. It was a raatts
curiosity to tho natives of MusconpiS;
when the opening of tho Great Wartf
tho summer visitors into tremendoa
citement. What did it matter? It
not change any realities they wereJJ
to. They could not understand w?
ono should be perturbed by such nrrt
But there are compensating chaft
Istica for these deficiencies. Her
ono can study what America """M!
been in Colonial and Revolutionary tffl
Here there is that almost defiant 4J
personal Independence and lack of
feeling, It remains a deep mystery
a prosperous and well-educated o.j
from the city should act as if he vi,
ter than other folk. His desire to f
much for laundry and goods is tak'"s,
touch, of crazlnesr the tipping ?&?
la unknown. It is inconceivable tr
natives why any one should consMrS
uai labor as undignified and braln?tt.
anvthlncr hut a bore. 't
Messrs. Editors and Printer, P'-Si
really ought to know, 'gr&
Give, oh, give us back the conunajfc
happy Long Ago 1 P$
Comma that divides the sentence .
ho who runs may reaa,
nM.lln. -.. ..... .tilna sweetly I
M.uu,a Build Ul BHB ..... - , , " .-
the clouds that would mls"aa-.
Never did we love the comma as j
it now 'tis tone, . .,.tu
Letting sentence after sentence oa
almtpM wanner Qfl. rrt
While we struggle through the darifflw
ting words to this or that, ' gg
Only finding as we muddle more '
to wonder at. .Jl
Till we see that one small comma,
bright October moon, , '
Could clear all la one brief InstaWf
the printer grant the coo.
I know full well you haUit
cruel printer man.
Give us back the dear old comma.
quickly aa you cant
Kate Vpffon Clark, in New Yw