Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 09, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Has Forgotten Art of Graceful Love-Making1 and
Has Not Yet Learned That Women Like
Courtiers or Cave-Men
IT "WAS in the crowded hubbub of
Broad Street Station that I saw a
tnan, seemingly an American of your
magazine advertisement type, with his
belted sport coat, flannel trousers, rubber
soled oxfords and wide-awake counte
nance, perform a porfect doublet and hoso
feet. Sir Walter Ralelsn himself could
not have done better.
He bent low over a lady's hand the re
cipient of such an attention would bo a
lady and kissed it.
It was as though 'ho just had to kiss
her, desptto his consciousness of the bad
taste of a public display of emotions.
Like a man, in his endeavor to grntlfy
his desire in the least conspicuous man
ner, he choso the most conspicuous.
Had ho klssod her on the lips ho would
have been one of a thousand louts who
do that thing dally in the depots, but
his repressed courtliness made him the
cynosure of every eye. And tho graco of
his deed disarmed criticism.
All of which brings mo to a point that
X have bcon considering for some time.
Love-making as an art, except In a few
Isolated Instance, has become dead. So
long as there are men and women In tho
World they will love each other that Is
surely a safo prophecy but all evidence?,
that their affection will bo beautified and
mystified with the hundred and ono
Craccs of tho chevalier days are absent.
It may bo from lack of practice, or
It may bo from excess of emotion, but
tho average swain of today, so I have
boon told, throws an "I love you" at tho
object of his affection as ho would a
bono to a dog and expects her to Borvo
him with a Canine-like lldcllty for
ever afterward. No poetic vaporlngs
about tho magnetic lure of her hazel
eyes; no moon-Inspired odes addressed to(
hor eyelash or her dimpled chin; no
smuggling of her kerchief or her glove
so that it might llo cherished next a
ldve-dlsordcrcd heart in this prosaic day.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Address all communications to M'l.lss, rnrr of th" Krnlns I-rdeer. Write on one Mile
of the paper onlr.
Dear M'Um Do ynu know of nny remedy for
ft white woolen sweater that has shrunk tn
wanning? It Is a new sweater nnd I nm sorrv
to Bee tt lylnc nround, aa I cannot wear It on
account of being too small for me afti r cash
ing It once, and I ahull appreciate your kindness
it you could possibly help mo. KATHFIYN.
An oxpert laundress tells me very pes
simistically that If a sweater Is not washed
properly the first time It may never "come
Usht" again. However, Bho advises that
Beloved, It Is mornl
A. redder berry on the thorn.
A deeper yellow on the corn,
jTor this good day new-born:
Pray, Sweet, for me
That I may bo
Faithful to God and thee.
Beloved. It Is day!
And lovers work, as children play.
With heart and brain untlred alway:
Dear love, look up and pray.
Pray, Sweet, for me,
That I may be
Faithful to God and thee.
Emily Henrietta Hlckey.
Hot Weather Hair Hints
Does your hair perspire In hot weather?
Olvo it tho orris root treatment once In a
while. Part tho hair Into separate strands,
ithen brush In a mlxturo of corn meal and
orris root, equal parts. Get tho powder
thoroughly rubbed Into tho hair, allowing
it to remain there for an hour or so. Then
brush out with long, evtn strokes, holding
the brush In the palm of tho hand by the
back Instead of tho handle to Inmro heavy
To Keep White White
A white dress. Bash, veil or anything of
the kind will keep In a closet or drawer
..Indefinitely if wrapped In blue paper. You
can buy the paper at any novelty store.
The Idea Is that the blue keeps the light
from penetrating and making tho contents
of the package yellow.
Dearest Children Sometimes I sit and wonder if I am doing ALL
In ray power to help our wonderful club. The thought has come to me that wo
might write letters and postals to little "shut-ins,"
I want you to help me carry out my thought. It will only cost you one
cent nnd a tiny minute or so.
If you know of any boy or girl who is a "shut-in," kept out of the glorious
sunlight, write and tell me and our members will send postal cards and letters.
If you know of a boy or girl who is in GREAT TROUBLE, write to me
about it, won't you? We will try to help them by letting them know that
SOME ONE is thinking of them. No matter what happens to us, we aro
GOOD at our very hearts.
Are we not?
I am trying to do my part and I want you to tell me you are doing yours.
.Did you ever write to a real editor? Try it oncej it's a very funny and enjoyable
sort of feeling.
Children's Editor,
'An original poem by ANNE AMELIA. rjRAY,
Cynwyd, Pa., aga 10 year'.
Ted is up at 6 o'clock,
Eaclner "round and 'round the block;
- Always up at break of day,
Tq begin his day-long play,- -
Comes to breakfast full of smiles.
From Jumping over hills and stiles.
Though in secret I confess.
His hands and face are quite a mess.
Out sgalA goes jolly Ted,
Jtunnlnfc- till he Is quite 'red,
Hakes Jioma mud pies, mads quite sloppy ;
, CSonw of them indeed look droppy.)
7tts nut TlAlnm nn h!a Wheel
s' tfi. ..if . In.a e ..hm! .
Found a nice new shiny penny,
. TpoU it homo to show Aunt Jenny i
Wank Mound to-' play with, Dick.
Wfao played on fclm a. tunny trick;
played that they were Chinamen,
Aiid lv4 with, a lion in his den.
S thl to alj I ka.se Jo sag
jbc nMy ij w . Mt JKy-toagt-jtajy a
" n .3 S
in . - I I
g IWTiattBiT,----itiaMa-dBMiMtaH-J--SiSiM ,rrf?m JMJJtfrf - .--:i--fe. faAaJkt j , :. ,,i ::.-. "wife.-"
HH ji-hMM&'-A-
Tho telephone and tho telegraph havo
been blamed for tho passing of many
of the amenities of life. Certainly they
have made of tho love letter a sorry thing.
What shall we do when wo grow into
old ladles without the solace of neat lit
tle yellowed packages of sentimental
mlsilves tied with faded blue ribbon 7 Shall
wo be forced to stand befoic our grand
children without this most Impottant of
all proof that wo havo not led ti love
less llfo7 Shall we havo to content our
selves with reminiscing over a few brief
dispatches, or, falling thK to depend on
abstract memory to lejuvcnesco our
nglng hearts?
I rise to protest against tho modern
lover. Ho is nolther a courtier nor a
caveman. Ho knows not how to domi
nate or to supplicate. Ho Is on the vorgo
of lotting the Inltlatlvo of the courtship
pass out of his hands altogether and into
thoso of women. Ho docs not summarily
marry tho woman of his choice with a
vigor and aggression that would keep
her enthralled for the rest of his life,
nor Is ho practiced In tho delicate art of
love making that could Imbue tho most
avorago woman with the feelings of a
queen and angel.
Fancy your modern lover sending a
posy to his flcklo sweetheart with theso
"Oo, lovelv roso !
Tell hor that wastes her time and mo
That now sho knows
When I resemblo her to thee,
How swefit and fair she seems to be I"
No: your modem lover would say,
"Tho woman's false," and straightway
get him another Bweethcart,
Would that thero were moro like that
left-over from a bygone ngo whom I ob
served at tho station. If men must kiss,
let them do It with grace and charm.
Otherwise wc want tho cave-men.
you wash It once more In lukewarm soap
sudH, using a pure whlto soap, and that you
stretch It lengthwlso according to tho ribs
of tho knitting while It Is wet. Pull It out
well. Let mo know tie result.
Uear M'Llsa I'leane send me tho nnmo of the
freckle cream and oblige.
A stamped,
r lease.
self-addressed envelope,
Winding Simplified
Now you don't have to wind your
tatting thread on the shuttle; the
machine docs it. Each shuttle is
fitted with a removable spool, says
Popular Mechanics, which is sim
ply put on the machine nnd filled
with thread as a bobbin would be.
This greatly simplifies the work.
A Rose Pillow
These aro fragrant llttlo pillowy for a
boudoir. They make a dainty gift, and
roso leaves aro to be had In abundance
Just now. Spread the petals In the shade,
or some place Inside the houeo where they
can bo dried thoroughly. Then scatter a
tablcspoonful of orris root, poudertd,
among them. The recipe now calls for 10
drops of real attnr of roses, but, fulling this,
a good roBo extract may bo used Malio an
Inner pillow of glazed silk or cambric and
the outer one may be a pretty Madeira pil
low, round or heart shaped.
THE P. R. T. Cqntest
is OPEN from NOW until
August 12!
INGS and IDEAS on how to PRE
Send all stories, etc., to Farmer
Smith, Evening Ledger, Phila
delphia. State age.
Things to Know and Do
Solve the following riddle: "X hundred
and fifty put to a tree wilt make a fine
garment for you and me." (Sent in by
Charles Welsbers, Susquehanna avenue,)
I wish to become a member of your
Rainbow Club. Please send me a
beautiful Rainbow Button free. I agree
Name , ,..,,,....
Address .......------.
9 f. .
t "fr
(fj CsJfcm
THIS practical frock features the combination of tho very popular georgette crcpo nnd
taffeta In navy, black or grey. Gcotgctte crepe Is used for this Russian blouso, which
has a yoke, sash, border and cuffs of taffeta. Taffeta fashions tho shirt and Is used
to edgo the collar and cuffs, which are of whlto georgette ciepc. Tiny gilt buttons adorn
tho front of tho blouse In double rows, while ball trimming finishes tho sash. It Is an
attinctlve frock and very Inexpensively priced at $11 75.
Tho hat Is a popular mldseason model with a clvet crown nnd transparent net
brim which Is finished with n horso-hnlr edge. A grograln ribbon cocade, finished with
n huge pearl phi. Is Its only trimming. It Is a popular and practical model being specially
priced at J I OS. In blnck only.
Thu name of the shop where theso nrtlcles may bo purchased will bo supplied by tho
Kdltot of tho Woman's Page, Kvnxixo I.nixinu, 60S Chestnut street. Tho request must
be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed cnelope, and must mention the date on
v.hlch the nrtlclo appeared
Goorl form queries should be ad
drciicd to Deborah Itush, turttlca on
one side of tho paper and signed with
full name and addrets, though initials
ONLY will be published upon icqucst.
I7if column will npjiear in Monday's,
Wednesday's and Friday's Evening
Letter of Congratulation
Icar Dclornh Hush Pleano let mo know the
proper form for a letter of (onsr,itulutlou which
I am to send to a friend who hent mo an an
nouncement ot his marriage. He In 1" New
KnKland during the summer ami will not t.e at
horns until Oitohcr. It will he proper for rie to
wait until ho tomea homrf hefore giving , -i a
prevent, will It not? IhanMng you ery much.
Yes, as your friend and his wife will not
be home until October It will ho pcnVi'tly
proper to wait until their return to send a
present If you wish to send one.
It Is not necessary to answer a wedding
announcement unless ono or both of the
newly-married personB aro special peisonal
friends of yours. Tho usual meaning of a
wedd ng announcement Ih that one's lsitlng
acquaintance should know of the marrlngo
and should call upon tho brido utter she
and her husband aro settled in their new
On tho other hand. If they aro personal
friends It Is a gracious thing to write a
letter of congratulation. However, It Is
By Farmer Smith
One afternoon Jimmy Monkey was so
quiet hli mother went up and peeked In
his room to seo what was the matter.
Jimmy was In front of tho mirror look.
Ing first this way and then that. He was
evidently trying to look Into his ear.
When Jimmy came downstalra his mother
"Is anything the matter with your ear?"
"How did you know I had anything the
matter with my ear?" asked Jimmy In
great surprise.
"I always know what you are doing,"
replied Mrs. Monkey. "My love for you
is so great that I can even SEE what you
aro doing."
"Mercy me 1" thought Jimmy.
"Just now I saw you looking at your
This was too much for Jimmy, so ho
hopped out the front door and over to
see the Baby Baboon.
He MUST tell some one. He felt as
though his head would burst if ha held
his secret much longer.
He gave the Baby Baboon's bell a short
ring, and, without even watting for an
answer, rushed In.
"Oh. Baby! I have something wonderful
to tell you. Just now I was looking In
tho mirror to see if I could see my mind
through my ear, and when I came down
stairs mother asked me what was the
matter with my ear! Mother must be one
of those mind-readers we hear about."
"Indeed, she must," answered the Baby
Baboon thoughtfully. "The fact is. you
were so quiet she tiptoed up t,o see what
you were doing and "
"How did you know that?" asked Jimmy
in great surprise.
"I'm a mind-reader, too," laughed the
Baby Baboon.
Baseball Challenge
The A Won Baseball Club, an II to IJ
year old traveling team, would like to ar
range games with teams having home
grounds pr who are willing to play In Fair
mount Park The Aldon boys prefer to play
on Tuesdays awl Thursdays. Address J
Burns, in cars of banner Smith. Evu.-JiMa
. ,
best to avoid set sentences nnd to say Just
what you think yourself, or wish, rather for
them In their new happiness. Perhaps a
few lines like this would help:
Dear J : Your announcement reached
mo bj mall and I Tnnt very much to tell
oh how glad I am for you In your new
found happiness. I am looking forward to
your return to town in October, ns then I
shall surely glo myself tho plcasuro of
calling on you and Mrs. , to whom I
send my regards. Your sincere friend.
Wine Etiquette
Drar pebornh .iisi Will sou plensa mnke a
few remnrkH on tho etlnuctte, or ritlier euitom
In the p, rilm; ot wlms and lliueur? What Is
the "Itoni-mitui" Idei of "rllnntr with wine" lit
'iiiiln rrHiiiurants, nirticul.irly Itnllnn? What
Minuv. uiiAfu r Hir.uKm. nrj nereu mn luncn-
f-on hi a r ntnurunt nnd at home
Annre, lut-
mi- tno couricH ot your reply.
I. da C.
ThPio Is much to fay about tho ctiquetto
of serving wines. m peihaps I had better
answer your questions as they come The
Bohemian Idea of dinner with wine means
that with dinner a bottle of some simple
whlto or red French or Italian wine Is
At a formal dinner It Is customary to
servo cocMnlls tlrst before going Into the
dining mom. Cocktails are mixed drinks.
.Slurry is usually served with soup and
champagne or sparkling moselle with the
meat courses. After the dessert and coffee
liqueurs which aro sweet cordials, such as
cremo do menthe, whlto mint, peach brandy,
chaitreute and others aro sered In tiny
glas".i '
With luncheon It s proper to have n
rocl.tail first nnd some light wine, such as
inuterno or claret For a formnl luncheon
si nrkllng moselle or champagne Is appro
priate. At dinner If champ.igno or
moselle is not desirablo a heavier wine
such as a Hock or a Madeira may be served
inuinpagne CUI, aml muterne cup are
mixed dr nks which aro very refreshing
and may bo served at luncheon or dinner.
Recipe for Whitewash
Boll a pound of rice In fle gallons of
water until soft and broken Strain and
rub the rlco through a colander back Into
the water and while it Is still boiling stir
into It a peck of best lime with a pound
of salt. Bolt up once and apply hot.
Proper care ol the skin it not a lempo
rery matter and ij very important lor a
Good Complexion end Letting Beauty
When motoring at mountain or shore
prepare your skin these hot summer
day against attacks by sun and tolnd.
BtaitiHet and improves bad complexions
Removes wrinkles and hciel lltmiihtt
Protects and preterves delicate skin
In farm at Sl.tS
We end (M- urrnsld rn freit of price.
Cheap aobsUttttes lost YOU same price
Six Children and No ToyB
t hsue Ion hern n reader of iour If H. C..
but this In my firm nttempt to write to It we
have id children, rnnzlnit from 1
lo t pnr .
with, we would nil ho happy. Mils A .1 J
In the course of naturo children outgrow
their toys Thee should then b as natu
rally passed along to younger boys and girls
There ought to bo a sort of endless chain
established between tho various nurseries
connected with our great family. WW
mothers whose children nre out of tho toy
stage of life collect the useless things, tho
sight of which brings a smile nnd a sigh,
nnd write for the nddres3 of tho mother
whoso babies nre toy less 7
Pieces for Patchwork
I notion that n woman offers silk Pi"?""
any one who nekn for them. I should he no
ifrateful for them, hut hae heen unable J
far, to irrt an. I am lame nd unable to get
out much ami derlie moat of my pleasure from
patchwork and rrnchetlne I have some books
which I will pladU puss on to cheer another
a they hae chered me J !
Pieces nnd patterns nre pretty sure to
answer your pathetic nppeai. uo not
weary of hearing mo reiterate tho asser
tion that there Is a freemasonry among
fancy workers which Inclined them to dc
vIbo nnd io execute "liberal things" This
Is emphatically true when the ono who
asks for materials to carry on the work
Is forced by physical Infirmity to seek In
the handicraft most of tho sunshine she
enn hope for In life Thank you for think
ing of our bookloter. Wo register request
and offer.
Wnnta House Plants
I live on a farm away from my neighbors
I am a sreat lner of house planta neranlums.
fuchsias, begonias or any good house Jlam
I hne not the mciria to buy any I hae
tried to rilse them from seed, but have not
had cood luck .My, nclKhbora here don t keep
house plants I only ask for slips. If I can
act them, and will Bladly pay P"!??.'-'"'. n
Lest women who would lend a kindly
car to the petition of a sister How or lover
should hesitate to gratify lr desire here
expressed through fear lest tho fragllo
treasuro may not bear transportation, let
nm reneat In substance, directions nlrcady
given for sending roots nnd cuttings by
mall. Get a tin cracker or cereal box from
grocer or neighbor, or your own store
room, nnd lino It with waxed paper. Cover
this with dampened absorbent cotton or
several thicknesses of damp tissue paper
Lay the (lowers, roots or cuttings upon
this nnd cover with a thick layer of tho
damp cotton or papers. Fit the top closely,
wrap tho box In stout paper, and address
legibly to tho correspondent whoso letter
you havo hero (Before pncklng tho box
you will havo obtained hor nddrcss In full
from us.) In tho uppor left-hand corner
of tho cover you will wrlto your own namo
and poRtofllco address, as required by tho
parcol post law. Then rest Borcne In tho
consciousness of having done n deed of
Blstcrly love. Llfo Is too short for us to
slight such opportunities of practicing tho
golden rule
Needs Pieces of Silk
A hrlBht, active old lady, with hair white as
the driven snow. Is maklns a bed cover of silk
pieces She has already made one larKO enoush
for a small bed. but wishes to enlarsc It nnd
needs pieces of silk Aa she Is ablo to write. I
B.-nc hr my card with n notation IndorstnK her
request, pao ner a siampeu envelope nuuresscu
to jou and left her happy. I am sure, with sour
wllllnc nld my sisters of tho Corner will crown
her happiness I RBked her her age. I do not
Indies that the poor dear blushed, but nt last
admitted 70 I havo made a apeclal note neer
nratn to ask a woman her nee, I know I
blushed, too, throush the sun tan, nt my mis
toko. V. C
That week Is brighter when wo can lay
before readers a letter from "our Kngllsh
man " Whether or not wo rccched tho
stamped and addressed envelopo he left
In tho hands of tho bright, actlvo old lady
who Is fortunato enough to receive his calls
and onjoy his friendship, wo honor his men
tion of her need of silk pieces, and will
Right under our
eyes not here,
there and every
where is the
creamery where
we make
And because it is made
in one creamery instead
of a dozen ; because it
is made under tho most
careful supervision, in a
sanitary place, in a sani
tary way, from the very
richest, purest milk that
healthy cows can pro
duce Mendalc Butter
comes to you sweet,
pure and wholesome,
and it i3 all alike, this
"uncommonly good
(Makers of ,
Merldale) Philadelphia
Hell Phone, Market 3741
Keystone 1'hone.Main 178J
Look for the "Mirlfoll"
wrapper-atr-tight. dust- and
eaofpnof-at your crottrt.
will remove any superfluous
Hair Growth, and makes
sheer hosiery and sleeveless
gowns possible without em
barrassment. GET IT TODAY
Cloud's Depilatory
J1.00 per- bojt, I'ostpalil
flUl. CZ6ttZcomBUxloa
70S-1Q7 Flandera Uull)lnr
lStb Ss Walnut St.
RMtabUnhtrt Ida,
Mfs yin Toll$ Hir8aratloo
V -LJ-i
! t
. A rommnntcat ons addressed to .- !ff!
Hsriaml should lncioe stamped, em
addreseeil envelope and n rllniiltix ,'"
NliTe In which on are InterfMetl. I 'tt soni
wlalilnic to nld In the fharltnole wors"? "VJ
II. II, C. f hoti d write Marian llarbind, , Is
rare of this paper, .for addresses of IImim
they wmiid like to he n. nnd. ,lm,Tt ""',a
them, rommiinleate direct with those partle.
consign them to him or to her, I can
fancy how ho will deliver them, and that
they will borrow vnlue from the fact that
ho was tho carrier. His alius on to the
reohirnenl lihiah Is funnv when one reads
that tho dear lady Is 71)1 In this day of
Increased longevity of human life, our be
loved colleague's pen trips In writing her
down ns old.
An Oven Gas Plato
!!.llncr received n truss for mv husband aflmo
time nso through the r'ornr from a woman
whose address I hall mislaid, I hereby, late as
It Is thank cu IIo thanks jou with nil his
heart for the much-needed appilanre. I should
like to hae the (titer's nddress npaln, If It Is hot
too mueh trouble for you to nend It to m. I
wrote and thanked her but wish to write again,
f nm solns to come to jour helpful Corner to
ask If nny one has an nnn sos plate to pass
along' I bite no pas range and ennnot bus one
and haMnc a hot flro durlnir this weather mikes
me iJImv and sick 1 am not strong n id am
unable to go out to earn a little money to help
alona and buy manv things which I need for b v
home My husband Is a 112-a-werk man and
not atfona or youns any more. MRS. C. C.
Unless you designate the woman In some
other way wo daro not try to repeat her
addrcs Wo hope sho will Identify herself
from your account of the gift and let us
hear from her Wo register tho request
for the oven gas plate, making room for
your letter In full, It represents your need
of tho kitchen helper better than we could
put It before tho eyes of pitying readers.
May thoy bo ablo to lighten your weary
Jw3 Mahogany Cose vf'VwKy
w9w Uke Jfiew
&P4yiV. New f(WBmLr
KHtA e,li PlJt lAtvSP I
I , if, yfg?4
Students well-grounded in the
theory and practice of stenog
raphy and carefully instructed
in the art of taking rapid dicta
tion. Ask for Catalog M-45.
Fhone, Diamond 031
lirouil St., Iielnir llerks
m ' timw " 'iiwiFMffirmsajBMfjaw
Practical Education
We train students for cood positions
aa menoirrapners, isooKKceperB secre
taries and Salesmen and find cood no
tions for them May we serve so'i'
r.xperiB as leacnera unarffes moil-o-ate
Day and Nlcht School now
open, vvnj not uegin now'
Strayer's Business College
801-807 Chestnut Ht., Phllu.
Walnut .181 Mtln 2300
1IT1. ...... I m..Twn
Tiitorlns. Ture CialUian frlv. or
claaa lvss. '1 Translations frof. !.
,UTera. list Walnut. l'n.Wal.U04i
Youne Ladles and fllrls
I'lllt (ilUI.S
Modern fireproof hulldln.-s. new aymnaslnm
awlmmln pool Collet preparatofymodern
lanBuaces. music, domestic arts etc Ciriisi.VI
prlWleses, Itooms with private bath HmiT
(lladstone Atlantic City, occupied by school each
& ,;,"" contlnue' Hhout interruption1?
'A?K 8 JIAOILI,. A. M. Principal.
oi:iim NTOlVN. r.v.
The Stevens School forGirIs
231 V. Chelten A, ,..,, fienn mtonii
49th er opens tjept ai KindJaJriJ.? .S
eolleite prenaratorj hwcl-il ro2rl?2 l,f ,iihrou3.h
Science a-.,i fonu, a ltlnol IVenJh hi? ?mc8"
women Manual trne Jll Jlary ItenU "vfln
nsth year Oeneral. Collea p,. ,7T !lt,l
3rad Intermedia tJprnTarF"."1!; School
Iir A V TTTm -w a -.. . " '
SOUTH IlJ'Tllrr-,,1...
r--";-.i.Ji, r.,
Bishopthorpe Manor r owi coiie
iiW !e?i: f?r huh p.rchW25 !.aa-
jEKi?L jEj- WT3S?g
MESOXA11. N. j
12 miles from Phllads'nhla i .
ftf.S!rte2L. a? u s: Irisr!
Jiiii "enonali. tt. j' ouul-
M!TTN. j.
Upper School for older bow e.r1
aratlon for all collite. y,i5',v,e thorough or..
Tnnni.iLr w.. . .
hT,VOcU.nf 'Sffr I Wt E? -"'?o'r
Uox U-Torrja0grctg
Youag ilen and Iior.
"," -..
I never lojc interest
tr livincJ. vou 40
For everything '
jaems, so
surprtaintf to m
i ni'fANN
v 1H v !'
This Handsome Holder
Will Take Care of Thnt
Bathroom Glass and Will,
Keep That Toothbrush
It is one of a complete set of
Fleck Fixtures that brine; yon
ndiled convenience nnd make ad:
Ilghtfut and dainty all-white bath,
room It Is hnndsomely designed
nnd strongly made of the beat
While Vitreous China. R.tsy to In
stall and easily kept clean.
You should Insptct this perfect fit.
ture It is pold under tho Fl.nrv
Vrlto for full particulars or visit our
s.HU.s.r ittvut-u DiiuiTiuuiii iOUiiy,
Showrooms. 41-40-48 Ss. CO N.otligt.
AniprItnM I ,i,i.inn.r lt,n.ln.. I.,.
The most ilomlnaat personalities f i
! country, lng. ;
Plic Andrew Cam.
tflo. Theodore Room
vett, John W.
maker. William 1,
llrynn and rain;
others, tme in
dorsed Telrce Sekoof
and Its metho'i
Hut our sriliri
satisfaction, by lit,
Is In the fount if
our craouaies.
Secretarial ki
rommorclal roam
inr coin sexes,
PKItjnn cptronr
I'lne .st V. of Itroii
Courses nre thoroughly prac
tical, anil each Is designed to de
velop the mental powers of tht
student nnd to give him Jhe abil
ity to direct his efforts In tbi
ii j.st profltnblo channel.
nny School opens Sept. Mb.
Nlcht School opens .Sept. eta
Knter any time
923 Chestnut Street
Thirty years ut 17th nnd Chestnut Hlrrtti,
IIuslneH, hhorthand and Secretarial Couttt ,
tsnw m.ooMriEr.n. iw.
llloomfleld Academy Courses Colters Prwft ;
atory. Jluulc, Business formal, Junior, ,
nrjie iiionern uuiioins lor ons uuu - :
I'upua unaer ! veara apeeiai aitentiga. iw
J20U and un. Juniors, J'-'SS. Car M,
InMllnte. Vox u. yew flleomlleld. vs.
IlANOVr.R. N. 1!
Hanover Tutoring School
In the heart of the New Hainpshlrs'HIU. tit
mer season July, Auiust nd BepKfflM'.
nvery candidate In last a years entered
Younc Men anil Hoys
Tho Priillme Rmnlrs School
noa' school opposite Clark Tarlc Athletic JJ 1
adlolnlnc bul'dlnss, Larce fully-ejulewjl rj
nnshim En teachers. Year hook IllVM ;
i.i i s.i. i., iieuumasirr. w.t iiauiniere me-
t, -,,.- Rldr.
--"-- .i
moan inu YiV'fcHt'
rrenarn tnr rrtla hmmMi And C1U W
t .7.i " -" j' :v
v, v.ii ui Btrjiu iur L.atauc t-t
J A country achool founded In ltJ Vf'
- Modern buildings. larsa. lmnt
e ii i . i,..,..ul nirflrui
ThorouKh colleBe preparation Ilatr lV" J
aui "',,r;yrz,
on ftte IIW
We Invite eUmf
visit 'If OMI
ianii tor sinKi" room ah aiineic. . f---i
acnooi lor inuneer Dos
InvestlKatlnn a rersonal
rui caiaiovua aaareas
AUTlU'It E. nitOlVK. B. A.. nnmW j
Sivnrthmnrp PrpnaralorV
Kery facility In modern, wtH-wjHJ? S
ln recreation und refined urroun()iai. f
trained to the ery hUhestatandjrd f Ag
lean cltitenshln. Sound mind and trtt ""
that la your Swarthmore boy. .
A. II. TOMLINSON, neaarawp-
Ilor II. Swarthmore, r.
lor Boya , Bnaonea M aw.
American tnlverstty "juijr
caiatory course n a ft
fcr buUies.
Write for catalou
niPSTlTl PA.
Pennsylvania Military Colkfl-j
Tha U-ul Point ot the '? ',rn&stl
perlor Bcholaallc. Physical &&&,
to develop Superior Men. ,'! JSiS.
Civil Englneerios, Economic arm fv
ColCUASjJS. nyATTsjroioaftf
Urtu-is.. tr. rLr"
nniutiiiv U All FlXJt-ci. BTi
.M,,a,V m.
vun m i nnm gcai 3V I
proved courses. prleccd 'iortfl
plete. BOulpment. Alma W d,5ffeS 1
Catalogue. W A HUTCHISON TV-"j
vavinKTlf TA,
NAZABCTir HALI, T4!f 4rt
Nataroth Pa to idi4 1T. 0
ail J
I lltlll sjl
I mum bin 7
tiiti ' i. mil 1 5 s
r -nr i'n '
P aaaaa
LjI I.... I nllUi.Ii ia