I I IWJE MILIONI DI SOLDATI BHPEGNATINELLAGRAN BATTAGLIADELLISONZO i.i! lTfn1in Si Snnn T.nn I I WW" ; "-T"" ,. clnti all'Assaito ueua ror midabile Fortezza Con gli I' Elmetti Inghirlandati QU ATTI DI VALORE ROMA, 9 Agosto. ta Fortezza dl Gorlzia c cntluta itle man! dellc truppc del gencralc Csdorna. H Mlntstcro dclla Gucrra ne hi daio oggl l'annunzio ufllcinlc, ag alnngcndo chc gH itallani vi hanno preso Ifl 000 prlgtonteri c grandc quantlta' di w'ml c dl matcrlalc da gucrra. HOMA, 9 ARoato. Con It posseiso della testa dl ponto dl nr!la e con gll nustrlacl In rltlratn dn wicchl liuntl HinKO la ilo dell'Is-onio. Mcno In qucstl clrcotl rnlllUrl che la "JiduUt della formldabllo plaiia forte o tamlncnto o die presto la atrmla aara KJ?U alio "P0 allano Per 'cantata u Trieste II eencralo Carlo Corsl, gludlcando a ItuMlono aueata jnattlna In un nrtlcolo wjlla Trlbuna, dice: Pochl comprendono l'lmportanza dl do' the awleno ora sulla fronto Itallana. Korao Suetll Clio Bono I plu' Borprcal Bono gll stesa iustrlacl. Dal momento In cut lo novl bI Iiteguarono dallo montaRno o grandl oper .tlonl si resero coal' poaslMll, nl noatro Lerclto si Imponeva prima dl tutto dl ar M.taro l'oftenslva austrlaca, secondo es Mltero Bll lnvaaorl dagll altlplanl vlotntlnl, rpo I nnalmente dl Inlilaro la sua ojTenslva enntro II lablrlnto dl fortlflcnzlonl. Ma mat ru scello un momento mlullora per at eearc. Clo' moatra aopratutto clio nol Soperlamo con gll alleatl. II rlaultato del Srlml pocht glornl dclla noatra offcnalva Sntra che essa o stata preparazta beno e n cum dl ognl dettagllo. So duranto II irimo anno della noatra guorra lo nostre turn non connulatarono molto nol ac flUlstammo In compenso ouella csperlcnta 1lla gucrra moderna cho cl ata dando coal' kuonl rlaultatl." 2,000,000 DI comdAttentx. SI calcola cho duo mlllonl dl uomlnl sono hnDtKnatl In queata mostruona battaglla gulla llnca Coll'Isonzo. Lo truppo ttallano r lono Impcgnato ora net panangglo dell'Isonio mIU vlclnanze dl Oorlzla c dol San Mlchele, iDtclalmcnte nolla zona dl Luclnlco. Lo fortincazlonl auatrlacho ad cat dl Oorlzla tono asBoggettate ad un vero urangano dl rranato da parto dl ccntlnala dl groasl can nonl Itallani, e la caduta dclla fortezza o' ttsa da un momento nll'altro, ee puro sia non o' gla' nolle manl degll Itallani. In tutta Italia si sono avuto o at hanno flmostrazlont cntuastlcho. Lo cltta' sono Jmbandlcrate. Una folia enormo at rnccolso lerl acra In Tlazza Colonna applaudondo dl'eierclto at re cd al genoralo Cadorna, dlmostrazlonl patrlottl che al sono avuto Oil teatri e net cafte, non solo a Itoma, ma ancho a Mllano, Bologna, Torino, Llvorno, Flrtnze K' convlnzlono goneralo qui cho II genoralo Cudorna C alia vlgtlla dl consegulro una tranda vlttorla declalva cho mettera' lo truppe. Itallane Bulla via dl Trieste. In due gtronl dl hattaglla gll Itallani h&nno fatto plu' dl 15,000 prlglonlorl, tra cul oltre 300 ufTlcIiilt, ed hanno catturato 11 cnnonl, 100 mltragllatrlcl od una gran quantlta' dl matcrlalo da guerra. II eorrlspondento del Secolo dalla fronto 41 baturlla descrlve cobI' una dcllo prim Jjjlme fael dell-offcnslva aull'Isonzo. I CANNONI TUONANO. "Alls 7 dl mattlna dl domenlca, aotto un delo llmpldlsslmo, la, terrlbllo orchestra dtlle nrtlgllerle ttallano cnmlnclo' n lacer- ro l'atmoafera con un plcno spaventoso da B m- xx m m jrK, xi S!ivS-V JSs r JkA v "- Cr aJ"lu1""i"ln"""llu"ll"lllllt,llla t3j Myjiffei feJ "'"""""""""tiMi1'"""11"""1 fW. EEffir-feav n iii an ployes who know it by its merit. On that spirit of Service First the people of Philadelphia may place their reliance. It means, before all else, that gladness to serve which is after all the sum and substance of successful endeavor. I m nnnoIVlRlu 1lno ft Monfalcone. dove era navw?o.. ftnch univ dtmoatrazlone . " . ulla costa lrn "lno Mlramar. arnTr.ut.I1 lcrrlj?rl cho era gla' atato 14 u,Ji tn, Kr,andlno del prolettlll fin dat nn rI' UJ?' nuovo. ",'oggeUato ad un T, K no dl eannnl 'tl ognl callbro per ntii V. orT- Una 8,m" spnventoaa r.f.B.' nr?lct "on era mat prima J-m . Ln ",,Ma fronl ttallann, OH ef rettl del bombardamento, cho asaomlgllaa au un terremoto, erano tall cho nlcune caao aul piano dl Oorlzla erollarono In aegulto agll ondegglamentl del tcrreno provocatl dallo esploslonl dl granato dl groa-io callbro, mentre lo boccho dello en erne nelle quail al erano rlfuglatt gll au triad venlvano bloccate da tonnellate dl macerle e lo cavcrno bI traaformarono In verc tombe dl vivl. "Soltnnto verso le 4 venne 1'ordlnc nlle fanterlo dl uaclro dalle trlncee dove per meit rvevnno napcttato pnilentemente fora del l'nttacco. I.o apettneolo dl queata truppo Indurlto nlle fntlcho della guefra UMcentl ccn nllegrl balzl dalle trlncee rlchlnmuva alia memorla legRendc dl crol Mlgllnla dl quctll soldatl portaano nttorno al loro cl mcttl dl ncctalo ghlrlandc (lorato fntte ed Invlate loro dallo donno dl Vlcenza o dl Sf.hlo. "E al tanclarono con Irrealattblle vlolenza contro la teata dl ponto dl Oorlzla contro le trlncee det Carao. Alia testa dellc fan terlo marcIanno uomlnl portnntl grnndl dlschl blanchl montatl In clma a pall grlgto verdl, dlschl cho aervlvano a guldare It fuoco dello artlgllcrlc Itallane n mlnura cho l'attacco avanzava. I beraagllerl clcllstl dl Torino, llvorno ed Ancona hanno merltato apectalo lode per la conqulsta della quota 85 nelta zona dl Monfalcone. "11 inlnlstro Hlasolatl e' plato tcstlmone dt un atto dl ab ugazlono cho mcrlta dl enserc raccontato. tjn gencrealo era ntulato verso uno squadrona dl carablnlarl a caMillo, poco prima cho fouoe Intzlata la bnttnglla, o dlaae loro cho nvoa lilsogno dl cinquanta uomlnl por un' opcrarlone perlcoloslsslma dalla qualo nessuno aarebbo rltornato. Cento carablnlerl nardt bI fecero innanzl offremltst con entuslaHtno. I clnquinta furono aceltl, gll nltrl rlmnsero a ma Icdlro la loro catttva aortc. Clifford S. Warren Paralysis Victim Clifford S Warren, formerly secretary of the England-Walton Company, at Third and Vino streets, died early yesterday at lila home, C300 Overbrook avonue. Death was duo to paralysis, from which Mr. War ren had auffcred for three and a half yenra. lie waa 72 ycara old. Ho was born In Roxborough nnd educated In the public schools of this city, and Is survived by n widow nnd one daughter. Mrs. William' Fleck. Tho funeral services will bo hold tomorrow nt hla lato realdonce. Interment will bo at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. IN MnSIOKIAM TURNIH1LT-. In lovln memory of my dear mothJr. SlltS Iir.t-KI-t M. TUHNHUI.L, who died Auzust 0. lUU. May her soul, through the mercy of God, rest In peace. JDeatI)i CnOSBI.r.Y. On Aucust T, 101(1. nt Island Heiihts. N. J. MAllV. daughter of the mtn Walter and Mary I.lndley Cmssley. Relatives and friends orn Inv t.d to attend llw '"'0trff' services, on Thursday, nt an. m., at tho resldcnco of her sister. Mrs. SJarn . K. Vander crlft. 132 West Hlttenhouee at., Oermantown. Interment private. riNNKKTY. On Auiust T. 1010 imiDOnT, vvldow of Martin Flnnerty. . ilolatlyts nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 8:30 a. m . from the, real denco of hor slstor-ln-liiv, Mrs. Mary t Itz putrlck. 03J North Thirty-seventh st., AVost l'hlla. Bolemn high mass of requiem In Our Mother of Sorrow a' Catholic Church, 10 n. m. Intirm-nt at Holy Cross Cemetery. OIIKUIIY. On AUBuat B, IBIO UOBBRT M. aon of Wm nnd Almlra K. Qrecby nnd grnnd son of Mnry A and tho Into Charles K. Mrs. aged T months 22 dnjs. Duo notlro of the funeral will bo alven. from tho resldcnco of his parents, 2332 Aspen st. IIACKNKY. On Aucust 8, 1010. suddenly, TIIOJIAS, son of Thomns nnd the Into Kllen Hackney, aged 31 jenrs. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral nervlces, en Friday, at 2 p. m., at tho Oliver II. llnlr First-Class Salesman with a record of 12 ycara of unusual success, now employed, 13 open for re sponsible connection Will furnish best of references Willing to travel. Ad dress Box A 318i Ledger Olllce. ervj.ee K HEN Alexander Graham Bell first exhib ited his crude telephone invention at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876, the whole world paused to ridicule. "What means this charlatan who would hood wink the people who would have us think that mere metal will talk?" And then began the struggle! Strong men threw themselves into the front line of offense Vail, Saunders, Forbes. Lockwood. Barton: then Thayer, U?ish. Bethell. Carty the conviction that that service could and would be realized. From a mere handful of telephones in 1890,.with long distance service still behind the horizon, the Bell System has been developed no less by money and hard work and brains than by the sheer worth and merit of the service itself. To-day, with a net-work of copper highways spreading over the land and serving upwards of nine million telephones, that same spirit of Service First is the guiding influence of one hundred and sixty thousand employes men and women, both, who work not Jor the company, for they are the company; men and women whose constant striv ing it is to carry th veal spirit of service down into their every-day doings at the switchboard, out on tne country poie unes, in tne underground wire ways of the city, and at every desk in every office of the company. To them, no task is too difficult if il spells Serv ice. Call it pride, loyalty, or what you will! That spirit exists to-day as never before; and it jis being handed down tn the last voumrster in the business by those older em THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA EVENING LEDaBBr-PHlLADELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, DK.VTH8 nulMltur. 1 1R20 , Chestnut U I.itermnt Ftrnwooil Cemetery. HAVf, On Aupit 7, int8, uJdnly. D rtAM- Kinion) rurther notice of.the 'u,nIffftl."!U be Riven from his lato residence. 1U1 iNorin bzn i. fH.II widow o Thrtmaa ltowarth. I Iwral tv'c5J will be held on Thursday """ITI p!,,i,. o'clock sharp, at the Home '".Axed Conn . 1723 Traneli at. Interment at North cedar JOI.Y. On Auiit R 1010. CHAnMIH rJ. JOI.T ltesldrnce. 5121 ltesent st. Due notleo of the funeral nlll 1 alvrn . , PKR. hixbnd of S. Louise K'T", 'PT.'i,' , ' and son of th- Ule Henrv lind Wl .MP.T'J.'r Kejscr ad 7t jeara .llelftlvea and frtendj. also Purltv I.ode, No 325. 1 . S, Si'Jli! Hneamrmfnt. No IT. I. o O. F i C neln natus l,nde. No. 120. K. V. V. lh ' truleej of the ivrmanent Fund of the Home for t he Orphans of odd Fellows jf Ta the, r;pre sMitamm nnd directors of the Orphan Home of Ihe Odd Fallows and the sunhur members of Co A. 2tst Ileglment ! J,,.1i,'",'A.r',.i tarn Jlrz ) are Invited, to attend the '""?'",' on rrlday. afternoon. Auirust 11, at 2 o eloc. from his atn residence. HIT ?tf,f"rJ;.BA?-' MMroto I'ark. ln. Interment In Atn'rlean Mechanics" Cemetery. 22d and Diamond sta. IIRKMnn. On Aimust, T. 'P'0 Audif.n,fc FANN1K .lauishter of , Charles nml Bailie Kremer ltelntlvs and friends arj ' lnltd to nttend the funeral services on Thursdar. at 2 p m at her lite residence 6JTJ ont ros. st. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery stAriitnvr.i.t.. on Auaust . inf. mart MACDUWP.t.r. Interment private. MAI.OST.V. On Auirust T. 1910, at Kenelnitton Hospital rhlUdclphl-x. UP.. J. JJ. J lAlJONKJ, Key West. Kin., aged 49 years. Interment at Ke West. ria. Mci:t'ltr.lr. On AuitustR. lOtC. ni.TXN ; T ' . wlfo of the lato Archibald McEachernl.ela ttvca nnd friends are Invited to attend the .... -. u-a.... t Hftfl n tn i from the residence of her son. 3nl2uOIUo st men mass at St. Acathn's Church, at in a m mass at hi. Aeamn a '(""'V "v.,i". Interment at noiy Bepuicnro .."' AU lomoimo tunerai. Mel.lStKl. On Auaust T. 1010. JOHN, hus bind of Margaret McOllnsey nee HtanerO. naeil nil jenrs Relatives and friends, also Republican Committeemen, of tho 43d nard. nnd emnloves of 8 I. Allen A Co are In vited to nttend the funeral services. Thjirs. day. at 3 P m . at his lata residence, 3025 North Mnrshill st Interment at Orcenmount Cemetery Remains may ho viewed Wednei iliy, from "lull p. tn O'CAI.I.AdHAN. On Auaust 8. 11)10. ,FRAN CIH. husband of tho late Annie J O'Calla- Khan, In his S.ld cnr Relatives nnl rrinns are Invited to attend the funeral on I rid ay. at 8 10 n m from his late residence. 1730 Master st Solemn renulem miss at the Church of the Oesu, nt to a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. ri:.NKOSl'.. On August rt 1010. al Quakertown. I'n , HF.NRY HPIIAKMAN. son of, William nnd Jennln Pnnrosc Rehttlves and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Thursday, nt 2 30 n m.. from 120 Main St.. Quakertown r-JlKINIIAUT. On August 11. ll10, AMY IIKI.D. wuiow ot uoyer iteinnnrv. ageu ni jhu-. in terment nt l'nrkerford. Chester Co.. Vn. Rl'.INARI). On August 7, IBM. l7!AN, widow of Mathlis R Relnard. aged 8(1 scars nt her lale residence, 2852 N Dnrlen st Relatives nnd friends of tlic family, are respectfully In vlted to nttend the funeril services, on Thurs day morning, at 11 o'clock precisely, at the David It Srhuiler Hid., llroad and Diamond sts Interment private. Auto funeral. noT!. On August 8. 101(1. MARCRI.LA.. daughter of William O.. and HI inlieth A. Rowe Residence, 3847 North 17lh at. Duo notion of the funernl will be slvcn nuWJ.ANI. On August 8. 1IU0. 1IDNUI V heinve-1 husband of Clarn Rowland (nen llen hocrfer). Relatives and friends of the family, emplojea of William Cramp Shipbuilding Co. nnd all organizations of which the deceased wns n member, are Invited to attend the funeral services on Hiturday. at 2 v. m., at his lata residence. 712 Richmond st Interment nt Palmer Cemetery. I rleiids may call Frl diy evening. hrilHOI.DI.U. On August 7, 1010. at Atlantlo city N J MAROARDT lllllNlh. widow of (lustnve Bchroeder. aged 70 jears Rola turn nml friends nra Invited to attond tho funeral services, at Mount Peace Come- all enthused with ItOL'K. On AUBUt 0. lnio.fti ' ""'""' ,X 1... . .L . .(jlkMH AV her rirtucluer. Mrs Vinmrn mj "". -y. 8. lMh t . Phlladelphli. EMMA. ,"' nt DuMd t Hok. ftrviee "'' 'P'"m'"i t Nw Columbia. 1'a.. at comenlenco of $$r $500 5k if steinwayII li UPRIGHT PIANO H ia sa ta w& r esa )Ba. Mnlionany Case y4?fJ-S' viJwW Hood Con- jnt&mKf reii "TTrXT"ir-aW i f? v JV V ' r k m i (SSSs DKATnS tery, Philadelphia, on Thursday, at 11M10 a. m. SHROTi:n, On August 7. lflto, MRB. HANNAH 11. Miiuurrcu. ni itigninnas. r. j ""mini. of Philadelphia), aged 83 years. Interred at Chester Rural Cemetery. 8N1)KR. On August 7. IBM, CATHARINE) A., widow of Captain John :. Snider. Rela tives and friends are Invited ".o attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., (Jl the residence of her eon In-law, Joseph M. Vile. K.23 Rltner st. Interment at Mt Morlah CemMery STHr.Ri:. On August 8. 101ft, HMAIIBTK A.. wne oi r.invnru wteere. ageii ?;i years, urm tlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the fu neral services on F'rldiy. nt 2 p. m,. nt the residence of her son In law, Joseph I". Binlth 112 Mavland st . (lermantonn. Interment private SULMVAN. On August 7, 1010. MART Et. I.KN. diughter of Andrew and Margaret. Hal llvan Relatives and friends, also Sodality of the J V M and Altar So'l'ty of St. Agatha's Church, are Invited n attend the funernl, on t'rlday. nt 8 SO n m.. from her parents' residence, .IS'.'fl Urown street High requiem mass at St Agatha's Churrh. at 10 a nt Interment t Holy Cross Cemetery. Automobile, funeral sivr.KNr.v. on August n mo. marie. daughter of Daniel r and Ellle A. Sweeney tneo.MrNally) Relatives and friends are In. vlted lo attend the funeral on Thursday at 8 .10 a m from hla parents' residence. 177 V Mjster st Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Mlehael'a Church, st 10 a in. Interment at Holy 'epulchre Cemetery. VAL'MIAN On August 7. lotn. In Norrlstown MARHARHT VAUOHAtf. widow of William Vnughnn. In the 84th year of her age. The relatives nnd friends of the family nre. re spcrtfutlj Invited to attend Ihe funeral, from her late residence, 1100 W Main St.. nn Satur day, nt i 10 p m Interment private at Rlversl lo Cemetery. W.Minr.N. On August 8. 1010, CMFrORD s. WAItllKN. aced "O venrs, Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral serv ices on Thursday, at 30 p m . al his Into resldene". (lino Oierbrook nve Interment prW Mite Kindly omit flowers WII.NITT. On August , ltUO, ORACH R.. wlf of John Wllnet and daughter of William and Almlrn Jarvln aged L'4 yeirs Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Ihursdiy nt 'J SO p, m, from her parents' realden. p. 1043 H. .Mole st (lflth and Mc kean sts ) Interment nt Kernwood Cemetery, Friends may call Wednesday evening. Auto service WIHTAK At Oermmtnwn. on Auaust 8. 1M0, C CRHSHON WISTAR, atcd 70 yenrs. Duo notice of tho funeral will be riven. Do You Want An Advertising Man? I can handle your advertising on n part or vyhole time basis College etlutntlcn. Character nnd habits beyond criticism. Ulght ears' exverlencs In adver tising department of one of America's largest companies; tuo eara In charge advertising of large soap firm. Thoroughly familiar with nil forms of advertising. My proposition Is worth Investigat ing. Urlto llox O 044. Ledger Central, Urosd and Chestnut Sts ' 4 cylinder en bloo motor 3H"borex6"etroko 4-Inch tire, norwkld rear Cantilever rear apringa Streamline body 323 - 5 t., mi iriri'iiriiiiTTTrnr-inT iinrrirHrfi""!"! -r"!1 "'' ' j1'' "" hisses h-.hhihtiii iu.i..rfiijy..,..rwffM.rrlll(ll lhlllr-, ijijg llljiyylgj1ji VST FURNITURE SALE 4Fce8 As n l Sisaf luiiy upnoisicrcu Solid Quareired ale iffet m An oletrant piece of f urnituro-- tho biggest piece of its kind ever offered in this city nt $27.G0. Our August sale price for these Buffets Ifl $1G.50. Note tho extra-largo, heavy plank top with French plate mirror. Top drnwer lined for silver. You will bo amazed when you see it nothing so big, so beautiful was over offered at such a low price. 722-724: Market St. Sales on the new series 75 B are now running over $2,000,000.00 a week. We could probably double that big figure if we could produce the cars. But even our great factories can turn out no more. Capacity is now taxed to the limit. To thoughtful people this should mean much. It must signify in which car you get the most for the least amount of money. Never in the history of the entire industry has there appeared a value to equal this one. At the price, this new model is the world's most power- ful car; the world's most economical car; the world's easiest riding car. For these and many similar reasons it is the most sought after car of the year. Order yours today. pStgP" B Passenger Touring; C Boadster $620 f.o.b, Toledo Overland Motor Company, Distributors - 7 North Broad Street, Philadelphia. Bell phone Walnut IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "M.d.luU. S.A." 1916. Illustrated r - .t rt- l... .1...t!. t ,m,,lnf ill vnlllna Ulir AUKUSl nnic ouurs iiuuuiuua ui. ty""".'-. ...- .... tills. Four beautiful pieces, each one of unusual massiveness nnd nroportlon. Futnetl oak. Tho table is very heavy; deep drawer and magazine shelf. Settee very lnrgo; Rocker nml Arm Chair extra deep and comfortable. Spring seats beauti- in wnasc opiuusn iuvuu, Ji. "kjf aUc a WK IZBUZii New Model 31 Horsepower iflfjBB tfB B fff Rntfr H fg !L5 - m -' Itlfn GOfi a Week Series 75 B . m im oOU T.f t).(i'ii()iiJaiiiiiiiAIIII,nViiivriilii,ni'u!,l;Li.lliJ)),',i.,),li,l,,)j):j:Ani)l,,,,,....i...i:i. .';..'.. Ir'ijJllJiJLli'' s ' n i s "" j WeV7l "" " t III st? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i " vvi I fi " . s t i stSfssyjytfligsll Electric starter Electric lights Switches on steering column Magnetic speedometer Complete equipment 4897 'a