mmtfmmmmmmmmmuAr.-iii i in miinirn) "innnwni PlPiTOpWM EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1916. "IS I jbk the Travel 4-L nit? EAIi ESTATE TOR CALE Coslisiml rom rreccdlnoraae west riin,Ar.i,rniA ' hullt of the flneot -nuallty m F "K,.B.M M Philadelphia's lending build i Jh?u. in his work that there was little f W&tlh 'over. They wero purchased hy an LrJe when material and wattes were at WhtHtef .wnen.,i;Vmih forPe of circumstances Through force of circumstances rK'VJXirtunltVt now that materials and ifl man com. i ft in m feE'S? are el top prices ."- . ....., . . .. houses are Mi wm . m,. i"IrJft!wi metftl. shin and polMh In rl JPtiud construction, they will make no riVrION' IA tf'. RATI ROOM O WBRK a IIOMK WHlCIt WII.Ii Hi: A OT'oiV ftnrTKfi io years henc yK fr.j-ir.lY. IM llU.nn . Oil 4 iNCU k . "w.'Kw soTSri.Kht if thes ws;; nl!mV2rhou9 must be wonderfully , .M 7nthls weather). There are Just :t 11 WJlU, . i week there may bo none e...a la.a,ka, , t as tASt lit es "(r Jli.v vhance Is gone for. Rood and nil i!!?.SVi be sold for 13000 aldcee, and for ni Tbef SWI P5----U ...ill, l.tin. mnHn In Hill "1! SiVoO cash w Iff Terms tftVbalSnc" Just think of It mado to suit I I Simple nouse. ." ""-,, .... h-i,i m .i. ,,,.e. No. BD20 Vino St.. will be epJ. ine who Is In the market for a homo to "i7Jt and examino without delay. Wt only feel that this Is an unusual oppor. eve i ' tWtltT' vnnMAN 8, SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. f. gpruce 8971 Race 302.1. ?!.. rooms, hot-water heat. gas" nnd elec ihTarouetrynoor,showerbath:Bas hAT:EarcAWnrran.:&uiLi3BU - Bath andjladfleld sts. " NINE SOliU IN A WUEK I0TH AND l'ABCHAM. AVK. S u nrScK B. OP WOODLAND AVK. f wtipVuX homes In West l'hlla.i latest f ffi'SyVnd conysi samPloJipuso fully furn " PXCt.UPIVB 2-STOIU HOMES ' it-Ill 1II3I.OW BVIIUCU ST. f ,..rr. convs.i In an wclualvo 3-i.tory neltth- r wJt (iniiiU&lly aiirBCVlVBt uicaniwii uuiiis wrhdl unuiuaiiy i lo.wut JU0 cash '.TnTyV ... rrVcoi raioTa Bwwa "" "'- B2il and Hftltlmore aye. i u-pqT rilll.ADBI-I'HIA 1'HOPEIlTinS E?'J.11. onu "1 nn.l 5rt H 4()lll lit. "aKMD FOR OUH SALE on KENT L.18T BEND ujv0uAIjI,EN POTTS 40US JiaunnurH uir, " WEST PHIL.ADEI.rHIA HOMES For sale or for rent. .. inutv.v r.Rth nnd Hurlncflold. . "' . " mT .IK llhA 1-tAl bSi.dH Vlltl A .Iiitrc ItVl 10 rooms, nowly l-aVfre'l throuuh cu?. CHBSTEU OS1IOHNE. 1 B24 Chestnut. OKKMASTOWJ!. 1HN1IEIJ1 ST . opposlto Cricket Cluli Beauti ful location. 2V4 squares to Queen I.nno Hla tlon or Wajno no. (13th st.) trolley; new tows. Handle,. 21 S. J2that. OoraBojirlv. ' OERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT 5III.I. BECUlfi: OUIl 11BVIBED SALE LIST n n I.1STEII. Il12 Oermantown ae. 'OHUtANTOWN HOMES, nil section,. Prsnklln Hank Hid. . Walnut 2.-17. Oim KEAb ESTATE BULLETIN will be sent r tm li 1 SWaIs-m ah4I flAfirrin f mon nvAa If Ifim Kn,4 iiiiritoii V.y.'.f y..f '. '' V .' ... ' IF TOO JIBE LOOKING FOfl A HOME In Oer mtntown. Jit. Airy or Chestnut Htll consult tn. A, n. Median, 747 GormantjDn nve. CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken St.. east of Oer roantown ave. J. II. CHADWICK & CO.. 6632 Qtrmsntown ave. tit. Airy. Otrmantown NEW BALE AND RENT LIST HEADY Prihtm. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. rEUUU TRUST CO.. 0740 Qurmanlown aye. Chestnut Hill SEVERAL DESHIAHLE rnOPEUTIES ill.NTUHN T. W1IIOHT CO.. . Morris Ilulldlnn. Tioga 3107 N. 1BT1I i STomns. pouch fhont DESIRAULE HOME TAULANB. 1U0 JWA I.NUTST. lilt N. 31ST ST. Three story. 10 rooms, aide rtfd dwelllnr. at Tloea Station; price reason f.Btaiy terms. T lNDOSTftlAL TRUST CO.. IPSO N. Front St. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT ..,.. ,N T10OA OR LOOAN KENNEDY fc RAMIIO. 8740 OERMANTOWN. Lotan IT0RES. DWELI.IS'nS AND APATITMENTB f" For Sale or Rent r In Drat Sections & nf t.nirnn WM. D. CHAMUERS. 4033 N. Broad St. Oak. Lane lM I DETACHED HOUSE. Medary nve.. east -w,, vuiuru iiouu, close ai -t;iuu; n OtOrtei. lot AM rpl frnnl tin nl-hl,nphnnil! If ftiljrt'f1?'2' S C. Abernethy, 2724 N. Otn, r. uaj a. lth. rKxxsvi.vxNiA sunnnnAJf PSaOOKLINE Rrand new dt. dwlrs.. 7r. A b.. P 5"!rcd! wlll'exchanie, V r J- KUlElt WATTS .nn II, riVh ".?l .t'l-r.. uuxiio, taiou; only iiau llrookllno Station. CHESTNUT HILL uSfiM polonlal house and carace In excep fi0.Vi "!hbnrhood, 12 rooms. 3 baths, lot 125 .... uuui, .Tear renna. Jl,-lt, station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDI.NQ f CYMVYD stiAI;,.r.c"ve 8ma11 house; Ilvlns room. den. ffiifFiI?'!!!!' .p.n,ry. kitchen. 6 chambers and j&OWER MERION REALTY CO. -- vw Willi, all moildrn mnvvn im m. n. --. ..u...w...u fc- uinu 'i'i-i'i-ht iiinr nivn f.EABvr, ... r m & i7S?r?7 iuou: onck. nwe line; s'ai tn'bcmcken house; lot lBxll3, Hwope. trt. POPS. J I -iS2t?KT-N,w ,ln?le Jw n. 10 room I CoiL,r.hneAtiJ,rla luSOO- McCormlck 4 il IcrnleloU Chestnut st. and Elklns Par rooms; MC- ark. uMjENaiDB iinues ndS7Tiiriin".ii...vr, sites, evury Jl" RENNINQBU k ItENNiNQER 'Rydal f!nnntf v .Hoof K nr-aa . Bt0a PrtlAnl.l i . .b ? . - , -.. rii tiM . ' iiuuso, io rooms ana o uains. Icon Valfcv vum"lu " views ui iiuih fc-Tf "mviNuas & STJaTHUIS ijnuTlTLE HIIILDINO .lil? PA. Stems houss. sluhi".. n a bouse, stable, 20 acres: V . Y,lpJ0"un,"rl M,olnln Urns estates. gMJRICE J. HOOVER '. s5Bi! STONIT pATJiTfTrnTTC'C' mi is .. . "jtj HERKNESS & STETSON i-au title nuii.n i no 6 A(MAQ of AfanJnn,l,i.nn1r Ps?ifibi!5,-1,,!tl0n 'n Huntlnsdon V"eyi old t tSfU" ,hom,.i,,'H"f"Jfn,liS by attrac tl. fOli PllOn. miMllam s.f.4... n. .Istlnrt HERKNESS & STETSON i UAnu "i-i-i'i.wt iiiiTT niKn P" M elilJv'.r'tt our Sfflca by train or trolUy ( WtaliS".111 Arosley Station, It will pay L tfc'a 52p 1 t the North Olsns d Land KLJ na... ur bunralows ana lana &TJSS2is-W- O. Olenn. Land TltUBId. Sui ., K,,M 'o11' nlh location, tl-room G P 'jm;'" ' 10 ul 4 shade. JS-lPETBRSjkJSON. 608 CHEBTNUT BT. CHOICE nnfrniwn mitpvu JtntTf5Jfg-LBhorn.. p.. K.SBAX HOMES) Kbit BALfefpttTiEN? Ral Estate Trusty BulldlnCi B..I --f."i. ?'!S a" T' .T, '",'1 WUIWU11. , Ppp i'fr- -- yrsv tiytiMvvx IPahj. SUBURBAN intlirVtOTiTH irS?t5S I IIOOD CO.. MorrU Bids". aal or s--6. WUON k CO Morris Build Idles Suburban LoU t w at . ir7--iin SOUTH SIDE OF. VINE ST.. 0!l .'"ith and ooth M-. with n 3 minute fy?n.iated station, la located a beautiful f rf tM,!2I5irn two-story porch and te rrnc l&'X.'SSs f of " decldc-Hir different" Street ffJ"fVom the ordinary that the story of f """hSuJei i will ho of peculiar Intercut to li"?7.i Intelligent nomo uww kftvirtL i .- .ni3 POfl THE MAN WHO KNOWS eitj bL!cK' .. J Bethayres Station. I Stfio.?" L.untlndon Valley Station; on ele. '4fi,.".r;Siu?,,,3 b' oM httl" charmln .v., pujt, ,ol(1 10 cl0M Bn tt, price 115.000. S3 SoA-S- VUIrn piot, 0x ft prion Man at Ledger T1 itt meggers vacation liuide tor iyio KEAL ESTATEFOnSAIiE ContIiincd from rrccedino Column main link, p. n. n. RRYN MAWR itay.!? n.?ii..ntnJ? . -l . "'?" . '' ia.r?0.?.tft.b,i 1H new-, of Rrnunrl. -tcfntlon filly located near ntallon LOWER MERION REALTY CO. IAND TITLE 11UILDINO DEVON II?r,,"5nlf .in'fy .Place. Stone house. IS Iffilu 1 hath: .modern stable nnd Harare, rrI'fa h0,",! "l kinds of fruit nnd ahndo lt,,ll " Bct'" hluh around. . Worth Investl Mulck safe """ ' "r,lctlv ' LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILD1NO MERION Attractive stone rrsldcncn nnd sraraRe; 17 rooms. 3 baths, billiard room; electric llaht: l'puJchase'nea'r "statfon" 'C" KrUnd 'nay LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILUINU MERION North side, at a bargain, J7lin0; ft bedrooms, beautiful location and surroundings. '1 M Hsndle.21 S. 12th; NAllHEUTil A new house, MontKomery avenue Wlr,0!JFi,.tli.wl,h n" conenlences. JYJl. SMITH. 0002 Drexel road, Overbrook. NARllERTH New l.ullillnB. 11 rooms, hardwood "oors; a bnths; forest trees; garase; price ... n0. IlBrliert ft Claghorn, 201 llalley Hldg. ROSEMONT Flno Colonial residence, with 2ll acres; house has 14 rooms, 3 baths; nttractlvo grounds, convenient to station: In good loca tion, further Information from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING SUIIURHAN HOMES, country places and build- Inc sites to suit all renulromcnts; Main Line. . 11 f UtlNlER, Wayne, Pa. NEW JERSEY SlIllVnilAN HADDON HEIUIITS Lake and W Hlsli ats , K-room house, corner lot, 70x217; all con- enjences. I3iri(). Imiulrp 222 Nortli H.h, st. COUNTRY HEAT 34 ACRES. NEAR CAMDEN ln-room house, garage, greenhouses, beautiful ground running to lake, shade nnd fruit In abundance, owner going South. Photographs. PETERS SON. (ION Chestnut st . Phlla. Colonial Ridco haddonfield; uu,u""" iVIUKO NEARLY NEW. CONVS. 12 rooms, sleeping porch, brick fireplace, gas kitchen, lot nrxl5; IS fruit trees, ensy terms. PETEJtS A 8ONjll08 CHESTNUTST .I'IIU.A. NEW jnilSUY 30 minutes out: near station: modern house, plenty of ground; smnll cash pajment and , per nek. ARTHUR DOSWELli. 233 N. 13th st. Lll'PlNCOTT IITS AND HOMES IIAIUION 1I1:1(1IITH. N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT SIX MILES OUTsmnll country hotel, right at stntlon. good will nnd license Included, llos- well. 2.13 N 13th at.. Philadelphia. COUNTRY PLACE, furnished; acreage; friilfs; garage, stables, one-half hour from city. Box Bill. RUerton. N.J. LARGE PLOTS A HOMES. HIGH ELEVATION Cheap. Folder. I..SNOOIC. Woodbury lists.. N.J. NEW JERSEY SEASHORE OCEAN CITY R rooms nnd hath Asbury ave . Ocean City: J2B00, clear. Including extra lot. ARTHTTR ftosWELL, 233 North 13th. Phlli. VENTNOR JI00 building lots. 80x100 feft; conv. to beach and trolley. 800 W, State at., Trenton. NV, J. - Wll.DWOOD, N J 210 E. 2Mh st.. summer and winter cottngo for sale, fully furnished In best residential section; can be purchased nn easy terms, modern In everv respect, open for Inspection. JAMES I). WINCHELL, N. W. cor. 17th and Snnsom. . WILDWOOD CREST R20 "the pair Wlldwood Crest lots; short dlntanco from beach; every Improvement and good value at 11(100. Wild wood Crest Realtv Co.. Pacific ae. and Rambler. Robert Hammond, & Son. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Picturesque Farm of 104 Acres In miles from City Hall; stone Colonial house, surrounded by old shado; stone tenant house: nppl oichard, woods and meadows; high elevation, 'i mil" railroad station: nn excellent form, with wild, picturesque scenery; one rtream uiwn the property largo enough for boating and swimming. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING 112 ACRES on stone pike, near station; large stona house, tenant house, large barn, IbOOU; I have a farm for every buyer. J. if. FRONEFIELD, Wttne. Tenna. 175 ACRES, good bir stock and "dairy farm; offered to settle an estate; SH000. J. II. THOMPSON. West Chester, Pa. BO-ACHE dairy farm on Bethlehem pike; good stone bldga ; near R. R. town; SSSuu, JJUOO casn. A H. TYSON. Lansdale. Pa. NEW JERSEY PARM.S ONE -ACRE FARMS, nearest to Philadelphia, tin and trolley. Wrote for pamphlet. HARLOW & CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. train REAL ESTATE SALE OB KENT CITY 1234 COLUMBIA AVE. Excellent Business Locution. Large store, u rooms and bath. in iho best of condition. CHAS. W. MILLER , 401-407 Commonwealth Building. 11 E.SALE OR EXCHANGE 451 E. WALNUT LANE. atn.-Modern 2-stjT Perth und terrnca front duelling; line for lioma buyer: will consider good Investment Houses. CIIAS. L BROWN & CO.. 21T B llnl. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of 'exchanging what jou hai for what ou want. KHRHHAW & CROWL. B215 Chestnut REAL ESTATE WANTED Iiummfcua ui- innsnis are forced by the city to vacate In this section and wo are overrun with applications for houses In any good section, renting from tto Let' us 'take charge of your vacant property and secure a ..nan, au.cty "HUNDREDS OF TENANTS Kith and Cherry . "We go anywhere for business" CAREITUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real estate soldi mortgages placed, "Jsin-mm BQHWpLL. 2,u n 13th st. . WANTED to hire, largo first floor and jsllar for business, must bays large door. O 847. Led- ger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 228 H. Vth. 13 rooms. I bath. f 118 N lWth, IB rooms. S baths. 332 S. HRh, 8 rooms. 1 bath. aal H. 17th. 11 rooms. 2 baths. 20lf N. 13th, 11 rooms. 1 bath. "00 H. 12th (apt.). B rooms, 1 bath. j: A. PATTERSON. ISO B. iBth St. LEASES DATED AUO. 1BTH. 1010. 1820 Brown. 12r- .1(0 420 Hunt gdon; lOr.m Mft'i Oxford. 12r... 2B 1539 N 2d,....,.. 20 iiluN ?'3d. lOrl 20 2317 Master ,,,,..! 17 'otSN: Isih. ...... 35i53lJValnut;:::' . 35 HouieXre?1--S1' L-' prl""'' 1T35 galf"""1": WHY TAY RENTI You can buy your home "ur plan on a payment of t wr month each 11000 purchase plus 0 Interest 5!a?ly' balanct Write, or call for ..Ista Ull on v.rlr balanct. Write or for details. Abartinent U o, underwriters juaity. ana TLiiyim Co., 14IP-2U warm Aifi.ri-.siniii.vj. "stores AND DWELL1N08 In all sections of 8Tclty. Bea our lis? In thsLedfr S4turday, "' ".MIlt"ifi nflv'i rC B. E. cor. Uth and c lTowh)ll, ot-wri Win mil) RBNT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. 'Broad and Chestnut sts. T7TH below Walnut. 219-Cor. storo and dw."i 'itron north llghtt suit any . elec. trlelty Apply Wears k Brown. 202 B. IBth. . ik-) PINE STREET -14 rooms and 2 batb ,8?2omiujJMr aCro 1411 Walnut st. 7?iiip "BENT Aloderi 11-ropro store anil CHA, ""if .nvLualivess. 2B1B ltl.lj. .v.: py wfiV. EMEHBON CONRAD. 63 NrjUih st. iiniluiis Propertlss and Starts - MARKET BTlUSE-r. QZ3 Entire building to rar street; lot 3.lg300 fmaW SJ"S:. BIT Cheatnut st. Htorts ami Dwellings 57tm 1T1I iJssiraoie sivis ih uwb.. ieu 2I B- t-.U,l:wLnahster Co.. 1001 Cbtstnut. heat. WWJ SetorUSjt. Warsbouiei. Mfg. Hours c?T.kMi7 hi- una uiraru ill. isc a IT and Qlrard ave. 1st and 2d v?!-- sfvnn uiuira ft . suitable for heavy Einufalturln or garage, capacity JO ears: Uctrlc llrfhts i levator two entrance also itat on 3lrnJ , wlUfvn slorf or Boor jjSratfly Apply 1010 W Qlraxii ave. nRvRaWT Brod abova Cumberland manu 'rllturSa l tlw modem firsproaf Wrtht inLSi tr-t atatwoa and fretsht Jarda. Central to Hand .. r.-t n h r REAL ESTATE I"OR RENT Conltnurdjfrom f'rccedlni; Colitmn ..... ... . rtn... I, rneiories. iinrenouses. ,'im. "" - . Metropolitan Building "Wallace15 rrorp'ro8 ffrj&MnAVswz Cohocksink Mills BTJjborcoffi,r.TS- floors. BOOO lo 1S.000 an. H Chenn power. II. 1'. .MCMiUlit. llttl .liaEi'liL1'' - 30.000 SO FT. FLOOR SPACE In building with modern equipment; railroad siding; supposi offlce; low Insurance. Apply C J Milne Sons. N. E. cor, 11th and Wa shlngton nv e MERCIIANTfl1 BUILDING 44, NORTH 4TH STREET Desirable roomst power. and Ught. FACTORIES, sites, warehouses, floor space ex clusively. J. Alan Mlddleton. factory spec al Jat nnd engineer, OOH-11 Wldener Hldg., Phlla, 40,000 FEET, Broad nnd Green; ,3 floors and base.; Ilalit all sides, sprinkler, elevntor. heat; lSo Insurrate.Morrls &Co., Hldgo ntjlroad. N. BROAD ST., Ml-lD Manufacturing floorsi light on four sides: electric elevatnrsi low Insurance, LEA ESTATES, 700 1 Sanson! jj.L B2 N. 7TH 4-storv brick building. 20x100: steam healed. WORRELL, BBS N. 17th. lUTICES, lirsiNr.SS nOJIMSsJTCi. heed mm.ntNfl ijii-ii a. Centrally loeatedi all conveniences! rents at tractively lowi service continuous. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET ' ARCHITECT'S OFFICES 1100 sq. ft. Excellent north Hf?ht. Mears&Brovn, 202 S.lBth St. ARCH ST. FLOORS, CHEAP 1332. 2d. 22x138 ft . elevator, boat. 1317. 3d. suit small office. ' li 12. 3d. suit light manufacturing, 18 N, Olh. 3d and 4th floors; nice. EMERSON CONRAD. B3 N. 10th st. DREXEL III.DO. OrPICE.1. Anntinl Rentals. DO. orFICES. Anntinl "entais. 112(1, IK,!) I22B, I30O. 1150. $500. i . Illl. 1150. I ti.1. f 2110. 1223. J2J0. s . 1273, 1400. Hlngle rms . Suites 2 rms HmIIab fl r.Tia corner suites, stnn rooms, jduu io ii.". ELLIS D.WILLIAMS, J00l)rcxelBulldlng. SEVERAL DESIRABLE ori'lCES. SINGLE AND EN SUITE. ALSO FLOOR IN A NEW MODERN IIUILDINO JAMES I WINCHELL N'JV.. COR. J7TII N1) RANSOM HTS. DESIRABLP. OKl'ICU TO SUBLEASE: Com merclil Trust Co. Building. Philadelphia. See Superintendent of building, or write Mnclay & Mullaily. Inc . flrtllroadwny. N. Y. CHESTNUT ST. NEAR I0TH 2d' floor front, about 1100 square feet, steam heat; good light: modorntn rental. Wlllls-Wlnchester Co., 1001 Chestnut St. . MElirHANTS1 niltl.DING 4 1 VnriTII .ITH HTIIRHT Very desirable offices; heat and light, . OFFICES J10 per month anil up; inciuaes heat, light, elevator nnd Jnnltnr service, JA. PATTERSON. 130 S. JBth St. 1700 WALNUT STREET Desirable offices for phvalclnn-. etc.: bent, light nnd Janitor serv.t furn. Apply The Pennn. Co.. B17 Chestnut at. MIDDLE CITY HLDG., 31 H." 17th Deslrablo nfTlces nnd studios with ak lights: low rent. Wlllls-Wlnchester Co. 1001 Chestnut at. 2SH N. 11TH HT. 3-story manufacturing build ing; corner propertv. excellent light. Willis Winchester i'o.. 1001 ChestnutHt. . lrofelonal Office CHESTNUT ST.. 1H2!- Prof, ofllera and studios, steam heat, electric light, running water. RENTAL LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on I.Ives und Grantliu' Annuities, .',17 f'ha!nitt nl llntli fthnn.B. 243 S.18th,15r J20t 311 30(1 S. 13th. lr. Jir.O.Ol) 2113 S. 22d. "Or.lSO.(ll) IIS S llroad 23r 137.BO 2020 Locust. lBr 123 01)' 143(1 Pine. lBr 1(18.3 420 S Hrnad.lOr KiO 00 Kiln Green. 7r 75.00 142(1 N. Kith. 1(1.-. 70.00 1818 Pine. 10r.... 00.07 lasi (iirird. I3r. muiiiuis iirouo itir mi."" 318 S. 3d. lflr on ((i hum (ireen, lar. , ou.uu 47 no ma n mtii. i2r. 17..111 45.001 2222 Pine, lor... 45.00 HKil Poplar. 13r. 1022 Oxford. Mr. hl'i uace, lor . 1,1.00,153:1 N. i7in. ur. ij."u 123 N. 21st. lOr. 137 ., iin, i-r. t-.i'j baths 42.501 327 N. Mh. 15r.. 41.07 41.071 1733 N. 18th. 13r. 40 00 3X nol 73.1 Corln'n. llr. 37.50 .17. not n;m n 111th. 12r. 33.00 1534 Master. ISr. (120 N. 8lh. lilr 17H oxford, llr. 328 S. 4th. llr . 2022 N. 11th, llr 2531 Cnl'bla llr 32 00 1747 N. 13th. nr. 30.00 nn mil niHN i"th. Or.. 30.00 21 (III! 12111 N. 13th. Or 28 00 1418 Wharton Or "8.001 1 17 W. Shamnack. llr 2133 Master, llr. 25.001 014 Sn Or.. 28.00 2141 N. 11th. Or "Vm 020 Falrm't. Ur.. 23.00 517 N 10th. Dr.. 25.001 1448 N. lOr 25 00 02(1 N. inih. Hir 21. mil 1 111.1 N. 8th dr. 24,00 1L0 N. Fklln. (Ir 1101 720 New Mkt..0r 21.00 201(1 N.JessuD.lir 20 20.00 Oil Latimer. Or. 20.001 222.1 H.ilnb'go, Ur. 20.00 1434 18.001 142(1 Stiles. 7r. . . 18.00 ISoaN.RIng'Id.lir 10.00 51 1 Parrlsh. 5r. 18.00 3 Leyd'a ct. Or l.l.ool l2 Fnlrm't, 3r. 10.00 033 Necfne. Br. 15 00i 1001 Lemon. 7r. . 15.00 181 W. Cum'd 7r J5 mil 17.11 N ll'rli'd, Sr. 13.00 WEST PHILADELPHIA ..-., .1410 Pow'on. llr.115 00 7.1! N. 40th. ISr.133.00 4218 Glrard. lOr. 35.001 434 N. 33d. 13r. 31.00 4412 Snnsom. 12r .10.00, 3S43 Sn. Gar. 3r. 25.00 8 N. .May. 8r. . 10 00 4718 Glrard Or... 10.00 HTORKrl anij uvviui.i.inu.-i 223 a. 10th 12r70 00! 1000 Poplar.. lOr HI. IT 251 N. 2d. 18r. . 40.00 31(111 I'arrlah. llr. 30.00 1003 Falrm't. Or. 25.00 818 W.NorrlsUr. 25.00 ,118 N. 3d, 8r .. 25 00 417 Green. 7r. . . 22.00 2328 N.Carllsle.7r 20.00 1211 South. 4r .. 20.00 1201-0 S 2d. 5r. . 18.00 201 Wharton. Br. 10.00 12 N 2d. B.- 41 (U 1012 Oxford, llr. 30 00 1010 N. mh. Kir "7 50 724 N.Front.llr 21.001 2.11.1 iiiose. ur. . B.1.1111 830 H 2d, Or . . 23 00 123 W. Oxfd.Or 21.00 118 Laurel, llr. 20 00 2303 Amber, Or. . 20.00 1120S. 2d. fir... 18.00 WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S RONS. 1510 N 7th at. 2010 Columbia ave. 1810 S 38th si . West Phlla. DWELLINGS EAST OF BROAD ST. 1048 N. 8lh. llr.. 30l 017 Franklin, 14r.. .. 102.1 N 12th. 12r ,ll800Tullp. lOr 1004-20 N 8th llr. 2812113 Park ave., llr.2.1 1013 N. 7th. Or ... 231 1234 N Mh. Or. ... 23 uvv r;ij.i(i wi;rr ui- iiiiuau ni, 1738 Diamond. 12r J40I 1700 Master, ISr... 40 1112 rv iinuvr. iur sn 1334 IhlBli, lOr. . . 1040 Judson. lOr .. 20 I8(ni n iHlh. I2r 2213 N Uber. Or... 28 1030 Judson. lOr. ... 2ft 183 Van Pi-it ur IOOT N 21st. lor 23 mvm.l.l'.'m IS.WK8T PHILADELPHIA. BS 12 Springfield, 0r.J23 .1150 Thompson, Br.U SI'llltES AND DWELl.lNOS. 1838 Van Pelt. lOr 3J 2213 Rldse ave. 10r.30 2.10-11 B 1'ront. 2d. 3d nnd 4th floors 3.1 3.114 N 17th. bowling alley (Tioga) BO 1303820 WILLOWS AVE. nnd 1430 S 58th st . 3-story houses, 10 rooms and bath and 0 rooms and bath, respectively, large porches; terraced fronta: fine neighborhood, wide streets Call at officii I'EMHERTON ES TATES 143S B. Bath st. Telephone Wood land 4787. BERMAN BROTHERS. 6010 MARKET Houses, apartments, stores NEAR BOTH ST. "L" 8TATI0N tor rent or sale. DWELLINGS. STORES APARTMENTS FOR RENT. WM. J!. W. tlUICK A I1RO,. INC. 8SOUTH40TH ST. 170 MONTH 24-rnomd hoarding and' rooming house; lot OOiHO; 18 minutes; 3 lines cars. (1 Old. Ledger Central FOR RENT- Delicatessen and grocery stora: ,1 location. Bee MATTHIAS about It. 40 52 J. Belmont 710. Business Properties and Blares STORE AND FIXTURES, -1022 Market and pear L atatloni rent 127. JAMBS N. MITCHELL, 46th and Market OERMANTOWN ONE MONTH FREE Select location near Manhelm Cricket Club, 8 10-18-20-22 Ilanaherry st. Modern 8-story semi-detached dwellings: 12 rms. and 2 baths. B. II. LISTER'S SONS pun uermantown ave. 180 DWELLINOS. 11 ROOMS Bend for List. Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 B. lltb DETACHED dwelling, 13 rooms, 2" "baths, iTH ra ir (H. B. C. TOURIgON. 701 4 Boyer St., Germantown OERMANTOWN PROPERTIES. . 100 . upuard; earucuiar upon requssi. aiauiiack. iv. IAN CO., N, E. cor. Broad and Chestnut. Chestnut Hill DESIRABLE PROPERTIES Otrmantown. Chestnut Hill. Mala Line. WARNOCK A EMLEN Commercial Trust Building. .T!?f . 2031 W ONTARIO ST. 3 story. II rooms. 3 Lathi, side yatrd. rent l0 per month INDIfBTRIAL TRUST CO .TiM N. Front St. . PENNSYLVANIA BDIU'BHAN BROOKLINE Brand Dsw dot, dwlgs., 7r. b., water beat, eleetr.. large lots, Sl'iJ.SO, IJ8.S0 up. J, ELMER WATTB. opp. Broflkllne Bta. CYNWYD DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT AT BALA AND CYNWYD Let Us Know Your Requirements SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 BALA AVE CYNWYD AND COMMERCIAL THl'HT UUILDINCJ, IBTH AND MARKET JITS MOYLAN Attractive country residence at Moy las. Upas Valley ample tbade and Uwn, about S acres house stands sn bifh eUva Uwn coramsndlaa extensive iUi. bis la room, i bathrvvom. bot-wster $t, eUctrlo Uiht vps. ebauteur- dweiting with garage attavhed rent 100 ptr annum. WhUulOs ft Mi-Lanahan. 10 cb and Ptoa at. BUILDING. N. W. cor. 19th and Ingerfcoll. StaMe 10th and Ingersoll J50 37(i.'l Baring J40 11)31 Camao 2.1 320 Indiana 1.1 1023 Inscrsoll 14 (tin Holly 12142011 Westminster av 13 A.ll.l fil 3ALFREl) il."VfLLIAM8. 522 Walnult. Vi:ST PHILADELPHIA You a 'Copy of - i s. REAL ESTATE FORRENT Continued fiam Preccdtno Column PENNSYLVANIA SlIIIRBAN NORTH OLENSIpE, 27: altricllvo 8-room house; lot 100x117: shade. Rennlmrer & Ren- nlnger. Gltnslde. Pa. ROSE VALLEY 10 minutes' walk from Moy Idti station; convenient to both Phils delphla and Chester- attractive home; has hot water heat nnd everv other mod rnnv,; S rooms) rent $30 per mo. Whiteside ,t. MCLnnahnn. loth & Pine. ON TROLLEY Vt'MNtTY MKDt.V L1 11-room stone house, cits lonvcnltuees, stsble. hennery, 1H acres, shacte, fruit, $30 month C. P. PIITERS & SON. 003 CHESTNUT ST. 170 PER MONTH St. David's stone. 14 rooms, 2 baths, corner: 'i acre; per mo,. $70. Immedlite pos-c-lon. HAllBBRT A ci.AGIIORN. 201 Bailey llldg. .MAIN LINE. P. It. R. ARDMORE LARGE LIST OF RESIDENCES FOR SALE, ALSO Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSES FOR RENT ON MAIN LINE P. R. R. LET Ufl KNOW YOUR REQUIREMENTS SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING, . 15TH AND MARKET STS. ARDMbllE 31) St Paul's road. 12 rooms, $30: 2 bnths. Inrce Int. WJI SMITH 00112 Drexel rond Overbrook Deslrablo 3 storv l'r, room stono dwelling! Lancnster ave.. near Spring Mill roid: 5 min utes' walk to train nr trolley. Apply The Pennsylvania Company. B17 Chestnut at. EOR RENT FURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN MOYLAN ROSE VALLEY. For August nnd September, lomfortnblo country home near station, well furnished, largo Uwn and car- den. G 331 Ledger Central NEW JERSEY SEASHORE BEACH HAVEN Attractive bungalow between ocean nnd bny- nil conveniences; 1 bedrooms, bath, stationary tubs, phnne, from August 13 to September 15. G 1)111. Ledger Central. MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY $300,000 TO INVEST IN nitST MORTGAGES In tho City of Plillidclplila LOWEST M.(llKET RATES Apply to HA7.LETT & MOSS 618 WALNUT ST, Main 17.1. Lombard 3210. $50,0005 Trust fund for good first mortgage or mort gages. Also funds for second mortgages. L 720. LEDGER OFFICE TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If you desire efficient service, quick and satisfactory results and modernto charges . . .. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgaco will bo ns good as placed." NORMAN S. SI 1ERWOO D. JJ 11 Walnut, st. sr.n to s.inno llOHTOAGE OR NOTE REAL ESTATE SECURITY . Payable In Instalments If desired. Settlements same day If desired. BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS DEMPSEY A CO. 27 S. KITH ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms of years or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN FIRST MORTGAGES $1700. I am offering good mortgages secured on new dwelling houses having h rooms, hot-water heating; e ectrlc Hunt, hardwood floors: well rented: Interest 5 -f-ld"., title nnd tire Insur ance and mortgage, papers free of expense. Arthur J. i.cupom, 1 -1 n ciiwihui ni. $50 $100, $200 TO $5000 MorUnRcs or note, real estate aeeurlty; pay- nulo puny lerins, sciwrmcui mm it? uu. LEWIS & CO. ""feg"0 $50 TO $2000 To loan on real estate security: Immediate a . 1,1. n m iiaalpail seuicracm. I";;""'- " ?xr,. j.u TI11V m xini.T. i;in h. im at. ANY AMOUNT placed quickly on first or second mortgage: large trust funds on hand and 20 building associations with rendy money; quick action Is my motto; try me. Chss" V.. da Young, 40UWest End Trust Bldg. mA-mni- iono nffiimfn BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMI1AUOH A PARKER. INC. 1431 WALNUT BT. MONEY AND MORTGAGE?! LARGE AND SMALL SUMS r,iTlr-i.- AVrtlvl- ifl VT. II. HOOD. B12 WEST NORRIS ST. FinST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS """ JOHN CI. WILI.IAJIS SUCCESnuiv iu i.riivip 11. iic.w.if.ib 727 Walnut st. FUNDS for first and second mortgsges. 1 """"j' j TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. TjOO.OOO TO INVEST In flrst mortgages In sums from $1000 up; also building association money for second mortgages. O rL VB EIDEL L CO , 41h a nd Callnwhlll s t s. WnPRPI.T, FUNDS FOR TIRST AND WUttttEiljLi SECOND MORTOAOES 533 N 1TTII ST . MONEY for mortgages. Rucks County property. MONK 'AnTUUn" ,. TOWNSEND lttlllMll 1'iuaxf i' PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 4 ItOOO 10 130.000 .. . J. EDWARD I.l'TZ. 210 N.17lhst. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES lieasoqaoi" . uarmrn. JOHN A. BARRY. 507 LAND TITLE BLDQ. BUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND 1WVATB ROBERT J. NASI! "lOOl CHESTNUT BT. MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOE3 MUNt-l ta. REDDINO t BON 700 VALNUT ST? B2Q-1 HrRUCE BT. THREE BUILDINO A8SN8. meeting this wttk T',BFvvl.h Plenty of money for moruage. WM. JAftir.n l.WU, ..,. ...;- zzzzz -TfiUHTFUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAGO T1 HERKNESS A STETSON LA Mil II 11. J timuuum ARTiniR BOSWELL, 233 N. 13TH ST, "FUNDS lAIT Av?iSu1NTMOnTOA0':S rOTTP TIigjlBON.gBil Frankfo'd ave. ANY SUM ANY AMOUNT niarnJ at Once. Lovvtst Rates, F. XT DELANY, 1112 LJncoUlBldg "ALL "AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTOAQES MAURICE H. MATBINOEnjU alEst. Tr. Bldg "MONEY FOR MORTOAaES $1000 TO 1100.000 JACOn A FRITZ,110S Land TltU Bldg. JOHN A. BARRYB07I.and Title Bldg -pilrfa"K5illBT AND 2D MORTOAaES FUNDS MJTOAnEa FOR SALE THEO. E. NICKI.EB. 2513 Oerrnardownaye. OWNEIIB If your mortgage haa been called. I wiir take It up: also 2d mortgsge moniT. CHESTER rROTTNER. 1130 Chestnut st. WE"WANT MORTGAGES First, second or S,ni RiaJi for collateral and short-term fjk'ns. AH31THY 3 S.12th 272t N. 5th. TsTrSd"7drot7s. ; bldg, and prlvatt fund! quick 'and satisfactory results: modsrate ehargts. CAIIHRO-N.ESTATE 381 Kensington ave. ir-nffttT vi'Nlis for good first mortgagee. TRUST SS.ufA?ut!uLy'.' 1538 Christian it. MONEY TO LOAN ""YOU CAN BORROW TODAY ?16 TO $204 Ll&'sVb aVS&dTdVoMy1 qNuSkV- $5S $80. $72 and aoon up Io 1100 at per ?int lalirist You can borrow 1120. llSj, I1S8, I1S0 or 20t at 2 .percent. Interest. Pay. menls are small and within your Income. We Cava I T private offieea for your .convenience. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 181 South Broad Street (vftAWWIl' . ' ISO AND UP. 't $3 . . I3U0 '.'. 1 tl u. 1 nibs-iv 0 139 1Bqavb. and oxford bt W Kp AND SOUTH 8T3. 24 SUvhtnUlrard Blld.l8g. 21 3 15b, at. fe" SCRAPPLE The Yount; Lntly Across the Wny The .Vdinig lntly ncroRB Iho way snyn r.lic (ivoi heard licr father say that U10 I'liclflcn Imvu been very Htrong lutely nnd sho ixiiiiioics lliero'n bo much dan Ker from mines and submarines on the Atlantic that a eood many moro poo il(! thnu usual nro going around tho oilier way. "N'ow," said the Instructor, after caicfiilly explaining various lungofl, "wlmt would you do If your opponent fclntecIV" "Hokoitr, sir," said the Irishman, with 11 wink, "I'd Jest prod lilm wid tho point of my bayonet to see if ho was sliammlii'." CONvERT TOO" OOl-FC,A INTO one or. TNll,e. XIXC". UNOCAL." YOUR OJl iMOXJtPWfTMXOU YOU oniY NttO CNCv-l-t'n IH 1MIS MOT WEATrdR. AtWWAf it SOU-RE-FOND OP ' OUTDOOR SPOrVTl .RIC UP VOUR OFPIC-J ..KB a auMAtR RtysT SBSs .' Lftu V ALWAYS C 00U " - MNW "- ""e - - - - Theater Artificially Cooled -slV London Opinion. Comedian Hast a part In your new show for me, Laddie? Producer Well, to tell you the truth, I'm afraid your Jokes would put too much strain on our freezing, apparatus! THE WORST IS Llr'ilP 7UPOW I C. cni OIYHRAT I 1 mj vww WlNi 3'l.Siii (Mm 'ftiKii,. 7 W i j$ .7".. -- s rwazv&& ft rC KZjs , oEto) &W&0Esm. P Q ! I K ' THE PADDED CELL 1 W I I HOW TO BEAT THE HOT" WEATHER TMt BAT'W T0& BABf CABRIAOf? WHt NOTOMUY SAVt i THE UVCi OP MIUU0M4 VoW WA11R ANli. MAKC ACttANia nK.mtet RAtC W8aaSjS5V BATHNCs SUIT DIVE IN bMttmWmWmWmm &$ xrdfj fy0" WyLt'j JZP iMLWMm, fRf S t77Wifi?& vzzmmKmsi 1 "v, - j ' sy -jour oinihc - n --it- viji i. j.. rs a r n. -. I m TXiH X S .."CS!Xl I 1 V S I i. S S S7 S l Sr jif- VACATIONS ALONG THE SOMME 1 Tommy (writlntr) At present wa are YET TO COME AZ-. ,8y w.S-. '-"-r ' '-" -r 'US." V IC Vnn'OtAIDUK Oi . . ... r,.-.. 2L O O 'mC r J n ftM vnuoau POR THE StWAER- ytAcaaxt on potin kv nun. Of. 7 "bthE Trllrll staying- at a farm- frAMUFACTURlNCa CHAIRS H5R THB I i WHM'i. YK' UU OP fYlAXlN'- O.. um "AJy daushter remlrvda mt at tiu Venus do JUIIo. Slie'a sco4 W lok at" "Yea," "Jsvt u vW't )e any wm 1? caX un iuif tg hiilp W4h iiU,'iH.- umt o 1 1 1. all 7 Y J' 1 V a n i3