if IS CAST CONTEST VOTES PILING UP RAPIDLY Thousands of Ballots Received Since Standing Was Last Printed By the Photoplay Editor The mall batf of the Photoplay Cast Con test swelled visibly after the first list of stahdlnRS was published on Saturday. Spurred on to greater exertions In their Vaco for parts In the Evenixo ..edoer ITlto Scenario of Philadelphia, contestants Bent Weir votes ahead nt phenomenal bounds. One candidate handed In clippings valued at over 26,000 votes. Only amoiiR the talUendera of the list were there any signs of lassitude. To urge them nlong, be It remarked that there will bo many small parts In the film for those who, while they do hot succeed In keeping names nt the very top of tho list, do lift them out of the -000-voto cast. Tho following Is tho standing of con testants up to Tuesday nigh! ' Mort Elsemam Frankford Atcnue Unlld- In and Iinn Association '""I". K. n. Ronftldes. Central Y. M, C. A... 23,310 Margaret O'Neill. Cor Immoculntum ..Alnmnse 20.110 Allen Andron. rhiladeipnin. ntnooi ci Expression . , rortns Acheson, International Photo I.n 11,030 grnTera" uninn io. 7.. Joseph IX McGettlgan, fit. rntrlcks Dra- malic Club ......................... Winnie Mnrphr. Class '0!, tllrnrd College refer Cllllon, A. D. S. Dramatic Cinb.. William A. S. Lapetlnn, Madonna Cnlh- olle Clnb Joe Wenger, Ardent Clnli.. Chirles Cohen, Twenlr-elghth, District l'ollff . .. Earl Challenger Rife. Bice nooafer Clnb C. IV. Colllson. Oermantown V. 31. C. A. William I'. Cooney, Roosters' Cluh.... Peggy Tnylor, Wmneflrld Comedy Clnb. AI Ornmnner Alia Social Club Margaret Onnlner, Lakota Dramatlo A- . .aorlntlon ... ., Alexamlerlnn Kelly, Wnterrlew ICecren- tlon Pnrlc .:........ . . James Curclo, International Musical L'nlan ..,... Ernet '. Sclienrer, Artisans' Order of ...Muttml Protection little Kurt, Three-Point Clnb Fred W. Hclilmpf, Entre Nousf. MuelenI Oortirdr Clnb Herbert Goldberg. Original Crimson.... Anna 31. Itelsel. Tern Rock Woolen Mills Xdrnr Wolf, riillndelpbla Exhibitors' Lcngna 1'ralik Stntnato, Htamnto Club Itoyd i;. Morrison, Women'a Trade Union League t Mrs. M. Porey. rover Booster Club Jesse liTontltot, Carlyle Nodal Club..,. Eleanor Deeney, A. It. 8. Dramatic Asso 8.000 7.100 7.100 0,1130 0,20 0,030 (1.710 r.,r.iii (S.O70 ff.l2D 4.7GO 4,000 4,410 4,310 4,300 4,100 4.0(H) 2,010 , 2,000 2.870 2.500 2,330 2.800 2,200 2,200 ciation , , ,-n Alia Urrthrlson. Athletic Recreation l'nrk 2,220 lienrr I., lol. atngo society oi i-iinauri-phln. , .'. Charles Thum, Tncntr-elglilli District Police John J. Fltumtrlck. Electrical Bureau Dramatic Anclntlon Kddle Kroll. Crimson Club , .. teatrice riinrn. nniniiow linn iVIIIInm SI. Hurt. Hurt Itnoslrp Clnb V OeorzF Hummel. Engine Company 28 . . . fim Joseph. Delphi Clnb tieorge I". lAtrr, l"lflh District Police. . . Spe l'lnlt. M. 1'. II. Social Philip Buckler, S. S. U lirto Company, . . Ml Eva I'rlton, Inox Shoe Company. . llownnl. S. Plrlng, Lenox Mine Company. Ullmer l'nncr. Tnenti-elglith District I'ollce . , Kllren .Sheridan. 'Hryn Mn-rr club William Hentty. l'ottrth District I'ollce.. tjeorge A. llnrk. United .scciirlty Life Insumnre ('ompany If. F. Ijkii, star (Inllni Clul Owen rittcerald. V. II. It. V. M. C. A.. . . CarrM ll.Tk.nrlti. N. J;. (I. II. M. nrul Ralnbotr Clnb , Jack rpolanky, llaldtln lirnmolUe Works Francis Uoylp, Rainbow Clnb flrace Crnx. (s. H. White Company Jay Emanuel, Tho Keel Fcllnns Mnrraret MrKcsiwn. KnlnlKttv Club Daniel O'Nolll. SUtb District I'ollro Mrs. Vlcletto ileli. Ilrlz lloostrr Club Cortrlnht W. .Smith, Masked Mnrtcl I'layrM Jnllus I Jim. Y. 31, C. A., riilladelphta.. 3Iary Or.ild. Knnton Cluh 3Ianrlre Zaniorln, I'ostul Telegraph Cublo Company , J Wilson, Y. O. Well-Knowu Society.. John II. Adams, I'ort Rlchmanil Y, 31. C. A , Sohla Anxeloty, P. It. R. Y..3I. C. A... i'nucncH fiitirr, i.aiiiuu.v i.u , ara Alnmnn. uninimw Clul , torenre Alnsworth. Halnbnr Club .n Atkinson, Knfnbow Club , J.Ullan llOTell, nalnbow riub James Ilruwn, Slth District I'ollee .... Jack Riirress, lturxess Uonste r Club . . . 3Uss Acjcrnla Ilyrnrs, Eduln Forrest AssorlntJon ..... . 7ew!a Ciaiton, Ilnlnbotv Club Jame-J. t'ormlr. Cormle Ilooster Club . Itohert A. Denny, Edwin Forrest Asso ciation Antonio Dlsantl, Rainbow Club Jllss (Irare Dobson, Thp Vienna IlulTet. . Delle Klnrk, The Reel Fellows ., Robert ;ihson. The (let It Social Himon Coldbprr. The Lnrclinooil Club., Dnnlrl J. t.rccn, 30th Ward Republican Clul Mrs. Parens Unas, Ihius Rooster Club.. MarJorle lllrsli. Kanton Ch'b Knilitn I.ilunrr. A. II, CnplalK t: Co.., JVIIlinm Kachoorln. RalnlHiw Club ohn Knny. Thlrt-rnurtb Dlstrlrt Police lonard Kernlck. Thlrty-ulntb District J'ollro TauU Kramer. Rainbow Club. ,.,,...... John (I. Lambert, Kmclno Company o. 13 James lairklns. Rainbow Club Josenh Lodxr. S. H. Whlto Company Clyde V. I,Tlle. The '15 Club, Sirs. 31. A. McUetltxan, St. I'alrlck'a . Dramntle Club .,....,.,. Slartln Jfsnlon. First DiCtrlct Police..,, Thomas .Murray, Tblrtj -fourth District Police , Cust C. Pare, Immaculate Club,, Sthel rarllrk. I'ort Richmond V. 3f. C. A. n-re.Sabloiky, Philadelphia Eihlbltors' Club .,..., John T , Slcenfuse, houtbern Ilranch Wllllani Smith," ' T filr'tV-fourtri ' 'District Police ....,, Edward Stockrr. Rainbow Cltih. ........ fferxeant John Wtuckcr. Thlrty-fllhili District Police ...,..,....,.,.,...,.. Esther riutherlaml. The tlct It Hoclsl.l I Albert frlk. Rainbow Club... :,.l,. Cleorxe Tanxuay. Rainbow Club.,., Fretl C. Clmer. Hess Dramatic Club..... loiiUe Uatncr. houtlirrn llranch Y, 31, CrnnTlilo"' W.' ' ' vlnnemoVeV 'Tent'y-tlilr)t District I'ollce HELD FOR STABBING MAN Florida Guest in Atlantic City Hotel Committed to JaiL Atlantic crrr. n. j.. Aur. . n. j. Mathers, of Miami, Fla., a guest at the Ho tel Well, St. James place, was committed to Jail last night charged -with stabbing; John Foxhlll, son-in-law of Mrs. M, M. Weil, pro prietress of the hotel. FoxhIU was assist in n the hotel dining room and Mathers resented the manner In which he addressed a -woman guest It is alleged the south erner challenged FoxhIU to fight him in the yard adjoining the hotel, and when the other accepted stabbed Him In the face, breast and shoulder. Foxhlll is In the City Hospital. Doctor Killed When Auto Skids BLAIRSVIIXE. Pa,, Aug. 9. Dr. H. B. XtuSner, dentist, of Indiana, Fa., was killed near hero today when his automobile skidded over a steep embankment Prominenl Photoplay Presentations WEST PHILADELPHIA OVERBROOK WD $. MAE MARSH in "A Wild Girl pi the Sierra" EUREKA 0TH mRKET BTS' VrrAQBAFH Presents LUCILLE, LEE STEWART in TIH DESTROYERS" LV AVni?fsT M A LAN8DOWNB AVE. lAJrvLL4i evo.. eao to h. VIRGINIA PEARSON in "THE VITAL QUESTION" SOUTH yHILAUBLPHU O 1 M P A JMiNBRIDgE Tu isasiaiin M comfort, laftlv oml amuat- is,j. rum Vttp. Erec CLARA KIMBALI. Evening Ledger Photoplay Cast Contest Kntrlen now open. Votlns neiran Jnly 17. Votlne snis Anxnst St, Decision rleptcmber . IIO'iV TO VOTE Cat out., the l,..JIn .'lrntnr in iinw line nnncnrlnf nl the top oi iro ...,.u,,.n f.------T -i" , n nt ttlO nrst pace, write yonr eanaiqaie-. name In trie white martin shore and man io ino ICrenlnr ider Photoplay Cast Contest, r. O..IIOX 90 1, or bring It to the Leilser Uftlce, Delow f n specimen Tote In mlnlatnret ZUuETS Kut nlng ftffiij ffiet-s . litch hcndlnt ronnls for ten Totes., fcn lieadlnie eent that on the first pate will lie accepted nnd none thnt Is more than 10 dars old, Onlr one name mar be written on each headlnt. ENTRY BLANK Tleasa ent. In the Krenlnt Ledter Tboto. plar Cast Contestl Name (Miss or Jlrs,),...........,rr-t... Home Address. ........ ...... Name (Mr.). ................ Home Address. ........ ,.............. r.nlcred from. Nomlnatlnc ortanltatlon. . Nomtnntlnt orxanlintlons mar eoncentrnte their folss on one candidate nr.mar nominate nnd work for tivoi I. e., one ladx, one ten- nils' nomination hlot, when properlr flllr.1 ont nnd forn-nrded, will entitle tho Homines to 1000 Totes. ... , ,. , Cnndlrtntes are reqnestrd t Kite their home address In each nnd nr Instance, so tbit the Kdllnr will be nhle to rmnmijnlcate will! them frnm time to time. All nddresses will be strlftlr .conndentlal. , Onlr one Nomination lllnnk "Ml be credited each contestant. . . , . Jtnll In l:venlnc Tidier . Photon ar Cnl Contest, 1'. O. l!oi 001, I'hltndelpliM. Theatrical Baedeker NEW FEATUItE I'lLMtl. STANLET First half of wwk. Cleo nidc'ly and Wallace Iteld, In "Th House of the Golden Windows." a Lasky-Parnniount pro duction, and Do Wolf Hopper. In "Poor Papa." Sscond half of week. Marie Horn and Theodore Itoberts, In "Common flround": Mr. and Mrs. Kidney Drew, In a. Metro comedy, "Preparedness." AIICADIA First half of the wsslc, Chorljs nay. Frank Kecnan and tulso fllnum. In tho Trlantle feature, "Honor Thy Namol" Sec ond halt of wesk, Mne Marsh and Itobcrt Harron. In Triangle feature, "The Marriaeo PAI,A("lF'lrst half of wesk. Cleo Itlds'ly. and Wallaco Iteld. In "A Selfish Woman." a Lasky-Parnmount featuro, and Chnrl's l.hsp lln, in "One A. M." Second half of week. . "under Cover." with Hazel Dawn and Owen Moore. Saturday, Charles Chaplin, in "On A. M." ndrted. VICTORIA Wednesday nnd ThursdaV. Ilesslo Love and Do Wolf Hopper, in Trlanule feature, "Stranded." with Chaplin, in "One A. M." Wednesday and Drew comedy Thursday, Frj. day and Saturday. "The Devil at Ills El bow," with Dorothy Oreen and Clifford llruce. n Popular Plays and Players fenture. Chaplin reappeara Saturday. VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Laura Hope Crews. In "Her Hus band's Wlfa": Albertlna Itasch nnd her Pallet Divertissement: Hen Decly and Lillian Steele, in "The New Bellboy". Oeoree M. Itosener; Isabell D'Armnnd. assisted by Bobby O'Nell. In "A Deml-Tasse Bevue i Four Ileadlntsi Williams and Sezal. In "At nuj Junction"; Bolter Brothers: Frd and Lydla Weaver, with "Tho Octopus," and tho Sellr-Trlbune News Pictorial. , , NIXON'S OHAND "Tho Girl In the Moon": Moore. O'Brien nnd Mormack. Sir. and Mrs. Phillips, Calta Brothers. Dave Both, Nolan nnd Nolan, JutBlora; the Pathe News and Mutual comedies In addition to special news festures (3LOHE Tomls Allen and company. In "Board. Ine School Girls"; Kempton dreeno and Vlr Kinla HennlnK In "When the Clock Stopped": "Five Beauties and a. Spot"; Bucker nnd Winifred. In "Th" :hlnaman and the Coon." "Tho Merchant Prlnco," "Tho Cobby" nnd other seta. , . CROSS KEYS First half of week. "The O Iris From Kokomo." a musical comedy tabloid: Isabella Botrta- Seymour Follx and Mossls Hone: tho Flvo Dunbara. Betta and Chldlow and Sylvia. Woman Hurt as Cartridge Explodes Mrs. Mary Carnella, of "53 South 7th ntrect. received a Hllght flesh wound In her forehead when a rifle cartridge which boya had placed on tho car tracks was exploded by a trolloy car. She was taken to tho Pennsylvania Ho3pltnl. After her wound was dressed she went home. LOST AND EOUND DIAMOND CRESCENT Lost. Thursday. Au gust 3. 1810. at Atlantic City, diamond cres cent, mounted In platinum, with Bold on baclc; good reward Return to owner. It J. Taylor, Inc.LlB0O Callowhtll at., Philadelphia. DEPOSIT BOOK No 237.OS0 loat, with the Western Salnc Fund Society, 1000 Walnut at. Reward. Prominent Photoplay Presentations miiiiTiiiiiiiiii'iiii'"""'""1""""" umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim- jwfe THE fotlowlnr Ihenters obtain their pictures throuili the STANLF.Y llooklnt 1 Company, which Is a guarantee f early shim Int of the finest productions. All pictures reilened before exhibition. Ak for the thruter In jour locality .lltalalni pictures throuili the MTANLKY HOOKING COMPANY. tnininri) Hth. Morris & Passyunk Ave. ALHAMBRA :uSsS,t -,.... 7 . Dorothy Kelly ,n "rUE Decides- ARCADIA CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH FRANK KEENAJ,aTndvCHARLE3 RAY In BILUE BURKE in OLORIA'S ROMANCE" APOLLO "D THOMPSON MATINEE DAILT X 1 r la 'THE FLOWER OF Viola Liana no man-b land' "THE ORIP OF EVIU" fo. s. mil nyfe-NTVinr 02D ABOVE MARKET BELMONT EMl-"0B;ro:l01: Louise Huff ,n ,DEST,NT'or. CEDAR 80TH A?5BCaEi?oXPVVt1.eater "SECRET OB1 THE BUBMAIUNE" FAIRMOUNT 26TH ANaDmARD ave. Charlitf Chaplin oNE A. M." FRANKFORD " """JSub Kitty Gordon ,n """r1 "WHO'S GUILTYr 56TH ST. Theater uaS'aI "" Below Spruce. Eves. T to 11, Douslaa Falrbanka In "Flirting With Fate'' BILUE BURKB In "Clori.' Romance." . T. GERM ANTOWN W08 "ffifFtv. AK0LPT1gCR:,iRDOR10A17ANAcr'E''ISON Added Blllls Burke, "Gloria-'f Romance." No. 8 nin inn AVENUE THEATER (jlKAKLJ 7TH AND OIRABD AVENUE TRIANGLE PRESENTS Mae Marsh M "A WILD OIRL OF THE SIERRAS" IRIS THEATER SU8 acveu3eotok Charles Ray in "The Deserter" W S. HART In "A Knlbt of the Trail" JEFFERSON S8TH OlSz&S1" METRO PRESENTS Olga Petrova ,n "SK LAFAYETTE 29H BM8,ko3K5Ski Hazel Dawn "The Feud Girl" T 17 inFP yoaTY-FUJST AND LtAULU LANCASTEit AVENUE Edith Storey 4,The Ta?antula" .1r...ltXij;ixgXxx--ixgiiiMiniiiiu-ss.-etaiax EVEmtra1 laUDGffiJR-PHXDADEEPHffi, WEDNESDAT, &.TTCHJST 9, UNCLAIMED TEIiEdaAMS WKSTEnN. T.'NrON . s-M.pnninit CO.. IKOt CHESTNUT ST Mrs. P. Raud. Wehr A.Efl wnnis. Afmil Alkrrsm tlArakat Annie li"ltlnc Co.. S..E, Bonner, J, Krodstein slden, i. D.Collery. Captain J; V. Nenlds, D. J. McciosKer, tiM Sr. T. A T1AAmlA Xfpi C. P, Watson. B. IIunt'HuKhes. Mtr. : For ,Mn nw ten i. nn u'l son. 1. 1111 SharKey, Mrs. P.ila Thomas, jsldor Ourson. . Han hlchter. Maxle Stewart, Mrs. . Norman P, Smith. Dsslaurler'a Colum Mould Co.; Uj.li, "Fr'eii Thurln, Frank Cuccl, Charles Hansen w, Kraune, rORTALi Tf3I,EfinAPIt CABLE CO PENN SQUARE Mra. Maurice All' 1431 B. lien, Mies I. HEL-j? WANTED FEUaIjE HANK DESinEfl SEItVICES ef competent stenotrnpher: hlth echooi I frao uate preferred. ArfTlress, In own liandwrltlnt. statlnt k nnd experience. II 11. Ledger Off. BILL CLEnK wanted by wholesale house: Wil liam renn graduate preferred: must be a good writer, correct at figures. B 13, Lea- gcx Office. lilLLINO CLERK, nlso general office assistant, wanted by wholesale houset state experience had. lfjiny.pPS. LedgerCentral. BOOKKEEPER wanted for furniture store! must read and wrlto Italian nnd English: good wges. 1000 S.JIth st. COOK, chambermall and waitress wanted I by the 1st of September at St. Martlr, a . Phila delphia! both alrls must be first ciassi smsll fnmllyi Protestants preferreuH .soaLodorr. DICTAPHONE operator on Oliver typewriter, experienced, for brokerage house: excel ,nt op. for ndvancemenL MJSSIrfdgerCntra.L . 6TRLS"oer 10 years wanted for lle,ht work; nJ experlenco neressary; J5 week paid wmio learning. Apply 3 IP North .nid at. f,Xnv of refinement and ixlucntlon for whole or part "imo for New York publishing house! ref irenre required. Reply strictly confidential. M 3S3. LedBerCenlraL XIENDfrhs. experienced on laco curtains, steady employment. Arnly John Bromley & Sons, Le high ave. i'lowXront. . MIL LINER Woman with original Ideas, good copvist: splendid opportunity for right party. M 3..edjerJntraK ; OPERATORS, experienced on rnn' neckwear, f. P. McCutcheon fc Uro.. Pltcalrn Building, lltli and Arch ats. OPERATORS on silk. Georgette. pe de chine VI una ". "V-';"-.- ,- ' .J, ,nn,l nnd cotton uninwuiv". i"y"", """L?.n,r wages: cloeil o-i aaiuraayn uunm nu,....... Hngedorn-.Mera3'oJldjindBrown. PAPER" BOXES Wanted, experienced stayer: also girls under 10 years to learn paper box making! Apply 8choettlejJI0rior!st. nTiniSs iTxnerlcr.ced help wanted In packing room, inn .ior.il ." e. Ud floor. STiTNOORAl'ilER wanted nt once! must be ex- 8 p.?lnce.L accurate , well educated and refine,!: Protestant preferred: stato former connections nnd salary expected.' AddressJI 0, Ledser Off. bTENOORAPltEIl" and, office asalatanU state liours aim salary uaii , "'"- "y. "". "", matlon as to age, experience, ratituwi It 1ft, Ledger Office. etc. TEt.EPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Tele phone Company offers Positions i aa operators to intelligent joung women between 18 and .. years old; salary n a week while lean rig. with rand advancement: a steady Position assured, with pleasant surroundings and un usuAl Opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to the Bell Telephono Company's opera tor" school, mi Mnrket at . dally between 8 30 a" m. and 5 j. m. Tuesday and Friday . Ivenlnia between r:30 and 8:30 o'clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, locnl and long dls tance, experienced. Apply Kcjstono Telephono Co.. 13.i Soutll an St.. linmn s"J. WAITRESS, hlto. for Atlantic t-lty notei: good wages. Meet emploer Wednesday. 11 a. m.. Room 205. DOS Chestnut at. W'iMTUn Fclmale help. oer 10 :enrs of age: alartlng new machinery, good wages; paid while, learn ing. Apply Orlswold Worsted Company. Darby, WOMAN, Intelligent, capable: white: pantry and lnmeJroimiAutSNiL755tLedrC9rL. WOMAN, "respectable, middle-aged, married, for. furnlsheil room house. 1CI1.. Oreen at. YOL'NO lADY, quick nnd accurate, to assist In purchasing department. Apply II. D. Dough erty Co.. 17th and Indlanaae. AID your husband's Income' largo firm offers unusual opportunity Q 031. Ledter Central. HELP WAUTED iAIiE BOTTLEWASHERS. 4, wanted; steady employ ment and advancement for good workers, Ap ply In person or by letter. 11 K. Mulford. tllenoldenPn. 'BOY. OVER 1(1. ACTIVE. INTELLI GENT. WITH HIOII SCHOOL TRAIN ING: SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH CORPORATION CALL. BE TWEEN 11 AND 11' O'CLOCK. Pimi.lO LEDGER. dTH AND CHESTNUT. ASK FOR MR. WESCOTT. BOY Large financial Institution wanta boy! must hae grammar school education; neat appearance: 10 years of ago. Apply In own hadwrllJngP.9,Hpx J 383 ,PhlIa. BOY wanted, over Id. to learn hardware busi ness In a large wholesale harduare company: good reference required; permanent, nnd good rhanro for advancement. P 72T. Ledger Off, BOY, over IS. to start In office. Apply Bernstein Manufacturing Co.. 3dand Allegheny, aye. BOY Wanted for night work: must be-Id years old. Public Ledter Office, 0th and Chestnut sis., fifth floor. BOYS wanted, in or over, to work In wall paper factory. Apply at once. Becker. Smith 4. rage. Water and 3nder ave, BRAKEMEN IS experienced freight brakemen for work on Penna. It. R. Apply Trainmaster's Office. 23 Federal St.. Camden, N. J. SovBm Grnpwrw I FRFRTV BROAD AND L. 1 D C K. 1 r COLUMBIA Wm. Fox Presents Wm. Farnum in "Battle of Hearts." Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In "A BROTHER'S LOYALTY" LOGAN THEATER "& BROAD Ralph Herz IN "The Purple Lady' LOCUST 02D AND LOCUST Mats. 1:30 and 8:30, Evgs. 6;30, 8, 9:30, 10c. 15c. Alice Brady in "Miss Petticoats" Market St. Theater S83 MARKET STREET Virginia Pearson ta "nu',T,0arr?.,:e,1 V, Ford and O. Cunard In Ter O the Ring" PAI ATF '3 MARKET STREET I nt-LtsLd 10c 20o WALLACE REID and CLEO RIDOELT tn "A Belflsh Woman." CHARLIE CHAPLIN In ''Orw A. M." BILLIE BURKE In "Gloria's Romance" PAPK" RIDGE AVE. & DAUPHIN ST, rnftI MAT.. 2:13. EVO., 0;3 to 1. prr.nt. Julia Dean in Matrimony ALSO KEYSTONE pOMEDT PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET METRO PICTURES PRESENT Olga Petrova ,n "tqjUeSn''AIj DT A T TTi OERMANTOWN AVE. Ilrt.L. IU AT TULPEHO AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. Charles Ray THE DESERTER" Rt T T V MARKET STREET XJ - BEIX1W TTH BTREET PAULINE FREDERICK, in THE WORLD'S GREAT SNARE" SAVOY 1311 MARKET STREET V1TAGRAPH PRESENTS Anita Stewart In "THE DARINO OF DIANA" p J Q Q A 1TTK AND VENANGO 8T8. VIOLA DANA in "THE FLOWER OF NO MAN'S LAND" VIPTfiRIA MARKET ST. -r A UIV1A ABOVE NINTH DE WOLF HOPPER CrranrlArl" bessie ix)ve in ouranaea CHABUE CHAPUN In "ONE A M." CTAIMI PV MARKET ABOVE 18TH I rtlNL. I It 15 A M to 11. IS P.M. Wallace Reid and Cleo Ridgely in "THE HULSE Of THE OOL-fEN WINDOW." HEIiP WANTED-MAI.B , Cosffnuea' roitiPreceaisa goltimw CHAUFFEUR, white, to drive 101 Cadillac! must be, thorough mechanic! exp private family and have best re ate. nates and experience. M must be, thorough mechanic! ixperlenced Ith eierentei pj..o 3J. lyeater uen Central. DRIVERS nante.li rood vjites. steady worlc. ApplyCrane JceCreamCo.8South23d. FAR5t HANDS and laborers wantedfor irsneral work. Apply In person or by letter. II. K. Mul ford Co.. (Jlenolden, Pa. . FtnEMEN RATLRI APPLY UALTI QAD EXPEnlENCB., MORE & OHIO RAILROAD KlUilJ I.AUUIl lljlllKAU 61U SOUTH ilTH ST. HELPERS wnnted In the Ice cream department! Kood wages, stesdy work. Apply Crane Ice Cream Co., 133 8. 23d su Imnlpnv. Experienced, fixer I Ilenworth loons"! on Jenckes ma- twrmanent posl- chines nnd ifepwnrth too Hon. Trlannlo. Hosiery Mills Lena st. above Church lane Oermantown. HOSIERY Ex jxnerlenccd man to fix ana nein.rnn rlenccd man i Weldman.Nrlbbers. Trlanale Hosiery Mills, Lena st. nboe Church lane, tlermantown. LABORERS wanted for i N. w. corner uth and ur enerat work. Apply rown. LABORERS wanted liOS N. Honrd. Apply Cattle Bros Co., LEVERMEN. heaters, drivers, hammer and prr-ss he'pera: steadv work; Rood wnKea. Phila delphia Steel nnd Forgo Co.. Tncony. LEVERMEN, 2. and tonitsmen. 2, wanted, to work on 8-ton hammer; permanent position! mod wajes: no troublo; Pittsburgh district. tJI2LI-edj(jerQlflce. MACHINISTS wanted, all-around outside men. Apply at once. Camden Shipbuilding Com- pany. head of oth St.. Camden, N. J. MACHINISTS and roltturners wanted; no trouhlui Koo.1 waBes. Apply after i p. m., 104 N. 2d St.. Camden. MAIL CLERK Younir man wanted aa mall clerk In n centrnlly located office: hours 7 to i -ti'i reference requlredi reply In own hand- wrltlnif. P. O. Box 130.1. MAN AS OFFICE MANAGER, head bookkeeper, etc.. In nn old-established lumber yard In Philadelphia. Kioto np. salary expected, ref erence. Must know lumber buying: trade In Philadelphia. Permanent Job for right man. Address "i:.D .' P. O. Rox 3t4,'l. MAN, 2., or an yenrs of ace. with experience aa vrntnr and mcker of fine merchandise, such as china, sller. etc.: steady employment. l j2u l.nlgrr tiitlco. MEN nnnted In tho technical engineering service of the city. Including draftsmen, structural and architectural, at salaries ranging from !Wi) to J2.VHI per annum. Work on subnays. elevated railways, piers, sewago disposal E hints, grado crossings, (bridges and streets. ;mnloment continuous for from ono to two enrs nnd In many cases permanent. For additional Information apply thn CUI1 Service Commission, Room 8m. City Hall. MEN WANTED Steady employment nt good wages Is offered to men between the sges of 20 and 40 years: none but sober, steady nnd reliable men need apply at V. C. Line (iate, 13. 1. du Font do Nemours & Co., Ulbbstown, N. J. MEN wanted, $2.80 per day: It hours' pay, 10 hours' work. Apply Outside Department, 2313 Aramingo ae. MEN tvantcd. laborers and locomotive cleaners, P. R. It. Co. Call 1711 Filbert st. OPERATOR on Ilrunsvli-n calculating machine; J tAMiiMn si eiAfeltlrtn f ff T m1 Panlea I iiii,'F4ti., iiouiuii. 41 uiv si a4ri4x;t wviihim PHONOriRAPH SALESMAN, thoroughly ex perience!, nme io get nig nusiness ror corpora hot manuiaciuring mgn-crnno niacnine. Olve detail, experience, ago and salary wanted. I nZ. I.ert ger Ofnce. TOUNCERS on soft ami good pay. hats wanted) steady work KNOX HAT COMPANY ini Grand nve,. Brooklyn. N. Y. HEAL ESTATE office, centrally located, wants man In rental department: good opportunity for right man: state age. referencea nnd where employed. O 8M. Ledger Central. RIVET flEATEHRwnntnl. experienced. Apply crane department. Nlles-Rement-Pond Com pany. Mifflin and Meadow ate. SALESMAN for stork of unusual merit: leads rurnlshcd. Call 0:30 to 10.30. 010 Stock ExrhsngoRulldlng. SALESMEN "with truck" experience to sell tho Hudford 1-ton truck. Call I law Icy Motor Car Company. 032 North Uroad. TOOLMAKERS. EXPERIMENTAL MACHINIST AND MACHINE SPECIALISTS: HIGHEST WAOES. NO LAUOR TROUHLE: EiaHT HOril DAY. SIMPLEX AI'TOMOHILE COMPANY NEW mU'NSWICK. N.J. TWO CLEAN-CUT. active menwnnted. capabil ity $30iiu p,-r vear, by large sales corporation. Address P SOL Ledger Office. WANTED Male help, over 10 years of nee. starting new machinery: good wages: paid while learning. Apply Orlswold Worsted Company. Darby. WINDOW CLEANERS .15 experienced "men. Apply, ready for work; good wages; steady work. fl2S.3d st. YARDMEN. 41 while or "colored", to handle grain-fed hoga; good wages for men who want n steadv lob. Apply In person or by tetter. H. K. Mulford Co.. Cilennlden. Pa. YARD LABORERS wanted, white or colored? f2; 10 hours' pay for 0 hours' work: T fi. m. to 5 p. m. Apply 2.'.l,"i Aramingo. YOI'NO MAN. of clerical ability, wanted In a bank; about 18 Sears of sgr; one who desires a permanency and will give his devote,! at tention to his duties. Answer, with ref erences. O 041. Ledger Centra4. YOt'NO MAN for marnlne shop storeroom and tasting work: manual training school educa tion preferred: uagfs Sin. with adance ment:state age.nd exi. II lRLedger Office YOIJNO MAN to secure members for automobile association: write. r!vog fM "rticulnra and reference. M3t0. Ledger Central. YOI'NO MAN "to lak ihnree of statistical nien of Investment banker. II 10, Ledger Of . YOI'NO MAN. clerical work, general contractor's ofUce. Turner Concrete Steel Co.. 1713 b'ansom. YOI'NO MEN from 18 to 20 vears of age wanted In large Chestnut st. retail store not dry goods: positions of responsibility and advance ment; may be permanent: first-class refer ences only. Address Salesman. Poatotflce Rox 1311. , WE STILL NEED more reliable young men to learn steel aash making: men who have work ed nt ornamental Iron work, hlacksmlthlng. boiler making, either na helpers or mechanics, can easily learn: will pay 12 while learning; can make 120 per week whn proficient; state ac and exp. Add. "E. S.." P. O. Rox 3413. EXCELLENT oppor'ty for energetic and trust worthy man to establish himself with one of the great life Insurance ro.'a riel 1 work, ran-vasslnu- and collecting. P SQL Ledger Office. General ACCOUNTANT Several cost accountants, book keeper, stenographer, clerks, foreman, a.iles min. salesmanager, etc.; positions now ipen; this la your opportunity. iluslness Service Company, 1301 Land Title Rulldlng, SITUATIONS WAN! ED FEMALE rr,i,ti vmM tlrtnei American Protestant wishes position: willing to assist light duties; reference; suburbs or shore. H 80J, Ld, Off. COOK, downstairs work, experienced. Call Wed- nesday, 11 a. m.. Room 205, 008 Chestnut st. COOK. Protestant; seashore preferred; best ref. erence. Call Room sua, isua inestnm st. COOK, West Indian: first-class reference; coun try preicrreu. mn pwm ,.. .., COOKINO and downstairs work: Oerman Prot estant: small family, no washing; good refer ence. II BUJ. IUHF "Mil.., DAY'S WORK Woman, colored, wanta day's wo rg. aena cara io u-i rernon st. HOUSEKEEPINO Young housekeeping; no cooking. lady destrss light lino uaigeun st. INVALID'S NURSE Practical woman wishes position; rsierence. ii oyi, .y... ...tcw. LADY, good stamstress. wishes employment by day; excsllent references. Q 648. Ledger. Cen. STENOORAPHER. experienced, thoroughly eftW clenti private secretary preferred: can assist clerical worg; iio. u it, Kumruiio. STENOORAPHER Young ladv of abllltv. em- pioyea desires outside work. O 257. Led. Cen. STENOO RAPI I ER-Secrejary. retary. inorougniy skilled In legal ami com'erclal work, tj uj. tq.cenl. STENOGRAPHER High school graduate, aomo exp., aesirea perm, pos. m utu. imer urn. TELEPHONE OPERATOR and clerk. 2 years' exp.. west rets. U 111. KUKir crnnmi. COLORED WOMAN wou d like One work at home or out; good reference. Haines st . Oermantown. laund y in w. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASSISTANT In chemical laboratory; a graduate C. II. S. desires position recent .tUll, M.I, L 33, Led- Knowledge of qualitative anal: ger Branch. BOOKKEEPER. D. E.. thoroughly exp. la cud. Its. correspondeoce and high efficiency coat ac counting, exec, ability. Al ref. B 7. Led. Oft. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, will audit accounts, open, close and write up books day or evening; moderate terms. Bell phone Walnut 7147. BOOKKEEPER. 27. experienced, wishes posi tion as bookkeeper or assistant. F. Goebel, Rot N. Ohio ave.. Atlantic City. N J. BOOKKEEPER and' general office" work, with several years of practical experience; bes references. O 854. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER. 10 years' exp.. educated, wishes steady pos. Led. llranch. 3101 Oermantown. BUTLER ahd valet, first class, wishes' position'. - 1004 Christian st Call Dickinson 327T N. COOK AND BUTLER, man and wife. Japanese, experienced housekeeper wish positions: will take entire charge of smalt family. O 837. ledger Central. DRAFTSMAN wishes work of any kind at 4131 Terrace st.. horns. Aoply Draftsman. ttoxF'orouga. DRAFTSMAN, eupl. by arc-, awl tog.. 10 yrs. experience, desires change; Al reference; would go out at town Q 747 Ledger Central. ENOINEER ltnsed. practical. Dower plant ma chinery open for sitj ref. Denlson. 233 N. 13th. MAN. care lawn -arden. horsea. carriages. chickens care mcfcje: good reference. D 9. Ledger Of flee. MAN colored wlshea position u houseman and butler, good reference. Call or write. 0411 Woodbine are Ovtrbroolfr MECHANIC first class desire position as general foreman, or (axeman of macbjna 4p; real ftbulty. a $50. Letter Central. BITTJATIONS WANTED MALE Conitr-" " rrecedlao Column STATIONERY v.,... MAN. U years ofeee, at prese nt ho Idlnir responsible position wjth hlrt;elM eon cernt 3f years' experience in Bocieiy andtommffclal etatlonery. book busi ness, bookkeerlnft and In executire ca raclty: hlrhest testimonials. Ledger Central. U 013, SALESMAN.27 rears old. at PreseM '"Plowed SfW tn2nspf'kleSgro1 credits, nil. LedjerOiflce. . - n-nnts roBlutm uii .""., "TV-. enced In care of saddle horses, Address In- rormani. nesier. . . QRADUATll ..UaaIi P. "rTif 1 PXf ACTI8T. At phnrmacr SKSsSSffet rernncei e- some nrai-ciass "'"'i n f'hlla. at once or college prly.t can come to lhMa. at on hah niintrn nnrnni s tsivTPT.ciYMENT AQENCES . fina WAnVET. HMU i.mK""S --- ' llJblo help surnlled and wanted. AUT0M0BIES For Sale CHASSIS We haw a few ehean cars of which the chassis would bo ver: y suiianie. ipr ijuck u, kind: don't fall to corns ?ne"andyiMkth?m o"er t you want somcthlm Li ini.Snrrlce for delivery purposes. lAJCOMOBILIJ 5.114 Market street. Iocust 4150. ir A. JENKH. Manager. Kxcnangs i-r f- . BBM oflli Mrtrket ai. jaicu.i i.. II. A. JENKH. Mrxchangoar, Dept.. FItANr.lli '"? R.bsss. Touring, car, .. ,i- atMr.ni nrirr condition KOpih wiwiPPt1! int1 with OsoVver?. Price' 1700. "314 Market St.. ixjcusi sou. IT. A. JENKS. Mgr .change Car. Pent. ,ir.f,at?r?H suitable for funeral w:or"k or hacking of any kind, suburban Aor slat on work, ranging In prlco from 1300 up. Locomobile nnd other mak"- I.OCOMODILE , 2314 Marlt't St. Locust 450. ir. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car. Dept. EOCOMOIlILE loll equipped with self- 4.cyl. 4-pass. Torpeao, atarter and electric lights; rebuilt, guaranteca and nowly Pa'ntejl.-Prjcomoo. . A vgal'Bgeny cVr?- Dept. . t rr.rtnlltI.T2 80 K P. 4-c'jl. delivery wngon: equipped with full panel body, demountable rttia: good tlr... Price 0ycoMomt,n 2314 Market St. Locust 450. IT. A. JENKS. .Mgr. Exchange Car. Dept. mt-nrr! 0-fiO with special fi-psss. Touring nody, electric lights and generator, side searchlight: demountable rims Very snappy, powsrfuil nnd speedy eirMlj,,, 2314 Market St. Locust 4S0. If. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car. Dept. PIERCB-ARROW B-30 Landauletlo; excellent condition: price ,7' LOCOMOBILE 2311 Market st. locust 4r,0. H. A. JENKS. Mir Exchange Car Dept. POPE-HARTFORD 101.1 Equipped with electric lights and starter! In splendid mechanical condition; 1000. LOCOMOIHLE 2314 Market St. Locust 430. If, A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. CADILLAC, 1914, tourlns car, ovrhauled and repainted: full equipment; price 850. AUTO 8 ALES CORI'ORAT ION. 142 N. Uroad street. HUDSONS rehul t and "guaranteed: phaetons, roadsters and cabriolets, elec. lights and start ers. OOMERY-SCHWARTZ.233 N. Broad st. SllTCHEt.t. 1015 ROADSTER perfect condition; cost 11300; price 1303 Frank Smith, 1713 Wal nut st,. Chester. Pi. Thone 1187 J. PAtoi-3, 1010, roadster. In excellent condition, with extras, tires, good wilt, sacrifice. L 033. ledger Central. WINTON lOlfT touring car: full equipment; a hargsJApplyJoiChestnut.Room 720. 1012 SIMPLEX CO-h. p. Touring Car; hsrgnln 1800.00 lonfl PACKARD, 30-h. p. Limousine and Touring Rodlea 700.00 THE WHITE COMPANY li Norm iirnnn sireet. Schober CADILLAC PARTS 3310 MARKET. SEND FOR FREE RULLETIN OF USED CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 231 N. BROAD Autocai- SC1IORER. -Truck Parts .1341-43 MARKET. FOR SALE Five-passenger touring car; cash or casy terms. L 034.. Ledger Centrnl.j POPULAR MAKE, low-priced cara sold on easy terms. n3. Ledger Office. PARK YOUR CAR. lt)o per hour. N. W. corner 21st and Race sts Wanted Al'TOS wanted for parts. Philadelphia Auto Parts Co.S23 NJ3th stJr'ii!8. WANTED 1O10 Packard or Cadllfac runabout. Apply 203H Sansom. ATJTO LIVERY AND OARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 2420 N UROAD ST. AUTOMOBILES OF QUALITY TO HIRE Diamond 0408. Never closed. Park 73. STAR TAX I CAR CO. PHONE DIAMOND 74. TAXI TOIIRIN'O LIMOUSINE HALF REGULAR RATES. Ne'er Closed. Formerly Jitney Rats Co. rOPLAil. 1017 Tohlro (open d"ay and night). Fark 14S2, brand-new 5-psss. touring car. SI. 23 br.; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, 1.B0 hr. : weddings, funerals, 1715 Olrard. UUY '5IOISTER Portsbfe Oarages Steel or stucco On display 3031 N. 5th. Tioga 2084. AUTO REPAIRING AUTOMOUILE REPAIRS The best equipped shop lu West Phlla. 'ft e straighten frames and axles, make parts, harden and grind. Rebuild, overhaul and repair all makes Prices fair. Agency for Master carburetors. Preston 4H33 or West 405. HIOOINH HUOS.. 4212 Chestnut. T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T See HILLY, at his new location, BIO NORTH BROAD STR E ET. CYLINDERS REBORED new pistons and rings furnished, welding and brsilng. It. Ii. Un derwood A Co., 1025 Hamilton street. Phlla AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKEN.REARINOS HYATT New Departure Service Sta. The Owllllam Co., 1814 Arch St. Ph. Walnut 3497. Race 3082. PARTS to build or repair anv car. Phlla. Auto Parta Co.. 823 N. I3th. Park 1418. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 830O miles. Compare prices. QRIM'S, 236 N. Broad streit. TIRES all sizes; your own prices. N. 13th. Park 1418. Bllgbtlr used. 823-825 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Gentleman Controlling- $4000 Invited to thoroughly in vestigate an old-established and remarkably Bound busi ness; services may be used if references satisfactory. In vestment excellently secured, repayable at any time7 and earns fair income. P 803, Ledger Office. PATENTS SeI"1 'or our free book. T ..r . "FaUnta and Trade-Marks.'' We will help.jou develop your Intention. Ad vice free. Reasonable fees. Open Monday se, nlnga until 8 JO, FOSTER & WEBSTER ste . lrf 1 1 Chestnut at. Bell phone Walnut 15H4 . WA NTED 12000 to 18000. A contractor with plenty of work on concrete. Iron and stone work Deeds the a tune amount to carry the contracts for a few months: has good profit and will pay commission and Interest for the use of the money, it 240. Ledger Central RELIABLE PARTY ylth JS000 or more can be partner tn a well .tabllshed manufacturing pijftub iuw.iBu ifeu.uu, i. j. Are maaing me best staple clay article on the market. Sale all over tho country. A 8H Ledger Office. v:.icuii worgs and tarm lor sale, one ot the largest and beet paying In Massichusetts: sickness Particulars, address VINEGAR, Box .113. Providence, R. I ' BUILDER has Interesting; proposition to utter party wltb capital, need not be experienced In building. M 344 Ledger Central. PICTURE THEATERS, all prices, sizes, loca tlons for sale and rent, eee us before buying. HARItlST. 201 N. Broad BTJSINESS PEHSONAia FLEAS. ROACHES and all other Insect exterminated by world' greatest expert. Price moderate. Komo, 184 N. 17th. Locust 118. th -- . DIAMONDS BOUOHT Bank reference. Appraisement 1 sp unL HA ,uui iv oiinii T1J Sansom sL EVENINO CLOTHES TO H1BE Latest stvlce. Pbon Puplar 239 Open evgs. LEIDNER'a, 10th and Olrard ave.. S W cor. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis"; the only permanent way. Eyebrow- arched. JUgp fi WTH, tQZ Keltb. TbsaUf BldaJT 1916. IANJNDOTIt DRE8SMAI g - .. M,P.DAH.A.-5i Market l B ". -,,... .! HOT penckia ""''""" ,-,-Lr-iT0oi, rTr- COLU.MBIAN iiHWUAKINO, f," YrTlftfJ clal rates; easy partner)!. ' ",icowell. ot nenckla - h ano. c ai rates; t ysiL'iS.eTv wilh Columbia ave. Hrrneriy wiiq. r-nmmnia ave. ir"i - mtn In- structlons In dressmaking, BILLIARD. POOL. Co.n-v.,,.5rTc-r KSffii.. " Lo"KfcrmerIcan .manurac lUrcr sls MiiH""';. - nnn nirafii -. t nunc Btreei --,.--' .-, . i. BILLIARD ..AND TOCKKr , i "ffli'uwlCK- r.H'n,rx: rfpUtcc easy payment and fully guaranleea. mB '"chtt'sIIt. C- CHURCH PEWS. 1 PER lOOT Any lenglh. solid ojjki good as new. IJPNCII ES. AND SETTEES. HOc PER FT. CHAIR EXCHANGE - "in "" LETTER FILES t writer, bookkeeper desks, nnng caoinei". Dullng Central .2d-Hand I urnlture ; o P00-014Ca llowhlll. t'none. llliert 4108. MULTIORAPH New, guaranteed: offer for L3 cost. Russell Uaum. Phlla. Bourse, Ph. Lom bard 4110, Klrem-oofi flo slightly used; an sizr, SAFES and makes: big ""gains. -IB N. 4tlbetwrenJcendVln. mJOHES. 1ITH AND'tlUTTONWOOD has the largest and boat assortment nl o used office furniture nnd fixtures In this part or tns country, AnMhlng to 'nulpnn office atprlces tnat will rr""lllery anywhere. LADIES' embroidered handkerchiefs, edgfn in while, nine or pinn, .itiw i"" Isabel Conway. paiiiiiK.. 418- South 22d St. HEATING JIAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT la better and cheaper than steam or hot walar. Pure) fresh sir with norfhal moisture. AUIi,'i.uuuM. , 1827 mneri st. MACHINERY AND TOOLS YOUR PLANT may urgently need this one per fect controf of machines and shafts YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pullejs to cut costs and WORKS. 1. N'l.Bj-TOC0 4B0! POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam nnd oil en gines, pumps, nlr compressors, ritANK TOOMEY. INC.. 127 N. 3d st. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold nnd rented: armatures repaired. Main 111. Jirli-3ll!5iJr,'nr"iJL.Co-' a24N-8l . OAROLINE HOIST 8 H. P, "Fnlrbanlts"; com plete: In good condition. L. P. Seyfcrt'a Sons, 4.17 M. .Id SI. 800-Lll, .f. , . r nnnVltfll l.nr llf, tlmn' -1,11, llll.Ul.W rru.n I," uuu. ...... ...vet I) drop presses: different sixes; standard nuto. rrntlc drop hnnxlLRlJJIi8--i;-5t-,1- m 230-HORHEPOWER Oreenc-Corllss enslno for sale: can iw seen running: uu. Hnnelgn Co., Amerlcajj and Cambria sis. SUPPLIESTOK EVERY'DESCRIPTION for tev tile Industries. CHARLES BOND COMPANY, B20 Arch st. PIPE A KITT'i'NOS. all aves. PHILA. 2D-HAND PIPE SUPPLY, 100.1 N. 7th. Both phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTROLAS , ALTERATIONS aro now being made, to our Vlctroln Department, and wo need the room: so we will make special low te'ms. Lxtrjor dlnary opportunity. Call or write for particu lar! and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. Oth and Thompson sts. JOIN OUR SU.MMER CLUH . , .. OET YOUR VICTROLA NOW. Excellent opportunity Io secure a beautiful Mahogany Vlctrola with records, at. special low terms. Sond at once for particulars nnd application blank. HEPPE'S UITOWN STORES Cor. Oth and Thompson Sla. AUOUST VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE IIELLAK 1120 CHESTNUT ST. JS5 CHICKER1NO UPRIGHT PIANO JlOWARD VINCENT. MS N. OTH. OLD Q0LD OLD GOLD, sitter, platinum, plated ware, old style Jewelry, teeth, plates bought for cash. Est. 1S70. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. Ot.n RUM) Cash n.-ilil fnr old cold, silver. antlnue clocks: will call. lie I phone. L.UCUHI 12III. ROU-RH. 27 South litn St. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS stones, roin. silver, piiiinum false teeth. I'mia. timriting & uei i o. 128 S. 11th. PATENT ATTORNEYS Patents, Trade-Marks and Corporation Practice J. Walter Douglass ESTABLISHED 1R8S. PHILADELPHIA. North American Uulldlng. WASHINGTON. Victor Rulldlng. STORAGE CONTINENTAL 8TORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST, AI1UVK CHESTNUT PACK1NO. MOVINO. SIUPPINO Rugs, Carpets cleaned, -coured. stored. Bell. 1-oruBt lOlli) Phones Key.. Rac 4100 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1S10 MARKET ST. PENN STORAOr. AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. ATI.AS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Ntorag. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Raring 752 for estimate. Mark t 37th McCANN'S PTORAOE HOUSE, 1748" N. ilth at.; moving, packing, shipping; auto vans: both phonej. i-et us .-aiimaie. WEST PHILA. MOKATini RTOIIAOE CO. WEST PHILA. WEST. PHILA. Auto Parking nnd Shinning. 8870 LANCASTER AVIL OIRARD STORAGE CO.. 01H Olrard ny-. Moving, packing, storage. Phone Poplar fi'.'OI. ; WANTED BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols, coins,' coin books, with prices 1 pay, mailed, lSo.J.B, j.ti, 4480. Unas IFeople'a Store). 2HH H. lltn. Wal, BROKEN Jewelry, false teeth, sold, silver plati num bought. Keystone Co.. 735 Walnut. Est. 18011. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Hlgheat prices paid for ladlea' and men'a clothing, hats, shoes, etc. Phone Poplar f771. BLACKER. 1231) Puplar. FURNITURE, planus. ..arpets, unlliiuea, eiittrt. or part houses bought for rash, no matter how large. J. BERNSTEIN. 1314 Ridge ave. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES. Including hathtuh. alnks. In fast, every kind; highest price paid. 800 N. 7th st. Phone Market 1273. BEST PRICES paid for men's caat-otf clothing, shoes, etc. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Olrard ave. Phone Poplar 6342. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT ST., 200 Desirable rooms, perma nent or transient. LOCUST. 1818 DESIRABLE ROOMS; EXCEL- LENT LOCATION. SPRUCE. 2022 Large airy rooms; prtv, batha; aouthem expos. ; summsrratea. Loo. 1603 J. WALItACE. 1813 Large, cool, furnished or un- furniehed rooms: all convs.; reasonable. WALNUT, 3003 Rooms, single or com.; some private baths. Phone Preston 4237 W. 13TII. S.. 240 Newly furn. rooms, also turn. a pi. ; modern conveniences. Walnut 6403. 1BTII. N.. 6422 rooms, bath, heat and light, 320 per month. TAULANE. 000 Walnut at; 210 WEST l.OGAN SQUARE nESfRABLE VACANCIES EFERENCB. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20tb IThe Margrave) Vacancies, permanent. tanslent; sup, board. SPRUCE. I 1-28 Furnished rooms, private frlv 1. bath: lame poara. fnone walnut 71 SUUUBUAN AHDMORE. 4 Masonic ave. Large, airy rooms, excellent table, exceptional porcbes; near train and trolley. Phone Ardmore 126. OERMANTOWN The Bhlppen. Wayne A Hans, berry First class tn appointments A servtc SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special sclentiflo care; fierv t. lervous, eiaeriy, every rommrt; nurses; nogg- ur itannai. wuv l.in. unestnut Hill APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11TH ST, (S. ,V. corT-MMerri suites:, exceptionally- attractive; blgb ceilings. ,bundantiy iigntea on inree sides, suitable fur housekeeping. If desired l.nltar on Dremlsea llARUER. HARTMAN CO . 1201 Chestnut st OXFORD ST.. 112 APARTMENT, two liv ing rooms, two oea -ooms. oatn. ointng room, kitchen. tory Janitor mwiu e iuruox ana iava- ROCKETT'S APARTMENTS. 029 to 633 N. lSta t. Suite of 1 atw 2 rooms, with private hath. furnlhed or unfurnished, every cony. PINE ST.. 17013 room and 2 bath, second floor. Possession September 1st WEST PHILADELPHIA THBWYNNEF1ELD. Sdlb and Lansdown ave.. IS rooms and bath, front and back porches. ood Janitor ervlc. etc Tbl U a nice Bla ; live and the cheaptst apartment In the city at the price, 128 and 30. Apply tp janlto-' 6 rooms. A fln.,, ....,. THE OIRVIN Porch: awnings. 83io Bimit ton. See JanTto' MAIN UtB. P. It. K. flVKJlimOOK TH.F...?l5.EA-'?'AHTMENTS. at Overbrook .ViTv"?"i'?jr"'.,, ,cnnt 1 room and bath to lease i.r oepicmper l FURNISHED APARTMENTS -BAJI "tiWA&rt &r$r- " BOB BALE HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMEKTg THERE AKlti b-VERAL WAYS OF SECURING AM APARTMENT But suppose. Instead of trying al (tie, m, . fcrent ways, you Just call at this ofticeliL':' Mrgest. most attractive and best equlpWft rhnadelphla, devoted .exclusively to iS;..i''1 just what they wnnt for particular VS.rln Tell ns your requirements. Every defiiu. npirtment In PhAadelphlsi 1. listed with1., may be..rentecl through us, Our.nutomoM are wall ng to wira you to tne nst of "rtles you designate, nnd with the te. possible i (Tort you will secure fie one ,&' , Kent In Philadelphia which most neinV -1 l nrnache your exact ideal. ! N0RiIAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Rnruce 3t71. Race ton N. E. COR. 17TH ND WALNUT ST8. This 13-story Apartment House It oum .-.& n,l steel, thorntifehlv nrn.A...u!'t I Including HB.rm, ,.v,,u,v,, ruitts with "T lnciuuii.R . rt foriiitv ua SrersS ONLY A FEW OF THE LAROE Hotia i KEEPING SUITES LEFT. THEY ARE wH FINEST IN rlllLA., HAVING SOUTiVbH,8! EASTERN AND WESTERN .EXPOSURE" OCTOBER. 1010. ., ... ,. A1EO All things considered, the rentals are tnea.1 erAe. For further Information, arraniegj?; for Inspection and reservation, apply to ,n' . MERTON W. OREIM9 WFranklln Bank Bldg. Phone Walnut tittjt' ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? Write or phone APARTMENT BUREAU Whcro complete Information of all . 1 m.ni. both hotel nnd houaekeen na- I. .. '" without chargo or send for 40-rsgs beautu fully Illustrated directory of apartments. 2D FLOOR, FRANKLIN BANK BLDO., N. E. cor Broad and Chestnut sts. Phone Wnlnut 0020. ifntTMi.-lP.T.:lIN(l anta. i all parts at it. ...T 125 to 170 per month; call, phono or write for j Infnmiallnn, SamuelStcrn.1201 Chestnut i 3 TbT2 N. KITH ST 'S Modern housekeeping apartments; reduce I rentals; lust renovnteu tnrougnout. Apply ti 'T.y i' janitor Ull I'lCllllocn. i,,,4.i ... 1AUIjAN S W. ror. nth nnd Wnlnut sts, " "PEQUOT." S. W cor. 1.1th and Pine Dei ? H apartment. .1 rooms, bath, kitchenette! rssi! ' J rent. Wl!lla-WlnchCBternL.lfl01 Chestnut t..i WEST I'HILADELl'HLV "" iiuui.ivi,rl'i.NO APARTMENTS OERMANTOWN WISSAHIOKON. .-i5 TO 105 -WEST iSATTERLEE, 130 TO 170 PHILA. t CLERMONT, J40 TO JOO Edw. Hutchinson, Jr. JJouthm KINOHCOURT SflVll AND CHESTNUT HTH. SEVERAL MODERN HOUSEKEEPINa APARTMI5NTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC EbB. VATORS. PUBLIC DININO ROOM. APPI,? car tiiiih. xt. snuna. .in. 1"H7 nirenr ESSEX. S4th and tjhestnuf: Alonterey 43dMil-J licsicr; tJcimoni, fl.m riii nnring uaran. inquire jnnnur. ur i,iir.;j.ir .iu,-i jiaie uiag. APARTMENT HOTELS rpTTTT' nT.AnarnnxTTn XiiJ UUIlUiUHU :- 11TH AND PINE STS. j Absolutely lareproof - LUU AIMU 11UU1--;I!1 ,UA9. THE TRACY 3Gth and Chestnut (Elevated Stution)' PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seckdrs for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW SPRUCE 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnished, either by , lease or transiently; suites of one or rour rooms, wun uatn. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS J PARKSIDE AVE.. AT ilOTH STREET ; Hneclitl rutes for mimmer season. Furnishes , and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence ni--i.MAll.MimniH WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET.: Clli;i,TKN AVE. AND MUH11IH l U,I MANTOWN: DELIGHTFUL SUMMER IIOMB ' FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND HATH UFI NRWPflPT spruce IN WX---.! AND ,,TII STREETS ARRANOEMENTS FOR FALL CAN NOW RE MADE "IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 223 S. BROAD ST. REAX ESTATE EOR SAIiE CITY ,-i TO BE SOLD 2014 Wallice. , 230 N. 10th. ,, Mil N. 20th. 247 N. I Oth. corner. i S0.-i7-M N. 23d. -, 20111 8p. Uarden, 25x150. ' i HI2.1 Poplar. WE A 2010 N. 10th. 80LICIT '; 03.- Ogden. OFFERS j 2211 Hrandywlne. " OH1) N. Uth. 1002 Wallace. -X S72 Perklomen. corner. , 1545 N. 12th. J Hibberd B. Worrell & Co. fi.5 NORTH 17TH STREET -Ml STORES 007 Arch st. 1808 Chestnut. 42 S. Hth. ins. uth. J 11)23 .Market. nor. Walnut. HID Wa nut. 1204 Walnut. 1.M7 Walnut. Jill jiarKet. J. A. PATTERSON. 130 -S. 15th St. CENTRAL I'HUI'ERTIES fur aula or renJ cnu us our reiiuirenwnlH, YARROW & VAN PELT N. E. tor. 17th and Chestnut sis. I'lmne aiBII Spruce or 2070 Race. , NORTH i.ttri VMt 1hll 1 riMrmsntDW l.omea, tlbliO to tUOOO. 'First payment oal'W eiuu to sijii MERCHANTS' UNION TRUST CO. 71S-717-710 Chestnut at. " - toasn , New 2-story brick. 7 room, basement laundry. ' ' hot-water heat, hardwood finish: open Sunday.1 J liUll.N & LOWEItl nth nnA I1iv.lrli,nrf SIDE-YARD IIOMl: at li.ircaln figures )1 ' Chew street. Tabor; 0 rooms, 2 bedrooniil ,1 tnorougniy mouern, wiae street; largo ...,. jiricru rutnt: trous; niocg irom stall"".. AHERNETHY. 2724 N. Btht 133 S, 12th. . L'lll N'O. "1ST ST. 3-story brick dwelling! K rooms and bath. CHAS. W. MIF.l.ER 401-407 Commonwealth Uldg. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association and Trust Funds. IVM! W DAUPHIN ST. 2-story dwelling. i ' ' 1 I I . 1 KI Ii' llllll Illalnii at rooms, oatn. neater, in good conaition; m" t-uuu; owner very anxious to sen. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. MPtn iTii iwr. r.irttnti'nt.lMn Row of 10 houses, assessed ellOO, rent 111 s wen nnanced: want offer. . 'IT MYERS b BARTII. Ridge ave. and lOtlu . U ESTATE WILL SELL three-atory brick. 0da -;. .c-, .a, ii. very reaeuuauie, tuwi -., , old tenant at 10. . 1 ARTHUR BOHWELL. 233 North 13th stresL . 1B30 DAUPHIN ST.. 2 story. 7 rooms. 10 (11 Mr. V.rnnn ait A rna 1 Q rnnmB. QUAnANTEB TRUST & SAFE DEPOSIT CO. I im.qio -u,-... - FOR SALE A few central properties t J price from ttO.OOO up. M-S.--l.tJ .lgesHIU. J. A. I'ATTERSON. 130 S. loin. "in or., w.. BIT-HID r,olc these over; rsnw -f"tK."-:vi."r; s-srr:' .-. u.nMm fouuu price i.uuu bw p. price i.uuu euwj-. jh .. av -ci s wjx. utn !" .i. - lOTH. 13TH. UTH AND 1JTH WARD BUT' fcS8r,aSLI'E3 ANP RENTERS. SEE ( FRlEDRICH A CO.. 801 N. I2TII ST SPECIAI 1721 North 18th." 12 robms. reduce, to 14500; only 1500 cash. . ,; MARSIIALL If. SMITH. 1011 Oiesttnit-- oouu. 3iA-r;y & son. lath ana ureou. ONLY I820O for 1712 N. 16th st.. brownstoae. I 12 rma.. excel, loca. QUnn. 1SU Columbia rf ,1 Uulldlng Lots. VUctory Htte, etc, Delaware River Fronts near cnannel: Pennsylvania & Reading siaiDi 20 re to J000 "res; 260 Vr " UP" 1814 Walnut t. r 1.AROK MANUFACTURING PLANT. 100 I M 'fontage on Delaware River; Penna .BlvK;! sldlo,s; office bldg., laboratory covered sftlpje Ping platform, etc, water supply from river i and artesian well: boiler, engines. vrir thing t-ompleteT.I.AhfK. DUO WalnutJ,j N".Jl'.i;OR.. PMP.. "lAMOND SJS-VVtIljj i0.',.f;arages, etc.. 00x103 to Pl?',.!,l ' LEWIS A. TillUHK k w cor Oth Mj Walnut streets. ; filTPfi K..T...r.,: . V. 3-..,...nta Sl t,f"Ji..V"t'.!;.Vf'"- . ' renpsif-."-.-!-- l .rauiui. e.vuu per acre ana up, e.i-v-- . m to location. Inquire for terms. 1 JpgtCII .78IWaJnut- . -J CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and UrgJ - tf?" ground In all parta city. lo over 200 mtj- ltts. Melvlc. 1318-10 Real J TroiLSSfc LOTS, 14 10U feet deep, -tatb and Prkd ' u-t cestuut street to make lha, hnn... ii..mR. prlit. Si2vt SSI fclttrt, l(w unit tram .V.rV OW'.' to 17000. Smu ut paymeat reQJfitiri; ' -mine samplo hous at kdy tlm rSHR'V TON ESTATES. ),38 8 slth it TtlV UQDKRN DWELLINCa. MANY BTYLET" sf-vtyi?.. " ' riru'wa ria?nu.ysr.v aima .: : ; . . r rt .r- ..iish w.at coroer 58t trei aod w- i""J"'Mflfc n "Sfffi mye-i 3-il!1'.,emt'fctle twme. feature BM dcrlpUoq, lption uaejmelW ! " tesei e.mple huin. fuUy fMrnl6pI. J" YKT I'HILADELPHIA A BEAUTIFUL HADFIELD AVE 3-tory. OJW J houses, west of 58tb street, two bouses. oj J of Boulevard and Hadfleld ave hot wUr JBW ateam heat. .i,t-t, i,w r v.ry conv., J E