iLwmthwmmtM&.vtm i m'm)W&rw 'W".mwM w mmt"h mwm ny nm-i'i mi jiwwwmwa TUESDAY August 8,1916 fntetung Be&gfcC v J ret"9 3 if !fr w iwwl Igraphic notes and comment on the varied news of the day as recorded BY THE CAME P. R. T. HEAD SURVEYS THE STRIKE SITUATION Thomas E. Mitten, is shown entering his car after a tour of the city. He Is accompanied by Police Lieutenant Hamilton, O A NEW JERSEY COW'S PRESENT TO nER OWNER JThfa two-headed calf, now on exhibition at Wildwood, was born on June 11 last at New port, N. J., on the farm of E. a Lore, Mother and child are both well, HOT-WEATHER SNAPSHOTS J. Horace Cook, superintendent- of school buildings, looks serene despite the humidity. Tfc -ft' ARMY CTISTOM: IS DULY OBSERVED BY NEW MILITARY CAMP tossihe. " uucu u l"" ma" II WW II Ml Ml Itj : : -. . . "" '' "llri ' in i i i , i ff. -' - , - BARRED FROM THE SHOW BY THE PARALYSIS OTTAWAWTTm Jmsifc of th clty yoangtew under 16 hava been thrown Into consternation by flndia "movie" doon closed against $km UL mtfm & T11"?1 ? U ? 5 a Dickinson street plctaw mSSS&SmwS V " 2 , J ' llr?aaBaWMBP,',T,iiBwwaqMBMMMMiiiii.iTMiMnM rSOM l. HBBw BRtllBHBBlHBUBVSHBBVKjK9r-M HKV"narr:vr'BHMHa4BBMHIH gfergr'"-fc:v)JiliMilWTmliiW" Bk.BHMHBBBBBBS !9fflBBH?fYv$iiTlHHBE9'4sPlMr BBflHRBRflBBBBaBBdHhBBHBBBHBnBVpW''BBBBM"f! FIRST BOY HELD UP AT FERRY UNDFH pawatvo Health tt. w w r-!n,Xi .. . .t!t.Tr rV.. ,ri'B pARALYSIS OUARAMttm a - T "-. r- tf f tt vv Bf W H fcfJJ.. SbfkAiLK III I Fid a.&0 i '-. w Wierrjjatfrozaimden Thaloy-.haAdiniitfid haVaa no- t.s,01 tnrong of commutj. WIia ltavd frlsf lft '1 1 - - Ma5wja " rtSat and he waa sent back . to th j