" - "t ' ftfixftiryipffpvtfprjFvirrm - "T"iTWT F J- if WTV' 'afW''1!'v'1 EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPniA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1916. H :ilsk the Trav?1 Man at Ledger Central to Hand You a Copy of SCRAPPLE e ledger's Vacation Guide for 1916 J & 1 J 1 I auto supplies TT..i. i-V-llttAttlNnd ItYATT r tVirtiiro Service Htft. The Uwllllftm Co.. fcgt rT walnut 3197. Rao aor.a. r" FARTS fin build or repair tiny car. p,. Auto flirt! i Co .823 N. lath Park 1418. AUTOTIRES TUtl.LMAN TIRE3 f' A..mntMl sSoo mites, whimw price. i 0"""jK?i'a. 230 N. RMad tnl. MOTOllBOATS, LAUNCHES ijOATS, "TTTiTiirttlj CRUISER. 73 feet Ion, will carry iHIr.tniori! 3 largo cabins, splendid mull" PBiS'.iinccr: 3 argo cauli .O5 oai cfta,??" on may mmi or ugaen, ibso fii- Iffl,. "Walnut 72RO. M iiiii I (TjniBINESS OPPORl'UNITIES IKTmCVNTTa Mend for our free book, iVkxtiiS AO "patent and Trade-Marks." fL- ni h.ln sou tieveiop your invention. aq i W '"' "riJ.Jenable fees. Open Monday ev. mcs " .if fl'36 P0STER& WEBSTER au,TB 3. f et,..iit st. Bell Phone Walnut 1334. trvE promotion syndicate . i.WAiX financial connections i open for nae f,liinin rroposltlon of merit: highest reference jwd given. Q 3", Ledger Central. SivrED 12000 to $3000! a contractor with "ASr of work on concrete. Iron and stone SS.CW for few month.--hr good-profit KS will pay commission ami Interest for tho f'"V? money. M 240. Lodger Central . iTt REPnESENTlNfl a well-rated firm and pps HiknitKi of enlarging, business havo presented l capital for ortlco end of worki a real BUI capuai v (,,, , .,.., r.nlrnl mrrJ",'"n"r- ""- " .-.-;-- - uiMinrn of lltney line wnntcd for corporation; TO.imint required tSUOOi strictly business; J&'&eeBary. Apol? P 733, LedjcrOIT. MILDER has Interest In proposition to offer ?lrtr with capital. neednot bo experienced In Kfffi " M 44, Ledger Central, wrrimB THEATERS, all prices, sizes. Iocs "? for sale and rents aeo us before buying. hAltBlBT, 201 N. Dtoaa. BUSINESS PERSONALS FLEAS. nOACHBS ,ni all other Ineects exterminated by the tirld-s sreatest expert. Prices moderato. W ic'mo. 131 N. 17th. Locust 110. DIAMONDS BOUGHT lunk references. Appraisement. 1 rr cent. HAttltT W. BMil-11. 717 Sansom St. EVENING CLOTIIES TO HIRT. tllMt styles. Phono roptnr 233. Open cvbs, r.MDNEft'8. 10th and qjriird. nve... S. W. cor rOPEHFIiUOUS HAIR removed by clectrolyli: tb only permanent way. llvebrow nrihed. MISSSjilTH, 402 Keith Theater Illdg. CARPET CLEANING C O N T I N K N T A L CARPKT CLHANINO IIOIIHtl n.YTir MT. AIMIVK l?Ill:STJJIIT IKII rhone, Locust 1000. WESTPHILA. JIOXAIICH KTOIIAOR CO. WEST PI ILA. 30 PRIt YAttO WEST PHILA 3870-72 LANCASTlUt AVC. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY " DRESSMAKINO UY CXPKHT IIODIDT U SOT Txnckla Hide.. 11th nnd Market sts. E0R SALE BILUAIID. POOL, combination, second hand, boucht, .sold, rented, exchatieed: repalrlnc: lupcllea. Lafe Kcaror. American mnnufac turer. 328 Olrard nve. Phone Kens. 231S. BILLIARD, pool tubltrs, now: second-hand bowl. Ing alleys: easy payments. Itosntto-Rnrry-Hlreet Co. 222 S, Sth st. i phonn Wal. 2281, BILLIARD AND POCKET TARLEH Also bowllnr alleys, easy uavments. nitUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEIt CO.. 101)2 Arch. CASH REGISTERS boucht. exchnmred. repaired, repUted: supplies; new and factory rebuilt: uiw total adders, as low as Si 30. Call and en our 1818 models Registers sold by us on eair rayments and fully euaruntced. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. HO CHESTNUT STREET. DESKS, Urrt assortment; also household furni ture, Dullajr Central Second-hand Furnlturo Company. DM-BOO-PM Callowhlll st. VULTIOrUPH New. Guaranteed; olfer for 1-3 eoit. Rimell Uaum. I'tilla. Huurse, Ph. Lorn- tiird 490. ....... Fireproof; 00 slightly used; all sixes HITS and makes, big bargains. 210 N. 4th St.. between Raco und Vine. HTJ0HE3. HTH AND RUTTONWOOD. f..'. 'airrest and best assortment of used ernes furniture and fixtures In this part of tho i1t.'iIi 1"""ng vo equip n olllco ni prices mt will please you ,'rc, delivery anywhere. HP"""?, embroidered handkerchiefs, edgod In f'in.,.wn," S,.u," v'n1- P"'c "8 apiece. . '"Ml Conway, m South 22d at. HEATING IfAKlNMCttT QE-T- III'ITTII T.m . .... j 1 if. .'. tn,n " or hot water. Pure fresh TJ7 Fllbsrt t m",'ur MAKIN-KEL3EY, MACHINERY AND TOOLS UntYn(f-'.nG ?.V.T o condition you're apt to ' vV.M L'.'i.0Jnr,,l"orl- ''P machlno bearings ANTI j?n1nii!nc?.n,'U'l0.r' w,tl "'Inn YOCOM uuDRTS, 113 North Second. JAMES YOCOM ft SON. POWEH.FL,ANT KOIIIPMnMT ilaef Sn'm"!i(,'or.' b0"r. ateam and oil en i.n'il!,u."n&i. air compressors. JUJMiOLOOMEY. INC.. 12T pT. 3d St. J ad rentA,i VTi.u ""acninery. bought, soit 'I llsrkit 8nr4 n":m;ll!r"repalred. Main 81 i VrttPA Y"ar"leyCo11224 N. 3d st,' ;?.?.'..ra""i' "I" machinery, bought sold :. Iiiii. "AJiilEll 230- b. "ErloT" ilnale ' Iwv'ytrinS--1'"": Immediate do! ; r.?;Vrs:i-SQ f tag m.H,ir:.JI'!".".a.w"- ertlcal shanrs, mortis. fJ "voiTrrnTn .KKSl WUttall, 174S N. Bth. i ihUme-t'er VM&Ul thouandsln-slockT f-0S?h st CARLE3 IIOND COMPANY! f !. 'caV li,UM5NK-C9l'rSS ENCHNT3fo7 gSSrA -ss-5 MUSl-OAL INSTRUMENTS AWDST VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE injCm7M?FB?2-Cili'lSNyT ST. I -aiiCKERiNaupnia!lTpiA Mutiurtn, 1'IANO HOWARD VINCENT. 638 N. (ITH. OLD GOLD ware, old for cash. U nor n ri , - "fnir, qui o :!? elockS!5ii?aW .for ol(1 'J- v 4UOQVR?"UcajL.u"f''lon.. 80T Sansom. r. an- Locust ltShslsMCk Tth st. CAJIfinTK Si-X-'22L SiS-i'that- f K?.", rold ?&. DIAMONbsTPRECiOUB LPaJU. 'Ba,.flt. Il!r,ft -P'atlnum. false tetl, - i -""'""- Rf. Co.. 10B R ItlD, PATENT ATTORNEYS i fi""- Pnfn. m-ji- , ..... .j 5lo -i-fHae-niarKS ' r Corporation Practice A J Walter Dnntrlnsa hTmjtDni5?TA,DySHED 1833. ' TtfTfftVHUAi.Nortli American Building. wtuluM. VM Building. STORAGE rVLif!-BT. AHOVH CHPHTHIW P3 . AtKIKn lfm,t7. -..r.V.. sM!0ust'nflnfitaJ1,1, ""ud. stored. M- "' """ -Phonsa Key.. Rao 41C 4100 fiUTT FIREPROOie -WaTnetrniiHRfi 8lMbl8 ILUIHET ST. I r2mj3SPZW. ---w m .k Ol, jpovfng B,S?iAaE WAREHOUSE Storag.. Pl. ' it- . P4KlllMT. ihlnnno, a & -T.,nln S-Snn Tsa-D,-"5Kr. vr,-i71,v,'-i-,,vs il'TnTi.i. r riiimais. uaraex a. aim. fM mo?i-2.TO?AP., house: ins n. nth .Wf. EacklnV, BhlDDlnsr: auta vans: CiM. ilt lia 44' Packlnr iIamm DK.n. vnnl. H901. packing storage. Phon Poplar 6t0i. WANTED Ao: ofiT0Vv?,LKt"YI falsa teeth, pistols, coins. Krfti JiKfe- -l nr- shl.! AH- iBpi,1B'.r,j,Tru?L "to ljar. mailed ISc J.u. tr-2-!rCODle.'i RYnrV Oili if ll.k iif.l J1GA m4-ir''l'iM E lS!lot KtoS" CtTriJJ ' Walnut. ffJl CuSTttliJoWHliUst Dries paid m&gg HU.BLAKER.. 1M Pojin ILACKl arpou. it (or ,i," nauae bough fc-iI VWUUI, antluus. sntlr 25 T RERNSTElN.Twa jSMTXZ felu T to. ?l'PP"Ka Iruludin Bathtubs. J N KV r k"5'1 highest price paid. KSiTr, .'" -Pho-i, Market lilS cash, no matter t,fefi'SLPjm1oiO Olrard ROOMS FOR RENT CHERTMirx c .. ient or jrnnVlent. m' toarM- Prna. tvear,n&i.rr,n,oif 4j37cowv 8om9 13TII, S. ,!" """" conV.nlV .nut' Olo"- J li7Usels ... i HOARDING CHt:sTNl'T ST. tor 2uth (Tho SlaritraveJ Vnc-,orle, prmnnent. J-ansleM. .5f "mfd? liatlis. table board. Phone Walnut 7171. BuntmiiAN A,e?ce,?el',,iViV.!!2n,0.?v'-T,'1,r' ' """. Mceiient table: exceptional porcnens nr imin nnn ironey. pi,nn Ardmorn 120. "'ilVViASilY'Ir-Th'! Bhlppen. Wayno A Hanf ..,.., .3t ,,,, ,n ppolntmem, t, service. SANITARIUMS ,V.I r01,', '"""'loni Peclt sctentltla carol K"? tV1,1't1'!' Xf 'omfnrt. humei, hook let. Dr Itandal. City Line. Chestnut lllll. APARTMENTS WA..','?,UT ANtl 11TH ST. (S W cor.) Modern siiltesi exceptionally nttractlei high celltncsi abundantly lluhted on three Hides, suitable for bousekeeplnu If deilred. rents 541.07 and I7.V iKW.or ff,'n."SS!nin IJAllliUH. UAimiAN A CO.. 1201 Chestnut at. nOCKnTT'fl APAIlTMr.NTS. 020 to 033 N. 10th at Suites of 1 and. 2 rooms, with, private hath i furnished or unfurnished, every conv. WALNUT. .1018 .1 rooms, hnusekeeplnu flat, 2d ... floor, bithi cornpletokltchenette, reasonable. wr.HT rnn..nnt.i'iii. Tl'lK OlIlVINrv p'orchT'Jwnln.i. ton. See Janitor. floor: prlval 3310 Hamll- SIAIN LINK. I. It. It. ovnimrtooK Tlin DIlBXEIi APAnTMENTS, at Overbrook station One housekeenlnR spnrlment, 7 rooms and bath, to lease after September 1. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT m Hut suppose. Instead of trylnir all these dif ferent ways. ou Just call at this office the larnest. most attractlvo and best equipped In I hlladlphla, devoted exclusively to securing Just what they want for particular people roll us your requirements. Every deslrnhlo apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may lie rented through us. Our automobiles aro wallrnff lo take you to the list of prop erties you designate, nnd with tho least powlble effort you will eecu-o tho ono apart ment In Philadelphia whlcli most nearly ap proaches J-uur exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. Snrurn .1071. Race 3035. N. E. COR. 17T1I AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story Apartment House Is built of concrete nnd steel, thoroughly flreproofed and of tho most modern architecture. Suites of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 7 rooms and 3 baths Including several ' bachelor suites with every ijiuuvita kuitirniciiLU ,. inriiii), UINL.X ocroiiEit. linn. All thlnss considered, the rentals are mod. erate. For further Information, arruncement for Inspection and reservation, apply to MERTON W. OREIM3 210 Franklin Rank Hide. Phone Walnut 0020. MODERN APARTMENTS, nil sixes and prices. Call or wrlto for complete directory, free. Apnrtment llureau. 2ll) Franklin Rank Hldg. HOl'SEKEEPINO npts.; all parts of city: rent -i t 70 per month, rail, phono or wrlto for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut st. WEST PHILADELPHIA f. KINasCOIJHT flOTII AND CHESTNUT STS. SEVERAL MODERN HOUSUlCEEPINa APARTMIJNTS FOR RENT: ELECTRIC ELE. VATORS. PUDLIO DINING ROOM. APPLY EbT. THUS. M. SEEDS, Jll 1207 RACEST. ESSEX. 3llh and Chestnut. Monterey. 43d nnd Chester; Belmont. 3lth nnd Hprlner Garden. Inquire Janitor, or C'RESSE. 30S Hale Rldg. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 1ITH AND PINK STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEASES PARKSIDE APARTMENTS PARKSIDH AVE.. AT 40TII STREET Special rates for summer season. Furnished and unfurnished. Culslno of peculiar excellence DELMAR-M0RR13 wirenn town and country meet CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST.. GER MANTOWN: DELIOIirFUL SUMMER HOME FURNISHED ONE ROOM AND HATH UP NEWPORT SPRUCE AND ltlTH STREETS ARRANGEMENTS FOR FALL CAN NOW RE MADE "IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING" THE LITTLE HOTEL 223 8. 1IHOAD 8T. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT 0UEST3 30TH AND CHESTNUT REAX, ESTATE POR SALE CITY 1033N. Camac . 1290013004 Belgrade ... .11000 1413 Rorls 23S0 3030 Belgrade 1000 1410 Boris 2330 312.1 Tllton hill) 0 Myrtle U30J IBIS French . 2200 ALFRED II. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut st. NORTH and Weal Phlla. nnd Germantown homes, SlbOO to OOOU. First payment only 1 100 to 1300. MERCHANTS' UNION TRUST CO. 713-717-710 Chestnut st. . MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association and Trust Funds. TAULANE. 1)00 Walnut st. . NEAR ISTH AND CHESTNUT Flna little dwelling, U rooms; tn Al condition, must sell to settlo estate, can arrange good mortgagu. FLOOD ft QUINN. 10th and Cherry, 1530 Dauphin St., 2-story. 7 rooms. 1001 Mt. Vernon st.. 4-story, 13 rooms. OUARANTEE TRUST t. SAFE DEPOSIT CO.. 310-18-30 Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rsnt. YARROW 4 VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. FOR SALE A fsw central properties at all prices from 110.000 up. J. A. PATTERSON, 130 8. 18th. ISTH ST., N.. 817-810 Look these over: rented at 10; assessea iouuu; von uv u 1 3 JOU. MASSBY ft S6N. 13th and O ibject to reen 10TH. 13TH. 14TH AND 13TH WARD BUY. ERS. SELLERS AND RENTERS. SEE FR1EDR1CH ft CO.. 801 N. 12TH. ST. CENTRAL court property. 14 houses, t,v 1MO aaaaaietf tla.OOU, rents 115 lot b: rents 1 151. Want offer. Myers ft Parth. Ridge ava and loth Building Lots. Factory Biles, ete. MANUFACTURERS' OPPORTUNITY Factory building. 6 doors: within 0 blocks of City Hall; about 80.000 square test; good light; suitable for any business; price, 1120,000. D. A. MINNICK. lB3d Itldga ave. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II, B. McCOLLUM 1314 WALNUT ST. CHOICE BUILDINO LOTS and large tract around In all parts city also over 200 mfg. sites. Mslvln. 1315-11) Heal Est. Trust Bid. 14 LOTS. 100 (est deep. 49IU and Parkslda ava . Lawrencs Oroskln. 1324 Chestnut st. WEST PHILADELPHIA MODERN DWELLINGS. MANY 8TYLES AND PRICES. In our restricted residential quarter. IIA.DFIBLD STREET. WILLOWS AVENUE. FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET. COHU'S CREEK PARKWAY. PEMUERTON ESTATES, north. west corner 5Sth street and W lllowa avenua. LUXURIOUS HOMES SPRUCE STREET EAST Of 44TII 8-story semidetached homes; features beyond description! luvsuv uu.Akvtivvi, ! vrivi' lege; sampi ils house, fully furnished, open. J3100 8 ropms. hot-water heat, gas and else trio lights, parquetry doors, shower bath: gal kitchens and aU other modern appointment. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER . 68th and Hadfleld sts. bend rmpmiJmsB or rent B2d and Baltimore ave. THE CHOICE OF WEST PHILADELPHIA PROPERTIE8 TAYLOR 4 SON. 24 and 2d B 40th at. SEND FOR OUR SALE OK RENT LIST 1003 BaltltnoreVav. . 1VEST PHILADBl-PHIA HOMES For aal or tor rant. B li.-Aiifc5Y-- 88th and Spring field. u.-nuj a lruvv ur iiiii i.AUtic HOUSE KEEPING SUITES LEFT. THEY AHtJ Tllb FINEST IN PHILA.. HAVING SOUT1IE11NT EASTERN AND WESTERN EXPOSURES. I.UNG TERM LEAMia WII.I. II!! livri-r. 1818. REAL ESTATE POR SALE COTlttnurrl from rrrcf(Miitjrolwmit Oi:UMANTOMN OEllMANTOWN AND CtirCSTNtrf HILL SECUHM OlIU IIIJVISEU SALE LIST H. I). LlSTlIlt. C0I2 Oernnntown nv. UBIIMANTOWN HOMES, all sections. .. RMULI.KN ft JJAltKY FrnnklH Itink lildc. Walnut 2537. OUH ilKAL HSTATn IIULMTrfM will 1 sent to yon by mall on npnlleitlnn. Oermanlown TrustOo. I'h'lten nnd (lennantownaes. IF YOU AIHl LOOKtNli loll A HOME In Oer- montoivn. Mt Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me; A.H Meehan 0717 (lermantown ne. LHUICK HOMES Tulpehocken at . east of Oer- inantoivn ne J If CHADWICK & CO., r,022 Oermanlown ae. . Mt. Airy, (lermanloivn. NEW BALR AND HUNT J.tBT RGADT Pelhsm. Ml. Airy and fchestnut Hill. PE1.HAM TRUST CO.. 6740 qr)nantown ve. Chestnut Hill DES1RAIILE PHOPKRTIE3 ., Oermanlon'n. Chestnut Hill. Main Line. WARNOt'K & l.MI.KN Commercial Trust llullillne. 8EVERA1, UESIRARLK PROPERTIES MlNTCll.N T. WltlOHT CO., .Morris llulldlnA. Tlora WE HAVE THE HOUSI. Toll WANT KENNEDY M.jOMANTOWN. Lotan REAL ESTATE, mortjrnres and convcyancln. W.M. D VHA.MRERS. 4W33 N. llroad at. M.SXHYI.VAXIA st'nCRIIAN ALDAN VI acre place. J3250; 24 -story Jet. dwell. ; hot-water heat, eleo., laundry, rjsntryi convenient locatlon snoi'B &soNS,uarby. DROOKLINE Rrand newdet. dwlgs.. 7r. Is b. water heat, elecr , ;,uxl23, J18SU, only 1430 9a.h..r!'ull',,i "HI exchanse. -J'-Jl'ilER WA'lTS. opp HrookllneBtntlon. ELKINS PARK New single dwelllns. 10 rooms; hot-water heat, price JOSUO. McCormlck Me- Sinilk.nill ('heslnul st. and Elklna Park. OLENSIDE HOMES nnd building Mies, every description. RENNINOER & UENNINGER, Olensldcj Pa. YOU OUGHT lo ha a real estate owner to bo a real cllljcn. Wo know where jou can put your money nnd be safe. North Olcnalda Is tho attractive suburb wo havo In mind. Hun KUlows and lots for sale. W. O. (lleun. 1 131 LandTltleIllds. and lSUjroluinbjuavo; CHOICE RUILDINO SITES ,...... -, and acreage. ARTHUR p. TOWNSEND. Langhorne. Ta. BUUUHUAN HOMES FOR SALIJ OR RENT .WENDELL . MASHEY .. Real liate Trust Hulldlng. SUHURHAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue, RROWN. i Cl.Ot'D.JNorrlstown.Pa SUnURUAN REAL ESTATE 5"" .p,r.l.c?: A" locations, bole or rent. C.HARLE8J. HOOD . CO.. .Morris Illdg. CITY AND SfllFRRAN REAL ESTATE MEARS UROWN 202 hUUllI UiTII STREET fjELECl Properties Country Beats, farms: list orders now. LEWIS T IIHOOKE & SON, 11H South Prnn sq FOUNDED 1H7H. LA"GIJ LIST OF SUIUIRIIAN HOMES, salo or ,v,,Dn.""' .nam i.ino or itendinii it. n: .Jilj HVVH.SDN & co . Morris Hulldlnc. SUHURRAN RESIDENCES for Bale or ront: nttrnttlve locations. prlcs rlnht. Mnurlcd J. ii-'lY.'iRenl Estate Trust HIils. Suburban Lois SPRINGFIELD Villa plots. 00x13.1 feet, prlco JH.iil. 00x170 feet, prlco I8UO. all street lm provementa: 30 minutes to City Hall, fi-vent fnre from ilth st. . Slo monthl. no taxes, no Interest. I, im" Ledger Central. MAIN LINE. It. It. NARRERTH A new house, Montgomery avenue .V..,0'lFa'," w,th all conveniences. .W.HsMith, 0002 Drexol road, Overbrook. NARRERTH New building. 11 rooms, hardwood floors, 2 b-ithn; forest trcea, garage; prlco J7B0U. Ilarbert & Claghorn. 204 IlalleyUld SUHURRAN HOMES country plarea and build-ln- sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. H. C. HUNTER. Wane. Pa. NEW JERsr.Y SUHUURAN LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES H.U1DON HEIGHTS. N. J. vvii.i.KT LIPPINCOTT A "NO-L1CENHU" TOWN IIADDONFIELD HOMES. S27.10 TO S14.00O. SiJiJlTERH A. SON.J10CIIESTNUT ST. LAROE PLOTS ft HOMES. HIGH ELEVATION Cheap Folder. L.SXOOtt.WondhurMgtiirjr NEW JERSEY SEASHORE VENTNOR. 1200 building lots. 2.1x100 ft., con venient to beach and trolley. 800 W. Stato St.. Trenton, N. J. S320 THE PAIR Wlldwood Crest lots, short distance from beach; everv Improvement nnd food value at $1000. Wlldwood Crest Co., Pacific ave and Rambler. RORERT HAMMOND ft SON PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 112 ACRES on stono pike, near station; lirgo stone house; tenant house; largo barn. IbOOO; 1 have a farm for every buyer. J. M. FRONEFlEI.t), Wayne, Penna. 173 ACRES, good big stock nnd dairy farm; offered to settlo an estate; S8000. J. R. THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. 86-ACRE dairy farm on Uethlehem pike; good stone bides , near R, R town- IS.Ilio. Sauou cash. A H. TYSON. I.ansdale. P.i. NEW JERSEY FARM S ONE-ACRE FARMS, nearest to' Philadelphia, train and trolley. Wrote for pamphlet. IJARLOW & CO.. Maplo Shade. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUIUIRIIAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building, Philadelphia. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sal and rent. JAMES D. WINCIIELL. I7tli und Sansom sts. 1'KXNhYLVANIA SUHUURAN BALA-CYNWYD Largo list houses, salo or rent, ut all prices. Samuel C. Wacner. Jr.. Commerclal JTruMJQldg.JSih andMaXkL .MAIN LINE. I It. It. MAIN LINE Rest Una of Main Llna houses, either for sala or rent, at ull prices. HIRST & McMULLIN. West End Trust BUUr. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what you have for what you want. KERSHAW 4 CROWL. 5215 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED CAnEFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real estate sold; mortgages placed, ARTHUR POJWKLL. 233 N. 13th st. RENTS ANT) INTEREST COLLECTED, raort- gages ami nrs insurance piaceu quicaiy. see, Kane for prompt results. 19 Ai l'asker st. WANTED to hire, large Drat floor and cellar for business, must bava larss door. U 847, Led. ger Central, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 5 CITY STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city.- Ess our Hat In tea Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX ft Co. 8, E. cur, uth and Callowblll. FOR RENT Large, store, suitable for shoes, millinery or carpets; former tenant carpet store for 11 Tears. 2180 N. Front st. 2731-2735-2733 N. HOPE ST. 2-story. 4 rooms: 110; (.ood order: keys there. WM, L. CRAVEN'S bONS. 1548 N. 7th kt. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts. 1918 PINE ST. New house. 9 rooms. 2 bath rooms. Edgar O. Cross, lilt Walnut at. Factories. Warehouses. Mfc. Floors Metropolitan Building B?gD Fireproof Rooms. 6000 to 40 000 sq. ft. Cheap power. Ap. QEO. V. LASHER. 147 N. 10th at. Cohocksink Mills nuxDruna. 10.000 8Q. FT, FLOOR SPACE In buUdlnr with modern equipment, railroad aiding, subpost offlc. Ww insuranco. Apply CTf Mlbie 4 Bona. N E cor. 1 lth and Washington ava. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO nuttlll iiu UTHEtJT Deslrapia room, power and llxht. FACTORIES, altea. warehouses, door spaca ex- ClUaWely J. Alan MldJUton. fsetnrv fwrlat. Ut and engineer. ,009-11 Wldensr UMj.. PhlU. IIAVE PARTY.who will erect bulldlag. central or other location, (or satisfactory tenant. D1ETEKICH. 737 Walnut t. 40,000 FEET. Broad knd.qreeo. .3 Boor and. t,a.A !!.,, .11 r, ' -- "-.- .wwwii i.iwr, seal. 18o losur rat MorrU i Co. Illdje at broad. suea. aprinawr. elevator, neat; 4-nr t j iio.ea Manufucturlog floors' teVm Eaat and power. Ak.. wuia. v mi .assiDgt si Oarage wriwr REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Conflnarrt1 from Preceding Cofiimn i ni'l;s, mwi.Nr.os- rooms, i:tc. iinnn nrn.niNo . 1211-17 Filbert st. Centrally located! all conveniences: rents at tractlely low) service continuous. D1IKXHI, RLDO OFFICES, Annunl Rentals. Slnale rms , 12ii. $ir,n. I22.V t:uiir. J I. Mi. t.'Ori Suites 2 rms . Sill. Sinn. JI7.- 20 S223.S230 Suites 3 rms . J27K 40ii. Sl.'n tSOU 0OO.S7"iO, Corner Suites, 3 to S rooms. S"00 to SI0.VI. El, LIS I). WILLIAMS .-ill nrexrl Hull, line MERCHANTS- liril.DlNO 41 NORTH 4TH STREET Very desirable offices, heat and light. OFFICES 110 per month and up, Includes" heat, llrht, elevator and Jinltor service. J.A.PATTERSON. 130 S 1.1th at. cilHsTNUT ST.. 24 2d floor. Inrgo skylight: Rood space for architect. LEA ESTATES. 700 Sansom st. , Profesilonal Offices PROFESSIONAL RUILDINO, 1131-3.1 Chestnut St. A few sultei for physicians or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut nnd 13th. CHESTNUT ST.. IS20 Prof otflces nnd studios: steam hent. elec llsht. running wnter; WEST I'llILADELPlIlA DWELLINGS, STORES APARTMENTS FOR RENT WM. II. W. . QIIICK A IIRO., INC. sou-i J ill 4DTH ST. HERMAN IlROTHERS. Colli MARKET Houses apartments, stores NEAR ciiTH ST. "I." STATION For rent or sale. l'OR RENT Deltrntesien an.l crorery store; pood location. Seo MATTHIAS about It. 40 N. f.2d. Uelmont 7111 llnslness Prnuerltes anil Stores STORE. AND FIXTURES. 4022 Market nnd near I. station: rent S27. JAMES N. MITCHELL. 4ih nnd Market, OF.RMANTOWN OERMANTOWN PROPERTIES, inn upward: particulars upon request MAt'llAN. DOI MAN ft CO . N. E. cor llroad nnd Chestnut. 130 DWELLINGS. II ROOMS . Send (or List, JConJlnentnLEqultnbJoJTrustCo . 21S.12'h DETACHED dwelling. 13 rooms. 2 baths. (tnrage. . S V TOURISON. 7014 Rover st , Oermanlown PENNSYLVANIA .SUHURRAN DROOKLINE Rrnnd new dot. dwlgs., 7r. ft b , wnter heat, etectr , largo lots, 20."n J2R.30 UP.J; ELMER WATTS, opp. llrooklineSta. NORTH at.KNSlDE. S27, attractive S-room houso. lot 100x117: ahado. Rounlngcr ft Rcn- nlnger. Olenslde. Pa. 3LMN LINE. P. R. R. ARDMORE 39 St. Paul's road. 12 rooms, ISO; - nntns; isrgo lot. W. R. SMITH. 002 Droxel road. Overbrook. POR RENT PURNISHED PENNSYLVANIA St'Hl'ERAN MOYLAN. ROSE VALLEY For August nnd September, comfortable country home near station, well furnished, largo lawn and car den. G 331. Ledger Central. MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Re It first or second If you deslro efficient service quick nnd satisfactory results and moderato charger CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will bo aa good as placed." NORMAN fl. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. $50,0005 Trust funds for good first mortgage or mort gages. Also funds for second mortgages. L 720. LEDGER OFFICE FIRST MORTOAGES J170O. I am offering good mortgages secured on new dwelling houses having H roi ms, hot-water heating, electric light, hardwund floors; well rented: Interest 0 -i-lOo. title and tiro Insur ance and mortgage, pupers freo of expense. Arthur J. I.eupold. 121 Chestnut sl FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN no to S20oo To loan on real estate, security; Immediate settlement; pavablo aa desired. EDW. M. MOLL 139, S. 12TII ST. MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY 1IRUMRAUGII 4 PARKER. INC. 1431 WALNUT ST MONEY AND MORTGAGES LAROE AND SMALL HUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. II. HOOD. (112 WEST NORRIS ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN O WILLLXMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut at. FUNDS for first nnd second mortgages. J. J. TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St. 1100.000 TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from S1000 up: also building association money for second mortgages. O. c. SEIDELL CO . 4th and Callowhlll sts. WORRELL 1'unds for first and V JlJl-iLlU SECOND MORTGAGES 5.1.1 N. 17TII ST 1100. S200 TO S3000 TO LOAN. CtlA LEWIS ft CO. 9JV 1227 W. Olrard ave. MONEY lor mnrignges. Rucks County property. ARTHUR V., TOWNSEND Lincoln imig.. rnua. PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS aiuuu to au. nuu. J. EDWARD LUTZ. 24U N.17th st. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. J0IINA. RAllltY. .107 LAND TITLE BLDO. ""IUJILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE TtORCRT J. NASIL 1001 CHESTNUT ST "MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOUS u- T A- iiKDDINO ft SON 700 WAI.NUT ST 62113 SPRUCE ST. THREE BUILDING ASSNS meeting this week with plenty of money for mortgagea. WM. JAMES JvEOOH.JOO Land Tltlejlldc. TRUbT FUNDS FOR FIRST" MORTU AGE HERKNKSS ft STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDINO ARTHUR BOS WELL. 233 N. 13TH ST. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT pOTTJlftT,IOA,BQNi232lFran!.fn'd nVg. "ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D ilORTOAOIJa Quick answer. MAURICE H. MAT3IN0ER Real Est. Tr. BliU. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES ilixju ;u iiuu.uuu JACOB A. VRVCX. llqa LAtiillXU Bldg 1100.000 AT 4H PER CENT. VIUl UU1UE, JOHN A-.JlAnRY.! 807 Land Title Jlldg. FUNDSFOR 1ST AND 2D M0RTGA0E3 1 MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO. E. NICKLES. 2813 Germantown ave. OWNERS If yoiir mortgage has been called, I will take It up. also 2d mortgage money. CIIESTBRp ROTTNER. 142U Chestnut st. y7e"WANT MORTOAGES First, second "or snllt. Funds for collateral, and short-term loans. ABERNKTH'jaa. i--in.j:i-j n oth. 1ST and 2d mtgs. ; bid and private funds; quick and satisfactory results, moderato charges, CAMERON ESTATE 2811 Kensington ave. LOANS -Large or small sums on real estate, judgment notes or mortgages; loans on unsel tUd estates. DEMPSEY ft c6.. 27S. 16th. HEADY FUNDS for good first mortgages; bring fllAirBROWN & CO...217S.Broad st. MONEY for first and second mortgagea: building , association and Instalment mortgage. Willis. IVlnchester Company. 1001 Chestnut at- FUNDS for first and second mortgagea; any amount; quick answer. CHAS. W. MILLER. 401-4UI lomnionwciiuii miliums. EMERGENCY FUNDS placed at once: any um; lnimedlata answer; lowest rates. F. N. DE LANKY. llI2Llncoln. Broad and Penn ag. ALL AMOUNTS to loan "on 1st and 2d mtjee. Cbas. 'A. Pa Young. 400 W. End Trust Bldir. MONEY TG LOAN YOU CAN BORROW TODAY $16 TO 5204 get reaay cao iroai xnis prtsvv i AND BONDED COMPANY quick. meat are small and within, your Income. We have & prlvata office (or your .convenience. Permit u to explain our uc-to-dat method. Prior. Walnut 4303. Open 8 a. m. to d p. m- HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street Second flagr, Naxt to Forraat Thaatra. YOU CAN tUiJtROW MONEY ON VIAUOKDB. JEWELS. ETC. S3 AND UP 2 7 " " ."a 1800 " " 1 RIKDERS liS MARKET 8T HIDOE AYE AND OXFORD ST 22D AND SOUTH STS. MONEY LJOANK.D to helm of uauttUd. iulu; iBtexsat, tousht- FRANK PIUSTIN. T2i. 25 BUftC4 0UW4 Bujijln-, 31 8. 12U U You Can I irRMHEO ly. private y ana wuoout reu tape u.you are, EouiekKpIn. You can, borrow 18. 127. 138. S33 SCO' S72 and aa on up to U0 at 3. par cent InUreat. You can borrow 1120. 1132. n f S7i nr 1204 at 2 Dcr cent. Interest. Paw. The Vounir Lndv Across (he Way ! Tho yotitif? lady ncro&s the way Bays alio saw In the paper that iteposlta In tho postal savings banks have Increased enormously and she's certainly triad the postmen aro savins their money. A visitor to a Sunday school vas telling of tho children who mocked Ellslia on his Journey to Bethol, and how they wcro punished when two she-bears camo out of tho wood and ato up forty and two of them. "And now, children," Raid he, "what does this story show?" "Pleaso, sir," camo from a little girl In tho front row, "It shows how many children two she-bears can hold." POMPINti up a Tire wmt bEFEcrrE urnzR tube-and- -The MERC.UR OB IN IW&ifVb He Knew Letty Jack won't take "no" for an answer. What shall I do? Ilrother Bill Say "jea" to some other fellow. THE WOllST IS cinvc-Mni3-yo WASTED ENERGY LI&HT OCCUPATION'S "TM'ISsSJ yryinC to ri with rtmTfMhxSp5s. 1-- r,.y.M pU jjyj0" ct- 4;ai miin wmmi Em? ftfi V TOE PADDED CELL I innirTT i ' im i i hi wi i L A THE. I ' ly.VACATlOMlSTs -. V y " TfeE-HBB. hfeW . S. SO YOUR . I OfTY' FELLERS IS A ( FATHER OWMS m?)L CUT-UPS! J j JowesirisrefMuoYirMi-THE Beautiful :J ) CO UMT R.V JjEP I Mean Thing- Miss Screamer-YflU're n slnirlntf master? Hut we do not want a singing master ! Professor Tralala I beg pardon, but tho lady next door told me you needed one badly and she bent me. YET TO COME m jfiiraf5 0imiiim Horrors of TVar i ( Bystander. "Give It a good 'rd 'un. Bert, you can generally 'ear 'em fizzin' a bit first If they are a-goln' to explode." "I never saw a moro industrious woman than that Mrs. Crura." tho vhtltor remarked. "Why, evon when I meet her on the road ahe pulls her yarn and needles out of her pocket and goes to knitting." "Oh." exclaimed Willie. "My grandmother waa the knlttlnest wom an I ever knowed. She used to take her knitting to bed with her. and even few minutes she woke up and throwed out a pair o' socks!" Fine for Insomnia "l picked up that latest book of youra last night nd I never budged out of the chair until 4 o'clock this morning." "Old you And It bo Interesting?" "Ho ; but I didn't -wake up until thavi time." Preparedness Father I promised you a bicycle- If you passed at school, and you railed is every study. What have you' beea doing with, your time? Jimmy Learning to rtda a bicycle. WssK W Wm said wlf, By th -war,, did. you mall tha Utters 1 gave you yesterday T "Sure I did vm the righteotiajy Indignant reply.' "Well,'' answered wifla vrth 0 qIh. quent smile, it"a filnny, tfc, y had no Ittert this morning bewi on of those I ave. you v taail w addi6isd to yeuj-wjusc- m- m f k r -..Jt