"PIWflljM "jsjfi-L ijt . & : . EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 191G. 0OD FORM SHOULD MAN PAY FOR WIFE'S VERBAL INDISCRETIONS ?-CORRES3PONDENCj HUSBANDS BEAT CATTY WIVES IN OLD DAYS, M'LISS FINDS Unfortunate Married Men Whose Ladies Were Backbiters Were Haled Into Court to Pay Damages for Slander SEEN IN THE SHOPS THE English husband -who recently hod to "pony up because of an archaic law ?hlch makes a man responsible (or ihe backbiting of his wife Is probably wonder ing nt this minute why there isn't a man's rights movement to protect such Unfortunates as he. Time was when If the epouse of your heart gave vent to her cattlness by attacking' the character of a neighbor with mvre vigor than discretion, the Utter could have the "cat" up in court and collect, damages not only from her but from an innocent husband, who night be the most peace-loving and charitable soul In the world. In those days the Innocent husband bad one recompense from the seeming Injustice. He could beat his wife. He could beat her long and beat her hard, and. unless she was possessed of a physique as potent as her tongue, there would be no one to stay his hand. A cynic pointing to the prevalence of tho habit of slander, might argue against the efficacy of beating as a means of lessening the freo play of a woman's tongue. Even as the putting together of the egg would balk the efforts of all the king's horses and all the king's men,' so would the curbing of a feminine gos sip, sometimes malicious, be a difficult task. Men have beaten women In all ages, but they have never kept her from raying what she wanted to. "But If this were an American law might not most married men be always busted r a mere man aehed me, discreet ly accenting the might. Might they? Does marriage make oats ef us alt 7 Is It nccesmry for a marrteti woman to be a member of the jwa and claws club In order to protect hereU7 Must she fight all other women with that most powerful of all feminine weapons, her tongue. In order to concentrate he? husband's attentions on heirelf? I think not. although I have met few women who are not cats. Do t hear ap ptause from my male readers and hisses from the female ones? Very well, theft. Think it over. Think over the past per forma new of all the women that you know. Pass quickly by the parasite type. No need for much reflection there. They're all cats. They have to be; they live by It. Come now to that type which numerically Is becoming greater and greater in our midst How many working women do you know who are absolutely devoid of all fellnlty? How many of the so-called "new" wow en, they who pride themselves on being S3 broad and generous In their views as taen are usually credited with being, are dV void of it? How many "of them give to their sisters praise when prals Is due and withhold censure and adverse crttl clsm. although it Is merited? How many of us were we married and ,were the old law still la effect who would escape a daily beating or two? M'LISS. ft VTi: '-'-Ps, GOOD FORM Good form queries should be ad dressed to Deborah Rush, tertttcn en one etde of the paper and signed Kith fitlt name and address, though Initial OXLY teilt be pvbUohed upon request. Thl column trill appear in Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's Evening Ledger. "What to Say Dear nrbvmh ftvshit you (ins Introduced o bTt pleA to mt you. tnost appropriate and wrret ar, IS .years o)d and hare tn In and therefore. I urn rather what to on rh an occasion. Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Addrr alt communication to M'l.lx, rare of the Etentnc Letlrer. Write on ear of the paper only. Me Dear M'Uu For some thus I tm-e tn a trader of the Krt.iiNO L.ir-;r.s. and especially t your column. Tnnrsday erenlnir I read the article of II. J. Bancroft, and I BUM tay that I would il to meet him rorae dark nteht at .34 Walnut and let Mm feel what two rood 1t are UVe. onlr I am a woman and It wou'd not I ladv llae. Ta thouen my hubacd wa a "pauper aoldler." as he call them. I suppose he draws the lares amount of ? a week and Is lealcn r--auj he could not keep a wife. I would like to fee this rwer Tercr" if he hard a cannon co off. Yes. maybe one of the poor, overworked octet dm rntufct take htm to Newport as a ,rS A. . or tutler rer SfLlij Please A stamped. plea.e. send name self-addressed of freckle C. A. envelope. MARION HARLAND'S CORNER jflfif vvi'- "f -' '"'i---rfe"r:S 'Yf L3E" . C Ijai .r -, ?-- - -i-V-v ' -. i . " V f IIow to Learn Tennis As a ceMtant reader of roar advice. I would appreciate correct Jnitrwtk.n as to how t lar tencti. a Us rtrl and frya I am ac ualnted with ktw little about the came It would not be practicable for me to teach you all you ought to know of the rame by writing out instructions, even If there were room for this in the Comer. Manuals containing full directions for eacli stage of the sport are for sale in nearly all book stores. Buy one. and after you have studied the principles therein set down, visit a court where the gam is played and learn the practical part of it. This Is the only way to become a tennis player. One hour of close watchfulness. armed with the manual for reference, win do more to make a player of you than a library full of textbooks. This U one of the numerous activities of life to be learned by practice and not by theory. Infested With Vermin I caBt Sad anr help, m torn to rem. .We, are In a vixct mft;ed with vermin. The children are trculhd. ai well as the tilltl. WU1 kerevse Injur the hair? F1e !et bm lenow throuin rour Coraer &- Can I ret aorne itw old. but o ueff-jl? They ttn: "A UtT your ertcket. arruKosned to la ttrooxh the nmry mtns of cay nimmtr and aartor." Tnat !i an 1 can reateiicr. t.t I ahould like to rtt the whte poem MRS C. B. C. Xerosese noay not injure the hair. In the opinion of some who have tried it. it does not. Others duarr with them. I,do not presume to decide the question. I can. bow ever, without hesitation reccmraend tincture of larkspur as an exterminator of the vile vermin which Infest the hair. First. rab the child's head well, having a large towel pinned caosely about his neck to catch the creatures as they fall. Bum the combing at once w.th the hair and larvae which hare fallen upon the towel You cannot be too careful in this respect. Then drench the child's hair through and through with the tincture and St a cap or bind a light doth securely over the head- Leave it on ail night. In the morning give the hair another faithful eoraKng. burning all that comes away. Repeat the procesi every night for a week and you will have solved the disgusting problem. The larkspur kills "treepers" and sterilizes the eggs, known as "nits." The eubMt is not one to d locus "to ears polite." but. as George Sampson innlnded Mrs. Wilfe.-. "we all know It's here." when we cannot isolate school chii Jiren. Tour second query is raf erred. Membership n Tennis Club All rsmmonlcatlona addreed l Marlon ilarliind hoald lnflee a tmped. elr aduired rcrrlope and a rli;t!nc of ta. article in whim joo are Interfile.!. reroa thlnr 10 iltl In the rharltable rrk nf the It. U. C. -hoald nrite Marian llarl.cd. In rare of thl paper, for eridre of tl-oe irer wnald like to help. and. Iiavji; reeelved item, communicate direct lth thoe nartle. fellow has felt In hip er!lr nepp cf betns a. ptranfer In a The writer, a man of Tt, cosaea for all. It " ta rather pecslur uJ'jum be apklas H ia anxious. inroub roor Corner, to obtain membership ia a, tenaia evurt He knows little about the caraa and wiakes ta take it up But ho kwwa no one wto taixht fc the "oia PMsacn' tot him. Thla Is due ia part to the fart that ha haa few friend, and thoee few hate no deatr u piay tennis. Still- toere may fc some one who wxraM be in a testtlon to help Elm la this instance. The writer has Saturday ntternoona eS and thinks they mifht juit as wa be sseat doins eonMthlox he wants to do as to he apent In nltrx la trsUty cars by himself. Lamentlnr the loneliness to whk-h Ue has been assigned. Ilia tdVa waa that of lie many readers it ytur darner, who have rendered as sistance ta various ether ways, there jeiant te soma who wtmid enttr Into hu feelinrs and be -wtttlnr ta "iead a hand" to relieve the satafui j.wkardneas of the s'taatian. Maya aoaae young ife the wret-hod-s:rar.pe p;a-e - J. Zi. The letter Is Inserted entire that our Junior members may c-mprehend the rea son why our correspondent reeks Cornerty aid and comfort. May t suggest that the Young Men's Christian Associat on rnay have such clubs connected with Its Recrea tion Committee? I wish a member of the association would give the Corner definite informat.on upon this point? Not Like Home Some time aco I tpen? one weei In a strar.re city, puprins at an tzciuuve hotel. At ratals ererythlac seemed to fce served i dlfrrt.v Inst the way they are served In our ho-n that X was sotnewnat purxied how t . Kirj -tnir.cj. 1 am a slrl. IT years of ate. and ha not teen away from home as I hae r. : ir cradsatcd Jrom htsh school as yet. Vi.l v-j kindly ttll me where I rouid cfctais a Uj on Ue snhfect menticnedT JOSEPHINE S We sent you by mail the title of a b k that may be what you want. Kut a. I had occasion to observe in replir.g -, a wouW-be tennis player, the best way to learn minor social usages, particularly trw pertaining to the serving of table a-1 eating from them when they are served, is to embrace every opportunity of v.s:t.n places where such matters are C'r.du( t1 after the best modern fashion and kee-:ng both your eyes open. You are a bright g.r: and will soon pick up all necessary .n formation. The practice of new .t:-.-nf eating and drinking will come redi!y to you. Changes of this sort steal into the daily living of each generation A century ago gentlefolk poured tea and cofTee ' into the saucer and sipped It from the edge daintily. It was then not vulgar to eat . with one's knife, and napkins and nr.g-r ! bowls were as unheard of as gas and electricity. Take courage You will catch up with the times and keep abreast of them. USEFUL FOR LATE SUMMER "T7TTH summer well advanced and the early summer clothes looking rather passe frsm V faithful service. It Is Just the time for a frock or suit to freshen one's wardrobs. Taffeta which continues in high favor, fashions this attractive and practical suit. It features billiard pockets and novelty pearl buttons. If dfslred it my be worn as a sport dre! instead of a suit. It comes in white, pink. gray, navy and black. Price. I U.3S. It comes In special sixes ranging from 3 J to . A practical sports hat is this one with a mushroom brim. It has the r.ew chenilVs top and s.uin lar.ng with cord edge. Diamond ornaments in Egyptian colored chenille add a bit of contrast. In citron, gray, copen. rose, wisteria or purple. Price. 1S.S0. The name of the shop where these articles may be purchased will be supplied by the Editor of the Woman's Page. Evening Lc&osr. Chestnut street. The reeest must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, ar.d must mtntion the date en which the article af peared For Home Baking mint en the cid method ef taking a h.-wm straw out cf the c:ean:r.g brtcm. says Popular Mechanics. And everything armnd the kitchen shcuM te scrup-j'.ously clear. In the early part of the evenlnr to a roMnr mn. lid upon leave-taklne h Informs you tht he i. wnai woun ire answer be? I am little comnsnr. I am rather anxious to know h an occasion. Thanklr.r rou ror any information you may nve on ins pud Jt. U. U. Of course, the yeung man who tells you he Is glsd to have met you Is simply carry ing out the usual custom nf making a polite remark. There is no special way to answer him. except by saying that you, too. are glad to have met him or that the pleasure is mutual. Do not make your answer too stilled or according to a set form. The more simple and at esse one Is in conver sation the more likely one Is to make a good impression, and I think this is your Idea. is It not? Wedding Invitations Pea' X'c-u. ?V I am ta be. tnrrld shorty and wtr.t ts Ptnl l.iriutlens to the members ef th Srm ffr which I work. Should s'paraia mvitalier.i te sent to th members ef the firm vi their wives, or should I :ut ni se: to the Srm! JACK. Business and social affairs should never be mixed invitations should be sent to each member of the firm and his wife. Yes, Take Gift Now and Again flee- iVeaH J?K I am very fe-.i af a artati yci-e air ard wuH :ns to take r.tr ine newer er . book soaietfaet wr.n calllrf uror her w.ii tsu m m ceoj for-n' H2.ST.T. Ye. flowers, candy or books are always peraissibie. ar.d most giris greatly appre ciate them. How to Entertain Dto ficrr gtV I have lnvitei a crocs of friends 12 in all. to sjr.J an evealne at my house. I have a 'arse lawn and am eI.-. ti have Japa.-.e :artrns strsr.r around. A.I thees you-.t fecr'.e k-.ow each other and live It the country a.- They do not da-we. Now. hat I war.t te k-.w ;.. y-x (,31 1 entertain tneas 'lhfrma;; They ail .-ally ani I am rerr anaio-ip f. r -Jva tj es.ey the evr.ln. I certainly sfca;, irrr'-iate ywsr rarrtstlanp a to games or p '-.hirr to da. Aad. also, wouli you triad t :-. -.t se fa as to rtfnh tstats e. it. If any' of yrur friends are musically in clined or d: ar.y special srunts. perhaps it might b we'.i to ave a vaudeville evening Or you might serd them word to brl.-.g photographs cf themselves when they were babies or abo-jt : y:ars old. Put these all together and show : re at a time. Give the guests paper ar.d pencil and make eah cr.e write down the rase of the one he or she thinks the photngraph represents. Then give a prite to the best Or nill another way to have a rcod deal cf fun Is to ask "the guests to come dressed as the titles of various bocks ar,d g.ve a prire to the cr.e who ruasses the largest number cf cerrect ones. )Licbt refreshments are best in this kind of weather Lertuc-e rAndwi-ies cr rtaer.to cheese ears are r.vce. as is fruit lemtnaJt I would alsa have l cream and cakes. Ask First frc- PthsM Jul I it a rtr: it an even J nine ;arty -a:jr aJ wart vtry murh te ro call c er 1 ksrw & ji, Urep -,Vtr:li It V all , rut: fcr rae t -a.. tarp ime e-rerisc withjt I hai-KiC apied apr rst if I iy I nave o-K zztt her oce. ari I wait ta ia tht ncr- thzc i ii. o. u. j I: -rvzli ast ie crrrert t? ca2 tfcre ask- ' ir.g the g.ri permisnon. Tou can tacly " vi:: J.-r an cprorrn-ry t? ft her again a. s.:m tTa:.-. tr.i tier, ask if y:.3 rsav ta r'EECiRAH F.I'SH. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB haaMaassaTMaTsVaTasatssissssasi!! VKen I look bt-ck t.long my lite. I .see. my troubles iKJT!'i?,rou' . 1 -A. 1 eSs. rcmemDcr xn-e-o VKen in the. miflfct ftture. txoe. (VTCT BATHING SUITS SHOWN? IN FALL FASHION SHUi yl3 in U 'j m Child's Song What Is gold worth, say, Worth for work or play, Worth to keep or pay, Hide or throw away, Hops about or fear? What Is love worth, pray? Worth a tear? Golden on the mold !,! the dead leaves roll'd Of tho wet woods old, Yellow leaves and cold, Woodi without a dove; Gold Is worth but gold; Iove'a worth love, Airernen Charles Swinburne Beautiful Beach Crea!? XT' t.. iriiu-,1 ttriit. . . .." mcuiy rmcu trim iUodelsl Seen in Chicago Display CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Live mo4ttJ llvest of wham woro bathing suits anft? exhibited in a special fountain cliaraci (zed tho fall tlyle thow of the Chlcaja g ment Manufacturers' Association ", opened today f.nd will continue all Trt Wholesalers' Invitations to buyers ta lend tho show at Bismarck Gardens d particularly upon the. group of femift swimmers In up-to-the-minute bathtni ctf tumes. Why the bathing ult dlspUr ' fall wear no one knew and none setrng care, it was n great attraction. -j Chicago store windows were In the beehJ nlng of a wetk's boycott on out(..z; goods and gavO tho.r entire window m2 over to the display of "Made.ln-CMcii2 products, taking this method of dolus tiS share to boost the show. A half hundred garment manufietDrJ of this city had entries In the diID,E Each manufacturer was allowed to ! four garments provided he entered tw on live models. """, From 6000 to 7000 Middle West btmL' are attending. Vtt A feature of tho show Is a rovolvliig .tin which permits quick changes of 8Cen, Dinner will bo served each evenlnr which the show will bo held 3, Y-.j car get fresh clean broom straws :r a un 'art ac;ase vow w.th which to tst it unit Its certamiy an improve- smmj. r ' ' il Papers Save Labor Take all the newspapers after they are read and put them in some convenient place. They are mighty handy. If you are peeling j potatoes, you can gather, up all the refuse I In newspapers and throw It away without making the kitchen dirty. Or dry rrfuse j may be gathered up in papers and burned I in the stove. I Philadelphia's Finest Butter Ask yourself these questions about your poor complexion "my most I endure these nn sightfy pimpJes and Metrics ? " 'rVw do other girls keep their ' cHns dear and make themselves welcome where I am avoided?' 'xiVtbere some way toimprove , my coaiplexxm that will not cost more money and tiaie than I can afford to spend I"' Yog can give yeorsel f this answer: "IbchcTcthesiaplcbutthofOiigh. daily use of Resiaot Soap, aided perhaps by a Utile ReskyjlOtmmcnt, will be all you need to restore your unattractive slcin to Hi natural heal thy beatly. Doa't crry aa ' For t" aaaiU caaa, writ to Dcpc. JJ-R. .tdatO, j.V.-J-a, fcai alt aalti cacawrs aj fksinol omiimmmmmmmmtmm UpintheCatskills. on Meridale Farms, is a select colony of bovine aristocracy. Pure-bred and healthy, these cows yield rich, wholesome milk, the quality and quantity of which is maintained year round. Only the cream of this milk goes into MERIDALE BUTTER This' unco mmoalr good butter' ' is made in a wa y tha t ei ves a wondcrf uli y rich, creamy, uniform flavor and firm, dry body. And youiret not. only a better butter but more batter when you bay Meridale, AYER & McKINNEY Ufakcrsoi .... Bfl Pbooa. Market J7 Kcyatooa Fbooc, Maia 17U Loot fur tit 'Htrifoil" wrettTci-UfhL 4sxt-aaS uix-eroofal rosr sneers. m A(ftaBS0 ' U.-S " Uv it&sF i 8SSS&J RS5SVn Gold Seal Butter is made from the richest golden cream, by ex pert butter makers, in the clean, est modern and most sanitary dairies in the country. HY-LO BUTTER, lb. 33c CA-RO BUTTER, lb. 30c "WAere Quality Cotxnts" ROBINSON & CRAWFORD BRAND CONDENSED Pa. gjl 5lP 55 J2s .iaSk j&i&gfe mnsg THE OR SO U3 KaMaaflft L I ISJ AL- A safe, wholesome infant food for three generations. Highly Digestible. Easy to prepare. m m ite iiiiiiiiMi!)riili)iiiiiiiiHi!,triiri!iiiiiii!i)t'.!iTGrf) is &M il ir-iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinniwg y'iuTiiT evyv a 3 i Blaylock & Blynn's August Fur Sale In order to keep our large workroom employed, we will during August have a special sale of New Furs comprising newest styles for autumn. At Prices 20 Lower Than Regular Prices A very unusual opportunity to procure most approved styles at decided price reductions. We will be pltasfd to take your order for any of the furs In this sale and stone without charge. LAYLOCK & 1528 BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St. Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired. ,r' I.. ii;i in.ttiu.j. MaiMMMKu.i.Mttiinfui.tiu::iuituJMM;tttt.iii;.ta:iiirff iiniiiM;ttttHnlUl.llii El 2k2- xgjrJH - j i r b .- i MUHrVH schools m AND COLLEGES J A7A2WiyjJScA I IfcuMetfl Shotect AT STOKES AND FOUNTAINS ASK POR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIOIHAL MALTED MILK Bay It ta tha sealsil las ara Tha Best is always the Cheapest Substitutes coat YOU m pries g Jm&Gr m Further Reductions Every Colored Low Shoe, Every Combination, Every Short Lot and Discontinued Line reduced to irresistible prices from '1.95 to 4 AS Several Hundred " A EZ Pairs as Low as JL o rO Make Your Selections Early! Cfhe Jarpsr Shoe Co. I02Z Chastmd Jt j223 Dtarfmt Jt CiwA AccsuuU Qsj ZZZZ 'Credit & CA 4our.tj; tSeSmbtem. 5SToenl Schod BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE The only "Accredited" Ccmmarclal School In Phllafelptila Co-operative Features Th stsdsnt who i, praduated from an Arf!lte5 School Immfdlately establishes frlendir relations with nthe- students In all tarta of the United States. Kor In stant, tfcs j-oup. ttisn who completes a costs of studr In Philadelphia, and finds It deslrab to move to New Tork. Chl caro or els-wtvere. will be amone friends th moment he rresr.ts his credertials at the o3te of a member of the National AssocUtton cf Acrredlted Schools not onlr will he t amort friends who will v f'aternal interest In him. hut he will be aniens friends who will render U nieded assistance. If assignee The members of this Association main tain also a BBlversal. co-operative em- in ?h. Yn.SSSnJr!!?0 eU" mmbrahln in tne employment departmenta In all Associated Schools Thus the ir3uaii who soes from Philadelphia to1 lllnne! apolu mar P-ent to the Minneapolis recelw the same asslnance In securing a position that the Mlnnnwlla Khon uU render to on of Its own srad. This Is only one cf many of the .-. oc-ratlro featurea that make V cholart hlD la an Accredited Commercial Schofi particularly -aluable. ,-,'"'""',:",' ocnool Day School Open, Sept. Slh Suht School Opes Srp. tth Enter Any Time. E. M. Hull. A. SI.. Pd. p.. r,e.Ident 925 Chestnut St., Phila. I al5i a a ;.-i !',. j rrs tm; Elementary Schools The evening elementary schools an continued to mppr. tria wnnts of'l" number of young people who feel tb; need of making up deficiencies in their, enrly education and who prefer th!j small groups and more careful attea-. tion they can get in Temple University These classes meet two or ihrtl. evenings in the week, according to Hjj amount of time the students havf n give. I hey select, under careful $w. ance, such subjects as they ne;d. complete meir elementary eaucaivm. , Write, call or phone today for CaUloJj 31-11. wfl I'lione, Diamond 031 TEMPLE UNIVERS1TVI Ilroad .St., below Berks J2 A UIIHUCIUUUIe Jr We Guarantee Positions Vi yi 11 Ml Yooot Sleo and Boys BALTSBUBa. PA. t, I tor Bon. American University, .uuuiug o avers rj:ri. --- caratory course and a rocd'irlij" la fcr tiulness. CouraSTnaVM "Itrn wth y, ojleis'sVetf 10 Wrll tor eatalosu. tS'B8tu ij; .SSyilTTjNJ. CARLTON ACADEMY I'pper School for older boys lives thnmn.u arattoa for aU cIlen""iaY,1rh Pfp. Commercial Courses. Athletic Snori n'V)aa Chartalo. Lower SchSol fVr?iSr" to?.'" Housemother to siv personal care uo"- a uijmua n. ef rtlrL.TZ. A. jl tTlESTEB. PA. . Headmen. to all who complete our Practlcsi lluslness Courses, tlecom a Stenof rapher. nookkeeper. Secretary or 8als. man. Studenta' ares 14 to 0 Bo'.' beies Day and Nlsht, Charsia niiw crate. Iiesln your course now. Strayer's Business College J1-S07 rhctlnut fit., rhlla. inut SBi JIala :i-u "j Main P PALMS SCHOOL TVilrfv ... -a IT.L. Ii rk..inti Atrftttts' Buslne, Shorthand and Secretarial CW SPANISH SaVv-wtty' UinillUll AUera. Iltl VaUut.rh-Wi22 For Yoous Ladle and Cjrjs 1 OEKSIAXTOWyf PA- The Stevens School for Girl' ,... '1 W. Chelten Aveone. fertuat", 40th year opens Sept. SI. KInderxarteiitlirosi coueK prtparatory Special courses in ?; . ijlB bcleoc and Conv-aatlonal French tor li'-SglSM women. Manual trns. Mis Mary lenUf33i TORKESnAI.E. FA. rEXNSYLYAXLV 1IIUTAKV COLLFrv? Trains men to command. SunlrtnJr . ? . B . physical and moral tralnlSs lSPd5l.ic?,l"t.lc men. A school that meau mor. iii.i P upf ld' looaad. CalXhaa. K1U a "pSS" u'iaV but. .SWAHTHMOKK. PA v.. T t T V"" .il UUC Ua. U.mur-Bo, 'VFSXiiCS. "'- Tm- n JtAUKKTH. FA. Naaarrth. p. FoJndid iri AI,EMV For Bora. CalUtc. p .ri0W,, .'. Healthful. All Aihletka IniT. Tt""? ourae Y. M. a A, 8WUUUKO CENTRAL NATATOBIUM iiovjKiso&i'TrJicntx'itAvs-isatcttom hubs laawa a sin, prac ""'"y.illMraiS ;... .m. irs. j. aeon AWKI.UH. v;r. pa; Ilav 11- Tnv..(.l. u..... 'farrsadalS. T OFJU1ANTU1W. FA. WALNUT LANE SCHOOL il RSth year. Oeneral. CoUes Prep. HW Bc ,1 5rd Intermedial Primary iluslc SffijUl BcUuc. Uurlor IXcoraa. aecreiaOatJiii-d SOUTH nETIIIVJlKJI. ? . Bishopthorpe Mai.or1Si5ir& gg Mn couraea for hlso choli .'.yiJirt Mualc. Dojiuallc Siienc. etc li""',0..u pi C N WTSa Ba. JS8. BBTUI.e"Ey Vouas Ilea and Uoyk The Phillips Broolu School jyTZKl.. Hcadmuter, lJS nMlBor -VJ nt7tMTIKI nrr?r iMrtuir VH ,?j'ni: rRur iTrew'j i- "af.V nt collect, btisiuaa a v. Jc. QOi w tua tot stale i