'7 srai 5' 34 I ' ROYAL ARCANUM LEADERS CONFER j?rdf()setl Rate Readjustment Discussed and Details Explained Pennsylvania to Meet in Reading One) of the most Important conferences of leaders In inn tanks of the Order of Royal Arcanum held In recent yearo was that held Thursday evening last. Tha meeting vrns called by Grand Itegent L, R GeleenberRer, for the purpose of thor oughly considering questions affecting the general "welfare of the. order, and that "mem bers might be thoroughly Informed upon the prospective readjustment of rates nnd bo prepared for the Increases which must of necessity bo made. It Is believed tho meeting will prove, ot far-reaching benefit Those present were thoroughly enlightened upon every phase of tho rata question problem nnd Its proba bis solution. . Through these representatives the message will be intelligently conveyed to the members of the gubordlnate councils Invitations were sent by the grand regent to some 60 prominent members ?f the fraternity In eastern Pennsjlvnnla to st and a dinner lit a prominent local hotel. Included In tha list of Hursts Invited to the conference were grand and supreme representa' Uvea, district deputies, collectors of councils and others active In lh practical work of the organ ization. t After the tables were cleared the evening was devoted to an exhaustive discussion of the order. Its hrlthttnlng prospects for the future and the probable affect ot the Increased rates upon the membership. Tha feeling expressed wi moat optimistic. It Was Ereoly admitted that the probable action of the soaremi council In September In Increasing the exafe of rates might cause some shrinkage In the quarter of a million members, but that It could only serve to safeguard the Interests ot inose wno remained toyai aua steauinnt The readjustment. It was stated, would Insure the prompt payment of all pollclco for all time, and would place .the Order of Royal Arennum upon a stable bnsls. not surpassed by any other fraternal Insurance order In tho country. In the dlecuaslon had It was claimed that the changes made In lonn had proved simply tem porary, expedients, and whllo some few favored a somewhat similar action at this time, which would brine prosperity perhaps for, a decade, the prevailing sentiment or thoughtful, experienced members wns that the changes made at this time should he for nil time, baaed upon actuarial ad vice and sufficiently adequate to Insure perma nent prosperity and undisputed stability. It was stated that what was aimed at now was DO per cent solvency, and that tho order Would be satisfied with nothing leas. Edward flecker, ixiat grand regent of New York" and a memtier of the committer of five ap pointed by tho supreme council to prrsent a re port as to the best plan for rate readjustment, made nn address, In which he gave a compre hensive review of the work of the committee, ex plained In datall tho various rnto plans suggested and the advantages of each, and emphatically antagonlaed anything suggestive ot tho naturo of a temporary expedient. , Tha kemote of hla address was absolute ade quacy of rates, whatover the temporary results might be in tho loss of members. lie expressed tho thought thnt this was the S antral sentiment of the Supremo Council Com ilttee. In this course of action they were guided by the advice of two of the most expert and best known Insurance actuaries in the country. Arthur fl. Eaton, of this city, also spoke upon the same aubiect, nnd as a member of the Supreme Council committee Indorsed Jhe stand taken for nn Increased adequate scale of rntes and exprcrsed tha thought that ths report of the committee when luially presented nnd ap proved and given to tho members for their Intelligent consideration would meet with gen eral approbation. Both speakers freely answered nutations upon very phase of the rnte problem, and those participating In the conference can now better alssemtnate thrsa thoughts among the councils and their fellow members. Bright are tho prospects of this great brother hood. It Is bollcved that with a etnbla foun dation such aa the legislation ot the coming salon of the Supramo Council will suroly provide the order will movo forward to still greater and brighter achievements. A few members may, not undoratandlng the wladom of the action taken, fall by tho way aide, but tho great army, of frntarn will con tinue ita progreealve march, growing In greater TUimerlfMil trenstti b-- nnnn nf tte Iftinvn financial stability. Among thorn who attended inn important oonicrence ware ll. it. i.atny, M. E. Aoedel. W. J. Htolilngor, James B. Nor ton, State Senator Clrlm. W. K. Kati, Arthur 31. Eaton. Edward Iteck-r. J. I Smith. A. F. Nicholas. Theodora Wallace, John Kllndwarth. E. I). Morrcll, John tltauss, C. a. Frnwert, Jr.. and tho grand regent of Pennsylvania, I,. It. GcUenberger. LOYAL ORDER MOOSE Philadelphia. Lodcre Honored at Recent w' Annual Session of Supremo Body Philadelphia Lodge, No. -51, Loyal Order of Moose, will hold Its regular stated meet ing for August. Sunday afternoon next. In tho new auditorium, on North Broad street. This lodge now numbers between 18,000 nnd 19,000 members, enjoying the proud distinc tion of bolng tho largest single subordinate lodge of nny fraternal order In the world. At tho meeting Sunday afternoon Intor estlng addresses will bo made by those, who attended tho recent session of tho supreme body, at Mooseheart, III., telling of the work of that body, and tho legislation enacted nnd also relating facts and figures concerning tho splendid home maintained by the ordet at Sfooseheart. This magnlfloent vocational Inatltutlon Is ona of tha most perfectly equipped fraternal homes' In existence. Under the fostering core of the order .100 boys and girls are being trained and educated to pocupy jiaeful positions In the world. Doctor Rondthalsr. the dean of Mooseheart. has devtued an aaaerab y ayatem of goernment, tho most Jdvanced plan of management of boys and girls nown to the world. A worked out In practical operation, the ! and glrla manage their own government. paia upon all questions of Infraction of rules and decide upon what the punlahment shall lie. , Much ln.ror.ant Ionization was enacted at ths Wfupreme eenalon and In tho election of officers 'or the coming year. Hyman D Davis, of Cleveland. O.. was mad supreme dictator and jead of the entire order, and Philadelphia Ixxlge, No. B4, waa honored by having Ita dictator, John Kord,. unanimously advanced from tho oftlce of euprem prolate to that ot supreme 3ca dictator. Plttaburgh wu chosen as tho ace for holding the next annual session, and ready Philadelphia members have started a marching club and will seek to take 100O mem- vers to ins I'jusouron session. During the sumnvar. entertainments with good toueju mut uftncina are irQvmtfi ior tna laqirJi vary Wedneaday night In the home on North Broad street. No fe la charged, no minora are admitted and a royal good time assured to all EAGLE KNIGHTS -a Anniversary Committee Arranging for Local Demonstration and Banquet The Philadelphia Anniversary Committee will bold Its next meeting at the K. O. E. Hall on Friday evening, August 25. The chairman of this committee, District Grand Chief John E- Dormer, is desirous of a large attendance of delegates elected to the committee. Flan? are being laid to hold i celebration similar to that which was so successful last year. A visit to some promi nent church on the Sunday of the week of tha celebration, a large class Initiation and a reception and banquet are being arranged. Tho Philadelphia castles are enthused over tha prospects for this year's celebration and Ita success Is already assured. A largo and enthusiastic celebration was hold in connection with the installation of the officers of Liberty Castle, No. 14, In Aachar's Hall, 460 East Cambria street, on Wednesday evening. The otllcera were installed by District Grand Chief F, P. Ds 1 PETEYShe Was Probably Going to Shoot Aqueducts - - a ii i 1 i - in ll sin I I ll ti.. .- -- .... - ''' r Go.Wfr K "i f4uV N rZC7H C Ne.V- M DOMT SE&NnSHIUGi' Voo 1 ( 3o FASTEtT) - TmerE5 4 Knlb. Assisted by n staff of members from Cbcur do Lion Castle, No. 24. r Their Work was highly "praised by vlsllln rand and supreme csstlo officer More than 00 members of the order, were pretent and lis tened with Interest to the splondld addresses mad by rirand Sir Herald A G. stemme, Past Grand Chief Ilarvy J, Lint and Past Grand Chief Walter c ltaus. Past Supreme Chiefs F. W Anton and John it. Chappell also made brief addresses. The Kntertalnment Committee served a ban. nuet at tho close of the meeting This cnstlrf la the largest castle In the Kenslneton district nnd Is contemplating the erection of a clubhouse for Ita members. A handsome emblematic watch charm was presented to the retiring neble chief. Thomas Campbell, St, John's Castle, No. 19. held an open meeting and Installation of pfflcers Monday evening, when mm onicers were ineianc. oy ine rt, .v iiie. in stalling team, which gave an. exhibition drill after the Installation and was loudly applauded for Its work. Music waa furnished by the Ninth District P. O. S. nf A Hand Among those present were Grand Chief John F. Brounley, Past Supreme Chief John C Me. Kinney. Orand Sir Herald A O. Stcmme and Grand Master of Ilecorda I,. I,. Onllaghcr. Ad dresses were made, after which refreshments were served. It was a profitable and enjovabla meeting and the new term was started under moat favorable auspices, Tntamv Castle. Nn. B30. wilt be Instituted Wednesday, August 10. This castto hna been or ganized by Past Chief Amos unangst nnd starts with n good membership composed of substantial citizens Thla will be tho fourth castle Insti tuted since June lis. and will bo quickly followed by throe morn strong ones Orand Organizer Itoliert It. Hums, who organ ised Munoy Castle, with almost 100 members, now baa a castte well under way at HUKhesvllle, This castle mil be Instituted about September 1 nnd will also contain loo nume on the charter list. Grand Organizer II. M. Oroff, who has spent three weeks nt Meohanlcsburg securing nw members for Cumberland Valley Castle. n 1H0, has In thnt time more than doubled lis membership nnd will leao for another point to commence the same kind of work, but the re vival started ny iiroiner uroa in mecnaniesDura will be continued by the members of Cumberland Valley Castle. Tho Women's Auxiliary onnted with the A. C. I.yttle Commanderr. No 101. presented nn agreeable surprise to that command Wednes day evening, when thy gave the Comma ndnrv a handsome large silk American fine The prea. entatlnn wns made by tho president of the auxiliary. .Mrs Wl Ham Hlarllng. and tho gift was accepted by Captain F. K. I.vttlo Muney Castle. No. SIS. which was Instituted on July 10 with n membership of ml. has been taking. In new members every meeting night until tho membership Is now 121) This castle hlds fair to have 1711 members by the end of the term. PVrlllAN KNIGHTS Tho Problem of Minimizing Suspen sions Claims Attention of Lodges Of the moro than 66,000 members In tho domain of Pennsylvania during the Inst year 21 G7 wero suspomlcd for nonpayment of dues. Thla number, whllo soemlngly large. Is not out of proportion to tho sus pensions recorded by similar sccrot orders It will, howovor, mirprlso many Sir Knlghtn to learn that there nro moro sus pended, Pythian Knights In Pennsylvania than members In good stnndlng. An analy sis of official flguros for tho years that havo gono will demonstrate this fact. Thcso constant annual lonaen rapidly deplete tho ranks. To lessen such and thue strengthen tho brotherhood Is a problem which has reoled the thoughtful consideration of more than ono titatn ofnrer. At the last annual session of tho Orand I.odga tha then urn ml chancellor. Ilnhert Moore, commenting upon this condition, stated: "Many methoda have been proposod to atop, or at least diminish suspensions but with each re curring six months our ranks are depleted be cauae many members through carelessness or oomo other reason fall to keep thcmnnlvea In food standing. !xdgc should appoint commit ees to soo delinquents or write to ttiono who cannot bo seen personally, nnd uso wvory honor able means to sea that they nro kept In good standing and their membership preienud as Pythian Knlghtn " Borne lodges. In harmony with this policy, havo appointed delinquent committees, but, while much good has hoen nrcompllshod In some Instances, the roaaona for thoa numurnus suaTenalnns nro so varied and complex that It is difficult to de vise a method which will minimize these losses to the extent desired The Supremo I.ndjc. which has been holding lis twenty-ninth biennial session In Portland. Ore., during the last week, adjourned to meat In Detroit In 1018. BROTHERHOOD AMERICA Annual Session of Grand Circle of Pennsylvania to Meot in Reading The fifty-first annual session ot tho Orand Circle of Pennsylvania, Brotherhood of America, will convene tomorrow In Memo rial Hall, Wllkes-Darre. Preliminary to tho business session, a public mcotlng will be held, at which Grand Chief Washington N. W. Chester will preside. By reason of tho Importance of the session nn exceptionally largo attendance of repreienla tlvcs Is looked for. Tho Philadelphia delega tion Orand Scrollkeeper C. A. l.eiiif and other State officers started today for the coruontlon IMIV. 'onlcht the Committee on Credentials will meet In Wllkes-llarre and examine all creden- tlals for the K. W. nnd ais ior ine r. . nna i. .m, aegrees. To tho session no one will lie admitted wlth- devrees. IA nHmll out an official certificate, also the semiannual password of the current term, anil tho Wash- The report of Orand Serollkecper I.eng. which will tx; presented tomorrow, will show thnt during the pjst )ear the order has par ticipated In the. fruits of the genernl Indus trial prosperity, und that substantial gains, both numerically nnd financially hae been re corded by subordinate circles In all sections of the State. THIRTY-FIVE TYPHOID FEVER CASES FOUND IX C0ATESVILLE State Health Officials Begin Investiga tion of City Wnter Supply COATESVILLR. Pa.. Aug. 7. Stato Health officials from Harrlaburg who came to thl- city Saturday night to investigate an outbreak of typhoid fovcr announced last night that Including suspects the town has 35 cases, scattered all over the city. Several of the patients, according to tho Stato officials, wero Infected by bathing In Kurtz Dam, on llrnndywine Creek, on the banks of which there nro nearly 100 bun galows owned by wealthy residents of this city. State olllclals say Kurtz Dam la polluted. William H Knnls. a State engineer, said some pollution had been found in the pres ent water supply. He also said that nitra tion plants, particularly tho kind that Coatesvllla has, aro not Infallible. It also was ascertained by the officials that tho settling dam adjacent to the pump ing station has not been cleaned out as frequently aa It should have been. Heavy rains have taxed the filtration plant to Its utmost. The reservoir was cleaned out yesterday and thoroughly sterilized and the water will be given an extra dose of chem icals. Sirica the last epidemic In 1913 tha city water haa been treated chemically. Signs were posted today ordering house holders to boll the water before drinking. Officials will Inspect ths Industrial water supplies tomorrow. Horse's Kick Kills Blacksmith Robert Bradford, of 2211 South Garnett street, died last night In tho St. Agnes Hospital as the result of being kicked by a horse last Friday, Ha was 22 years old and was a blacksmith. EVENING MDGEEr-PHILADELPHTA, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 19Xg ARTISANS ORDER MUTUAL PROTECTION Athletic Association of Local As semblies Arranges for Tennis Tournament for Members William Patten Assembly, No. 70, will meet tomorrow evening In the Parkway nulldlng, Broad nnd Cherry streets. Fol lowing a routine business session season able refreshments will be served. Master Artisan Frank A. Chalmers has Issued an urgent appeal for n' large attendance In order that plans for fulura progressive work may be thoroughly discussed. The members claim thnt more music should bo provided for ths coming nutumn sessions, particularly In connection with tho Initiatory Work. The master artisan has announced his Inten tion to appoint an entertnlnnvnt committee, con sisting of In or 2(1 prominent members of tha assembly and suggests that this committee hold meetings once a month about, two weeks before lh assembly meeting tmeslhly In connection ulth tho dining club, and outline tha entertain ment and any other necessary matters to be taken caro of nt the sucoredlng meeting. rteglnnlng September 1 there will be held, under tho management of the Artlsans's Ath letic Association, n tennis tournament, which will be open to all members of the order. Cham pionship singles nnd doubles will be contested Mntrhes win be played on any courts nt the convenience of the oontestnnls, within the dales to ho announced later, but where tourtn aro not available the games may be played at the Hejfleld Cnuntrj Club, tlermnntown The finals will nil I plated upon these grnunda All en tries must he In tin, hnn.la nf tr II. If I.ott. KOI Parkway llulldlng. not Isle than August Bl. when drnwfnas will take place. All matches mupt I plnjed when scheduled or forfeited An eiiort will ipe main to secure st least inree men from rnch assembly to enter the tourna ment Tho first "war risk" rlalm to be presented la that of lirother J. Whlthnll King, of lenac C Undcrdown Assembly. No .15, who died In Arlrnna, un Thursdiy or last week lirother King waa nn officer In the National (lunrd of New Jersey nnd responded to tho call of the Presi dent He uns taken III during his Journey lo th border and died Ithln a few das lie ns admitted to his assembly In April last, when he wns In excel), nt health Ills case seems to emphasize the Importance of life Insurance an nil as the wisdom of the board nf directors In creating the recent war regulations. Nominations for the nrflce of recorder of Progressive Assomblv were n sufficient magnet to dr-w out a l.rgo attendance of the members on TuoMav eM'nlng last The nomlnwya are llrnthors William C. Hammerer. Chnrlca (I. Cinrtlln nnd I'linrles S Hockey, lirother U 1. Hcholl as aho nominated, hut withdrew his numo The lection will take place nt the Sep-trml-r meeting nt which tlmo further nomina tions nviy be mad". Notwithstanding the handicap of hot weather nnd a trolley strike Harrlaburg Assemblv. No. 25. hnd a well-nttended meeting on Friday eve ning Ilueorder lirother Oeorge B. Spongier Is enrnest In his rndi avors to create n llvolj ln toreet In the elfsre of tho assembly among his fellow members. The regular monthly meeting of tho hoard of directors will take place on Wodnesdny eve ning noxl. nt 204 rarkway nuuaina. MARitir.n WATLINfiTON EMEIWOJT. At St. Luke's t:hurch. New London, England, by the Rev. O. II Dlx vlcsr. on July an. lain. ISA1IKL MAltV HARRINOTON, eldest daughter of Hnrrlngton Emron and Mnry Crnwfnrd Su Plec. 'n HF.NHT JOSCPIt WATLINQTON. of Hamilton, Ilarmuda. BentljS Ilirt'AN. On August 5. 1010. JOHN O. DEVAN. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 8 p. m , at thn Oliver H Ilalr nulldlng, IS20 Chestnut street Intermont at Arlington Cemotery. I10YLH. On Auguat B. IBIS, JAMES F. son of late Hugh K nnd Anna Wlllett Doyle. Ueln tlves and friends nre Invited to attend tho fu neral, on Tuesday, at H:8U a. m., from Inte realdiince. 2111 South 18th straot. High mass nt reaulem at Ht Monlca'n Church at 1U a m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. CALDWKI.I.. On August n. 101B, nt Atlantic City. N. J.. MISS SALLU: MARKOC CALD WELL. Services on Monday, at It a. m.. t the Oliver II. Balr Uutldlng. 1820 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Interment private. CATI1CAUT. On August 4. 1P1H. at her homo In Qwyiwdd Valley, Ta., KLIZA CATHCAHT. widow of the Rev. William Cathcart. D. D. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Monday, ot 3.30 p. m.. In tlio olmptl of Ivy Hill Cemetery, aormon town. Interment private at Ivy Hill Cemo tery. CI.l'.Mr.NTS. On August B. 1010. at tho Munici pal Hospital, of diphtheria, MARTHA, daugh tir of Oeorge und Margaret Clements, aged a tears nnd in months No funeral. Ctll.KMAN.. (n August 0 1010. SARAH C . vvidnw of Nicholas Coleman, and dnuchter of the late William und Mnrgaret McAllister. Rislil.-nce. 1014 Jefferson St. IJuo notlco of tho funeral will Iw given. Cl'llltr.N. On August 0. 1010. JAMES F , hus band of Catherine I'urren (neo McAndrew) and eon of the late William and Mary Curren. from Count I nrlow. Ireland Relntlves nnd friends, nlso Holy Name Society of Our Lndy of Merrv Chun h and Division No. 2. of tho A. O II ; II. of K . Highest Knight N. II Association und tho emploea ot the U. O. I. Company 10th nnd Diamond), are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wedneadav, at 7.30 a. m., from his late residence, 1033 Edgeley Solemn RnjuUm Max at our Lady of Mercy Church, at a. m precisely. Interment ut Holy Cross Cumctery. DHSTIliril. I m August 7. 1010, nt Philadel phia, AN.sr; a., widow of n. Franklin Dlet rlcn, of Hurrlsburg Pa., aged 78 esra. In tel ment on Wvdncaday. August U, at Mari etta, Pi. DIMIAKT. On August -4. Win. ANNA, daugh ter ot Anna and tha late Robert Dllsart. aged 12 years Relatives and frlemla nre Invited to attend thn funeral services, Mnndny. at 2 p. m.. at the Oliver It. Ilalr llulldlng. 182U Chestnut si Interment private at areen mount Cemetery. Dl'ltR. On August 0, 1010, suddenly, at hl reablenco, I HI North mil at . THOMAS M . husband nt the late Anna M. Durr, aged 09 yt-nrs. Further notlco of tho funeral win bo given. F1M.KY. On August 0. 1010. ANNA E , daugh ter of the lalu William and K'lsabeth Flnley, aged 77 )euru. Relatives and frlenda are In vited it uttend the funeral services, on Wed nesday, ut 2 p tn.. nt the Episcopal Church of the Itedeiniitl in ."Uh and Market ata. Re mains may be viewed Tuesday. H tu 10 p. m. at her late residence, 40 N. Old et. Inter ment at odd Fellows' Cemetery. FOSTER. Hi August 3. 11110, HENItr FOS TER, aged !2 jears Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m . ut parlors of William II. Strlngrteld. Uuih street and Susiushanna ave nue Interment at West Laurel Hill Ceme- KltANKI.IN. On August 3. 1010. CHARLES L- huibnm! of Alice O. Franklin, aged 47 e,trs. Rfelatlves and friends, also Ilrlcklavers' Protective A&snoUtlnn and Veterans n( For eign Service 47th Reztment. are Invited to attend tho funeral servkea on Monday, at 8 P m . ut tho Oliver H Hair llulldlng. 1820 Chestnut street. Interment at West Chester. Pa., on Tuesday. 1I.VMANX.- on August 4 1010. MINNA. wlfa ft I'.iut Hamann, late of 2103 South 3d atrt-et, aged 07 vars. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral serv ices, un Tuesday, at 2 p. m . at the rt-sldenca of her son-in-law. M It Loechal. 4127 North 18th street Interment at Farnwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Monday, from 7 to u p. nt. lir.lMIEL. On August 0. 1918, at 4102 Haiti more ave . MARTHA, widow of Oeorae M. Helndel. Further notice of the funeral will b given. IimilF.ItT On August 3. 1010 RACHEL A.. widow of Oeorge W. S. Ifubbert (nee Winner), In her biith ea"r Relatives and friends, also Hoard of Manager of the Methodist Episcopal Home are Invited to attend tha funerul aery- ces. on .iiorifiay. at p. m. preciaeiy, at ner ato residence, 123t N. Ilth st. Interment ttrlinte Kt'NIlEKOKR. In . Jarar City. N J.. on August a. mi". iiAtiit., wire or uari Kun. berger aged 70 rars Relatives and frlenda are Invited lo attend tbe funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 P m.. at her late residence, 0222 lluverford ave. Interment private. I-AWI.OIt. On August a. 1810, at Harrlaburg, Pa . MARQARET ANNA, widow of John Law- hnATn.t' lor Itelatlves and friends am Invited to at tend tho funeral services, on Monday, at a 30 p. m., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. II. Iiutterworth at the llotton. Ilarrlaburg. I'a, Interment private, at Mount Holly, N. J , on Tuesday ji,ri)otvr.t.i,. on August n, 1010, map.t MACPOWKliU Interment private. MerAt'M.iXD. On Atiguat 1010 JOSF.PU. son nf the late Pobert and Illlxabeth McCaus land (nee Kyle) nged 39 years Relatives and friends nro Imited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Titesiliy at 2 p.m. precisely, at his late residence, 2409 South street Interment st Ml. Mnrlah fVmetory. Ilemalns may be Mewed Monday. 7 to 0 p. m. MAUSII. On August fl. lfilfl. FnED It. MAKSir son of Ida M. Stevenson and the lata Fred H Marsh, atred 31 years Ilela tlvea and friends also Publlo Ledger Chapel. Phlladelphlo Tjporraphlcal Union, No. 2, Ledger Venrlr Henedclal Society. Pnlladelphla Quartet Society nnd the 37th Ward Republican Club are Imited to attend tho funeral services,' on Wednesdiy. at 2 p. m , nt his uncle's resi dence. Oeorg" 11 Schenk 3r,nl N 8th st In terment private, nt Northwood Cemetery, ltemnlns may b viewed on Tucadar nt 8 p. m. Auto sen Ice. MKKt.KV, On August 3, lPlfl, lSAnnbLA D.. wife of deorge U. Meeley. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funernl serv ices. Tuesday, nt 2 P. m at her late reel dance. BOOO Pine street. Interment nt Mount Mnrlah Cemetery. NKItMNnr.H. On August 0. 1010. at 2133 Spring Harden st . URIlTItA F. widow of Albert A. Nerllnger. Relatives and friends, nlso the t.adles' Aid Society of the Zlon Oerman l:vnngellcal Lutheran church, nre Invited to nttend tho funeral BerUcrs, on Wmlnesdav. nt 2 P tn , nt the Oliver II. Itnlr llulldlng IS20 Chestnut st. Interment nt Oer man Lutheran Cemetery. NKtVS, - On August 4 Into. sIAItT. widow of Abraham News RelntUea nnd friends are Invited to attend tno tunerni service, on Mnndnv nt II n m . at tho residence of her daughter Mrs IMIth nians. 22(1 Wnst Kitten house st.. Oermanlown. Interment private. Automobile funertl. NOIllll. On August -I. lntd. TJMMA widow of Frank M North Relatives nnd friends nro invited to nttend the funeral, on Monday, nt 3 p m . from the residence nf Howard I,. Merrick. Callings rond. Collluitwood, N. J. Interment prUnto nt Jlarlelgh Cemetery. I'A UlJl'.lt. On August I. ltitn. FHANCKS 12., wile nr .Morgin n i-Arser nnn iminimnr ih MnrMmer II. and the Lite nun flondwln. nged Id ve.trs. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend the fum-rnl serlees. oti Tuesdiv. at 3 p m . at her late residence, 5151 Tine street. Interment private Atltomobllo funeral. PATTI1N'. On August .1, lnlfl, at Ocean City, N J.. IJMjA, wIIow of Alexander Potion, nged 78 enrs Relatives nnd friends nre In ited tn nttend Hie funernl servhts nn Mon day, at 2 p m . at the rcnlilence nf her son, .tames J I'ntlnn. -IRI0 Florence nve.. West Philadelphia. Interment prluito itr.iin:it. on August a. into, joshph J. ItlJiniCR. son of Andrew nnd Sophie Relher (nee Diet?.), aged 21 venrs nnd 11 months UelntlvcH nnd friends nlso members or Frleilens Church. Tenth street and Snyder nvenue. nre Irnlted to attend the funernl serv ices, i.o MnniHv at 1 p. m . nt Ids parents' residence. 1)01 Jncltson st. Interment private nt (Ireenmounl Cemetery. Automobile funeral. HOIIINHON. On August fl. llilrt ANNA l!.. dnu'thtnr of Mnry and the Inle I'hirlea Robin son llelnthrs and friends nre Invited to nt end tho funernl. on Wednesday, at H n m.. rom hr late residence. 73't Union st. High insaa at fli Agatha's Church nt U n. m. In terment at St. DeiiNIa Cemotery. Automobile funernl. H1IIKON. On August 4. 1010, WIM.IAM A. SIHSON. nged 72 years. Relatives and friends, nlso police of Fourteenth District, STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron Steamer THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH 100-MILE RIDE for 50c STOI'l'INO AT CHESTER DAILY PENNhOROVi: WEEKDAYS ONLY Only boot lo Augtiallno llenrli. Landing In front of drove. 1 hours on tho Uracil. Safe suit vvnler b.itlilnr 3110 snnllnry bathrooms. DANCINd ALL DAY -on bunt 3. grounds. Plenty tables, benches am J shade. Artesian water. Fare ft."."1 50c Children B,u 25c Leaves Arch St. Wharf f.:30 A. M. Dally. Sunday 11:00 A. M. JAMES E. OTIS. Mcr.. 3 ARCH STREET STEAMSHIPS AiV.ER.CAN EXPRESS TICKI7TS AND TOURS An Inlernatlonnl Trnvrl Agency Tn IflRnCJ Parties Sailing under 10 JNrirvlifl Personal Ilscort Sept. 23 ami Oct. n. See JAPAN III tho Olorlous Chrysanthemum season, extension lo .Munn.i .inn wnina. ciid for llluitrtittil llQoklct 1127 CIILSTNI'T ST., PHILADELPHIA Phone. Willmit IS-ll) SUMMER RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. .1. has rjet u Tev) btarirJara of servico.comfortjibentilu iauccst nHEPMor iuso?r hotel in Tijiwp.ii -niii ik-uivrmiv buruuvorv rlur. DSWHITt.ffll jVvMOITe!lfT THE LEADING RESORT HOTELOF THE WORLD HilatllJoroilitaMfli ATLANTIC CITY.N.OT. OWNCRSHIP MANACCMCNT. JQ3IAH WHITE g. 3QNQ COMPANY hTONi: llARUOK. N. 3. STONE HARBOR lioth rnllrondB. Farnt products and sea food fresh und nlenttful. City conveniences. Yacht club, boardwalk bathing, rlne tlshlng, crabbing and iKiatlug. Reasonable rentals, moderate hotel ratoi. litautlful booklet. I.KO SUCRAVKN. ilorouh Clerk. W1LDWOOD. N. J. T-T'P'T.nflN lintlro bloclc Oceu- view Rooms vlth bath and en suite. kjievator. Iloeklt. 1). J. WOODS. Proorlnor EDGETON INN Cap -30: ,"ar nttCl1- JjJJUIiiXWlN Xll Wht service Orchea. tra Excellent table llonklet. Coach. J. ALIli:ilT HARRIS. Prop. CAPK MAY. N. J. Chalfonte Hotel CAPE MAT. Ooen June 1 to CletL l. Reasonablo r'ates. Mr Calvln Satterrield. Sliorannrl Ocean view . rooms Cat). ISO. UewwU j,u , JJ0 Wkty( J. C. Springer. SWAKTIIMOKK. PA. Strath Havrn Inn "u blt ot ol attain Xiavt.il milEnilund" llo Uihl Now open. Phona Bwarthmora yT J. CANADA Lake Memiihjoniatos. quebec. LAKE 1SIEMPHREMAG0G A lovely lakeSO miles long, aet In tha hills of Vermont and Quebec, between Newport. Vt., and Magog. Canada. A new resort -no hotel facilities splendid bualncss opening. Attractive sites for hotels and cottages. This Is a real opportunity. If you ara In terested write to E. aOFP PENNY, Oeorso Mile, Qua.. Canada, for full nartlculara. JlflJLa. ll'itja'JcSJ nr.ATiijL Walker Lodre. No. sort. I. O. O, ." nberl Morris council. No. 40. I. HvL.on Tues vlted to nttend tho joneral services, on Tuei. day at 2 p m.. at his late residence, '; Mus.rove street Mount Alrr. Interment M Iw Inn Cemetery. Remains may be viewca Monday evening. .rinir BWnENKV. - On . August . tlM. MAHin. oaugnter or waniei i,. "n"V",.,.i ,Ve in im. fAjeiiv Tiaistlves and friends are in- naugnier 01 iiiir. ,. """v r,ki (nee McNallyi. Relatives and frleno tnee .ioai yi . iibwh'" - . ri.Y,Veav nt vlted to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at S 30 a. m.. from his parents- reiiaence, . . W. Master st, Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Michael's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. , TAOOKttT. On August Vt. iPiPi.lF'rSSl TAOOKRT husband of Sarah Taggert.Reia Tnn-r DO virivpu "" 1is!'" V-7. TVSON. On Eighth Mnnth-8?1',1j),?l.n',,ArfAnT of Prussia, Montgomery 90ttl',,ii,.?oi!ln HITE TTSON, widow of Samuel Tyson, in her 02dy?ar.' Relatives and ';"",,:",'?: Mted tn attend the funeral, from her late residence. Hillside near King of Prussia, on Reennd.dav. 7th Inst., at 80 p. m. Interment strlcllv private.. Carriages will meet rniiaaei. nhla and western tronej ,-. ; ;',"',',, it. at 1:10 p, m. and Norrlstown at 1:30 00th st P m WELLS On August fl, 10W, 8AIiA1!'fcwJf2 Toaeph P Wells. In the th fear of her age. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the tuners services., on "71"". 'iio a aH.'t si precisely, nt her late residence. 433 S. 43d st Interment prlvite Auto service. Wlt.roill) On August . WI0. suddenly, ED WARD Iltmitn WILFORI). in his 43th year Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on, Monday, at 2 p. m prcclselylnt his late residence, highland nve.. Merlon, ra. Interment private. Please omit flowers. WILXKT.-On August fl. 1018. ajXArnn ,,, Of John VV linei nnu uauauu-i !.......... "... Almlra Jarvln, aged 24 jears. Relatives nnd friends are InTlted lo attend the funeral, on Thursday nt 2 30 P m.. from her parents' rVsldence IB43 8 Mole st. (10th nnd Me Kean sts ). Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday evening. Auto service. WOOD. On August H 1010. ItONORA. vMw of Thomas Wood. Jr.. In her 00th year. Rela tives and friends nre respectively mvllt.i to nttend the funeral, on Tuesday, s 1)8 -30 a, ni i . from the residence of her son-in-law, Ed A. Carroll, BBIO Oreene st. Oermnn'riwn Kolp-o requiem mass nt fit. Vincent's Church, at 10 a m Interment at ltol Sepuicnre Cemetery. YKVOr.U. On August 4. Will. Dr. WILLIAM II husband of Janet I. Vcager, nged 43 venrs Relatives and friends nt the family nro Invited tn attend the funernl services, on Tuesday, nt 2 P. m precisely, nt his Inte residence. 3300 N. loth st. Interment private. Auto funeral yorXflS, On August fl, 1010. JOHN C., hus band of tho late Sarah Toungs. aged 77 jenra. Relntlves and friends aro Invited to nttend the funcril services on Tuesday, nt 4 p. m. nt tho residence of his son. James II. Toungs, 4117 Market at Interment at l'enn Yan, N. Y. CLASSIFIED RATES EVENING LEDGER AOATn LTNtl RATH Kltrt 1JACH INSHRTION THIS STYf.i: TYPn (or like this) Ono or two times 1.1s Three times one week 12la' HIT times one week 10c Situations Wanted three times one week. 10c Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found nds aro inserted in tho Daily Public Ledger without addi tional chartfe. Want ads under all uther classifications may tin repeated In the Puni.10 Leikiek at combined rnln ' One or two times Three tlnvs one week,. Six times ono week.... '.'So ICo l'-. TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) is permitted In all clnBstflcntloni, except Help and Situations Wanted Lost and Found, Per sonals. Hoarding and Rooms. When so sped lied, ndd T1VI3 CHNTH PKR AOATU LINE TC ANT Of THL3 AUOVE RATHS. There is a drug: store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads ai offlcc rates. LOST AND FOUND I1RINDI.11 nt'LI-Lost or strned. largo brlndle bull, short tall; answers to namo of "Tex." Liberal reward nt 11721) N. 13th. DIAJIONlf" CRRHCIlNf Lost. Thursday. August 3. mill, at Atlantic City, diamond crescent, mounted In platinum, with gold on back, good rewnrd. Return to owner. R. J. Zajjnjj. Inc.. 10IKI Callowhlll St.. Philadelphia. roCKKTliooiC Lost. Saturday afternoon, pock ctbook. containing money nnd checks, going from CSermnntnwn to Allnnttc City, between 2:3n and ." p. m. Rewnrd. Lieut. Com. II. E. Cook, (ierm.intnwn Cricket Club. W1UH WHKI3L Lost, vvlro wheel, with tire at tached, from Mercer car. between lflth and Walnut nnd (llrnrd College. Reward. Hanaell. M2S Wnlnut UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WHSTERN UNION TELnORAPlI CO.. 1301 Chestnut st William Schuette & Co., Crlspen Rubber nnd Tire Co , Lieut. Robert F. Hag. gert Violet ll. Dalley, Norman Dunning, D. R Vernon. A. flnyaam. Miss Mnry Caldwell. Ch.iK. W. Ixivett. Miss Florence Williams. 13. J. Kruger. O. P. Oelune. Nnt. G.ia and 1'lxture Co., Augusta Roblnaon, Mra Martha Neennn. Mrs. J. II. Wendt, C. A. Itoblnsnn, Alexander Lukslfskn. Albert (laston, M. D., the Merrlt Hydraulics Co . Miss MnrParlane. William E. Hall. Mr. Wm K. Donaldson. J. Clmulk. Marl Stadleu. Mies Eva I-fevre. P Panorelln Prnnk J. Dietrich. P. II. Lovell 4- Co , Pittsburgh Roller Co , Jtr. Sullivan, Richard Victor. James Pappass. K L. Waldo. M M. Prall. Miss Loulso II. Elder, Miss Coglej, Luther II. Leber HELP WANTED-FEMALE IIILL11R wanted on Unde'rwood machine: state experience and salnrv expected- none but com- petcnt operntora need npply. P 717, Led. Off. HOOIvKKEPER and stenographer wanted In office of ladles' dress fnctorv; permanent po sition rorlsleln A Co.,D25 Filbert. CANDY Female packera and wrappers nn salt water taffy and caramels Apply Shellen- liorger's. Front and Race. CASHIERS wanted, bring reference. M. S11 vermnn & Son. N. W. Hth nnd South ste, CHAMHERMAID wanted who vvlff assist with laundry work on a farm southern I'onna. i permanent position. M J01. Ledger Of flee. CHILDNURSnT white, to so to Florida "from Philadelphia with family about middle Sep tember: must havo best references; apply by letter stating age. previous experience, whether married or single and vvacn; perma nent position for right person. Addreas Mr. WlUlam JuUnLeiSJamilenj.Me. COOK "AND ClIAMfinitMAID Two" women wanted on a farm In southern Pennsylvania; laundry, good wagea; permanent positions, M 710. Ledjer Office. COOK Family rook wanted on a farm In south. ern Penna where other help la emploved; li-riuwnein pneiiiun. ,u iiy. I.euger Utnce. GIRL, white, for general housework, muat havo references. Call 1MH South Rlttenhousa snua re; . UIRL. colored, wanted for general housework: sleep In, wages fl. 8203 Race. Call Mon- da . OIHLS Two white Protestant girls, one for cooking and downstairs work, other for un- lal,a uvnpl, a ert BMalMt u.1,1, u, k,U.. ...a...- ..v.... -.. ... ....( ...v. t.fllllei. must have best reference aa to character and ability. Phone Cheatnut Hill 1B03 W. fllHLK over 10 eara wanted for Itvhf wn.V' no experience neceaaary; is week paid vvblT learning. Apply jib orin J.q street. UIRLS, sxd. on mil. ornaments anrf dreea Wood. trlmg. Henael-Colladay Co., 12th and Wood. OI1U.S n pack cakes and work In Icing room. AKiaf .vwa... - .. . . .. ... Mu , , Bu, HOUSEWORK Wanted, experienced girl for Seneral housework; 2 In family. Apply Mon ay. 61 2 1 Wayne avenue. O-rmantown. HOUSEWORK Capable wornan for honaetvork; do obj't'a to young daugh, Ph. Cynvvyc; 718 W. LADY, young, wanted to make bills on Oliver typewriter: large grocery business, stato sal ary desired and age; opportunity for advance- mnt.AddressP.jS. Box J2Sd. MENDERS, experienced on lace curtains; steady employment. Apply John liromley A Sons, Le high avenue below Front. HELP WANTEfALE CorH.nnrrf r PeeceaCO CehiHlB. men'a OPERATJH.i '.y.'f.'uVchi & Pro.. mSSSf- BuAidSg.Mrmh Arch. PrEnATOns, JI'TOrhr'ft lira ntcalrn moreUnd and C streets. PrssERS wanted on ladles' waists. I. "rod & Co.. son Chestnut. x"nn,7"i7rv IS. W. COr. nu i iitw 'U-.. --T- -r- thlMren'n Vi Will'' rf"Xns!" NJ,WC ?or" th and Smith sis fixers wanteii. 813 Siions Cxperlaneed tip 8TENTRA7'TDrR rnuu "hi" thof. berprtlce. eputhvvejt a't'i"" business; STENOORAPIIF.R with hJowl'"f j.?lg$t TrfffifciWm. S..iWViR. dn,M,ooreM.d n .i in. p" n i-ii-- - rels. IW Leaser jejL". -.;.-.---- ,ri, ... n.l northwest corner lllll mi' .'"-- rruo, APP, SrV' '".choo.: hn Market -1.. rUlir y e8vfn.n"g,mbetflwic'lnft730manIT8:o'd,,oy'c1ock. T1,EnANT,ig5AfT!vnERSfTgc,nacy1: f)nn,H"c,ook.NA.Ir,.0:1(2r;, PERRY III.DO. HELP WATTTED 1-ALE . MtsanVtlnr! ntntn IlILLEIt wanted H "TmTO: nSnehut enm- r.r;nronpenn,notrs"n1e,edyapXp,iy?lP hi. Le.l8.r OB. ITn-Tt r WASHERS, t. wanted, steady cmploj-ROTTLn- AHiir.un. vvorkerH. Ap ply In person or 'by letter. II. K. mu.io, Olenolden, Pa Klielp & Vnndegrlft. Inc.. 814 HOYS wanted. N. Lawrence. SfyVV2" ""5"! Mulfnra uo..'uin"j.ii'ij - , . FIREMEN AND 510 S. 11T1I ST. HELPERS furnace, hammer nnd press; 'endy work; good wages. Philadelphia Steel I-orgo Company. Tncnny, Pn. TvvriTMENT SALESMAN vvknted. one or es- 'Ynbhshl deputation; one whe .tai. wM nvet; ments nnd bonds of quality; nn nltraciivo "ropoaltlon Is orfercd by a company now or ganlzed to operate a big paying entcnirlao. hacked by capitalists of highest standtnn: nn Swer must contkhi full Information ns to character and experience; confidential. M 707, Ledger Oftlrc. - JEWELRY POLISHERS wanted; 'ef.1V.iTrKi rcf. required. Fllmer Co., 8th and Hansom. jrAIlORERS." handy men nnd rough carpenters wante. for work. Philadelphia motor spie. -way Hntboro. Pa.; HI miles from City Hall. John J. Keenan. contractor. . LARORERS vvnnted: 10 English-speaking men for light work In chemical plant. .Apply W. L. Cummlngs Chemlc.il Company. Union ave. nnd railroad. Lansdowne . LARORER3 wanted." Shefp A Vandegrlft, Inc.. 814 N Lawrence st. iTAnORERS wnntcd. Apply Cattle Rrothcrs. 170S N. Howard st. LKVERMEN. 2, and tongsmen. 2. wnnted to work on 8-ton hammer; permanent position, good wages; no trouble; Pittsburgh district. M (121. Ledger Office. MACHINERY REPAIR MEN. first class, wynti-d for day work, steady employment. Apply SplcerMfg. Cn.,South Plalnd-ld, N. J. MACHINISTS Several tool makers, gauge mak ers and general machinists. Apply Industrial MnnufacturlngCo., 117Federnl st , Camden. MAN ns offlco mnnager, (is head, bookkeeper, etc . In an old established lumber yard In Phlla. ; slate nge, salary exported, ref . must know lumber-busing trndo In Phlla.; permanent Job for right man. Ad. E. D.. P. O. llox .1443. MAN. good, wanted to drive truck team; must lie acquainted with city nnd freight stations. Appl 3H43 Qermnntown nv. MEN. 10. wanted, to learn sausage and pork pucklng business; 22c per hour. Apply 3043 Uermantown ave. MEN wanted. 12.80 per day; 11 houra' pay. in hours' work. Apply Outside Deportment. 2513 Aromlngo ove. . ME?f wanted, laborers nnd locomotlvo cleaners. p.RJIt. Co. Call 1711 Filbert street. PACKER forlnco curtains. AppFy John llrom ley & Sons. Lehigh nvenue. below Front. POUNCERS on soft hats wanted; steady work and good pay. KNOX HAT COMPANY mil Orand nve , llroohlyji, N. Y. RIVET HEATERS wanted; must be. experienced In riveting riveters for bull riveter. Apply Crane Department. Nllea-Rement-Pnnd Co.. Mifflin anLMcadowsta SALESMAN for Philadelphia territory to solicit new form ot automobile Insurance, exceptional J)PjKirtun.ty M 341. Lodger Central. SALESMAN Stock and bond salesman: com mission, basis; leads furn. P 721. Ledger Off. SALESMAN wanted to carry, chair lino on rnmmlsslon. A 232. Ledger Office. SALESMEN The largest electrical manufactory In the world of Ita kind has a good opportunity for 3 bright, actlv'e, clean-cut aaleamen, If you are not experienced, we will teach ou, salary and promotion If qualified. See Mr. John son. 730 Market atreet. 3d floor SAWYERS wanted. Shelg H14 North Lawrence st. & Vandegrlft, Inc., HHOES Experienced tip nxera wanted. Scv entn noor. om uih.i.iii "l- WINDOW CLEANERS 33 experienced men. Ap ply, ready for work. Good wai;es, steady work. 62 S. 3d at, WORSTED MULE SPINNERS AND PIECERS FRENCH SYSTEM. NO NIOHT WORK THE DUNHAM MILLS. INC. POQUONOCK. CONN. NEAIl IWRTFORD. CONN. YARDMEN. 4. white or colored, to handle grain-fed hogs; good wages for men who want 11. K. Mulford Co.. Oleno den. Pa. YARD LABORERS wanted, white or colored. $2; 10 hours' pay for 0 hours' work; 7 a. ra. to n p. m. w.i..r j.a.; jvramingo. YOUNU MAN In billing department of wholesale drug house; muat be quick, accurate and good penman: I or 2 years' high school or commer cial training; chance for advancement. Ad dress, stating age. experience and salary ex pected. P 710, Ledger Office. telllgentjoung wornen b'iS'n,B learning, years old; salary 0 a eeK "nji, jition lth rapM . advaneemsnt . a ata..v rj lfScd!onneVerph co ; las s. 2'i noorn.ips r'lisa TiVFufRSl ferTeneed on silk waists. I. Urod ft Co., Hrt!) tTfieetnutjst. . -rf ;fr M'rucular? ffT-Jl Wayne nve., Qermnntown. , 0rf,rg (lenrrnl & Continued from rrrecdlito- Colnma YOUNU aiA. nam in.iw "K.wtl Statlf age. reference and salary, p 82t, LSJ;! flenerat .CCOUNTANTS - peverei cost accnuntanls- 1 bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks, fortm.i" 3 salesman, sales manaeer, ele rosltlpna now ooen. This Is your opportunity.. hisiJS! 1 Service Company, laoi Land Title Ruyiint J3ITU ATIONS WANTED FEBIALE COMPANION'-SEAMSTrtESS Itetineti r2 woman, to elderly. lady: refs. 422 U.Alletheni? COOK, chambermaid, Waitress; 2 sisters, whit. 3 good referenceH 732. Ledger Offlcs. "" ll COOKINO nnd ilnvvnatalrn work: send retereae.. no laundry work, country or seashore. Can' 11 m j. Jtoom 20 003 Chestnut t. "' COOK1NO and downstairs! settled rrotejUnTi country., Call ll a. m. lloom LiMihotnut! DRKSS.MAKI.lt would like fe-y more ensam. menle. Phone locust tool W, '"gag. handwork done at home by a reliable woman, good reference, II 731, Ledger Offlee. worallnt TIJl.r.niONn OPERATOR and clerkT'2 yer7 exn best refs. q 437, Ledger Central" TOUNO OIRL would like poaltlon'as chlldnurss" Call r.028 Christian st. "anursa. SITUATIONSWANTED MALE ASSISTANT ASSISTANT In rhemlcal laboratory! a recent 'a graduate C II. 8. desires position) hare 1 knowledge of qualitative analysis j. .7 i Uileer llranch. noth and Market. "" "! AUTO repairman, (I months' experience, desires . position In nutr-mnhlle repair ehop to lesrn tnechanlcs C1MIU LedgorCcntral. " v nt'TI.ER nnd. valet, fTrat. cliss, wishes posllloiT i tP0W'hrtstlnn at. CaJ Dlcklnson3277 S CHAUFriilll,"rxp , wants pos j best rsf,Tin 3 vale fam : 8 yrr. ' exp. ; married; do own Vs. ' pairing. 32B. ledger llranch, 2300 W. J)ifarJl' i CHAl'fPEUH Jearsrexperlenp. good'-met chanle, Al reference, wishes position P. Mat. 3 tlann. IBS North 13th street "" Jj CORPORATION TREASURER AND PIlRniA I rNO AQKNT. 3t. COMPETENT. KXPCnk i ENCEI). NEEDS POSITION; MODERATS 1 SALARY; REST REFERENCES. v oil. LI-;iHlrJK L1..M11AI,. CREDIT nnd office mnnnger. of proven eiee.. tlvn nhlllty, at present employed; flrst-cliis accountant and nyetomntlcer; references: ars 3a years, O 74H, Lill,rrContral. ' " ELECTRICAI-Toung man, ago" 2fl7 gradutts clet.trlcal school. w1sh position with error tunlty for advanpemont. M 703, Ledper Otnca. ENOINEERINa gradunto 1 year's buslnes's md" ilneleea ,eltlnn nt nlvht A n.tO 1 ju rt-l MACHINE shop supt. or gen'l foremnn. IB yrs ' exp , doelres poa In city O 334. Led. Cent. MAN cnlorod. wishes position as houseman and butler, good rrfornnco. Call or write. 643 j Woodbine tvvenuo, Ovorbrook, PRINTER, oxperlenced. desires position to man, ng" plant of 8 or 4 Job prosscs best refer ence furnlahoil. A 331, Lodger Office. SALESMAN thorough business nun. deslrei opportunity to provo hie worth; commission. A 322, Lodger Offlco. TICNOIt SOIxilST desires good position begin. nlng September: experience; state terms. P 7ns.. lvlg.ir Offlco. YOUNO IIUSINESS MAN of exceptional ability wlnhen to become assa elated with a small or moderate-sized manu facturing or wholesale house. Thoroughly com petent to hnndle executive problems Intelli gently ITndoretnnda modern ryatems of mana' ngement thoroughly. Opportunity for growlns with tho business dcBtrcd. with possibility of moilornto lnvvstment Inter on. O 453, Ledrtr Central. YDuNit man. nmnuious nnn progressive, nt .It. desires nnslttnn: 1A ve.irn' actual biiilni experience In manufacturing. 3 yearn aa man ager; anmviicai coats, neip nanuica sntisrao torlly. II 4. Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN. 20, expert stenographer, 3 years' . exporlenro, deslrea office position; salary el- pecteii iu, Antiress a a, L.eogcr unice. nllATiirATE PHARMACIST. nt Dharmnee school; r scars' retail drug experience: ex pects lo take third ear at Philadelphia Col- lego or ."nnrmocy. wouia iiko to connect wtta nome flrst-class Phlla. drug business, wltn college prlv : can come to Phlla. at once or wnen coiifKe opens, ji 1 10. iuver umce. AUTOMOBILES For Bnle CHASSIS Wo have a few chean cars of which tha chassis vyould bo very sultsble for truck of'' delivery work of any kind; don't fall to coral : In und look them over If sou want somethlru) nt a nargain price ior noiivery purposes. LOCOMOHILE 2311 Market stroet. Locust 430. It. A. JENKil. Manngcr Exohniigo Car Dent. CADILIAC. 1014, touring car, overhauled an4 repainted: full equipment; prlco 1830. AUTO SAl.iiM .-OitiiiiiATiuri. n. n. iiroan atreet. COLE 8 rmonstrat!nn. L. S. ROWERS CO.. 215 N. nroad at. COLE Distributers. ' HUDSON'S rebut t and Guaranteed; phaetons, roadsters and cabriolets, elec. lights and start ers. QOMERY-SCHWARTZ 23S N.nroad at. MAXWELL touting. 1011, special, roomy enry good looking, good condition: bargain; 1159 cash: can bo seen Irv appointment. Hell Phone Diamond J873W. PAIOE, lfilfl, roudster. In excellent condition, with extras, tires, good will; sacrifice. L 039, I .cd k er Centrnl. 11112 SIMPLEX. f.O-h. p. Touring Cnr; bargain 1800.00 moil PACKARD. 30-h. p. Limousine nnd Touring Rodles 70Q.W THE WHITE COMPANY 210 North Rrnnd street. 101 fl PAIOE, H3S Fleetwood touring car; rua 2100 miles, 1 extra new Pennsylvania vacuum cup tire, Li'on bumper. Tlnney-Wnlker clock, wind shield, mirror. (000; death In family. V 707, Ledger Office, CHEVROLET PARTS SCHOBER SEND FOR FREE IUILLETIN OP USED CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANCIB. 238 N. RROAPt Autocar Truck Parts BCHOHER. 3341-43 SIARKET Wanted USED AUTOS Wanted Good, dependable used roadster, with starter and electric lights; state make, age. condition, dlstanco run and price, M 701, Ledger Oflko . 3 AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 24ill N. nROAD ST. automoiiii.es of quality to hirb Diamond HIII8. Never cloac-d Park 73. STAR TAXICAH CO. PHONE DIAMOND 74. TAXI TOURINO LIMOUSINB HALF It EU CLAP. RATES. Never Cloa-d. FormerlyJltney Rate Co. POPISH 11117 To hire (open 'day and nlihtt I'ark 1182. brand-new jV-pass. tourln.T car. ;' hr . also brand-new 7-pass. Ilmouvlna. ... ur. . weuuinns lunerais. IflU v.irara. UUY MOISTER Portable Uarages Stetl or stucco On display 3931 N. Bth. Tioga 208. I AUTO REPAIRING t SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES 7 See HILLY, at his now location. u.u r.uu 111 llltUAl) BTIIKIiT. CYLINDERS RKIIOHED. new pistons and rings furnished, welding and bratlng. H. B. Ua derwood A Co,. 1023 Hamilton street. Pblla. AUTO SUPPLIES TIMKEN-UEARINOS HYATT New Departure Service Sta. The riwltliam Co.. 13t Arch at. Ph. Walnut 3l37.Jtace30a2. . M ru,i. ,t0. build or repair any car. .. .. im Auio t-arta Co., 823 N. 13th, Parle IfVbVJI AUTO TIRES I'ULLilAN TIRES Ouaranteed 330U milea. Compare price. QRIM'S. 230 N, Broad atreet. By C. A. VOIGHT "7Tir HELP WANTED MALE i 'J (fi VA-TEI2 VVTV4 I H GCMNO I N f v '(7 A' .fS I TREFERS FlSHigO ). SWE S GOIHC 5H90T-) jrJfifc . QM T3i:HlN0 ThW J I OS MABEL ) Ac9OAPLAMlVi(r 1 J J J ') V FT i7 THIS ylSn.T7r,THOSeCr JWfflK V NlQTor? BoAT J XS, ""' a . - - - -- "-1 - " r '' "" ' ' ' ' ' ii r -- ' i . -""-' I 1 hU mn-UMJip .1 . , . " -llfT- ' -"- mmmm i - - ,, f . . -c-ui-n-iw i. j