Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 05, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
gStWSSgy!'BlnU!iml nwM'nmmKWl'"1- ""ssiUHpiMwptTi ( (0y WYNNE IS INTERESTED fflUlght in Newport and Will Make Formal Debut Here in iNovemioer utner Matters .it.t,Y m the little debs of ench fSffenerally wo subjects for dim r In the Newport debut of Luclie E?mi daushter of WWio carter una fester of Mrs. WiHtam C. Car- th!a city. IaicIIo l spending; the j.t Newport with her mother, JLirire Brooke, nt her villa., but Sar will glvo the tttco toniRlu in Fir . l. ..itin mm trefoil, nn It la SfTher are to bo about 300 gueBtn, ij debutantes from New York Twk city M weu.. .. .. ---. ..". C-SMewPortor, The mrge iwiroom L'u uiea ior ui"'-M.Bf ....... ........... PL . I- - IhhI nn inn Inwn. tlin ikHtrVW 1" "" """ " JiHTlnJ been reoted MPecla,'y for WMWn'.. . ,,,1. rilv wm tnko L. 'Tuesday. November 14, at a 5."' rive by her father at tho Rltz V, A number of functions will also Sa (or nor by her mother, Mrs, &,, Besides this, her grandmother. ?Caftr, and Ior aunts, Mrs. Joo Ud Mn, Plckerman, of Now York, ?Lri to entertain for her, so you Beo IJL jTfry prospect of an cxccedlnsly Khj ll quite a horsewoman and may igWbe ecn at the bIiowb heio, for she 2 a ret lntoreat In sports. She Is 2jjl pa her cousin, Cprnella Lcldy, TSke Cornelia, who takes after tho lit Wo of tho family and la rathor !7wfi" ' dark and very mUch Ilk8 f fclhtr. B ,1U ' in"-" niniuiij. "rimces In her younn mo, jiorimpa the most thrilling any one could fl Wd Uve through; in that eho was HWfW n hoard tno Titanic, ana Jitf brother and parenta waa saved in awful death on that novor-to-bo- ilm trip. The Regglo Vanderbllta MU'lIn her a 'dinner boforo tho danco llj,. Mrs. William DUston will on urttlA before tho danco for Paulino. il)i Ned Tages reached homo last fjfo I understand, in timo for tho fu m of their llttlo son, doorgo Tucker Xwhtra Pwo, which took place Monday. W yere In Banff, Can., when tho sum liBicanw, and rushed homo by trnln as iftupoHlWe. Both little girls ware at &J In the somo way. I understand ifU due to something which all thrco Mkton hd eaten which affected their tfcU. Tho Httlo girls who hod not lien .very much of tho food aro well th road to recovery, but tho llttlo boy )$id not be saved. Mr. and Mrs. Tago id been gons a month on a motor trip lnjugh California and Canada. It was rttJtily a sad home-coming and tho wpajhy ot their frlondg Is universal. I lderetand that tho some sort of poison i ftttwked one of tho Emory Mc Ichael's children some two years ago, it the. little one recoverod. NANCY WYNNE. i Personals Mn' ttd Mn. Thomas Newhall and their mltr, of the Old Place, Ithan, left yeateri ftjfor Winter Harbor, Me, whero they W Uken a cottage for the summer. Hf.'H. H. Rosenjarten and his daughter, n-'btls Neilson, and her daughter, Mtss arh C Kelleon, left yesterday for North xt'Htrbor, Mo., where MUs Nellson will (SI Kr, and Mrs. George Wharton Pepper intuit Lodge. Mr. Itosongarten and VN!lson wilt Join Mrs, Itosengarten at Ed, Me. K. Kra Oeorre W. Carr. of 900 Pine street, J iart returned from Hoxsle, R. I., i hero vwi the guest of her brother, Mr. Jo sh 0. rotter. K HIM Dorothy Meeke, of Cynwyd, will 1 a ftrden party today at her home In WTjCf Miss Dorothy Allen, of Blrmlng m, Ala., who Is the guest of Mlsa Myra UtiHM, of 300 nochelle aenuo, Wlssa on. .Miss Wartman will entertain at wwon. followed by bridge, ln honor of Iklr'8' 'n TuMday atternoon. f. end Mrs. Henry W. Strover, of 3D t walnut Jane, Oermantown, announce 'MWrtment of their daughter, Miss El aoda Strover, to Mr. William B, Al- 3i 'Along the Main Line jCRION.-Mrs. Wadsworth Baylon, of . after a month's visit In Maryland JiWlnla and a two weeks' stay with ku.ni" Un- Darton " Wftck, of South an avenue, returned to her home yes- wv- nSPZrYr- and Mra- Benjamin H. a irm il?. Lln'lr road, have gone to Hl Falls for the remainder of the I Germantown ?d.?,rt.Mrh.J' ailoert Lowener and Mjhtr, Miss Ethel Merlan Lowener, oe etreet, left the city this week for w ire, Pa., where they will spen4 a 3hj . trrIZn D.unn' Jr- has returned to Pel. IwliV.1.9' vUlt,nK h' eUtr. Mrs. JJWW. Butterwortn. at her cottage In "?5 Club' of Tl0. wo-8 "ter r the week-end In Ocean City at wS?Jin w8 a Kues of the club. llitnt,wr8 Mr- Barclay Fox, Mr, & r- John OtnmtU. Mr. John . Mr. Sam,ul Orth and Mr, Herbert il f'and Mies Mary Bhertel tliii w ?',ima w,,h Ml8S Shertel'a M H w' shrtel. in Atlantic City. I Lansdowne Mrs Edward B. ?nrh n.. j U? ? Tr Edward B. Leiyts and llifv?orth Greenwood avenue, left ,iv v uikuwwo avenue, je S.v Lv?X'r tQP Dennlsvllle. N, J., jMy will remain until September. JS? Bell and her children. Miss Ha.'22Se!5.1,r tnm a three weeks' g-wcean city, if, j, Porth Philadelphia wfc. Jv WsiUace. Mr Oeorge B. WaU flS. ab," Wallace and Mis Edith t, T.t'. !Llm Wes Susquehanna ave i i!?;in th iwmir at tbelr cot l!rfa. 3,.V,rFlnI RV""W. Atlantic Ew rnrY u f?turn October I. They SCo,M?Calhrln Colean. Miss S3... " Myi Of Philadelphia, as Ig' over this week-end. 3p5'.rgarJ Magulre. of 183 JIaro. SSm VA Un- w W Brown, of & 4 ,?et havo taken a bungalow Point, K J, tqr ths month of j i 2fiSB Pawaun. of 2S43 Korth ii,re;' Will Sl A $ iHMw, IN JJJWBUT OF FHILADELPHIAN Iter of Mr. William E. Carter Will Be Given a Dance tHuf of.Mlss A'lce Brynes, of 2S19 North Mghteenth street. Miss Irene Eldrldge, of a241 North Syd enham street Is 8pcnrt,nK her vactlon with friends nt Wlldwood, N. J, Miss Florence Gregg, of 1934 Hamilton street, Is at Newport, R I., to remain for two weeks. Roxborough . MrJ Charles C. Bennett and her daugh ter, Miss Harriet M, Bennett, of rtoxbor ough, have tnken an apartment at Atlantic City for this month and next. Mr. Charles u, Dennett will spend the week-ends nt the shore. Miss Hntlto A. Porter, supervisor of St. Timothys Hospital, has returned from n stay In Rochester, N. Y. MIbs Eva Simon ton, superintendent of tho hospital, Is spend Ing a short time at Whltcmarsh. r,Jtrs ollv,cr S Keely and her daughter, Mis') Dorothy Keelv. and Mrs. nn.ii.1 wni. mar Keely, of Lyceum nvenue, are Bpcndlng mo Bunnner at ucean guy, N. J. The sixth subscription band concert. under tho auspices of tho Tuenty-llrst ir.wu uuuru 01 xrnue, was item Thursday evening at Gorgns Park. Miss jrene Thompson, of Qre6n fjine, Is inn bmcsi oi wrs. caboll Tyndal, nt her cottage nt Kogles Mere, VARIOUS WEDDINGS TAKE PLACE TODAY Miss Lorna Megargee Becomes Bride of Lieutenant Cook, U. S. N. The marriage of Miss Lorna D. Meimrir and Lieutenant Commander Harold Carle Cook, U. S. N., took placo at noon today at me nomo or miss Megargeo's slstor, Mrs. j.erDert m. Tlldon, in Oermantown. Tho ceremony was performed by tho Rev, James . u. iNisuett, u. n , rector of Chr 1st Church Chapel. Miss Megargoo, who was given In marriage by Mr. Harold W. Sharp, wore a gown or white tarreta and Georgette crepe, with a beaded bodice. The rose point lace, veil was hold In place by a band of pearls nnd arranged with orange blossoms. She carried orchids and lilies of thn vnliev. Miss Miriam Megargee attanded her sister as mniu or honor; her gown was of white taffeta, covored with silk voile. Lieutenant Commander B. A. Long, U. S. A., actod as best man. As tho wcddlnR waa a nuiat ono nnlv ih. Immediate families attended the ceremony CRUIKSHANK ALBDRT, a quiet weaaing took place today at IrfuociocK when Miss Grace Albert, daugh ter of Mrs Hdard Albert, of E151 Ger mantown avenue, became the bride of Mr. ueorge L Crulkehank. The ceremony was performed by tho Rev. Wayne Chan nel!, in tne Methodist Episcopal Church on Ashmead street, Oermantown. Miss Albert wore a gown of white silk and chiffon; her tulle veil wns edged with orange blossoms and sho carried a shower bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Qeorge Harrison attended tho brldo ns matron of honor. Mr. Crulkshank had Mr. George Harrison as his best man. After a wedding Journey Air. ana Airs, crulkshank will llvo at 0151 Gormantown menuo. STURTS HAHN. The marriage of Miss Mario A. Hahn. daughter of Mr, Howard II. Hahn, of 2310 North Nineteenth street, to Mr. Llnford R. Sturts, will take place thlH evening at the home of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. II. E. Hand, of the York Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and will be followed by a reception for the Immediate families tit tho home of tho brido's father. Mr. and Mrs. Sturts will spend the remainder of the summer traveling and will be at home after September 1, at 22:6 Page street. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. M. Ilersoh, of Seventy sixth street and Bartrn.ni avenue, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Rose Hersch, to Sir. Bernard Sherman, of Island road and Bartfam avenue. The en gagement of Miss Rose Wolff, of Yonkers, N. Y., to Mr. Solomon Hersch, brother of Miss Rose Hersch, Is also announced. A reception will be given ln honor of their children tomorrow evening at the home of Mr. and Mfs. Hersch. Mrs. Charles H. Plach and her daughter, Miss Margaret Helen Flach, of 256 South Felton street, will leave Tuesday for Bowers Beach, Del, Mr, Flach will leave for Bowers Beach next Saturday, where he will remain with his family until Septem ber 2. Miss Mollie Welnstoln and Miss Fannie Abranhoff, of 308 North Salford street, will motor today to Atlantic City, where they wilt spend several weeks. They will stop at the Seabrlght. Mr, and Mrs. J, P. Cunningham and family, of E824 Belmar Terrace, have gone to Newport, R. I., to remain until Septem ber 15. A birthday party was given by Mr, and Mrs. Chares Alnis, of 3408 South Eighty second street, last Sunday, In honor of the 18th birthday of their son, Mr. Leo Alnis. Those present were Mr, and Mrs. Campbell, Miss Margaret Lombardo, Miss Mildred Lombardo. Miss Catherine McDevItt, Miss Mario McDevItt. Miss Emma Alnis, Mlaa Agnes McDevItt. Miss Marie Devilln, Mr. George Cheedy, Mr. George McDevItt, Mr, Charles Alnis, Jr. Mr. Bernard .Buonglorna acted as toastmaster, MISS MARY PEAESON Mr. and Mrs. II. Cochran, of S South siitiethstreet, entertained a number of friends Thursday evening honor of their eueat. Mtea Mry Pearson, of Detroit, Mtch!: $o ha. been visiting' relatives la MUaPearaon will leave for U shore tor .dav whtre shi will Pd several weeks blfc. W1M to West. Mr and Mr. r SJtm w3y tomwrow for a rek-. m4, k tb jusmatohiji. B t jf, jF-tatt-Jl'te'rw" .S iiiiH IB EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATTJKDAY, AUGUST 5, 4fc it'. i k&':X4im$!&&nsi4 MISS LUCILE POLK CARTER Miss Carter, who in tho daughter of Mr. William E. Carter, will be introduced tonight in Newport at ft danco which her fnther will glvo in her honor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Reginald Vnnderbilt will entertain at dinner for MIbs Carter before tho dance. RED CROSS WORK PROGRESSING AT SHORE JMnny New Members Have Joined Class at Cape May Golf Club CAPE MAY, Aug. 6 Thursdny morning found tho members of tho Red Cross class hard nt work on the porch of the golf club. Among the now members aro Mrs. John Blaketey, Mrs. Wil liam N. Morlce, Miss Kathorlno Deorlng, Mrs. J. H. R. Tlmanus, Miss Harriet Heber ton, Mis Rena Dlmond. Miss Marguerite Dlmond, Mis. Frederlo Harding and Mrs. A. Harding. Mrs. John Gates has closed her cottage and gone to Maine, Mr. C. C. Plnckney Norrla and his daugh ter will arrive In a few days' to spend the remainder of August nt the Stockton Villa. Mrs. Clarence Bartlett will also be a guest at the Stockton Villa. Miss Nancy Jefferys has returned from a visit to Buck Hill Falls and brought with her Miss Mary Nowbold, of Springfield ave nuo, St. Martin's, who will bo her guest for a fortnight. Miss Nowbold Is tho daughter of Mrs. Gcorgo R. Newbold, Mr. Reginald Oatcs, ono of tho most en thusiastic members of the Plays and Play ore' Club, has arrived for a fortnight's stay at tho Chalfonto. Mrs. H. Sklpwlth Cnnnell has gone to the New Monmouth Hotel, where she will be the guest of her slstor, Mrs. William F. Milton, of Now York. WILDWOOD. Aug. B. A beach party was given last Wednesday evonlng by Mr. nnd Mrs. W, M. Beers, of Wlldwood, N, J., In honor of Miss May Claeland, of Highland Park, and Miss Naomi Wareham, of Philadelphia. Among those present were Miss Catherine Carter, Miss Catherine Carey, of Camden; Miss Grace Cleclnnd, Mrs. L. Harrison, of Wild wood; Mr. and Mrs. J. Reeves Stokes, Jr., of Lansdown; Mr. A. McVerty, Mr. G. Bearty, of Camden; Mr, H. Brower, Mr. II. Bonno, Mr. E. Crowe, of Philadelphia; Mr. L. Harrison, of Wlldwood, and Mr. H. M. Wllgus, of Media. Tho evening was spent In dancing, toast Ing marshmallows, eating watermelon and bathing In tho ocean. Miss Naomi Wareham and Mr. Ellsworth Crowe, of Philadelphia, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reeves Stokes, Jr., of Lannlowne, at tholr summer cottage. Mr. nnd Mrs J. Wenccslas Woller and their family, of 3014 Kensington avenue, Aramlngo, Philadelphia, have left for Wlldwood, where they will spend the sum mer at their cottage, 120 Pine avenue. OCEAN CITY. Aug. 5. Those who have been (limed can Imagine the Joy of the young people hore who are now undergoing this experience. The re sort's moving-picture contest Is over nnd tho winners are Jubilant The leading woman ln the picture will be Miss Marlon Harris and the leading man will be Mr. Maurice Foster. The leading part In the Juenlle class will be taken by Master John Gessler. Those who will have a place In the picture beside those already named In clude Miss Violet Marshall, Miss Blanche Stevenson, Mlaa Marie Green, Mr. Alfred Otto, Mr. Voorbees Anderson and Mr. Guy Worthlngton, MaBter John GeBsIer. Miss Alice Rutherford, Master Laurence Stedem, Miss Edna Haverstlck 'and Miss Gessler, Mr. Ewlng Corson and Mr. Harry Ross. Mr. James H. Simpson, of West Philadel phia, Is In charge of the arrangements. Chestnut Hill Mrs. N. M. Seabrease and her sor Master Paul Seabrease. of Oraver's lane, are ln York Harbor, Me., and will stay for the rest, of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Marsden, of 111 Mer maid lane, and Miss Mary Hebard haw gone to Atlantic City for the month of August. South Philadelphia Mrs. Louis Posner and her son, Master S. Reuben Posner, are spending several weeks with relatives In Chicago. The Flvelblp Excelsior has arranged for a week-end trip to Wlldwood, N. J. The members of the club are Mr. Herman A, Farber, Mr. Dald A. Verblt. Mr. Paul Llsst. Mr, Harrry Browen and Mr. William H. Posner, Mr. A. C. Levy, of the Flvelblp Excelsior, will leave today for Atlantic City, where he will spena several aays. Mrs. Abraham Strauss and her daughter, Miss Bessie Strauss, of v.o aoUTli street, have left for Atlantic City, where they will spend some time at the Imperial Hotel. Th members of the IC K, Klub were en- .orialned at tho home Of Mrs. John Moore. 1820 South Thlrty-flrst street, last Tuesday. The guests present were Sirs. Otors? D. Craig, Mrs. John Moore, Miss Emma Peter n Miss Natalie Craig. Mr. Robert Lynch. Mr, Calvin Craig, Mr. John Moore, Mr, Fred Schauffle and Mr. George Moore. Miss Frances Schmidt entertained the Ameta Girls' Club last Tuesday. Miss Corlnne Dickenson, of Clifton Gorge. Va., and Mrs. J. D. Stair, of Knoxville, Tenn, who are visiting this city, were at the meeting. Mrs. Stair will be remembered as Mlsa Hasel W, Gray, of Philadelphia. All members were present except Miss Edna Stens and Miss Florenae natulan, who are spending a fortnight at the Delaware Water GP- Mr Karl Q. Lindberg and Mr, John J. McDevItt are spending a fortnight at the Cresraont Country Club, Blackwood, N. J.. They will remain at the club until August 12. when they wli return to the city. Mr. Lindberg will later leave for Chicago, Northeast Philadelphia Mr. Morris B. Hymaii Is spending a week at Atlantic City as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. J. Mandel at their cottage. pr and Mrs. Harry S. Snyderman, of 1930 North Seventh street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Selraa. EUnore Snyderman, on July 22. Mr and Mrs. William Kohn, of 802 North Second street, are receiving congratulations on too birth, of a daughter. Lucille Kohn, on July it. t Taffy Maiden Chorus Girls a Possibility Scouts Investigate Quali fications of Atlantic City Confection Dispensers ATLANTIC CITT, Aug. B. Scouts have been busy here during the last week, visit ing the "nlekel-and-dlmo" stores, salt-water tnffy factories nnd tho restaurants where females attend to tho wants of customers. They are In search of young girls with n posstblo fancy for stage life, there being a dearth of available material to supply tho demnnds for "merry-merry" chorus girls for tho coming seanon Chorus girls are scarcer than munition workers, and If tho demand In not filled from cities outside of New York and Philadelphia tho girls who have been doing duty ln musical comedies for jenrs will be able to command any salary they may ask for next season An unusual number of musical comedies of tho "glrlle glrlle" type nro to be sent on the road next season, tho majority of producing man agers having a hunch that the public uant the light and frothy style of entertainment this year. Burlesque companies, which now carry from 18 to 30 chorus girls, have drawn heavily on tho supply, It being esti mated that at least 2000 girls wilt bo re quired to nil tho ranks of the companies on the three circuits now In existence ! tabloid musical oomedles plnylng In tho popular price vaudevllto houses will require n small army of agile and pretty girls, and with tho big extravaganzas scheduled for an all season run ln New York getting the pick of tho experienced girts many a manager will bo compelled to break In now girls, There has been ns much wlro-pulllng hero by competing managers to sign up chorus girls during tho last two weeks as nt a notional presidential convention. An unusual numbor of Philadelphia actors and actresses havo been summering bore, many of whom hnd been lured nway from this city by resorts near New York In tho last few years. When conditions wero bad ln tho theatrical business It waa necessary for people to bo In tho vicinity of New York city so that thev could make a round of the various agencies every day or two In order to sccuro engagements for the coming season New methods have been adopted In tin booking of vaudovlllo acts, personally appointed agents securing long routes for performers without their prosence In the metropolis, nnd legitimate actors nnd actresses do not liae to llvo ln New York during tho torrid summer months, as they are awnre of tho fact that man agers know their particular type and will send for them If they need their services for new plays or old successes. Of course, there Is a vast army of professionals doing tho dally posing nnd parading on Broad way, but Atlantic City has reaped a rich harvest this summer from thentrlcal peoplo who wisely Invested a portion of their win ter savings In a summer vacation nt this resort After much discussion on the subject a number of theatrical people, barn and raised In the Quaker City, have made up their minds that a city which gave Edwin For rest, the Drew family and numerous other stars to tho stage In olden days, and later Oeorge W. Monroe, Walter Kelly, Eddie Wynne, Billy Fields. Harry Fern, Tommy Grady, Joo Mitchell nnd hundreds of others, should be placed on tho theatrical map. This band of show people have therefore agreed that during tho coming season, when registering nt hotel! throughout tho country, they will place Philadelphia on the hotel book Instead of New York, as Is customary with actors and actresses. After completing their preliminary ar rangements for next season a number of New York mnnngers spent the week here taking one solljl woek of recreation before entering on the strenuous duties of a the atrical season All of them are more san guine than over ove'r tho prospects for tho season opening on Labor Day. Reports from overy section of the country Indicate a de cided deslro for theatrical attractions, and hundreds of theatres used exclusively for motion pictures during the Inst three years will play nothing but theatrical combina tions next season. A few wise managers are delaying the opening of their companies until tho mid dle of September, claiming that there will bo such a mad rush for coin at the open ing of the aoason that the public will be surfeited and not give all attractions the amount of business necessary to make a tour successful. Quite a few professionals here will not be called nway for rehearsals until tho middle of Septomber, with an opening two or three weeks later, and they will linger hero and enjoy the beauties of the best month In the year at a seaside resort. William Locker, treasurer of the Glrard Theater. Is a weekly visitor, the noncloalng of that house necessitating his taking his vacation In homeopathic doses. Billy Hart ran down for a few days dur ing a three days' lay-off of the vaudeville team of Marie and Billy Hart. He exhib ited a shirt of unusual design, gorgeously decorated with roses as big as those used on wallpaper. Mike Needham, a Phlladelphlan and the youngest old clog dancer In the world, is spending the few Idle days he has ln this city. He has met with success In "Tango Shoes" and Is re-engaged for that same vaudovlllo noelty for next season. He is accompanied by his 'wife, professionally known as Vivian Wood Joe Mitchell, of Qulnn and Mitchell, Is spending his summer In Philadelphia, pre paring for the team's starring tour In "The Funny Mr. Dooley," but he manages to put In week-ends here. Ethel Golden, who maintains a home In Philadelphia een when she Is singing syn copated melodies in vaudeville theaters throughout the county, is here for the month of August. Walter Davidson, formerly director of the orchestra at the W.l'nut Street Theater, but now located In New York, Is meeting many of his friends during his week's va cation here. Desmond Place, formerly of the Walnut and Lyric Theaters, has purchased a home In Ocean City and will upend the balance of the summer there, Frank Stroud, assistant treasurer of the Forrest Theater, Is cruising around the water of Barnegat Bay during his vacation time, but expects to stop here next week on the last leg of his Journey home in order to open that house on Labor Day, Summering at Ocean City, the quiet resort across the bay from here, are Charles Wan amaker, manager of the Garrick; Lynn Hardy, of the Lyrlq and Adelphl; Walter Stewart, of the Adelphl; Fergus McCuaker, of the Forrest; George Fish, formerly man ager of Forepaugh's Theater, but now a resident of Cincinnati; James Simpson, a moving-picture magnate, and William Gane, assistant manager of the Walnut Street Theater, Louis Lustman, who has led orchestras ln the Nixon theaters for 17 years, is tak ing a real vacation of two months, but will be back in harness in Philadelphia next season. BOB WATT, WOODSIDE PARK Woodsldo Park announces another double free attraction bill for the coming week. Van. Norman, tho "death-defying bicycle rider," enters upon the last week of his engagement tomorrow. Tho new attraction U D Dio's Circus, a vaudeville act fea, turing trained animals that a known along the circuit Thomas F Shannon opens an engage ment with his baud this week, replacing Alexander1 Concert Band Baby show is announced as the special feature Tuesday The warm weather, coupled with the special free attractions, has made Woodslde more, popular than ever, not only with the Fatr mouat Park habitues, but with those who come especially to enjoy the amusement THE THEATRICAL BAEDEKER FOR NEXT WEEK XEW FEATVRB FILMS STANLEY Clco Rldgety and Wallace Reld In The House of the Golden Windows," by Charles Sarvcr, a Lasky-Paramount production; De Wolf Hopper In "Poor Pnpa," comedy, news films nnd an easy chair scenic Journey to the Water Gap, for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Second half of week! Marie Doro nnd Theodore Roberts In "Common Ground" (Frohman), written by Marlon Fairfax and directed by William C DeMllleJ Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney Drew In a Metro comedy, "Pre paredness," and an educational feature. ARCADtA First half of tho weok: Charles Ray, Frank Keenan nnd LoUUe Glaum In the Trlnnglo feature, "Honor thy Name," ahd tho Hth episode of Billy Burke In "Gloria's Romance." Second half: Mao Marsh nnd Robert Harron In Triangle romantic feature, "The Marriage of Molly-O." PALACE Tlrst half of week! Cleo Illdgely and Wallace Reld ln "A Selfish Woman," a Lasky-Paramount feature, by Hector Turnbull ; tho 12th eplsodo of "Gloria's Romance," and Charles Chaplin In "One A. M" Second half of week "Under Cover," with Hazel Dawn nnd Owen Moore. Saturday, Charles' Chaplin ln "Ono A. M" ndded. VICTORIA Monday and Tuesday, Dorothy Olsh In Triangle feature, "Tho Little Schoolma'am," and Charles Chaplin ln "Ono A. M " Wednesday nnd Thursday, Besslo Love nnd DeWolf Hopper In Trl nnglo feature, "Strnnded," with Chaplin continued Wednesday, and Drew Comedy Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "The Devil at His Elbow," with Dorothy Green nnd Clifford Bruce, a Popular Plays and Plajcrs fenture. Chaplin reappears Sat urday. VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S Laura Hopo Crews, the eminent legitimato star ln an exceptional playlet, "Hor Husband's Wlfo" ! Alberttna Rnsch nnd her Ballet Divertissement; Ben Dcely and Lillian Steelo ln a new version of 'The Now Bellboy"; Gcorgo M. Rosener, monologlst; Isabell D'Armand, assisted by Bobby O'Nell, In "A Deml-Tasse Rovuo" ; Four Readings, Jugglers of human beings; Williams nnd Segal, ln "At Bug Junc tion"; Bolger Brothers, banjolsta; Fred and Lydla Weaver, with tholr latest In vention, "The Octopus," and the Bellg. Tribune News Pictorial. NIXOX'B ORAND Allman Loader and Company ln "Fun on tho Farm," "Skcets" Fire to Ewrybodr All the Time Another Double Free Attraction CLOSING Ml'.UK OF Til 15 GREAT VAN NORMAN DEATH DKFYINO bioycli: niDEIt Sl'KCIAT, r.NfiAOKMKNT or De DIO'S CIRCUS COMKOY nnd TKAINIH) ANIMALS TWIt'K IAH,Y JSMJKIT HUMJAY SHANNON'S FAMOUS BAND THOMAS 1'. SHANNON. Conductor iriRBUOKKS KVIJUV FIIIUAY NIOIIT NIXON'S QR A ND llItOAD AND MONTOOS1KKY I. fl. XUon-Nlrdllnrrr 0n. Mr. Dally Matn. 10c. V.s. 7 a 0. lOo & 30o The Girl in the Moon MOmti:. O'llKIKN COrtMACK. CAITS HiinillKKS, 11VVE KOT1I, MK. & MH.S. run, i ii-s. VQ1.AN & MU.AN. G BIG ACTS AND'PICTURES OT A MI PV MAP.KET ABOVE 10TH blAlNLH,! ii:i5 t0 n:i5 TODAY LAST TIMES MARY PICKFORD IN EXCLUSIVE SIIOW1NQ OP "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" rALAtL DONALD BRIAN In THE SMUGGLERS" flrl"f Theater juNiPKntrra. U1UUC YAVDBVILLB Continuous 11 A M to 11 P M lOo. IDo. 25c. MUSICAL COMEDY IN M1NIATUHE "SIX PEACHES AND A PAIR" InUrprtted by Exceptionally Clever Company lion IUII and Other Standard Act r. - MARKET AUOVB 0T1I V ICtOricl Irene Fenwick In "Child of Daetlny" Itoicoe Arbuckle In "Tho Waiters' lull Added Viewa of "Historic Philadelphia" Next Monday. Tueiday and Wednteday CHARLIE CHAPLIN In "ONE A. M.'f ARCADIA CAFE "nffiS" Hurtado Bros. Royal Marimba Band i'.SOWATNO DANOB UV3I0 EVERY EVENING AFTER 8 O'CLOCK ARCADIA CHESTNUT Below 16TH BESSIE BARRISCALE In "THE PAYMENT" DANC1NO WAGNER DANCING SCHOOL NIXON'S OHAND BLDO, 17B0 N. BROAD 8 dSSS Fr e Scholars Si.f1 And for the Advanced Dancers. Wad, Au;. IB. V Private Lessons 12AN'0e0rn School will be open to enroll pupils. For any further Information Phone Dla 838 BVTIMMIHa AnAAT3 SANITARY BWIMMlNa POOL AJJAlUO ia s. IJKOAD ST. PARTT NIGHTS MON . FKI AND 8AT. LADIES- L QKNTLEMEN'3 UOURU DAILY. Prominent Photoplay Presentations WEST PHILADELPHIA OVERBROOK MD "DSiKTi BLUEBIRD PRESENTS I ..1r 'a "HER SACRIFICE Louise Lovely jfoR lqve" ANIMATED WEEKLY BALTIMORE BOTH AND BALTIMORE AVE, SU De Wolf Hopper" "M&, cSSSSr Harry McUoy - ttr,Vi EUREKA imi 8T8' Katharine Williams ,n 'mivV HEARST NEWS PABnPN MD LANSDQWNE AVE. LiAJvLJ&ll MAT, t. EVE., OiSO TO Jl Bessie Eyton and Wheeler Oakman in "THE CYCLE OF FATE" SOUTH OLYMrlA bainbjudob Tha maximum ia cwnJOTt, iafct-j and amui- strut lit tM Minimum jirtcs MATS. DAILY. WM FOX PrenU VM FARNUM la THE LH FROM BITTElt TftOOTS" f 191G. Gallagher and Irene Martin, De Pinna, Qeorco Alexander, photoplays and other features. OLOBE Tomls Allen and company In com edy sketch, "Boarding School Girls": Kompton Greene and Virginia Hennlnir In 'When the Clock Stopped"! "Five Beau ties and a Spot," h musical comedy tab loid; Itucker nnd Winifred In "The "Chinaman and tho Coon," 'The Mer chant Prince," "Tho Cabby" and other acts. CROSS RETS First half of week! "The Girls From Kokomo," a musical comedy tabloid; Isabella Itoberts, In songs! Sey mour Felix nnd Flossie Hope In nong nnd dance novelties; the Five Dunbars, Bctts nnd Chldlow and Sylvia. Second half of week: "Maid of the Movies," a musical satire on the moving pictures; Harmon, Zarnes and Dunn, In comedy ! Mabel Johnson, ventriloquist! Polo and his Pals, JohnRon Brothers and Johnson ! Keno and Wagner. TBS PARKS. WOODSIDE The Philadelphia amusement area opposite Falrmount Park. Closing week of the Great Van Norman, in a bicycle diving act! special added engage ment of De Dio's Circus, comedy and trained animals; Shannon's Band, Thomas F Shannon, conductor! Miss Ger trude T Van Delnse, soprano, soloist j Baby Show Tuesday. RUES'A VISTA The new pleasure ground on tho Delaware Blver front and ndjacent to the Jersey terminal of the Gloucester nnd Philadelphia ferry The Metropolitan Orchestra, with A H Temmo ns director, gives concerts every evening and on Sat urday and Sunday afternoons. Hotel and restaurant nccommodatlons. LINCOLN PARK Bathing and plcnlo grounds overlooking Fort Mifflin and League Islnnd Navy Tord. Beached by steamer Slvan Dell which leaves Arch street wharf at frequent Intervals. Do You Know That: Betty Nanscn has returned to Norway? Nicholas Power and Thomas A. Ddlson nro warm friends? Thomas W Lawson wroto "Friday, the 13th" for World Film? A camera has photographed objects six miles away? R6 Isal&B MARKET 6 OUMIPCR STS. In (ho Henrt of tho Shopping District CONTINUOUS II A. M. TO 11 V. M. ritici-s loc inr. We. nntr.m r.ini.m nmr.m IRVIMI C'OOPKll I'roenta THK JOLLY ECCENTRIC COMMMKiNE TOMIE ALLEN Assisted br A Clever Company, in THE BOARDING SCHOOL GIRLS A Mmlcal Satire on Seminary Life Idol of tho Motion rlcturo Screen KEMPTON GREENE AND VIRGINIA HENNINGS (Late JiiTsnlln Stars with Lubla Motion Picture Company), In "When the Clock Stopped" ANI OTHKR IlKAI IXATUnKS THEATER Market below colli Street Mnl. Dally, 3:30 I Evening. 7 A 0 nest Heotl ... lOo I 10c. lttc. 20o MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY A BKEKZY SUMMER ATTRACTION THE GIRLS FROM KOKOMO A Melodious Tabloid Musical Comedy Pretty Olrls Fanny Comedians Special Scenery THURSDAY, FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY Komelhlne Different In a Olrl Act "MAID OF THE MOVIES" MAKINO THE MOVIES WITH MUSIC AND A WONDERFUL SURROUNDING) VAUDEVILLE HILL OF MERIT Tli wuBmBamBmmMMmmmmmmmMmmmmmamnmiMmBm fel THEATER fcW Prominent Photoplay Presentations miniuiii - iJ - jiiMmMBfTfitii Jwfc nuiE following theaters obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Booking TVimnan which l"" guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. ...t-0.m.I,n"" w,!,c" .. lilli.. ..l.lt.lllnn A.W fop lfi th.ot.. In vnnr lwalll A" lewervis ..----,:. obta nlng pictures througn mo smkui 1 DICIUrC IUII"" wv."";.w .T . i.V lIHIMnni 12h, Morris & ViiranKX2 ALHAIuBKA wt. " Bt.a : EVK, 7 B nuinmoii" Paramount Pictures. BLANCHE SWEET ln "The Dupe" ARCADIA CHESTNUT HELOW 18TII BESSIE BARRISCALE in THE PAYMENT" a r"XY 1 r BID AND THOMPSON APOLLO MATINEE DAILT Keystone Comedy. Also Mutt and J Comedy. rT Tl'i"YMrr B2D ABOVE MARKET BELMONT .'.,,1:303.100. MARY PICKFORD id "Little Pal" s-iT-rt r 60TU AND CEDAR AVE. CEDAR PARAUOVST THEATER Duatin Farnum "Cameo Kirby" FAIRMOUNT saTU anod.rabd ave. MYRTLE GONZALES in IT HAPPENED IN HONOLULU" FRANKFORD FKANKnR II B WARNER in '"THE LOST PARADISE" PICTURES OF FRANKFORD GUOCERh" V 'EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY 56TH ST. Theater MADA1E? Below Spruce. Etc. T to 11 ANN PENNINGTON In "Susie Snowaake." Metro MAX F1QMAN In "His Birthday Gift." GERMANTOWN 8508 vTave. PAULINE FREDERICK in THE WORLD'S GREAT SNARE" iinADn AVENUE THEATER LllKAlvU 7TH AND OIRARD AVENUE William H. Thompson divHw- ALSO KEYSTONE COMEDY IRIS THEATER ""jg,?""8 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in 'FLIRTING WITH FATE" JEFFERSON X9TH AND DAUPHIN STREETS CARLYLE BLACKWELL and MURIEL OSTRICHE la SALLY IN OUR ALLEY" DREW COMEDY MUTUAL WEEKLY LAFAYETTE S9H KBN8ra2SgNOT PEGGY HYLAND in 8AINT8 AND SINNERS'1 lUAflPP FORTY-FIRST AND (riftJUC. LANCASTER AVENUE, ANN PENNINGTON in SUSIE. SNOWFLASET ifniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiimiiiii b. p. Kfimrs mim Cliestmt ami Twetflh Struts IAT r. M. NIOHT, ft V H inOWH DAILY First Appearance In VntidetlHe Laura Hope Crews & Co. In ft Comedy Playlet "HER HUSBAND'S WIFE' The Viennese Tremler Dsncer ALBERTINA RASCH And Coryphee In Bullet Dtverlleemnt Ben Dccly and Lillian Steele Presenting "The New Dell floy" GEORGE M. ROSENER A Monologlst In Character Types Isabell D'Armanil and Bobby O'NcH Presenting "A Demi Tnine RtTne" FOUR READINGS WILLIAMS ft SKOAL noi.or.rt nnoTiirms FBF.D A LYDIA WEAVER Market bet. 7th Opens 10 A, M. Closes 11,15 P.M. Admission lOe We Have Contracted for FIRST SHOWING EVERY MONDAY OF Wm. Fox Pictures Monday Kelt Great Cnst In Grenl Day THEDABARA StUARTIJOMCIRITNEY 7-MILE RIVER RIDE 5c it. w DIREUl At THE TERMINAL BUENA VISTA GARDEN Metropolitan Concert Orchestra A. II. TEMME. Director Vocal Soloist Varied Amusement Popular Frtee Restaurant Balloon Ascension, Parachute Jump Every Saturday at 3 P. M. SuDcrlor Motor Shore Berries Shortest Routes Best Roads Where the Evening- Ledger-Universal Weekly Can Be Seen MONDAY anvn T1.nf. 12th & Market Sis Phil. . I'hlla. J u m Im Theater, Front & Cllrnril Ae. Ilea lhi Summer lheater. Henslnrtoi eret St.. Philadelphia. nKM Mn.i.lian Thpnlpr. Sit Eton Ave. and Som- and Snyder Are. louth Hti.. rhlla. Keystone Theater, 10th, & South Hts XdlTflV.I?r71hl,n!rTO2n8,;. TUESDAY Plara Theater, nroail a) Torter 8ts,.. rhlla. Victor Theater. Franklin Clearfield. Phlla. Telham Thenter. OMh A Otn. Ave.. Plilla. Century Theater, Marshal! and Erie, rhlla. WEDNESDAY tntm Theal IBlh Street Mnnmoiith T TC rhlla. Cayuga Tuenti THURSDAY Stanley Theater. 16th Mrkl St., rhlla. Tuxedo Theater. Philadelphia. Pa. Empire Theater. FranWsrd. Philadelphia. Ildxboroiigli Theater. Philadelphia. Pn. West Allegheny Theater. Philadelphia. FRIDAY Stanley Theater. 10th Market Hts.. Phlla. Market St. T heoter. S83 Market St.. Phlla. Cohockslnk Theater. Otli A Diamond. I'hlla. Richmond Theater, . lllekmond S Clearfield Hts., Philadelphia. , Falrmount Theater. Philadelphia, Ta. Ontario Theater. Philadelphia. Pa. SATURDAY' Stanley Theater. 16th Market Sts., Phlla. Overbrook Theater. Ud & llarerford Are., Philadelphia.. ... . . . Foreoangh'a Theater. 8th & Raee Sti., Phlla. Point llreeie Theater. Point llreexe Are, A .MoitIk St.. Philadelphia. Star Theater. 31st Mharton St.. Phlla. MajAtlo Theater. Philadelphia. Tlvoll Theater. 11th St, & Falrraoant.Ara.. Philadelphia, inl M Boolsmg Grwxmi liiinirivn rnMV.tWv.' " 1 ii, nii.iriun'rrAi.,.ui, juu...iu wju.u.., 1 L I B E R T Y ER0AD aS?lumbia Margaret Landis and Henry King in 'THE SAND LARK" LOGAN THEATER "Vc I1ROAD Victor Moore IN "THE CLOWN" LOCUST 62D AND LOCUST Mat. 1:30 and 3:30, loo. Anita Stewart In 'The Darirjr of Diana." Next Mon. & Tuu., Charlie Chaplin In "1 A, M' Market St. Theater 333 MARKET STREET TRIANGLE PRESENTS Norma Talmadge ,n "m,ss,nUks- PALACE 121i ARKET street Donald Brian ,The SrnugglctV. PARlf RIDQB AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. rAPilV MAT. atlfl EVG M5 to It. Triangle Presents DOROTHY GI8H and ., OWEN MOORE In "nETTY OF GREYSTONlr ALSO KEY8TONH COMEDY 1 PRINCESS VITAORAPH 3 1018 MARKET BTRHBT viiAuoArn rzttsaisivrE nl I. C?J la "FATHERS AYUUCtL Wiwuu OP HUN- PIAITn OERMANTOWN AVE. IVI's.LilV AT TULPEHOCKEN ST FranU Keenan and Enid Markey in 'THE PHANTOM1' UPTIFNT ,M MARKET STRBET. ULUAN WALKER in "1IESPBR OF THE MOUNTAINS' RITDV MARKET STREET - BELOW TTH STREET OLGA PETROVA in TUB ETERNAL; QUESTION" SAVOY ""sHif METRO PRESENTS harold Locmvooa may Allison ts TUB RIVER OF ROMANCE" TIOGA 'rcH AND "PS5aTfit MARGUERITE CLARK in "S1LKS3 AND SATINS" VICTORIA EHg-x Irena yeowkkta -A CWM of DtUir Arbuckl la 'Tha Wall Bill CemtMf Mo Tuw . Wt4 CHAL1 CHAfLUf laTi. ufl STANLEY fSOTJf"' MARY PICKFORD m "injLODA FROM WOMjAMD mmm f j - t