r Sf ' it r - jit Wtr ' T'" " ' .ti.,.1.,, u u?nutg Hc&gcr PUBLfC LEDGER COMPANY ernva fc. cvrtib, fwiii:xT. Chart? H. Lodlni ton. Vk President : John C.trtln. 8eerets.fr ntl Treasurer) Willlp 8. Colling, John n. WlllUfat, Dlrettors. EDtTOnrAt KOAniO! Ctc II. K. Ccins, Chairman. P. H. WltALEY IMIlor - i i . , ,. . , JOHN C. itAIVTlN. .Central Business Miniirer Published dslly ( FcsLto I.Mxiit rtulMlnr, Independence Pqusre. Fhlltdelphla, f.tpot CBirnnt..... broad nnd Chestnut Street ArUNttc CiTT rmt-Unlon Budding Jrr TotK son Metropolitan Tower Mrwoir 2( Ford nalldlnc STS LOCI 100 alobr-Urmecrat Itulldlnir Citicsco 10I Tribune UullJInc NEWS bfREAfSt WAsmxcTOjf ncxxic nlrt hnlldlne Jw ToitK Dreuv ....The riwi Ilulldlnir riRRl.tx nmuo CO Frledrlehstrasse Ixjsio.y ncur.io Mtrrnnl House. Ftrand rti Ociuu ....32 IttM Lou la la Urand BODscntrnoN' xnims ny etrHr. six cents per week ny mull, postpaid outsld of Philadelphia, except where rorelm poatace Is required, on month, twenty Ave cfliUi one year, three dollars. All mail subscriptions payable In advance. KoiIcb Subscribers wlehlnr address changed muji cm oia as wen an new- address. BELL. aOQO WALNUT KEYSTONE. MAI." J00O K3T Addrtii eitt rommtmlcrttlon' to Brrnlnj; Ledger, Independence Square, Vilfarfelpnta. xxTtstD iT Tim riiii.Anici.piiit nTorrici is (Ccomd-cmbs mil, uirtn. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, AUGUHT 5, 191C THK AVEIIAOB NET TAID DAILY COl. CUl-ATION in T1IK EVENING LEDOER FOR JUNE WAS 123.808 of foreign birth to return to take up arms. We havo not the normal supply of labor and the war has made an abnormal de mand upon the unskilled workers here because It In possible for them to per form tasks In the munitions factories. These conditions will prevail so long as the war continues, it Is Imperative that some new source be tapped If the demand for workers Is to be met. We can find employment for all tho Mexicans who can be Induced to leave the turmoil and low wages of their own country and come here where they are certain of good wages and the peaceful enjoyment of what they earn. Wo can find work for not only 500, but for 500.000 Mexicans. Ten thousand of them are needed right here In Philadelphia at once by the con tractors who are to dig tho subways. If they should return to Mexico after the Job was done they would do more toward pacifying that unfortunate country than a Mexican army of the fame size could do, for they would take back with them the experience of life In a country where property Is safe and where n man can go to bed at night with some n-ssurnnce that ho will be alive In the morning. Tom Daly's Columii riilUdtlphla, Sstunlsy, Aujmt S. 1916. You should go to a pear tree for peari, not to an elm.Pubtius Syrus. A Tenderloin policeman denies that he accepted graft. Did any" olio expect him to admit It? Tho proper Berlin retoit to the French demand, "The Hohonzollcrns must go," Is that they planned to go to Paris. Bayonne babies are said to drink beer because their mothers find It cheaper than milk. Here Is a chance for tho temperance reformers to get active. The Southern Senators are Invok ing the Constitution In their opposition to the child labor bill, but the rest of us wish to protect tho constitution of the .children. Germany's food dictator announces that there Is enough food on hand to enable the country to hold out for n fourth and even a fifth year of war. But how about the supply of ammunition? It may be, now that so many now warships are to be authorized, work will be started on those which were authorized lost year. The opinion Is growing that construction is Just as necessary' as authorization. The retail coal dealers are like the rest of us. They do not like to give up money which they have once had in their pockets. That Is why only a few of them thus far are refunding to their customers the illegal coal tax. The First Assistant Postmaster General, who has been attached to Vance McCormlck's staff to prove that the Democratic tariff has been successful, will have the biggest Job of the cam paign, because it is up to him to prove the Impossible. Mr. Hughes's first campaign tour, which . begins tonight, will extend to the Pacific coast and back as far East as Maine. He will arrive In Portland, Me., In time to tell the voters why they should support the Republican ticket at the State election on September 11. Then the country will watch 'the voting and the statistical sharks will tell us by how big a majority the next Republican Presi dent will bo elected. The brotherhoods of railway em ployes are mistaken When they say that their, wage dispute is a matter which concerns no one but themselves and their employers. The public is athlrd party in Interest, and Its rights are greater than those of either of the other parties. The tying up of the railroad lines by a strike cannot be tolerated. The switchmen have set the proper example to the other railroad employes by asking the Boa ofMedlation and Conciliation to consider their case. The situation demands com promise rather than fight. Former Director Porter's testi mony before the Grand Jury agrees with the prevailing impression of what con ditions were under the Blankenburg Ad ministration. As soon as the returns on election night indicated the success of Mr, Smith there was a Tenderloin cele bration, the significance of which did not escape" the knowing. Within a few weeks those who live on vice began to get active. It was generally understood that there, was to be a relaxation ot vigilance, and that even If the town was not to bo wide open no one would be dis turbed If tho door were left ajar. Direc tor Wilson took a tolerant attitude to ward the resumed political activity of the policemen, and he announced that he could see no reason why a man on the police force should surrender his rights as a citizen. If this were not a permit to the men under him to resume the prac tices which were abandoned when Blank enburs became Mayor, the men on the force misunderstood It, Political police, men mean protected vice and protected vice means graft and graft means, scan dal and scandal means disgrace to the city. There U pne man who can stop all this sort of thing, and he occupies the desk: fa the Mayor's office. The way to clean up the city is to ta,ke the police out of politics and keep them out. , It will take more than the four or flye hundred Mexican laborers whom the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has brought Into the country to supply the demand for such workmen, which h? grown acute since the war boa virtually stopped European immigration. We bad been receiving1 and absorbing about a million European immigrant annuaUy The total in- IJIJ was 1.19T.O0Q and In 1944 It was tJM,Q0Q. About flve-elghtha of these were BJ&t and a large proper tlon of tbft taaWa were old enough to work. The tago jfu $1 war have kept et of tJui iOy"t Imst J,60p.6eo Ira MBjgyjfl 8H4 jkt frmC 5AJ.KK) UOAktikd y MMf Imtkm WUmnnmtn to ehs TRADE WAR ALREADY DECLARED THE economic war ngalnst the Central Empires, decided upon by the Paris Conference and approved by the most prominent British statesmen In the House of Commons, Is In strango contradiction with the assurance of European peace for which the Allies, ns they have tcpeatcdly declared, are striving. Whatever the Ideologic catisos and motives of the Great War mn b-' there Is no denial of the fact that the roots of the conflict are to be sought In the political economy of Europe. The cl.ish of contending Imperialistic forces formed the real basis of the car nage and slaughter devastating n conti nent. We are now Informed oftlclally by the Prime Minister of England that this commercial competition Is to con tinue, even on a greater nnd more vicious scale after tho war. The Central Em pires have already accepted the challenge In the economic alliance formed with Bul garia nnd Turkey for the protection of their mutual commercial Interests. Apparently, In the heat and prejudices of the conflict, there arc no statesmen in Europe, with the courage to denounce the new menace to the future peace of the world which the countries now nt wnr are creating. A veiled protest against It was contained in the remarks of Sir John A. Simon, former British Secretary of State for Home Affairs, in reply to Pre mier Asrjulth on the occasion of the re cent debate In the House of Commons. "How are we to use trade as a pun ishment (against Germany)?" he asked. "Take sugar. If Germany gives us cheap sugar will our manufacturers and the poor howl 'stop'? Must Ger many pay an Indemnity? Then how can she If she Is not allowed to export goods? Would It lie wise to throw Hol land and Belgium Into the arms of Germany? The danger Is that a bill on New York will supplant a Dill on London. For Instance, we have financed the entire oversea trade In coffee. Including the trade with Hamburg. Are we to be hindered In this? "If American interests are antag onized, who could say whether her benevolent neutrality would be main tained If we had to right another war? "Direct Interference with trade has far more important Indirect effects." 'These arc questions which none of the men favoring the trade-war project could answer satisfactorily. All of them sought refuge In the declaration that the trade war contemplated would not be di rected against neutrals; that It Is-to be employed merely to convince the Central Empires of the complete unity of the Allies and ward off the plans of the Cen tral Empires for aggressive commercial expansion at the expenso of their oppo nents after the war. Premier Asqulth was particularly emphatic in his declara tion on these two points. In other words, after two years of con flict and when the fortunes of war have apparently turned In favor of the Allies, we are Informed by Mr. Asqulth that their ultimate victory Is to be used as an Instrument of continuing in aggravated form the conditions which brought Eu rope to its present position. The gentlemen who govern the affairs of all belligerents have evidently learned nothing from the struggle. The splendid lessons of self-sacrifice and co-operation taught on a scale never dreamt of before are to prove futile. The end of the war is to see the opening of another and more gigantic combat for "spheres of economic influence" and fields of exploitation. We are to have Egypt, Morocco, Tripoli, Fasaoda, Agadlr. Manchuria and other aggravating contests over again. In a trade war of this character the United States cannot be neutral. It must fight or be a victim. Deplore, then, as we may, the lie of the cards, they point unerringly to the great fact that we must enter at once into a campaign of Indus trial preparedness. The only party that can glveathe nation the proper guidance and legislation In the circumstances Is the Republican party. THE V1LLA.OV POET Whenever U't a sadder day than one I had this week I'm tfoln fo 6c so plumb broke up' 1 tcon't be fit to speak. Of days of trouble in mv time I sure have had a few, ' Tint this is absoilvclu posilutelv some thing new I You may have read some talk about our Airedale, Lady Merry, A doggess she of pedigree an' high de- grec, oh very! An' possibly you heard me brag about her blooded whelps ' wtcanf fo sell for goodly coin (for every little helps). I ran a piece, you may recall, the morn' Ing that they came, Exclaiming at the wealth 1 saw.accrulng from the same; Indeed I was afraid I'd hear the business office say: "That little advertising it's subtracted from your payl" At that, I'd not 'have minded much, for In my heart I felt I'd still take in my share of gold for lining of my belt. I didn't grudge the small expense occa sioned by her wedding, The house to raise her family in, the biscuit an' the bedding. Her comfort an' convenience in no way had been slighted An' when hcrtJfcn puppies came I shn' ply was delighted. Welt, then the Airedale kennclman ar rived one day this week A sadder day there never was than this of which I speak t lie came to take each Airedale pup an' trim his little tail, Hut when he looked upon the lot his ruddy cheeks went pale. "What's thlst" sez he: "this bloomin' bunch is mostly 'ifs' an' 'huts,' For half o"thcm is half an' half an' half o' them is mutts!" Whenever there's a sadder day than I have known this week I'm goin' to be so plumb broke up I won't be fit to speak. Of days of trouble In my time I sure have had a few. But 'this is absotlvcly, posilutelv some- GLEANEDvFROM THE PAST WEEK c, thing new! And what shall we call them? The MissUs says they are '"Xeardales." Son No. 2 calls 'cm "Mt. Alrydales." We rather fancy "Nnrydalcs." What's your notion? Come on! You can't make us any sadder. "The war," says the I'romler of New foundland, "Is practically over." Just like the dub golfer who once in formed us that he had played the Merlon golf course In practically 100. Which reminds us that we have been wnntlng for some days to hurrah because Charlie Sykes Is back on the cartooning Job and we'll have something better to look at than the second-hand pictures we hired off'n John McCutcheon during Charlie's vacation. l,l,iii' i Vi'" THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE And, speaking of back-handed compli ments, here's what the Rev. Dr. Jenkin L. (for leapfrog) Jones, of Peace-ship fame, hands to us: Dear Mr. Daly: I am getting out a little volume of ser mons on "Love for the Battle-torn peoples." In which I try to reinforce my faith In Eng land, Germany, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey. The last sermon will be on "Amer ica's Opportunity." I would like to print "Da Boy From Rome" as an Interlude intro ducing the sermon on Italy. May I? Of ronr the book won't aril, but I will have It oft my constitution, and there are a fen people still sane enough to believe In the fundamental sanity of humanity, however mad the "nations" may be. Very cordially yours, JENKIN LLOYD JONES. What Lincoln Would Have Done With Casement William Mc- Knight Protests Against the "Evening Ledger's" War Review. A Visit to Poe's Grave Socialism and Vice NO OCCASION FOR PANIC THE Infantile paralysis situation Jus tifies no panic fear In this city, It does Justify the exercise of the greatest care to prevent the spread of the disease. This the health authorities and the phy sicians are understood to be taking, The disease is feared because so little Is known about its cause or its cure, and because those whom It attacks are liable to permanent deformity. The surgeons attached to the orthopedic hospitals In New York, however, profess to have dis covered a way to prevent the distortion of the limbs by the paralysis of the mus cles, and they announce that they have succeeded In many cases In preventing the paralysis Itself from becoming per manent. It is probable that we shall know more about tbe ways of combating the ailment before the epidemic has con tinued much longer. Tbe disease is not so great a menace, to children as diphtheria, to which we have grown accustomed, Philadelphia has about !00 diphtheria cases every year, with a death rate of more than twelve per cent. Before the antitoxin was discovered the death rate was much higher The chances that a child will escape Infantile paralysis this summer are much greater than that he will go thruugh the year without an attack of diphtheria. If the parents will remember Uim (key may sleep more qultly dniaff tbie trying tteua, The workman had completely lost his patience. The machine' he was operat ing kept getting out of order and he was hot. Finally he addressed it in lurid language: "Blank, blank, blank, blank, you, blank, blank blankity blank! !" The foreman, who happened to be near, wheeled around and with Jaw stuck out demanded: "D'ye mean me?" "No, not this time." said the other. Sir I haven't bothered you much about that Indoor sport of mine matching yester day's answers to today's questions In the Quiz Department over In that neighboring column but doesn't this. In today's, sound pathetic: 6. What Is an orphan? 6. The Serbian Government sits at present at Cottu. P. ime. The young porter who attends to the sweeping up of our room approached us the other morning and did us the honor to inquire If we could write Latin in scriptions. We modestly admitted It. He wanted, he said, two Latin inscriptions for use on a coat of arms. At the top, he said, he would like to have the Latin equivalent for "Good Luck." At the bot tom, "Africa and Her People Forever." So, after some furbishing up of our Latinlty we handed him these two which certainly sound like a couple of mouth fuls to us: BONA FOUTONA AFRICA SEMPER POPULUSQUE AFRICANUS. We have not heard what heraldic em blems are to be emblazoned upon the coat of arms, but if it's for himself we would suggest a besom rampant leis wlse upon a mop dormant. More About 903 on 13 Comes another champion of Conductor 90J, C. M. W- D.. who Is properly surprised at and ashamed of us for glTingr space to R. F. P.'a comment upon the genial official. Says he; ' -Tks svggtstti reproof the caption, 'Can one b to? polUet' does not miligatt the offeate the tyt of most peopte uho kave 6 fortunate enough fo travel totth Conductor tt. o pleasant smile, gen eral cheerinesjr and tKorough-galng courtesy kave made a dull day seevt momentarily trigXter for many persons going to or com ing VroBi their icort, In this day and gen eration, tttKen politeness has drifted into the slats of infrequent virtues. U stems past belief that tkts public servant' meritorious intentions should find their only rptsonS in tke aansasiiv eftkltm o soa9 M AtA a fetvesieS fMf o$ ktatrir." m This drpartm'nt U lrte to all readers tcJio tcfan to erpreis their opinion on subjects of current lntrre$t. It is an open Jorum, and the Svrnttia Ledger aumes no rrjpoujioltffi or the ieu?s oj ita correspondents. LINCOLN'S CLEMENCY To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir In reading the article August 3 on Sir Roger Casement I was particularly In terested by what the authors In their ap peal for clemency said of the magnanimity of the Northerners in their conduct to the leaders of the Southern army. It recalls that incident of Lincoln's being asked what his course would be In case Jefferson Da vis were captured. He told the story of an Irishman who had taken the abstinence pledge and had kept It rigidly for some years. However. !n this particular occa sion he went Into a saloon. Said he to the proprietor: "Put In two spoonfuls of sugar, a little lemon, an egg, a half glass of water and unbeknownst to myself you might put In a thimbleful of whisky " "So." concluded the President, "we might let Mr. Davis escape unbeknownst to our selves." ARTHUR A. DEMBITZ. Philadelphia, August 3. REFLECTIONS AT POE'S TOMB To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Just n m'nute ago was I standing at the tomb of Edgar Allan Poe. O, It cer tainly does one good to be at such a place and reflect. How well can I "see" Poe as he was writing that Immortal detective story. "The Murder In the Rue Morgue." How well can I "hear" his heart throb as did "the old man's heart" How well can I "feel" as he did under the swinging "pen dulum" and how he saw things In his "Raven." For him the death "Bells" have already tolled, yet In memory he will remain with us forever as one of our most worthy writers, even though rum and "lolly ex tract" placed htm dead in the gutter. When one begins to addict himself to the use of alcoholic liquors and dope let that one turn back to the lite of Edgar Allan Poe, and the chances are that those prac tices will lose a victim from Its ravages. The good that Edgar Allan Poe did was surely not Interred with his bones. He shall "live" forever. ABE MEYERS. Baltimore, Md., August 3. WILLIAM M'KNIGHT DISAGREES To the Editor of the Evening Ledger; Sir I wish to enter a vigorous protest against the statements made In the article on the last column of the Evening Leooer editorial page today: First, as to want of sympathy with Russia on account of not recognising American citlxenshlp complete. Russia recognises no nation's citlxenshlp complete. We do not either. All Hebrews are obnoxious to Russia, not merely Ameri can Hebrews. Several classes of people are obnoxious to America and are vigor ously excluded. Second, your article says: They (our sympathies) were with Ger many against Russia, They might have remained so to This day," I have' never met any one except a German or one of Ger- be truthfully applied. Third, you say, "At that serious moment ot secular nisiory when a nation had to announce Itself to the world we saw England weighing her chances, almost heard her counting coin." This must be a Joke, ns It Is almost Incon ceivable that an American who has been through three years of watchful waiting while his women were raped and murdered and his brothers killed and mutilated with out any action whatever should criticise a great nation for hesitating a fet- days before plunging Into that maelstrom of blood and hate now going on. ' william Mcknight. Philadelphia, August 2. What Do You Know? Ourrfej ot general Merest ulll be antwend In this column. Ten Questions, the answers to xchieh every tcetl-lnormrti person should know, are asked dailu. QUIZ SOCIALISM DEFENDED To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir When a farmer uses dynamite he uses it for gain. When the war lords use it they use it for gain. It's all In the way It Is used that counts. I will not deny "Mr. or Mrs. II. N. M.'s" contentions re gardlng free love, as It would be futile to try to make him believe that my opin ion of the ultimate results of socialism re garding the family Is as good as any other so-called authority. It all lays In the mind of man. nnd his opinion of his fellow-man and his regard for woman hood. I can assure "Mr. or Mrs. II. N. M." that there will not be free Ijist under socialism. A girl may not marry for a home, nor money, nor position under so cialism, but for pure unadulterated love. I will pass over "H. N. M.'s" opinion of the strength of the court to abolish vice and evil. It is very profound, and I haven't any doubt that Fennsgrove (N. J;) Ten derloin can be properly suppressed by the constable and squire. I am a firm be liever1 In the socialistic theory of govern ment, and that It Is the next step in gov ernment; In fact, there Is no other step. It's only a mere matter of education and evolution. ROBERT B. NIXON, JR. Philadelphia, August 3. GREENLAND AND THE MONROE DOCTRINE To Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Is the cession to Denmark of Amer ican rights In Greenland not a palpable violation, both In the spirit and to the let ter, of the Monroe Doctrine? If we cede such rights to a foreign Power, why complain If Brazil cedes a coaling station to Germany or Mexico a port to Japan? NEMO, Philadelphia, Aug. 3. SALUTE THE FLAG To the Editor of Evening Ledger: Sir I am In the habit of standing when the band plays "The Star Spangled Banner" because I think that It Is fitting for an American to pay as much respect to his flag as the Englishman pays to his king. No Englishman would remain seated while "God Save the King" was being played. When our national anthem was played at a movlng-plcture theatre last night I stood up and looked around me to see the others In the audience rise, but X was dis- 1. How U Tucson, the capital of Arizona, pro- nounreil? 2. About how old wn Rocrr Conrment? 3. What nnd where I the C'hrw Mansion? 4. Mliat Mute l irprrnrntKl lir Senator New- Innuw, chairman of the ConKrfNHlonAl Committee to intentlgate the rullroud situ ation? J. tVho In l'fltil Warlani Hartlctt? 0. I Tovr hlxh Is tho Wahlncton Monument? 7. Ari" nny of the bullillnc created for the Centennial Kxnonltlon In 1870 Hill stand Ins? 8. Where and when wi the first brick bouse built In America? 0. DM Wa'ahlncton bltn the Declaration of In dependence? 10. Where Is Antliua? Answers to Yesterday's Quiz , A pediment I the trlancular npnce at the cable end ct a (irrrtan bnlldlnr. Christian X Is Klnr of Denmark. , Osteopathr U method of treatlnr disease br manipulation of the bones and mus cles. . The net value of the Morcan estate Is $69,-409,733. 5. Ncatsfoot oil Is a fixed oil obtained br hotline tbe feet and shin bone ot neat cattle. 6. Br a decision of the Pennsylvania courts an orphan Is n child whose father Is dead. 7. Mount Stromholt Is on an Island of the same name, north of .Slrilr. 8. The 1'hlladclnhl Custom House Is In Chest nut, east of 3th street. 0. The. Cltr Hall toer Is 37 feet higher thao the Colome Cathedral, 10. Vermont was the first State admitted ts the Union. Meaning: of 'Anti" Editor of "What Do You Know" Kindly explain the meaning of the word antl, and oblige AN EVENING LEDGER READER "Antl" means against or opposed to. An nntl-suffraglst Is one opposed to letting the women vote. gusted at the discovery that not one of them had respect enough for the flag to get on his feet. No wonder there Is so little re. man descent to whom this statement might Rsponse to the can lor recruits toe the Na tlonal Guard when our patriotism Is at so low an ebb. b. L. Philadelphia, August 1. SUNDAY WITH THE SOLDIERS At 8 o'clock of tGe tlrst Lord's Day eve ning a grateful coolness filled the Metho dist church (at Pharr. Tex., which was also filled with khakl-clothed figures. They overflowed. In the aisles, the amen corner, the choir, and hundreds stood on the lawn outside, shaded by orange trees and palms. A sturdy band of youngsters came forward when Lieutenant Cook called for a volun. teer choir. But the lieutenant needed no choir. The entire audience sang, and be led them In capital style, all thundering out the "Aroen" at the close of the hymn, to the surprise of, the native Methodists. The text was taken from St John's Gos pel, ill. t: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever belleveth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." For half an hour the chaplain tried to delve Into the depthA of this great Scripture. He has preached in Canterbury Cathedral, in St John's Chapel of the Tower of London, In Wesley Church at City road, London, In WhltefleldVs pulpit la that same city. In. many of tbe cities of hi own dear land and at the Canadian Dominion ; on the sea as well as. on the land. In mine, in fac tories, in penitentiaries, in the opes air. But na experience was quite na unique and bafowias si this, with Mexico steeped la rijplfc asg ruin, within tolling distance. and the gospel of eternal life and love pro claimed to the heart and conscience of an armed force stationed on the verge of this bleeding land. Letter by Chaplain S. Parks Cadman, of the Twenty-third Regiment N Y. N, G.. to the Brooklyn Eagle. WHISKER ISSUE IN MEXICO Grim rumors have been set afloat that the Vllllstaa are raising whiskers and try ing to look like Carranzlstas. Washington Star. THE CELESTIAL MOMENT O turn to me. lean to me, lips that I lo'vel One moment of merciful bliss Ere my shade shaU be borne to these stars above Where only the ghosts may kiss. Back to the stars from whence I came- Over a blindfold way. Far. O far, like the spark to Its name I who hae lived -my day ' Who have lived my day when I flash and poise The rose of the world aboye. Then borne like a bird to the source of Joy A lave that Is lost in Love. , Frederick I Snawleaf Health Insurance Editor of "What Do You Know" Please give the name of Insurance companies that Issue health policies. JAMES FAY. There are many companies which Issue health policies, the names of which can be obtained from any reputable life and acci dent Insurance agent. Doctor Eliot's Five-Foot Shelf Bdlfor of "What Do You JCtiou," Could you Inform me through your column of the U! e?. aild ,author! contained In Doctor Eliot's five-foot shelf of books? wu"ur A READER. Th6 list Is too long to print here. You can obtain it by writing to the publishers P. F Collier ft Son. 416-24 West Thl eenth street, New York. American War Relief Editor of "What Do You Know" Can you tell me the amount that has been con, trlbuted to war relief by th" numerous American agencies which have been engaged ,n ? RED CROSS. According to the best obtainable flirures 131,000.000 has been contributed The amounts from the various agencies follow: iieigian ueuet -410,000 000 Germany and her allies ,6000000 Jewish War Relief (all funds) I'mooIq Rockefeller Foundation"!!" war Jtsner clearing House Committee of Mercy Armenia and Syria .,.... Polish Relief (two njaip funds')!! Fedn-Churh.!!!! fnX-o'2 310.000 "?oo.ooo , 37,000 II , t '. villi! , ".wo "' , . i m .fa T 1 . GRIHD WSf MLyjviyuu .vMSMimjw&MZPzZt .. v f 3.395,649 3,158.985 2.760,000 1,612,000 1.025,000 800,000 Serbian Relief Commission aecourq national Albanian Relief ., " MM.63 As sonje of the funds raised by one . 12.000,000 In this totalbringr" ".V. T contributions to the sum ffffffLtg" Irish Bull Editor of -What Da You Khou,vu Is an -Irish bull- eo called" AB0,0'Why Authorities dlfr as to the origin t .'. term bull, meanlni an Inadvertent,. f i!18 English nodlcal fold In Mio it,.. " notorious. WAR'S REFLEXES SINCE MAY, . " - t The Change in American pf Brought On by the Lusit Horror Remains to This Day NO'StmER. Indication of the", In American feeling toward t) need bo nought than the fact tf war Is, In some way, a political fi was nothing of tho sort before thi tanla sank, and could not have beei one. It Is ono now. So tho era history of tho war, as it was exj In' a noutrni land, must be neatlv .-, The first part, from July 28, 1914, t 7, 1915, was discussed yesterday, second part continues, with no disc variation, in one mold. Tho first cfTect was a wild horn a bitterness against Germanyi knew no bounds. Horror has p horror since, but the thought '( Lusltanla's dead Is still potent, and Is a reason for It qulto apart fro normal human hatred of brulalltj of death or terror nt a sped tragedy, y Tho reason Is that wli Lusltanta went down the world's precious heritage, ita faith In J, kind. Pledges had been broken 1 to bo sure. There had been wa murder nnd raplno and wanton bUi of Innocents. But theso had nhvajv tho work of bruto minds or the?' of aberrations more awful than crimes. The fnltli wo lost In hutr when Germany sank tho Ltislfat trlbuto to tho faith we had In Get before. Today we can no longer of faith In Germany. Wo have truj In tho German people, and pity. ' The Lusltanta sank and almost ' us; Into the war. In a review of 'jx can sentiment something must bos tho stern band who havo Insisted that day to this that we should been In tho war nil along. The t thing was said by their ablest Jout tic exponent, which confessed that sentiment was partial, limited and no response in tho American people" The Lusitania Reaction j Tho strongest reflex of the Luslt slnklug, after our Intensified qppriA tho Entente and our dry-eyed angul life's bitterness, was shown In the campaigns of Preparedness nnd A, cuilsm. Both'of these remain ln'po and tho political side of each rati left out here. Both of them tenj startle the country Into an nppred of Itself and of Its problems. It-be swiftly apparent that tho homoge which wo had always assumed to be essary to our life was not so ,rl' thing as wo had Imagined. We H conscious of a Middle West which not sympathetic with tho East,' Southland which hardly understood language of the Rockies. We set selves promptly to tho task of en sizing the "United" in our official f For that reason It was a blessing tl presidential campaign impended. It a second blessing that a deal of high close thinking might be demanded bj nature of the candidates. That'mu work of Preparedness, and It has. more complete, more tangible and ce than the work of Americanism. M arc still many who rcfuso to pa yond the fringes ot that sea. It be a menacing certainty In tho sumnv 1915 that there were those In thlst try who actually placed a foreign glance first. For a time we the that they were many. It was Tri glad Burprlso that wo realized hojf they were. They had been voclfert vocal; they or their friends whofi courtesy rather than allegiance yc committed crimes. But they werelt menace to the country. 3 The menace was that the wholej of American nationality was obsa was unknown even to the best of Ar cans. It was not loyalty alone, ft certainly not braggart approval ofjj over this country was and did. Whs had to learn and refused to learn was Americanism implied an understan of the unusual principles of our Gm ment, and more, ot the unusual comj tlon 'of our citizenry. Wo saw Eni Interning enemies and Baw her dUQco' Wo hardly realized that this cou would be shaken to Its foundation an Internment of enemies and cttl whose sympathies were, by blrthjy an enemy country, if that enemjri' one of the great Powers of Europe, any other country the lmmlgras' casual. To us he has become very"ne Integral. 'Understanding the War'.Jj Deeper than these things, andbi from view, was the change In ouS tude toward the results of the warJ began to understand that It was, ftj between two Ideals, and that our'J history and tradition pledged us to, against the other The dangers of mocracy rushed over us. Many m spaired of us because we clung o democratic Ideal. Only the otherjj translation appeared of Erolle Fa?1 review of a book by President Q M. Faguet never has been kind theory of democracy, He expressed prise that a "gentle tyrant" lik. Wilson should adhere to the ldea. this country did adhere to It In sp the mortal danger of two democjj nVimn A tT-.r 4 iilit lrn nVian frn IQ attitude toward England, a more kjj hopeful frame of mind It Is now tbs was a year ago. We understand bttS cultles, t3 , It Is the truer Insight into what mocracy means that has given the P not the Government, ot this counw share and a part In the war, C-unP cat boundaries we feel are safe3 ide&ls still are In question. BB question seems less difficult noyrgj It was a year ago. The bands of 'djj racy are 'growing stronger. "Vl saved now the danger of an lmPJ victory. We know that efflcienc5 bureaucracy have met their matci Just such men and women as we J So. at the end pf two years of wo. fully quick changes, of surprls tragic ana Joyous, the country is wg fujly the gainer too much, perbap comparison with those countries B have suffered oa we have not Ij denned its Ideals, baa realized It,' dangers. And that Is worth, more territories aad commercial glorlw Ufa oX a democracy hkh W ! 1