Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 05, 1916, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6
Sri - M, m 19 11- fr EVENING LEDGEI-Pnii;ADELPHlA, SATURDAY, 'AtTGUST 5, FINANCIAL NEWS SMALL VOLUME OP DEALINGS ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE NO DISAPPOINTMENT 4 There Were No Extravagant Preliminary Expectations Because of Recent Duliiess and Summer Half-Holiday. Attendance Probably Smallest of Year High Points of Today's Financial News The New York statement Showed big increases in both average and actual loan and increases in reserves in both statements. Philadelphia bank clear ings percentage of increase was larger than that of any other city in the country. Price of steel wire was advanced fl a ton. Dig buying movement in steel expected. Lehigh Valley Railroad earnings were good for last fiscal year. Commercial failures were reported smaller for the last week. Bar silver higher in New York and London. NEW YOIIK, Aug. 8. Considering tho fact that less than 10,000 shares of United States Stool had changed hands on Friday and only nbout 4000 shares of Union Pacific thcro wero no extravagant preliminary expectations In respect to tho volume of dealings In tho general list In today's short session, As a matter of fact, the attendance of outsldo traders and of professionals on the Stock Exchange was probably smaller today than at any time within a year. The speculative! pendulum Is swinging within the narrowest range because of tho limited public Interest and tho confusion In sentiment regarding labor prob lems, the crop outlook and tho political development Some professionals of experience add to the axiom relative to not soiling In dull markets, "particularly tyiien money Is easy," Tho board-room olemcntTla still convinced that there are holdings of In digestible motor and other securities that can be dislodged If persistent hammer lng.nt Intervals Is kept up. On tho other hand, many conservative Interests nro hopeful of a decided Improvement In tho market for railroad Issues and seasoned Industrials early this autumn. Their expectations are based on tho record annual showing of the Union Pa cific, Lehigh Valley and other lines, tho large Increaso In earnings for July and tho lost United States Steel report. American Steel and Wire Company Advances Prices -., NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Tho American Steel and Wire Company" has 'announced nn advanco of 10 points In its prices, bringing wire nails to 2.60c per pound and plain wlro to 2.G5c per pound. Tho advanco is equal to T2 per ton. STRENGTH CONTINUES IN COTTON TRADING CURB FEATURELESS IN NARROW MARKET Prices High, Notwithstanding Decline From Advances of 9 to 12 Points COTTON DEI.T WEATHER Nt:V YORK, Ant. 6 Precipitation wai reported In the enstern section of the cotton elt till morning, nnd It was elondy In the western part. Temperature! were about normal. The following temperature were recorded! aiacon ana Asne heTllle. 701 Atlanta, 72 Illr- rntngnam, Meridian nna San Antonio, 71 1 Tampa. Oklnhomn City. Iel Klo. Little Kpck. Memphis. KnoTTllle and nhvllte, 7B Audita, Savannah, Ilalelgh, Wilming ton, Corpus Chrlstl. rlhreTeuort. Cialmtan. IHort rjmlth, Vleksliurg, Montgomery and Mobile. 78: Charleston. Jacksonville and 1'ensaeola, SO I New Orient!. 2. There km .01 Inrb of precipitation at Asnevllle and Stontgftmerr, .10 at Clnlreston, .10 at KnoxTlUe. .32 nt Meridian, .34 at Vleksbarc, .43 at Augusta. .00 at Pensa- ceiat ,ia at .uacont .u at Mit uneani, 1.1 ; xa at ampa and .78 at .Mobile. NEW YORK, Aug. E. Strength was shown at the opening on tho Cotton Ex change this morning, prices ndvancing 9 to IS points. Southern Interests, Wall 1 street and commission houses were buyers. Liverpool Bold with a scattered Bupply comlpg from uptown Interests and room traders. J$AJter the call the supply Increased slightly, and declines of two to four points from the Initial levels were recorded at the end of the first IS minutes of trading. Weather conditions continued unfavor able, rains befog reported from the east ern belt. Cloudy conditions prevailed In tho West Temperatures were normal. There was no Incentive from Liverpool as the English market was closed. The receipts of cotton at tho ports for the day were estimated at 6000 bales, against 6143 bales last week and 1161 bales this 'week last year. Tea. close. Open. High. I-ow. Close. August 13.70 is.70 ia.es 13.70 October 13.80 13.IM 14.04 13.80 14.03 December ....14.00 14.07 14.24 14.00 14.24 January ,..,.14.U1 14. IK 14.34 14.04 14.32 March ......14.23 14.33 14.4S 14.31 14.48 May 14.3B 14.47 14.07 14.47 14.57 July ....14.53 14.S7 14.03 14.57 14.03 Spot 13.90 13.00 Motor Stocks Do Not Show Ac tivity, but Prices Are Well Maintained NEW YORK, Aug, 6. Trading in tho market for outside securities today was on an extremoly small scale with price fluctua tions within narrow limits. At the outset fractional gains wero the rule, although later reactions in many Instances followed. There was no feature, tho trading being almost professional. Motor stocks, which were bid up sharply In the final dealings of yesterday, failed to stimulate any activity, although prices were well maintained. United Motors, after an Improvement of 'i, cased off a point, whllo Chevrolet, on small purchases, gained about 2 points. Whlto Motors was up a small fraction. Midrale Steel was almost neglected, with only a small fractional change. Aetna Ex plosives moved within narrow limits. To bacco Products and Submarine Boat were unchanged. Oil stocks, whllo steady, developed little or no animation. There was a slight in quiry for Cosden Oil and Gas. Bonds were dull and a shade easier. Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW YORK, Aug. E. October Mc Enany, Toung and Prederlckson bought; Schley, Burnett, Schlfter, Geran, Slack, Rountree, Newman and Brooks sold. December Gilford, McEnany, Martin and R. Hubbard bought; Schley. Freeman, Newman and Wilson sold. January Wenman, Young, Hyman, Wig gins, C. Hicks and Royce bought; Bartlett, Norden, Sellar. Rosenberg, R. Hubbard, Freeman and Fllnn sold. March Kelffer, Freeman, F. Hartcorn and Brooks bought; Waters, Jay and W. Qumeons sold. May McEnany, Rosenberg and Brooks bought ; Downs and Waters sojd. COTTON STATISTICS NEW TORK. Aur. 0. Tho statistical position of cotton, made. up by Saturday's Financial Chronicle. U aa follows: ThU week Last week I jilt year Total visible supply 3.114.334 3,20S,231 4.583,487 Of which American 3.030,334 3.14.331 3.167.4S7 LOCAL BANK CLEARINGS LEAD .Banks Throughout Country Make Sub stantial Gains Bank clearings throughout the country continue large, the total for this month being J4.75S.436.334. as compared with it, 17?,93Z,280 last week and 3.630,140,63b for the corresponding week last year, an In crease of 35 per cent Philadelphia led In percentage of Increase, gaining 48.8 per cent over last year. Details follow; v loio. ibis. Ke York .I2.S3H.41S.03 1 II,807,S0.42 INDUSTRIALS. Aetna. Eiploslve Amerlcan-Urltlsh Mfr American Marconi Canadian Car Co Canadian Car A Foundry pref. .. Chevrolet -Motor Curtlss Aeroplane Drlggs.Soabury Kmrraon Phonograph Flemish-Lynn Haakell A Barker Car Hendee Manufacturing Inter Mer Marina do pfd kathodlon Bronzo pfd Maxim Munition Manhattan Tranilt Midrale Steel '..'"'' Oils Eletator Peerless Motors Poole Enjr H S ICmm w I Standard Motor Submarine Iloat Stutx Motors Triangle Film United Motori ' United Front Sharlnr U S U A II com do pfd White Motors ....!..T""""I vtoriu mm Bid. . h . IS . 3S . 42 . 60 .188 . 25 . lid . 10 . l'i . 34 . 30 . 25 . 87 . 30 : $ . !0i . r.7 . 31 . so iS 5ft :Ui : $ . 4 . 31 STANDARD OIL, STOCKS. IUInola Ohio ... PralrlApipe H o of California . 8 O of New Jersey B O of New York . OTHEIl OIL, STOCKS. Coaden A Co , Inter Petrol . .... Houston Oil '".'! Sapulpa Hon M1NINQ STOCKS. Atlanta Mutte Conner A Zinc ljutte N Y Cerro de Pasco First National Ooldneld Msrger Hecla Mining Howo Sound , , Jim Butler Jumbo Extension McKlnley Darragh Magma Copper Ji'na Co ot America .,. NIplHlne , . , Ht Joseph Lead Wilt FTnd Con .".!:"! Whlto Oak ".""I .ICO 31H .330 .359 .517 .300 lfo 10 1? St 3 7 6 847H 74 67 2 )4I 80 BONDS. Cerro (la ........ Inter Marine 0 . Mldvale Meet Sa Mo Pac 4s da 6s ......... .110 . 04 . 04 ..en , 83 Asked. K 33 3S ro 70 103 30 100 10H 1-. 33 33 37 113 3.1 4S 7. 01K so 100 1oH S3H U4 o5i $ 4k. 104 333 2.11 R30 3U4 1? OH 11 I 8 SB sa 7 11 uo 14 ijtt 4 144 OSU 04 N, Phlladelpnfa HaltlnYoro . St. Lcjl New Orleans lB8.711.40tt IDS. (133. tUH 43.47 S.70IJ 328 3S3.010 7B.770.477 1.331.32S ija.siv.aaa . 133.3411,338 4 ao.-j.in.tioi 4- 333,380.440 4- lt3.37ft,B43 4- 13.761.703 P.C 40.3 38.S 4(1.8 40.4 S0.O 33.4 23.8 Seven (cities. tive ilys..J3.361.717.3S0 3.428.647,803 38.4 .Other Villas .... pre day.. 680.4T4.238 B33.4W.tg4 3O.0 Total ill cities, rrrr 3ays,.Jl,esi.W1.818 .0,MT,1J 38.T JnCldHy',, T00.344.4BS tiB.0aa.344 23.9 Total iMl eltlea tor Mdc..f4,''.12.438.a34 t8.BiO.0.33 S3.0 1 lisvcal Iceserve Bank Statement ThJ condition of the. Federal Rtserv Bank ot PUlUdelpbl at the close of business August i coswaxas a follows: , f BESOUBCES. Aur. . Sold coin catss In and. certlfl- in vault Gotd setlleisant fund balance v.'-. ! G4W rdemUin fsnd,. Ljal tender notes. II- vr, etc. Totat rererve Coautureisl paper. .... aUtik aocsptaaees. .... fctl tllta dUMBOt 4 and &outt.... VI. a. bead.,-..... .. MatSLiSl VarranU... lareittosnta. . . reserve ueies BatL kV. aad Fed. rs. bits.. lsvrt 1 10.593.243 14407,000 BD.OOO iSM.UIO 3.i7 10.437,1) &0 ll.3S3.Us B.87H.OOO 3-.MT-4U 13.403.413 BOB. 423 los.oao 342. OSa tm . LIABlLITIrM. July S3 piO.2S3.880 18.773,000 BQ.OOO 248.373 21.324,1133 t.Id.708 ll.OID.iOO ll,53.Oii 4.0OO.UOO a. 4 10.330 18,410.230 003.S03 72.9SO SSO.lHd I43.tl31.243 H&i-." : f tyM&tt Ji,3 u;ba tWMMt.W- 4l UKIe- ..." 3B.tlia.WO 4L4JU f3.2I).ueu 43.42 31 TsTS 9)Wt H.23S TJ.' FOREIGN EXCOANGE NBTW TORK, Ausr. 6. Tho market for Foreicn nxchango today waa aa nominal and uninteresting as at any tlms In the week. Rates were virtually unchanged. Quotations; Demand sterling. 4.75 13.16; cables, 4.76 7-16; franc cables, B.90H i checks. 5.91 W; relchsmarka checks, 71 H; cables. 71 15-1G; lire cables, 6.45U S checks, 6.46; Swiss cables. 5.28 H; checks, 6.29 H; Vienna kronen checks, 13.30; cables, 12.35; Scandinavian .kronor cables, 28.70; checks, 28.80; pesetas, 20.12 and 20.24; guilder cables, 41H ; checks, 41 7-16, DANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corr spondlnf day last two ytars. IBIS 1013 1914 FblladalphU 139.073.433 24.624.122 t20.lB0.T30 Boston ..... 82.820.801 28,848.768 ...... New Tork,.43o.34.84.J 441.249,713 ' ,", New York . Philadelphia, Boston Chicago RATES FOR MONEY 1 Call ......... W3tS , Commeri OS1BO '$& aper, thrcs to six months, fl pr cent. Time m bll. Reserve Danka' Discount Rates 10 or Boston New Tork... Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond . . Atlanta, .... Chicago, .... St. Louis.... Minneapolis . Kansas. City. DaILss tiin Francisco Over 10 Over 80 Over 80 up, to SO. up to SO, up to SO. H ;: ! 4U i Boston Nw Tork. .. PnlUdelphla . Airlcul. Over 0. o d I I 4 Cleveland nicojoonj . AUamsi . . Cntasaa .. sl tauis .. ytssMBuUs t is,sisj f3Kr J3M 4 ""S ,M : w i a?TrrSifA.sw s ::! . B .. & m Tra Up. to 80. it acceptanc. up to l r LQIO- caot. SO to 89. ami aw, u. medltr. is MT.Scttl IP n lit Ltot, New York Stock Sales .. High. lw. Advanco Ttumely. uyt 1SJ4 Alaska Qd Minos. 194 1 Alaska. Juneau ..8 A Am Alt. Chem ... 73 78 Am B Sugar , ... S6 8Vi Amer Car ft Pdy. B7 BtH Am Hlla A L- prof 51 Vi S4Vi, Am Ice 27 27 Am Malt ........ 791 7, do pref ,.40 40 Am Smelting .... 02H dtt do pref .......111 ill Amer Zlno ...... 8116 81 Net Close, chg. 1SV ..... 1H Y 8 t 78 y so y 874 8 iy4 y 27 ..ii ni 40 ..... 02H y in am, H Am Tel & Tel....l294 120V4 120 1W W 2SH 70 H y 4 Y. 103 ...,. 71W 1W 81 1 480 83 T6 Tfi 08 2 4S V, 178 17S4 Vi Am Tel & Cable,, 6214, 63 di Am Tobacco,,.,., 221 221 221 Am Woolen . .... 42 H 42H 42 H Am writ pap prd 2BVfi 8V(. Anaconda Cop..,. 10 70 Atl Gulf A W J... 64 04 Atchison 102 101T4 Haldwln Locomo. 71 70 H Bait ft Ohio..,.., 84 8i Batopllas Mining,. 1 .1 llethlehem Steel.. .430 480 Drklyn Rap Tran. 84 83 Brown Shoo pref. 08 08 Calif ret pref . . . 45 45 Canadian Pacific. 17BU Chandler Motor.. 102 102 102 1 ChlO Mil A St P.. 04 04V4 04 C C C & St Louis 4SU 4014 40ft Cont Can 04 04 04 . ..., Chlo R 1 ft Pao.. 18 17 1774 Col Fuel ft Iron.. 43 43 43 Comput Tab .... 42 42 42a 1 Consol Caa 130 130 130 Corn Prod pref . . do oo 00 Crucible Steel.... 07 07 07 Cuban Cano Sugar BB 81 08 do pref 04 04 04 Detroit Edison ..137 187 137 Distillers Secur .. 43 43 43 Krlo 34 34 81 General Electric. .108 107 108 Goodrich Co 70 70 70 Gulf State Stcl .. 72 72 72 FREE TRADE IDEA WINNING SOCIALIST PARTY IN FRANCE Economist Says Drain of Gold May Make Money Value Jump STOCK MARKET DULL 4-iy. 2 Int Harv CXJ pf.118 118 118 1 Interboro Con ... 10 Internat Paper .. 14 do prof 00 Inspiration Con .. 48 Int Nickel 44 Int Mer Mar t c. . 20 do prof ....... 80 Konne Cop 48 Kan City Southern 24 Lehigh Valley ... 77 Lako Erie & West 20 Long Island 3.1 Max Motors 78 Mexican Petrol .. 00 Miami Copper .. 83 Missouri Pacific. 4 do pref 4 Xntl Enameling., 22 Nnt Lead Nevada Con . . . N Y N II & H.., N T O ft W North Pacific .... Ont Silver Penna R R Itwy Steel Sprg . - Ray Cons Reading Studebaker Tcnn Copper Texas Company . Third Avenue . . . Un Bag ft Paper. do pref Un Cigar Stores.. Union Pacific 03 17 87 80 10 14 06 48 44 20 88 4S 24 77 20 33 77 03 33 4 4 22 03 17 67 20 110 110 7 SS 43 22 01 128 24 101 62 7 40 00 0 03 43 22 01 123 21 101 02 7 40 00 10 14 60 48 44 20 88 43 21 77 20 33 2 77 00 33 4 4 03 17 87 20 1 110 7 83 43 22 04 123 24 101 02 1 77 40 00 138 138 138 U S Und Alcohol. 100 100 100 180 180 180 80 80 86 118 118 118 77 77 77 United Fruit U S Steel do pref Utah Copper . . Utah Sec Va Car Chem . Wnbash prof A Wostern Union "Wcstinghouse Elcc 57 west Maryland . . 27 Voolworth 133 135 135 IVlllyB-Ovcrland... 62 61 82 17 30 40 02 17 17 30 30 40 40 02 02 57 57 27 27 1 ' 1 Totnl sales, 80,200 shares, compared with 80.900 shares Inst Saturday) this week, 1,300,300 shares) last week. 1,733,000 shares. New York Bond Sales Illsh. 11000 Adams Express 4s.... b3 2000 Alas Gold cv Us ser A. us lfllBOO Anclo-Krrncn 0s UJ'-j 750OO Am r'orelrn Sec 6t lisji 2U00 Amer Smelt Sec 8s ,.1074i looo Amer Tel clt 4s Hid 4H00 Amer Writ Pap Ba .. 80 2000 Armour Co 4hs 03 Ji CUOO Atchison ndl 4s :!'- 4000 Atlan (-' Lvclt 4 84H 3000 do 4Hs 89U 10000 Halt & Ohio Ss luilj, 11000 do 4s !io? 1000 do cv 4 Vis 04!i r.UOO lleth Steel rfd 3s luuh 1000 Ilrook Un Rlv 1st Bs..liiuV. 7000 Can Gov 4s ID'JI.... 00 U 1000 do 1031 Iti0i 1000 Cent Leath 1st Bs ...101'i (1OO0 Cent l'ac 1st 4s fc 2000 do Kh L 4s KlVi 24IIDU Cent It It S J Sa 11 tl 0000 Chill Copper "a ll'l 1000 Chea II Ohio cv 4',is. 83 1000 Chi 4. Ntvn gen 4a . Itl'i 6000 Chi Mil tit. I-con Gsl07U 2000 Chi II UP rfd 4s.. 72 1000 Del & Hud rfd 4s..., USU 2U0U Krie prior 4a ti.1 H r.llliri fnrilnim Steel 3a ....1011 4000 Iowa Central ref 4s. . B7i 1000 III Central rfd 4s s loot) Intern Met 103000 Inter 11 Mai !tnnnil .lnn.an new t ouu Japanese new iib... pu 2000 K C Ft B ft M 4s... 7R? duiiu Kan Uliy ler isi s. 3000 Kins Co Klv 4s.... 30UO l.ex Erie Bs 000 Laclede lias 1st as. rfd 4s..:i SS 4Hs...... 73jJ ar ct 44a.l0il5 O S44s. So?! . I o-sti .101 Low. 83 UH tlJU !1M 1075 Vlh fcO U.IJ4 844 h'JV lti' tMla 01? loo's lllll 0 loos ioii; or1; JS7C Til iouj; 7.".'i tnnn 1 It Kh dah 4s 1028 . . 1000 h Val It II con 4Vis. 2000 Lie ft M T Bs 2000 Lorlllard Bs uvu uu in ............1T1 1000 Ixiuls ft Nash 4s B4 1000 Manhatun Htu 4s... hO i 1000 Mo Pao cv ct 5i 4d 12000 N Y C ft II 3H s 8Jt S00O do 4s 1)0 2000 N V C 4 Hud 4'4s.... 82J 4000 N V City 4s 1958.... lOotl 3000 N Y Ky adj Bs 57 3000 N Y Tel gen 4?s.... US 1000 Norf ft West 4s S2'4 1000 Nor Pac prior 4s HI5; 0000 Nor Pao sren 3s OS's 3000 PaclRo Tel 5s lOOVs 1000 I'enna 4s 11)48 00 41000 I'enna en 4Va 104i 1000 Public Herv N J Bs.. 01U 1000 Readlne gen 4s 03 6000 Hep Ir ft S Os 07'i 4000 fet U I M ft S 4s 60s 28000 at I. ft 3 F In wl.... B3 iOOO do cen ct ata 4s,. i!7 1000 do Ser A wl...... OSS 0000 St Louis Swn 1st 4s.. TiiVi 1000 Seaboard A I. ad Bs 64 vi 2000 South nll Bs 11MJH 10000 South. Pac cv 4s M 1000 do cv ret f p Bs lo.v. 23000 do rfd 4s E'a! 1000 South Ilwy gen 4s..., 70,, 4000 do con Ss llllt 1000 Third Ave ad) Bs.... 7$i 00UO Toklo Bs n 2000 U a Realty Ba C3U 500 V a Steel s ( re; Bs .101 19000 Un Railways b Mi.. V 4000 Va Car Chem 1st Bs.. 97H 2000 Wabash 1st 5 ludU lDOll West Chester Sa 10.VI 1000 West Mdw 1st 4s ul II!) S4 uuvi iuu'4 00J 100 124Vs 134Va JOOJi .!?.' 1UJU 105i 71 TlK romosrid with ais.i9.. 000 last Hatnrdari this ueek. 813,556,0001 last Total sales. 8832,000 week. 820.371 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. . n..k. MacNamara ...MittMMMt.ir.. Midway Ulxpab Extension .............. Montana ..,, ,., , Northern Star .......,,,.,..,... Tonopah Relroont ............... Touopah Extension ,......,...., Tonopah Mining Reseue Eula West. End OOLDFIELD STOCKS, Bid. Asked, .si ,00 .SO .20 .27 "1 .60 .81 .09 .11 ,02 .03 .13 .15 .01 .OS .02 .04 I I ,40 .45 .87 .SO .14 .18 .75 .78 .11 .12 .04 .03 .04 .05 .11 13 Atlanta . Ulus Bull ilooth IlUltdOST cop Comb Ftae. , Dlamondneld 11 11 . Daisy j?lorncs Ooldntld Consolidated Qoldlleld Merger . . . Jumba Extension . . Kswanas . . . . , Oro .,.... Sand Ksn Silver Pick MISCELLANEOUS. NtTada Hill 14 Nevada. Wonder 2.15 Tecop Mulnx 08 Spot Wheat Steady at Liverpool LIVERPOOL. Au", S Spot wheat wa steady today, with Australian quoted at Us lid nd No. 2 red winter nt 12s lid. aa advance of Id; No. 1 northern Mani toba, 13a 3d. a gatn ot !& Com was steady, with. Amertvarj mixed Ud hlKhcr at lOv 10. an4 plate unchanged at Ha. fc'tour was d Xaww, Ht 4J Ci, :?5 Special Cable to iht Evening XAiotr. Bv FRANCIS W. HIRST LONDON, Aug-. 6. The drain of Kotd disclosed by yesterday's bank return Is another Indication that money may rise in value with corresponding; declines In gilt edged securities. The present tendency may disappear, but It Is equally possible that It may bo accentuated by the usual autumnal demands acting on a market heavily laden with treasury bills. The Protectionists nnd their new Liberal Imperialist allies aro coming to close quar tern with tho Free Traders, nnd Bonar Law's first trial of his tnriff discrimination plan In favor of the crown colonies suffered severely under a fire of criticism yesterday. The debate reminds me that when opposing Chamberlain's tariff reform proposals As tiulth declared there wore only two poli cies frco trade and protection. "All the rest Is fudse." ho added. In official circles thero Is some talk ot reciprocal free trade with France after the war. Tho French Socialist party is said to have been converted by the war to free trade and direct taxation. The stock markets are dull nnd are not nssistcd by i-o heavy tone of Wall Street. Hankers, of course, do not like tho Anglo Italian Bank subsidy, but I hear a similar one will be given for tho Anglo-ItUBslan combination. I referred last week to the results ot tho war as cxhIMted In the public 'judgets and llBts or estimates of asualties. The dif ficulty of picturing the sums spent Is prodigious. A prominent m&themattclnn at Oambrldgo has mado nn attempt to convey the meaning to minds which arc unaccus tomed to handle mllllors. Ills Illustration Is ns follows: "It Ad-m were still living and had occupied himself from creation to the present time In casting fifty sovereigns Into tho ocean every hour of the day and night he would not hnvo Runk ns much money ns has been expended by this coun try In the present war." Sales in Philadelphia High, tjij. s Am Hys pr H M 80 C R I & P 18 IW 100 Eleo Stor.. 5V4 M 850 Lk Sup C. 10?4 JH SIS Penna It It it'A 0 110 Phlla Elee. S"Wi 28ft 710 PUT tr ctfs 18 184 BO Ton Del 4H H 60 Ton Mln .. 8T4 8 too Un Trao . . 4S4 40 Cramp B 7H Mtf f-Increase). Decrease. I10NDS High. I.OW. $1000 AmGAEIBs. 93Hi V4 BOO C'rls '42CD.101 101 1000 do4s'40cp,10l 101 2000 EI&P Tr4s 80 80 8000 EqlllO 5S.108 106 BOO Phlla El 4s 84 84 1000 Un II InvBs 60 09 Increase. Decrease. Total sales. 89000, compared with 818.600 last ftitardsri this week. iS40.45O last week. (224,400. Total, sales, JIBS hjm. eompsrjd wltti shares last Sstprdayi this week, 24,022, en last week. 40,800 shares. Net Close, chge. flH ... 18 H 10 Yt 6y Yt 28 . .... 18 Y Y H 8 4S i d -with StSS aresi ravDinnrn armnTjfc BUYING MOVEMENT TO SURPASS ALL PAST ACTIVITY Shortage Makes Situation One of Anxiety on the Part $i . b . . -n . T-.oafcl T.nrtTPlV T?P.cinhn Manufacturers roreigu x ty0 -"--- -..-sible Trading Continues Dull Net chge. I i . Close. 03H 101 101 80 108 84 9 Local Bid and Asked Today . Dld.Asked. Duff A Susa t c 4lJ do pret oV. nr ii j u Haldwln Kleclrlc Storage Uonernl Asphalt .... do pref Keystone Tel ....... do t c .......... do pfd Lake Sup Corp ..,. I.chlKlt Nav I.ehlffh .Val .. I.eh val NEW YORK DANK STATEMENT Average nnd Actual Loans Increase and Demand Deposits Dccrcaso NEW YORK. Aug. 5. Tho New York hank statement this week shows an Increase of )29,C6!,000 In average loans and $33, 891,000 In the actual. Aver ago reserves In creased (2,298,230 and tho actual Increased 13,005,470. Demand deposits decreased in both statements. Details follow: AVEnAan. I,oans . Demand deposits Tlmo deposits ... llescrve Loans Net demand ., Time deposits lleserve Decrease. ACTUAL. Increase. .120,0(12,000 .30.438.000 . nl.SPft.ono . 1'0.2V8,230 33.891,000 14. 781,000 03,0911,000 3,063,470 LEHIGH VALLEY PROSPEROUS Annual Report of This Railroad Shows Gains Over Last Year Tho annual report ot the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, which camo out today, shows net earnings of $7,666,439 for the year ended Juno SO, an Increase of 11,343, 994, compared with tho previous year. Total operating revenues were (47,382,569, being an Increase of St, 350, 007.16 over the year 1915. The only decrease in revenue was from the coal freight department, where the re turn frnrr the transportation of coal und coke waa (18,811,099, or (384,655 less than the year before. Transportation of mer chandise produced (20,366,250, an Increase of 27.23 per cent over the preceding year. Tho earnings from passenger trainc were S4.300.1SJ. an Increaso ot 6.31 percent The number of passengers carried was 6.745. 080, an increase of 1.538,114. Notwithstanding the expansion of the parcel post, tevenue for transporting mall decreased (910. and for carrying express Increased (224,339, BOND MARKET REMAINS DULL Demand for Municipal and Territorial Securities Continues NEW YORK, Aug. 6. The dullness In the bond market usual In mid-summer which characterized the month of July became even more pronounced In the week Just ended. This development was coincident with successive declines in rates tor money. Fixed date funds are now down a full 1 per cent from the level of the sporadic flurry of about a month ago and prime com mercial paper 1b now down to a maximum half per cent below tho level prevailing about two weeks ago. In view ot the generally appreciated fact that the wealthy Investing class Is now In very slim attendance In the large cities of thu country owing to vacations the dullness of the bond market as a whole does not call for comment. The demand for high grade municipal and territorial bonds which marked the month of July continues on the cqntemplated change In the income tax Incorporated In tho new revenue law. s. 37 it 8. 39 8.41UH.48 8.5008.6'.! s.saos.ss 8.89 08.70 NEW YORK COFFEE SIARKET NEW YORK. Aug. 5. The market for caffeo futures opened quiet, 5 to 7 points lower, on selling for foreign account. Trad ing was moderately active, with sales on the call 6500 bags. At the end ot the first hour the market for coffee futures was quiet and unchanged, with a little selling for foreign account, due probably to a slightly easier feeling In the Brazil markets. Trading on the exchange has recently ruled so light that there has not been much Incentive to attract outside support and fluctuations have held within a comparatively narrow range. There was a fairly good demand for spot coffee, with Rio No. 7 quoted at 9!ic. Ooen. iffieh. Tj.w t. o . . o j.ii. .".7.'- r-"' -. ovyiviuucr .. a.JOli'O.aa O.tU B.BH October ...,8 40 .... ,, lcember ., 8.4808.51 .... .... January ,,,, fc.ss March ..... 8.8968.70 8.70 8.70 May ........ 8.7908.80 8.80 8.80 8.7fifiN sn Total sales, 6000 bags. --.-- Foreign Exchange Market Dull NEW YORK, Aug. 5 In contrast with the previous week, the market for foreign exchange In the week Just elapsed showed little feature aside from extreme dulnesa and steady tone, There) was a ripple ot strength In Italian .exchange, and francs shaded a trifle. The most Important fluc tuations were declines ot 10 points In Scan dinavian kroner, 7 In pesetas and about I In rubles. For the second week In succes. sion there were no gold Imports. The state, ment that an Incoming steamer had brought In 13.00t).000 ot the precious metal was not borne out at the assay ofllce of the Subtreasury. hence thu Impression that the Importation referred tc consisted chiefly. If not entirely, of securities, gained ground. The local time money market showed suc cessive declines, leaving little trace of the flurry ot several weeks ago. Copper Market Continues Firm NEW YORK. Aur B.Flrronsj con tinues In the copper market with domestic consumers and foreign Interests Jnquirinr for. round amounts of the metal. Leading: producers and dealers are quoting from 21 to 87 He for the last quarter delivery. rUthougb. there, are retina that some metal f available at 38 fe. ;n vai An rtrmf 42 Penna OJ't Phlla Wee M1 Thlla Co 40 do B per cent pr .. J7 do 0 per cent pr .. 30 Phlla P.T t c 18'4 Heading- 3Js S 13-18 Tonopah Delmont Tonopah Mlntnc. Union Traction.. U O I 17 S 8tel Tork Railways . do pret ....... tVm Crstnp to .. Testerdar . Did, Asked. ou SH O" GO R4tt (0 C S 4. :::::: lh itf 88 Ih Wg Si?K KB 18H I4H l:m H) 18i 14 IsC 14 B8 00 OS Of),, 10'i 11., 10J4 10J4 74!4 7BU 74 W 75ji 77., 77ji 77., 77,W n.tt m i i. n,1t Mti t .71 . ... 42M 42 "ft rs6J r..i aoh JB 28H 28H 4HH 40 404 80, 37 , 81) 40T 89H 40 i)i mtf io, , 44 04 , K4U $ 4H 4U njt r,i 3t. 4.tS 4.m 44 87Ti 87 H 87H h0s nil's nu l.i u in 37 8054 37 73 73 73 41 87H 80 s , 14 , 72 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 120,443 bush. The mar ket further advanced 2c under fairly nctlve ex port demand nnd stronrer outside advices. Quo tations: Car lots. In eiport elevator No. 2 red. spot. 1 1. 33 1.88: No. 2 aouthrn red, I1.3391..10: steamer No. 2 red, 81.3201.33: No. 3 red. Jl.32Sl.33: rejected A, Jl. 20O1. 32; ret.rtprf It. 11 .57(11. 30 COHN Receipts, 70,539 bush. Trado was inlet, but orterlngs were light and the market ruled firm nnd '4 c higher. Quotations: Car lots for local lrnd. aa to location AVeatern No. 2 yellow, 03O08Mc: do, stenmer. yellow, 02 IC'Hc: do. No. 3 yellow, VOtpOO'.ic; do. No. 4 ollow. S7W88C. OAT8 Receipts, 40.034 hush. Tho market waa lc higher under light offerings and stronger outsldo advices. Quotations: No. 2 white, rlG OlUc: standard white, &0O3OHc: No. 3 white. 4SVi04O,.4c; No. 4 white. 46047c; sample oats. 13944c. FLOUR Receipts, 707 bbls. and 874,141 lbs. In sacks. Trade was quiet, but mill limits wero firmly held. Quotations, per 100 lbs. In wood Winter, clear. J3.2303.78: do, straight. 13.73 0.2S; do, patent. Jri.23B8.30; Kansas, cleitr, cotton Racks, J5 4003.70; do, straight, rotton sacks. IS. 0000.25; do, patent, cotton sacks, Jtl.2AO0.S0: spring. Itrst clear. 13.500(1; do, straight. J0O0.40: do. patent. J0.S0O7; do. favorite brands. 17.2307.70: city mills, choice and fancy patent, 17.2507.70; cltv mills, rrc ular grads Winter, clear, J3.230.1.73; do, straight. J5.7308.25; do. patent. jn.23On.B0. RYE FLOUR sold slowly but ruled srm un der light offerings. We quote nearby at 34,609 0 per bbl., and western at J3.2SO0. PROVISIONS There was little trading, but values wero ateadlly held. Quotations were as rotiows: city beet. In sets, smoked and air dried. 28c; western beef, in sets, smoked. 28c; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoksd? and alr-drled. 20c; western, beef, knuckles and ten ders, smoked. 20c; beef hams. I28O30; fpork. family, 327.03 28; hams, S. P. cured, loose, 18U18Vic: do. skinned, loose, 1OU01U4C; do. do, smoked. 20 Vi 20Hc; other hams, smoked city cured, as to nrana ana average, do. hams, smoked, western cured. boiled, boneless. 34c: nlcnto shoulders. B. 1 cured, loose. 14c; do. smoked. 15c; bellies. In Pickle, according to average, loose, 10 He; break fast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured. 21c: do. western cured, 1032Oc; lard, western, refined, tierces. 14 He; do. do, tubs. 11 He: do, pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces, 14hc; do. do. In tubs, 14 He. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but ateady. Refiners' list prices: Extra fine Kranulated, 7.4o7.03r: powdered. 7.557.75c: confectioners' A, 7.350 7.53c; soft grades. 0.7CO7.50c DAIRY PRODUCTS RUTTER Receipts of fancy stock wero light and tho market ruled llrm, but trade wns quiet, as usual on tho lsst day of the week. Quo tations: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy extra nrais, tfc; nearbv tirlnta. fanev. 33c: da. n,riee extrs. R filter. An rirata 28030c. econds 27027hc; Jobblns sales of fancy prints, 3tl03ttc. KGQH strictly line eggs met with n. good out let and ruled firm. Quotations; In free cases, nearby extra, 20c per dor.: nearby firsts, 17,81) per standard case: nearby current receipts. J7.33 07.03 per caso: Western extras. 23c per dox. j western extra firsts, J8.I0O8.40 per caae; do, firsts J7.5UO7.60 per rase; fancy selected can dled fresh eggs wero Jobbing at ,130d4c per doz. CHKEaE Tho market ruled firm under light offerings and a fair demand. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy. ICUOluHc: do, do, fair to koimI. IOVsOIOc; part skims. 0014c. POULTRY LIVE Fowls ruled firm, while chickens were freely offered and Irregular In value. Quotations Fowls. 20021c: roosters. 14015c: sprlna- chick ens, according to quality, welshing 14 (fl lbs, and over apiece. 21022c: smaller sizes. 10020c. white Leghorns, according; to quality, 18O20ct ducks, as to alio nnd quality. IBOlfc: pigeons, old. per nalr. 25028c; do. vouna. per pair. DRESSED Fine dealrahla-ilieil ilirt... b.t well cleaned up and ruled firm. Quotations; Fresh. lOHc; lOHc; specials 32c; extra, 30031c, firsts. 28c; seconds. 27027Kc f.,..vw. ui j.yit.n, iwa. a iu vox. ary-pacHeu. ancy selected, 23c; do. weighing 4Vs OO lbs. apiece. 22v4c; do, weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 22V4c: do. weighing Sh lbs. apiece, 22c; do. welzhln 3 lbs. anled. L'nfslf. irnul. in ..ov4c; no. inaiana, large. 24U 'A2??'0' llro"e"o-Ji.her ntarby. 2 lbs. apiece. 30032a: hroll.r. slier sizes. 27tl29o: rfcrb, a,h.' Wh I. ..(.(.! bba,, ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked Northern Jn dlana and Illinois, weighing 4 OS lbs. apiece. 22c: do. southern Indiana and Illinois, w.lrhlnu 4 lbs. apiece. 21Wc: smaller aiies. 1802UC. Old rovtr. urj-i--Kru. wk uroiung chickens, liiiuuia. larsv. 2&c; au. at sey. fancy. weigninz nearby, am sprtnsT. IV0200: squabs, per do lag 11012 lbs. per doz. 13.23OS.50; do. whTti, welshing U01U lbs per dos.. J4.30OS; do. white, weshni 8lbs per dox.. ji SoJfsSO; do," wh te weiBhina- 7 lbs per dog., 1303.80: do. whitel dark. J22.S0; do, small and No, 2, 75C011.23! FRESH FRUITS Choice stock waa In fair request and values generally ruled steady, under moderate offer Ings. Quotations; Apples. Delaware and Mary. Und. per hamper Fancy, JIU1.S3: fair to good. 33075C Lemons, per .box, J0O7: pineapples. per crate Florida. 11. 5003. 50; cherries. New York. sour, per 8-lb. basket, OOOeOc: cherries eating varieties, per 8-lb. basket. 60O8&O. Feachea, aeorgla. per carrier Uelle. 32,50 03) Elberta. 12.S0OB:. Carmen. I1.2301.7S: Maun. tain Rose, 11,7502. Cantaloupes. Delaware Norm It da drapes. 11.23 1150 tain Rose, 11,7502. Cantaloupes. Dels and Maryland, per crate. J101.7S; do, ! Carolina, per standard crate. SOcO 11.23 North Carolina, per Cat crate. S0O4UC Or North Carolina and Delaware, per crate. VI. nu; watermelons, southern, per car, VEGETABLES The general market waa quiet and without 1m. portant change. Quotations: Wblta potatoes per M. .M. ... UUV.V. ..,W.e.d :.25; No. 3 Eastern Shore. 7ScOl; No. 1 Norfolk. 11.600 ,.ui,u,M, -Mb. nunc iwiatoes. Jer. ey. per basket. 40043c Sweet potatoes. North 'aroilaa per bbl. No. 1. 13.5004; Ko. j" ij 92.73. Onions Jersey, per basket. 75cOJlt 'nusivauiA. vvr muuer, ii,DUI 10. do r 100-lb bag. J2.7303; do. Virginia, per , J1O1.50; do. Iowa, per 100-lb W. titj Eggplant, Norfolk, per crate ISO 2.30. 1.75; No, aey. : Carol 62.1 do, Pennsylvania, per hamper, 11.2501 75. da, uv, per ivih basket. Jl 3.23. Eggplant, Norfolk, per crate I Cucumbers. Norfolk, per bbl.. J1.50O2; do. do. Kstet. 60Q. w" " " " HVE STOCK QUOTATIONS , CHICAGO. Aug. 0 HOaS Receipts. 10. 000 i&- rt trt,i .JU?.1"1 ni butchera. 18.50 g 10; good heavy, I.80t0. rough heavy 18.00 isfiotia.fs.' ,8io0,O: oUw- -80O9.2a- VSR . CATTi-l!.' Receipts. 1000 bead; market !,.,,JL. - 10.45O10.24i cow and belfsri 14.7808.40; stockera and feeders. SS&'sS Texans. 17. 1008.40; caUes. 110.2301260 bllEEl' KecelpU. 5000 bead; market si , bieeiw neceipu. sooo beadi market stress: oVU'o11 W"UrU 08-40i UtntV, ll"o NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS . liBW J?R.K- Alar- BUTTER Pric. wtU sustained but a very qulst tradsfor the dav Receipts were V5SS. Price uncbinied. " .jj. u.v m uwr gooas nrco. Avsrago ua sower gri uiar who. a ceaipaxauvei: Rscelpts. 12,505. Ytsten ensngta. There -were mnny features "'Jt"ln the steel mnrket during the Pt week. Opinions of the largest nuthorltles In tho trade were heard of a pronounced buying movement to surpass anything thulr en countered and this, coupled with Jh3 actual shortage of steel, makes the itujlton one of anxiety on the part of the tnianufactureri. Although there has been much ' easier conditions In the trade, alt Indlca tlons point to hardening, as wJ evidenced by the advance of U per Ion In bars nt Pittsburgh and an upturn of 1 a. ton in Bsssemer billets at the same steel center In comparison with the advance In bars It is stated that the lending maker, the Carnegie Steel Company, Is booked vir tually full for nearly a year, with large Inquiries In the market, especially from agricultural Implement makers who de layed the placing of their orders until re cently and are now facing the possibility of nn actual scarcity, not merely because of the sold-up-condltlon ot the makers, but nlso due to the lack of steel to meet the requirements. . The renewed interest in me "" been brought about to a great extent by the activity of foreign Interests. Not only are export orders available, but tho large munitions contracts which have been placed here also have brought In a renewed demand from war order concerns In this country. Those munition makers, who nre nctually steel manufacturers, naturally are In a better position on their work than others who have been forced to enter tho Bteel market, and the greatest efforts will bo necessary to take care of all tho busi ness offered. It Is known that many consumers In this country have not covered their re quirements lor steel on business booked, nnd shell steel plates, bars and other articles nro wanted In largo quantities. Theso or ders must eventually be placed, nnd the efforts already being made lead to, the Tm llcf that a serious situation Is flhtely tsi develop before tho matter Is ndjustlat1s fY.otnrllr. Vf Steel buying by Europe either dlfen or M becauso of war orders placed here Is tares tm ahd will continue to be, but thero Is aM nn nlinnrmnl demand from regular flnivi... sir. itnorn. It Is the opinion of the best ati. thorltles that the railroads must come Into! the market sooner or later lor equipment,! as th3 cars nnd locomotives of tho carrier nre being taxcu oy win uuuvy movements or ireignt wnicu ia " ""' ""tuuniered. It Is likely that further advances in prices will be mado In tho near futuro In Various products, to follow uars una Diuets. In fh onlnlon of tho highest nuthorltles wife will bo the next to move upward, and It Is considered rainy certain tnai n. rise ot about two dollars a. ton was announced today. Trading on the Philadelphia Stock Ex phnnire was virtually nt a standstill dur. Ing the hort session today. Thero were but few changes In prices nnd these were r.nriinnnl Rome interest wns nttrnrt.,t to Lake Superior Corporation through the I discussion of the posBioiiuy or me 11 months' earnings statement, showing a big Increaso over tne previous year, nnu this otnrXr pnlil 111) Vt. Philadelphia Itnpld Transit trust certifi cates remained uncnangcu nt is ft an! United Hallways Investment 5s sold un changed at CD. Union Traction was off a fraction. Pennsylvania was up a fraction. Elec tric Storage Battery lost U and American Hallways sold nt 08,4, yesterday's last price About tho middle of the session Union Trnctlon went off a point, but before the end It had recovered half of the loss. Rapid. Transit trust certificates gained a quarter Jur before tho close, going to 18i. WHEAT MARKET OFF ON PROFIT-TAKING Drop Comes After Freah High Levels in Early Trading. Corn Stronger OHATN I1CT.T WnATIIEB rOISKCAST. t'HICAOO, Aug. S. The weather fore cast for 30 hours follows! ... , Kansas, Missouri nnd Nebraska Gen erally fair nnd contlnneti warm. nna Illinois i-arnr ciuuuji iv Inwn m,jI. nhnnw In l.inn.r.lllM. North nd Houth llnkotu Showers wnrroer. . . . Minnesota Unsettled. and BAR SILVER - B" 1,t2"lBi WUJ to ton today t Coomerelit Jjjur ittTor u &cte4 la Kiwi CHICAGO, Aug. 5. Profit-taking by pro fessionals sent the wheat market off this morning nfter fresh high lovels for the sea son had been established in tho Initial trad ing, when thero was continued buylni due to further bullish crop news from the North west nnd Cnnada. September started at 11.36 to I1.3GU, ngainst J 1.3 4 H at the closo yesterday, but dropped to $1.34 U ; December ranged from S1.39U to 11.39, ngainst S1.381,,, yester day's last price, but fell to Jl.J7i : May ranged from $1.45 to $1.44 at the start, compared with $1.43 at the end yesterday, but broke to $1.42. British Interests look forwara to the re port of the United States Department ot Agriculture on crops which will be issued at the close of business next Tuesday with considerable Interest. They still contend that Injury to tha spring crop has been ex aggerated. After showing strength at the start the market at Liverpool softened on expecta tions of free offerings from India nnd hiavler shipments from America, although nervousness was not entirely eliminated. The receipts here today wero 224 cars. Corn opened stronger on lack of rain In the West, although there were a few scat tered showers and continued high tempera tures. Some profit-taking occurred. The market at Liverpool was steady. Tho receipts here today were 198 cars. Oats started Arm. The receipts here today were 393 cars. trading- futures ranged as follows: Wheat Open. Sept.... l.Sd Dec l.DUU Alajr.... 1. 43 Con Sept, nixh. 1.30 1.3!U 1.43 orn (new delivery; floS 71t4 73S 744 BO Doc. May... Oats Sept... Dec. . . . May. . . Lard Sept... Oct.... Itlbs- Sept... .13.00 Oci....18,85 Pork Sept....: Bid. .12.02 .12.03 45li 48 61 12.05 12.07 13.70 13.42 TAW. 1.83ft 1.30 1.41H 8 Hi no 72S 44 2.00 2.00 Tii'ilav's Closo. close. l.a: 1.3SS 1.40S 83 -i tor mi; 13.00 18.35 tl 03 12.07 18.70 13.42 ;i.3-H tt.avt 1.43 son rtSJ, t72 43?i I4,,!e tis.on 12.B7 18.57 J13.23 5.00 23.23 24.02 tAalced. INomlnal. 23.23 24.07 Financial Briefs Comparative results of railroad earnings, ns reported by the Financial Chronicle for the third week In July, show gross earn ings of 35 roads aggregating $14,651,530, compared with $11,557,176 in 1916, or an increase of $2,994,355. Operating revenues of the Merchants and Mlnera' Transportation Company for the six months ended June 30 were $3,023,109, compared with $2,407,381 for the corre sponding period In 1915. Net operating rovenue increased $191,511, Gross Income for the perldu was $G!0,203, compared with $437,724 the year before. Increaso In net earnings was $159,6(3. Commercial failures this week In 'the United States were 274, against 284 last week. 289 the preceding week and 316 In the corresponding week last year. Failures In Canada numbet 21, against 28 last week 23 In the preceding week and 48 last year. The New York Subtreasury gained $1, 321,000 from banks on Friday, Preliminary statement of manufactures of the United States In 1 914, compared with 1909. the census periods, Bhow $24 "46. 323.000 value of products In 1914, against $20,672,053,000 In 1909, an Increase of 17 3 per cent. Capital Investment Increased 23 1 per cent. RAILROAD EARNINGS TEXAS AND PACIFIC. ,UK.,rJi" ....., 11,458,834 Net after tax ....," 22 004 Twelve rnontba" gross .. 10.1SG H.vl Net after taxes .... 4.410.as WESTERN MABYLAND, ""nth , B34,34g NORTHERN PACIFIC. vn?V.S-J i"T $1 .0S8.000 J-rom J"1"' 1 6,818.000 DENVER AND SAW LAKE, viomeI,nilUlf '" f40.000 From July ,.,,, 110.309 CHESAPEAQE A OHIO. June gross 14 ""H 8j Net after' U V: 2 5S2.7S7 Surplus after charges., 880 ill Twelve months' gross. 48.23K 5ta Net after tax 1!4E sis Surplus after charges.. Ksitt'H Inereaae. 1137.815 23H.H53 1,212.218 1.184.038 180,881 101,1118 I21S. 000 1.209,000 18.332 U'.ltJS I0W. 873 444,463 489.308 8.774,975 4.542!20tf 4.218.078 DIVIDENDS DECLARFn United Drug, regular alurteriv tu . second Pielerrel sayiblI,rBeDt5iri?ricnl ock ol rftira August 157" "epiemoer 1 to on Stock Charle J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BOND3 t'SnoTiltilfU' ,'',c,, Btelui, "WM" rvnJCJIWAW BLDCJ i5?XOSL0FJlOrMUKjASTa Certlted fnhtit, AcMtau 1 $100 BONDS Duo. P.C, TUd. Aslcec. 'H rrovlnce of Albertn .... 414 1024 04i .. M Am Tor H-c Co 3-yr notes S lOlli H C9 W Ando-Frcnch 5 Argentina tlnvcrnmcnt . . City of llnltlmoro. 4 City of CHI liar Con ... 4 City of New Orleans Imp J 11 St o. () & li Knn 1st 1U2I) H5V4 104.'. KAK 1002 ONH Cliy it New Orleans Imp J 11.20 100 10 citv nf Vancouver .. Ay$ 1 123 n.T , ciu New York at? ee $ 1JJ03 07H lojg New York Cltv reir 4 1 12,, luJH AU A Vlcks 1st con. ... 0 1121 S'A .. Cen Vf Ilv 1st res C It 1 Un liti. .. ... a M & St 1 cen rfd con C M & St P.conv ...... Col ft So ref & Vt"W Krli pen conv series D. T V fnn rnnv flell ..... N Y & Or I.nko (Erie) 1st N Y N 11 & II cv tleb ctfs S'A N X n It u n cr uou rv Nor West 1st con .... 4 Sen Air I.lne 1st & con.. 0 So l'ac. Snn F Term 1st 4 Vlrglnlnn Ity 1st -s J Am Airrl Chem conv deb IS Am ice BreuriuiH "" Am TAT col tr ctfs.. Am T i T conv ....... Hoth Steel 1st A rfd ... Central I.entherlst reg Chea : I'ot.T.Co 1st... Com r Hy VI con .... Den Oss A Elec 1st ... ,.nMA.ni l.-l.-ti.f- ,ln ... .m it-.., l.wr rnnv deb tl T.ork Hteel 1st con 0 laclede llus 1st ........ Wgsett & Myers deh rec 7 I.lggelt ,ft Myers deb rec 5 1' Lorlllnrd tie h rec .... 7 P Irlllard deb rec .... 5 I'lercx Oil conv deb ..... 0 Mon Power 1st A. rfd.... 6 N 1' Air Urnko 1st conv 0 Wis Edison conv aeu lli.-.d lis 1H20 miH 1022 1)11 2014 106 10.12 101 11135 H3 l'l.l.'l 84 11153 112 10411 00 11)58 70 101H 111 limn nsU ilk ill ti r r. ii r, 3Vi II K US i 07 HO Bid Si1 tIB 84H 1)9 0 1045 1050 11)02 11)21 11125 lll-'n 1113.1 108 1042 100 11I2.'i 11)11 11143 07 11)1S 101i 1040 071 1025 HM!4 100 . 1050 02., 9311 1U1! 1WIIH 1044 123 1031 100 11114 125 11131 100 1024 K2., 11143 l)7H 11)28 102 1024, 07 l "8 M' 93-t in M!4 3 !) Little Activity in Sugar NEW YOItK, Aug. B. Thcre was not .nv. intifitv In Rittrnr fnaturcs at the ooen ing today, due to the closed raw and refined ' markets, ana tne irsi ota jjritco on uw exchange showed declines of 3 points to an advanco of 3 points, with first sales total Ing GOO tons. "Wall street covered for over the week-end, but It appeared to be a holl day market, with little Interest in the trad ing cither way. 1 GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s registered. 1030 2s coupon. 1030 ...... Ss rcKistered, 1018 3s coupon. 1018 4 s reKtatvred, 1025 4s coupon. 1025 .--.vi" Panama 2s. registered 1030. Panama 2s, registered 103S. Punama 3s, registered 10U1. Panama 3s. coupon Illd. .. 08Vi ..Wi ..looV ..ioo)T ..iooS ..110 .. osyi .. 08' ..ion ..lnivi Askes. 98 RELIGIOUS BREVITIES The French Huguenot churches. In severs straits on account ot the general devastation of eaieu the war. have to the American Ann Mmn-h.M fnr hln. Their rlelecnte. Pastor ROUS' sel, recently took home u gift of something mors ....... n ttt n.,,4 nmv Ih. Dav Phflrlll fl. StSC farland. cenerul secretary or tha Federal Coun- ell. reports that he has obtained nearly $23,000 b more, which will b conveyed to the trench I churches as an eipression ot tne anecuon u Christiana In America. The Federal Council U endeavoring to rnlse about 3150,000 for tht help of their brethren In France. Rev. Heber II. Deadle. who hn served ths Second Presbyterian Church of Rrldgeton. N. J,, for 60 years, has offered his resignation because his health la not aa robust as formerly. Mr. lleadlu Is at New Hartford, Conn., where he 14 recuperating. He will ba pastor-emeritus of tne church. The following ministers will supply the pulpit ot the Olivet-Covenant Presbyterian Church for V August durine tne aosence or tne pastor. iam Hev. Dr. Matthew J. tlyndmam August 0, tb Rev. Henry a. Maeder; August 13. the llev. Dr. Clarence U. Reynolds, I). D.s August 20, the Rev. William llUserstaft; Auguat 27. the Rev, Or. David Winters; September S. the Rev, Wil liam M. Schall. The gallery, for which there were not suffi cient funds at the time of the erection of the parish houan for Ht. George's Church. .West Philadelphia. Is now being built. This will give the rople of St. Oeorge's Church a very com plete house tn which to da lis work. Tha rector hopes soon to be able to erect a vestibule at tb front entrance of the church, which has not been In use for several years because nf this lack. Rhlnelander and his family are Io Portland. Me., where they will be during the summer. Bishop and Mrs. Ourtland bave gone to Canada Dlshop nd. When in Atlantis City, over tsunaay i C0.MK and ENJOY the BOARDWALK CHURCH conducted by Robert Arthur Klrrood Illjou Theatre (Roardwalk below So.'h Carolina Ave.) Elcll-B!fPa"' .morning 10:45 o'clock Seats Free All Welcome Come early for a 84 SSty m REI.IOIQDH NOTICES Baptist C,"S.TJfU.T STREET H.UT1ST CHURCH "Aits. u. u.. t'astor. OEORUB D. -t a. ns. 10 M a m. W. B. Sinn Urothrhrwwl nf A ami T -Worship and sermon by the Rlf. D. D . of Rochester. Pa. Brethren K.,iS.ir)o !?)r. C.r"la and Dauphin ats. bunday School, 10 a. m. ftfi'l'f i.1 "" "" 5 p. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evening. lllseellaneoua "rS.iiEET'Nas ., The Large. Tent conducted by J. a. Washburn and 1L U. "- oa4 "Sf" very night dUl.UAl. AUU 0. 70 p. M. RSJiS3 ll1' uVILl hu' orltnThU work: bU iS?,' I?i' cremation. Why was sla vf BubJect-SpIrltualUm? li It of ths Dtvilt Can the did return t Bervteea every nUbtT Tent ab Sk.WlJUn?ntlrttedwitU iu mlttedl . . . . MONDAY ruJ,5-?l'irtu'l'a. U It of God, Man W absolutely water- et.7;S.r" ,1"tui,T Jutmea vritn electricity. o" lortable Stfjita. ilt-v .aw.!,,.. m7.V -h ,..)Mn lit. -"Cr,.- " '"O W"kt t cark.. Two floo. "" from 52d at. sUyatsd t- BENEVOLENT ABhOClATlONS 1&fd1VVh7,,T1.?-N An. ii. tomm&mFm VlWDiCi, ICsj-iiiA-.