swPHP",'!iWifj!i?iwv-"W' w 'J i. CITY GUARDSMEN IN CLASH TODAY ONLY ON DIAMOND First ahd Second Regiments u to Try Conclusions' in n "Rubber" Game REPORT TO BE DELAYED The Racket Will Not Be Over Until About 7:30, Phila delphia Time The tempcraturo registered at 10 o'clock this morning in the tents occu pied by the Philadelphia guardsmen en camped near El Paso, Tex., was 91 de grees. The official temperature in this city at the same hour was 78 degrees. By CARL L. ZEISBERG Evening Ledger Btaff Correspondent Eli PASO, Tex., Aug. 5 It la tho Great est pity In tho world Mint HI Paso and Philadelphia are so far away from each other. For a baseball gamo that every "fan" In Philadelphia would glvfl his straw hat to boo will bo played on tho mc3a of Camp Stewart this afternoon. It 1b going to be the hottest game, from both thermal and sporting viewpoints, that nnybody from Philadelphia ever saw any time lii hli llfo. Tho First and Second Regiments, each having won a game, and each having iharpcned tho batting eyes of Its sluggers and having groomed Its pitchers, nro out for blood. They nro going to play the first gamo fpr tho First Urlgado cup, do nated by tho citizens of Philadelphia. They havo soon a picture of this cup, theso soldier-athletes, and they aro going to fight and scrap and battle for It. Tho baseball Gettysburg will begin at 1:30 o'clock. That Is too bad, because 3:30 on thU border Is G:30 o'clock In Philadel phia, nnd 5:30 o'ctock here, when tho game probably will be finished, Is 7:30 o'clock In Philadelphia. To mako matters worse, tho nearest pross telegraph wlro i It miles' away, with a deep-rutted road Intervening. To got tho score to Philadelphia this after noon thorcforo Is Impossible. Probably It's Just as woll, though, as tho Phillies nnd Athletics, who make an earnest business of baseball, aro deserving of support. THE DOPE. But hero Is fan-food, up to the last tnlnuto: Captain "Walton Clark, Jr., a Princeton star, has been chosen to start tho game In tho box for tho Second Regiment Manager McFetrldgo, who Is tho "Bky-pllot" of. tho regiment, ns woll as tho pilot of tho ball team, picked Clark from his string of pitch ers, with Private Bradley, the Lawndalo spoed boy, who struck out 14 men In his last gamo, hold In reserve. Bradloy will relievo his superior officer if tho latter's arm develops stiffness or ho Is sent out on guard duty. Carrlgan, tho most vcrsatllo player In tho First Regiment, has been detained, to use strict military language, to bring homo tho bacon for his team. Ho will begin tho pitching for tho First Regiment, Sergeant Major MacMulltn. manager, announced. Al bert Shartlc, left-handed Washington Col lego pitcher, will finish tho gamo If neces sary. Solor Sergeant Harry Fryckberg, captain of tho team, has been shoved up to tho top of tho batting order, where his trusty bludgeon Is expected to worry tho enemy pitchers. EAGER FOR FRAY. Both teams, strengthened and In flno con dition from n week of "extra duty" prac ticing, aro eager to settlo tho issue of whlcit Is to draw blood In tho first clash of tho lnter-rcgimental cup series. The batting order follows: 1ST REGIMENT Fryckbcrr. lb Bhearer, rf Macilullln. 3b Hern'. -atb-raon. If Lawrence, cf Quarlea. lib llalrd. o Carrlsan. p 211 ItECJIMENT White, as Thurman, o Winter, lb JackHon. 3b Sloan, cf Krobercer. rf Murray. If Lieutenant lloeger. 2b Captain Clark, p unarm, p urauiey. D Time will be called automatically If a landstorm sweeps "over the" ball ground. This ruling was made to provent some war like Tyrus Cobb, lllto Lloutenant Boeger, from pilfering a liaao while- the catcher rubs the sand out of his eyes. No extra guard will be detailed by either Colonel Allen, of the First, or Colonel Tur ner, of tho Second, because, as the observ ant umpire, Lieutenant Rlsler, of the First, pointed out, there are no pop bottles and not a single brickbat on all the dry plain. However close tho game may become, no disputes are expected to arise. A soldier Is a soldier, even In the heat of a diamond battle. INJURED MAN IN AUTO SPILL Car Overturns as It Bears "Victim of Ac cident to Hospital An automobile, In which an Injured Ital ian quarryman was being conveyod to the Ablngton Hospital, overturned on Old York road today, throwing out the four occu pants and severely Injuring them. ThoBe In the car at the time besides the laborer were Alexander McClean, of Cheltenham, owner of the automobile; Doctor Rosslter, of the Ablngton Hospital staff, and John Rossa, an employe of the quarry, who had vol unteered to hold tho injured man. As a result of the mishap the laborer, whose name has not yet been learned, Is Injured so badly that he Is not expected to live. The other occupants aro all In the hospital suffering from Internal Injuries, cuts and bruises. McClean was driving on Old York road when the Italian was injured by fall of rock. In the Nlghtlngler Quarry, near Mc Klnley Village. He offered the use of his car to convey the man to the hospltnl, Doc tor Rosslter was taken Into the automobile on the road. The car was Just about to enter tho hospital yard when It ran Into deep rut and overturned. WOMAN WANTS ALIMONY 'Mrs. Goldstein Says Ex-Husband Fails to Support Her Mrs. Eva Goldstein filed Suit for alimony gainst her husband, Dr. Simon I. Gold stein, In the Camden Court of Chancery to uay. in the affidavit. Mrs. Ooldsteln al leges that because of the doctor's cruel treatment she was compelled to leave him, and that since that time ha has contributed to her support only In tho amount of J 85, and this in small weekly payments. The Goldstein marital troubles have been 'red in the Camden courts, for the last year. Suit has followed counter suit since the couple separated. Mrs. Goldstein has attempted many times to show the court that her husband received much property from her father as a dowry, and that despite this has refused to contribute to her support In any large amount J. B. Miller Left $115,000 Wills admitted to probate today were those of John B. Miller. 705 Kenllworth avenue, which, In private bequests, dis poses of property valued, at $115,000. AN fred Whitehead. Wildwood. NT. J.. 143.700. , and WUhelmlna. Slpe, 2434 East Adams E street, $6000. - IF Thft Tiarftnnnlltv nf iha tnA if Tl!im!rl Ashmead has been appraised at $11,889.02. fo3,QOO,000 Agricultural Appropriation IV WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. The conference F report, already annroved bv the Senate. on the agricultural appropriation bill, car rying approximately JJS.OOO.OOO, was adopt ed by ta Bouse, LOVE AT FIRST AND LAST SIGHT OF SOLDIERS INSPIRES LETTERS Ten-Minute Stop at Tank Town Long Enough for Some Girls to Form Undying Longing They Write of It By CARL L. ZEISBERG EvcMno Ledger Btaff Correspondent Eti PASO, Tex., Aug. G. If ono could gather together all tho letters written by girls to tho soldiers In Camp Stewart and cull from the masi tho best letter of each typo ho would havo n group of gems that could not bo excelled from a standpoint that In human If not strictly literary. Coy, Joking, girlish, womanly, pathetic, tragic, laughable, farcical, silly, breezy, endearing are theso letters that femlnlno hands pen to tho boys In khaki. Let us discard tho sacred lettors written by old sweethearts to tholr soldier boys. They run In a groove, aro of one type. They nro monotonously alike. Tho human Interest lies In tho letter written by tho girl at tho waysldo station to the boy with whom sho exchanged names and addresses Just for tho "excitement" or wai It some thing else? It was, In many cases, as tho letters Bhow. Hero Is a letter received by n homoly, snaggle-tooth private from some country maiden who surrendered "her heart to him In tho flvo minutes that sho behold him, her horo, leaning from tho dusty troop coach while the englno sucked In water from a tank: "My dear sweetheart I am longing for you over Blnco u went away, ploaro wrtto will u. 1 wilt wait for u to cum back through here, please wrlto to youro Bweot hoart I will bo walten for u. ploaeo wrlto. Don't forget to wrlto to youro sweetheart" That letter, scrawled with pencil on cheap tablet paper, mcan3 Just as much to the nnngglo-toothed private, who showed It proudly, and Is treasured Just as carefully In tho left pocket of his shirt as Is tho scontad note. Inscribed with tho finest of writing fluid, which somo other soldier car ries next to his heart. That letter to any one except tho snagglo toochtd private, however, ha3 no distinctive quality except a midden nnd perhaps foolish love. But this letter, received by Cor poral Chnrlcs II. Hummel!, of Company K, Sixth Regiment, has a rare quality, a uni versal appeal: "My unknown soldier friend I was standing on tho depot platform at Nevada waiting for a train when you went thro' yesterday. And as you throw your ad dress from tho window a llttlo girl picked It up and gavo It to me. "I kept It with tho Intention of writing to you. I hopo that troublo down thoro will bo settled peaceably and that you can re turn homo well nnd hnppy. I am writing you this letter becauso somewhero I have a dear soldier brother. I do not know whero ho Is now. I haven't seen him for 13 long years, but havo heard from him qulto often until of late. I nm also writing becauso I know you aro a long way from homo and aro lonely. I can sympathize MISSIONARIES GATHER FOR MT. GRETNA SESSION Reformed Church Conference Opens Meetings With Delegates From Many Countries MOUNT GRETNA, Pa., Aug. G. Tho sov enth season of tho Missionary Conference of tho Reformed Church In tho United States opened hero today. Tho conference leaders wero Introduced to tho delegates by tho Rev. Robert J. Pilgrim, of Pittsburgh, who has served K3 chairman of the conferenco since Its Inception. Among tho leaders nro tho Rov. Carl II. Gramm, Reading, Pa.; Dr. J. C. Leonard, Lexington, N. C. ; tho Rov. C. A. G. Hermann, Scranton, Pa.; Dr. IC O. Spesaard, Mlffllnburg, Pa.; Miss Esslo M. Rltzman, Rcadlnp, Pa.; tho Rev. andMra. E. W. Lontz, of Bangor, Pa. Dr. James I. Good, of Philadelphia, well known throughout tho Reformed Church will deliver his new atereoptlcon lecture appro priate to tho 400th anniversary of tho Reformation on Sunday evenlnll In tho Chautauqua Auditorium. Dr. 11. E. Kresge, of Allentown, will preach tho conference sermon In tho morning of the sumo day. Of special Interest Is tho homocomlng of Dr. "William E. Hoy, of Vochow, China, and Dr. Allen IC Faust, of Send.tl, Japan. Both of theso missionaries aro expected to deliver their first addresses after reaching America on furlough nt the Mount Orctna conference. DEATH RATE FOR WEEK HERE SHOWS INCREASE Greater Share of Mortality Shown Among Infants Denths from nil causes throughout the city during tho week totaled 199, as com pared with 456 last week and 608 the cor responding week last year. The deaths were divided as follows: males, 296; females, 203; boys, 132. girls, 87, The deaths are ascribed to the following causes: Measles r Hrarlot faver , ' wnoopinKcougn 131 uhtherTa ami croup , . . iberculosls of the tunics j Till Tuberculous menlnaUls .... K Simple meningitis.. ........ jj Organic diseases of tho lienrU.-.. ....... " Acute bronchitis Pneumonia ,?, HronchopneumonU W" ? Disease of the stomach (cancer excepted). . .7 Diarrhea and enteritis (under 2 years) 102 Appendicitis and typhlitis. 1J Hernia. Intestinal obstruction - Cirrhosis of tha llijr.. , ....... ,J Acute nephritis and Drighfa disease 39 Noncancerous tumors and other diseases or the female genltil oreans...... Puerperal septicemia (puerperal fever, perl- n Other puerperal accidents of pregnancy and u hnf , iitfttasBeeeVl Congenital debility and malformations S Old use J Homicide . .-,- :-..- . All other violent deaths, ....... ...... ...... -a Suicide .... , .....jm. , All other diseases. ...,., iim ......... 11 Total .,... 490 SLAYER DIES INSANE Gloucester Grocer Succumbs After Shooting Son in Home Patrick McNulty, for many years a prom inent grocer and Democratic politician of Gloucester, where he was a member of the Board of Freeholders, died today In the Insane asylum at Blackwood. N. J., where he was committed after he shot and killed his son Thomas on June 8, 1915. He was 71 years old. McNulty entered his home, 230 Morris street, at supper time and found his son seated at the table. He drew a revolver and shot him. causing death later In the Cooper Hospital. He then shot at himself three times, but missed each time. Still bent on killing himself he cUt arteries in his wrist and stabbed himself In tho stom ach, but recovered from these injuries. lie was Indicted on a charge of homicide, but the case never came to trial, as Judge Boyle, in the Camden Criminal Court, sen tenced him to the insane asylum on August 19 of last year. Candles Start Fire Candles used at the table In Friday eve ning dinner rites caused a fire in the home of LouU Holkln. 514 South street Mr. and Mrs. Holkln were on the front stoop, wait ing for their son Abraham to come home to dinner, when the c&ndlea fell over and started the fire. The damage, was mw.ll,. EVENING1 LBDGBE-PHILADELPHIA, SATTJKDAY, AUGUST 5, 1910. with you. I know what that means. I am lonely, too, an orphan girl, and have no homo, but I have five of the dearest and best brothers In tho world. Though I am a long way from them now. "I hopo you can appreciate my letter. They sometimes help to pass away tho time and mako one forgot for n. little while that they aro discontented and worried. I will be glad to hear from you If you wish to write, nnd I truly hopo that you may soon return and there will bo no Bertous troublo there. "A FRIEND." So the letters run chatty, confidential, of an Intimacy born of the natural attrac tion ot tho girl for tho man In uniform, who as a ward of tho nation must bo com forted and cheered. Where one girl writes engagingly of a dance she attended Thurs day night another chronicles the death of her mother Friday morning. Hero ono tolls about tho vexing problem sho has of de ciding which dress to wear! thero anothor frankly ndmlti that her family Is "up against It," with tho Sheriff coming In his big boots. Nothing Is concealed In the let tors Miss Nation writes to the nophews of Uncle Sam not even her abounding love and admiration for him nnd his pretty uni form. TROOP G Allen B. Decker spends two hours a day washing clothes, every day. "Tootste" Qulnn would bo happier If his girl wcro here. "Bill" Lamb, who was nppolnted cook, must be a good one. He's becoming qulto rotund. Burd Qulnn likes this place all right, but oays It's not as dcslrnblo ns the Land Tltlo Building. Ho misses tho pon and Ink. Arthur P. Kane, of Brooklyn, Is llko a cat In a doghouse. He's anxious to rejoin his ftrst love, the Brooklyn cavalry, Jim Tato and "Toots" Qulnn nro wagon ers now. James McGarrlty and Andrew Bracken, of Chestnut Hill, are In tho lucky tent, No. 13. Robert Fitzgerald, of Germantown, who left tho "Happy Six," Is still happy, although ho's 3B00 miles away from his sweetheart Reubon Oves happened to bo bathing his feet In two pans of wator.when retreat was soundod. Patrlotlo soldier that he Is, ho arose and stood at attention In his tont with each of his feet in n pall of water, for two long minutes. HAVERF0RD COLLEGIAN DISAPPEARS FROM HOME Severn Kerr, 19, and a Golfer, Missing From Sharon Had Been Sunstruck .. Pollco of this city wore asked today to look for lD-year-old Severn Kerr, a student of Haverford College, who Is missing from his homo In Sharon, Pa. Young Kerr Is a son of tho president of the Sharon Steel Hoop Company, one of tho wealthiest citi zens In Sharon. Tho nld of Josoph Shay, In chargo of tho missing division of tho Detcctlvo Bureau, was asked by tho police of Sharon. Kerr disappeared on August 3, and as ho Is an enthusiastic golf player, It Is thought ho may bo at ono of tho country clubs in this city. Whtlo playing on tho links of a country club at Pittsburgh, Kerr suffered from sun stroke He collapsed and friends carried him to tho locker room. In some manner ho disappeared from their sight and has not been scon at his home since. It Is thought the sunstroke has caused somo tem porary mental aberration. PROBE OF DEMOCRATS, AIDING MEXICO, ASKED Friends of Wilson Charged in House With Shipping Arms to Foes WASHINGTON, Aug-. B. An Investiga tion of the activities of Democratla cam paign contributors In the shipment of war munitions to Mexico was demanded In a resolution Introduced in the ITouse this afternoon by Representative Rodenberg, of Illinois. Representative Rodenberg charged on the floor of the House that Cleveland H. Dodge, vice president of the Phelps-Dodge Com pany, munition makers, a personal friend of President Wilson and a large contributor to the Democratlo campaign fund In 1912, was Involved. The resolution would authorize the ap pointment of a joint committee of Ave Sen ators and five members of the House to determine whether Arms shipping munitions to Mexico havo beon through officers or di rectors prominently Identified with any ofll cer of the United States Government or have contributed to the campaign funds of any party or candidate. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES John Daniels. 1610 S. 40th St., and Margaret Urendal. 810 8. Hicks at. George Coley. 2U3T Peacoa St., and Eitelle Megee, 2037 Deacon st, William II. Carter. 29 E. Silver St., and Ethel Hlgglnson. 3300 Levlck st. Harry C. Fisher. 1400 Lennox St., and Katie D. Harlg. 2323 Natrona st. William II. Vogel, 1301 B. Palmer St.. and Kathcrlna V. Sharker. 133S K. Montgomery ave. . Howard Friend. 5125 Warns are., and Ray n. Nathan. 5050 Otrmintown ave. Benny Welmer, 713 Snyder ave., and Dora Silverman, U10 Morris st. ElmerU. Taylor, Jr.. 3030 Fatrbill St., and Olga L. Lareon. 5S0S Locujt st. Francis Marllvexzil. Kingston. K. T., and Car oline Ulzzarrl. 1222 Annln at. Kostos Delavlnos. 274 8. 10th at., and Sophia Stanow. 221 K. 10th st.. Henry V. B. Hell. 1010 Mascher at., and Laura M. Helm. 2231 N. 11th st. John D. Orede. 2131 N. lUndolph St., and Mil dred II. Vogt. 2033 N. Orkney st. Harry Hundnian. 4S43 N. 5th St., and Cath erine Plrrlnx. 3040 N. 3d St. Tneagood dlbjon. 1011 Buttonwood St., and Elizabeth E. Custer, 1911 Buttonwood st. Edward LLytU. Darby, Pa., and Barbara Miller, Colllcgadale. Fa. Albert J. Colter. 203T Appletree St., and Viola Hamilton. WUmlngton. Del. Edgar Larner, Sbortvllle, N. J., and Florence Murphy. 231 N. 10th at. m t , John Larsen. 1801 S. 17th at., and Charlotte Olsen. Warren. Pa. Jacob Newfeld. 1838 Dalkeith at., and Karelins Kublca. 3274 Memphis St. Edward Nolan, 1833 Itldge are., and Anna Mylm, 1380 Rldga ave. John Kurtz. 183T S. Conestoga st, and Reno Krouse. 2331 E. Hazzard st. Patrick MacAleer. 8301 Lancaster ave.. and Julia Cody. 5837 Pearl St. Edward Rhodes, 8010 U. 83th St, and Georgia Smith, 8321 kk'arl st. Edward Allen. 5732 Wayne ave., and Irene Mahon. 1727 S. 18th lU Albert Raeciatti. Lambertvllle. N. J., and An gelina. Qasplrl, 1233 Wilder St. Lulgt Mlcbelottl. 708 Catherine it, and Cr mela Foot. 732 Clymer st. Clemens Clylnsky. 003 Wood at, and KaU Uluder. 483" Mildred st. Vincent Ezsjo, (W3 TUlsoa st. and Margaret , Wade. 2417 Sbarswood at Antonio Mlsslni. 76U Catharine at, and Sarah Franker 11SS S 10th at Nicholas Schlltter 1323 Cadwallader at. and Anna KKUnghimmer. Christiana., Pa. Nathan. Brlston. Christiana., P . and Mary Reatb. CoatesvUl. Pa. u'St5.r SaUc?ir- AUenwood, Pa., and Henrietta MeCarty, AUenveod, Fa, b&'V. r . . " TvVqfkTi; IV &r VJ MISS ALICE PAUL National chairman of tho Con gressional Union for Woman Suf frage, who has been conferring with leaders of the Womnn's pnrty 83 to whether womca voters shnll be organized against tho Demo cratic party. JraiDRSTTRPZTKE SQUAD TO FIX BLAME FOR UNSAVORY STATE Probers Summon Policemen of Tenderloin to Testify Monday. Night Revels in Park Investigated HARMONY IN INQUIRY Kvcry member of the vice squad In this city has been summoned to testify In tho vlco Investigation nnd will appear beforo tho Grand Jury Monday when that body reconvenes after Its wcok-ond rccesi. Startling disclosures nro expected when these men nro questioned. They will bo asked regarding tholr knowledge at first hand of conditions In tho Tenderloin and In other sections of tho city whero vlco flourishes. Tho Grand Jury through questions put to tho squad will endeavor to learn who are responsible for tho conditions In this city which caused tho raid of July 15. Tho Investigators say that they are not satis fled with the testimony given them by Charles I.ce, who was deposed as head of tho vlco squad. GRAND JURY DETERMINED. That tho Jury will continue Its Investiga tion persistently Is Indicated by the re marks of Henry S. Bernard, tho school teacher-foreman of tho body. "Jf necessary wo shall sit until Christ mas," ho raid. It Is believed that tho dissension which existed In the ranks of the Jurors has been smoothed over slnco Mr. Bernard becamo foreman. Lack of harmony had apparently handicapped tho Jury, but emphatic state ments aro now mado that this has disap peared. District Attorney Itotan prophesies that the disclosures to bo made next week will be the most startling yet. In addition to tho vlco squad, iruardB of the Falrmount Park police will be called to testify on Monday. They will bo ques tloncd regnrdlns visits to the Tark late nt nlsht of parties who havo spent the early part of tho evonlnR drinking nt cafes near the borders of tho Park. Complaints havo been received from persons of tho neigh borhood that the participants In these mid--night rovels have frequently been Intox icated. NIGHT REVELS IN PARIC It Is said that detectives recently have found In these park cafes women who, previous to tho raid of July 16, wero habitues of tho Tenderloin. It Is said that these women are flocking to the park anJ the cafes nearby, which they enter unes corted. The guards will bo asked whether It is possible to keep theso women under surveillance when they enter the park Members of tho vice squad also will bo asked If they know anything regarding conditions In Falrmount Park. This turn to the Investigation is believed to have been brought about by the receipt by the Grand Jury of a letter from a woman who signed her name "Mother." The investigation may be aided by the Issuance of summonses for proprietors of cafes which are known to have "shady" reputations. In pursuance of what has now become a custom with the Grand Jury In the present investigation all of the wit nesses will be asked whether any attempt has been made to Intimidate them or to Influence their testimony In any way. There Is no session of the Jury today, as the body adjourned yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, not to meet again until 10 o'clock Monday morning WILLS FEES CASE UP AGAIN New Argument Ordered on Appeal Against Sheehan President Judge Audenrled, of Court of Common Pleas No. 4, has ordered further argument on the "case stated," flled by City Treasurer McCoach, raising the question of tho right of Register of "Wills James B. Sheehan to retain for himself the 3 per cent fee for the collection for the State of col lateral Inheritance tax. No date was fixed for tho rearguments. The case stated admits the facts of the controversy, but questions the legality of the point of law depended upon by the reg ister to sustain his right to the fees, which, It Is estimated, would amount to upwards of 350,000 during hl3 term. The case seems to hinge on the constitu tionality of the act ot July 21, 1913, which provides that "hereafter the salary of reg isters of wills In every county of this Com monwealth, containing a population of 1,500,000 and upwards, shall be $10,000 a year. The registers In said counties shall pay Into the county treasury all fees or commissions of any kind earned by them for services performed either for the county or for the State or otherwise." Bartender Injured in Saloon Fight Joseph Hoban, 28 years old, of 280S Alter street, a bartender employed in Henry Zlngers Baloon, at the southeast corner of Third and Spruce streets, is in tho Penn sylvania Hospital, suffering from a frac ture of the skull. He was struck on the head with a beer bottle during a quarrel In the saloon last night Joseph Gaughan, 23 years old, 3 McKean place, was arrested and charged with the assault. He was held for court by Magistrate Harrlgan. An thony Englebreasten, of 332 Spruce street was held as a witness. Gwynedd Valley Has Country Club PENLLTN. Pa.. Aug. 5. Residents of Gwynedd Valley have organized a country club with 99 members, and this number will be increased to 100 before the club is In corporated. The property of R. E. A. Dorr, on the Friends' road, about a. half mile from William Penn Inn, has been pur chased. There are 29 acres of ground and a, spacious house. The house will be re modeled and a golf course and tennis fMtta tsl hA laid OUt - .- ' KING GEORGE AND POINCARE SAY WAR WILL BE PUSHED TO VICTORY LONDON, Aug. G. T"ING GEORGE has telegraphed tho heads of tho Entente Allied States on - the occasion of the second anniversary of Great Britain's entry into the war as follows: On this tho second anniversary of tho commencement of the great conflict in which my country and her gallant allies nre en gaged, I desire to convey to you my Bteadfast resolution to prosecute the war until our united efforts have attained tho objects for which we in common have taken up arms. I feel nssured that you aro in accord with me in the determina tion that the sacrifices our valiant troops have so nobly made shall not havo been offered in vain, nnd that tho liberties for which they arc fighting shall bo fully guaranteed and Becured. King George also sent the following messago to King Albert of Belgium: I desire to assure you of my confidence that tho united efforts of tho Allies will liberate Belgium from the oppression of her ag gressors and restore to her the full enjoyment of her national nnd economic independence. I nlso desire to convey my deep sympathy in the grievous trials to which Belgium is so unjustly subjected and which sho has borno with such admirable fortitude. President Polncare. replying to the telegram sent by King George on the nnnivcrsnry of England's entry into wnr, telegraphed as follows: It is Impossible to see the Allied troops at work without having absolute confidence in their success. I can assure your Mnjcsty that France, In spite of her heavy sacrifice, is resolute, like England nnd her Allies, to earry the war through to rightful victory. BURY MOTHER SBVN0TT AFTER REQUIEM MASS Member of Order of Sacred Heart Honored at Church Ceremony nequlcm mass wan eelcbrnted for Mother Agnes Slnnott, religious of tho Society of tho Sncred Heart, who died on "Wednesday night, nt 0!30 o'clock this morning nt the convent of tho order, Eden Ilntl, Torres dale. Tho lit. Rev Monslgnor Jnmps 1 Slnnott, rector of St. Charles's Church. Twentieth nnd Christian streets, n brother of Mother Slnnott, olllclatcd He was as sisted by tho Rev. Patrick Gallagher and the Rev. Lcj McGlnley, a nephew of Mothor Slnnott Archbishop Prcndergast gave tho final nbsolutlon. Amontf those present were Bishop-elect Philip R. McDovItt nnd Bishop John J. MeCort. About fifty priests from tho Philadelphia district nnd the entire com munity ot Bisters were In tho congregation. Interment was In tho cemetery of tho order at tho old convent. Mother Agnes Slnnott wns 61 years old, having spent 41 years of her life as a religious. Tho lato Mother Anna Slnnott her sister, was also a membor of tho So ciety of tho Sacred Heart For tho last 10 years Mother Slnnott had been sta tioned nt tho convent nt 1819 Arch street whero sho had chargo of tho Tabornnclo Society. Brjhop McGlnley, of tho Phlllpplna Islands, Is a nephew of Mother Slnnott MARRIED TO HIS SISTER, UNSUSPECTING, 9 YEARS Wisconsin Man, Adopted When a Boy, Meets and 'Weds Own Kin MADISON, Wis., Aug. 5. Husband and wife also brother and sister. That Is tho tangled relationship that confronts Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nowton. Newton la a graduato of Wisconsin Unl vorslty nnd Is now n resident of Globe, AH. With his wlfe-slster ho Is on his way to Eugene, Ore., to visit his parents nnd aid In untangling tho strango relationship. Newton, born Georgo Porter, In Spokane was placed In nn orphanago ns a small boy when his father was Injured. Ho was ndopted by Howard Newton, who moved to Reedsburg, Wis. The boy was well-educated and, after obtaining his university degree, went West. In Portland Newton met nnd became in fatuated with Elizabeth Porter, a seml nnry student Soon after they were mar ried, nnd for nine years no suspicion of their relationship nrose. Recently he found an old locket In a trunk nnd discovered it was a picture of his parents taken prior to 1880. When his wlfo snw It she fainted, for they also wero her parents. HUMIDITY HIGH; NO RAIN Weather Man Promises Clear Day To morrow, but Not Much Hopo of Cooling It Is hardly likely there will be any rain either today or tomorrow, despite the hu midity, which recorded 80 per cent today. This encouraging statement to persons who desire to spend the week-end at nearby points In eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey was Issued by the Weather Bureau. If we do have showers tho weather man promises that they will be of a light and local character, and will not break In on any one's pleasures. He also assures that there will not be much suffering from stifling heat The general outlook reads, partly cloudy and continued warm tonight and Sunday; decreasing humidity Sunday; light southerly winds becoming westerly. The tempera ture at 8 o'clock was 76. It remained the same until after 9 o'clock. But, at 10 o'clock an Increase of two points showed that it had begun Its dally climb and the upward movement continued as the day progressed with little prospect of halting until the sun was well advanced toward Its western retreat. GIRL DROWNS ON EXCURSION 12-Year-Old Child's Body Found in River After Disappearance The body of Bertha Smith, a 12-year-old girl who disappeared while on an outing yesterday at the Red Bank Sanltorlum, was found floating In the Delaware River off Gloucester today. The girl, whose home was at 17 Beck street, a small thorough fare running off Christian street near Sec ond, had been playing with her friends, Margaret Davis and Stella Miller, but when the boat arrived In Philadelphia last night Bertha was missing. The police were asked to institute a search for her after her clothing was found near the bathing pool at Red Bank. The pool was emptied, but no trace of her could be found. It is believed now that she either went bathing in the river or met with, foul play. When news of her death was carried to her parents, the mother collapsed and the father pulled out his hair. The family is in poor circumstances. The father Is out of work. There are five other small chil dren. Neighbors have started a collection to defray the expenses of the funeral. Leg Comfort Do VarifOM Velna, Tst Clwrt. Weak Auklta, Burouaa Lf. maka tlti mlurabUT Tbcra la a meaaait cf Joy for you in tha Corliss Laced Stocking A acltntlflo aupport and Ur traat. ment that gives iajndlata com fort and ur. help. No Ullo to bind adjuata to awry condition without rubUr. Lauu4ra caally aa a towct Keep ahapo . wears for months. Mads to your acuuin. st.ia eachT, or two Ut same ler IJ.OO. Call and be measured free, or writs tor self measuremsot black No. B. We also males abdominal belts son elastic) to order Uoura 8 to S UU, 8 to Sat Pesna-Cofllu Limb Specially Co iail-ls-15 Filbert St. PhlU., Ps- SuluttO, BU shone. Walast fUl Am1! mj JAILED AS DAYLIGHT PARK HOLD-UP THIEF Bryn Mawr Man Snatched Pocketbook on Rittenhouse Square, Woman Charges Charles Rodgors, who says he lives In Ilryn Mawr, was held without ball for court by Magistral Stevenson this morning nt tho Thirty-ninth street and Lancaster nvo mio pollco station, on n. chargo of highway robbery pressed by Mrs. Henrietta Piping, of 3961 North Ninth street Mrs. Piping and several friends wcro walking lato yesterday nftemoon on tho Walnut street sldo of Rlttcnhouso square. ..IN..., HlltULIIUI DlltVl. UU,VID ,b 111 'Illlprrpil. pntTm ffnm tinlilnrl nnrl anntnlmrl Mrs. Piping's pocketbook. Tho screams from Mrs. Piping attracted tho attention of Samuel Oshuhck, of 313 Wolf street tho driver of a team. Lashing htn horses, Oshuhck gave chase down Nine teenth Btreet At Locust street ho overtook Rodgers und a Btrugglo followed. Park Guard KohleV, who Is stationed nt Rlttcn houso Square, then came to tho assistance of Oshuhek and subdued Rodgers. AIR HOSE DEATH 'HORSE PLAY'; NO COMPENSATION Workmen's Board Holds Man Blown Up By Compressor Went Outside Course of Duty 1IARRISBURG, Aug. 5. The Workmen's Compensation Board today refused to grant compensation to Sirs. Franclska Tomkoska, of Pittsburgh, whoso husband died April 14, 1014, after n fellow cmployo at the plant of tho Pittsburgh Steel Car Company had turned a compressed air hoso on him, forc ing Rome of tho air Into his body. The referee, after hearing tho case, re fused to grant compensation, and an appeal was made to tho board, which sustained the action of tho refereo. Tho testimony showed thnt tho day before Tomkoska died ho and another cmployo removed tho alr hoso from a reaming machine, Tomkoska Invited his companion to turn the air on htm so that he could "cool off." Tho companion did ns ho was told, and tho result was that the hoso got so closo to Tomkoska that some of the air was forced Into his body. The next day he died. Tho 'board holds that Tomkoska took him self out of "tho course of his employment" nnd engaged In "horse play" which ought not Involve tho employer, itccauso of this compensation Is refused. CAR HITS WAGON; MAN HURT Driver Thrown Out as Trolley Upsets Vehicle on Street Charles Carrol, of C19 Wood street was badly Injured when'an Ice wagon he was driving was struck and overturned by a trolley car on Eleventh street near Apple tree. He was taken to tho Jefferson Hos pltnl. Carrol was driving his wagon south on Eleventh street from Cherry to Appletree street Ho was turning into the latter thoroughfnre when the trolley, northbound, struck the front of the wagon. Carrol, together with a helper, waa thrown off. The front of the trolley was smashed in nnd the passengers badly shaken up. Carrol's Injuries consist of n badly sprained back and general contusions. Traffic was held up for IB minutes. Negro Held In Death of Woman Samuel Luster, a negro, 83 years old, of 127 Kenllworth street has been arrested following the death of a negro woman, Mary Smith. In the boarding house at that address. The woman was found dead In bed. District Detective McGinn found that a fight with bricks in the house resulted In Injuries to the woman. Efforts to learn if this caused her death will be made. KNElt Trsvli Murk Yfi OniCtHAUT T-SUPf WOfftTV I FIRST-AID CABINET Enables You to Handle Offlce and Factory Accidents Froperlr 1, It Is approved br Innjranl Depart ment of Labor and Ioduitry. t. It Is approrea br I'enmjUanla Cem pen is Hon Itetlnc and Inspection bureau. 3. It Kill brlns the hlfbest rebate for such equipment on compensation Insurance, 4, It le guaranteed to pais all Inspections. B, It contains aurrlcal dressings lndWldualli t. It minimizes ths chance ot Infection. 7, It Is ths most economical ens when con tents are considered'. a. It has been proren br experience to ba lbs meet practical ene for Industrial use. o. It can be refilled without annoyance. 10. It will satisfy lou. With, complete equipment, ready for use. nisck enamel cabinet brass trimmed, 19.00. Whits enamel, brass trimmed. 110.00. Burfical Dressings Pharmaceuticals Front b York Streets Phone Sill Sen. IJ77 XV- Eut HU D. "$i ftiiL1 t-..?..,"3:81??.' MUsJeoC -" I tTrOAatQfiMlf. fiUdmnl aaJ , "T--TniT,l f 3 "I...- . SCOTTISH GAIffiS ., OF CALEDONIAN CLUB AT CENTRAL PAUK Sons and Daughters of the Land of the Heather Hold Their Annual Outdoor Festival PARADE PRECEDES SPORTS Scottish tads and lassies In the pictures que raiment of their own fair land marched to tho Inspiring muslo of bagpipes and drums In the parado today which preceded tho opening of tha fifty-second annual Scottish games of the Caledonian Club at Central Park. Thero were more than 1600 Scots In kilts' and they gnvo no thought to the humid weather nnd heavy nccouterments ofthelr natlva country as they marched In rhythmic step to the lively nlrs. The parado formed at Kensington avenue and Cumberland street and proceeded norUt on Kensington avenue to Lehigh, over to Germantown avenuo to Glenwood, and thfta to Central Park by trolley. ! Each year the Caledonian Club outing la ono of tho features nmong tho many that are held nt Contral Park. This ono Is prom ised to outdo nil the previous ones. A mora elaborate nthletlo Schedule had beon arranged than ever beforo : there wra all the contests peculiar alone to the land of the heathor, nnd plenty of the events were open to tho girls as well as tho boys and men. Thero will bo soccer games and dancing nil afternoon and evening in the park pavil ion. Musla was furnished by tha Caledon ian Pipe Rand, of Philadelphia, and the Highland Guard Plpo Hand, of Philadel phia. During this day of ptcknlcklng the Cale donians do not forget the Red Cross. Clans man George Murdock is raising money for tho Red Cros-j fund by giving children a pony ride for a nlckeL Then the ladles' auxlallary had provided a contingent of Red Cross nurses who col lected funds today and they were on the field with divers methods for augmenting the funds already In hand. Tho proceeds -will bo turned over to the Scottish Branch of the Red Cross Society and the Federated Council of Scots In London. The list of the most Important officials who woro In chargo of today's events is as follows: Committee of Arrangements Chief, Alex ander Graham ; first chief tain, Adam Simp son ; second chieftain, Joseph Ferguson t third chieftain, Alexander TullochJ fourth chieftain, Alexander Nlcoi ; ex-chlef, A. J. LcBlle. Clansmen Duncan Carmlchael, George Plcndcrlelth, David Patterson, John Mna tcrson, William Morton, Georgo Murdock, Alexander Duff nnd Robert J. Mulr. Reception -ommltteo First chieftain, Adam Simpson; Clansman W. Morton. Clansman James Pollock, Mrs. G. MacKay, Mrs. James Pollock, Mrs. J, Partington, Mlns B. Patton, Miss M. Ferguson, Miss H. Fleming and Miss II. McEacheran. Floor Managers Clansman Robert Gil christ, Clansman Thomas M. Mulr, Clans man James Jamleson and Clansman David Kennedy. Red Cross Nurses Miss H. Fleming. Mrs. J. Pollock, Miss II. McEacheran, Miss Jamleson, Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. Portlngton, Miss Portlngton, Miss J. Ferguson, Miss M. Ferguson, Miss A. Leslie, Mrs. Black, Miss B. Patton. Mrs. Young, Mrs. G. MacKay, Miss Carmlchael, Mrs. 1. Wilson, Mrs. J. Masterton, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. G. Stewart LITTLE 'UN FOR ED Senator Vare Gets $8300 Contract From City Edwin H. Vara was today awarded a contract for grading McKean Parkway from Twenty-fourth street and Snyder avenue to Twenty-eighth street The contract ap proved by Director Datesman, of the De partment of Public Works, calls for the payment by tho city of $8300. Another contract awarded today goes to Charles T. Groswltli for Improving Logan Square, Eighteenth and Race streets, and Franklin Square. Sixth and Race streets, at $7500 each. r n Dollar Sunday Dinner "Coma Oat of ths Kitchen" One family dinner In our large, high-celling, Iced-alr cafe and your gas stove will observe Sabbath the entire summer. Excellent muslo and our prompt "on-the-lnstant serr lce" are added features. LiJ xTUtST J3MX x. Hearlr adna,er Th stort cf Jt Worn a 1 Heart In the CtextMi marriai. KATHJUBJ ATYOUS.1 BOOKS' RK Nctal& 3SSSXS3SSCT AsW I, mmmmmi I s Janover I II J&ftl! Twelfth and S IT fJratmao oa 11 1 M.) M claude! it noun, m