rv IB: 21 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, AUGUST &191G ti BROOK NO DELAY ON TRANSIT JOB, MAYOR ASSERTS .1 ) Smith Says He'll See That Contracts Are Awarded Soon NO MORE CASH NEEDED Mayor Outlines Program for Rushing Transit Work CONFERENCES on all problems beween the Mayor and two other city representatives on Transit Board to begin within week. Bids for some of the work will be advertised within a few days. Work will be pushed forward with all possible rapidity despite the fact that the Transit Department is un dermanned. No difficulty anticipated in Ret tlne an operating agreement with the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company. Agreement will be for leasing all lines in high-speed system as a unit. Refusal of the P. R. T. to work out a co-operative agreement would mean immediate construction of Chestnut street subway. Loan money available sufficient to complete entire Taylor plan in Mayor's opinion. IlOflCES GALLERY PHOTO MAN SNAPS PICTURES OF SIGNERS Liknessea of Patriots Who Indorsed Declaration Preserved by City The city of Philadelphia In the future will keep on file at City Hall photographic copies of the portraits of every one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The making of these photographs has been ordered by Mayor Smith, who feared that a fire or some other catastrophe might be fall Independence Hat! and destroy these cherished works. The portrait. 56 In number, are being removed from their places on the walls and taken to the official photographer's office on the seventh floor of City Halt. Harry Bodkin, the official photographer, hm taken personal charge of reproducing the por traits, which are being taken to City Hall three or four at a time Because of this work, the custom of re moving from Its place the portrait of any signer whose birthday Is to be observed and placing It on an easel Just Inside the main entrance to the building has been temporarily abandoned. The work of re producing the portraits will be finished within a short time TEUTONS PUSH BACK RUSSIAN DETACHMENTS Jlayor Smith proposes to see that Di rector Twining opens bids within a few days for some of the work on the Broad street subway. That will mean that the work outside of the City Hall station will t last be started. In a confident, optimistic Interview, the Mayor said the work would start shortly ven though the Department of City Tran sit was undermanned. He went on to say that the whole Taylor plan would be com pleted within the estimated cost. Quite aa confidently, the Mayor expects the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company to be ready to operate the entire system when It Is done, and If the transit company balks on any part of It he expects to begin Im mediately the building of the Chestnut street subway and to seek an Independent lessee. Within a few days the Mayor said he wilt take up all the problems with the other city representatives on the Board of City Transit William Hancock, president of the United Business Men's Association, and Colonel Sheldon Potter. 'They are big matters," the Mayor said, land we must give them much thought and careful attention. My colleagues on the Transit Board and myself have been giving the subject much consideration, for ' we want to secure to the people of Phila delphia the best returns possible for their money. WILL GET BIDS. "We propose to build those sections first that are the most tedious and difficult. With in a few days I expect that contracts for some of the work will be open for bids. Director Twining has told me that he has only 60 draftsmen at work on the plans alt that he can obtain at present but with all that we hope to put out some of the work within a short time. "There has been no unnecessary delay t about the project," the Mayor continued. "Everything, haa been going along nicely and to our satisfaction. There Is nothing for the people to get excited about. What we want to start on first are those sec tions that will require the longest time to complete. I cannot say Just now whether the plans for the work under the City Hall from Spring Garden street to Spruce street will be ready as soon as we would like to have them, but the work wilt be started just as soon as the plans can be gotten ready. "Will you start work on North Broad street first, or the Parkway; or will you tart both at the same time?" he was asked. That's something I cannot speak defi nitely about." he replied. "Mr. Taylor has aid that the work under the City Hall, because of the stubborn character, ougnt to be started early, and both myself and Director Twining agree with him on this. "Wj are not going to build sections that can be completed quickly and have them lie Idle while waiting for connecting sections to be completed. That would not be busi nesslike. FOB QUICK START "What I want to do Is to get the transit problems aa well aa other large matters of civic Improvement that the city Is inter ested In begun speedily. That's one of the reasons why I am not taking an extended vacation, I want to see things begin to move. And they are moving, too." "Do you think there will be any difficulty In the obtaining of an agreement with the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company to operate the lines that you are going to BUIld . "None whatever." the Mayor answered. "After we have gone over the proposition In regard to the leases and know what we have to offer to the company we shall sub mlt the same to them. Under the 1907 agreement they have 80 days In which to take up the matter with us or reject It What will be dorfc Is - matter the company can best decide jfor Itself, but I have been assured that theY are willing and ready to trut with th iltv ' Heavy Counter-Attacks by the Austrians Reported From Petrograd FIGHTING ON PASSES PBTBOOllAD. Aug 5 The Austrians took the Initiative both in Gallcla and on the Bukowlna fronts yes terday and launched heavy counter-attacks against the Russians. It was officially an nounced today. In Bukowlna an Austrian force esti mated at nearly a division attacked small Russian detachments occupying the moun tain passes southwest of Kuty. In the region of the Itlver Tcheromoch The Russians were compelled to withdraw a little to the northeast before superior enemy forces. South of Brody obstinate fighting has dfveIopd along the river Sereth Aus trian forces attacked Russian detachments which had crossed the -river In the region of Peniaki and Tchlstopady, but were re pulsed. The text of the official report follows : Obstinate fighting is taking place on the Sereth. The enemy counter-attacked our troops that crossed the Sereth In the sector of I'enlakl-Tchlstopady. but the attacks were repulsxl. W consolidated our new positions. An enemy division In the region of the River Bialy fieremosz. In south ern Clallcia, southwest of Kuty. suc ceeded In forcing back a small Russian force toward the northeast. ALLIES' DRIVE ON SOMME DOOMED TO FAILURE, SAYS SWISS EXPERT BERNE, Aug. 6. COLONEL MUELLER, one of the foremost military experts of Switzer land, predicts that the great offensive of the Allies will end in failure. The colonel has been at the German fronts in the east and west since the be ginning of the war as a correspondent of the Bund and knows actual con ditions perhaps better than any other neutral. In a long review of the battles in the Picardy and on the western front, he says: "The next two or three months will be the most bloody period of the war, because the Allies now believe themselves strong enough to crush Germany and are willing to make enormous sacrifices to gain their end. Their of fensive on all fronts Is the greatest effort they have yet made, but the results so far do not justify their optimistic claims and hopes. "I have witnessed the beginning of the 'big push' on both sides of the Somme, and, asthe battle at this writing is a month old, I am able to draw certain conclusions. My personal observation has convinced me that the British and French do not possess the strength to break the German line, although they may badly dent it and have already done so. The Allies will not be able to compel ,n general retreat of the German forces, unless they break through completely on a front at least 25 miles. To accomplish this they would have to sacrifice at least five times the number of men they are willing to lose. To drive the Germans back to their next prepared line of defense would cost the Allies at least 750,000 men and then the battle would only start anew. From what I have seen, I venture to predict that the 'great offensive will gradually collapse, because it is too costly to be kept up in definitely. "In the cast the situation is more serious for the Germans. The powerful Russian offensive has taken them unawares and their losses in men and material are greater than they ever expected. It cannot be denied the Russians have Won successes of which even the best Imfnrmp.l tnllitnrv nli. servers did not believe them capable after their disastrous defeats during the first 18 months of the war. But in spite of their tremendous efforts the Russian generals have nowhere been able to gain a decisive victory. The Teutonic armies are hard pressed along the whole front from the Gulf of Riga to the border of Rumania, but their positions would onlv become serious if the Russians should succeed in driving back the forces' of Hindenburg and Prince Leopold. As long as the northern German lines hold there is no serious danger. "The Allies evidently base their hope of success on their defective calcu lations of the strength of the German reserves. They have claimed time and again that all German troops are in the field and do not believe that Germany still has several millions of soldiers in the interior of the empire. As the battle progresses they will learn that they have overestimated their own strength and underestimated that of their enemies." BLACKLIST WILL NOT BE LIFTED, CAPITAL HEARS British Reply Will Be in the Negative, U. S. Informed TWO MORE BABES DIE! QUARANTINE ORDERED TRADE WAR UNDER WAY DEADLOCK IN SENATE ON LBP0RTANT BILLS; WILSON PERSISTENT President Will Have Army, Navy and Child Labor Measures Pushed Through Despite Opposition U. S. WILL TAKE HAND IN RAILROAD TROUBLE; WILSON GRANTS POWER CONFEREES GAIN NOTHING VIEX.VA REPORTS WEAKENING OF GEN. IHtrssiLOFF'S PRESSURE ON VOLHVXIA-flALICU FRONT BERLIN". Aug 5 The pressure of Gen eral BrussilofTs drie Into Callcla is weaken ing. The Austro-IIungarian War Office. In an official statement received hero todav from Vienna, attributes the quietness o'f the Russians to the losses they have suf fered. The following Is the official report Hostile detachments entered, near Veleanlvo. a small section of our irencnes. nut were completely ejected. The armies of Oeneral von Bothmer and General von Boehm-Ermolll repulsed Russian attacks southwest of Prodv Russian advances along the Kovel Sarny railroad and on the lower Stok hod were checked. Otherwise, the enemy Is considerably more quiet, which can be ascribed to his losses, which have been surprisingly large In every enter prise he has undertaken. BERLIN. Aug. 5 The War Office Issued today the following statement on the situa tion at the eastern front: Attempts by the Russians to cross the Dvlna Rlcr near Sventen were frustrated by the forces of Field Mar shal von Hlndenburg. The number of prisoners captured near Rudkamiry inskala has been increased to 561. On the Sereth northwest of Zalosze enemy attacks were repulsed. Russian detachments which penetrated across the Sereth near Ratyseze were forced to retreat Near Mledzygory-Czys-topady the enemy Is still making a stand on the southern bank. Archduke Karl's army during suc cessful operations In the Carpathians captured 325 Russians and two ma chine guns. WASHINGTON. Aug. .. Congress closed another week today with virtually nothing gained In th efforts to break the deadlock between the Senate and House over the biggest measures on the session's legisla tive program. Senators began to fret at the prospect of being kept In Washington during the campaign After a week's mediation the naval bill conferee" had succeeded In agreeing only on minor points of th measure. The sharp differences over the building program and personnel were unchanged. With the Pres ident insisting on the Senate provisions and the House seemingly determined not to re cede. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, chairman of the Senate Naval Affairs Committee, admitted another week might elapse before the conferees could report. Prospects of adjustment of the disagree ment over the army appropriation bill, con taining the appropriations for the big army increaras, were slightly more promising. The conferees went Into session today, how ever, with both sides refusing to yield In connection with the proposal to exempt re- urea army officers from the provisions of the articles of war. Further fighting continued on the Senate floor over the child labor bill, southern Senators contending the measure is un constitutional. Indications were that at least another week would be required to exhaust the debate on this measure. The shipping bill and the emergency revenue bill, w.th the proposed Senate amendments, also threatens to cause a seri ous split between the two houses. Differences over conservation and the Philippines bill are apparently Irreconcilable. Mediation Committee Given Full Jurisdiction in Efforts to Avert Strike Will Intervene Soon SEE DELAY ; MAYBE PEACE CLARK GOES TO SON'S BEDSIDE WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. President WIL son has given the United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation full power in the handling of the railroad strike situa tion, according to Information received to day from an authoritative source. Judge W L. Chambers, head of the board. Is committed to a program which will bring the board into the controversy at the laat moment If the representatives of the railroads and of the men are unable to agree. Consequently, officials here feel assured today that an actual suspension of work by the men will be postponed for weeks. If it comes at all Judge Chambers Is confident that he can engineer a program which will prevent the men Impulsively from quitting work. The board has received reliable Informa tion that the older heads in the railroad mens organizations have counseled mod eration. The young men have voted for a strike almost to a man. according to this Information, and they are understood to be considerably In the majority. The board has been told the young men desire to show the railroad officials their strength. Judge Chambers and some of the older leaders among the men are of the opinion that many of the young men will be satisfied with a compromise after once showing their power. WASHINGTON, Aug. S. Great Britain will decline to abandon her boycott of American business firms and Individuals In her reply to this country's request. Un official Information reaching here from Lon don today made that plain. In her reply, which now Is being drafted, Great Britain will defend her actions and will Insist that the blacklist Is made up only of firms that actually are controlled by Germans and are operated for the ben efit of the German Government. All of the Information reaching the State Department and the Department of Com merce Indicates that the big trade war be tween Great Britain and the L'nlted States Is welt under way England is straining every nerve to prevent American trade su premacy. The American Government, co-operating with American merchants. Is losing no time In pushing this nation's trade channels to the Uttermost ends of the earth. The Angers of American export trade are scraping at the crevasses and loopholes In the boasted foreign trade monopoly of Great Britain and. Secretary of Commerce Redfleld de clares, have found a hold. Steadily this hold Is tightening. American merchants driving British merchants out of the very markets which the Britons first opened up, especially In South America. Moro than ever before the Government Is co-operating with big business for the general welfare of the nation. There Is to be little trust-bustlr.g In the next dec ade; In fact, the Government Is fostering deliberately export combination to heln carry on the trade war. The Administration now Is preparing legislation which will prevent foreign countries from Imitating American goods and declaring them to be genuine. A Congressional Conference Com mittee Is at work on amendments to the federal reserve act. which will permit American banks to establish branches In foreign lands and have agencies abroad In furtherance of the American cause In the trade struggle. Certain banks already have obtained permission from the Federal Reserve Board to establish foreign branch es, one New York bank, notably, having es tablished branches In South America, and. only tnis week, one In Petrograd. Officials in charge of the Industrial pre paredness campaign in this country have been Informed that the big corporations of the country will pay no big dividends this year, nnd possibly not for several years to come, because they are hoarding their surplus earnings to build up a commercial war chest to carry on the trade struggle. UN ALTRO PIR0SCAF0 ITALIAN0AFF0NDAT0 NEL MEDITERRANEO treat with the city. "It haa been rumored. Sir Mayor, that after the Frankford elevated is completed the Transit Company may refuse to entertain a proposition to operate this line. What would happen then?" We have no intention of parceling out the different sections that we are going to build. "We shall offer the transit company a lease covering all the Improvement To do otherwise would be foolish. If they nter Into negotiations with the city it will be for the whole plan of Improvements In connection with their present system. "If they should refuse to accept the propo sition then we would go ahead with the Chestnut street section. I think that Is answer enough to the question. Vou can rest assured there would be no waste I am trying to do everything in ray power to Improve the transit facilities for the people of this city and their Interests will be safe guarded In every particular. "Aa I said before, there Is no doubt In my mind that everything wtll work out satisfac torily. Wo must go alowly In some things. considering the present abnormal market conditions and labor situation, but I feel that we can reach a solution of all of these things." "e Refused Rum, Stone Barroom FJvs men. who became enraged because a bartender refused to sell them liquor on tb ground that they were already intoxi cated, vented their anger by throwing stones through the windows of Hotel Abbey, Wls sablckon and Hunting Park avenues. The bartander chased them with a revolver, and two men. said to have been In the group, were arrested by Policeman Mahoney TUey were Joseph Toner. 20 years old, 22S Mifflin street, and James White, 21 years old. lilt Cottman street They were held la S4S0 ball by Magistrate Price, n the KIdeo and Mid vale avenues station, for a farther hearing next Thursday Striking- Insurance Men Accused Attorney Frederick J Shoyer. represent ing the Prudential Insurance Company of America, stated that every striking agent vha retains his collection book will be arrceted. One ex-agent ho4 been arrested tr Ttslng to turn in bis collation book. Mr, Sharer- furtier stated that five of th iqtf'iJ ntmmi for duty yesterday. BAR0XESS VOX HDTTOX FIXED Novelist of American Birth Punished for Violating Regulation for Aliens in London Baroness Bettlna von Hutten. F-umn.,.,. novelist who as the daughter of John Riddle, of Erie. Pa., married the chamber lain to the King of Bavaria, was fined 10 pounds (S0) and costs In London yester day because she traveled more than five miles from her home. Holbein House. Chel sea, ot the village of Herts. The Baroness had gone to pay a visit to her children. In London, despite her American birth, she Is listed as an alien enemy because she married a German. She was divorced in 1909. The Baroness Is widely known as the author of Pam, Pam Decides and other novels She has been a frequent visitor In Philadelphia, but since her divorce from her husband it was by mutual consent she has made her homo in England. U. G. I. Official Hurries to Appendicitis Sufferer on Border Walton Clark, second vice president of the United Gas Improvement Company, with his daughter, left last night for El Paso where one of hlB sons, Theobald, of Com pany L. Second Regiment, was operated on Thursday for appendicitis. Jlr. Clark said last night before leaving the city that he had received word earlier In the day that his son was convalescent. Inasmuch as Mr. Clark has three sens with the Guard on the border, his arrival promises something In the nature of a family reunion. One of his -ions. Captain Walton Clark, Jr.. Is commander of Com pany L, of the Second, and a third, Beau vats. Is a corporal In the same regiment Sergeant Clark was stricken with ap. pendlcltls Thursday. Surgeon Major Allen performed the operation. Workman Falls Dead on Street Frank Qulgley. 3B jears old, of 1S4 South Fourth street, Camden, felt dead on the sidewalk In front of a house at 2128 Arch street Qulgley was employed as an Iron worker on a building In course of construc tion on the southeast corner of Eighteenth and Arch streets. He was pronounced dead at the Medlco-Chlrurglcal Hospital Death was due to heart disease. REPORTERS X0T PERMITTED TO SEE ACCUSED GUARDSMAN Massachusetts Soldier Said to Have Maligned His Superiors COLUMBUS. N. M., Aug. 5. The full charges have not yet been drafted In the case of Hugh Clarke, of the Second Massa chusetts Infantry, accused of maligning his superior officers, according to Captain I. J Van Schalck. chief of the army In telligence bureau, today. Clarke Is held for having sent an article to a Holyoke, Mass., newspaper1 In which he accused his company officers of neglecting the men. The military authorities have refused permission to correspondents to visit Clarke In the stockade to get his ver sion of the affair. FRENCH CRUSH FOE'S ATTACKS AT VERDUN Centlnord from Tare One works of the Teutons over a front 2000 yards wide. Several hundred prisoners were captured. The victorious blow north of Pozieres gives the British further control of the Albert-Bapaume highway and tightens their hold on the high ridge across which the highway passes, and also enables them to straighten out their line at the northern end of the salient driven Into the German front by the big push of the Allies. Pozieres lies about six and three-quarter miles from Bapaume. the Immediate ob jective of the British drive on the Somme front, and by pushing forward north of the village and down the second-line de fensive system of the Germans over a wide front they have pressed considerably nearer to their objective. II Governo Americano Domanda i Particolari della Tragedia del Letimbro Possibilita' di Nuove Proteste n il.-.J fMit TttA On 6 the disease were Wn- coming Into Camden must be fumigate" least once dally. , , innf) A strict quarantine. Inforced by 10 00 Philadelphia health officers and InsPMW will be established by Tuesday morning against children under 16 com- of the Department of -.---" """ 2S Inspectors, away on vacations to re port for work Monday. They will be given their Instructions on the nuftr"nl'"en,0nt established Tuesday. There -villi he: a total of 61 Inspectors under Doctor Cairns sent out on the quarantine work. More than 1000 Inspectors and Rua'd will be mobilized by Tuesday morning when the enforcement of the quarantine will be come rigid. This corps win m""" health officers, B0 water Inspectors, 61 dis pensary workers and a number from the County Medical Society and State Healtn Department. Certificates of health will be necessary for those who want to go back and forth from Pennsylvania. The quarantine, according to State Health Commissioner Dixon, will be "as flexible as possible with safety.' Spe i ti.ith r.riiticitci will be required of those who have been exposed to the malady or who have suffered nnd been cured. Ada Sadett, three and a half years old, 6632 Klngsesslng avenue, was taken to the Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious DIs eases, suffering from the disease, today. A quarantine has been established nt 2041 Newcomb street. Nlcetown, whero 16 per sons live In four rooms. Blanche Branlch, 2 years old, has been strlclcen with the disease there. She is believed to have been Infected In Hunting Park, to which several other cases have been traced. Recommendations that candy made In New York and brought Into Pennsylvania be Investigated to determine whether or .;ot It carried germs of Infantile paralysis are to be made to the Bureau of Health by Dr. Ellwood Klrby, 1202 Spruce street, medi cal director of St. Mary's Hospital and phy sician in chief of the Masonic Home in Eltzabethtown, Fa. Doctor Klrby believes that the Investi gation should be made Immediately. He believes that the spread of the Infant plague may result from the wide sale of cheap New York-made candy, and that tests of It should be made soon and often to determine the presence of poliomyelitis germs. At any rate, he believes children should bo warned against eating such candy, 60 per cent of which Is manufactured In the metropolis, where the epidemic Is widely spread. Doctor Klrby thinks the germs may also be carried In Ice cream, especially Ice cream dispensed at the cheap street stands. In fact, every edible thing sold nt a street stand where it may gather small particles of dust. Doctor Klrby believes, Is dangerous to children and even to adults. NAM HUGHES, HOPE FOR FUTUi SAYS moose cni Raymond Robins Urges' a? Progressives to Slippy G. 0. P. Nominee .) PRAISES PARTY TENEfl Third Party, Hopelessly Abandoned by Mass of j voters LA RUMANIA NEUTRALE? ALLIED ATTACKS REPULSED OX SOMME FROXT, BERLIX WAR OFFICE REPORT SAYS BERLIN. Aug. 6. Both the British and French renewed their drive on the Somme front last night The British attacked at Ovlllers. Bouth of Thlepval. and the French auaH m. German positions In front of Maurepas. but all were repulsed. It was announced In the official report of the German War Office loday PENSION' FOR MRS. BUTLER Senate Makes Promotion of Slain Of ficer Effective July 1 WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. The Senate today by special act gave the rank or lieutenant colonel to Matthew C. Butler killed at Alpine. Texas, by Henry J. Span nell In the double tragedy that also took Mrs. Spannell's life. The promotion from major was declared effective as of July I This means Butler's widow will get tht larger pension that accompanies the hlghei rank. Butler's nomination had been confirmed by the Senate before his death, but was to have been effective at a later date. U. S. SEEKS DEFINITE REPLY FROM MEXICO Unwilling That Joint Board Be Limited in Discussion . of Issues WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. Request that the Mexico defacto government reply di rectly to the suggestions in the last Ameri can note win be sent to Mexico City at once. Officials here regard the note received yesterday as little more than an announce ment of the selection of the Mexican Com mission, Although the communication received yesterday stated that the three Mexican commissioners had been Instructed to dis cuss preferably" the Issues outlined in the former Mexican communication the (withdrawal of American troops and fixing responsibility for past border raids offi cials here regard that as inconclusive. Flagman Killed by Pt R. R, Train Alexander Mutn. 41 years old, of Thirty second street and Atlantic avenue Cam den, a flagman, was struck and Instantly aiued last nignr ny a Pennsylvania Rail' SALE OF DANISH INDIES BITTERLY DENOUNCED Copenhagen Paper Assails Deal With U. S. Another De clares It Wise COPENHAGEN', Aug. 6. The sale of the three Islands In the Danish West Indies to the United States for 125.000,0(30 Is bitterly denounced by the National Tidende, a lead ing Danish paper, which says: The Government acted In a manner that even Its worst antagonists did not believe It capable of. Nobody but the Danish Gov ernment -would have risked taking such a course." The Folltlken says: "Denmark several times tried to uUllze the Islands, but In Tain. Now, during the war. it may be difficult for Denmark to de fend her far-off Islands from encroachment The Islands may become a danger to Danish neutrality." Get City Appointment Director Twining; of the Department of -.. . -, - -uwjniuua u- i .iTaasii. nas appointed David A. Woelpper. I saUon Board. The new office or.l. fi ROMA. 5 Agosto. OggI 11 governo Itallano ha annunclato ufflclalmente che Ie relailonl commercial! dell'Italla con la Germanla sono troncate e che II governo Itallano assume la gestlone dl tutte le Imprese tedesche In Italia. Ecco II testo del comunlcato ufflclale: II trattato di Commerclo tra l'ltalla e la Germanla e' stato denunclato. Le rela- zlonl commerciall con la Germanla sono perclo" proibite. II governo e' stato auto rlzzatn ad assumere 11 controllo dl tutte le imprese commerciall ed industrial! aventl capitate tedesco. II decreto prlblsce a tuttl I clttadlnl Ital lanl. anche a quelll residentl all'estero. dl mantenere relazlonl dl afTarl col nemico od I suol alleatl (Ieggi Germanla). 11 decreto e" Infattl dlretto speclalmente a colplre 11 commerclo Italo-tedesco e dlchlara nulll I contrattl fattl In vlolazlone del decreto e commlna pene al contraentl. Mentre aumenta 1'lndlgnazlone contro gll austro-tedeschl per I'affondamento dl un altro plroscafo Itallano nel Medlterraneo. 11 Cltta' dl Messina, ha prodotto buona 1m- pressione u ratto che 11 governo amerlcano ha dato Istruzlonl all'ambasclatore Page dl ottenere dal governo Itallano I particolari dell affondamento del plroscafo Letimbro. mandato a plcco da un sottomarino tedesco od austrlaco. sut quale una clnquantlna dl persone. In gran parte donne e bambini, tro varono la morte. Si sa che uguall Istruzlonl sono state mandate dal governo amerlcano ui consou ai uiverse cltta' del Medlterraneo, anche perche' 11 dlsastro del Letimbro non e ancora stato comunlcato ufflclalmente al Dlpartlmento dl Stato se non In un dls pacclo del console generate a Londra. (Un telegramma da Washington con ferma la notlzla che vlene da Roma e dice che II governo amerlcano non aglra', cioe non protestera presso le potenze central!, prima dl aver rlcevuto InformazlonI det tagllate. Se a bordo del Letimbro non si trovavano clttadlnl amerlcanl e se II comandante del sottomarino ha dato II preavvlso al comandante del plroscafo, non Be ne fara' nulla, altrlmentl un nuovo In cldente sorgera' tra gll Statl Unltl e le potenze central!. ) II Cltta" di Messina spostava 5150 ton- ..J.?1 ea s,a, co'trulto In Inghllterra nel 1834. Non si sa se a bordo vl erano passeggerl. N'ello stesso tempo un plroscafo giapponese, II Kohlna Maru, fu affondato m, ui ouiiuuiarmo leuiomco. N'otlzle da Constantlnopoll dlcono che un sottomarino nemico provenlen te dal Mar dl Marmara ha bombardato net glornl scorsl la capitals della Turchia ed I suol sobborghL KRL'SEN GIVES WARNING. Dr. Wllmer Krusen. Director of the De partment of Health and Charities, Issued a bulletin today In which he described the disease. Its symptoms and the carriers of its germs. The bulletin calls special atten tion to the danger of street dust In food and the danger of files. The disease is caused by a poisonous sub stance called a virus, the bulletin states, which Is capable of passing through the finest filter and when Inoculated Into a monkey causes symptoms similar to those ot infantile paralysis In children. This virus, it Is explained, has been de tected In thn KprrMtnn nt th nn, ihmnt and Intestines of persons affected. Coughing. sneezing. Kissing and spitting may distribute the germs to others, ns may also the In gestion of foods contaminated by Infected persons. A most Important disseminator of the disease Is the "carrier." who harbors the Infectious agent In his secretions but Is not himself affected or made sick by Its presence. STMPTOMS GIVEN. "The average case." says the bulletin. "begins with fever, pain In the head, back and limbs, stiffness of the extremities nnd In Infants symptoms resembling summer complaint may be evident. Within 21 or "2 hours signs of paralysis begin to appear, usually In the lower but often In the upper extremities. Pain nnd tenderness exist along the nerves and In the muscles on pressure. After the acuto symptoms sub side the stiffness of tho limbs gives way to weakness and flnccidlty which are soon followed by wasting of the muscles. The resulting paralysis, however, may be much Improved by constant and proper medical ireauneiu ana in some instances cured." Director Krusen still says there Is no epidemic of the disease In Philadelphia. In his bulletin he points out that In 1D07. when there was a similar epidemic In New York this city escaped, and "it is hoped that this city may be spared again." Guards and Inspectors were nlacrt trains and In passenger stations today to keep out of Pennsylvania all children un der 16 years old coming from New Tork or New Jersey. Dr. Samuel G. Dixon State Commissioner of Health, has ordered this rigid quarantine to prevent an Infan tile paralysis epidemic In the State He decided to establish the quarantine after reports of 13 new cases and two deaths from the disease were received Thursday and six new cases and one death were re ported yesterday. AGRICULTURE EXPERT DIES OF APOPLEXY Clinton Dewitt Smith, of Cornell University, Stricken While Walking BUFFALO. N. T., Aug, 5. Stricken with apoplexy while walking in the street. Clinton Dewitt Smith, 6!, Cornell University expert In agriculture, died here today. Professor Smith was one of the leading authorities on agricultural subjects In the United States. He originated the special courses and designed the model dairy build ings of the universities of Michigan and Minnesota. Promotion Indicated for Yare Man It was reported today that the Vare-Mar-tin combination would score another pa tronage gain In the promotion of William J Koney from the chief deputyshlp of the State Insurance Department to the mana gership of the State Insurance Fund. . of the branches of Use Workmen's Compen- '" new otnee, created by acnu-. DIES IN COURTHOUSE; FACED MURDER CHARGE Dr. W. A, Parker, in Sussex County Jail, Succumbs After Operation GEORGETOWN. Del, Aug. 6.Follow Ing an operation for appendicitis. Dr. W. A. Parker, who was confined In the Sussex County Jail awaiting trial for the murder of Ebe T. Lynch. Postmaster at Lew..rti at midnight in the Grand Jury room of the Court House, where he had been taken under guard for the operation. HU -wife r" Elf" Th8 Coroner's JurTtoday brought In a verdict that death cam E peritonitis, caused by aptdtST The body was taken to Philadelphia this afternoon, where it will be burled. Steps In Front of Trolley Car Henry Lewis, 40 yeara old, (- Uoland street, after alighting from a trolie vS!?7 FUty-ftftn street and Etawod venulast night, walked around the car and ,t!Bi directly la front of another TrolieT 42 was knocked down and sustained cuts and KtaL H' W" "'- &t "- WversU? INCIPIENT RIOTING IN N. Y. CAR STRIKE Continued from Tare One and even little girls poured out of close built, many.torled tenements and swarmed to the streets and tracks, CROWDS BLOCK CAR TRACKS. These crowds carried chairs, stools, bucked and all kinds of portable furniture. At times It was necessary for cars to stop 30 minutes before doIIm .... -...!: push and shove a passageway through the crowd, which remained orderly and quiet In most instances. ' " Occasionally, however, a car loaded with passengers would slow down literal y aplnst the crowds and suddenly a bucket of slops or over-rlpe fruit would hurtle from a window into the car. It was lm possible to distinguish bona fide passengers from slrlU-B vmn.iki. j, """-"a clearing the cars, strikebreaking motormen and conductors were shoved to the street and temporarily swallowed up In the Jam As far as police could determine no strik ers were present. To all appearances the crowds are composed whollof "symp'atSy wfttThTi?' ?Iml!ar ECenea w"a '""ted at Fifty-third street and Broadway In h. J"rt of 'he omoble and theatrical dls rfS. B crowds gathered there on foot" Impeding many a well-known stag" star hurrying to rehearsal. At one time seiirli hundred trucks and teams were blocked ?' stniS'?"18, eomeraHoS.10 -vhlcK stopped service for long periods. dwsy.ssjg ssas ctT were booted by the strike '.ypathUers! " STRIKE RAPIDLY GROWivo The strike spread to the s.nj line, the Bloi .1 .sK. av-nu pected by the management to rtm.i" ex Wlth their walk-out th. tou W '0ya1' 2SS.r ,DCrel", t0 "" rlbd a. InkeTs'RLTcomro"00- Third Avenue, mo. Second Avenue, J0Q New York, were tSnSStSJ?1" ' most beyond human b.f duri?,?1-4 Ing rush hour. Usually c l5 m-n-to suffocation between 7 uSSi n,ar,lr In the morning. ubway ataJES ' "cto asthe longtcar train? were M wu to overflowing. W"B 0"' packed CHICAGO, Aug. S. Declaring tbu ,J primary and regular vote In 1914 an 1 showed that the Progressive voters htj 'l llberately nnd In overwhelming ftttn.,J abandoned their party, Raymond W one-time Progressive-Democrat and & 7 1 man of the 1910 Progressive convention!' a statement Issued today urges ill Ll gresslves to support Charles Evans Jim for the presidency. The statement Is addressed "r0 nj fa. low Progressive," nnd says the fj nearly three-fourths of the ProgreMTM ! 1912 refused to support the ProrreJ! candidates In 1914 proves that thtym,! tho Progressive candidates "as the rjrT sentntlves of n protest, and not of a ), Jtr. RoblnB assails the Democratic It ministration In Illinois nnd declarei u, the Progresslvn Democrats of llltnota art heartsick minority." ' PARTY'S RISE AND FALL. Mr. Robins reviews the rise and f.Jj the' Progressive party briefly, aaylnr; In our first campaign, whlla tii actual vote was an extraordinary t. tlmony to Colonel Roosevelt's pertocii popularity, wo elected no single , gressive Governor, or Legislature sufllclent members to be even a fcij. anco of power In Congress. This, ho. over, was no discouragement to thoN Progressives who did not aeak oflct and were ready to fight on through aw number of defeats to gain a gemilM victory. In 1914 we had a real t of tho Progressive voters of Hi: uj the willingness of the American poopli to use a now party In the practical m. lutlon of the problems of our political mc. ueiiBruuy inrougnoui tne natios tho Progressive candidates embradci Its most gltfcd leaders and all gena. ously supported by Colonel RoosweJ and, as a rule, fairly treated by Ui dally press ran n bad third. Neirlj three-fourths of the Progressive vottn of 1912 refused to support the Promt- sivo canaiuaies in ian. PARTY ABANDONED. Under our system of government tii voters are at last supreme. No tifil of leadership nor merit of promo can finally drlvo the American ptojii Into a party against their will. In thi 1914 and 1916 primaries the Prorto slve voters of 1912 deliberately iM In overwhelming numbers abundoad the Progressive party. While I had hoped against hope tht tne extraordinary events in this epociil hour might over-rule the verdict ot the voters. It was manifest that the end which the voters had decreed hl come that tho Progressive party wu dead. TWO BIG PARTIES. Taking up next the duty of Projrrultul in the crisis in which they find them-elial he points out the merits of the two irul political parties, as he views them, Mricil In part: The primary voter mass control t! the Democratic party Is In 15 Southtn nnd Southwestern States and In. tie industrial cities of the nation. Tbi fixed Southern control of the Demo cratic party Is Individualistic In Its thinking. - Bectional In its sympalhlu and Inherits a tradition against com mon labor as servile. The Democrat! primary voter mass control In the dustrlal cities la the most heterogene ous of our national groups and tti excessive pressure of living and India- trial conditions renders It the mon fertile field for boss control In the eerr- Ico of selfish personal and corporate interests. The primary voter mass control ct tho Republican party Is In tho rural communities of the central, wetiem and New England States. This grow represents the highest literacy l America, Is freest from severe social and economic pressure. Is In the ku of the greatest natural tendency u Industrial standardization and equalH of opportunity, and Inherits the tradi tion of Lincoln and the men who aaieo tho Union. REPUBLICAN STRONGHOLD. The Republican party though ofte" dominated bv the masters of special privilege and made by them the la-' strument of vast exploitation mi rank and file of men and women wl have proved their capacity to rejed false or dishonest leadership. Con ceived In moral revolt against humii slavery, It was born, baptized and nur tured In the supreme national BtruiTJ to maintain the national heritage u& fulfil the promise of equal opportunity to every citizen. Is not its rank and file best calculated to support a leader ship that will create a national nuM and conscience, and having presem the Integrity of the nation against it heresy of secession, -will It not deve!" and maintain a progressive national program of social and economic org"'' zatlon? COMMENDS HUGHES. Mr. Robins then points out that wo"? suffrage, Industrial and military prepr ness and a consistent patriotic foreign p licy are the great vital issues In the ca palgn and concludes that on Its record' past performance and present tendencies t Republican party, under the leadership Hughes, is best qualified to achieve th national needs. He says In conclusion; ComnrehAnrilns mi nnHnnftT nsceaif ties, how can a Progressive beaU"4! long to choose between the pa-iy ' nationalism and the party of section- allsm? fthnulrt nit ttflaa unit filnCtifl ' Progressives go en masse Into the PH publican primaries and, ngntlnf il shoulder to shoulder , with progress! II uepubllcans, help and be helped in 5 Common alnivvl. fnv aMi1 and IndUi-'l trial Justice in city, State and patlool'll 11 nis is generally done ine oHa""--bonda of our fellowship for the last four ' years will not be broken, but rather 1 augmented, and we can continue - WOrk Ini.lhnr nn1 hrlnr hurlf a (&". ' tened Republican party to Its andl faith' In human rights and national '" Jl tegrlty, which made Its triumph undMl Lincoln's leadership the uprem.j achievement of the democratic spirit w the hlstorv of munlrlnri. ! Mr. Robins stresses the point that la I critical aay and the period to iouoh j-j. -uiviMiiawir ine country a iniww "f be best guarded under a Republican "3 uiiauirsuon. TOO IATK 1TOB CIABSIFICATlOiL ITU-r aa . aiHim iA W MACHINE ahop bud'C or i'l f oreiaaB . T P-- Ulreii o'n In city Q $U - h 1H rHgl HITiriYinVu rcftvvv-n vrMALfi Sfr-vfij...1. .. ,. 1. af Aafil isasss i".u&" sLi-ffivasa W4 refrcpe. U Tai. Leaver Ofllce.